- Anubandha
- {'def': '[anu + bandh] bondage M.III,170; It.91. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubandhana
- {'def': '【中】 1. 连接。 2. 追。 3. 跟随。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】1.连接。2.追。3.跟随。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anubandhati] that which connects or follows, connection, consequence J.VI,526 (°dukkha). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubandhati
- {'def': '[anu + bandhati] to follow, run after, pursue J.I,195; II,230; VI,452 (= anujavati); PvA.56 (substitute for anubajjhanti!), 103, 155. aor. °bandhi J.II,154, 353; III,504; PvA.260 (= anvāgacchi). ger. °bandhitvā J.I,254. grd. °bandhitabba M.I,106. -- pp. anubaddha (q. v.). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + badh + ŋ-a), 追 求 , 跟 随 , 连 接 。 anubandhi,【过】。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+bandhati系缚), 追求,跟随,连接。anubandhi,【过】。anubaddha,【过分】。anubandhiṁ padāpadaṁ﹐亦步亦趋。Tena…bhikkhunā yāvajīvaṁ pi so puggalo anubandhitabbo, na pakkamitabbaṁ, api panujjamānena pīti.(由那比丘一生可以追随其人,即使被排斥,亦不应出走。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubbajati
- {'def': '[anu + vraj] to go along, wander, follow, tread (a path) J.IV,399 (maggaṁ = pabbajati C.). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubbata
- {'def': '(adj.) [Vedic anuvrata, anu + vata] subject to the will of another, obedient, faithful, devoted J.III,521; VI,557. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubbillāvitatta
- {'def': 'see ubbill°. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubhavana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anubhavati] experiencing, suffering; sensation or physical sensibility (cf. Cpd. 229, 2321) Nett 28 (iṭṭhâniṭṭh-ânubhavana-lakkhanā vedanā “feeling is characterised by the experiencing of what is pleasant and unpleasant”); Miln.60 (vedayita-lakkhaṇā vedanā anubhavana-lakkhaṇā ca); PvA.152 (kamma-vipāka°). Esp. in combn. with dukkha° suffering painful sensations, e.g. at J.IV,3; Miln.181; DhA.IV,75; PvA.52. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 经历,遭受,吃。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】经历,遭受,吃。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubhavanta
- {'def': '(anubhavati 的【现分】)。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anubhavati 的【现分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubhavati
- {'def': 'anubhoti,(anu随+bhavati变成), 1.随变成。2.参与。3.吃。4.经历,经验。anubhavi,【过】。sp. freq. with dukkhaṁ to suffer pain, e.g. PvA I.1110 (°bhonti); PvA 43, 68, 79 etc. (cp. anubhavana). -- ppr. med. °bhavamāna J I.50; aor. °bhavi PvA 75 (sampattiṁ); ger. °bhavitvā J IV.1; PvA 4 (sam‹-› pattiṁ), 67 (dukkhaṁ), 73 (sampattiṁ); grd. °bhaviyāna (in order to receive) Pv II.85 (= anubhavitvā PvA 109). Pass. anubhūyati & °bhavīyati to be undergone or being experienced; ppr. °bhūyamāna PvA 8, 159 (mayā a. = anubhūta), 214 (attanā by him) & °bhavīyamāna PvA 33 (dukkhaṁ). -- pp. anubhūta (q.v.).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '& Anubhoti [anu + bhavati] to come to or by, to undergo, suffer (feel), get, undertake, partake in, experience D.I,129; II,12 (°bhonti); M.II,204; A.I,61 (atthaṁ °bhoti to have a good result); J.VI,97 (°bhoma); Pv.I,1011 (°bhomi vipākaṁ); PvA.52 (°issati = vedissati); Sdhf 290. Esp. freq. with dukkhaṁ to suffer pain, e.g. PvA.I,1110 (°bhonti); PvA.43, 68, 79 etc. (cp. anubhavana). -- ppr. med. °bhavamāna J.I,50; aor. °bhavi PvA.75 (sampattiṁ); ger. °bhavitvā J.IV,1; PvA.4 (sam‹-› pattiṁ), 67 (dukkhaṁ), 73 (sampattiṁ); grd. °bhaviyāna (in order to receive) Pv.II,85 (= anubhavitvā PvA.109). ‹-› Pass. anubhūyati & °bhavīyati to be undergone or being experienced; ppr. °bhūyamāna PvA.8, 159 (mayā a. = anubhūta), 214 (attanā by him) & °bhavīyamāna PvA.33 (dukkhaṁ). -- pp. anubhūta (q.v.). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + bhū+ a), 1. 遭受。 2. 参与。 3. 吃。 4. 经历。anubhavi, 【过】。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anubhaṇanā
- {'def': '(anu + bhaṇana),【阴】谈话,劝告,骂(talking to, admonition, scolding)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [anu + bhaṇana] talking to, admonition, scolding Vin.II,88 (anuvadanā +). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubhoti
- {'def': '(anu随+bhū+a), 遭受、参与、吃、经历。参考 Anubhavati。anubhonta,【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '参考 Anubhavati, anubhonta,【现分】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anubhutta
- {'def': 'anubhūta (anubhavati 的【过分】), 已欣赏,已经历。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'anubhūta (anubhavati 的【过分】), 已欣赏,已经历。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubhāga
- {'def': '[anu + bhāga] a secondary or inferior part, (after-)share, what is left over Vin.II,167. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubhāsati
- {'def': '[anu + bhāsati] to speak after, to repeat D.I,104; Miln.345; DA.I,273. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubhāva
- {'def': '[fr. anubhavati] orig. meaning “experience, concomitance” and found only in cpds. as --°, in meaning “experiencing the sensation of or belonging to, experience of, accordance with”, e.g. maha° sensation of greatness, rājâ° s. belonging to a king, what is in accordance with kingship, i. e. majesty. Through preponderance of expressions of distinction there arises the meaning of anubhāva as “power, majesty, greatness, splendour etc.” & as such it was separated from the 1st component and taken as ānubhāva with ā instead of a, since the compositional character had obliterated the character of the a. As such (ānubhāva abs.) found only in later language. -- (1) anubhāva (-°): mahānubhāva (of) great majesty, eminence, power S.I,146 sq.; II,274; IV,323; Sn.p. 93; Pv.II,112; PvA.76. deva° of divine power or majesty D.II,12; devatā° id. J.I,168; dibba° id. PvA.71, 110. rājā° kingly splendour, pomp D.I,49; J IV 247; PvA.279 etc. --anubhāvena (Instr. --°) in accordance with, by means of J.II,200 (aṅgavijjā°); PvA.53 (iddh°), 77 (kamma°), 148 (id.), 162 (rāja°), 184 (dāna°), 186 (puñña°). yathânubhāvaṁ (adv.) in accordance with (me), as much as (1 can); after ability, according to power S.I,31; Vv 15 (= yathābalaṁ VvA.25). -- (2) ānubhāva majesty power, magnificence, glory, splendour J.V,10, 456; Pv.II,811; VvA.14; PvA.43, 122, 272. See also ānu°. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹anubhavati随变成),【阳】威力。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubhāvatā
- {'def': '(f.) [= anubhāva + tā] majesty, power S.I,156 (mahâ°). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anubhāva威力+tā状态),【阴】威力的状态。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubhāyati
- {'def': '[anu + bhāyati] to be afraid of J.VI,302 (kissa nv’ânubhāyissaṁ, so read for kissânu°). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubhūta
- {'def': '[pp. of anubhavati] (having or being) experienced, suffered, enjoyed PvA.II,1218. nt. suffering, experience J.I,254; Miln.78, 80. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubhūyamāna
- {'def': '【现分】 正在被经验。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【现分】正在被经验。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubhūyamānatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. ppr. Pass. of anubhavati] the fact of having to undergo, experiencing PvA.103. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubodha
- {'def': '【阳】 知识,理解。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + budh] awakening; perception, recognition, understanding S.I,126 (?) = A.V,46 (anubodhiṁ as aor. of anubodhati?); Pug.21; Miln.233. Freq. in compn. ananubodha (adj.) not understanding, not knowing the truth S.II,92; III,261; V,431; A.II,1; IV,105; Dhs.390, 1061; VvA.321 (= anavabodha) and duranubodha (adj.) hard to understand, difficult to know D.I,12, 22; S.I,136. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+bodha觉),【阳】随觉,知识,理解。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubodhana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anubodhati] awakening, understanding, recognition Ps.I,18 (bodhana +). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubodhati
- {'def': '[anu + budh] to wake up, to realise, perceive, understand; aor. anubodhiṁ A.V,46 (?) = S.I,126 (anubodhaṁ). -- Caus. °bodheti to awaken, fig. to make see to instruct J.VI,139 (°ayamāna) -- pp. anubuddha (q. v.). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubrūheti
- {'def': '(anu随+brūheti使…增益)﹐使…随增益,改良,练习。anubrūhesi,【过】。anubrūhaye﹐【祈】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[brūheti] to do very much or often, to practice, frequent, to be fond of (c. Acc.), foster S.I,178 (anubrūhaye); M.III,187 (id., so read for manu°), Th.2, 163 (°ehi); Cp. III,12 (saṁvegaṁ anubrūhayiṁ aor.); J.III,191 (suññāgāraṁ). Often in phrase vivekaṁ anubrūheti to devote oneself to detachment or solitude, e.g. J.I,9 (inf. °brūhetuṁ); III,31 (°brūhessāmi), Dh.75 (°brūhaye = °brūheyya vaḍḍheyya DhA.II,103). -- pp. anubrūhita (q.v.) Cp. also brūhana. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + brūh + e), 改良,练习。 ~esi, 【过】。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anubrūhita
- {'def': '[pp. of anubrūheti] strengthened with (-°), full of Ps.I,167. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anubrūheti的【过分】) 已改良,已加强。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubuddha
- {'def': '[pp. of anu + bodhati] 1. awakened (act. & pass.), recognised, conceived, seen, known D.II,123 (°ā ime dhammā); S.I,137 (dhammo vimalen’ânubuddho) II.203; IV,188; A.II,1; III,14; IV,105; SnA 431. In phrase buddhânubuddha (as to nature of cpd. see anu B IV.) either “fully awakened (enlightened)” or “wakened by the wake” (Mrs. Rh. D.) Th.1, 679 = 1246. -- 2. a lesser Buddha, inferior than the Buddha DA.I,40. Cp. buddhânubuddha. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anubujjhati‘随觉’的【过分】), 随觉,已构思,已明白。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anubujjhati 的【过分】), 已构思,已知道,已明白。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anubujjhana
- {'def': '【中】 理解,醒悟。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anubujjhati] awakening, recognition Ps.I,18 (bujjhana +). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】理解,醒悟。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anubujjhati
- {'def': '(anu + budh + ya), 构思,明白。 anubujjhi, 【过】。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+budh醒+ya), 构思,明白(台语:知影cai iann2)。anubujjhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + bujjhati, Med. of budh, cp. Sk. avabudhyate] to remember, recollect J.III,387 (with avabujjhati in prec. verse). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anubyañjana
- {'def': '﹐anuvyañjana,【中】随形好(accompanying attribute),次级的相(cf. 大人相mahāpurisa-lakkhaṇa)。Abl.anuvyañjanaso( in detail)。Anubyañjanagāhin, taking up or occupying oneself with details, taken up with lesser or inferior marks。「八十种好」(巴asīti- anubyañjanāni;梵awīty-anuvyañjanāni),巴利三藏中似乎没有详细的列举。本文依据Encyclopsedia of Buddhism(Vol.1.p.785, 1961.) (详见︰Mahāvyutpatti(BB.XIII,p.6翻译名义大集)、Lalitavistara(Lal.106,普曜经)、Dharmasamuccaya(84,阿毗达磨集论)、Dharmapradipikā(13、14, 法灯)。【指甲】︰赤铜色指甲(tāmranakha);软指甲(snigdhanakha);长指甲(tuṅganakha)。【指头】︰手指圆满(vrttaṅguli);手指匀称(anupūrvāṅguli);手指形好(citāṅguli)。【筋脉】︰筋脉不露(nigūḍhasirā);筋脉无结(nirgranthiwirā)。【脚踝】︰(两)踝俱隐(gūḍhagulpha)。【足】︰足下平(avisamapāda)。【步行】︰举步如狮(siṃhavikrānta- gāmin,行步威容齐肃,如师子王);举步如象(nāgavikrāntagāmin, 行步直进庠审如龙象王);举步如鹅(haṃsavikrāntagāmin, 行步进止仪雅,犹如鹅王);举步如牛(vrsabhavikrāntagāmin, 行步安平庠序不过不减犹如牛王);举步右旋(pradaksiṇāvartagāmin);举步优美(cārugāmin)、举步直行(avakragāmin)。【手肘】︰直手肘(avakra gātra);饱满的手肘(vrtta°);精致的手肘(mrsṭa°);匀称的手肘(anupūrva°);乾净的手肘(suci°);柔软的手肘(mrdu°);无瑕疵的手肘(viwuddha°);柔美的手肘(sukumāra°) ;无卑劣的手肘(adīna°);无受损的手肘(anutsanna°);形好的手肘(susaṃhata°);无斑点的手肘(vyapagatatilakālaka°)。【性具】︰完美的男性器官 (paripūrṇa-vyañjana)。【膝盖】︰膝轮圆满(prthucārujāṇu- maṇḍala)。【四肢】︰四肢相称(suvibhaktāṅgapraty- āṅguli)。【身光】︰「(身)光一寻」(byāmappabhā)。【身】︰全身和悦(samantaprāsādika)。【腹】︰腹浑圆(vrtta-kuksi);腹形好(mrsṭa-kuksi);腹匀称(abhugna-kuksi);腹纤细(ksāmodara)。【脐】︰深脐(gabhīra-nābhi);脐右旋(daksiṇāvatra-nābhi)。【行为】︰动作乾净俐落(sucisamācāra)。【手掌】︰掌柔如棉 (tulasadrwa- sukumārapāṇi);(snigdhapāṇi-lekha);掌纹深(gambhīrapāṇi-lekha);掌纹长(āyatapāṇi-lekha)。【唇】︰丹唇(bimbosṭha)。【脸】︰脸不过长(nātyāyata-vadana)。【舌】︰软舌(mrdujihvā);薄舌 (tanujihvā);红舌 (raktajihvā)。【声】︰声如象吼(gajagarjita, jīmūtaghosa);声韵优美(madhuracārusvara)。【齿】︰齿圆(vrttadaṃsṭrā);齿利(tīksṇadaṃsṭrā);齿白(wukladaṃsṭrā);齿整齐(sama-daṃsṭrā);齿匀称(anupūrvadaṃsṭrā)。【鼻】︰「高鼻」(tuṅganāsa);优美的鼻子(sucināsa)。【眼】︰眼睛澄澈(viwuddha-netra);大眼睛(viwāla-netra);眼睛分明如白莲黑莲(黑白分明)(sitāsitakamaladalanayana)。【眼脸】︰眼脸细致(citrapaksma)。【眉】︰修长眉(āyatabhrū);滑润眉(wlaksṇabhrū);顺次靡毛眉(anulomabhrū);柔美眉(snigdhabhrū)。【耳】︰(两)耳厚长(pīnāyata-karṇa);「两耳均等」(sama-karṇa)。【听力】︰听力无瑕疵(anupahata-karṇendriya)。【额】︰额广饱满(supariṇatalalāṭa) ;额形殊妙(prthulalāṭa)。【头】︰头形殊妙(paripūrṇottamāṅga)。【发】︰黑发(asitakewa);发型好(citakewa);发滑润(wlaksṇakewa);发不打结(asamlulitakewa);发软(aparusakewa);发有香(surabhikewa)。【吉祥相】︰手足(指端?)有srīvatsa(卐,可能指尚未开展的)、svastika(卐)、nandyāvatra (曲线的卐)、vardhamāna(原意:增长;卐的四支增长)。(卐有时作左旋卍)。佛陀‘身毛向上相’含有毛向右旋,因此推论‘卐’字乃右旋。中国唐代武则天将卐定为右旋,定音为「万」,义为「吉祥万德之所集」。佛教中一般写作「卍」。中国传统纹样中就有使用这个符号的万字不到头(万字锦、万字纹、万字拐、万不断、万字曲水)。唐代高僧玄奘将卍翻译为「德」。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 中级的属性。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'see anuvyañjana. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anucara
- {'def': '【阳】 随从,待人。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】随从,待人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anucarati
- {'def': '(anu + car + a), 跟随,练习。 ~cari, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+car移动+a), 跟随,练习。anucari,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + cariti] to move along, to follow; to practice; pp. anuciṇṇa & anucarita (q. v.) (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anucaraṇa
- {'def': '【中】 练习,执行。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】练习,执行。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anucarita
- {'def': '(-°) [pp. of anucarati] connected with, accompanied by, pervaded with D.I,16, 21 (vīmaṁsa° = anuvicarita DA.I,106); M.I,68 (id.); Miln.226. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anucaraṇa的【过分】), 已陪伴,已弥漫,已熟练。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anucaṅkamana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anucaṅkamati] sidewalk J.I,7. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anucaṅkamati
- {'def': '[anu + caṅkamati] to follow (along) after, to go after D.I,235; M.I,227; Th.1, 481, 1044; Caus. °āpeti M.I,253, cp. Lal. Vist. 147, 3; M Vastu I.350. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+kam+a), 跟著经行。anucaṅkami,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + kam + a), 跟着经行。anucaṅkami, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuccaṅgin
- {'def': 'see anujjaṅgin. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anucchavika
- {'def': '(& °ya) (adj.) [anu + chavi + ka] “according to one’s skin”, befitting, suitable, proper, pleasing, fit for, J.I,58, 62, 126, 218; II,5; IV,137, 138; Miln.358; DhA.I,203, 390; II,55, 56; VvA.68, 78; PvA.13, 26 (= kappiya), 66, 81, 286. anucchaviya at Vin.II,7 (an°); III,120 (id. + ananulomika); Miln.13. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 适当的,正当的,适合的。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】适当的,正当的,适合的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anucchiṭṭha
- {'def': '(adj.) [see ucchiṭṭha] (food) that is not thrown away or left over; untouched, clean (food) J.III,257; DhA.II,3 (vv. ll. anucciṭṭha). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anucciṭṭha
- {'def': '【形】未触及的,非残余的(食物)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 未触及的,非残余的(食物)。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuccārita
- {'def': '【形】 不出声的,不举起的。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不出声的,不举起的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anucintana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anucinteti] thinking, upon, intention, care for PvA.164. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anucinteti
- {'def': '[anu + cinteti] to think upon, to meditate, consider S.I,203 (v. l. for anuvicinteti). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+cit+e), 考虑。anucintesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + cit + e), 考虑。 anucintesi, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anucināti
- {'def': '(anu随+ci +nā), 收集,练习。anucini,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + ci + nā), 收集,练习。 anucini, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anucita
- {'def': '(na + ucita), 【形】 不适当的,不适合的。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(na不+ucita),【形】不适当的,不适合的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuciṇṇa
- {'def': '(anucarati 的【过分】), 已熟练,已达到,已熟知。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(pp.) [pp. of anucarati] 1. pursuing, following out, practising, doing; having attained or practised Vin.II,203 = It.86 (pamādaṁ); J I 20 (v.126); Th.1, 236; 2, 206; Dpvs.IV,9. -- 2. adorned with, accompanied by, connected with J.IV,286. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anucarati 的【过分】), 已熟练,已达到,已熟知。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anudadāti
- {'def': '(anu随+dā给+a), 允许,承认。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + dadāti] to concede, grant, admit, fut. anudassati Miln.276, 375. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + dā + a), 允许,承认。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anudahati
- {'def': 'see anuḍahati. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '参考 Anuḍahati。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+dah放置+a), 烧完,消费。参考 Anuḍahati。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anudassita
- {'def': '[pp. of anudasseti] manifested Miln.119. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudayati
- {'def': '(to sympathise with) see under anuddā. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudayā
- {'def': 'anuddayā, (anu随+dayā同情),【阴】哀愍。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuddayatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. to anuddayā] sympathy with (-°) compassion, kindness, favour, usually as par° kindness to or sympathy with other people S.II,218; v.169 (T. anudayatā); A.III,184; It.72; Vbh.356. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuddayā
- {'def': '【阴】同情,慈悲。参考 Anukampā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 参考 Anukampā。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(& anudayā) (f.) [anu + dayā] compassion, pity, mercy, care Vin.II,196; S.I,204; II,199; IV,323; A.II,176; III,189; Pug.35 (anukampā); J.I,147, 186, 214; PvA.70, 88, 181 (= anukampā). In compn anudaya° e. g. °sampanna full of mercy J.I,151, 262; PvA.66. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuddharin
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + uddharin] not proud Sn.952 (= anussukin SnA 569) see niṭṭhurin. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuddhasta
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + dhasta, pp. of anuddhaṁseti, cp. Sk. apadhvasta] spoilt, corrupt, degraded M.I,462 (citta); A.II,126 (id.). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuddhata
- {'def': '【形】 不骄傲的,不自负的。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + uddhata] not puffed up, not proud, unconceited calm, subdued Sn.850 (= uddhacca-virahita SnA 549, cp. anuṇṇata); It.30; Dh.363 (= nibbutacitta DhA.IV,93); Vv 648; Pug.59. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an未+uddhata抬高【过分】),【形】不骄傲的,不自负的。【过分】未抬高。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuddhaṁseti
- {'def': '(anu随+dhaṁs落下﹑毁灭+e), 随著落下,随著破坏。S.20.10./II,271.︰「他看到少穿的(dunnivatthaṁ)或穿薄衣的(duppārutaṁ)女人,随著落入染心(rāgo cittaṁ anuddhaṁseti)。」', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + dhaṁseti] to spoil, corrupt, degrade Vin.IV,148 (expln. here in slightly diff. meaning = codeti vā codāpeti vā to reprove, scold, bring down); It.42. Usually in ster. phrase rāgo cittaṁ a. lust degrades the heart Vin.III,111; M.I,26; S.I,186; A.I,266; II,126; III, 393 sq. -- pp. anuddhasta (q. v.). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuddhaṭa
- {'def': '【形】不拔出的,不破坏的。anuddhatindriya, 不入侵根(门)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不拔出的,不破坏的。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuddiṭṭha
- {'def': '【形】 不指出的,不说出的。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不指出的,不说出的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuddā
- {'def': '(f.) [contracted form of anuddayā] = anuddayā Dhs.1056, where also the other abstr. formations anuddāyanā & anuddāyitattaṁ “care, forbearance & consideration”; DhsA.362 (anudayatī ti anuḍdā). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudeva
- {'def': 'see anvadeva. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudhamma
- {'def': '(anu随+dhamma法),【阳】奉公守法,合法。【中】随法。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + dhamma] 1. in compn. with dhamma as dhammânudhamma to be judged as a redupl. cpd. after the manner of cpds. mentioned under anu IV. & meaning “the Law in all its parts, the dhamma and what belongs to it, the Law in its fullness”. For instances see dhamma C. IV. Freq. in phrase dh°-ânudh°-paṭipanna “one who masters the completeness of the Dh.”, e. g. S.II,18; III,163; It.81; Ps.II,189. -- 2. conformity or accordance with the Law, lawfulness, relation, essence, consistency, truth; in phrase dhammassa (c°) anudhammaṁ vyākaroti to explain the truth of the Dh. Vin.I,234; D.I,161; M.I,368, 482; S.II,33; III,6; IV,51; V,7. See further M.III,30; Sn.963 (cp. Nd1 481 for exegesis). Also in cpd. °cārin living according to the Dhamma, living in truth S.II,81, 108; A.II,8; Dh.20 (cp. DhA.I,158); Vv 317; Sn.69 (see Nd2 51). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 奉公守法,合法。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anudhammacārin
- {'def': '(anudhamma随法+cārin行),【形】行於随法。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anudhammatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. to anudhamma) lawfulness, conformity to the Dhamma A.II,46; Ps.I,35, 36. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudhāreti
- {'def': '[anu + dhāreti] to hold up DA.I,61 (chattaṁ), cp. J 1.53, dhariyamāna. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudhāvati
- {'def': '(anu随+dhāvati追), 追随。anudhāvi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + dhāv + a), 追赶。 anudhāvi, 【过】。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + dhāvati] to run after, to chase, follow, persecute, pursue M.I,474; S.I,9; Dh.85; Th.1, 1174; Miln.253, 372. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudhāvin
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. anudhāvati] one who runs after S.I,9, 117. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudisati
- {'def': '[anu + disati] to point out, direct, bid, address PvA.99 (aor. anudesi + anvesi). -- pp. anudiṭṭha (q. v.). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudisā
- {'def': '(anu随+disā方),【阴】东南西北之间的方向(即:东南、西北、东北、西南)。(注:直译是随著的方向,顺时针方向为据,例如:东的(puratthimāya) anudisā 是东南,西的(pacchimāya) anudisā 是西北,南的(dakkhināya) anudisā 是西南,北的(uttarāya) anudisā 是东北。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [anu + disā] an intermediate point of ihe compass, often collectively for the usual 4 intermediate points D.I,222; S.I,122; III,124. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 东南西北之间的方向;例:东南、西北、东北、西南。(注:直译是随着的方向,顺时针方向为据,例如:东的 anudisā 是东南,西的 anudisā 是西北,南的 anudisā 是西南,北的 anudisā 是东北。)(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anudiṭṭha
- {'def': '[pp. of anudisati] pointed out, appointed, dedicated, nt. consecration, dedication J v.393 (anudiṭṭha = asukassa nāma dassatī ti C.); Pv.I,107 (= uddiṭṭha PvA.50). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudiṭṭhi
- {'def': '(f.) [anu + diṭṭhi] an “after-view”, sceptical view, speculation, heresy D.I,12; M.II,228; S.III,45 sq.; Th.1, 754; Miln.325; DA.I,103. attânudiṭṭhi (q. v.) a soul-speculation. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudīpeti
- {'def': '[anu + dīpeti] to explain Miln.227 (dhammâdhammaṁ). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anudūta
- {'def': '[anu + dūta] a person sent with another, a travelling companion Vin.II,19, 295; DhA.II,76, 78. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuga
- {'def': '(-°) (adj.-suff.) [fr. anu + gam] following or followed by, going after, undergoing, being in or under, standing under the influence of Sn.332 (vasa° in the power of), 791 (ejā° = abhibhūta Sn.527), 1095 (Māra‹-› vasa° = abhibhuyya viharanti Nd2 507); It.91 (ejā°); J.III,224 (vasa° = vasavattin C.); Mhvs 7, 3. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+gam去?落入),【形】下列的,其次的,跟随的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 下列的,其次的。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anugacchati
- {'def': '(anu + gam + a), 跟随,追逐,追求。anugacchi, 【过】。~gantabba, 【潜】。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+gam去+a), 跟随,追逐,追求。anugantabba,【义】。anugacchi,【过】。anugata,【过分】。anvagū,【过.3.复】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + gacchati] to go after, to follow, to go or fall into (w. Acc.) KhA 223; PvA.141 (°gacchanto); aor. °gamāsi Vin.I,16, & anvagā Mhvs 7, 10; 3rd pl. anvagū Sn.586 (vasaṁ = vasaṁ gata SnA 461). Pass. anugammati, ppr. anugammamāna accompanied or followed by, surrounded, adorned with J.I,53; v.370. ‹-› pp. anugata (q. v.). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugama
- {'def': '[fr. anu + gam] following after, only as adj. in dur° difficult to be followed J.IV,65. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 anugamana, 【中】 跟随。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】anugamana,【中】跟随。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anugata
- {'def': '(Anugacchati的【过分】), 已陪伴,已进入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of anugacchati] gone after, accompanied by, come to; following; fig. fallen or gone into, affected with (-°), being a victim of, suffering M.I,16; D.III,85, 173 (parisā); A.II,185 (sota°, v. l. anudhata); J.II,292 (samudda°); v.369; Nd2 32 (taṇhā°); PvA.102 (nāmaṁ mayhaṁ a. has been given to me), 133 (kammaphala°). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugati
- {'def': '(f.) (-°) [fr. anu + gam] following, being in the train of, falling under, adherence to, dependence on S.I,104 (vas° being in the power). Usually in cpd. diṭṭhânugati a sign (lit. belonging to) of speculation Vin.II,108; S.II,203; Pug.33; DhA.IV,39. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 跟随,附着。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】跟随,附著。anugatika﹐跟随者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anugaṇhāti
- {'def': 'anuggaṇhāti (anu随+gaṇhāti握持), 随握持,督导。anuggaṇhi,【过】。Anugaṇhanto﹐【阳.单.主﹐现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuggaha
- {'def': '2 (an + uggaha) ,【形】不督导(not taking up Sn.912 (= na gaṇhāti Nd1 330)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1(anu随+grah (梵grah)握持),【阳】随握持(直译),督导。sattvānugrāhakaṃ wīlam,【梵】饶益有情戒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (adj.) [an + uggaha] not taking up Sn.912 (= na gaṇhāti Nd1 330). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 [anu + grah] “taking up”, compassion, love for, kindness, assistance, help, favour, benefit S.II,11; III,109; IV,104; v.162; A.I,92, 114; II,145; IV,167; v.70; It.12, 98; J.I,151; v.150; Pug.25; PvA.145; ThA.104. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuggahita
- {'def': '(anuggaṇhāti‘帮助’ 的【过分】), 已怜悯,已督导(“taking up”, compassion, love for, kindness, assistance, help, favour, benefit)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuggaṇhāti 的【过分】), 已怜悯,已帮助。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuggahīta
- {'def': '(& °ita) [pp. of anuggaṇhāti] commiserated, made happy, satisfied M.I,457; S.II,274; III,91; IV,263; A.III,172; J.III,428. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuggaṇha
- {'def': '(adj.) [cp. anuggaha] compassionate, ready to help PvA.42 °sīla. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuggaṇhana
- {'def': '【中】anuggaha,【阳】督导,协助。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) anuggaha1 DhsA.403. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 Anuggaha, 【阳】 好意,帮忙,协助。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuggaṇhataka
- {'def': '(adj.) [= anugganha] compassionate, commiserating, helping PvA.69 (= anukampaka). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuggaṇhāti
- {'def': '(anu + gah + ṇhā), 帮助,同情。 anuggaṇhi, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anugghāta
- {'def': '[an + ugghāta] not shaking, a steady walk J.VI,253. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugghātin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. last] not shaking, not jerking, J.VI,252; Vv 53 (read °ī for i); VvA.36. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugghāṭeti
- {'def': '[an + ugghāṭeti] not to unfasten or open (a door) Miln.371 (kavāṭaṁ). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + u + ghaṭ + e), 打开,解开。 ~esi, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+u+ghaṭ (梵ghaṭ)尽力+e), 打开,解开。anugghāṭesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuggiranta
- {'def': '【现分】 不做声,不谈话。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【现分】不做声,不谈话。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuggāhaka
- {'def': '【三】 帮忙者,赞助人。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anuggaha] helping, assisting S.III,5; V,162; Miln.354 (nt. = help). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【三】帮忙者,赞助人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anughāyati
- {'def': '[anu + ghāyati1] to smell, snuff, sniff up Miln.343 (gandhaṁ). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugiddha
- {'def': '(Anugijjhati的【过分】),已贪婪,已耽溺,已不眷恋。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of anugijjhati] greedy after, hankering after, desiring, coveting Sn.86 (anânu°), 144, 952; Th.1, 580. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugijjhati
- {'def': '(anu + gidh + a), 企图占有,渴望。 anugijjhi, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+gidh贪婪+a), 企图占有,渴望。anugijjhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + gijjhati] to be greedy after, to covet Sn.769 (cp. Nd1 12); J.III,207; IV,4 (= giddhā gathitā hutvā allīyanti C.). pp. °giddhā (q. v.). Cp. abhigijjhati. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugāhati
- {'def': '(anu随+gāh冲进+a), 投入,跳入,进入(to plunge into, to enter)。anugāhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + gāhati] to plunge into, to enter (Acc.) Sdhp.611. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + gāh + a), 投入,跳入,进入。 anugāhi, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anugāmika
- {'def': 'anugāmī,【形】追随的,追随者,信徒。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'anugāmī,【形】追随的,追随者,信徒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) going along with, following, accompanying; resulting from, consequential on Kh VIII,8 (nidhi, a treasure Acc. a man to the next world); J.IV,280 (°nidhi); Miln.159 (parisā); PvA.132, 253 (dānaṁ nāma °aṁ nidānan ti). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugāmin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anugacchati] following, attending on; an attendant, follower SnA 453 (= anuyutta). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anugāyati
- {'def': '[anu + gāyati] to sing after or to, recite (a magic formula or hymn) praise, celebrate D.I,104, 238; Sn.1131 (anugāyissaṁ); Miln.120. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuhasati
- {'def': '[anu + hasati] to laugh at, to ridicule DA.I,256. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuhīramāna
- {'def': '【现分】被拦截。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【现分】 被拦截。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuhīrati
- {'def': '[for °hariyati, anu + hṛ] to be held up over, ppr. anuhīramāna D.II,15 (vv. ll. v. l. anubhiram°; glosses B. K. anudhāriyam°, cp. Trenckner, Notes 79). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuja
- {'def': '【阳】兄弟。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 兄弟。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anujagghati
- {'def': '[anu + jagghati] to laugh at, deride, mock D.I,91; DA.I,258 (cp. sañjagghati ibid 256). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anujavati
- {'def': '[anu + javati] to run after, to hasten after, to follow J.VI,452 (= anubandhati). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anujjhāna
- {'def': '(nt.) [anu + jhāna] meditation, reflection, introspection Miln.352 (°bahula). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anujju
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ujju] not straight, crooked, bent, in cpds. °aṅgin (anujjaṅgin) with (evenly) bent limbs, i. e. with perfect limbs, graceful f. °ī Ep. of a beautiful woman J v.40 (= kañcana-sannibha-sarīrā C.); VI,500 (T. anuccaṅgī, C. aninditā agarahitaṅgī); °gāmin going crooked i. e. snake J.IV,330; °bhūta not upright (fig. of citta) J v.293. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anujjuka
- {'def': '= anujju J.III,318. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuju
- {'def': '【形】 不直的,弯曲的。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不直的,弯曲的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anujā
- {'def': '【阴】 姊妹。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】姊妹。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anujānāti
- {'def': '(anu + ñā + nā), 允许,许可。 anujāni, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+ñā知+nā), 允许,许可。anujāni,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + jānāti] 1. to give permission, grant, allow Vin.IV,225; A.II,197; Pv IV.167; PvA.55, 79, 142. -- 2. to advise, prescribe Vin.I,83; II,301: Sn.982. ‹-› grd. anuññeyya that which is allowed A.II,197; pp. anuññāta (q. v.) Caus. anujānāpeti J.I,156. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anujāta
- {'def': '【形】所生的,相似的(父亲)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 所生的,相似的(父亲)。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + jāta] “born after” i. e. after the image of, resembling, taking after; esp. said of a son (putta), resembling his father, a worthy son It.64 (atijāta +, opp. avajāta); Th.1, 827 (fig. following the example of), 1279; J.VI,380; DhA.I,129; Dāvs II.66. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anujīvati
- {'def': '[anu + jīvati] to live after, i. e. like (Acc.), to live for or on, subsist by J.IV,271 (= upajīvati, tassânubhāvena jīvitaṁ laddhaṁ (C.). -- pp. anujīvata (q. v.). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+jīv命+a), 维持生活。anujīvi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + jīv + a), 维持生活。 anujīvi, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anujīvin
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. anujīvati] living upon, another, dependent; a follower, a dependant A.I,152; III,44; J.III,485; Dāvs v.43. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anujīvita
- {'def': '(nt.) [pp. of anujīvati] living (after), living, livelihood, subsistence, life Sn.836 (= jīvitaṁ SnA 545). (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anujīvī
- {'def': '【三】 依赖的人。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【三】依赖的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anukampaka
- {'def': 'anukampī (‹anukampati怜愍),【形】慈悲的,体恤的,有同情心的人。hitānukampī, 怜愍此利益。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'anukampī, 【形】 慈悲的,有同情心的人。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '& °ika (adj.) [fr. anukampati] kind of heart, merciful, compassionate, full of pity (-° or c. Loc.) D.III,187; S.I,105 (loka°), 197; v.157; A.IV,265 sq.; It.66 (sabba-bhūta°); Pv.I,33 (= kārunika PvA.16), 53 (= atthakāma, hitesin PvA.25), 88; II,14 (= anuggaṇhataka PvA.69), 27; ThA.174; PvA.196 (satthā sattesu a.). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukampana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. last] compassion, pity PvA.16, 88. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】Anukampā, 【阴】同情,慈悲。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】Anukampā,【阴】同情,慈悲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anukampati
- {'def': '(anu + kamp + a), 同情。 anukampi, 【过】。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+kamp震动+a), 体恤(reciprocate),同情(直译:随震动)。anukampi,【过】。anukampita,【过分】。anukampituṁ,【不】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + kampati] to have pity on, to commiserate, to pity, to sympathise with (c. Acc.) S.I,82, 206; v.189. Imper. anukampa Pv.II,16 (= anuddayaṁ karohi PvA.70) & anukampassu Pv III,28 (= anuggaṇha PvA.181). Med. ppr. anukampamāna Sn.37 (= anupekkhamāna anugayhamāna Nd2 50); PvA.35 (taṁ), 62 (pitaraṁ), 104. -- pp. anukampita (q. v.). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukampin
- {'def': '(adj.) [cp. anukampaka] compassionate, anxious for, commiserating. Only in foll. phrases: hita° full of solicitude for the welfare of S v.86; Sn.693; Pv III,76. sabbapāṇa-bhūta-hita° id. S.IV,314; A.II,210; III,92; IV,249; Pug.57, 68. sabba-bhūta° S.I,25, 110; A.II,9; It.102. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(cp.[anukampaka怜愍]) 【形】怜愍。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anukampita
- {'def': '(anukampati 的【过分】), 已同情。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of anukampati] compassioned, gratified, remembered, having done a good deed (of mercy) Pv III,230. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anukampati 的【过分】), 已同情。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anukampā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. anukampati] compassion, pity, mercy D.I,204; M.I,161; II,113; S.I,206; II,274 (loka°); IV,323; v.259 sq.; A.I,64, 92; II,159; III,49; IV,139; Pug.35. -- Often in Abl. anukampāya out of pity, for the sake of D.III,211 (loka° out of compassion for all mankind, + atthaya hitāya); J.III,280; PvA.47, 147. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹anukampati怜愍),【阴】怜愍。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anukantati
- {'def': '(anu随+kant切割+a), 随切割,割入,修剪。anukanti,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + kantati2] to cut Dh.311 (hatthaṁ = phāleti DhA.III,484). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + kant + a), 割入,修剪。 anukanti, 【过】。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anukaroti
- {'def': '[anu + kṛ] to imitate, “to do after” A.I,212; J.I,491; II,162; DhA.IV,197. -- ppr. anukabbaṁ Vin.II,201 (mamâ°). -- Med. anukubbati S.I,19 = J.IV,65. ‹-› See also anukubba. On anvakāsi see anukassati 2. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+kar作+o), 跟随作,模仿,重复。anukari,【过】。anukata,【过分】。【单.壹.现】anukaromi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + kar + o), 模仿,重复。 anukari, 【过】。 anukata, 【过分】。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anukassati
- {'def': '[anu + kassati, kṛṣ] 1. [Sk. anukaṛṣati] to draw after, to repeat, recite, quote D.II,255 (silokaṁ). -- 2. [Sk. ava-kaṛṣati] to draw or take of, to remove, throw down, Th.1, 869 (aor. anvakāsi = khipi, chaḍḍesi C.). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukaṅkhin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anu + kāṅkṣ] striving after, longing for J v.499 (piya°). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukaṅkhī
- {'def': '【形】 渴望。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】渴望。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anukhaṇati
- {'def': '[anu + khaṇati] to dig after or further J v.233. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukhuddaka
- {'def': '(anu随+khuddaka微小),【形】较小的,次要的,随微小的。BPA译:minor。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 较小的,次要的,比较不重要。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + khuddaka] in cpd. khudda° whatever there is of minor things, all less important items Vin.II,287 = D.II,154 = Miln.142; Miln.144. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukiṇṇa
- {'def': '[pp. of anu + kirati] strewn with, beset with, dotted all over Pv IV.121 (bhamara-gaṇa°). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anukirati 的【过分】), 已撒满,已点缀。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anukirati 的【过分】), 已撒满,已点缀。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anukkama
- {'def': '【阳】1.次序,顺序,秩序,连续。2.马勒(缰?辔?缰绳的总称)。anukkamena,【副】逐渐地,及时地,在适当时。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[to anukkamati] 1. order, turn, succession, going along; only in Instr. anukkamena gradually, in due course or succession J.I,157, 262, 290; VvA.157; PvA.5, 14, 35 etc. -- 2. that which keeps an animal in (regular) step, i. e. a bridle M.I,446; Sn.622 (sandānaṁ saha°). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 次序,顺序,秩序,连续。 ~mena, 【副】 逐渐地,及时地,在适当时。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anukkamati
- {'def': '[anu + kram] 1. to follow, go along (a path = Acc.) A v.195; It.80 (maggaṁ). -- 2. to advance (not with Morris J P T S. 1886, 111 as “abandon”) S.I,24, Th.1, 194. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+kamati走),随…走。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anukkaṇṭhana
- {'def': '(nt.) [an + ukkaṇṭhana] having no lack anything, being contented or happy J.VI,4. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukkaṇṭhati
- {'def': '[an + ukkaṇṭhati] not to be sorry or not to lack anything, in ppr. °anto J v.10; and pp. °ita without regret or in plenty PvA.13. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukkhepa
- {'def': '[anu + khepa, see anukkhipati] compensation Vin.I,285. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukkhipati
- {'def': '[anu + khipati] to throw out Cp. XI.6 (vaṭṭaṁ). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukubba
- {'def': '(adj.) (-°) [= Sk. anukurvat, ppr. of anukaroti] “doing correspondingly” giving back, retaliating J.II,205 (kicca°). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukubbati
- {'def': '相同于 anukaroti。 ~banta, 【现分】 模仿。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '相同於 anukaroti。anukubbanta,【现分】模仿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'see anukaroti. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukula
- {'def': 'freq. spelling for anukūla. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukulaka
- {'def': '(adj.) = anukula Sdhp.242 (iccha° according to wish). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukāma
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + kāma] responding to love, loving in return J.II,157. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukāra
- {'def': '【阳】 模仿。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】模仿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[cp. anukaroti] imitation Dpvs v.39. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukārin
- {'def': '(adj.) imitating Dāvs v.32. (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anukārī
- {'def': '【三】模仿者,仿效者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【三】 模仿者,仿效者。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anukūla
- {'def': '【形】称许的,愉快的。 ~bhāva, 【阳】彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺。 ~vāta, 【阳】愉快的风。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [anu + kūla, opp. paṭikūla] favourable, agreeable, suitable, pleasant VvA.280; spelt anukula at Sdhp.297, 312.
--bhava complaisance, willingness VvA.71. --yañña a propitiative sacrifice D.I,144 (expld. at DA.I,302 as anukula° = sacrifice for the propagation of the clan). (Page 34)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '﹐Anukula(anu + kūla, opp. paṭikūla)﹐【形】称许的,适用的,愉快的(favourable, agreeable, suitable, pleasant)。anukūlabhāva,【阳】彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺。anukūlavāta,【阳】愉快的风。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anulapanā
- {'def': '(f.) [anu + lapanā, lap] scolding, blame, accusation Vin.II,88 (spelt anullapanā; combd. with anuvadana & anubhaṇanā). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anulepa
- {'def': '[fr. anu + lip] anointing Miln.152. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anulimpana
- {'def': '【阳】涂抹,涂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 涂抹,涂。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anulimpati] anointing Miln.353, 394. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anulimpati
- {'def': '(anu随+lip(梵lip / limp)涂+ṁ-a); anulimpeti (anu+lip+ṁ-e), 涂抹,涂。anulimpi, anulimpesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + limpati] to anoint, besmear, Miln.394 (°limpitabba). Caus. °limpeti in same meaning Miln.169, and °lepeti Milm 169 (grd. °lepanīya to be treated with ointment). -- pp. anulitta (q. v.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + lip + ŋ-a); anulimpeti (anu + lip + ŋ-e), 涂抹,涂。anulimpi, ~esi, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anulitta
- {'def': '(Anulimpati的【过分】) 涂抹,涂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. anulipta, pp. of anulimpati] anointed, besmeared J.I,266; PvA.211. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anulokin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anu + loketi, cp. Sk. & P. avalokin & anuviloketi] looking (up) at, seeing (-°) M.I,147 (sīsa°). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuloma
- {'def': '【形】规则的,不敌对的,随顺的;【阳】适合。anulomika,【形】适当的,顺序的。anulomikāya khantiyā samannāgato, 成就随顺忍。anulomapaṭiloma 顺逆。anulomikaṁ khantiṁ(anulomikakhantiṁ﹐anulomikā vā khantī”ti)﹐随顺忍;PṭsA.CS:p.2.7.:Anulomikāti lokuttaradhammānaṁ anulomato anulomikā. Khantīti ñāṇaṁ.(随顺:随顺出间诸法的随顺。忍:智。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. anu + loma] “with the hair or grain”, i. e. in natural order, suitable, fit, adapted to, adaptable, straight forward D.II,273 (anānuloma, q. v.) S.IV,401; Ps.II,67, 70; DhA.II,208. -- nt. direct order, state of fitting in, adaptation Miln.148.
--ñāṇa insight of adaptation (cp. Cpd. 66, 68) DhA.II,208. --paṭiloma in regular order & reversed, forward & backward (Ep. of paṭiccasamuppāda, also in BSk.) Vin.I,1; A.IV,448. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【形】 规则的,不敌对的;【阳】 适合。 anulomika, 【形】适当的,顺序的。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anulometi
- {'def': '[v. denom. fr. anuloma] to conform to, to be in accordance with Miln.372. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(【动用】自 anuloma), 符合。~esi, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(【动用】自 anuloma), 符合。anulomesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anulomika
- {'def': '(& °ya) (adj.) [fr. anuloma] suitable, fit, agreeable; in proper order, adapted to (-°) Vin.II,7 (an°); III,120 (an° = ananucchaviya); IV,239; A.I,106; III,116 sq.; It.103 (sāmaññassa°); Sn.385 (pabbajita°); KhA 243 (ananulomiya); DhsA.25; Sdhp.65. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuma
- {'def': '(-dassika) see anoma°. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anumagge
- {'def': 'at J.V,201 should be read anu magge along the road, by the way; anu here used as prep. c. Loc. (see anu A b). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anumajjana
- {'def': '【中】击,敲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 击,敲。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. anumajjati] threshing out, pounding up (Dhs. trsl. 11), always used with ref. to the term vicāra (q.v.) Miln.62; DhsA.114; DA.I,63, 122. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anumajjati
- {'def': '(anu随+majj下沉+a), 击,敲。anumajji,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + majjati] 1. to strike along, to stroke, to touch DA.I,276 (= anumasati). -- 2. to beat, thresh, fig. to thresh ont J.VI,548; Miln.90. -- Pass. anumajjīyati Miln.275 (cp. p. 428). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + majj + a), 击,敲。 anumajji, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anumajjha
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + majjha] mediocre, without going to extremes J.IV,192; V,387. (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anumasati
- {'def': '[anu + masati] to touch D.I,106 (= anumajjati DA.I,276). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + masati),触(to touch (= anumajjati DA I.276))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anumata
- {'def': '[pp. of anumaññati] approved of, given consent to, finding approval, given leave D.I,99 (= anuññāta DA.I,267); J.V,399 (= muta); Miln.185, 212, 231, 275; PvA.64 (= annuññāta). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anumaññati的【过分】), 已赞同,已许可。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anumati
- {'def': '(from anumaññati),【阴】同意,许可,证实(consent, permission, agreement, assent, approval)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [from anumaññati] consent, permission, agreement, assent, approval Vin.II,294, 301, 306; D. I.137, 143; Dpvs.IV,47, Cf.V,18; DA.I,297; VvA.17, PvA.114. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 同意,许可。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anumatta
- {'def': 'see aṇu°. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anumaññati
- {'def': '(anu随+man思+ya) 同意,赞同。anumaññi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + maññati] to assent, approve, give leave Th.1, 72. -- pp. anumata (q.v.). (Page 40)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + man + ya) 同意,赞同。 ~maññi, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anumināti
- {'def': '[cf. Sk. anumāti, anu + mināti from mi, Sk. minoti, with confusion of roots mā & mi] to observe, draw an inference M.I,97; PvA.227 (°anto + nayaṁ nento). See also anumīyati. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(cf. Sk. anumāti, anu + mināti from mi, Sk. minoti, with confusion of roots mā & mi)观察,推论(to observe, draw an inference)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anumitta
- {'def': '[anu + mitta] a secondary friend, a follower. acquaintance J.V,77. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anummatta
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ummatta] not out of mind, sane, of sound mind Miln.122; Sdhp.205. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an + ummatta),【形】心不错乱,无有乱意(not out of mind, sane, of sound mind)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anumodaka
- {'def': '【三】感激的人,感谢者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【三】 感激的人,感谢者。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anumodati] one who enjoys, one who is glad of or thankful for (c. Acc.) Vin.V,172; PvA.122; Sdhf 512. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anumodana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anumodati] “according to taste”, i.e. satisfaction, thanks, esp. after a meal or after receiving gifts = to say grace or benediction, blessing, thanksgiving. In latter sense with dadāti (give thanks for = Loc.), karoti (= Lat. gratias agere) or vacati (say or tell thanks): °ṁ datvā PvA.89; °ṁ katvā J.I,91; DhA.III,170, 172; VvA.118; PvA.17, 47; °ṁ vatvā VvA.40 (pānīyadāne for the gift of water), 295, 306 etc. °ṁ karoti also “to do a favour” PvA.275. Cp. further DhA.I,198 (°gāthā verses expressing thanks, benediction); II,97 (Satthāraṁ °ṁ yāciṁsu asked his blessing); PvA.23 (°atthaṁ in order to thank), 26 (id.), 121, 141 (katabhatta°), 142; Sdhp.213, 218, 516. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹anumodati), 【中】满足(satisfaction),感谢(thanks, to say grace or benediction, blessing, thanksgiving)。anumodanaṁ datvā, anumodanaṁ katvā, anumodanaṁ vatvā, anumodanaṁ karoti, 帮个忙(to do a favour)。satthāraṁ anumodanaṁ yāciṁsu, 请求他的祝福(asked his blessing)。Anumodanatthaṁ, 以便感谢(in order to thank)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anumodanā
- {'def': '【阴】1.感恩,感激。2.回向功德。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 1. 感恩,感激。 2. 回向功德。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anumodati
- {'def': '[anu + modati] to find satisfaction in (Acc.), to rejoice in, be thankful for (c. Acc.), appreciate, benefit from, to be pleased, to enjoy Vin.II,212 (bhattagge a. to say grace after a meal); S.II,54; A.III,50 (°modanīya); IV,411; Dh.177 (ppr. °modamāna); It.78; Pv.II,919 (dānaṁ °modamāna = enjoying, gladly receiving); 1,54 (anumodare = are pleased; pitisomanassajātā honti PvA.27); J.II,112; PvA.19, 46, 81, 201) imper. modāhi); Sdhp. 501 sq. -- pp. anumodita (q.v.). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + mud + a), 欢喜,感激。 ~modi, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+modati欣喜), 随欣喜,欢喜,感激。anumodi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anumodeti
- {'def': '(Anumodati 的【使】), 令欢喜,使感激。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(Anumodati 的【使】), 令欢喜,使感激。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anumodita
- {'def': '(Anumodati 的【过分】)。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(Anumodati 的【过分】) 欢喜,感激。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of anumodati] enjoyed, rejoiced in PvA.77. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anumāna
- {'def': '[fr. anu + man] inference Miln.330 (naya +), 372, 413; Sdhp.74. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹anu + man),【阳】推论,推理,比量(inference)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 推论。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anumīyati
- {'def': '(anu + mā + ī + ya), 推论出,总结。 ~mīyi, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+mā测量+ī去+ya;Sk. anumīyate, Pass. of anu + mā), 推论出,总结。anumīyi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. anumīyate, Pass. of anu + mā, measure, in sense of Med.] to observe, conclude or infer from S.III,36. Cp. anumināti. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anunadī
- {'def': '(-tire) along the bank of the river S.IV,177 should be read anu nadītīre (= anu prep. c. Loc.; see under anu A). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anunamati
- {'def': '[anu + namati] to incline, bend (intrs.), give way Miln.372 (of a bow). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anunaya
- {'def': '(‹anuneti随引导),【阳】友善(friendliness),礼貌(courtesy),谄媚(fawning曲意迎合)(台语︰thiam2 bi7)。iṭṭhāniṭṭhesu anunayapaṭighappahānaṁ, 断了好恶。anunayapaṭighābhāvato, 好恶不存在。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. anuneti] “leading along”, friendliness, courtesy, falling in with, fawning D.III,254 (°saṁyojana); A.IV,7 sq. (id.) M.I,191; Dhs.1059; Vbh.145; Nett 79; combd. w. opp. paṭigha (repugnance) at Miln.44, 122, 322. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 友谊。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anunayana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anuneti] fawning DhsA.362. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anunayati
- {'def': '(anu随+nayati引导=[anuneti随引导]),随引导。【现分】anunayamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anunetar
- {'def': '[n. ag. fr. anuneti] one who reconciles or conciliates Ps.II,194 (netā vinetā anunetā). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuneti
- {'def': '(anu + nī + e), 安抚,安慰。 anunesi, 【过】。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + neti] to conciliate, appease, win over, flatter S.I,232 (ppr. anunayamāna); pp. anunīta (q. v.). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+nī引导+e), 随引导(leading along),安抚,安慰。anunesi,【过】。【现分】anunayamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anunetu
- {'def': '【阳】 调解人。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】调解人,和事佬。(台语:公亲kong chin、公道伯kong to7 peh)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anunāsika
- {'def': '【形】 鼻音。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】鼻音。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + nāsā + ika] nasal; as tt. g. the sound ṁ; in °lopa apocope of the nasal ṁ VvA.114, 253, 275, 333. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anunīta
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of anuneti] led, induced S.IV,71; Sn.781. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupa
- {'def': '【阳】 沼泽。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'see anūpa. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'anūpa﹐【阳】【形】有水的(watery),潮湿(moist),沼泽(watery land)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupabandhanatā
- {'def': '(anuppa°) (f.) [abstr. to prec.] nonstopping, not ceasing Miln.132. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupabandhanā
- {'def': '(anuppa°) (f.) [abstr. fr. anupabandhati] continuance, incessance, Pug.18 = Vbh.357 (in exegesis of upanāha). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupabandhati
- {'def': '(anuppa°) [anu + pa + bandhati] to follow immediately, to be incessant, to keep on (without stopping), to continue Miln.132. -- Caus. °āpeti ibid. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupabbajati
- {'def': '(anu + pa + vaj + a), 跟人出家。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+pa+vaj去﹑走+a), 跟随出家。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupabbajjā
- {'def': '(f.) [anu + pabbajjā, cp. BSk. anupravrajati Divy 61] giving up worldly life in imitation of another S.V,67 = It.107. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupacchinna
- {'def': '【形】 继续的,不停地进行的。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】继续的,不停地进行的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupacināti
- {'def': '[an + upacināti] not to observe or notice J.V,339 (= anoloketi C.; v. l. anapaviṇāti). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupacita
- {'def': '【形】 不累积的。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不累积的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + pa + cita, pp. of anupacināti] heaped up, accumulated ThA.56. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupada
- {'def': '(anu随+pada足[迹]),【形】【阳】(巴利语辞典:【中】), 跟随(他译:不断)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. anupadaṁ adv., anu + pada] 1. the “afterfoot”, i. e. second foot a verse, also a mode of reciting, where the second foot is recited without the first one Vin.IV,15 (cp. 355); Miln.340 (anupadena anupadaṁ katheti). -- 2. (adj.) (following) on foot, at every, step, continuous, repeated, in °dhamma-vipassanā uninterrupted contemplation M.III,25; °vaṇṇanā word-by-word explanation DhsA.168. As nt. adv. °ṁ close behind, immediately after (c. Gen.) J.II,230 (tassânupadaṁ agamāsi); VI,422. Esp. freq. in combn. padânupadaṁ (adv.) foot after foot, i. e. in the footsteps, immediately behind J.III, 504; VI,555; DhA.I,69; II,38. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupadaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 1. 逐字地。 2. 随后地。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupadaṁ
- {'def': '【副】1.逐字地。2.随后地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupaddava
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + upaddava] free from danger, uninjured, safe Vin.II,79 = 124 (+ anītika); III,162; Dh.338; DhA.IV,48; PvA.250 (expln. for siva). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 无危险的。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(an无+upaddava危害),【形】无危险的,无危害的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupadeti
- {'def': '(anuppadeti) [anu + pa + dadāti] to give out, give as a present, hand over; to design, set forth, undertake S.III,131 (Pot. anuppadajjuṁ); M.I,416 (Pot. anupadajjeyya. see dadāti I.3); Miln.210 (°deti). fut. °dassati (see dadāti I.1); D.III,92; S.IV,303 (v. l. SS for T. anusarissati); A.III,43; Sn.983. ger. °datvā SnA 35. inf. °dātuṁ A.I,117. pp. °dinna (q. v.). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupadhika
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + upadhi + ka] free from attachment (see upadhi) Vin I 36 (anupadhīka); D. III 112 (anupadhika opp. to sa-upadhika); Sn.1057 (anūpadhīka T., but Nd2 anūpadhika. with ū for u metri causa). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupadhāreti
- {'def': '[an + upadhār°] to disregard, to heed not, to neglect DhA.IV,197; VvA.260. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupadhāretvā
- {'def': '【独】忽视,没考虑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【独】 忽视,没考虑。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupadinna
- {'def': '(anuppadinna) [pp. of anupadeti] given, handed over, furnished, dedicated Pv.I,512. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupadāna
- {'def': '(anuppadāna) (nt.) [anu + pa + dāna, cp. anupadeti] giving, administering, furnishing, the giving of (-°) D.I,12 (cp. DA.I,98; both read anuppādāna); J.III,205; Miln.315. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupadātar
- {'def': 'anuppadātar,(‹anupadeti献出),【阳】献出者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuppadātar) [n. ag. of anupadeti] one who gives, or one who sets forth, effects, designs D.I,4 (cp. DA.I,74); A.II,209. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupagacchati
- {'def': '[anu + pa + gacchati] to go or return into (c. Acc.) D.I,55 (anupeti +). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+pa出+gacchati去)﹐随出去。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupagamma
- {'def': '(an不+upa全部+gacchati去) 的【独】),【独】全部不去,避开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupaghāta
- {'def': '[an + upaghāta] not hurting Dh.185 (anūpa° metri causa; expld. by anupahananañ c’eva anupaghātanañ ca DhA.III,238). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an无+upaghāta全部损坏),【阳】无全部损坏,无伤害。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 无伤害,人性,无暴力。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupahata
- {'def': '1 [anu + pa + hata, pp. of anu + pa + han] thrown up, blown up Miln.274. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 无损坏的,无破坏的。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】无损坏的,无破坏的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (adj.) [an + upahata] not destroyed, not spoilt DhA.II,33 (°jivhapasāda). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupahhacca
- {'def': '(na + upa + han + ya), 没受伤的,没困扰的。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(na不+upa近+han打+ya), 没受伤的,没困扰的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupajagghati
- {'def': '[anu + pa + jagghati] to laugh at, to deride, mock over A.I,198 (v. l. anusaṁ°). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupajjati
- {'def': '[anu + pad] to follow, accompany J.IV,304. ‹-› pp. anupanna (q. v.). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupakampati
- {'def': '[anu + pakampati] to shake, move, to be unsteady Th.1, 191 = Ud.41. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupakhajjati
- {'def': '[den. fr. anupakhajja, ger. of anupakkhandati] to encroach, intrude Vin.V,163. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupakkajja
- {'def': '【独】侵犯了,侵占了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【独】 侵犯了,侵占了。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupakkama
- {'def': '[an + upakkama] not attacking, Instr. °ena not by attack (from external enemies) Vin.II,195. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupakkhandati
- {'def': '[anu + pa + khandati] to push oneself forward, to encroach on D.I,122 (= anupavisati DA.I,290); ger. anupakhajja pushing oneself in, intruding Vin.II,88 (= antopavisati), 213; IV,43 (= anupavisati); M.I,151, 469; S.III,113; Vism.18. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupakkuṭṭha
- {'def': '【形】 无可责难的,不可指责的。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + upak°] blameless, irreproachahle D.I,113; Vin.IV,160; Sn.p. 115; DA.I,281. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】无可责难的,不可指责的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupalitta
- {'def': '【形】 无污点的,未涂污的。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'anūpalitta,(an未+upalitta全部涂染【过分】),【过分】未全部涂染。【形】无污点的,未涂污的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + upalitta] unsmeared, unstained, free from taint M.I,319, 386 (in verse); as °ūpalitta in verse of Sn.& Dh: Sn.211 (= lepānaṁ abhāvā SnA 261), 392, 468, 790, 845; Dh.353. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupameya
- {'def': '【形】无比的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无比的。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupanna
- {'def': '[pp. of anupajjati] gone into, reached, attained Sn.764 (māradheyya°). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupapanna
- {'def': '(an未+upapanna被生(在),【过分】未被生[在]。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuparidhāvati
- {'def': '(anu + pari + dhāv + a), 上 下 地 跑 , 迂 回 地 跑 。anuparidhāvi, 【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+pari+dhāv追+a),上下地跑,迂回地跑。anuparidhāvi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + pari + dhāvati] to run up & down or to move round & round (cp. anuparivattati) S.III,150 (khīlan). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuparigacchati
- {'def': '(anu随+pari+gam去+a), 迂回地走(台语:囷路khun5 loo7,抛大箍围pha tua7 khoo ui5)。anuparigacchi,【过】。anuparigamma, 【独】。S.3.8./I,75.︰“Sabbā disā anuparigamma cetasā, Nevajjhagā piyataramattanā kvaci. Evaṁ piyo puthu attā paresaṁ, Tasmā na hiṁse paramattakāmo”ti.(以心遍察诸方,不见有比自己可爱;他人都是爱他自己的,爱自己的(attakāmo)不要害他人。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + pari + gam + a), 迂回地走。 ~gacchi, 【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + pari + gacchati] to walk round and round, to go round about (c. Acc.) Vin.III,119; S.I,75 (ger. °gamma); Sn.447 (aor. °pariyagā = parito parito agamāsi SnA. 393); J.IV,267. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupariharati
- {'def': '[anu + pari + harati] to surround, enfold, embrace M.I,306. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuparisakkana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anuparisakkati] dealing with, interest in S.IV,312 (v.l. °vattana). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuparisakkati
- {'def': '[anu + pari + sakkati] to move round, to be occupied with, take an interest in (c. Acc.) S.IV,312 (v.l. °vattati). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuparivattana
- {'def': '【中】随著滚动,进化的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 随着滚动,进化的。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuparivattati
- {'def': '[anu + pari + vṛt] to go or move round, viz. 1. to deal with, be engaged in, perform, worship Vin.III,307 (ādiccaṁ); D.I,240; PvA.97. -- 2. to meet Miln.204 (Devadatto ca Bodhisatto ca ekato anuparivattanti). -- 3. to move round & round, move on and on, keep on rolling (c. Acc.), evolve S.III,150 (anuparidhāvati +) Miln.253 (anudhāvati + kāyan). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+pari+vat转+a), 旋转不息地移动,连续地旋转。anuparivatti,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + pari + vat + a), 旋转不息地移动,连续地旋转。anuparivatti, 【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuparivatti
- {'def': '(f.) (-°) [anu + parivatti] dealing with, occupation, connection with S.III,16. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupariveṇiyaṁ
- {'def': '[anu + pariveṇiyaṁ = Loc. of pariveṇi] should be written anu pariveṇiyaṁ (“in every cell, cell by cell”), anu here functioning as prep. c. Loc. (see anu A) Vin.I,80, 106. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuparivāreti
- {'def': '[anu + pari + vāreti] to surround, stand by, attend on (c. Acc.) Vin.I,338; M.I,153; DhA 1.55. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupariyāti
- {'def': '(anu随+pari遍+yāti去), 迂回地走。anupariyāyi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[auu + pari + yāti] to go round about, to go about, to wander or travel all over (c. Acc.) Vin.II,111; S.I,102, 124; Th.1, 1235 (°pariyeti), 1250 (id. to search); Pv III,34 (= anuvicarati); Miln.38; PvA.92 (°yāyitvā, ger.) 217. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + pari + yā + a), 迂回地走。 anupariyāyi, 【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupariyāya
- {'def': '(‹anupariyati随…遍去),【副】环绕。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj) [adjectivised ger. of anupariyāti] going round, encircling, in °patha the path leading or going round the city D.II,83 = S IV 194 = A.V,195; A.IV,107. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupasampanna
- {'def': '【形】未受具足戒者,非比丘。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 未受具足戒者,非比丘。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupasaṅkamati
- {'def': '2 [an + upasaṅk°] not to go to. not to approach DhA.II,30 (+ apayirupāsati). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 [anu + pa + saṁkamati] to go along up to (c. Acc.) PvA.179. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupasaṇṭhapanā
- {'def': '(f.) [an + upasaṇṭhapanā] not stopping, incessance, continuance Pug.18 (but id. p. at Vbh.357 has anusansandanā instead); cp. anupabandhanā. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupassaka
- {'def': '【形】 观察者,考虑者。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】观察者,考虑者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anupassati] observing, viewing, contemplating Th.1, 420. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupassanā
- {'def': '(梵ānupawyanā),【阴】1.考虑。2.随观,了解,觉察,领会,真正认识。《无碍解道》(Paṭisambhidāmagga)说七种随观:(1)无常随观(aniccānupassanā)--观照身心是无常的,观察到身心是刹那的生灭,可破除诸有情认为是永恒的迷思。(2)苦随观(dukkhānupassanā)--观照身心是苦的。(3)无我随观(anattānupassanā)--观照身心是无我的。(4)厌离随观(nibbidānupassanā)--观照身心为无常、或苦、或无我,而厌离身而不喜爱身。(持续地观照无常、苦、无我达到成熟程度,就会生起以下的随观) (5)离染随观(virāgānupassanā)--远离贪染。(6)寂灭随观(nirodhānupassanā)--随观诸行的刹那灭。(7)舍遣随观(paṭinissaggānupassanā)--以毘鉢舍那而遍舍蕴及诸行的烦恼,而跳入涅盘。乾观行者持续观察呼吸之触(及鼻端)或集灭法(心、身、鼻之生灭)或感受等,是最方便下手随观生灭的方法。(c.f.M.A.6./I,157.) Vbh.p.201-2.︰Tattha katamā anupassanā? Yā 1paññā 2pajānanā 3vicayo 4pavicayo 5dhammavicayo 6sallakkhaṇā 7upalakkhaṇā 8paccupalakkhaṇā 9paṇḍiccaṁ 10kosallaṁ 11nepuññaṁ 12vebhabyā 13cintā 14upaparikkhā 15bhūrī 16medhā 17pariṇāyikā 18vipassanā 19sampajaññaṁ 20patodo paññā 21paññindriyaṁ 22paññābalaṁ 23paññāsatthaṁ 24paññāpāsādo 25paññā-āloko 26paññā-obhāso 27paññāpajjoto 28paññāratanaṁ 29amoho 30dhammavicayo sammādiṭṭhi-- ayaṁ vuccati anupassanā. Imāya anupassanāya 1upeto hoti 2samupeto 3upāgato 4samupāgato 5upapanno 6sampanno 7samannāgato. Tena vuccati “anupassī”ti.(此中,什么是‘随观’?凡是1慧、2智慧、3检择(简择)、4思择、5择法、6解了、7近察、8直察、9聪叡、10善巧、11审悉、12审察、13思、14近解、15叡智、16怜俐、17遍察、18毘婆舍那、19正知、20导慧、21慧根、22慧力、23慧剑、24慧宫殿、25慧明、26慧现、27慧光、28慧宝、29无痴、30择法之正见--这被称为「随观」。1已获得、2已全获得、3已进入、4已接近、5已生起、6已发生、7已成就随观。因此被称为「随观」。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 1. 考虑。 2. 了解,觉察,领会,真正认识。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. of anupassati, cf. Sk. anudarśana] looking at, viewing, contemplating, consideration, realisation S.V,178 sq., Sn.p. 140; Ps.I,10, 20, 96; II,37, 41 sq., 67 sq.; Vbh.194. See anicca°, anatta°, dukkha°. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupassati
- {'def': '(anu随+passati看), 随看(他译:观),观察。anupassi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + passati] to look at, contemplate, observe Sn.477; Ps.I,57, 187; SnA. 505. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + dis + a), 观察,考虑。 anupassi, 【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupassin
- {'def': '(‹anupassati随看),【形】随看;观察者,考虑者。参考 Anupassaka。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(-°) (adj.) [fr. anupassati] viewing, observing, realising S.II,84 sq.,V,294 sq., 311 sq., 345, Dh.7, 253; Sn.255, 728; Ps.I,191 sq.; Vbh.193 sq., 236; Sdhp.411. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupassī
- {'def': '参考 Anupassaka。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupatati
- {'def': '(anu + pat + a), 落在,降临。 anupati, 【过】。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + patati] 1. to follow, go after, J.VI,555 anupatiyāsi Subj.). -- 2. to fall upon, to befall, attack Vin.III,106 = M.I,364; S.I,23 (read °patanti for °patatanti) = Dh.221 (dukkhā); Th.1, 41 = 1167 (of lightning). ‹-› pp. anupatita (q. v.). Cp. also anupāta & anupātin. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+patati落下), 随…落下,降临。anupati,【过】。【过分】anupatita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupathe
- {'def': 'at J.V,302 should be read as anu pathe by the way at the wayside; anu to be taken as prep. c. Loc. (see anu A). C. explns. as jaṅghamagga-mahāmaggānaṁ antare. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupatita
- {'def': '(Anupatati的【过分】), 已受到影响,已被压迫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of anupatati] “befallen”, affected with, oppressed by (-°) S.II,173 (dukkha°); III,69 (id.); Sn.334 (pamāda°). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupatitatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. of anupatita] the fact of being attacked by, being a victim of (-°) SnA 339. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupatta
- {'def': '(anuppatta) [pp. of anupāpuṇāti; cp. Sk. anuprāpta] (having) attained, received, got to (c. acc), reached D.I,87--111; II 2; It.38; Sn.027, 635; Dh.386, 403; Pv IV.166; PvA.59 (dukkhaṁ), 242. In phrase addhagata vayo-anuppatta having reached old age, e. g. Vin.II,188; D.I,48; Sn.pp. 50, 92; PvA.149. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupatti
- {'def': '【阴】达到。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 达到。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anuppatti) (f.) [anu + patti] attainment, accomplishment, wish, desire (fulfilled), ideal S.I,46, 52. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupavajja
- {'def': '(adj.) [grd. of an + upavadati] blameless, without fault, Miln.391. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】无可责难的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无可责难的。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupavattaka
- {'def': '(anuppa°) (adj.) to anupavatteti] one who succeeds (another) King or Ruler in the ruling of an empire (cakkaṁ) Miln.342, 362; SnA 454. See also anuvattaka. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupavatteti
- {'def': 'Anuppavatteti, (anu随+pavatteti使…彻底转动), 使…随彻底转动,继续地旋转,继任。anupavattesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuppa°) [anu + pa + vatteti, fr. vṛt] to keep moving on after, to continue rolling, with cakkaṁ to wield supreme power after, i.e. in succession or imitation of a predecessor S.I,191; Miln.362. See also anuvatteti. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + pa + vat + e), 继续地旋转,连续掌握权力,继任。anupavattesi, 【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupavecchati
- {'def': 'Anuppavecchati, (anu随+pavecchati给与), 随给与。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuppa°) [see under pavecchati] to give, give over to, offer up, present, supply Vin.I,221 (°pavacchati); D.I,74 (= pavesati DA.I,218); II,78; M.I,446; III,133; A.II,64; III,26 (v.l. °vacch°); J.V,394; Sn.208 (v.l. °vacch°); SnA 256 (= anupavesati); PvA.28. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupaveseti
- {'def': '[anu + pa + vis, cp. BSk. anupraveśayati Divy 238] to make enter, to give over, to supply SnA 256 (= °pavecchati). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupavisa
- {'def': '(anu随+pavisa进入)﹐随入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupavisati
- {'def': '[anu + pa + visati] to go into, to enter Dh.I,290; VvA.42 (= ogāhati). -- pp. °paviṭṭha (q.v.) ‹-› Caus. °paveseti (q.v.). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + pa + vis + a), 进去,进入。 anupavisi, 【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+pa+vis进入+a), 进去,进入(VvA.42= ogāhati)。anupavisi,【过】。anupavisitvā﹐【独】。anupaviṭṭha,【过分】。caus. anupaveseti。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupaviṭṭha
- {'def': '(Anupavisati的【过分】)进去,进入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuppa°) [pp. of anupavisati] entered, gone or got into, fallen into (c. Acc.) Miln.270, 318 sq., 409 (coming for shelter); PvA.97, 152 (Gaṅgānadiṁ a. nadī: flowing into the G.). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupaviṭṭhatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. to anupaviṭṭha] the fact of having entered Miln.257. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupavāda
- {'def': '[an + upavāda] not blaming or finding fault, abstaining from grumbling or abuse Dh.185 (anūpa° in metre; expld at DhA.III,238 as anupavādanañ c’eva anupavādāpanañ ca “not scolding as well as not inciting others to grumbling”); adj. °vādaka Pug.60, & °vādin M.I,360. (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupavādaka
- {'def': '(an无+upavādaka数说),【形】无数ㄕㄨˇ说。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupaya
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + upaya] unattached, “aloof” S.I,181 (akaṅkha apiha +). (Page 38)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupañcāhaṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [anu + pañcā + ahaṁ] every five days PvA.139 (+ anudasāhaṁ). (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupaññatti
- {'def': '【阴】补足的规则。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 补足的规则。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [anu + paññatti] a supplementary regulation or order Vin.II,286; V,2 sq. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupaṭipāti
- {'def': '(f.) [anu + paṭipāti] succession; as adv. in order, successively DA.I,277 (kathā = anupubbikathā); DhA.III,340 (anupaṭipāṭiyā = anupubbena); Vism.244. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupaṭipāṭi
- {'def': '【阴】 连续。 ~pāṭiyā, 【副】 连续地,井然有序地。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】连续。anupāṭiyā,【副】连续地,井然有序地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupaṭṭhita
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + pa + ṭhita] setting out after, following, attacking J.V,452. (Page 37)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】不呈现的,不到达的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不呈现的,不到达的。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupekkhanatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. anupekkhana, see anupekkhatī] concentration (of thought) Dhs.8, 85, 284, 372. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupekkhanā
- {'def': '【阴】考虑。anupekkhanātā﹐。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 考虑。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupekkhati
- {'def': '(anu + upa + ikkh + a), 小心地考虑。 anupekkhi, 【过】。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+upa近+ikkh见+a), 熟虑。anupekkhi,【过】。anupekkhita,【过分】。manasanupekkhita, 通达人性。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + pekkhati] 1. to concentrate oneself on, to look carefully A.III,23. -- 2. to consider, to show consideration for, Nd2 50 (ppr. °amāna = anukampamāna). -- Caus. anupekkheti to cause some one to consider carefully Vin.II,73. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupeseti
- {'def': '(anu + pes + e), 发出,放出,长出。 anupesi, 【过】。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+pes发送+e), 发出,放出,长出。anupesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + pa + iṣ] to send forth after Miln.36. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupeti
- {'def': '[anu + pa + i] to go into D.I,55 (+ anupagacchati) S.III,207; DA.I,165. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+pa出﹑在前+i去)﹐在前随去。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupharaṇa
- {'def': '(nt.) [anu + pharaṇa] flashing through, pervading Miln.148. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuphusīyati
- {'def': '[anu + phusīyati, cp. Sk. pruṣāyati, Caus. of pruṣ] to sprinkle, moisten, make wet J.V,242 (himaṁ; C. pateyya). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupiya
- {'def': '﹐Anuppiya﹐(anu + piya), 【形】谄媚,高兴(flattering, plessant)。anuppiyabhāṇī, 谄媚说者。D.31./III,186.︰“Catūhi kho, gahapatiputta, ṭhānehi anuppiyabhāṇī amitto mittapatirūpako veditabbo. 1Pāpakaṁpissa anujānāti, 2kalyāṇaṁpissa anujānāti, 3sammukhāssa vaṇṇaṁ bhāsati, 4parammukhāssa avaṇṇaṁ bhāsati.(居士子!「谄媚者」有四种状况,可以视为像朋友的非朋友。一、也纵容(做)恶事。二、也不许(做)善事。三、当前赞美。四、背后毁谤。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuppiya) (adj) [anu + piya] flattering, plessant, nt. pleasantness, flattery, in °bhāṇin one who flatters I) III,185; J.II,390; V,360; and °bhāṇitar id. Vbh.352. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuposathikaṁ
- {'def': 'see anvaḍḍhamāsaṁ. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuposiya
- {'def': '(adj.) [grd. of anu + puṣ] to be nourished or fostered Sdhp.318. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】被滋养的,被养育的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 被滋养的,被养育的。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuppabandha
- {'def': '【阳】 anuppabandhanā, 【阴】 继续的期间。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】anuppabandhanā,【阴】继续的期间。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuppabandhati
- {'def': '﹐继续。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuppadajjuṁ
- {'def': '(S.III,131) see anupadeti. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuppadinna
- {'def': '(anuppadāti的【过分】) 分发,移交。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuppadāna
- {'def': '【中】给,移交。S.42.9./IV,324.︰nābhijānāmi kiñci kulaṁ pakkabhikkhānuppadānamattena upahatapubbaṁ.(我不证知曾有任何家庭因施给乞熟饭者而有所伤害。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 给,移交。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuppadāti
- {'def': '(anu随+pa+dā给+a), anuppadeti (anu+pa+dā+e),分发,移交,付予。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + pa + dā + a), anuppadeti (anu + pa + dā + e), 分发,移交。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuppadātu
- {'def': '【阳】 布施者,授予的人。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】布施者,授予的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuppanna
- {'def': '【形】 不出生,不生起。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(an未+uppanna被生【过分】),【过分】未被生。【形】不出生,不生起。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(°uppāda, °uppādeti) see uppanna etc. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuppatta
- {'def': '(anupāpuṇāti 的【过分】)已到达,已达到。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anupāpuṇāti 的【过分】)。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuppatti
- {'def': '【阴】 抵达,达到。 (na + uppatti:) 停止轮回。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】抵达,达到。(na+uppatti)停止轮回。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuppavesana
- {'def': '(fr. caus. anupavisati),【中】供应(supplying)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuppa°
- {'def': 'in all combns. of anu + ppa see under headings anupa°. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuppharaṇa
- {'def': '【中】 扩散。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'Anupharaṇa,【中】扩散。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuppāda
- {'def': '(an无+uppāda被生),【阳】未被生。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuppīḷa
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + uppīḷa] not molested, not oppressed (by robbers etc.) not ruined, free from harm J.III,443; V,378; VvA.351; PvA.161. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupubba
- {'def': '(anu随+pubba以前),【形】连续的,逐渐的,逐步的,渐进的。anupubbaṁ, anupubbena,【副】逐渐地,不久以后。anupubbatā,【阴】分等级,顺序,阶级,连续。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 连续的,逐渐的,逐步的,渐进的。 ~baŋ, ~bena,【副】 逐渐地,不久以后。 ~batā, 【阴】 分等级,顺序,阶级,连续。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [anu + pubba] following in one’s turn, successive, gradual, by and by, regular Vin.II,237 (mahāsamuddo a°-ninno etc.); D.I,184; Sn.511; J.V,155 (regularly formed, of ūrū). Cases adverbially: anupubbena (Instr.) by and by, in course of time, later, gradually Vin.I,83; Dh.239 (= anupaṭipāṭiyā DhA.III,340); Pug.41, 64; J.II,2, 105; III,127; Miln.22; PvA.19. anupubbaso (Abl. cp. Sk. anupūrvaśaḥ) in regular order Sn.1000. ‹-› In compn. both anupubba° & anupubbi° (q. v.).
--kāraṇa gradual performance, graded practice M.I,446. --nirodha successive passing away, fading away in regular succession, i. e. in due course. The nine stages of this process are the same as those mentioned under °vihāra, & are enumd. as such at D.III,266, 290; A.IV,409, 456; Ps.I,35. --vihāra a state of gradually ascending stages, by means of which the highest aim of meditation & trance is attained, viz. complete cessation of all consciousness. These are 9 stages, consisting of the 4 jhānas, the 4 āyatanāni & as the crowning phrase “saññā-vedayitanirodha” (see jhāna1). Enumd. as such in var. places, esp. at the foll.: D.II,156; III,265, 290; A.IV,410; Nd2 under jhāna; Ps.I,5; Miln.176. --sikkhā regular instruction or study (dhammavinaye) M.I,479; III,1 (+ °kiriyā °paṭipadā). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupubbaka
- {'def': '(adj.) = anupubba, in cpd. pubbânupubbaka all in succession or in turn, one by one (on nature of this kind of cpd. see anu B IV.) Vin.I,20 (°ānaṁ kulānaṁ puttā the sons of each clan, one by one). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupubbata
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anupubba] acting in turn, gradation, succession Vv 6414 (= anukūla kiriyā i. e. as it pleases VvA.280) cp. ānupubbatā. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupubbena
- {'def': '( anupubba‘随顺序’的【工】),【副】随顺序。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupubbi-kathā
- {'def': '【阴】次第说法(gradual instruction, progressive talk随顺说、渐说),诸佛说法的方式,先说某法,该法被接受之后,再说更深的法。经中说,先说端正法,闻者欢悦;次说施、戒、生天法,毁呰欲为灾患,生死为秽,称叹无欲为妙,道品白净。闻法者若有欢喜心、具足心、柔软心、堪耐心、昇上心、一向心、无疑心、无盖心,有能有力堪受正法,再说四圣谛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '次第说法', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- {'def': '(f.) [anupubba + kathā, formation like dhammi-kathā] a gradual instruction, graduated sermon, regulated exposition of the ever higher values of four subjects (dāna-kathā, sīla°, sagga°, magga°) i. e. charity, righteousness, the heavens, and the Path. Bdhgh. explains the term as anupubbikathā nāma dānânantaraṁ sīlaṁ sīlânantaro saggo saggânantaro maggo ti etesaṁ dīpana-kathā” (DA.I,277). Vin.I,15, 18; II,156, 192; D.I,110; II,41; M.I,379; J.I,8; VvA.66, 197, 208; DA.I,308; DhA.I,6; Miln.228. -- The spelling is frequently ānupubbikathā (as to lengthening of anu see anu Note (a)), e. g. at D.I,110; II,41; M.I,379; J.I,8; Miln.228. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupucchati
- {'def': '(anu + pucch + a), 询问,问明,查究。 anupucchi, 【过】。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + pucchati] to ask or inquire after (c. Acc.) Sn.432, 1113. -- pp. anupuṭṭha (q. v.). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+pucch询问+a), 询问,问明,查究。anupucchi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupuṭṭha
- {'def': '[pp. of anupucchati] asked Sn.782 (= pucchita SnA 521). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anupucchati的【过分】), 已被询问。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupādaṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [anu + pāda] at the foot Vism.182 (opp. anusīsaṁ at the head). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupādisesa
- {'def': '【形】 没有任何地基。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(an无+upādisesa剩余取),【形】无剩余取(他译:无余依)。没有任何剩余。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupādisesa-nibbāna
- {'def': '无余(依)涅盘', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- Anupādisesa-nibbānadhātu
- {'def': '(anupādisesā nibbānadhātu)﹐【阴】无余涅盘界。阿罗汉入灭(parinibbāti)后,所称的涅盘界。五蕴已完全被舍弃,不再后有。在注疏里有时称之为「诸蕴之完成灭尽」(khandha-parinibbāna)。《如是语经》Itivuttaka:“Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu arahaṁ hoti khīṇāsavo vusitavā katakaraṇīyo ohitabhāro anuppattasadattho parikkhīṇabhavasaṁyojano sammadaññā vimutto. Tassa idheva, bhikkhave, sabbavedayitāni anabhinanditāni sīti bhavissanti. Ayaṁ vuccati, bhikkhave, anupādisesā nibbānadhātu. .(於此,诸比丘!阿罗汉比丘已漏尽,住立(梵行),应作已作,舍重担,达自利(=阿罗汉),遍尽有结,以正智而解脱。然於一切觉受成为无喜而清凉,诸比丘!这称为无余涅盘界。)。《本事经》:「诸行犹相续,诸所受皆灭,寂静永清凉,名无余涅盘。」(T4.673a)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupādiyati
- {'def': '(an+upa+ā+dā +i+ya), 执取(not to take hold of),抓住(not to grasp),攀缘(not cling to)。anupādiyi,【过】。anupādiyaṁ , 【现分】。 anupādāya, anupādiyitvā, 【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupādiyaṁ
- {'def': '(an无+upādiyaṁ取( upādiyati的【现分】),【现分】无取。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupādiyāna
- {'def': '(an无+upādiyāna取(upādiyati的【现分】),【现分】无取。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupādā
- {'def': 'anupādāya, 【独】 无可执着。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[ger. of an + upādiyati = anupādāya] anupādāniya, anupādāya, anupādiyāna, anupādiyitvā see upādiyati. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an无+upādiyati取) 的【独】) 无可执著,无取。anupādā paritassanā hoti(不取著而有恐怖)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupādāna
- {'def': '& Anupādi see upādāna & upādi. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an无+upādāna取),【形】1.不执著的。2.没燃料,无动力。【中】无取。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】1. 不执着的。 2. 没燃料,无动力。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupāhana
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + upāhana] without shoes J.VI,552. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupālaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + pālaka] guarding, preserving Sdhp.474. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 保卫,保护。 【阳】 保护者。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】保卫,保护。【阳】保护者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupālana
- {'def': '【中】 维护,保护。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anupāleti] maintenance, guarding, keeping Dpvs III,2. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】维护,保护。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupāleti
- {'def': '(anu + pāl + e), 维持,保卫。 anupālesi, 【过】。(p19)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+pāl保护+e), 维持,保卫。anupālesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + pāleti] to safeguard, warrant, maintain Miln.160 (santatiṁ). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupāpeti
- {'def': '【 使 】 (anu + pa + ap + e), 引 导 , 带 领 。 anupāpesi,【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【使】(anu随+pāpuṇāti得达), 引导,带领 。anupāpesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Caus. of anupāpuṇāti] to make reach or attain, to lead to, to give or make find J.VI,88; Cp. XI. 4 (aor. anupāpayi); Miln.276. -- pp. anupāpita (q. v.). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupāpita
- {'def': '[pp. of anupāpeti] having been lead to or made to reach, attained, found Miln.252. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupāpuṇāti
- {'def': '(anu随+pa+ap+unā), 到达,达到。anupāpuṇi,【过】。【过分】anupatta, anuppatta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuppā°) [anu + pāpuṇāti] to reach, attain, get to, find S.I,105; ger. anuppatvāna Pv.II,924 (= °pāpuṇitvā PvA.123). -- pp. anupatta (q. v.). -- Caus. anupāpeti (q. v.). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + pa + ap + unā), 到达,达到。 anupāpuṇi, 【过】。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupārambhacitta
- {'def': '﹐不存心。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupāta
- {'def': '【阳】 语言攻击。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】语言攻击。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[of anupatati] attack in speech, contest, reproach A.I,161 (vāda°). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupātin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anupāta] 1. following, indulging in J.III,523 (khaṇa°). -- 2. attacking, hurting J.V,399. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anupātī
- {'def': '【三】攻击者,跟随者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【三】 攻击者,跟随者。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anupāya
- {'def': '【阳】 错误的方法。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[an + upāya] wrong means J.I,256; Sdhp.405. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an无+upāya方法),【形】无方法。【阳】错误的方法。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupāyāsa
- {'def': '【形】 无悲伤的,宁静的。(p18)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'see upāyāsa. (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】无悲伤的,宁静的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anupīḷaṁ
- {'def': 'at PvA.161 is to be read anuppīḷan (q. v.). (Page 39)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuraho
- {'def': '(adv.) [anu + raho] in secret, face to face, private M.I,27. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anurakkhaka
- {'def': '【形】随护,随护者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anurakkhati, cp. °rakkhin] preserving, keeping up J.IV,192 (vaṁsa°); VI,1 (id.). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 保护,保护者。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anurakkhana
- {'def': '【中】 保存,保护。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】随护。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anurakkhati
- {'def': '[anu + rakkhati] to guard, watch over (Acc.), preserve, protect, shield Sn.149; Dh.327; J.I,46; Pug.12. -- ppr. med.° rakkhamāna(ka) as adj. Sdhp.621. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + rakkh + a), 保卫,保护。 anurakkhi, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+rakkh护+a), 随时保护。anurakkhi,【过】。【2.单.命】anurakkhi。【2.复.命】anurakkhatha。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anurakkhaṇa
- {'def': '(nt.) & °ā (f.) [abstr. fr. anurakkhati] guarding, protection, preservation D.III,225 sq.; A.II,16 sq.; J.I,133; Pug.12; Dpvs.IV,24 (adj.); VvA.32 (citta°); Sdhp.449. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anurakkhin
- {'def': '(‹anurakkhati随护),【形】随护的,随时保护的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anurakkhati] guarding, preserving, keeping J.V,24. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anurakkhiya
- {'def': '【形】 被防护的。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [f. anurakkhati] in dur° difficult to guard Vin.III,149. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】被防护的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anurakkhā
- {'def': '【阴】保卫,保护。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [= anurakkhaṇā] guarding, protection, preservation S.IV,323 (anuddayā a. anukampā). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 保卫,保护。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anurakkhī
- {'def': '随护,随护者。参考 Anurakkhaka。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '参考 Anurakkhaka。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuratta
- {'def': '(anurañjati 的【过分】), 已依恋,已喜欢。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anurañjati 的【过分】), 已依恋,已喜欢。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) pp. of anu + rañj] attached or devoted to, fond of, faithful Th.2, 446 (bhattāraṁ); J.I,297; Miln.146. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anurava
- {'def': '【阳】 共鸣的,回声。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】共鸣的,回声。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuravanā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. anuravati] lingering of the sound, resounding Miln.63. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuravati
- {'def': '[anu + ravati] to resound, to sound after, linger (of sound) Miln.63. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anurañjati
- {'def': '(anu随+rañj被附上+a), 依恋,欢喜。anurañji,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + rañj + a), 依恋,欢喜。 anurañji, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anurañjeti
- {'def': '(anu随+rañj+e), 变亮,美化。anurañesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + rañj + e), 变亮,美化。 ~esi, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anurañjita
- {'def': '[pp. of anu + rañjeti, Caus. of rañj] illumined, brighterted, beautified Bu I.45 (byāmapabhā° by the shine of the halo); VvA.4 (sañjhātapa° for sañjhāpabhā°). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anurañjeti的【过分】) 变亮,美化。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anurodati
- {'def': '(anu + rud + a), 哭。 anurodi, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + rodati] to cry after, cry for J.III,166 = Pv.I,127 (dārako candaṁ a.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+rud+a), 哭。anurodi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anurodha
- {'def': '(anu+rudh),【阳】服从(compliance),服贴。【反】virodha。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. anu + rudh] compliance, consideration satisfaction (opp. virodha) S.I,111; IV,210; Sn.362; Dhs.1059; Vbh.145; DhsA.362. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 服从。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuruddha
- {'def': '(比库名)阿奴卢塔, (古音译:)阿那律', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
- {'def': 'm. アヌルッダ(Anuruddha的片假名發音), 阿那律 [佛弟子中的天眼第一].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '【阳】1.阿那律(人名)。2.认同。anuruddha-paṭiviruddha,认同或敌对。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'm. アヌルッダ, 阿那律[仏弟子中の天眼第一].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '[pp. of anurujjhati] enggaged in, devoted to; compliant or complied with, pleased S.IV,71, (anānuruddha). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anurujjhati
- {'def': '(‹anu + rudh)﹐顺从,满意(compliance, satisfaction)。【反】virodha(反对)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. anurudhyate, Pass. of anu + rudh] to conform oneself to, have a regard for, approve, to be pleased A.IV,158; Dhs.A 362. -- pp. anuruddha (q. v.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anurādhapura
- {'def': 'n. セイロンの古都.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'n. Ceylon(錫蘭)的古都.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Anurādhā
- {'def': '【阴】房宿(二十七星宿之一)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 房宿(二十七星宿之一)。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anurūpa
- {'def': '【梵】如应,如法,应,相似,相应,色类,障碍,随其所应,随顺。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 适当的,一致的。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】适当的,一致的。tassānurūpā, 连同它。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + rūpa] suitable, adequate, seeming, fit, worthy; adapted to, corresponding, conform with (-°) J.I,91; VI,366 (tad°); PvA.61 (ajjhāsaya° according to his wish), 128 (id.) 78, 122, 130, 155; etc. Cp. also paṭirūpa in same meaning. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusahagata
- {'def': 'Aṇusahagata,【形】剩余, 残滓。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) having a residuum, accompanied by a minimum of . . S.III,130; Kvu 81, see aṇu°. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'Aṇusahagata, 【形】 剩余, 残滓。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusakkati
- {'def': '(anu随+sakk能干+a), 向后移动,向一边移动。anusakki,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + sakk + a), 向后移动,向一边移动。 anusakki, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusampavaṅkatā
- {'def': '(f.) [anu + saṁ + pavaṅkatā; is reading correct?] disputing, quarrelling(?) Vin.II,88 (under anuvādâdhikaraṇa). (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusandahati
- {'def': '[anu + saṁ + dhā, cf. Vedic abhi + saṁ + dhā] to direct upon, to apply to A.IV,47 sq. (cittaṁ samāpattiyā; so to be read with v. l. for anusandati); Miln.63 (but here prob. to be read as anusandati, q.v.). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusandati
- {'def': '(anu随+sand +a), 向前流,连接。anusandi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic anusyandati, anu + syad] to stream along after, to follow, to be connected with. Thus to be read at Miln.63 for anusandahati (anuravati +; of sound), while at A.IV,47 the reading is to be corrected to anusandahati. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + sand + a), 向前流,连接。 anusandi, 【过】。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusandhanatā
- {'def': '(f.) [= anusandhi] application, adjusting Dhs.8 (cittassa). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(saṁ+dhana)﹐【阴】随属(property, belongings)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusandhi
- {'def': '【阴】 连接,结论。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】连接,结论。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. anu + saṁ + dhā] connection, (logical) conclusion, application DA.I,122 (where 3 kinds are enumd., viz. pucchā°, ajjhāsayā°, yathā°); Nett 14 (pucchato; Hard., in Index “complete cessation”?!). Esp. freq. in (Jātaka) phrase anusandhiṁ ghaṭeti “to form the connection”, to draw the conclusion, to show the application of the story or point out its maxim J.I,106; 308; DhA.II,40, 47; etc. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusarati
- {'def': '[anu + sṛ] to follow, conform oneself to S.IV,303 (phalaṁ anusarissati BB, but balaṁ anupadassati SS perhaps to be preferred). -- Caus. anusāreti to bring together with, to send up to or against Miln.36 (aññamaññaṁ a. anupeseti). (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + sar + a), 随后,跟随。 anusari, 【过】。 anusaṭa, 【过分】。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+sar(梵sr)动转+a), 随后,跟随。anusari,【过】。anusaṭa,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusatthar
- {'def': '[n. ag. to anu + sās, cf. Sk. anuśāsitṛ & P. satthar] instructor, adviser J.IV,178 (ācariya +). Cp. anusāsaka. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusatthi
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. anuśāsti, anu + śās, cp. anusāsana] admonition, rule, instruction J.I,241; Miln.98, 172, 186 (dhamma°), 225, 227, 347. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusavati
- {'def': 'at S.II,54 (āsavā na a.; v. l. anusayanti) & IV. 188 (akusalā dhammā na a.; v. l. anusenti) should preferably be read anusayati: see anuseti 2. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + su + a), 不断地流动,不断地渗出。 anusavi, 【过】。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+su流动+a), 不断地流动,不断地渗出。anusavi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusaya
- {'def': '【阳】 倾向,睡眠状态的性格倾向,随眠。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(‹anuseti随眠),【阳】倾向,潜伏的倾向(dormant disposition),随眠。DhsA.CS:p.277:Maggassa hi ekameva kiccaṁ anusayappajahanaṁ.(道(心)的唯一作用是断随眠。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + śī, seti Sk. anuśaya has a diff. meaning] (see Kvu trsl. 234 n. 2 and Cpd. 172 n. 2). Bent, bias, proclivity, the persistance of a dormant or latent disposition, predisposition, tendency. Always in bad sense. In the oldest texts the word usually occurs absolutely, without mention of the cause or direction of the bias. So Sn. 14 = 369, 545; M. III,31; S.III,130, IV.33,V,28 236; A. I.44; II,157; III,74, 246, 443. Or in the triplet obstinacy, prejudice and bias (adhiṭṭhānâbhinivesânusayā) S. II.17; III,10, 135, 161; A.V,III, Occasionally a source of the bias is mentioned. Thus pride at S. I.188; II,252 ff., 275; III,80, 103, 169, 253; IV,41, 197; A.I,132, IV.70 doubt at M. I.486 -- ignorance lust and hatred at S.IV,205, M.III,285. At D.III,254, 282; S.V,60; and A.IV,9. we have a list of seven anusaya’s, the above five and delusion and craving for rebirth. Hence-forward these lists govern the connotation of the word; but it would be wrong to put that connotation back into the earlier passages. Later references are Ps.I,26, 70 ff., 123, 130, 195; II,36, 84, 94, 158; Pug.21; Vbh.340, 383, 356; Kvu 405 ff. Dpvs.I,42. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusayati
- {'def': '(anu随+si眠﹑卧+a), 随眠、使(潜在的烦恼),躺著睡眠。anusayi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + si + a), 躺着睡眠状态。 anusayi, 【过】。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusayin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anusaya] D.II,283 (me dīgharatta°), “for me, so long obsessed (with doubts)”. The reading is uncertain. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusayita
- {'def': '[pp. of anuseti, anu + śī] dormant, only in combn. dīgharatta° latent so long Th.1, 768; Sn.355, 649. Cp. anusaya & anusayin. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'Anusayati的【过分】躺著睡眠。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusañcarati
- {'def': '(anu + saŋ + car + a), 向前走,迂回地走。 anusañcari,【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+saṁ+car行+a), 向前走,迂回地走。anusañcari,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + saṁ + carati] to walk along, to go round about, to visit M.I,279; S.V,53, 301; J.I,202; III,502; PvA.279 (nagaraṁ). -- pp. anusañcarita (q. v.). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusañcaraṇa
- {'def': '【中】步行,走来走去。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 步行,走来走去。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusañcarita
- {'def': '[pp. of anusañcarati] frequented, visited, resorted to Miln.387. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anusañcarati的【过分】), 已经常出入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusañceteti
- {'def': '[anu + saṁ + ceteti] to set ones mind on, concentrate, think over, meditate Pug.12. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusaññāti
- {'def': '[either anu + saṁ + jñā (jānāti) or (preferably) = anusaṁyāti as short form of anusaṁyāyati, like anuyāti › anuyāyati of anu + saṁ + yā, cf. Sk. anusaṁyāti in same meaning] to go to, to visit, inspect, control; ppr. med. °saññāyamāna Vin.III,43 (kammante); inf. °saññātuṁ A.I,68. (janapade). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusaŋvaccharaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 一年一次。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusaṁvacchara
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + saṁv°] yearly DhA.I,388 (nakkhattaṁ). Usually nt. °ṁ as adv. yearly, every year J.I,68; V,99. On use of anu in this combn. see anu A a. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusaṁvaccharaṁ
- {'def': '【副】一年一次。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusaṁyāyati
- {'def': '[anu + saṁ + yāyati] to traverse; to go up to, surround, visit (Acc.) M.I,209 (Bhagavantaṁ °itvā), J.IV,214 (v.l. anuyāyitvā). See also anuyāti and anusaññāti. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusaṭa
- {'def': '(anusarati 的【过分】), 已洒,已散布。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anusarati 的【过分】), 已洒,已散布。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. anusṛta, pp. of anu + sṛ] sprinkled with (-°), bestrewn, scattered Vv 53 (paduma° magga = vippakiṇṇa VvA.36). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuseti
- {'def': '[anu + seti. cp. Sk. anuśayate or° śete, from śī] to “lie down with”, i. e. (1) trs. to dwell on, harp on (an idea) S.II,65; III,36; IV,208. -- 2. (of the idea) to obsess, to fill the mind persistently, to lie dormant & be continually cropping up. M.I,40, 108, 433; S.II,54 (so read with SS for anusavanti) IV.188; A.I,283; III,246; Pug.32, 48. -- pp. anusayita (q. v.). (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+si(梵wī)眠﹑卧+a)(梵anuwayate), 随眠、使(潜伏的烦恼),躺著睡眠(lie dormant)。【过分】anusayita。参考 Anusayati随眠、使。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '参考 Anusayati。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuseṭṭhi
- {'def': '[anu + seṭṭhi] 1. an under-seṭṭhi (banker, merchant) J.V,384 (see anu B III, a.). -- 2. in redupl. cpd. seṭṭhânuseṭṭhi (see anu B IV) “bankers & lesser bankers”, i. e. all kinds of well-to-do families J.VI,331. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusibbati
- {'def': '[anu + sibbati, siv to sew] to interweave Vin.III,336 (introd. to Sam. Pās.). (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusikkhana
- {'def': '【中】 练习,跟随。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】练习,跟随。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusikkhati
- {'def': '[Vedic anuśikṣati; anu + Desid. of śak] to learn of somebody (Gen.); to follow one’s example, to imitate Vin.II,201 (ppr. med. °amāna); S.I,235; A.IV,282, 286, 323; Sn.294 (vattaṁ, cp. RV III,59, 2: vratena śikṣati), 934; J.I,89; II,98; III,315; V,334; VI,62; Th.1, 963; Miln.61. -- Caus anusikkhāpeti to teach [= Sk. anuśikṣayati] Miln.352. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + sikkh + a), 学习,跟随榜样。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+sikkh学+a), 学习,跟随榜样(随学)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusikkhin
- {'def': '(‹anusikkhati随学),【形】随学。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anusikhati] studying, learning M.I,100; Dh.226 (ahoratta° = divā ca rattiñ ca tisso sikkhā sikkhamāna DhA.III,324). (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusiṭṭha
- {'def': '(Vedic anuśiṣṭa, pp. of anusāsati] instructed, admonished, advised; ordered, commanded M.II,96; J.I,226; Pv.II,811; Miln.284, 349. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anusāsati 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(Anusāsati 的【过分】)。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusiṭṭhi
- {'def': '【阴】警告,忠告,教诫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 警告,忠告。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusocana
- {'def': '(‹anusocati随悲伤),【中】随悲伤。anusocanā,【阴】悲悼,悲伤。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. anusocati] bewailing, mourning PvA.65. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 anusocanā, 【阴】 悲悼,悲伤。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusocati
- {'def': '(anu + suc + a), 悲悼。 anusoci, 【过】。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + socati] to mourn for, to bewail Sn.851 (atītaṁ na a.; cp. Nd1 222); Pv.I,127; II,68; PvA.95. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+socati悲伤), 悲悼。anusoci,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusota
- {'def': '【阳】向下水流 。anusotaṁ 【副】沿著涌流 。anusotagāmī,【形】顺著水流的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【 阳 】 向 下 水 流 。 anusotaŋ 【 副 】 沿 着 涌 流 。 ~gāmī,【形】 顺着水流的人。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusota°
{'def': '[anu + sota, in °ṁ as adv. or Acc. to expln. under anu A a.] in anusotaṁ (adv.) along the stream or current, down-stream A.II,12; J.I,70 (opp. paṭisotaṁ against the stream); PvA.169 (Gaṅgāya a. āgacchanto).
--gāmin “one who follows the stream”, i. e. giving way to ones inclinations, following ones will A.II,5, 6 (opp. paṭi°); Sn. 319 (= sotaṁ anugacchanto SnA. 330); Pug.62. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussada
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ussada without haughtiness Sn.624 (vv. ll. anusaddha & anussuda; SnA. 467 expln. by taṇhā ussadâbhāva) = Dh.400 (which pass. has anussuta; v.l. K.B. anussada; DhA.IV,165 expls. with taṇhā-ussāvâbhāva, vv. ll. °ussada°); It.97 (vv. ll. anussata & anussara). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussarati
- {'def': '(anu随+sar(梵sr)动转+a), ,随念。anussari,【过】。anussarita,【过分】。anussaraṁ,【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + sar + a), 记得。 anussari, 【过】。 anussarita, 【过分】。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Vedic anusmarati, anu + smṛ] to remember, recollect, have memory of (Acc.), bear in mind; be aware of D.II,8, 53, 54 (jātito etc.); S.III,86 sq. (pubbenivāsaṁ); V,67 (dhammaṁ a. anuvitakketi), 303 (kappasahassaṁ); A.I,25, 164 (pubbenivāsaṁ), 207 (Tathāgataṁ, Dhammaṁ etc.); III,285 (id.), 323 (nivāsaṁ), 418; V,34, 38, 132, 199, 336 (kalyāṇamitte); It.82 (dhammaṁ), 98 (pubbenivāsaṁ); J.I,167; II,111; Dh.364; Pv.I,59; Pug.60; Sdhp.580, 587; DA.I,257; KhA 213; DhA.II,84; IV,95; PvA.29, 53, 69, 79, 107. -- pp. anussarita (see anussaritar). -- Caus anussarāpeti to remind someone, to call to mind J.II,147. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussaraṇa
- {'def': '【中】回想,记忆。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 回想,记忆。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. to anussarati] remembrance, memory, recollection It.107 (= anussati at id. p. S.V,67); PvA.25, 29. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussaritar
- {'def': '[n. ag. to anussarita, pp. of anussarati] one who recollects or remembers S.V,197, 225 (saritar +); A.V,25, 28. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussaritu
- {'def': '【阳】记得的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 记得的人。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anussati
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. anusmṛti, fr. anu + smṛ, cp. sati] remembrance, recollection, thinking of, mindfulness. A late list of subjects to be kept in mind comprises six anussati-ṭṭhānāni, viz. Buddha°, Dhamma°, Saṅgha°, sīla°, cāga°, devatā°, i. e. proper attention to the Buddha, the Doctrines, the Church, to morality, charity, the gods. Thus at D.III,250, 280 (cp. A.I,211); A.III,284, 312 sq., 452; V,329 sq.; Ps.I,28. Expanded to 10 subjects (the above plus ānāpāna-sati, maraṇa-sati, kāyagatā-sati, upasamânussati) at A.I,30, 42 (cp. Lal. Vist 34). For other references see D.I,81; S.V,67 = It.107 (anussaraṇa at latter pass.); A.III,284, 325, 452. Ps.I,48, 95, 186; Pug.25, 60; Dhs.14, 23, 1350 (anussati here to be corr. to asati, see Dhs. trsl. 351); Sdhp. 225, 231, 482. See also anuttariya (anussat-ânuttariya). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 记忆,回忆,深切注意。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+sarati念),【阴】随念,回忆,深切注意,随念。十随念(dasa anussatiyo),有:1.佛随念buddhānussati;recollection of the Buddha,2.法随念Dhammānussati;recollection of the Dhamma,3.僧随念Saṅghānussati;recollection of the Saṅgha,4.戒随念sīlānussati;recollection of the virtue,5.舍(去)随念cāgānussati;recollection of the generosity,6.天随念devatānussati;recollection of the deities,7.死随念maraṇānussati;mindfulness of death,8.寂止随念(随念涅盘之德)upasamānussati;recollection of peace,9.身至念(随念32种身体的成分)kāyagatāsati;mindfulness occupied with the body,10.安那般那念(随念呼吸)ānāpānassati;mindfulness of breathing。DhsA.(CS: pg.191):Punappunaṁ saraṇato anussaraṇavasena anussati.(一而再地记住,处於紧随著记住,为‘随念’。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anussava
- {'def': '【阳】风闻(直译:随听到),传统,惯例。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + sava fr. śru, cp. Vedic śravas nt.] hearsay, report, tradition M.I,520; II,211; S.II,115; IV,138; A.I,26; J.I,158 (with ref. to part. kira = annussav’atthe nipāto; so also at VvA.322, cf. anussavana); II,396, 430 (id.); IV,441; Instr. °ena from hearsay, by report A.II,191 (cf. itihītihaṁ). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 风闻,传统,惯例。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anussavana
- {'def': '(nt.) [anu + savana fr. śru] = anussava PvA.103 (kira-saddo anussavane, from hearsay). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussavika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anussava] “belonging to hearsay”, traditional; one who is familiar with tradition or who learns from hearsay M.I,520; II,211. Cp. anussutika. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussuka
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ussuka] free from greed Dh.199; cf. anussukin v. l. D.III,47, also anissukin and apalāsin. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 不热心的。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'Anussukka, (an无+ussuka狂热),【形】无狂热(eagerless),不热心的(inactive),与世无争。SA.1.28./I,53.︰Anussukāti avāvaṭā.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anussukita
- {'def': '[an + ussuk°] VvA.74 & anussukin Pug.23 = anussuka. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussuta
- {'def': 'I.【形】无贪欲。II.(anu随+suta听[到]),【过分】已听说。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【过分】 已听说。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1 (adj.) [an + ussuta, ud + sṛ] free from lust Dh.400 (= ussāvâvena anussuta C.). See also anussada. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 [anu + suta, pp. of śru] heard of; only in cpd. ananussuta unheard of S.II,9; Pug.14. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussutika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anu + śru, cp. anussavika] according to tradition or report, one who goes by or learns from hearsay DA.I,106, 107. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussuyyaka
- {'def': 'see anusuyyaka. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussāvaka
- {'def': '[fr. anussāveti] one who proclaims or announces, a speaker (of a kammavācā) Vin.I,74. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussāvana
- {'def': '(nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. anussāveti] a proclamation Vin.I,317, 340; V,170, 186, 202 sq. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anussāveti
- {'def': '[anu + sāveti, Caus. of śru, cp. B.Sk. anuśrāvayati “to proclaim aloud the guilt of a criminal” AvŚ. I.102; II,182] to cause to be heard or sound; to proclaim, utter, speak out Vin.I,103 (°ssāviyamāna ppr. Pass.); II,48 (saddaṁ a.). -- pp. anussāvita. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+sāveti使…听[到]),使…随听[到]。【3.复.过】anussāvesuṁ。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anussāvita
- {'def': '[pp. of anussāveti] proclaimed, announced Vin.I,103. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusumbhati
- {'def': '[anu + sumbhati (sobhati); śubh or (Vedic) śumbh] to adorn, embellish, prepare J.VI,76. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusuyyaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + usuyyaka] not envious, not jealous Sn.325 (= usuyyāvigamena a. SnA 332); J.II,192 (v. l. anussuyyaka); V,112. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusuyyaṁ
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. anasūyaṁ] reading at J.III,27, see anasuyyaṁ. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusuṇāti
- {'def': '[anu + śru] to hear; pret. anassuṁ [Sk. anvaśruvaṁ] I heard M.I,333. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusāra
- {'def': '【阳】 跟随。 anusārena, 【副】 符合。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】跟随。anusārena,【副】符合。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. anu + sṛ] “going along with”, following, conformity. Only in obl. eases (-°) anusārena (Instr.) in consequence of, in accordance with, according to J.I,8; PvA.187 (tad), 227; and anusārato (Abl.) id. Sdhp.91. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusāreti
- {'def': 'see anusarati. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusārin
- {'def': 'anusāri-, (fr. anu + sarati),【形】努力,根据…行事(following, striving after, acting in accordance with, living up to or after)。dhammānusārin saddhānusārin, 随法行,随信行(living in conformity with the Norm & the Faith)。bhavasotānusārisu(pl.Loc.), 於随‘有’之流(S.I,15)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(‹anu随+sarati流动),【形】随…流动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(-°) (adj.) [fr. anu + sarati] following, striving after, acting in accordance with, living up to or after. Freq. in formula dhammânusārin saddhânusārin living in conformity with the Norm & the Faith D.III,254; M.I,142, 479; S.III,225; V,200 sq.; A.I,74; IV,10; Pug.15. -- Cp. also S.I,15 (bhavasota°); IV,128 (id.); J.VI,444 (paṇḍitassa° = veyyāvaccakara C.); Sdhp.528 (attha°). (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anusārī
- {'def': '【形】 努力,根据…行事。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusāsaka
- {'def': '【阳】顾问。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. anusāsati] adviser, instructor, counsellor J.II,105; Miln.186, 217, 264. Cp. anusatthar. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 顾问。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusāsana
- {'def': '【中】anusāsanī,【阴】anusāsanā,【阴】忠告,指令。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Vedic anuśāsana, fr. anu + śās] advice, instruction, admonition D.III,107; A.I,292 (°pāṭihāriya, cp. anusāsanī); Miln.359. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 ~sanī, 【阴】 ~sanā, 【阴】 忠告,指令。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusāsanī
{'def': '(f.) [fr. anusāsati, cp. anusāsana] instruction, teaching, commandment, order S.V,108; A.II,147; III,87; V,24 sq., 49, 338; J.V,113; Th.2, 172, 180; Pv III,76; ThA.162; VvA.19, 80, 81.
--pāṭihāriya (anusāsani°) the miracle of teaching, the wonder worked by the commandments (of the Buddha) Vin.II,200; D.I,212, 214; III,220; A.I,170; V,327; J.III,323; Ps.II,227 sq. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(‹anusāsati随教诫),【阴】随教诫(instruction, teaching, commandment, order)。反复教导为随教诫;若教导已发生的事情,也称为随教诫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusāsati
- {'def': '[Vedic anuśāsati, anu + sās] 1. to advise, admonish, instruct in or give advice upon (c. Acc.) to exhort to Vin.I,83; D.I,135; II,154; Dh.77, 159 (aññaṁ); J.VI,368; cp. I.103; Pv.II,68; PvA.148. -- grd. anusāsiya Vin.I,59; and °sāsitabba DhA.III,99. -- Pass °sāsiyati Vin.II,200; Miln.186. -- 2. to rule, govern (Acc.) ādminister to (Dat.) S.I,236 = Sn.1002 (paṭhaviṁ dhammenam-anusāsati, of a Cakkavattin); J.II,2; VI,517 (rajjassa = rajjaṁ C., i. e. take care of) DA.I,246 (read °sāsantena); PvA.161 (rajjaṁ). -- pp. anusiṭṭha (q. v.); cp. anusatthar, anusatthi & ovadati. (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + sās + a), 劝告,训诫,警告。 ~sāsi, 【过】。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+sāsati教诫), 随教诫,劝告,训诫。anusāsi,【过】。【未被】anusāsitabba。【被】anusāsiyati被随教诫。【现分】anusāsiyamāna被随教诫。【过分】anusiṭṭha 随教诫。【独】anusāsiya 随教诫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusāvaka
- {'def': '【阳】发表者,宣布者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】发表者,宣布者。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusāvana
- {'def': '【中】anusāvanā,【阴】宣布,公布,宣告。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 Anusāvanā, 【阴】 宣布,公布,宣告。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusāveti
- {'def': '(anu随+su流动+e), 通告,宣布。anusāvesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + su + e), 通告,宣布。 anusāvesi, 【过】。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anusāvita
- {'def': '(Anusāveti的【过分】) 通告,宣布。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusāyika
- {'def': '【形】 固有的,慢性的。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anusaya] attached to one, i. e. inherent, chronic (of disease) M.II,70 (ābādha, v. l. BB anussāyika); DhA.I,431 (roga). (Page 44)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】固有的,慢性的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anusūyaka
- {'def': '【形】不嫉妒的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不嫉妒的。(p22)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anutappati
- {'def': '(anu随+tappati1被灼热;Sk. anutapyate, pass. of anutapati), 悔改、忏悔、后悔(to be sorry for, to regret, repent, feel remorse)。anutappi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + tap + ya), 悔 改 , 忏 悔 , 悔 悟 , 后 悔。 anutappi,【过】。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + tappati1; Sk. anutapyate, Pass. of anutapati] to be sorry for, to regret, repent, feel remorse J.I,113; IV,358; v.492 (ppr. an-anutappaṁ); Dh.67, 314; Pv.II,942; DhA.II,40. grd. anutappa to be regretted A.I,22, 77; III,294, and anutāpiya A.III,46 (an°). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuthera
- {'def': '[anu + thera] an inferior Thera, one who comes next to the elder Vin.II,212 (therânutherā Th. & next in age). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anutiṭṭhati
- {'def': '[anu + tiṭṭhati see also anuṭṭhahati] to look after, to manage, carry on J v.113 (= anugacchati); PvA.78. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + ṭhā + a), 1. 站在附近。 2. 同意。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+ṭhā(梵sthā)站著+a), 1.站在附近。2.同意。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anutrāsin
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + utrāsin] not terrified, at ease Th.1, 864. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anutrāsī
- {'def': '【三】不害怕的人,无畏者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【三】 不害怕的人,无畏者。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuttara
- {'def': '【形】 1. 无比的,无超越的,无上的。anuttariya, 【中】 优越,优点。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + uttara] “nothing higher”, without a superior, incomparable, second to none, unsurpassed, excellent, preeminent Sn.234 (= adhikassa kassaci abhāvato KhA 193), 1003; Dh.23, 55 (= asadisa appaṭibhāga DhA.I,423); Pv IV.35 2 (dhamma); Dhs.1294; DA.I,129; PvA.1, 5, 6, 18, etc. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an无+uttara更上【形】),【形】无比的,无超越的,无上的,甚深的。音译:阿耨(ㄋㄡˋ)多罗。anuttariya,【中】优越,优点。阿耨。anuttaraṁ sammāsambodhiṁ (梵anuttarāṃ samyak-saṃbodhim)﹐无上菩提,阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuttariya
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. anuttara] preeminence, superiority, excellency; highest ideal, greatest good. They are mentioned as sets of 3 (viz. dassana°, paṭipadā°, vimutti°) at D.III,219, or of 6 (viz. dassana°, savana°, lābha°, sikkhā°, pāricariyā°, anussata°) at D.III,250, 281; A.I,22; III,284, 325 sq., 452; Ps.I,5. Cp. M.I,235; A v.37. See also ānuttariya. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anutthunana
- {'def': '【中】低语,哀号,悲叹,扌亨扌亨扌亨扌亨(台语hinn hinn hainn hainn)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 低语,哀号,悲叹。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anutthunanta
- {'def': '(anutthunāti 的【现分】)。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anutthunāti呻吟] 的【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anutthunā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. anutthunāti] wailing, crying, lamenting Nd1 167 (= vācāpalāpa vippalāpa etc.). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹anuthunati随悲叹),【阴】随悲叹。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anutthunāti
- {'def': '[anu + thunati (thunāti); anu + stan] to wail, moan, deplore, lament, bewail D.III,86; Sn.827 (cp. Nd1 167); Dh.156; J.III,115; v.346, 479; DhA.III,133; PvA.60 (wrongly applied for ghāyati, of the fire of conscience). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+thunati悲叹), 呻吟(台语:亨呻hainn chan),哀悼,悲悼。【阳.单.主﹐现分】anutthunaṁ。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + thu + nā), 呻吟,哀悼,悲悼。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuttāna
- {'def': '【形】1.不浅的,深的。2.模糊的,晦涩的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不浅的,深的。 2. 暗的,朦胧的,模糊的,晦涩的。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + uttāna] not (lying) open, not exposed; fig. unexplained, unclear J.VI,247. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anutāpa
- {'def': '(‹anu + tāpa),【阳】懊悔、苦闷(anguish, remorse, conscience)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 懊悔,苦闷。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[fr. anu + tāpa] anguish, remorse, conscience Vv 405 (= vippaṭisāra VvA.180); DhsA.384. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anutāpin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anutāpa] repenting, regretting Th.2, 57, 190; Vv 21; VvA.115. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anutāpiya
- {'def': 'grd. of anutappati, q. v. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anutāḷeti
- {'def': '[anu + taḷeti] to beat J.II,280. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anutīra
- {'def': '【中】河岸或海岸的附近。anutīraṁ,【副】沿著河岸或海岸。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 河岸或海岸的附近。 anutīraŋ, 【副】 沿着河岸或海岸。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anutīre
- {'def': '(adv.) [anu + tīre, Loc. of tīra] along side or near the bank (of a river) Sn.18 (= tīra-samīpe SnA 28). Cp. anu A b. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvadanā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. anuvadati] blaming, blame, censure Vin.II,88 (anuvāda +). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvadati
- {'def': '(anu + vad + a), 责怪。 anuvadi, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. ava°; anu + vadati] to blame, censure, reproach Vin.II,80, 88. -- grd. anuvajja (q. v.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+vad说+a), 责怪。anuvadi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvajja
- {'def': '(adj.) [grd. of anu + vadati, cp. anuvāda & Sk. avavadya] to be blamed, censurable, worthy of reproach Sn.p. 78 (an° = anuvādavimutta SnA 396). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvasati
- {'def': '[anu + vasati] to live with somebody, to dwell, inhabit J.II,421. Caus. °vāseti to pass, spend (time) J.VI,296. -- pp. °vuttha (q. v.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvassaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 一年一次,每年,每个雨季。 anuvassika, 【形】一年一次的,每年的。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvassaṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [anu + vassa] for one rainy season; every rainy season or year, i. e. annually C. on Th.1, 24. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【副】一年一次,每年,每个雨季。anuvassika,【形】一年一次的,每年的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvassika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anuvassaṁ] one who has (just) passed one rainy season Th.1, 24 (“scarce have the rains gone by” Mrs. Rh. D.; see trsl. p. 29 n. 2). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvattaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anuvatteti] 1. = anupavattaka (q. v.) Th.1, 1014 (cakka°). -- 2. following, siding with (-°) Vin.IV,218 (ukkhittânuvattikā f.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'anuvatti, 【三】偏袒者,附和者,支持者,追随者,模仿者。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(fr. anuvatteti), 【形】偏袒的,附和的,追随的。1. = anupavattaka (q. v.) Th.1, 1014 (cakka°). -- 2. following, siding with (-°) Vin.IV,218 (ukkhittqnuvattikā f.).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvattana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. anuvattati] complying with, conformity with (-°), compliance, observance, obedience J.I,367 (dhamma°); V,78. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 服从,顺从。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】服从,顺从。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvattati
- {'def': '[Sk. anuvartati, anu + vattati] 1. to follow, imitate, follow one’s example (c. Acc.), to be obedient D.II,244; Vin.II,309 (Bdhgh.); IV,218; J.I,125, 300; DA.I,288; PvA.19. -- 2. to practice, execute Pv IV. 712. -- Caus. °vatteti (q. v.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + vat + a), 同意,追随,模仿。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+vat转+a), 同意,追随,模仿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvatteti
- {'def': '(anu随+vat +e), 旋转,继任,追随。anuvattesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + vatteti] = anupavatteti (q. v.) Th.1, 826 (dhammacakkaṁ: “after his example turn the wheel” Mrs. Rh. D.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + vat + e), 旋转,继任。 ~esi, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvatti
- {'def': '(Anuvattin) (fr. anuvattati), 【形】【三】偏袒者,附和者,支持者,追随者,模仿者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvattin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anuvattati] following, acting according to or in conformity with (-°), obedient J.II,348 (f. °inī); III,319 (id.); Dh.86 (dhamma°); Vv 155 (vasa° = anukūlabhāvena vattana sīla VvA.71); DhA.II,161. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvejja
- {'def': '(adj.) in an° see anuvijjati. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvicarana
- {'def': '【中】漫游,四处流浪。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 漫游,四处流浪。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvicarati
- {'def': '(anu + vi + car + a), 游荡,漫游。 ~cari, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+vi+car行+a), 游荡,漫游。anuvicari,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + vi + carati] to wander about, stroll roam through, explore D.I,235; J.II,128; III,188; PvA.189 (= anupariyāti). -- Caus. °vicāreti to think over (lit. to make one’s mind wander over), to meditate, ponder (cp. anuvicinteti); always combd. with anuvitakketi (q. v.) A.I,264 (cetasā), III,178 (dhammaṁ cetasā a.). -- pp. anuvicarita (q. v.). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvicarita
- {'def': '[pp. of anuvicāreti] reflected, pondered over, thought out S.III,203 (manasā); DA.I,106 (= anucarita). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anuvicarati的【过分】), 已沉思,已反映。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvicca
{'def': '[ger. of anuvijjati, for the regular from anuvijja prob. through influence of anu + i (anu-v-icca for anvicca), cf. anveti & adhicca; & see anuvijjati] having known or found out, knowing well or thoroughly, testing, finding out M.I,301, 361 (v. l. °vijja); A.II,3, 84; V,88; Dh.229 (= jānitvā DhA.III,329); Sn.530 (= anuviditvā SnA 431); J.I,459 (= jānitvā C.); III,426; Pug. 49.
--kāra a thorough investigation, examination, test Vin.I,236 (here spelt anuvijja) = M.I,379 (= °viditvā C.) = A.IV,185. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(Anuvicināti的【独】), 知道,发现。anuviccakāra,【阳】调查,考虑周到的行动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvicinaka
- {'def': '[fr. anu + vicināti] one who examines, an examiner Miln.365. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvicinteti
- {'def': '[anu + vi + cinteti] to think or ponder over, to meditate D.II,203; S I 203 (yoniso °cintaya, imper. “marshall thy thoughts in ordered governance” Mrs. Rh. D.; v. l. anucintaya); Th.1, 747; Dh.364; It.82 (dhammaṁ °ayaṁ); J.III,396; IV,227; V,223 (dhammaṁ °cintayanto). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvicināti
- {'def': '(anu + vi + ci + nā), 沉思,调查。 anuvicini, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+vi+ci收集+nā), 沉思,调查。anuvicini,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvicāra
- {'def': '[anu + vicāra, cf. anuvicāreti] meditation, reflexion, thought Dhs.85 (= vicāra). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuviddha
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of anuvijjhati] pierced, intertwined or set with (-°) VvA.278. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anuvijjhati 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuvijjhati 的【过分】)。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvidhīyanā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. anuvidhīyati] acting according to, conformity with M.I,43. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvidhīyati
- {'def': '(anu + vi + dhā + ī + ya), 依照行动。 anuvidhīyi, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+vi+dhā +ī+ya), 依照行动。anuvidhīyi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[cf. Sk. anuvidhīyate & adj. anuvidhāyin; Pass. of anu + vi + dhā, cf. vidahati] to act in conformity with, to follow (instruction) M.II,105 = Th.1, 875; S.IV,199; J.II,98; III,357. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvidita
- {'def': '【过分】已辨认出。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of anuvijjati] found out, recognised; one who has found out or knows well Sn.528, 530 (= anubuddha SnA. 431). Same in B.Sk., e.g. M Vastu III,398. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【过分】 已辨认出。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvigaṇeti
- {'def': '[anu + vi + gaṇeti] to take care of, regard, heed, consider Th.1, 109. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuviijaka
- {'def': '【阳】主考者,调查人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 主考者,调查人。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvijjaka
- {'def': '[fr. anuvijja, ger. of anuvijjati] one who finds out, an examiner Vin.V,161. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvijjati
- {'def': '[anu + vid, with fusion of Vedic vetti to know, and Pass. of vindati to find (= vidyate)] to know thoroughly, to find out, to trace, to come to know; inf. °vijjitiṁ J.III,506; ger. °viditvā SnA. 431, also °vijja & vicca (see both under anuvicca); grd. ananuvejja not to be known, unfathomable, unknowable M.I,140 (Tathāgato ananuvejjo). -- Caus. anuvijjāpeti to make some one find out J.V,162. -- pp. anuvidita (q. v.). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + vid + ya), 调查,彻底地知道。~ji, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+vid(梵vid)知+ya), 调查,彻底地知道。anuvijji,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvijjhati
- {'def': '(anu随+vidh贯穿+ya), 贯通,彻底地明白。anuvijjhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + vyadh] 1. to pierce or be pierced, to be struck or hurt with (Instr.) J.VI,439 -- 2. to be affected with, to fall into, to incur DhA.III,380 (aparādhaṁ). -- pp. anuviddha (q. v.). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + vidh + ya), 贯通,彻底地明白。 anuvijjhi, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvikkhitta
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + vi + khitta, pp. of anu + vikkhipati] dispersed over S.V,277 sq. (+ anuvisaṭa). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuviloketi
- {'def': '(anu + vi + lok + e), 浏览,审视。 anuvilokesi, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+vi+lok见+e), 浏览,审视。anuvilokesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + vi + loketi; B.Sk. anuvilokayati] to look round at, look over, survey, muster M.I,339; Sn.p. 140; J.I,53; Miln.7 (lakaṁ), 21 (parisaṁ), 230. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvisaṭa
- {'def': '(anu + visaṭa, pp. of anu + vi + sṛ] spread over S.V,277 sq.; J.IV,102. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvitakketi
- {'def': '(anu随+vi+takk(梵tark)寻+e), 反映,沉思。anuvitakkesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + vi + takk + e), 反映,沉思。 ~esi, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + vi + takketi] to reflect, think, ponder over, usually combd with anuvicāreti D.I,119; III,242; S.V,67 = It.107 (anussarati +); A.III,383. (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvivaṭṭa
- {'def': '[anu + vivaṭṭa] an “after-evolution”, devolution; as part of a bhikkhu’s dress: a sub-vivaṭṭa (q. v.) Vin.I,287 (vivaṭṭa +). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvuttha
- {'def': '【过分】 已居,已住。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【过分】已居,已住。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of anuvasati, cf. Sk. anūṣita] living with, staying, dwelling J.II,42 (cira°); V,445 (id.). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvyañjana
- {'def': 'anubyañjana (anu随 +vyañjana特徵),【中】随特徵。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】中级的属性。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 中级的属性。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '& anubyañjana (e. g. Vin.IV,15; J.I,12) (nt.) [anu + vyañjana] accompanying (i. e. secondary) attribute, minor or inferior characteristic, supplementary or additional sign or mark (cf. mahāpurisa-lakkhaṇa) Vin.I,65 (Abl. anuvyañjanaso “in detail”); M.III,126; S.IV,168; A.IV,279 (Abl.); V,73 sq.; Pug.24, 58; Miln.339; VvA.315; DhsA.400.
--gāhin taking up or occupying oneself with details, taken up with lesser or inferior marks D.I,70 (cf. MVastu III,52); III,225; S.IV,104; A.I,113; II,16, 152 sq.; Dhs.1345 (cf. Dhs.trsl. 351). (Page 43)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvāceti
- {'def': '[anu + Caus. of vac] to say after, to repeat (words), to recite or make recite after or again D.I,104 (= tehi aññesaṁ vācitaṁ anuvācenti DA.I,273); Miln.345. Cp. anubhāseti. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuvāda
- {'def': '【阳】1.责备,责难。2.翻译。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. anuvadatī, cp. Sk. anuvāda in meaning of “repetition”] 1. blaming, censure, admonition Vin.II,5, 32; A.II,121 (atta°, para°); Vbh.376. -- 2. in combn. vādânuvāda: talk and lesser or additional talk, i. e. “small talk” (see anu B IV.) D.I,161; M.I,368.
--adhikaraṇa a question or case of censure Vin.II,88 sq.; III,164 (one of the 4 adhikaraṇāni, q. v.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 1. 责备,责难。 2. 翻译。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvāsana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anuvāseti] an oily enema, an injection Miln.353. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】香水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】香水。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuvāseti
- {'def': '[anu + vāseti, Caus. of vāsa3 odour, perfume] to treat with fragrant oil, i. e. to make an injection or give an enema of salubrious oil Miln.169; grd. °vāsanīya ibid.; pp. °vāsita Miln.214. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + vas + e), 涂香水,注入香味。 anuvāsesi, 【过】。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu随+vas住+e), 涂香水,注入香味。anuvāsesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvāsita
- {'def': '(Anuvāsita的【过分】), 已洒香水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuvāta
- {'def': '1 [anu + vā to blow] a forward wind, the wind that blows from behind, a favourable wind; °ṁ adv. with the wind, in the direction of the wind (opp. paṭivātaṁ). A.I,226 (°paṭivātaṁ); Sdhp.425 (paṭivāta°). In anuvāte (anu + vāte) at J.II,382 “with the wind, facing the w., in front of the wind” anu is to be taken as prep. c. Loc. & to be separated from vāte (see anu A b.). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 [anu + vā to weave (?) in analogy to vāta from vā to blow] only in connection with the making of the bhikkhus’garments (cīvara) “weaving on, supplementary weaving, or along the seam”, i. e. hem, seam, binding Vin.I,254, 297; II,177; IV,121 (aggala +); PvA.73 (anuvāte appabhonte since the binding was insufficient). (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】向前吹的风,愉快的风。anuvātaṁ,【副】顺风。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 向前吹的风,愉快的风。~taŋ, 【副】 顺风。(p21)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuyanta
- {'def': '【现分】跟随,依靠。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'at A.V,22 is doubtful reading (v.l. anuyutta). The meaning is either “inferior to, dependent on, a subject of, a vassal” or “attending on”. The explanation may compare Sk. anuyātaṁ attendance [anu + yā, cp. anuyāyin] or Sk. yantṛ ruler [yam], in which latter case anu-yantṛ would be “an inferior ruler” and P. yanta would represent the n. a.g. yantā as a-stem. The v. l. is perhaps preferable as long as other passages with anuyanta are not found (see anuyutta 2). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【现分】 跟随,依靠。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuyoga
- {'def': '(‹anu随 +yuj致力;Sk. anuyoga),【阳】1.一再练习,一再习行(=耽溺),奉献,质询,审讯(application, devotion to, execution, practice of; maṇḍan’qnuyogaṁ anuyutta); (attakilamath’qnuyogaṁ a.); A.II,205 (attaparitāpan’qnuyogaṁ a.). -- As adj. (-°) doing, given to, practising (cp. anuyutta). (padhān’qnuyogakiccaṁ); dhamma°。2.邀请(invitation, appeal, question)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 练习,奉献,质询,审讯。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. anuyoga, fr. anu + yuj] 1. application, devotion to (-°), execution, practice of (-°); often combd. with anuyutta in phrase °anuyogaṁ anuyutta = practisiṅg, e. g. Vin.I,190 (maṇḍan’ânuyogaṁ anuyutta); D.III,113 (attakilamath’ânuyogaṁ a.); A.II,205 (attaparitāpan’ânuyogaṁ a.). -- As adj. (-°) doing, given to, practising (cp. anuyutta). D.I,5; III,107; M.I,385; S.I,182; III,239; IV,330; V,320; A.I,14; III,249; IV,460 sq.; V, 17 sq., 205; J.I,90 (padhān’ânuyogakiccaṁ); Vv 8438 (dhamma°); Miln.348; DA.I,78, 104. -- 2. invitation, appeal, question (cp. anuyuñjati 2) Miln.10 (ācariyassa °ṁ datvā). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuyogavant
- {'def': '(adj.) [anuyoga + vant] applying oneself to, full of application or zeal, devoted PvA.207. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuyogin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anuyoga] applying oneself to, devoted to (-°) Dh.209 (atta° given to oneself, self-concentrated). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuyogī
- {'def': '【三】 修习者,参加者。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【三】修习者,参加者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuyutta
- {'def': '[pp. of anuyuñjati] 1. applying oneself to, dealing with, practising, given to, intent upon D.I,166, 167; III, 232 = A.II,205 (attaparitāpan’ânuyogaṁ a.); S.III,153; IV,104; Sn.663 (lobhaguṇe), 814 (methunaṁ = samāyutta SnA 536), 972 (jhān°); Pug.55; PvA.163 (jāgariya°), 206. -- 2. following, attending on; an attendant, inferior, vassal, in expression khattiya or rājā anuyutta a prince royal or a smaller king (see khattiya 3 b) A.V,22 (v l. for T. anuyanta, q. v.); Sn.553 (= anugāmin, sevaka SnA 453). (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Anuyuñjati的【过分】), 1.已参加。2.已随从。3.已封臣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuyuñjanā
- {'def': '(f.) (& °yuñjana nt.) [abstr. fr. anuyuñjati] application or devotion to (-°) Miln.178; VvA.346 (anuyujjanaṁ wrong spelling?) (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹anuyuñjati)【阴】。anuyuñjana﹐【中】应用(application),热诚(devotion to)。VvA 346 (anuyujjanaṁ wrong spelling?)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuyuñjati
- {'def': '(anu随+yuj致力+ṁ-a), 练习(to practice),询问(to ask a question),追究责任(to call to account)。anuyuñji,【过】。anuyojeti﹐【使】。anuyuñjiyamāna﹐【现分】。padhānamanuyuñja﹐再接再厉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + yuj + ŋ-a), 参加,询问,自首。 anuyuñji, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + yuñjati] 1. to practice, give oneself up to (Acc.), attend, pursue S.I,25, 122 (°yuñjan “in loving self-devotion” Mrs. Rh. D.); III,154; IV,104, 175; Dh.26 (pamādaṁ = pavatteti DhA.I,257), 247 (surāmeraya-pānaṁ = sevati bahulīkaroti DhA.III,356); PvA.61 (kammaṭṭhānaṁ). -- 2. to ask a question, to call to account, take to task Vin.II,79; Vv 335; ppr. Pass. °yuñjiyamāna PvA.192. -- pp. anuyutta (q. v.). -- Caus. anuyojeti “to put to”, to address, admonish, exhort DhA.IV,20. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuyāgin
- {'def': '(adj) [fr. anu + yaj] offering after the example of another D.I,142. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuyāta
- {'def': '[pp. of anuyāti] gone through or after, followed, pursued S.II,105 (magga); A.V,236; It.29; Miln.217. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anuyāti 的【过分】), 已被跟随。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anuyāti 的【过分】), 已被跟随。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuyāti
- {'def': '(anu随+yā去+a), 跟随。anuyāyi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + yā + a), 跟随。 anuyāyi, 【过】。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(& anuyāyati) [anu + yā] 1. to go after, to follow J.VI,49 (fut. °yissati), 499 (yāyantaṁ anuyāyati = anugacchati C). -- 2. to go along by, to go over, to visit Miln.391 (°yāyati). -- pp. anuyāta (q. v.). See also anusaṁyāyati. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuyāyin
- {'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. anuyāyin, anu + yā] going after, following, subject to (Gen.) Sn.1017 (anânuyāyin); J.VI,309; Miln.284. (Page 41)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuyāyī
- {'def': '【三】随从。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【三】 随从。(p20)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuññā
- {'def': '【阴】 批准,同意,支持,制裁,认可,许可。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】批准,同意,支援,制裁,认可,许可。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuññāta
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of anujānāti] permitted, allowed; sanctioned, given leave, ordained D.I,88; J.I,92; II,353, 416; Pv.I,123 (na a. = ananuññāta at id. p. Th.2, 129; expld. at PvA.64 by ananumata); Pug.28; DA.I,247, 248, 267; PvA.12, 81. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anujānāti 的【过分】), 已允许,已许可,已准许,已制裁。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anujānāti 的【过分】), 已允许,已许可,已准许,已制裁。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuññātatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. to anuññāta] being permitted, permission J.II,353. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuḍahana
- {'def': '【中】 烧。(p17)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】烧。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anuḍahati] conflagration, burning up, consumption J v.271; ThA.287 (d). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuḍahati
- {'def': '(anu + dah + a), 烧完,消费。 anuḍahi, 【过】。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + ḍahati] to burn over again, burn thoroughly, fig. to destroy, consume J.II,330; VI,423. Pass. °ḍayhati J v.426. -- Also spelt °dahati, e. g. at S.IV,190 = v.53; Th.2, 488. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu随+dah放置+a), 烧完,消费。anuḍahi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuḍasati
- {'def': '[anu + ḍasati] to bite J.VI,192. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuḷāratta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. an + uḷāra] smallness, littleness, insignificance VvA.24. (Page 42)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuṇṇata
- {'def': '(adj.) [uṇṇata] not raised, not elated, not haughty, humble Sn.702 (care = uddhaccaṁ nâpajjeyya SnA 492). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuṭṭhahanta
- {'def': 'anuṭṭhāna, anuṭṭhātu,【形】不自我振奋者,不活动的 (人)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '~hāna, anuṭṭhātu, 【形】 不自我振奋者,不活动的 (人)。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anuṭṭhahati
- {'def': '[anu + ṭhahati = °thāti, see °tiṭṭhati] to carry out, look after, practise do J v.121. -- pp. anuṭṭhita (q. v.). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuṭṭhahāna
- {'def': '(adj.) [ppr. of an + uṭṭhahati] one who does not rouse himself, not getting up, inactive Dh.280 (= anuṭṭhahanto avāyāmanto DhA.III,409). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuṭṭhaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. an + uṭṭhahati] not rising, not rousing oneself, inactive, lazy Th.1, 1033. (Page 35)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuṭṭhita
- {'def': '[pp. of anuṭṭhati = anutiṭṭhati] practising, effecting or effected, come to, experienced, done D.II,103; S.IV,200; A.III,290 sq.; IV,300; J.II,61; Miln.198; PvA.132 (cp. anugata). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 1. 不起来的。 2. 办妥,做了。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】1.不起来的。2.办妥,做了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuṭṭhubhati
- {'def': '[formally Sk. anuṣṭobhati, but in meaning = *anuṣṭīvati; anu + ṭṭhubhati, the etym. of which see under niṭṭhubhati] to lick up with one’s saliva DA.I,138. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuṭṭhurin
- {'def': 'v. l. at SnA 569, see niṭṭhurin. (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anuṭṭhāna
- {'def': '(nt.) [an + uṭṭhāna] “the not getting up”, inactivity, want of energy Dh.241 (sarīra-paṭijagganaṁ akaronto DhA.III,347). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 不活动。 【形】 不起来的。(p16)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】不活动。【形】不起来的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anuṭṭhātar
- {'def': '[n. ag. to an + uṭṭhahati] one without energy or zeal Sn.96 (niddāsīlin sabhāsīlin +) SnA 169 (= viriya-tejavirahita). (Page 36)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvaddhamāsaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 一个月两次,半个月一次。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvaddhamāsaṁ
- {'def': '【副】一个月两次,半个月一次。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anvadeva
- {'def': 'Anudeva, (anu+eva)(anva-d-eva with euphonic d.; like sammad-eva corresponding to Sk. anvag-eva),【无】跟随在后(behind, after, later)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [anva-d-eva with euphonic d.; like sammad-eva corresponding to Sk. anvag-eva] behind, after, later D.I,172; M.III,172; S.V,1 (spelt anudeva); A.I,11; V, 214; It.34. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + eva), 【无】 跟随在后。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvagā
- {'def': '【三.单.过】他跟随。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【叁、单、过】 他跟随。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '3rd sg. aor. of anugacchati Mhvs 7, 10. Also in assim. form annagā J.V,258. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvagū
- {'def': '【叁、复、过】 他们跟随。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '3rd pl. aor. of anugacchati S.I,39; Sn.586. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【三.复.过】他们跟随。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anvahaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 每日的。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvahaṁ
- {'def': '【副】每日的。台语:每日mue2 jit8、逐日tak8 jit8、逐工tak8 kang。阆时无阆日lang3 si5 bo5 lang3 jit8。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [anu + aha] every day, daily Dāvs.IV,8. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvakkhara
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + akkhara] “according to the syltable”, syll. after syll., also a mode of reciting by syllables Vin.IV,15, cp. 355. Cp. anupadaṁ. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvakāsi
- {'def': '3rd sg. aor. of anukassati 2: drew out, removed, threw down Th.1, 869 (= khipi, chaḍḍesi C.). (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvattha
- {'def': '【形】依照感觉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 依照感觉。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [anu + attha] according to the sense, answering to the matter, having scnse ThA.6 (°saññābhāva). (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvaya
- {'def': '(n.-adj.) [Vedic anvaya in diff. meaning; fr. anu + i, see anveti & anvāya] 1. (n.) conformity, accordance D.II,83 = III,100; M.I,69 (dhamm° logical conclusion of); S.II,58; D.III,226 (anvaye ñāṇaṁ); Pv.II,113 (tassa kammassa anvāya, v. l. BB anvaya & anvāya; accordingly, according to = paccayā PvA.147); PvA.228 (anvayato, adv. in accordance). -- 2. (adj.) following, having the same course, behaving according to, consequential, in conformity with (-°) D.I,46 (tad°); M.I,238 (kāyo citt° acting in conformity to the mind, obeying the mind); Sn.254 (an° inconsistent); It.79 (tass°). -- dur° spelt durannaya conforming with difficulty, hard to manage or to find out Dh.92 (gati = na sakkā paññāpetuṁ DhA.II,173); Sn.243, 251 (= duviññāpaya SnA 287 dunneyya ibid. 293). (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】过程,一致,符合,传统。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 过程,一致,符合,传统。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvayatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. to anvaya] conformity, accordance M.I,500 (kāy° giving in to the body). (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvaḍḍhamāsaṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [anu + aḍḍha + māsa] every fortnight, twice a month M.II,8; Vin.IV,315 (= anuposathikaṁ); DhA.I,162; II,25. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvesa
- {'def': '[from next] seeking, searching, investigation, M.I,140 (°ṁ n’âdhigacchanti do not find). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvesaka
- {'def': '【形】搜索者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 搜索者。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvesanā
- {'def': '【阴】寻求,搜寻,调查。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】寻求,搜寻,调查。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvesati
- {'def': '(anu + es + a) 寻求,搜寻。~esi, 【过】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(anu+es寻+a) 寻求,搜寻。anvesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[anu + esati] to look, for search, seek S.I,112 (ppr. anvesaṁ = pariyesamāna C.); Cp III,117 (ppr. anvesanto). -- aor. anvesi [Sk. anveṣi fr. icchati] Pv.II,620 (? perhaps better with v. l. PvA.99 as anventi of anveti). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvesin
- {'def': '[anu-esin] (adj.) striving after, seeking, wishing for Sn.965 (kusala°). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvesī
- {'def': '努力,寻求。 【阳】搜索者。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '努力,寻求。【阳】搜索者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anveti
- {'def': '(anu+i +a), 跟随,接近。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[cp. anu + eti, from i] to follow, approach, go with Sn.1103 (= anugacchati anvāyiko hoti Nd2 59); Dh.1 (= kāyikaṁ . . . dukkhaṁ anugacchati DhA.I,24), 2, 71, 124; perhaps at Pv.II,620 (with v. l. BB at PvA.99) for anvesi (see anvesati; expld. by anudesi = was anxious for, helped, instructed). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu + i + a), 跟随,接近。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvādhika
- {'def': '(adj.) [derivation uncertain] a tailoring term. Only at Vin.I,297. Rendered (Vinaya Texts II.232) by “half and half” ; that is a patchwork, half of new material, half of old. Bdhgh’s note (see the text, p. 392) adds that the new material must be cut up. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvādisati
- {'def': '[anu + ā + disati] to advise, dedicate, assign; imper. °disāhi Pv.II,26 (= uddissa dehi PvA.80); III,28 (= ādisa PvA.181). (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāgacchati
- {'def': '[anu + ā + gacchati] 1. to go along after, to follow, run after, pursue; aor. anvāgacchi Pv. IV.56 (= anubandhi PvA.260). -- 2. to come back again J.I,454 (ger. °gantvāna). -- pp. anvāgata (q. v.). (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāgata
- {'def': '[pp. of anvāgacchati] having pursued, attained; endowed with Th.1, 63; J.IV,385; V,4. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 1. 赋予。 2. 跟随。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】1.赋予。2.跟随。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anvāhata
- {'def': '【形】打,击。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of anu + ā + han] struck, beaten; perplexed Dh.39 (°cetasa). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 打,击。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvāhiṇḍati
- {'def': '(anu+ā+hid+ṁ-a), 游荡。anvāhiṇḍi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(anu + ā + hid + ŋ-a), 游荡。 anvāhiṇḍi, 【过】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + ā + hiṇḍati] to wander to (Acc.) A.IV,374, 376 [BSk. same, e. g. Divy 68 etc.]. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāmaddati
- {'def': '[anu + ā + maddati] to squeeze, wring J.III, 481 (galakaṁ anvāmaddi wrung his neck; vv. ll. anvānumaṭṭi & anvāvamaddi; C. gīvaṁ maddi). (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvārohati
- {'def': '[anu + ā + rohati] to go up to, visit, ascend J.IV,465 (aor. anvāruhi). (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāsanna
- {'def': '[pp. of anu + ā + sad] endowed with, possessed of, attacked by, Ud.35 (doubtfull; v. l. ajjhāpanna), = A.IV,356 which has anvāsatta. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāsatta
- {'def': '[pp. of anu + ā + sañj, cp. anusatta = Sk. anusakta] clung on to, befallen by (Instr.), attached to A.IV,356 (v. l. anvāhata), cp. Ud.35 (anvāsanna q. v.). See also foll. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāsattatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. anvāsatta] being attacked by, falling a prey to (Instr.), attachment to DhA.I,287 (in same context as anvāsatta A.IV,356 & anvāsanna Ud.35). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāssavati
- {'def': '[anu + ā + savati, sru] to stream into, to attack, befall D.I,70; A.III,99; Pug.20, 58. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāvassa
- {'def': 'at J.V,317 should be read with v. l. BB as anovassa absence of rain. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāvisati
- {'def': '(anu + ā + vis + a), 占有。 anvāvisi, 【过】。 anvāviṭṭha, 【过分】。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[anu + ā + visati] to go into, to take possession of, to visit M.I,326; S.I,67; Miln.156. -- pp. anvāviṭṭha (q. v.). Cp. adhimuccati. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anu+ā+vis(梵viw)进入+a),占有。anvāvisi,【过】。anvāviṭṭha,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anvāviṭṭha
- {'def': '[pp. of anvāvisati] possessed (by evil spirits) S.I,114. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anvāya
- {'def': '[ger. of anveti; cp. anvaya] undergoing, experiencing, attaining; as prep. (c. Acc.) in consequence of, through, after D.I,13 (ātappaṁ by means of self-sacrifice), 97 (saṁvāsaṁ as a result of their cohabitation); J.I,56 (buddhiṁ), 127 (piyasaṁvāsaṁ), 148 (gabbhaparipākaṁ). Often in phrase vuddhiṁ anvāya growing up, e. g. J.I,278; III, 126; DhA.II,87. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【独】经历,证得。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【独】 经历,证得。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anvāyika
- {'def': '【形】 跟随。(p24)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. anvāya] following; one who follows, a companion D.III,169; Nd2 59; J.III,348. (Page 49)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】跟随。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anābhoga
- {'def': '(an无+ābhoga构想),【阳】无构想。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anābādha
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ābādha] safe and sound VvA.351. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anācāra
- {'def': '【阳】不正当的行为,不道德。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】不正当的行为,不道德。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[an + ācāra] misconduct, immorality J.II,133; III, 276; adj. anācārin Pug.57. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anādara
- {'def': '【阳】 不敬。【形】 不尊敬。 ~riya, 【中】 漠 视。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[an + ādara] (a) (m) disrespect PvA.257. -- (b.) (adj.) disrespectful Sn.247 (= ādaravirahita SnA 290). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】不敬。【形】不尊敬。anādariya,【中】漠视。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anādaratā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. anādara] want of consideration, in expln. of dovacassatā at Dhs.1325 = Vbh.359 = Pug.30 (where reading is anādariyatā). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anādariya
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. anādara] disregard, disrespect Vin.I,176; IV,113 (where expld. in extenso); Dhs.1325 = dug 20 = Vbh.359. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāditvā
- {'def': '[ger. of an + ādiyati] not taking up, not heeding J.IV,352 (v. l. for T. anādiyitvā). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anādiyitvā
- {'def': '[ger. of an + ādiyati, Sk. anādāya] without assuming or taking up, not heeding Vin.IV,120; J.IV,352; DhA.I,41. See also ādiyati. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【独】 不注意, 不着手进行。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【独】不注意,不著手进行。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anādā
- {'def': 'anādāya,【独】(na+ādāti), 不拿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'anādāya,【独】 (na + ādāti), 不拿。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[ger. of an + ādiyati] without taking up or on to oneself Vin.IV,120 (= anādiyitvā C.). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anādāna
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ādāna] free from attachment (opp. sādāna) A.II,10 = It.9 = 109 = Nd2 172a; Sn.620, 741, 1094; Nd2 41 (where as nt. = taṇha); Dh.352 (= khandhādisu niggahaṇa DhA.IV,70), 396, 406, 421. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an无+ādāna拿起),【形】无拿起。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāgamana
- {'def': '【中】不来。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [an + āgamana] not coming, not returning J I 203, 264. (Page 31)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 不来。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anāgantar
- {'def': '(an不+āgantar来者),【阳】不来者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāgata
- {'def': '(an未+āganta来【过分】;= an未+atīta过去),【过分】未来。【阳】未来。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 还没来。 【阳】 未来。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āgata] not come yet, i. e. future. On usual combn. with atīta: see this. D.III,100 sq., 134 sq., 220, 275; M.III,188 sq.; S.I,5; II,283; A.III,100 sq., 400; Sn.318, 373, 851; It.53; J.IV,159; VI,364; Dhs.1039, 1416. (Page 31)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāgataṁ
- {'def': 'addhānaṁ, 在未来的时间(anāgataṁ未来【阳.单.业】,【过分】。addhānaṁ时间【阳.单.业】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāghāta
- {'def': '[an + āghāta] freedom from anger or ill-will Vin.II,249. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāgāmi
- {'def': '不来, 阿那含', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- Anāgāmin
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [an + āgāmin] one who does not return, a Never-Returner, as tt. designating one who has attained the 3rd stage out of four in the breaking of the bonds (Saṁyojanas) which keep a man back from Arahantship. So near is the Anāgāmin to the goal, that after death he will be reborn in one of the highest heaven and there obtain Arahantship, never returning to rebirth as a man. But in the oldest passages referring to these 4 stages, the description of the third does not use the word anāgāmin (D.I,156; II,92; III,107; M.II,146) and anāgāmin does not mean the breaking of bonds, but the cultivation of certain specified good mental habits (S.III,168, the anatta doctrine; S v.200--2, the five Indriyas; A.I,64, 120, cultivation of good qualities, II 160; v.86, 171 = S 149). We have only two cases in the canon of any living persons being called anāgāmin. Those are at S v.177 and 178. The word there means one who has broken the lower five of the ten bonds, & the individuals named are laymen. At D.II,92 nine others, of whom eight are laymen, are declared after their death to have reached the third stage (as above) during life, but they are not called anāgāmins. At It.96 there are only 3 stages, the worldling, the Anāgāmin, and the Arahant; and the Saṁyojanas are not referred to. It is probable that already in the Nikāya period the older, wider meaning was falling into disuse. The Abhidhamma books seem to refer only to the Saṁyojana explanation; the commentaries, so far as we know them, ignore any other. See Ps.II,194; Kv. Tr. 74; Dhs. Tr. 302 n; Cp. 69.
--phala fruition of the state of an Anāgāmin; always in combn. sotāpatti° sakadāgāmi° anāgāmi° arahatta° Vin.I,293; II,240; IV,29; D.I,229; II,227, 255; S.III,168; v.411; A.I,23, 44; III,272 sq.; IV,204, 276, 372 sq. --magga the path of one who does not return (in rebirths) Nd2 569b. (Page 31)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(an不+āgāmin返者), 1.【形】不返。2.【阳】不返者、阿那含果(已证得第三圣果位的圣人)。Vibhv.p.142.︰anāgāminoyeva ariyā puthujjanādikāle, pacchāpi vā pañcamajjhānaṁ tividhampi bhāvetvā saddhādi-indriyavemattatānukkamena pañcasu suddhāvāsesu uppajjanti.(於凡夫等时期证得阿那含圣者,往后作三种修习(遍作、近行、安止修习)修至第五禅,随其信根等的状态,转生到(相应的)五净居天(之一)。) Vibhv.p.142.︰Anāgāmino pana kāmarāgassa sabbaso pahīnattā kāmabhavesu nikantiṁ na uppādentīti kāmalokavajjite yathāladdhajjhānabhūmibhūte yattha katthaci nibbattanti.(阿那含已断一切欲染,已离欲有,不生欲,如获得禅地的众生一样,已免除欲世间,转生到任何禅天。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāgāmiphala
- {'def': '(anāgāmin不返【形】+phala果),【中】不返的果。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāgāmitā
- {'def': '(f.) [anāgāmin + tā] the state or condition of an Anāgāmin S v.129, 181, 285; A.III,82; v.108, 300 sq.; Sn.p. 140 = A.III,143; It.1 sq., 39, 40. (Page 31)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(anāgāmin不返者+tā状态),【阴】不返者的状态,阿那含果位。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāgāmī
{'def': 'the \'Non-Returner\', is a noble disciple (ariya-puggala, q.v.) on the 3rd stage of holiness. There are 5 classes of Non-returners, as it is said (e.g. Pug. 42-46):
"A being, through the disappearing of the 5 lower fetters (saṃyojana, q.v.), reappears in a higher world (amongst the devas of the Pure Abodes, Suddhāvāsa , q.v.), and without returning from that world (into the Sensuous Sphere) he there reaches Nibbāna.
(1) "He may, immediately after appearing there (in the Pure Abodes) or without having gone beyond half of the life-time, attain the holy path for the overcoming of the higher fetters. Such a being is called \'one who reaches Nibbāna within the first half of the life\' (antarā-parinibbāyī).
(2) "Or, whilst living beyond half of the lifetime, or at the moment of death, he attains the holy path for the overcoming of the higher fetters. Such a being is called \'one who reaches Nibbāna after crossing half the life-time\' (upahacca-parinibbāyī).
(3) "Or, with exertion he attains the holy path for the overcoming of the higher fetters. Such a being is called \'one who reaches Nibbāna with exertion\' (sasaṅkhāra-parinibbāyī).
(4) "Or, without exertion he attains the holy path for the overcoming of the higher fetters. Such a being is called \'one who reaches Nibbāna without exertion\' (asaṅkhāra-parinibbāyī).
(5) "Or, after vanishing from the heaven of the Aviha-gods (s. Suddhāvāsa ), he appears in the heaven of the unworried (atappa) gods. After vanishing from there he appears in the heaven of the clearly-visible (Sudassa) gods, from there in the heaven of the clear-visioned (Sudassī) gods, from there in the heaven of the highest (akaniṭṭha) gods. There he attains the holy path for the overcoming of the higher fetters. Such a being is called \'one who passes up-stream to the highest gods\' (uddhamsota-akaniṭṭha-gāmī)."', 'xr': '《Buddhist Dictionary》 by NYANATILOKA MAHATHERA'} - {'def': '【阳】不归来者,即已证得第三圣果位的圣人。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anāgāra
- {'def': '【形】无家( = anagāra无家)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '& Anāgāriyā see agāra & agāriyā. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāhāra
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āhāra] being without food M.I,487; Sn.985. (Page 33)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an无+āhāra食物),【形】无食物。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāimasita
- {'def': 'anāmaṭṭha,【形】不接触的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'anāmaṭṭha, 【形】 不接触的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anājāniya
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ājāniya] of inferior race, not of good blood M.I,367. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anākula
- {'def': '【形】 不混乱,不纠缠。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不混乱,不纠缠。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anālamba
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ālamba] without support (from above), unsuspended, not held Sn.173 (+ appatiṭṭha; expld. at SnA 214 by heṭṭhā patiṭṭhâbhāvena upari ālambhāvena ca gambhīra). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anālaya
- {'def': '(an无+ālaya附著),【阳】无附著。【形】无执著的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[an + ālaya] aversion, doing away with Vin.I,10 (taṇhāya). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 无执着的。 【阳】 厌恶。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anālāpa
- {'def': '(an不+ā向+lāpa闲聊【阳】),【阳】不交谈。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāmanta
- {'def': '(°-) [an + āmanta] without asking or being asked; in °kata unasked, unpermitted, uninvited J.VI,226; °cāra living uninvited Vin v.132; A.III,259. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'Anāmanta- (an + āmanta), 没有问或没有被问(without asking or being asked; in anāmantakata unasked, unpermitted, uninvited J.VI,226; anāmantacāra living uninvited Vin v.132; A.III,259.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāmasita
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āmasita, pp. of āmassati] not touched, virgin- VvA.113 (°khetta). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāmassa
- {'def': '(adj.) [grd. of an + āmassati, Sk. āmaśya] not to be touched J II 360 (C. anāmāsitabba). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāmata
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + amata the ā being due to metrical lengthening] not affected by death, immortal J.II,56 (= asusāna-ṭṭhāna C.); DhA.II,99. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an + amata the ā being due to metrical lengthening),【形】不被死亡影响(not affected by death, immortal J.II,56 (= asusāna-ṭṭhāna C.); DhA.II,99.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāmaya
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āmaya] free from illness, not decaying, healthy Vv 1510 (= aroga VvA.74), 177. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】无疾病的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无疾病的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anān
- {'def': 'u- represents the metrically lengthened from of ananu‹-› (an + anu), as found e. g. in the foll. cpds.: °tappaṁ (ppr.) not regretting J v.492; °puṭṭha questioned Sn.782 (= apucchita SnA 521); °yāyin not following or not defiled by evil Sn.1071 (expld. at Nd2 42 by both avedhamāna (?) avigacchamāna & by arajjamāna adussamāna); °loma not fit or suitable D.II,273 (v. l. anu°). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāpucchā
- {'def': '【独】 没有问, 未许可。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'see āpucchati. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【独】没有问,未经许可,未请求。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāpāda
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āpāda] unmarried (of a woman) J.IV,178 (āpāda = apādāna C.; aññehi akata-pariggahā). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāpāthagata
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āpātha + gata] not fallen into the way of (the hunter), escaped him M.I,174. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anārambha
- {'def': 'Anārambbha【形】无骚动的,清净的。Pārā.III,151.︰Anārambhaṁ nāma na kipillikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na upacikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na undurānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na ahīnaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na vicchikānaṁ vā āsayo hoti, na satapadīnaṁ vā āsayo hoti.(︰。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[an + ārambha] that which is without moil and toil Sn.745 (= nibbāna SnA 507). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 无骚动的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anārammaṇa
- {'def': '【中】无所缘。Ud.p.80.(8-1)︰“Atthi, bhikkhave, tadāyatanaṁ, yattha neva pathavī, na āpo, na tejo, na vāyo, na ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ, na viññāṇañcāyatanaṁ, na ākiñcaññāyatanaṁ, na nevasaññānāsaññāyatanaṁ, nāyaṁ loko, na paraloko, na ubho candimasūriyā. Tatrāpāhaṁ, bhikkhave, neva āgatiṁ vadāmi na gatiṁ, na ṭhitiṁ, na cutiṁ, na upapattiṁ; appatiṭṭhaṁ, appavattaṁ, anārammaṇamevetaṁ. Esevanto dukkhassā”ti.(诸比丘!彼处无地(na paṭhavī;neither earth),无水(na āpo;nor water),无火(na tejo;nor fire),无风(na vāyo;nor air);无空无边处(na ākāsānañcāyatanaṁ;neither the sphere of infinite space),无识无边处(na viññṇānañcāyatanaṁ;nor of infinite consciousness),无所有处(na ākiñcāññāyatanaṁ;nor of nothingness),无非想非非想处(na nevasaññā-nāsaññāyatanaṁ;nor of neither-consciousness-nor-unconsciousness);无此生(n’āyaṁ loko;neither this world),无他生(na paraloko;nor a world beyond),亦无二(此生、他生)(ubho;nor both together);无日月(candima-suriyā)。诸比丘!我说彼处无去(na āgatiṁ;no coming to birth),无来(na gatiṁ;no going [from life] );无住(na ṭhitiṁ;no duration),无死(na cutiṁ;no falling),无再生(na upapattiṁ;no arising);无依护(na appatiṭṭhaṁ;not something fixed)、无转生(appavattaṁ;moves not on 无转起)、无所缘(anārammaṇam;not based on anything);这是苦尽。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāriya
- {'def': '(adj.) [doublet of anariya] not Aryan, ignoble, Sn.815 (v. l. SS. anariya). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anārādhaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ārādhaka] one who fails, unsuccessful Vin.I,70. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāsaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āsaka] fasting, not taking food S.IV,118. f. °ā [cp. Sk. anāśaka nt.] fasting, abstaining from food Dh.141 (= bhatta-paṭikkhepa DhA.III,77). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an + āsaka)(cp. Sk. anāwaka nt.),【形】不食,断食(fasting, not taking food)(= bhatta-paṭikkhepa DhA III,77.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāsakatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. of anāsaka] fasting Sn.249 (= abhojana SnA 292). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 绝食。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】绝食 (= abhojana SnA 292.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāsasāna
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āsasāna] not longing after anything Sn.369 (SnA 365 however reads anāsayāna & has anāsasāna as v. l. Cp. also vv. ll. to āsasāna. Expld by kañci rūpâdi-dhammaṁ nâsiṁsati SnA 365. (Page 33)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāsava
- {'def': '(an无+ā向+wru流动),【形】无流向(无漏)( free from the 4 intoxications)。【阳】无流向者(无漏者)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不致醉的,不热情的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āsava] free from the 4 intoxications (see āsava) Vin.II,148 = 164; D.III,112; Sn.1105, 1133; Dh.94, 126, 386; Nd2 44; It.75; Pug.27, Dhs.1101, 1451; Vbh.426; Th.1, 100; Pv.II,615; VvA.9. See āsava and cp. nirāsava. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anātha
- {'def': '【形】悲惨的,无助的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 悲惨的,无助的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anātha-piṇḍika
- {'def': 'm. [BSk. Anāthapiṇḍada] 給孤獨〔長者〕= Sudatta.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. [BSk. Anāthapiṇḍada] 給孤独〔長者〕=Sudatta.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Anāthapiṇḍika
- {'def': '【阳】给孤独(人名)。即a-nātha(无助的、孤独的),piṇḍika,即piṇḍa(饭团),布施给无助者,故得「给ㄐㄧˇ孤独者」之名。他的本名是须达多(Sudatta)汉译作「善施」(su-datta)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anātura
- {'def': '(an无+ātura疾苦),【形】无疾苦。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāvaraṇa
- {'def': '【形】开著的,无障碍的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 开着的,无障碍的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anāvasūraṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [an + ava + sūra = suriya, with ava lengthened to āva in verse] as long as the sun does not set, before sun-down J v.56 (= anatthaṅgata-suriyaṁ C.) cp. Sk. utsūra. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāvattin
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [an + āvattin] one who does not return, almost syn. with anāgāmin in phrase anāvatti-dhamma, one who is not destined to shift or return from one birth to another, D.I,156 (cp. DA.I,313); III,132; Pug.16 sq., 62. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāvattī
- {'def': '【阳】 不归者。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(an不+āvattin返者), 1.【形】不返。2.【阳】不返者、不归者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāvaṭa
- {'def': '(°-) [an + āvaṭa] not shut; in °dvāratā (f.) not closing the door against another, accessibility, openhand edness D.III,191. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāvikata
- {'def': 'etc. see āvikata. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāvila
- {'def': '【形】 安静的,干净的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āvila] undisturbed, unstained, clean, pure D.I,84 (= nikkaddama DA.I,226); III,269, 270; Sn.637 (= nikkilesa SnA 469 = DhA.IV,192); Th.2, 369 (āvilacitta +); Dh.82, 413; ThA.251; Sdhp.479. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an无+āvila混浊),【形】无混浊,乾净的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāvuttha
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āvuttha, pp. of āvasati] not dwelt in D .II50. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(an未+āvuttha住【过分】),【过分】未住。【形】不居住的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不居住的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anāvāsa
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [an + āvāsa] uninhabited, an uninhabited place Vin.II,22, 33; J.II,77. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāvāṭa
- {'def': '【形】 开着的,不关上的。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(an未+āvaṭa覆盖【过分】),【过分】未覆盖。【形】未关上的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāyasa
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āya + sa, or should we read anāyāsa?] void of means, unlucky, unfortunate Vv 845 (= natthi ettha āyo sukhan ti anāyasaṁ VvA.335). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāyatana
- {'def': '(nt.) [an + āyatana] nonexertion, not exerting oneself, sluggishness, indolence J v.121 (°sīla = dussīla C.). (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 不合适的地方。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】不合适的地方。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāyussa
- {'def': '(an无+āyussa长寿),【形】无长寿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāyāsa
- {'def': '【形】无麻烦的。anāyāsena,【副】容易地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无麻烦的。 anāyāsena, 【副】 容易地。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + āyāsa] free from trouble or sorrow, peaceful Th.1, 1008. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anāyūha
- {'def': '(‹āyūhati的【单.主】,【现分】)﹐努力。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāyūhana
- {'def': '【中】非努力(non-exertion)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 不应力。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anāyūhanta
- {'def': '【潜】 不发挥。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【现分】不努力(not-exerting)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāḷhika
- {'def': '【形】 贫穷的,一无所有的人。(p14)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】贫穷的,一无所有的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anāḷhiya
- {'def': '& Anāḷhika (adj.) [an + ālhiya, Sk. āḍhya, see also addha2] not rich, poor, miserable, destitute, usually combd. with daḷidda M.I,450; II,178 (v. l. BB. anāḷiya); A.III,352 sq. (vv. ll. BB. anāḷhika), 384; J v.96. (Page 32)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anīgha
- {'def': '(an无+īgha恼乱), Anigha﹐无恼乱的、无烦恼的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'see nigha1 and cp. īgha. (Page 33)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '参考 Anigha。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anīka
- {'def': '【中】1.军队。2.阵势。anīkagga,【中】军队的排列。anīkaṭṭha,【阳】王室保镖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Ved. anīka face, front, army to Idg. *ogǔ (see), cp. Gr. o)/mma eye, Lat. oculus, see also Sk. pratīka and P. akkhi] army, array, troops (orig. “front”, i. e. of the battle-array) Vin.IV,107 (where expld. in detail); Sn.623 (bala° strong in arms, with strong array i. e. of khanti, which precedes; cp. SnA 467).
--agga a splendid army Sn.421 (= balakāya senāmukha SnA 384). --ṭṭha a sentinel, royal guard D.III,64, 148; J v.100; VI,15 (“men on horseback”, horseguard); Miln.234, 264. --dassana troop-inspection D.I,6 (aṇīka° at DA.I,85, q. v. interpretation); Vin.IV,107 (senābyūha +). (Page 33)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】 军队。 ~gga, 【中】 军队的排列。 ~ṭṭha, 【阳】 王室保镖。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anīkadassana
- {'def': '(anīka军队?阵势+dassana见)﹐阅兵。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anīti
- {'def': '(f.) [an + īti] safety, soundness, sound condition, health A.IV,238; Miln.323 (Abl. °ito). (Page 33)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anītiha
- {'def': '【形】 不基于风闻的,亲自知道的。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不基於风闻的,亲自知道的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + ītīha, the latter a cpd. der. fr. iti + ha = saying so and so, cp. itihāsa & itihītihaṁ] not such and such, not based on hearsay (itiha), not guesswork or (mere) talk A.II,26; Th.1, 331 (cp. M.I,520); Sn.1053 (= Nd2 49, 151); J.I,456; Nett 166 (cp. It.28). (Page 33)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anītika
- {'def': '【形】无受伤的,无伤害的,无灾的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. anīti] free from injury or harm, healthy, secure Vin.II,79 = 124 (+ anupaddava); III,162; S.IV,371; Sn.1137 (ītī vuccanti kilesā etc. Nd2 48); Miln.304. (Page 33)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 无受伤的,无伤害的。(p15)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Anūhata
- {'def': '【形】 未根绝的,未除根的。(p23)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】未根绝的,未除根的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of an + ūhaññati, ud + han] not rooted out, not removed or destroyed Th.1, 223 = Nd2 974; Dh.338 (= asamucchinna DhA.IV,48). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anūna
- {'def': 'Anūnaka(Vedic anūna, an + ūna),【形】不缺乏的、完全的(not lacking, entire, complete, without deficiency)。anūnatā,【阴】完全。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'Anūnaka, 【形】 不缺乏的,完全的。 ~tā, 【阴】 完全。(p23)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [Vedic anūna, an + ūna] not lacking, entire, complete, without deficiency J.VI,273; Dpvs.V.52; Miln.226; DA.I,248 (+ paripūra, expld by anavaya). Anūnaka = anūna Dpvs.IV,34. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anūnatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. anūna] completeness Cp. III,611. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anūpa
- {'def': '(adj.) [Vedic anūpa, anu + ap: see āpa, orig. alongside of water] watery, moist; watery land, lowland J. IV.358 (anopa T; anupa C. p. 359), 381 (°khetta); Miln.129 (°khetta). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anūpadhika
- {'def': 'for anu° in metre Sn.1057, see upadhi. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anūpaghāta
- {'def': '[metrically for anupa°] not killing, not murdering. Dh.185 (= anupahananañ c’eva anupaghātanañ ca DhA.III,238). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anūpalitta
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + upalitta, with ū in metre] free from taint, unstained, unsmeared Sn.211, 392, 468, 790, 845; Dh.353; cf. Nd1 90 and DhA.IV,72. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anūpama
- {'def': '【形】 没有比较的。(p23)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'at It.122 is metric reading for anupama (see upama). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】没有比较的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Anūpanāhin
- {'def': '(adj.) [an + upanāhin, with ū metri causa] not bearing ill-will, not angry with J.IV,463. (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Anūpavāda
- {'def': '[an + upavāda, with metrically lengthened u] not grumbling, not finding fault Dh.185 (= anupavādanañ c’eva anupavadāpanañ ca DhA.III,238). (Page 45)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apabbūhati
- {'def': '& Apabyūhati [apa + vi + ūh] to push off, remove, scrape away A.III,187 (apaviyūhitvā, vv. ll. °bbūhitvā); J.I,265 (paṁsuṁ). -- Caus. °byūhāpeti to make remove or brush J.IV,349 (paṁsuṁ). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apabyāma
- {'def': 'see apavyāma. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apacaya
- {'def': '【阳】 下跌,缩小,撤回,毁灭。 ~gāmī, 再生的毁灭。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】下跌,缩小,撤回,毁灭。apacayagāmī, 再生的毁灭。acayagāmino dhammā, 流转法。apacayagāmino dhammā, 还灭法。nevācayagāmināpacayagāmino dhammā, 非流转非还灭法。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. apa + ci] falling off, diminution (opp. ācaya gathering, heaping up), unmaking, esp. loss (of wordliness), decrease (of possibility of rebirth Vin.II,2 = III,21 = IV.213; cp. J.III,342; S.II,95 (kāyassa ācayo pi apacayo pi); A.IV,280 = Vin.II,259 (opp. ācaya); J.III,342 (sekho °ena na tappati); Vbh.106, 319, 326, 330. --gāmin going towards decrease, “making for the undoing of rebirth” (Dhs.trsl. 82) A.V,243, 277; Dhs.277, 339, 505, 1014; Vbh.12, 16 sq.; Nett 87 (cp. Kvu 156). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apacca
- {'def': '[Vedic apatya nt.; der. fr. apa] offspring, child D.I,90 (bandhupāda° cp. muṇḍaka), 103 (id.); S.I,69 (an°) Sn.991; DA.I,254. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】儿女,子孙,后代。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 儿女,子孙,后代。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apaccakkha
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + paṭi + akkha] unseen; in Instr. f. apaccakkhāya as adv. without being seen, not by direct evidence Miln.46 sq. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】未见过的,未体验的,未测试的。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】未见过的,未体验的,未测试的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apacchapurima
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + paccha + purima] “neither after nor before”, i. e. at the same time, simultaneous J.III,295. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apacinana
- {'def': '【中】破坏,赎罪。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】破坏,赎罪。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apacināti
- {'def': '(apa离+ci收集+nā), 散失,减少。apacini,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + ci + nā), 废除,减少。 ~cini, 【过】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[apa + cināti] 1. [in meaning of Sk. apacīyate cp. P. upaciyyati Pass. of upacināti] to get rid of, do away with, (cp. apacaya), diminish, make less S.III,89 (opp. ācināti); Th.1, 807; J.IV,172 (apacineth’eva kāmāni = viddhaṁseyyatha C.). Here belong prob. aor. 3rd pl. apaciyiṁsu (to be read for upacciṁsu) at J.VI,187 (akkhīni a. “the eyes gave out”) and Pot. pres. apace ThA.72 (on v.40). -- 2. [= apacayati] to honour, esteem; observe, guard Vin.I,264 (apacinayamāna cīvaraṁ (?) v. l apacitiyamāna; trsl. guarding his claim is, Vin Texts); M.I,324 (see detail under apaviṇāti) Th.1, 186 (grd. apacineyya to be honoured); J.V,339 (anapacinanto for T. anupacinanto, v. l. anapavinati). -- pp. apacita (q.v.). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apacita
- {'def': '[pp. of apacayati or apacināti] honoured, worshipped, esteemed Th.1, 186; J.II,169; IV,75; Vv 510 (= pūjita VvA.39); 3511 (cp. VvA.164); Miln.21. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaciti
- {'def': '【阴】尊敬,赎罪。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [Vedic apaciti in diff. meaning, viz. expiation] honour, respect, esteem, reverence Th.1, 589; J.I,220; II,435; III,82; IV,308; VI,88; Miln.180, 234 (°ṁ karoti), 377 (pūjana +); SnA 332 (°karaṇa). Cp. apacāyana. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】尊敬,赎罪。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apacāra
- {'def': '[fr. apa + car, cp. Sk. apa & abhi-carati] falling off, fault, wrong doing J.VI,375. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apacāyaka
- {'def': 'apacāyī,【形】 敬礼。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'apacāyī,【形】敬礼。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apacāyana
- {'def': '【中】 ~nā, 【阴】崇拜,尊敬。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. apa + cāy, which is itself a der. fr. ci, cināti] honouring, honour, worship, reverence J.I,220; V,326; DA.I,256 (°kamma); VvA.24 (°ṁ karoti = añjalikaṁ karoti); PvA.104 (°kara, adj.), 128 (+ paricariya). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】apacāyanā,【阴】崇拜,尊敬,恭敬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apacāyati
- {'def': '(apa离+cāy看到﹑观察+e), 敬意,尊敬。apacāyi,【过】。apacāyeyya,【未被】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + cāy + e), 敬意,尊敬。 ~cāyi, 【过】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[fr. apa-ci, cp. cināti & cayati, with diff. meaning in Sk.; better expld. perhaps as denom. fr. *apacāya in meaning of apacāyana, cp. apacita] to honour, respect, pay reverence D.I,91 (pūjeti +); J.III,82. ‹-› Pot. apace (for apaceyya, may be taken to apacināti 2) A.IV,245; ThA.72 (here to apacināti 1). -- pp. apacita (q. v.). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apacāyika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. *apacāya, cp. B.Sk. apacāyaka MVastu I.198; Divy 293] honouring, respecting J.IV,94 (vaddha°, cp. vaddhâpacāyin); Pv.II,7 8 (jeṭṭha°); IV,324 (id.). In B.Sk. the corresp. phrase is jyeṣṭhâpacayaka. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apacāyin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. *apacāya; cp. apacāyika] honouring, paying homage, revering Sn.325 (vaddha° = vaddhānaṁ apaciti karaṇena SnA 332) = Dh.109; J.I,47, 132, 201; II,299; V,325; Miln.206; Sdhp.549. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apacāyita
- {'def': '(apaciiyati 的【过分】)。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apaciiyati 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apada
- {'def': '【形】无足的。apadatā,【阴】无脚。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无足的。 ~tā, 【阴】 无脚。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apadesa
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. apadeśa] 1. reason, cause, argument M.I,287 (an°). -- 2. statement, designation PvA.8. -- 3. pretext J.III,60; IV,13; PvA.154. Thus also apadesaka J.VI,179. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】理由,陈述。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 理由,陈述。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apadhāraṇa
- {'def': '【中】盖子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 盖子。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apadhāreti
- {'def': '[Caus. of apa + dhṛ, cp. Sk. ava-dhārayati, but also BSk. apadhārayati Divy 231] to observe, request, ask ThA.16. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apadisa
- {'def': '[fr apa + diś] reference, testimony, witness DhA.II,39. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 证物,证言。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】证物,证言。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apadisana
- {'def': '【中】指出。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 指出。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apadisati
- {'def': '(apa + dis + a) 作证,引述。 ~disi, 【过】。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[apa + disati] to call to witness, to refer to, to quote Vin.III,159; J.I,215; III,234; IV,203; Miln.270; DhA.II,39; Nett 93. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa+dis指出+a) 作证,引述。apadisi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apadāna
- {'def': '(nt.) 1. [= Sk. apadāna] removing, breaking off, D.III,88. -- 2. [= Sk. avadāna cp. ovāda] advice, admonition, instruction, morals Vin.II,4 (an° not taking advice), 7 (id.) M.I,96; A.V,337 sq. (saddhā°) Th.1, 47. -- 3. legend, life history. In the title Mahāpadāna suttanta it refers to the 7 Buddhas. In the title Apadānaṁ, that is “the stories” , it refers almost exclusively to Arahants. The other, (older), connotation seems to have afterwards died out. See Dialogues II.3. -- Cp. also pariyāpadāna. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】伟人传,传说,譬喻。apadāne na sampāyati﹐引喻失义。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'n. 譬喻経 [小部経の一].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '【中】 伟人传,传说。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'n. 譬喻經 [小部經之一].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Apagabbha
- {'def': '【形】 (apa + gabbha:) 不注定再生的; (a + pagabbha:) 不傲慢的。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + pa + gabbha] not entering another womb, i. e. not destined to another rebirth Vin.III,3. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】(apa+gabbha:) 不注定再生的;(a+pagabbha:) 不傲慢的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apagacchati
- {'def': '[apa + gam] to go away, turn aside DhA.I,401 (°gantvā). -- pp. apagata (q. v.). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa+gam去+a), 走开,避开,撇开。apagacchi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + gam + a), 走开,避开,撇开。 apagacchi, 【过】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apagama
- {'def': '[Sk. apagama] going away, disappearance Sdhp.508. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】移开,消失。anapagama,【反】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 移开,消失。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apagamma
- {'def': '【独】 移开了。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【独】移开了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apagata
- {'def': '(apagacchati的【过分】), 已移掉,已离去,已走开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of apagacchati] 1. gone, gone away from (c. Abl.), removed; deceased, departed It.112; PvA.39, 63 (= peta), 64 (= gata). -- 2. (°-) freq. as prefix, meaning without, lit. having lost, removed from; free from Vin.II,129 (°gabbhā having lost her foetus, having a miscarriage); J.I,61 (°vattha without clothes); PvA.38 (°soka free from grief), 47 (°lajja not shy), 219 (°viññāṇa without feeling). -- Cp. apakata. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apahara
- {'def': '[Sk. apahāra, fr. apaharati] taking away, stealing, robbing J.II,34. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaharati
- {'def': '[apa + hṛ] to take away, remove, captivate, rob J.III,315 (aor. apahārayiṁ); Miln.413; DA.I,38. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa + har + a), 除去,取走,抢夺。 ~hari, 【过】。 apahaṭa,【过分】。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+har拿+a), 除去,取走,抢夺。apahari,【过】。apahaṭa,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apaharaṇa
- {'def': '【中】 移开,偷。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) = apahara Miln.195. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】移开,偷。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apahattu
- {'def': '【阳】 除去的人。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apahatu
- {'def': '(Apahatar),【阳】除去的人(one who takes away or removes, destroyer)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apahāra
- {'def': '【阳】取走,抢夺。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 取走,抢夺。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apajaha
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + pajaha] not giving up, greedy, miserly A.III,76 (v. l. apānuta; C. expls. (a)vaḍḍhinissita mānatthaddha). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apajita
- {'def': '(nt.) [pp. of apa + ji] defeat Dh. 105. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】击败。【过分】已击败。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 击败。 【过分】 已击败。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apajjhāyati
- {'def': '[apa + jhāyati1; cp. Sk. abhi-dhyāyati] to muse, meditate, ponder, consider M.I,334 (nijjhāyati +); III,14 (id.). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apakantati
- {'def': '[apa + kantati, Sk. ava + kṛntati] to cut off Th.2, 217 (gale = gīvaṁ chindati ThA.178; Kern, Toev. corrects to kabale a.). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apakaroti
- {'def': '[apa + karoti, cp. Sk. apakaroti & apakṛta in same meaning] to throw away, put off; hurt, offend, slight; possibly in reading T. apakiritūna at Th.2, 447 (q. v.). -- pp. apakata (q. v.). Cp. apakāra. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa+kar行+o), 伤害,侵犯,使厌恶。apakari,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + kar + o), 伤害,侵犯,使厌恶。 apakari, 【过】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apakassa
- {'def': '(Apakassati的【独】), 移动,除掉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apakassanā
- {'def': '【阴】移动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】移动。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apakassati
- {'def': '(apa + kass + a), 移开,除去。 apakassi, 【过】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+kass拉+a), 移开,除去。apakassi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. apa- & ava-kaṛṣati, cp. apakaḍḍhati] to throw away, remove Sn.281 (v.l. BB & SnA ava°; expld. by niddhamati & nikkaḍḍhati SnA 311). --ger. apakassa Sn.II,198 = Miln.389. See also apakāsati. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apakata
- {'def': '[pp. of apakaroti] put off, done away, in ājīvik âpakata being without a living M.I,463 (the usual phrase being °apagata); Miln.279 (id.). At It.89 the reading of same phrase is ājīvikā pakatā (v. l. ā° vakatā). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Apakaroti的【过分】), 已扔掉,已脱掉,已废除。【中】伤害,危害,故障,恶作剧,损害。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apakataññu
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + pa + kataññu] ungrateful Vin.II,199. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apakaḍḍhana
- {'def': '【中】 拉走,退走,拿掉,取消。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】拉走,退走,拿掉,取消。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apakaḍḍhati
- {'def': '(apa离+kaḍḍh拖拉+a),拉走,退走,拿掉,取消。apakaḍḍhi,【过】。apakaḍḍha,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + kaḍḍh + a), 拉走,退走,拿掉,取消。 apakaḍḍhi,【过】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[apa + kaḍḍhati, cp. Sk. apa-karṣati] to draw away, take off, remove D.I,180; III,127; DhA.II,86. ‹-› Caus. apakaḍḍhāpeti J.I,342; IV,415; Miln.34. -- Cp. apakassati; & see pakattheti. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apakiritūna
- {'def': 'at Th.2, 447 T (reading of C. is abhi°) is explained ThA.271 to mean apakiritvā chaḍḍetvā throwing away, slighting, offending. The correct etym = Sk. avakirati (ava + kṛ2 to strew, cast out) in sense “to cast off, reject”, to which also belongs kirāta in meaning “cast off” i. e. man of a so-called low tribe. See also avakirati 2. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apakkama
- {'def': '【阳】移掉,离开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 移掉,离开。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apakkamati
- {'def': '(apa+kam去+a), 离开,走开。apakkami,【 过 】。apakkanta,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + kam + a), 离 开 , 走 开 。 apakkami, 【 过 】 。apakkanta, 【过分】。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. apakramati, apa + kram] to go away, depart, go to one side J.III,27; Sdhp.294. -- aor. apakkami Pv IV.75; ger. apakkamitvā PvA.43, 124, & apakkamma Pv.II,928. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apakkamma
- {'def': 'Apakkamati的【独】离开,走开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apakāra
- {'def': '【阳】 伤害,使厌恶。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '& °ka [cf. Sk. apakāra & apakaroti] injury, mischief; one who injures or offends DhA.III,63; Sdhp.283. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】伤害,使厌恶。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apakāsati
- {'def': 'at Vin.II,204 is to be read as apakassati and interpreted as “draw away, distract, bring about a split or dissension (of the Saṅgha)”. The v. l. on p. 325 justifies the correction (apakassati) as well as Bdhgh’s expln. “parisaṁ ākaḍḍhanti”. -- Cp. A.III,145 & see avapakāsati. The reading at the id. p. at A.V,74 is avakassati (combd. w. vavakassati, where Vin.II,204 has avapakāsati), which is much to be preferred (see vavakassati). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalekhana
- {'def': '(nt.) [apa + lekhana from likh in meaning of lih, corresponding to Sk. ava-lehana] licking off, in cpd. hatthâpalekhana “hand-licking” (i. e. licking one’s hand after a meal, the practice of certain ascetics) M 177 (with v. l. hatthâvalekhana M.I,535; Trenckner compares BSk. hastapralehaka Lal. Vist. 312 & hastâvalehaka ibid. 323), 412; Pug.55 (expld. at Pug.A 231 as hatthe piṇḍamhe niṭṭhite jivhāya hatthaṁ apalekhati). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalekhati
- {'def': '[apa + lekhati in meaning of Sk. avalihati] to lick off Pug.A 231 (hatthaṁ). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalepa
- {'def': 'in “so’palepa patito jarāgharo” at Th.2, 270 is to be read as “so palepa°”. Morris’s interpret. J.P.T.S. 1886, 126 therefore superfluous. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalibuddha
- {'def': '& Apalibodha [a + palibuddha, pp. of pari + bṛh, see palibujjhati] unobstructed, unhindered, free J.III, 381 (°bodha); Miln.388; DhA.III,198. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 无阻碍的,自由的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】无阻碍的,自由的,没有障碍(没有其他苦恼)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apalikhana
- {'def': '【中】舔掉,刮掉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 舔掉,刮掉(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apalikhati
- {'def': '(apa+likh抓+a), 刮掉,舔掉。apalikhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + likh + a), 刮掉,舔掉。 ~likhi, 【过】。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apalokana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. apaloketi] permission, leave, in °kamma proposal of a resolution, obtaining leave (see kamma I.3) Vin.II,89; IV,152. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 许可,同意。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】许可,同意。apalokana, 【反】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apaloketi
- {'def': '(apa + lok + e), 尊敬,仰望,请求,通知。 ~esi, 【过】。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+lok见+e), 尊敬(to look ahead),仰望(to look before),请求(to be cautious),照料(look after)。apalokesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[BSk. ava-lokayati] 1. to look ahead, to look before, to be cautious, to look after M.I,557 (v. l. for apaciṇāti, where J.V,339 C. has avaloketi); Miln.398. ‹-› 2. to look up to, to obtain permission from (Acc.), to get leave, to give notice of Vin.III,10, 11; IV,226 (anapaloketvā = anāpucchā), 267 (+ āpucchitvā); M.I,337; S.III,95 (bhikkhusaṅghaṁ anapaloketvā without informing the Saṅgha); J.VI,298 (vājānaṁ); DhA.I,67. -- pp. apalokita (q. v.). See also apalokana & °lokin. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalokin
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. avalokin] “looking before oneself”, looking at, cautious Miln.398. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalokita
- {'def': '[pp. of apaloketi; Sk. avalokita] 1. asked permission, consulted S.III,5. -- 2. (nt.) permission, consent, M.I,337 (Nāgâpalokitaṁ apalokesi). -- 3. (nt.) an Ep. of Nibbāna S.IV,370. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Apaloketi的【过分】) 1.尊敬,仰望,请求,通知。2.不崩溃(SA.43.12.-33./III,112.︰Apalujjanatāya apalokitaṁ以不崩溃,为‘不崩溃’。)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apalāleti
- {'def': '(apa+lāl+e), 爱抚,爱。apalālesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + lāl + e), 爱抚,爱。 ~esi, 【过】。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apalāpin
- {'def': 'see apalāsin [Sk. apalāpin “denying, concealing” different]. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalāsin
- {'def': '(adj.) [apaḷāsin; but spelling altogether uncertain. There seems to exist a confusion between the forms apalāyin, apalāpin & apalāsin, owing to freq. miswriting of s, y, p in MSS. (cp. Nd2 introd. p. XIX.). We should be inclined to give apalāsin, as the lectio difficilior, the preference. The expln. at Pug.22 as “yassa puggalassa ayaṁ paḷāso pahīno ayaṁ vuccati puggalo apaḷāsī” does not help us to clear up the etym. nor the vv. ll.] either “not neglectful, pure, clean” (= apalāpin fr. palāsa chaff, cp. apalāyin at J.V,4), or “not selfish, not hard, generous” (as inferred from combn. with amakkhin & amaccharin), or “brave, fearless, energetic” (= apalāyin) D.III,47, cp. Pug.22. See palāsin. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalāyin
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + palāyin] not running away, steadfast, brave, fearless Nd2 13 (abhīru anutrāsin apalāyin as expln. of acchambhin and vīra); J.IV,296; V,4 (where C. gives variant “apalāpinī ti pi pāṭho”, which latter has v. l. apalāsinī & is expld. by C. as palāpa-rahite anavajjasarīre p. 5). See also apalāsin. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apalāyī
- {'def': '【形】不逃的,大胆的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不逃的,大胆的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apalāḷeti
- {'def': '[apa + lāḷeti] to draw over to Vin.I,85. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apamāra
- {'def': '【阳】癫痫症。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. apasmāra] epilepsy Vin.I,93. Cp. apasmāra. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 癫痫症。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apamārika
- {'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. apasmārin] epileptic Vin.IV,8, 10, 11. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apanamati
- {'def': '[semantically doubtful] to go away Sn.1102 (apanamissati, v. l. apalām° & apagam°; expld at Nd2 60 by vajissati pakkhamissati etc. -- pp. apanata (q. v.) ‹-› Caus. apanāmeti. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apanata
- {'def': '[pp. of apanamati] “bent away”, drawn aside, in ster. combn. abhinata + apanata (“strained forth & strained aside” Mrs Rh. D. Kindred S. p. 39) M.I,386; S.I,28. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaneti
- {'def': '[apa + nī] to lead away, take or put away, remove J.I,62, 138; II,4, 155 (aor. apānayi) III,26; Miln.188, 259, 413; PvA.41, 74, 198 (= harati) Sdhp.63. Pass. apanīyati S.I,176. -- pp. apanīta (q. v.). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa + ni + a), 取走,除去。 ~esi, 【过】。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+nī引导+a), 取走,除去( to lead away, take or put away, remove)。apanesi,【过】。pass. apanīyati. pp. apanīta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apanidahati
- {'def': '(apa + ni + dah + a), 藏,隐藏。 ~dahi, 【过】。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+ni+dah放置+a), 藏,隐藏。apanidahi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(& apanidheti) [apa + ni + dhā, cp. Vedic apadhā hiding-place; Sk. apadadhāti = Gr. a)poti(qhmi = Lat. abdo “do away”] to hide, conceal Vin.IV,123 (°dheti, °dheyya, °dhessati); PvA.215 (°dhāya ger.). -- pp. apanihita. -- Caus. apanidhāpeti to induce somebody to conceal Vin.IV,123. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apanihita
- {'def': '[pp. of apanidahati] concealed, in abstr. °ttaṁ (nt.) hiding, concealing, theft PvA.216. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Apanidahati的【过分】) 隐藏。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apanudana
- {'def': '【中】 移掉,驱除。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】移掉,驱除。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '& Apanūdana (nt.) [Sk. apanodana, fr. apanudati] taking or driving away, removal Vin.II,148 = J.I,94 (dukkha°); Sn.252 (id.); PvA.114 (id.). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apanudati
- {'def': '(apa+nud除去+a), 驱赶,驱散。apanudi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '& Apanudeti [apa + nud, cp. Vedic apanudati & Caus. Sk. apanodayati] to push or drive away, remove, dispel; pres. apanudeti Miln.38. aor. apānudi Pv.I,86 (= apanesi PvA.41); II,314 (= avahari aggahesi PvA.86); Dāvs.I,8. ger. apanujja D.II,223. See also der. apanudana. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa + nud + a), 驱赶,驱散。 ~nudi, 【过】。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apanuditar
- {'def': '[n. ag. fr. apanudati, Sk. apanoditṛ] remover, dispeller D.III,148. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apanuditu
- {'def': '【阳】驱除者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 驱除者。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apanāmana
- {'def': '【中】 移开,赶走。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】移开,赶走。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apanāmeti
- {'def': '(apa + nam + e), 驱逐,除去。 ~esi, 【过】。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+nam+e), 驱逐,除去。apanāmesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Caus. fr. apanamati] 1. to take away, remove M.I,96 = A.I,198 (kathaṁ bahiddhā a. carry outside); Kh VIII,4 (= aññaṁ ṭhānaṁ gameti KhA 220). -- 2. [= Sk. ava-namati] to bend down, lower, put down Vin.II,208 (chattaṁ); S.I,226 (id.); J.II,287 (id., v. l. apanetvā); D.I,126 (hatthaṁ, for salute). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apanīta
- {'def': '(apaneti 的【过分】) 已取走,已除去。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apaneti 的【过分】)。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. apanīta, pp. of apa + nī, see apaneti & cp. also onīta = apanīta] taken away or off. removed, dispelled PvA.39. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apanṇṇakatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. of apaṇṇaka] certainty, absoluteness S.IV,351 sq. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apapibati
- {'def': '[apa + pibati] to drink from something J.II,126 (aor. apāpāsi). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apara
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic apara, der. fr. apa with compar. suffix --ra = Idg. *aporos “further away, second”; cp. Gr. a]pwtέrw farther, Lat. aprilis the second month (after March, i. e. April). Goth. afar = after] another, i. e. additional, following, next, second (with pron. inflexion, i. e. Nom. pl. apare) D.III,190 (°pajā another, i. e. future generation); Sn.791, 1089 (n’); J.I,59 (aparaṁ divasaṁ on some day following); III,51 (apare tayo sahāyā “other friends three”, i. e. three friends, cp. similarly Fr. nous autres Franc˚ais); IV,3 (dīpa); PvA.81 (°divase on another day), 226; with other part. like aparo pi D III 128. -- nt. aparaṁ what follows i. e. future state, consequence; future Vin.I,35 (nâparaṁ nothing more); Sn.1092 (much the same as punabbhava, cp. Nd2 61). Cases adverbially; aparaṁ (Acc.) further, besides, also J.I,256; III,278; often with other part. like athâparaṁ & further, moreover Sn.974; and puna c’aparaṁ It.100; Miln.418 (so read for puna ca paraṁ) and passim; aparam pi Vism.9. -- aparena in future D.III,201. -- Repeated (reduplicative formation) aparâparaṁ (local) to & fro J.I,265, 278; PvA.198; (temporal) again and again, off & on J.II,377; Miln.132 VvA.271; PvA.176 (= punappunaṁ).
--anta (aparanta) = aparaṁ, with anta in same function as in cpds. vananta (see anta1 5): (a.) further away, westward J v.471; Miln.292 (janapada). (b.) future D.I,30 (°kappika, cp. DA.I,118); M.II,228 (°ânudiṭṭhi -- thought of the future); S.III,46 (id.). --âpariya (fr. aparâpara) ever-following, successive, continuous, everlasting; used with ref. to kamma J.V,106; Miln.108. --bhāga the future, lit. a later part of time, only in Loc. aparabhāge at a future date, later on J.I,34, 262; IV,1; VvA.66. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【形】 1. 另外的,其他的。 2. 西方的。 ~bhāge (在引文中),然后,后来地。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(‹apa),【形】1.另外的,其他的。2.西方的。aparabhāge(在引文中), 然后,后来地。Nom.pl.apare。with other part.like aparo pi。nt.aparaṁ what follows i.e.future state, consequence; future(nqparaṁ nothing more)(略同punabbhava).Cases adverbially; aparaṁ (Acc.) further, besides; often with other part.like athāparaṁ & further, moreover; and puna c’aparaṁ(puna ca paraṁ) and passim; aparam pi. aparaparena in future.-- Repeated (reduplicative formation) aparāparaṁ (local) to & fro; (temporal) again and again, off & on (= punappunaṁ).%b\xa0\xa0aparanta后际= aparaṁ:(a.) further away, westward. (b.) future (aparakappika); (aparānudiṭṭhi -- thought of the future); aparāpariya (‹aparqpara) ever-following, successive, continuous, everlasting; used with ref.to kamma. aparabhāga the future, lit.a later part of time, only in Loc. aparabhāge at a future date, later on.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Aparaddha
- {'def': '(Aparaṇṇa的【过分】), 1.已有罪。2.已失败。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of aparajjhati] missed (c. Acc.), gone wrong, failed, sinned (against = Loc.) D.I,91, 103, 180; S.I,103 (suddhimaggaṁ); Th.1, 78; Sn.891 (suddhiṁ = viraddha khalita Nd1 300); PvA.195. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Aparajjhati
- {'def': '(apa + radh + ya), 侵犯,犯罪。 ~jjhi, 【过】。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. aparādhyate, apa + rādh] to sin or offend against (c. Loc.) Vin.II,78 = III,161; J.V,68; VI,367; Miln.189; PvA.263. -- pp. aparaddha & aparādhita (q. v.). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa+radh+ya), 侵犯,犯罪。aparajjhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Aparajju
- {'def': '【副】隔天(台语:阆一工lang3 cit8 kang,阆工lang3 kang)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【副】 隔天。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [Sk. apare-dyus] on the foll. day Vin.II,167; S.I,186; Miln.48. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Aparanta
- {'def': '1.尾端。2.未来。3.西方印度的一个国名。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1. 尾端。 2. 未来。 3. 西方印度的一个国家的名字。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Aparapaccaya
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + para + paccaya] not dependent or relying on others Vin.I,12 (vesārajja-ppatta +); D.I,110 (id.); M II 41; M.I,491; S.III,83; DA.I,278 (= nâssa paro paccayo). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Aparappaccaya
- {'def': '【形】 不仰赖他人。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不仰赖他人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Aparaselika
- {'def': 'Aparaseliya m. 西山部, 西山住部 [南方大眾部的一派].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'Aparaseliya m. 西山部, 西山住部 [南方大衆部の一派].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Aparaṇṇa
- {'def': '【中】谷类食品之外的豆种子等(豆类(beans),及其他类似豆类植物(other leguminous plants),如︰mugga(m. 绿豆)、māsa(m. 菜豆)、 tila(n. 芝麻子)、kulattha(m. 双花扁豆)、alābu(n. 长白葫芦), kumbhaṇḍa(m. 南瓜pumpkin)。cf. Vin.IV,35 & DA.I,81)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [apara + aṇṇa = anna] “the other kind of cereal”, prepared or cooked cereals, pulse etc. Opp. to pubbaṇṇa the unprepared or raw corn (= āmakadhañña Vin.IV,265; Vin.III,151 (pubb° +); IV,265, 267; A.IV,108, 112 (tila-mugga-māsā°; opp. sāli-yavaka etc.); Nd2 314 (aparaṇṇaṁ nāma sūpeyyaṁ); J.V,406 (°jā = hareṇukā, pea); Miln.106 (pubbaṇṇa°). See also dhañña & harita. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 谷类食品之外的豆种子 (例:豌豆)。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Aparicchinna
- {'def': '【形】 无限的,不分开的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】无限的,不分开的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apariggahita
- {'def': '【形】 空闲的,未持有的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】空闲的,未持有的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Aparihāniyadhamma
- {'def': '【形】不退法,不衰法,不引起损失或毁灭的法。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Aparimita
- {'def': '【形】无限的,无量的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无限的,无量的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Aparimāṇa
- {'def': '【形】 无限的,不可测量的,无量的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】无限的,不可测量的,无量的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Aparādha
- {'def': '[fr. apa + rādh] sin, fault, offence, guilt J.I,264 (nir°); III,394; IV,495; VvA.69; PvA.87, 116. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】罪过,罪行。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 罪过,罪行。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Aparādhika
- {'def': 'aparādhī,【形】犯罪的,罪犯。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'aparādhī, 【形】 犯罪的,罪犯。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. aparādha, cp. Sk. aparādhin] guilty, offending, criminal J.II,117 (vāja°); Miln.149 (issara°), 189 (aparādhikatā). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Aparādhita
- {'def': '[pp. of aparādheti, Caus. of apa + rādh; cp. aparaddha] transgressed, sinned, failing J.V,26 (so read for aparadh’ito). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Aparājita
- {'def': '【形】不可征服的,不败的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [Vedic aparājita; a + parājita] unconquered Sn.269; J.I,71, 165. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 未征服的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Aparāpariya
- {'def': '【形】 经常跟随的,继承的,连续的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】经常跟随的,继承的,连续的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Aparāyin
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + parāyin, cp. parāyana] having no support J.III,386 (f. °ī; C. appatiṭṭhā appaṭisaraṇā). (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apasakkana
- {'def': '【中】移开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 移开。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apasakkati
- {'def': '(apa + sakk + a), 避开,移动。 ~sakki, 【过】。 ~sakkita,【过分】。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[apa + sakkati] to go away, to go aside J.IV,347 (v. l. for apavattati); VvA.101; PvA.265 (aor. °sakki = apakkami). (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa+sakk+a),避开,移动。apasakki,【过】。apasakkita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apasavya
- {'def': '【中】右边。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 右边。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [apa + savya] right (i. e. not left), contrary Ud.50 (T. has niṭṭhubhitvā abyāmato karitvā; vv. ll. are apabhyāmāto, abhyāmato & C. apasabyāmato), where C. expls. apasabyāmato karitvā by apasabyaṁ katvā, “which latter corresponds in form but not in meaning to Sk. apasavyaṁ karoti to go on the right side” (Morris J P T S. 1886, 127). -- See apavyāma. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apasmāra
- {'def': '【阳】癫痫症。参考 apamāra。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. apasmāra, lit. want of memory, apa + smṛ] epilepsy, convulsion, fit J.IV,84. Cp. apamāra. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '参考 apamāra。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apassanto
- {'def': 'etc. see passati. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apassaya
- {'def': '【阳】1.支援。2.垫子。3.枕头。apassayika,【形】躺在。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. apāśraya, fr. apasseti] 1. support, rest ThA.258. -- 2. bed, bolster, mattress, in kaṇṭak° a mattress of thorns, a bolster filled with thorns (as cushion for asceties) M.I,78; J I 493; III,235. --sâppassaya with a head rest J.IV,299.
--pīṭhaka a chair with a head-rest J.III,235. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 1. 支援。 2. 垫子。 3. 枕头。 ~yika, 【形】 躺在。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apassayika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. apassaya; cp. Sk. apāśrayin --°] reclining on, in kaṇṭaka° one who lies on a bed of thorns (see kaṇṭaka) M.I,78; J.IV,299 (v. l, kaṇḍikesayika); Pug.55. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apassena
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. apasseti] a rest, support, dependence M.III,127 (°ka); D.III,224 (cattāri apassenāni); as adj. caturâpassena one who has the fourfold support viz. saṅkhāy’ekaṁ paṭisevati, adhivāseti, parivajjeti, vinodeti A.V,30.
--phalaka (cp. Morris J.P.T.S. 1884, 71) a bolsterslab, head-rest Vin.I,48; II,175, 209. Apahatar [n. ag. to apaharati] one who takes away or removes, destroyer M I 447 = Kvu 528. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apassena-phalaka
- {'def': '【中】 垫板。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】垫板。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apasseti
- {'def': 'apassayati (apa+si眠﹑卧+e 或 aya), 倚靠,仰赖。apassayi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. apāśrayati, apa + ā + sri] to lean against, have a support in (Acc.), to depend on. -- 1. (lit.) lean against Vin.II,175 (bhitti apassetabbo the wall to be used as a head-rest). -- 2. (fig.) mostly in ger. apassāya dependent upon, depending on, trusting in (Loc. or Acc. or --°) Vin.III,38; J.I,214; PvA.189. -- pp. apassita (q. v.). -- See also avasseti. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'apassayati (apa + si + e 或 aya), 倚靠,仰赖。 ~sayi, 【过】。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apassita
- {'def': '(Apasseti的【过分】), 已倚靠,已仰赖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of apasseti] 1. leaning against J.II,69 (tālamūlaṁ = nissāya ṭhita C.). -- 2. depending on, trusting in (c. Acc. or Loc.) Vv 101 (parâgāraṁ = nissita VvA.101); J.IV,25 (balamhi = balanissita). See also avassita. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apasāda
- {'def': '[fr. apa + sad] putting down, blame, disparagement M.III,230. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apasādana
- {'def': '【中】蔑视。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 蔑视。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apasādeti
- {'def': '[Caus. of apa + sad] 1. to refuse, decline Vin.IV,213, 263; J.V,417 (= uyyojeti). -- 2. to depreciate, blame, disparage Vin.III,101; M.III,230 (opp. ussādeti); DA.I,160. -- pp. apasādita (q. v.). (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa + sad + e), 轻视,衰退,贬损。 ~esi, 【过】。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+sad坐+e), 轻视,衰退,贬损。apasādesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apasādita
- {'def': '(Apasādita的【过分】) 轻视,衰退,贬损。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of apasādeti] blamed, reproached, disparaged S.II,219; SnA 541. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apatacchika
- {'def': 'only in khārāpatācch° (q. v.) a kind of torture. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apatha
- {'def': '【阳】迷途,邪道。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 迷途,邪道。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apattha
- {'def': '1 (adj.) [Sk. apāsta, pp. of apa + as2] thrown away Dh.149 (= chaḍḍita DhA.III,112). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 2nd pl. pret. of pāpunāti (q. v.). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apatthaddha
- {'def': '【形】不傲慢的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不傲慢的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apatthaṭa
- {'def': '【形】 未铺开的。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '= avatthaṭa covered Th.1, 759. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】未铺开的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apatthita
- {'def': '& Apatthiya,【形】不应该被期望的。see pattheti(pa+atth+e), 热望,渴望。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '& Apatthiya see pattheti. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apatthiya
- {'def': '【形】 不应该被期望的。(p26)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apavadati
- {'def': '(apa+vad说+a), 责备,责怪。apavadi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apa + vad + a), 责备,责怪。 ~vadi, 【过】。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[apa + vadati] to reproach, reprove, reject, despise D.I,122 (= paṭikkhipati DA.I,290); S.V,118 (+ paṭikkosati). (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apavagga
- {'def': '[Sk. apavarga] completion, end, final delivery, Nibbāna; in phrase saggâpavagga Dāvs II.62; III,75. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】最后引渡,结束。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 最后引渡,结束。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apavahati
- {'def': '[apa + vahati] to carry or drive away; Caus. apavāheti to remove, give up Miln.324 (kaddamaṁ). (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apavattati
- {'def': '[apa + vṛt, cp. Lat. āverto] to turn away or aside, to go away J.IV,347 (v. l. apasakkati). (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaviddha
- {'def': '[pp. of apavijjhati, Vedic apa + vyadh] thrown away, rejected, discarded, removed S.I,202; III,143; Sn.200 (susānasmiṁ = chaḍḍita SnA 250); Th.1, 635 = Dh.292 (= chaḍḍita DhA.III,452); Pv III,82 (susānasmiṁ; so read for T. apaviṭṭha); J.I,255; III,426; YI.90 (= chaḍḍita C.). Sdhp.366. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apavijjhati 的【过分】, Vedic apa + vyadh), 已丢弃,已拒绝(thrown away, rejected, discarded, removed)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(apavijjhati 的【过分】), 已丢弃,已拒绝。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apavijjhati
- {'def': '丢弃,拒绝。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apaviyūhati
- {'def': 'see appabbūhati. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaviṇāti
- {'def': 'is probably misreading for apaciṇāti (see apac° 2). As v. l. at J.V,339 (anapavinanto) for T. anupacinanto (expld. by avaloketi C.). Other vv. ll. are anuvi° & apavī°; meaning “not paying attention”. The positive form we find as apavīṇati “to take care of, to pay attention to” (c. Acc.) at M.I,324, where Trenckner unwarrantedly assumes a special root veṇ (see Notes p. 781), but the vv. ll. to this passage (see M. I.557) with apavīṇāti and apacinati confirm the reading apaciṇāti, as does the gloss apaloketi. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaviṭṭha
- {'def': 'at Pv III 82 is to be read apaviddha (q. v.). (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apavyāma
- {'def': '[apa + vyāma] disrespect, neglect, in phrase apayvāmato (apaby°) karoti to treat disrespectfully, to insult, defile S.I,226 (v. l. abyāmato; C. expls. apabyāmato karitvā abyāmato katvā); Kvu 472 (vv. ll. asabyākato, abyāto, apabyāto; Kvu trsl. 270 n. 1 remarks: “B. trsl.: abyāsakato. The Burmese scholar U. Pandi, suggests we should read apabyākato, by which he understands blasphemously”; it is here combd. with niṭṭhubhati, as at DhA.II,36); DhA.II,36 (“want of forbearance” Ed.; doubtful reading; vv. ll. appabyāyakamma & apasāma). For further detail see apasavya. (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apavāda
- {'def': '【阳】 责备,责怪,挑剔。(p27)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】责备,责怪,挑剔。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apavīṇati
- {'def': 'see apaviṇāti (= apaciṇāti). (Page 53)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apayāna
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. apayāna, fr. apayāti] going away, retreat D.I,9 (opp. upa°); DA.I,95. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apayāti
- {'def': '[Sk. apayāti, apa + yā] to go away J.VI,183 (apāyāti metri causa; expld. by C. as apagacchati palāyati). -- Caus. apayāpeti [Sk. apayāpayati] to make go, drive away, dismiss M.III,176; S.II,119. (Page 52)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apa°
- {'def': '[Vedic apa; Idg. *apo = Gr. a]pό, Av. apa, Lat. ab from *ap (cp. aperio); Goth. af, Ger. ab, Ags. E. of. ‹-› A compar. form fr. apa is apara “further away”] Welldefined directional prefix, meaning “away from, off”. Usually as base-prefix (except with ā), & very seldom in compn. with other modifying prefixes (like sam, abhi etc.). ‹-› 1. apa = Vedic apa (Idg. *apo): apeti to go away = Gr. a)/peimi, Lat. abeo, Goth. afiddja; apeta gone away, rid; °kaḍḍhati to draw away, remove; °kamati walk away; °gacchati go away; °nidhāti put away (= a)potiqhmi, abdo); °nudati push away; °neti lead away; °vattati turn away (= āverto); °sakkati step aside; °harati take away. ‹-› 2. apa = Vedic ava (Idg. *aue; see ava for details). There exists a widespread confusion between the two preps. apa & ava, favoured both by semantic (apa = away, ava = down, cp. E. off) & phonetic affinity (p softened to b, esp. in BB Mss., & then to v, as b › v is frequent, e. g. bya° › vya° etc.). Thus we find in Pāli apa where Vedic and later literary Sk. have ava in the foll. instances: apakanti, °kassati, °kirati, °gata, °cāra, °jhāyati, °thaṭa, °dāna, °dhāreti, °nata, °nāmeti, °nīta, °lekhana, °loketi, °vadati. (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaññaka
- {'def': '(adj.) = apañña, ignorant Dpvs VI,29. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaṅga
- {'def': '(apānga) [Sk. apāṅga] the outer corner of the eye J.III,419 (asitâpaṅgin black-eyed); IV,219 (bahi°). Spelt avaṅga at Vin.II,267, where the phrase avaṅgaṁ karoti, i. e. expld. by Bdhgh. ibid p. 327 as “avaṅgadese adhomukhaṁ lekhaṁ karonti”. According to Kern, Toev. 20, Bdhgh’s expln is not quite correct, since avaṅga stands here in the meaning of “a coloured mark upon the body” (cp. PW. apāṅga). (Page 50)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaṇṇaka
- {'def': '【形】 真实的,无错误的,无缺点的。(p25)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】真实的,无错误的,无缺点的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + paṇṇaka; see paṇṇaka; Weber Ind. Str. III,150 & Kuhn, Beitr. p. 53 take it as *a-praśna-ka] certain, true, absolute M.I,401, 411; A.V,85, 294, 296; J.I,104 (where expld as ekaṁsika aviruddha niyyānika). (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apaṭṭhapeti
- {'def': '[Caus. fr. apa-tiṭṭhati, cp. Sk. apa + sthā to stand aloof] to put aside, leave out, neglect J.IV,308; V,236. (Page 51)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apekkha
- {'def': 'apekkhaka, apekkhī,【形】顾及,在意,找寻,人选。Apekkha,【阳】期待,期待者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [= apekkhā] waiting for, looking for S.I,122 (otāra°). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'apekkhaka, apekkhī, 【形】 等候,找寻,人选,期待者。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apekkhana
- {'def': '【中】Apekkhā,【阴】希望,欲望,期望。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】Apekkhā, 【阴】希望,欲望,期望。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apekkhati
- {'def': '1. [Sk. apīkṣate, apa + īkṣ] to desire, long for, look for, expect Sn.435 (kāme n’âpekkhate cittaṁ), 773 (ppr. apekkhamāna); J.IV,226 (id.); Dhs.A 365. anapekkhamāna paying no attention to (Acc.) Sn.59; J.V,359. ‹-› 2. [Sk. avīkṣate, ava + īkṣ; see avekkḥati] to consider, refer to, look at, ger. apekkhitvā (cp. Sk. avīkṣya) with reference to VvA.13. -- pp. apekkhita (q. v.). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apa + ikkh + a), 渴望,期待。~khi,【过】。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+ikkh(梵īks)见+a), 渴望,期待。apekkhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apekkhavant
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. apekkhā] full of longing or desire, longing, craving Vin.IV,214; S.III,16; Th.1, 558; J.V,453 (= sataṇha); SnA. 76. (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apekkhin
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. apekṣin, but B.Sk. avekṣin, e.g. Jtm 215; fr. apa + īkṣ] considering, regarding, expecting, looking for; usually neg. an° indifferent (against) = Loc.) S.I,16, 77; II,281; III,19, 87; Sn.166 (kāmesu), 823 (id.), 857; Dh.346. Cp. apekkhavant. (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apekkhita
- {'def': '(apekkhati 的【过分】)。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[pp. of apekkhati] taken care of, looked after, considered J.VI,142, 149 (= olokita C.). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(apekkhati 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apekkhā
- {'def': '& Apekhā (f.) [Sk. apekṣā, fr. apa + īkṣ. The spelling is either kkh or kh, they are both used promiscuously, a tendency towards kh prevailing, as in upekhā, sekha] attention, regard, affection for (Loc.); desire, longing for (c. Loc.) S.I,77; III,132; V,409 (mātā-pitusu); Vin.IV,214; Sn.38 (= vuccati taṇhā etc. Nd2 65; = taṇhā sineha SnA 76); J.I,9, 141; Th.1, 558; Dh.345 (puttesu dāresu ca = taṇhā DhA.IV,56); Dhs.1059, 1136 (= ālayakaraṇa-vasena apekkhatī ti apekkhā Dhs.A 365, cp. Dhs.trsl. 279). Freq. as adj. (-°or in combn. with sa° and an°), viz. Vin.III,90 (visuddha°); S.I,122 (otara°); sa° A.III,258, 433; IV,60 sq.; an° without consideration, regardless, indifferent S.V,164; A.III,252, 347, 434; Sn.200 (anapekkhā honti ñātayo); J.I,9. Cp. anapekkhin & apekkhavant; also B.Sk. avekṣatā. (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apesiya
- {'def': '(nt.) [? of uncertain origin] a means of barring a door Vin.II,154 (Bdhgh. explns on p. 321: apesī ti dīghadārumhi khāṇuke pavesetvā kaṇḍaka-sākhāhi vinandhitvā kataṁ dvāra-tthakanakaṁ). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apesiyamāna
- {'def': '(adj.) [ppr. fr. a + peseti (q. v.)] not being in service Vin.II,177. (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apeta
- {'def': '(apeti 的【过分】), 已走开,已免除,已没有。 ~tta, 【中】 缺席。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apeti 的【过分】), 已走开,已免除,已没有。apetatta,【中】缺席。DhpA.v.41.︰“bhikkhu ayaṁ tava kāyo apetaviññāṇo nirupakāro hutvā kaliṅgaraṁ viya pathaviyaṁ sessatī”ti.(人死后,这身体无意识,将卧在地上,就像朽木一样。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of apeti] gone away; (med.) freed of, rid of, deprived of (Instr., Abl. or °-) Dh.9 (damasaccena); PvA.35 (dukkhato); usually °- in sense of “without, --less”, e. g. apeta-kaddama free from mud, stainless Dh.95; °vattha without dress J.V,16; °viññāṇa without feeling, senseless Dh.41; Th.2, 468; °viññāṇattaṁ senselessness, lack of feeling PvA.63. (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apetatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. to apeta] absence (of) PvA.92. (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apeti
- {'def': '(apa + i + a), 走开,消失。 apesi, 【过】。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(apa+i+a), 走开,消失。apesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[apa + i, cp. Gr. a]/peimi, Lat. abeo, Goth. af-iddja] to go away, to disappear D.I,180 (upeti pi apeti pi); J.I,292; Sn.1143 (= n’apagacchanti na vijahanti Nd2 66). -- pp. apeta (q. v.). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apetteyyatā
- {'def': '(f.) [a + petteyyatā, abstr. fr. *paitṛya fatherly] in combn. with amatteyyatā irreverence against father and mother D.III,70 (cp. Dh.332 & DhA.IV,34). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】不孝父亲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 不尊敬父亲。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Apetthekacco
- {'def': '(api+ettha这里+ekacco某个)﹐於兹某个。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apeyya
- {'def': '【形】不可饮的,不应该喝的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不可饮的,不应该喝的。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + peyya, grd. of pā] not to be drunk, not drinkable J.VI,205 (sāgara). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Aphala
- {'def': '【形】不结果的,徒然的,无用的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不结果的,徒然的,无用的。(p29)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Aphassita
- {'def': '【形】不接触的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不接触的。(p29)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Aphegguka
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + pheggu + ka] not weak, i. e strong J.III,318. (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Aphusa
- {'def': '[Sk. *aspṛśya, a + grd. of phusati to touch] not to be touched Miln.157 (trsl. unchangeable by other circumstances; Tr. on p. 425 remarks “aphusāni kiriyāni seems wrong, at any rate it is unintelligible to me”). (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Aphāsu
- {'def': '【形】 不安的,不自在,困难的,麻烦的。 ~ka, 【中】 疾病。(p29)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不安的,不自在,困难的,麻烦的。aphāsuka,【中】疾病。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Api
- {'def': '(Sk. api & pi),【无】然后,那么,即使( “close by”, then as prep. “towards, to, on to, on” and as adv. “later, and, moreover”) (台语:若准na7 cun2,著算tioh8 sng3)。api ratte﹐稍后,在晚上(later on in the night)。apidhāna﹐穿上、戴上(putting on to)。apiḷahati﹐绑上、束缚(bind on to)。apihita﹐穿上、戴上(put on to)。apica(api ca), 但是,此外,还有(further, and also, moreover)。apica kho(=api ca kho), 可是,但是(moreover, and yet, still, all the same)。apinu, 疑问式语气(so much so)。apināma, 如果 (我们) 可能。apissu, 甚至於。app’eva nāma(api + eva nāma), 或许。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(indecl.) [Sk. api & pi; Idg. *epi *pi *opi; cp. Gr. e]/pi on to, o]/pi (o)/piqen behind, o]piζsa back = close at one’s heels); Lat. ob. in certain functions; Goth. iftuma. ‹-› The assimil. form before vowels is app° (= Sk. apy°). See further details under pi.] both prep. & conj., orig. meaning “close by”, then as prep. “towards, to, on to, on” and as adv. “later, and, moreover”. -- 1 (prep. & pref.) (a) prep. c. Loc.: api ratte later on in the night (q. v.) -- (b) pref.: apidhāna putting on to; apiḷahati bind on to, apihita (= Gr. e)piqetόs, epithet) put on to, (q. v.). -- 2. (conj. & part.). (a) in affirmative sentences meaning primarily “moreover, further, and then, even”: -- (a) (single) prothetic: api dibbesu kāmesu even in heavenly joys Dh.187; ko disvā na pasīdeyya api kaṇhâbhijātiko even an unfortunate-born Sn.563 api yojanāni gacchāma, even for leagues we go Pv IV.107 (= anekāni yojanāni pi g. PvA.270. Epithetic (more freq. in the form pi): muhuttam api even a little while Dh.106, 107; aham api daṭṭhukāmo I also wish to see Sn.685. Out of prothetic use (= even = even if) develops the conditional meaning of “if”, as in api sakkuṇemu (and then we may = if we may) J.V,24 (c. = api nāma sakkuṇeyyāma; see further under b app’eva nāma). -- api-api in correlation corresponds to Lat. et-et Sk ca-ca, meaning both . . . and, and . . . as well as, & is esp. freq. in combn. app’ekacce . . . app’ekacce (and) some . . . and others, i. e. some . . . others [not with Kern Toev. s. v. to appa!], e. g. at D.I,118; Th.2, 216; VvA.208, etc. --app’ekadā “morever once” = sometimes Vin.IV,178; S.I,162; IV,111; J.I,67; DhA.III,303, etc. -- (b) (in combn with other emphatic or executive particles) api ca further, and also, moreover D.I,96; Miln.25, 47. --api ca kho moreover, and yet, still, all the same It.89 (+ pana v. l.); Miln.20, 239. --api ca kho pana all the same, never mind, nevertheless J.I,253. --api ssu so much so Vin.II,76. --app’eva nāma (with pot.) (either) surely, indeed, yes, I reckon, (or) I presume, it is likely that, perhaps Vin.I,16 (surely); II,85 (id.); cp. pi D.I,205 (sve pi upasaṁkameyyāma tomorrow I shall surely come along), 226 (siyā thus shall it be); M.I,460 = It.89 (moreover, indeed); J.I,168 (surely) Vin.II,262 (perhaps) J.V,421 (id., piyavācaṁ labheyyāma). -- (b) in interrog.-dubit. sentences as part. of interrog. (w. indic. or pot.) corresponding to Lat. nonne, i e. awaiting an affirmative answer (“not, not then”): api Yasaṁ kulaputtaṁ passeyya do you not see . . . Vin.I,16; api samaṇa balivadde addasā have you not then seen . . . S.I,115; api kiñci labhāmase shall we then not get anything? J.III,26; api me pitaraṁ passatha do you then not see my father? PvA.38. -- Also combd. with other interr. part. e. g. api nu J. II.415. (Page 54)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【无】 与,即使,然后。 ~ca, 但是,此外。 ~ca kho, 可是,但是。 ~nu, 疑问式语气。 ~nāma, 如果 (我们) 可能。 ~ssu, 甚至于。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Api-
- {'def': '﹐【字首】在。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Apidahati
- {'def': '[api + dhā, cp. Gr. e)piti(qhmi] to put on (see api 1 b), to cover up, obstruct, J.V,60 (inf. apidhetuṁ). pp. apihita, Pass. apithīyati, Der. apidhāna (q. v.). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apidhāna
- {'def': '【中】 盖子。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】盖子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Vedic apidhāna in same meaning] cover, lid Vin.I,203, 204; II,122. See apidahati. (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apiha
- {'def': 'apihālu, 【形】 不贪婪的。(p28)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'apihālu,【形】不贪婪的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [apihālu? a + piha, uncertain origin, see next. Morris J.P.I,S. 1886 takes it as a + spṛha] “unhankering” (Mrs Rh. D.) S I 181 (+ akaṅkha; v. l. BB asita). (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Apihita
- {'def': '[pp. of apidahati] covered J.IV,4. (Page 55)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}