
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nī°=nis+huhuṅka] one who does not confide in the sound huṁ Vin.I,3 (cp. J.P.T.S. 1901, 42). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nihīna, pp. of nihīyati or nihāyati] lost; degraded, low, vile, base; inferior, little, insignificant S.I,12; Sn.890; Nd1 105, 194; PvA.198 (jāti° low-born); Sdhp.86. Opp. to seyya J.VI,356 sq.

--attha one who has lost his fortune, poor Pv IV.15; --kamma of low action Sn.661=It.43; Dh.306; J.II,417; --citta low-minded PvA.107 (=dīna); --jātika of inferior birth or caste PvA.175; --pañña of inferior wisdom Sn.890 (=paritta-pañña Nd1 299); --sevin of vile pursuit A.I,126. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】低的,恶劣的,低级的。nihīnakamma,【中】罪业(有罪的行动)。【形】有罪的,贱行为。nihīnapañña,【形】劣慧(次等的智慧)。nihīnasevī,【形】有坏的结交,恶劣的追求。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 低的,恶劣的,低级的。 ~kamma, 【中】 罪业(有罪的行动)。【形】 有罪的,贱行为。 ~pañña, 【形】 劣慧(次等的智能)。 ~sevī, 【形】有坏的结交,恶劣的追求。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. to nihīna] lowness, inferiority; vileness, baseness D.I,98, 99. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + ha + i + ya), 被毁灭,被破坏。 【过】 nihīyi。 【过分】 nihīna。【现分】 nihīyamāna。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[ni+hīyati, Pass. of , see jahāti] to be left, to come to ruin, to be destroyed A.I,126=J.III,324 (=vināsaṁ pāpuṇāti). pp. nihīna (q. v.). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+ha+i+ya), 被毁灭,被破坏。【过】nihīyi。【过分】nihīna。【现分】nihīyamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nija, wth dial. j. for nitya=P. nicca] own Dāvs II.68. Cp. niya. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 自己的。 ~desa, 【阳】 自己的国家。(p172)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. nija),【形】自己的。nijadesa,【阳】自己的国家。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. nij] washing, cleansing Vism.342 (v. l. nijj°). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. last] covetousness Vism.23 sq. (defined), 29 (id.= magganā), referring to Vbh.353, where T has jigiṁsanatā, with v. l. nijigīsanatā. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nijigīṣati, ni+jigiṁsati] to desire ardently, to covet DA.I,92 (=maggeti pariyesati). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(n. adj.) [n. ag. fr. prec.] one who desires ardently, covetous, rapacious D.I,8 (lābhaṁ) A.III,111 (id.). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. nirjara),【形】衰老的,衰退的(causing to decay, destroying, annihilating)。【阳】神。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 不衰老的,不衰退的。 【阳】 神。(p172)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nirjara in diff. meaning, P. nis functioning as emphatic pref.; nis+jara] causing to decay, destroying, annihilating; f. °ā decay, destruction, death S.IV,339; A.I,221; II,198; V,215 sq. (dasa-n-vatthūni); Ps.I,5 (id.). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + jar + e), 毁坏,消灭。 【过】 ~esi。(p172)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nir-jarayati; nis+jarati1] to destroy, annihilate, cause to cease or exist M.I,93; Th.2, 431 (nijjaressāmi=jīrāpessāmi vināsessāmi ThA.269). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+jar +e;Sk. nir-jarayati; nis+jarati1), 毁坏,消灭(to destroy, annihilate, cause to cease or exist)。【过】nijjaresi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 松开的,解缠结的。(p172)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. *nirjaṭa, nis+jaṭa, adj. to jaṭā),【形】松开的,解缠结的(disentangled)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *nirjaṭa, nis+jaṭa, adj. to jaṭā] disentangled J.I,187; Miln.3. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nijjhāpeti, *Sk. nidhyapta or nidhyāpita] satisfied, pacified, appeased J.VI,414 (=khamāpita Com.); Vv 6319 (=nijjhāpita VvA.265); Miln.209. See also paṭi° (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. to nijjhatta, cp. BSk. nidhyapti, formation like P. ñatti›Sk. jñapti] conviction, understanding, realization; favourable disposition, satisfaction M.I,320; A.IV,223; Ps.II,171, 176; Miln.210. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(abstr. to nijjhatta, cp. BSk. nidhyapti, formation like P. ñatti›Sk. jñapti) ,【阴】说服、了解、实现(conviction, understanding, realization; favourable disposition, satisfaction. diṭṭhinijjhāna-kkhanti, (delighting in speculation)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Sk. nihksāma, cp. nihksīṇa, nis+ jhāma of jhāyati2=Sk. ksāyati) 【形】【中】毁灭、消耗掉(burning away, wasting away, consuming or consumed A.I,295; Nett 77, 95 paṭipadā.)。nijjhāmataṇha (adj.) of consuming thirst, very thirsty J.I.44; nijjhāmataṇhika=nijjhāmataṇha denoting a class of Petas (q. v.) Miln.294, 303, 357.。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj. n.) [Sk. niḥkṣāma, cp. niḥkṣīṇa, nis+ jhāma of jhāyati2=Sk. kṣāyati] burning away, wasting away, consuming or consumed A.I,295; Nett 77, 95 paṭipadā.

--taṇha (adj.) of consuming thirst, very thirsty J.I,44; --taṇhika=°taṇha denoting a class of Petas (q. v.) Miln.294, 303, 357. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 洞察力。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (‹ni+jhā (梵dhyā) *Sk. nidhyāna),【中】洞察力,审谛(understanding, insight, perception, comprehension; favour, indulgence (=nijjhāpana), pleasure, delight)。nijjhānaṁ khamati, 乐在其中,寻求快速(to be pleased with, to find pleasure in)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (nt.) [*Sk. nidhyāna, ni+jhāna1] understanding, insight, perception, comprehension; favour, indulgence (=nijjhāpana), pleasure, delight J.VI,207. Often as °ṁ khamati: to be pleased with, to find pleasure in: S.III,225, 228; M.I,133, 480; Vv 8417. Thus also diṭṭhinijjhāna-kkhanti delighting in speculation A.I,189 sq.; II,191. Cp. upa°. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (nt.) [nis+jhāna2] conflagration, in anto°= nijjhāyana PvA.18 (cittasantāpa+in expln of soka). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (nis+jhāna2),【中】(conflagration, in anto nijjhāyana = nijjhāyana PvA.18 (cittasantāpa+in expln of soka)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *nidhyāpana, ni+jhāpana, Caus. to jhāpeti] favourable disposition, kindness, indulgence J.IV,495 (°ṁ karoti=khamāpeti Com.; text reads nijjhapana). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. *nidhyāpana, ni+jhāpana, Caus. to jhāpeti),【中】(favourable disposition, kindness, indulgence J.IV.495 (°ṁ karoti=khamāpeti Com.; text reads nijjhapana).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Sk. *ni-dhyāpya, to nijjhāpeti),【形】已辨别、已了解(to be discriminated or understood)。dunijjhāpaya, 不易辨别。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *ni-dhyāpya, to nijjhāpeti] to be discriminated or understood, in dun° hard to . . . Miln.141 (pañha). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nidhāyayati, ni+jhāpeti, Caus. to jhāyati1; cp. Sk. nididhyāsate] to make favourably disposed, to win somebody’s affection, or favour, to gain over Vin.II,96; M.I,321; J.IV,108; 414, 495; VI,516; Miln.264; VvA.265 (nijjhāpita=nijjhatta). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *niḥkṣāyana, nis+jhāyana of jhāyati2] burning away, consumption; fig. remorse, mortification in anto° J.I,168 (cp. nijjhāna2). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (ni+jhāyati2)烦躁、磨损、焦急(to be consumed (by sorrow), to fret Nd1 433.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Sk. nidhyāyati, ni+jhāyati1] to meditate, reflect, think S.III,140 sq. (+passati, cp. jānāti), 157; M.I,334 (jhāyati n. apajjhāyati); III,14 (id.). Cp. upa°. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 [ni+jhāyati2] to be consumed (by sorrow), to fret Nd1 433. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (ni+jhā(梵dhyā)沉思+ya, Sk. nidhyāyati), 修禅,反映(to meditate, reflect, think)。【过】nijjhāyi。【过分】nijjhāyita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + jhā + ya), 修禅,反映。 【过】 ~yi。 【过分】 ~yita。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nirjita, nis+jita] unvanquished Miln.192 (°kammasūrā), 332 (°vijita-saṅgāma); Sdhp.360. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 没有舌头的。【阳】 野公鸡。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】没有舌头的。【阳】野公鸡。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【过分】 已用尽。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. nirjīrṇa, nis+jiṇṇa),【过分】已破坏、已用尽(destroyed, overcome, exhausted, finished, dead)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nirjīrṇa, nis+jiṇṇa] destroyed, overcome, exhausted, finished, dead D.I,96; M.II,217= A.I,221 (vedanākkhayā sabbaṁ dukkhaṁ n. bhavissati); M.I,93; A.V,215 sq.; Nett 51. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[nis+jāleti] to make an end to a blaze, to extinguish, to put out J.VI,495 (aggiṁ). (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无生命的。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nirjīvita, nis+jīva1] lifeless, soulless DhsA.38; Miln.413. (Page 356)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. nirjīvita, nis+jīva1,【形】无生命的(lifeless, soulless)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see nikati. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'nikantita, (Nikantati的【过分】) 砍倒,切断。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nikṛtta & nikṛntita (cp. Divy 537, 539), ni+kantati2] cut, (ab-)razed M.I,364 (of a fleshless bone). (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. ni-kṛṇtati, see kantati2] to cut down, to cut up, cut off PvA.210 (piṭṭhi-maṁsāni the flesh of the back, v. l. SS for ukkant°); Pgdp 29. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + kant + a), 砍倒,切断。 【过】 nikanti。 【无】 nikantitvā。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+kant+a), 砍倒,切断。【过】nikanti。【独】nikantitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. nikānti, ni+kamati] desire, craving, longing for, wish Th.1, 20; Ps.II,72, 101; Dhs.1059, 1136; Vism.239, 580; DhsA.369; DhA.IV,63; DA.I,110; Dāvs III,40. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '﹐【阴】微细的欲求。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nikara, ni+karoti] a multitude Dāvs.V,25 (jātipuppha°). (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 多数。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】多数。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f. or is it °aṁ?)=nikati (fraud) Pug.19, 23 (as syn. of māyā). (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '﹐【阴】欺骗(=nikati (fraud))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nikaroti, ni+karoti] to bring down, humiliate, to deceive, cheat Sn.138 (nikubbetha Pot.=vañceyya KhA 247). pp. nikata (q. v.). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. nikaroti, ni+karoti),欺骗(to bring down, humiliate, to deceive, cheat) (nikubbetha 2p.pl.pot.=vañceyya). pp. nikata。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nikasa, ni+kasati] a whetstone Dāvs III,87 (°opala). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. nikasa, ni+kasati),【阳】磨石(a whetstone)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 磨石。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣkaṣāya nis+kasāva see kasāya 2d] free from impurity Vin.I,3; opp. anikkasāva (q. v.) Dh.9≈. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nikṛta, ni+karoti “done down”] deceived, cheated M.I,511 (+vañcita paladdha); S.IV,307 (+vañcita paluddha). (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. nikṛti, see prec.] fraud, deceit, cheating D.I,5 (=DA.I,80 paṭirūpakena vañcanaṁ); III,176; Sn.242 (=nirāsaṁ-karaṇaṁ SnA 286); J.I,223; Pv III,95 (+vañcana); Pug.19, 23, 58; VvA.114; PvA.211 (paṭirūpadassanena paresaṁ vikāro). -- Instr. nikatiyā (metri causa) J.I,223, nikatyā J.II,183, nikacca S.I,24. Cp. nekatika. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 欺骗。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. nikrti),【阴】欺骗(fraud, deceit, cheating)。Instr. nikatiyā (metri causa) J.I.223, nikatyā J.II.183, nikacca S.I,24.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】秘密地(under (4) ears, secret, cp. catukkaṇṇa J.III.124; nt. adv. secretly。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) under (4) ears, secret, cp. catukkaṇṇa J.III,124; nt. adv. secretly Vin.IV,270, 271. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'nikaṭṭha,【中】邻居关系。【形】接近的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'nikaṭṭha, 【中】 邻居关系。【形】 接近的。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. nikṛṣṭa, ni+kasati] brought down, debased, low. As one kind of puggala (n-kāya+ncitta) A.II,137. Loc. nikaṭṭhe (adv.) near J.III,438= ThA.105 (v. 33) (=santike J.III,438). (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'niketana,【中】住所,家。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. niketa settlement, ni+cināti] 1. house, abode Dh.91 (=ālaya DhA.II,170). -- 2. (fig.) company, association. (In this sense it seems to be interpreted as belonging to ketu “sign, characteristic, mark,” and niketa-sārin would have to be taken as “following the banner or flag of . . .,” i. e. belonging or attached to, i. e. a follower of, one who is devoted to.) not living in company, having no house Sn.207; Miln.244 (+nirālaya).

--vāsin (a°) not living in a house, not associating with anybody Miln.201; --sayana=°vāsin Miln.361; --sārin (a°) “wandering homeless” or “not living in company,” i. e. not associating with, not a follower of . . . S.III,9 sq.=Nd1 198; Sn.844=S.III,9; SnA 255=S.III,10; Sn.970 (=Nd1 494 q. v.). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'niketana, 【中】 住所,家。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [to niketa] parting company with Miln.288 (kamma°). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) having an abode, being housed, living in Sn.422 (kosalesu); J.III,432 (duma-sākhā-niketinī f.). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '& Nikhaṇati [Sk. nikhanati, ni+khanati] to dig into, to bury, to erect, to cover up Vin.II,116; III,78 (akkhiṁ=cover the eye, as a sign); J.V,434=DhA.IV,197 (id.); D.II,127 (ṇ); J.I,264; SnA 519 (ṇ, to bury). -- pp. nikhāta. (Page 354)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '& Nikhaṇati (ni+khan掘+a;Sk. nikhanati), 掘进去,埋葬(to dig into, to bury, to erect, to cover up)。【过】nikhaṇi。【过分】nikhāta。【现分】nikhaṇanta。【独】nikhaṇitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + khan + a), 掘进去,埋葬。 【过】 nikhaṇi。 【过分】 nikhāta。【现分】 nikhaṇanta。 【无】 nikhaṇitvā。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 所有的,整个的,全部的。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】所有的,整个的,全部的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nikhila cp. khila] all, entire, whole Dāvs.V,40 (°loka v. l. sakala°). (Page 354)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 凿子。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *nikhādana, ni+khādati, cp. khādana] “eating down,” a sharp instrument, a spade or (Acc. to Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, 83) a chisel Vin.III,149; IV,211; J.II,405 (so read for khādana); IV,344; V,45. (Page 354)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】凿子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of nikhaṇati] 1. dug, dug out (of a hole), buried (of a body) SnA 519. -- 2. dug in, erected (of a post) Sn.28; DhA.II,181 (nagara-dvāre n. indakhīla). See also a°. (Page 354)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pp. of nikhaṇati), 1.掘,埋(dug, dug out (of a hole), buried (of a body))。2.掘入,埋入(dug in, erected (of a post))。【反】anikhāta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+khīṇa] having or being lost J.VI,499 (°patta without wings, deprived of its wings). (Page 354)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *nikrīḍita, pp. of nikrīḍayati, ni+ kīḷati] engrossed in play J.VI,313. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *nikīrṇa, pp. ni+kirati, cp. kiraṇa] “strewn down into,” hidden away, sheltered J.III,529. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 低的,劣的。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】低的,劣的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+kaddama] unstained, not dirty, free from impunity DA.I,226. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无泥的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无泥的。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 努力。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(n.-adj.) [Sk. niṣkrama; nis+kama] exertion, strength, endurance. The orig. meaning of “going forth” is quite obliterated by the fig. meaning (cp. nikkhamati & nekkhamma) A.I,4; III,214; Vv 187 (=viriya VvA.96); Dhs.13, 22, 219, 571; Vism.132; Miln.244 (+ārambha). -- (adj.) strong in (-°), enduring, exerting oneself S.I,194 (tibba°); V,66, 104 sq.; Sn.68 (daḷha°, cp. Nd2 under padhānavā), 542 (sacca°). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】努力。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. niṣkramati, nis+kamati, see also nikkhamati & nekkhamma] to go out, to go forth; in fig. meaning: to leave behind lust, evil & the world, to get rid of “kāma” (craving), to show right exertion & strength Miln.245 (+arabhati)+S.I,156 (kkh). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.)=following Vism.314. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无慈悲心的,无良心的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+karuṇa, adj. of karuṇā] without compassion, heartless Sn.244 (=sattānaṁ anatthakāma); Sdhp.508. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无慈悲心的,无良心的。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. niṣkaruṇatā; nis+karuṇā] heartlessness PvA.55. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see nikasāva. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无杂质的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无杂质的。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. niṣkraya, nis+kaya cp. nikkiṇāti] “buying off,” redemption J.VI,577. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】拖出,逐出。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 拖出,逐出。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) throwing out, ejection J.III,22 (a°); V,234. (=niddhamanā). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. niṣkarṣati, nis+kasati, cp. kaḍḍhati] to throw out Vin.IV,274 (Caus. nikkaḍḍhāpeti ibid.); J.I,116; II,440; SnA 192. pp. nikkaḍḍhita. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + kaḍḍh + a), 丢出,拖出,驱逐。【 过】 ~ḍḍhi。【 过分】 ~ḍhita。【潜】 ~ḍhitabba。 【无】 ~ḍhitvā, ~ḍhiya。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+kaḍḍh +a), 丢出,拖出,驱逐。【过】nikkaḍḍhi。【过分】nikkaḍḍhita。【义】nikkaḍḍhitabba。【独】nikkaḍḍhitvā, nikkaḍḍhiya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *niṣkarṣita see nikkaḍḍhati] thrown out J.II,103 (gehā); PvA.179 (read ḍḍh for ḍḍ). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】自信的,无疑的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 自信的,无疑的。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niḥśaṅka, nis+kaṅkha, adj. of kaṅkhā, cp. kaṅkhin] not afraid, fearless, not doubting, confident, sure J.I,58. Cp. nissaṁsaya. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. niḥśaṅkā, nis+kaṅkhā] fearlessness, state of confidence, trust (cp. nibbicikicchā) S.V,221. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无刺的,无敌的。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣkaṇṭaka, nis+kaṇṭaka] free from thorns or enemies Miln.250; cp. akaṇṭaka. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无刺的,无敌的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】大金币,大约等於 25 dharaṇa 的重量。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 大金币,大约等于 25 dharaṇa 的重量。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m. & nt.) [Vedic niṣka; cp. Oir. nasc (ring), Ohg. nusca (bracelet)] 1. a golden ornament for neck or breast, a ring J.II,444; VI,577. -- 2. (already Vedic) a golden coin or a weight of gold (cp. a “pound sterling”), equal to 15 suvaṇṇas (VvA.104=suvaṇṇassa pañcadasa-dharaṇaṁ nikkhan ti vadanti) S.II,234 (suvaṇṇa° & singi°); J.I,84 (id.); A.IV,120 (suvaṇṇa°); Vv 208= 438 (v. l. SS nekkha) J.VI,180; Miln.284. suvaṇṇanikkha-sataṁ (100 gold pieces) J.I,376; IV,97; V,58; °sahassaṁ (1000) J.V,67; DhA.I,393. -- See also nekkha. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. niṣkrama] going out from PvA.80 (nāsikāya n.-mala). dun° at Th.1, 72 is to be read dunnikkhaya, as indicated by vv. ll. See the latter. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】nikkhamana,【中】出去,离开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 ~mana, 【中】 出去,离开。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[BSk. niṣkramaṇa, to nikkhamati] going out, departing J.II,153; VvA.71 (opp. pavesana); fig. renunciation KhA 184 (kata° as adj.=nikkāmin). See also abhi°. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+kam(梵kram)超越+a), 离去,往前去,出家。【过】nikkhami。【现分】nikkhamanta。【独】nikkhamitvā, nikkhamma。【义】nikkhamitabbha。【不】nikkhamituṁ。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. niṣkramati, nis+kamati] to go forth from, to come out of (c. Abl.), to get out, issue forth, depart, fig. to leave the household life behind (agārā n.), to retire from the world (cp. abhinikkhamati etc.), or to give up evil desire. -- (a) lit. (often with bahi outside, out; opp. pavisati to enter into: A.V,195). D.II,14 (mātu kucchismā); J.I,52 (mātukucchito). Imper. nikkhama Pv. I.103; ppr. nikkhamanto J.I,52; II,153; III,26 (mukhato); PvA.90; aor. nikkhami J.II,154; III,188; fut. °issati J.II,154; ger. nikkhamma J.I,51, 61 (fig.) & nikkhamitvā J.I,16, 138 (fig.), 265; III,26; IV,449 (n. pabbajissāmi); PvA.14, 19 (fig.) 67 (gāmato), 74 (id.); inf. nikkhamituṁ J.I,61 (fig.); II,104; Pv.I,102 (bahi n.); grd. nikkhamitabba Vin.I,47. ‹-› (b) fig. (see also nikkamati, & cp. nekkhamma & BSk. niṣkramati in same meaning, e. g. Divy 68 etc.) S.I,156 (ārabbhati+)=Miln.245 (where nikkamati); J.I,51 (agārā), 61 (mahābhinikkhamanaṁ “the great renunciation”), PvA.19 (id.). -- pp. nikkhanta; caus. nikkhameti (q. v.). (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + kam + a), 出去,往前去,出家。 【过】 ~mi。 【现分】 ~manta。【无】 ~mitvā, nikkhamma。 【潜】 ~mitabbha。 【不】~mituŋ。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '& Nikkhāmeti [Caus. of nikkhamati] to make go out or away, to bring out or forth S.II,128; J.I,264, II.112. -- pp. nikkhāmita J.III,99 (+nicchuddha, thrown out, in expln of nibbāpita; v. l. BB. nikaḍhāpita). (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nis+kamati, see nikkhamati] gone out, departed from (c. Abl.), gone away; also med. going out, giving up, fig. leaving behind, resigning, renouncing (fusing in meaning with kanta1 of kāmyati =desireless) S.I,185 (agārasmā anagāriyaṁ); Sn.991 (Kapilavatthumhā n. lokanāyako); J.I,149; II,153; IV,364 (°bhikkhā, in sense of nikkhāmita°, v. l. nikkhitta°, perhaps preferable, expld p. 366 nibaddha°= designed for, given to); SnA 605 (fig.; as v. l. for nikkāma); DhA.II,39; PvA.61 (bahi); Nd2 under nissita; Nd2 107 (free, unobstructed). (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nikkhamati 的【过分】), 已出去,已离去,已出发。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nikkhamati ‘离去’的【过分】), 已出去,已离去,已出发。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *niḥkṣaya, nis+khaya] liable to destruction, able to be destroyed, in dun° hard to destroy J.IV,449 (=dun-nikkaḍḍhiya Com.); also to be read (v. l.) at Th.1, 72 for dunnikkhama. Cp. nikhīṇa. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nikṣepa, see nikkhipati] putting down, laying down; casting off, discarding, elimination; giving up, renunciation; abstract or summary treatment DhsA.6, 344 (see under mātikā); in grammar: pada° the setting of the verse; i. e. rules of composition (Miln.381). Vin.I,16 (pādukānaṁ=the putting down of the slippers, i.e. the slippers as they were, put down); J.III,243 (dhura° giving up one’s office or charge), I.236 (sarīra °ṁ kāresi had the body laid out); Dpvs XVII.109 (id.). Vism.618 (=cuti); DhA.II,98 (sarīra°); DA.I,50 (sutta°); DhsA.344; Miln.91. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】nikkhepana,【中】放下,摆脱,丢弃,概括的处理。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 ~pana, 【中】 放下,摆脱,丢弃,概括的处理。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.)=nikkhepa S.III,26 (bhāra° getting rid of the load, opp. bhārâdānaṁ); Miln.356 (=comparison); Vism.236 (deha°). (Page 354)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+khip抛+a), 放下,搁置,放弃。【过】nikkhipi。【现分】nikkhipanta。【独】nikkhipitvā。【义】nikkhipitabba。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + khip + a), 放下,搁置,放弃。 【过】 ~khipi。 【现分】 ~panta。【无】 ~pitvā。 【潜】 ~pitabba。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nikṣipati, ni+khipati] 1. to lay down (carefully), to put down, to lay (an egg) Vin.II,114; It.13, 14 (Pot. nikkhipeyya); Pug.34; J.I,49 (aṇḍakaṁ). -- 2. to lay aside, to put away Vin.I,46 (patta-cīvaraṁ); A.I,206 (daṇḍaṁ to discard the weapon; see daṇḍa); Mhvs 14, 10 (dhanu-saraṁ). -- 3. to eliminate, get rid of, give up Pv.II,615 (dehaṁ to get rid of the body); DhsA.344 (vitthāra-desanaṁ). -- 4. to give in charge, to deposit, entrust, save Pug.26; VvA.33 (sahassathavikaṁ). -- aor. nikkhipi D.II,16Q (Bhagavato sarīraṁ) J.II,104, 111, 416; fut. °issati D.II,157 (samussayaṁ); ger. °itvā M.III,156 (cittaṁ); J.II,416; VI,366; grd. °itabba Vin.I,46. -- pp. nikkhitta (q. v.). -- Caus. nikkhipāpeti to cause to be laid down, to order to be put down etc. PvA.215 (gosīsaṭṭhiṁ). Cp. abhi°. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nikṣipta, see nikkhipati] laid down, lying; put down into, set in, arranged; in cpds. (°-) having laid down=freed of, rid of D.II,14 (maṇi-ratanaṁ vatthe n. set into); It.13 (sagge: put into heaven); J.I,53, 266; Pv III,68; Miln.343 (agga° put down as the highest, i. e. of the highest praise; cp. BSk. agranikṣipta Lal. V. 167); PvA.148 (dhana n.=collected, v. l. SS. nikkita). nikkhitta-daṇḍa (adj.) not using a weapon (cp. daṇḍa) S.I,141 etc.; nikkhitta-dhura unyoked, freed of the yoke A.I,71; III,108; cp. DhsA.145; -- su° well set, well arranged A.II,147 sq. (°assa pada-vyañjanassa attho sunnayo hoti); opp. dun° A.I,59; Nett 21. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Nikkhipati的【过分】放下,搁置,放弃。nikkhittadhura﹐【中】放下职责。paviveke nikkhittadhurā﹐闲居而无所事事。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. nikkhitta] one to whose charge something has been committed Dpvs.IV,5 (agga° thera: original depositary of the Faith). (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nikkhamati 的【使】), 令出去,出示,使显示。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~mita。 【现分】 ~menta。 【无】 ~metvā。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nikkhamati 的【使】), 令出去,出示,使显示。【过】nikkhāmesi。【过分】nikkhāmita。【现分】nikkhāmenta。【独】nikkhāmetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 不堕落的,没有沾污的。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[nis+kilesa] freedom fr. moral blemish Nd1 340=Nd2 under pucchā Nd2 185; as adj. pure, unstained DhA.IV,192=SnA 469 (=anāvila). (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】不堕落的,没有沾污的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. niṣkriṇāti, nis+kiṇāti] to buy back, to redeem J.VI,576, 585; Miln.284. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣkīrṇa, nis+kiṇṇa, see kiraṇa] spread out, spread before, ready (for eating) J.VI,182 (=ṭhapita Com.). (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 不忿怒的。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+kodha] without anger, free from anger J.IV,22. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】不忿怒的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 不骗人的。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】不骗人的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+kuha] without deceit, not false A.II,26=It.113; Sn.56; Nd2 342. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 心烦意乱的,放弃的。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [ni+kubja, better spelling is nikujja see nikkujjati] bent down, i. e. head forward, lying on one’s face; upset, thrown over A.I,130; S.V,48; Pv IV.77 (k); Pug.31. Opp. ukkujja. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】心烦意乱的,颠倒,放弃的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[for nikujjati (q. v.) through analogy with opp. ukkujjati. Etym. perhaps to kujja humpback, Sk. kubja, but better with Kern, Toev. 1. p. 175= Sk. nyubjati, influenced by kubja with regard to k.] to turn upside down, to upset Vin.II,113; A.IV,344 (pattaṁ). ‹-› pp. nikkujjita. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + kuj + e), 颠倒,倒置。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~jita。 【无】~jetvā, nikkujjiya。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+kuj +e), 颠倒,倒置。【过】nikkujjesi。【过分】nikkujjita。【独】nikkujjetvā, nikkujjiya。Seyyathāpi, bhante, nikkujjitaṁ vā ukkujjeyya, paṭicchannaṁ vā vivareyya, mūḷhassa vā maggaṁ ācikkheyya, andhakāre vā telapajjotaṁ dhāreyya ‘cakkhumanto rūpāni dakkhantī’ti.(大德!就像颠倒的当翻转,隐覆的当揭露,迷失的当示道,黑暗的当提(油)灯,使「有眼的看到东西(诸色)。」)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nikkujjati; often (rightly) spelt nikujjita, q. v.] lying face downward, overturned, upset, fallen over, stumbled Vin.I,16; D.I,85, 110; 147, M.I,24 (k.); A.I,173; III,238; Th.2, 28, 30 (k.); J.III,277; SnA 155 (=adhomukha-ṭhapita); DA.I,228. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无渴望的,无贪欲的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣkāma, nis+kāma] without craving or lust, desireless Sn.1131 (=akāmakāmin Nd2 340; pahīnakāma SnA 605 with v. l.: nikkāma). Cp. next. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无渴望的,无贪欲的。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+kāmin]=nikkāma Sn.228 (=katanikkhamana KhA 184). (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无根据的,无显著原因的。nikkāraṇā,【副】没有理由,没有原因,没有目的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无根据的,无显著原因的。 ~ṇā, 【副】 没有理由,没有原因,没有目的。(p171)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Abl.=adv.) [Sk. niṣkāraṇā, nis+kāraṇaṁ] without reason, without cause or purpose Sn.75 (=akāraṇā ahetu Nd2 341). (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'is Bdhgh’s reading for ikkāsa (q. v.) Vin.II,151, with C. on p. 321. (Page 353)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see nikkujja, q. v. also for nikujjita which is more correctly spelt k than kk (cp. Trenckner, Preface to Majjhima Nikāya & see ni° A 1). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[ni+kujjati, see kujja & cp. nikkujja] to be bent down on, i. e. to attach importance to, to lay weight on D.I,53 (as vv. ll. to be preferred to text reading nikkujj°, cp. nikujja); DA.I,160 (nikk°). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】【中】峡谷,灌木丛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nikuñja, ni+kuñja] a hollow down, a glen, thicket Dāvs.IV,32. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳、中】 峡谷,灌木丛。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic nikāma, ni+kāma] desire, pleasure, longing: only in cpds.; see nanikāma.

--kāra read by Kern (Toev. 174) at Th.1, 1271 for na kāmakāra but unjustified (see SnA on Sn.351); --lābhin gaining pleasure S.II,278; M.I,354; III,110; A.II,23, 36; Pug.11, 12; Vbh.332. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】已轻易获得某物的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 已轻易获得某物的人。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】 要求。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(=nikanti),【阴】渴求。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.)=nikanti, Dhs.1059. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. ni-kāmayati, ni+kāmeti] to crave, desire, strive after, ppr nikāmayaṁ S.I,122, & nikāmayamāna Vin.II,108. Cp. nikanta & nikanti. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + kam + e), 渴望,要求。 【过】 ~esi。【过分】 ~mita。 【现分】 nikāmenta。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+kam(梵kram)超越+e), 渴望,要求。【过】nikāmesi。【过分】nikāmita。【现分】nikāmenta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nikāra in diff. meaning, ni+kāra] service, humility J.III,120 (nikāra-pakāra, prob. to be read nipaccākāra, q. v.). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 邻近。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】邻近。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(n.-adj.) [ni+kaś] appearance; adj. of appearance, like J.V,87 (-°), corresp. to °avakāsa. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. nikāśin; fr. ni+kāsati] “shining,” resembling, like J.III,320 (aggi-nikāsinā suriyena). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 团体,教派,收集。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nikāya, ni+kāya] collection (“body”) assemblage, class, group; 1. generally (always --°): eka° one class of beings DhsA.66; tiracchāna° the animal kingdom S.III,152; deva° the assembly of the gods, the gods D.II,261 (60); M.I,102; S.IV,180; A.III,249; IV,461; PvA.136; satta° the world of beings, the animate creation, a class of living beings S.II,2, 42, 44; M.I,49 (tesaṁ tesaṁ sattānaṁ tamhi tamhi s.-nikāye of all beings in each class); Vbh.137; PvA.134. -- 2. especially the coll. of Buddhist Suttas, as the 5 sections of the Suttanta Piṭaka, viz. Dīgha°, Majjhima°, Saṁyutta°, Aṅguttara° (referred to as D.M.S.A. in Dictionaryquotations), Khuddaka°; enumd PvA.2; Anvs p. 35; DhA.II,95 (dhammāsanaṁ āruyha pañcahi nikāyehi atthañ ca kāraṇañ ca ākaḍḍhitvā). The five Nikāyas are enumd also at Vism.711; one is referred to at SnA 195 (pariyāpuṇāti master by heart). See further details under piṭaka. Cp. nekāyika. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】团体,教派,收集。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ni-kīḷati] playful, playing or dallying with (c. Loc.), finding enjoyment in S.I,9 (a° kāmesu); IV,110 (id.). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. ni-kīḷati),【形】游戏(playful, playing or dallying with (c. Loc.), finding enjoyment in S I.9 (a° kāmesu); IV.110 (id.).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + kūj + a), 吱喳而呜,鸟鸣。 【过】 nikūji。【过分】 ~jita。 【现分】 nikūjamāna。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+kūj +a), 吱喳而呜,鸟鸣。【过】nikūji。【过分】nikūjita。【现分】nikūjamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ni+kūjati “to sing on”] 1. to chirp, warble, hum Th.1, 1270 (nikūjaṁ); ThA.211 (nikūji). -- 2. to twang, jingle, rustle J.III,323. -- pp. nikūjita. -- Cp. abhi°. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[see nikūjati] sung forth, warbled out Th.2, 261. (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[ni+kūṭa to kūṭa2] a corner, top, climax J.I,278 (arahatta°, where usually arahattena kūṭaṁ etc.); DA.I,307 (id.). (Page 352)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 家,兽穴,住所,住宅。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. ni+] a dwelling, habitation, lair, nest J.III,454. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】家,兽穴,住所,住宅。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. Sk. nilayana, fr. ni+] settling place, hiding-place, refuge J.V,102 (so read for nillenaka; expld by nilīyanaṭṭhāna p. 103). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see nillacchita. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[nis+laccheti of lāñch, cp. lakkhaṇa] to deprive of the marks or characteristics (of virility), to castrate Th.2, 437 (=purisa-bhāvassa lacchana-bhūtāni bījakāni nillacchesi nīhari ThA.270). See also nillañchaka & nillacchita. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *nirlāñchita, nis+lacchita of nillaccheti] castrated Th.2, 440; written as nilicchita at J.VI,238 (v. l. BB as gloss niluñcita). expld by “vacchakakāla . . . nibbījako kato, uddhaṭabījo” (p. 239). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】不知羞耻的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 不知羞耻的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+lajjā] shameless Sdhp.382. Ni(l)lañchaka (adj.-n.) [cp. Sk. nirlāñchana, of nirlāñchayati=nis+laccheti] one who marks cattle, i. e. one who castrates or deprives of virility J.IV,364 (spelt tilañchaka in text, but right in v. l.), expld as “tisūlâdi-aṅkakaraṇena lañchakā ca lakkhaṇakārakā ti attho” (p. 366). cp. nillacchita. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+lapa] without deceit, free from slander A.II,26=It.113. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】舔,舔者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 舔,舔者。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nis+lekha),【形】无刻痕(without scratches, without edges (?))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+lekha] without scratches, without edges (?) Vin.II,123 (of jantāghara). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+lobha] free from greed J.IV,10. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nis+lobha) ,【形】无贪的(free from greed J.IV,10.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [nis+lokana] watching out; watchful, careful J.V,43, 86 (°sīla). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[nis+loketi] to watch out, keep guard, watch, observe Vin.II,208. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(p)a (adj.) [nis+loluppā] free from greed or desires Sn.56 (=Nd2 362 nittaṇha); J.V,358. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无贪的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无贪的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. nirlopa, nis+lup] plundering, plunder D.I,52; A.I,154; Nd1 144 (°ṁ harati); Nd2 1997; Tikp 167, 280; DA.I,159. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 掠夺。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. nirlopa, nis+lup),【阳】掠夺(plundering, plunder)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '& Nilloḷeti (nis+lul, cp. Sk. laḍayati & loḍayati),移转,鼓动(to move (the tongue) up & down)。pp. nillāḷita-jivhā。DhA.IV,197 (jivhaṁ nilloleti; v. l. nillāleti & lilāḷeti)=J.V,434 (v. l. nillelati for °lo°).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '& Nilloḷeti [nis+lul, cp. Sk. laḍayati & loḍayati] to move (the tongue) up & down S.I,118; M.I,109; DA.I,42 (pp. nillāḷita-jivhā); DhA.IV,197 (jivhaṁ nilloleti; v. l. nillāleti & lilāḷeti)=J.V,434 (v. l. nillelati for °lo°). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nilāyati] sitting on (c. Loc.), perched; hidden, concealed, lying in wait J.I,135, 293; III,26; VvA.230. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. nilīyati, cp. Sk. nilayana] hiding J.V,103 (°ṭṭhāna hiding-place). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(abstr. fr. nilīyati, cp. Sk. nilayana),【中】躲藏(hiding)。nilīyanaṭṭhāne,匿藏处(hiding-place)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ni+līyati] to sit down (esp. for the purpose of hiding), to settle, alight; to keep oneself hidden, to lurk, hide J.I,222, 292; Miln.257; PvA.178. aor. nilīyi J.I,158; III,26; DhA.II,56; PvA.274. -- pp. nilīna. Caus. II. nilīyāpeti to conceal, hide (trs.) J.I,292. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+lī执著+ya), 藏,潜藏,躲藏。【过】nilīyi。【过分】nilīna。【独】nilīyitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + lī + ya), 藏,潜藏,躲藏。 【过】 nilīyi。 【过分】 nilīna。 【独】nilīyitvā。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) the middle one J.V,371. (Page 366)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】邀请的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 邀请的人。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) one who invites Miln.205. (Page 366)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [to nimanteti] invitation Vin.I,58= II.175; D.I,166; M.I,77; A.I,295; J.I,116 (ṇ), 412; Pug.55. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 邀请。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】邀请。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) inviting; (nt.) N. of a Suttanta M.I,331; quoted at Vism.393. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + mant + e), 邀请。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~tita。 【独】 ~tetvā,nimantiya。 【现分】 ~tenta。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+mant讨论+e), 邀请。【过】nimantesi。【过分】nimantita。【独】nimantetvā, nimantiya。【现分】nimantenta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nimantrayati, ni+manteti] to send a message, to call, summon, invite, coax (to=c. Instr.) Sn.981 (nimantayi aor., āsanena asked him to sit down); J.VI,365; Nd2 342; DhA.III,171 (°ayiṁsu); DA.I,169; VvA.47 (pānīyena invite to a drink); PvA.75, 95. ‹-› pp. nimantita, q. v. -- Cp. abhi°. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of nimanteti] invited Sn.p. 104; PvA.22 (bhattena to the meal), 86 (=āmantita), 141. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nimba, non-Aryan] the Nimb tree (Azadirachta Indica), bearing a bitter leaf, & noted for its hard wood Vin.I,152 (°kosa), 284 (id.), 201 (°kasāva); A.I,32; V,212; Vv 3336 (°muṭṭhi, a handful of N. leaves); J.II,105, 106; DhA.I,52 (°kosa); DhsA.320 (°paṇṇa, the leaf of the N. as example of tittaka, bitter taste); VvA.142 (°palāsa); PvA.220 (°rukkhassa daṇḍena katasūla). (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】印度楝(东印度群岛的一种大乔木 (Melia azadirachta),其树干渗出一种粘胶,树皮味苦,有滋补作用,果实和种子产一种药用芳香油),古音译:絍婆树。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 印度楝(东印度群岛的一种大乔木 (Meliaazadirachta),其树干渗出一种粘胶,树皮味苦,有滋补作用,果实和种子产一种药用芳香油)。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 眨眼。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[=nimisa, cp. Vedic nimesa] winking Miln.194. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】眨眼。一闭眼0.1秒,一开眼0.2秒,每次眨眼间隔只有4~5秒,眯眼睛的人,眨眼的次数也比平常少,眼睛会因此乾涩、不舒服。20~40岁之间的正常人每分钟眨眼约20次。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + mā + nā), 交换,物物交换。 【过】 nimini。 【过分】 niminita。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+mā+nā), 交换,物物交换。【过】nimini。【过分】niminita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. niminoti in diff. meaning, the P. meaning being influenced by mā; ni+mināti, mi to fix, measure cp. Sk. nimaya barter, change] to turn round, change; to barter, exchange for (c. Instr.): pres. imper. niminā J.V,343 (=parivattehi Com.); pres. 1st pl. nimimhase J.II,369, pot. nimineyya J.III,63; fut. nimissati J.V,271, 453 (devatāhi nirayaṁ); aor. nimmini J.III,63; ger. niminitvā Milo 279. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'nimesa, 【阳】 眨眼。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'nimesa,【阳】眨眼。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Vedic nimiṣ f. & nimiṣa nt.] winking, shutting the eyes; animisa not winking Dāvs.V,26. See also nimesa. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nimiṣati, ni+misati] to wink D.II,20 (animisanto, not winking; v. l. BB animm°; J.III,96 (ummisati+). Cp. nimisatā. Nimīlati (& Nimmīlati) [ni+mīlati] to shut, close (the eyes) J.I,279; DhA.II,6 (akkhīni nimmīlituṁ nâsakkhi). Caus. nim(m)īl-eti id. M.I,120; DhA.II,28 (paralokaṁ; opp. ummīleti); J.I,279; Vism.292 (akkhīni ni°). (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+mis (梵mis)+a), 眨眼。【过】nimisi。【现分】nimisanta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + mis + a), 眨眼。 【过】 nimisi。 【现分】 nimisanta。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. to nimisati] winking J.VI,336 (a°). (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 迹象,预兆,前兆,因素。 ~ggāhī, 【形】 性感的,被向外的告示引导离开。 ~pāṭhaka, 【阳】 预知的人。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '相;现相;标识;徵相;瑞兆Uggaha nimitta(取相) Paṭibhāga nimitta(似相)', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '(cp.梵nimitta, to mā),【中】迹象(sign),预兆(omen),前兆(portent),因素(prognostication)。nimittaggāhī,【形】取相,被向外的告示引导离开。nimittapāṭhaka,【阳】预知的人。pubbanimitta﹐前兆。VbhA. (CS:p.148)︰Saṅkhepato paṭisandhiyā tīṇi ārammaṇāni honti--kammaṁ, kammanimittaṁ gatinimittanti. Tattha kammaṁ nāma āyūhitā kusalākusalacetanā. Kammanimittaṁ nāma yaṁ vatthuṁ ārammaṇaṁ katvā kammaṁ āyūhati. Tattha atīte kappakoṭisatasahassamatthakasmimpi kamme kate tasmiṁ khaṇe kammaṁ vā kammanimittaṁ vā āgantvā upaṭṭhāti.…(CS:p.149) Gatinimittaṁ nāma nibbattanaka-okāse eko vaṇṇo upaṭṭhāti. Tattha niraye upaṭṭhahante lohakumbhisadiso hutvā upaṭṭhāti. Manussaloke upaṭṭhahante mātukucchikambalayānasadisā hutvā upaṭṭhāti.(在结生,约略说,有三种所缘︰业、业相、趣相。此中,业︰已累积的善不善业。业相︰指累积的作(善不善)业的所缘的样貌。此中,过去百千俱祇劫已作的业,以业或业相来了之后,就生起。趣相︰在空中出现的某景象,此中,在地狱的话,生起那地方的铜锅(lohakumbhī)之类。在人间的话,生起母胎(mātukucchi)、毛织品(kambala)、车子(yāna)之类。) 《阿毘达摩广释》(Vibhv.CS:p.191~2.) :Apica paccuppannaṁ kammanimittaṁ cuti-āsannappavattānaṁ pañcadvārikajavanānaṁ ārammaṇaṁ hoti. “Pañcadvārika-kammañca paṭisandhinimittakaṁ na hoti paridubbalabhāvato”ti. (此外,临终转起现在(当面)的业相,为五门诸速行的所缘。不过,五门的业过於微弱,不会是结生的相。) (按︰五门心路之后,紧接著意门心路,意门心路取五门心路的所缘。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. Sk. nimitta, to , although etym. uncertain] 1. sign, omen, portent, prognostication D.I,9 (study of omens=n. satthaṁ DA.I,92, q. v. for detailed expln); J.I,11 (caturo nimitte nâddasaṁ); Miln.79, 178. Esp. as pubba° signs preceding an event, portents, warnings, foreshadowings S.V,154, 278, 442; It.76 (cp. Divy 193, of the waning of a god); J.I,48, 50 (32 signs before birth, some at DA.I,61), 59; Miln.298; Vism.577. ‹-› 2. outward appearance, mark, characteristic, attribute, phenomenon (opp. essence) D.III,249; A.I,256; III,319, 375 sq.; IV,33, 418 sq.; J.I,420; Ps.I,60, 91 sq., 164, 170; II,39, 64; Vbh.193 sq. -- Mental reflex, image (with ref. to jhāna) Vism.123, cp. DhsA.167. -- Specified e. g. as foll.: oḷārika S.V,259; pasādaniya S.V,156; paccavekkhana° D.III,278; Vbh.334; bahiddhā-saṅkhārā° Ps.I,66 sq.; bāla° (opp. paṇḍita°) M.III,163; A.I,102; mukha° (=face) D.I,80; S.III,103; V,121; A.V,92, 97 sq., 103; rūpa°, sadda° etc. S.III,10; M.I,296; Ps.I,92, 112; samatha° D.III,213; samādhi° etc. A.I,256 sq.; subha° (& asubha°) S.V,64, 103 sq.; A.I,3 sq., 87, 200; V,134; Vism.178 sq. nimittaṁ gaṇhāti to make something the object of a thought, to catch up a theme for reflection Vin.I,183, cp. S.V,150 sq. (°ṁ uggaṇhāti); M.I,119 (=five sorts of mental images); Nd2 659; DhsA.53 (=ākāra). See below n-gāhin & animitta.‹-› nimittaṁ parivajjeti to discard the phenomenal S.I,188; Sn.341. -- 3. mark, aim: in nimittaṁ karoti to pick out the aim, to mark out J.V,436; Nd2 235, 1d; Miln.418. ‹-› 4. sexual organ (cp. lakkhaṇa) Vin.III,129 (n. & a°, as term of abuse); see also kāṭa & koṭacikā. -- 5. ground, reason, condition, in nimittena (Instr.) and nimittaṁ (Acc.) as adv.=by means of, on account of DhA.III,175 (Instr.) PvA.8, 97 (jāti-nimittaṁ), 106 (kiṁ n°ṁ=kissa hetu), 242 (yaṁ n°ṁ=yato nidānaṁ). gahita-nimittena “by means of being caught” Vism.144=DhsA.116 (read trsln 154 accordingly!). adj. nimitta (-°) caused by, referring to PvA.64 (maraṇa-nimittaṁ rodanaṁ). -- animitta free from marks or attributes, not contaminated by outward signs or appearance, undefiled, unaffected, unconditioned (opp. sa°) S.I,188; IV,225 (phassa), 268, 360 (samādhi); M.I,296 (cetovimutti); A.I,82; III,292; IV,78; Vin.III,129; Th.1, 92; D.III,219, 249; Dh.92; Sn.342; Ps.I,60, 91; II,36, 59 sq. (vimokha), 65 sq., 99; Dhs.530 (read a° for appa°); Vism.236; DhsA.223 (absence of the 3 lakkhaṇas); Miln.333, 413; DhA.II,172; ThA.50. See also Cpd. 199, 2115. sanimitta S.V,213 sq.; A.I,82.

--ânusārin following outward signs (=°gāhin) A.III,292; Nett 25; --kamma prognostication, prophecy Vin.V,172; Vbh.353; --karaṇa=gāhin S.IV,297; --gāhin “taking signs,” enticed or led away by outward signs, entranced with the general appearance, sensuously attracted D.I,70 (cp. Dialogues I.80); III,225; S.IV,104, 168; A.II,16; III,99; V,348; Pug.20, 24, 58; Dhs.1345; Miln.367, 403. Cp. Vism.151, 209. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [to nimmādeti] touching, touch, crushing, subduing A.II,34 (mada-nimmadana, crushing out pride; may, however, be taken as nis+mada of mad= “de-priding,” lit. disintoxication); Bu I.81; Vism.293. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nirmṛdya, grd. of nimmadeti] suppressible D.II,243. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+mṛd] touching, crushing Miln.270 (na vāto hattha-gahaṇaṁ vā nimmaddanaṁ vā upeti: the wind cannot be grasped). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(to nimmādeti),【中】接触,粉碎,征服(touching, touch, crushing, subduing)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 镇压,征服。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 挤压。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】挤压。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+makkha, cp. Sk. nirmatsara] without egotism, not false, not slandering Sn.56 (cp. Nd2 356 makkha=niṭṭhuriya; see also SnA 108; paraguṇa-vināsana-lakkhaṇo makkho). (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无苍蝇的,无幼虫的。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nirmakṣika] free from flies J.I,262; DhA.I,59. Nimmajjana (Nimmiñjana?) [*mṛd-yana? perhaps nonAryan] a kind of (oil-)cake Vv 3338 (nimmajjani=tilapiññāka VvA.147); Pv.I,1010 (°miñjana, v. l. BB °majjani); PvA.47 (doṇi°). (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无苍蝇的,无幼虫的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 干净的,纯粹的,无杂质的。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nis+mala),【形】乾净的,纯粹的,无杂质的(free from impurity, stainless, clean, pure)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+mala] free from impurity, stainless, clean, pure A.IV,340; Dh.243; Nd2 586; Vism.58; Sdhp.250. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + manth + a), 参见 Nimmathati。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+manth搅拌+a), 参见 Nimmathati。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+manussa+ya] void of men, absence of men J.III,148. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 压碎。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】压碎。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+mathana] crushing J.III,252; Vism.234 (sattu°); DhA.III,404; VvA.284. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+math摇+a), 镇压,破坏,挤。【过】nimmathi。【过分】nimmathita。【独】nimmathitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + math + a), 镇压,破坏,挤。 【过】 ~thi。 【过分】 ~thita。【独】 ~thitvā。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[nis+matheti] to crush out, suppress, destroy J.I,340. Cp. abhimatthati. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无肉的。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+maṁsa] fleshless M.I,58, 364; PvA.68. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无肉的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. nirmimīti & nirmāti, nis+mināti, ; cp. nimināti] to measure out, fashion, build, construct, form; make by miracle, create, compose; produce, lay out, plan, aor. nimmini J.I,232; PvA.245; DhA.IV,67; ger nimminitvā J.I,32; VvA.80, & nimmāya Vv 163. -- pp. nimmita See also nimmātar and nimmāna. Cp. abhi°. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+mi +nā﹐cp.Sk.nirmimīti & nirmāti, nis+mināti, mā), 产生,形成,建立,生产。【过】nimmimini。【现分】nimminanta。【独】nimminitvā, nimmāya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-pp.) [pp. of nimmināti] measured out, planned, laid out; created (by supernatural power, iddhi); measured, stately D.I,18, 56 (iddhiyā pi DA.I,167), 219 (Su° devaputta. Np.), ibid. (Paranimmitavasavattī devā a class of devas, lit. “created by others,” but also possessed of great power: VvA.79, 80); also one of the 5, or the 3 spheres (kāmûpapattiyo) in the kāmaloka, viz. paccupaṭṭhita-kāmā, nimmānarati° (or nimmita°), paranimmita°. It.94; Dhs.1280 (cp. kāma); D.III,218; J.I,59, 146 (kāyo n’eva deva° na brahma°), 232, Nd2 202A, also under pucchā; P II.119 (su°, well constructed, i. e. symmetrical); Vism.228 (Mārena nimmitaṁ Buddharūpaṁ); VvA.36 (=mitaṁ gacchati vāraṇo), 79; ThA.69, 70; Miln.1, 242. See also abhinimmita. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Nimmināti的【过分】)测出,计划,产生,创造,禅相(measured out, planned, laid out; created (by supernatural power, iddhi); sign)。Vibhv.CS:p.258︰Parikammassa nimittaṁ ārammaṇattāti parikammanimittaṁ, kasiṇamaṇḍalādi. Tadeva cakkhunā diṭṭhaṁ viya manasā uggahetabbaṁ nimittaṁ, uggaṇhantassa vā nimittanti uggahanimittaṁ. Tappaṭibhāgaṁ vaṇṇādikasiṇadosarahitaṁ nimittaṁ upacārappanānaṁ ārammaṇattāti paṭibhāganimittaṁ.(遍作相︰预备的所缘的相。取相︰心当取的相或所取的相,正如开眼所见。似相︰这相似的(颜)色遍等毫无瑕疵的相,为近行(定)、安止(定)的所缘。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + mi + nā), 产生,形成,建立,生产。 【过】 ~miṇi。 【现分】~ṇanta。 【独】 ~ṇitvā, nimmāya。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. nirmoka fr. nis+moceti)),【阳】蛇蜕的皮( the slough or castoff skin of a snake)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nirmoka fr. nis+moceti] the slough or castoff skin of a snake PvA.63. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 蛇蜕的皮。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[either=Sk. nirmṛdayati (mṛd) or *nirmādayati to nirmada. free from pride=nirmāna] to crush, subdue, humiliate; insult D.I,92 (v. l. °maddeti;=DA.I,257 nimmadati nimmāne karoti), 93, 96. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (nt.) [Sk. nirmāṇa, see nimmināti] measuring; production, creation, work; issara-n-hetu caused by God M.II,122; A.I,173; Vbh.367. N.--ratī devā a class of devas, e. g. at D.I,218; It.94; Vism.225; DA.I,114; ThA.169; VvA.149. Cp. (para-) nimmita. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1(Sk. nirmāṇa, see nimmināti,【中】度量,产生,创造,神造(measuring; production, creation, work; issara-n-hetu caused by God)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无自傲的。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 (adj.) [Sk. nirmāna, nis+māna] free from pride, humble DA.I,257. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2(Sk. nirmāna, nis+māna),【形】无自傲的(free from pride, humble )。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'the name of a class of heavenly beings of the sensuous sphere; s. deva.', 'xr': '《Buddhist Dictionary》 by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA'}
{'def': '(=manāpakāyikā devatā可意天众)﹐化乐天,此天能随心所欲造出色、声、乐(《增支部》A.8.46./IV,263.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '化乐天,又称乐变化天。', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '[Pass. to nimmāna, of nis+māna] to be abased, to be mocked Vin.II,183. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+māta-pitika] one who has neither mother nor father, an orphan DhA.II,72. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. nirmātr, n. ag. of nimmināti),【阳】创作者,制造者,建立者(maker, builder, creator)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nirmātṛ, n. ag. of nimmināti] maker, builder, creator D.I,18, 56 (in formula: brahmā . . . kattā nimmātā . . .). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无母的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无母的。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 创作者,制造者,建立者。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 成孤儿的。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nis+māta-pitika),【形】成孤儿的( one who has neither mother nor father, an orphan。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 创造,生产。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see nimīlati. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+mūla] without root, rootless J.VI,177. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=vimokkha S.I,2 (v. l. SS vi°, preferable). (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=vimokkhaṁ解脱(S.1.2/I,2)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Nimujjati的【过分】) 下沉,潜入,跳入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk, nimagna, pp. of nimujjati] plunged, immersed in, sunk down or fallen into (-°) (c. Loc.) Vin.III,106 (gūthakūpe sasīsakaṁ n.); D.I,75; J.I,4; III,393 (gūthakalale), 415; Nd1 26; Pug.71; Miln.262; Sdhp.573. Nimujjā (nimmujjā) [Sk. *nimajj-yā] diving, immersion, in cpd. ummujja-nimujja(ṁ karoti) D.I,78. See ummujjā. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. nimajjana] diving, ducking; bathing PvA.47. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + mujj + a), 下沉,潜入,跳入。 【过】nimujji。 【独】 ~jjitvā, 【不】 ~jituŋ。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+mujj下沉+a), 下沉,潜入,跳入。【过】nimujji。【独】nimujjitvā,【不】nimujjituṁ。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nimajjati, ni+mujjati] to sink down, plunge into (with Loc.), dive in, be immersed A.IV,11; Pug.74; J.I,66, 70; III,163, 393 (kāmakalale); IV,139; aor. nimujji J.II,293; PvA.47 (udake). -- Caus. nimujjeti (so read for nimujjati J.V,268) & nimujjāpeti to cause to sink or dive, to drown J-III,133; IV,142 (nāvaṁ). -- pp. nimugga q. v. (Page 367)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】nimujjana,【中】潜水,沉没,钻入水中。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 ~jjana, 【中】 潜水,沈没,钻入水中。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 眨眼。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】眨眼。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni+ mīl眨眼+e), 眨眼,关上,关。【过】nimīlesi。【过分】nimīlita。【独】nimīletvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + mīl + e), 眨眼,关上,关。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 nimīlita。 【独】~letvā。(p177)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】nindanā,【阴】侮辱,轻视。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 ~nā, 【阴】 侮辱,轻视。(p174)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. nindati] blaming, reviling, finding fault DhA.III,328. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nind + a), 责备,蔑视,侮辱。 【过】 nindi。 【过分】 nindita。 【现分】 nindanta。 【独】 ninditvā。 【潜】 ninditabba。(p174)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nindati, nid as in Gr. o)/neidos (blame), Lith. naids (hatred), Goth. naitjan (to rail or blaspheme), Ohg. neizzan (to plague); cp. Goth. neip=Ohg. nīd (envy)] to blame, find fault with, censure A.II,3; V,171, 174; Sn.658; J.VI,63; Dh.227; inf. nindituṁ Dh.230; grd. nindanīya SnA 477. pp. nindita (q. v.); cp. also nindiya. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nind侮辱+a), 责备,蔑视,侮辱。【过】nindi。【过分】nindita。【现分】nindanta。【独】ninditvā。【义】ninditabba。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nindati] blamed, reproved, reviled; faulty, blameworthy Dh.228; Pv.II,334 (a° blameless= agarahita pasaṁsa PvA.89); Sdhp.254, 361. -- anindita J.IV,106 (°aṅgin). (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 该受责备的,有过失的。(p174)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】该受责备的,有过失的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nindya, orig. grd. of nindati] blameable, faulty, blameworthy Sn.658 (=nindanīya SnA 477); Nett 132. pi nindiyā at PvA.23 is to be read as pīṇitindriyā. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. nindā, to nindati] blame, reproach, fault-finding, fault, disgrace S.III,73; A.II,188; IV,157 sq.; M.I,362; Sn.213 (+pasaṁsā blame & praise); Dh.81 (id.); Sn.826, 895, 928; Dh.143, 309; Nd1 165, 306, 384; DhA.II,148. -- In compn nindi° see anindi°. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see niṇhāta. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】低的,倾向的,弯腰的(弯下身的)。【中】低地,洼地,坳(ㄠ)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [Vedic nimna, der. fr. ni down, prob. combd with °na of nam to bend, thus meaning “bent down,” cp. unna & panna] 1. (adj.) bent down (cp. ninnata), low-lying, deep, low, sunken J.II,3 (magga); PvA.29 (bhūmibhāga), 132 (ṭhāṇa); esp. freq. as --°: bent on, inclining to, leading to, aiming at, flowing into etc. Often combd with similar expressions in chain taccarita tabbahula taggaruka tanninna tappoṇa tappabbhāra tadâdhimutta (with variation nibbāna°, viveka° etc. for tad°): Nd2 under tad; J.II,15; Ps.II,197; -- Vin.II,237=A.IV,198 (samuddo anupubba° etc.); A.IV,224 (viveka°); V,175 (id.); M.I,493 (Nibbāna°). Similarly: samudda° Gaṅgā M.I,493; nekkhamma° J.I,45 (V.258); samādhi° Miln.38. -- 2. (Acc. as adv.) downward: ninnaṁ pavattati to flow downward M.I,117; Pv.I,57; ninnagata running down Miln.259 (udaka); ninnaga Dāvs.IV,28. -- 3. (nt.) low land, low ground, plain (opp. thala elevation, plateau): usually with ref. to a raincloud flooding the low country Sn.30 (mahamegho °ṁ pūrayaṁto); SnA 42 (=pallala); It.66 (megho °ṁ pūreti); Pv.II,945 (megho °ṁ paripūrayanto).

--unnata low lying & elevated Miln.349 (desabhāga). (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 低的,弯腰的(弯下身的)。 【中】 低地。(p174)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [ni+nata] bent down, bent upon, in ninnatattā (fem. abstr.) aim, purpose (?) DhsA.39 (is the reading correct?). Ninnāda (& Nināda Miln, Dāvs) [Sk. nināda, ni+nāda] sounding forth, sound, tune, melody A.II,117 (°sadda); J.VI,43; VvA.161; Miln.148; Dāvs.V,31. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 低,倾向,(p174)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】低,倾向。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[n. ag. to ni-nayati=Sk. *ninayitṛ, cp. netar] one who leads down to, one who disposes of (c. Gen.), bringer of, giver, usually in phrase atthassa n. (bringer of good: “Heilbringer”) of the Buddha S.IV,94; M.I,111; A.V,226 sq., 256 sq.; Ps.II,194. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. ninayati, ni+nayati] to lead down, lead away; drain, (udakaṁ), desiccate Vin.II,180. -- pp. ninnīta, q. v. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 引向下的人,决定的人。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】引向下的人,决定的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】悦耳的音调,曲调,声音。ninnādī,【形】很响亮的,有旋律 美妙的嗓音的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 悦耳的音调,曲调,声音。 ~dī,【形】 很响亮的,有旋律美妙的嗓音的。(p174)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ninnāda] sounding (loud), resonant (of a beautiful voice) D.II,211 (cp. aṭṭhaṅga brahmassara & bindu). (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+nam弯曲+e), 弯下身,熄灭。【过】ninnāmesi。【独】ninnāmetvā。【过分】ninnāmita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + nam + e), 弯下身,熄灭。 【过】 ~esi。 【独】 ~metvā。 【过分】 ~mita。(p174)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Caus. of ni+namati] to bend down, put out (the tongue) D.I,106 (jivhaṁ=nīharati DA.I,276); J.I,163, 164; cp. Divy 7, 71 (nirṇāmayati). (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ni+nam] bending downwards, descending A.IV,237. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of ninneti] lead down, lead away; drained, purified, free from (°-) A.I,254 (ninnīta-kasāva of gold: free fr. dross). (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at J.V,6 read as nīpa. (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[nipacca, ger. of nipatati+ākāra] obedience, humbleness, service S.I,178; V,233; A.V,66; J.I,232; IV,133; VvA.22, 320; PvA.12. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nipatati 的【独】), 已跪拜的,已鞠躬的,已服从的。nipaccakāra,【阳】谦逊,服从,尊敬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nipatati 的【独】), 已跪拜的,已鞠躬的,已服从的。 ~kāra, 【阳】谦逊,服从,尊敬。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nipacca, ger. of nipāteti+vādin] speaking hurtfully Sn.217 (=dāyakaṁ nipātetvā appiyavacanāni vattā SnA 272). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at J.III,120 is an old misreading & is to be corrected into nipatāmase (=let us gather, bring together=dedicate), unless it be read as nipphadāmase (=do, set forth, prepare, give), in spite of Com. expln p. 121: nikārapakārā (=nipaccakārā?) upasaggā (upasajja?) dāmase () ti attho; endorsed by Müller, P.G. p. 97 & Kern, Toev. p. 175. It cannot be ni+pa+ dāmase, since ni is never used as secondary (modifying) verb-component (see ni° A 2), & Bdhgh’s expln is popular etym. Cp. nipatāmase at J.IV,361 (see nipatati). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nipajjati 的【独】), 已睡,已躺下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nipajjati 的【独】), 已睡,已躺下。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】躺下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 躺下。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni + pad + ya), 躺下,睡。 【过】 nipajji。 【过分】 nipanna。 【现分】 nipajjanta。 【独】 nipajja, nipajjiya, ~jitvā。 【使】 ~jāpeti。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nipadyate, ni+pajjati] to lie down (to sleep) D.I,246; A.IV,332; J.I,150; DhA.I,40; PvA.280; aor. nipajji J.I,279; II,154; III,83; VvA.75, 76; PvA.74, 75, 93; ger. nipajja J.I,7 (V.44: °ṭṭhānacaṅkama). -- Caus. nipajjāpeti to lay down, deposit J.I,50, 253, 267; III,26, 188; DhA.I,50; VvA.76 (°etvā rakkhāpetha). Cp. abhi°. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+pad去+ya), 躺下,睡。【过】nipajji。【过分】nipanna。【现分】nipajjanta。【独】nipajja, nipajjiya, nipajjitvā。【使】nipajjāpeti。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 聪明的,审慎的,明智的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】聪明的,审慎的,明智的。Vism.3.︰Nipakoti nepakkaṁ vuccati paññā.(聪明︰审慎名为慧。) CpA.2-4.(CS:p.132)︰Nipakāti paññavanto. (聪明︰具有智慧。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. BSk. nipaka chief, fr. Sk. nipa, chief, master] intelligent, clever, prudent, wise S.I,13, 52, 187; M.I,339; A.I,165 (+jhāyin); III,24, 138; Sn.45≈Dh. 328≈DhA.I,62; Sn.283, 962, 1038; Nd2 349 (=jātimā) =Nd1 478; Bu I.49; Vbh.426; Miln.34, 342, 411; Vism.3 (defn). (Page 359)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at Vin.I,200 read nippakka. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pp.) (Com. reading for vipalāvita text) [Sk. viplāvita, see plavati] made to swim, immersed, thrown into water J.I,326. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nipajjati] lying down J.I,151, 279; II,103; III,276 (°kāle while he was asleep), IV.167; PvA.43, 75, 265 (spelt nippanna, opp. nikujja). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '参考 nipajjati。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nipajjati的【过分】), 躺下,睡。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.)=nipanna Ps.II,209; J.I,151. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + pat + a), 跌倒,倒塌下来。 【过】 nipati。 【过分】 nipatita。【独】 ~titvā。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nipatati, ni+patati] 1. (intrs.) to fall down, fly down, descend, go out Vin.II,192 (Bhagavato pādesu sirasā n. bending his head at the feet of Bh.); PvA.60 (id.); J.I,278; V,467 (nippatissāmi=nikkhamissāmi Com.) Pv.II,89 (v. l. BB parivisayitvā)=nikkhamitvā PvA.109 (cp. nippatati). -- 2. (trs.) to bring together, to convene, in nipatāmase (pres. subj.) “shall we convene? “ J.IV,361. See also nipadāmase. -- Cp. abhi°, san°. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+pat+a)(Sk. nipatati), 跌倒,倒塌下来。【过】nipati。【过分】nipatita。【独】nipatitvā。yaṁ nūnāhaṁ catukuṇḍiko nipatitvā﹐我宁可四(肢)弯曲(身体)倒地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+prabhā] without splendour J.II,415; Miln.102. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 没有光彩壮丽的,无光彩的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】没有光彩壮丽的,无光彩的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】包括一切的,不留下任何部分。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 包括一切的,不留下任何部分。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. *niṣpradesa, nis+padesa] only in Instr. & Abl.=separately DhsA.2, 30, 37, 297. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(?) at S.I,225 read nipphādā (q. v.). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '& Nipphajjati [Sk. niṣpadyate, nis+pajjati] to be produced, be accomplished, spring forth, ripen, result, happen DhA.II,4 (pph); PvA.19 (=upakappati), 71 (phalaṁ ijjhati n.), 120 (id.). pp. nipphanna. See also nipphādeti & nipphatti etc.; cp. also abhi°. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】煮沸的,沏或泡(茶、药等)的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 煮沸的,沏或泡(茶、药等)的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+pakka] boiled, infused Vin.I,200. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+pakāra 2] of no flavour, tasteless, useless J.I,340. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+palibodha] without hindrances, unobstructed Miln.11. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无谷壳的,无废话的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+palāpa] free from prattle or talk, not talking A.II,183 (apalāpa+; v. l. °palāsa). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无谷壳的,无废话的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see nipanna & nipphanna. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无污秽的,无散播的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无污秽的,无散播的,无戏论的。SA.44.9./III,112.︰Taṇhā-māna-diṭṭhi- papañcānaṁ abhāvena nippapañcaṁ.(渴爱、慢、习邪见的戏论消失称为‘无戏论’。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+papañca] free from diffuseness S.IV,370; Dh.254 (Tathāgata); °ārāma not fond of delay M.I,65 (Neumann trsl. I.119: “dem keine Sonderheit behagt”); A.III,431; IV,229 sq.; Miln.262. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni(nis)+pariyāya),【形】1.无有残余(nippariyāyena not figuratively不(能)指出)。2.不能改变(unchangeable, not to be turned)。AA.9.42./IV,206.︰Nippariyāyenāti na ekena kāraṇena, atha kho āsavakkhayo nāma sabbasambādhānaṁ pahīnattā sabbena sabbaṁ okāsādhigamo nāmāti.(无一可将︰那时无有任一因素不漏尽,名为断除一切‘愦乱’,证得所有一切空(SA.2.7./I,106.:空间(okāsaṁ),指禅那)之谓。) SA.2.7./I,106.:「两种愦乱︰五盖愦乱、五欲愦乱。五欲乃至非想非非想处,皆为世尊所说之‘愦乱’(紧绷)。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[nis+pariyāya] 1. without distinction or difference, absence of explanation or demonstration DhsA.317 (°ena not figuratively), 403 (°desanā); VvA.320. -- 2. unchangeable, not to be turned Miln.113, 123, 212. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 没有区别的,无差别的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '& Nipphatati [nis+patati] to fall out; rush out, come forth, go out from (c. Abl.) Vin.II,151 (nipphaṭati, v. l. nippaṭati); J.V,467 (=nikkhamati Com.; or is it nipatati?). -- ger. nippacca (cp. BSk. nirpatya AvŚ I.209). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+patta] 1. without wings, plucked (of a bird) Vin.IV,259. -- 2. without leaves J.III,496 (=patita-patta); SnA 117 (°puppha). -- Note nippatta at Dhs.1035 is to be read as nibbatta. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see nipphatti. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+pañña] unwise, foolish PvA.40, 41 (=dummati). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. nispesa clashing against, bounce, shock, nis+pis)﹐欺骗者(one who performs jugglery, a juggler)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. niṣpeṣa clashing against, bounce, shock, niṣ+piṣ] one who performs jugglery, a juggler D.I,8 (=nippeso sīlaṁ etesan ti DA.I,91); A.III,111. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. prec.] jugglery, trickery (cp. Kern, Toev. p. 176) Vbh.353 (expld at Vism.29); Miln.383. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】nipphatti,【阴】结果,效果,成就。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) (or °nā f. ?) [n. abstr. fr. nipp(h)ajjati] resulting, procedure, achievement, plot J.IV,83. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 Nipphatti, 【阴】 结果,效果,成就。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni + pad + ya), 被生产,往前跳,产生,发生。 【过】 ~jji。 【过分】 nipphanna。 【现分】 ~jamāna。 【独】 ~jitvā。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see nippajjati. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+pad去+ya), 被生产,往前跳,产生,发生,赚。【过】nipphajji。【过分】nipphanna。【现分】nipphajjamāna。【独】nipphajjitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+phala] without fruit, barren in not without fruit, i. e. amply rewarded (dāyaka, the giver of good gifts) Pv.I,42; 55, PvA.194; Sdhp.504. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无结果的,无用的,徒然的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无结果的,无用的,徒然的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣphārita, pp. of nipphaleti, nis+ phaleti] broken out, split open J.I,493 (lasī=nikkhantā Com.; v. l. nipphaḷita). (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nippajjati] accomplished, perfected, trained S.I,215 (°sobhin, spelt nippanna); J.IV,39 (°sippa master of the art, M.A.); DhA.III,285 (sasse); DhsA.316; in phil. determined, conditioned Kvu XI.7; XXIII,5; Vism.450; Pts. of Controversy, 395. Cp. abhi°, pari°. See also Cpd. 156, 157. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '﹐【中】完成色(1.地界、2.水界、3.火界、4.风界、5.眼净色、6.耳净色、7.鼻净色、8.舌净色、9.身净色、10.颜色、11.声、12.香、13.味、14.女根色、15.男根色、16.心所依处(心色)、17.命根色、18.食素、*触(=地、火、风)),它们拥有自性,适合作为观禅的目标。【反】:anipphannarūpa﹐【中】不完成色。Vibhv.PTS:p.153︰Kakkhaḷattādinā attano attano sabhāvena upalabbhanato sabhāvarūpaṁ nāma. Uppādādīhi, aniccatādīhi vā lakkhaṇehi sahitanti salakkhaṇaṁ. Paricchedādibhāvaṁ vinā attano sabhāveneva kammādīhi paccayehi nipphannattā nippharūpaṁ nāma.(具有(如)石头带有‘硬’等自己的自性,为‘有自性色’。附带产生无常等相,为‘有相’。区分、分别自己的以有自性完成业缘的状态,为‘完成色’。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. niṣpatti] result, accomplishment, effect, end, completion, perfection J.I,56, 335 (of dreams), 343, 456; IV,137 (sippe); VI,36; VvA.138 (sippa°); DhA.II,6 (import, meaning, of a vision); DhsA.354; PvA.122, 282 (sippe); Nett 54. Cp. abhi°. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nipphatti] having a result J.III,166 (evaṁ° of such consequence). (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 打。(p176)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+pothanā] beating S.IV,300 (v. l. ṭh.). Cp. nippothana. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】打。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + phuṭ + e), 打倒,窒息,压碎。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~ṭita。【现分】 ~ṭenta。 【独】 ~ṭetvā。(p176)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[nis+potheti] to beat down, smother, crush S.I,101, 102. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+phuṭ+e), 打倒,窒息,压碎。【过】nipphoṭesi。【过分】nipphoṭita。【现分】nipphoṭenta。【独】nipphoṭetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 产生的,生产者。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】产生的,生产者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nipphādeti] producing, accomplishing DhsA.47; PvA.147 (sukha --°ṁ puññaṁ). (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. niṣpādana, to nipphādeti] accomplishment Miln.356; DA.I,195. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 制造,成就。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】制造,成就。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[n. ag.=Sk. niṣpādayitṛ cp. nipphāditar] one who produces or gains S.I,225 (atthassa; read nipphādā, Nom. for nippadā). (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + pad + e), 生产,出示,完成。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~dita。【现分】 ~denta。 【独】 ~detvā。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Caus. of nippajjati] to bring forth, produce; accomplish, perform J.I,185 (lābhasakkāraṁ); V,81; Miln.299; VvA.32, 72 (grd. nipphādetabba, n. of ablative case); Sdhp.319, 426. -- pp. nipphādita. Cp. abhinipphādeti. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+pad去+e), 生产,出示,完成。【过】nipphādesi。【过分】nipphādita。【现分】nipphādenta。【独】nipphādetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'nipphādaka,【阳】生产者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'nipphādaka, 【阳】 生产者。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of nipphādeti] (having) produced, producing (perhaps=nipphāditar) VvA.113. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[n. ag. to nipphādeti, cp. nipphādar] one who produces or accomplishes PvA.8 (read “so nipphāditā” for sā nipphādikā). Cp. nipphādita and nipphādaka. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+phāṇita+tva] state of being free from sugar or molasses J.III,409. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+pipāsā] without thirst or desire Sn.56; Nd2 351. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无父的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无父的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *niṣpaitṛka=fatherless or *niṣprītika?] a bastard J.I,133 (v. l. nippītika q. v.). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+pothana of puth to crush] crushing, beating, destroying SnA 390. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】打,抖落。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 打,抖落。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 完全由女人组成的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】完全由女人组成的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+purisa] 1. without men PvA.177. ‹-› 2. without men, executed by females (female devas) only (of turiyā=a female orchestra) Vin.I,15; D.II,21; J.V,506. Cp. M Vastu III,165 (niṣpuruṣena nāṭakena) & AvŚ I.321 (niṣpuruṣena tūryeṇa; see also note in Index p. 229), whereas Divy 3 (see Index) has niṣparuṣa (soft), with v. l. niṣpuruṣa. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see nipphādeti. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无罪的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+pāpa] free from sin Sn.257=Dh.205. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无罪的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+pīti+ka] 1. free from (feelings of) enjoyment (characteristic of 3rd jhāna, q. v.) D.I,75; A.I,81. -- 2. being unloved, a foster child etc. (?) see nippitika. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+pīḷana] squeezing, pressing; a blow J.III,160. Cp. abhinippīḷanā. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nis+pīḷana),【中】压榨,压制产物(squeezing, pressing; a blow)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 压榨,压制出的物品。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+pīḷ虐待+e), 挤,压。【过】nippīḷesi。【过分】nippīḷita。【独】nippīḷetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + pīl + e), 挤,压。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~ḷita。 【独】 ~ḷetvā。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[nis+pīḷeti] to squeeze, press, clench, urge J.I,63, 223. Pass. nippīḷiyati, only in ppr. nippīḷiyamāna being urged Vin.II,303; VvA.138; PvA.31, 192. Cp. abhi°. (Page 361)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 聪明的,有技术的,多才多艺的。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nipuṇa, dial. for nipṛṇa, to pṛṇoti, pṛ] clever, skilful, accomplished; fine, subtle, abstruse D.I,26≈(n. gambhīra dhamma), 162 (paṇḍita+); M.I,487 (dhamma); S.I,33; IV,369; A.III,78; Sn.1126 (=gambhīra duddasa etc. Nd2 350); Vbh.426; Miln.233, 276; DA.I,117; VvA.73 (ariyasaccesu kusala+), 232; PvA.1, 16. Cp. abhinipuṇa. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】深妙的,聪明的,有技术的,多才多艺的。(AA.5.59-60.):nipuṇoti saṇho sukhumakāraṇaññū.(聪敏:做精致的、细腻的知者。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nipāka, ni+pāka (pacati)] full grown, fully developed, in full strength J.VI,327 (of a tree). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】动物常去饮水的地方,养牛等的水槽。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 动物常去饮水的地方,养牛等的水槽。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】落下,降下,无变化的虚词。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 落下,降下,无变化的虚词。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nipāta, ni+pāta, of nipatati] 1. falling down Dh.121 (udabindu°); VvA.279 (diṭṭhi°, a glance); PvA.45 (asa°). -- 2. descending M.I,453. -- 3. a particle, the gram. term for adverbs, conjunctions & interjections J.V,243 (assu); PvA.11 (mā), 26 (vo), 40 (taṁ), 50 (ca). -- 4. a section of a book (see next). Cp. vi°, san°. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [to nipāta] divided into sections or chapters Dpvs.IV,16. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 遭遇,卧倒(使倒下)。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [to nipatati] 1. falling upon DhA.I,295. ‹-› 2. going to bed VvA.71 (pacchā° opp. pubbuṭṭhāna). Cp. nipātin. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】遭遇,卧倒(使倒下)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni+pat落下+e), 让倒下,倒入。【过】nipātesi。【过分】nipātita。【现分】nipātenta。【独】nipātetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + pat + e), 让倒下,倒入。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 nipātita。 【现分】 ~tenta。 【独】 ~tetvā。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[ni+Caus. of patati] to let fall, throw down into (c. Loc.); bring to fall, injure; fig. cast upon, charge with D.I,91; M.I,453 (ayokaṭāhe); J.III,359; SnA 272; PvA.152 (bhūmiyaṁ). pp. nipātita corrupt, evil, wicked Vin.II,182 (caṇḍa+; text nippātita, v. l. nipphātita). (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [to nipatati] 1. falling or flying down, chancing upon Dh.35, 36 (yatthakāma° cittaṁ=yattha yattha icchati tattha tatth’eva nipatati DhA.I,295). ‹-› 2. going to bed D.I,60 (pacchā° going to bed late). ‹-› Cp. abhi°. (Page 360)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】遭遇的人,上床。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 遭遇的人,上床。(p175)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无麻烦的,无肿瘤的。【中】一个巨大的数位。【阳】尼剌部陀地狱(地狱的名字)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无麻烦的,无肿瘤的。 【中】 一个巨大的数字。 【阳】 尼剌部陀地狱(地狱的名字)。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (m. nt.) [cp. BSk. nirarbuda & abbuda 3] a vast number; also N. of a hell S.I,149=A.II,3=V.171 (expld at 173 as “seyyathā pi vīsati abbudā nirayā evam eko nirabbudo nirayo”); J.III,360 (Com.: vīsati abbudāni ekaṁ nirabbudaṁ). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (adj.) [nis+abbuda2] free from boils or tumours, healthy (also fig.) Vin.III,18 (of the Saṅgha). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
Nirabbuda niraya
{'def': '尼拉菩达地狱。', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '【形】无阻碍的,自由的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无阻碍的,自由的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(niraggaḷa) (adj.) [nis+aggala] unobstructed, free, rich in result S.I,76=It.21; A.II,43; IV,151; M.I,139; Sn.303; Nd2 284 Ca; Vv 6431 (=VvA.285). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+aggi+ka] without fire Miln.324 (°okāsa). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Pass. of nirajati, nis+ajati, Vedic nirajati to drive out cattle] to be thrown out, to be expelled, to lose (with Abl.) J.VI,502, 503 (raṭṭhā); v. l. BB nirajhati; Com. ni(g)gacchati; Th.2, 93 (aor. nirajji ‘haṁ=na jānim ahaṁ ThA, 90. Kern (wrongly) proposes reading virajjhi). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】连续的,无间断的。nirantaraṁ,【副】总是,不断地。S.55.21./V,369.︰ākiṇṇamanussanti nirantaramanussaṁ.(人群布满︰人潮汹涌。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+antara] having no interval, continuous, uninterrupted PvA.135. Usually in nt. as adv. nirantaraṁ always, incessantly, constantly; immediately, at once DhsA.168; PvA.52, 80, 107, 110 (=satataṁ), 120; DhA.I,13. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 连续的,无间断的。 ~raŋ, 【副】 总是,不断地。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 无罪行的,清白的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+aparādha] without offence, guiltless, innocent J.I,264. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无罪行的,清白的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'nirapekkha, 【形】 无关紧要的,不注意的,不顾的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'nirapekkha,【形】无关紧要的,不注意的,不顾的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+apa+īkṣ] not heeding, unsuspecting, disregarding, indifferent, reckless VvA.27, 47 (jīvitaṁ); PvA.62; DA.I,177; Miln.343 (jīvitaṁ). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+asana2] without food or subsistence, poor J.IV,128. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. nirasyati, nis+assati, as to throw] to throw off, despise, neglect Sn.785, 954; Nd1 76 (so read for nidassati, v. l. SS nir°), 444; SnA 522. -- pp. niratta2. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+assāda] without taste, insipid, dull Vism.135. Cp. nirāsāda. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 没有味道的,无味的,迟钝的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】没有味道的,无味的,迟钝的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】喜欢的,执著的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of niramati] fond of, attached to (-°) S.I,133; DA.I,250; PvA.5 (duccarita°), 89, 161 (hitakaraṇa°). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 喜欢的,执着的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 (adj.) [Sk. nirasta, pp. of nirasyati, see nirassati] rejected, thrown off, given up Sn.1098; Nd2 359. ‹-› Note. At Sn.787, 858, 919 the interpretation of Nd1 82= 248=352 and also Bdhgh assume a cpd. of nis+attan (=nirātman): see niratta1. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (adj.-nt.) [Sk. *nirātman, nis+attan] soulless; view of soullessness or unsubstantiality; thus interpreted (in preference to niratta2) by Com. on Sn.787, 858, 919. See foll. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+attha] useless, groundless, unproficient, vain (opp. sāttha profitable) Sn.582 (nt. as adv.), 585 (niratthā paridevanā); Dh.41; J.III,26; PvA.18 (°bhāva uselessness), 83 (=duḥ). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'niratthaka,【形】无用的,不精通的,徒然的。niratthakaṁ,【副】徒然。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'niratthaka, 【形】 无用的,不精通的,徒然的。 ~kaŋ, 【副】 徒然。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.)=nirattha; VvA.324; PvA.18, 40, 63, 102 etc. -- f. °ikā ThA.258; Miln.20; Sdhp.68. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+avasesa] without remainder, complete, inclusive Nett 14, 15, cp. Miln.91, 182. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 包含的,无剩余物的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】包含的,无剩余物的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[BSk. niraya, nis+aya of i=to go asunder, to go to destruction, to die, cp. in meaning Vedic nirṛti. The popular etym. given by Dhammapāla at PvA.53 is “n’atthi ettha ayo sukhan ti”=there is no good; that given by Bdhgh at Vism.427 “n’atthi ettha assādasaññito ayo” (no refreshment)] purgatory, hell, a place of punishment & torture, where sin is atoned (i. e. kamma ripens=paccati, is literally boiled) by terrible ordeals (kāraṇāni) similar to & partly identical with those of Hades & Tartarus. There are a great number of hells, of which the most fearful is the Avīcimahāniraya (see Avīci). Names of other purgatories occur frequently in the Jātaka collection, e. g. Kākola VI,247; Khuradhāra V,269 sq.; Dhūma-roruva V,271; Patāpana V,266, 271, 453; Paduma IV.245; Roruva III,299; V,266; VI,237; Saṅghāta V,266; Sañjīva ibid.; Sataporisa V,269; Sattisūla V,143. As the principal one n. is often mentioned with the other apāyas (states of suffering), viz. tiracchānayoni (animal world) & pittivisaya (the manes), e. g. at Nd1 489; Nd2 517, 550; Pv IV.11; ThA.282; PvA.27 sq. (see apāya). -- There is a great variety of qualifying adjectives connected with niraya, all of which abound in notions of fearful pain, awful misery & continuous suffering, e. g. kaṭuka, ghora, dāruṇa, bhayānaka, mahābhitāpa, sattussada etc. -- Descriptions of N. in glowing terms of frightfulness are freq. found from the earliest books down to the late Peta-Vatthu, Pañcagati-dīpana & Saddhammopāyana. Of these the foll. may be quoted as characteristic: S.I,152 (10 nirayas); M.III,183; A.I,141; Sn.p. 126=A.V,173; Nd1 404 sq.=Nd2 304III,c; J.IV,4 (Mittavindaka); Vv 52 (Revatī); Pv.I,10; III,10; IV,1; 7; DhA.I,148. -- See on the whole subject, esp. L. Scherman, Materialen zur indischen Visionsliteratur, Leipzig 1792; & W. Stede, Die Gespenstergeschichten des Peta Vatthu, Leipzig 1914, pp. 33--39. -- References: Vin.I,227 (apāya duggati vinipāta niraya); D.I,82, 107 (id.); Vin.II,198 (yo kho saṅghaṁ bhindati kappaṁ nirayamhi paccati), 204; II,203=It.86; D.I,228 (+tiracchānayoni), 54 (read nirayasate for niriyasate); III,111; S.IV,126; V,356, 450; M.I,73, 285, 308, 334; II,86, 149, 186; III,166, 203, 209; A.IV,405; V,76, 182, 184; Sn.248 (patanti sattā nirayaṁ avaṁsirā), 333, 660 sq., 677 sq.; Dh.126, 140, 306, 311, 315; Th.1, 304 (adhammo nirayaṁ neti dhammo pāpeti suggatiṁ)=DhsA.38=DA.I,99 =DhA.I,22; Th.2, 456; It.12; J.IV,463; Pug.60; Ps.I,83 (Avīci°); Vbh.86, 337; Vism.102; Miln.148; DhA.I,22; III,71; Sdhp.7, 285. -- See also nerayika.

--gāmin (adj.) leading to purgatory (magga) Sn.277; --dukkha the pain of H. Sn.531; --pāla a guardian of P., a devil A.I,138, 141; M.III,179; Nd1 404; VvA.226. Names of guardians (after their complexion) e. g. Kāḷa (black) & Upakāḷa (blackish) J.VI,248. --bhaya the fear of P. J.I,168; Vism.392; --saṁvattanika conducive to P. Nd1 489. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(BSk. niraya, nis+aya of i=to go asunder, to go to destruction, to die, cp. in meaning Vedic nirrti),【阳】炼狱,地狱;又译为泥梨、不乐、可厌、苦具、苦器、无有,众生由罪业而招感的极苦处所。nirayagāmī,【形】导致地狱的。nirayadukkha,【中】地狱的痛苦。nirayapāla,【阳】地狱卒。nirayabhaya,【中】地狱的恐惧。nirayasaṁvattanika,【形】有助於地狱的。apāyaṁ duggatiṁ vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ uppajjeyya(当生於无幸处、恶趣、险难处、地狱。) yena samannāgato ariyasāvako ākaṅkhamāno attanāva attānaṁ byākareyya-- ‘Khīṇanirayo’mhi khīṇatiracchānayoni khīṇapettivisayo khīṇāpāyaduggativinipāto, sotāpanno’ham asmi avinipātadhammo niyato sambodhiparāyaṇo’ti?(於具足的圣声闻,可依自己的愿望各自能宣布:『我是地狱已灭,畜生胎已灭、饿鬼境界已灭及无幸处、恶趣、险难处(无幸处、恶趣、险难处都是地狱的同义词)已灭,我是须陀洹果,(住)不退转法,确信注定要正菩提。』) (《长部》D.16./II,93~4.;CS:p.2.79~80)。cf. naraka﹐那落迦。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 炼狱,地狱。 ~gāmī, 【形】 导致地狱的。 ~dukkha, 【中】地狱的痛苦。 ~pāla, 【阳】 地狱卒。 ~bhaya, 【中】 地狱的恐惧。~saŋvattanika, 【形】 有助于地狱的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'nirākaroti (ni+ā+kar行+o)(Sk. nirākaroti), 拒绝,忽视(o think little of, despise, neglect, disregard, repudiate; throw away, ruin, destroy)。【过】niraṅkari。【过分】niraṅkata。【独】niraṅkatvā。It 83 (nirākare); pp. anirākata (a + nirākata)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(& nirākaroti) [Sk. nirākaroti, nis+ā kṛ] to think little of, despise, neglect, disregard, repudiate; throw away, ruin, destroy Th.1, 478; It.83 (nirākare); J.III,280=V.498; IV,302; Pv III,96 (=chaḍḍeti pajahati PvA.211); VvA.109. -- pp. (a)nirākata It.39. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'nirākaroti (ni + ā + kar + o), 拒绝,忽视。 【过】 ~kari。 【过分】~kata。 【独】 ~katvā。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无燃料的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无燃料的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+indhana] without fuel (of fire), ThA.148 (aggi); DhA.I,44 (jātaveda). Nirīha(ka) (adj.) [nis+īha] inactive, motionless, without impulse ThA.148 (°ka); Miln.413 (+nijjīvata); Vism.484, 594 sq. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+iñjanā, fr. iñjati] not moving, stable, unshaken Vism.377 (=acala, āneñja). (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 灭,停止,最终的真理。 ~dhamma, 【形】 灭法(会灭的事物)。 ~samāpatti, 【阴】 灭尽定。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni无+rodha牢狱, cf. Vism.495.),【阳】【中】灭,停止,最终的真理。nirodhadhamma,【形】灭法(会灭的事物)。nirodhadhātu,【阴】灭界。nirodhasamāpatti,【阴】灭尽定,又称为「灭受想定」(nirodha-vedayita-samāpatti) 。经中说:“saññāvedayitanirodhaṁ samāpannassa saññā ca vedanā ca vūpasantā honti.” (入想.受灭定者,想、受皆止息)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '灭;灭尽;制止', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '[BSk. nirodha, to nirundhati, cp. nirujjhati & niruddha] oppression, suppression; destruction, cessation, annihilation (of senses, consciousness, feeling & being in general: saṅkhārā). Bdhgh’s expln of the word is: “ni-saddo abhāvaṁ, rodha-saddo ca cārakaṁ dīpeti Vism.495. -- N. in many cases is synonymous with nibbāna & parinibbāna; it may be said to be even a stronger expression as far as the active destruction of the causes of life is concerned. Therefore frequently combd with nibbāna in formula “sabbasaṅkhāra-samatho . . . virāgo nirodho nibbānaṁ,” e. g. S.I,136; It.88. Nd2 s. nibbāna (see nibbāna III,6). Also in combn with nibbidā, e. g. S.III,48, 223; III,163 sq.; V,438. -- The opposite of nirodha is samudaya, cp. formula “yaṁ kiñci samudaya-dhammaṁ sabban taṁ nirodha-dhammaṁ” e. g. Nd2 under saṅkhārā & passim. (a) Vin.I,1, 10; D.II,33, 41, 57 sq., 112; III,130 sq., 136 sq., 226 sq.; J.I,133; II,9 sq., 223; III,59 sq., 163; V,438; M.I,140, 263, 410; A.I,299; IV,456 (=āsavānaṁ parikkhaya); Th.2, 6 (=kilesanirodha ThA.13), 158; It.46=Sn.755 (nirodhe ye vimuccanti te janā maccuhāyino); It.62=Sn.754; Sn.731, 1037; Ps.I,192; II,44 sq., 221; Pug.68; Vbh.99 sq., 229; Nett 14, 16 sq.; Vism.372; VvA.63; PvA.220 (jīvitassa). -- (b) (as-°): anupubba° D.III,266; A.IV,409, 456; abhisaññā° D.I,180; asesavirāga° S.II,4, 12; IV,86; V,421 sq.; A.I,177; II,158, 161; upādāna° S.III,14; kāma° A.III,410 sq.; jāti° S.IV,86; taṇhā° D.III,216; dukkha° D.III,136; S.III,32, 60; IV,4 sq., 14, 384; A.I,177; nandi° S.III,14; IV,36; bhava° (=nibbāna) S.II,117; III,14; A.V,9; Ps.I,159; sakkāya° D.III,240; S.V,410; A.II,165 sq.; III,246, 325 sq.; V,238 sq.; saññāvedayita° D.III,262, 266; S.IV,217, 293 sq.; V, 213 sq.; A.I,41; III,192; IV,306; V,209.

--dhamma subject to destruction, able to be destroyed, destructible (usually in formula of samudaya-dhamma, see above) Vin.I,11; D.I,110; S.IV,47, 107, 214; M.III,280; A.V,143 sq.; --dhammatā liability to destruction S.IV,217; --dhātu the element or condition of annihilation, one of the 3 dhātus, viz. rūpa, arūpa° n°. D.III,215; It.45; Nett 97; --saññā perception or consciousness of annihilation D.III,251 sq., 283; A.III,334; --samāpatti attainment of annihilation Ps.I,97, 100; Miln.300; Vism.702. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+rudh成长+e), 破坏,溶解,歼灭。【过】nirodhesi。【过分】nirodhita。【独】nirodhetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + rudh + e), 破坏,溶解,歼灭。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ni-rodhita。 【独】 ~dhetvā。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[denom. fr. nirodha] to oppress, destroy Vism.288 (in expln of passambheti). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nirodha] obstructing, destroying It.82 (paññā°), cp. M.I,115. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】健康的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 健康的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see nīroga. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】没有味道的,无树液的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+oja] tasteless, insipid J.II,304; III,94; VI,561. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 没有味道的,无树液的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 无水的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+udaka] without water, waterless M.I,543; Nd2 630. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无水的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nirujjhati 的【过分】), 已停止,已不再存在。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(pp.) [pp. of nirundhati, cp. nirujjhati] expelled, destroyed; vanished, ceased S.III,112; Dhs.1038. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nirujjhati 的【过分】), 已不再存在。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】停止,消失。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 停止,熔化。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Pass. of nirundhati (nirodhati) ni+rundhati] to be broken up, to be dissolved, to be destroyed, to cease, die Vin.I,1; D.I,180 sq., 215; II,157; S.III,93 (aparisesaṁ); IV,36 sq., 60, 98, 184 sq.; 294, 402; V,213 sq.; A.III,165 sq. (aparisesaṁ); V,139 sq.; J.I,180; Pug.64; Sdhp.606. -- pp. niruddha. Cp. nirodha. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + rudh + ya), 停止,解散,消失。 【过】 ~jjhi。 【过分】niruddha。 【独】 ~jhitvā。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+rudh成长+ya)(pass. of nirundhati (nirodhati)), 被止灭,停止,解散,消失。【过】nirujjhi。【过分】niruddha。【独】nirujjhitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. ? Trenckner, Notes p. 59 ni+rudh (?)] to suppress, hush, silence J.I,62 (text nirumhitvā, v. l. SS nirumbhitvā, cp. san-nirumhitvā VvA.217). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see nirujjhati, niruddha, nirodha & nirodheti. Cp. parirundhati. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Nirodhati, 止灭,停止,解散,消失。see nirujjhati, niruddha, nirodha & nirodheti. Cp. parirundhati.。【被】nirujjhati。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】无害处的,安心的,没有不幸之事的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+upaddava] without affliction or mishap, harmless, secure, happy J.IV,139; PvA.262 (sotthi). (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无害处的,安心的,没有不幸之事的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 无激情的,无执着的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) (in verse always nirūpadhi) [nis+upadhi, cp. upadhīka] free from passions or attachment, desireless, controlled Vin.II,156; S.I,194 (vippamutta+); IV.158; A.I,80, 138 (sītibhūta+); Dh.418 (id.); Th.1, 1250; 2, 320 (vippamutta+; expld by niddukkha ThA.233); It.46, 50, 58, 62; Sn.33, 34, 642 (sītibhūta+); Pv IV.134; DhA.IV,225 (=nirupakkilesa); PvA.230. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无激情的,无执著的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+upaghāta] not hurt, not injured or set back Miln.130. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+upakāra] useless J.II,103. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+upama] without comparison, incomparable SnA 455 (=atitula). (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无比的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无比的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+upatāpa] not harassed (burnt) or afflicted (by pain or harm) Th.2, 512. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+ussukka], careless, unconcerned, indifferent to (c. Loc.) ThA.282. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. nirucchvāsa, nis+ussāsa] breathless J.III,416; IV,121, cp. VI,197; VI,82. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 不可回答的,没有答复的,没有长者的人,最贵族的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】不可回答的,没有答覆的,没有长者的人,最贵族的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+uttara] making no reply PvA.117. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. nirukti, nis+vac] one of the Vedāṅgas (see chaḷaṅga), expln of words, grammatical analysis, etymological interpretation; pronunciation, dialect, way of speaking, expression Vin.II,139 (pabbajitā . . . sakāya niruttiyā Buddhavacanaṁ dūsenti); D.I,202 (loka°, expression); M.III,237 (janapada°); S.III,71 (tayo n-pathā); A.II,160 (°paṭisambhidā); III,201; Dh.352 (°padakovida=niruttiyañ ca sesapadesu cā ti catūsu pi paṭisambhidāsu cheko ti attho DhA.IV,70; i. e. skilled in the dialect or the original language of the holy Scriptures); Ps.I,88 sq.; II,150 (°paṭisambhidā); Nd2 563; Dhs.1307; Nett 4, 8, 33, 105; Miln.22; Vism.441; SnA 358; PvA.97. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 语言,语言学。 ~paṭisambhidā, 【阴】 分析方言的知识,分析语言学的知识。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】语言,语言学。niruttipaṭisambhidā,【阴】分析方言的知识,分析语言学的知识。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. nirūḍha, pp. of niruhati] grown, risen; usual, customary, common VvA.108. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+ādīnava] not beset with dangers, not in danger, unimperilled Vin.III,19. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āhāra] without food, not eating, fasting J.IV,225; Sdhp.389. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无食物的,禁食的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无食物的,禁食的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see niraṅkaroti. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】不困惑的,无扰乱的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+ākula] unconfused, clear, calm, undisturbed J.I,17 (v. 94). (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 不困惑的,无扰乱的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】不支援的,无根据的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 不支持的,无根据的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+ālamba] unsupported Miln.295 (ākāsa). (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+ālaya] houseless, homeless Miln.244 (=aniketa). At DhA.IV,31 as expln of appossukka. ‹-› f. abstr. nirālayatā homelessness Miln.162, 276, 420. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无欲望的,不管,无房子的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无欲望的,不管,无房子的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āma, cp. nirāmaya] healthy, undepraved, without sin, virtuous Sn.251, 252 (°gandha= nikkilesayoga SnA 293), 717 (id.=nikkilesa SnA 499). (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无病痛的,健康的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āmaya] not ill, healthy, good, without fault PvA.164. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nir无+āmisa财、味、利益),【形】无肉的,无欲望的,无染的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无肉的,无欲望的,无实质性的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āmisa] having no meat or prey; free from sensual desires, disinterested, not material S.I,35, 60; IV,219, 235; V,68, 332; A.III,412; D.III,278; Vbh.195; Vism.71; Sdhp.475, 477. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+ārambha] without objects (for the purpose of sacrificing), i. e. without the killing of animals (of yañña) S.I,76; A.II,42 sq. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】不杀害动物的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 不杀害动物的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āsā] not hungry, not longing for anything, desireless S.I,12, 23, 141; A.I,107 sq.; Sn.1048 (anigha+), 1078 (id.); Nd2 360; Pug.27; Pv IV.133 (=nittaṇha PvA.230). See also amama. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无欲望的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无欲望的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [adj. to pp. āsatta1 with nis] not hanging on to, not clinging or attached to (c. Loc.) Sn.851 (=nittaṇha SnA 549); Nd1 221. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āsava] without intoxication, undefiled, sinless ThA.148. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āsaya, fr. śri] without (outward) support, not relying on (outward) things, without (sinful) inclinations Sn.56 (: Nd2 360 b reads nirāsasa), 369, 634, 1090 (Nd2 361 reads nirāsaṁsa); Dh.410; DhA.IV,185 (v. l. BB nirāsāsa; expld by nittaṇha). (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无愿的,无期待的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āsaṁsa, śaṁs] without wishes, expectations or desires, desireless Sn.1090 (Nd2 reading for nirāsaya); Nd2 361 (cp. DhA.IV,185 nirāsāsa= *nirāsaṁsa, v. l. for nirāsaya). (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无愿的,无期待的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】无怀疑的,无疑的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无怀疑的,无疑的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+āsaṅkā] without apprehension, unsuspicious, not doubting J.I,264; Vism.180. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. nirāsaṅka] the not hesitating J.VI,337. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+assāda] tasteless, yielding no enjoyment Th.1, 710. Cp. nirassāda. (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无病痛的,健康的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无病痛的,健康的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+ātaṅka] healthy Miln.251 (of paddy). (Page 370)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nṛ+ṛṣabha, cp. usabha. On relation of usabha: vasabha: nisabha see SnA 40] “bull among men,” i. e. prince, leader; “princeps,” best of men; Ep. of the Buddha S.I,28, 48, 91; M.I,386; J.V,70; VI,526; Vv 167 (isi°), cp. VvA.83 for expln; Vv 637 (isi°=ājānīya VvA.262). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】领导公牛,人类之中最好的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 领导公牛,人类之中最好的人。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】磨石(磨辣椒)。nisadapota,【阳】磨石杖(印度人磨辣椒用的磨石,下一块是大平石台,上一块是石杖,形如擀面杖)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 磨石(磨辣椒)。 ~pota, 【阳】 磨石杖(印度人磨辣椒用的磨石,下一块是大平石台,上一块是石杖,形如擀面杖)。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '& Nisadā (f.) [Sk. dṛṣad f.; for n: d cp. P. nijjuha= Sk. dātyūha etc.] a grindstone, esp. the understone of a millstone Vin.I,201; (°pota id.); Miln.149; Vism.252 (°pota, where KhA at id. p. reads °putta). Cp. ā°. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(& Nissagga) [ni or nis+sṛj] giving forth, bestowing; natural state, nature S.I,54 (°ss°). Cp. nisaṭṭha. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nisīdati 的【独】), 已坐下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nisīdati 的【独】), 已坐下。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[sic MSS. for niss°; Sk. niḥsarjayati, nis+sajjeti, Caus. of sṛj] to spend, bestow, give, give up PvA.105 (dānûpakaraṇā nisajjesi read better as °karaṇǡni sajjesi). See also nissajjati. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】坐下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. *niṣadyā of ni sad] sitting down, opportunity for sitting, seat Pv IV.12 (seyyā+); J.I,217; PvA.24 (°ādipaṭikkhepa-ṭṭhāna), 219 (pallaṅkâbhujanādi-lakkhaṇā nisajjā). Cp. nesajjika. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 坐下。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nisāmeti 的【独】), 已考虑。 【副】 体贴地。~kārī, 【形】 体贴地行动。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nisāmeti 的【独】), 已考虑。【副】体贴地。nisammakārī,【形】体贴地行动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adv.) [orig. ger. of nisāmeti, Sk. niśamya, śam] carefully, considerately, observing Sn.54; Nd2 367= 481 b (=sutvā). Esp. in phrase n.--kārin acting considerately Dh.24 (=DhA.I,238); J.III,106; VI,375; Miln.3; cp. n. kiriyāya Miln.59. Cp. nisanti. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. *niśānti, ni+śam] careful attention or observation A.II,97; III,201; IV,15 (dhamma°), 36 (id.), 296; V,166 (dhamma°); Dpvs.I,53 (°kāra). Cp. nisamma & nisāmeti. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. ni-saṁskṛti, ni+saṁ+kṛ] deposit (of merit or demerit), accumulation, effect (of kamma) Sn.953 (=Nd1 442 abhisaṅkhārā). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pp.) [nis+saṭṭha of sṛj] given up, spent, lost Th.2, 484 (v. l. °ss°); ThA.286 (=pariccatta). Cp. nisajjeti & nisagga. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. ni+sedh] holding back, restraining; prevention, prohibition Dh.389; DhA.IV,148; hirī° restrained by shame S.I,168=Sn.462; Dh.143. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】nisedhana,【中】预防,禁令,抑制。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 Nisedhana, 【中】 预防,禁令,抑制。 ~dhaka, 【形】 禁止,避免者,阻隔者。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(‹nisedha)﹐【形】禁止的,避免者,阻隔者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nisedha] prohibiting, restraining; one who prohibits, an obstructer J.II,220. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) (abstr. to nisedheti) 避免,禁止,避开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. to nisedheti] refusing, refusal, prohibition Miln.180 (a°). (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Caus. of ni+sedh] to keep off, restrain, prohibit, prevent S.I,121 (nisedha, imper.); J.III,83, 442; ThA.250; VvA.105 (nirayûpapattiṁ). -- Cp. nisedha. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+sedh+e), 避免,禁止,避开,绝灭。【过】nisedhesi。【过分】nisedhita。【现分】nisedhenta。【义】nisedhetabba。【独】nisedhetvā。nisedhiya。cp.imper.nisedha.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + sidh + e), 避免,禁止,避开。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~dhita。【现分】 ~dhenta。 【潜】 ~dhetabba。 【独】 ~dhetvā。 ~dhiya。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 1. 结交。 2. 使用。 3. 练习。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】1.结交。2.使用。3.练习。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt. also --ā f.) [Sk. niṣevana, cp. nisevati] practising, enjoying; pursuit Pug.20, 24; Sdhp.406. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+sev+a), 交往,追求,沉迷於。【过】nisevi。【过分】nisevita。【独】nisevitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + sev + a), 交往,追求,沉迷于。【 过】 nisevi。【 过分】 nisevita。【独】 ~vitvā。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[ni+sev] to resort to, practise, pursue, follow, indulge in J.II,106; Sn.821 (=Nd1 157); Pv.II,319 (=karoti PvA.87); Miln.359. -- pp. nisevita. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nisevati] frequented, practised, enjoyed, indulged in M.I,178; Sdhp.373. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nisīdati 的【过分】) 已坐下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣanna, pp. of nisīdati] sitting down, seated J.I,50, 255; III,126; KhA 250; PvA.11, 16, 39 & passim. -- Often combd & contrasted with tiṭṭhaṁ (standing), caraṁ (walking) & sayaṁ (sayāna; lying down), e. g. at Sn.151, 193; It.82. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nisīdati 的【过分】)。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 坐下。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.)=nisinna; M.I,333; J.I,163; DhA.III,175. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】坐下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 锐利的,磨了的,削尖的。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niśita, ni+pp. of śā to whet] sharp M.I,281 (āvudhajāta pīta°?); J.IV,118 (su°); VvA.233; PvA.155, 192, 213. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】锐利的,磨了的,削尖的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ni+siñcati] to besprinkle Mhvs VII.8. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】沉默的,无声的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 沈默的,无声的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+sadda] noiseless, soundless, silent J.I,17 (V.94); DhA.III,173. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】放弃。nissaggiya,【形】【阳】应该被拒绝的,应该被放弃的。nissaggiyaṁ pācittiyaṁ, 舍忏(应该被舍弃,然后忏悔)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 放弃。 ~ggiya, 【形】 应该被拒绝的,应该被放弃的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *niḥsārgya grd. of nis+sajjeti, not= Sk. naisargika] to be given up, what ought to be rejected or abandoned Vin.I,196, 254; III,195 sq. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+saj +a), 放弃,解放。【过】nissaji。【过分】nissaṭṭha。【独】nissajja, nissajitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + saj + a), 放弃,解放。 【过】 nissaji。 【过分】 nissaṭṭha。 【独】nissajja, ~jitvā。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[nis+sajjati, sṛj. See also nisajjeti] to let loose, give up, hand over, give, pour out Vin.II,188; ger. nissajja [Sk. niḥsṛjya] Sn.839 (v. l. nisajja); Nd1 189 (id.); SnA 545. pp. nisaṭṭha & nissaṭṭha (q. v.). Cp. nissaggiya & paṭi°. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹nis+sakkati=sakk), 离格(“going out from,” a name of the ablative case)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. nis+sakkati=sakk] “going out from,” ttg. a name of the ablative case J.V,498; VvA.152, 154, 180, 311; PvA.147, 221. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *niḥsarpana, nis+sakk, confused with sṛp, see Trenckner, Notes p. 60 & cp. apassakkati, o°, pari°] going out, creeping out; only in biḷāra° at D.II,83 (v. l. BB as gloss nikkhamana)+S.IV,194= A.V,195. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[ni+sama] exertion, endeavour J.V,243. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. nisyanda & nisyanda, ni+syand (梵syad), see sandati),【阳】1.一滴一滴地流下(flowing or trickling down, dropping,)。2.解除(discharge)。3.产生,结果(result, outcome, esp. effect of Kamma)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nisyanda & niṣyanda, ni+syand (syad), see sandati] flowing or trickling down; discharge, dropping, issue; result, outcome, esp. effect of Kamma A.III,32; J.I,31, 205, 426 (sarīra°); DhA.I,395; II,36, 86; VvA.14 (puñña-kammassa n-phala); PvA.47 (puññakammassa), 58 (id.); Miln.20. 117; Pgdp 102. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 产生,结果。 2. 解除,一滴一滴地流下。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+santāpa] without grief or selfmortification PvA.62. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[nis+sarati] to depart, escape from, be freed from (c. Abl.) A.I,260 (yasmā atthi loke nissaraṇaṁ tasmā sattā lokamhā nissaranti). -- pp. nissaṭa, grd. nissaraṇīya (q. v.); cp. also nissaraṇa & paṭi°. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + sar + a), 离开,逃。【 过】 ~sari。【 过分】 nissaṭa,【 独】 ~ritvā。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+sar(梵sr)动转+a),离开,逃(to depart, escape from, be freed from)。【过】nissari。【过分】nissaṭa,【独】nissaritvā。grd. nissaraṇīya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. niḥsaraṇa, to nis+sarati, cp. BSk. nissaraṇa giving up (?) AvŚ II.193] going out, departure; issue, outcome, result; giving up, leaving behind, being freed, escape (fr. saṁsāra), salvation Vin.I,104; D.III,240, 248 sq.; S.I,128, 142; II,5; III,170 (catunnaṁ dhātūnaṁ); IV,7 sq. (id.); V,121 sq.; A.I,258, 260; II,10 (kāmānaṁ etc.); III,245 sq.; IV,76 (uttariṁ); V,188; M.I,87 (kāmānaṁ), 326 (uttariṁ); III,25; It.37, 61; Ps.II,180, 244; Vbh.247; Vism.116; ThA.233; DhsA.164; Sdhp.579. Cp. nissaṭa & nissaraṇīya.

--dassin wise in knowing results, prescient, able to find a way to salvation S.IV,205; --pañña (adj.)=°dassin D.I,245 (a°); III,46; S.II,194; IV,332; A.V,178 (a°), 181 sq.; Miln.401. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 1. 外出,离开。 2. 逃脱。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】1.出离,离开,外出,脱。2.逃脱。SA.5.1./I,189.︰Nissaraṇanti nibbānaṁ.(脱离︰涅盘)。pañca nissaraṇīyā dhātuyo, 五出要界,指思惟欲(kāmaṁ)、瞋(byāpādaṁ)、害(vihesaṁ恼害)、色(rūpaṁ)、有身(sakkāyaṁ)之五种出离之要。(cf. A.5.200./III,245)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [grd. of nissarati, with relation to nissaraṇa] connected with deliverance, leading to salvation, able to be freed. The 3 n. dhātuyo (elements of deliverance) are nekkhamma (escape from cravings), āruppa (from existence with form), nirodha (from all existence), in detail at It.61 (kāmānaṁ n. nekkhammaṁ, rūpānaṁ n. āruppaṁ, yaṁ kiñci bhūtaṁ saṅkhataṁ n. nirodho). The 5 n-dh. are escape fr. kāma, vyāpāda, vihesā, rūpa, sakkāya: A.III,245; cp. A.I,99; III,290.

Note. The spelling is often nissāraṇīya, thus at Vin.IV,225; D.III,239 (the five n-dhātuyo), 247, 275. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Nissāraṇīya, (grd. of nissarati, with relation to nissaraṇa) ,【形】解脱,逐出(connected with deliverance, leading to salvation, able to be freed. The 3 n. dhātuyo (elements of deliverance) are nekkhamma (escape from cravings), āruppa (from existence with form), nirodha (from all existence), in detail at It.61 (kāmānaṁ n. nekkhammaṁ, rūpānaṁ n. āruppaṁ, yaṁ kiñci bhūtaṁ saṅkhataṁ n. nirodho)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】没有精神的(非佛教称:无灵魂的),无衆生的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *niḥsattva, nis+satta] powerless, unsubstantial; f. abstr. °tā absence of essence, unsubstantiality (see dhamma A) DhsA.38, 139, 263; cp. Dhs. trsl. pp. XXXIII, & 26. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 没有精神的(非佛教称:无灵魂的),无众生的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. niśraya, of ni+śri, corresp. in meaning to Sk. āśraya] that on which anything depends, support, help, protection; endowment, resource, requisite, supply; foundation, reliance on (Acc. or --°) Vin.I,58 (the four resources of bhikkhu, viz. piṇḍiyālopa-bhojanaṁ, paṁsukūla -- cīvaraṁ, rukkhamūla -- senāsanaṁ, pūtimuttabhesajjaṁ); II,274, 278; D.III,137, 141; A.I,117; III,271; IV,353; V,73; Sn.753, 877; Nd1 108 (two n.: taṇhā° & diṭṭhi°), 190, cp. Nd2 s. v.; Nd2 397A (the requisites of a bhikkhu in diff. enumeration); Ps.II,49 sq., 58 sq., 73 sq.; II,220; Nett 7, 65; Vism.12, 535. nissayaṁ karoti to rely on, to be founded on to take one’s stand in Sn.800. -- Cp. nissāya & nissita.

--kamma giving assistance or help, an (ecclesiastical) act of help or protection Vin.I,49, 143, 325; II,226; A.I,99; Pv IV.11 (so to be read at the 2 latter passages for niyassa°). --sampanna finding one’s strength in A.IV,353. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. niwraya, of ni+wri, corresp. in meaning to Sk. āwraya),【阳】依赖,支援,保护,依止(that on which anything depends, support, help, protection; endowment, resource, requisite, supply; foundation, reliance on),逐字注释或逐词对译。nissayaṁ karoti, 作依止(to rely on)。nissayakamma, 支援(giving assistance or help, an (ecclesiastical) act of help or protection)。nissayasampanna, finding one’s strength in A IV.353.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(and nissita) These two terms, in combination with taṇhā and diṭṭhi , belong probably, as such, to the commentarial literature, e.g. Vis.M. I.', 'xr': '《Buddhist Dictionary》 by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA'}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 支援。 2. 保护。 3. 任何事都要靠的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '﹐【过分】基础巩固。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. niśrayati, but in meaning=āśrayati, ni+ śri] to lean on, a foundation on, rely on, trust, pursue, Sn.798 (sīlabbataṁ; SnA 530=abhinivisati); VvA.83 (katapuññaṁ). Pass. nissīyati VvA.83. pp. nissita; ger. nissāya (q. v.). (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + si + ya), 倚靠,信赖,交往。 【过】 nissayi。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+si眠﹑卧+ya)(Sk. niwrayati, but in meaning=āwrayati, ni+ wri), 倚靠,信赖,交往。【过】nissayi。pass. nissīyat. pp. nissita; ger. nissāya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. to nissaya] dependence, requirement, resource Sn.856; Nd1 245. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+saṁsaya] having no doubt, free from doubt Miln.237. -- Acc. as adv. without doubt, undoubtedly Pv IV.81; DhA.I,106; PvA.95. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 不执着的,不自私的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】不执著的,不自私的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+saṅga] unattached, unobstructed, disinterested, unselfish Sdhp.371, 398, 411 etc.; Tikp 10; f. abstr. °tā disinterestedness J.I,46. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nissarati 的【过分】), 已从…出来,已拒绝,已解放。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nissarati 的【过分】), 已从…出来,已拒绝,已解放。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nis+sarati, sṛ] flown or come out from, appeared; let loose, free, escaped from S.III,31; IV,11 sq.; A.I,260; IV,430 (a°); V,151 sq.; J.III,530; VI,269; Nd2 under nissita; Ps.II,10 sq.; Miln.95, 225 (bhava°). See also nissaraṇa. Cp. abhi°. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nissajati 的【过分】), 已解散,已放弃,已移交。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nissajjati] dismissed, given up, left, granted, handed over, given Vin.III,197 (°cīvara); M.I,295; II,203; VvA.341. See also nisaṭṭha & paṭi°. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nissajati 的【过分】), 已解散,已放弃,已移交。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】整个的,全部。nissesaṁ,【副】完全地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 整个的,全部。 ~saŋ, 【副】 完全地。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+sesa] whole, entire; nt. Acc. as adv. nissesaṁ entirely, completely Nd2 533. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. nis+śri, orig. that which leans against, or leads to something, cp. Sk. śreṇī a row] a ladder, a flight of stairs D.I,194, 198; J.I,53; II,315; III,505; Miln.263; Vism.244, 340 (in simile); DhA.I,259. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 梯子,(阶梯的)一段。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(fr. nis+wri, orig. that which leans against, or leads to something, cp. Sk. wreṇī a row),【阴】梯子,(阶梯的)一段(a ladder, a flight of stairs)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】不幸的,悲惨的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+sirī] having lost his (or its) splendour or prosperity J.VI,225 (ājīvika), 456 (rājabhavana). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 不幸的,悲惨的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niśrita, pp. of nissayati, corresp. in meaning to Sk. āśrita] hanging on, dependent on, inhabiting; attached to, supported by, living by means of, relying on, being founded or rooted in, bent on. As --° often in sense of a prep.=by means of, on account of, through, esp. with pron. kiṁ° (=why, through what) Sn.458; taṁ° (therefore, on acct. of this) S.IV,102. ‹-› For combn with var. synonyms see Nd2 s. v. & cp. Nd1 75, 106. -- S.II,17 (dvayaṁ; cp. III,134); IV,59, 365; V,2 sq., 63 sq.; A.III,128; Dh.339 (rāga°); Sn.752, 798, 910; J.I,145; Nd1 283; Pv.I,86 (sokaṁ hadaya° lying in); II,66 (paṭhavi° supported by); Vbh.229; Nett 39 (°citta); Miln.314 (inhabiting); PvA.86 (māna°). -- anissita unsupported, not attached, free, emancipated Sn.66, 363, 753, 849, 1069 (unaided); J.I,158; Miln.320, 351. -- Cp. apassita. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nissayati 的【过分】), 已依靠著,有赖於,以…为生。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nissayati 的【过分】), 已依靠着,有赖于,以…为生。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形、名】信徒,追随者,拥护者,支援的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. prec.] adherent, supporter (orig. one who is supported by), pupil J.I,142, 186; DhA.I,54. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形、名】 信徒,追随者,拥护者,支援的人。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. nissita] dependence on, i. e. interference by, being too near, nearness Vism.118 (pantha°). Cp. san°. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+soka] free from sorrow, without grief, not mourning PvA.62; KhA 153. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无悲伤的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无悲伤的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nis+suta‹ su(梵wru)听闻)﹐【形】流失的,消失的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nis+sru, see savati] flown out or away, vanished, disappeared M.I,280. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】无价值的,无树液的,无实体的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无价值的,无树液的,无实体的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+sāra] sapless, worthless, unsubstantial J.I,393; Sdhp.51, 608, 612. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 不缺乏自信的,对自己的力量很有自信的。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niḥ+śārada+ya] without diffidence, not diffident, confident J.I,274 (+nibbhaya). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】不缺乏自信的,对自己的力量很有自信的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】逐出。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 逐出。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. nissarati] going or driving out, expulsion Miln.344 (osāraṇa-n.-paṭisāraṇa), 357. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ger. of nissayati, Sk. *niwrāya, BSk niwritya, ni+wri),【不】经由,藉著支援,在附近(leaning on (in all fig. meanings)。1. near, near by, on, at J.I,167 (pāsānapiṭṭhaṁ), 221 (padumasaraṁ); PvA.24 (bāhā), 134 (taṁ=with him). 2. by means of, through, by one’s support, by way of J.I,140 (rājānaṁ: under the patronage of the k.); IV,137 (id.); II,154 (tumhe); Miln.40 (kāyaṁ), 253 (id.); PvA.27 (ye=yesaṁ hetu), 154 (nadī° alongside of). -- 3. because of, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【不】 经由,藉着支持,在附近。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(prep. c, Acc.) [ger. of nissayati, Sk. *niśrāya, BSk niśritya, ni+śri] leaning on (in all fig. meanings) Nd2 368 (=upanissāya, ārammaṇaṁ ālambanaṁ karitvā). ‹-› 1. near, near by, on, at J.I,167 (pāsānapiṭṭhaṁ), 221 (padumasaraṁ); PvA.24 (bāhā), 134 (taṁ=with him). ‹-› 2. by means of, through, by one’s support, by way of J.I,140 (rājānaṁ: under the patronage of the k.); IV,137 (id.); II,154 (tumhe); Miln.40 (kāyaṁ), 253 (id.); PvA.27 (ye=yesaṁ hetu), 154 (nadī° alongside of). -- 3. because of, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of J.I,203 (amhe), 255 (dhanaṁ), 263 (maṁ); PvA.17 (kiṁ), 67 (namaṁ), 130 (taṁ). -- Cp. nissaya, nissita. (Page 374)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. niḥsīman with diff. meanings (“boundless”), nis+sīma] outside the boundary Vin.I,255 (°ṭṭha), 298 (°ṁ gantuṁ); II,167 (°e ṭhito). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[ni+sumbh (subhnāti)] to knock down Th.2, 302 (=pāteti ThA.227). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. niś & niśā, prob. with niśītha (midnight) to ni+śi=lying down] night Vv 352 (Loc. nise); VvA.161 (Loc. nisati, v. l. nisi=rattiyaṁ); Miln.388 (Loc. nisāya); Dāvs II.6; V,2 (nisāyaṁ). See also nisītha. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 夜晚。 ~kara, ~nātha, 【阳】 月亮。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】夜晚。nisākara, nisānātha,【阳】月亮。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. niṣāda, a Non-Aryan or barbarian] a robber J.IV,364. Cp. nesāda. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[=ni+śātana] grinding DhA.I,308. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. niṣādin, ni+sad] fit for lying down, suitable for resting Vin.I,239 (go°). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ni+sad] lying down D.III,44, 47. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】躺下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 躺下。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】深切注意的,注意听的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. niśāmana] observant, listening to, attending to, careful of A.V,166, 168 (dhammānaṁ). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 深切注意的,注意听的。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[ni+sāmeti] to attend to, listen to, observe, be careful of, mind J.IV,29 (anisāmetvā by not being careful); V,486; DhA.I,239 (+upadhāneti); PvA.1 (imper. nisāmayatha). Cp. nisanti, nisamma. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+sām +e),观看,观瞻。【过】nisāmesi。【过分】nisāmita。【现分】nisāmenta。【独】nisāmetvā。SnA.v.410./II,383.︰Nisāmethāti passatha.(你们观看︰你们看!)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + sām + e), 听,观察,专心。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~mita。 【现分】 ~menta。 【独】 ~metvā。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[ni+śā to sharpen, to whet, cp. nisita] a hone on which to sharpen a knife Miln.282. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [ni+sāra] full of sap, excellent, strong (of a tree) Vv 631 (=niratisaya sārassa nisiṭṭhasārassa rukkhassa VvA.261). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'in koka° J.VI,538, a certain wild animal; the meaning is not clear, etymologically it is to be derived fr. Sk. niśātayati to strike, to fell. See Kern, Toev. 1. p. 152, s. v. koka. The v. l. is °nisādaka, evidently influenced by nisāda. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 磨石(磨刀)。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】磨石(磨刀)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 1. 坐下。 2. 座,位子,坐垫。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. nisadana, fr. nisīdati),【中】1.坐下(sitting down, occasion or opportunity to sit, a mat to sit on)。2.座,位子,坐垫,坐具。《南寄归内法传》卷第三〈二十一坐具衬身〉:「礼拜敷其坐具。五天所不见行。致敬起为三礼。四部罔窥其事。…南海诸僧。人持一布巾长三五尺。叠若食巾。礼拜用替膝头。行时搭在肩上。西国苾刍来见。咸皆莞尔而笑也。」(T54.221.1)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. niṣadana, fr. nisīdati] sitting down, occasion or opportunity to sit, a mat to sit on Vin.I,295; II,123 (°ena vippavasati); S.V,259 (°ṁ gaṇhāti). °paccattharaṇa a mat for sitting on Vin.I,47, 295; II,209, 218. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + sad + a), 坐下。 【过】 nisīdi。 【现分】 nisīdanta。 【潜】nisīditabba。 【独】 ~ditvā, nisīdiya。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. niṣīdati, ni+sīdati] to sit down, to be seated, to sit, to dwell Nd2 433; J.III,392; VI,367; Pv.II,93 (nisīdeyya Pot.); PvA.74. aor. nisīdi Vin.I,1; J.II,153; PvA.5, 23, 44; 3rd pl. nisīdiṁsu (J.I,307) & nisīdisuṁ (Mhvs VII.40); ger. nisīditvā (J.II,160; PvA.5, 74), nisajja D.II,127) and nisīditvāna (Sn.1031); grd. nisīditabba Vin.I,47. pp. nisinna (q. v.). -- Caus. II. nisīdāpeti [cp. Sk. niṣādayati] to cause to sit down, to make one be seated, to invite to a seat J.III,392; VI,367; PvA.17, 35 (there āsane); Miln.20. Cp. abhi°, san°. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+sad坐+a;(Sk. nisīdati), 坐下(to sit down, to be seated, to sit, to dwell)。【过】nisīdi。【现分】nisīdanta。【过分】nisinna。【义】nisīditabba。【独】nisīditvā, nisajja, nisīditvāna, nisīdiya。ekamantaṁ nisīdati﹐却坐一面,退坐一面,坐於一隅。3pl. nisīdiṁsu, nisīdisuṁ; 【使】nisīdāpeti。Cp. abhinisīdati, sannisīdati.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】令人坐下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 令人坐下。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nisīdati 的【使】;cp. Sk. nisādayati), 使坐下(to cause to sit down, to make one be seated, to invite to a seat.)。【过】nisīdāpesi。【过分】nisīdāpita。【独】nisīdāpetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nisīdati 的【使】), 使坐下。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~pita。 【独】~petvā。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 午夜。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】午夜。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. niśītha, see nisā] midnight, night Th.1, 3 (aggi yathā pajjalito nisīthe; v. l. BB nisive), 524 (v. l. nisive); J.IV,432; V,330, 331 (v. l. BB nisive), 506 (=rattibhāga Com.). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [ni+sūd] destroying, slaughtering Miln.242. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 臀部。 2. 山脊。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nitamba; etym. unknown] the ridge of a mountain or a glen, gully DA.I,209. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】1.臀部。2.山脊。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nitāmyati, ni+tam as in tama] to become dark, to be exhausted, faint; to be in misery or anxiety J.IV,284 (Com.: atikilamati). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(better: nitthaddhana) (nt.) [Sk. *niṣṭambhana, abstr. fr. ni+thaddha=making rigid] paralysing D.I,11 (jīvhā°=mantena jivhāya thaddhakaraṇa DA.I,96; v. l. (gloss) nibandhana). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni无+taṇha渴爱),【形】无欲望的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [BSk. niṣṭṛṣṇa (Divy 210 etc.), nis+taṇhā] free from thirst or desire, desireless PvA.230 (=nirāsa). f. abstr. nitthaṇhatā Nett 38. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 无欲望的。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】无力的,不安的,窘迫的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 无力的,不安的,窘迫的。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. nistejas only in meaning 1; nis+ teja] 1. without energy Vism.596. -- 2. “put out,” abashed, put to shame, in °ṁ karoti to make blush or put to shame J.II,94 (lajjāpeti+). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+thanana, abstr. to thaneti] groaning, moaning DA.I,291 (v. l. BB. °ṭhuna). As nitthunana Vism.504. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '& Nitthunati [Sk. nisstanati “moan out,” nis +thaneti & thunati1] to moan, groan: (a) °thanati: J.I,463; II,362; IV,446; V,296; DA.I,291. -- (b) °thunati Vin.II,222; J.V,295, 389; Vism.311; VvA.224. Cp. nitthuna. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + thar + a), 越过,克服。 【过】 nitthari。 【过分】 ~rita。 【独】~ritvā。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nistarati, nis+tarati1] to cross over, get out of, leave behind, get over D.I,73 (kantāraṁ). pp. nittiṇṇa q. v. Caus. nitthāreti to bring through, help over Nd2 630 (nittāreti). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+thar+a), 越过,克服。【过】nitthari。【过分】nittharita。【独】nittharitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (nt.) [Sk. nistaraṇa, ni+tharaṇa] “strewing or being strewn down,” putting down, carrying, bearing S.IV,177 (bhārassa, of a load, cp. nikkhepa); VvA.131 (so read for niddharaṇa, in kuṭumba-bhārassa nsamatthā=able to carry the burden of a household). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】被人理解,穿越,克服,完成。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (nt.) [Sk. nistaraṇa, nis+taraṇa, cp. nittharati] getting across, ferrying over, traversing, overcoming S.I,193 (oghassa); A.II,200 (id.); It.111 (id.); M.I,134; J.I,48 (loka°); Dāvs II.29 (id.); Vism.32; Sdhp.334 (bhava°), 619 (tiloka°). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 被人理解,穿越,克服,完成。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. *nis-stanana & nistava to thunati] (a) (of thunati1) moan, groan DA.I,291 (as v. l. BB for nitthanana) -- (b) (of thunati2) blame, censure, curse PvA.76 (°ṁ karoti to revile or curse). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】哀悼,呻吟,叹息。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 哀悼,呻吟,叹息。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'etc., see nitthanati etc. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + thu + nā), 呻吟,哀悼。【 过】 ~thuni。【 现分】 nitthunanta。【独】 ~nitvā。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+thu+nā), 呻吟,哀悼。【过】nitthuni。【现分】nitthunanta。【独】nitthunitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nistāra; nis+tāra of tarati1] passing over, rescue, payment, acquittance, in °ṁ vattati to be acquitted, to get off scot-free M.I,442 (v. l. netth°, which is the usual form). See netthāra. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Nittharati的【使】), 终结,完成。【过】nitthāresi。【过分】nitthārita。【独】nitthāretvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣṭṛṇa, nis+tiṇa] free from grass J.III,23. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【过分】 已离开,已越过。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(pp.) [Sk. nistīrṇa, nis+tiṇṇa] got out of, having crossed or overcome D.II,275 (-ogha; v. l. BB nitiṇṇa); Nd1 159 (as v. l.; text has nitiṇṇa); Nd2 278 (t.). Cp. nittharati. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【过分】已离开,已越过。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 刺,刺破。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+tudana, abstr. fr. tudati; cp. Sk. nistodā] pricking, piercing A.I,65 (text: nittuddana); III,403 sq. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】刺,刺破。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see nittharati. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nitāḍayati, ni+tāḷeti] to knock down, to strike J.IV,347. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 堆,大群。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. ni+vah] multitude, quantity, heap Dāvs.IV,53; V,14, 24, 62. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. ni+vah),【阳】堆,大群(multitude, quantity, heap)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ni+vapati] to heap up, sow, throw (food) M.I,151 sq. (nivāpaṁ). -- pp. nivutta (q. v.). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[ni+varati] only in Caus. nivāreti (q. v.), pp. nivuta. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see vi°. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + vas + a), 居住,逗留。 【过】 nivasi。 【过分】 nivuttha。 【现分】 nivasanta。 【独】 nivasitvā。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni下+vas住+a), 居住,逗留(to live, dwell, inhabit, stay)。【过】nivasi。【过分】nivuttha。【现分】nivasanta。【独】nivasitvā。also nivāsana2 & nivāsin.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ni+vasati2] to live, dwell, inhabit, stay Vin.II,11. -- pp. nivuttha, cp. also nivāsana2 & nivāsin. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pp.) [pp. of nivattati] returned, turning away from, giving up, being deprived of, being without (°-) Vin.II,109 (°bīja); J.I,203; VvA.72. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Nivattati的【过分】), 已停止,已停留。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. nivattati] 1. returning, turning, fig. turning away from, giving up, “conversion” PvA.120 (pāpato). -- 2. a bend, curve (of a river), nook J.I,324; II,117, 158; IV,256; V,162. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】nivatti,【阴】中断,回返,折回,留下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 Nivatti, 【阴】 中断,回返,折回,留下。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [grd. formation fr. nivattana] only neg. not liable to return, not returning DhA.I,63. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+vat+a), 折回,转离,停留,留下。【过】nivatti。【现分】nivattanta(opp. anivattanta)。【独】nivattitvā, nivattiya。【不】nivattituṁ。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + vat + a), 折回,转离,停留,留下。 【过】 nivatti。 【现分】~tanta。 【独】 ~titvā, nivattiya。 【不】 ~tituŋ。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic nivartati, ni+vattati] to turn back, to return (opp. gacchati), to turn away from, to flee, vanish, disappear Vin.I,46; D.I,118; J.I,223; II,153; IV,142; Sn.p. 80; Pv.II,934; IV,107; SnA 374; PvA.74, 161. aor. nivatti J.II,3; PvA.141. pp. nivatta (q. v.). -- Caus. I. nivatteti to lead back, to turn from, to make go back, to convert J.I,203; VvA.110; PvA.204 (pāpato from sin). Cp. upa°, paṭi°, vi°. -- Caus. II. nivattāpeti to send back, to return PvA.154. (Page 371)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni下+vat+e), 停止,使回去,禁止,使留下。【过】nivattesi。【过分】nivattita。【现分】nivattenta。【独】nivattetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + vat + e), 停止,使回去,禁止,使留下。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】~tita。【现分】 ~tenta。 【独】 ~tetvā。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nivāseti 的【过分】), 已使蒙受,已穿着。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(pp.) [pp. of ni+vasati1] clothed in or with (-° or Acc.), dressed, covered S.I,115; J.I,59 (su°), 307 (sāṭakaṁ); PvA.47, 49 (dibbavattha°), 50. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nivāseti 的【过分】), 已使蒙受,已穿著。dunnivattha,已少穿著。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. ni+vṛt] returning, return PvA.189 (gati° going & coming). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [to nivedeti] relating, admonishing J.VI,21. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】宣布的人,告知者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 宣布的人,告知者。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 公告,情报,报告。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】公告,情报,报告。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ni+vedeti, Caus. of vid] to communicate, make known, tell, report, announce J.I,60, 307; PvA.53, 66 (attānaṁ reveal oneself); Dāvs V 42. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + vid + e), 令知道,沟通,报告,公告。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】~dita。 【独】 ~detvā, nivediya。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+vid知+e), 令知道,沟通,报告,公告。【过】nivedesi。【过分】nivedita。【独】nivedetvā, nivediya。【义】nivedeyya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic niveśa, fr. ni+viś] 1. entering, stopping, settling down; house, abode Vv 82 (=nivesanāni kacchantarāni VvA.50).-2.=nivesana 2, in diṭṭhi° Sn.785 (=idaṁ-sacchâbhinivesa-saṅkhātāni diṭṭhi-nivesanāni SnA 522). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】nivesana,【中】殖民地,住所,房子。ghananivesana,聚集的社区。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 Nivesana, 【中】 殖民地,住所,房子。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Vedic niveśana, fr. nivesati, cp. niviṭṭha] 1. entering, entrance, settling; settlement, abode, house, home D.I,205, 226; II,127; J.I,294; II,160 (°ṭṭhāna); PvA.22, 81, 112. -- 2. (fig.) (also nivesanā f.: Nd2 366) settling on, attachment, clinging to (in diṭṭhi° clinging to a view=dogmatism cp. nivissa-vādin) Sn.1055 (nandi+; =taṇhā Nd2 366); Dh.40 (diṭṭhi°); Nd1 76, 110. See also nivesa. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Caus. of nivesati] to cause to enter, to establish; to found, build, fix, settle; (fig.) to establish in, exhort to (c. Loc.), plead for, entreat, admonish D.I,206; S.V,189; Dh.158, 282 (attānaṁ); It.78 (brahmacariye); Th.2, 391 (manaṁ); J.V,99; Pv III,77 (saṁyame nivesayi); DA.I,273 (gāmaṁ); PvA.206. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+vis+e﹐caus. of nivesati), 使进入,建立在,安顿,安排(to cause to enter, to establish; to found, build, fix, settle)。【过】nivesesi。【过分】nivesita。【独】nivesetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + vis + e), 建立在,安顿,安排。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~sita。【独】 ~setvā。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nivesati] settled, arranged, designed, built VvA.82 (=sumāpita). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'in pañhe dunniveṭha at Miln.90 see nibbedha. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see vi°. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see nibbeṭheti. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see nibbicikicchā; M.I,260. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see vi°. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + vis + a), 安定下来,进入,建立自己。 【过】 nivisi。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[ni+visati] to enter, stop, settle down on (Loc.), to resort to, establish oneself Vin.I,207; J.I,309= IV.217 (yasmiṁ mano nivisati). -- pp. niviṭṭha ger. nivissa (q. v.). Caus. niveseti. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni下+vis进入+a), 安定下来,住著,滞留。【过】nivisi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a-vādin (adj.-n.) [nivissa (ger. of nivisati)+vādin] “speaking in the manner of being settled or sure,” a dogmatist Sn.910, 913, expld at Nd1 326 as “sassato loko idam eva saccaṁ, mogham aññan ti”; at SnA 560 as “jānāmi passāmi tath’eva etan ti.” (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nivisati] settled, established (in); confirmed, sure; fixed on, bent on, devoted to (Loc.) Sn.57 (=satta allīna etc. Nd2 364), 756, 774, 781 (ruciyā), 824 (saccesu), 892; Nd1 38, 65, 162; It.35, 77; J.I,89, 259 (adhammasmiṁ); Miln.361; VvA.97 (°gāma, built, situated); DA.I,90 (su° & dun° of a street=well & badly built or situate). Cp. abhi°. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Nivisati的【过分】), 已潜藏,已定居,已建立在,已专心於…。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【过分】 已包封,已给…缝边,已包围。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【过分】已包封,已给…缝边,已包围。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nivarati (nivāreti) cp. nivārita] surrounded, hemmed in, obstructed, enveloped D.I,246; S.II,24; IV,127; Sn.348 (tamo°), 1032, 1082; It.8; Nd2 365 (=ophuṭa, paṭicchanna, paṭikujjita); Miln.161; SnA 596 (=pariyonaddha). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (pp.) [Sk. *nyupta, pp. of vapati1 to shear] shorn, shaved, trimmed Sn.456 (°kesa=apagatakesa, ohāritakesamassu SnA 403). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '3 (pp.) [Sk. *nyupta, pp. of vapati2 to sow] sown, thrown (of food), offered, given M.I,152; J.III,272. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (pp.) [pp. of ni+vac] called, termed, designated PvA.73 (dasavassa-satāni, vassa-sahassaṁ n. hoti). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nivasati 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(pp. of nivasati) inhabited; dwelling, living; see san°. (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nivasati 的【过分】)。(p181)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [nis+vyaggha] free from tigers J.II,358 (v. l. nibbyaggha). (Page 373)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. nivāpa, ni+vap, cp. nivapati),【阳】马料,饵,为饲养被丢的食物(food thrown (for feeding), fodder, bait; gift, portion, ration)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 马料,饵,为饲养被丢的食物。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. nivāpa, ni+vap, cp. nivapati] food thrown (for feeding), fodder, bait; gift, portion, ration M.I,151 sq. (Nivāpa-sutta); J.I,150; III,271; DhA.I,233 (share); III,303; VvA.63 (diguṇaṁ °ṁ pacitvā cooking a double portion). Cp. nevāpika.

--tiṇa grass to eat J.I,150; --puṭṭha fed on grains Dh.325 (=kuṇḍakâdinā sūkara-bhattena puṭṭho DhA.IV,16=Nett 129=Th.1, 17; --bhojana a meal on food given, a feeding M.I,156). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [grd. of nivāreti] in dun° hard to check or keep back Miln.21 (+durāvaraṇa). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(grd. of nivāreti), 【形】应该被避免的,应该被阻止的。dunivāraya, (hard to check or keep back).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 预防,挡住,拒绝。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt. & adj.) [fr. nivāreti] warding off, keeping back, preventing; refusal Sn.1034, 1035, 1106 (=Nd2 363 āvāraṇa rakkhaṇa gopana); DhsA.259; PvA.102, 278; Sdhp.396. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. nivāreti) ,【中】【形】预防,挡住,拒绝(warding off, keeping back, preventing; refusal)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Nivāretu),【阳】避免者,禁止者,阻隔者(one who holds back or refuses (entrance) (opp. pavesetar))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[n. agent to nivāreti] one who holds back or refuses (entrance) (opp. pavesetar) D.II,83=S.IV,194= A.V,194 (dovāriko aññātānaṁ nivāretā ñātānam pavesetā). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + var + e), 避免,阻止,禁止,阻隔。【 过】 ~esi。【 过分】 ~rita。【独】 ~retvā。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Caus. of nivarati] to keep back, to hold back from (c. Abl.), to restrain; to refuse, obstruct, forbid, warn Vin.I,46; II,220; S.I,7 (cittaṁ nivāreyya), 14 (yato mano nivāraye); IV,195 (cittaṁ); Dh.77, 116 (pāpā cittaṁ nivāraye); J.I,263; Pv III,74; VvA.69; PvA.79, 102; DhA.I,41. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni下+var +e) [Caus. of nivarati], 防范,避免,阻止,禁止,阻隔(to keep back, to hold back from (c. Abl.), to restrain; to refuse, obstruct, forbid, warn)。【过】nivāresi。【过分】nivārita。【独】nivāretvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 避免者,禁止者,阻隔者。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(pp. of nivāreti),【形】无障碍(unobstructed, open PvA.202 (=anāvaṭa))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of nivāreti] unobstructed, open PvA.202 (=anāvaṭa). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 应该被避免的,应该被阻止的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 住所,休息处,居住面积。 ~bhūmi, 【阴】 住宅。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. nivasati2] stopping, dwelling, resting-place, abode; living, sheltering J.I,115 (°ṁ kappeti to put up); II,110; PvA.76, 78. Usually in phrase pubbe-nivāsaṁ anussarati “to remember one’s former abode or place of existence (in a former life),” characterising the faculty of remembering one’s former birth D.I,13, 15, 16, 81; S.I,167, 175, 196; II,122, 213; V,265, 305; A.I,25, 164; II,183; III,323, 418 sq.; IV,141 sq.; V,211, 339. Also in pubbenivāsaṁ vedi It.100; Sn.647=Dh.423; p-n-paṭisaṁyuttā dhammikathā D.II,1; p-n-anussatiñāṇa D.III,110, 220, 275; A.IV,177. Cp. nevāsika. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. nivasati2),【阳】住所,休息处,居住面积(stopping, dwelling, resting-place, abode; living, sheltering)。nivāsabhūmi,【阴】住宅。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 内衣,贴身衣,衣服,洋装。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (adj.-nt.) [fr. nivāseti] dressed, clothed; dressing, clothing, undergarment (opp. pārupana) Vin.I,46; II,228; J.I,182 (manāpa°), 421; III,82; PvA.50, 74, 76, 173 (pilotikakkhaṇḍa° dressed in rags). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (fr. nivāseti) ,【中】【形】1.穿(dressed, clothed; dressing, clothing, undergarment (opp. pārupana)。2.内衣,下裙,涅盘僧,泥嚩些那。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (nt.) [fr. nivasati2] dwelling, abode PvA.44 (°ṭṭhāna place of abode), 76 (id.). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (fr. nivasati2), 居住(dwelling, abode)。nivāsanaṭṭhāna, 居住处(place of abode) )。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Caus. of nivasati1] to dress oneself, to put on (the undergarment), to get clothed or dressed. Freq. in ster. phrase “pubbaṇhasamayaṁ nivāsetvā patta- cīvaram ādāya . . .,” describing the setting out on his round of the bhikkhu; e. g. D.I,109, 178, 205, 226. ‹-› Vin.I,46; II,137, 194; D.II,127; J.I,265; Pug.56; Pv.I,103; PvA.49, 61, 75, 127 (nivāsessati+pārupissati), 147 (=pārupāmi). -- Caus. II. nivāsāpeti to cause or order to be dressed (with 2 Acc.) J.I,50; IV,142; DhA.I,223. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni下+vas住+e), 穿著(自己),穿衣,穿著。【过】nivāsesi。【过分】nivāsita, nivattha。【现分】nivāsenta。【独】nivāsetvā。【不】nivāsetuṁ。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + vas + e), 穿着(自己),穿衣,穿着。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】nivāsita, nivattha。 【现分】 ~senta。 【独】 ~setvā。 【不】 ~setuŋ。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nivāsa] staying, living, dwelling J.II,435 (=nibaddha-vasanaka C.). (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Nivāsī, 【阳】 居住者,停留者。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'Nivāsin,【阳】居住者,停留者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [to nivasati] dwelling, staying; (n.) an inhabitant Dāvs.V,45. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (adj.) [Sk. nivāta, ni+vāta “wind-down”] with the wind gone down, i. e. without wind, sheltered from the wind, protected, safe, secure Vin.I,57, 72; M.I,76= A.I,137 (kūṭāgāra); A.I,101 (id.); It.92 (rahada); Th.1, 1 (kuṭikā); 2, 376 (pāsāda). -- (nt.) a calm (opp. pavāta) Vin.II,79. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 [identical with nivāta1, sheltered from the wind =low] lowliness, humbleness, obedience, gentleness M.I,125; Sn.265 (=nīcavattana KhA 144); J.VI,252; Pv IV.712. Cp. M Vastu II.423. Freq. in cpd. nivātavutti (id.) A.III,43; Sn.326 (=nīcavutti SnA 333); J.III,262; Miln.90, 207; VvA.347. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. nivāta1),【中】庇护处,躲藏的机会(a sheltered place, a place of escape, opportunity (for hiding))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 身避处,藏的机会。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. nivāta1] a sheltered place, a place of escape, opportunity (for hiding) J.I,289=V.435; cp. Miln.205 (where reading is nimantaka, with v. l. nivātaka, see note on p. 426). See Com. on this stanza at J.V,437. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】谦逊的,孝顺的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 谦逊的,孝顺的。(p180)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(?) oozing of trees; Bdhgh’s expln of ikkāsa at Vin.II,321. See niyyāsa. (Page 372)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'niyaka(Sk. nija),【形】自己的。参考 nija。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nija, q. v.] one’s own Sn.149 (°putta= orasaputta KhA 248); niyassakamma at A.I,99 & Pv IV.113 (v. l. Minayeff tiyassa) is to be read as nissayakamma (q. v.). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'niyaka, 【形】 自己的。 参考 nija。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [=niya] one’s own Th.2, 469; ThA.284; DhsA.169, 337; DA.I,183; Vbh.2; Vism.349. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. niyama, ni+yam; often confused with niyāma] 1. restraint, constraint, training, self-control Miln.116 (yama+); PvA.98 (yama+). -- 2. definiteness, certainty, limitation DhA.III,83 (catumagga°, v. l. niyāma); SnA 124 (niyāma); DhsA.154; PvA.166 (ayaṁ n. saṁsāren’atthi: law, necessity). -- aniyama indefiniteness, choice, generality DhsA.57; VvA.16 (yaṁ kiñci=aniyame, i. e. in a general sense), 17 (same of ye keci); PvA.175 (vā saddo aniyamattho=indefinite). -- niyamena (Instr.) adv. by necessity, necessarily PvA.287; niyamato (Abl.) id. DhsA.145, 304 (so read). ‹-› 3. natural law, cosmic order; in Commentarial literature this was fivefold: utu-, bīja-, kamma-, ćitta-, dhammaDA. on D.II,11; Dial. II.8; DhsA.272; trs. 360. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 限制,确定,明确。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. niyama, ni+yam; often confused with niyāma),【阳】1.制约,自制(restraint, constraint, training, self-control )。2.定律,确定,限制(definiteness, certainty, limitation)。niyamena (Instr.) ; niyamato (Abl.)。aniyama不明确(indefiniteness, choice, generality VvA 16 (yaṁ kiñci=aniyame, i. e. in a general sense), 17 (same of ye keci); PvA 175 (vā saddo aniyamattho=indefinite). DhsA.(CS:p.312):Imasmiṁ pana ṭhāne pañcavidhaṁ niyāmaṁ nāma gaṇhiṁsu--1bījaniyāmaṁ 2utuniyāmaṁ 3kammaniyāmaṁ 4dhammaniyāmaṁ 5cittaniyāmanti.(这里有五种定律:种子定律、时节定律、业定律、法的定律、心的定律。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. niyamana, to niyameti] fixing, settling, definition, explanation in detail Miln.352 (lakkha-n° aiming at the target); VvA.22 (visesattha°); 231, PvA.255 (so read for nigamana?). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 固定,解决,定义。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. niyamana, to niyameti),【中】固定,解决,定义(fixing, settling, definition, explanation in detail )。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni+yam抵达+e)(cp. Sk. niyamayati, ni+yamati), 固定,确定,命令,控制,定义(to tie down, to fix; explain in detail, exemplify)。【过】niyamesi。【过分】niyamita。【独】niyametvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. niyamayati, ni+yamati] to tie down, to fix; explain in detail, exemplify PvA.265; Vism.666. ‹-› pp. niyamita see . (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + yam + e), 固定,命令,控制,定义。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】niyamita。 【独】 ~metvā。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(pp. of ni+yam),【形】确信的,确定的,不变的(restrained, bound to, constrained to, sure (as to the future), fixed (in its consequences), certain, assured, necessary)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 确信的,确定的,不变的。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of ni+yam] restrained, bound to, constrained to, sure (as to the future), fixed (in its consequences), certain, assured, necessary D.II,92 (sambodhiparāyanā), 155; III,107; Sn.70 (=ariyamaggena niyāmappatta SnA 124, cp. Nd2 357); Dh.142 (=catumagga‹-› niyamena n. DhA.III,83); J.I,44 (bodhiyā); Pug.13, 16, 63; Kvu 609 sq.; Dhs.1028 sq. (micchatta° etc.; cp. Dhs. trsl. 266, 267), 1414, 1595; Vbh.17, 24, 63, 319, 324; Miln.193; Tikp 168 (°micchādiṭṭhi); DhA.III,170; PvA.211. Discussed in Pts. of Contr. (see Index). ‹-› aniyata see separately. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. niyati, ni+yam),【阴】命运(necessity, fate, destiny)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. niyati, ni+yam] necessity, fate, destiny D.I,53; DA.I,161; VvA.341; PvA.254. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 命运。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+yoga),【阳】指令,命令(command, order; necessity)。Abl. niyogā﹐ 严格说来(“strictly speaking” Dhs 1417. )。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ni+yoga] command, order; necessity. Abl. niyogā “strictly speaking” Dhs.1417. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 指令,命令。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】敦促,命令,委托。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 敦促,命令,委托。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Caus. of niyuñjati] to urge, incite to (with Loc.) Vin.II,303; A.IV,32; Pv.II,14; Miln.229. Niyyati=Nīyati (Pass. of nayati). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + yuj + e), 催促,刺激,委托。 【过】 ~esi。 【现分】 ~jenta。【独】 ~jetvā。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+yuj连接+e), 催促,刺激,委托(to urge, incite to (with Loc.) )。【过】niyojesi。【现分】niyojenta。【独】niyojetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Niyojeti的【过分】), 代表。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Pass. of niyuñjati] to be fit for, to be adapted to, to succeed, result, ensue PvA.49 (=upakappati). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ka) (adj.) [pp. of niyuñjati] tied to, appointed to (with Loc.), commissioned, ordered DhsA.47; PvA.20 (janapade), 124 (dānâdhikāre), 127 (dāne). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '﹐Niyuttaka, (Niyuñjati的【过分】), 已连系,已任命,已参加,已委任(tied to, appointed to (with Loc.), commissioned, ordered )。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni+yuj连接+a), 参加。【过】niyuñji。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + yuj + a), 参加。 【过】 ~ñji。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'nīyati, (nayati 的【被】), 被引导,被指导,被携带。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'nīyati, (nayati 的【被】), 被引导,被指导,被携带。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. Sk. niryaṇa] escape J.I,215. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(niyyāteti, nīyādeti) [cp. Sk. ni- or nir-yātayati, Caus. of ni(r)yatati] to give (back), give into charge, give over, assign, dedicate, to present, denote S.I,131 (niyyātayāmi); IV,181 (sāmikānaṁ gāvo), 194; J.I,30, 66, 496; II,106, 133; Vv 468 niyyādesi=sampaṭicchāpesi, adāsi VvA.199); Pv III,211 (niyātayiṁsu=adaṁsu PvA.184); Vism.115 (t); DhA.I,70; II,87; VvA.33, 67; PvA.20 (vihāraṁ nīyādetvā), 25 (=uddissati dadāti), 42, 81, 276 (at all PvA.passages as nī°). -- pp. niyyādita. Cp. similarly paṭiyādeti & paṭiyādita. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of niyyādeti] assigned, presented, given, dedicated PvA.196 (dhana nī°). As niyyātita at Vism.115. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ka) [Sk. niyāmaka & niryāma(ka). Cp. also P. niyāmaka] a pilot, helmsman, master mariner, guide J.I,107 (thala°); IV,137, 138; Miln.194, 378 sq.; Dāvs.IV,42. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nis+yāna, cp. niyyāti),【中】1.外出,出发(going out, departure (=niggamana ))。2.释放,救出(way out, release, deliverance)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 外出,出发,释放,救出。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [nis+yāna, cp. niyyāti] 1. going out, departure D.I,9 (=niggamana DA.I,94). -- 2. way out, release, deliverance Sn.170, 172 (“magga-saccaṁ bhāvento lokamhā niyyāti” SnA 212); Ps.I,163, 176; Nett 119. Cp. niyyānika. -- aniyyāna DhA.II,209. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [to niyyāna] leading out (of saṁsāra), leading to salvation, salutary, sanctifying, saving, profitable D.I,235, 237; S.I,220; V,82, 166, 255, 379 sq.; J.I,48 (a°), 106; Dhs.277, 339, 505 (cp. Dhs. trsl. pp. 82, 335); Vbh.12, 19, 56, 319, 324; Nett 29, 31, 63, 83; DhA.IV,87. -- Also found in spelling nīyānika e. g. A.III,132 (ariyā diṭṭhi n. nīyāti takkarassa sammādukkha-khayāya); DA.I,89 (anīyānikattā tiracchanabhūtā kathā). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 导致超度的,有利可图的。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】导致超脱的,导致有利的(leading out (of saṁsāra), leading to salvation, salutary, sanctifying, saving, profitable)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. niryāsa, Halāyudha 5, 75] any exudation (of plants or trees), as gum, resin, juice, etc. Vism.74 (°rukkha, one of the 8 kinds of trees), 360 (paggharitan.-rukkha). Cp. nivāyāsa. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 树胶,树的渗出物。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】树胶(gum),树的渗出物。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(pp.)=niyyādita M.I,360. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. niyyāti] returning, return to (-°) J.V,497 (saka-raṭṭha°); Vism.556; DA.I,234. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】给掌管,奉献,归还(一些事物)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 给掌管,奉献,归还(一些事物)。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[n. ag. to niyyāma] a guide, leader M.I,523 sq. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'niyyādeti (ni+nikka伸直+e), 给掌管,交出,分配,献出。【过】niyyātesi。【过分】niyyātita, niyyādita。【独】niyyātetvā, niyyādetva。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'niyyādeti (ni + yat + e), 给掌管,交出,分配,献出。 【过】 ~esi。【过分】 ~tita, ~dita。 【独】 ~tetvā, ~detva。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+yā去+a), 外出,离开。【过】niyyāsi。【过分】niyyāta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + yā + a), 外出,离开。 【过】 niyyāsi。 【过分】 niyyāta。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. niryāti, nis+yāti] to go out, get out (esp. of saṁsāra); S.V,6 (niyyanti dhīrā lokamhā); SnA 212; aor. niyyāsi D.I,49, 108; J.I,263; Sn.417; 3rd pl. niyyiṁsu A.V,195; fut. niyyassati A.V,194. -- See also niyyāna & niyyānika. (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】领袖,引导者,外出的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 领袖,引导者,外出的人。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】小塔,高峰。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 小塔,高峰。(p179)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. niryūha (& nirvyūha?), perhaps to vah] a pinnacle, turret, gate M.I,253; DA.I,284 (pāsāda+). (Page 369)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. niyama & niyāma),【阳】niyāmatā,【阴】确定,固定的方法(way, way to an end or aim, esp. to salvation, right way (sammatta°); method, manner, practice)。micchattaniyāma, 邪性决定(即邪见强得足以决定下一生投生於恶趣)。sammattaniyāma, 正性决定。okkanto sammattaniyāmaṁ (=niyāmaṁ okkamituṁ sammattaṁ), 入正性决定、入正性离生(=法现观)。SA.25.1-10./II,346.︰Okkanto sammattaniyāmanti paviṭṭho ariyamaggaṁ.(入正性决定︰进入圣道。) A.6.98./III,442.︰“‘So vata, bhikkhave, bhikkhu sabbasaṅkhāre aniccato samanupassanto anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato bhavissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. ‘Anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato sammattaniyāmaṁ okkamissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjati. ‘Sammattaniyāmaṁ okkamamāno sotāpattiphalaṁ vā sakadāgāmiphalaṁ vā anāgāmiphalaṁ vā arahattaṁ vā sacchikarissatī’ti ṭhānametaṁ vijjatī”ti.(诸比丘!谓:观一切行是无常之比丘,当成就随顺忍(PṭsA.CS:pg.2.7.︰随顺出世间诸法的随顺智)者,则有是处。谓:若成就随顺忍,当入正性决定者,则有是处。谓:若入正性决定,当证预流果、或一来果、或不还果、或阿罗汉果者,则有是处。)(cf. Pṭs.II,236.)Vism.611.︰Bhagavatā “katamehi cattārīsāya ākārehi anulomikaṁ khantiṁ paṭilabhati, katamehi cattārīsāya ākārehi sammattaniyāmaṁ okkamatī”ti etassa vibhaṅge– “Pañcakkhandhe (1)aniccato, (2)dukkhato, (3)rogato, (4)gaṇḍato, (5)sallato, (6)aghato, (7)ābādhato, (8)parato, (9)palokato, (10)ītito, (11)upaddavato, (12)bhayato, (13)upasaggato, (14)calato, (15)pabhaṅguto, (16)addhuvato, (17)atāṇato, (18)aleṇato, (19)asaraṇato, (20)rittato, (21)tucchato, (22)suññato, (23)anattato, (24)ādīnavato, (25)vipariṇāmadhammato, (26)asārakato, (27)aghamūlato, (28)vadhakato, (29)vibhavato, (30)sāsavato, (31)saṅkhatato, (32)mārāmisato, (33)jātidhammato, (34)jarādhammato, (35)byādhidhammato, (36)maraṇadhammato (37)sokadhammato, (38)paridevadhammato, (39)upāyāsadhammato, (40)saṁkilesikadhammato”ti (Pṭs.II,238.)(世尊说:「以怎样的四十行相而获得随顺忍?以怎样的四十行相入於正决定?」其分别的方法是这样的:「他观五蕴是(1)无常、(2)苦、(3)从病、(4)从痈、(5)从箭、(6)从恶、(7)从疾、(8)从敌、(9)从毁、(10)从难、(11)从祸、(12)从怖畏、(13)从灾患、(14)从动、(15)从坏、(16)从不恒、(17)从非保护所、(18)从非避难所、(19)从非归依处、(20)从无、(21)从虚、(22)从空、(23)从无我、(24)从患、(25)从变易法、(26)从不实、(27)从恶之根、(28)从杀戮者、(29)从乌有、(30)从有漏、(31)从有为、(32)从魔食、(33)从生法、(34)从老法、(35)从病法、(36)从死法、(37)从愁法、(38)从悲法、(39)从恼法、(40)从杂染法。」《瑜伽师地论》T30.880.2︰「正性定法聚者,谓学无学所有诸法。」「正性定法聚」并非「入正性决定」之释义。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 Niyāmatā, 【阴】 确定,固定的方法,有秩序的次序。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': "the 'fixedness of law' regarding all things; cf. tathatā. - Pañca-niyāma is a commentarial term, signifying the 'fivefold lawfulness' or 'natural order' that governs: (1) temperature, seasons and other physical events (utu-niyāma); (2) the plant life (bīja-n.); (3) kamma (kamma-n.); (4) the mind (citta-n.), e.g. the lawful sequence of the functions of consciousness (s. viññāṇa-kicca) in the process of cognition; (5) certain events connected with the Dhamma (dhamma-n.), e.g. the typical events occurring in the lives of the Buddhas. (App.).", 'xr': '《Buddhist Dictionary》 by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA'}
{'def': '[Sk. niyama & niyāma] way, way to an end or aim, esp. to salvation, right way (sammatta°); method, manner, practice S.I,196; III,225 (sammatta°); A.I,122; Sn.371 (°dassin=sammatta-niyāmabhūtassa maggassa dassāvin SnA 365); Nd1 314 (°avakkanti); Nd2 358 (=cattāro maggā); Ps.II,236 sq. (sammatta° okkamati); Pug.13, 15; Vbh.342. -- niyāmena (Instr.) adv. in this way, by way of, according to J.I,278; IV,139, 414 (suta° as he had heard); DhA.I,79; II,9, 21; VvA.4; PvA.260; Kvu trs. 383. -- aniyāmena (see also aniyāmena) without order, aimlessly, at random J.V,337. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 船长。 2. 指挥官。 3. 调整者。(p178)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (adj.) [either to niyama or niyāma] sure of or in, founded in, or leading to, completed in D.I,190 (dhamma-n. paṭipadā, cp. niyamatā). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2,【阳】船长(ship’s captain Vism 137.(simile))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (see niyyāmaka) ship’s captain Vism.137 (simile). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1(either to niyama or niyāma),【形】【阳】建立,导引(sure of or in, founded in, or leading to, completed in)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. to niyāma, influenced in meaning by niyama] state of being settled, certainty, reliance, surety, being fixed in (-°) S.II,25 (dhamma°+dhammaṭṭhitatā); A.I,286 (id.), J.I,113 (saddhammassa n. assurance of . . .); Kvu 586 (accanta° final assurance). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[denom. fr. niyāma or niyama] to restrain, control, govern, guide Miln.378 (nāvaṁ). (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see niyyādeti. (Page 368)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. ni- & nih-, insep. prefixes: (a) ni down=Av. ni, cp. Gr. neiόs lowland, nei/atos the lowest, hindmost; Lat. nīdus (*ni-zdos: place to sit down=nest); Ags. nēol, nider=E. nether; Goth. nidar=Ohg. nidar; also Sk. nīca, nīpa etc. -- (b) niḥ out, prob. fr. *seni & to Lat. sine without]. Nearly all (ultimately prob. all) words under this heading are cpds. with the pref. ni. ‹-› A. Forms. 1. Pāli ni° combines the two prefixes ni & nis (nir). They are outwardly to be distinguished inasmuch as ni is usually followed by a single consonant (except in forms where double cons. is usually restored in composition, like ni-kkhipati=ni+ kṣip; nissita= ni+sri. Sometimes the double cons. is merely graphic or due to analogy, esp. in words where ni- is contrasted with ud- (“up”), as nikkujja›ukkujja, niggilati› uggilati, ninnamati›unnamati). On the other hand a compn with nis is subject to the rules of assimilation, viz. either doubling of cons. (nibbhoga=nir-bhoga) where vv is represented by bb (nibbiṇṇa fr. nir-vindati), or lengthening of ni to (nīyādeti as well as niyy°; nīharati=nir+har), or single cons. in the special cases of r & v (niroga besides nīroga for nirroga, cp. duratta ›dūrakkha; niveṭheti=nibbeṭheti, nivāreti=*nivvāreti=nīvāreti). Before a vowel the sandhi-cons. r is restored: nir-aya, nir-upadhi etc. -- 2. Both ni & nis are base-prefixes only, & of stable, well-defined character, i. e. never enter combns with other prefixes as first (modifying) components in verb-function (like saṁ, vi etc.), although nis occurs in such combn in noun-cpds. negating the whole term: nir-upadhi, nis-saṁsaya etc. ‹-› 3. ni is freq. emphasised by saṁ as saṁni° (tud, dhā, pat, sad); nis most freq. by abhi as abhinis° (nam, pad, vatt, har).

B. Meanings. 1. ni (with secondary derivations like nīca “low”) is a verb-pref. only, i. e. it characterises action with respect to its direction, which is that of (a) a downward motion (opp. abhi & ud); (b) often implying the aim (=down into, on to, cp. Lat. sub in subire, or pref. ad°); or (c) the reverting of an upward motion=back (identical with b); e. g. (a) ni-dhā (put down), °kkhip (throw d.), °guh (hide d.), °ci (heap up), °pad (fall d.), °sad (sit d.); (b) ni-ratta (at-tached to), °mant (speak to); °yuj (ap-point), °ved (ad-dress), °sev (be devoted to) etc.; (c) ni-vatt (turn back). -- 2. nis (a) as verb-pref. it denotes the directional “out” with further development to “away from, opposite, without,” pointing out the finishing, completion or vanishing of an action & through the latter idea often assuming the meaning of the reverse, disappearance or contrary of an action=“un” (Lat. dis-), e. g. nikkhamati (to go out from) opp. pavisati (to enter into), °ccharati (nis to car to go forth), °ddhamati (throw out), °pajjati (result from), °bbattati (vatt spring out from), nīharati (take out), nirodhati (break up, destroy). -- (b) as nounpref. it denotes “being without” or “not having”= E. --less, e. g. niccola without clothes, °ttaṇha (without thirst), °ppurisa (without a man), °pphala (without fruit); niccala motion-less, °kkaruṇa (heartless), °ddosa (fault°), °maṁsa (flesh°), °saṁsaya (doubt°) nirattha (useless), °bbhaya (fear°). -- Bdhgh evidently takes ni- in meaning of nis only, when defining: ni-saddo abhāvaṁ dīpeti Vism.495. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 巢,栖身。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni + ḍi + e), 除草,铲除。 【过】 ~esi。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+ḍi +e), 除草,铲除。【过】niḍḍesi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Vedic nīḍa resting-place ni+sad “sitting down”] nest, place, seat Dh.148 (v. l. niḷa). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+sad “sitting down”),【中】巢,栖身(nest, place, seat Dh.148 (v. l. niḷa))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nirdāti, nis+dāyati, cp. Sk. nirdātar weeder] to cut out, to weed D.I,231 (niddāyit°); It.56 (as v. l. niddāta for niṇhāta, q. v.); J.I,215. Caus. niḍḍāpeti to cause to weed, to have weeds dug up Vin.II,180. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. *niḥsnāta, nis+nahāta] cleansed, purified It.56 (°pāpaka=sinless; with several vv. ll. amongst which niddāta of niḍḍāyati=cleansed of weeds) =Nd1 58 (ninhāta°)=Nd2 514 (ninhāta, v.l. SS ninnahāta). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】决定,辨别。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 决定,辨别。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. nisṭha, ni+°tha; cp. niṭṭhā1),【形】依赖(dependent on, resting on, intent upon S.III,13 (accanta°); Nd1 263 (rūpa°)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣṭha, ni+°tha; cp. niṭṭhā1] dependent on, resting on, intent upon S.III,13 (accanta°); Nd1 263 (rūpa°). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣṭhita (niḥṣṭhita), nis+ṭhita, cp. niṭṭhāti] brought or come to an end, finished, accomplished; (made) ready, prepared (i. e. the preparations being finished) Vin.I,35; D.I,109 (bhattaṁ: the meal is ready); II,127 (id.); J.I,255 (id.); J.II,48; III,537 (finished); VvA.188; PvA.81; & often at conclusion of books & chapters. aniṭṭhita not completed DhA.III,172. -- su° well finished, nicely got up, accomplished Sn.48, 240. Cp. pari°. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【过分】已终结,已完成。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【过分】已终结,已完成。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 唾吐,唾沫。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. niṣṭhīvana, see niṭṭhubhati & cp. Prk. niṭṭhuhana] spitting out, spittle J.I,47; PvA.80 (=kheḷa, v. l. SS niṭṭhuvana, BB niṭhūna). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】唾吐,唾沬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + ṭhubh + a), 吐出(唾沫),咳出,吐痰。 【过】 ~bhi。 【过分】 ~bhita。 【独】 ~bhitvā。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+ṭhubh+a), 吐出(唾沬),咳出,吐痰。【过】niṭṭhubhi。【过分】niṭṭhubhita。【独】niṭṭhubhitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(& nuṭṭhubhati Vin.I,271; J.I,459; also niṭṭhuhaṭi) [Sk. niṣṭhubhati, but in meaning=Sk. niṣṭhīvati, nis+*thīv, stubh taking the function of ṣṭhīv, since stubh itself is represented by thavati & thometi] to spit out, to expectorate Vin.I,271 (nuṭṭhuhitvā); III,132 (id.); J.II,105, 117 (nuṭṭh°); VI,367; DhA.II,36 (niṭṭhuhitvā). pp. nuṭṭhubhita Sdhp.121. -- Cp. oṭṭhubhati. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】粗糙的,硬的,残酷的。niṭṭhuriya,【中】粗糙的事物,粗糙程度。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 粗糙的,硬的,残酷的。 ~riya, 【中】 粗糙的事物,粗糙程度。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. niṣṭhura or niṣṭhūra, ni+thūra= thūla; cp. Prk. niṭṭhura] rough, hard, cruel, merciless Sn.952 (a°; this reading is mentioned as v. l. by Bdhgh at SnA 569, & the reading anuddharī given; vv. ll. SS anuṭṭhurī, BB anuṭṭharī, expld as anissukī. Nd1 440 however has aniṭṭhurī with expln of nitthuriya as under issā at Vbh.357). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. Sk. niṣṭhuratva] hardness, harshness, roughness Nd1 440; Nd2 484 (in exegesis of makkha)= Vbh.357. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (Sk. nisṭhā; ni+ṭhā, abstr. of adj.-suff. °ṭha)【阴】基础(basis, foundation, familiarity with)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 结束,结论,完美。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (f.) [Sk. niṣṭhā; ni+ṭhā, abstr. of adj.-suff. °ṭha] basis, foundation, familiarity with Sn.864 (expl. SnA 551 by samiddhi, but see Nd1 263). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (f.) [Vedic niṣṭhā (niḥṣṭhā), nis+ṭhā from °ṭha] end, conclusion; perfection, height, summit; object, aim Vin.I,255; S.II,186; A.I,279 (object); Ps.I,161. niṭṭhaṁ gacchati to come to an end; fig. to reach perfection, be completed in the faith M.I,176; J.I,201; Miln.310; freq. in pp. niṭṭhaṁ gata (niṭṭhaṅgata) one who has attained perfection (=pabbajitānaṁ arahattaṁ patta) DhA.IV,70; S.III,99 (a°); A.II,175; III,450; V,119 sq.; Dh.351; Ps.I,81, 161. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (Vedic nisṭhā (nihsṭhā), nis+ṭhā from °ṭha)【阴】结束,结论,完美(end, conclusion; perfection, height, summit; object, aim)。niṭṭhaṁ gacchati to come to an end; fig. to reach perfection, be completed in the faith M.I,176; J.I.201; Miln.310; freq. in pp. niṭṭhaṁ gata (=niṭṭhaṅgata) one who has attained perfection (=pabbajitānaṁ arahattaṁ patta)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [abstr. of niṭṭhāti] being finished, carrying out, execution, performance D.I,141; ThA.19 (=avasāya). Cp. san°. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 完成,结束。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】完成,结束。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(niṭṭhāti 的【使】), 实现,完成,实行。【过】niṭṭhāpesi。【过分】niṭṭhāpita。【现分】niṭṭhāpenta。【独】niṭṭhāpetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(niṭṭhāti 的【使】), 实现,完成,实行。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~pita。【现分】 ~penta。 【独】 ~petvā。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Caus. to niṭṭhāti] to carry out, perform; prepare, make ready, accomplish J.I,86, 290; VI,366; DhA.III,172. -- pp. niṭṭhāpita Cp. pari°. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(& niṭṭhapita) [pp. of niṭṭhāpeti] accomplished, performed, carried out J.I,86, 172 (°ṭha°), 201. (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. niṣṭiṣṭhati, nis+tiṭṭhati, the older *sthāti restored in compn] to be at an end, to be finished J.I,220; IV,391; DhA.I,393. -- pp. niṭṭhita, Caus. niṭṭhāpeti (q. v.). (Page 357)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni+ṭhā+a), 被结束,被完成,终了。【过】niṭṭhāsi。【过分】niṭṭhita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + ṭhā + a), 被结束,被完成。 【过】 niṭṭhāsi。 【过分】 niṭṭhita。(p173)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '否定虚词,反意语的虚词。(p184)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1, 不(na的强调型)。no ce, 如果不。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '3 [Sk. naḥ] enclitic form, Gen. Dat. Acc. pl. of pron. 1st (we)=amhākaṁ, see vayaṁ; cp. na3. (Page 378)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (indecl.) affirm. & emphatic part.=nu (cp. na1): indeed, then, now Sn.457, 875, 1077; J.V,343 (api no= api nu), 435 (=nipātamattaṁ p. 437). (Page 378)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (indecl.) [Sk. no=na+u, a stronger na; cp. na2) negative & adversative particle=neither, nor, but not, surely not, indeed not. -- (a) in neg. sentences: Sn.852, 855, 1040; It.103 (but not); Pv.II,313 (but not). as answer: no hi etaṁ “indeed not, no indeed” Vin.I,17; D.I,3; no hi idaṁ D.I,105. -- no ca kho “but surely not” D.I,34, 36; A.V,195. -- Often emphasized by na, as no na not at all J.I,64; na no Sn.224 (=“avadhāraṇe” KhA 170); disjunctively na hi . . . no neither-nor Sn.813; na no . . . na neither-nor (notnor) Sn.455. -- (b) in disjunctive questions: “or not,” as evaṁ hoti vā . . . no vā (is it so-or not) D.I,61, 227; kacci . . . no (is it so-or not; Lat. ne-annon) D.I,107; nu kho . . . no udāhu (is it that-or not; or rather) D.I,152. -- (c) noce (no ce=Sk. no ced) if not (opp. sace) Sn.348, 691, 840; J.I,222; VI,365; VvA.69. Also in sense of “I hope not” J.V,378. (Page 378)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2,【代】ahaṁ‘我’的【复.业】【复.属】【复.与】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. nud] see vi°. (Page 378)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】鲜奶油,熟酥。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see navanīta. (Page 378)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 鲜奶油。(p184)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【无】1.肯定语的不定虚词(affirm.-indef. part. “then, now.”),时常与疑问代词配合(nu kho﹐或许;kin nu kho J.II.159; kacci nu J.I.279; kaccin nu (for kaccid nu) J.II.133; kathan nu (kho) Vin.I,83; kattha PvA.22; etc.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '肯定语的不定虚词,时常与疑问代词配合。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(indecl.) [Ved. nu, Idg. *nu, orig. adv. of time=now; cp. Lat. num (to nunc, now), see nūna] affirm.-indef. part. “then, now.” -- 1. most freq. combd with interr. pron. and followed by kho, as kin nu kho J.II,159; kacci J.I,279; kaccin nu (for kaccid nu) J.II,133; kathan nu (kho) Vin.I,83; kattha PvA.22; etc. -- 2. as interr. part. (=Lat. ne, num) in enclitic position Vin.I,17; J.III,52; Sn.866, 871, 1071; etc. As such also combd with na=nanu (Lat. nonne), which begins the sentence: Vin.II,303. (nanu tvaṁ vuḍḍho vīsativasso ‘sī ti?); Pv.I,84; PvA.39, 136 etc. -- Often combd with other emphatic or dubitative particles, like api nu Vin.II,303; D.I,97; nu idha, contr. to nīdha Vv 836 or with sandhi as nu-v-idha D.I,108 (v. l. nu khv idha). Cp. na1, nūna, no. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'nudaka, 【形】 驱逐。 驱散。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'nudaka,【形】驱逐。驱散。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(-°) (adj.) [Sk. °nud & °nuda, to nudati] expelling, casting out, dispelling; in tamo° dispelling darkness Sn.1133; Vv 352 (=viddhaṁsana VvA.161). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'or Nūdaka (--°)=nuda J.V,401 (āsa-nūdaka). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nud + a), 驱赶,驱逐,拒绝。 【过】 nudi。 【独】 nuditvā。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic nudati; Idg. *(s)neu to push, cp. Sk. navate, Gr. neu/w & nuζsw, Lat. nuo; Ags. neosian, Low Ger. nucken] to push, impel; expel, drive away, reject Dh.28; J.IV,443; DhA.I,259. aor. nudi Nd2 281. Cp. apa°, pa°, vi°. -- pp. nunna (nuṇṇa). Nunna (nuṇṇa) [pp. of nudati] thrust, pushed, driven away, removed Nd2 220 (ṇṇ)=khitta, cp. panuṇṇa A.II,41. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nud除去+a), 驱赶,驱逐,拒绝。【过】nudi。【独】nuditvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Nudati‘驱赶’的【过分】), 赶走了,拿开了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see niṭṭhubhati. (aor. nuṭṭhubhi, e. g. J.II,105). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 抵押贷款,典当。(p184)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】抵押贷款,典当。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】脐,肚脐,轮毂(车轮的中心部)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 脐,肚脐,轮毂(车轮的中心部)。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '& Nābhī (f.) [Vedic nābhi, nābhī; Av. nabā; Gr. o)mfalόs (navel); Lat. umbo & umbilicus; Oir. imbliu (navel); Ags. nafu; Ohg. naba (nave), Ger. nabel=E. nave & navel] 1. the navel A.III,240; J.I,238; DA.I,254 (where it is said that the Vessā (Vaiśyas) have sprung from the navel of Brahmā). -- 2. the nave of a wheel Vv 644 (pl. nabhyo & nabbho SS=nābhiyo VvA.276); J.I,64; IV,277; Miln.115. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】吼,声音。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nāda, see nadati] loud sound, roaring, roar J.I,19 (sīha°), 50 (koñca°), 150 (mahā°). Cp. pa°. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 吼,声音。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nādhate=nāthate (see nātha), only in nadhamāna, cp. RV X.65, 5: nādhas] to have need of, to be in want of (c. Gen.) J.V,90 (Com. expls by upatappati milāyati; thinking perhaps of nalo va chinno). (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.)=nāda, loud sound, thundering (fig.) Vv 6410. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '龙;象', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '【阳】 龙,眼镜蛇,象,铁力木(指藤黄科东印度产的乔木 (Mesua ferrea),羽状复叶,叶子长椭圆形,花大,红色,生长在热带地区。木材坚韧,里面黑褐色或紫褐色,可用来雕刻;用其花芽可以获得红色的染料),高贵的人。 ~danta, ~taka, 【中】 象牙钉,在墙壁上的钉。 ~bala, 【形】 有象的力量的。 ~balā, 【阴】 猫尾射 (Uraria Lagopodioides)。 ~bhavana,【中】 龙的区域。 ~māṇavaka, 【阳】 龙族的年轻人。 ~mānavikā, 【阴】龙族的年轻未婚女子。 ~rāja, 【阳】 龙王。 ~rukkha, 【阳】 龙树,铁力木树。 ~latā, 【阴】龙藤(蒌叶藤)。 ~loka, 【阳】龙的世界。 ~vana, 【中】铁力木树林,有象的森林。(p168)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】龙,眼镜蛇,象,铁力木(指藤黄科东印度产的乔木 (Mesua ferrea),羽状复叶,叶子长椭圆形,花期每年3~5月,花大,红色,生长在热带地区。为木材中最坚韧者、最重的,每立方米重达1122公斤,呈黑褐色或紫褐色,可用来雕刻;用其花芽可以获得红色的染料),高贵的人。nāgadanta, nāgataka,【中】象牙钉,在墙壁上的钉。nāgabala,【形】有象的力量的。nāgabalā,【阴】猫尾射 (Uraria Lagopodioides)。nāgabhavana,【中】龙的区域。nāgamāṇavaka,【阳】龙族的年轻人。nāgamānavikā,【阴】龙族的年轻未婚女子。nāgarāja,【阳】龙王。nāgarukkha,【阳】龙树,铁力木树。nāgalatā,【阴】龙藤(蒌叶藤)。nāgaloka,【阳】龙的世界。nāgavana,【中】铁力木树林,有象的森林。Nāgārjuna(ārjuna阿顺那),【梵】龙树(据说弥勒菩萨将在此树下成佛)。anīkaggaṁ nāgasaṅghapurakkhato, 以象为前锋的军队。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Ved. nāga; etym. of 1. perhaps fr. *snagh=Ags. snaca (snake) & snaegl (snail); of 2 uncertain, perhaps a Non-Aryan word distorted by popular analogy to nāga1] 1. a serpent or Nāga demon, playing a prominent part in Buddh. fairy-tales, gifted with miraculous powers & great strength. They often act as fairies & are classed with other divinities (see devatā), with whom they are sometimes friendly, sometimes at enmity (as with the Garuḷas) D.I,54; S.III,240 sq.; V,47, 63; Bu. I.30 (dīghāyukā mahiddhikā); Miln.23. Often with supaṇṇā (Garuḷas); J.I,64; DhA.II,4; PvA.272. Descriptions e. g. at DhA.III,231, 242 sq.; see also cpds. -- 2. an elephant, esp. a strong, stately animal (thus in combn hatthi-nāga characterising “a Nāga elephant”) & freq. as symbol of strength & endurance (“heroic”). Thus Ep. of the Buddha & of Arahants. Popular etymologies of n. are based on the excellency of this animal (āguṁ na karoti=he is faultless, etc.): see Nd1 201=Nd2 337; Th.1, 693; PvA.57. -- (a) the animal D.I,49; S.I,16; II,217, 222; III,85; V,351; A.II,116; III,156 sq.; Sn.543; Vv 55 (=hatthināga VvA.37); Pv.I,113. mahā° A.IV,107, 110. -- (b) fig.= hero or saint: S.II,277; III,83; M.I,151, 386; Dh.320; Sn.29, 53, 166, 421, 518. Of the Buddha: Sn.522, 845, 1058, 1101; Miln.346 (Buddha°). -- 3. The Nāga-tree (now called “iron-wood tree,” the P. meaning “fairy tree”), noted for its hard wood & great masses of red flowers (=Sk. nāgakesara, mesua ferrea Lin.): see cpds. °rukkha, °puppha, °latā.

--âpalokita “elephant-look” (turning the whole body), a mark of the Buddhas M.I,337; cp. BSk. nāgâvalokita Divy 208; --danta an ivory peg or pin, also used as a hook on a wall Vin.II,117 (°ka Vin.II,114, 152); J.VI,382; --nāṭaka snakes as actors DhA.IV,130; --nāsūru (f.) (woman) having thighs like an elephant’s trunk J.V,297; --puppha iron-wood flower Miln.283; --bala the strength of an elephant J.I,265; II,158; --bhavana the world of snakes Nd1 448; J.III,275; DhA.IV,14; --māṇavaka a young serpent J.III,276; f. °ikā ib. 275; DhA.III,232; --rājā king of the Nāgas, i. e. serpents J.II,111; III,275; Sn.379 (Erāvaṇa, see detail SnA 368); DhA.I,359; III,231, 242 sq. (Ahicchatta); IV,129 sq. (Paṇṇaka); --rukkha the iron-wood tree J.I,35 (cp. M Vastu II.249); --latā=rukkha J.I,80 (the Buddha’s toothpick made of its wood), 232; DhA.II,211 (°dantakaṭṭha toothpick); --vatta habits of serpents Nd1 92, also adj. °ika ibid. 89; --vana elephant-grove Dh.324; DhA.IV,15; --vanika cl. hunter M.I,175; III,132; --hata one who strikes the el. (viz. the Buddha) Vin.II,195. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】市民。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nāgara, see nagara] a citizen J.I,150; IV,404; V,385; Dāvs II.85; VvA.31; PvA.19; DhA.I,41. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】市民。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】有市民特征的,彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nāgarika] citizen-like, urbane, polite DA.I,282. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】有市民特徵的,彬彬有礼的,有礼貌的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'm. 那先, 龍軍 [比丘].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'm. 那先, 竜軍 [比丘].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. nayhati, naddha] armour J.I,358 (sabba°sannaddha). Cp. onāha. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 天堂。(p168)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】天堂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'Nāḷa(Sk. nāla),【阳】茎,梗,管,度量器(a hollow stalk, tube, pipe; also a measure of capacity)。nāḷamatta,【形】大约一管的容量。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '& Nāḷa (nt.) [Sk. nāla, see nala] a hollow stalk, esp. that of the water lily A.IV,169; J.I,392 (°pana v. l. °vana); VvA.43. See also nāḷikā & nālī. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(na + alaŋ), 【无】 不足够,不适合的。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adv.) [=na alaṁ] not enough, insufficient It.37; J.I,190; DA.I,167. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(na+alaṁ),【无】不足够,不适合的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 名字,名(有名无实的非物质元素,例:心识,知觉等,由于它等只挂个名,所以就称它等为名)。【形】 (在【合】中) 名叫…。 ~karaṇa,【中】 命名。 ~gahaṇa, 【中】 得名。 ~dheya, ~dheyya, 【中】 名字。【形】 名…的。 ~pada, 【中】 名词。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】名字,名(name。S.1.61.,缅甸英译:nomenclature命名)。有名无实的非物质元素,例:心识,知觉等,由於它等只挂个名,所以就称它等为名)。倾向故为「名」(namatīti nāmaṁ),变坏故为「色」(ruppatīti rūpaṁ)(Vism.527)。SA.12.2./II,16.:namanalakkhaṇaṁ nāmaṁ. Ruppanalakkhaṇaṁ rūpaṁ.(‘倾向之相’为‘名’。‘败坏之相’为‘色’。)。Vbh.162.︰Tattha katamaṁ nāmaṁ? Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho--idaṁ vuccati “nāmaṁ”. Tattha katamaṁ rūpaṁ? Yaṁ rūpaṁ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati--idaṁ vuccati “rūpaṁ”.( 此中,什么是‘名’?受蕴、想蕴、行蕴,这称为名。此中,什么是‘色’?凡是色藉由意识界支持而转起,这称为色。)【形】(在【合】中) 名叫…。nāmakaraṇa,【中】命名。nāmagahaṇa,【中】得名。nāmadheya, nāmadheyya,【中】名字。【形】名…的。nāmapada,【中】名词。nāmarūpa,【中】名色(name-and-form)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Vedic nāman, cp. Gr. o]/noma (a)n-w/numos without name]; Lat. nomen; Goth. namō; Ags. noma, Ohg. namo] name. -- 1. Literal. Nom. nāmaṁ S.I,39; Sn.808; J.II,131; Miln.27; Acc. nāmaṁ PvA.145 (likhi: he wrote her name). -- nāmaṁ karoti to give a name Sn.344; Nd2 466 (n’etaṁ nāmaṁ mātarā kataṁ on “Bhagavā”); J.I,203, 262 (w. double Acc.). -- nāmaṁ gaṇhāti to call by name, to enumerate J.IV,402; PvA.18 (v. l. BB nāmato g.). Definitions at Vin.IV,6 (two kinds hīna° & ukkatṭha°) and at Vism.528 (=namanalakkhaṇa). -- 2. Specified. nāma as metaphysical term is opposed to rūpa, & comprises the 4 immaterial factors of an individual (arūpino khandhā, viz. vedanā saññā saṅkhāra viññāṇa; see khandha II. Ba). These as the noëtic principle combd with the material principle make up the individual as it is distinguished by “name & body” from other individuals. Thus nāmarūpa= individuality, individual being. These two are inseparable (aññamaññûpanissitā ete dhammā, ekato va uppajjanti Miln.49). S.I,35 (yattha n. ca rūpañ ca asesaṁ uparujjhati taṁ te dhammaṁ idh’aññāya acchiduṁ bhavabandhanaṁ); Sn.1036, 1100; Nd1 435=Nd2 339 (nāma=cattāro arūpino khandhā); DhA.IV,100 (on Dh.367): vedanādīnaṁ catunnaṁ rūpakkhandhassa cā ti pañcannaṁ khandhānaṁ vasena pavattaṁ nāmarūpaṁ; DhsA.52: nāmarūpa-duke nāmakaraṇaṭṭhena nāmaṭṭhena namanaṭṭhena ca nāmaṁ ruppanaṭṭhena rūpaṁ. Cp. D.I,223; II,32, 34, 56, 62; S.I,12 (taṇhā nrūpe), 23 (n-rūpasmiṁ asajjamāna); II,3, 4, 66 (nrūpassa avakkanti), 101 sq. (id.); M.I,53; A.I,83, 176; III,400; IV,385 (°ārammaṇa); V,51, 56; Sn.355, 537, 756, 909; Dh.367; It.35; Ps.I,193; II,72, 112 sq.; Vbh.294; Nett 15 sq., 28, 69; Miln.46. Nāma+rūpa form an elementary pair D.III,212; Kh IV. Also in the Paṭicca-samuppāda (q. v.), where it is said to be caused (conditioned) by viññāṇa & to cause saḷāyatana (the 6 senses), D.II,34; Vin.I,1 sq.; S.II,6 sq.; Sn.872 (nāmañ ca rūpañca paṭicca phassā; see in detail expld at Nd1 276). Synonymous with nāmarūpa is nāmakāya: Sn.1074; Nd2 338; Ps.I,183; Nett 27, 41, 69, 77. ‹-› In this connection to be mentioned are var. definitions of nāma as the principle or distinguishing mark (“label”) of the individual, given by Coms, e. g. Nd1 109, 127; KhA 78; with which cp. Bdhgh’s speculation concerning the connotation of nāma mentioned by Mrs. Rh. D. at Dhs. trsl. p. 341. -- 3. Use of Cases. Instr. nāmena by name PvA.1 (Petavatthū ti n.); Mhvs VII.32 (Sirīsavatthu n.). -- Acc. nāma (the older form, cp. Sk. nāma) by name S.I,33, 235 (Anoma°); Sn.153, 177; J.I,59 (ko nām’esa “who by name is this one”=what is his name), 149 (nāmena Nigrodhamigarājā n.), 203 (kiṁsaddo nāma esa); II,4; III,187; VI,364 (kā nāma tvaṁ). See also evaṁnāma, kinnāma; & cp. the foll. -- 4. nāma (Acc.) as adv. is used as emphatic particle=just, indeed, for sure, certainly J.I,222; II,133, 160, 326; III,90; PvA.6, 13, 63 etc. Therefore freq. in exclamation & exhortation (“please,” certainly) J.VI,367; DhA.III,171; PvA.29 (n. detha do give); in combn with interr. pron.=now, then J.I,221 (kiṁ n.), 266 (kathaṁ n.); III,55 (kiṁ); Kh IV. (ekaṁ n. kiṁ); with neg.=not at all, certainly not J.I,222; II,352; III,126 etc. -- Often further emphasised or emphasising other part.; e. g. pi (=api) nāma really, just so Vin.I,16 (seyyathā p. n.); Sn.p. 15 (id.); VvA.22 (read nāma kāro); PvA.76; app’(=api) eva n. thus indeed, forsooth Vin.I,16; It.89=M.I,460; J.I,168; Pv.II,26 (=api nāma PvA.80); eva nāma in truth PvA.2; nāma tāva certainly DhA.I,392, etc.

--kamma giving a name, naming, denomination Dhs.1306; Bdhd 83; --karaṇa name-giving, “christening” DhA.II,87; --gahaṇa receiving a name, “being christened” J.I,262 (°divasa) --gotta ancestry, lineage S.I,43 (°ṁ na jīrati); Sn.648, Nd2 385 (mātāpettikaṁ n.); --dheyya assigning a name, name-giving J.III,305; IV,449; V,496; Dhs.1306. --pada see pada. --matta a mere name Miln.25. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '「名」,具有倾向,即了知所缘的能力的现象;心理现象。「念住一切在自身内生起的名法」,意思是,藉由无偏的观照,只是纯粹知道自己的念头、想像、心理状态(如喜、悲、焦急、贪、瞋、疑、挫折感、快乐等),不批判、评断它。', 'xr': '《巴英术语汇编》 -《法的医疗》附 温宗堃'}
{'def': '名', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '名色辨别智。', 'xr': '《巴英术语汇编》 -《法的医疗》附 温宗堃'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nāma] 1. (-°) by name S.II,282 (Thera°); PvA.67, 96 (kaṇha°). -- 2. consisting of a mere name, i. e. mere talk, nonsense, ridiculous D.I,240. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】(在【合】中) 名叫…的,凭名字。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 (在【合】中) 名叫…的,凭名字。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'm. 名色識別論 [Anuruddha 所作的論書].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'm. 名色識別論 [Anuruddha 作の論書].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'm. 名色合論 [Khema 所作的論書, 也叫作 Khema-pakaraṇa (Khema論, 開曼論)].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'm. 名色合論 [Khema 作の論書, Khema-pakaraṇa (ケーマ論)とも言う].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '(namati 的【使】), 鞠躬,顶礼,合十。【过】nāmesi。【过分】nāmita。【独】nāmetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(namati 的【使】), 鞠躬,顶礼,合十。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 nāmita。【无】 nāmetvā。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'at Sn.1143 (Fsb.) is to be read as nâpenti. Otherwise see under namati. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt. m.) [Sk. nānatva; abstr. fr. nānā] diversity, variety, manifoldness, multiformity, distraction; all sorts of (opp. ekatta, cp. M.I,364: “the multiformity of sensuous impressions,” M.A.). Enumn of diversity as nānattā, viz. dhātu° phassa° vedanā° saññā° saṅkappa° chanda° pariḷāha° pariyesanā° lābha° D.III,289; S.II,140 sq., cp. IV.113 sq., 284 sq.; Ps.I,87. -- A.IV,385; Ps.I,63 sq., 88 sq.; S.II,115 (vedanā°); Ps.I,91 (samāpatti° & vihāra°); J.II,265. In composition, substituted sometimes for nāna. Cp. Dialogues I.14, n. 2.

--kathā desultory talk, gossip D.I,8; (=niratthakakathā DA.I,90); S.V,420; --kāya (adj.) having a variety of bodies or bodily states (combd with or opp. to ekatta°, nānatta-saññin, & ekatta-saññin), appl. to manussā, devā, vinipātikā (cp. nava sattâvāsā) A.IV,39 sq.=Nd2 5702; D.III,253, 263, 282; --saññā consciousness of diversity (Rh. D.: “idea of multiformity,” Dial. II.119; Mrs. Rh. D. “consciousness of the manifold”) M.I,3; S.IV,113 sq.; D.III,224, 262 sq., 282; A.I,41, 267; II,184; III,306; Ps.II,172; Dhs.265 (cp. trsl. p. 72); Vbh.342, 369; --saññin having a varying consciousness (cp. °kāya), D.I,31 (cp. DA.I,119) 183; III,263. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】各式各样,多样性,多种。nānāttakāya,【形】有多样性的身体状态的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 各式个样,多样性,多种。 ~kāya, 【形】有多样性的身体状态的。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [2nd abstr. to nānā]=nānatta, diversity (of states of mind). Seven sorts at Vbh.425: ārammaṇa° manasikāra° chanda° paṇidha° adhimokkha° abhinīhāra° paññā°. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】各式各样。参考 Nānatta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【无】不同的,不同地。nānākaraṇa,【中】各式各样,差异。gotta,【形】种种血统的。nānājacca,【形】种种国家的。nānājana,【阳】种种人。nānātitthiya,【形】种种宗教的。nānāppakāra,【形】各种不同的,多种形式的。nānāratta,【形】种种顔色的。nānāvāda,【形、中】有不同的见解,种种见解。nānāvidha,【形】各种不同的,种种的。nānāsaṁvāsaka,【形】住在不同的团体的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adv.) [Ved. nānā, a redupl. nā (emphatic particle, see na1) “so and so,” i. e. various, of all kinds] variously, differently. 1. (abs.) A.I,138 (on different sides, viz. right ; left); Sn.878 (=na ekaṁ SnA 554;=vividhaṁ aññoññaṁ puthu na ekaṁ Nd1 285), 884 sq. -- 2. more frequently in cpds., as first part of adj. or n. where it may be trsld as “different, divers, all kinds of” etc. Before a double cons. the final ā is shortened: nānagga (for nānā+agga), nānappakāra etc. see below.

--agga (-rasa) all the choicest delicacies J.I,266 (°bhojana, of food); VI,366; PvA.155 (°dibbabhojana); --âdhimuttikatā diversity of dispositions DA.I,44; Nett 98; --āvudhā (pl.) various weapons J.I,150; --karaṇa difference, diversity Vin.I,339 (saṅgha°); M.II,128; cp. Divy 222; --gotta of all kinds of descent Pv.II,916; --citta of varying mind J.I,295 (itthiyo); --jana all kinds of folk Sn.1102; Nd1 308 (puthu°); --titthiya of var. sects D.III,16 sq.; --pakkāra various, manifold J.I,52 (sakuṇā), 127, 278 (phalāni); DAI. 148 (āvudhā); PvA.50, 123, 135; --ratta multi-coloured Sn.287; J.VI,230; --rasā (pl.) all kinds of dainties Pv.II,911; --vāda difference of opinion D.I,236; --vidha divers, various, motley PvA.53, 96, 113, and passim; --saṁvāsaka living in a different part, or living apart Vin.I,134 sq. (opp. samāna°), 321; II,162. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【无】 不同的,不同地。 ~karaṇa, 【中】 各式个样,差异。 ~gotta,【形】 种种血统的。 ~jacca, 【形】 种种国家的。 ~jana, 【阳】 种种人。~titthiya, 【形】 种种宗教的。 ~pakāra, 【形】 各种不同的,多种形式的。 ~ratta, 【形】 种种颜色的。 ~vāda, 【形、中】 有不同的见解,种种见解。 ~vidha, 【形】 各种不同的,种种的。 ~saŋvāsaka, 【形】 住在不同的团体的。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'm. アシタ仙の甥.= Nālada,Nalaka', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【阳】柑橘树(the mandarin orange tree﹐亚洲东南部的小型有刺常绿树 〔柑橘属〕(Citrus reticulata),结甜的可食用果实)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 柑橘树(亚洲东南部的小型有刺常绿树 〔柑橘属〕(Citrusreticulata),结甜的可食用果实)。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】铁棒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nārāca; perhaps for *nāḍāca & conn. with nālīka, a kind of arrow, to nāḷa] an iron weapon, an arrow or javelin M.I,429; J.III,322; Miln.105, 244, 418. --valaya an iron ring or collar (?) Mhvs VII.20 (Com. “vaṭṭita-assanārāca-pasa”=a noose formed by bending the ends of the n. into a circle). (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 铁棒。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】 女人。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】女人,婇女(有时作‘天女’,另一字:apsaras(梵))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. nārī to nara man, orig. “the one belonging to the man”] woman, wife, female Sn.301, 836; Dh.284; J.I,60; III,395; IV,396 (°gaṇa); Vv 61, 4416; Pv.I,91 (=itthi PvA.44). pl. nariyo (Sn.299, 304, 703), & nāriyo (Sn.703 v. l. BB; Pv.II,952). Combd with nara as naranārī, male & female (angels), e. g. Vv 538; Pv.II,112 (see nara). (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nāśa, see nassati] destruction, ruin, death J.I,5, 256; Sdhp.58, 319. Usually vi°, also adj. vināsaka. Cp. panassati. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 毁灭,破坏,死亡。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. nāwa, see nassati),【阳】毁灭,破坏,死亡(destruction, ruin, death)。usually vināsa, also adj. vināsaka.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Sk. nāwana),【中】杀害,破坏,逐出,灭摈(destruction, abandoning, expulsion)。《普端严》解释说:「这里有三种灭摈(nāsana):共住灭摈(saṁvāsanāsana)、形相灭摈 (liṅganāsana)和处罚灭摈(daṇḍakammanāsana)。(Sp.pāci..428.) nāsanantika,【形】灭摈的(a bhikkhu who is under the penalty of expulsion Vin.I,255.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 杀害,破坏,逐出。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. nāśana] destruction, abandoning, expulsion, in °antika (adj.) a bhikkhu who is under the penalty of expulsion Vin.I,255. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nas+e)(Sk. nāwayati, Caus. of nassati), 杀,毁灭,破坏,驱逐(to destroy, spoil, ruin; to kill)。【过】nāsesi。【过分】nāsita。【现分】nāsenta。【独】nāsetvā。【义】nāsetabba。【不】nāsetuṁ。SA.42.9./III,107.︰Vidhamatīti dhamento viya nāseti.(吹毁︰如(风)吹毁。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nas + e), 杀,毁灭,破坏,驱逐。 【过】 nāsesi。 【过分】 nāsita。【现分】 nāsenta。 【无】 nāsetvā。 【潜】 nāsetabba。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nāśayati, Caus. of nassati, q. v.] 1. to destroy, spoil, ruin; to kill J.I,59; II,105, 150; III,279, 418. ‹-› 2. to atone for a fault (with Abl.) Vin.I,85, 86, 173 etc. ‹-› Cp. vi°. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. nāsikya) ,【形】鼻子的(belonging to the nose, nasal, in nāsikasota the nostril or nose (orig. “sense of smell”)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. nāsikya] belonging to the nose, nasal, in °sota the nostril or nose (orig. “sense of smell”) D.I,106; Sn.p. 108. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】鼻子。nāsikasota﹐鼻孔。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 鼻子。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(see nāsa & nāseti) ,【形】灭摈的(one who is ejected Vin.IV,140 (of a bhikkhu))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [see nāsa & nāseti] one who is ejected Vin.IV,140 (of a bhikkhu). (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 鼻子。 ~rajju, 【阴】 鼻绳,牛绳(串在牛鼻的绳)。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Vedic nāsā),【阴】1.鼻子(nose)。2.象鼻(the trunk (of an elephant))。nāsārajju,【阴】鼻绳,牛绳(串在牛鼻的绳)。nāsāpuṭa﹐【阳】【中】鼻腔(“nose-cup”; the outside of the nose, the nostril)。nāsāvāta,【阳】鼻风(breath from the nostrils J.III,276.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [Vedic nāsā (du.); Lat. nāris, Ohg. nasa, Ags. nasu] 1. the nose, Sn.198, 608. -- 2. the trunk (of an elephant) J.V,297 (nāga°-uru); Sdhp.153.

--puṭa “nose-cup”; the outside of the nose, the nostril J.VI,74; Vism.195 (nāsa°), 264 (nāsa°, but KhA 67 nāsā°), 283 (nāsa°). --vāta wind, i. e. breath from the nostrils J.III,276. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. BSk. Jñātaputra] = Nigaṇṭha 若提子, ナータ(Nāta)族的出身者, ジャイナ(Jaina, 耆那)教祖.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. BSk. Jñātaputra] = Nigaṇṭha 若提子, ナータ族の出身者, ジャイナ教祖.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '【阳】保护,保护者,依怙主。《法句经注》(DhA.v161.):Nātho’ti patiṭṭhā.(‘保护’为‘支援’(或依怙、救助、保护)义)古锡兰文《法句经规矩》(Dhammapada puranasannaya﹐p.77.,将nātho一字代以pihita vaneya「乃一支柱(依怙、救助)」。anātha,无助)、无支应、无保护、贫乏;不可译为「没有主宰」或「无主」。Lokanātho﹐世间的皈依处;不可译为「世间之救主」。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Ved. nātha, nāth, to which Goth. nipan (to support), Ohg. gināda (grace)] protector, refuge, help A.V,23, 89; Dh.160 (attā hi attano n.), 380; Sn.1131 (Nd2 has nāga); DhA.IV,117; PvA.1. lokanātha Saviour of the world (Ep. of the Buddha) Sn.995; PvA.42. -- anātha helpless, unprotected, poor J.I,6 (nāthânāthā rich & poor); PvA.3 (°sālā poor house) 65. Cp. nādhati. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 保护,保护者。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 水手。 ~vikī, 【阴】 女水手。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nāvika] 1. a sailor, mariner J.II,103; IV,142; Miln.359; Dāvs.IV,43 (captain). -- 2. a ferryman J.II,111; III,230 (Avariya-pitā.). (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. nāvika) 1.船员(a sailor, mariner J.II,103; IV,142; Miln.359; Dāvs.IV,43 (captain)。2.船员(a ferryman J.II,111; III,230 (Avariya-pitā.))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】水手。nāvikī,【阴】女水手。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 九十岁。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. navuti] 90 years old J.III,395 (°ā itthi); SnA 172. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】九十岁。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】船,舟。nāvatittha,【中】船埠,港口,渡口。nāvasañcāra,【阳】通航。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [Ved. nāuḥ & nāvā, Gr. nau_s, Lat. navis] a boat, ship Vin.III,49 (q. v. for definition & description); S.I,106 (eka-rukkhikā); III,155=V.51=A.IV,127 (sāmuddikā “a liner”); A.II,200; III,368; Sn.321, 770, 771; Dh.369 (metaphor of the human body); J.I,239; II,112; III,126; 188; IV,2, 21, 138; V,75 (with “500” passengers), 433; VI,160 (=nāvyā canal? or read nālaṁ?); Vv 61 (=pota VvA.42, with pop. etym. “satte netī ti nāvā ti vuccati”); Pv III,35 (=doṇi PvA.189); Miln.261 (100 cubits long); Dāvs.IV,42; PvA.47, 53; Sdhp.321. In simile Vism.690.

--tittha a ferry J.III,230; --sañcaraṇa (a place for) the traffic of boats, a port Miln.359. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 船,舟。 ~tittha, 【中】 船埠,港口,渡口。 ~sañcāra, 【阳】通航。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nāvāja=Gr. nauhgόs, cp. Lat. navigo] a mariner, sailor, skipper Miln.365. (Page 351)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】领袖,主人。nāyikā,【阴】女领袖,女主人。cha nāyaka-guṇa,六种领袖的特质,1.khama【形】宽恕的。2.jāgariya,【中】清醒,警寤。3.dayā【阴】怜悯,仁慈。4.uṭṭhāna【中】敏锐。5.saṁvibhāga,【阳】分享。6.ikkhana【中】看见,睿智。balanāyako﹐有力的领袖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[BSk. nāyaka (cp. anāyaka without guide AvŚ I.210); fr. neti; cp. naya] a leader, guide, lord, mostly as Ep. of the Buddha (loka° “Lord of the World”) Sn.991 (loka°); Mhvs VII.1 (id.); Sdhp.491 (tilokassa); bala-nāyakā gang leaders J.I,103. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 领袖,主人。 ~yikā, 【阴】 女领袖,女主人。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 茎,梗,管。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'Nāḷī(Sk. nāḍī),【阴】呐砺(一种管形的容量,16 nāḷi = 1 doṇa;1 nāḷi = 1 pattha),管。nāḷipaṭṭa,【阳】帽,笠。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 呐砺(一种管形的容量,16 nāḷi = 1 doṇa;1 nāḷi = 1 pattha),管。 ~matta, 【形】 大约一管的容量。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 椰子树(有羽状叶子的椰子树〔椰子属〕(Cocos nucifera),在热带地区广泛种植,用于食品、饮料、油、盖屋顶、纤维制品、器皿和装饰品)。 【中】 椰子(椰子树的褐色硬外壳的大种子,包括围绕有部分液体充填的中央果穴的白果肉)。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nārikera, nārikela, nalikera, nālikela: dialect, of uncertain etym.] the coconut tree Vv 4413; J.IV,159; V,384; DA.I,83; VvA.162. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. nārikera, nārikela, nalikera, nālikela),【阳】椰子树(the coconut tree Vv 4413; J.IV,159; V,384; DA.I,83; VvA.162.。有羽状叶子的椰子树〔椰子属〕(Cocos nucifera),在热带地区广泛种植,用於食品、饮料、油、盖屋顶、纤维制品、器皿和装饰品)。【中】椰子(椰子树的褐色硬外壳的大种子,包括围绕有部分液体充填的中央果穴的白果肉)。印度传统草药(Ayurvedic)的一些药方中,椰子油是重要成分,有些地方病人每天喝整杯椰子油治病。近代提链出较高纯度的中链脂肪酸(c-8, c-10),大大的提高排毒、清除身体的垃圾,治病的能力。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) belonging to the coconut tree J.V,417. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】椰子树(belonging to the coconut tree J.V,417.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 管,瓶子。 ~yanta, 【中】 时钟(沙钟,沙计时),测量时间的仪器。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. nāḍikā & nālikā] a stalk, shaft; a tube, pipe or cylinder for holding anything; a small measure of capacity Vin.II,116 (sūci°, cp. sūcighara, needle-case); D.I,7 (=bhesajja° DA.I,89); A.I,210; J.I,123 (taṇḍula° a nāḷi full of rice); VI,366 (aḍḍha-n-matta); Nd2 229. Cp. pa°.

--odana a nāḷi measure of boiled rice S.I,82; DhA.IV,17; --gabbha an (inner) room of tubular shape Vin.II,152. (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】管,瓶子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】时钟(沙钟,沙计时器),测量时间的仪器。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 帽,笠。(p170)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) & (in cpds.) nāḷi [Sk. nāḍī, see nala] a hollow stalk, tube, pipe; also a measure of capacity Vin.I,249; A.III,49; J.I,98 (suvaṇṇa°), 124 (taṇḍula°), 419; III,220 (kaṇḍa° a quiver); IV,67; DhA.II,193 (tela°), 257. Cp. pa°.

--paṭṭa a covering for the head, a cap J.VI,370, 444 (text °vaṭṭa); --matta as much as a tube holds A.II,199; PvA.283; DhA.II,70; J.I,419 (of aja-laṇḍikā). (Page 350)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】戏剧。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 戏剧。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nāṭaka; see naccati] 1. (m.) a dancer, actor, player J.I,206; V,373; DhA.III,88; IV,59, 130; nāṭakitthi a dancing-girl, nautch-girl DhA.III,166; VvA.131. -- 2. (nt.) a play, pantomime J.I,59; V,279, also used coll.=dancing-woman J.I,59 (?) II.395. (Page 349)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'nāṭikā, 【阴】 舞女。(p169)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'nāṭikā,【阴】舞女。naccagītakusalaṁ nāṭakitthiṁ, 擅长歌舞的舞女。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. nirbhṛta, pp. of nis+bhṛ] bought out J.III,471. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 低的,卑下的,次等的。 ~kula, 【中】 贱种姓(低的印度世袭阶级)。 ~kulīnatā, 【阴】 有出生卑贱的情况。 ~āsana, 【中】 低座。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】低的,卑下的,卑贱的,次等的,谦卑的。nīcakula,【中】贱种姓(低的印度世袭阶级)。nīcakulīnatā,【阴】有出生卑贱的情况。nīcāsana,【中】低座。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic nīca, adj.-formation fr. adv. ni°, cp. Sk. nyañc downward] low, inferior, humble (opp. ucca high, fr. adv. ud°) Vin.I,46, 47; II,194; D.I,109, 179, 194; A.V,82; SnA 424 (nīcaṁ karoti to degrade); & passim.

--kula of low clan J.I,106; Sn.411; --(°ā) kulīna belonging to low caste Sn.462; --cittatā being humble-hearted Dhs.1340; DhsA.395; --pīṭhaka a low stool DhA.IV,177; --mano humble Sn.252 (=nīcacitto SnA 293); --seyyā a low bed A.I,212 (opp. uccâsayana). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [compar. of nīca (for °īya?), in function of °eyya as “of the kind of,” sort of, rather] lower, inferior, rather low M.I,329; Sn.855, 918; Nd1 244, 351. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=nu idha, see nu. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(?) [Sk. ? Cp. keyura] bracelet, bangle J.VI,64, (=valaya; v. l. BB nivara). Also given as nīyura (cp. Prk. neura & P. nūpura). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】悲惨,混乱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(in anīgha) see nigha1. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 悲惨,混乱。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ni+har拿+a), 取出,驱赶,伸展。【过】nīhari。【现分】nīharanta。【独】nīharitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[nis+hṛ] to take out, to throw out, drive out J.I,150, 157; III,52; VI,336; Nd2 1997 (ni°); VvA.222, 256; PvA.73, 254; Miln.8, 219. aor. nīhari D.I,92; J.I,293; II,154; PvA.41, 178 (gehato taṁ n.). grd. nīharitabba DhA.I,397 (opp. pavesetabba). -- pp. nīhaṭa. -- Caus. nīharāpeti to have thrown out, to order to be ejected VvA.141. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ni + har + a), 取出,驱赶,伸展。 【过】 nīhari。【现分】 nīharanta。 【独】 nīharitvā。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 取出,带走。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. nīharati] taking out, carrying away, removing DA.I,296; PvA.7. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】取出,带走。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of nīharati=Sk. nirhṛta] thrown out, removed; in f. abstr. °tā ejection, removal [cp. Sk. nirhṛti] DhA.III,336 (malānaṁ n. the extirpation of impurity or removal of stain). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(niharati 的【过分】)。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(niharati 的【过分】) 已取出,已驱赶,已伸展。anīhaṭa,不伸展。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 喷出。 2. 实行。 3. 方法,样子。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】1.喷出。2.实行。3.方法,样子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. nirhāra] way, manner Vin.I,13; J.I,127; DhA.IV,7. At Vin.I,13 also in nīhāra-bhatta (=nīhāraka). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. nīhāra, cp. nīharaṇa] one who carries away Vin.I,13 (nīhāra-bhatta); S.V,12, 320, 325 (piṇḍapāta). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. nyaṅku? Doubtful reading] a kind of deer (or pig) J.V,406 (vv.ll. nika, ninga). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 蓝的。 【阳】 蓝色。 ~kasiṇa, 【中】(修禅取相的)蓝色器材。~gīva, 【阳】 孔雀。 ~maṇi, 【阳】 蓝宝石,青玉。 ~vaṇṇa, 【形】 有蓝色的。 ~vallī, 【阴】 一种药藤。 ~sappa, 【阳】 瘦蛇 (Dryophis)。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】巢(a nest)。nīlaja,【阳】鸟。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 巢。 ~ja, 【阳】 鸟。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】蓝的,青的。【阳】蓝色。nīlakasiṇa,【中】(修禅取相的)青遍(准备一个直径约30公分的圆盘,把它敷上青莲花或结黎根尼迦(nīluppala-girikaṇṇikā,即蓝蝴蝶clitoria ternatea)等青色花或青铜(kaṁsanīla)、青叶(palāsanīla)、青染料(añjananīlānaṁ)等青色物,当作对象。Vism.173)。nīlagīva(脖子),【阳】孔雀(peacock青颈鸟)。nīlamaṇi,【阳】蓝宝石,青玉(sapphire)。nīlavaṇṇa,【形】有蓝色的。nīlavallī,【阴】一种药藤。nīlasappa,【阳】瘦蛇 (一种青色的蛇the whip snake﹐Dryophis)。nīlakaṇṭha,青颈。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Vedic nīla),【形】dark-blue, blue-black, blue-green. Nīla serves as a general term to designate the “coloured-black,” as opposed to the “colouredwhite” (pīta yellow), which pairs (nīla-pīta) are both set off against the “pure” colour-sensations of red (lohitaka) & white (odāta), besides the distinct black or dark (see kaṇha).遍处禅 nīla pīta lohita odāta; in the description of the 5 colours of the Buddha’s eye: nīla pītaka lohitaka kaṇha odāta (Nd2 235, Ia under cakkhumā)(mahānīla great blue lotus);\xa0nīla-abbha a black cloud. nīla-abhijāti a dark (unfortunate) birth (cp. kaṇh°) A III.383; nīlauppala blue lotus J III.394; Vv 454 (=kuvalaya); DhA I.384;nīlakasiṇa the “blue” kasiṇa; nīlagīva “blue neck,” a peacock Sn 221 =maṇi-daṇḍa-sadisāya gīvāya n. ti SnA 277); nīlapupphī N. of plant (“blue-blossom”) J VI.53; nīlabījaka a waterplant (“blue-seed”) Bdhgh at Vin III.276; nīlamaṇi a sapphire (“blue-stone”) ;nīlavaṇṇa blue colour, coloured blue or green (of the ocean); Dhs 246. DhsA.(CS:p.354):umāpupphasamānaṁ nīlaṁ.(相似於umā花的颜色,为’蓝色’。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic nīla, perhaps conn. with Lat. nites to shine, see Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.] dark-blue, blue-black, blue-green. Nīla serves as a general term to designate the “coloured-black,” as opposed to the “colouredwhite” (pīta yellow), which pairs (nīla-pīta) are both set off against the “pure” colour-sensations of red (lohitaka) & white (odāta), besides the distinct black or dark (see kaṇha). Therefore n. has a fluctuating connotation (cp. Mrs. Rh. D. Buddh. Psych. p. 49 & Dhs. trsl. p. 62), its only standard combn being that with pīta, e. g. in the enumn of the ten kasiṇa practices (see kasiṇa): nīla pīta lohita odāta; in the description of the 5 colours of the Buddha’s eye: nīla pītaka lohitaka kaṇha odāta (Nd2 235, Ia under cakkhumā); which goes even so far as to be used simply in the sense of “black & white,” e. g. VvA.320. Applied to hair (lomāni) D.II,144; M.II,136. See further enumn at VvA.111 & under kaṇha. -- A.III,239; IV,263 sq., 305, 349; V,61; Vism.110, 156, 173; ThA.42 (mahā° great blue lotus); Dhs.617; Pv.II,25; PvA.32, 46, 158; Sdhp.246, 270, 360.

--abbha a black cloud Pv IV.39. --abhijāti a dark (unfortunate) birth (cp. kaṇh°) A.III,383; --uppala blue lotus J.III,394; Vv 454 (=kuvalaya); DhA.I,384; --kasiṇa the “blue” kasiṇa (q. v.) D.III,248; Dhs.203; (Vam 172 etc.; --gīva “blue neck,” a peacock Sn.221 =maṇi-daṇḍa-sadisāya gīvāya n. ti SnA 277); --pupphī N. of plant (“blue-blossom”) J.VI,53; --bījaka a waterplant (“blue-seed”) Bdhgh at Vin.III,276; --maṇi a sapphire (“blue-stone”) J.II,112; IV,140; DhA.III,254; --vaṇṇa blue colour, coloured blue or green J.IV,140 (of the ocean); Dhs.246. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) for nīla M.II,201; see vi°. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'nīlī,【阴】木蓝(the indigo plant;Indigofera tinctoria)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'nīlī, 【阴】 木蓝(印度产的木蓝 (Indigofera tinctoria))。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. nīlī] an (indigo) hair dye J.III,138 (Com. nīliyaka). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 青莲。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】青莲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. nīlī] the indigo plant, indigo colour A.III,230, 233. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 东印度团花(参考 Kadamba)。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic nīpa, contr. fr. ni+āpa “low water”] lit. lying low, deep, N. of the tree Nauclea cadamba, a species of Asoka tree J.I,13 (v. 61)=Bu II.51; J.V,6 (so read for nipa). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】东印度团花(参考 Kadamba)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 水。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nīraja, nis+raja] free from passion Sdhp.370. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nīrasa, nis+rasa] sapless, dried up, withered, tasteless, insipid J.III,111. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nīrava, nis+rava] soundless, noiseless, silent DA.I,153 (tuṇhī+). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nīroga, nis+roga] free from disease, healthy, well, unhurt J.I,421; III,26; IV,31; PvA.198 (ni°). Cp. nīruja. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. nīruja, nis+rujā]=nīroga Sdhp.496. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(neti 的【过分】), 已携带,已推论出,已指明,已牵着走。 ~attha, 【阳】推论出的意义。(p182)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(pp.) [pp. of neti] led, guided; ascertained, inferred A.I,60 (°attha); J.I,262; II,215 (kāma°); Nett 21 (°attha, natural meaning, i. e. the primarily inferred sense, opp. neyyattha); Sdhp.366 (dun°). Cp. vi°. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(neti 的【过分】), 已携带,已推论出,已指明,已牵著走。nītattha,【阳】推论出的意义。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 法律,指导。 ~sattha, 【中】 政治学(政治手腕的科学),(载有法律条文或案例等的)法律书籍。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】法律,指导。nītisattha,【中】政治学(政治手腕的科学),(载 有法律条文或案例等的)法律书籍。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. nīti, fr. nīta] guidance, practice, conduct, esp. right conduct, propriety; statesmanship, polity PvA.114 (°maṅgala commonsense), 129 (°sattha science of statecraft, or of prudent behaviour), 130 (°cintaka a lawgiver), 131 (°naya polity & law), 132 (°kusala versed in the wisdom of life); Miln.3 (here meaning the Nyāyaphilosophy, cp. Trenckner, Notes p. 58). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 障碍,妨碍,盖(对禅修妨碍的五盖,即:贪欲、瞋恚、惛沉睡眠、掉举恶作、疑)。 ~ṇiya, 【形】 形成妨害的。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. *nivāraṇa, nis+ varaṇa of vr (vrṇoti), see nibbuta & cp. nivāraṇa),【中】障碍,隐藏,盖(an obstacle, hindrance。称为「盖」是具有所障(āvuṭā)、所遮(nivuṭā)、所妨(onaddhā)、所碍(pariyonaddhā)。对禅修妨碍的五盖pañca nīvaraṇā,即:慾欲、瞋恚、惛沉.睡眠、掉举.恶作、疑)。断五盖:断欲贪--不净相(asubhanimittaṁ),断瞋恚--意慈心解脱(mettā cetovimutti),断惛沉.睡眠--发勤精进(āraddhavīriya),断掉举.后悔--心寂静(cetaso vūpasamo),断疑--从根源作意(yonisomanasikāro)。《法门名义集》:「何名为盖?能覆行人,名之为盖。盖掩其心,令不明了。是名为盖。」(T54.195.3) Dhs.(PTS:1152;CS:1158.)︰Katame dhammā nīvaraṇā? Cha nīvaraṇā -- kāmacchandanīvaraṇaṁ, byāpādanīvaraṇaṁ, thinamiddhanīvaraṇaṁ, uddhaccakukkuccanīvaraṇaṁ, vicikicchānīvaraṇaṁ, avijjānīvaraṇaṁ.(什么是‘盖’?六盖--慾欲盖、瞋盖、惛沈.睡眠盖、掉举.恶作盖、疑盖、无明盖)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt. occasionally m.) [Sk. *nivāraṇa, nis+ varaṇa of vṛ (vṛṇoti), see nibbuta & cp. nivāraṇa] an obstacle, hindrance, only as tt. applied to obstacles in an ethical sense & usually enumd or referred to in a set of 5 (as pañca nīvaraṇāni and p. āvaraṇāni), viz. kāmacchanda, (abhijjhā-)vyāpāda, thīna-middha, uddhaccakukkucca, vicikicchā i. e. sensuality, ill-will, torpor of mind or body, worry, wavering (cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 310): D.I,73 (°e, Acc. pl.), 246; II,83, 300; III,49 sq., 101, 234, 278; S.II,23; III,149; V,60, 84 sq., 93 sq., 145, 160, 226, 327, 439; M.I,60, 144, 276; III,4, 295; A.I,3, 161; III,16, 63, 230 sq.; 386; IV,457; V,16, 195, 322; Sn.17; Nd1 13; Nd2 379; Ps.I,31, 129, 163; Pug.68; Dhs.1059, 1136, 1495; Vbh.199, 244, 378; Nett 11, 13, 94; Vism.146, 189; DA.I,213; Sdhp.459, 493 and passim. ‹-› Other enumns are occasionally found e. g. 10 at S.V,110; 8 at M.I,360 sq.; 6 at Dhs.1152. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. nīvaraṇa] belonging to an obstacle, forming a hindrance, obstructing Dhs.584, 1164, 1488; Vbh.12, 30, 66, 130 etc. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】形成妨害的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '﹐穄米,野生之谷类。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nīvāra, unexplained] raw rice, paddy D.I,166; A.I,241, 295; II,206; Pug.55; J.III,144 (°yāgu). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】野米,稻谷。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 野米,稻谷。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(neti 的【被】), 被引导,被携带。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. nīyati, Pass. of neti] to be led or guided, to go, to be moved S.I,39 (cittena nīyati loko); Dh.175; Pv.I,111 (=vahīyati PvA.56); J.I,264 (ppr. nīyamāna); PvA.4 (id.); DhA.III,177; Sdhp.292, 302. Also found in spelling niyyati at Sn.851; Nd1 223 (=yāyati, vuyhati), 395. -- In the sense of a Med. in imper. nīyāmase (let us take) Pv.II,91 (=nayissāma PvA.113). (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(neti 的【被】), 被引导,被携带。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '参考 niyyādeti。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '给掌管,交出,分配,献出。参考 niyyādeti。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'Nīyādeti see niyy°. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '参考 niyyānika。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】导致超度的,有利可图的。参考 niyyānika(有利可图的)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see niyy°. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(=niyyāti) (nī引导+yā去+a), 外出,离开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ni + yā + a), 参考 niyyāti。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see niyyāti. (Page 375)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Vedic nīḍa] a nest (J.V,92): see niḍḍha: cp. °pacchi bird cage J.II,361; roga° It.37; vadharoga° Th.I,1093. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【无】的确,当然,确定地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【无】 的确,当然,确定地。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(& nūnaṁ DhsA.164) (indecl.) [Ved. nūnaṁ=Gr. nu/n, Lat. nunc (cp. num); Goth. nu, Ger. nun, cp. E. now. See also nu] affirmative-dubitative particle with Pot. or Ind., viz. 1. (dubit.--interrog.) is it then, now, shall I etc. (=Lat. subjunctive, hortative & dubitative) D.I,155 (=Lat. num, cp. nu). Esp. freq. with rel. pron. yaṁ=yaṁ nūna what if, shall I, let me (Lat. age) Sn.p. 80 (yaṁ nūn’âhaṁ puccheyyaṁ let me ask, I will ask); J.I,150, 255; III,393; PvA.5 (y. n. âhaṁ imassa avassayo bhaveyyaṁ=let me help him). -- 2. (affirm.) surely, certainly, indeed Sn.1058 (api nūna pajaheyyuṁ); A.V,194; J.I,60; V,90; Pv.II,924 (nuna); Miln.20; DhsA.164; PvA.95 (nuna as v. l.; text reads nanda). (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】脚镯(anklet)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 脚镯。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. nūpura; Non-Aryan. Cp. Prk. ṇeura & nīdhura (nīyura)] an ornament for the feet, an anklet Th.2, 268; DA.I,50. Ne, Nesan see na3. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 新的,新鲜的。(p183)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】新的,新鲜的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic nūtana, adj.-formation fr. adv. nū, cp. nūna. In formation cp. Sk. śvastana (of to-morrow), Lat. crastinus etc.] “of now,” i. e. recent, fresh, new Dāvs.IV,47. (Page 376)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Initial o in Pali may represent a Vedic o or a Vedic au (see ojas, ogha, etc.). Or it may be guṇa of u (see oḷārika, opakammika, etc.). But it is usually a prefix representing Vedic ava. The form in o is the regular use in old Pali; there are only two or three cases where ava, for metrical or other reasons, introduced. In post-canonical Pali the form in ava is the regular one. For new formations we believe there is no exception to this rule. But the old form in o has in a few cases, survived. Though o; standing alone, is derived from ava, yet compounds with o are almost invariably older than the corresponding compounds with ava (see note on ogamana). (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第八个母音字母。发音好像汉语中阴平的 o。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第八个元音字母。发音好像汉语中阴平的 o。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[o + bandhati] to bind, to tie on to Vin.II,116 (obandhitvā ger.). (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + bhagga, pp. of bhañj, Sk. avabhagna] broken down, broken up, broken S.V,96 (°vibhagga); A.IV,435 (obhagg’obhagga); DhA.I,58 (id.); J.I,55 (°sarīra). (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【过分】 已打破,已拖垮。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【过分】已打破,已拖垮。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ava + bharati, cp. Sk. avabharati = Lat. aufero] to carry away or off, to take off. -- pp. obhata. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 光,光彩。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of obharati] having taken away or off, only in cpd. °cumbaṭā with the “cumbaṭa” taken off, descriptive of a woman in her habit of carrying vessels on her head (on the cumbaṭa stand) Vin.III,140 = VvA.73 (Hardy: “a woman with a circlet of cloth on her head”?). (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + bhañj] to fold up, bend over, crease (a garment); only Caus. II. obhañjāpeti J.I,499 (dhovāpeti +). See also pp. obhagga. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + bhoga from bhuj to bend] bending, winding, curve, the fold of a robe Vin.I,46 (obhoge kāyabandhanaṁ kātabbaṁ). (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[from obhāsati] shine, splendour, light, lustre, effulgence; appearance. In clairvoyant language also “aura” (see Cpd. 2141 with C. expln. “rays emitted from the body on account of insight”) -- D.I,220 (effulgence of light); M.III,120, 157; A.II,130, 139; IV,302; It.108 (obhāsakara); Ps.I,114, 119 (paññā°); II,100, 150 sq., 159, 162; Vism.28, 41; PvA.276 (°ṁ pharati to emit a radiance); Sdhp.325. With nimitta and parikathā at Vism.23; SnA 497. See also avabhāsa. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(from obhāsati),【阳】光,光彩(shine, splendour, light, lustre, effulgence; appearance.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】光亮的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.-adj.) [fr. obhāsa, cp. Sk. avabhāsana] shining VvA.276 (Hardy: “speaking to someone”). (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 光亮的。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (ava+ bhās(梵bhās)使发光+a or o+bhāsati cp. Sk. avabhāsati), 照耀,发光(to shine, to be splendid)。obhāsi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ava + bhās + a), 照耀,发光。 obhāsi, 【过】。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 [ava + bhāsati fr. bhāṣ; Sk. apabhāṣati] to speak to (inopportunely), to rail at, offend, abuse Vin.II,262; III,128. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [o + bhāsati from bhās, cp. Sk. avabhāsati] to shine, to be splendid Pv.I,21 (= pabhāseti vijjoteti PvA.10). -- Caus. obhāseti to make radiant or resplendent, to illumine, to fill with light or splendour. -- pres. obhāseti Pv III,115 (= joteti PvA.176); Miln.336; ppr. obhāsayanto Pv.I,111 (= vijjotamāna PvA.56) & obhāsento Pv.II,110 (= jotanto ekālokaṁ karonto PvA.71); ger. obhāsetvā S.I,66; Kh v. = Sn.p. 46; KhA 116 (= ābhāya pharitvā ekobhāsaṁ karitvā). -- pp. avabhāsita. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'obhāsayamāna, (Obhāseti的【现分】), 发光,照明。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(obhāsati 的 【使】), 使发光,照明。obhāsesi,【过】。obhāsetvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(obhāsati 的【使】), 使发光,照明。 obhāsesi, 【过】。 obhāsetvā,【独】。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Obhāseti的【过分】) 使发光,照明。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 调查员,通知者,低贱的行为。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. ocarati] in special meaning of one who makes himself at home or familiar with, an investigator, informant, scout, spy (ocarakā ti carapurisā C. on Ud.66). -- Thus also in BSk. as avacaraka one who furnishes information Divy 127; an adaptation from the Pāli. -- Vin.III,47, 52; M.I,129 = 189 (corā ocarakā, for carā?); S.I,79 (purisā carā (v. l. corā) ocarakā (okacarā v. l. SS) janapadaṁ ocaritvā etc.; cp. K. S. p. 106 n. 1) = Ud.66 (reads coiā o.). (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹ocarati),【形】调查员,通知者,低贱的行为(in special meaning of one who makes himself at home or familiar with, an investigator, informant, scout, spy)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + carati] to be after something, to go into, to search, reconnoitre, investigate, pry Vin.III,52 (ger. °itvā); M 1502 (ocarati); S.I,79 (°itvā: so read for T. ocaritā; C. explns. by vīmaṁsitvā taṁ taṁ pavattiṁ ñatvā). ‹-› pp. ociṇṇa. (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + chindati] to cut off, sever J.II,388 (maggaṁ occhindati & occhindamāna to bar the way; v. l. BB. ochijjati), 404. (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 聚集,采集。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】聚集,采集。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Ocināti的【现分】) 聚集,收集,采集。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '﹐Ocinati﹐(ava+ci +nā)(= Sk. avacinoti, ava + ci1), 1.聚集,收集,采集(= Sk. avacinoti, ava + ci1) to gather, pluck, pick off ; also in pp. ocita)。2.不尊重(= Sk. avacinoti or °ciketi ava + ci2, cp. apacināti2) to disregard, disrespect, treat with contempt; pres. ocināyati)。ocini,【过】。ocinitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ocinati) -- 1. [= Sk. avacinoti, ava + ci1] to gather, pluck, pick off DhA.I,366; also in pp. ocita. ‹-› 2. [= Sk. avacinoti or °ciketi ava + ci2, cp. apacināti2] to disregard, disrespect, treat with contempt; pres. ocināyati (for ocināti metri causa) J.VI,4 (= avajānāti C.). (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + ci + nā), 聚集,收集,采集。 ocini, 【过】。 ocinitvā, 【独】。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[o + cita, pp. of ocināti1] gathered, picked off J.III, 22; IV,135, 156; Sdhp.387. (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'ocita, (ocināti 的【过分】)已聚集,已收集。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of ocarati] gone into, investigated, scouted, explored S.I,79 = Ud.66 (reads otiṇṇa). (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'ocita, (ocināti 的【过分】)。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see odīraka. (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [der. fr. udagga] exultation, elation Nd1 3 = Nd2 446 = Dhs.9, 86, 285, 373; DhsA.143 (= udaggasabhāva a “topmost” condition). (Page 166)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(der. fr. udagga),【中】狂喜,洋洋得意(exultation, elation)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】放下,插入,听。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 放下,插入,听。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. odahati] -- 1. putting down, applying, application M.II,216; heaping up, storing DhA.III,118. ‹-› 2. putting in, fig, attention, devotion Nett 29. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava++dah放置+a), 放下,插入,专心的。odabi,【过】。odahitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + dahati, fr. dhā] -- 1. to put down, to put in, supply M.I,117 (okacaraṁ, see under oka); II,216 (agad’ aṅgāraṁ vaṇa-mukhe odaheyya); Th.1, 774 (migavo pāsaṁ odahi the hunter set a snare; Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, 76 suggests change of reading to oḍḍayi, hardly justified); J.III,201 (visaṁ odahi araññe), 272 (passaṁ o. to turn one’s flanks towards, Dat.); Miln.156 (kāye ojaṁ odahissāma supply the body with strength). -- 2. (fig.) to apply, in phrase sotaṁ odahati to listen D.I,230; Dāvs.V,68. -- pp. ohita. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + dah + a), 放下,插入,专心的。 odabi, 【过】。odahitvā, 【独】。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [compn. form of udaka] water; abs. only at J.III,282. -- an° without water, dried up Th.2, 265 (= udaka-bhasta ThA.212). Cp. combn. sītodaka, e. g. M.I,376. See udaka.

--antika -- 1. neighbourhood of the water, a place near the water (see antika1) Kh VIII,1, 3 (gambhīre odakantike, which Childers, Kh. trsln. p. 30, interprets “a deep pit”; see also KhA 217 sq.). -- 2. “water at the end”, i. e. final ablution (see antika2), in spec. sense the ablution following upon the sexual act Vin.III,21; cp. odak-antikatā (f. abstr.) final ablution, cleansing J.II,126. (Page 166)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】水的附近,【形】以水为最后的洗身。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 水的附近, 【形】 以水为最后的洗身。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中,阳】 饭。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. odana),【中】【阳】饭(boiled (milk-)rice, gruel )。nāḷikodana﹐管子饭。tilodana,【阳】芝麻饭。kummāsa﹐酸粥(sour milk)。Sīhahanurañño(狮子颚王)的五子:Suddhodano(净饭王,释迦牟尼佛之父), Sukkodano(白饭王), Sakkodano(释迦饭王), Dhotodano(纯饭王,古译:斛饭王), Amitodano(无量饭王,古译:甘露饭王). (见:《中部》Mūlapaṇṇāsa-aṭṭhakathā,pg.1.366;《律部》Pācityādiyojanā﹐pg.98.;《律部》Sāratthadīpanī-ṭīkā(tatiyo bhāgo)pg.3.78)。Suttanipāta-aṭṭhakathā, (CS:p.2.89)的顺序不同:Suddhodano, Amitodano, Dhotodano, Sakkodano, Sukkodano.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(m. & nt.) [Sk. odana, to Idg. *ud, from which also udaka, q. v. for full etym.] boiled (milk-)rice, gruel Vin.II,214 (m.); D.I,76, 105; S.I,82 (nāḷik°); DhA.IV,17 (id.); A.III,49; IV,231; Sn.18; J.III,425 (til° m.); Dhs.646, 740, 875; PvA.73; VvA.98; Sdhp.113. Combd. with kummāsa (sour milk) in phrase o-k-upa-caya a heap of boiled rice and sour milk, of the body (see kāya I.); also at M.I,247. (Page 166)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '饭(odana)粥(kummāsa)所积聚(upacaya)(a heap of boiled rice and sour milk, of the body)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. odana] a cook J.III,49. (Page 166)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 厨子。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】厨子,饭头(a cook)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(‹odana, cp. Sk. odanika,【形】饭做的(belonging to rice-gruel, made of rice-gruel)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. odana, cp. Sk. odanika] belonging to rice-gruel, made of rice-gruel Vin.III,59 (°ghara a ricekitchen); VvA.73 (°surā rice-liquor). (Page 166)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) (adj.) [f. of uda + pattaka + in, i. e. having a bowl of water, Ep. of bhariyā a wife, viz. the wife in the quality of providing the house with water. Thus in enumn. of the 10 kinds of wives (& women in general) at Vin.III,140 (expld. by udakapattaṁ āmasitvā vāseti) = VvA.73. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at Cp. II.48 = last. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '& °ya (adj.) [fr. udara] living for one’s belly, voracious, gluttonous Miln.357; J.VI,208 (°ya); Th.1, 101. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. odarika] stomach-filling M.I,461; Vism.71. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. avadhvasta, pp. of ava + dhvaṁsati: see dhaṁsati] fallen down, scattered M.I,124 = S.IV,176 (°patoda; S reads odhasata but has v. l. odhasta). (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】限制,边界。odhiso,【副】有限制地,零碎地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】限制,边界。~so, 【副】有限制地,零碎地。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[from odahati, Sk. avadhi, fr. ava + dhā] putting down, fixing, i. e. boundary, limit, extent DhA.II,80 (jaṇṇu-mattena odhinā to the extent of the knee, i. e. kneedeep); IV,204 (id.). -- odhiso (adv.) limited, specifically Vbh.246; Nett 12; Vism.309. Opp. anodhi M.III,219 (°jina), also in anodhiso (adv.) unlimited, universal, general Ps.II, 130, cp. anodissaka (odissaka); also as anodhikatvā without limit or distinction, absolutely Kvu 208, and odhisodhiso “piecemeal” Kvu 103 (cp. Kvu trsln. 762, 1271).

--suṅka “extent of toll”, stake J.VI,279 (= suṅkakoṭṭhāsaṁ C.). (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. odhi] “according to limit”, i. e. all kinds of, various, in phrase yathodhikāni kāmāni Sn.60, cp. Nd2 526; J.V,392 (id.). (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + dhu + na), 抖落,摆脱。odhini, 【过】。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava+dhu+na), 抖落,摆脱。odhini,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + dhunāti] to shake off M.I,229; S.III,155; A.III,365 (+ niddhunāti); Pv IV.354 (v. l. BB ophun°, SS otu°) = PvA.256; Vin.II,317 (Bdhgh. in expln. of ogumphetvā of CV. V.11, 6; p. 117); Miln.399 (+ vidhunāti). (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. avadhāna, ava + dhā, cp. Gr. a]poqήkh, see odahati] a place for putting something down or into, a receptacle Vin.I,204 (salāk°, vy. ll. and gloss on p. 38 as follows: sālākāṭṭhāniya A, salākātaniya C, salākadhāraya B, salāk’odhāniyan ti yattha salākaṁ odahanti taṁ D E). -- Cp. samodhāneti. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Odhunāti的【过分】) 抖落,摆脱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【独】 定了义,区(识)了别。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adv.) [ger. of o + disati = Sk. diśati, cp. uddissa] only in neg. anodissa without a purpose, indefinitely (?) Miln.156 (should we read anudissa?). (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【独】定了义,区(识)了别。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】明确的,特别的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 明确的,特别的。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. odissa] only in adv. expression odissaka-vasena definitely, in special, specifically (opp. to anodissaka-vasena in general, universally) J.I,82; II,146; VvA.97. See also anodissaka & odhiso. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. udumbara] belonging to the Udumbara tree Vv 5016; cp. VvA.213. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Derivation unknown. The Sk. is avadāta, ava + dāta, pp. of hypothetical 4 to clean, purify] clean, white, prominently applied to the dress as a sign of distinction (white), or special purity at festivities, ablutions & sacrificial functions D.II,18 (uṇṇā, of the Buddha); III,268; A.III,239; IV,94, 263, 306, 349; V,62; Dhs.617 = (in enumn. of colours); DA.I,219; VvA.111. See also ava°.

--kasiṇa meditation on the white (colour) Vism.174. --vaṇṇa of white colour, white M.II,14; Dhs.247. --vattha a white dress; adj. wearing a white dress, dressed in white D.I,7, 76, 104; J.III,425 (+ alla-kesa). --vasana dressed in white (of householders or laymen as opposed to the yellow dress of the bhikkhus) D.I,211; III,118, 124 sq., 210; M.I,491, II.23; A.I,73; III,384; IV,217 [cp. BSk. avadāta-vasana Divy 160]. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 白色的,清洁的。 【阳】 白色。 ~kasiṇa, 【中】白色的禅修器具。 ~vasana, 【形】穿白衣。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】白色的,清洁的。【阳】白色(甲骨文︰白,金文︰白)。odātakasiṇa,【中】白色的禅修器具。odātavasana(=odāta-vasana),【形】穿白衣,在家人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. odāta] white, clean, dressed in white S.II,284 (v. l. SS odāta); Th.1, 965 (dhaja). (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'in odīrakajāta S.IV,193 should with v. l. be read ocīraka [= ava + cira + ka] “with its bark off”, stripped of its bark. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+gam去+a), 下来,下沉。ogacchi,【过】。ogata,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ava + gacchati] to go down, sink down, recede; of sun & moon: to set D.I,240 (opp. uggacchati); A.IV,101 (udakāni og.). See also ava°. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + gam + a), 下来,下沉。 ogacchi, 【过】。 ogata, 【过分】。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(-°) (adj.) [Sk. avagāḍha; P. form with shortened a, fr. ava + gāh, see gādha1 & gāhati] immersed, merging into, diving or plunging into. Only in two main phrases, viz. Amatogadha & Nibbānogadha diving into N. ‹-› Besides these only in jagat’ogadha steeped in the world S.I,186. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'ogādha(‹gāh see gādha1 & gāhati;梵avagāḍha),【形】沉浸的(diving, immersed, merging into),潜入的(plunging into)。-ogadha, -ogādha。amatogadha﹐潜入不死(涅盘)。nibbānogadha﹐潜入涅盘。jagat’ogadha steeped in the world.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 包括的,沉浸的。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [o + gahana fr. gāhati; Sk. avagāhana; concerning shortening of ā cp. avagadha] submersion, ducking, bathing; fig. for bathing-place Sn.214 (= manussānaṁ nahāna-tittha SnA 265). See also avagāhana. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [o + gam + ana; Sk. avagamana. That word is rather more than a thousand years later than the Pāli one. It would be ridiculous were one to suppose that the P. could be derived from the Sk. On the other hand the Sk. cannot be derived from the P. for it was formed at a time & place when & where P. was unknown, just as the Pali was formed at a time & place when & where Sk. was unknown. The two words are quite independent. They have no connection with one another except that they are examples of a rule of word-formation common to the two languages] going down, setting (of sun & moon), always in contrast to uggamana (rising), therefore freq. v.l. ogg° D.I,10, 68; DA.I,95 (= atthaṅgamana); VvA.326. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'ogāhiya, (ogāhati‘投入’的【独】), 投入了,吸收了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'ogāhiya, (ogāhati 的【独】), 投入了,吸收了。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic ogaṇa with dial. o for ava] separated from the troop or crowd, standing alone, Vin.I,80; J.IV, 432 = (gaṇaṁ ohīna C.). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of avagacchati: spelling gg on acct. of contrast with uggata, cp. avagamana. Müller P. Gr. 43 unwarrantedly puts oggata = apagata] gone down, set (of the sun) Vin.IV,55 (oggate suriye = atthaṅgate s.), 268 (id. = ratt’andhakāre); Th.1, 477 (anoggatasmiṁ suriyasmiṁ). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pp. of avagacchati), 落下(gone down, set (of the sun) Vin.IV,55 (oggate suriye = atthaṅgate suriye落日), 268 (id. = ratt’andhakāre); Th.1, 477 (anoggatasmiṁ suriyasmiṁ).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 洪水,把人扫离解脱的。 ~tiṇṇa, 【形】 已经克服洪水的人。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Vedic ogha and augha; BSk. ogha),【阳】洪水(a flood of water=udak’ogha)。古译:暴流、瀑流。oghatiṇṇa,【形】已经克服(烦恼)洪水的人。mahogha﹐大瀑流(a great flood )。oghatiṇṇo,越瀑流(crossed the flood﹐指阿罗汉)。kāmogha﹐业瀑流。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic ogha and augha; BSk. ogha, e. g. Divy 95 caturogh’ottīrṇa, Jtm 215 mahaugha. Etym. uncertain]. 1. (rare in the old texts) a flood of water VvA.48 (udak’ogha); usually as mahogha a great flood Dh.47; Vism.512; VvA.110; DhA.II,274 = ThA.175. -- 2. (always in sg.) the flood of ignorance and vain desires which sweep a man down, away from the security of emancipation. To him who has “crossed the flood”, oghatiṇṇo, are ascribed all, or nearly all, the mental and moral qualifications of the Arahant. For details see Sn.173, 219, 471, 495, 1059, 1064, 1070, 1082; A.II,200 sq. Less often we have details of what the flood consists of. Thus kāmogha the fl. of lusts A.III,69 (cp. Dhs.1095, where o. is one of the many names of taṇhā, craving, thirst). In the popular old riddle at S.I,3 and Th.1, 15, 633 (included also in the Dhp. Anthology, 370) the “flood” is 15 states of mind (the 5 bonds which impede a man on his entrance upon the Aryan Path, the 5 which impede him in his progress towards the end of the Path, and 5 other bonds: lust, ill-temper, stupidity, conceit, and vain speculation). Five Oghas referred to at S.I,126 are possibly these last. Sn.945 says that the flood is gedha greed, and the avijjogha of Pug.21 may perhaps belong here. As means of crossing the flood we have the Path S.I,193 (°assa nittharaṇatthaṁ); IV,257; V,59; It III (°assa nittharanatthāya); faith S.I,214 = Sn.184 = Miln.36; mindfulness S.V,168, 186; the island Dh.25; and the dyke Th.1,7 = Sn.4 (cp. D.II,89). 3. Towards the close of the Nikāya period we find, for the first time, the use of the word in the pl., and the mention of 4 Oghas identical with the 4 Āsavas (mental Intoxicants). See D.III,230, 276; S.IV,175, 257; V,59, 292, 309; Nd1 57, 159; Nd2 178. When the oghas had been thus grouped and classified in the livery, as it were, of a more popular simile, the older use of the word fell off, a tendency arose to think only of 4 oghas, and of these only as a name or phase of the 4 āsavas. So the Abhidhamma books (Dhs.1151; Vbh.25 sq., 43, 65, 77, 129; Comp. Phil. 171). The Netti follows this (31, 114--24). Grouped in combn. āsavagantha-ogha-yoga-agati-taṇh’upādāna at Vism.211. The later history of the word has yet to be investigated. But it may be already stated that the 5th cent. commentators persist in the error of explaining the old word ogha, used in the singular, as referring to the 4 Āsavas; and they extend the old simile in other ways. Dhammapāla of Kāñcipura twice uses the word in the sense of flood of water (VvA.48, 110, see above 1).

--âtiga one who has overcome the flood Sn.1096 (cp. Nd2 180). --tiṇṇa id. S.I,3, 142; Sn.178, 823, 1082, 1101, 1145; Dh.370 (= cattāro oghe tiṇṇa DhA.IV,109); Vv 6428 (= catunnaṁ oghānaṁ saṁsāra-mah’oghassa taritattā o. VvA.284); 827; Nd1 159; Nd2 179. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) watering, flooding (?) M.I,306 (v. l. ogha). (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ogha(na)] that which can be engulfed by floods (metaph.) Dhs.584 (cp. Dhs.trsl. 308); Vbh.12, 25 & passim; DhsA.49. (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + gilati] to swallow down (opp. uggilati) M. I. 393 (inf. ogilituṁ) Miln.5 (id.). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + gil + a), 吞下。 ogili, 【过】。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava+gil+a)(o + gilati), 吞下( to swallow down)。ogili,【过】。【反】uggilati(吐出)。【不】ogilituṁ。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ava + denom. of gumpha garland] to string together, wind round, adorn with wreaths, cover, dress Vin.I,194 (Pass. ogumphiyanti; vv. ll. ogumbhiyanti, ogubbiy°, ogummīy°, okumpiy°); II,142 (ogumphetvā). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+guṇṭh+e), 覆盖,掩饰(台语:掩勘am kham3)(to cover, veil over, hide)。oguṇṭhesi,【过】。oguṇṭhita,【过分】。oguṇṭhitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ava + guṇṭh + e), 覆盖,掩饰。 oguṇṭhesi, 【过】。 oguṇṭhita, 【过分】。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[o + guṇṭheti] to cover, veil over, hide S.IV,122 (ger. oguṇṭhitvā sīsaṁ, perhaps better read as oguṇṭhitā; v. l. SS. okuṇṭhitū). -- pp. oguṇṭhita (q. v.). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pp. of oguṇṭheti, cp. BSk. avaguṇṭhita)﹐覆盖(covered or dressed (with) (v. l. okuṇṭhita))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of oguṇṭheti, cp. BSk. avaguṇṭhita, e. g. Jtm 30] covered or dressed (with) Vin.II,207; PvA.86 (v. l. okuṇṭhita). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (adj.) [Sk. avagāḍha; ava + gādha2] immersed, entered; firm, firmly footed or grounded in (-°), spelt ogāḷha Miln.1 (abhidhamma-vinay°). Cp. BSk. avagādhaśrāddha of deep faith Divy 268. Cp. pariyogāḷha. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (nt.) [ava + gādha2] a firm place, firm ground, only in cpd. ogādhappatta having gained a sure footing A.III,297 sq. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ogādha潜入+patta已得),【形】已入的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. o + gah] diving into; only in cpd. pariy°. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】ogāhana,【中】潜入,跳入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 ogāhana, 【中】 潜入,跳入。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【现分】潜入,跳入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【现分】 潜入,跳入。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. ogāhati] plunging into (-°) PvA.158. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+gāh冲进+a), 跳入,进入,吸入。ogāhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ogāheti) [Sk. avagāhate; ava + gāhati] to plunge or enter into, to be absorbed in (w. Acc. or Loc.). Pv.II,1211; Vv 61 (= anupavisati VvA.42), 392 (sālavanaṁ o. = pavisati VvA.177). ogāheti PvA.155 (pokkharaṇiṁ); ger. ogāhetvā M.III,175 (T. ogah°; v. l. ogāhitvā); PvA.287 (lokanāthassa sāsanaṁ, v. l. °itvā). See also ava°. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + gāh + a), 跳入,进入,吸入。 ogāhi, 【过】。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ogāhati 的【过分】)。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ogāhati 的【过分】)已跳入,已进入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'only in cpd. Bimb’ohana, see under bimba. (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[ava + han, but prob. a new formation from Pass. avahīyati of , taking it to han instead of the latter] to defecate, to empty the bowels PvA.268 (+ osajjati). (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + hṛ take] -- 1. to take away, take down, take off S.I,27 (ger. ohacca, v. l. ūhacca); Pv.II,66 (imper. ohara = ohārehi PvA.95); DhA.IV,56 (see ohārin). See also ava°. -- Caus. I. ohāreti (see avahārati); Caus. II. oharāpeti in meaning of oharati to take down, to cut or shave off (hair) J.VI,52 (kesamassuṁ); DhA.II,53 (cp. oropeti). -- pp. avahaṭa. (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + har + a), 拿掉,拆卸。 ohari, 【过】。 ohaṭa, 【过分】。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava+har(梵hr)拿+a), 拿掉,拆卸(to take away, take down, take off)。ohari,【过】。ohaṭa, avahaṭa,【过分】。ohacca, ūhacca, 【独】。imper. ohara(= ohārehi PvA.95), 【命】。Caus. I. ohāreti (see avahārati); Caus. II. oharāpeti, 【使】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. oharati] lit. “taking away”, leading astray, side-track, deviating path J.VI,525 (C.: gamana-magga). Cp. avaharaṇa. (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of odahati; BSk. avahita (Jtm 210 e. g.) as well as apahita (Lal. V. 552 e. g.)] -- 1. put down into, deposited Dh.150. -- 2. put down, laid down, taken off, relieved of, in phrase ohitabhāro (arahaṁ) (a Saint) who has laid down the burden: see arahatta III, C.; cp. °khandhabhāra DhA.IV,168. -- 3. put down in, hidden, put away in (-°) Sn.1022 = (kos’ohita). -- 4. (fig.) put down to, applied to, in ohita-sota listening, attentive, intent upon (cp. sotaṁ odahati to listen) usually in phrase ohitasoto dhammaṁ suṇāti; M.I,480; III,201; S.V,96; A.IV,391; Vism.300 (+ aṭṭhiṁ katvā). (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(oharati 的【过分】), 已藏,已置下。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(oharati 的【过分】), 已藏,已置下,已卸。ohitasota, 倾听。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. ohīyati, avahiyyati] one who is left behind (in the house as a guard) Vin.III,208; IV,94; S.I,185 (vihārapāla). (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see avahāra & cp. vohāra. (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 1. 移掉。 2. 剃(头发)。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(fr. oharati),【中】移掉,离开正道( lit. “taking away”, leading astray, side-track, deviating path)。DhA.v.56.CS:pg.1.156.︰‘rajoharaṇaṁ rajoharaṇan’ti(去除污垢,去除污垢)(佛陀教导周利盘特除染的方法)。Cp. avaharaṇa.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. ohāreti, cp. avaharaṇa] taking down, cutting off (hair) J.I,64 (kesa-massu°). (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Caus. of oharati] -- 1. to give up, leave behind, renounce (cp. ojahāti) Sn.64 (= oropeti Nd2 183). -- 2 to take down (see oharati 1) Vin.I,48; PvA.95. -- 3 to cut down, shave off (hair; see oharāpeti under oharati) It.75 (kesamassuṁ hair & beard, v. l. ohāyāpetvā); Pug.56 (id.). (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. avaharati] dragging down, weighty, heavy Dh.346 (= avaharati heṭṭhā haratī ti DhA.IV,56). (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ojahāti 的【独】), 遗弃,放弃。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ojahāti 的【独】), 遗弃,放弃。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'ger. of ojahāti. (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of ojahāti] having left behind J.IV,432 (gaṇaṁ). (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ohīyati 的【过分】), 已遗留。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ohīyati 的【过分】), 已遗留。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】逗留者,被遗留的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 逗留者,被遗留的人。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【现分】 落在后面。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【现分】落在后面。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 留下来。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】留下来。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ava+hi+ya), 留下来,逗留。ohīyi,【过】。ohīyitvā,【独】。opt. ohiyeyya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ohiyyati) [ava + hīyati, Pass. of ha, see avajahāti] ‹-› 1. to be left behind, to stay behind J.V,340 (avahīyati = ohiyyati C.). -- 2. to stay behind, to fall out (in order to urinate or defecate); ger. ohīyitvā Vin.IV,229; DhA.II,21 (cp. ohanati). See also ohiyyaka. (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + hi + ya), 留下来,逗留。 ohīyi, 【过】。 ohīyitvā, 【独】。(p89)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [ava + hīḷanā, of hīḍ] scorning, scornfulness Vbh.353 (+ ohīḷattaṁ). (Page 172)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳,中】 ojā, 【阴】 有营养的本质,汁。 ~vantu, 【形】 多液汁的,滋养多的,可口的。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】【中】ojā,【阴】有营养的本质,汁,营养素,食素。(Bodhi译:the sap (S.II,87); nourishment (S.V,162.)) (水野弘元译:食素、滋养素) ojavantu,【形】多液汁的,滋养多的,可口的。ojaṭṭhamakarūpa﹐【中】食素八法聚。VbhA.p.25.︰ojā…Paṭhamaṁ tāva na patiṭṭhāti; ekassa vā dvinnaṁ vā sattāhānaṁ gatakāle patiṭṭhāti.(食素(ojā)…并不是在(母胎)一开始时就建立自己於依处,而是在过了一七日或二七日之后。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + jahati] to give up, leave, leave behind, renounce, ger. ohāya D.I,115 (ñāti-saṅghaṁ & hirañña-suvaṇṇaṁ); M.II,166 (id.); J.V,340 (= chaḍḍetvā C.); PvA.93 (maṁ). ‹-› Pass. avahīyati & ohīyati, pp. ohīna (q. v.). -- See also ohanati. (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ojā; Vedic ojasvant in diff. meaning: powerful] possessing strengthening qualities, giving strength M.I,480; S.I,212 (so read for ovajaṁ; phrase ojavaṁ asecanakaṁ of Nibbāna, trsld. “elixir”); Th.2, 196 (id. = ojavantaṁ ThA.168); A.III,260 (an° of food, i. e. not nourishing DhA.I,106. (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. ajavant] richness in sap, strength giving (nourishing) quality J.I,68 (of milk). (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. avajayati, ava + ji] to conquer, vanquish, subdue J.VI,222 (ojināmase). (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [Vedic ojas nt., also BSk. oja nt. Divy 105; fr. *aug to increase, as in Lat. auges, augustus & auxilium, Goth. aukan (augment), Ags. ēacian; cp. also Gr. a]έcw, Sk. ukṣati & vakṣana increase] strength, but only in meaning of strength-giving, nutritive essence (appld. to food) M.I,245; S.II,87; V,162 (dhamm’); A.III,396; J.I,68; Dhs.646, 740, 875; Miln.156; DhA.II,154 (paṭhav°). See also def. at Vism.450 (referring to kabaliṅkār’āhāra. The compn. form is oja, e. g. ojadāna J.V,243; ojaṭṭhamaka (rūpa) Vism.341. (Page 165)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [Vedic okas (nt.), fr. uc to like, thus orig. “comfort”, hence place of comfort, sheltered place, habitation. The indigenous interpretation connects oka partly with okāsa = fig. room (for rising), chance, occasion (thus Nd1 487 on Sn.966: see anoka; SnA 573 ibid.; SnA 547: see anoka; SnA 573 ibid.; SnA 547: see below), partly with udaka (as contraction): see below on Dh.34. Geiger (P. Gr. § 20) considers oka to be a direct contraction of udaka (via *udaka, *utka, *ukka, *okka). The customary synomym for oka (both lit. & fig.) is ālaya] resting place, shelter, resort; house, dwelling; fig. (this meaning according to later commentators prevailing in anoka, liking, fondness, attachment to (worldly things) S.III,9 = Sn.844 (okam pahāya; oka here is expld. at SnA 547 by rūpa-vatth’ādi-viññaṇass’okāso); S.V,24 = A.V,232 = Dh.87 (okā anokam āgamma); Dh.34 (oka-m-okata ubbhato, i. e. oka-m-okato from this & that abode, from all places, thus taken as okato, whereas Bdhgh. takes it as okasya okato and interprets the first oka as contracted form of udaka, water, which happens to fit in with the sense required at this passage, but is not warranted other‹-› wise except by Bdhgh’s quotation “okapuṇṇehi cīvarehī ti ettha udakaṁ”. This quot. is taken from Vin.I,253, which must be regarded as a corrupt passage cp. remarks of Bdhgh. on p. 387: oghapuṇṇehī ti pi pāṭho. The rest of his interpretation at DhA.I,289 runs: “okaṁ okaṁ pahāya aniketa-sārī ti ettha ālayo, idha (i. e. at Dh.34) ubhayam pi labbhati okamokato udaka-saṅkhātā ālayā ti attho”, i. e. from the water’s abode. Bdhgh’’s expln. is of course problematic); Dh.91 (okam okaṁ jahanti “they leave whatever shelter they have”, expld. by ālaya DhA.II,170).

--cara (f. °carikā J.VI,416; °cārikā M.I,117) living in the house (said of animals), i. e. tame (cp. same etym. of “tame” = Lat. domus, domesticus). The passage M.I,117, 118 has caused confusion by oka being taken as “water”. But from the context as well as from C. on J.VI,416 it is clear that here a tame animal is meant by means of which other wild ones are caught. The passage at M.I,117 runs “odaheyya okacaraṁ ṭhapeyya okacārikaṁ” i. e. he puts down a male decoy and places a female (to entice the others), opp. “ūhaneyya o. nāseyya o.” i. e. takes away the male & kills the female. --(ñ)jaha giving up the house (and its comfort), renouncing (the world), giving up attachment Sn.1101 (= ālayaṁjahaṁ SnA 598; cp. Nd2 176 with v. l. oghaṁjaha). --anoka houseless, homeless, comfortless, renouncing, free from attachment: see separately. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(梵okas),【中】1.水。2.住所,家,住宅区。okacara﹐家畜,牡畜。okacārikā牝畜。okamjaha抛弃家庭。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 1. 水。 2. 住所,住宅区。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[o + Caus. of kamp] to shake, to wag, only in phrase sīsaṁ okampeti to shake one’s head M.I,108, 171; S.I,118. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(o + Caus. of kamp) 摇动(to shake, to wag, only in phrase sīsaṁ okampeti to shake one’s head M.I,108, 171; S.I,118.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(okkant°) [o + kantati, cp. also apakantati] to cut off, cut out, cut away, carve; pres. okantati M.I,129; Pv III,102 (= ava° PvA.213); ger. okantitvā J.I, 154 (migaṁ o. after carving the deer); PvA.192 (piṭṭhi‹-› maṁsāni), & okacca J.IV,210 (T. okkacca, v. l. BB ukk°; C. expls. by okkantitvā). -- pp. avakanta & avakantita. ś (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】可信赖的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 可信赖的。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(o + kappanā), 【阴】放置自己的心(fixing one’s mind (on), settling in, putting (trust) in, confidence)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [o + kappanā] fixing one’s mind (on), settling in, putting (trust) in, confidence Dhs.12, 25, 96, 288; Nett 15, 19, 28; Vbh.170. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(o + kappanā) ,【阴】安置、信心。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(o + kappati)安排、安置、信心( to preface, arrange, make ready, settle on, feel confident, put (trust) in)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + kappati] to preface, arrange, make ready, settle on, feel confident, put (trust) in Vin.IV,4; Ps.II,19 (= saddahati ibid. 21); Miln.150, 234; DA.I,243. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(o + kappeti)安置、信心。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + kappeti] to fix one’s mind on, to put one’s trust in M.I,11; Miln.234 (okappessati). (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(o + kappeti), 放置自己的心(to fix one’s mind on, to put one’s trust in M.I,11; Miln.234 (okappessati))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + kassati, see also apakassati & avakaḍḍhati] to drag down, draw or pull away, distract, remove. Only in ger. okassa, always combd. with pasayha “removing by force” D.II,74 (T. okk°); A.IV,16 (T. okk°, v.l. ok°), 65 (id.); Miln.210. Also in Caus. okasseti to pull out, draw out Th.2, 116 (vaṭṭiṁ = dīpavaṭṭiṁ ākaḍḍheti ThA.117). [MSS. often spell okk°]. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + kaḍḍhati] to drag away, remove Th.2, 444. See also ava°. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see okiraṇa. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + kirati] -- 1. to pour down on, pour out over M.I,79; aor. okiri Vin.III,107 = S.II,260; Pv.II,38; PvA.82. -- 2. to cast-out, reject, throw out: see okiraṇa. ‹-› pp. okiṇṇa (q. v.). -- Caus. II. okirāpeti to cause to pour out or to sprinkle over Vism.74 (vālikaṁ). (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + kir + a), 驱散,倒下。 okiri, 【过】。 okiranta, 【现分】。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava+kir散+a),1.倒下(to pour down on, pour out over M.I,79; aor. okiri)。2.(to cast-out, reject, throw out)。okiri,【过】。okiṇṇa,【过分】。okiranta,【现分】。okirāpeti, 【使】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 驱散,逐出,驱逐。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(o + kiraṇa),【中】驱散,逐出,驱逐(casting out (see the later avakirati2), only as adj.-f. okirinī (okilinī through dialect. variation) a cast-out woman (cast-out on acct of some cutaneous disease), in double combn. okilinī okirinī (perhaps only the latter should be written) Vin.III,107 = S.II,260 (in play of words with avakirati1). Bdhgh’s allegorical expln. at Vin.III,273 puts okilinī = kilinnasarīrā, okiriṇī = aṅgāraparikiṇṇa. Cp. kirāta.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + kiraṇa] casting out (see the later avakirati2), only as adj.-f. okirinī (okilinī through dialect. variation) a cast-out woman (cast-out on acct of some cutaneous disease), in double combn. okilinī okirinī (perhaps only the latter should be written) Vin.III,107 = S.II,260 (in play of words with avakirati1). Bdhgh’s allegorical expln. at Vin.III,273 puts okilinī = kilinnasarīrā, okiriṇī = aṅgāraparikiṇṇa. Cp. kirāta. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(okirati 的【过分】), 已撒(某物)于面上。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(okirati 的【过分】;BSk. avakīrṇa), 已撒(某物)於面上(strewn over, beset by, covered with, full of)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of okirati; BSk. avakīrṇa Divy 282; Jtm 3192] strewn over, beset by, covered with, full of J.V,74, 370; PvA.86, 189 (= otata of Pv III,33). (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see ukkala. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 掉入,进入。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】掉入,进入(entering into, approaching, reaching)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. okkamati] entering into, approaching, reaching M.III,6; A.III,108 (entering the path); also in phrase nibbānassa okkamanāya A.IV,111 sq., cp. 230 sq. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'okkamamāna,【现分】进入,掉入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'okkamamāna, 【现分】 进入,掉入。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'avakkamati, (ava+kam(梵kram)超越+a), 进入,掉入,发生(coming on, approaching, taking place)。okkami,【过】。okkamitvā, okkamma,【独】。okkanta,【过分】。okkamituṁ,【不】。okkamaniya,【未被】。okkameti,【使】。okkamane pubbaṅgamā﹐争先恐后(先人而行)。A.6.86./III,436说:成就六法者,若听闻正法,则於善法中,堪入正性决定(bhabbo niyāmaṁ okkamituṁ sammattaṁ)(SA.25.1-10./II,346.︰Okkanto sammattaniyāmanti paviṭṭho ariyamaggaṁ.入正性决定︰进入圣道。)。即:1.不成就业障(na kammāvaraṇatāya)、2.不成就烦恼障(na kilesāvaraṇatāya samannāgato)、3.不成就异熟障(na vipākāvaraṇatāya)、4.有信心(saddho)、5.有乐欲(chandiko)、6.有慧(paññavā)。A.5.202./III,248.说「闻法之五利」︰assutaṁ suṇāti(闻所未闻),sutaṁ pariyodāpeti(净其已闻), kaṅkhaṁ vitarati(断其所惑), diṭṭhiṁ ujuṁ karoti(正直其见), cittamassa pasīdati(令心欢喜)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ava + kam + a), 进入,掉入,发生。 okkami, 【过】。 okkamitvā,【独】。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[o + kamati fr. kram] lit. to enter, go down into, fall into. fig. to come on, to develop, to appear in (of a subjective state). It is strange that this important word has been so much misunderstood, for the English idiom is the same. We say “he went to sleep” , without meaning that he went anywhere. So we may twist it round and say that “sleep overcame him” , without meaning any struggle. The two phrases mean exactly the same ‹-› an internal change, or developement, culminating in sleep. So in Pali niddā okkami sleep fell upon him, Vin.I,15; niddaṁ okkami he fell on sleep, asleep, DhA.I,9; PvA.47. At It.76 we hear that a dullness developed (dubbaṇṇiyaṁ okkami) on the body of a god, he lost his radiance. At D.II,12; M.III,119 a god, on his rebirth, entered his new mother’s womb (kucchiṁ okkami). At D II 63 occurs the question “if consciousness were not to develop in the womb?” (viññāṇaṁ na okkamissatha) S.V,283 “abiding in the sense of bliss” (sukha-saññaṁ okkamitvā). See also Pug.13 = 28 (niyāma okk°, “he enters on the Path” ). ‹-› Caus. okkāmeti to make enter, to bring to S.IV,312 (saggaṁ). -- pp. okkanta. See also avakkamati. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【独】 避开了一边。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【独】避开了一边。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[kand or kram?] at J.II,448 is doubtful, v. l. okkantika. It is used adverbially: okkandikaṁ kīḷati to sport (loudly or joyfully). C. explns. as “migo viya okkandi-katvā kīḷati”; in the way of roaring(?) or frisking about(?), like a deer. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(okkamati 的【过分】) 已进入,已掉入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(okkamati 的【过分】)。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of okkamati] coming on, approaching, taking place D.II,12; Miln.299 (middhe okkante). See also avakkanta S.II,174; III,46. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. okkamati] entry (lit. descent), appearance, coming to be. Usually in stock phrase jāṭi sañjāti o. nibbatti M.III,249; S.II,3; III,225; Nd2 257; Pug.A 184. Also in gabbh° entry into the womb DA.I,130. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. okkamati),【阴】进入,形成,出现(entry (lit. descent), appearance, coming to be)。okkantikkhaṇa﹐投胎刹那。Paṭṭhānappakaraṇa-aṭṭhakathā《发趣论注释》(CS:p.365) :Okkantikkhaṇeti pañcavokārabhave paṭisandhikkhaṇe.(在投胎刹那:即在五蕴生命的结生刹那。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 进入,形成,出现。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. okkanti] coming into existence again and again, recurring. Only as epithet of pīti, joy. The opposite is khaṇika, momentary Vism.143 = DhsA.115 (Expositor 153 trsls. “flooding”). (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 又发生的,再发生的。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】又发生的,再发生的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see okassati. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+khip抛+a), 扔下,使下降,落下。okkhipi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ava + khipati; Sk. avakṣipati] to throw down or out, cast down, drop; fig. usually appld. to the eyes = cast down, hence transferred to the other senses and used in meaning “keep under, restrain, to have control over” (cp. also avakkhāyati); aor. °khipi A.IV,264 (indriyāni); ger. °khipitvā Vin.IV,18 (id.). -- pp. avakkhitta & okkhitta (q. v.). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + khip + a), 扔下,使下降,落下。 okkhipi, 【过】。(p85)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of ava + ukkhati, Sk. avokṣita, fr. ukṣ to sprinkle] besprinkled, bestrewn with (-°) Th.2, 145 (candan° = candanânulitta ThA.137); J.V,72 (so in v. l. T. reads okkita; C. explns. by okiṇṇa parikkita parivārita). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(okkhipati的【过分】) 扔下,使下降,落下。okkhitta-cakkhu目不斜视。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of okkhipati] thrown down, flung down, cast down, dropped; thrown out, rejected; only in phrase okkhitta-cakkhu, with down-cast eyes, i. e. turning the eyes away from any objectionable sight which might impair the morale of the bhikkhu; thus meaning “with eyes under control”Sn.63, 411, 972; Nd1 498; Nd2 177; Pv IV.344 (v. l. ukkh°); VvA.6. -- For further use & meaning, see avakkhitta. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】釜。SA.20.4./II,224.︰okkhāsatanti mahāmukha-ukkhalīnaṁ sataṁ.(百釜︰一百个大口之锅。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ava + khāyati, corresp. to Sk. kṣeti fr. kṣi to lie] to lie low, to be restrained (in this sense evidently confounded with avakkhipati) S.IV,144 sq. (cakkhuṁ etc. okkhāyati). (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+khāyati=梵kseti‹ksi 躺)﹐即明显化、成为衆所周知。(paññāyati pākaṭaṁ hoti.)( SA.CS:p.3.48)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ava + khāyin fr. kṣi, cp. avakkhāyati; Kern, Toev. s. v. suggests relation to BSk. avakhāta of khan, and compares Lal. V. 319] low-lying, deep, remote, only in one phrase, viz. udaka-tarakā gambhīragatā okkhāyikā M.I,80, 245. (Page 164)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [o + koṭi + mant + ka. Ava in BSk., in formula durvarṇa durdarśana avakoṭimaka Sp. Av. Ś I. 280. Kern (note on above passage) problematically refers it to Sk. avakūṭara = vairūpya (Pāṇini V.2, 30). The Commentary on S.I,237 explns. by mahodara (fat-bellied) as well as lakuṇṭaka (dwarf); Pug.A 227 expls. by lakuṇṭaka only] lit. “having the top lowered”, with the head squashed in or down, i. e. of compressed & bulging out stature; misshapen, deformed, of ugly shape (Mrs. Rh. D. trsls hunchback at S.I,94, pot-bellied at S.I,237; Warren, Buddhism p. 426 trsls. decrepit). It occurs only in one stock phrase, viz. dubbaṇṇa dud-das(s)ika okoṭimaka “of bad complexion, of ugly appearance and dwarfed” at Vin.II,90 = S.I,94 = A.I,107 = II.85 = III,285 sq. = Pug.51. The same also at M.III,169; S.I,237; II,279; Ud.76. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(o + koṭi + mant + ka. Ava in BSk., in formula durvarṇa durdarwana avakoṭimaka), 矮小(lit. “having the top lowered”, with the head squashed in or down.)。SA.21.6./II,236.︰Okoṭimakanti rassaṁ.(矮小︰矮短。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + kāra fr. karoti, BSk. okāra, e. g. M Vastu III, 357] only in stock phrase kāmānaṁ ādīnavo okāro saṅkileso D.I,110, 148 (= lāmaka-bhāva DA.I,277); M.I,115, 379, 405 sq.; II,145; A.IV,186; Nett 42 (v. l. vokāra); DhA.I,6, 67. The exact meaning is uncertain. Etymologically it would be degradation. But Bdhgh. prefers folly, vanity, and this suits the context better. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】低,降级,降格,退化。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 低,降级,降格,退化。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[ava + kāś to shine] -- 1. lit. “visibility”, (visible) space as geometrical term, open space, atmosphere, air as space D.I,34 (ananto okāso); Vism.184 (with disā & pariccheda), 243 (id.); PvA.14 (okāsaṁ pharitvā permeating the atmosphere). This meaning is more pronounced in ākāsa. -- 2. “visibility”, i. e. appearance, as adj. looking like, appearing. This meaning closely resembles & often passes over into meaning 3, e. g. katokāsa kamma when the k. makes its appearance = when its chance or opportunity arises PvA.63; okāsaṁ deti to give one’s appearance, i. e. to let any one see, to be seen by (Dat.) PvA.19. -- 3. occasion, chance, opportunity, permission, consent, leave A.I,253; IV,449; J.IV,413 (vātassa o. natthi the wind has no access); SnA 547. -- In this meaning freq. in combn. with foll. verbs: (a) okāsaṁ karoti to give permission, to admit, allow; to give a chance or opportunity, freq. with pañhassa veyyā-karaṇāya (to ask a question), e. g. D.I,51, 205; M.II,142; S IV 57. ‹-› Vin.I,114, 170; Nd1 487; PvA.222. -- Caus. °ṁ karoti Vin.II,5, 6, 276; Caus. II. °ṁ kārāpeti Vin.I,114, 170. ‹-› katokāsa given permission (to speak), admitted in audience, granted leave Sn.1031; VvA.65 (raññā); anokāsakata without having got permission Vin.I,114. -- (b) okāsaṁ yācati to ask permission M.II,123. -- (c) okāsaṁ deti to give permission, to consent, give room J.II,3; VvA.138. ‹-› (d) with bhū: anokāsa-bhāva want of opportunity Sdhp.15; anokāsa-bhūta not giving (lit. becoming) an opportunity SnA 573. Elliptically for o. detha Yogāvacara’s Man. 4 etc.

--âdhigama finding an opportunity D.II,214 sq.; A.IV,449. --kamma giving opportunity or permission Sn.p. 94 (°kata allowed); Pv IV.111 (°ṁ karoti to give permission). --matta permission Sn.p. 94. --loka the visible world (= manussa-loka) Vism.205; VvA.29. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + kāw to shine),【阳】1.空间,露天,空地(lit. “visibility”, (visible) space as geometrical term, open space, atmosphere, air as space)。2.出现(“visibility”, i. e. appearance, as adj. looking like, appearing.)。3.机会,许可(occasion, chance, opportunity, permission, consent, leave)。okāsakamma,【阳】许可。okāsarahita,【形】没有空间的。okāsakata, 【阳】许可。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】空间,露天,空地,机会,许可。 ~kamma, 【阳】 许可。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava + kāw), 可见的(to be visible)。caus. okāseti.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[ava + kāś] to be visible; Caus. okāseti to make visible, let appear, show S.IV,290. (Page 163)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. avalagna, pp. of avalagati] restrained, checked Th.1, 356 (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + lag + e), 垂下,使粘住。 olaggesi, 【过】。 olaggita, 【过分】。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Caus. of o + lag] to make stick to, to put on, hold fast, restrain M.II,178; A.III,384 (vv. ll. oloketi, olabheti, oketi); Th.1, 355. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+lag+e),垂下,使粘住。olaggesi,【过】。olaggita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'olambaka,【形】垂下的。【中】支援,重荷。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ava + lamb] hanging down Vin.III,49; J.IV,380 (°vilamba). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'olambaka, 【形】垂下的。 【中】 支持,重荷。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [see olambati] -- 1. (adj.) hanging down VvA.32 (°dāma). -- 2. (n.) (a) support, walking stick J.IV,40 (hatth°). -- (b) plumb-line J.VI,392. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【现分】 吊着。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【现分】吊著。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 吊。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】吊。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. olambati] an armchair, lit. a chair with supports Vin.II,142. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + lab + ŋ-a), 垂下,被搁在,吊。 olambi, 【过】。 olamblta, 【过分】。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '& avalambati [ava + lamb] to hang down, hang on, to be supported by, rest on. The form in o is the older. Pres. avalambare Pv.II,118 (= olambamānā tiṭṭhanti PvA.77); II,102 (= olambanti PvA.142); olambati M.III,164 (+ ajjholambati); J.I,194; PvA.46. -- ger. avalamba (for °bya) Pv III,35 (= olambitva PvA.189) & olambetvā J.III,218. See also olubbha. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+lab+ṁ-a), 垂下,被搁在,吊。olambi,【过】。olamblta,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'Olambitvā,【独】吊了,吊下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'olambitvā, 【独】吊了,吊下。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. olaṅgheti] bending down Vin.III,121 (= heṭṭhā onamanā). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Caus. of ava + laṅgh] to make jump down, in phrase ullaṅgheti olaṅgheti to make dance up & down J.V,434 = DhA.IV,197 (the latter has T. ullaggheti ol°; but v. l. ullaṅgheti ol°). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[of unknown etym.: prob. Non-Aryan, cp. BSk. oḍigalla Saddh. P. chap. VI,] a dirty pool near a village M.III,168; S.V,361; A.I,161; III,389; Miln.220; Vism.343. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 污水坑。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】污水坑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ava+likh抓+a), 刮掉,梳发,编织。olikhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + likh, cp. Sk. apalikhati] to scrape off, cut off, shave off (hair) A.III,295 (veṇiṁ olikhituṁ); Th.1, 169 (kese olikhissaṁ); 2, 88. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + likh + a), 刮掉,梳发。 olikhi, 【过】。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'olikhitvā, 【独】 梳了发,刮掉了。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'Olikhitvā,【独】梳了发,刮掉了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + līyate from ] to stick, stick fast, adhere, cling to It.43; Nett 174. -- pp. olīna (see avalīna). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [see oloketi] looking, looking at, sight Sdhp.479 (mukhass’). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 看着。 ~ka, 【中】 窗户。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】看著。olokanaka,【中】窗户。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. oloketi] window Vin.II,267 (olokanakena olokenti, adv.). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. oloketi) ),【形】【中】窗(window)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'olokayamāna, 【现分】 看着。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'Olokayamāna,【现分】看著。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[BSk. avalokayati or apaloketi] to look at, to look down or over to, to examine, contemplate, inspect, consider J.I,85, 108 (nakkhattaṁ); Pv.II,964; DhA.I,10, 12, 25, 26; II,96 (v. l. for T. voloketi); III,296; PvA.4, 5, 74, 124. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + lok + e), 看着,检查。 olokesi, 【过】。 olokita, 【过分】。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'voloketi, (ava+lok见+e;BSk. avalokayati or apaloketi), 看著,检查(to look at, to look down or over to, to examine, contemplate, inspect, consider)。olokesi,【过】。olokita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【不】 要去看。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【不】要去看。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'oloketvā, (Oloketi的【独】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【独】 倚靠,坚持。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【独】倚靠,坚持。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[assimil. form of olumbha which in all likelihood for olambya, ger. of olambati. The form presents difficulties. See also Morris, J.P.T.S. 1887, 156] holding on to, leaning on, supporting oneself by (with Acc.); most frequently in phrase daṇḍaṁ olubbha leaning on a stick, e. g. M.I,108 (= daṇḍaṁ olambitvā C.; see M I 539); A.III,298; Th.2, 27 (= ālambitvā); VvA.105. In other connections: S.I,118; III,129; J.I,265 (āvāṭa-mukha-vaṭṭiyaṁ); VI,40 (hatthe); DhA.II,57 (passaṁ; gloss olambi); VvA.217, 219. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(olujjati 的【过分】), 已跌碎,已腐烂。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of olujjati] breaking off, falling to pieces, rotting away M.I,80, 245 (olugga-vilugga), 450 (id.); Vism.107 (id.). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(olujjati 的【过分】), 已跌碎,已腐烂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. avarujyate, Pass. of ava + ruj] to break off, go to wreck, fall away S.II,218 (v. l. ull°). -- pp. olugga. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '跌碎,腐烂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + Caus. of lup] to strip off, seize, pick, pluck Vin.I,278 (bhesajjan olumpetvā, vv. ll. ulumpetvā, oḷump°, odametvā). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(olīyati的【过分】), 已偷懒,已不活跃。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of oliyate] adhering, sticking or clinging to (worldliness), infatuated M.I,200 (°vuttika); J.VI,569 (anolīna-mānasa); Vbh.350 (°vuttikā); Miln.393 (an°). (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【现分】 落在后面。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【现分】落在后面。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】偷懒,醉心。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. oliyati] adhering, infatuation Ps.I,157; Dhs.1156, 1236. (Page 170)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 偷懒,醉心。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava+lī执著+ya), 困住(to stick),牢记(stick fast),黏住(adhere﹑cling to)。olīyi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ava + lī + ya), 不活跃,偷懒,黏住,落在后面。olīyi, 【过】。(p88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic avama, superl. formation fr. ava] lower (in position & rank), inferior, low; pl. omā A.III,359 (in contrast with ussā superiors); Sn.860 (ussā samā omā superiors, equals, inferiors), 954; SnA 347 (= paritta lāmaka). -- More freq. in neg. form anoma not inferior, i. e. excellent. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'omaka, 【形】 较低的,劣等的。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'omaka,【形】较低的,劣等的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + maddati from mṛd, BSk. avamardati Jtm 3133] -- 1. to rub J.VI,262 (sarīraṁ omaddanto); Miln.220. -- 2. to crush, oppress M I 87 = Nd2 1996 (abhivaggena); J.II,95. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+madd压破+a) 压破,擦,压迫。omaddi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ava + madd + a) 压破,擦,压迫。 omaddi, 【过】。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [oma + ka] lower in rank, inferior; low, insignificant Nd1 306 (appaka +); J.II,142; DhA.I,203. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '次级的诠释。', 'xr': '《巴英术语汇编》 -《法的医疗》附 温宗堃'}
{'def': '【阴】omasavāda,【阳】侮辱,责备。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. omasati] touching, touch Vin.III,121 (= heṭṭhā oropanā). (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 omasavāda, 【阳】 侮辱,责备。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[o + mas = Sk. mṛṣ] -- 1. (lit.) to touch J.V, 446. -- 2. (fig.) to touch a person, to reproach, insult Vin.IV,4 sq. -- pp. omaṭṭha. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + ma + a), 触摸,触及。omasi, 【过】。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava+ma+a), 触摸,触及。omasi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(omasati 的【过分】), 已接触,已弄脏。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of omasati] touched S.I,13 = 53 = Th.1, 39. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(omasati 的【过分】), 已接触,已弄脏。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [o + missaka] mixed, miscellaneous, various J.V,37; VI,224 (°parisā). Cp. vo°. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(o + missaka,【形】mixed, miscellaneous, various (°parisā)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Omuñcati的【过分】), 已摆脱,已脱(衣服)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. + muc] cast off, second hand Vin.I,187. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of omuñcati] released, freed, discharged, taken off It.56 (read omutt’assa Mārapāso for T. omukkassa m.). (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. avamūtrayati, denom. fr. mūtra, urine] to discharge urine, pass water M.I,79, 127. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + mutt + e), 小便。 omuttesi, 【过】。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava+mutt+e), 小便。omuttesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[o + muc] to take off, loosen, release; unfasten, undo, doff D.I,126 (veṭhanaṁ as form of salute); J.II,326; VI,73 (sāṭakaṁ); Vism.338; PvA.63 (tacaṁ); VvA.75 (ābhāraṇāni). -- Caus. omuñcāpeti to cause to take off Vin.I,273. -- pp. omutta. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava + muc + ŋ-a) 拿掉,解开,脱衣。 omuñci, 【过】。(p87)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ava+muc释放+ṁ-a) 拿掉,解开,脱衣。omuñci,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Omuñcati的【独】), 脱掉了一些衣服。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 [at J.II,443 we read ucce sakuṇa omāna meaning “Oh bird, flying high” . With the present material we see no satisfactory solution of this puzzle. There is a Burmese correction which is at variance with the commentary] “flying”, the v. l. BB is ḍemāna (fr. ḍī). C. explns. by caramāna gacchamāna. Müller, P. Gr. 99 proposes to read ḍemāna for omāna. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [fr. o + man, think. The Sk. avamāna is later] disregard, disrespect, contempt DhA.II,52 (+ atimāna). Cp. foll. & see also avamāna. (Page 169)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (‹o + man, think. The Sk. avamāna is later)不尊敬(disregard, disrespect, contemp & see also avamāna)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2(=ḍemāna‹ḍī),飞( “flying”)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Onandhati的【过分】) 绑,掩盖,包装。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of onandhati] bound, tied; put over, covered Vin.II,150, 270 sq. (°mañca, °pīṭha); M.II,64; Dh.146 (andhakārena); Sdhp.182. See also onayhati. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 遮盖物,裹尸布。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. onamati] bending down, stooping DhA.II,136 (an°). (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】弯下身,弯下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 弯下身,弯下。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. onamati] in compn. with °unnamana lowering & raising, bending down & up DhA.I,17. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[o + namati] to bend down (Instr.), stoop D.II,17 (anonamanto ppr. not bending); III,143 (id.); Vv 393 (onamitvā ger.). -- pp. oṇata. (Page 167)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ava+nam+a), 弯下身,弯下。onami,【过】。onamanta,【现分】。onamitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ava + nam + a), 弯下身,弯下。 onami, 【过】。 onamanta, 【现分】。onamitvā, 【独】。(p86)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
