- Diva
{'def': '[Sk. diva (nt.), weak base diǔ (div) of strong form dịē (see deva) to *deịeǔo to shine; cp. Sk. dyo heaven, divā adv. by day; Lat. biduum (bi-divom) two days] (a) heaven J.IV,134 (°ṁ agā); V,123 (°ṁ patta); PvA.74 (°ṁ gata). -- (b) day Sn.507 (rattindivaṁ night & day); VvA.247 (rattindiva one night & one day, i. e. 24 hrs.); DhA.II,8 (divā-divassa so early in the day). Also in divaṁ-kara, daymaker,=sun, VvA.307; usually as divākara (q. v.). Cp. devasika; see also ajja.
--santatta heated for a whole day J.IV,118 (cp. divasa°) (Page 322)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】天堂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 天堂。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Divasa
{'def': '(m; nt. only in expression satta divasāni 7 days or a week J.IV,139; Miln.15) [Sk. divasa; see diva] a day A.I,206 (°ṁ atināmeti); J.III,52 (uposatha°); PvA.31 (yāva sattadivasā a week long), 74 (sattamo divaso). Usually in oblique cases adverbially, viz. Acc. divasaṁ (during) one day, for one day, one day long A.III,304= IV.317; J.I,279; II,2; DhA.III,173 (taṁ d. that day); eka° one day J.I,58; III,26; PvA.33, 67. -- Gen. divasassa (day) by day S.II,95 (rattiyā ca d. ca); J.V,162; DA.I,133. -- Instr. divasā day by day J.IV,310; divasena (eka°) on the same day J.I,59; sudivasena on a lucky day J.IV,210. -- Loc. divase on a day: eka° J.III,391; jāta° on his birth-day J.III,391; IV,138; dutiya° the next day PvA.12, 13, 17, 31, 80 etc.; puna° id. J.I,278; PvA.19, 38; sattame d. on the 7th day Sn.983; Miln.15; PvA.6; ussava° on the festive d. VvA.109; apara° on another day PvA.81. Also repeated divase divase day after day, every day J.I,87; PvA.3. ‹-› Abl. divasato from the day (-°) J.I,50; DA.I,140.
--kara the “day-maker,” i. e. the sun (cp. divākara) VvA.169, 271; --bhāga the day-part (opp. ratti° the night-part), day-time Miln.18 (°ena); PvA.152 (°ṁ), 206 (°e=divā); --santatta heated the livelong day S.I,169; M.I,453; A.IV,70, cp. Vin.I,225; Miln.325; cp. diva° (Page 322)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】白天,日子。divasakara,【阳】太阳。divasabhāga,【阳】白天。Ravivāro﹐星期日(日语:日曜日)。Candavāro﹐星期一(日语:月曜日)。Kujavāro﹐星期二(日语:火曜日)。Budhavāro ﹐星期三(日语:水曜日)。Guruvāro﹐星期四(日语:木曜日)。Sukkavāro﹐星期五(日语:金曜日)。Sanivro﹐星期六(日语:土曜日)。【反】ratti(晚上)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 日子。 ~kara, 【阳】 太阳。 ~bhāga, 【阳】 白天。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Divilla
- {'def': 'a musical instrument Dpvs XVI,14. (Page 322)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diviya
- {'def': 'divya, 【形】 参考 Dibba。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'divya,【形】天神的,天国的。参考 Dibba。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Divi°
- {'def': 'an abstraction fr. divya constructed for etym. expln of dibba as divi-bhava (°bhāva) of divine existence or character, a divine being, in “divi-bhavāni divyāni ettha atthī ti divyā” SnA 219; “divi-bhavattā dibbā ti” KhA 227; “divibhāvaṁ devattabhāvapariyāpanno ti dibbo” PvA.14. (Page 322)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Divya
- {'def': '[Sk. divya; the verse-form for the prose-form dibba (q. v.)] (adj.) divine Sn.153 (cp. SnA 219 under divi°), 524 (+mānusaka); J.VI,172. -- (nt.) the divinity, a divine being (=devatā) J.VI,150; SnA 219. (Page 323)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Divā
- {'def': '【无】 日子,在白天。 ~kara, 【阳】 太阳。 ~ṭhāna, 【中】 在白天度过日子的地方。 ~vihāra, 【阳】 在热天的休息。 ~seyyā, 【阴】 在正午的卧倒,午睡。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【无】日子,在白天。divākara,【阳】太阳。divāṭhāna,【中】在白天度过日子的地方。divāvihāra,【阳】在热天的休息。divāseyyā,【阴】在正午的卧倒,午睡。taṁdivasaṁ, 当日。divādivassa(=divā divassa), 大清早(so early in the day)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adv.) [Ved. divā, cp. diva] by day S.I,183; M.I,125; Dh.387; DA.I,251; PvA.43, 142, 206 (=divasa-bhāge). Often combd & contrasted with rattiṁ (or ratto) by night; e. g. divārattiṁ by day & by night S.I,47; divā c’eva rattiñ ca D.II,20; rattim pi divā pi J.II,133; divā ca ratto ca S.I,33; Sn.223; Dh.296; Vv 314; VvA.128. -- divātaraṁ (compar. adv.) later on in the day M.I,125; J.III,48, 498. -- atidivā too late S.I,200; A.III,117.
--kara (=divaṁ kara) the day-maker, the sun ThA.70 (=Ap. V.16); PvA.155; --divassa (adv.) early in the day, at sunrise, at an early hour Vin.II,190; S.I,89, 91, 97; A.V,185; M.II,100, 112; J.II,1; VI,31; DhA.II,8; VvA.239, 242; --vihāra the day-rest, i. e. rest during the heat of the day Vin.I,28, S.I,129, 132, 146, 193=Th.1, 1241; Sn.679; --saññā consciousness by day, daily c. D.III,223=A.II,45; --seyyā=°vihāra D.I,112. (Page 322)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diyaḍḍha
- {'def': '【阳】 一又二分之一 (1½)。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】一又二分之一 (1 1/2)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Diyaḍḍhasata
- {'def': '【中】一百五十(diyaḍḍha一又二分之一,sata百。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Di°
- {'def': 'secondary base of numeral “2,” contracted fr. dvi: see under dvi B I.4. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diṇṇa
- {'def': '[Sk. dīrṇa, pp. of dṛ, dṛṇāti, see darī] broken, split, undone, torn, as neg. adiṇṇa unbroken D.I,115 (so read for ādina-khattiya-kula; v. l. BB. abhinna°); S.V,74 (so read for ādīna-mānaso, v. l. BB. adinā & SS ādina°). Cp. also ādiṇṇa. (Page 321)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diṭṭha
- {'def': '2 [Sk. dviṣṭa, pp. of dveṣṭi dviṣ to hate] (n.) an enemy J.I,280; cp. Sk. dviṣat. -- (adj.) poisoned, in diṭṭhagatena sallena with a p. arrow S.II,230; misreading for diddh-agadena, q. v. The Cy. has diddhagatena with v. l. dibba-gadena. (Page 321)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(passati 的【过分】), 已看。 【中】 视觉。 ~dhamma,【阳】 这个世界。 【形】 见法(领悟真理的人)。 ~dhammika, 【形】属于这个世界的。 ~maṅgalika, 【形】 信仰看到的吉兆事物的人。~sansandana, 【中】 到 com 剥在被看到或已知的事物上的视野。~anugati, 【阴】 效法所看到的。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(passati 的【过分】), 已看。【中】视觉。diṭṭhadhamma,【阳】这个世界。【形】见法(领悟真理的人)。diṭṭhadhammika,【形】这个世界的。diṭṭhamaṅgalika,【形】信仰看到的吉兆事物的人。diṭṭhasansandana,【中】比较在被看到或已知的事物上的视野。diṭṭhanugati,【阴】效法所看到的。diṭṭhadhamma-nibbāna-vāda﹐现在生涅盘论(认为在现世就可以获得涅盘的说法)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Sk. dṛṣṭa, pp. of *dassati] 1. seen; a° not seen D.I,222 (a°+avedita asacchikata); M.I,3 sq. (diṭṭhaṁ diṭṭhato sañjānāti); Sn.147 (diṭṭhā vā ye vā addiṭṭhā), 995 (na me diṭṭho ito pubbe na ssuto . . . Satthā); J.II,154; III,278; Pv.I,23 (sāmaṁ d.=seen by yourself); 33 (id.). -- nt. diṭṭhaṁ a vision J.III,416. -- Since sight is the principal sense of perception as well as of apperception (cp. cakkhu), that which is seen is the chief representation of any sense-impression, & diṭṭha combd with suta (heard) and muta (sensed by means of smell, taste & touch), to which viññāta (apperceived by the mind) is often joined, gives a complete analysis of that which comprises all means of cognition & recognition. Thus diṭṭha+suta stands collectively for the whole series Sn.778, 812, 897, 1079; Pv IV.13; diṭṭha suta muta (see Nd2 298 for detail & cp. diṭṭhiyā sutiyā ñāṇena) Sn.790, 901, 914, 1082, 1086, 1122 (na tuyhaṁ adiṭṭhaṁ asutaṁ amutaṁ kiñcanaṁ atthi=you are omniscient); d. suta muta viññāta in the same sense as Sn.1122 in “yaṁ sadevakassa lokassa d. s. m. v. sabbaṁ taṁ Tathāgatena abhisambuddhaṁ” of the cognitive powers of the Tathāgata D.III,134=Nd2 276= It.121; D.III,232; Sn.1086, 1122. -- 2. known, understood M.I,486; Sn.761; diṭṭha pañha a problem or question solved J.VI,532. See also conclusion of No. 1. -- 3. (adj.) visible, determined by sight, in conn. with dhamma meaning the visible order of things, the world of sensation, this world (opp. samparāyika dhamma the state after death, the beyond). Usually in cpds. (-°): of this world, in this world. -- diṭṭhadhamma Vin.II,188; D.III,222 sq.; A.I,249; II,61; Nd2 297 (=ñātadhamma); DA.I,278; Sdhp.470. -- °abhinibbuta attained to Nibbāna in this birth A.I,142; Sn.1087 (see Nibbāna); °nibbāna earthly N. D.I,36; DA.I,121; °sukhavihāra (& °in) happy condition (or faring well) in this world Vin.II,188; M.I,40, 331, 459; S.II,239; Dhs.577, 1283; DhsA.296; °vedanīya to be perceived in this condition A.I,249, 251; PvA.145. -- Freq. in Loc. diṭṭhe dhamme (in this world) It.17 (attha, opp. samparāyika attha), or diṭṭhe va dhamme (already or even in the present existence) D.I,156, 167, 177, 196; III,108; M.I,341 sq., 485; II,94, 103; A.II,155, 167; III,429; Sn.141, 343, 1053; It.22, 23, etc. -- In the same sense diṭṭhadhammika (adj.) belonging or referring to this world or the present existence, always contrasted with samparāyika belonging to a future state: Vin.I,179; III,21; D.III,130; A.I,47, 98; Nd2 26; It.16; VvA.149; PvA.131, etc.
--ânugati imitation of what one sees, emulation, competition S.II,203; M.I,16; A.I,126; III,108, 251, 422; Pug.33; DhA.IV,39; --āvikamma making visible or clear, open statement, confession Vin.V,183, 187 sq.; --kāla the time of seeing (anybody), opportunity VvA.120; --ppatta one who has obtained (Nibbāna) in this world Nett 190; --padā (pl.) visible signs or characteristics A.IV,103; --maṅgalika (adj.) of puccha, a question concerning visible omina. J.IV,390; as °ikā (f.) Np at J.IV,376 sq.= SnA 185 sq. --saṁsandana Nd2 447=DhsA.55. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diṭṭhadhamma
- {'def': '﹐见法(领悟真理的人)。见法者的自述:《增支部》A.6.16./III,297.作:Yāvatā kho, gahapati, tassa Bhagavato sāvikā gihī odātavasanā imasmiṁ dhammavinaye 1ogādhappattā 2patigādhappattā 3assāsappattā 4tiṇṇavicikicchā 5vigatakathaṁkathā 6vesārajjappattā 7aparappaccayā Satthusāsane viharanti, ahaṁ tāsaṁ aññatarā. (长者!至於彼世尊之白衣在家女弟子当中,於此法律中,1已潜入、2已立足、3已汲取、4已度疑、5离犹豫、6得无畏、7不入异缘而住(大)师之教中者,我是其中之一。)(参见AA.CS:p.3.97;Aṭ.CS:p.3.97)。《增支部》A.6.97./III,441说证预流果有六种胜利:1正法决定(saddhamma-niyato),2不退法(aparihāna-dhammo),3作彼(生死之)边际苦(pariyantakatassa dukkhaṁ即灭尽苦),4(於异生)成就不共通之智(asādhāraṇena ñāṇena samannāgato),5又彼善见其因(hetu cassa sudiṭṭho),6又(见)诸法由因生(hetusamuppannā ca dhammā)。《瑜伽师地论》说见法者得十种胜利。一者、於四圣谛已善见,说名见法。二者、 随获一种沙门果,说名得法。三者、知法。於己所证,能自了知,我今已尽所有那落迦(niraya地狱)、傍生、饿鬼(此境界必须要省察智才能省察)。四者、得四证净(四不坏净),於佛、法、僧如实知,名遍坚法。五者、於自所证无惑。六者、於他所证无疑。七者、宣说圣谛相应教时,不藉他缘。八者、不观他面,不看他口,於此正法、毘奈耶(Vinaya律)中,一切他论所不能转。九者、记别一切所证解脱,都无所畏。十者、由二因缘,随入圣教,谓正世俗及第一义故。(T30.778.3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Diṭṭhadhammasukhavihāranti
- {'def': 'diṭṭhadhammasukhavihāro nāma āraññikasseva labbhati, no gāmantavāsino. Gāmantasmiñhi vasanto dārakasaddaṁ suṇāti, asappāyarūpāni passati, asappāye sadde suṇāti, tenassa anabhirati uppajjati. āraññiko pana gāvutaṁ vā aḍḍhayojanaṁ vā atikkamitvā araññaṁ ajjhogāhetvā vasanto dīpibyagghasīhādīnaṁ sadde suṇāti, yesaṁ savanapaccayā amānusikāsavanarati uppajjati.(现法乐住:)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Diṭṭhaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [=diṭṭha1] seen, visible, apparent DhA.II,53, 90. (Page 321)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diṭṭhi
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. dṛṣṭi; cp. dassana] view, belief, dogma, theory, speculation, esp. false theory, groundless or unfounded opinion. -- (a) The latter is rejected by the Buddha as pāpa° (A.IV,172) and pāpikā d. (opp. bhaddikā: A.V,212 sq.; It.26): Vin.I,98, 323; Dh.164; Pv IV.354; whereas the right, the true, the best doctrine is as sammā d. the first condition to be complied with by anyone entering the Path. As such the sammā d. is opposed to micchā d. wrong views or heresy (see b). Equivalent with micchā d. is kudiṭṭhi (late) Dāvs II.58. -- (b) Characterized more especially as: (a) sammā diṭṭhi right doctrine, right philosophy Vin.I,10; S.II,17; V,11, 14, 30 sq., 458 sq., M.I,315; II,12, 29, 87; III,72; Nd2 485; Vbh.104 sq. See magga. -- ujukā d. S.V,143, 165; ujugatā d. M.I,46 sq. -- (b) micchā d. wrong theory, false doctrine S.I,145; II,153 (caused by avijjā); M.III,71; Dh.167, 316; Nd2 271IIIb; Vbh.361, 389. -- The foll. theories are to be considered as varieties of micchā d., viz. (in limited enumn) akiriyavāda S.III,208; IV,349; aññaṁ aññena S.III,211; antaggāhikā A.I,154; II,240; III,130; antânantikā D.I,22 sq. S.III,214, 258 sq.; assāda° A.III,447; ahetukavādā S.III,210; ucchedavādā D.I,34; S.II,20; III,99; 110 sq.; bhava° S.III,93; M.I,65; A.I,83; sakkāya° A.III,438; V,144; Sn.231 (cp. KhA 188); Nd2 271IIIb (20 fold, as diṭṭhilepa); sassatavādā D.I,13; S.II,20; III,98, 213 sq., 258 sq. -- (c) Various theories & doctrines are mentioned & discussed at: Vin.I,115; S.I,133; II,61 sq., 75 sq., 222; III,215 sq., 258 sq.; IV,286; V,448 (=D.I,31); D.III,13 sq., 45, 246, 267; M.I,40; A.I,32; II,252 sq.; III,132, 289, 349; Th.2, 184; Ps.I,135 sq.; Pug.22; Dhs.392, 1003 (cp. Dhs. trsl. pp. 257 sq., 293, 325); Vbh.145, 245, 341, 393 sq.; Sdhp.13, 333. -- (d) Miscellaneous: 4 diṭṭhiyo at Vbh.376; also at Vism.511 (sakkāya°, uccheda°, sassata°, akiriya°); 5 Vbh.378; 6 at M.I,8; Vbh.382; 7 at Vbh.383; 20 see under sakkāya°; 62 under diṭṭhigata. -- In series diṭṭhi khanti ruci laddhi characterizing “diṭṭhadhamma” at Nd2 299 & passim. Diṭṭhiyā sutiyā ñāṇena in def. of a theory of cognition at Nd2 300 as complementing taṇhā: see taṇhā B 3. Coupled with vācā & citta in formula (taṁ) vācaṁ appahāya cittaṁ appahāya diṭṭhiṁ appaṭinissajjitvā . . . (nikkhitto evaṁ niraye) at S.IV,319= D.III,13, 15; combd with (& opposed to) sīla (as pāpaka & bhaddaka) at It.26, 27. -- diṭṭhiṁ āsevati to hold a view M.I,323; °ṁ bhindati to give up a view J.I,273; Dāvs II.58.
--ânugati a sign of speculation Vin.II,108; S.II,203; Pug.33. --ânusaya inclination to speculation D.III,254, 282; S.V,60; A.IV,9; --āsava the intoxicant of speculation, the 3rd of four āsavā, viz. kāma°, bhava°, d.°, avijjā° Vin.III,5; Nd2 134; Dhs.1099, 1448; Vbh.373; cp. °ogha; --upadānā taking up or adhering to false doctrines, the 2nd of the four upādānāni or attachments, viz. kāma°, d.°, sīlabbata°, attavāda° D.III,230; Dhs.1215, 1536; --ogha the flood of false doctrine, in set of four ogha’s as under °āsava D.III,230, 276; Nd2 178; --kantāra the wilderness of groundless speculation Dhs.381, 1003, 1099, etc.; see °gata; --gaṇṭhi the web or tangle of sophisticism VvA.297; cp. °saṅghāṭa; --gata (nt.) “resorting to views,” theory, groundless opinion, false doctrine, often followed by series of characterizing epithets: d.--gahana, °kantāra, °visūka, °vipphandita, °saññojana, e. g. M.I,8; Nd2 271IIIb. Of these sophistical speculations 2 are mentioned at It.43, Ps.I,129; 6 at Ps.I,130; 62 (the usual number, expressing “great and small” sets, cp. dvi A.II,) at D.I,12--39 (in detail); S.IV,286; Ps.I,130; Nd2 271IIIb; Nett 96, 112, 160. ‹-› Vin.I,49; D.I,162, 224, 226; S.I,135, 142; II,230; III,109, 258 sq. (anekavihitāni); IV,286 (id.); M.I,8, 176, 256 sq. (pāpaka), 326 (id.), 426 sq.; A.IV,68; V,72 sq., 194 (pāpaka); Sn.649, 834, 913; Pug.15; Dhs.277, 339, 392, 505; Vism.454. -- adj. °gatika adhering to (false) doctrine Dpvs VI,25; --gahana the thicket of speculation Dhs.381, 1003; see °gata; --jāla the net of sophistry D.I,46; DA.I,129; --ṭṭhāna a tenet of speculative philosophy D.I,16; M.I,136; A.V,198; Ps.I,138 (eight); Miln.332; DA.I,107; --nijjhānakkhanti forbearance with wrong views S.II,115; IV,139; A.I,189 sq.; II,191; Nd2 151; --nipāta a glance VvA.279; --nissaya the foundation of speculation M.I,137; D.II,137 sq.; --pakkha the side or party of sophists Nett 53, 88, 160; --paṭilābha the attainment of speculation M.III,46; --paṭivedha=prec. D.III,253; --patta one who has formed (a right or wrong) view D.III,105, 254; M.I,439; A.I,74; 118, IV.10; V,23; --parāmasa perversion by false doctrine Dhs.1498; --maṇḍala the circle of speculative dogmatics DhsA.109; --vipatti failure in theory, the 3rd of the four vipattiyo viz. sīla°, ācāra°, d.°, ājīva°; opp. °sampadā Vin.V,98; D.III,213; A.I,95, 268; Pug.21; Dhs.1362; Vbh.361; --vipallāsa contortion of views A.II,52; --visaṁyoga disconnection with false doctrine D.III,230, 276; --visuddhi beauty of right theory A.I,95; M.I,147 sq.; D.III,214, 288; --visūka (nt.) the discord or disunion (lit. the going into parties) of theories, the (?) puppet-show of opinion M.I,8, 486; Sn.55 (=dvāsaṭṭhi diṭṭhigatāni), K S.II,44; Vv 8426; Pv IV.137; Nd2 301 (=vīsati-vattukā sakkāyadiṭṭhi); cp. Nd2 25 (attānudiṭṭhi); Dhs.381 (cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 101), 1003, 1099. See also °gata; --vyasana failing or misfortune in theory (+sīla°, in character) D.III,235; Nd2 304; --saṁyojana the fetter or bond of empty speculation (cp. °anusaya) D.III,254; A.IV,7 sq.; --saṅghāta the weft or tangle of wrong views (cp. °gaṇṭhi) Nd1 343; Nd2 503; --samudaya the origin of wrong views A.IV,68; --sampadā success in theory, blessing of right views, attainment of truth D.III,213; 235 (opp. °vipatti), S.V,30 sq.; A.I,95, 269; III,438; IV,238; Pug.25; Dhs.1364; VvA.297; --sampanna endowed with right views S.II,43, 58, 80; V,11; A.III,438 sq.; IV,394; Vbh.366; Dialogues iii.206, n. 10; --sārin (adj.) following wrong views Sn.911. (Page 321)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(‹diss(dis)见;梵drsṭi‹drw)),【阴】见(对於事物的看法;意见),邪见,教条,理论,信念。diṭṭhika,【形】(在【合】中) 信任…的,有…理论的。diṭṭhikantāra,【阳】见荒(杂乱无序的教条)。diṭṭhigata,【中】成见,邪见(后缀词gata没有任何涵义)。diṭṭhigahana,【中】见丛(错综复杂的推测)。diṭṭhijāla,【中】见网(诡辩的网)。diṭṭhadhammavedanīya kamma,现法报业、顺现业、顺现受业、顺现法受业,即於现在世即受到果报。diṭṭhivipatti,【阴】破见,坏见(理论上的失败)。diṭṭhivipallāsa,【阳】见颠倒(歪曲的见解)。diṭṭhivisuddhi。【阴】见清净(清楚的见解)。diṭṭhisampanna,【形】见具足。diṭṭhisaṁyojana,【中】见结(见解的桎梏)。bhava-diṭṭhi, 常见(有见the view of existence)。vibhava-diṭṭhi, 断见(无见the view of non-existence)。diṭṭheva dhamme, 就在这一生中。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 见(对于事物的看法;意见),教条,理论,信念。 ~ka, 【形】(在【合】中) 信任…的,有…理论的。 ~kantāra, 【阳】 见荒(杂乱无序的教条)。 ~gata, 【中】 成见,邪见。 ~gahana, 【中】 见丛(错综复杂的推测)。 ~jāla, 【中】 见网(诡辩的网)。 ~vipatti, 【阴】 破见,坏见(理论上的失败)。 ~vipallāsa,【 阳】 见颠倒(歪曲的见解)。 ~visuddhi。【阴】 见清净(清楚的见解),正见。 ~sampanna, 【形】 见具足(赋予正见的)。 ~saŋyojana, 【中】 见结(见解的桎梏)。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Diṭṭhijjukammavasena
- {'def': '﹐见正直业。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Diṭṭhika
- {'def': '(adj.) (--°) seeing, one who regards; one who has a view M.III,24 (āgamana° one who views the arrival, i. e. of guests); S.II,168 sq. (sammā° & micchā° hoḷding right & wrong theories); D.III,96 (vītimissa°). See añña°, micchā°, sammā°. (Page 321)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diṭṭhin
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) one who has a view, or theory, a follower of such & such a doctrine Ud.67 (evaṁ°+evaṁ vādin). (Page 321)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diṭṭhitā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. diṭṭhi] the fact of having a (straightforward) view (uju°) Miln.257. (Page 321)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diṭṭhā
- {'def': '(indecl.) [Sk. dṛṣṭyā, Instr. of diṭṭhi] exclamation of joy, hurrah! D iii.73; J.I,362. (Page 321)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Diṭṭhī
- {'def': '【形】 参考 Diṭṭhika。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】信任…的,有…理论的。参考 Diṭṭhika。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dobbhagga
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. daurbhāgya fr. duḥ+bhāga] ill luck, misfortune Vin.IV,277; DhA 281 (text: °dobhagga). (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dobha
- {'def': '[see dubbha] fraud, cheating D.II,243 (v. l. dobbha= dubbha). (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Doha
- {'def': '1 [Sk. doha & dogha] milking, milk J.V,63, 433. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 (adj.) [Sk. droha] injuring (-°) DA.I,296. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dohaka
- {'def': '[Sk. doha] a milk-pail J.V,105. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 产乳的人。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】产乳的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dohati
- {'def': '[Sk. dogdhi, to which prob. duhitṛ daughter: see under dhītā & cp. dhenu] to milk. -- pres. 1 pl. dohāma & duhāma J.V,105; pret. 1 pl. duhāmase ibid.; pot. duhe JVI,211; ger. duhitvā SnA 27; pp. duddha (q. v.) -- Pass. duyhati S.I,174 (so read for duhanti); J.V,307; ppr. duyhamāna Miln.41. -- See also dūhana, doha1, dohin. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dohaḷa
- {'def': '【阳】想怀孕的女人,强壮的欲望。dohaḷinī,【阴】有点渴望的女人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 想怀孕的女人,强壮的欲望。 ~ḷinī, 【阴】 有点渴望的女人。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. dohada & daurhṛda, of du+hṛd, sick longing, sickness, see hadaya. Lüders Gōttinger GelehrteNachrichten 1898, 1 derives it as dvi+hṛd] (a) the longing of a pregnant woman J.III,28, 333; DhA.I,350; II,139. -- (b) intense longing, strong desire, craving in general J.II,159, 433; V,40, 41; VI,263, 308; DhA.II,86 (dhammika d.). (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dohaḷinī
- {'def': '(adj.-f.) a woman in pregnancy having cravings; a pregnant woman in general J.II,395, 435; III,27; IV,334; V,330 (=gabbhinī); VI,270, 326, 484; DhA.III,95. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dohaḷāyati
- {'def': '[denom. fr. dohaḷa] to have cravings (of a woman in pregnancy) J.VI,263. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dohin
- {'def': '(adj. n.) one who milks, milking M.I,220 sq.=A.V,347 sq. (anavasesa° milking out fully). (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dohī
- {'def': '【形】 1. 产乳的人。 2. 忘恩负义的人。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】1.产乳的人。2.忘恩负义的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dolā
- {'def': '【阴】 秋千,轿子。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. dolā, *del as in Ags. tealtian=E. tilt, adj. tealt unstable=Sk. dulā iṣṭakā an unstable woman] a swing J.IV,283; VI,341; Vism.280 (in simile). (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】秋千,轿子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dolāyati
- {'def': '(dolā 的【派】), 摇摆,来回移动。【过】dolāyi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(dolā 的【派】), 摇摆,来回移动。 【过】 dolāyi。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[denom. of dolā] to swing, to move to & fro J.II,385. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Domanassa
- {'def': '【中】 忧,不愉快,忧郁,伤心事。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. daurmanasya, duḥ+manas] distress, dejectedness, melancholy, grief. As mental pain (cetasikaṁ asātaṁ cet. dukkhaṁ S.V,209=Nd2 312; cp. D.II,306; Nett 12) opp. to dukkha physical pain: see dukkha B III, 1 a). A synonym of domanassaṁ is appaccaya (q. v.). For defn of the term see Vism.461, 504. The freq. combn dukkha-domanassa refers to an unpleasant state of mind & body (see dukkha B III, 1 b; e. g. S.IV,198; V,141; M.II,64; A.I,157; It.89 etc.), the contrary of somanassaṁ with which dom° is combd to denote “happiness & unhappiness,” joy & dejection, e. g. D.III,270; M.II,16; A.I,163; Sn.67 (see somanassa). -- Vin.I,34; D.II,278, 306; S.IV,104, 188; V,349, 451; M.I,48, 65, 313, 340; II,51; III,218; A.I,39 (abhijjhā° covetousness & dejection, see abhijjhā); II,5, 149 sq.; III,99, 207; V,216 sq.; Sn.592, 1106; Pug.20, 59; Nett 12, 29 (citta-sampīḷanaṁ d.) 53, Dhs.413, 421, 1389; Vbh.15, 54, 71, 138 sq.; Dh.I,121.
--indriya the faculty or disposition to feel grief D.III,239 (+som°); S.V,209 sq.; --upavicāra discrimination of that which gives distress of mind D.III,245; --patta dejected, disappointed J.II,155. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】忧,忧戚,不愉快,忧郁,伤心事。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Doniyā
- {'def': '﹐糟。sāpānadoniyā, 狗食用之糟。sūkaradoniyā, 猪食用之糟。rajakadoniyā, 染物师所用之糟。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Donī
- {'def': '1 (f.) [Sk. droṇī, see doṇa] 1. a (wooden) trough, a vat, tub S.II,259; A.I,253; V,323; J.I,450; Miln.56. -- tela° an oil vat A.III,58 (āyasā made of iron & used as a sarcophagus). -- 2. a trough-shaped canoe (cp. Marāthi ḍon “a long flat-bottomed boat made of unḍi wood,” & Kanarese ḍoni “a canoe hallowed from a log”] J.IV,163 (=gambhīrā mahānāvā p. 164); PvA.189. -- 3. a hollow, dug in the ground Miln.397. -- 4. the body of a lute, the sounding-board (?)] I.450; Miln.53; VvA.281. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dosa
- {'def': '1(梵dosa咎),【阳】腐败(corruption),缺点(defect),过失(fault)。dosakkhāna,【中】责备。dosāpagata,【形】无过失的,无缺点的。dosāropaṇa,【中】责备,挑剔。【阳.复】dosā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 忿怒,腐败,缺点,过失,~kkhāna, 【中】 责备。 ~ggi, 【阳】怒火。 ~sāpagata, 【形】 无过失的,无缺点的。 ~sāropaṇa, 【中】 责备,挑剔。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 [Sk. dveṣa, but very often not distinct in meaning from dosa1. On dveṣa see under disa] anger, ill-will, evil intention, wickedness, corruption, malice, hatred. In most freq. combn of either rāga (lust) d. & moha (delusion), or lobha (greed) d. moha (see rāga & lobha), to denote the 3 main blemishes of character. For defn see Vism.295 & 470. Interpreted at Nd2 313 as “cittassa āghāto paṭighāto paṭigho . . . kopo . . . kodho . . . vyāpatti.” -- The distinction between dosa & paṭigha is made at DA.I,116 as: dosa=dubbalakodha; paṭigha=balavakodha. -- In combn lobha d. moha e. g. S.I,98; M.I,47, 489; A.I,134, 201; II,191; III,338; It.45 (tīṇi akusalamūlāni). With rāga & moha: Dh.20; It.2=6; with rāga & avijjā; It.57; rāga & māna Sn.270, 631 etc. -- See for ref.: Vin.I,183; D.III,146, 159, 182, 214, 270; S.I,13, 15, 70; V,34 sq.; M.I,15, 96 sq., 250 sq., 305; A.I,187; II,172, 203; III,181; Sn.506; It.2 (dosena duṭṭhāse sattā gacchanti duggatiṁ); Ps.I,80 sq., 102; Pug.16, 18; Dhs.418, 982, 1060; Vbh.86, 167, 208, 362; Nett 13, 90; Sdhp.33, 43. -- Variously characterised as: 8 purisa-dosā Vbh.387; khila, nīgha, mala S.V,57; agati (4 agati-gamanāni: chanda, d. moha, bhaya) D.III,228, cp. 133, 182; ajjhattaṁ A.III,357 sq.; its relation to kamma A.I,134; III,338; V,262; to ariyamagga S.V,5, 8. -- sadosa corrupted, depraved, wicked D.I,80; A.I,112; adosa absence of illwill, adj. kind, friendly, sympathetic A.I,135, 195, 203; II,192; Vbh.169, 210; Dhs.33 (cp. Dhs. trsl. 21, 99); VvA.14 (+alobha amoha).
--aggi the fire of anger or ill-will D.III,217; S.IV,19 sq.; It.92 (+rāgaggi moh°); J.I,61; --antara (adj.) bearing anger, intending evil in one’s heart Vin.II,249; D.III,237; M.I,123; A.I,59; III,196 sq.; V,81 (opp. metta-citta); perhaps at PvA.78 (for des°); --kkhaya the fading away, dying out of anger or malice S.III,160, 191; IV,250; V,8; Vbh.73, 89; --gata=dosa (+paṭigha) S.IV,71; --garu full of anger S.I,24; --dosa (: dosa1) spoilt by anger Dh.357; --saññita connected with ill-will It.78; --sama like anger Dh.202; --hetuka caused by evil intention or depravity A.V,261 (pāṇātipāta). (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '1 [Sk. doṣa to an Idg. *deu(s) to want, to be inferior etc. (cp. dussati), as in Gr. dέomai, deu/omai] corruption, blemish, fault, bad condition, defect; depravity, corrupted state; usually --°, as khetta° blight of the field Miln.360; tiṇa° spoilt by weeds Dh.356; PvA.7; visa° ill effect of poison Th.1, 758, 768; sneha° blemish of sensual affection Sn.66. Four kasiṇa-dosā at Vism.123; eighteen making a Vihāra unsuitable at Vism.118 sq. -- J.II,417; III,104; Miln.330 (sabba-d.-virahita faultless); DA.I,37, 141. -- pl. dosā the (three) morbid affections, or disorder of the (3) humours Miln.43; adj. with disturbed humours Miln.172, cp. DA.I,133. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2(‹dus不悦;梵dosa, dvesa),【阳】忿怒、憎(anger)。dosaggi,【阳】怒火。sadosa, 有瞋。【反】adosa,无瞋、无憎。SA.3.2./I,137.︰dussanalakkhaṇo doso.(忿怒相,称为‘忿怒’)。M.45.(=Ud.6-8./p.72.):‘natthi kāmesu doso’ti.(诸欲无过(属於邪见))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dosaniya
- {'def': 'Dosanīya & Dosaneyya (grd.-formation either to dosa1 or dosa2, but more likely=Sk. *dūsanīya= dūsya (see dussa2 & dussati) influenced by dvesaṇīya)【形】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'Dosanīya & Dosaneyya (adj.) [grd.-formation either to dosa1 or dosa2, but more likely=Sk. *dūṣanīya= dūṣya (see dussa2 & dussati) influenced by dveṣaṇīya] corruptible; polluting, defiling; hateful, sinful S.IV,307; A.II,120; It.84 (where A.III,110 has dussanīya in same context). (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dosin
- {'def': '(adj.) [to dosa2] angry J.V,452, 454. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dosinā
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. jyotsnā, cp. P. juṇhā) a clear night, moonlight; only in phrase ramaṇīyā vata bho dosinā ratti. “lovely is the moonlight night” D.I,47≈J.I,509; J.V,262; Miln.5, 19 etc. Expld in popular fashion by Bdhgh. as “dosâpagatā” ratti DA.I,141.
--puṇṇamāsī a clear, full moon night Th.1, 306, 1119; --mukha the face of a clear night J.VI,223. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阴】明亮,月光照耀的,月明的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 明亮,月光照耀的,月明的。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dosā
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. doṣā & doṣas, cp. Gr. du/w, du/omai to set (of the sun)] evening, dusk. Only in Acc. as adv. dosaṁ (=doṣāṁ) at night J.VI,386. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dovacassa
- {'def': '(nt.) [contamination of Sk. *daurvacasya evil speech & *daurvratya disobedience, defiance] unruliness, indocility, bad conduct, fractiousness S.II,204 sq. (°karaṇā dhammā); M.I,95 (id. specified); A.II,147; III,178; Nett 40, 127. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dovacassatā
- {'def': '(f.) [2nd abstr. of dovacassa] unruliness, contumacy, stubbornness, obstinacy A.I,83, III,310, 448; V,146 sq.; D.III,212, 274; Pug.20; Dhs.1326 (cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 344); Vbh.359, 369, 371. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dovacassiya
- {'def': '(nt.)=dovacassa Pug.20; Dhs.1325. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dovila
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk.?] being in the state of fructification, budding J.VI,529 (cp. p. 530); Miln.334. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dovārika
- {'def': '【阳】 守门人。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. dauvārika, see dvāra] gatekeeper, janitor Vin.I,269; D.II,83; III,64 sq., 100; S.IV,194; M.I,380 sq.; A.IV,107, 110; V,194; J.II,132; IV,382 (two by name, viz. Upajotiya & Bhaṇḍa-kucchi), 447; VI,367; Miln.234, 332; Vism.281; Sdhp.356. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】守门人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Doṇa
- {'def': '【阳、中】 陀那(容量,大约 1 加仑,或 ⅛ 蒲式耳〔容量等于八加仑〕)。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(Sk. droṇa (nt.)),【阳】【中】陀那(bucket桶, 容量,大约 1 加仑,或 ⅛ 蒲式耳〔容量等於八加仑〕;a wooden pail, vat, trough; usually as measure of capacity (4 āḷhaka generally))。taṇḍuladoṇa, a doṇa of rice。doṇamāpaka, of which a doṇa full is cooked, a doṇa measure of food; doṇamāpaka (mahāmatta) (a higher official)。doṇapāka(doṇa桶+pāka烹调),【阳】一桶烹调的饭菜。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. droṇa (nt.) conn. with *dereǔo tree, wood, wooden, see dabbi & dāru & cp. Sk. druṇī pail] a wooden pail, vat, trough; usually as measure of capacity (4 Āḷhaka generally) Pv IV.333 (mitāni sukhadukkhāni donehi piṭakehi). taṇḍula° a doṇa of rice DhA.III,264; IV,15. At J.II,367 doṇa is used elliptically for doṇamāpaka (see below).
--pāka of which a d. full is cooked, a doṇa measure of food S.I,81; DhA.II,8. --māpaka (mahāmatta) (a higher official) supervising the measuring of the doṇa-revenue (of rice) J.II,367, 378, 381; DhA.IV,88; --mita a d. measure full D.I,54; M.I,518. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Doṇi
- {'def': 'doṇikā, 【阴】 船,独木舟,木钵。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Doṇika
- {'def': '(‹doṇa),【形】一桶的(measuring a doṇa in capacity)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. doṇa] measuring a doṇa in capacity Vin.I,240 (catu° piṭaka). (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Doṇikā
- {'def': '(f.)=donī1, viz. a hollow wooden vessel, tub, vat Vin.I,286 (rajana° for dyeing); II,120 (mattikā to hold clay) 220 (udaka°), 221 (vacca° used for purposes of defæcation). See also passāva°. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Doṇī
- {'def': '2 (f.) [Sk. droṇi?] an oil-giving plant (?) (or is it= donī1 meaning a cake made in a tub, but wrongly interpreted by Dhammapāla?) only in --nimmiñjana oil-cake Pv.I,1010; as °nimmijjani at Vv 3338; expld by telamiñjaka at PvA.51 & by tilapiññāka at VvA.147. (Page 331)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'doṇikā,【阴】独木舟,木钵,船(a hollow wooden vessel, tub, vat)。rajanadonī﹐染缸(a dye vat)。ekarukkhadoṇikanāvappamāṇo nāgarājā,一条木制独木舟大小的龙王。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Drūbha
- {'def': 'incorrect spelling for dubbha (q. v.) in adrūbhāya Vin.I,347. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Du
- {'def': '(对立的前缀,意味:)坏,反常,困难。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '3 (-°) (adj.-suff.) [Sk. druha, druh, see duhana & duhitika] hurting, injuring, acting perfidiously, betraying, only in mitta° deceiving one’s friends S.I,225; Sn.244 expl. as mitta-dūbhaka SnA 287, v. l. B mittadussaka; cp. mitta-dubbhika & mitta-dubbhin. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Du-
- {'def': '﹐du-﹐【字首】恶(badness),反常(perverseness),困难(difficulty)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubbaca
- {'def': '(du难+vaca说),【形】难教(ㄐㄧㄠ),难可教化。《中阿含经》误译:戾语。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 倔强的,不服从的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dubbala
- {'def': '【形】 微弱的,弱的。 ~tta, 【中】 ~tā, 【阴】 ~bhāva, 【阳】 弱。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】微弱的,弱的。dubbalatta,【中】dubbalatā,【阴】dubbalabhāva,【阳】弱。dubbalīkaraṇa, 使微弱(making weak)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubbaṇṇa
- {'def': 'see under vaṇṇa. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 属于不光彩的颜色的,异色的,变色的,丑陋的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不光彩的顔色的,异色的,变色的,丑陋的。dubbaṇṇarūpa﹐丑陋的容貌。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubbha
- {'def': '(& dūbha) (adj.) [Sk. dambha, see dubbhati] deceiving, hurting, trying to injure Vin.II,203 (=It.86 where dubbhe); Pv.II,93 (mitta°). adubbha one who does not do harm, harmless Pv.II,98 (°pāṇin=ahiṁsakahattha). As nt. harmlessness, frankness, friendliness, good-will Vin.I,347 (adrūbhāya, but cp. vv. ll. p. 395: adubbhaya & adrabbhāvāya); S.I,225 (adubbhāya trustily); J.I,180 (id. as adūbhāya); spelt wrongly adrūbhaka (for adubbhaka, with v. l. adrabhaka in expl. of adubbha-pāṇin) at J.VI,311. Note: dabhāya (Dat.) is also used in Sk. in sense of an adv. or infinitive, which confirms the etymology of the word. Cp. dobha. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dubbhaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. dambhaka] perfidious, insidious, treacherous Th.1, 214 (citta°). Cp. dubbhaya & dūbhaka. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 叛逆的,阴险的人。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】叛逆的,阴险的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubbhana
- {'def': '【中】叛逆。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *dambhana] hurtfulness, treachery, injury against somebody (c. Loc.) PvA.114 (=anattha). (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 叛逆。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dubbhara
- {'def': '【形】 难培养的,难滋养的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难培养的,难滋养的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubbhati
- {'def': '(dubh + a), 叛逆,背叛,造反。 【过】 dubbhi, 【独】 dubbhitvā。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(& dūbhati) [Sk. dabhnoti cp. J.P.T.S. 1889, 204: dabh (dambh), pp. dabdha; idg. *dhebh, cp. Gr. a)tέmbw to deceive. Cp. also Sk druh (so Kern, Toev. p. 11, s. v. padubbhati). See also dahara & dūbha, dūbhaka, dūbhi] to injure, hurt, deceive; to be hostile to, plot or sin against (either w. Dat. J.V,245; VI,491, or w. Loc. J.I,267; III,212) S.I,85 (ppr. adubbhanto), 225; It.86 (dubbhe=dusseyya Com.)=Vin.II,203 (where dubbho); Th.1, 1129; J.II,125; IV,261; V,487, 503. -- ppr. also dūbhato J.IV,261; ger. dubbhitvā J.IV,79; grd. dubbheyya (v. l. dūbheyya) to be punished J.V,71. Cp. pa°. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(dubh+a), 叛逆,背叛,造反。【过】dubbhi,【独】dubbhitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubbhaya
- {'def': '=dubbhaka, S.I,107. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dubbhika
- {'def': '=dubbhaka, Pv III,113 (=mittadubbhika, mittānaṁ bādhaka PvA.175). (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dubbhikkha
- {'def': 'see bhikkhā. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 饥荒,粮荒。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】饥荒,粮荒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubbhin
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [Sk. dambhin] seeking to injure, deceitful; a deceiver, hypocrite J.IV,41; Pv.II,98 (mitta°); DhA.II,23 (mitta-dūbhin). -- f. dubbhinī VvA.68 (so read for dubbinī). (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dubbhāsita
- {'def': '【中】丑话,坏话,粗话,刺儿话,脏话。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 丑话,坏话,粗话,刺儿话,脏话。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dubbhī
- {'def': '【形】 造反,谋害。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】造反,谋害。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubbijāna
- {'def': '【形】难懂的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难懂的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dubbinīta
- {'def': '【形】倔强的,不良地训练的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 倔强的,不良地训练的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dubbuṭṭhika
- {'def': 'see under vuṭṭhi. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】无雨的。【中】饥荒,旱灾。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无雨的。 【中】 饥荒,旱灾。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dubbā
- {'def': '【阴】 黍,稷(黍属的一种禾本科作物 (Paniecum Dactylon))。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】稷(panic grass﹐黍属的一种禾本科作物 (Paniecum Dactylon))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dubha
- {'def': '(num.-adj.) [See dubhaya & cp. dvi B II.] both; only in Abl. dubhato from both sides Th.1, 1134; Ps.I,69; II,35, 181; Vv 4621; VvA.281 (for Vv 6419 duvaddhato). (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dubhaya
- {'def': '(num. adj.) [a contaminated form of du(ve) & ubhaya; see dvi B II.] both (see ubhaya) Sn.517, 526, 1007, 1125; J.III,442; VI,110. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duccaja
- {'def': '【形】难离开的,难放弃的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难离开的,难放弃的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duccarita
- {'def': '【中】 差劲的行为,错误的行动。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】差劲的行为,错误的行动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duddabha
- {'def': 'see daddabha. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duddama
- {'def': '【形】难处理的,难驯的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难处理的,难驯的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duddasa
- {'def': '【形】难见的,难理解的。duddasatara,【形】更难见的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难见的,难理解的。 ~tara, 【形】 更难见的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duddasika
- {'def': '【形】 难看的(指相貌丑陋)。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难看的(指相貌丑陋)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duddasā
- {'def': '【阴】不幸,倒运(不幸的时期)。duddasāpanna,【形】倒楣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 不幸,倒运(不幸的时期)。 ~panna, 【形】 倒霉。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duddha
- {'def': '【中】乳,牛奶。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(Sk. dugdha, pp. of duh, see dohati] milked, drawn Sn.18 (duddha-khīra=gāvo duhitvā gahitakhīra SnA 27); M.II,186. -- (nt.) milk Dāvs.V,26. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 乳,牛奶。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duddina
- {'def': '【中】阴云密布的日子,不幸运的日子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 阴云密布的日子,不幸运的日子。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duddiṭṭha
- {'def': '﹐恶见。duddiṭṭhaṁ vata addasāma,我们正是见了不该见的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dudrabhi
- {'def': '[another form of dundubhi, cp. duddabha & dundubhya] a kettle-drum, in Amata° the drum of Nibbāna Vin.I,8=M.I,171 (dundubhi at the latter passage); PvA.189 (v. l. for dundubhi). (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dugga
- {'def': '【中】难进入的地方,城堡。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 难进入的地方,城堡。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[du+ga] a difficult road Dh.327; Pv.II,78. dugge saṅkamanāni passages over difficult roads, usually combd with papā (water-shed) S.I,100; Vv 5222; Pv.II,925. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duggahita
- {'def': '【形】持错的,拿错的。【中】误解,错误的了解。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 持错的,拿错的。 【中】 邪见。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duggama
- {'def': '【形】 难去的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难去的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duggandha
- {'def': '【形】 难闻的气味的。 【阳】 臭味。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难闻的气味的。【阳】臭味。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duggata
- {'def': '【形】 贫穷的,悲惨的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】贫穷的,悲惨的。duggatamanussa, 【阳】穷人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duggati
- {'def': '【阴】恶趣(悲惨的世界,即:四恶道)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 恶趣(悲惨的世界,即:四恶道)。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duha
- {'def': '【形】 (在【合】中) 挤奶的,出产的,允许的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】(在【合】中) 挤奶的,出产的,允许的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.-°.) [Sk. duh & duha; see dohati] milking; yielding, granting, bestowing: kāma° giving pleasures J.IV,20; V,33. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duhana
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [Sk. *druhana, to druh, druhyati to hurt, cp. Oir. droch; Ohg. triogan to deceive, traum= dream; also Sk. dhvarati. For further connections see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under fraus] one who injures, hurts or deceives; insidious, infesting; a robber, only in pantha° a dacoit D.I,135; DA.I,296. -- (nt.) waylaying, robbery (pantha°) J.II,281 (text dūhana), 388 (text: panthadūbhana, vv. ll. duhana & dūhana); DhsA.220. -- Cp. maggadūsin. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】挤奶。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 挤奶。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duhati
- {'def': '(duh + a), 挤(奶)。 【过】 duhi。 【过分】 duddha。 【独】 duhitvā。【现分】 duhamāna。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(to milk) see dohati. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(duh+a), 挤(奶)。【过】duhi。【过分】duddha。【独】duhitvā。【现分】duhamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duhitika
- {'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. druha, fr. druhyati] infested with robbers, beset with dangers S.IV,195 (magga). ‹-› Note. This interpretation may have to be abandoned in favour of duhitika being another spelling of dvīhitika= hard to get through (q. v.), to be compared are the vv. ll. of the latter at S.IV,323 (S.S. dūhitika & dūhītika). (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duhitu
- {'def': '【阴】 女儿。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】女儿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dujivha
- {'def': '【阳】 蛇。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】蛇(serpent)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dujjaha
- {'def': '【形】难放弃的,难除去的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难放弃的,难除去的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dujjana
- {'def': '﹐【阳】坏人,坏男人。dujjana-hadaya﹐【中】坏人的心。Lokanīti #90(世间格言)︰Siñgī paññāsa hatthena, Vajje satena vājinaṁ. %9Hatthiṁ dantiṁ sahassena, Desa cāgena dujjanaṁ.(对有角的动物,要保持五十肘的距离。与野马要保持一百肘的距离。对有象牙的大象,要保持一千肘的距离。远离恶人,甚至可以放弃国度。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dujjāna
- {'def': '【形】难懂的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难懂的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dujjīvita
- {'def': '【中】邪命(错误的生计)。dujjīvitamajīvamha﹐我们曾做邪命、非正命。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 邪命(错误的生计)。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duka
- {'def': '【中】两个一组,双。【形】二数的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 两个一组,双。 【形】 二数的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [see dvi B II] a dyad DhsA.36, 343, 347, 406; Vism.11 sq. & in titles of books “in pairs, on pairs,” e. g. Dukapaṭṭhāna; or chapters, e. g. J.II,1 (°nipāta). (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duka-nipāta
- {'def': 'm. ニ集.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'm. 二集.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Duka-paṭṭhāna
- {'def': 'n. 二法發趣.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'n. ニ法発趣.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Dukaduka-paṭṭhāna
- {'def': 'n.二法二法发趣', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Dukatika-paṭṭhāna
- {'def': 'n.二法三法发趣', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Dukkara
- {'def': '【形】难做的。dukkaratā,【阴】dukkaratta,【中】dukkarabhāva,【阳】困难。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难做的。 ~tā, 【阴】 ~tta, 【中】 ~bhāva, 【阳】 困难。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dukkata
- {'def': 'dukkaṭa, 【形】 有缺点地做完。 【中】 错误的行动。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'dukkaṭa,(梵duskrta)【形】错误的做,恶作,古音译:突膝吉栗多。【中】错误的行动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkha
- {'def': '苦', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [Sk. duḥkha fr. duḥ-ka, an adj. formation fr. prefix duḥ (see du). According to others an analogy formation after sukha, q. v.; Bdhgh (at Vism.494) expls dukkha as du+kha, where du=du1 and kha=ākāsa. See also def. at Vism.461.] A. (adj.) unpleasant, painful, causing misery (opp. sukha pleasant) Vin.I,34; Dh.117. Lit. of vedanā (sensation) M.I,59 (°ṁ vedanaṁ vediyamāna, see also below III,1 e); A.II,116=M. I.10 (sarīrikāhi vedanāhi dukkhāhi). ‹-› Fig. (fraught with pain, entailing sorrow or trouble) of kāmā D.I,36 (=paṭipīḷan-aṭṭhena DA.I,121); Dh.186 (=bahudukkha DhA.III,240); of jāti M.I,185 (cp. ariyasacca, below B I.); in combn dukkhā paṭipadā dandhābhiññā D.III,106; Dhs.176; Nett 7, 112 sq., cp. A.II,149 sq. ekanta° very painful, giving much pain S.II,173; III,69. dukkhaṁ (adv.) with difficulty, hardly J.I,215.
B. (nt.; but pl. also dukkhā, e. g. S.I,23; Sn.728; Dh.202, 203, 221. Spelling dukha (after sukha) at Dh.83, 203). There is no word in English covering the same ground as Dukkha does in Pali. Our modern words are too specialised, too limited, and usually too strong. Sukha & dukkha are ease and dis-ease (but we use disease in another sense); or wealth and ilth from well & ill (but we have now lost ilth); or wellbeing and ill-ness (but illness means something else in English). We are forced, therefore, in translation to use half synonyms, no one of which is exact. Dukkha is equally mental & physical. Pain is too predominantly physical, sorrow too exclusively mental, but in some connections they have to be used in default of any more exact rendering. Discomfort, suffering, ill, and trouble can occasionally be used in certain connections. Misery, distress, agony, affliction and woe are never right. They are all much too strong & are only mental (see Mrs. Rh. D. Bud. Psy. 83--86, quoting Ledi Sadaw).
I. Main Points in the Use of the Word.--The recognition of the fact of Dukkha stands out as essential in early Buddhism. In the very first discourse the four socalled Truths or Facts (see saccāni) deal chiefly with dukkha. The first of the four gives certain universally recognised cases of it, & then sums them up in short. The five groups (of physical & mental qualities which make an individual) are accompanied by ill so far as those groups are fraught with āsavas and grasping. (Pañc’upādānakkhandhā pi dukkhā; cp. S.III,47). The second Sacca gives the cause of this dukkha (see Taṇhā). The third enjoins the removal of this taṇhā. And the fourth shows the way, or method, of doing so (see Magga). These ariyasaccāni are found in two places in the older books Vin.I,10=S.V,421 (with addition of soka-parideva . . . etc. [see below] in some MSS). Comments on this passage, or part of it, occur S.III,158, 159; with expln of each term (+soka) D.I,189; III,136, 277; M.I,185; A.I,107; Sn.p. 140; Nd2 under saṅkhārā; It.17 (with dukkhassa atikkama for nirodha), 104, 105; Ps.I,37; II,204, 147; Pug.15, 68; Vbh.328; Nett 72, 73. It is referred to as dukkha, samudaya, nirodha, magga at Vin.I,16, 18, 19; D.III,227; Nd2 304IIb; as āsavānaṁ khaya-ñāṇa at D.I,83; Vin.III,5; as sacca No. 1+paṭiccasamuppāda at A.I,176 sq. (+soka°); in a slightly diff. version of No. 1 (leaving out appiyehi & piyehi, having soka° instead) at D.II,305; and in the formula catunnaṁ ariyasaccānaṁ ananubodhā etc. at D.II,90=Vin.I,230.
II. Characterisation in Detail.--1. A further specification of the 3rd of the Noble Truths is given in the Paṭicca-samuppāda (q.v.), which analyses the links & stages of the causal chain in their interdependence as building up (anabolic=samudaya) &, after their recognition as causes, breaking down (katabolic=nirodha) the dukkha-synthesis, & thus constitutes the Metabolism of kamma; discussed e. g. at Vin 1; D.II,32 sq. =S.II,2 sq.; S.II,17, 20, 65= Nd2 680I.c; S.III,14; M.I,266 sq.; II,38; A.I,177; mentioned e. g. at A.I,147; M.I,192 sq., 460; It.89 (=dukkhassa antakiriyā). ‹-› 2. Dukkha as one of the 3 qualifications of the saṅkhārā (q. v.), viz. anicca, d., anattā, evanescence, ill, nonsoul: S.I,188; II,53 (yad aniccaṁ taṁ dukkhaṁ); III,112 (id.) III,67, 180, 222; IV,28, 48, 129 sq.; 131 sq. -- rūpe anicc’ânupassī (etc. with dukkh’& anatt’) S.III,41. anicca-saññā, dukkha° etc. D.III,243; A.III,334, cp. IV.52 sq. -- sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā etc. Nd2 under saṅkhārā. -- 3. Specification of Dukkha. The Niddesa gives a characteristic description of all that comes under the term dukkha. It employs one stereotyped explanation (therefore old & founded on scholastic authority) (Nd2 304I.), & one expln (304III,) peculiar to itself & only applied to Sn.36. The latter defines & illustrates dukkha exclusively as suffering & torment incurred by a person as punishment, inflicted on him either by the king or (after death) by the guardians of purgatory (niraya-pālā; see detail under niraya, & cp. below III, 2 b). -- The first expln (304I.) is similar in kind to the definition of d. as long afterwards given in the Sāṅkhya system (see Sāṅkhya-kārikā-bhāṣya of Gauḍapāda to stanza 1) & classifies the various kinds of dukkha in the foll. groups: (a) all suffering caused by the fact of being born, & being through one’s kamma tied to the consequent states of transmigration; to this is loosely attached the 3 fold division of d. as dukkha°, saṅkhāra°, vipariṇāma° (see below III, 1 c); -- (b) illnesses & all bodily states of suffering (cp. ādhyātmikaṁ dukkhaṁ of Sāṅkhya k.); -- (c) pain & (bodily) discomfort through outward circumstances, as extreme climates, want of food, gnat-bites etc. (cp. ādhibhautikaṁ & ādhidaivikaṁ d. of Sk.); -- (d) (Mental) distress & painful states caused by the death of one’s beloved or other misfortunes to friends or personal belongings (cp. domanassa). -- This list is concluded by a scholastic characterisation of these var. states as conditioned by kamma, implicitly due to the afflicted person not having found his “refuge,” i. e. salvation from these states in the 8 fold Path (see above B I.).
III, General Application, & various views regarding dukkha. -- 1. As simple sensation (: pain) & related to other terms: (a) principally a vedanā, sensation, in particular belonging to the body (kāyika), or physical pain (opp. cetasika dukkha mental ill: see domanassa). Thus defined as kāyikaṁ d. at D.II,306 (cp. the distinction between śarīraṁ & mānasaṁ dukkhaṁ in Sāṅkhya philosophy) M.I,302; S.V,209 (in def. of dukkhindriya); A.II,143 (sarīrikā vedanā dukkhā); Nett 12 (duvidhaṁ d.: kāyikaṁ=dukkhaṁ; cetasikaṁ= domanassaṁ); Vism.165 (twofold), 496 (dukkhā aññaṁ na bādhakaṁ), 499 (seven divisions), 503 (kāyika); SnA 119 (sukhaṁ vā dukkhaṁ vā Sn.67=kāyikaṁ sātāsātaṁ). Bdhgh. usually paraphrases d. with vaṭṭadukkha, e. g. at SnA 44, 212, 377, 505. -- (b) Thus to be understood as physical pain in combn dukkha+ domanassa “pain & grief,” where d. can also be taken as the Gen. term & dom° as specification, e. g. in cetasikaṁ dukkhaṁ domanassaṁ paṭisaṁvedeti A.I,157, 216; IV,406; S.II,69; rāgajan d °ṁ dom °ṁ paṭisaṁvedeti A.II,149; kāmûpasaṁhitaṁ d °ṁ dom °ṁ A.III,207; d °ṁ dom °ṁ paṭisaṁvediyati S.IV,343. Also as cpd. dukkhadomanassānaṁ atthaṅgamāya A.III,326, & freq. in formula soka-parideva-d°-domanass-upāyāsā (grief & sorrow, afflictions of pain & misery, i. e. all kinds of misery) D.I,36 (arising fr. kāmā); M.II,64; A.V,216 sq.; It.89 etc. (see above B I. 4). Cp. also the combn dukkhī dummano “miserable and dejected” S.II,282. -- (c) dukkha as “feeling of pain” forms one of the three dukkhatā or painful states, viz. d.-dukkhatā (painful sensation caused by bodily pain), saṅkhāra° id. having its origin in the saṅkhārā, vipariṇāma°, being caused by change S.IV,259; V,56; D.III,216; Nett 12. (d) Closely related in meaning is ahita “that which is not good or profitable,” usually opposed to sukha & hita. It is freq. in the ster. expression “hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāya” for a long time it is a source of discomfort & pain A.I,194 sq.; M.I,332 D.III,157; Pug.33. Also in phrases anatthāya ahitāya dukkhāya D.III,246 & akusalaṁ . . . ahitāya dukkhāya saṁvattati A.I,58. -- (e) Under vedanā as sensation are grouped the 3: sukhaṁ (or sukhā ved.) pleasure (pleasant sensation), dukkhaṁ pain (painful sens.), adukkham-asukhaṁ indifference (indifferent sens.), the last of which is the ideal state of the emotional habitus to be gained by the Arahant (cp. upekhā & nibbidā). Their role is clearly indicated in the 4th jhāna: sukhassa pahānā dukkhassa pahānā pubbe va somanassadomanassānaṁ atthaṅgamā adukkham-asukhaṁ upekhā parisuddhiṁ catutthaṁ jhānaṁ upasampajja viharati (see jhāna). -- As contents of vedanā: sukhaṁ vediyati dukkhaṁ v. adukkham-asukhaṁ v. tasmā vedanā ti S.III,86, 87; cp. S.II,82 (vedayati). tisso vedanā: sukha, d°, adukkham-asukhā° D.III,275; S.II,53; IV,114 sq., 207, 223 sq., cp. M.I,396; A.I,173; IV,442; It.46, 47. yaṁ kiñc’āyaṁ purisa-puggalo paṭisaṁvedeti sukhaṁ vā d °ṁ vā a °ṁ vā sabban taṁ pubbe katahetū ti=one’s whole life-experience is caused by one’s former kamma A.I,173=M.II,217. -- The combn (as complementary pair) of sukha+dukkha is very freq. for expressing the varying fortunes of life & personal experience as pleasure & pain, e. g. n’âlam aññamaññassa sukhāya vā dukkhāya vā sukhadukkhāya vā D.I,56=S.III,211. Thus under the 8 “fortunes of the world” (loka dhammā) with lābha (& a°), yasa (a°), pasaṁsā (nindā), sukha (dukkha) at D.III,260; Nd2 55. Regarded as a thing to be avoided in life: puriso jīvitukāmo . . . sukhakāmo dukkha-paṭikkūlo S.IV,172, 188. -- In similar contexts: D.I,81≈; III,51, 109, 187; S.II,22, 39; IV,123 sq.; A.II,158 etc. (cp. sukha).
2. As complex state (suffering) & its valuation in the light of the Doctrine: (a) any worldly sensation, pleasure & experience may be a source of discomfort (see above, I.; cp. esp. kāma & bhava) Ps.I,11 sq. (specified as jāti etc.); dukkhaṁ=mahabbhayaṁ S.I,37; bhārādānaṁ dukkhaṁ loke bhāra-nikkhepanaṁ sukhaṁ (pain is the great weight) S.III,26; kāmānaṁ adhivacanaṁ A.III,310; IV,289; cp. A.III,410 sq. (with kāmā, vedanā, saññā, āsavā, kamma, dukkhaṁ). -- (b) ekanta° (extreme pain) refers to the suffering of sinful beings in Niraya, & it is open to conjecture whether this is not the first & orig. meaning of dukkha; e. g. M.I,74; A.II,231 (vedanaṁ vediyati ekanta-d°ṁ seyyathā pi sattā nerayikā); see ekanta. In the same sense: . . . upenti Roruvaṁ ghoraṁ cirarattaṁ dukkhaṁ anubhavanti S.I,30; niraya-dukkha Sn.531; pecca d°ṁ nigacchati Sn.278, 742; anubhonti d°ṁ kaṭuka-pphalāni Pv.I,1110 (=āpāyikaṁ d°ṁ PvA.60); PvA.67; mahādukkhaṁ anubhavati PvA.43, 68, 107 etc. atidukkhaṁ PvA.65; dukkhato pete mocetvā PvA.8. -- (c) to suffer pain, to experience unpleasantness etc. is expressed in foll. terms: dukkhaṁ anubhavati (only w. ref. to Niraya, see b); anveti Dh.1 (=kāyikaṁ cetasikaṁ vipāka-dukkhaṁ anugacchati DhA.I,24), upeti Sn.728; carati S.I,210; nigacchati M.I,337; Sn.278, 742; paṭisaṁvedeti M.I,313 (see above); passati S.I,132 (jāto dukkhāni passati: whoever is born experiences woe); vaḍḍheti S.II,109; viharati A.I,202; II,95; III,3; S.IV,78 (passaddhiyā asati d°ṁ v. dukkhino cittaṁ na samādhiyati); vedayati, vediyati, vedeti etc. see above III, 1 e; sayati A.I,137. -- (d) More specific reference to the cause of suffering & its removal by means of enlightenment: (a) Origin (see also above I. & II. 1): dukkhe loko patiṭṭhito S.I,40; yaṁ kiñci dukkhaṁ sambhoti sabbaṁ saṅkhāra-paccayā Sn.731; ye dukkhaṁ vaḍḍhenti te na parimuccanti jātiyā etc. S.II,109; d°ṁ ettha bhiyyo Sn.61, 584; yo paṭhavī-dhātuṁ abhinandati dukkhaṁ so abhin° Si I.174; taṇhā d °ssa samudayo etc. Nett 23 sq.; as result of sakkāyadiṭṭhi S.IV,147, of chanda S.I,22 of upadhi S.II,109, cp. upadhīnidānā pabhavanti dukkhā Sn.728; d°ṁ eva hi sambhoti d°ṁ tiṭṭhati veti ca S.I,135. -- (b) Salvation from Suffering (see above I.): kathaṁ dukkhā pamuccati Sn.170; dukkhā pamuccati S.I,14; III,41, 150; IV,205; V,451; na hi putto pati vā pi piyo d °ā pamocaye yathā saddhamma-savanaṁ dukkhā moceti pāṇinaṁ S.I,210; na appatvā lokantaṁ dukkhā atthi pamocanaṁ A.II,49. Kammakkhayā . . . sabbaṁ d°ṁ nijjiṇṇaṁ bhavissati M.II,217, cp. I.93. kāme pahāya . . . d°ṁ na sevetha anatthasaṁhitaṁ S.I,12=31; rūpaṁ (etc.) abhijānaṁ bhabbo d --°kkhayāya S.III,27; IV,89; d°ṁ pariññāya sakhettavatthuṁ Tathāgato arahati pūraḷāsaṁ Sn.473. pajahati d°ṁ Sn.789, 1056. dukkhassa samudayo ca atthaṅgamo ca S.II,72; III,228 sq.; IV,86, 327. – dukkhass’antakaro hoti M.I,48; A.III,400 sq.; It.18; antakarā bhavāmase Sn.32; antaṁ karissanti Satthu sāsana-kārino A.II,26; d °parikkhīṇaṁ S.II,133; akiñcanaṁ nânupatanti dukkhā S.I,23; saṅkhārānaṁ nirodhena n’atthi d°assa sambhavo Sn.731. -- muniṁ d°assa pārayuṁ S.I,195=Nd2 136v; antagū ‘si pāragū d°assa Sn.539. – saṅg’ātiko maccujaho nirūpadhi pahāya d°ṁ apunabbhavāya S.IV,158; ucchinnaṁ mūlaṁ d°assa, n’atthi dāni punabbhavo Vin.I,231= D.II,91.
--âdhivāha bringing or entailing pain S.IV,70; --anubhavana suffering pain or undergoing punishment (in Niraya) J.IV,3; --antagū one who has conquered suffering Sn.401; --âbhikiṇṇa beset with pain, full of distress It.89; --âsahanatā non-endurance of ills Vism.325. --indriya the faculty of experiencing pain, painful sensation S.V,209, 211; Dhs.556, 560; Vbh.15, 54, 71; --udraya causing or yielding pain, resulting in ill, yielding distress M.I,415 sq.; A.I,97; IV,43 (+dukkhavipāka); V,117 (dukh°), 243; J.IV,398; of kamma: Ps.I,80; II,79; Pv.I,1110 (so read for dukkhandriya, which is also found at PvA.60); DhA.II,40 (°uddaya); --ûpadhāna causing pain Dh.291; --ûpasama the allayment of pain or alleviation of suffering, only in phrase (aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo) d-ûpasama-gāmino S.III,86; It.106; Sn.724=Dh.191; -- (m)esin wishing ill, malevolent J.IV,26; --otiṇṇa fallen into misery S.III,93; M.I,460; II,10; --kāraṇa labour or trials to be undergone as punishment DhA.III,70 (see Dh.138, 139 & cp. dasa1 B 1 b); --khandha the aggregate of suffering, all that is called pain or affliction (see above B II. 1) S.II,134; III,93; M.I,192 sq.; 200 sq.; etc.; -- khaya the destruction of pain, the extinction of ill M.I,93; II,217 (kammakkhayā d-kkhayo); S.III,27; Sn.732. Freq. in phrase (nīyāti or hoti) sammā-d-kkhayāya “leads to the complete extinction of ill,” with ref. to the Buddha’s teaching or the higher wisdom, e. g. of brahmacariyā S.II,24; of paññā D.III,268; A.III,152 sq.; of ariyā diṭṭhi D.III,264=A.III,132; of sikkhā A.II,243; of dhamma M.I,72; --dhamma the principle of pain, a painful object, any kind of suffering (cp. °khandha) D.III,88; S.IV,188 (°ānaṁ samudayañ ca atthagamañ ca yathābhūtaṁ pajānāti); It.38 (nirodha °anaṁ); --nidāna a source of pain M.II,223; Dhs.1059, 1136; --nirodha the destruction of pain, the extinction of suffering (see above B II. 1) M.I,191; II,10; A.III,410, 416; etc.; --paṭikkūla averse to pain, avoiding unpleasantness, in combn sukhakāmo d-p. S.IV,172 (spelt °kulo), 188; M.I,341; --patta being in pain J.VI,336; --pareta afflicted by pain or misery S.III,93; It.89=A.I,147; --bhummi the soil of distress Dhs.985; --vāca hurtful speech Pv.I,32 (should probably be read duṭṭha°); --vipāka (adj.) having pain as its fruit, creating misery S.II,128; D.III,57, 229; A.II,172 (kamma); Ps.II,79 (id.); --vepakka =°vipāka Sn.537 (kamma); --saññā the consciousness of pain Nett 27; --samudaya the rise or origin of pain or suffering (opp. °nirodha; see above B II. 1) S.IV,37; M.I,191; II,10; III,267; Vbh.107 (taṇhā ca avasesā ca kilesā: ayaṁ vuccati d-s.); --samphassa contact with pain M.I,507; Dhs.648; f. abstr. °tā Pug.33; --seyya an uncomfortable couch DhA.IV,8. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】 苦,苦楚,痛苦,悲惨,极大的痛苦,不便之处。 ~kkhaya,【阳】 苦尽(痛苦的消失)。 ~ kkhandha, 【阳】 苦蕴。 ~nidāna, 【中】痛苦的来源。【 形】 引起痛苦的。 ~nirodha。【 阳】 苦灭。 ~nirodhagāminī,【阴】 导致苦灭之道。 ~antagū, 【形】 已征服苦的人。 ~paṭikkūla, 【形】嫌恶苦的。 ~pareta, 【形】 被悲惨而痛苦的。 ~ppatta, 【形】 在痛苦中的。 ~ppahāṇa, 【中】 断苦(痛苦的断除)。 ~vipāka, 【形】 苦报的(有痛苦的果报的),创造痛苦的。 ~sacca, 【中】 苦谛(痛苦的真理)。~samudaya, 【阳】 苦集(痛苦的起源)。 ~samphassa, 【形】 苦触的(有痛苦的触觉的)。 ~seyyā,【 阴】 苦睡(不舒服的睡眠)。 ~anubhavana,【中】 受苦(在受处罚中 )。 ~apagama, 【阳】 除苦(痛苦的断除)。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '苦、痛、灾难。', 'xr': '《巴英术语汇编》 -《法的医疗》附 温宗堃'}
- {'def': '(梵duhkha,‹duh-ka,dukkha= du1厌恶+kha空间(=ākāsa)见Vism.494), 【阳】【中】【形】苦,苦楚,痛苦,悲惨,极大的痛苦,不便之处。dukkhakkhaya,【阳】苦尽(痛苦的消失)。dukkhakkhandha,【阳】苦蕴。dukkhanijjiṇṇa﹐苦边,即苦之边际、苦之灭尽。dukkhanidāna,【中】痛苦的来源;【形】引起痛苦的。dukkhanirodha,【阳】苦灭。dukkhanirodhagāminī,【阴】导致苦灭之道。dukkhantagū,【形】已征服苦的人。dukkhapaṭikkūla,【形】嫌恶苦的。dukkhapareta,【形】被悲惨而痛苦的。dukkhappatta,【形】在痛苦中的。dukkhappahāṇa,【中】断苦(痛苦的断除)。dukkhavipāka,【形】苦报的(有痛苦的果报的),创造痛苦的。dukkhasacca,【中】苦谛(痛苦的真理)。dukkhasamudaya,【阳】苦集(痛苦的起源)。dukkhasamphassa,【形】苦触的(有痛苦的触觉的)。dukkhaseyyā,【阴】苦睡(不舒服的睡眠)。dukkhanubhavana,【中】受苦(在受处罚中)。dukkhapagama,【阳】除苦(痛苦的断除)。【反】sukha乐(pleasant)。S.38.14.:“Tisso imā, āvuso, dukkhatā. Dukkhadukkhatā, saṅkhāradukkhatā vipariṇāmadukkhatā--imā kho, āvuso, tisso dukkhatā”ti.(具寿!这三者是苦性,苦苦性、行苦性、坏苦性。具寿!这三者是苦性。) DA.33(CS:p.3.174.):Dukkhadukkhatāti dukkhabhūtā dukkhatā. Dukkhavedanāyetaṁ nāmaṁ. Saṅkhāradukkhatāti saṅkhārabhāvena dukkhatā. Adukkhamasukhāvedanāyetaṁ nāmaṁ. Sā hi saṅkhatattā uppādajarābhaṅgapīḷitā, tasmā aññadukkhasabhāvavirahato saṅkhāradukkhatāti vuttā. Vipariṇāmadukkhatāti vipariṇāme dukkhatā. Sukhavedanāyetaṁ nāmaṁ. Sukhassa hi vipariṇāme dukkhaṁ uppajjati, tasmā sukhaṁ vipariṇāmadukkhatāti vuttaṁ.( 苦苦性:已变成苦性,这是苦受之谓。行苦性:以行的情况为苦,这是不苦不乐受之谓。坏苦性:於坏的苦,这是乐受之谓。乐受变坏,苦生起,由乐受变坏说为苦性。)SA.38.13-15./III,89.:Dukkhatāti dukkhasabhāvo. Dukkhadukkhatāti-ādīsu dukkhasaṅkhāto dukkhasabhāvo dukkhadukkhatā.(苦性:苦的性质。苦苦性等:苦性的有为性、苦性、苦苦性。) Sṭ.38.14.:Dukkhasaṅkhātoti “dukkhan”ti saṅkhātabbo viditabbo ca dukkhasabhāvo dhammo dukkhadukkhatā. Yasmā dukkhavedanāvinimuttasaṅkhatadhamme sukhavedanāya ca yathā idha saṅkhāradukkhatā vipariṇāmadukkhatāti dukkhapariyāyo niruppateva, tasmā dukkhasabhāvo dhammo ekena dukkhasaddena visesetvā vutto “dukkhadukkhatā”ti. Sesapadadvayeti saṅkhāradukkhatā vipariṇāmadukkhatāti etasmiṁ padadvaye. Saṅkhārabhāvena dukkhasabhāvo saṅkhāradukkhatā. Sukhassa vipariṇāmanena dukkhasabhāvo vipariṇāmadukkhatā.(苦性的有为性:‘苦’:当知道有为和「苦性」的法是「苦苦性」。因为已脱离的苦受的有为性的法,如乐受--具有为苦性、坏苦性等,苦的性--不再显现,所以苦性法以这一苦义定义为「苦苦性」。最后句两种是,有为苦性和坏苦性这两句,以有为性的苦性是「有为苦性」。以乐的变坏的苦性是「坏苦性」。) SA.35.136./II,400.:Dukkhāti dukkhitā.(苦:折磨的) S-ṭ(S.1.38.)︰Dukkhāti dukkhamā duttitikkhā. 苦:具有难忍耐之苦。《增支部注》(AA.7.17.) 说:dukkhānupassīti pīḷanākāraṁ dukkhato anupassanto.(苦随观:由苦随观损害的制造者)。ettakaṁ vā dukkhaṁ nijjiṇṇaṁ, ettakaṁ vā dukkhaṁ nijjiretabbaṁ.(这些苦的边际,这些苦应当灭除。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhanirodha
- {'def': '【阳】苦灭。S.56.11./V,421.︰Idaṁ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkhanirodhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ-- yo tassāyeva taṇhāya asesavirāganirodho cāgo paṭinissaggo mutti anālayo.(诸比丘!苦灭圣谛者,即此:凡是对此渴爱无余、离染、灭,放出(cāgo舍弃),对之无执著(paṭinissaggo(‹paṭi对 + nissajjati(√srj)无执著)),解脱(mutti),无附著(anālayo)。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhanirodhagāminī
- {'def': '【阴】导致苦灭之道。S.56.11./V,421~2.︰Idaṁ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ariyasaccaṁ-- ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, seyyathidaṁ-- sammādiṭṭhi, sammāsaṅkappo, sammāvācā, sammākammanto, sammā-ājīvo, sammāvāyāmo, sammāsati, sammāsamādhi.(诸比丘!苦灭行道圣谛者,此即是八支圣道:正见、正思惟、正语、正业、正命、正精进、正念、正定。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhasacca
- {'def': '【中】苦谛。S.56.11./V,421.︰“Idaṁ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkhaṁ ariyasaccaṁ-- jātipi dukkhā, jarāpi dukkhā, byādhipi dukkho, maraṇampi dukkhaṁ, appiyehi sampayogo dukkho, piyehi vippayogo dukkho, yampicchaṁ na labhati tampi dukkhaṁ-- saṁkhittena pañcupādānakkhandhā dukkhā. (诸比丘!苦圣谛者,即是此:生苦、老苦、病苦、死苦、愁悲忧恼苦、遇怨憎者苦、与所爱者别离苦、所求不得苦,略说为五取蕴苦。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhasamudaya
- {'def': '【阳】苦集。S.56.11./V,421.︰Idaṁ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkhasamudayaṁ ariyasaccaṁ-- yāyaṁ taṇhā ponobbhavikānandirāgasahagatā tatratatrābhinandinī, seyyathidaṁ-- kāmataṇhā, bhavataṇhā, vibhavataṇhā.(诸比丘!苦集谛者,凡是对后有起、喜染俱行、随处欢喜,即:欲爱、有爱、无有爱。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhassantakara
- {'def': '(=dukkhass’antaṁ karoti)﹐【阳】作苦边际,即灭尽苦。 M.71./I,483.︰“Natthi kho, Vaccha, koci gihī gihisaṁyojanaṁ appahāya kāyassa bhedā dukkhassantakaro”ti.( (世尊答覆婆蹉︰) 婆蹉!实 无有任何在家者不舍断在家之结,於身坏(命终)作苦边际时(证阿罗汉果)。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhati
- {'def': '[fr. dukkha] to be painful Vism.264. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dukkhatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *duhkhatvaṁ]=dukkhatā D.III,106 (+dandhatta). (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dukkhatā
- {'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. duḥkhatā, abstr. to dukkha] state of pain, painfulness, discomfort, pain (see dukkha B III, 1 c) D.III,216; S.IV,259; V,56; Nett 12 (expl.). (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dukkhaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 不容易地。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dukkhaṁ
- {'def': '【副】不容易地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '苦', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- Dukkhin
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [Sk. duḥkhin] 1. afflicted, grieved, miserable S.I,103 sq., 129 sq., II.282 (+dummano); IV,78; A.III,57. -- 2. a loser in the game J.II,160. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dukkhita
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. duḥkhita; pp. of *dukkhāpeti] afflicted, dejected, unhappy, grieved, disappointed; miserable, suffering, ailing (opp. sukhita) D.I,72 (puriso ābādhiko d. bāḷha-gilāno); II,24; S.I,149; III,11=IV.180 (sukhitesu sukhito dukkhitesu dukkhito); V,211; M.I,88; II,66; Vin.IV,291; Sn.984, 986; J.IV,452; Miln.275; DhA.II,28; VvA.67. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dukkhotiṇṇa
- {'def': '【形】 变成悲惨的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】变成悲惨的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhudraya
- {'def': '【形】 引起痛苦的,造成疾病的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】引起痛苦的,造成疾病的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhāpana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. to dukkhāpeti] bringing sorrow, causing pain Miln.275 sq., 351. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】伤害。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 伤害。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dukkhāpeti
- {'def': '(dukkha 的【派】), 使痛苦,引起痛苦,伤害。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~pita。 【现分】 ~penta。 【独】 ~petvā。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(dukkha 的【派】), 使痛苦,引起痛苦,伤害。【过】dukkhāpesi。【过分】dukkhāpita。【现分】dukkhāpenta。【独】dukkhāpetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[caus. to dukkha] to cause pain, to afflict J.IV,452; Miln.276 sq.; PvA.215. -- pp. dukkhāpita. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dukkhāpita
- {'def': '[pp. of dukkhāpeti] pained, afflicted Miln.79, 180. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dukkhī
- {'def': 'dukkhita, 【形】 使痛苦的,使悲伤的,不快乐的,沮丧的,生病的。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'dukkhita(梵duhkhita;dukkhāpeti的【过分】),【形】折磨的(afflicted),使悲伤的(grieved),不快乐的(unhappy),沮丧的(dejected、disappointed),生病的(ailing)。dukkhito bāḷhagilāno﹐病入膏肓(折磨的重病)。【反】sukhita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukkhīyati
- {'def': '[Sk. duḥkhīyati & duḥkhāyati denom. fr. dukkha; cp. vediyati & vedayati] to feel pain, to be distressed DhA.II,28 (=vihaññati). (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(dukkha 的【派】), 痛,被苦恼。【过】dukkhīyi。【过分】dukkhita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(dukkha 的【派】), 痛,被苦恼。【 过】 dukkhīyi。【 过分】 dukkhita。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dukkhūpasama
- {'def': '【阳】 减轻痛苦。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】减轻痛苦。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dukūla
- {'def': '【中】 一种非常好的布料。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. dukūla] a certain (jute?) plant; (nt.) [cp. Sk. dukūlaṁ woven silk] very fine cloth, made of the fibre of the d. plant S.III,145; A.IV,393; J.II,21; IV,219; V,400; VI,72; Vism.257, 262; VvA.165; DA.I,140; Dāvs.V, 27. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Sk. dukūla),【中】陀拘罗布(音译),一种非常好的布料。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dullabha
- {'def': '【形】难获得的,难得的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难获得的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dulladdha
- {'def': '【形】不容易获得的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不容易获得的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dulladdhi
- {'def': '【阴】 邪见。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】邪见。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duma
- {'def': '【阳】 树。 ~gga, 【中】 树稍(树的顶端)。 ~ntara, 【中】 多种树,树的间隔。 ~inda, ~uttama, 【阳】 树王(即:菩提树)。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】树。dumagga,【中】树稍(树的顶端)。dumantara,【中】多种树,树的间隔。duminda, dumauttama,【阳】树王(即:菩提树)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. druma=Gr. drumόs, see dāru] tree A.III,43; J.I,87, 272; II,75, 270; VI,249, 528; Vv 8414; Miln.278, 347; VvA.161.
--agga 1. the top of a tree J.II,155. -- 2. a splendid tree Vv 354. -- 3. a tooth-pick J.V,156; --inda “king of trees,” the Bodhi tree Dpvs.I,7; --uttama a magnificent tree Vv 393; --phala fruit of a tree M.II,74; Vism.231 (in comparison). (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dummana
- {'def': '【形】不快乐的,悲伤的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不快乐的,悲伤的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dummatī
- {'def': '【阳】 心地邪恶的人,恶毒的人,愚人。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】心地邪恶的人,恶毒的人,愚人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dummaṅku
- {'def': '【形】难使沉默的人,倔强的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难使沈默的人,倔强的人。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dummedha
- {'def': '【形】 愚蠢的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】愚蠢的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dummukha
- {'def': '【形】愁容的。愁忧不乐的。台语:面忧忧bin7 iu iu,目头结结bak8 thau5 kat kat,喙目鼻结归球chui3 bak8 phinn7 kat kui khiu5。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 愁容的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dumuppala
- {'def': '【阳】 翅子树(见 Kaṇikāra)。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】翅子树(见 Kaṇikāra)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dundubhi
- {'def': '(m. & f.) [Sk. dundubhi, onomat.; cp. other forms under daddabha, dudrabhi] a kettle-drum, the noise of a drum, a heavy thud, thunder (usually as deva° in the latter meaning) Pv III,34; J.VI,465; PvA.40, 189 (v. l. dudrabhi). -- Amata° the drum of Nibbāna M.I,171=Vin.I,8 (: dudrabhi); deva° thunder D.II,156; A.IV,311. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 鼓。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】鼓。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dunniggaha
- {'def': '【形】难征服的,难控制的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难征服的,难控制的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dunnikkhitta
- {'def': '【形】 错置的(错误地放置的),放置得很差劲的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】错置的(错误地放置的),放置得很差劲的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dunnimitta
- {'def': '【中】凶兆。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 凶兆。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dunnāmaka
- {'def': '【中】 痔,痔疮,痔核,痔疾。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】痔(pile),痔疮(haemorrhoids)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dunnīta
- {'def': '【形】错误地应用的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 错误地应用的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dupaṭṭa
- {'def': '【形】 有两层的,夹层的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】有两层的,夹层的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dupaṭṭo
- {'def': 'see dvi B II. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duphassa
- {'def': '【阳】 荨麻(荨麻科类植物 (Urtica) 荨麻属齿形叶,花雌雄异体,无花瓣,接触其植物刺毛会引起皮肤过敏),不愉快的触觉。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】荨麻(the nettle plant﹐荨麻科类植物 (Urtica) 荨麻属齿形叶,无花瓣,接触其植物刺毛会引起皮肤过敏),不愉快的触觉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duppamuñca
- {'def': '【形】 难解脱的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难解脱的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dupparihāriya
- {'def': '【形】 难使用的,难处理的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难使用的,难处理的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duppañña
- {'def': '【形】 愚蠢的。 【阳】 愚人。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】愚蠢的。【阳】愚人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duppaṭinissaggiya
- {'def': '【形】难放弃的,难戒除的。duppaṭinissaggita﹐固执。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难放弃的,难戒除的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duppaṭivijjha
- {'def': '【形】难明白的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难明白的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Durabhisambhava
- {'def': '(dur难 + abhisambhava得达),【形】难到达。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Durabhisambhavatara
- {'def': '(dur难 + abhisambhava得达 + tara更),【形】更难得达。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duraccaya
- {'def': '(dur难 + accaya消逝),【形】难消逝。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'duratikkama 【形】 难通过的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'duratikkama 【形】难通过的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Durakkha
- {'def': '【形】难保护的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难保护的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Duranubodha
- {'def': 'durājāna,【形】难懂的,难知的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'durājāna, 【形】 难懂的,难知的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Durita
- {'def': '【中】孽,坏行为,不良的举动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 孽,坏行为,不良的举动。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Durutta
- {'def': '【形】说得差的。【中】差劲的话。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 说得差的。 【中】 差劲的演讲。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Durāsada
- {'def': '【形】难接近的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 难接近的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dussa
- {'def': '【中】 布料,衣服。 ~karaṇḍaka, 【阳】 衣箱。 ~koṭṭhāgāra, 【中】布料的仓库,储衣室。 ~yuga, 【中】 一套衣服。 ~vaṭṭi, 【阴】 一卷布料,布料的边缘。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】白布或指未染色的粗布衣(音译:头舍衣)。dussakaraṇḍaka,【阳】衣箱,缄簏。dussakoṭṭhāgāra,【中】布料的仓库,储衣室。dussayuga,【中】一套衣服。dussavaṭṭi,【阴】一卷布料,布料的边缘。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (nt.) [Sk. dūrśa & dūṣya] woven material, cloth, turban cloth; (upper) garment, clothes Vin.I,290; II,128, 174; IV,159. D.I,103; S.V,71; M.I,215; II,92; A.V,347; Sn.679; Pv.I,103 (=uttarīyaṁ sāṭakaṁ PvA.49); II,314; Pug.55; PvA.73, 75. -- cīvara°, q. v.; chava° a miserable garment D.I,166; A.I,295; II,206; M.I,78, 308.
--karaṇḍaka a clothes-chest S.V,71=M.I,215; A.IV,230; --koṭṭhagāra a store-room for cloth or clothes DhA.I,220, 393; --gahaṇa (-maṅgala) (the ceremony of) putting on a garment DhA.II,87; --cālanī a cloth sieve Vin.I,202; --paṭṭa turban cloth Vin.II,266 (=setavattha-paṭṭa Bdhgh.); S.II,102; --phala having clothes as fruit (of magic trees, cp. kapparukkha) Vv 462 (cp. VvA.199); --maya consisting in clothes Vv 467 (cp. VvA.199); --yuga a suit of garments Vin.I,278; M.I,215=S.V,71; Miln.31 (cp. M Vastu I.61); DhA.IV,11; --ratana “a pearl of a garment,” a fine garment Miln.262. --vaṭṭi fringed cotton cloth Vin.II,266. --veṇi plaited cotton cloth Vin.II,266. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '2 at J.III,54 is usually taken as=amussa (cp. amuka). C. expls as “near,” & adds “asammussa.” Or is it Sk. dūṣya easily spoilt? See on this passage Andersen Pali Reader II.124. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dussaha
- {'def': '【形】 难涉及的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难涉及的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dussaka
- {'def': '=dūsaka (q. v.). (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dussana
- {'def': '【中】 犯罪,堕落,忿怒。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '﹐Dussanā (梵dūsana),【中】犯罪,堕落,忿怒。Dussanā,【阴】害意,秽恶。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dussanā
- {'def': '(f.) & Dussana (nt.) [Sk. dūṣana, cp. dussati] defilement, guilt A.II,225; Pug.18, 22; Dhs.418, 1060; DA.I,195 (rajjana-d. muyhana). (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dussanīya
- {'def': '(cf. 梵dvesanīya),【形】忿怒的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. dveṣanīya, because of doṣa= dveṣa taken to dus] able to give offence, hateful, evil (always combd with rajanīya, cp. rāga dosa moha) A.III,110 (dusanīye dussati, where It.84 has dosaneyye); J.VI,9; Miln.386. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dussassa
- {'def': '(du+sassa),【形】饥馑的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'see sassa. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dussati
- {'def': '(dus+ya﹐梵dusati‹梵tus), 生气,堕落。【过】dussi。【过分】duṭṭha(梵dusṭhta)。【独】dussitvā。【使】dūseti﹐dusseti(梵dūsayati)。【未被】dosaneyya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(dus + ya), 做错事,违反,堕落,生气。 【过】 dussi。 【过分】 duṭṭha。【独】 dussitvā。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. duṣyati, denom. fr. pref. duḥ (du°); pp. duṣṭha, caus. dūṣayati] to be or become bad or corrupted, to get damaged; to offend against, to do wrong Vin.II,113; S.I,13=164; Dh.125=PvA.116; Dh.137; It.84 (dosancyye na d.) cp. A.III,110 (dussanīye d.); J.VI,9; Miln.101, 386. -- pp. duṭṭha (q. v.). -- Caus. dūseti (q. v.). See also dosa1 & dosaniya; & pa°. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dussika
- {'def': 'a cloth merchant J.VI,276; Miln.262, 331 sq. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dussitatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *dūṣitatva]=dussanā, Pug.18, 22. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dussīla
- {'def': '【形】坏性格的,无道德的,劣戒,破戒,难戒。SA.14.23.-24./II,143.︰Dussīlāti nissīlā.(难戒︰无戒)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 坏性格的,无道德的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dutappaya
- {'def': '【形】 不容易满足的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不容易满足的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dutiya
- {'def': '【形】 第二的。 ~ka, 【形】 同伴,共事者。 ~yaŋ, 【副】 第二次。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(num. ord.) [Sk. dvitīya, with reduction of dvi to du, as in compn mentioned under dvi B II. For the meaning “companion” cp. num. ord. for two in Lat. secundus ‹ sequor, i. e. he who follows, & Gr. deu/teros› deu/omai he who stays behind, also Sk. davīyas farther] (a) (num.) the second, the following J.II,102, 110; dutiyaṁ for the second time (cp. tatiyaṁ in series 1, 2, 3) Vin.II,188; D.II,155. -- (b) (adj. n.) one who follows or is associated with, an associate of; accompanying or accompanied by (-°); a companion, friend, partner Vin.IV,225; S.I,25 (saddhā dutiyā purisassa hoti=his 2nd self); IV,78 (id.) I.131; It.9; J.V,400; Th.2, 230 (a husband); Sn.49 (=Nd2 305, where two kinds of associates or companions are distinguished, viz. taṇhā° & puggalo°). taṇhā-dutiyā either “connected with thirst” or “having thirst as one’s companion” (see taṇhā) S.IV,37; It.109=A.II,10; bilaṅga° kaṇājaka (rice with sour gruel) Vin.II,77; S.I,90, 91. -- adutiya alone, unaccompanied PvA.161. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】【阳】第二的,伴侣(第二自己之意)。dutiyaka,【形】同伴,共事者。dutiyayaṁ,【副】第二次。purāṇa-dutiyakā﹐【阴】旧妻;古译:故二。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dutiyaka
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [Dimin. of dutiya] (a) the second, following, next J.I,504 (°cittavāre); °ṁ a 2nd time M.I,83. -- (b) a companion; only in f. dutiyikā a wife or female compn Vin.IV,230, 270 (a bhikkhunī as compn of another one); Freq. as purāṇa-dutiyikā one’s former wife Vin.I,96; III,16; S.I,200; M.II,63; J.I,210; V,152; DhA.I,77. Cp. M Vastu II.134 dvitīyā in the same sense. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dutiyikā
- {'def': '【阴】 妻子。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】妻子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dutiyyatā
- {'def': '(f.) companionship, friendship, help J.III,169. (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dutiyā
- {'def': '【阴】 1. 妻子。 2. (巴利语法)第二格,即: 宾格。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】1.妻子。2.(巴利语法)第二格,即:宾格。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duttara
- {'def': '【形】 难渡的,难越过的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】难渡的,难越过的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duvaṅgika
- {'def': '【形】 由两部分所组成。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】由两部分所组成。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duve
- {'def': '(dvi 的【主、复】), 二,二个人或事物。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(dvi 的【主、复】), 二,二个人(或事物)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duvidha
- {'def': '【形】 两倍的。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】两倍的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duyhati
- {'def': '(duhati 的【被】), 被挤(奶)。 【过】 duyhi。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(duhati 的【被】), 被挤(奶)。【过】duyhi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'Pass to dohati (q. v.). (Page 327)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Du°
- {'def': '2 in cpds. meaning two°; see dvi B II. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (& before vowels dur°) (indecl.) [Sk. duḥ & duṣ=Gr. duζ--, Oir. du-, Ohg. zur-, zer-; antithetic prefix, generally opposed to su°=Gr. eu]-- etc. Ultimately identical with du2 in sense of asunder, apart, away from= opposite or wrong] 1. syllable of exclamation (=duḥ) “bad, woe” (beginning the word du (j) --jīvitaṁ) DhA.II,6, 10=PvA.280, cp. J.III,47; Bdhgh’s expln of the syllable see at Vism.494. -- 2. prefix, implying perverseness, difficulty, badness (cp. dukkha). Original form *duḥ is preserved at dur- before vowels, but assimilated to a foll. consonant according to the rules of Assimilation, i. e. the cons. is doubled, with changes of v to bb & usual lengthening dū before r (but also du°). For purposes of convenience all cpds. with du° are referred to the simplex, e. g. dukkaṭa is to be looked up under kata, duggati under gati etc.
See: A. dur°. akkhāta, accaya, atikkama, atta, adhiroha, anta, annaya, abhisambhava; āgata, ājāna, āyuta, āsada; itthi; ukkhepa, ubbaha. -- B. du°: (k)kata, kara; (g)ga, gata, gati, gandha, gahīta; (c)caja, carita, cola; (j)jaha, jāna, jivha, jīvita; (t)tappaya, tara; (d)dama, dasika; (n)naya, nikkhaya, nikkhitta, niggaha, nijjhāpaya, nibbedha, nīta; (p)pañña, paṭiānaya, paṭinissaggin, paṭipadā, paṭivijjha, paṭivedha, pabhajja, pamuñca, pameyya, parihāra, payāta, pasu, peyya, posa; (p)phassa; (bb=b): bala, balika, budha; (bb=v): dubbaca=) vaca, vacana, vaṇṇa, vijāna, vidū, vinivijjha, visodha, vuṭṭhika; (b) bhaga, bhara, bhāsita, bhikkha; (m)mati, mana, maṅku, mukha, mejjha, medha; (y)yiṭṭha, yuja, yutta; (du+r)=du-ratta, ropaya (dū+r): dū-rakkha; (l)labha; (s)saddhapaya, sassa, saha, sīla; hara. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duṭṭha
- {'def': '【形】破坏的,腐败的,不道德的,坏的。duṭṭhacitta,【中】邪恶的心意,恶意。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 破坏的,腐败的,不道德的,坏的。 ~citta, 【中】 邪恶的心意,恶意。(p157)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [Sk. duṣṭha, pp. of dussati, q. v.] spoilt, corrupt; bad, malignant, wicked Vin.III,118; S.II,259, 262; IV,339; A.I,124 (°âruka), 127 (id.), 157 sq.; It.68 (saro d., perhaps should be read as diddho); J.I,187, 254 (°brāhmaṇa); IV,391 (°caṇḍāla); PvA.4 (°corā: rogues of thieves); Sdhp.86, 367, 434. -- aduṭṭha not evil, good Sn.623; It.86; DhA.IV,164. Cp. pa°.
--gahaṇika suffering from indigestion Vin.I,206; --citta evil-minded Vin.II,192; M.III,65. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Duṭṭhu
- {'def': '【副】 严重地,恶劣地。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [Sk. duṣṭhu, cp. suṣṭhu] badly, wrong DhsA.384; SnA 396; VvA.337. (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【副】严重地,恶劣地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Duṭṭhulla
- {'def': '(adj.) wicked, lewd Vin.IV,128; S.I,187 (°bhāṇin “whose speech is never lewd,” cp. Th.1, 1217 padulla ‹-› gāhin, expld as duṭṭhullagāhin Psalms of Brethren 399 n. 3); M.I,435; III,159; Vism.313. -- (nt.) wicked ‹-› ness Vin.III,21; kāya° unchastity M.III,151; Th.1, 114; Vism.151. --âduṭṭhulla that which is wicked & that which is not Vin.V,130; --āpatti a grave transgression of the Rules of the Order, viz. the 4 Pārājika & the 13 Saṅghādisesa Vin.IV,31 (opp. a° Vin.IV,32). (Page 326)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】猥辞(淫荡的谈话)。【形】劣等的,下流的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 猥辞(淫荡的谈话)。 【形】 劣等的,下流的。(p158)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvanda
- {'def': '【中】一对,夫妇,二数。【阳】连接词的复合词〔巴利语法〕。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 一对,夫妇,二数。 【阳】 连接词的复合词〔巴利语法〕。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvatti
- {'def': 'Dvattikkhattuṁ,【副】两三次。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvattikkhattuŋ
- {'def': '【副】 两三次。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvattipatta
- {'def': '【中】两三碗。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 两三碗。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvattiŋsati
- {'def': '【阴】 三十二。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvattiṁsati
- {'def': '(=battiṁsati),【阴】三十二。Dvattiṁsāka﹐【阳】三十二种身体的成份,指身体的发、毛、爪、齿、皮等三十二种成份。Khuddakapāṭha (Kh.)《小诵》(3.Dvattiṁsākāro三十二身分)︰Atthi imasmiṁ kāye-- 1kesā 2lomā 3nakhā 4dantā 5taco, 6maṁsaṁ 7nhāru 8aṭṭhi 9aṭṭhimiñjaṁ 10vakkaṁ, 11hadayaṁ 12yakanaṁ 13kilomakaṁ 14pihakaṁ 15papphāsaṁ, 16antaṁ 17antaguṇaṁ 18udariyaṁ 19karīsaṁ 20 matthaluṅgaṁ, 21pittaṁ 22semhaṁ 23pubbo 24lohitaṁ 25sedo 26medo, 27assu 28vasā 29kheḷo 30siṅghāṇikā 31lasikā 32muttan’ti.(在此身有:1.诸发(m. kesā﹐台语:头鬃thau5 cang)。2.诸毛(体毛n. lomā)。3.诸指甲(m. nakhā﹐台语:指甲cainn2 ka)。4.诸齿(m. dantā﹐喙齿chiu3 khi2)。5.皮(m. taco)。6.肉(n. maṁsaṁ, 台语:bah)。7.筋(m. nahāru)。8.骨(n. aṭṭhi)。9.髓(f. aṭṭhi-miñjā)。10.肾(n. vakkaṁ﹐台语:sin7﹐腰子io ci2)11.心(n. hadayaṁ)。12.肝(n. yakanaṁ)。13.肋膜(n. kilomakaṁ;英 pleura)。14.脾(n. pihakaṁ)。15.肺(n. papphāsaṁ)。16.肠(n. antaṁ)。17.肠膜(n. antaguṇaṁ)。18.胃中物(n. udariyaṁ)。19.屎(n. karīsaṁ)。20.脑(n. matthaluṅgaṁ)。21.胆汁(n. pittaṁ)。22.痰(n. semhaṁ) 23.脓(m. pubbo)。24.血(n. lohitaṁ)。25.汗(m. sedo)。26.脂肪(m. medo, 台语chi hong)。27.泪(n. assu﹐台语:目屎bak8 sai2)。28.油膏(f. vasā;英 tallow)。29.唾(m. kheḷo﹐口水﹐台语:喙澜chiu3 nua7)。30.涕(f. siṅghāṇika鼻水)。31.关节液(f. lasikā;英 synovic fluid)。32.尿(n. muttaṁ)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvaya
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [Ved. dvaya; cp. dvi B I. 6] (adj.) (a) two fold Sn.886 (saccaṁ musā ti dvayadhammaṁ); Dh.384; Pv IV.129 (dvayaṁ vipākaṁ=duvidhaṁ PvA.228). -- advaya single A.V,46. -- (b) false, deceitful Vin.III,21. -- nt. a duality, a pair, couple S.II,17 (°ṁ nissito loko); J.III,395 (gātha°); PvA.19 (māsa°); DhA.II,93 (pada° two lines, “couplet”).
--kārin “doing both,” i. e. both good & evil deeds (su° & duccaritaṁ) S.III,241, cp. 247 sq.; D.III,96. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】一对,夫妇,二数。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 一对,夫妇,二数。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dva°
- {'def': 'in numeral composition, meaning two etc., see under dvi B III, (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dvaṅgula
- {'def': '【形】 二寸的。 【中】 二寸。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】二寸的。【中】二寸。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dve
- {'def': '(dvi 的【主、复】) 二。 ~bhāva, 【阳】 二重性。 ~vācika, 【形】 只有两个字(重复)。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '& Dve° see dvi B 1 & 5. (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(dvi 的【主、复】) 二。dvebhāva,【阳】二重性。dvevācika,【形】只有两个字(重复)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvedhā
- {'def': '(Sk. dvidhā),【副】以二的方式,在二(in two parts, in two)。dvedhāgata﹐成为二分(gone to pieces)。dvedhāpatha,【阳】交叉道路(犹豫不决)(a twofold way, a crossing; only fig. doubt.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [Sk. dvedhā, cp. dvidhā] in two J.V,203, 206 (°sira); DhA.II,50 (bhijji: broke in two, broke asunder). (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【副】 以二方式,在二。 ~patha, 【阳】 交叉道路。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvedhāpatha
- {'def': '[cp. dvidhā & dvi B I.5] (a) a double, i. e. a branching road; a cross-road DhA.II,192; Miln.17. ‹-› (b) doubt Dh.282; Dhs.1004, 1161 Vism.313. (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dvejjha
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. dvaidhya; cp. dvi B I. 5] divided, twofold, only in neg. advejjha undivided, certain, doubtless; simple, sincere, uncontradictory A.III,403; J.IV,77; Nd2 30 (+adveḷhaka); Miln.141. -- Cp. dejjha. (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】疑惑,矛盾。【形】可疑的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 疑惑,矛盾。 【形】 可疑的。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvejjhatā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. prec.] in a° undividedness J.IV,76. (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dveḷhaka
- {'def': '【中】 疑惑。 ~jāta, 【形】 在怀疑着的。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *dvaidhaka fr. adv. dvidhā, cp. dvi B I. 5] doubt Vin.III,309; Dhs.1004, 1161; DA.I,68; DhsA.259; °citta uncertain PvA.13; °jāta in doubt Vin.III,309; D.III,117 sq.; 210. -- adveḷhaka (adj.) sure, certain, without doubt Nd2 30 (+advejjha). (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Sk. *dvaidhaka fr. adv. Dvidhā),【中】疑惑。dveḷhajāta,【形】在怀疑著的(in doubt )。dveḷhacitta﹐不确定(uncertain)。adveḷhaka,【反】确定(sure, certain, without doubt)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvi
- {'def': '【形】(数位)二。dvika,【中】二数,一对,夫妇。dvikkhattuṁ,【副】两次。dviguṇa,【形】两倍的,加倍的。dvicattālīsati,【阴】四十二。dvijivha,【形】蛇(有两个舌头的)。dvinavuti,【阴】九十二。dvipaññāsati,【阴】五十二。dvimāsika,【形】两个月大,已生存了两个月。dvisaṭṭhi,【阴】六十二。dvisata,【中】。二百。dvisattati,【阴】七十二。dvisahassa,【中】二千。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 (数字)二。 ~ka, 【中】 二数,一对,夫妇。 ~kkhattuŋ, 【副】两次。 ~guṇa, 【形】 两倍的,加倍的。 ~cattālīsati, 【阴】 四十二。 ~jivha,【形】 蛇(有两个舌头的)。 ~navuti, 【阴】 九十二。 ~paññāsati, 【阴】五十二。 ~māsika, 【形】 两个月大,已生存了两个月。 ~saṭṭhi,【阴】六十二。 ~sata, 【中】。 二百。 ~sattati, 【阴】 七十二。 ~sahassa, 【中】二千。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. dvi, dva etc. -- Bases: I. dvi=Sk. dvi in dvipad =Lat. bipēs (fr. dǔipēs), Ags. twiféte; dvidant=bidens. Reduced to di (see B I.4) as in Gr. di\\pous (=dipad), Lat. diennium & pref. dis- (cp. Goth. twis asunder, Ogh. zwisk between). -- II. du (=dvi in reduced grade, cp. Lat. du-plex, dubius etc.). -- III, dvā (& dva)=Sk. dvāu, dvā, f. nt. dve (declined as dual, but the P. (plural) inflexion from base I. see B I.1); Gr. du/w, Lat. duo; Oir. dāu, dā, f. dī; Goth. twai, f. twōs; Ags. twā (=E. two); Ohg. zwēne, zwō zwei. Also in cpd. num. dva-daśa twelve=Gr. d(*v)w/Qeka=Lat. duodecim. ] number two.
A. Meanings-I. Two as unit: 1. with objective foundation: (a) denoting a combn (pair, couple) or a repetition (twice). In this conn. frequent both objective & impersonal in mentioning natural pairs as well as psychologically contrasted notions. E. g. dvipad (biped), nāgassa dve dantā (elephants’tusks), cakkhūni (eyes); dvija (bird), duvija (tooth), dijivha (snake). See also dutiya & dvaya. -- dve: kāmā, khiḍḍā, gatiyo (Sn.1001), dānāni (It.98), piyā, phalāni (Sn.896; It.39), mittā, sinehā etc. See Nd2 under dve, cp. A.I,47‹-› 100; D.III,212--214. -- (b) denoting a separation (in two, twofold etc.): see dvidhā & cpds. -- 2. with symbolic, sentimental meaning: (a) only two (i. e. next to one or “next to nothing”), cp. the two mites of the widow (Mark XII. 42), two sons of Rachel (Gen. 30): dumāsika not more than 2 months (Vin.II,107); dvemāsiko gabbho (Pv.I,67); dvevācika; duvaṅgula (see below). -- (b) a few-more than one, some, a couple (often intermediate between 1 & 3, denoting more than once, or a comparatively long, rather long, but not like 3 a very long time): māsadvayaṁ a couple of months; dvisahassa dīpā 2000 islands (=a large number); diyaḍḍhasata 150=very long etc.; dvīhatīha (2 or 3= a couple of days) q. v.; dvirattatiratta (id. of nights); dvīsu tīsu manussesu to some people (PvA.47); dvatikkhattuṁ soveral times; cp. dvikkhattuṁ (more than once), dutiyaṁ (for the 2nd time).
II. Two as unit in connection with its own & other decimals means a complex plus a pair, which amounts to the same as a large & a small unit, or so to speak “a year & a day.” E. g. 12 (sometimes, but rarely= 10+2, see sep.); -- 32: rests usually on 4 X 8, but as No. of the Mahāpurisa-lakkhaṇāni it denotes 30+2= the great circle plus the decisive (invisible) pair; -- 62: views of heresy: see diṭṭhi; also as a year of eternity= 60 kappas+2; -- 92: as measure of eternity=90+2 kappas=a year & a day.
III, Number twelve. 1. Based on natural phenomena it denotes the solar year (dvādasamāsako saṁvaccharo VvA.247). -- 2. Connected with the solar cult it is used with human arrangements to raise them to the level of heavenly ones and to impart to them a superior significance. Thus: (a) as denoting a set (cp. 12 months companions of the Sun) it is the No. of a respectful, holy, venerable group (cp. 12 sons of Jacob Gen. 35, 22; cakes as shewbread Lev. 25, 5; stones erected Josh. 4, 8; apostles Math. 10, 2; patriarchs Acts 7, 8; companions of Odysseus Hom. Od. 9, 195; Knights of Arthur etc.): of theras, accompd by 12 bhikkhus PvA.67, 141. 179 etc.; dvādasa koṭisatāni Sn.677; five groups of 12 musicians VvA.96 (cp. 5 X 12 cromlechs in the outer circle of Stonehenge). -- (b) as measure of distance in space & time it implies vast extent, great importance, a climax, divine symmetry etc. 12 yojanas wide extends the radiance VvA.16; 12 y. as respectful distance PvA.137 (cp. 2000 cubits in same sense at Josh. 3, 4); 12 y. in extent (height, breadth & length) are the heavenly palaces of the Vimāna-petas or Yakkhas Vv 551; J.VI,116; VvA.6, 217, 244, 291, 298 etc. In the same connection we freq. find the No. 16: solasa-yojanikaṁ kanaka-vimānaṁ Vv 671; VvA.188, 289 etc. -- Of years: J.III,80; VvA.157 (dvādasa-vassikā; in this sense also 16 instead of 12: soḷasa-vassuddesika VvA.259 etc. See soḷasa).
B. Bases & Forms-I. dvi; main base for numeral & nominal composition & derivation, in:
1. numeral dve (& duve) two: Nom. Acc. dve (Sn.p. 107; It.98; J.I,150; IV,137 etc.) & (in verse) duve (Sn.896, 1001); Gen. Dat. dvinnaṁ (It.39, 40, 98; J.II,154); Instr. dvīhi (J.I,87: v. l. dīhi; 151; II,153); Loc. dvīsu (J.I,203; PvA.47) & duvesu (Vv 412).
2. as numeral base: --sahassa 2000 (see A.I,2b) J.I,57; VvA.261; PvA.74; also in dvittā and adv. dvikkhattuṁ twice & dvidhā in two parts. -- (b) as nominal base: -- (r)āvaṭṭa [Sk. dviḥ cp. Lat. bis] turning twice S.I,32; --ja “twice born,” i. e. a bird J.I,152 (gaṇā); --jātin one who is born twice, i. e. a brāhmaṇa Th, 2, 430 (ThA.269=brahmajātin); --tālamatta of the size of 2 palms DhA.II,62; --pad [Sk. dvipad, Lat. bipes, Gr. di/pous etc.] a biped, man S.I,6; --pala twofold Vism.339; --pādaka=dvipad Vin.II,110; --bandhu having two friends J.VI,281; --rattatiratta two or three nights Vin.IV,16; also in dvīha two days (q. v.).
3. as diæretic form duvi°: --ja (cp. dija) “growing again” i. e. a tooth J.V,156.
4. as contracted form di°: --(y)aḍḍha one and a half (lit. the second half, cp. Ger. anderthalb) Dh.235; J.I,72 (diyaḍḍha-yojana-satika 150 y. long or high etc.), 202; IV,293 (°yāma); DhA.I,395; DA.I,17; Miln.243, 272; DhsA.12; --guṇa twofold, double Vin.I,289; Sn.714; J.V,309; Miln.84; DhA.II,6; VvA.63, 120; --ja (cp. dvija, duvija) (a) “twice-born,” a bird S.I,224; Sn.1134 (d. vuccati pakkhī Nd2 296); J.I,152, 203; II,205; IV,347; V,157; Pv.II,124; Vv 358 (cp. VvA.178); Miln.295. -- (b) a brahmin ThA, 70, 73; --jivha “twotongued,” i. e. a snake (cp. du°) J.III,347; --pad (-pada or --pa) a biped (cp. dvi°) A.I,22; V,21; Sn.83 (dipa-duttama), 995 (id.) 998; Dh.273; --pādaka=°pad Th.1, 453=Sn.205.
5. as sec. cpd. form (with guṇa) dve° (and de°): --caturaṅga twice fourfold -- eightfold Th.1, 520 (°gāmin); --patha a “double” path, a border path, the boundary between two villages Vv 5317 (-sīmantika-patha VvA.241); --piccha having two tail-feathers J.V,341 (cp. de°); --pitika having two feathers J.V,424; --bhāva doubling kAcc. 21; --māsika two months old Pv.I,67; --vācika pronouncing (only) two words, viz. Buddha & Dhamma (cp. tevācika, saying the whole saraṇa-formula), Vin.I,4; J.I,81; --sattaratta twice seven nights, a fortnight [cp. Sk. dvisapta] J.VI,230. -- See also der. fr. numer. adv. dvidhā, viz. dvejjha (& dejjha), dvedhā°, dveḷhaka.
6. as noun-derivation dvaya a dyad (q. v.).
II. du; reduced base in numeral and nominal compn & dern:
--(v)addhato from both sides (a distorted form of dubhato q. v.) Vv 6419 (=dubhato VvA.281); --(v)aṅgika consisting of two parts Dhs.163; --(v)aṅgula & dvaṅgula two finger-breadths or depths, two inches long, implying a minimum measure (see above A.I,2a) Vin.II,107; IV,262; usually in cpds. -- kappa the 2 inch rule, i. e. a rule extending the allotted time for the morning meal to 2 inches of shadow after mid day Vin.II,294 306; --pannā wisdom of 2 finger-breadths, i. e. that of a woman S.I,129=Th.2, 60 (dvaṅguli°, at ThA.66 as °saññā); --buddhika=°paññā VvA.96; --jivha twotongued (cp. di°); a snake J.IV,330; V,82, 425; --paṭṭa “double cloth” (Hind. dupaṭṭā; Kanarese dupaṭa, duppaṭa; Tamil tuppaṭṭā a cloak consisting of two cloths joined together, see Kern, Toev. I.179); J.I,119; IV,114, 379 (ratta°); DhA.I,249 (suratta°); III,419 (°cīvarā); --matta (about) 2 in measure Miln.82; --māsika 2 months old or growing for 2 months (of hair) Vin.II,107; --vagga consisting of two Vin.I,58; --vassa 2 years old Vin.I,59; --vidha twofold, Instr. duvidhena M.III,45 sq.; etc. -- Derivations from du° see sep. under duka (dyad), dutiya (the second), & the contamination forms dubha (to) & dubhaya (for ubha & ubhaya).
III, dvā (& reduced dva), base in numeral compn only: dvatikkhattuṁ two or three times J.I,506; DA.I,133, 264; DhA.IV,38; dvādasa twelve (on meaning of this & foll. numerals see above A.II,& III,) J.III,80; VI,116; DhA.I,88; III,210; VvA.156, 247 etc.; °yojanika J.I,125; IV,499; dvāvīsati (22) VvA.139; dvattiṁsa (32) Kh II. (°ākāra the 32 constituents of the body); DhA.II,88; VvA.39 etc.; dvācattālīsa (42) Nd2 15; Vism.82; dvāsaṭṭhi (Nd2 271III, & dvaṭṭhi (62) D.I,54; S.III,211; DA.I,162); dvānavuti (92) PvA.19, 21. -- Note. A singular case of dva as adv.=twice is in dvâhaṁ Sn.1116. (Page 333)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dvidhā
{'def': '(num. adv.) [Sk. dvidhā, see dvi B I. 2a] in two parts, in two M.I,114; J.I,253 (karoti), 254 (chindati), 298 (id.); III,181; IV,101 (jāta disagreeing); VI,368 (bhindati). See also dvedhā & dveḷhaka.
--gata gone to pieces J.V,197; --patha a twofold way, a crossing; only fig. doubt SIII,108; M.I,142, 144; Ud.90. See also dvedhāpatha. (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【副】 以二方式,在两个部份中。 ~patha, 【阳】 道路的交叉。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【副】以二的方式,在两个部份中。dvidhāpatha,【阳】道路的交叉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvija
- {'def': '【阳】婆罗门,鸟,牙齿,(两次生的)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 婆罗门,鸟,牙齿,(两次生的)。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvikkhattuṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [Sk. *dvikṛtvaḥ] twice Nd2 on Sn.1116 (=dva); Nd2 296 (jāyati dijo). See dvi B I. 2a. (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dvipa
- {'def': '【阳】象。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 象。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvipada
- {'def': '(dvi-pada), Dipada,【阳】两足,二足,人类。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvittā
- {'def': '(pl.) [Sk. dvitrā; see dvi B I. 2a] two or three S.I,117 (perhaps we should read tad vittaṁ: Windisch, Māra & Buddha 108). (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dvā
- {'def': '(cp. dva°) see dvi B III, (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dvācattāḷīsati
- {'def': '【阴】 四十二。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】四十二。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvādasa
- {'def': '【形】 十二。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】十二。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvānavuti
- {'def': '【阴】九十二。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 九十二。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvāra
{'def': '(nt.) [Ved. dvār (f.) & dvāra (nt.), base *dhvār, cp. Av. dvar∂m; Gr. quρa_, qurw/n; Lat. fores (gate), forum; Goth. daúr, Ohg. turi=Ger. tür, Ags. dor=E. door.] 1. lit. an outer door, a gate, entrance Vin.I,15; S.I,58, 138, 211; J.I,346; II,63; VI,330; Vbh.71 sq.; PvA.4, 67 (village gate), 79; Sdhp.54, 356. -- That d. cannot be used for an inner door see Vin.II,215; on knocking at a d. see DA.I,252; cp. DhA.I,145 (dvāraṁ ākoṭeti); to open a door: āvarati; to shut: pidahati; to lock: thaketi. dvāraṁ alabhamāna unable to get out Vin.II,220. -- mahā° the main or city gate J.I,63; culla° J.II,114; catu° (adj.) having 4 doors (of niraya) Pv.I,1013; cha° with 6d. (nagaraṁ, w. ref. to the 6 doors of the senses, see below) S.IV,194; pure° the front d. J.II,153; pacchima° the back d. J.VI,364; uttara° the E. gate (PvA.74); nagara° the city gate (J.I,263; deva° DhA.I,280); gāma° the village g. (Vin.III,52; J.II,110); ghara° (J.IV,142; PvA.38) & geha° (PvA.61) the house door; antepura° the door of the inner chamber M.II,100; kula° the doors of the clan-people Sn.288. -- metaph. of the door leading to Nibbāna: amata° S.I,137; A.V,346. ‹-› 2. (fig.) the doors=in- & outlets of the mind, viz. the sense organs; in phrase indriyesu gutta-dvāra (adj.) guarding the doors with respect to the senses or faculties (of the mind): see gutta (e. g. S.II,218; IV,103 & cp. Dhs. trsl. p. 175). -- S.IV,117, 194 (with simile of the 6 gates of a city); VvA.72 (kāya-vacī°). The nine gates of the body at Vism.346. Thus also in f. abstr. guttadvāratā the condition of well protected doors (see gutta).
--kavāṭa a door post J.I,63; II,334; VI,444; PvA.280, --koṭṭhaka [cp. Sk. dvārakoṣṭhaka Sp. AvŚ I.24, 31] gateway; also room over the gate Ud.52, 65; J.I,290; III,2; IV,63, 229; VvA.6, 160; DhA.I,50; II,27, 46; IV,204; Vism.22; Miln.10. -- bahidvārakoṭṭhake or °ā outside the gate M.I,382; II,92; A.III,31; IV,206; --gāma a village outside the city gates, i. e. a suburb (cp. bahidvāragāma J.I,361) J.III,126 (°gāmaka), 188; IV,225; DhA.II,25 (°ka); --toraṇa a gateway J.III,431. --pānantara at J.VI,349 should be read °vātapānantara; --pidahana shutting the door Vism.78. --bāhā a door post S.I,146; Pv.I,51; DhA.III,273; --bhatta food scattered before the door Sn.286; --vātapāna a door-window Vin.II,211; J.VI,349; --sālā a hall with doors M.I,382; II,61. (Page 332)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】 门,入口。 ~kavāṭa, 【中】 门的百叶窗,门和窗户。 ~koṭṭhaka,【中】 门口,入口,关口,大门的空间。 ~gāma, 【阳】 在城门外面的村庄。 ~pāla, ~ṭṭha, 【阳】 守门人,看门人。 ~bāhā, 【阴】 门框。 ~sālā,【阴】 门附近的大厅。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(Ved. dvār (f.) & dvāra (nt.), base *dhvār),【中】门,入口。dvārakavāṭa,【中】门的百叶窗,门和窗户。dvārakoṭṭhaka,【中】门口,入口,关口,大门的空间。dvāragāma,【阳】在城门外面的村庄。dvārapāla, dvāraṭṭha,【阳】守门人,看门人。dvārabāhā,【阴】门槛,户奠(a door post﹐doorpost)。dvārasālā,【阴】门附近的大厅。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvārika
- {'def': '(-°) (adj.) referring or belonging to the door of-; in cha °ā taṇhā, craving or fever, arising through the 6 doors (of the senses) DhA.IV,221, & kāya° --saṁvara control over the “bodily” door, i. e. over action (opp. speech) PvA.10 (so read for kāyañ cārika°). (Page 333)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 属于门的。 【名】: 看门人, 【阳】。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】门的。【名】看门人,【阳】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvāsattati
- {'def': '【阴】 七十二。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】七十二。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvāsaṭṭhi
- {'def': '﹐【阴】六十二。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 六十二。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(=dvisaṭṭhi),【阴】六十二。dvāsaṭṭhidiṭṭhi﹐六十二见。六十二见:於过去世五阴上。各横计四句。过去四句者。一者如去。二者不如去。三者亦如去亦不如去。四者非如去非不如去。於未来五阴上计四句。一者有边。二者无边。三者亦有边亦无边。四者非有边非无边。於现在阴上。各计四句。一者常。二者无常。三者亦常亦无常。四者非常非无常。二阴上各起四见。五阴合数为二十。三世总计为六十见。总目断常无见以为根本。是为六十二见(《法门名义集》T54.196.1)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dvāsīti
- {'def': '【阴】八十二。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 八十二。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvāvīsati
- {'def': '【阴】二十二。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 二十二。(p161)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvīha
- {'def': '【中】两天。dvīhatīhaṁ,【副】两三天。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adv.) [Sk. dvis-ahnah; see dvi B I.2b] two days; dvīhena in 2 days S.II,192; dvīha-mata 2 days dead M.I,88; III,91.
--tīha 2 or 3 days (°ṁ adv.) (on meaning cp. dvi A.I,2b) D.I,190 (°assa accayena after a few days); J.II,316; DhA.III,21 (°accayena id., gloss: katipāh’‹-› accayena); DA.I,190 (°ṁ) 215; VvA.45. (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】 两天。 ~tīhaŋ, 【副】 两三天。(p162)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dvīhika
- {'def': '(adj.) every other day M.I,78. (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dvīhitika
- {'def': '(adj.) [du-īhitika, of du1+īhati] to be gained or procured with difficulty (i. e. a livelihood which is hardly procurable), only in phrase “dubbhikkhā d. setaṭṭhikā salākavuttā,” of a famine Vin.III,6, 15, 87; IV,23; S.IV,323. On the term & its expln by Bdhgh. (at Vin.III,268: dujjīvikā īhī tī . . . dukkhena īhitaṁ ettha pavattatī ti) see Kern, Toev. I.122. -- Note. Bdhgh’s expln is highly speculative, & leaves the problem still unsolved. The case of du1 appearing as du- (and not as dur-) before a vowel is most peculiar; there may be a connection with druh (see duhana), which is even suggested by vv. ll. at S.IV,223 as dūhitika= duhitika (q. v.). (Page 334)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāha
- {'def': 'see ḍāha. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 燃烧,怒火,热。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】燃烧,怒火,热。upasantadāhaṁ﹐怒火已安静。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dālana
- {'def': '(‹dalati) (梵dalana),【中】分离(splitting)。参见Vidālana。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 分离。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[fr. dalati] see vi°. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāleti
- {'def': '参考 dāreti。 【过】 dālesi。 【过分】 dālita。 【现分】 dālenta,dālayamāna。 【独】 dāletvā。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(dāl +e), 分离,爆裂。参考 dāreti。【过】dālesi。【过分】dālita。【现分】dālenta, dālayamāna。【独】dāletvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'see dalati. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dālikā
- {'def': '& Dālima [Sk. dālika the colocynth & dāḍima the pomegranate tree] in °laṭṭhi a kind of creeper; equivalent to takkāri (?) Th.2, 297 (dālikā)=ThA.226 (dālikā & dālima). (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāma
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. dāman to dyati to bind (Gr. di/dhmi), *dē, as in Gr. dέsma (rope), diάdhma (diadem), u(pόdhma (sandal)] a bond, fetter, rope; chain, wreath, garland S.IV,163 (read dāmena for damena), 282, (id.); A.III,393 (dāmena baddho); Sn.28 (=vacchakānaṁ bandhanatthāya katā ganthitā nandhipasayuttā rajjubandhanavisesā); Vism.108. Usually --°, viz. anoja-puppha° J.I,9; VI,227; olambaka° VvA.32; kusuma° J.III,394; gandha° J.I,178; VvA.173, 198; puppha° J.I,397; VvA.198; mālā° J.II,104; rajata° J.I,50; III,184; IV,91; rattapuppha° J.III,30; sumana° J.IV,455. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 花圈,粗绳,链,花环。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】花圈,粗绳,链,花环。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāna
- {'def': '【中】 布施,慈善,捐献,施舍。 ~kathā, 【阴】 布施论(谈论布施)。~gga, 【中】 救济院,布施所。 ~pati, 【阳】 精通于慷慨。 ~phala, 【中】 慷慨给与的果报。 ~maya, 【形】 由布施所组成的(福报)。 ~vaṭṭa, 【中】经常布施。 ~vatthu, 【中】 布施的物品。 ~veyyāvaṭika, 【形】 布施的分发者。 ~sālā, 【阴】 布施堂。 ~sīla, 【形】 有布施品质的。 ~soṇḍa,【形】 喜欢布施的。 ~nāraha, 【形】 值得布施的。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '施', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Ved. dāna, dā as in dadāti to give & in dāti, dyāti to deal out, thus: distribution (scil. of gifts); cp. Gr. dάnos (present), Lat. damnum (E. damages); Gr. dώron, Lat. donum; also Ags. tīd (=E. tide, portion, i. e. of time), & tīma (=E. time). See further dadāti, dayati, dātta, dāpeti. Defn at Vism.60: dānaṁ vuccati avakhaṇḍanaṁ] (a) giving, dealing out, gift; almsgiving, liberality, munificence; esp. a charitable gift to a bhikkhu or to the community of bhikkhus, the Saṅgha (cp. deyyadhamma & yañña). As such it constitutes a meritorious act (puññaṁ) and heads the list of these, as enumerated in order, dānamaya puññaṁ, sīlamaya p., bhāvanāmaya p. viz. acts of merit consisting of munificence, good character & meditation (D.III,218 e. g.; cp. cāga, puñña, sīla). Thus in formula dānâdīni puññāni katvā J.I,168; PvA.66, 105; cp. cpds. under °maya. -- (b) Special merit & importance is attached to the mahādāna the great gift, i. e. the great offering (of gifts to the Saṅgha), in character the buddhistic equivalent of the brahmanic mahāyajña the chief sacrifice. On 16 Mahādānas see Wilson Hindu Caste 413; on 4 Beal. Chinese Texts 88. -- A.IV,246; J.I,50, 74; V,383 (devasikaṁ chasatasahassa-pariccāgaṁ karonto mahādānaṁ pavattesi “he gave the great largesse, spending daily 600,000 pieces”); PvA.19, 22, 75, 127, etc. -- (c) Constituents, qualities & characteristics of a dāna: 8 objects suitable for gifts form a standard set (also enumd as 10), viz. anna pāna vattha yāna mālā gandha-vilepana seyyāvasatha padīpeyya (bread, water, clothes, vehicle, garlands, scented ointment, conveniences for lying down & dwelling, lighting facility) A.IV,239; cp. Pv.II,49 & see °vatthu & deyyadhamma. Eight ways of giving alms at D.III,258= A.IV,236, five ways, called sappurisa-dāna (& asapp°) at A.III,171 sq.; eight sapp° at A.IV,243. Five manners of almsgiving metaphorically for sīlas 1--5 at A.IV,246= DA.I,306. Five characteristics of a beneficial gift at A.III,172, viz. saddhāya dānaṁ deti, sakkaccaṁ d.d., kālena (cp. kāladāna A.III,41), anuggahitacitto, attānañ ca parañ ca anupahacca d.d. -- (d) Various passages showing practice & value of dāna: Vin.I,236; D.I,53 (+dama & saṁyama; cp. It.15; PvA.276); II,356 sq. (sakkaccaṁ & a°); A.IV,392 sq. (id.); D.III,147 sq., 190 sq., 232; S.I,98 (dānaṁ dātabbaṁ yattha cittaṁ pasīdati); A.I,91=It.98 (āmisa° and dhamma°, material & spiritual gifts); A.I,161; III,41 (dāne ānisaṁsā); IV,60; 237 sq. (mahapphala), 392 sq. (°ssa vipāka); V,269 (petānaṁ upakappati); J.I,8 (aggaḷa°); II,112 (dinna°), III,52 (id.); Sn.263, 713 (appaṁ dānaṁ samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ) PvA.54 (āgantuka° gift for the newcomer); Sdhp.211--213. -- adāna withholding a gift, neglect of liberality, stinginess Pv.II,945; Miln.279; PvA.25; cp. °sīla under cpds.: atidāna excessive almsgiving Pv.II,945 (cp. PvA.129); Miln.277.
--agga [Sk. dānāgara, cp. bhattagga, salākagga; see Trenckner, Notes p. 56] a house where alms or donations are given, a store-house of gifts, fig. a source or giver of gifts, a horn of plenty J.VI,487; DhA.I,152, 189; Miln.2; PvA.121, 124, 127, 141. A possible connection w. agga=āgra is suggested by combn dānāni mahādānāni aggaññāni A.IV,246; --âdhikāra supervision or charge of alms-distributing. PvA.124 (cp. Pv.II,927); --ānisaṁsa praise of generosity PvA.9; cp. A.III,41; --upakaraṇa means or materials for a gift PvA.105; --upapatti (read uppatti at D.III,258) an object suitable for gifts, of which 8 or 10 are mentioned (see above) A.IV,239=D.III,258; --kathā talk or conversation about (the merit & demerit of) almsgiving, one of the anupubbi-kathā Vin.I,15, 18; --dhamma the duty or meritorious act of bestowing gifts of mercy (cp. deyyadhamma) PvA.9; --pati “lord of alms,” master in liberality, a liberal donor (def. by Bdhgh as: yaṁ dānaṁ deti tassa pati hutvā deti na dāso na sahāyo DA.I,298) D.I,137 (+saddho & dāyako, as one of the qualifications of a good king); A.III,39; IV,79 sq. (+saddho); Sn.487; Pv.I,114 (+amaccharin); J.I,199; Miln.279 sq.; Sdhp.275, 303; --puñña the religious merit of almsgiving or liberality (see above a) PvA.73; --phala the fruit of munificence (as accruing to the donor) A.III,39; IV,79; Pv.II,83 (°ṁ hoti paramhi loke: is rewarded in the life to come, cp. It.19); PvA.8 (cp. Pv.I,1); --maya consisting in giving alms or being liberal (see above a) D.III,218 (puññakiriya-vatthu); Vbh.135 (kusala-cetanā), 325 (pañña); PvA.8 (puñña), 60 (id.), 9 (kusala-kamma), 51, etc.; --vaṭṭa alms J.VI,333; --vatthu that which constitutes a meritorious gift; almsgiving, beneficence, offering, donation D.III,258= A.IV,236; PvA.20 (=annapānādika dasavidha dātabbavatthu PvA.7); --veyyāvaṭika services rendered at the distribution of gifts DhA.III,19; --saṁvibhāga liberal spending of alms D.III,145, 169; A.I,150, 226; III,53, 313; V,331; It.19; Vism.306; freq. with °rata fond of giving alms S.V,351, 392; A.IV,6 (vigatamalamaccherena cetasā), 266 (id.); --salā a hall, built for the distribution of alms & donations to the bhikkhus & wanderers J.I,231, 262; IV,402 (six); V,383 (id.); --sīla liberal disposition PvA.89; usually as adāna-sīla (adj.) of miserly character, neglecting the duty of giving alms Sn.244; Pv.II,83 (°ā na saddahaṇti dānaphalaṁ hoti paramhi loke); PvA.45 (=adāyaka), 59 (+maccharin), 68 (id.). (Page 318)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '﹐-dāna,【中】布施,慈善,捐献,施舍。dānakathā,【阴】布施论(谈论布施)。dānagga,【中】救济院,布施所。dānapati,【阳】施主,音译:旦那、旦越。dānaphala,【中】慷慨给与的果报。dānamaya,【形】由布施所组成的(福报)。dānavaṭṭa,【中】经常布施。dānavatthu,【中】布施的物品。dānaveyyāvaṭika,【形】布施的 分发者。dānasālā,【阴】布施堂。dānasīla,【形】有布施品质的。dānasoṇḍa,【形】喜欢布施的。dānanāraha,【形】值得布施的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dānava
- {'def': '[Sk. dānava] a kind of Asuras or Titans, the offspring of Danu J.III,527; V,89; Miln.153; Dpvs XVII.98. (Page 318)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 巨人(一种类的阿修罗)。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】巨人(一类的阿修罗)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāni
- {'def': '(shortened form for idāni),【副】现在。参考 Idāni(现在)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '参考 Idāni。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [shortened form for idāni, q. v.] now, Vin.I,180; II,154; S.I,200, 202; II,123; IV,202; J.II,246; Miln.11, etc. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāpana
- {'def': 'see vo°. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 鼓励布施。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】鼓励布施。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāpeti
- {'def': '1 [Sk. dāpayati, dap fr. dā (see dadāti & dayati) =deal out, spend, etc., cp. Gr. dάptw, dapάnh (expenditure), deίpnon (meal); Lat. daps (id.), damnum (expense fr. *dapnom). See also dātta & dāna] to induce somebody to give, to order to be given, to deal out, send, grant, dedicate J.VI,485; PvA.46; aor. dāpesi J.IV,138; DhA.I,226, 393 (sent); PvA.5 (id.), 31; fut. dāpessati J.II,3; DhA 371. Cp. ava°. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(deti 的【使】), 促使布施。 【过】 dāpesi。 【过分】 dāpita。 【现分】dāpenta。 【独】 dāpetvā。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(deti 的【使】), 促使布施。【过】dāpesi。【过分】dāpita。【现分】dāpenta。【独】dāpetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 [Sk. drāvayati & drapayati, Caus. to dru, see davati] to cause to run J.II,404. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāpetu
- {'def': '【阳】促使布施的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 促使布施的人。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dāpita
- {'def': '[Sk. dāpayita pp. of dāpeti1] given, sent PvA.6; Mhvs VII.26. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāra
- {'def': '【阳】 妻子。 ~bharaṇa, 【中】 扶养妻子。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '﹐Dārā(Sk. dāra (m.) & dārā (f.), more freq. dārā (m.pl.)),【阳】妻子(Instr. sg. dārena; instr, pl. dārehi, Loc. pl. dāresu)。dārā,【阴】妻子(dārā vuccati bhariyā)。dārī,【阴】淑女(maiden, young girl)。putta-dārā(pl.)﹐妻与子(wife & children; putta ca dārā ca)。paradāra(parassa dāra),别人的太太(the wife of another)。dārabharaṇa,【中】蓄妻,扶养妻子。paradārūpasevana,【中】淫他人之妻。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '& Dārā (f.) [Sk. dāra (m.) & dārā (f.), more freq. dārā (m.pl.); Instr. sg. dārena J.IV,7; Pv IV.177, etc.; instr, pl. dārehi Sn.108 (sehi d. asantuṭṭho not satisfied with his own wife), Loc. pl. dāresu Sn.38 (puttesu dāresu apekkhā), orig. “wives, womenfolk,” female members of the household=Gr. dou_los (slave; Hesychius: dou=los=h( oi)ki/a; cp. also origin of Germ. frauenzimmer & E. womanhood). Remnants of pl. use are seen in above passage. fr. Sn.] a young woman, esp. married woman, wife. As dārā f. at Nd2 295 (d. vuccati bhariyā) & It.36; f. also dārī maiden, young girl Pv.I,115. Otherwise as dāra (coll-masc.): Dh.345; J.I,120; II,248; IV,7; V,104, 288; VvA.299 (°paṭiggaha). -- putta-dārā (pl.) wife & children Sn.108, 262; J.I,262; cp. saputtadāra with w. & ch. Pv IV.347; putta ca dārā ca Sn.38, 123. Freq. in definition of sīla No. 3 (kāmesu micchācārin or abrahmacariyā, adultery) as sakena dārena santuṭṭha A.III,348; V,138; Sn.108 (a°); Pv 177, etc. -- paradāra the wife of another M.I,404 sq.; Dh.246, 309; Sn.396 (parassa d.) PvA.261. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāraka
{'def': '[Sk. dāraka, cp. dāra & Gr. dou=los (slave)] a (young) boy, child, youngster; a young man. f. dārikā girl (see next) Vin.I,83; J.I,88 (dārake ca dārikāyo boys & girls); II,127; VI,336; Pv.I,127 (=bāla° PvA.65); DhA.I,99 (yasa°=yasa-kulaputta); Miln.8, 9; PvA.176. -- Freq. as gāmadārakā (pl.) the village-boys, streeturchins J.II,78, 176; III,275.
--tikicchā the art of infant-healing D.I,12 (=komārabhacca-vejjakamma DA.I,98). (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 男孩,年青人。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(Sk. dāraka),【阳】男孩,年青人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāreti
- {'def': '(dāl + e), 分离,爆裂。【 过】 dāresi。【 过分】 dārita。【 现分】 dārenta。【独】 dāretvā。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(dāl +e), 分离,爆裂。【过】dāresi。【过分】dārita。【现分】dārenta。【独】dāretvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dārikā
- {'def': '(Sk. dārikā, see dāraka) ,【阴】女孩,女儿(a young girl, daughter)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 女孩。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. dārikā, see dāraka] a young girl, daughter J.III,172; VI,364; Miln.48, 151; PvA.16 (daughter), 55, 67, 68. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāru
- {'def': '【中】 木头,木材,木柴。 ~khaṇḍa, 【中】 一块木头。 ~kkhandha,【阳】 木材堆。 ~bhaṇḍha, 【中】 家具,木制品。 ~maya, 【形】 木材做的。 ~saṅghāṭa, 【阳】 木筏。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. dāru, *dereǔo (oak) tree; cp. Av. dāuru (wood) Gr. dόru (spear), drus (oak); Lat. larix (fr. *dārix)=larch; Oir. daur (oak); Goth. triu, Ags. treo= tree. Also Sk. dāruṇa, Lat. dūrus (hard) etc., Oir. dru strong. See also dabba2, dabbī & duma] wood, piece of wood; pl. woodwork, sticks A.I,112; It.71; Dh.80; J.II,102; III,54; VI,366; DhA.I,393; PvA.76 (candana°), 141.
--kuṭikā a hut, log-house Vin.III,43; --kkhandha pile of wood PvA.62; --gaha a wood yard Vin.III,42 sq.; --ghaṭika wooden pitcher ThA.286. --cīriya “woodbarked” Np, DhA.II,35. --ja made of wood S.I,77; Dh.345; --dāha the burning of wood S.I,169; --dhītalikā a wooden doll Vin.III,36, 126; --patta a wooden bowl Vin.II,112, 143; pattika one who uses a wooden bowl for collecting alms D.I,157; III,22; DA.I,319; pādukā a wooden shoe, a clog Vin.II,143; --bhaṇḍa wooden articles Vin.II,143 (specified), 170, 211; --maṇḍalika a wooden disk DhA.III,180; --maya wooden VvA.8, DhA.I,192; --yanta a wooden machine Vism.595; --saṅghāta (-yāna) “a vehicle constructed of wood,” i. e. a boat J.V,194; --samādahāna putting pieces of wood together S.I,169. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(Sk. dāru),【中】木头,木材,木柴。dārukhaṇḍa,【中】一块木头。dārukkhandha,【阳】木材堆。dārubhaṇḍha,【中】家具,木制品。dārumaya,【形】木材做的。dārusaṅghāṭa,【阳】木筏。S.35.200.︰“Sace so, bhikkhave, 1dārukkhandho na orimaṁ tīraṁ upagacchati, 2na pārimaṁ tīraṁ upagacchati, 3na majjhe saṁsīdissati, 4na thale ussīdissati, 5na manussaggāho gahessati, 6na (CS:p.2.387) amanussaggāho gahessati, 7na āvaṭṭaggāho gahessati, 8na antopūti bhavissati; evañhi so, bhikkhave, dārukkhandho samuddaninno bhavissati samuddapoṇo samuddapabbhāro. (诸比丘!此木块若1不著此岸,2不著於彼岸,3不沈於流中(《杂阿含1174经》︰‘不阂洲渚’),4不被系上陆地,5不被人取,6不被非人取,7不被漩涡所取,8内部不朽腐,诸比丘!如是,其木块则向海、趣海、而入海。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāruka
- {'def': '(cp. dāru) a log S.I,202=Th.1, 62=DhA.III,460; adj. made of wood Th.2. 390 (°cillaka, a wooden post, see ThA.257). (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāruṇa
- {'def': '(adj.) [Ved. dāruṇa, to dāru (“strong as a tree”), cp. Gr. droόn=i)sxurόn Hesych; Lat. dūrus; Oir. dron (firm), Mir. dūr (hard) Ags. trum] strong, firm, severe; harsh, cruel, pitiless S.I,101; II,226; Sn.244; Dh.139; J.III,34; Pv IV.36 (=ghora PvA.251); Miln.117 (vāta); PvA.24, 52 (=ghora), 159 (sapatha a terrible oath= ghora), 181 (=kurūrin), 221 (°kāraṇa); Sdhp.5, 78, 286. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 严格的,粗糙的,残酷的。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】严格的,粗糙的,残酷的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāsa
{'def': '[Ved. dāsa; orig. adj. meaning “non-Aryan,” i. e. slave (cp. Gr. baρbaros, Ger. sklave=slave); Av. dāha= a Scythian tribe. Also connected w. dasyu (see dassukhīla)] a slave, often combd w. f. dāsī. Def. by Bdhgh as “antojāto” (DA.I,300), or as “antojātadhanakkīta-karamarânīta-sāmaṁ dāsabyaṁ upagatānaṁ aññataro” (ibid. 168). -- In phrase dāsā ca kammakarā “slaves & labourers” Vin.I,243, 272; II,154; as dāso kammakaro “a slave-servant” D.I,60 (cp. d.‹-› kammakara). -- Vin.I,72, 76 (dāso na pabbājetabbo: the slave cannot become a bhikkhu); D.I,72; M.II,68 (fig. taṇhā°); J.I,200, 223; III,343 (bought for 700 kahāpaṇas), 347; Pug.56; PvA.112.
--kammakara (porisa) a slave-servant, an unpaid labourer, a serf Vin.I,240; A.I,206; D.III,189; DhA.IV,1; --gaṇa a troop of slaves Pv IV.141; --purisa a servant J.I,385; --porisa a servant, slave Sn.769 (cp. Nd1 11, where 4 kinds of d. are mentioned); --lakkhaṇa fortunetelling from (the condition of) slaves D.I,9. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 奴隶。 ~ka, 【阳】 奴隶。 ~gaṇa, 【阳】 一群奴隶。 ~tta, ~vya,【中】 奴隶的身份,奴隶的情况。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】奴隶。dāsaka,【阳】奴隶。dāsagaṇa,【阳】一群奴隶。dāsatta, dāsavya,【中】奴隶的身份,奴隶的情况。Pāci.IV,224.︰Dāso nāma antojāto dhanakkīto karamarānīto.(奴婢(奴隶)︰在家中生的(奴婢)、买来的、掳掠的)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāsabyatā
- {'def': '(f.)=dāsavya Sdhp.498. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāsaka
- {'def': '=dāsa in °putta a slave, of the sons of the slaves, mentioned as one of the sipp’āyatanas at D.I,51≈ (expl. by Bdhgh as balavasinehā-gharadāsa-yodhā DA.I,157). -- sadāsaka with slaves, followed by slaves Vv 324. -- f. dāsikā a female slave (=dāsī) M.I,126; J.VI,554. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāsavya
- {'def': '& Dāsabya (nt.) [cp. Sk. dāsya] the condition of a slave, slavery, serfdom D.I,73; M.I,275 (b); J.I,226; DA.I,168 (b), 213; DhA.III,35; PvA.112, 152. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāsima
- {'def': 'a species of tree J.VI,536. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāsitta
- {'def': '【中】女奴隶的身份。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 女奴隶的身份。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. dāsītva] the status of a (female) slave Miln.158. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāsiyā
- {'def': '=dāsikā, a female slave J.VI,554. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāsī
- {'def': '【阴】女奴隶。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 女奴隶。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. dāsī, cp. dāsa. Nom. pl. dasso for dāsiyo J.IV,53; in cpds. dāsi°] a female servant, a handmaiden, a slave-girl Vin.I,217, 269, 291; II,10 (kula°), 78= III,161; M.I,125; II,62 (ñāti°); Pv.II,321 (ghara°); PvA.46, 61, 65. -- Cp. kumbha°.
--gaṇa a troop of slave-girls J.II,127; --dāsā (pl.) maid& man-servants DhA.I,187; freq. to cpd. d-d-paṭiggahaṇa slave-trading D.I,5≈(cp. DA.I,78); --puttå the son of a slave, an abusive term (gharadāsiyā va putto Dh.I,257; cp. Sk. dāsīsuta) D.I,93 (°vāda); --bhoga the possessions of a slave Vin.III,136. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dātabba
- {'def': '【义】可以给。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【潜】 可以给。 Dātu, 【阳】 布施者,慷慨的人。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dātar
- {'def': '(k. dāṭr, n. ag. of dadāti to give)施主(a giver, a generous person)。adātā(=na dātā (hoti)),不布施的人(one who does not give, a miser)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. dāṭr, n. ag. of dadāti to give; cp. Gr. dw/twr & dotήr] a giver, a generous person Pgdp 50. -- adātā one who does not give, a miser Pv.II,82; otherwise as na dātā (hoti) A.II,203; It.65. (Page 318)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāthā
- {'def': '【阴】 尖牙,犬齿。 ~dhatu, 【阴】(佛陀的)牙舍利。 ~vudha, 【形】以牙为武器的。 ~balī, 【形】 力量落在牙的。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(Sk. daṁsṭrā to ḍasati, cp. also daṭṭha),【阴】巨牙,犬齿(fang)。dāthādhatu,【阴】(佛陀的)牙舍利。dāthāvudha,【形】以牙为武器的。dāthābalī,【形】力量落在牙的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dātta
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. dātra, to dā, Sk. dāti, dyati to cut, divide, deal out; cp. Gr. datέomai, dai/omai & see dāna, dāpeti, dāyati] sickle, scythe Miln.33. (Page 318)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 镰刀,长柄镰刀。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】镰刀,长柄镰刀。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dātu
- {'def': '【阳】布施者,慷慨的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dātuŋ
- {'def': '【不】 要给。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dātuṁ
- {'def': '【不】要给。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāva
- {'def': '[Sk. dāva, see dava1 & daya1] in °aggi a jungle-fire J.I,213; III,140; Vism.470; DhA.I,281. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāvaggi
- {'def': '【阳】森林火。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 森林火。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dāvika
- {'def': '(adj.) in piṇḍa°, a cert. rank in the army (v. l. piṇḍa-dāyika) D.I,51=Miln.331 (DA.I,156: sāhasikamahāyodhā, etc., with popular expl. of the terms piṇḍa & davayati). (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāya
- {'def': '【阳】 1. 森林,小树林。 2. 赠品。 ~pāla, 【阳】 守林人。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1(Sk. dāva, conflagration of a forest; wood=easily inflammable substance; to dunoti (to burn) caus. dāvayati) 【阳】森林,小树林。(wood; jungle, forest; a grove)。migadāya﹐鹿园。tiṇadāya﹐草丛及树林。bahukaṇṭaka dāya=jungle)。dāyapāla,【阳】守林人(a grove keeper)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Sk. dāva, conflagration of a forest; wood=easily inflammable substance; to dunoti (to burn) caus. dāvayati, cp. Gr. dai/w (to burn) & P. dava1] wood; jungle, forest; a grove Vin.I,10 (miga°), 15, 350; II,138; S.II,152 (tiṇa°); IV,189 (bahukaṇṭaka d.=jungle); A.V,337 (tiṇa°); J.III,274; VI,278. See also dāva.
--pāla a grove keeper Vin.I,350; M.I,205. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '2(Sk. dāya, to dadāti, etc.),【中】赠品(a gift, donation; share, fee)。M.3./I,12.:“Dhammadāyādā me, bhikkhave, bhavatha, mā āmisadāyādā.”(诸比丘!你们应为我的法的继承者,勿为财之继承者。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 [Sk. dāya, to dadāti, etc.] a gift, donation; share, fee D.I,87≈(in phrase rājadāya brahmadeyya, a king’s grant, cp. rājadattiya); J.IV,138; V,363; VI,346. Cp. dāyāda & brahmadeyya. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāyajja
- {'def': '(Sk. dāyādya; see dāyāda),【中】继承、遗产、遗赠(inheritance)。【形】继承人(one who inherits)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 继承。 【形】 继承人。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. dāyādya; see dāyāda] inheritance Vin.I,82; D.III,189; A.III,43; J.I,91; Vism.43 sq.; dowry J.III,8. -- (adj.) one who inherits Vin.III,66 (pituno of the father).
--upasampadā, lit. the Upasampadā by way of inh., a particular form of ordination conferred on Sumana & Sopāka, both novices seven yrs. old DhA.IV,137. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāyaka
- {'def': 'dāyī(Sk. dāyaka, dā as in dadāti & dāna),【形】布施,赡养(giving, bestowing, distributing, providing (通常作dāyaka-, dāyī-)。【中】施主,布施者,赡养者(a donor, benefactor; a munificent person)。dāyikā,【阴】女施主。adāyaka【中】无施者(a stingy person, one who neglects almsgiving)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. dāyaka, dā as in dadāti & dāna] (adj.) giving, bestowing, distributing, providing (usually --°); (n.) a donor, benefactor; a munificent person M.I,236 sq.; A.I,26, 161; II,64, 80; III,32, 336; IV,81; Sn.p. 87; It.19 (ito cutā manussattā saggaṁ gacchanti dāyakā); J.V,129 (kaṇḍa°); Pv.I,11 sq.; 12; 42; 55; DA.I,298; PvA.113 (=dada); Miln.258 (°ānaṁ dakkhiṇā); Sdhp.276. -- f. dāyikā Vin.II,216 (bhikkhā°), 289 (khīrassa). -- adāyaka a stingy person, one who neglects almsgiving (cp. adānasīla) Pv.I,119; f. °ikā Pv.I,93. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'dāyī, 【阳】 施主,布施者,赡养者。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dāyana
- {'def': '(nt.) [see dayati] cutting; °agga the first of what has been cut (on fields) DhA.I,98; °atthaṁ for the purpose of mowing DhA.III,285. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】割草(cutting)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 割草。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dāyati
- {'def': '[Sk. dāti & dyāti (dā) to cut, divide, etc.; cp. dayati, dātta, dāna] to cut, mow, reap, caus. dāyāpeti to cause to be cut or mowed DhA.III,285. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(dā给+ya)(Sk. dāti & dyāti (dā) to cut, divide, etc.; cp. dayati, dātta, dāna), 割草,收获(to cut, mow, reap)。【过】dāyi。【过分】dāyita。【使】dāyāpeti(to cause to be cut or mowed)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(dā + ya), 割草,收获。 【过】 dāyi。 【过分】 dāyita。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dāyika
- {'def': '(=dāyaka),【形】【阳】布施,施主。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.)=dāyaka PvA.157; Sdhp.211, 229. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāyikā
- {'def': '【阴】女施主。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 女施主。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dāyāda
- {'def': '[Sk. dāyāda=dāya+ā-da receiving the (son’s) portion, same formation on ground of sam̊e idea as Lat. heres=*ghero+ē--do receiver of what is left: see Brugmann, Album Kern p. 29 sq.] heir M.I,86=Nd2 199; S.I,69, 90; IV,72; A.III,72 sq.; J.III,181; VI,151; Kh VIII,5. Often fig. with kamma° one who inherits his own deeds (see kamma 3 A b & cpds.): M.I,390 sq.; A.V,289; & as dhamma° (spiritual heir) opposed to āmisa° (material h.): M.I,12; It.101; also as dhamma° D.III,84; as brahma° M.II,84; D.III,83. -- adāyāda not having an heir S.I,69; J.V,267. See dāyajja & dāyādaka. (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Sk. dāyāda=dāya+ā-da),【阳】继承,继承人(heir)。【形】(在【合】中) 继承的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 继承。 【形】 (在【合】中) 继承的。 ~ka, 【形】 继承人。(p154)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dāyādaka
- {'def': '[=dāyāda] heir M.II,73; Th.1, 781, 1142; f. °ikā Th.2, 327 (=dāyajjarahā ThA.234). (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(=dāyāda),【阳】继承人。dāyādikā(=dāyajjarahā),【阴】女继承人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāḷiddiya
- {'def': '【中】贫穷。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(& daḷiddiya) (nt.) [Sk. *dāridrya] poverty D.III,65, 66; A.III,351 sq.; J.I,228; Dāvs II.60; Sdhp.78. (Page 320)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 贫穷。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dāḷima
- {'def': 'dāḍima, 【中】 石榴,石榴树(一种原产于亚洲的落叶灌木或矮树(Punica granatum),因其可食用的果实而被广泛种植)。(p155)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'dāḍima,【中】石榴(pomegranate﹐一种原产於亚洲的落叶灌木或矮树 (Punica granatum),因其可食用的果实而被广泛种植)。台语:榭榴(sia7 liu5)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dāṭhikā
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. *dāḍhikā=Prk. for daṁṣṭrikā] beard, whiskers Vin.II,134 (na d. ṭhapetabbā, of the bhikkhus); J.I,305; V,42 (tamba°), 217 (mahā° having great whiskers); DA.I,263 (parūḷha-massu° with beard & whiskers grown long). (Page 318)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāṭhin
- {'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. daṁṣṭrin] having tusks J.II,245; IV,348; Th.1, p. 1; Sdhp.286. (Page 318)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāṭhā
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. daṁṣṭrā to ḍasati (q. v.), cp. also daṭṭha] a large tooth, fang, tusk; as adj. (-°) having tusks or fangs D.II,18 (susukkha°); J.I,505 (uddhaṭa-dāṭho viya sappo); IV,245 (nikkhanta°); DhA.I,215; PvA.152 (kaṭhina°); Sdhp.286.
--āvudha [Sk. daṁṣṭrāyudha] using a tusk as his weapon J.V,172; --danta a canine tooth KhA 44; --balin one whose strength lies in his teeth (of a lion) Sn.72. (Page 318)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dāṭhā-vaṃsa
- {'def': 'm. 佛牙史.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. 仏牙史.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Dāṭhādhātuvaṁsa
- {'def': 'm. 歯舎利史话', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Dīdhiti
- {'def': '【阴】光,光辉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 光,光辉。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dīgha
- {'def': '【形】 长的。 ~aṅgulī, 【形】 长指的(有长手指的)。 ~jātika, 【阳】蛇类的众生。 ~tā, 【阴】 ~tta, 【中】 长度。 ~dassi, 【形】 有远见的。~nikāya, 【阳】《长部》(佛教经典)。 ~bhāṇaka, 【阳】 重复说或解释《长部》的人。 ~rattaŋ, 【副】 长久地。 ~lomaka, 【形】 有长毛的。~sottiya, 【中】 长眠,偷懒。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(梵dīrgha),【形】长的。dīghaṅgulī,【形】长指的(有长手指的)。dīghajātika,【阳】蛇类的衆生。dīghatā,【阴】dīghatta,【中】长度。dīghadassi,【形】有远见的。Dīghanikāya,【阳】《长部》(梵文版汉译为Dīrgha-āgama长阿含经)。dīghabhāṇaka,【阳】重复说或解释《长部》的人。dīgharattaṁ,【副】长久地。dīghalomaka,【形】有长毛的。dīghasottiya,【中】长眠,偷懒。dīghāyuka﹐【阳】长寿。(【反】appāyuko﹐【阳】夭寿。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [Ved. dīrgha, cp. Caus. drāghayati to lengthen, *dlāgh as in Gr. dolixόs (shaft), e]ndelexήs (lasting etc.; cp. E. entelechy); Lat. indulges; Goth. tulgus (enduring)] 1. (adj.) long D.I,17; M.I,429; S.I,104 (°ṁ addhānaṁ); Sn.146, 633 (opp. rassa); Dh.60, 409; Pv.I,1011 (°ṁ antaraṁ all the time); II,955 (id.); Th.1, 646 (°m-antare); Dhs.617; KhA 245; PvA.27, 28, 33, 46. See def. at Vism.272. -- dīghato lengthways J.VI,185; dīghaso in length Vin.IV,279; atidīgha too long Vin.IV,7, 8. -- 2. (m.) a snake (cp. M Vastu II.45 dīrghaka) J.I,324; II,145; IV,330. -- 3. N. of the Dīgha Nikāya (“the long collection”) Vism.96.
--aṅgulin having long fingers (the 4th of the marks of a Mahāpurisa) D.II,17; III,143, 150; --antara corridor J.VI,349. --āyu long-lived (opp. App’āyu) D.I,18; J.V,71. Also as °ka D.III,150; DA.I,135; Sdhp.511; --āvu=°āyu in the meaning of āyasmant (q. v.) J.V,120; --jāti (f.) a being of the snake kind, a snake DhA.III,322; also as °ka at J.II,145; III,250; IV,333; V,449; DA.I,252; --dasa having long fringes D.I,7; --dassin [Sk. dīrghadarśin] far-seeing (=sabba-dassāvin) PvA.196; --nāsika having a long nose Vism.283. --bhāṇaka a repeater or expounder of the Dīgha Nikāya J.I,59; Vism.36, 266, 286; DA.I,15, 131; --rattaṁ (adv.) [Sk. *dīrgharātraṁ, see Indexes to AvŚ; Divy & Lal. V.; otherwise dīrgha-kālaṁ] a long time D.I,17, 206; A.V,194; Sn.649; It.8; J.I,12, 72; Pv.I,44; II,1311 (°rattāya=°rattaṁ PvA.165); Pug.15; DhA.IV,24; --loma long-haired Vin.III,129; also as °ka at J.I,484, f. °ikā S.II,228; --sotthiya (nt.) long welfare or prosperity DhA.II,227. (Page 323)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dīgha-bhāṇaka
- {'def': 'm. 長部誦師.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. 長部誦師.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Dīgha-nikāya
- {'def': 'm. 長部, 長尼柯耶 = 長阿含.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. 長部, 長尼柯耶=長阿含.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Dīghanīkāya
- {'def': '《长部》。', 'xr': '《巴英术语汇编》 -《法的医疗》附 温宗堃'}
- Dīghatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. dīrghatvaṁ] length A.I,54. (Page 323)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dīghavaṇṭa
- {'def': '【阳】 木蝴蝶 (Oroxylum indicum)。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】木蝴蝶 (Oroxylum indicum)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dīna
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. dīna] poor, miserable, wretched; base, mean, low D.II,202 (?) (°māna; v. l. ninnamāna); J.V,448; VI,375; Pv.II,82 (=adānajjhāsaya PvA.107); IV,81; Miln.406; PvA.120 (=kapaṇa), 260 (id.), 153; Sdhp.188, 324. (Page 323)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 悲惨的,低级的,低劣的。 ~tā, 【阴】 ~tta, 【中】 可怜。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】悲惨的,低级的,低劣的。dīnatā,【阴】dīnatta,【中】可怜(台语:克亏khik khui,侥幸hiau hing7,离经li7 king)。adīna,【反】不悲惨的,不低劣的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dīnatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. *dīnatvaṁ] wretchedness, miserable state Sdhp.78. (Page 323)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dīpa
- {'def': '1,【阳】灯(梵dīpa)。dīpaṅkara(=pabhaṁ kara),【形】点灯者(making light, shining, illuminating),燃灯佛(Dīpaṅkara﹐或译「锭光佛」古佛名,据《本生经》因缘序中说,四阿僧祇劫十万大劫之前,燃灯佛曾为释迦牟尼佛(当时的善慧Sumedha)授记未来成佛。)。dīpacci,【阴】灯苗、灯火。dīparukkha,【阳】灯柱。dīpasikhā,【阴】灯苗。dīpāloka,【阳】灯光。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2(Ved.dvīpa=dvi二+ap(āpa)水--两侧有水),【阳】【中】岛、洲(mahādīpa大的岛)、渚(paritta-dīpā小的岛)。引申为「依靠处」、「庇护所」(shelter, refuge)。dīpālaya﹐dīpagabbhaka﹐休息处(resting place)。cattāro mahādīpā﹐四大洲--1.梵Pūrva-videha;巴Pubbavideha,弗于逮洲,又作毘提诃,为天下四大洲中之东胜身洲,又称东毘提诃。2.梵Jambu-dvīpa;巴Jambudīpa,阎浮洲又作阎浮提、赡部洲、位於须弥山之南,故又称南阎浮提,为吾人所居之处。3.梵Apara-godānīya;巴Aparagoyāna,拘陀尼洲,又作俱耶尼、瞿伽尼,位於须弥山之西方,为四大洲中位居西方之西牛货洲。4.梵巴Uttarakuru,郁单越洲,又作郁单曰,为须弥四大洲中位居北方之北俱卢洲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '3(cp.Sk.dvīpa tiger’s skin),【阳】虎皮。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Ved. dīpa to Ved. dī, dīpyate; Idg. *deịā to shine (see dibba, deva); cp. Gr. di/alos, dh_los; see also jotati] a lamp J.II,104 (°ṁ jāleti to light a l.); DhA.II,49 (id.), 94 (id.)
--acci the flame of a lamp ThA.154; --āloka light of a l. J.I,266; VI,391; DhA.I,359; VvA.51; -- (°ṁ)kara making light, shining, illuminating Nd2 399 (=pabhaṁ kara Sn.1136; but cp. Dh.236 under dīpa2); Vism.203. --tittira a decoy partridge (cp. dīpaka°) J.III,64; --rukkha lit. lamp-tree, the stand of a lamp, candlestick DhA.IV,120; --sikhā the flame (lit. crest) of a l. Vism.171; DhA.II,49. (Page 323)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 1. 灯。2. 岛。3. 帮忙,支持。 ~ka, 【中】 小岛。 【形】 显示的,说明的。 ~ṅkara, 【形】 点灯者,燃灯佛(一位佛陀的名字)。 ~acci,【阴】 灯苗。 ~rukkha, 【阳】 灯柱。 ~sikhā, 【阴】 灯苗。 ~āloka, 【阳】 灯光。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 (m. & nt.) [Ved. dvīpa=dvi+ap (*sp.) of āpa water, lit. “double-watered,” between (two) waters] an island, continent (mahā°, always as 4); terra firma, solid foundation, resting-place, shelter, refuge (in this sense freq. combd w. tāṇa lena & saraṇa & expl. in Com. by patiṭṭhā) -- (a) lit. island: S.V,219; J.III,187; VvA.19; Mhvs VII.7, 41. -- continent: cattāro mahādīpā S.V,343; Vv 2010 (=VvA.104); VvA.19; PvA.74 etc. Opp. the 2000 paritta-dīpā the smaller islands KhA 133. -- (b) fig. shelter, salvation etc. (see also tāṇa): S.III,42 (atta°+attasaraṇa etc., not with S Index to dīpa1); V,154, 162 (id.) IV.315 (maṁ°, not to dīpa1), 372; A.I,55 sq. (+tāṇa etc.); Sn.501 (atta° selfreliant, self-supported, not with Fausböll to dīpa1), 1092, 1094, 1145 (=Satthā); Nd2 303; Dh.236 (°ṁ karohi=patiṭṭhā PvA.87); Pv III,19 (id. PvA.174); J.V,501=VI,375 (dīpañ ca parāyaṇaṁ); Miln.84, 257 (dhamma-dīpa, Arahantship).
--ālaya resting place J.VI,432; --gabbhaka same J.VI,459, 460. (Page 323)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '3 [cp. Sk. dvīpa tiger’s skin] a car covered with a panther’s skin J.I,259; V,259=VI,48. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dīpa-vaṃsa
- {'def': 'm. 島史, 島王統史.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'm. 島史, 島(的)王統史.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Dīpaka
- {'def': '2 (=dīpa2) a (little) island J.I,278, 279; II,160. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '3 in vaṇidīpaka PvA.120 for vanibbaka (q. v.). (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 (=dīpa1) (a) f. dīpikā a lamp, in daṇḍa° a torch DhA.I,220, 399, -- (b) (°-) an image of, having the appearance of, sham etc.; in --kakkara a decoy partridge J.II,161; --tittira same J.III,358; --pakkhin a decoy bird J.V,376; --miga a d. antelope J.V,376. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 (=dīpa2)【中】小岛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dīpana
- {'def': '(adj.) illustrating, explaining; f. °ī explanation, commentary, N. of several Commentaries, e. g. the Paramattha --dīpanī of Dhammapāla on Th.2; Pv & Vv. -- Cp. jotikā & uddīpanā. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dīpanā
- {'def': '【阴】 例证,解释。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】例证,解释。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dīpanī
- {'def': '【阴】注释(an explanatory work),可译作:明灯、灯论。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 注释。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dīpaṃkara
- {'def': 'm. [〃] 燃燈(仏), 錠光.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'm. [〃] 燃燈(佛), 錠光.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Dīpeti
- {'def': '[Sk. dīpayati, Caus. to dīp, see dīpa1 & cp. dippati] to make light, to kindle, to emit light, to be bright; to illustrate, explain A.V,73 sq.; Dh.363; Miln.40; PvA.94, 95, 102, 104 etc.; Sdhp.49, 349. Cp. ā°. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(dip(梵dīp)+e), 点燃,清楚地表达,解释。【过】dīpesi。【过分】dīpita,【现分】dīpenta, dīpayamāna。【独】dīpetvā。【义】dīpetabba。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(dip + e), 点燃,清楚地表达,解释。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 dīpita, 【现分】 dīpenta, dīpayamāna。 【独】 dīpetvā。 【潜】 dīpetabba。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dīpi
- {'def': 'dīpika, 【阳】 豹。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dīpika
- {'def': '[fr. dīpin] a panther J.III,480. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dīpikā
- {'def': '【阴】1.火把(=daṇḍadīpikā)。2.注释(=dīpaka)。dīpikakkara﹐dīpikātittira ﹐a decoy partridge; dīpikāpakkhin a decoy bird; dīpikāmiga a d.antelope。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 1. 火把,2. 注释。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dīpin
- {'def': '[Sk. dvīpin] a panther, leopard, tiger Vin.I,186 dīpicamma a leopard skin=Sk. dvīpicarman); A.III,101; J.I,342; II,44, 110; IV,475; V,408; VI,538. dīpi-rājā king of the panthers Vism.270. -- f. dīpinī Miln.363, 368; DhA.I,48. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'dīpika(Sk. dvīpin),【阳】豹(a panther, leopard)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dīpinī
- {'def': '【阴】 母豹。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】母豹(female panther)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dīpita
- {'def': '[pp. of dīpeti] explained Vism.33. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(dīpeti 的【过分】), 已举例说明,已解释,已显示。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(dīpeti 的【过分】), 已举例说明,已解释,已显示。(p156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dīpitar
- {'def': '[n. ag. fr. dīpeti] one who illumines Vism.211. (Page 324)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūbha
- {'def': '(adj.) deceiving, see dubbha. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūbhaka
- {'def': '【形】叛逆的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 叛逆的人。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1 (adj.) [Sk. dambhaka] deceiving, treacherous, harmful SnA 287 (mitta°); f. °ikā J.II,297. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 [Sk. dambha, cp. dambholi] a diamond J.I,363=III,207. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūbhana
- {'def': '(nt.) deceiving, pillaging, robbing etc. at J.II,388 is to be read as (pantha-) duhana. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūbhin
- {'def': '(adj.) -- dubbhin J.II,180 (vv. ll. dūbha & dubbhi), 327; IV,257; DhA.II,23. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūbhī
- {'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. dambha, see dubbhati] perfidy, treachery, J.I,412; IV,57 (v. l. dubhī); VI,59 (=aparādha). (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūhana
- {'def': '2 (nt.) [Sk. dohana, see dohati] milking (-°), in kumbha° filling the pails with milk, i. e. giving much milk (gāvo; cp. Sk. droṇadughā a cow which yields much milk) Sn.309. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 (nt.) [see duhana] infesting, polluting, defaming; robbing, only in pantha° (with v. l. duhana) waylaying J.II,281, 388; Tikp 280. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】污染,抢夺,群袭。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 污染,抢夺,群袭。(p160)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dūhitika
- {'def': 'see duhitika. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūra
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. dūra, Ved. duva (stirring, urging on), compar. davīyān, Av. dūrō (far), *dāu; cp. Ohg. zawen, Goth. taujan=E. do. Another form is *deǔā, far in respect to time, as in Gr. dήn, dhrόn, Lat. dū-dum (cp. dū-rare=en-dure). See also dutiya & dūta] far, distant, remote, opp. āsanna (J.II,154) or santika (Dhs.677; Vism.402). -- PvA.117. Often in cpds. (see below), also as dūri°, e. g. dūri-bhāva distance Vism.71, 377; DhsA.76. -- Cases mostly used adverbially, viz. Acc. dūraṁ far J.II,154; DhA.I,192. -- Abl. dūrato from afar, aloof Vin.I,15; II,195; S.I,212; Sn.511; Dh.219; J.V,78 (dūra-dūrato); Miln.23; PvA.107. dūrato karoti to keep aloof from PvA.17.-Loc. dūre at a distance, also as prep. away from, far from (c. Abl.), e. g. Sn.468; J.II,155, 449 (=ārā); III,189. -- Sn.772; Dh.304; J.VI,364; Dhs.677. -- dūre-pātin one who shoots far [cp. Sk. dūra-pātin] A.I,284; II,170, 202. J.IV,494. See also akkhaṇavedhin. -- atidūre too far Vin.II,215.
--kantana at Th.1, 1123: the correct reading seems to be the v. l. durākantana, see ākantana; --gata gone far away Pv.II,134 (=paralokagata PvA.164); DhA.III,377 (durā°). --(ṁ)gama far-going, going here & there Dh.37 (cp. DhA.I,304); Pv.II,910; --ghuṭṭha farrenowned Pv.II,82; --vihāra (-vuttin) living far away Sn.220. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】 远方。 【形】 远的,遥远的。 ~ṅgama, 【形】 到远方去。 ~to,【无】 从远方来。 ~tta, 【中】 远的事实。(p160)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】远方。【形】远的,遥远的。dūraṅgama,【形】到远方去。dūrato,【无】从远方来。dūratta,【中】远的事实。Vbh.2.︰7.Tattha katamaṁ rūpaṁ dūre? Itthindriyaṁ …pe… kabaḷīkāro āhāro, yaṁ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṁ 1anāsanne 2anupakaṭṭhe 3dūre 4asantike--idaṁ vuccati rūpaṁ dūre. (在此,什么是‘远色’?女根色、男根色、心色、命根色、食色(、水、限界色、身表色、语表色、色轻快性、色柔软性、色适应性、色积聚、色相续性、色老性、色无常性),凡是此色1不近(anāsanne;not near)、2不靠近(anupakkaṭṭhe;not closed)、3远(dūre;distant)、4不邻近(asantike;not proximate),这称为远色。)Vbh.3.︰Tattha Katamaṁ rūpaṁ santike? Cakkhāyatanaṁ …pe… phoṭṭhabbāyatanaṁ, yaṁ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṁ 1āsanne 2upakaṭṭhe 3avidūre 4santike--idaṁ vuccati rūpaṁ santike. Taṁ taṁ vā pana rūpaṁ upādāyupādāya rūpaṁ dūre santike daṭṭhabbaṁ.(在此,什么是‘近色’?眼处(眼净色)、耳处(耳净色)、鼻处(鼻净色)、舌处(舌净色)、身处(身净色)、触色(地、火、风)、颜色、声、香、味,凡是此色1近(āsanne;near)、2靠近(upakkaṭṭhe;closed)、3不远(avidūre;not distant)、4邻近(santike;proximate),这称为近色。取这个色、取那个色,当见到远色、近色。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dūrakkha
- {'def': '[du1+rakkha] see rakkha & cp. du1. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūratta
- {'def': '(adj.) [du1+ratta] reddish M.I,36 (°vaṇṇa). (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūre-nidāna
- {'def': 'n. 遠き因縁物語 [Jātaka の序].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'n. 遠的因緣物語(故事) [Jātaka(本生物語)之序(因緣)].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Dūsaka
- {'def': '【形】 弄脏的人,丑化的人,败德的,破坏的。(p160)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】弄脏的人,丑化的人,败德的,破坏的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [Sk. dūṣaka] corrupting, disgracing, one who defiles or defames; a robber, rebel A.V,71 (bhikkhunī°); J.II,270; IV,495; Sn.89 (kula° one who spoils the reputation of the clan); DhA.II,23 (kuṭi° an incendiary); Miln.20 (pantha°). As dussaka at J.V,113 (kamma°); SnA. 287 (mitta°, v. l. B. for dūbhaka). -- panthadūsaka a highwayman Miln.290. -- f. dūsikā J.III,179 (also as dūsiyā=dosakārikā); a° harmless Sn.312 (see a°). (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūsana
- {'def': '【中】腐败,弄脏,污损,污辱,污染。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 腐败,弄脏,污损,污辱,污染。(p160)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [see dūseti] spoiling, defiling J.II,270; Sdhp.453. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūseti
- {'def': '[Sk. dūṣayati, caus. of dussati (q. v.). Also as dusseti PvA.82] to spoil, ruin; to injure, hurt; to defile, pollute, defame Vin.I,79, 85, 86; IV,212 (maṁ so dūsetukāmo, said by a bhikkhunī), 316 (dūsetuṁ); A.IV,169 sq.; J.I,454; II,270; DhA.II,22 (kuṭiṁ, damage, destroy). -- aor. dūsayi J.II,110 (fared ill). -- pp. dūsita. Cp. pa°, pari°. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(dus+e), 1.破坏,污染。2.诽谤。3.虐待。【过】dūsesi。【现分】dūsenta, dūsayamāna,【独】dūsetvā。kumāriṁ dūseti﹐强暴童女。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(dus + e), 1. 破坏,污染。 2. 诽谤。 3. 虐待。 【过】 ~esi。 【现分】dūsenta, dūsayamāna, 【独】 dūsetvā。(p160)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Dūsin
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [Sk. dūṣin]=dūsạka, in magga° (cp. pantha-dusaka) a highway robber Sn.84 sq (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūsita
- {'def': '[Sk. dūṣita, pp. of dūseti] depraved, sinful, evil PvA.226 (°citta). (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Dūseti的【过分】) 1.破坏,污染。2.诽谤。3.虐待。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Dūta
- {'def': '1(Ved. Dūta),【阳】报信者,使者,外交使节(a messenger, envoy)。dūteyyapaniṇa-gamanānuyogaṁ anuyuttā viharanti(传递双方往来讯息之使者)。dūtakammaṁ﹐报信的工作(doing a messenger’s duty)。devadūta, 阎罗王的使者(Yama’s envoy, Death’s messenger)。dūtaṁ pāheti, 送使者(to send a messenger)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 报信者,使者,外交使节。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2 (Sk. dyūta, see jūta) ,【中】玩,赌(play, gaming, gambling J.IV,248.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (nt.) [Sk. dyūta, see jūta] play, gaming, gambling J.IV,248. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 [Ved. dūta, prob. to dūra (q. v.) as “one who is sent (far) away,” also perhaps Gr. dou=los slave. See Walde, Lat. Wtb. under dudum] a messenger, envoy Vin.I,16; II,32, 277; D.I,150; S.IV,194; Sn.411 (rāja°), 417. ‹-› deva° Yama’s envoy, Death’s messenger A.I,138, 142; M.II,75 sq.; J.I,138. -- °ṁ pāheti to send a messenger Miln.18, PvA.133. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūteyya
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. dūtya, but varying in meaning] errand, commission, messages A.IV,196; J.III,134; DA.I,78.‹-› °ṁ gacchati to go on an errand Vin.II,202; °ṁ harati to obtain a commission Vin.III,87; IV,23.
--kamma doing a messenger’s duty Vin.I,359; --pahiṇagamana sending & going on messages D.I,5=M.III,34; A.II,209; M.I,180. (Page 328)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Dūtī
- {'def': '【阴】dūteyya,【中】差事,委托,送信(传递消息)(errand, commission, messages)。dūtapahiṇagamana,传递消息(sending & going on messages)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 dūteyya, 【中】 差事,委托,送信儿(传递消息)。(p159)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- E
- {'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第七个元音字母。发音好像汉语中阴平的 e。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第七个母音字母。发音好像汉语中阴平的 e。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Edha
- {'def': '【阳】 燃料,木柴。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】燃料,木柴(fuel, fire etc.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. edhaḥ, cp. idhma, inddhe; Gr. ai)_qos, a)i/qw, Lat. aedes, Ohg. eit, Ags. ād funeral pile, etc. See idhuma & iṭṭhaka] fuel, fire etc. Only in adj. neg. an° without fuel J.IV,26. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Edhati
- {'def': '[edh, cp. iddhati] to prosper, succeed in, increase S.I,217 (sukhaṁ); Sn.298; Dh.193; J.I,223; III,151. ‹-› sukh°edhita at Vin.III,13 is better read as sukhe ṭhita, as at J.VI,219. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(edh生长+a), 得到,在…方面成功。edhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(edh + a), 得到,在…方面成功。 edhi, 【过】。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Edisa
- {'def': 'edisaka, 【形】 如此的,像这样的。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'edisaka(Sk. īdrwa),【形】如此的,像这样的(such like, such)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. īdṛśa] such like, such Vv 373; PvA.69, 243. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Edisaka
- {'def': '= edisa Sn.313. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ehi
- {'def': '[imper. of eti] come, come here Sn.165; J II 159; VI, 367; DhA.I,49. In the later language part. of exhortation = Gr. a)/ge, Lat. age, “come on” DhA.II,91; PvA.201 (+ tāva = a)/ge dή). ehipassika (adj.) [ehi + passa + ika] of the Dhamma, that which invites every man to come to see for himself, open to all, expld. at Vism.216 as “ehi, passa imaṁ dhamman ti evaṁ pavattaṁ ehi-passavidhaṁ arahatī ti”, D.II,217; III,5, 227; S.I,9; IV,41, 272; V,343; A.I,158; II,198. ehibhadantika one who accepts an invitation D.I,166; M.I,342; II,161; A.I,295; II,206. ehi bhikkhu “come bhikkhu!” the oldest formula of admission to the order Vin.I,12; III,24; DhA.I,87; J.I,82; f. ehi bhikkhunī Vin.IV,214 pl. etha bhikkhavo DhA.I,95. ehibhikkhu-pabbajjā initiation into Bhikkhuship SnA 456. ehibhikkhubhāva --state of being invited to join the Saṅgha, admission to the Order J.I,82, 86; DhA.II,32; SnA 456. ehisāgata-(& svāgata-)vādin a man of courtesy (lit. one who habitually says: “come you are welcome”) D.I,116; Vin.II,11; III,181. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(imper. of eti)来(come, come here). ehipassika (adj.) (ehi + passa + ika), 来看。ehibhadantika, (one who accepts an invitation D.I,166; M.I,342; II.161; A.I,295; II.206. ehi bhikkhu, (最古老的受具足戒准则)来!比丘(“come bhikkhu!” the oldest formula of admission to the order; f. ehi bhikkhunī)。etha bhikkhavo DhA.I,95. ehibhikkhu-pabbajjā initiation into Bhikkhuship SnA 456. ehibhikkhubhāva --state of being invited to join the Saṅgha, admission to the Order)。ehisāgata-(& svāgata-)vādin a man of courtesy (lit. one who habitually says: “come you are welcome”) )。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ehi-bhikkhu
- {'def': '(最古老的受具足戒准则)来!比丘。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ehipassika
- {'def': '【形】来看吧!', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 来参观吧!来看吧!(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ejā
- {'def': '(f.) [to iñj, q. v. and see ānejja. There is also a Sk. root ej to stir, move] motion, turbulence, distraction, seduction, craving S.IV,64; Sn.791; It.91; Nd1 91, 353; Dhs.1059 (cp. Dhs.trslu. 277); VvA.232. -- aneja (adj.) unmoved, undisturbed, calm, passionless S.I,27, 141, 159; III,83; IV,64; A.II,15; Nd1 353; VvA.107. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 渴望,运动。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(to iñj, Sk. root ej to stir, move),【阴】渴望,移动。aneja, 【形】不渴望,不移动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Eka
{'def': '(adj.-num.) [Vedic eka, i. e. e-ka to Idg. *oi as in Av. aēva, Gr. oi]_os one, alone; and also with diff. suffix in Lat. ū-nus, cp. Gr. oi)nόs (one on the dice), Goth. etc. ains = E. one] one. Eka follows the pron. declension, i. e. Nom. pl. is eke (e. g. Sn.43, 294, 780 etc.) -- 1. “one” as number, either with or without contrast to two or more; often also “single” opp. to nānā various, many (q. v.). Very frequent by itself as well as with other numerals, ekaṅgula one thumb Mhvs 29, 11; DhA.III,127; ekapasse in one quarter DhA.II,52; ekamaccha a single fish J.I,222. In enumeration: eka dve pañca dasa DhA.I,24. With other numerals: eka-tiṁsa (31) D.II,2; °saṭṭhi (61) Vin.I,20; °navuti (91) DhA.I,97; °sata (101) DhA.II,14. Cp. use of “one less” in ekūna (see under cpds. & ūna). -- 2. (as predicative and adj.) one, by oneself, one only, alone, solitary A.III,67 (ek-uddesa); J.I,59 (ekadivasena on the one day only, i. e. on the same day); Dh.395; Sn.35, 1136 (see Nd2 172a), ekaṁ ekaṁ one by one S I 104 (devo ekaṁ ekaṁ phusāyati rains drop by drop), cp. ekameka. -- 3. a certain one, some one, some; adj. in function of an indefinite article = a, one (definite or indefinite): ekasmiṁ samaye once upon a time J.I,306; ekena upāyena by some means J.III,393; ekaṁ kulaṁ gantuṁ to a certain clan (corresp. with asuka) DhA.I,45; ekadivasaṁ one day J.I,58; III,26; PvA.67. Cp. Sn.1069 (see Nd2 172b). -- All these three categories are found represented in freq. cpds., of which the foll. are but a small selection.
--akkhi see °pokkhara. --agga calm, tranquil (of persons just converted), collected [cp. Buddh. Sk. ekāgra Jtm 3170] S.IV,125; A.I,70, 266; II,14, 29; III,175 (°citta), 391; Sn.341; J.I,88; Nett 28, cp. Miln.139. --aggatā concentration; capacity to individualise; contemplation, tranquillity of mind (see on term Cpd. 16, 1785, 237, 240) S.V,21, 197, 269 (cittassa); A.I,36; IV,40; Dhs.11 (cittassa); Vism.84. --aṅga a part, divisioh, some‹-› thing belonging to J.III,308; Ud.69. --aṅgaṇa one (clear) space J.II,357. --āgārika a thief, robber D.I,52, 166; A.I,154, 295; II,206; III,129; Nd1 416; Nd2 304 III,A. DA.I,159 (= ekam eva gharaṁ parivāretvā vilumpanaṁ DA.I,159). --āyana leading to one goal, direct way or “leading to the goal as the one & only way (magga) M.I,63; S.V,167, 185. --ārakkha having one protector or guardian D.III,269; A.V,29 sq. --ālopika = ekāgārika D.I,166; A.I,295; II,206. --āsana sitting or living alone M.I,437; Sn.718; Dh.305; J.V,397; Miln.342; Vism.60 (expld. with reference to eating, viz. ekāsane bhojanaṁ ekāsanaṁ, perhaps comparing āsana with asana2. The foll. °āsanika is ibid. expld. as “taṁ sīlam assā ti ekāsaniko”). --āsanika one who keeps to himself Miln.20, 216; Vism.69. --âha one day M.I,88; usually in cpd. ekâhadvîhaṁ one or two days J.I,255; DhA.I,391. --âhika of or for one day D.I,166. --uttarika(-nikāya) is another title for Aṅguttarika-nikāya Miln.392. --ūna one less, minus one, usually as 1st part of a numeral cpd., like °vīsati (20--1 = 19) DhA.I,4; °paññāsa (49) J.III,220; °saṭṭhi (59) DhA.III,412; °pañcasatā (499) DhA.II,204. See ūna. --eka one by one, each, severally, one to each D.II,18 (°loma); III,144 (id.), 157; J.I,222; DhA.I,101 (ekekassa no ekekaṁ māsaṁ one month for each of us); II,114; VvA.256; PvA.42, 43. --ghana compact, solid, hard Dh.81. --cara wandering or living alone, solitary S.I,16; Sn.166, 451; Dh.37. --cariyā walking alone, solitude Dh.61; Sn.820. --cārin = °cara Miln.105. --cittakkhaṇika of the duration of one thought Vism.138. --cintin “thinking one thing (only)”, simple Miln.92. --thūpa (all) in one heap, mixed up, together J.V,17 (= sūkarapotakā viya C.). --doṇikā(-nāvā) a trough-shaped canoe with an outrigger J.VI,305. --paṭalika having a single sole (of sandals, upāhanā) Vism.125. --paṭṭa single cloth (cp. dupaṭṭa) Vism.109. --padika(-magga) a small (lit. for one foot) foot-path J.I,315; V,491. --pala one carat worth (see pala) Vism.339. --passayika is to be read ek’apassayika (see under apa°). --pahārena all at once Vism.418; DhsA.333. --piṭaka knowing one Piṭaka Vism.62. --puttika having only one son KhA 237. --purisika (itthi) (a woman) true to one man J.I,290. --pokkhara a sort of drum J.VI,21, 580 (C. explns. by ek-akkhi-bherī). --bījin having only one (more) seed, i. e. destined to be reborn only once S.V,205; A.I,233; IV,380; Nett 189. --bhattika having one meal a day A.I,212; III,216; J.I,91. --bhattakinī a woman true to one husband J.III,63. --rajja sole sovereignty Dh.178; PvA.74. --rājā universal king J.I,47 (of the Sun). --vāciya a single remark or objection J.II,353. --vāraṁ once J.I,292; °vārena id. DhA.I,10. --sadisa fully alike or resembling, identical J.I,291. --sama equal J.VI,261. --sāṭa & sāṭaka having a single vestment, a “one-rober” S.I,78 (°ka); Ud.65. (Page 159)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(Vedic eka),【形】1.一(“one” as number)。2.单一,单独,独自(one, by oneself, one only, alone, solitary)。3.某一个,未知的(a certain one, some one, some)。【不.单】一(支、枚、颗、粒、只、只、张、根、条、片、瓶、手、口、道、则、股、座、首、门、把、辆、架、面、尾、匹、头、盏、亩、扇、轮、叶、坛、盅。)。【复】一些。ekacara,【形】ekacāri,【形】独居者。ekadesa,【阳】一部分。ekapaṭṭa,【形】单一衬里。ekabhattika,【形】日食一餐。ekavāraṁ ,【副】一次。ekasadisa﹐【形】相似的。eko dve tīṇi cattāri pañca cha satta aṭṭha nava dasā﹐((数)一、二、三、四、五、六、七、八、九、十)。Sabbe sattā āhāraṭṭhitikā﹐一切之有情依食而住。ekameva﹐唯一。ekaṁ samayaṁ(梵ekasmin samaye)﹐一时。ekadivasaṁ﹐一日(one day)。athekadivase﹐在某日。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 相同的,某一个,未知的。【不,单】 一,。 【复】 一些。 ~cara, 【形】 ~cāri, 【形】独居者。 ~desa, 【阳】 一部分。 ~paṭṭa, 【形】 单一衬里。 ~bhattika, 【形】 日食一餐。 ~vāraŋ , 【副】 一次。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekabhattika
- {'def': '(eka一+bhatta食+ika(形容词化)), 一日一食。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekabījī
- {'def': '一种子者︰SA.48.24./III,238.︰yo sotāpanno hutvā ekameva attabhāvaṁ janetvā arahattaṁ pāpuṇāti, ayaṁ ekabījī nāma.(此须陀洹只再投生一次即证得阿罗汉果,此名为‘一种子者’。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekacca
- {'def': '(adj.) [der. fr. eka with suffix *tya, implying likeness or comparison, lit. “one-like”, cp. E. one-like = one-ly = only] one, certain, definite D.I,162, A.I,8; often in pl. ekacce some, a few D.I,118; A.V,194; Th.2, 216; J.II,129; III,126. See also app° under api. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'ekacciya,【形】一些(some),某个(certain),少许(a few)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'ekacciya, 【形】 一些,某一个。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekacce
- {'def': '﹐【形】一些(阳.复.主格)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekaccika
- {'def': '(fr. ekacca),【形】单一,非双层(single, not doubled (of cloth, opp. to diguṇa) J.V.216 (°vasana = eka-paṭṭa-nivattha).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. ekacca] single, not doubled (of cloth, opp. to diguṇa) J.V,216 (°vasana = eka-paṭṭa-nivattha). (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekacciya
- {'def': '(adj.) = ekacca S.I,199; J.IV,259; Acc. as adv. °ṁ once, single Vin.I,289 (cp. Vin Texts II.212). (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekadatthu
- {'def': '(eka-d-atthu, cp. aññadatthu),【副】一次(once, definitely)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [eka-d-atthu, cp. aññadatthu] once, definitely, specially J.III,105 (= ekaṁsena C.). (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekadā
- {'def': '(‹eka),【副】一次,同时(once, at the same time, at one time, once upon a time)。vamatekadā(vamatekadā), 有时吐。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【副】 一次,同时。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [fr. eka] once, at the same time, at one time, once upon a time S.I,162; Sn.198; DhA.II,41; Miln.213. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekagga
- {'def': '【形】 沉着的,镇静的。 ~tā, 【阴】 心中的宁静,心一境。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】沉著的,镇静的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekaggatā
- {'def': '(eka+agga+tā),【阴】心中的宁静,心一境。ekaggacitta﹐【中】一境心(即近行定及安止定(appanā-upacārasamādhi)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekaggatārammaṇa
- {'def': '一境性所缘;一心[PS: eka 一 ===› ekagga(eka-agga)一点的;一境的 ===› ekaggatā(ekagga-tā)一境性 ===› ārammaṇa 所缘;缘境;对象](ekagga-citta 一境心; citta-ekaggatā 心一境性)', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- Ekajjhaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 一起,在相同的地方。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekajjhaṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [fr. eka, cp. literary Sk. aikadhyaṁ, but BSk. ekadhyaṁ M Vastu I.304] in the same place, in conjunction, together Miln.144 (karoti), KhA 167; SnA 38. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【副】一起,一聚,在相同的地方。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekaka
- {'def': '【形】 单一,独居者。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】单一(single),独居者(solitary)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [eka + ka] single, alone, solitary Vin.II,212; J.I,255; II,234; IV,2. -- f. ekikā Vin.IV,229; J.I,307; III,139. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekakkhī
- {'def': '【形】 单眼。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】单眼。cf. ekapokkhara。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekamantaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 在一边,在旁边。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekamantaṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [eka + anta, Acc. in adv. function, cp. BSk. ekamante M Vastu I.35] on one side, apart, aside Vin.I,47, 94 = II.272; D.I,106; Sn.p. 13 (expld. at SnA 140 as follows: bhāvana-puṁsaka-niddeso, ek’okāsaṁ ekapassan ti vuttaṁ hoti, bhummatthe vā upayogavacanaṁ); Sn.580, 1009, 1017; J.I,291; II,102, 111; SnA 314, 456. ‹-› Also in Loc. ekamante on one side DhA.I,40. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(eka + anta, Acc. in adv. function, cp. BSk. ekamante),【副】在一边,在旁边(on one side, apart, aside)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekameka
- {'def': '(adj.) [eka-m-eka, cp. BSk. ekameka M Vastu III,358] one by one, each A.V,173; Vv 782. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'ekeka(eka-m-eka, cp. BSk. ekameka),【形】一个接一个(one by one),每个(each),各自地(severally)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'ekeka, 【形】 一个接一个,每个。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekanta
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. ekānta] one-sided, on one end, with one top, topmost (°-) usually in function of an adv. as °-, meaning “absolutely, extremely, extraordinary, quite” etc. ‹-› 1. (lit.) at one end, only in °lomin a woollen coverlet with a fringe at one end D.I,7 (= ekato dasaṁ uṇṇāmay’attharaṇaṁ keci ekato uggata-pupphan ti vadanti DA.I,87); Vin.I,192; II,163, 169; A.I,181. -- 2. (fig.) extremely, very much, in freq. combns; e. g. °kāḷaka A.III,406; IV, 11; °gata S.V,225; A.III,326; °dukkha M.I,74; S.II,173; III,70 (+ sukha); A.V,289; °dussīlya DhA.III,153; °nibbida A.III,83; IV,143; °paripuṇṇa S.II,219; V,204; °manāpa S.IV,238; °sukha A.II,231; III,409; °sukhin DA.I,119 etc. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Sk. ekānta),【形】一向,不断地、确实、绝对(one-sided, on one end, with one top, topmost)。ekantaṁ,【副】ekantena,【副】当然,确定地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 确信,无穷尽,极度的。 ekantaŋ, 【副】 ~tena, 【副】 当然,确定地。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekantarika
- {'def': '(adj.) [eka + antarika] with one in between, alternate J.IV,195, °bhāvena (Instr. adv.) in alternation, alternately Vism.374; ekantarikāya (adv.) with intervals Vism.244. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 交替的,有一个隔在中间。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(eka + antarika,【形】有一个隔在中间,交替的(with one in between, alternate)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekapadika-magga
- {'def': '【阳】 人行道,小路。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】人行道,小路。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekapaṭalika
- {'def': '【形】 有一层皮为衬里的。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】有一层皮为衬里的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekaso
- {'def': '(Sk. ekawah),【副】逐一地,一个接一个地(singly, one by one)。【反】anekaso。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [Sk. ekaśaḥ] singly, one by one J.III,224 (an°). (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【副】 逐一地,一个接一个地。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekato
- {'def': '【无】 一起在同一边。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [Abl. formation fr. eka, cp. Sk. ekataḥ] -- 1. on the one side (opp. on the other) J.III,51; IV,141. ‹-› 2. together J.II,415; III,57 (vasanto), 52 (sannipatanti), 391; IV,390; DhA.I,18. ekato karoti to put together, to collect VvA.3. ekato hutvā “coming to one”, agreeing DhA.I,102, cp. ekato ahesuṁ J.I,201. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【无】一起在同一边。anudeva saheva ekatova﹐这跟随在后,一起在同一边。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekatta
- {'def': '【中】 1. 统一。 2. 寂寞。 3. 协议。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abstr. fr. eka),【中】1.统一(unity D.I,31.)。2.寂寞(loneliness, solitude, separation)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. eka] -- 1. unity D.I,31. -- 2. loneliness, solitude, separation Sn.718; Th.1, 49; Miln.162; J.VI,64; VvA.202 (= ekībhāva). (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekattatā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. ekatta] unity, combination, unification, concentration Nett 4, 72 sq, 107 sq. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(fr. ekatta),【阴】统一,统合,整合,集中(unity, combination, unification, concentration)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekavidha
- {'def': '(eka + vidha),【形】一种,单一(of one kind, single, simple)。 ,【副】ekavidhā, 单一(singly, simply)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】一类型,相似的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 一类型,相似的。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [eka + vidha] of one kind, single, simple Vism.514; adv. ekavidhā singly, simply Vism.528. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekayāna-magga
- {'def': '一乘道', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- Ekaŋsa
- {'def': 'ekaŋsika, 【形】 1. 明确的,确信。 2. 附属在肩膀的。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekaṁsa
- {'def': '1 (adj.) [eka + aṁsa1] belonging to one shoulder, on or with one shoulder; only in phṛase ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsangaṁ karoti to arrange the upper robe over one shoulder (the left) Vin.I,46; II,188 & passim. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 (eka + aṁsa1) , ekaṁsika, 【形】【副】一肩的(belonging to one shoulder, on or with one shoulder)ekaṁsaṁ uttarāsaṅgaṁ karoti,整理上衣成(偏袒)一肩(右肩)。【阳】一肩。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (eka + aṁsa1 or better aṁsa2), 【副】明确的,确信(“one part or point”, i. e. one-pointedness, definiteness; affirmation, certainty, absoluteness)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 [eka + aṁsa1 or better aṁsa2] “one part or point”, i. e. one-pointedness, definiteness; affirmation, certainty, absoluteness D.I,153; A.II,46; Sn.427, 1027; J.III,224 (ekaṁsatthe nipāto for “nūna”); SnA 414 (°vacana for “taggha”). -- Opp. an° Miln.225. -- Instr. ekaṁsena as adv. for certain, absolutely, definitely, inevitably D.I,122, 161, 162; M.I,393; S.IV,326; A.V,190; J.I,150; III, 224; PvA.11. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekaṁsika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. ekaṁsa2] certain D.I,189, 191; an° uncertain, indefinite D.I,191. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekaṁsikatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. ekaṁsika] as neg. an° indefiniteness Miln.93. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekikā
- {'def': '【阴】孤独的女人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 孤独的女人。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'see ekaka. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekodi
- {'def': '(adj.) [most likely eka + odi for odhi, see avadhi2 & cp. avadahati, avadahana, lit. of one attention, limited to one point. Thus also suggested by Morris J.P.T.S. 1885, 32 sq. The word was Sanskritised into ekoti, e. g. at M Vastu III,212, 213; Lal. Vist. 147, 439] concentrated, attentive, fixed A.III,354; Nd1 478. Usually in compn. with kṛ & bhū (which points however to a form ekoda° with the regular change of a to i in connection with these roots!), as ekodi-karoti to concentrate M.I,116; S.IV,263; °bhavati to become settled S.IV,196; V,144; °bhūta concentrated Sn.975; °bhāva concentration, fixing one’s mind on one point D.I,37; III,78, 131; A.I,254; III,24; Vism.156 (expld. as eko udeti); Dhs.161 (cp. Dhs.trsln. 46); DhsA.169; Nett 89. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(most likely eka + odi for odhi, see avadhi2 & cp. avadahati, avadahana, lit. of one attention, limited to one point.)﹐一境界,趣於一,专一。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekodibhāva
- {'def': '(ekodi一境界+bhāva变成),【阳】心一境(singleness),集中,变成一境界。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 心一境,集中。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekādasa
- {'def': '(num.) [Sk. ekādaśa] eleven Vin.I,19. -- num. ord. ekādasama the eleventh Sn.111, 113. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekāgārika
- {'def': '﹐监护人(=ekālopika, =ekārakkha, having one protector or guardian)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekāha
- {'def': '【中】 一天。 ekāhika, 【形】 存在一天。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】一天。ekāhika,【形】存在一天。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekākiya
- {'def': '(adj.) alone, solitary Th.1, 541; Miln.398. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】单独(alone, solitary)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekākī
- {'def': '【三】 孤单的人。 【阴】 ekākinī。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【三】孤单的人,【阴】ekākinī。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ekānika
- {'def': '(adj) = ekākiya; Instr. ekānikena as adv. “by oneself” Miln.402. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekāsanika
- {'def': '【形】一食(一天只吃一次的人)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 一天只吃一次的人。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekāyana
- {'def': '【阳】唯一的方法。ekāyanamagga, 一乘道(a unified path; a direct path)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 唯一的方法。(p82)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekībhāva
- {'def': '(eka+bhāva, with ī for a in compn. with bhū), 【阳】独处(being alone变成单独),孤独(loneliness),寂寞(solitude),日语:寂しい(sabishii)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 个体,孤独,寂寞。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[eka + bhāva, with ī for a in compn. with bhū] being alone, loneliness, solitude D III 245; M.II,250; A.III,289; V,89, 164; Vism.34; SnA 92, 93; DhA.II,103; VvA.202; DA.I,253, 309. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ekībhūta
- {'def': '【形】统一,连接,聚集在一起。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 统一,连接,聚集在一起。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ekūna
- {'def': '【形】减一,缺一。ekūnacattāḷīsati,【阴】三十九。ekūnatiṁsati,【阴】二十九。ekūnapaññāsā,【阴】四十九。ekūnavīsati,【阴】十九。ekūnasaṭṭhi,【阴】五十九。ekūnasattati,【阴】六十九。ekūnanavuti,【阴】八十九。ekūnasata,【中】九十九。ekūnāsīti,【阴】七十九。ekūnanavuti cittāni, 八十九心。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 减一,缺一。 ~cattāḷīsati, 【阴】 三十九。 ~tiŋsati, 【阴】 二十九。 ~paññāsā, 【阴】 四十九。 ~vīsati, 【阴】 十九。 ~saṭṭhi,【阴】五十九。 ~sattati, 【阴】 六十九。 ~navuti, 【阴】 八十九。 ~sata, 【中】九十九。 ~nāsīti, 【阴】 七十九。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ela
- {'def': '(nt.) [?] salt(?) or water(?) in elambiya (= el°ambu-ja) born in (salt) water Sn.845 (= ela-saññaka ambumhi jāta); Nd1 202 (elaṁ vuccati udakaṁ). (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Elambaraka
- {'def': '[?] N. of a creeping vine J.VI,536. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Elaṇḍa
- {'def': '= eraṇḍa (?) M.I,124. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Elaṇḍakattha
- {'def': '﹐蓖麻树(伊兰檀)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Elā
- {'def': '【阴】 1. 唾液,2. 小豆蔻的种子或植物。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】1.唾液,2.小豆蔻的种子或植物。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Elāluka
- {'def': '(Eḷāluka) (nt.) [etym.?] a kind of cucumber(?) Vv 3329; J.I,205; V,37; DhA.I,278. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ena
- {'def': '他,这(一些情形之下的 eta 采取这一种词形。only used in Acc. enaṁ (taṁ enaṁ) “him, this one, the same”)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(pron.) [fr. pron. base *ē̆, cp. e-ka; to this cp. in form & meaning Lat. ūnus, Gr. oi)nόs, Ohg. ein, Oir. ōin] only used in Acc. enaṁ (taṁ enaṁ) “him, this one, the same” Sn.583, 981, 1114; Dh.118, 313; J.III,395; Nd2 304III,B. See also naṁ. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '一些情形之下的 eta 采取这一种词形。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Enta
- {'def': '(eti 的【现分】), 正在来着。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(eti 的【现分】), 正在来著。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Eraka
- {'def': '1 (fr. eret) ,【形】移转(driving away, moving J.IV,20 (erakavāta动转风)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1 (adj.) [fr. ereti] driving away, moving J.IV,20 (°vāta); °vattika a certain kind of torture M.I,87 = A.I,47 = II.122 = Nd2 604 = Miln.197. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 (fr. ereti),【阳】香蒲,霍香,音译︰伊罗(香蒲属(Typha)的一种植物,尤指一种高的沼生植物〔Typha latifolia 宽叶香蒲〕,叶长而扁平,用於编蒲包和椅垫)。erakadussa,【中】以席草或纤维制成的衣服。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【 阳】 香蒲(香蒲属 (Typha) 的一种植物,尤指一种高的沼生植物〔 Typhalatifolia 宽叶香蒲〕,叶长而扁平,用于编蒲包和椅垫)。 ~dussa, 【中】以席草或纤维制成的衣服。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2 (nt.) [fr. ereti] Typha-grass J.IV,88. As eragu(?) a kind of grass used for making coverlets Vin.I,196 (eraka Bdhgh. on D.I,166). (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Erakapatta
- {'def': 'Erāpatha(梵eḷapattra), 霍香叶龙王(伊罗鉢多、伊罗叶、伊罗钵挐、黳罗叶)在迦叶佛时为一比丘,因后悔拔霍香叶,持戒不圆满,死后投生为一条龙王(DhpA.v.182.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Erakavattika
- {'def': '【中】驱行刑。此刑从罪人之颈至下踵唯剥其皮即以索缚而牵之。彼以踏自己之皮而死。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 驱行刑 此刑从罪人之颈至下踵唯剥其皮即以索缚而牵之。彼以踏自己之皮而死。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Eraṇḍa
- {'def': '[dial.?] the castor oil plant Nd2 680II.; J.II,440. Cp. elaṇḍa. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 蓖麻(热带非洲和亚洲的一种草本植物 (Ricinus Communis) 叶大、掌状、青铜绿色;花小,无花瓣;朔果有刺,含有豆状的斑点种子,产生蓖麻油。)。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】蓖麻(热带非洲和亚洲的一种草本植物 (Ricinus Communis;the castor oil plant Nd2 680II.; J.II,440.) 叶大、掌状、青铜绿色;花小,无花瓣;朔果有刺,含有豆状的斑点种子,产生蓖麻油。)。Cp. elaṇḍa(M.I,124.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ereti
- {'def': '(ir + e), 摇动,使运动。 eresi, 【过】。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(ir+e;=īreti (q. v.) Caus. of īr, Sk. īrayati), 摇动,使运动(to move, set into motion, raise (one’s voice))。eresi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[=īreti (q. v.) Caus. of īr, Sk. īrayati] to move, set into motion, raise (one’s voice) M.I,21; Sn.350 (eraya imper.); Th.1, 209 (eraye); J.IV,478. -- pp. erita (q.v.). (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Erita
- {'def': '[pp. of ereti] moved, shaken, driven J.IV,424; Vv 394, 424; Th.1, 104, Pv.II,123; Vism.172 (+ samerita), 342 (vāt° moved by the wind). Cp. īrita. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Ereti的【过分】)摇动,使运动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Erāvata
- {'def': '【阳】柑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 柑。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Erāvaṇa
- {'def': 'N. of Indra’s elephant Sn.379; Vv 4413; VvA.15. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】因陀神的象的名字(Indra’s elephant Sn.379; Vv 4413; VvA.15.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 因陀神的象的名字。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Esa
- {'def': '2 (adj.) = esin Sn.286. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(语调好的 eso 词形), 那个人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1 see etad. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(语调好的 eso 词形), 那个人。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Esabha
- {'def': '(-°) a by-form of usabha (q. v.), in cpd. rathesabha. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Esanta
- {'def': 'esamāna, 【现分】 追求。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'esamāna,【现分】追求。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Esanā
- {'def': '【阴】 寻求,渴望。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. esati] desire, longing, wish D.III,216, 270; M.I,79; S.V,54, 139; A.I,93; II,41; V,31; VvA.83; PvA.98, 163, 265. See also anesanā, isi & pariy°. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(fr. esati),【阴】寻求,渴望(desire, longing, wish)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Esanī
- {'def': '(fr. is), 外科医师的探针(a surgeon’s probe M.II,256.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. iṣ] a surgeon’s probe M.II,256. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Esati
- {'def': '(es+a), 寻求,搜寻。esi,【过】。esitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[ā + iṣ1 with confusion of iṣ1 and iṣ2, icchati, see also ajjhesati, anvesati, pariyesati] to seek, search, strive for Sn.592 (esāno ppr. med.), 919; Dh.131. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(es + a), 寻求,搜寻。 esi, 【过】。 esitvā, 【独】。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Eseva
- {'def': 'naya﹐同理。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Esika
- {'def': '(nt.) & Esikā1 (f.) [a by-form of isīkā] a pillar, post A.IV,106, 109. Freq. in cpd. °ṭṭhāyin as stable as a pillar D.I,14; S.III,202, 211, 217; DA.I,105. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Esikā
- {'def': '【阴】esikātthambha,【阳】在城门前的壮柱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 esikātthambha, 【阳】 在城门前的壮柱。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2 desire, see abbūḷha. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Esin
- {'def': '(Sk. esin, of is),【阳】搜索者(seeking, wishing, desiring)。【阴】esinī。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. eṣin, of iṣ] seeking, wishing, desiring S.II,11 (sambhav°); J.I,87 (phal°); IV,26 (dukkham°); Pv.II,928 (gharam); PvA.132. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Esita
- {'def': '(esati 的【过分】) 寻求,搜寻。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(esati 的【过分】)。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Esitabba
- {'def': '【潜】 应该探索。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【义】应该探索。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Esī
- {'def': '【阳】 搜索者, 【阴】 esinī。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Eta
- {'def': '(poetical-archaic form:etad)(Vedic etad)(=tad)﹐【代】【形】那、彼(that);此、这(this)。【阳】:单.主.eso﹑esa;复.主ete;单.宾.etaṁ(﹑enaṁ);复.宾.ete;单.具.etena;复.具.etehi﹑etebhi;单.离.etasmā﹑etamhā;复.离.etehi﹑etebhi;单.属﹑与.etassa;复.与﹑属.etesaṁ﹑etesānaṁ;单.处.etasmiṁ & etamhi;复.处.etesu。【中】:单.主.etaṁ (the usual form) & etad;复.主.etāni。单.宾.etaṁ﹑etad;复.宾.etāni。(其余同阳性)。【阴】:单.主esā;复.主.etā﹑etāyo;单.宾.etaṁ;复.宾.etā﹑etā﹑etāyo;单.具.etāya;复.具.etāhi﹑etābhi;单.离etāya;复.离.etāhi & etābhi;单.与﹑属.etissā﹑etassāya﹑etissā;单.处.etāya﹑etāyaṁ(﹑etāsaṁ﹑etassaṁ﹑etissaṁ);复.处.etāsu。ayametesaṁ﹐这是它们的。panetā=pana+etā。etadavoca, etadavocaṁ, 说这,这么说。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【派,代】那,这。eso,【阳,单】。esā,【阴,单】。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Etad
- {'def': '(pron. adj.) [Vedic etad, of pron. base *e; see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under equidem] demonstr. pron. “this”, with on the whole the same meaning and function as tad, only more definite and emphatic. Declined like tad. Cases: nt. sg. etad (poetical-archaic form) A.II,17; Sn.274, 430, 822, 1087; J.I,61, 279; & etaṁ (the usual form) Sn.51, 207, 1036, 1115; J.II,159; pl. etāni Sn.52; J.II,159. -- m. sg. esa Sn.81, 416, 1052; J.I,279; II, 159; Miln.18; DhA.I,18; & eso Sn.61, 312, 393; J.VI,336; pl. ete Sn.188, 760; J.I,223. -- f. sg. esā Sn.80, 451; J.I,307; pl. etā Sn.297, 897; J.II,129. -- Oblique cases: Gen. Dat. etassa J.II,159; f. etissā J.III,280; Instr. etena Sn.655; J.I,222; pl. Loc. etesu Sn.248, 339, 1055; f. etāsu Sn.607. Other cases regular & frequent. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Etadagga
- {'def': '(etad那+agga最高的﹑顶端)﹐【形】第一的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Etan
- {'def': 'ti (etaṁ ti),引号ti的「连音规则」:(i) -ṁ + ti › -n + ti,(ii) -短母音 + ti › -长母音 + ti。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Etarahi
- {'def': '(Sk. etarhi, cp. tarahi & carahi),【副】现在,目前(now, at present)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【副】 现在,目前。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [Sk. etarhi, cp. tarahi & carahi] now, at present D.I,29, 151, 179, 200; II,3; J.I,215 (opp. tadā); III,82; VI,364 (instead of paccuppanna). (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Eti
- {'def': '[P. eti represents Sk. eti as well as ā-eti, i. e. to go and to come (here); with Sk. eti cp. Av. aeiti, Gr. ei)_si, Lat. eo, it; Goth. iddja went, Obulg. iti, Oir. etha] to go, go to, reach; often (= ā + eti) to come back, return Sn.364, 376, 666 (come); J.VI,365 (return); ppr. ento J.III,433 (Acc. suriyaṁ atthaṁ entaṁ the setting sun); imper. 2nd sg. ehi only in meaning “come” (see separately), 3rd etu D.I,60; 2nd pl. etha D.I,211; Sn.997; J.II,129; DhA.I,95 (in admission formula “etha bhikkhavo” come ye [and be] bhikkhus! See ehi bhikkhu). -- fut. essati J.VI,190, 365, & ehiti J.II,153; 2nd sg. ehisi Dh.236, 369. -- pp. ita (q. v.). (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(i +a), 来(to go, go to, reach; often (= ā + eti) to come back, return); ppr. ento (Acc. suriyaṁ atthaṁ entaṁ the setting sun); imper. 2nd sg. ehi only in meaning “come” (see separately), 3rd etu; 2nd pl. etha). -- fut. essati & ehiti; 2nd sg. ehisi. -- pp. ita.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(i + a), 来。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Etta
- {'def': '(= Sk. atra, see also ettha) ,【形】那里,这里(there, here)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [= Sk. atra, see also ettha] there, here Pv.I,56 (sic; cp. KhA 254 note). (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ettaka
- {'def': '【形】 这么多。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】这么多,若干。DhpA.v.388.︰“nāhaṁ ettakena ‘pabbajito’ti vadāmi”(我不会因为这样的外表而称呼他们为‘出家者’。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [etta + ka, contrasting-comparative function, cp. tattaka] so much, this much, according to context referring either to deficiency or abundance, thus developing 2 meanings, viz. (1) just as much (& no more), only so little, all this, just this, such a small number, a little; pl. so few, just so many D.I,117 (opp. aparimāṇa), 124; A.IV,114; Nd2 304III, (ettakena na tussati is not satisfied with this much); Vv 7912 (cp. VvA.307); Miln.10, 18 (alaṁ ettakena enough of this much); DhA.I,90 (enough, this much), 93, 399 (pl. ettakā); II,54 (only one), 174 sq.; VvA.233 (a little), 323. -- ettakaṁ kālaṁ a short time (but see also under 2) J.I,34; DhA.II,20. -- (2) ever so much (and not less), so much, pl. so many, ever so many, so & so many, such a lot A.III,337; J.I,207 (pl. ettakā), 375 (nt. ettakaṁ); III,80 (id.), 94 (°ṁ dhanaṁ such great wealth); Miln.37 (pl.); DhA.I,392, 396 (pl. f. ettikā), 397, 398; II,14, 89 (pl.), 241 (pl. so many); VvA.65 (dhanaṁ). -- ettakaṁ kālaṁ for some time, such a long time (see also above, under 1) DhA.II,62, 81; III,318; VvA.330. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ettato
- {'def': '(adv.) [with double suffix for *atra-taḥ] from here, therefore S.I,185. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ettha
- {'def': '(adv.) [= Sk. atra, cp. etta] here, in this place; also temporal “now”, & modal “in this case, in this matter” D.II,12; S.V,375; Dh.174; Sn.61, 171, 424, 441, 502, 1037, & freq. passim. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【副】 这里。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(= Sk. atra, cp. etta),【副】这里,那里(here, in this place; also temporal “now”, & modal “in this case, in this matter”)。etthesā(ettha esā)在那里。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Etto
- {'def': '(adv.) [in analogy to ito fr. *et°, as ito fr. *it°] orig. Abl. of etad; from this, from it, thence, hence, out of here Sn.448, 875; J.I,223 (opp. ito), V.498; Pv.I,11; II,104; DhA.II,80 (ito vā etto vā here & there); PvA.103. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【无】 从这,这里,从这里。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(与ito同类),【无】从这,这里,从这里(orig. Abl. of etad; from this, from it, thence, hence, out of here)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ettāvatā
- {'def': '【副】迄今为止,达到那样的程度,由这样多。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [fr. etta = ettaka, cp. kittāvatā: kittaka] so far, to that extent, even by this much D.I,205, 207; S.II,17; Sn.478; Vv 556 (cp. VvA.248); Pv IV.167; Miln.14; DA.I,80; SnA 4; PvA.243. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹etta = ettaka这么多),【副】迄今为止(so far),达到那样的程度(to that extent),仅有如此、由这样多(even by this much)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Etādisa
- {'def': '【形】像这样的,诸如此类的,这一个类型。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [etad + disa, of dṛś, cp. Sk. etādṛśa] such, such like, of this kind D.II,157; Sn.588, 681, 836; Pv.I, 94; IV,186 (= edisa yathā-vutta-rūpa PvA.243); PvA.II,71. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(etad + disa‹drw, cp. Sk. etādrwa),【形】像这样的,诸如此类的,这一个类型(such, such like, of this kind (= edisa yathā-vutta-rūpa PvA.243)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Etādisikā
- {'def': '(etādisa+(i)ka), 【无】像这样的,像这一个类型(such a, of such a kind)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Etādisiyā
- {'def': 'Etādisīya, 【无】像这样的,像这一个类型(such a, of such a kind)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Eva
{'def': '(adv.) [Vedic eva] emphatic part “so, even, just”; very freq. in all contexts & combns. -- 1. eva J.I,61 (ajj’eva this veryday), 278 (that’eva likewise); II,113 (ahaṁ e. just I), 154 (ekam e. just one), 160 (attano e. his very own). -- 2. eva often appears with prothetic (sandhi-)y as yeva, most frequently after i and e, but also after the other vowels and ṁ, cp. J.I,293, 307; II,110, 128, 129, 159; IV,3; VI,363. -- 3. After ṁ eva also takes the form of ñeva, mostly with assimilation of ṁ to ñ, viz. tañ ñeva J.I,223; tasmiñ ñeva J.I,139; ahañ ñeva Miln.40. -- 4. After long vowels eva is often shortened to va (q. v.).
--rūpa (1) such, like that Sn.279, 280; It.108; J.II,352, etc. -- (2) of such form, beauty or virtue J.I,294; III,128, etc. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '调强语气。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【副】唯,正是(强调语气emphatic part)。ajj’eva﹐正是今天(this veryday)。attano eva﹐就是他自己的(his very own)。ahaṁ eva﹐正是我(just I)。ekam eva﹐正是一个(just one)。Imameva(ima+m+eva) , 这如此。2.-i+eva﹐-e+eva →(sandhi-)y =yeva。3.-ṁ+eva= ñeva, -ṁ to -ñ, tañ ñeva ; tasmiñ ñeva; ahañ ñeva。4.长母音之后通常短化成va。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Evamāha
- {'def': '(evaṁ如此+āha他已经说)﹐他已经如此说。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Evarūpa
- {'def': '【形】1.如此的(such),像这样(like that)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 如此的,如此的形式。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Evaŋ
- {'def': '【副】 如此,这样,(在答复方面)是的。 ~vidha, 【形】 像这样的。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Evaṁ
{'def': '(adv.) [Vedic evaṁ] so, thus, in this way, either referring to what precedes or what follows, e. g. (1) thus (as mentioned, expld. at Vism.528 as “niddiṭṭha-nayanidassana”) D.I,193 (evaṁ sante this being being so), 195 (id.); Vin.II,194 (evaṁ bhante, yes); J.I,222; Pv.II,1312 evaṁ etaṁ, just so). -- (2) thus (as follows) M.I,483 (evaṁ me sutaṁ “thus have I heard”). -- Often combd. with similar emphatic part., as evam eva kho “in just the same way” (in final conclusions) D.I,104, 199, 228, 237, 239; in older form evaṁ byā kho (= evam iva kho) Vin.II,26; IV,134 = DA.I,27; evam evaṁ “just so” D.I,51; Sn.1115; evaṁ kho D.I,113; evam pi Sn.1134; evaṁ su D.I,104; etc. etc.
--diṭṭhin holding such a view M.I,484. --nāma having that name M.I,429. (Page 162)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【副】如此(thus (as mentioned)),这样(thus (as follows))。evaṁvidha,【形】像这样的。Evaṁ me sutaṁ (Evaṁ(副词, 如是) me(具格, 被我) sutaṁ (过去分词, 已听到),直译:这样,已被我听说),如是我闻(thus have I heard)。evameva kho, 同样地。evaṃ mayā wrutam, evaṃ mayā wrutâdibhyah,【梵】如是我闻。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '如是;如此(PS: Evaṁ me sutaṁ --- 如是我闻)', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- Eḷa
- {'def': '(梵enas)﹐【中】聋。eḷamūga﹐聋哑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(Sk. enas) ,【中】在‘eḷamūga’, 聋哑(deaf & dumb)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. enas] in eḷamūga deaf & dumb A.II,252; III,436; IV,226; Miln.20, 251 (cp. Miln.trsl. II.71). A rather strange use and expln. of eḷamūga (with ref. to a snake “spitting”) we find at J.III,347, where it is expld. as “eḷa-paggharantena mukhena eḷamūgaṁ” i. e. called eḷamūga because of the saliva (foam?) dripping from its mouth, v. l. elamukha. -- Cp. neḷa & aneḷa. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Eḷagala
- {'def': 'see aneḷa. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 渗出唾液的。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】渗出唾液的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Eḷagalā
- {'def': '【阴】 决明(一年生草本植物 (Cassia Tora),全株有短毛,茎基部木质化,羽状复叶,小叶倒卵形,花黄色,种子灰绿色,成熟后入中药。也叫草决明、羊角、野花生)。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [dial.?] the plant Cassia Tora (cp. Sk. eḍagaja the ringworm-shrub, Cassia Alata, after Halāyudha), J.III, 222 (= kambojī C.). (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】决明(一年生草本植物 (Cassia Tora),全株有短毛,茎基部 木质化,羽状复叶,小叶倒卵形,花黄色,种子灰绿色,成熟后入中药。也叫草决明、羊角、野花生)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Eḷagga
- {'def': 'in kāmāmis° at PvA.107 is to be read kāmāmise lagga°. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Eḷaka
- {'def': '2 [Sk. eḍaka] a ram, a wild goat Sn.309; Vism.500 (in simile); J.I,166; Pug.A 233 (= urabbha). -- f. eḷakā S.II,228, eḷakī Th.2, 438, eḷikī J.III,481. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】山羊。【阴】Eḷakā﹐Elikā﹐Eḷikī﹐牝山羊。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 山羊。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1 [?] a threshold (see Morris, J.P.T.S. 1887, 146) Vin.II,149 (°pādaka-pītha, why not “having feet resembling those of a ram”? Cp. Vin Texts III,165 “a chair raised on a pedestal”); D.I,166; A.I,295; II,206. The word & its meaning seems uncertain. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Eḷā
- {'def': '【阴】唾液。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 唾液。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Eḷāluka
- {'def': '【中】黄瓜(一年生匍匐藤本植物 (Cucumis sativus),果实多汁,表面光滑或有疣突,圆柱形或球形)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 黄瓜(一年生匍匐藤本植物 (Cucumis sativus),果实多汁,表面光滑或有疣突,圆柱形或球形)。(p84)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Eṇeyya
- {'def': 'D.III,157; J.VI,537 sq., & Eṇeyyaka A.I,48; II, 122; J.V,155 Nd2 604 = eṇi. (Page 161)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'Eṇeyyaka,【中】1.羚羊(Nd2 604 = eṇi)。2.羚羊刑(两肘和两膝以挂铁环,用铁棒贯通之,再用四根铁棒架之,於地上不能动,焚火於身体之四周。如被火围绕之羚羊而得名)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Eṇeyyaka
- {'def': '【中】 羚羊刑(两肘和两膝以挂铁环,用铁棒贯通之,再用四根铁棒架之,于地上不能动,焚火于身体之四周。如被火围绕之羚羊而得名)。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Eṇi
- {'def': '(f.) [etym.? dial.] a kind of antelope, only two foll. cpds.: °jaṅgha “limbed like the antelope” (one of the physical characteristics of the Superman) D.II,17; III,143, 156; M.II,136; S.I,16; Sn.165; °miga the eṇi deer J.V,416; SnA 207, 217. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Eṇijaṅgha
- {'def': '(eṇi羚羊+jaṅgha)﹐【阳】小腿像羚羊(limbed like the antelope)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Eṇimiga
- {'def': 'eṇeyya, 【阳】 一种羚羊。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'eṇeyya,【阳】羚羊鹿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Eṭṭha
- {'def': '[pp. of ā + iṣ] see pariy°; do. °eṭṭhi. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Eṭṭhi
- {'def': '(‹eṭṭha, ā + is, cp. Sk. esṭi),【阴】搜寻,寻求(desire, wish)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 搜寻,寻求。(p83)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. eṭṭha, ā + iṣ, cp. Sk. eṣṭi] desire, wish, in combn. with gaveṭṭhi pariyeṭṭhi etc. Vbh.353 = Vism.23, 29 etc. (Page 160)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- G
- {'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第三个辅音字母。发音是带音的 g,汉语没有这个辅音,请参考英语或马来语的发音。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第三个辅音字母。发音是带音的 g,汉语没有这个辅音,请参考英语或马来语的发音。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gabbha
{'def': '[Vedic garbha, either to *gelbh, as in Lat. galba, Goth. kalbo, Ohg. kalba, E. calf, or *gǔe bh, as in Gr. delfuζ womb, adelfόs sharing the womb, brother, dέlfac young pig; cp. *gelt in Goth. kilpei womb. Ags. cild, Ger. kind, E. child. Meaning: a cavity, a hollow, or, seen from its outside, a swelling] 1. interior, cavity (Loc. gabbhe in the midst of: aṅgāra° J.III,55); an inner room, private chamber, bedroom, cell. Of a Vihāra: Vin.II,303; III,119; IV,45; VvA.188; 220; -- J.I,90 (siri° royal chamber); III,276; Vv 785 (=ovaraka VvA.304); DhA.I,397; Miln.10, 295. See also anto°. ‹-› 2. the swelling of the (pregnant) womb, the womb (cp. kucchi). °ṁ upeti to be born Dh.325=Th.1, 17= Nett 34, 129; °ṁ upapajjati to be born again Dh.126; gabbhā gabbhaṁ . . . dukkaṁ nigacchanti from womb to womb (i. e. from birth to birth) Sn.278; gabbhato paṭṭhāya from the time of birth J.I,290, 293. As a symbol of defilement g. is an ep. of kāma A.IV,289, etc. -- 3. the contents of the womb, i. e. the embryo, fœtus: dasa māse °ṁ kucchinā pariharitvā having nourished the fœtus in the womb for 10 months D II 14; dibbā gabbhā D.I,229; on g. as contained in kucchi, fœtus in utero, see J.I,50 (kucchimhi patiṭṭhito) 134; II,2; IV,482; M.I,265; Miln.123 (gabbhassa avakkanti); DhA.I,3, 47; II,261. -- Pv.I,67; PvA.31; gabbho vuṭṭhāsi the child was delivered Vin.II,278; itthi-gabbho & purisa° female & male child J.I,51; gabbhaṁ pāteti to destroy the fœtus Vin.II,268; apagatagabbhā (adj.) having had a miscarriage Vin.II,129; mūḷha-gabbhā id. M.II,102 (+visatā°); paripuṇṇa-gabbhā ready to be delivered J.I,52; PvA.86; saññi° a conscious fœtus D.I,54=M.I,518=S.III,212; sannisinna-gabbhā having conceived Vin.II,278.
--avakkanti (gabbhe okkanti Nd2 3041) conception D.III,103, 231; Vism.499, 500 (°okkanti); this is followed by gabbhe ṭhiti & gabbhe vuṭṭhāna, see Nd2; --āsaya the impurities of childbirth Pv III,53 (=°mala); --karaṇa effecting a conception Sn.927; --gata leaving the womb, in putte gabbhagate when the child was born PvA.112; --dvāra the door of the bed-chamber J.I,62; --pariharaṇa=next Vism.500; --parihāra “the protection of the embryo,” a ceremony performed when a woman became pregnant J.II,2; DhA.I,4; --pātana the destruction of the embryo, abortion, an abortive preparation Vin.III,83 sq.; Pv.I,66 (akariṁ); PvA.31 (dāpesi); DhA.I,47 (°bhesajja); --mala the uncleanness of delivery, i. e. all accompanying dirty matter PvA.80, 173 (as food for Petas), 198; DhA.IV,215; --vīsa in ahañc’amhi gabbhavīso “I am 20 years, counting from my conception” Vin.I,93; --vuṭṭhāna (nt.) childbirth, delivery J.I,52; DhA.I,399; II,261; --seyyā (f.) the womb; only in expressions relating to reincarnation, as: na punar eti (or upeti) gabbhaseyyaṁ “he does not go into another womb,” of an Arahant Sn.29, 152, 535; Vv 5324; and gabbhaseyyaka (adj.) one who enters another womb Vbh.413 sq.; Vism.272, 559, 560; Bdhd 77, 78. (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 内部,子宫,内室。 ~gata, 【形】 去了子宫(投胎),怀孕。 ~pariharaṇa, 【中】 护胎。 ~pātana, 【中】 流产的准备,毁胎。 ~mala,【中】随分娩的脏物。 ~vuṭṭhāna, 【中】 分娩。 ~seyyaka, 【形】 在子宫中出生者,胎生的。 ~seyyā, 【阴】 在子宫怀孕。 ~avakkanti, 【阴】怀孕。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】内部,子宫,内室。gabbhagata,【形】去了子宫(投胎),怀孕。gabbhapariharaṇa,【中】护胎。gabbhapātana,【中】流产的准备,毁胎。gabbhamala,【中】随分娩的脏物。gabbhavuṭṭhāna,【中】分娩。gabbhaseyyaka,【形】在子宫中出生者,胎生的。gabbhaseyyā,【阴】在子宫怀孕。gabbhavakkanti,【阴】怀孕。āyatiṁ gabbhaseyyā punabhavābhinibbatti pahīna﹐断尽未来再转生於母胎。“paṭhamagabbhe puttapaṭilābhatthāyā”ti.(求第一胎能生儿子)。guḷhagabbha,【阳】秘密内室。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gabbhara
- {'def': '【中】洞。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 洞。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Derivation uncertain. Cp. Sk. gahvara] a cavern Sn.416 (giri°); Vv 635 (giri°). (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gabbhassāvakkanti
- {'def': '﹐入胎。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gabbhinī
- {'def': '【阴】 孕妇。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】【阴】孕妇(pregnant, enceinte)。gabbhinī pāyamānā purisantaragatā, 怀孕,喂奶,有性行为(pregnant, lactating & having had sex intercourse)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj. f.) pregnant, enceinte Vin.II,268; S.III,202; J.I,151, 290; IV,37; Pv.I,66; PvA.31, 82: VvA.110 (-bhāva); in combn g° pāyamānā purisantaragatā (pregnant, lactating & having had sex. intercourse) A.I,295=II.206=M.I,77, 238, 307, 342=Pug.55; with utunī anutunī (menstruating & having ceased to menstruate) A.III,226 sq. (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gabbhāsaya
- {'def': '【阳】 子宫。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】子宫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gabbita
- {'def': '(adj.) proud, arrogant J.II,340 (°bhāva=issariya); III,264 (°sabhāva=dittasabhāva); Sum. V. on D.III,153 (=avamata). (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 骄傲的,傲慢的。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】骄傲的,傲慢的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaccha
- {'def': '【阳】 植物,矮树。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[not=Sk. kaccha, grass-land, as Morris, J.P.T.S. 1893, 16. The passage J.III,287 stands with gaccha, v. l. kaccha for gaccha at A.IV,74; g° for k° at Sn.20] a shrub, a bush, usually together with latā, creeper & rukkha, tree, e. g. Nd2 235, Id; J.I,73; Miln.268; Vism.182 (described on p. 183). With dāya, wood A.IV,74. puppha° a flowering shrub J.I,120; khuddaka°-vana a wood of small shrubs J.V,37. -- PvA.274; VvA.301 (-gumba, brushwood, underwood); DhA.I,171 (-pothana-ṭṭhāna); IV,78 (-mūla). (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】植物,矮树。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gacchant
- {'def': '(a)﹐【现分】正在去。单.主.gacchaṁ﹑gacchanto﹑gacchato;复.主gacchanto﹑gacchantā;单.呼.gaccha﹑gacchanta﹑gacchaṁ;复.呼gacchanto﹑gacchantā;单.宾.gacchantaṁ﹑gacchataṁ;复.宾.gacchanto﹑gacchante;单.具.gacchatā﹑gacchantena;复.具.gacchantebhi﹑gacchantehi;单.离.gacchatā﹑gacchanta﹑gacchantamhā﹑gacchantasmā﹑gacchantato;复.离.gacchantebhi﹑gacchantehi;单.与.﹑属.gacchāto﹑gacchantassa;复.与.﹑属.gacchataṁ﹑gacchantānaṁ;单.处gacchanti﹑gacchante﹑gacchantamhi﹑gacchantasmiṁ;复.处.gacchantesu。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gacchati
- {'def': '(gam + a), 去,行,走。【 过】 gacchi,【 现分】 gacchanta,gacchamāna,【过分】 gata。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gam+a), 去,行,走。【过】gacchi,【现分】gacchanta﹐gacchamāna。【过分】gata。gantvā, gamitvā, gantvāna, gantūna, -gamma,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic gacchati, a desiderative (future) formation from *gǔem “I am intent upon going,” i. e. I go, with the foll. bases. -- (1) Future-present *gǔemskéti› *gaścati›Sk. gacchati=Gr. baζkw (to bainw). In meaning cp. i, Sk. emi, Gr. εί mi “I shall go” & in form also Sk. pṛcchati=Lat. porsco “I want to know,” Vedic icchati “to desire.” -- (2) Present *gǔemịo=Sk. gamati=Gr. bai/nw, Lat. venio, Goth. qiman, Ohg. koman, E. come; and non-present formations as Osk. kúmbened, Sk. gata=Lat. ventus; gantu=(ad) ventus. -- (3) *gǔā, which is correlated to *stā, in Pret. Sk. ágām, Gr. e]/bhn, cp. bhμa]. These three formations are represented in Pāli as follows (1) gacch°, in pres. gacchati; imper. gaccha & gacchāhi; pot. gacche (Dh.46, 224) & gaccheyya; p.pres. gacchanto, med. gacchamāna; fut (2nd) gacchissati; aor. agacchi (VvA.307; v. l. agañchi). -- (2) gam° in three variations; viz. (a) gam°, in pres. caus. gameti; fut. gamissati; aor. 3 sg. agamā (Sn.408, 976; Vv 797; Mhvs VII.9), agamāsi & gami (Pv.II,86) 1. pl. agamiṁhase (Pv.II,310), pl. agamuṁ (Sn.290), agamaṁsu & gamiṁsu; prohib. mā gami; ger. gamya (J.V,31); grd. gamanīya (KhA 223). See also der. gama, gamana, gāmika, gāmin. -- (b) gan°, in aor. agañchi (on this form see Trenckner, Notes, p. 71 sq. -- In n’āgañchi J.III,190 it belongs to ā+gam); pres.-aor gañchisi (Sn.665); inf. gantuṁ; ger. gantvā; grd. gantabba. See also der. gantar. ‹-› (c) ga°, in pp. gata. See also ga, gati, gatta. -- 3. gā°, in pret. agā (Pv.II,322), 3rd pl. aor. agū (=Sk. °uḥ), in ajjhagū, anvagū (q. v.).
Meanings and Use: 1. to go, to be in motion, to move, to go on (opp. to stand still, tiṭṭhati). Freq. in combn with tiṭṭhati nisīdati seyyaṁ kappeti “to go, to stand, sit down & lie down,” to denote all positions and every kind of behaviour; Nd2 s. v. gacchati. ‹-› evaṁ kāle gacchante, as time went on J.III,52, or evaṁ g° kāle (PvA.54, 75) or gacchante gacchante kāle DhA.I,319; gacchati=paleti PvA.56; vemakoṭi gantvā pahari (whilst moving) DhA.III,176. -- 2. to go, to walk (opp. to run, dhāvati) DhA.I,389. -- 3. to go away, to go out, to go forth (opp. to stay, or to come, āgacchati): agamāsi he went Pv.II,86; yo maṁ icchati anvetu yo vā n’icchati gacchatu “who wants me may come, who does not may go” Sn.564; āgacchantānañ ca gacchantānañ ca pamāṇaṁ n’atthi “there was no end of all who came & went” J.II,133; gacchāma “let us go” J.I,263; gaccha dāni go away now! J.II,160; gaccha re muṇḍaka Vism.343; gacchāhi go then! J.I,151, 222; mā gami do not go away! J.IV,2; pl. mā gamittha J.I,263; gacchanto on his way J.I,255, 278; agamaṁsu they went away J.IV,3; gantukāma anxious to go J.I,222, 292; kattha gamissasi where are you going? (opp. agacchasi) DhA.III,173; kahaṁ gacchissatha id. J.II,128; kuhiṁ gamissati where is he going? Sn.411, 412. -- 4. with Acc. or substitute: to go to, to have access to, to arrive or get at (with the aim of the movement or the object of the intention); hence fig. to come to know, to experience, to realize. -- (a) with Acc. of direction: Rājagahaṁ gami he went to R. Pv.II,86; Devadaha-nagaraṁ gantuṁ J.I,52; gacchām’ahaṁ Kusināraṁ I shall go to K. D.II,128; Suvaṇṇabhūmiṁ gacchanti they intended to go (“were going”) to S. J.III,188; migavaṁ g. to go hunting J.I,149; janapadaṁ gamissāma J.II,129; paradāraṁ g. to approach another man’s wife Dh.246. -- (b) with adverbs of direction or purpose (atthāya): santikaṁ (or santike) gacchati to go near a person (in Gen.), pitu s. gacchāma DhA.III,172; devāna santike gacche Dh.224 santikaṁ also J.I,152: II.159, etc. Kathaṁ tattha gamissāmi how shall I get there? J.I,159; II,159; tattha agamāsi he went there J.II,160. dukkhānubhavanatthāya gacchamānā “going away for the purpose of undergoing suffering” J.IV,3; vohāratthāya gacchāmi I am going out (=fut.) on business J.II,133. -- Similarly (fig.) in foll. expressions (op. “to go to Heaven,” etc.=to live or experience a heavenly life, op. next); Nirayaṁ gamissati J.VI,368; saggaṁ lokaṁ g. J.I,152; gacche pāram apārato Sn.1129, in this sense interpreted at Nd2 223 as adhigacchati phusati sacchikaroti, to experience. -- Sometimes with double Acc.: Bhagavantaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi “I entrust myself to Bh.” Vin.I,16. -- Cp. also phrases as atthaṅgacchati to go home, to set, to disappear; antarā-gacchati to come between, to obstruct. -- 5. to go as a stronger expression for to be, i. e. to behave, to have existence, to fare (cp. Ger. es geht gut, Fr. cela va bien=it is good). Here belongs gati “existence,” as mode of existing, element, sphere of being, and out of this use is developed the periphrastic use of gam°, which places it on the same level with the verb “to be” (see b). -- (a) sugatiṁ gamissasi you will go to the state of well-being, i. e. Heaven Vin.II,195; It.77; opp. duggatiṁ gacchanti Dh.317--319; maggaṁ na jānanti yena gacchanti subbatā (which will fall to their share) Sn.441; gamissanti yattha gantvā na socare “they will go where one sorrows not” Sn.445; Vv 514; yan ca karoti . . . tañ ca ādāya gacchati “whatever a man does that he will take with him” S.I,93. -- (b) periphrastic (w. ger. of governing verb): nagaraṁ pattharitvā gaccheyya “would spread through the town” J.I,62; pariṇāmaṁ gaccheyya “could be digested” D.II,127; sīhacammaṁ ādāya agamaṁsu “they took the lion’s skin away with them” J.II,110; itthiṁ pahāya gamissati shall leave the woman alone J.VI,348; sve gahetvā gamissāmi “I shall come for it tomorrow” Miln.48. (Page 240)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gada
- {'def': '【阳】演讲,句子(speech, sentence;at S.II,230 (v. l.) in phrase diṭṭhagadena sallena is to be read diddhagadena sallena)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'speech, sentence Dh.I,66, DA.I,66 f.; and on D.III,135 (§ 28); gada at S.II,230 (v. l.) in phrase diṭṭhagadena sallena is to be read diddhagadena s. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 疾病,声音,演讲。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gadati
- {'def': '(gad + a), 说,谈。 【过】 gadi, 【过分】 gadita。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gad说+a), 说,谈。【过】gadi,【过分】gadita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaddha
- {'def': '(Vedic grdha; see gijjha)鹫(a vulture; in gaddhabādhipubbo, of the bhikkhu Ariṭṭha, who had been a vulture trainer in a former life Vin.II,25=IV.218= M.I,130; see also Vin. Texts II.377.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic gṛdha; see gijjha] a vulture; in gaddhabādhipubbo, of the bhikkhu Ariṭṭha, who had been a vulture trainer in a former life Vin.II,25=IV.218= M.I,130; see also Vin. Texts II.377. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gadduhana
- {'def': '(derivation unknown; Sk. dadrūghna),【中】挤(牛)奶。gadduhanamattaṁ,【副】短时间(如拉一次母牛的奶头的时间。SA “pulling just once the cow’s teat”)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 挤(牛)奶。 ~mattaŋ, 【副】 短时间(如拉一次母牛的奶头的时间)。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaddula
- {'def': '(and gaddūla) a leather strap S.III,150; J.II,246; III,204; fig, in taṇhā-gaddūla “the leash of thirst,” Nd2 on jappā (taṇhā)=Dhs.1059=Vbh.361, cp. DhsA.367. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'Gaddūla,【阳】(栓狗颈之)皮带,皮革带(革纽)(a leather strap S.III,150; J.II.246; III.204; fig, in taṇhā-gaddūla “the leash of thirst,” Nd2 on jappā (taṇhā)=Dhs.1059=Vbh.361, cp. DhsA.367.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 栓狗颈之皮带,皮革绳。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaddūhana
- {'def': '(nt.) [Derivation unknown; Sk. dadrūghna] a small measure of space & time M.III,127; S.II,264 (°mattam pi, SA “pulling just once the cow’s teat”); A.IV,395; Miln.110. See Trenckner P.M. 59, 60; Rh. D. J.R.A.S. 1903, 375. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gadhita
- {'def': '参考 gathita。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '参考 gathita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'see gathita. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gadrabha
{'def': '[Vedic gardabha., Lat. burdo, a mule; see Walde Lat. Wtb., s. v.] an ass, donkey Vin.V,129; M.I,334; A.I,229; J.II,109, 110; V,453; DA.I,163. -- f. gadrabhī J.II,340.
--bhāraka a donkey load J.II,109; DhA.I,123; --bhāva the fact of being an ass J.II,110; --rava (& --rāva) the braying of an ass ibid. & Vism.415. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】驴,驴子(an ass, donkey)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 驴,驴子。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gadā
- {'def': '【阴】一种武器,铁棒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 一种武器,铁棒。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gagana
- {'def': '【中】天空。gaganagāmī,【形】飞过天空。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 天空。 ~gāmī, 【形】 飞过天空。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) the sky (with reference to sidereal motions); usually of the moon: g° majjhe puṇṇacando viya J.I,149, 212; g° tale canda-maṇḍalaṁ J.III,365; cando g° majjhe ṭhito J.V,137; cando gagane viya sobhati Vism.58; g° tale candaṁ viya DhA.I,372; g° tale puṇṇacanda “the full-moon in the expanse of the heavens” VvA.3; g° talamagga the (moon’s) course in the sky PvA.188; etc. Of the sun: suriyo ākāse antalikkhe gaganapathe gacchati Nd2 on Sn.1097. Unspecified: J.I,57; Vism.176 (°tal-âbhimukhaṁ). (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaggara
- {'def': '[Vedic gargara throat, whirlpool.] 1.怒吼,吼roaring。a blacksmith’s bellows:kammāragaggara。2.【中】cackling, cawing, in haṁsagaggara﹐鹅叫声。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic gargara throat, whirlpool. *gǔer to sling down, to whirl, cp. Gr. baρaqron, Lat. gurges, gurgulio, Ohg. querechela “kehle”] 1. roaring, only in f. gaggarī a blacksmith’s bellows: kammāra°, in simile M.I,243; S.I,106; Vism.287. -- 2. (nt.) cackling, cawing, in haṁsa° the sound of geese J.V,96 (expl. by haṁsamadhurassara). Gaggarā as N. of a lake at Vism.208. -- See note on gala. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaggaraka
- {'def': '[fr. gaggara] a whirlpool, eddy J.V,405; according to Kern Toev. s. v. a sort of fish (Sk. gargaraka, Pimelodus Gagora); as gaggalaka at Miln.197. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaggarā
- {'def': '【阴】 伽伽罗池,一个湖的名字。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】伽伽罗池(Vism.208),一个湖的名字。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaggarāyati
- {'def': '(gaggarī 的【派】), 怒吼,吼。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(gaggarī 的【派】), 怒吼,吼。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[v. den. fr. prec.; cp. gurgulio: gurges, E. gargle & gurgle] to whirl, roar, bellow, of the waves of the Gaṅgā Miln.3. -- cp. gaḷagaḷāyati. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaggarī
- {'def': '【阴】铁匠的风箱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 铁匠的风箱。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaha
- {'def': '1(梵grha),【中】家(a house, =the layman’s life),房子。gahakāraka,【阳】立家者,建屋者。gahakūṭa,【中】屋顶。gahaṭṭha,【阳】俗人,居士。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 家,房子。 ~kāraka, 【阳】 立家者,建屋者。 ~kūṭa, 【中】屋顶。 ~ṭṭha, 【阳】 俗人,居士。 ~patānī, 【阴】 一家之女主人。 ~pati,【阳】 一家之主。 ~patimahāsāla, 【阳】 非常富有的户主。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】 1. 捕捉者,占有者。 2. 行星。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2(梵graha, gaṇhāti),【阳】捕捉者、捕捉(seizer, seizing, grasping)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 [Sk. graha, gaṇhāti, q. v. for etym.] “seizer,” seizing, grasping, a demon, any being or object having a hold upon man. So at S.I,208 where Sānu is “seized” by an epileptic fit (see note in K.S. I.267, 268). Used of dosa (anger) Dh.251 (exemplified at DhA.III,362 by ajagara° the grip of a boa, kumbhīla° of a crocodile, yakkha° of a demon). sagaha having crocodiles, full of e. (of the ocean) (+sarakkhasa) It.57. Cp. gahaṇa & saṁ°. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [see under gaṇhāti] a house, usually in cpds. (see below). J.III,396 (=the layman’s life; Com. geha).
--kāraka a house-builder, metaph. of taṇhā (cp. kāya as geha) Dh.153, 154=Th.1, 183, 184; DhA.III,128; --kūṭa the peak of a house, the ridge-pole, metaph. of ignorance Dh.154 (=kaṇṇika-maṇḍala DhA 128), replacing thūṇirā (pillar) at Th.1, 184 in corresp. passage (= kaṇṇikā Com.); --ṭṭha a householder, one who leads the life of a layman (opp. anagāra, pabbajita or paribbājaka) Vin.I,115 (sagahaṭṭhā parisā an assembly in which laymen were present); S.I,201; A.III,114, 116, 258; It. 112 (gharaṁ esino gahaṭṭhā) Dh.404=Sn.628; Sn.43 (gharaṁ āvasanto, see Nd2 226 for explanation), 90, 134 (paribbājaṁ gahaṭṭhaṁ vā) 398, 487; Sdhp.375. --°vatta a layman’s rule of conduct Sn.393 (=agāriyā paṭipadā SnA 376) --°ka belonging to a layman; acting as a layman or in the quality of a l. A.II,35 (kiṅkaraṇiyāni), III,296 (brahmacariyā); --pati see sep. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gahana
- {'def': '【中】 繁茂处,丛林,不能穿过的地方。 【形】 厚的,密封的。 ~ṭṭhāna,【中】 在丛林中不能穿透的地方,密封处。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. gahana, cp. also ghana] 1. adj. deep, thick, impervious, only in a° clear, unobstructed, free from obstacles Vv 187 (akanataka+); Miln.160 (gahanaṁ a° kataṁ the thicket is cleared). -- 2. nt. an impenetrable place, a thicket jungle, tangle. -- (a) 18 gahanāni at J.V,46; usually appl. to grass: tiṇa° A.I,153=III,128 (+rukkha°); Miln.369; adj. tiṇagahanā obstructed with grass (of vihārā) Vin.II,138; -- S.I,199 (rukkhamūla°); J.I,7, 158; PvA.5 (pabbata°), 43; VvA.230 (vana°). -- (b) fig. imperviousness, entanglement, obstruction, appl. to diṭṭhi, the jungle of wrong views or heresy (usually combd w. diṭṭhi-kantāra, the wilderness of d., see diṭṭhi) M.I,8, 485; Pug.22; DA.I,108. Of rāga°, moha°, etc., and kilesa° Nd2 630 (in expl. of Satthā; rāgagahanaṁ tāreti); DhA.IV,156 (on Dh.394); VvA.96.-manussa° M.I,340.
--ṭṭhāna a lair in the jungle J.I,150, 253. (Page 248)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】繁茂处,丛林,匿藏处。【形】厚的,密封的。gahanaṭṭhāna,【中】在丛林中不能穿透的地方,密封处。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gahapati
{'def': '[gaha+pati. Vedic gṛhapati, where pati is still felt in its original meaning of “lord,” “master,” implying dignity, power & auspiciousness. Cp. Sk. dampati=dominus=despόths; and pati in P. senāpati commander-in-chief, Sk. jāspati householder, Lat. hospes, Obulg. gospoda=potestas, Goth. brūp-faps, bride-groom, hunda-faps=senāpati. See details under pati.] the possessor of a house, the head of the household, pater familias (freq.+seṭṭhi). -- 1. In formulas: (a) as regards social standing, wealth & clanship: a man of private (i. e. not official) life, classed w. khattiyā & brāhmaṇā in kh°-mahāsālā, wealthy Nobles, brahm°mahāsālā, do. Brahmins, gah° --m° well-to-do gentry S.I,71; Nd2 135; DhA.I,388. -- kh°-kula, br°-kula, g°-kula the kh°, etc. clans: Vin.II,161; J.I,218. kh°, amaccā, br°, g.° D.I,136. -- (b) as regards education & mode of life ranking with kh°, br°, g.° and samaṇā Vin.I,227; A.I,66; Nd2 235, see also cpd. --paṇḍita.‹-› 2. Other applications: freq. in combn brāhmaṇagahapatikā priests & yeomen: see gahapatika. In combn w. gahapatiputta (cp. kulaputta) it comprises the members of the g. rank, clansmen of the (middle) class, and implies a tinge of “respectable people” esp. in addresses. So used by the Buddha in enumerating the people as gahapati vā gah°-putto vā aññatarasmiṁ vā kule paccājāto D.I,62; M.I,344. gahapatī ca gahapatāniyo householders and their wives A.II,57. In sg. the Voc. gahapati may be rendered by “Sir” (Miln.17 e. g. and freq.), & in pl. gahapatayo by “Sirs” (e. g. Vin.I,227; M.I,401; A.II,57). -- As regards occupation all resp. businesses are within the sphere of the g., most frequently mentioned as such are seṭṭhino (see below) & cp. seṭṭhi° Vin.I,16, but also kassaka, farmer A.I,229, 239 sq.; and dārukammika, carpenter A.III,391. Var. duties of a g. enum. at A.I,229, 239. --The wealth & comfortably-living position of a g. is evident from an expression like kalyāṇa-bhattiko g. a man accustomed to good food Vin.II,77=III,160. -- f. gahapatānī Vin.III,211, 213 sq., 259 (always w. gahapati); DhA.I,376; pl. gahapatāniyo see above. -- Note. The Gen. sg. of gahapati is °ino (J.I,92) as well as --issa (Vin.I,16; D.III,36). -- 3. Single cases of gahapatis, where g. almost assumes the function of a title are Anāthapiṇḍika g. Vin.II,158 sq.; S.I,56; II,68; A.II,65; J.I,92; PvA.16; Meṇḍaka g. Vin.I,240 sq.; Citta S.IV,281 sq.; Nakulapitā S.II,1 sq.; Potaliya M.I,359; Sandhāna D.III,36 sq.; Hāliddikāni S.II,9. -- See next.
--’aggi the sacred fire to be maintained by a householder, interpreted by the Buddha as the care to be bestowed on one’s children & servants A.IV,45; see enum. under aggī at A.IV,41; D.III,217; --cīvara the robe of a householder (i. e. a layman’s robe) Vin.I,280 sq.; °dhara wearing the householder’s (private man’s) robe (of a bhikkhu) M.I,31; A.III,391 sq.; --necayika (always with brāhmaṇa-mahāsālā) a business man of substance D.I,136; III,16 sq.; --paṇḍita a learned householder. Cp. above 1 (b), together w. khattiya°, etc. M.I,176, 396; w. samaṇa-brāhmaṇa° Miln.5; --parisā a company of gahapatis (together w. khattiya°, etc., see above) Vin.I,227; M.I,72; D.III,260; --putta a member of a g. clan D.I,62, 211; M.I,344; S.III,48, 112; PvA.22; --mahāsāla a householder of private means (cp. above 1 a) usually in combn with khattiya°, etc. D.III,258; S.I,71; IV,292; A.II,86; IV,239; --ratana the “householder-gem” one of the seven fairy jewels of the mythical overlord. He is a wizard treasure-finder (see ratana) D.II,16, 176; Sn.p. 106. Cp. Rh.D. Dialogues etc. II.206. (Page 248)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(梵grhapati),【阳】一家之主,家主,家长。gahapatānī,【阴】女家主。gahapatiputta﹐【阳】居士子。gahapatimahāsāla,【阳】非常富有的户主。Pāci.IV,224.︰Gahapatiputto nāma ye keci puttabhātaro.(居士子︰居士的儿子及其兄弟。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gahapatika
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) belonging to the rank or grade of a householder, a member of the gentry, a man of private means (see gahapati) D.I,61 (expl. as gehassa pati ekageha-matte jeṭṭhaka DA.I,171); Nd2 342; PvA.39. Often in combn w. khattiya & brāhmaṇa: A.I,66; D.III,44, 46, 61; & often in contrast to brāhmaṇa only: brāhmaṇa-gahapatika Brahmins & Privates (priests & laymen, Rh.D. Buddh. S. p. 258) M.I,400; A.I,110; It III,; J.I,83, 152, 267; PvA.22. -- paṇṇika g° “owner of a house of leaves” as nickname of a fruiterer J.III,21; of an ascetic J.IV,446. (Page 248)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gahaṇa
- {'def': '【中】拿,抓,获得,把握。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. gaṇhāti] (adj.) seizing, taking; acquiring; (n.) seizure, grasp, hold, acquisition Vism.114 (in detail). Usually --°: nāma°-divase on the day on which a child gets its name (lit. acquiring a name) J.I,199, 262; arahatta° DhA.I,8; dussa° DhA.II,87; maccha° J.IV,139; hattha° J.I,294; byanjana°-lakkhaṇa Nett 27. gahaṇatthāya in order to get . . . J.I,279; II,352. ‹-› amhākaṁ g° sugahaṇaṁ we have a tight grip J.I,222, 223. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 拿,抓,获得,把握。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gahaṇika
- {'def': '【形】消化良好。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 消化良好。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gahaṇī
- {'def': '【阴】妊娠,怀孕,酝酿,消化。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 妊娠,怀孕,酝酿,消化。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) the “seizer,” a supposed organ of the body dealing with digestion and gestation. Sama-vepākiniyā g° iyā samannāgata “endowed with good digestion” D.II,177=III,166. Same phrase at Av Ś I.168, 172. Cp. Vedic graha. B. Psy. 59, 67.
Gahaṇika in phrase saṁsuddha-gahaṇika coming from a clean womb, of pure descent, in the enum. of the indispensable good qualities of a brahmin or a noble D.I,113, 115, 137 (gahaṇī expl. as kucchi DA.I,281); A.I,163, III,154, 223; Sn.p. 115. J.I,2; duṭṭha-gahaṇika having a bad digestion Vin.I,206. (Page 248)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaheti
- {'def': '(‹gah), 取。gahetvā, gahetvāna, gayha,【独】。cf. Gaṇhati。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gahita
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【过分】), 已拿,已抓住。 【中】 抓紧。 ~bhāva, 【阳】被拿的事实,拿着的事实。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(and gahīta Dh.311) (adj.) [pp. of gaṇhāti] seized. taken, grasped D.I,16; DA.I,107 (=ādinna, pavattita); J.I,61; IV,2; PvA.43 (v. l. for text gaṇhita). -- nt. a grasp, grip DhA.III,175; -- gahitakaṁ karoti to accept VvA.260. --duggahīta (always °gahīta) hard to grasp M.I,132 sq.; A.II,147, 168; III,178; Dh.311; J.VI,307 sq.; sugahita (sic) easy to get J.I,222.
--bhāva (cittassa) the state of being held (back), holding back, preventing to act (generously) DhsA.370 (in expln of aggahitattaṁ cittassa Dhs.1122 see under ā°). (Page 248)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【过分】), 已拿,已抓住。【中】抓紧。gahitabhāva,【阳】被拿的事实,拿著的事实。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaja
- {'def': '【阳】象。gajakumbha,【阳】象额。gajapotaka,【阳】小象。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. gaja] an elephant J.IV,494; Miln.2, 346; DhsA.295 (appld to a kind of thought).
--potaka the young of an elephant PvA.152; --rājā the king of the elephants Miln.346. (Page 240)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 象。 ~kumbha, 【阳】 象额。 ~potaka, 【阳】 小象。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gajaka
- {'def': '=gaja, in gajakattharaṇa an elephant’s cover VvA.104. (Page 240)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gajjanā
- {'def': '【阴】 吼声。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】吼声。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gajjati
- {'def': '[Sk. garjati, cp. gargara & jarā roaring, cp. uggajjati Dhtp 76: gajja sadde] to roar, to thunder, usually of clouds. Of the earth: Dāvs.V,29; of a man (using harsh speech) J.I,226; II,412 (mā gajji); Nd1 172 (=abhi°); J.IV,25. -- Caus. gajjayati, ger. gajjayitvā (megho g° thanayitvā (megho g° thanayitvā pavassati) It.66. (Page 240)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gajj吼+a), 吼,打雷。【过】gajji,【现分】gajjanta, gajjamāna,【独】gajjitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(gajj + a), 吼,打雷。 【过】 gajji, 【现分】 gajjanta, gajjamāna, 【独】gajjitvā。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gajjita
- {'def': '(gajjati 的【过分】), 【中】 吼,打雷。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gajjati 的【过分】),【中】吼,打雷。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gajjitar
- {'def': '[n. agent fr. prec.] one who thunders, of a man in comparison with a cloud A.II,102=Pug.42. (Page 240)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gajjitu
- {'def': '【阳】吼者,打雷者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 吼者,打雷者。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gala
- {'def': '【阳】脖子,咽喉。galaggāha,【阳】抓著脖子,扼杀。galanāḷi,【阴】喉头。galappamāṇa,【形】直到脖子。galavāṭaka,【阳】咽喉的底部。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 脖子,咽喉。 ~ggāha, 【阳】 抓着脖子,扼杀。 ~nāḷi, 【阴】喉头。 ~ppamāṇa, 【形】 直到脖子。 ~vāṭaka, 【阳】 咽喉的底部。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[*gel to devour, to swallow=Lat. gula, Ohg. kela, cp. Sk. gala jalukā, and *gǔel, as Gr. dέlear, cp. also Sk. girati, gilati Dhtp 262 gives as meaning of gal “adana.” This root gal also occurs at Vism.410 in fanciful def. of “puggala”; the meaning here is not exactly sure (to cry, shout?)] the throat J.I,216, 264, III,26; IV,494: I.194 (a dewlap); PvA.11, 104.
--agga the top of the throat Sdhp.379; --ajjhoharaniya able to be swallowed (of solid food) Dhs.646, 740, 875; --ggaha taking by the throat, throttling D.I,144 (+daṇḍapahāra); --nāḷī the larynx DhA.I,253; II,257; --ppamāṇa (adj.) going up to the neck J.I,264 (āvāṭa); --pariyosāṇa forming the end of the throat J.III,126; --ppavedhaka (nt.) pain in the throat M.I,371; --mūla the bottom of the throat PvA.283. --vāṭaka the bottom (?) of the throat (œsophagus?) Vism.185, 258.
Note.--gala with many other words containing a guttural+liquid element belongs to the onomatopoetic roots kḷ & gḷ ;l (kṛ & gṛ ), usually reduplicated (iterative), the main applications of which are the following:
1. The (sounding) throat in designation of swallowing, mostly with a dark (guttural) vowel: gulp, belch, gargle, gurgle.
2. The sound produced by the throat (voice) or sound in general, particularly of noises or sounds either inarticulate, confused & indefinable or natural sounds striking enough per se to form a sufficient means of recognition (i. e. name) of the animal which utters this sound (cuckoo, e. g.). To be divided into:
A. palatal group (“light” sounds): squeak, yell, giggle, etc., applied to -- (a) Animate Nature: the cackling, crowing noise of Palmipeds & related birds, reminding of laughter (heron, hen, cock; cp. P. koñca, Lat. gallus) -- (b) Inanimate Nature: the grinding, nibbling, trickling, dripping, fizzing noises or sounds (P. galati, etc.).
B. guttural group (“dark” sounds): groan, growl, howl, etc., appld to -- (a) Animate N.: the snorting, grunting noise of the Pachyderms & related quadrupeds (elephant, op. P. koñca, kuñjara; pig, boar) -- (b) Inanimate N.: the roaring, crashing, thundering noises (P. gaḷagaḷāyati, ghurughurāyati).
3. The sound as indicating motion (produced by motion):
A. palatal group (“sharp” sounds, characteristic of quick motion: whizz, spin, whirl): P. gaggaraka whirlpool, Gr. kerkiζ spindle, bobbin.
B. guttural group (“dull” sounds, characteristic of slow and heavy motion: roll, thud, thunder). Sometimes with elimination of the sound-element appld to swelling & fullness, as in “bulge” or Gr. sfaragέw (be full).
These three categories are not always kept clearly separate, so that often a palatal group shifts into the sphere of a guttural one & vice versa. -- The formation of kḷ gḷ roots is by no means an extinct process, nor is it restricted to any special branch of a linguistic family, as examples show. The main roots of Idg. origin are the foll. which are all represented in Pāli ‹-› (the categories are marked Acc. to the foregoing scheme 1, 2A, 2B, 3): kal (2A): klάzw, clango, Goth. hlahjan laugh; kār (2 A): kh_ruc, Sk. kāru (cp. P. kitti), cārmen; kel (2 A): kέlados, calo (cp. P. kandati), Ohg. hellan; ker (2 Aa): karkaiρw, kόrkoros=querquedula=kakkara (partridge); kol (2 B): cuculus, kokila (a); kolāhala and halāhala (b); kor (2 Ba): cornix (cp. P. kāka), corvus=crow=raven; Sk. krośati; P. koñca. -- gǔel (1) Lat. gula, glutio, dέlear; gǔer: (1) bόros, bibrwζkw, Lat. voro, Sk. girati, Ohg. querka; (3) baρaqron (whirlpool) Sk. gargara: gel (1) Sk. gilati, Ohg. kela -- gal (2 A): gallus (a) gloria (b); gar (2 Ab): gh_rus, garrulus, Ohg. kara: gel (2 A): xelidw/n (a) hirrio (to whine), Ohg. gellan (b): ger: (1) gargari/zw (gargle) Sk. gharghara (gurgling). (2 Aa) gέranos = crane, Ger. krähen, Lat. gracillo (cackle); (2 Ba) Ohg. kerran (grunt), Sk. gṛṇāti (sing); (2 Ab) Sk. jarate (rustle); gur (2 Ba): gru/zw=grundio= grunt; Lat. gurgulio; Sk. ghurghura.
With special reference to Pāli formations the foll. list shows a few sound roots which are further discussed in the Dictionary s. v. Closely connected with Idg. k̊l gḷ is the Pāli cerebral ṭ, tḥ, ḷ, ṇ, so that roots with these sounds have to be classed in a mutual relation with the liquids. In most cases graphic representation varies between both (cp. gala & gaḷa) -- kil (kiṇ) (2 Ab): kikī (cp. Sk. kṛka°), kilikilāyati & kiṅkiṇāyati (tinkle), kili (click), kiṅkaṇika (bell); kur (2 B): ākurati to hawk, to be hoarse; khaṭ (1) khaṭakhaṭa (hawking), kākacchati (snore); (2 Aa) kukkuṭa (cock); gal (1) gala (throat) uggilati (vomit); (2 Ab) galati (trickle): (2 Ba) Pk. galagajjiya (roar) & guluguliya (bellow); (2 Bb) gaḷagaḷāyati (roar); gar (2 A); gaggara (roar & cackle, cp. Sk. gargara to 3); (2 B); gaggarāyati (roar); (3) gaggaraka (whirlpool); ghar (1) Sk. gharghara (gurgling); (2 Ab) gharati (trickle), Sk. ghargharikā (bell); (2 Bb) ghurughurāyati (grunt). -- See also kakaca, kaṅka, kaṅkaṇa, cakora (caṅkora), cakkavaka, jagghati, ciṭiciṭāyati, taṭataṭayati, timingala, papphāsa. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Galaka
- {'def': '(nt.) throat J.III,481; IV,251. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Galati
- {'def': '(gal+a), 滴下,流动,滴流。【过】gali,【现分】galanta, galamāna,【过分】galita,【独】galitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(gal + a), 滴下,流动,滴流。 【过】 gali, 【现分】 galanta, galamāna,【过分】 galita, 【独】 galitvā。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gamaka
- {'def': '【阳】归依者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gamana
{'def': '1. (nt.) the fact or the state of going, movement, journey, walk; (-°) striving for, the leading of, pursuit A.II,48 sq. (gamanena na pattabbo lokass’anto=one cannot walk to the end of the world); Dh.178 (saggassa going to heaven); Sn.40, 691, cp. vāraṁ°; J.I,62; 216 (in expl. of vihaṁgama: (ākāse) gamanato pakkhī vihaṁ gamā ti vuccanti); 295; PvA.57. -- pahiṇa° going on messages D.I,5, etc.; agati° wrong pursuit, °ṁ gacchati to pursue a wrong walk of life A.II,18; PvA.161; magga° tramping, being on the road PvA.43; saraṇa° finding shelter (in the Dhamma) PvA.49.-2. (adj.) (-°) going or leading to, conducive to: nibbāna° maggo the Path leading to Nibbāna S.I,186; Dh.289; duggati° magga the road to misery Th.2, 355; duggamana-ṭṭhānā (pl.) inaccessible places PvA.102 (in expl. of duggā).
--antarāya an obstacle to one’s departure J.I,62; --āgamana going & coming, rise and set Vv 836 (=ogamanuggamana VvA.326); DhA.I,80 (°kāle); °sampanna senāsana a dwelling or lodging fit for going and coming, i. e. easily accessible A.V,15; J.I,85; °ṁ karoti to go to and fro VvA.139. --kamma going away DhA.II,81. --kāraṇa a reason for or a means to going, in °ṁ karoti to try to go J.I,2; --bhāva the state of having gone away J.II,133; --magga (pleonastic) the way J.I,202; 279; --vaṇṇa the praise of his course or journey J.I,87. (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】去,散步,旅程,追逐(台语:迮jioh)。【形】导致,有益於。gamanantarāya,【阳】障碍。gamanāgamana,【中】去来(来去)。gamanakāraṇa,【中】去的理由。anavhāyaṁ gamayanto, 不请自来。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 去,散步,旅程,追逐。 【形】 导致,有益于。 ~antarāya, 【阳】 障碍。 ~āgamana, 【中】 来去。 ~kāraṇa, 【中】 去的理由。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gamanīya
- {'def': '【形】 应该去的,可以去的。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】应该去的,可以去的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.; grd to gam) 1. as grd. to gacchati: (a place where one) ought to go; in a° not to be gone to (+ṭhāna) VvA.72. -- 2. as grd. to gameti: in bhogā pahāya gamanīyā (riches that have) to be given up (by leaving) Kh VIII,8 (see expl. as KhA 223); PvA.87 (=kālikā, transient). (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gambhīra
- {'def': '【形】 深的,极深的,难感知的。 ~tā, 【阴】 深度。 ~avabhāsa,【形】 有深度或深奥的外貌。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】深的,极深的,难感知的。gambhīratā,【阴】深度。gambhīravabhāsa,【形】有深度或深奥的外貌。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】深的。【中】深度。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic gambhīra & gabhīra] deep, profound, unfathomable, well founded, hard to perceive, difficult. -- (a) lit. of lakes: Dh.83; Pv.II,119 (=agādha); Pug.46; of a road (full of swamps) J.I,196. -- (b) fig. of knowledge & wisdom: dhammo g. duddaso . . . M.I,487; S.I,136; Tathāgato g. appameyyo duppariyogāho M.I,487; parisā g. (opp. uttāna, shallow, superficial, thoughtless) A.I,70; g. ṭhāna w. ref. jhāna, etc. Ps.II,21; saddhamma g. Sdhp. 530; g. gūḷha nipuṇa Nd 342; lokanātho nipuṇo g. PvA.1; also w. nipuṇa J.VI,355; Miln.234; Bdhd. 118, 137; -- (nt.) the deep; deep ground, i. e. secure foundation Sn.173; Kh VIII,1, 3 (see KhA 217).
--avabhāsa (adj.) having the appearance of depth or profundity, D.II,55; S.II,36; Pug.46 (+uttāna), cp. Pug.A 226; --pañña one whose wisdom is profound Sn.176, 230; 627=Dh.403 (+medhāvin) cp. DhA.IV,169 & see Ps.II,192 for detailed explanation; --sita resting on depth (of soil), well-founded A.IV,237. (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【形】 深的。 【中】 深度。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gambhīratā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. prec.] depth DhA.I,92. (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gameti
- {'def': '(gam+e)(caus. of gacchati), 令去,派去,理解(to make go, to send, to set into motion, to cause to go)。【过】gamesi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[caus. of gacchati] to make go, to send, to set into motion, to cause to go It.115 (anabhāvaṁ to destroy), see under gacchati. (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gam + e), 令去,派去,理解。 【过】 gamesi。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gamika
- {'def': '(and gamiya J.I,87) (adj.) going away, setting out for a journey (opp. āgantuka coming back) appl. to bhikkhus only: Vin.I,292 (° bhatta food for outgoing bh.); II,170 (āgantuka°), 211, 265; V,196; J.VI,333 (āgantuka°). See also under abhisaṅkhāra. Cp. Av Ś I.87; Divy 50. (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】1.村庄的官员,地方官员( [to gāma] a governor of a village, overseer of a parish Vin.I,179; A.III,76, 78, 300 (in series w. raṭṭhika pettanika, senāpatika, pūgagamaṇika))。2.旅行([to gam] adj. going wandering, travelling)。【阳】旅行者。gamikavatta,【中】旅程的准备。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 走开,起程。 【阳】 旅行者。 ~vatta, 【中】 旅程的准备。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gamina
- {'def': '(adj.) being on a “gati,” only at Sn.587 in “aññe pi passe gamine yathākamm’û page nare.” (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】去的人(being on a “gati,” only at Sn.(PTS:587;CS:592.)︰Aññepi passa gamine, yathākammūpage nare(请看另一些按其业死去的人))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gamma
- {'def': '【形】 粗俗的,应该被了解或达到的。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】粗俗的,应该被了解或达到的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. gāma. Vedic gramya] of or belonging to the village, common, pagan (cp. Fr. villain), always combd with hīna, low & pagan Vin.I,10 and ≈ (anta, standard of life); A.III,325 (dassana, view); D.III,130 (sukhallikânuyoga, hedonist) Sdhp.254. Cp. pothujjanika. (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gan
- {'def': '﹐【字根VII.】计算(to count)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gandha
- {'def': '【阳】 香,气味,味道。 ~karaṇḍaka, 【阳】 香水箱。 ~kuṭi, 【阴】香室,佛陀的小屋。 ~cuṇṇa, 【中】 香粉。 ~jāta, 【中】 一种香。 ~tela, 【中】 香油。 ~pañcaṅgulika, 【中】 香五指印。 ~sāra, 【阳】 檀香树。~āpaṇa, 【阳】 香料。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic gandha, from ghrā ghrāti to smell, ghrāna smell, & see P. ghāna. Possibly conn. w. Lat. fragro= E. fragrant] smell, viz.-1. odour, smell, scent in Gen. J.III,189; Dh.54--56=Miln.333; Dhs.605 under ghānâyatanāni); āma° smell of raw flesh A.I,280; D.II,242; Sn.241 sq; maccha° the scent of fish J.III,52; muttakarīsa° the smell of fæces and urine A.III,158; catujāti° four kinds of scent J.I,265; PvA.127; dibba-g°puppha a flower of heavenly odour J.I,289. -- 2. odour, smell in particular: enumerated as mūla°, sāra°, puppha°, etc., S.III,156=V.44=A.V,22; Dhs.625 (under ghandāyatanāni, sphere of odours). Specified as māla°, sāra°, puppha° under tīṇi gandhajātāni A.I,225; -- puppha° Dh.54=A.I,226. -- 3. smell as olfactory sensation, belonging to the sphere (āyatanāni) of sense-impressions and sensory objects & enum. in set of the 12 ajjhatta-bāhirāni āyatanāni (see under rūpa) with ghānena gandhaṁ ghāyitvā “sensing smell by means of the olfactory organ” D.III,102; 244=250= 269=Nd2 on rūpa; M.III,55, 267; S.IV,71; Vin.I,35; Defined at Vism.447. Also as gandhā ghānaviññeyya under kāmaguṇā M.II,42; D.III,234, etc. In series of 10 attributes of physical quality (-rūpa, etc.) as characteristic of devas D.III,146; Pv.II,958; as sāra°, pheggu°, taca°, etc. (nine qualities in all) in definition of Gandhabba-kāyikā devā S.III,250 sq. -- In the same sense & similar connections: vaṇṇa-g°-ras’ûpeto Dh.49; J.II,106; gandhānaṁ khamo & akkhamo (of king’s elephant) A.III,158 sq.; itthi°, purisa° A.I,1, 2; III,68; in combn w. other four senses Sn.387, 759, 974. ‹-› 4. perfume, prepared odorific substance used as a toilet requisite, either in form of an unguent or a powder. Abstinence from the use of kallæsthetics is stated in the Sīlas (D.I,8) as characteristic of certain Wanderers and Brahmins. Here gandha is mentioned together with mālā (flowers, garlands): D.I,5=Kh II; D.I,7 (°kathā); Vin.II,123; Sn.401; J.I,50, 291; PvA.62. The use of scented ointment (-vilepana & ālepa, see cpds.) is allowed to the Buddhist bhikkhus (Vin.I,206); and the giving of this, together with other commodities, is included in the second part of the deyyadhamma (the list of meritorious gifts to the Saṅgha), under Nos. 5--14 (anna-pāna-vattha-yānamālā-gandhā-vilepana-seyy-âvasatha-padīpeyya): S.III,252; Nd2 523=It.65. Out of this enumeration: g°-m°-v°-Pv.II,316; chatta-g°-m°-upāhanā Pv.II,49; II,936; m°-g°-v° kappūra-kaṭukapphalāni J.II,416. ‹-› The application of scented ointment (gandhena or gandhehi vilimpati) is customary after a bath, e. g. PvA.50 (on Pv.I,106); J.I,254, 265; III,277. Var. kinds of perfumes or scented substances are given as g°dhūpa-cuṇṇa-kappūra (incense, powder, camphor) J.I,290; vāsa-cuṇṇa-dhūpanādi g° KhA 37. See also cpds. -- 5. occurs as v. l. for gantha (book).
duggandha a disagreeable smell Dhs.625; °ṁ vāyati to emit a nasty odour PvA.14; as adj. having a bad smell, putrid Sn.205; PvA.15 (=pūtigandha), f. --ā: duggandhā pūti vāyasi “you emit a bad odour”) Pv.I,61 (=aniṭṭha°). --sugandha an agreeable smell Dhs.625; as adj. of pleasant smell J.III,277; Sdhp. 246.
--āpaṇa a perfumery shop J.I,290; °ika perfume seller Miln.344; --āyatana an olfactory sense-relation, belonging to the six bāhirāni āyatanāni, the objective sensations D.III,243, 290; Dhs.585, 625, 655; --ārammaṇa bearing on smell, having smell as its object Dhs.147, 157, 365, 410, 556, 608; --ālepa (nt.) anointing with perfumes Vin.I,206; --āsā “hunger for odours,” craving for olfactory sensations Dhs.1059; --odaka scented water J.I,50; II,106; III,189; --karaṇḍaka a perfume-box S.III,131; V,351; Pug.34; --kuṭī (f.) a perfumed cabin, name of a room or hut occupied by the Buddha, esp. that made for him by Anāthapiṇḍika in Jetavana (J.I,92). Gotamassa g° J.II,416, cp. Av. Ś II.401; DhA.IV,203, 206; --cuṇṇa scented (bath-) powder J.III,277; --jāta (nt.) odour, perfume (“consisting of smell”). Three kinds at A.I,225 (māla°, sāra°, puppha°); enum. as candanādi DhA.I,423; in defin. of gandha DA.I,77; -- Dh.55; --taṇhā thirst or craving for odours (cp. g°-āsā) Dhs.1059=Nd2 on jappā; --tela scented oil (for a lamp) J.I,61; II,104; DhA.I,205; --tthena a perfume-thief S.I,204; --dhātu the (sensory) element of smell Dhs.585; 625. 707 (in conn. w. °āyatana); --pañcaṅgulika see sep.; --sañcetanā the olfactory sensation; together with °saññā perception of odours D.III,244; A.IV,147; V,359; --sannidhi the storing up of scented unguents D.I,6 (=DA.I,82). (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】薰香,气味,味道。gandhakaraṇḍaka,【阳】香水箱。gandhakuṭi,【阴】香室(佛陀的寮房)。gandhacuṇṇa,【中】香粉。gandhajāta,【中】一种香。gandhatela,【中】香油。gandhapañcaṅgulika,【中】香五指印。gandhasāra,【阳】檀香树。gandhāpaṇa,【阳】香料。gandhika﹐【阳】香料商人(dealer in perfume)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gandha-vaṃsa
- {'def': 'm. [Gantha-vaṃsa] 書史.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. [Gantha-vaṃsa] 書史.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Gandhabba
- {'def': '【阳】 1. 乾闼婆,音乐家,属于小神的天上音乐家。 2. 将投胎的阴灵。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】1.乾闼婆,音乐家,小神的天上音乐家。2.将投胎的香阴。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic gandharva] 1. a musician, a singer J.II,249 sq.; III,188; VvA.36, 137. -- 2. a Gandharva or heavenly musician, as a class (see °kāyika) belonging to the demigods who inhabit the Cātummahārājika realm D.II,212; A.II,39 (as birds); IV,200 (with asurā & nāgā), 204, 207; cp. S.III,250 sq.; also said to preside over child-conception: M.I,265 sq.; Miln.123 sq.
--kāyika belonging to the company of the G. S.III,250 sq.; PvA.119; --mānusā (pl.) G. & men Dh.420= Sn.644; --hatthaka “a G.-hand,” i. e. a wooden instrument in the shape of a bird’s claw with which the body was rubbed in bathing Vin.II,106, see Vin. Texts III,67. (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gandhabbā
- {'def': '(f.) music, song J.II,254; VvA.139; Miln.3; °ṁ karoti to make music J.II,249; III,188. (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gandhamādana
- {'def': '【阳】喜马拉雅山的一座山的名字。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 喜马拉雅山的一座山的名字。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'm.香醉山,雪山の北方の阿耨达(无热悩)池の附近の山', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Gandhana
- {'def': 'see gandhina. (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gandhika
- {'def': 'gandhī, 【形】 芬芳的。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(and °uja Pv.II,120; II,121)--1. having perfume, fragrant, scentful, J.I,266 (su°); Pv.II,1Q0 (=surabhigandha); II,121 (sogandhiya); VvA.58 (read gandhikāgandhikehi).-2. dealing in perfume, a perfumer Miln.262 (cp. gandhin 2). (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'gandhī,【形】芬芳的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gandhin
- {'def': '(adj.) 1. having a scent of, smelling of (-°), i. e. candana° of sandal wood J.III,190; gūtha of° fæces Pv.II,315 (=karīsavāyinī PvA). -- 2. dealing with scents, a perfumer PvA.127 (=māgadha; cp. gandhika 2). (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gandhina
- {'def': 'in kule antimagandhina J.IV,34 (expl. by sabbapacchimaka) and gandhana in kula-gandhana It.64 see under kula°. (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gandhodaka
- {'def': '【中】 香水。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】香水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gandhāra
- {'def': '(古国名)甘塔拉, (古音译:)犍陀罗,健驮罗,乾陀越', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
- {'def': 'm. [〃] 健陀羅 [十六大國之一].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '【阳】健陀罗,(现在叫做)甘达哈 (Kandahar) 的国家。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) belonging to the Gandhāra country (Kandahar) f. gandhārī in gandhārī vijjā N. of a magical charm D.I,213; at J.IV,498 it renders one invisible. (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'm. [〃] 健陀羅 [十六大国の一].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '【阳】犍陀罗,(现在叫做)「甘达哈」(Kandahar),属於阿富汗(Afghanistan)的一省。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gandhārī
- {'def': '【阴】 属于健陀罗(的魔术吉祥物)。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】犍陀罗(的魔术吉祥物)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gantabba
- {'def': '【义】可去的。gantabbataṁ, 可去性。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【潜】 可去的。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gantar
- {'def': '[n. agent of gacchati in the sense of a periphrastic future] “goer” in gantā hoti he will go, he is in the habit of going, combd w. sotā hantā khantā, of the king’s elephant A.II,116=III,161; v. l. for gatā at M.II,155. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '去的人。(“goer” in gantā hoti he will go, he is in the habit of going)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gantha
{'def': '(in BB often misspelt gandha) [fr. ganthati]--1. a bond, fetter, trammel; always fig. and usually referring to and enumd as the four bodily ties, or knots (kāya°, see under kāya): S.V,59=Dhs.1135; D.III,230; Nd1 98; DhA.III,276; 4 kāyaganthā, viz., abhijjhā, byāpāda, sīlabbataparāmasa, idaṁsaccâbhinivesa; thus Nd1 98; Vism.683. In other conn. Sn.347, 798, 847, 857, 912; Nd2 on jappā (taṇhā); Dh.211; Ps.I,129; Dhs.1059, 1472; Vbh.18, 24, 55, 65, 77, 117, 120; Nett 31, 54, 114, 124 (gandha); Sdhp.616. -- chinna° (adj.) one who has cut the ties (of bad desires, binding him to the body). Combn w. anigha nirāsa S.I,12 (°gandha), 23; w. asita anāsava Sn.219. Cp. pahīnamānassa na santi ganthā S.I,14. See also ādāna°; cp. ganthaniya. -- 2. [only in late Pali, and in Sk.] composition, text, book (not with ref. to books as tied together, but to books as composed, put together. See gantheti 2).
--dhura the burden of the books, i. e. of studying the Scriptures, expld as one who knows by heart one, two, or all Nikāyas. Always combd w. vipassanādhuraṁ, the burden of contemplation DhA.I,8; IV,37; --pamocana the state of being released from, freed from the fetters of the “body” always w. ref.to Nibbāna S.I,210; A.II,24; It.104, cp. 122; --pahīna (adj.) connected with or referring to the ganthas Dhs.1480; opp. vi° Dhs.1482. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】.束缚,脚镣(a bond, fetter, trammel)。2.作文,本文(composition, text, book , only in late Pāḷi, and in Sk.)。ganthakāra,【阳】作家(author),编辑。ganthadhura,【中】学习圣经的负担。ganthappamocana,【中】释放,脱身。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 束缚,脚镣,作文,本文。 ~kāra, 【阳】 作家,编辑。 ~dhura, 【中】 学习圣经的负担。 ~ppamocana, 【中】 释放,脱身。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ganthana
- {'def': '【中】 编织,扭转,作文。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】编织,扭转,作文。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ganthati
- {'def': '﹐Gantheti (ganth串一起+e)(Vedic grath, granth, grathnāti), 1.系绑,拴紧(to tie, knot, bind, fasten together)。2.放在一起,编织(to put together, to compose)。【过】ganthesi, 【现分】ganthenta,【独】ganthetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '& Gantheti [Vedic grath, granth, grathnāti, to *grem, cp. Lat. gremium; see also gaṇṭhi gathita, gantha] 1. to tie, knot, bind, fasten together: kathaṁ mittāni ganthati “how does he bind friends” S.I,214= Sn.185; mālaṁ ganthamāna tying a garland Vv 381 (ganthento VvA.173). Of medicines: to mix, to prepare J.IV,361. -- pp. ganthita tied, bound, fettered: catūhi ganthehi g° Ps.I,129; -- grd. ganthaniya to be tied or tending to act as a tie (of “body”); expl. as ārammaṇa-karaṇa-vasena ganthehi ganthitabba DhsA.69; dhammā g° ā (“states that tend to be are liable to be ties” Buddh. Ps. p. 305; Expositor 64) Dhs.1141; 1478. In combn saññojaniya g° oghaniya (of rūpa) Dhs.584=Vbh.12; of rūpa-kkhandha Vbh.65, of dasāyatanā ib. 77, dasindriyā ib. I.29, saccā g° and ag° (=gantha-sampayutta & vippayuttā) ib. 117. -- 2. to put together, to compose: mante ganthetvā (v. l. gandhitvā) Sn.302, 306. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gantheta
- {'def': '(Gantheti的【过分】) 系绑,拴紧,编织。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gantheti
- {'def': '(ganth + e), 系绑,拴紧,编织。 【过】 ~esi, 【潜】 ganthenta, 【独】ganthetvā。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ganthika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. gantha 2] hard-studying DhA.I,156 (bhikkhu; cp. gantha-dhura). (Page 244)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gantu
- {'def': '【阳】 去的人。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】去的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gantuŋ
- {'def': '【不】 要去。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gantuṁ
- {'def': '【不】要去。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gantvā
- {'def': '(gacchati 的【独】) 去了。(p116)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gacchati 的【独】) 去了之后。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Garahaka
- {'def': '(adj.) finding fault with, rebuking; in paṭhavī° āpa°, etc., combd w. paṭhavī-jigucchaka, etc. (disgusted w. the great elements) M.I,327. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Garahana
- {'def': '【中】 Garahā, 【阴】 责备,谴责。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】garahā,【阴】责备,谴责。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Garahati
- {'def': '(garah + a), 责备,谴责,责骂。 【过】 garahi, 【过分】 garahita, 【现分】 garahanta, garahamāna。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(garah +a), 责备,谴责,责骂。【过】garahi,【过分】garahita,【现分】garahanta, garahamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic garhati Dhtp 340 nindāyaṁ] to reproach, to blame, scold, censure, find fault with: agarahiyam mā garahittha “do not blame the blameless” S.I,240; D.I,161 (tapaṁ to reject, disapprove of); D.III,92, 93 (aor. garahi, grd. garahitabba); Sn.313, 665; Miln.222 (+jigucchanti); PvA.125, 126; Sdhp. 382. -- pp. garahita blameworthy Dh.30 (pamādo); Sn.313; J.V,453; Miln.288 (dasa puggalā g.). agarahita blameless, faultless PvA.89 (=anindita, 131). -- See also gārayha & cp. vi°. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Garahaṇa
- {'def': '(nt.) reproof VvA.16, as f. °ṇā at Vism.29. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Garahin
- {'def': '(adj.) blaming, censuring Sn.660 (ariya°), 778 (atta°), 913 (anatta°); Miln.380 (pāpa°). (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Garahitvā
- {'def': 'garahiya, 【独】 责备了。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'garahiya,【独】责备了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Garahā
- {'def': '(f.) blame, reproach D.I,135 “stating an example,” see DA.I,296; D.III,92, 93; Sn.141; J.I,10 (garahapaṭicchādanabhāva preventing all occasion for finding fault); 132 (garaha-bhaya-bhīta for fear of blame), 135 (garahatthe as a blame); Nett 184. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Garahī
- {'def': '【阳】 指责者。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】指责者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Garu
- {'def': '【形】 重的,严重的,庄严的,值得尊敬的,可敬的。 【阳】 导师,教师。 ~kātabba, 【形】 尊敬的杰出人物,应该尊敬的。 ~kāra, 【阳】尊敬,光荣。 ~gabbhā, 【阴】 孕妇。 ~ṭṭhānīya, 【形】 做老师的人,品格高尚的人。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic guru; Gr. baruζ, Lat. gravis & brutus, Goth. kaurus] 1. adj. (a) lit. heavy, opp. lahu light, appld to bhāra, a load S.III,26; J.I,196 (=bhārika); VI,420; DhA.I,48; Sdhp.494 (rūpagarubhāra the heavy load of “form”). Compar. garutara (as against Sk. garīyaṁ) PvA.191. -- (b) fig. important, to be esteemed, valued or valuable A.III,110 sq. (piya manāpa g. bhavanīya); c. Gen. or --° bent on (often in sequence °garu, °ninna, °poṇa, etc., e. g. Vism.135); pursuing, paying homage to, reverent; (or) esteemed by, honoured, venerated: Satthugaru esteeming the Lord; Dhamma°, Saṅghe g. A.III,331=IV.28 sq.; dosa° S.I,24; kodha°, saddhamma° (pursuing, fostering) A.II,46 sq.=84 sq.; Sdhp.1 (sabba-loka° worshipped by all the world); Dpvs.IV,12. -- agaru (c. Gen.) irreverent towards Sn.p. 51 (Gotamassa). Cp. garuka, gārava; also agaru & agalu. -- 2. N. a venerable person, a teacher: garunaṁ dassanāya & sakāsaṁ Sn.325, 326 (v. l. garūnaṁ to be preferred, so also SnA 332, 333); garūnaṁ dārā It.36. -- garukaroti (for garuṁ k°) to esteem, respect, honour; usually in series sakkaroti g° māneti pūjeti Vin.II,162; M.I,31; D.I,91; A.III,76; IV,276; Nd2 334 (on namati), 530 (on yasassin); PvA.54. Expl. at DA.I,256 by gāravaṁ karoti. -- garukātabba worthy of esteem PvA.9. -- garukāra (sakkāra g. mānana vandana) esteem, honour, regard Pug.19=Dhs.1121. -- See also guru.
--upanissita (adj.) depending on a teacher, one being taught Ps.II,202; --ṭṭhāniya one who takes the place of a teacher A.III,21, 393; Nett 8; Vism.344. --dhamma a rule to be observed. There are 8 chief rules enum. at Vin.II,255=A.IV,276, 280; see also Vin.IV,51, 315; V,136. Taken in the sense of a violation of these rules Vin.I,49=II.226; I,52, 143, 144; II,279; --nissaya in °ṁ gaṇhāti to take up dependency on a teacher, i. e. to consider oneself a pupil Vin.II,303; --saṁvasa association with a teacher Nd2 235 4°; Miln.408. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(梵guru),【形】重的,严重的,庄严的,值得尊敬的,可敬的。【阳】导师,教师,上师,咕噜。garukātabba,【形】尊敬的杰出人物,应该尊敬的。garukāra,【阳】尊敬,光荣。garugabbhā,【阴】孕妇。garuṭṭhānīya,【形】做老师的人,品格高尚的人。garubhāva﹐敬重。M.140./III,237.:na kho me bhante, garu.(导师!对於我无障碍。《中阿含162经》译:我无所违。英译:there are no problems.)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Garuka
- {'def': '【形】重的,严重的,严肃的。Vibhv.(PTS:p.130;CS:p.169-170)︰Garukanti mahāsāvajjaṁ, mahānubhāvañca aññena kammena paṭibāhituṁ asakkuṇeyyakammaṁ. āsannanti maraṇakāle anussaritaṁ, tadā katañca. āciṇṇanti abhiṇhaso kataṁ (CS:p.170) ekavāraṁ katvāpi vā abhiṇhaso samāsevitaṁ. Kaṭattākammanti garukādibhāvaṁ asampattaṁ katamattatoyeva kammanti vattabbakammaṁ.(重业︰大罪(mahāsāvajja)、大威力的业(mahānubhāva大善业),不可能有任何其他业可以阻止它的业。临死业︰是濒临死亡前所忆起或所造之业。惯行业︰重复造的或习惯造的(善业或恶业)。已作业︰不属於重的(业),已作业或是已说的业。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 重的,严重的,严肃的。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[from garu] somewhat heavy.-1. lit. J.I,134 (of the womb in pregnancy); Dh.310; Miln.102. Usually coupled & contrasted with lahuka, light: in def. of sense of touch Dhs.648; similarly w. sithila, dhanita, dīgha, rassa Miln.344; DA.I,177 (in expl. of dasavidha vyañjana). -- 2. fig. (a) heavy, grave, serious esp. appld to -- āpatti, breach of regulations, offence (opp. lahuka) Vin.V,115, 130, 145, 153; Dh.138 (ābādha, illness); appld to kamma at Vism.601 (one of the four kinds); nt. as adv. considerably Miln.92 (°ṁ parinamati). ‹-› (b) important, venerable, worthy of reverence Th.2, 368 (Satthu sāsana=garukātabba ThA.251); Miln.140. -- (c) --° “heavy on,” bent on, attaching importance to: nahāna° fond of bathing Vin.I,196; tadattha° engaged in (jhāna) Nd2 264; kamma° attributing importance to k. Nd2 411; saddhamma° revering the Doctrine Sdhp. 520. Nibbāna-garuka Vism.117 (+Nâdhimutta & N-pabbhāra).
--āpatti a grievous offence, see above. As terasa g-°ino at Miln.310. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Garukaroti
- {'def': '(garu+karoti), 尊敬,崇敬。【过】garukari,【过分】garukata,【现分】garukaronta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(garu + karoti), 尊敬,崇敬。 【过】 ~kari, 【过分】 ~kata, 【现分】 garukaronta。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Garutta
- {'def': '【中】garutā,【阴】有重量性,光荣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) the fact of being honoured or considered worthy of esteem, honourableness A.V,164 sq. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 Garutā, 【阴】 有重量性,光荣。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Garuḷa
- {'def': '[Derivation uncertain. Sk. garuḍa, Lat. volucer winged, volo to fly]. N. of a mythical bird, a harpy Ps.II,196=Nd2 235, 3 q.; Vism.206; VvA.9 (=supaṇṇa); DhA.I,144. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(梵),【阳】金翅鸟(迦楼罗),神话的鸟,鹰身女妖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 金翅鸟,神话的鸟,鹰身女妖。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gassetuṁ
- {'def': 'at DhsA.324 is to be corrected into dassetuṁ. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gata
- {'def': '(gacchati 的【过分】), 已去,已经过,已达到,已到了某种情况(gone away, arrived at, directed to)。gataṭṭhāna,【中】去过的地方。gatatta,【中】去过的事实。gataddha, gataddhī,【形】已完成旅程的人。gatabhāva,【阳】参考 gatatta。gatayobbana,【形】已经到青年时期。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of gacchati in medio-reflexive function] gone, in all meanings of gacchati (q. v.) viz. 1. literal: gone away, arrived at, directed to (c. Acc.), opp. ṭhita: gate ṭhite nisinne (Loc. abs.) when going, standing, sitting down (cp. gacchati 1) D.I,70; opp. āgata: yassa maggaṁ na jānāsi āgatassa gatassa vā Sn.582 (cp. gati 2). Also periphrastic (=gacchati 5 b): aṭṭhi paritvā gataṁ “the bone fell down” J.III,26. Very often gata stands in the sense of a finite verb (=aor. gacchi or agamāsi): yo ca Buddhaṁ . . . saraṇaṁ gato (cp. gacchati 4) Dh.190; attano vasanaṭṭhānaṁ gato he went to his domicile J.I,280; II,160; nāvā Aggimālaṁ gatā the ship went to Aggimālā J.IV,139. ‹-› 2. in applied meaning: gone in a certain way, i. e. affected, behaved, fared, fated, being in or having come into a state or condition. So in sugata & duggata (see below) and as 2nd part of cpds. in Gen., viz. gone; atthaṁ° gone home, set; addha° done with the journey (cp. gat-addhin); gone into: taṇhā° fallen a victim to thirst, tama° obscured, raho°, secluded, vyasana° fallen into misery; having reached: anta° arrived at the goal (in this sense often combd with patta: antagata antapatta Nd2, 436, 612), koṭi° perfected, parinibbāna° having ceased to exist. vijjā° having attained (right) knowledge; connected with, referring to, concerning: kāya° relating to the body (kāyagatā sati, e. g. Vism.111, 197, 240 sq.); diṭṭhi° being of a (wrong) view; saṅkhāra°, etc. -- Sometimes gata is replaced by kata and vice versa: anabhāvaṁkata›anabhāvaṁ gacchati; kālagata›kālakata (q. v.).
agata not gone to, not frequented: °ṁ disaṁ (of Nibbāna) Dh.323; purisantaraṁ °ṁ mātugāmaṁ “a maid who has not been with a man” J.I,290.
sugata of happy, blessed existence, fortunate; one who has attained the realm of bliss (=sugatiṁ gata, see gati), blessed. As np. a common Ep. of the Buddha: Vin.I,35; III,1; D.I,49; S.I,192; A.II,147 et passim (see Sugata). -- D.I,83; Sn.227 (see expl. KhA 183).
duggata of miserable existence, poor, unhappy, illfated, gone to the realm of miscry (duggatiṁ gata PvA.33, see gati) Pv.I,62; II,317; duggata-bhāva (poverty) J.VI,366; duggat-itthi (miserable, poor) J.I,290; parama-duggatāni kulāni clans in utmost misery (poverty) PvA.176.-Compar. duggatatara DhA.I,427; II,135.
--atta (fr. attā) self-perfected, perfect D.I,57 (expl. by koṭippatta-citto DA.I,168); cp. paramāya satiyā ca gatiyā ca dhitiyā ca samannāgata M.I,82; --addhin (adj. of addhan) one who has completed his journey (cp. addhagata) Dh.90; --kāle (in gata-gata-kāle) whenever he went J.III,188; --ṭṭhāna place of existence PvA.38; =gamana in āgata-ṭṭhānaṁ vā: coming and going (lit. state of going) J.III,188; --yobbana (adj.) past youth, of old age A.I,138; Sn.98=124. (Page 242)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(gacchati 的【过分】), 已去,已经过,已达到,已到了某种情况。 ~ṭṭhāna,【中】 去过的地方。 ~tta, 【中】 去过的事实。 ~ddha, ~ddhī, 【形】 已完成旅程的人。 ~bhāva, 【阳】 参考 gatatta。 ~yobbana, 【形】 已经度过了青年时期的人。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gataka
- {'def': 'a messenger J.I,86. (Page 242)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gatatta
- {'def': '1.=Sk. gat-ātman (see prec.). -- 2.=Sk. gatatvaṁ the fact of having gone KhA 183. (Page 242)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gathita
- {'def': '【过分】 已绑,已束缚,已贪婪。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(pp. of ganthati to tie, cp. gantha, knot. Sk. grathita),【过分】已绑,已束缚,已贪婪(tied, bound, fettered; enslaved, bound to, greedy for, intoxicated with (c. Loc.))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of ganthati to tie, cp. gantha, knot. Sk. grathita] tied, bound, fettered; enslaved, bound to, greedy for, intoxicated with (c. Loc.). When abs. always in combn w. paribhuñjati and w. ref. to some object of desire (bhoga, lābha, kāmaguṇe). Usually in standing phrase gathita mucchita ajjhāpanna (ajjhopanna) “full of greed & blind desire.” In this connection it is frequently (by B MSS.) spelt gadhita and the editors of S, A, & Miln.have put that in the text throughout. With mucchita & ajjhāpanna: D.I,245; III,43; M.I,162, 173; S.II,270; IV,332; A.V,178, 181 Nd2 on nissita C. --c. Loc.: J.IV,371 (gharesu); DA.I,59 (kāmaguṇesu). In other connections: ādānaganthaṁ gathitaṁ visajja Sn.794 (cp. Nd1 98); yāni loke gathitāni na tesu pasuto siyā Sn.940. -- J.IV,5 (=giddha); V,274 (gedhita for pagiddha); PvA.262 (gadhita as expln of giddha)--agathita (agadhita) not fettered (by desire) without desire, free from the ties of craving (+m°, a°) S.II,194, 269; A.V,181; Miln.401 (trsl. Rh.D. II.339: “without craving, without faintness, without sinking”). (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gati
{'def': '(f.) [fr. gacchati; cp. Gr. baζis, Lat. (in-) ventio, Goth. (ga-)qumps] 1. going, going away, (opp. āgati coming) (both gati & āgati usually in pregnant sense of No. 2. See āgati); direction, course, career. Freq. of the two careers of a Mahāpurisa (viz. either a Cakkavatti or a Buddha) D.II,16=Sn.p. 106; Sn.1001, or of a gihī arahattaṁ patto Miln.264, with ref. to the distinction of the child Gotama J.I,56. -- phassâyatanānaṁ gati (course or direction) A.II,161; jagato gati (id.) A.II,15, 17; sakuntānaṁ g. the course, flight of birds Dh.92=Th.1, 92. -- Opp. āgati Pv.II,922. --tassā gatiṁ jānāti “he knows her going away, i. e. where she has gone” PvA.6. -- 2. going away, passing on (=cuti, opp. upapatti coming into another existence); course, esp after death, destiny, as regards another (future) existence A.I,112; D.II,91; M.I,388 (tassa kā gati ko abhisamparāyo? what is his rebirth and what his destiny?); in combn āgati vā gati vā (=cutûpapatti), rebirth & death M.I,328, 334. In defn of saṁsāra expld as gati bhavâbhava cuti upapatti=one existence after the other Nd2 664; as gati upapatti paṭisandhi Nd2 on dhātu (also as puna-gati rebirth). -- The Arahant as being beyond Saṁsāra is also beyond gati: yassa gatiṁ na jānanti devā gandhabba-mānusā Dh.420=Sn.644; yesaṁ gati n’atthi Sn.499; and Nibbāna coincides with release from the gatis: gativippamokkhaṁ parinibbānaṁ SnA 368. -- attā hi attano gati “everybody is (the maker of) his own future life” Dh.380; esā maccharino gati “this is the fate of the selfish” Pv III,114; sabbagatī te ijjhantu “all fate be a success to you” J.V,393; gato so tassa yā gati “he has gone where he had to go (after death)” Pv.I,122. ‹-› 3. behaviour, state or condition of life, sphere of existence, element, especially characterized as sugati & duggati, a happy or an unhappy existence. gati migānaṁ pavanaṁ, ākāso pakkhīnaṁ gati, vibhavo gati dhammānaṁ, nibbānaṁ arahato gati: the wood is the sphere of the beasts, the air of the birds, decay is the state of (all) things, Nibbāna the sphere of the Arahant Vin.V,149=SnA 346; apuññalābho ca gatī ca pāpikā Dh.310; duggati J.I,28; avijjāy’eva gati the quality of ignorance Sn.729; paramāya gatiyā samannāgato of perfect behaviour M.I,82; see also defn at Vism.237. ‹-› 4. one of the five realms of existence of sentient beings (=loka), divided into the two categories of sugati (=Sagga, realm of bliss) & duggati (=Yamaloka, apāya, realm of misery). These gatis are given in the foll. order: (1) niraya purgatory, (2) tiracchānayoni the brute oreation, (3) pittivisaya the ghost world, (4) manussā (m-loka) human beings, (5) devā gods: M.I,73; D.III,234; A.IV,459; Nd2 550; cp. S.V,474--77; Vism.552. They are described in detail in the Pañcagatidīpana (ed. L. Feer, J.P.T.S. 1884, 152 sq.; trsl. by the same in Annales du Musée Guimet V. 514--528) under Naraka-kaṇḍa, Tiracchāna°, Peta°, Manussa°, Deva°. Of these Nos. 1--3 are considered duggatis, whilst Nos. 4 and 5 are sugati. In later sources we find 6 divisions, viz. 1--3 as above, (4) asurā, (5) manussā, (6) devā, of which 1--4 are comprised under apāyā (conditions of suffering, q. v.) or duggatiyo (see Pv IV.11, cp. PvA.103). These six also at D.III,264. -- lokassa gatiṁ pajānāti Bhagavā Sn.377 (gati=nirayādipañcappabhedaṁ SnA 368). The first two gatis are said to be the fate of the micchādiṭṭhino D.I,228, dve niṭṭhā DA.I,249 (q. v. for var. appl. of gati) as well as the dussīlā (A.I,60), whilst the last two are the share of the sīlavanto (A. I.60).
--gata gone its course (of a legal enquiry, vinicchaya) Vin.II,85 (cp. Vin Texts III,26); J.II,1.
agati 1. no course, no access, in agati tava tattha: there you have no access S.I,115. -- 2.=duggati, a wrong course. agatigamana a wrong course of life D.III,133; A.I,72; II,18 sq.; III,274 sq.; J.V,510; PvA.161. Technically the four agati-gamanāni are: chanda° dosa° moha° bhaya° D.III,228 (see also under chanda).
sugati (sometimes suggati after duggati e. g. J.VI,224) a happy existence; a realm of bliss; the devaloka. Cp. sugatin. Usually with gacchati (sugatiṁ) & gata “gone to Heaven” Vin.II,195; D.II,202; It.77; PvA.65. In combn w. sagga loka (sugatiṁ, etc. uppajjati) D.I,143; A.I,97; J.I,152. parammaraṇā sugati pāṭikaṅkhā It.24; suggatiṁ gata Dh.18; sugati pāpehi kammehi sulabhā na hoti “bliss is not gained by evil” PvA.87; =sugga & dibbaṭṭhāna PvA.89; sugati-parāyana sure of rebirth in a realm of bliss, ib.
duggati a miserable existence; a realm of misery (see above gati 4). Usually with gacchati (duggatiṁ gata, reborn in a miserable state) or uppajjati D.I,82; A.I,97, 138 (+vinipātaṁ nirayaṁ); II,123; III,3; IV,364; Dh.17; Sn.141; SnA 192 (=dukkhappatti); PvA.87. Sakakammāni nayanti duggatiṁ, one’s own deeds lead to rebirth in misery, Dh.240; with ref. to a Peta existence: Pv.I,62; II,16; 113; 317. Cp. duggata. (Page 242)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': 'Gatin, (‹fr. gacchati),【阴】1.去(going, going away, (opp. āgati coming) (both gati & āgati usually in pregnant sense))。2.死(going away, passing on (=cuti, opp. upapatti coming into another existence)。3.行为(behaviour, state or condition of life, sphere of existence, element, especially characterized as sugati & duggati, a happy or an unhappy existence)。4.趣(pañca gatiyo)(one of the five realms of existence of sentient beings (=loka), divided into the two categories of sugati (=Sagga, realm of bliss) & duggati (=Yamaloka, apāya, realm of misery))。五趣:(1)地狱(niraya purgatory), (2)畜生(tiracchānayoni the brute oreation), (3)饿鬼(pittivisaya the ghost world), (4)人(manussā (manussā-loka) human beings), (5)天(devā gods)。KhA.19.︰Yesañhi dhātūnaṁ gati-attho buddhipi tesaṁ atthoti.(由於凡字根有『去』的含义,它们也有『觉』的含义。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 去,事业,课程,投胎转生,命运,行为。 ~mantu, 【形】 完美的行为。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gatika
- {'def': '【形】1.去(going to)。2.引导(leading to)。3.趣向(having a certain gati, leading to one of the four kinds of rebirth)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) 1. going to, staying with, in bhikkhu° a person living with the bhikkhus Vin.I,148. -- 2. leading to: yaṁ° what they lead to (of the 5 indriyas) S.V,230. -- 3. having a certain gati, leading to one of the four kinds of rebirth: evaṁ° D.I,16 (w. ref. to one of the first 3 gatis: DA.I,108); niyata° whose destiny is certain (w. ref. to sugati) and aniyata° whose destiny is uncertain (w. ref. to a duggati) DhA.III,173. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gatimant
- {'def': '(adj.) of (perfect) behaviour, going right, clever (cp. gatatta under gata, & gati 3) M.I,82. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gatimantu
- {'def': '【形】完美的行为。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gatin
- {'def': '(adj.=gatika) 1. going, i. e. having a certain course: sabbā nadī vaṅkagatī “every river flows crooked” J.I,289. -- 2. having a certain gati, fated, destined, esp. in su° & dug°: samparāye suggatī going to a happy existence after death Vin.II,162=J.I,219; saggaṁ sugatino yanti “those who have a happy fate (because of leading a good life) go to one of the Heavens” Dh.126. (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [Vedic gātra] the body, pl. gattāni the limbs. ‹-› As body: Vin.I,47; S.I,169=183 (analla° with pure bodies; anallīna° at 169, but v. l. analla°); A.I,138; Sn.673 (samacchida° with bodies cut up); Pv.I,112 (bhinna-pabhinna°, id.); PvA.56 (=sarīra); 68. -- As limbs: S.IV,198 (arupakkāni festering with sores); M.I,506 (id.); M.I,80=246; J.I,61 (lālākilinna°); Sn.1001 (honti gattesu mahāpurisalakkhaṇā), 1017, 1019; Pv III,91 (=sarīrâvayavā PvA.211); Miln.357 (arupakkāni). (Page 243)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 身体。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(Vedic gātra),【中】身体。pl. gattāni(the limbs)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gava
- {'def': '实词 go 在【合】中采取的词形;例如: puṅgava。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '实词 go 在【合】中采取的词形;例如: puṅgava。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gavacchita
- {'def': 'furnished with netting (?) (Hardy in Index) VvA.276, of a carriage (=suvaṇṇajālavitata). (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gavaja
- {'def': 'gavaya,【阳】(产於印度的)大额牛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'gavaya, 【阳】(产于印度的)大额牛。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'see gavaya. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gavampati
- {'def': 'm.牛主,憍梵波提[耶舎の友人の名]', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- {'def': '(比库名)嘎旺巴帝, (古音译:)憍梵波提', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
- Gavaya
- {'def': '(and gavaja) a species of ox, the gayal [Sk. gavaya, cp. gavala, buffalo] J.V,406. (°ja=khagga); Miln.149; DhsA.331. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gava°
{'def': 'base of the N. go, a bull, cow, used in cpds. See gāv°, go.
--akkha a kind of window Mhvs 9. 15, 17; --āghātana slaughtering of cows Vin.I,182; --âssa cows & horses Vin.V,350; D.I,5~; Sn.769; --caṇḍa fierce towards cows Pug.47; --pāna milky rice pudding J.I,33; --(°m)pati “lord of cows,” a bull Sn.26, 27 (usabha). (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gavesaka
- {'def': '【形】寻求者,找寻的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 寻求者,找寻的人。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gavesana
- {'def': 'search for PvA.185. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】gavesanā,【阴】搜寻,寻求。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 ~nā, 【阴】 搜寻,寻求。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gavesati
- {'def': '[gava+esati. Vedic gaveṣate. Origin. to search after cows. Dhtp 298=maggana tracking] to seek, to search for, to wish for, strive after Dh.146 (gavessatha), 153; Th.1, 183; Nd2 2, 70, 427; J.I,4, 61; Miln.326; PvA.187, 202 (aor. gavesi=vicini); Bdhd 53. In Nd2 always in combn esati gavesati pariyesati. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gaves搜寻+a), 寻求,寻找,努力。【过】gavesi,【过分】gavesita,【现分】gavesanta, gavesamāna,【独】gavesitvā, gavesiya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(gaves + a), 寻求,寻找,努力。 【过】 gavesi, 【过分】 gavesita,【现分】 gavesanta, gavesamāna, 【独】 gavesitvā, gavesiya。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gavesin
- {'def': '(adj.) seeking, looking for, striving after (usually --°) D.I,95 (tāṇa°, etc.); Dh.99 (kāma°), 245 (suci°), 355 (pāra°); Nd2 503 (in expl. of mahesi, with esin & pariyesin); Bdhd 59. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gavesī
- {'def': '【阳】寻求者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 寻求者。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gavi
- {'def': 'a tree-like creeper, in --pphala the fruit of a g. Sn.239 (=rukkhavalliphala SnA). (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gayha
- {'def': '(adj.) [grd. of gayhati; Vedic grāhya] to be taken, to be seized, as nt, the grip, in gayhūpaga (adj.) for being taken up, for common use SnA 283. -- (nt.) that which comes into one’s grasp, movable property, acquisition of property DhA.II,29; III,119; PvA.4. As gayhūpakaṁ at J.IV,219. (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 可以拿的,抓住,抓紧。 【中】 把握中的。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】可以拿的,抓住,抓紧。【中】把握中的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gayhaka
- {'def': '(adj.=gayha) one who is to be taken (prisoner), in °niyyamāna id. S.I,143=J.III,361 (expl. as karamaragāhaṁ gahetvā niyyamāna; cp. karamara). (Page 245)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gayhati
- {'def': '[Pass. to gaṇhāti] to get seized, to be taken (see gaṇhāti); p.pres. gayhamāna being caught DhA.III,175 (°ka). -- grd. gayha. (Page 246)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gah + ya), 被拿,被抓住。 【过】 gayhi,【现分】 gayhamāna。(p117)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gah+ya), 被拿,被抓住。【过】gayhi,【现分】gayhamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gayā
- {'def': 'f. ガヤーの町.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'f. Gayā (伽耶)的町(城鎮, 街巷, town, street).', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Gayā-kassapa
- {'def': 'm. 伽耶迦葉 [三迦葉の一].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'm. 伽耶迦葉 [三迦葉之一].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Gayāsīsa
- {'def': 'm. [BSk. Gayāśīrṣa] 象頭山 (山頂似象頭,故有此名).', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. [BSk. Gayāśīrṣa] 象頭山.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Gaḷa
{'def': '[same as gala, see note on prec.] 1. a drop, i. e. a fall: see gaḷāgala.-2. a swelling, a boil (=gaṇḍa) J.IV,494 (mattā gajā bhinnagaḷā elephants in rut, with the temple-swellings broken; expl. p. 497 by madaṁ gaḷantā); Sn.61 (? v. l. gaṇḍa). -- 3. a hook, a fishhook Sn.61 (?), expl. at SnA 114 by ākaḍḍhanavasena baḷiso.
gaḷāgaḷaṁ gacchati to go from drop to drop, i. e. from fall to fall, w. ref. to the gatis J.V,453 (expl. by apāyaṁ gacchati). (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaḷagaḷāyati
- {'def': '(gaḷagaḷa 的【派】), 哗哗响,大雨声,吼, 【过】 ~ḷāyi。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gaḷagaḷa 的【派】), 哗啦哗啦响(雨声、流水声),大雨声,吼。【过】gaḷagaḷāyi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[=gaggarāyati, see note on gala] to roar, to crash, to thunder; deve gaḷagaḷāyate (Loc. abs.) in a thunderstorm, usually as deve vassante deve g° amidst rain and heavy thunder D.II,132; S.I,106; A.V,114 sq. (gala°); Th.1, 189; Miln.116 (gaganaṁ ravati galag°); KhA 163 (mahāmegha). -- Gaṅgā galagalantī the roaring Gaṅgā Miln.122 (cp. halāhalasadda ibid.). (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaḷati
- {'def': '(and galati) [Sk. galati, cp. Ohg. quellan to well up, to flow out; see note on gala and cp. also jala water] 1. to drip, flow, trickle (trs. & intr.) Vin.I,204 (natthu g.); M.I,336 (sīsaṁ lohitena gaḷati); J.IV,497 (madaṁ); IV,3 (lohitaṁ g.); V,472 (do. v. l. paggharati); Pv IV.53 (assukāni g.). -- 2. to rain Th.1, 524 (deve gaḷantamhi in a shower of rain. Cp. gala-gaḷāyati). -- 3. to drop down, to fall DhA.II,146 (suriyo majjhaṭṭhānato galito). -- Cp. pari°. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaḷayati
- {'def': '[denom. to gaḷa in sense of gaḷati 1] to drip, to drop, in assukāni g. to shed tears Sn.691. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaḷita
- {'def': 'rough, in a° smooth J.V,203, 206 (+mudu & akakkasa); VI,64. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaḷocī
- {'def': '【阴】心叶青牛胆(Tinospora Cordifolia,见 Pūtilatā)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.). N. of a shrub (Cocculus cordifolius); in gaḷocilatā DhA.III,110; a creeper. Cp. pūtilatā. (Page 247)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 心叶青牛胆(见 Pūtilatā)。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaṅgeyya
- {'def': '【形】 属于河或恒河的。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】河的,恒河的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'a. Ganges(恆河)的.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'a. ガンジス河の.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Gaṅgā
- {'def': 'f. ガンジス河, 恒伽, 恒河.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'f. Ganges(恆河,印度北東部東流的大河,發源於喜瑪拉雅山脈西部), 恆伽, 恆河.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '恒河, 恒迦河,恒伽河,殑伽河', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
- {'def': '【阴】 河,恒河(在印度北境)。 ~tīra, 【中】 河岸。 ~dvāra, 【中】河口。 ~dhāra 【阳】 流域,江河流域。 ~pāra, 【中】 彼岸,对岸。 ~sota,【阳】 河水流,奔流。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】河,恒河(在印度北境)。gaṅgātīra,【中】河岸。gaṅgādvāra,【中】河口。gaṅgādhāra 【阳】流域,江河流域。gaṅgāpāra,【中】彼岸,对岸。gaṅgāsota,【阳】河水流,奔流。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇa
- {'def': '【阳】1.组,队,群,(俱乐部、社团、校友会等的)支部,分会( (a) in special sense: a meeting or a chapter of (two or three) bhikkhus, a company (opposed both to saṅgha, the order & puggala, the individual)(b) in general: a crowd, a multitude, a great many)。gaṇapūraka,【形】聚齐法定人数的人。gaṇapūraṇa,【中】法定人数。gaṇabandhana,【中】合作。gaṇabhojana﹐【中】别众食(超过四位比丘做夥托钵、受请共食五正食(粳米饭、穄米饭、粟米饭、赤粳米饭、麦饭。--《善见律毘婆沙》卷第十六﹐大正24.784)。gaṇasaṅgaṇikā,【阴】想参入在群衆中。gaṇācariya,【阳】多数弟子的老师,有许多追随者的人。gaṇārāmatā,【阴】想参入在群衆中。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic gaṇa; *ger to comprise, hold, or come together, cp. Gr. a]gεiρw to collect, a)gorά meeting, Lat. grex, flock, Sk. jarante “conveniunt” (see Wackernagel, Altind. Gr. I.193). Another form of this root is grem in Sk. grāma, Lat. gremium; see under gāma]--1. (a) in special sense: a meeting or a chapter of (two or three) bhikkhus, a company (opposed both to saṅgha, the order & puggala, the individual) Vin.I,58, 74, 195, 197; II,170, 171; IV,130, 216, 226, 231, 283, 310, 316, 317; V,123, 167. -- (b) in general: a crowd, a multitude, a great many. See cpds. -- 2. as --°: a collection of, viz., of gods, men, animals or things; a multitude, mass; flock, herd; host, group, cluster. -- (a) deva° J.I,203; DhA.III,441; PvA.140 (°parivuta); pisāca° S.I,33; tidasa° Sn.679. -- (b) amacca° suite of ministers J.I,264; ariya° troup of worthies J.VI,50; naranarī° crowds of men & women Miln.2; dāsi° a crowd of servants J.II,127; tāpasa° a group of ascetics J.I,140 (°parivuta); bhikkhu° J.I,212 (°parivuta). -- (c) dvija° J.I,152; dija° Pv.II,124; sakuṇa°, of birds J.I,207; II,352; go°, of cows A.I,229; V,347, 359; J.II,128; kākola°, of ravens Sn.675; bhamarā°, of bees J.I,52; miga° of beasts J.I,150. -- (d) taru° a cluster of trees PvA.154; tāra°, a host of stars A.I,215; Pv.II,967; with ref. to the books of the Canon: Suttantika° & Ābhidhammika° Vism.93.
--âcariya “a teacher of a crowd,” i. e. a t. who has (many) followers. Always in phrase saṅghī ca gaṇī ca ganācariyo ca, and always with ref. either to Gotama: D.I,116; M.II,3; or to the 6 chief sectarian leaders, as Pūraṇa Kassapa, etc.: D.I,47, 163; S.I,68; IV,398; M.I,198, 227, 233; II,2; Sn.p. 91; cp. DA.I,143. In general: Miln.4. --ārāma (adj.) & --ārāmatā in phrase gaṇārāmo gaṇarato gaṇārāmataṁ anuyutto: a lover of the crowd A.III,422 sq.; M.III,110=Nd2 on Sn.54. --gaṇin the leader of many, Ep. of Bhagavā Nd2 307. --(ṁ)gaṇupāhanā (pl.) shoes with many linings Vin.I,185, 187; cp. Vin. Texts II.14. See also Bdhgh. on aṭaliyo (q. v. under aṭala). --pūraka (adj.) one who completes the quorum (of a bhikkhus chapter) Vin.I,143 sq.; --bandhana in °ena dānaṁ datvā to give by co-operation, to give jointly DhA.II,160; --bhojana food prepared as a joint meal Vin.II,196; IV, 71; V,128, 135, 205; --magga in °ena gaṇetuṁ to count by way of batches Vin.I,117; --vassika (adj.) through a great many years Sn.279; --saṅganika (adj.) coming into contact with one another DhA.I,162. (Page 240)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 组,队,群,(俱乐部、社团、校友会等的)支部,分会。 ~pūraka,【形】 聚齐法定人数的人。 ~pūraṇa, 【中】 法定人数。 ~bandhana, 【中】合作。 ~saṅgaṇikā, 【阴】 想参入在群众中。 ~ācariya, 【阳】 多数弟子的老师,有许多追随者的人。 ~ārāmatā, 【阴】 想参入在群众中。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaṇaka
- {'def': '【阳】 会计员,熟悉算术的人。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】会计员,熟悉算术的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. gaṇ, to comprise in the sense of to count up] a counter, one skilled in counting familiar with arithmetic; an accountant, overseer or calculator. Enumd as an occupation together with muddika at D.I,51 (expl. DA.I,157 by acchidda-pāṭhaka); also with muddika and saṅkhāyika S.IV,376; as an office at the king’s court (together with amaccā as gaṇaka-mahāmatta=a ministerial treasurer) D.III,64, and in same context D.III,148, 153, 169, 171, 177; as overseer Vin.III,43; as accountant Miln.79, 293; VvA.66. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇakī
- {'def': '(f.)=gaṇikā Vin.III,135--136, in purāṇa° a woman who was formerly a courtesan, & as adj. gaṇakī-dhītā the daughter of a courtesan. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇanapathamatīta
- {'def': '﹐【形】超越计算的,不可计算的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇanapathātīta
- {'def': '【形】 超越计算的,不可计算的。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】超越计算的,不可计算的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇanā
- {'def': '(f.) counting, i. e. 1. counting up, arithmetic, number J.I,29; Vism.278 sq.; Miln.79; VvA.194. ‹-› 2. counting, census, statistics; Tikap. 94; J.I,35; Miln.4 (senā °ṁ kāretvā); DhA.I,11, 34. -- 3. the art of counting, arithmetics as a study & a profession, forbidden to the bhikkhus Vin.I,77=IV.129 (°ṁ sikkhati to study ar.); D.I,11 (expl. DA.I,95 by acchiddaka-gaṇanā); M.I,85; III,1 (°ājīva); DA.I,157. --gaṇana-patha (time-) reckoning, period of time Miln.20, 116. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 数,计算,算术。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】数,计算,算术(arithmetic)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇeti
- {'def': '[denom. to gaṇa Dhtp 574: saṅkhyāne] 1. to count, to reckon, to do sums Dh.19; J.VI,334; Miln.79, 293; pp. gaṇita Sn.677; pass. gaṇīyati Sdhp.434; inf. (vedic) gaṇetuye Bw. IV.28; caus. gaṇāpeti M.III,1. -- 2. to regard, to take notice of, to consider, to care for J.I,300; IV,267. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gaṇ算+e), 计算,数。【过】gaṇesi,【现分】gaṇenta,【独】gaṇetvā,【义】gaṇetabba。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(gaṇ + e), 计算,数。 【过】 gaṇesi, 【现分】 gaṇenta, 【独】 gaṇetvā,【潜】 gaṇetabba。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaṇhanta
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【现分】), 拿,抓,持,取。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【现分】), 拿,抓,持,取。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇhati
{'def': '& Gaṇhāti [Vedic grah (grabh), gṛhṇāti pp. gṛhīta to grasp. *gher to hold, hold in, contain; cp. Gr. xόrtos enclosure, Lat. hortus, co-hors (homestead); Goth. gards (house); Ohg. gart; E. yard & garden. To this belong Vedic gṛha (house) in P. gaha°, gihin, geha, ghara, & also Vedic harati to seize, hasta hand]. The forms of the verb are from three bases, viz. (1) gaṇha- (Sk. gṛhṇā-); Pres.: ind. gaṇhāti (gaṇhāsi PvA.87), pot. gaṇheyya, imper. gaṇha (J.I,159; PvA.49= handa) & gaṇhāhi (J.I,279). Fut. gaṇhissati; Aor. gaṇhi. Inf. gaṇhituṁ (J.III,281). Ger. gaṇhitvā. Caus. ganhāpeti & gāhāpeti. -- 2. gahe- (Sk. gṛhī-): Fut. gahessati. Aor. aggahesi (Sn.847; J.I,52). Inf. gahetuṁ (J.I,190, 222). Ger. gahetvā & gahetvāna (poet.) (Sn.309; Pv.II,3). -- 3. gah- (Sk. gṛh-): Aor. aggahi. Ger. gayha & gahāya (Sn.791). Pass. gayhati. pp. gahita & gahīta. Cp. gaha, gahaṇa, gāha.
Meanings: to take, take up; take hold of; grasp, seize; assume; e. g. ovādaṁ g. to take advice J.I,159; khaggaṁ to seize the sword J.I,254--255; gocaraṁ to take food J.III,275; jane to seize people J.I,253; dhanaṁ to grasp the treasure J.I,255; nagaraṁ to occupy the city J.I,202; pāde gāḷhaṁ gahetvā holding her feet tight J.I,255; macche to catch fish J.III,52; mantaṁ to use a charm J.III,280; rajjaṁ to seize the kingdom J.I,263; II,102; sākhaṁ to take hold of a branch Sn.791; J.I,52. Very often as a phrase to be translated by a single word, as: nāmato g. to enumerate PvA.18; paṭisandhiṁ g. to be born J.I,149; maraṇaṁ g. to die J.I,151; mūlena g. to buy J.III,126; vacanaṁ g. to obey J.III,276 (in neg.). The ger. gahetvā is very often simply to be translated as “with,” e. g. tidaṇḍaṁ gahetvā caranto J.II,317; satta bhikkhū gahetvā agamāsi VvA.149.
Caus. gaṇhāpeti to cause to be seized, to procure, to have taken: phalāni J.II,105; rājānaṁ J.I,264. Cp. gāhāpeti. (Page 242)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇhituŋ
- {'def': '【不】 要拿。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaṇhituṁ
- {'def': '【不】要拿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇhiya
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【独】), 拿了,持了。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【独】), 拿了,持了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇhāpeti
- {'def': '(Gaṇhāti的 【使】), 使拿,令抓。【过】gaṇhāpesi,【过分】gaṇhāpita, gāhāpita,【独】gaṇhāpetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇhāti
- {'def': '(gah + ṇhā), 拿,持,抓,取。 【过】 gaṇhi, 【过分】 gahita, 【独】gahetvā, gaṇhitvā。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gah拿+ṇhā), 拿,持,抓,取。(1) gaṇha- (Sk. grhṇā-); pres.: ind. gaṇhāti (gaṇhāsi PvA.87), pot. gaṇheyya, imper. gaṇha (J.I.159; PvA.49= handa) & gaṇhāhi (J.I.279). fut. gaṇhissati; 【过】gaṇhi。【不】gaṇhituṁ (J.III.281.)。【独】gaṇhitvā, gaṇhiya。【使】ganhāpeti & gāhāpeti(to cause to be seized, to procure, to have taken)。(2)gahe- (Sk. grhī-)︰【未】gahessati。【过】aggahesi (Sn.847; J.I.52)。【不】gahetuṁ (J.I.190, 222)。【独】gahetvā (“with”) & gahetvāna (poet.) (Sn.309; Pv.II.3)。【义】gahetabba。(3)gah- (Sk. grh-)︰【过】aggahi。【独】gayha & gahāya (Sn.791)。【被】gayhati. 【过分】gahita & gahīta。cp. gaha, gahaṇa, gāha.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇikā
- {'def': '1 (f.) “one who belongs to the crowd,” a harlot, a courtesan (cp. gaṇakī) Vin.I,231 (Ambapālī) 268, (do.); II,277 (Aḍḍhakāsī); Ud.71; Miln.122; DhA.III,104; VvA.75 (Sirimā); PvA.195, 199. -- Customs of a gaṇikā J.IV,249; V,134. -- Cp. saṁ°. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1(cp.gaṇakī),【阴】妓女(one who belongs to the crowd),(专与高级官员往来的)妓女(a harlot),情妇(a courtesan)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 妓女,(专与高级官员往来的)妓女,情妇。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2(=gaṇanā)﹐【阴】数,计算,算术。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (f.)=gaṇanā, arithmetic Miln.3. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇin
- {'def': '1 (adj.) one who has a host of followers, Ep. of a teacher who has a large attendance of disciples; usually in standing combn saṅghī gaṇī gaṇācariyo (see above). Also in foll.: Sn.955, 957; Dpvs.IV,8 (mahāgaṇī), 14 (therā gaṇī); gaṇī-bhūtā (pl.) in crowds, combd with saṅghā saṅghī D.I,112, expld at DA.I,280: pubbe nagarassa anto agaṇā bahi nikkhamitvā gaṇa-sainpannā ti. See also paccekagaṇin. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 a large species of deer J.V,406 (=gokaṇṇa). (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇita
- {'def': '(gaṇeti 的【过分】), 已计算。 【中】 算术。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gaṇeti 的【过分】), 已计算。【中】算术。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇī
- {'def': '【阳】 有追随者的人。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】有追随者的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇḍa
- {'def': '【阳】 疖子,肿瘤,瘤。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】痈、疖子(boil),肿瘤,瘤。Idaṁ jātu vedagū, idaṁ jātu sabbaji, idaṁ jātu apalikhitaṁ gaṇḍamūlam palikhaṇīti.(我确实是明智者,我确实是一切胜者,我确实掘出未掘出之痈根。)按:idaṁ (此),相应部注释书,释为「我」。「一切胜者」谓得如实智而解脱者,「痈」指身体,「根」指渴爱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[a variation of gaṇṭha (-i), in both meanings of (1) swelling, knot, protuberance, and (2) the interstice between two knots or the whole of the knotty object, i. e. stem, stalk]--1. a swelling, esp. as a disease, an abscess, a boil. Freq. in similes with ref. to kāma and kāya. Mentioned with similar cutaneous diseases under kilāsa (q. v. for loci). As Ep. of kāya S.IV,83=A.IV,386, of kāmā A.III,310, IV.289; Nd2 on Sn.51; also Th.2, 491 (=dukkhatā sūlaya ThA.288); S.IV,64 (=ejā); Sn.51, 61 (v. l. for gaḷa); J.I,293; Vism.360 (°pilakā); DhA.III,297 (gaṇḍ-ā-gaṇḍajāta, covered with all kinds of boils); IV,175; PvA.55. Cp. Av. S.II,1681. -- 2. a stalk, a shaft, in N. of a plant --°tindu-rukkha J.V,99, and in der. gaṇḍikā & gaṇḍī, cp. also Av. S.II,13312. ‹-› 3.=gaṇḍuppāda in cpd. gaṇḍamattikā clay mixed with earth-worms Vin.II,151 (cp. Bdhgh. gaṇḍuppādagūtha-mattikā clay mixed with excrement of earthworms Vin. Texts III,172).
--uppāda (lit. producing upheavals, cp. a mole) an earth-worm, classed as a very low creature with kīṭā & puḷavā at M.III,168; J.V,210 (°pāṇa); DhA.III,361 (°yoni); SnA 317. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇḍaka
- {'def': '【阳】犀牛(rhinoceros)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) having boils Sdhp.103. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 犀牛。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaṇḍamba
- {'def': 'N. of the tree, under which Gotama Buddha performed the double miracle; with ref. to this freq. in phrase gaṇḍamba-rukkha-mūle yamakapāṭihāriyaṁ katvā J.I,77; IV,263 sq.; DA.I,57; PvA.137; Miln.349; Dāvs.V,54. Also at DhA.III,207 in play of words with amba-rukkha. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇḍikā
{'def': '(f.) [a-n. formation from gaṇḍa or gaṇṭha, see also gaṇṭhikā]--1. a stalk, a shaft (cp. gaṇḍī) J.I,474; DhsA.319 (of the branches of trees: g°-ākoṭana-sadda). -- 2. a lump, a block of wood (more freq. spelling gaṇṭhikā, q. v.). -- 3. N. of a plant Vv 354 (=bandhujīvaka VvA.161).
--âdhāna the putting on of a shaft or stem, as a bolt or bar Vin.II,172; cp. Vin. Texts III,213 and gaṇḍī; also ghaṭikā2. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇḍikī
- {'def': '【阴】木钟、木鱼(敲打的乐器,用木头做成,中间镂空),铜锣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 木钟、木鱼(敲打的响器,用木头做成,中间镂空),铜锣。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaṇḍin
- {'def': '[adj. fr. gaṇḍa]--1. having swellings, in ure gaṇḍī (f.) with swellings on the chest, i. e. breasts J.V,159, 202 (thane sandhāyâha 205). -- 2. having boils, being afflicted with a glandular disease (with kuṭṭhin & kilāsin) Kvu 31. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇḍuppāda
- {'def': '【阳】蚯蚓。台语:杜蚓。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 蚯蚓。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gaṇḍusa
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. gaṇḍūṣa] a mouthful J.I,249 (khīra°). (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇḍī
- {'def': '【阴】 铜锣,屠头台(行刑场砍人头用的木头)。 【形】 有瘤的。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [=gaṇḍikā in meaning 1; prob.=Sk. ghaṇṭā in meaning 2]--1. a shaft or stalk, used as a bar J.I,237. --2. a gong DhA.I,291 (gaṇḍiṁ paharati to beat the g.); II,54, 244; gaṇḍiṁ ākoṭetvā KhA 251. Cp. AvS.I,258, 264, 272; II,87, 95 & Divy 335, 336. Also in gaṇḍisaññā “sign with the gong” J.IV,306. -- 3. the executioner’s block (=gaṇḍikā or gaṇṭhikā) J.III,41. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】铜锣,屠头台(行刑场砍人头用的木头)。【形】有瘤的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇḍūsa
- {'def': '【阳】 一口。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】一口。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gaṇṭhi
- {'def': 'gaṇṭhikā, 【阴】 结,束缚,木块。 ~ṭṭhāna, 【中】 困难的通道,昏暗的通道。 ~pada, 【中】 难懂的字,字汇。(p115)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'gaṇṭhikā,【阴】结,束缚,木块。gaṇṭhiṭṭhāna,【中】困难的通道,昏暗的通道。gaṇṭhipada,【中】难懂的字,字汇。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(m.) [Vedic granthi, to grem to comprise, hold together, cp. Lat. gremium, Sk. gaṇa & grāma, see also gantha] 1. a knot, a tie, a knot or joint in a stalk (of a plant) J.I,172; DA.I,163; DhA.I,321 (°jātaṁ what has be come knotty or hard); --diṭṭhi-gaṇṭhi the tangle of false doctrine VvA.297; anta-gaṇṭh-ābādha entanglement of intestines Vin.I,275. -- 2. a (wooden) block Vin.II,110 (of sandal wood).
--ṭṭhāna (for gaṇṭhikaṭṭhāna?) the place of the block (i. e. of execution) J.III,538; (reads gaṇṭhi-gaṇṭi-ṭṭhāna); Vism.248. -- bhedaka, in °cora “the thief who breaks the block” (or rope, knot?) DhA.II,30. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gaṇṭhikā
{'def': '(f.) (freq. spelled gaṇḍikā, q. v.)=gaṇṭhi, viz. 1. a knot, a tie DA.I,199 (catu-pañca-gaṇṭhik’āhata patta a bowl with 4 or 5 knots, similarly āṇi-gaṇṭhik’‹-› āhata ayopatta Vism.108; but see āṇi); DhA.I,335 (°jāta=gaṇṭhijāta knotty part), 394. -- 2. a block (or is it knot?) Vin.II,136 (?+pāsaka; cp. Vin. Texts III,144); V,140. Esp. in phrase gaṇṭhikaṁ paṭimuñcitvā Vin.I,46= II.213, 215, trsld at Vin. Texts III,286 “fasten the block on (to the robe)” but at I.155 “tie the knots.” Also in dhamma-gaṇṭhikā a block for execution J.I,150 (v. l. gaṇḍikā). -- 3. N. of a plant PvA.127. -- ucchugaṇṭhikā sugar cane: see ucchu.
--kāsāva a yellow robe which was to be tied (or which had a block?) J.IV,446. (Page 241)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gedha
- {'def': '2 [=geha? Kern] a cave A.I,154=III,128 (the latter passage has rodha, cp. v. l. under gedhi). (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】贪欲,结。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 贪欲。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1 [Vedic gṛdhyā, cp. gijjhati] greed. Its connection with craving and worldly attachment is often referred to. Kāmesu g° S.I,73; Sn.152; A.III,312 sq. (gedho: pañcann’etaṁ kāmaguṇānaṁ adhivacanaṁ). gedhataṇhā S.I,15 (v. l. kodha°); Sn.65, 945, 1098; Th.2, 352; Nd2 231; Dhs.1059 (under lobha), 1136; Nett 18; DhA.I,366; PvA.107. --agedhatā freedom from greed Miln.276. -- See also gedhi & paligedha. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gedhi
- {'def': '[Sk. gṛdhi, cp. gedha] greed, desire, jealousy, envy: gedhiṁ karoti (c. Loc.) to be desirous after M.I,330. --gedhikata in °citta (adj.) jealous, envious, ibid. As gedhikatā (f.) vanity, greed, conceit Nd2 585 (v. l. rodhigatā). (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gedhita
- {'def': '[pp. of gijjhati] greedy, in gedhita-mano greedyminded Pv.II,82; as nt. greed, in der. gedhifatta (syn. of gedhikatā) Nd2 585. (Page 254)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【过分】已贪婪。【中】贪欲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【过分】 已贪婪。 【中】 贪欲。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Geha
- {'def': '(Sk. geha=grha, to grh, gaṇhāti),【阳】【中】房子,住宅,家(甲骨文︰家;金文︰家。屋中养畜牲之状),家庭(a dwelling, hut, house; the household(执取家庭))。gehaṅgana,【中】屋前院子。gehajana,【阳】家庭的成员。gehaṭṭhāna,【中】房子的地点。gehadāsī,【阴】女仆。gehadvāra,【中】家门。gehanissita,【形】与居家生活有关联的。gehappavesana,【中】入新居(的仪式)。gehasita, 与居家生活有关联的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. geha=gṛha, to gṛh, gaṇhāti; cp. gaha, gihin, ghara; see also gedha2] a dwelling, hut, house; the household J.I,145, 266, 290; II,18, 103, 110, 155 VI,367; Vism.593; PvA.22, 62, 73, 82; fig. of kāya (body) Th.1, 184=Dh.154. -- Appld to a cowshed at Miln.396.
--aṅgana the open space in front of the house VvA.6; --jana (sg. collective) the members of the household, the servants PvA.16, 62, 93; --jhāpana incendiarism Vism.326. --ṭṭhāna a place for a dwelling DhA.III,307; --dvāra the house door PvA.61; --nissita (adj.) concerning the house, connected with (the house and) worldly life Sn.280 (pāpiccha); It.117 (vitakka); cp. °sita; --patana the falling of the house J.III,118. --pavesana (-maṅgala) (the ceremony of) entering a new hut DhA.III,307; --piṭṭhi the back of the house PvA.78; --rakkhika keeping (in the) house, staying at home VvA.76 (dārakā); --vigata (nt.) the resources of the house, worldly means, riches Th.2, 327 (=upakaraṇa ThA.234); --sita (*śrita)=°nissita, connected with worldly life (opp. nekkhamma, renunciation). Of chandā & vitakkā (pl.) M.I,123; domanassa & somanassa (grief & pleasure) S.IV,232=Miln.45; Vbh.381; DhsA.194; dhammā, etc. S.IV,71; Vbh.380; Nett 53. (Page 254)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳、中】 房子,住宅。 ~aṅgana, 【中】 屋前院子。 ~jana, 【阳】家庭的成员。 ~ṭṭhāna, 【中】 房子的地点。 ~dvāra, 【中】 家门。 ~nissita,【形】 与居家生活有关联的。 ~ppavesana, 【中】 入新居(的仪式)。 ~sita,参考 ~nissita。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gelañña
- {'def': '【中】疾病。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 疾病。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [n-abstr. fr. gilāna] sickness, illness D.II,99; A.I,219; III,298; IV,333 sq.; Vism.321, 466, 478. (Page 254)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Geruka
- {'def': '【中】作为涂顔色的红粉笔。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 作为涂颜色的红粉笔。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) & gerukā (f.) [Sk. gairika] yellow ochre (Bdhgh suvaṇṇa° cp. Sk. kañcana° & svarṇa°), red chalk used as colouring Vin.I,203; II,151; A.I,210; Miln.133 (°cuṇṇa). Freq. in °parikamma a coating of red chalk, red colouring Vin.II,117, 151, 172; °parikammakata “coated with red colouring” Vin.I,48; II,218. (Page 254)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Geyya
- {'def': '【形】要被唱的。【中】诗,文学的某种风格。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [grd. of gāyati, Sk. geya] a certain style of Buddhist literature consisting of mixed prose & verse. It is only found in the ster. enum of the Scriptures in their ninefold division, beginning suttaṁ geyyaṁ veyyākaraṇaṁ. See under navaṅga. (Page 254)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 要被唱的。 【中】 诗,文学的某种风格。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Geṇḍuka
- {'def': '【阳】球。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'a ball for playing. The SS spelling is in all places bheṇḍuka, which has been taken into the text by the editors of J. and DhsA. The misspelling is due to a misreading of Singhalese bh›g; cp. spelling parābhetvā for parāgetvā. -- bheṇḍukena kīḷi J.IV,30; bhūmiyaṁ pahata-bheṇḍuka (striking against the ground) J.IV,30; Vism.143 (pahaṭa-citra°)=DhsA.116 (where wrongly pahaṭṭha-citta-bheṇḍuka); J.V,196 (citra-bh°); DhA.III,364. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 球。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gh
- {'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第四个辅音字母。发音是送气带音的 g,汉语没有这个辅音,请参考英语或马来语的发音。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第四个辅音字母。发音是送气带音的 g,汉语没有这个辅音,请参考英语或马来语的发音。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghaccā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. hanati, han and ghan] destruction (usually --°) D.III,67 (mūla°); J.I,176 (sakuṇa°). (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghamma
- {'def': '【阳】热,热季(heat; hot season, summer)。ghammajala,【中】汗,排汗。ghammābhibhūta, ghammābhitatta,【形】热倒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 热,热季。 ~jala, 【中】 汗,排汗。 ~mābhibhūta, ~mābhitatta,【形】 热倒。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Vedic gharma=Gr. qermόs, Lat. formus, Ohg. etc. warm; to *gǔher “warm,” cp. Sk. ghṛṇoti, hara; Gr. qέros, etc.] heat; hot season, summer. Either in Loc. ghamme J.IV,172 (=gimha-kāle); Pv IV.53 & ghammani (“in summer” or “by the heat”) S.I,143= J.III,360 (sampareta overcome by heat); Sn.353; J.IV,239; V,3.-Or. in cpd. with °abhitatta (ghammâbhitatta, overpowered by heat) M.I,74; D.II,266; A.III,187 sq.; Sn.1014 (cp. 353 ghammatatta); Miln.318; VvA.40; PvA.114. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghana
- {'def': '【形】 厚的,固体的,密集的,紧凑的。 【中】 棍棒,槌,藉由打击的一种乐器(例:铙钹、小手鼓、铃、钟等)。 【阳】 云。~tama, 【形】非常厚的。 【阳】 漆黑。 ~puppha, 【中】 一件绣花的毛织床单。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2,【中】棍棒,槌,藉由打击的一种乐器(例:铙钹、小手鼓、铃、钟等)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1,【形】1.厚的,固体的,密集的,紧凑的(solid, compact, massive; dense, thick)。【阳】1.键南、羯南,意为凝厚、硬肉。指第四个七日间之胎位。2.云。ghanatama,【形】非常厚的。【阳】漆黑。ghanapuppha,【中】一件绣花的毛织床单。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1 [Vedic ghana, cp. Gr. eu)qhnήs?] (a) (adj.) solid, compact, massive; dense, thick; in eka° of one solid mass (of sela, rock) Vin.I,185=Dh.81=Th.1, 643= Miln.386; A.III,378, cp. ghanasela-pabbata DhA.I,74. -- gh. paṁsu J.I,264, paṭhavī (solid ground) J.I,74; PvA.75; palāsa (foliage) PvA.113; buddharasmiyo J.I,12; °maṁsa solid, pure flesh DhA.I,80; °sāṭaka (thick cloth) J.I,292; °sañchanna (thickly covered) PvA.258; °suvaṇṇakoṭṭima DhA.IV,135; abbha° a thick cloud Sn.348 (cp. SnA 348). -- (b) (m.) the fœtus at a certain stage (the last before birth & the 4th in the enum. of the foll. stages: kalala, abbuda, pesī, gh.) S.I,206; J.IV,496; Miln.40; Vism.236. The latter meaning is semantically to be explained as “swelling” & to be compared with Gr. bru/w to swell and e(/mbruon=embryo (the gravid uterus). (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 [Vedic ghana to hanti (ghanti, cp. ghātayati), *gǔhen “strike,” cp. Gr. qei/nw, fόnos, Lat. of-fendo, Ags. gud, Ohg. gundea] a club, a stick, a hammer; in ayo° an iron club VvA.20. Also coll. term for a musical instrument played by striking, as cymbal, tambourine, etc. VvA.37. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghanasāra
- {'def': '【阳】 樟脑。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】樟脑(camphor)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghanika
- {'def': '[to ghana1 in meaning of “cloud” (Sk.)] a class of devas (cloud-gods?) Miln.191. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghanopala
- {'def': '【中】冰雹风暴(hailstorm)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 冰雹风暴。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghara
- {'def': '【中】 住宅。 ~goḷikā, 【阴】 壁虎。 ~dvāra, 【中】 家门,宅门,街门。 ~bandhana,【 中】 成家。 ~mānusa,【 阳】 家庭成员,家人。 ~sappa,【阳】 鼠蛇(印度一常见的鼠蛇属 (Ptyas) 的蛇类,常进入建筑物内追捕猎物)。 ~ājira, 【中】 院子。 ~āvāsa, 【阳】 居家。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1(cp. gaha & geha),【中】住宅(a house)。gharagoḷikā,【阴】壁虎(house lizard﹐台语:仙尪仔sian ang a2)。gharadvāra,【中】家门,宅门,街门。gharabandhana,【中】成家。gharamānusa,【阳】家庭成员,家人。gharasappa(=silutta),【阳】鼠蛇(a rat snake印度一常见的鼠蛇属(Ptyas)的蛇类,常进入屋内追捕猎物)。sūcighara, 【中】针盒(a needle-case )。gharājira,【中】院子。gharāvāsa,【阳】居家。gharasuṇha(=suṇhā)﹐gharasuṇisā, 【阴】媳妇。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (nt.; pl. °ā Dh.241, 302) [cp. gaha & geha] a house A.II,68; Sn.43 (gahaṭṭhā gharaṁ āvasantā), 337 (Abl. gharā), 889 (id. gharamhā); J.I,290 (id. gharato); IV,2, 364, 492 (ayo°); Pug.57; Miln.47. Combd with vatthu PvA.3, 17. -- sūcighara a needle-case VvA.251.
--ājira house-yard Vism.144 (where Dhs.A 116 in id. passage reads gharadvāra). --āvāsa the household life (as contrasted with the life of a mendicant) Vin.II,180 (gharāvāsatthaṁ); A.II,208; M.I,179, 240, 267, 344; Sn.406 (cp. S.V,350); J.I,61; PvA.61; --kapoṭa [Sk. gṛhakapota] the house-pigeon Miln.364, 403; --golikā house or domestic lizard J.II,147. --dāsī a female house-slave Pv.II,321; --dvāra a house-door J.IV,142; Dhs.A 116; PvA.93; --bandhana the bonds of the house, i. e. the establishing of marriage DhA.I,4; --mukha an opening in the house, the front of the house Nd2 177; --mesin one who looks after the house, a pater familias, householder Sn.188; It.112 (gahaṭṭha+); J.VI,575; --sandhi a cleft or crevice in the house PvA.24; --sūkara a tame, domestic pig DhA.IV,16. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '2 [a drink (cp. gala) & garala poison] (°-); in --°dinnakābādha sickness in consequence of a poisonous drink (expl. as suffering fr. the results of sorcery) Vin.I,206 (cp. Vin. Texts II.60); --visa poison Pug.48; DhA.II,38; --sappa a poisonous snake DhA.II,256. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2(a drink (cp. gala) & garala poison) gharadinnakābādha,(sickness in consequence of a poisonous drink)。gharavisa, 毒饮。gharasappa,毒蛇。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gharaṇī
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. ghara1] a house-wife Vin.I,271; S.I,201; Pv III,19 (=ghara-sāminī PvA.174); DhA.III,209. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(fr. ghara1),【阴】家庭妇女,一家的女主人(a house-wife)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 家庭妇女,一家的女主人。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gharāvāsa
- {'def': '【阳】居家。Sn.(PTS:406.)︰Sambādhoyaṁ gharāvāso, rajassāyatanaṁ iti.(居家生活乃是龌龊、染缸。) S.16.11./II,219.︰ ‘sambādho gharāvāso rajāpatho, abbhokāso pabbajjā. Nayidaṁ sukaraṁ agāraṁ ajjhāvasatā ekantaparipuṇṇaṁ ekantaparisuddhaṁ saṅkhalikhitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ carituṁ. Yaṁnūnāhaṁ kesamassuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajeyyan’ti.(居家生活是龌龊,是污垢道;而出家是海阔天空;居住在家甚难实行一向圆满,实行一向清净之梵行。我宁剃发著袈裟衣,由家出家而为无家。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghasa
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) eating, an eater; in mahagghasa a big eater A.V,149 (of the crow); Dh.325; Miln.288. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(在【合】中), 【形】 吃的人。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(在【合】中),【形】吃的人(eating, an eater; in mahagghasa a big eater)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghasati
- {'def': '[Vedic grasati & *ghasti, pp. grasta, cp. Gr. grάw to gnaw, graζtis fodder, Lat. gramen grass] to eat J.III,210; ppr. ghasamāna Vin.II,201; Th.1, 749. -- Cp. ghasa, ghasta & ghāsa. See also jaddhu. Desid. jighacchati. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(ghas吃+a), 吃,耗费掉(to eat)。【过】ghasi。【现分】ghasanta, ghasamāna。【独】ghasitvā。Cp. ghasa, ghasta & ghāsa. See also jaddhu. desid. jighacchati.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(ghas + a), 吃,耗费掉。 【过】 ghasi。 【现分】ghasanta, ghasamāna。 【独】 ghasitvā。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghasta
- {'def': '[pp. of ghasati=Sk. grasta] only in vaṅka° having eaten or swallowed the hook (cp. grasta-vaṅka) D.II,266 (v-g° va ambujo); J.VI,113. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghata
- {'def': '【中】 酥油,纯净的奶油。 ~sitta, 【形】 洒以酥油的。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(Vedic ghrta, ghr to sprinkle, moisten),【中】酥油,纯净的奶油(clarified butter)。ghatasitta,【形】洒以酥油的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Vedic ghṛta, ghṛ to sprinkle, moisten] clarified butter VvA.326; Miln.41; Sdhp.201 (-bindu). With ref. to the sacrificial fire (fire as eating ghee, or being sprinkled w. ghee) ghatāsana; J.I,472; V,64, 446; Pv.I,85 (ghatasitta). (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghañña
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. Sk. ghana to han, cp. ghānya & hatya] killing, destroying (-°) see atta°. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaŋseti
- {'def': '(ghaŋs + e), 擦,撞。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ~sita。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghaṁsana
- {'def': 'rubbing, in pāda-gh °ī a towel for rubbing the feet Vin.II,130. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṁsati
- {'def': '1 [Sk. gharṣati, *ghṛṣ to *gher to rub or grind, cp. Gr. xέrados, xermaζ, xri/w, enlarged in Lat. frendo= Ags. grindan to grind] to rub, crush, grind, S.II,238; J.I,190 (=ghasituṁ? to next?) 216; VI,331. -- Caus. ghaṁsāpeti to rub against, to allow to be rubbed or crushed Vin.II,266. Cp. upani°, pari°, & pahaṁsati1. ‹-› Pass. ghaṁsīyati (ghaṁsiyati) to rub (intr.), to be rubbed Vin.I,204; II,112. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 [=haṁsati for Sk. haṛsati, see haṁsati] to be pleased, to rejoice J.IV,56 (v. l. ghasati). Cp. pahaṁsati2. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 (ghaṁs+e;Sk. gharsati, *ghrs to *gher to rub or grind), 擦,撞(to rub, crush, grind,)。【过】ghaṁsesi。【过分】ghaṁsita。【现分】ghaṁsenta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (=haṁsati for Sk. harsati, see haṁsati), 愉悦(to be pleased, to rejoice J.IV,56 (v. l. ghasati))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghaṁsikā
- {'def': 'in go°, cow-hide (?) see go. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṇṭā
- {'def': '【阴】 小铃,小钟。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(梵ghaṇṭā),【阴】小铃,小钟,宝铃,打木,犍椎,犍槌,犍迟,健稚,铎,鼓。yāmaghaṇḍikaṁ koṭṭetvā, 打板,敲打木块作为报时、集众。(一夜有三个时分(yāma))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) a small bell (cp. kiṅkanikā) J.IV,215; VvA.36, 37, 279 (khuddaka°). As ghaṇṭī at Vism.181. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṭa
- {'def': '【阳】 水壶。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 [Non-Aryan?] a hollow vessel, a bowl, vase, pitcher. Used for holding water, as well as for other purposes, which are given under pānīya° paribhojana° vacca° at Vin.I,157=352=M.I,207. In the Vinaya freq. combd with kolamba, also a deep vessel: I.209, 213, 225, 286. -- As water-pitcher: J.I,52, 93 (puṇṇa°), 166; VvA.118, 207, 244 (°satena nhāto viya); PvA.66 (udaka°), 179 (pānīya°), 282. -- In general: S.IV,196. For holding a light (in formula antoghaṭe padīpo viya upanissayo pajjalati) J.I,235 (cp. kuṭa), PvA.38. Used as a drum J.VI,277 (=kumbhathūna); as bhadda° Sdhp.319, 329.
--pamāṇa (adj.) of the size of a large pot J.II,104; PvA.55. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '2(Sk. ghaṭā; conn. with ganthati to bind together),【阳】【阴】,众,堆,群(multitude, heap, crowd, dense mass)。itthighaṭa﹐【阴】女众(a crowd of women)。macchaghaṭa﹐鱼群(a swarm of fish)。vanaghaṭa﹐密林(dense forest)。brahmaghaṭa﹐梵天众(company of brahmins)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1,【阳】1.水壶(a hollow vessel, a bowl, vase, pitcher)。pānīyaghaṭa。paribhojanaghaṭa。vaccaghaṭa。kolambaghaṭa。2.鼓(drum, =kumbhathūna)。chiddaghaṭa,【阳】有瑕疵的水壶。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (m. & f.) [Sk. ghaṭā; conn. with ganthati to bind together] multitude, heap, crowd, dense mass, i. e. thicket, cluster. itthi° a crowd of women J.IV,316; maccha° a swarm of fish J.II,227; vana° dense forest J.II,385; IV,56; V,502; VI,11, 519, 564; brahma° company of brahmins J.VI,99. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṭaka
- {'def': '【阳】【中】1.小瓮(a small jar)。2.柱头(the capital of a pillar)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Dem. of prec.] 1. a small jar (?) Vin.II,129, 130 (combd w. kataka & sammajjanī); cp. Vin. Texts III,130. -- 2. the capital of a pillar J.I,32 (cp. kumbha). (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳、中】 1. 小的广口瓶。 2. (树的)节。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghaṭana
- {'def': 'see Ghaṭṭana. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '﹐Ghaṭṭana,(Sk.ghaṭana)【中】ghaṭanā,【阴】安装,组合。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 ghaṭanā, 【阴】 安装,组合。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghaṭati
- {'def': '(ghaṭ尽力+a)(Sk. ghaṭate, to granth, cp. ganthati), 试著,努力,发挥自己(to apply oneself to, to exert oneself, to strive)。【过】ghaṭi。【过分】ghaṭita。【现分】ghaṭamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(ghaṭ + a), 试,努力,发挥自己。 【过】 ghaṭi。【过分】 ghaṭita。 【现分】 ghaṭamāna。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(ghaṭ尽力+a), 试著,努力,发挥自己。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. ghaṭate, to granth, cp. ganthati. The Dhtp gives two roots ghaṭ, of which one is expld by “ghāṭane” (No. 554), the other by “īhāyaṁ,” i. e. from exertion (No. 98)] to apply oneself to, to exert oneself, to strive; usually in formula uṭṭhahati gh° vāyamati M.I,86; S.I,267 (yamati for vāy°); Pug.51; or yuñjati gh° vāy° J.IV,131. -- Sdhp.426, 450. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṭeti
- {'def': '(ghaṭ + e), 连接,联合,努力。 【过】 ~esi。 【现分】 ghaṭenta。 【过分】 ghaṭita。 【独】 ghaṭetvā。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(ghaṭ尽力+e), 连接,联合,努力。【过】ghaṭesi。【现分】ghaṭenta。【过分】ghaṭita。【独】ghaṭetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[denom. fr. ghaṭa2, cp. gantheti] to join, to connect, to unite J.I,139; freq. in anusandhiṁ ghaṭetvā adding the connection (between one rebirth & another) J.I,220, 308. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṭikā
- {'def': '1(to ghaṭa1),【阴】小碗(a small bowl﹐乞讨用) (=bhikkhā-kapāla),结,一个小时,球,打木栓游戏(用木棒轻敲一个两头尖的木栓,当木栓蹦起来的时候再用木棒把它打向远方,其他防守的人 尽力想把木栓接住)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 小碗,结,一个小时,球,打木栓游戏(用木棒轻敲一个两头尖的木栓,当木栓蹦起来的时候再用木棒把它打向远方,其他防守的人尽力想把木栓接住)。 ~yanta, 【中】 时钟,任何测量时间的设备。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2 (to ghaṭa2, orig. meaning “knot,” cp. gantha & gaṇṭhi, also gaṇḍa)【阴】1.小杖(a small stick, a piece of a branch, a twig (khadiraghaṭikā) (=khaṇḍa). upadhānaghaṭikā (belonging to the outfit of an executioner); pāsaghaṭikā﹐is a sort of magic stick or die (=pāsaka)。2. a game of sticks (“tip-cat” sticks). (ghaṭikā ti vuccati dīgha-daṇḍakena rassa daṇḍaka-paharaṇa kīḷā, tip-cat).3. a stack of twigs; (a stick used as) a bolt; usually as sūcighaṭikā﹐a needle-shaped stick;. cp. gaṇḍikādhāna.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1 (f.) [to ghaṭa1] a small bowl, used for begging alms Th.2, 422 (=ThA.269: bhikkhā-kapāla). (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 (f.) [to ghaṭa2, orig. meaning “knot,” cp. gantha & gaṇṭhi, also gaṇḍa] 1. a small stick, a piece of a branch, a twig J.I,331; IV,87 (khadira°); VI,331; Th.2, 499 (=khaṇḍa ThA.290). upadhānaghaṭikā J.III,179 (belonging to the outfit of an executioner); pāsa° J.II,253 is a sort of magic stick or die (=pāsaka) ‹-› 2. a game of sticks (“tip-cat” sticks Miln.trsl. II.32). D.I,6≈(DA.I,85: ghaṭikā ti vuccati dīgha-daṇḍakena rassa daṇḍaka-paharaṇa kīḷā, tip-cat); Vin.II,10; III,181; M.I,266; A.V,203; Miln.229. -- 3. a stack of twigs S.II,178, 4; (a stick used as) a bolt Vin.II,120, 208; III,119; usually as sūci° a needle-shaped stick Vin.II,237 (cp. Vin. Texts III,106); S.IV,290; Ud.52; J.I,346. Cp. gaṇḍikādhāna. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṭikāyanta
- {'def': '【中】时钟,任何测量时间的设备。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghaṭita
- {'def': '[pp. of ghaṭeti] connected, combined Vism.192. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṭā
- {'def': '【阴】串,一大群。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 串,一大群。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghaṭī
{'def': '(f.) [to ghaṭa1] a jar DhA.I,426. In cpds. also ghaṭi°.
--odana rice boiled in a jar DhA.I,426; --kaṭāha a water pot, or rather a bowl for gathering alms (cp. ghaṭikā1) Vin.II,115 (=ghaṭi-kapāla Bdhgh); --kāra a potter DhA.I,380; Np. of a kumbhakāra S.I,35, 60; M.II,45 sq. (=°suttanta, mentioned as such at DhA.III,251); J.I,43. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阴】 水壶。 ~kāra, 【阳】 陶工。 ~yanta, 【中】 提水的设备。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '﹐ghaṭi-(to ghaṭa1),【阴】水壶,瓦器(a jar)。ghaṭīkāra,【阳】陶工。ghaṭīyanta,【中】提水的设备。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghaṭīyati
- {'def': '(ghaṭati 的【被】), 被联合,被连接。 【过】 ~ṭīyi。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Pass. of ghaṭeti] 1. to be connected or continued DhA.I,46 (paveṇī na gh.), 174. -- 2. to be obstructed Nd2 102 (=virujjhati, paṭihaññati). (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(ghaṭati 的【被】), 1.被联合,被连接(to be connected or continued)。2.被障碍(to be obstructed) (=virujjhati, paṭihaññati)。【过】ghaṭīyi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghaṭṭa
- {'def': 'see araghaṭṭa; meaning “rubbed, knocked against” in phrase ghaṭṭa-pāda-tala SnA 582 (for ugghaṭṭha); also at Vin.IV,46 in def. of vehāsa-kuṭī (a cell or hut with air, i. e., spacious, airy) as majjhimassa purisassa a-sīsa-ghaṭṭā “so that a man of medium height does not knock his head (against the ceiling)”; of uncertain meaning (“beating”?) at J.I,454 (v. l. for T. ghota). (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghaṭṭana
- {'def': '【中】打击,敲击,侮辱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [Sk. ghaṭana, to granth, cp. gantha] 1. combining, putting together, combination, composition, J.I,220; PA. 312, etc. -- 2. striking, fig. insulting (ghaṭṭana=āsajjana) VvA.55. To meaning “strike” cp. saṁghaṭṭana. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 打击,敲击,侮辱。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghaṭṭeti
- {'def': '[Sk. ghaṭṭayati] to strike, beat, knock against, touch; fig. to offend, mock, object to. (a) lit. M.II,4 (jannukena; text reads ghatteti, v. l. ghaṭeti); Sn.48 (=saṁ° Nd2 233); J.I,218; Pv IV.109 (=paṭihaṁsati PvA.271); DA.I,256 (=khuṁseti); DhA.I,251. -- (b) fig. A.III,343; Sn.847 (cp. Nd1 208); Vism.18. -- pp. ghaṭṭita Pug.30, 36; psychologically ghaṭṭayati=ruppati. B or S.III,86. -- Pass. ghaṭīyati (q.v.).-Cp. āsajja and ugghāṭeti. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(ghaṭṭ + e), 袭击,撞,犯罪。 【过】 ~esi。 【现分】 ghaṭṭenta。 【独】ghaṭṭetvā。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(ghaṭṭ接触+e), 袭击(to strike),撞(to knock against),犯罪(to offend)。【过】ghaṭṭesi。【现分】ghaṭṭenta。【独】ghaṭṭetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghaṭṭita
- {'def': '(Ghaṭṭeti‘袭击’的【过分】) 袭击,撞击,犯罪。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghora
- {'def': '【形】 可怕的,骇人的。 ~tara, 【形】 最可怕的。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [Vedic ghora, orig. meaning, wailing, howling, lamenting, to *gher, *ger, see note on gala & cp. ghuru. A root ghur is given by Dhtp 487 in meaning of “bhīma,” i. e. horrible. -- Rel. to Goth. gaurs, sad; Ohg. gōrag, miserable; & perhaps Lat. funus, funeral. See Walde, Lat. Wtb. s. v.] terrible, frightful, awful Vin.II,147. Freq. as attr. of niraya (syn. with dāruṇa; PvA.87, 159, 206) Pv.I,1012; IV,18. Of an oath (sapatha) Pv.I,68; II,1216. -- ghorassara of a terrible cry (Ep. of an ass) Miln.363, 365. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】可怕的,骇人的。ghoratara,【形】最可怕的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghosa
{'def': '[Vedic ghoṣa to ghus] 1. shout, sound, utterance Vin.II,155 (“Buddha” --ghosa); M.I,294; A.I,87, 228; Sn.p. 106; Sn.696, 698; Dhs.637, 720 (+ghosa-kamma). -- 2. shouting, howling, wailing (of Petas) Pv III,34; IV,36, 338.
--pamāṇa to be measured (or judged) by one’s reputation A.II,71=Pug.53; also as pamāṇika DhA.III,114 (in same context). (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(Vedic ghosa to ghus),【阳】声音,呼喊,发表。ghosaka,【阳】呼喊的人,宣布的人。nigghosa,【阳】无声,小声。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 声音,呼喊,发表。 ~ka, 【阳】 呼喊的人,宣布的人。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghosaka
- {'def': '(adj.) sounding, proclaiming, shouting out (-°), in dhamma° praising the Law J.II,286; Satthu guṇa° sounding the praise of the Master DhA.III,114. As n. Name of a deva (Gh. devaputta) DhA.I,173. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghosanā
- {'def': '(f.) fame, renown, praise, in Māra° J.I,71. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 大喊大叫。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】名声,赞美(fame, renown, praise)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghosavant
- {'def': '(adj.) full of sound, roaring J.III,189. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghoseti
- {'def': '(ghus呼喊+e;denom. of ghosa, cp. Sk. ghosayati, caus. to ghus), 呼喊,通告,宣布。【过】ghosesi。【过分】ghosita, ghuṭṭha。【现分】ghosenta。【独】ghosetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[denom. of ghosa, cp. Sk. ghoṣayati, caus. to ghuṣ] to proclaim, announce; cry aloud, wail, shout J.II,112; III,52; Pv.II,937 (=uggh°); IV,63; pp. ghosita & ghuṭṭha (q. v.). -- Caus. ghosāpeti to have proclaimed J.I,71. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(ghus + e), 呼喊,通告,宣布。 【过】 ~esi。 【过分】 ghosita, ghuṭṭha。【现分】 ghosenta。 【独】 ghosetvā。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghosita
- {'def': '1. [pp. of ghoseti] proclaimed, renowned, PvA.107 (=ghuṭṭha); VvA.31 (nakkhattaṁ). As Npl. Ghositārāma DhA.I,53, 161, 208. -- 2. [n. ag.=ghositṛ, cp. ghosaka] one who proclaims, advocates, or heralds; in Np. Ghositaseṭṭhi DhA.I,187. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghositarāma
- {'def': 'm.(コーサンビーにある)ゴーシタ園,美音精舎', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Ghositārāma
- {'def': 'm. (コーサンビ一にある)ゴ一シタ園, 美音精舎.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'm. Ghosit園(瞿師羅園), 美音精舍 [位於Kosambī(憍賞彌, Vaṃsa(跋蹉)國的首都)].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Ghosāpeti
- {'def': '(Ghoseti‘呼喊’的【使】), 使宣布。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghota
- {'def': 'is read at J.I,454, probably for ghaṭṭa; meaning is “striking, stroke,” combd with kasā, whip. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghoṭaka
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. ghoṭaka, Halāyudha 2, 281] a (bad) horse J.VI,452. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】野马(未驯服的马)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 野马(未驯服的马)。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghuru-ghuru
- {'def': 'onomat. expression of snoring & grunting noise [gṛ-gṛ to *gel or *ger, see note on gala] in --passāsa (& °in) snoring & breathing heavily, panting, snorting & puffing S.I,117 (of Māra); J.I,160 (of sleeping bhikkhus, gh° kākacchamānā breathing loud & snoring). Cp. next. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghurughurāyati
- {'def': '[denom. fr. prec.] to snore J.III,538; DhA.I,307. Cp. Prk. ghurughuranti varāhā (grunting hogs) & ghurukkanti vagghā (roaring tigers). (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghuṭṭha
- {'def': '(ghoseti 的【过分】), 已宣布,已通告。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(ghoseti‘呼喊’的【过分】;Sk. ghusṭa, pp. ghus), 已宣布,已通告。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. ghuṣṭa, pp. ghuṣ, see ghoseti & cp. saṁ°] proclaimed, announced; renowned J.I,50 (of festival); 425 (nakkhattaṁ); II,248 (ussava); Pv.II,82 (dūra° of wide renown, world-famed of Bārāṇasī); DhA.III,100 (chaṇe ghuṭṭhe when the fair was opened). (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghāna
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. ghrāṇa to ghrā, see ghāyati. On n for ṇ cp. Trenckner, Notes, p. 81] the nose; usually in its function as organ of smell=sense of smell (either in phrase ghānena gandhaṁ ghāyati: to smell an odour by means of the nose; or in ghana-viññeyyā gandhā: odours which are sensed by the nose). In the enum. of the senses gh. is always mentioned in the 3rd place (after cakkhu & sota, eye & ear); see under rūpa. In this connection: Vin.I,34; D.I,21, 245; III,102, 244 sq.; S.I,115; M.I,112, 191; II,42; Dh.360; Pug.20; Miln.270; Vism.444 sq. (with defn). -- In other connections: Pv.II,24 (ghāna-chinna, one whose nose is cut off).
--āyatana the organ of smell D.III,243, 280; Dhs.585, 605, 608; --indriya the sense of smell D.III,239; Dhs.585 etc. (as above); --dhātu the element of smell Dhs. as above; --viññāṇa perception of smell Dhs.443, 608, 628; --samphassa contact with the sense of smell S.I,115; D.III,& Dhs.as above. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghāsa
- {'def': '(Vedic ghāsa, fr. ghasati),【阳】食物,马料(fodder),泽甜牧草。ghāsacchādana,【中】衣食。ghāsahāraka,【形】取马料来的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic ghāsa, fr. ghasati, q. v. cp. Lat. gramen= grass] grass for fodder, pasturing: food J.I,511 (°ṁ kurute); PvA.173 (°atthāya gacchati “go feeding”). Mostly in: --esana search for food (=gocara) S.I,141; Sn.711. -- Cp. vi°.
--chada (chāda & chādana) food & clothing, i. e. tending, fostering, good care (=posana) (act.) or being well looked after, well provided (pass.); chada: Pug.51; chāda: J.I,94; A.I,107; II,85; III,385; chādana: D.I,60; M.I,360; VvA.23, 137; --hāraka one who fetches the fodder (food) Th.1, 910. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 食物,马料,泽甜牧草,草原看麦娘(旧大陆北部的一种粗壮、直立、多年生禾草 (Alopecuruspratensis),与梯牧草很相似,广泛栽培供放牧和割制干草)。 ~cchādana, 【中】 衣食。 ~hāraka, 【形】 取马料来的人。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghāsana
- {'def': '(nt.)=ghāsa; in --°ṭṭhāna pasture (=gocara) VvA.218. (Page 258)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghāta
- {'def': '(usually --°) [Sk. ghāta & ghātana; to han (ghan), strike, kill; see etym. under ghana2 & hanti] killing, murdering; slaughter, destruction, robbery D.I,135 (gāma°, etc. village robbery); setu° the pulling down of a bridge (fig.) Vin.I,59, etc. (see setu); pantha° highway robbery, brigandage, “waylaying” J.I,253. ‹-› Th.2, 474, 493 (=samugghāta Com.); Sn.246 (ina°); VvA.72 (pāṇa°+pāṇa-vadha & °atipāta). Cp. next & vi°; saṁ°. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】ghātana,【中】杀害,破坏,抢夺,盗窃。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 ghātana, 【中】 杀害,屠杀,破坏,抢夺,盗窃。(p122)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghātaka
- {'def': '(adj.-°) murdering, destroying, slaughtering Vin.I,89 (arahanta°), 136 (id.), 168 (id.); II,194 (manussa°); IV,260 (tala°) J.IV,366 (gāma° corā robbers infesting the village); V,397 (thī°=itthi°); Pug.56 (maccha°). -- As noun: (m.) one who slays, an executioner: go° a bull-slaughterer M.I,244, etc. (see go); cora° an executioner or haṅgman J.III,41; Pug.56; PvA.5. -- (nt.) brigandage, robbery, slaughtering: gāmaghātakaṁ karoti J.I,200. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'ghātī, 【阳】 杀人者,抢夺者,破坏者。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'ghātī,【阳】杀人者,抢夺者,破坏者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghāteti
- {'def': '(han + e), 杀,宰杀,破坏。 【过】 ~esi。 【现分】 ghātenta。 【独】ghātetvā, ghātiya。 【潜】 ghātetabba。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[denom. fr. ghāta, cp. Sk. ghātayati to han] tc kill, slay, slaughter It.22 (yo na hanti na ghāteti); Dh.129, 405; J.I,255; Mhvs VII.35, 36. -- aor. aghātayi J.I,254; ger. ghātetvā J.I,166. -- Caus. ghātāpeti to have somebody killed J.IV,124. -- Cp. ghacca, ghātita, āghāteti. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(han杀+e;denom. fr. ghāta, cp. Sk. ghātayati to han), 杀,宰杀,破坏(to kill, slay, slaughter)。【过】ghātesi。【现分】ghātenta。【独】ghātetvā, ghātiya。【义】ghātetabba。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghātikā
- {'def': '(f. abstr. to ghātaka) murder J.I,176 sq. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghātimant
- {'def': '(adj.) able to strike, able to pierce (of a needle), in ghana° going through hard material easily J.III,282. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghātin
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) killing; a murderer J.I,168 (pāṇa°); VI,67 (ghātimhi=ghātake). (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghātita
- {'def': '(Ghāteti的【过分】) 已杀,已破坏。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of ghāteti] killed, destroyed ThA.289; also in Der. ghātitatta (nt.) the fact of having killed J.I,167. Cp. ugghātita. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Ghātāpeti
- {'def': '(ghāteti 的【使】), 令杀,使掠夺。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(ghāteti 的【使】), 令杀,使掠夺。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghāyati
- {'def': '1 [Sk. ghrāti & jighrati, to ghrā, cp. gandha] to smell, always with gandhaṁ; ger. ghātvā S.IV,71, 74 or ghāyitvā J.I,210 (jālagandhaṁ); III,52 (macchagandhaṁ); Miln.347. Cp. sāyati & upagghāyati. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(ghā嗅+ya), 嗅。【过】ghāyi。【现分】ghāyanta, ghāyamāna。【独】ghāyitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 [a variant of jhāyati] to be consumed, to be tormented by thirst Pv.I,1110 (ghāyire=ghāyanti PvA.60; v. l. BB jhāyire & jhāynati) Miln.397. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(ghā + ya), 嗅。 【过】 ghāyi。 【现分】 ghāyanta,ghāyamāna。 【独】 ghāyitvā。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Ghāyita
- {'def': '(Ghāyati‘呼喊’的【过分】), 已嗅。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghāṇa
- {'def': '【中】 鼻子。 ~viññāṇa, 【中】 鼻识(味道的知觉)。 ~indriya, 【中】 鼻根(味道的感官)。(p123)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(Sk. ghrāṇa to ghrā, see ghāyati),【中】鼻子(the nose)。ghāṇaviññāṇa,【中】鼻识(嗅觉)。ghāṇindriya,【中】鼻根(味道的感官)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ghāṭa
- {'def': 'see saṁ°; ghāṭana see ghaṭati. (Page 257)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Giddha
- {'def': '(gijjhati 的【过分】), 已贪婪。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(gijjhati 的【过分】), 已贪婪。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of gijjhati] greedy; greedy for, haṅkering after (with Loc.) S.I,74 (+kāmesu mucchita); II,227; A.II,2; III,68; Sn.243 (rasesu), 774 (kāmesu); 809; Pv IV.62 (sukhe); PvA.3 (+rata) (=gadhita), 271 (āhāre=hungry; cp. giddhin). In series with similar terms of desire; giddha gathita (or gadhita) mucchita ajjhopanna Nd2 369 (nissita); SnA 286. Cp. gathita. -- agiddha without greed, desireless, controlled It.92 (+vītagedha); Sn.210 (do), 845. Cp. pa°. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Giddhi
- {'def': '【阴】 贪欲,执着。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. gṛdhyā or gṛdhnutā] greed, usually in cpds.: °māna greed & conceit Sn.328, °lobha g. & desire M.I,360, 362 (also a° and giddhilobhin); J.V,343. Der. giddhikatā (f. abstr.=Sk. gṛdhnutā) greed Vbh.351 (v. l. gedhi°). (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】贪欲,执著。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Giddhimā
- {'def': '(adj. fr. giddhi) greedy, full of greed J.V,464 (rasa°). (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Giddhin
- {'def': '(adj. fr. prec.) greedy, usually --° greedy for, desirous after Pv IV.107 (āhāra°) f. giddhinī: gāvī vaccha° Vin.I,193; S.IV,181. Cp. also paligedhin. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Giddhī
- {'def': '【形】贪婪的,想要的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 贪婪的,想要的。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Giha
- {'def': '[=gaha] only in agiha (adj.) houseless, homeless (=pabbajita, a Wanderer); poet. for anagāra Sn.456, 464, 487, 497. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gihin
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. gaha, cp. gaha & geha; Sk. gṛhin] a householder, one who leads a domestic life, a layman (opp. pabbajita & paribbājaka). Geu. sg. gihissa (D.III,147, 167) & gihino (D.III,174); n. pl. gihī; in cpds. gihī° & gihi° (usually the latter). gihī agāraṁ ajjhāvasantā A.I,49; gihī odātavasanā (clad in white robes as distinguished fr. kasāva-vasanā the yellowrobed i. e. bhikkhus) D.I,211; III,117, 124, 210; M.I,340; III,261; A.I,74. -- Contrasted with pabbajitā: A.I,69; D.III,147, 167, 179. gihī dhaññena dhanena vaḍḍhati D.III,165. -- Other passages in general: S.II,120, 269; III,11; IV,180, 300 sq.; A.II,65; 69 (kāmabhogī); IV,438 (do.); D.III,124 (do.); A.III,211 (sambodhiparāyano); IV,345 sq.; D.III,167 sq.; 171 sq.; 176, 192; Sn.220, 221, 404; Dh.74; Miln.19, 264; DhA.I,16 (gihīniyāma); Sdhp.376, 426; PvA.13 (gihīkālato paṭṭhāya from the time of our laymanship); DhA.II,49 (id.).
--kicca a layman’s or householder’s duties Pv IV.142 (=kuṭumba-kiccāni PvA.240); --dhamma a layman’s duty A.III,41; --parisā a congregation of laymen S.I,111; M.I,373; A.III,184; --bandhanāni (pl.) a layman’s fetters Sn.44 (=Nd2 228 puttā ca dāsī dāsā ca, etc.); --byañjanāni (pl.) characteristics of a layman, or of a man of the world (w. ref. to articles of dress & ornament) Sn.44, 64 (=Nd2 229); Miln.11; --bhūta as a householder D.II,196; --bhoga riches of a worldly man S.III,93; It.90; --liṅga characteristic of a layman DhA.II,61. --saṁsagga association with laymen A.III,116, 258; --saṁyojana the impediments of a householder (cp. °bandhanāni) M.I,483; --sukha the welfare of a g. A.I,80. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gihī
- {'def': '(Gihin)(fr. gaha, cp. gaha & geha; Sk. grhin),【阳】俗人,在家人。gihībandhana,【中】俗人的束缚。gihībhoga,【阳】俗人的享乐。gihīvyañjana,【中】俗人的特徵。gihīsaṁsagga,【阳】结交在家人。gihīpaṭisaṁyutta, 在家相关,在家相系属。sāvakā gihī odāta-vasanā﹐白衣弟子,印度的习惯以「白衣」代称在家弟子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 俗人,在家人。 ~bandhana, 【中】 俗人的束缚。 ~bhoga, 【阳】俗人的享乐。 ~vyañjana, 【中】 俗人的特征。 ~saŋsagga,【阳】 结交在家人。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gijjha
- {'def': '【阳】 兀鹫。 ~kūṭa, 【阳】 鹫峰(又名灵鹫山,在王舍城 (Rājagaha)附近)。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic gṛdhra, cp. gijjhati] 1. (m.) a vulture. Classed with kāka, crow & kulala, hawk M.I,88; (kākā+), 364 (in simile, with kaṅkā & kulatā) 429 (do.); Sn.201 (kākā+); PvA.198 (+kulalā). It occurs also in the form gaddha. -- 2. (adj.) greedy, desirous of (-°): kāma° J.I,210 (cp. giddha); cp. paṭi°.
--kūṭa “Vulture’s Peak” Np. of a hill near Rājagaha Vin.II,193; DhA.I,140; PvA.10 and passim. --potaka the young of a vulture Vism.537 (in simile). (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': "【阳】秃鹫(vulture)。Gijjhakūṭa,【阳】鹫峰。Gijjha-kūṭa pabbata﹐鹫山(又名灵鹫山,此山位於王舍城东北十里之处,为围绕王舍城的五山中之最高山)。位於中印度摩羯陀国首都王舍城之东北侧,为著名的佛陀说法之地。位置在24°18' N and 81°15' E.;海拔717公尺(2354 feet)。", 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gijjha-kūṭa
- {'def': '鹫峰, 耆闍崛,姞栗陀罗屈吒', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
- {'def': 'm. [BSk. Gṛddha-kūṭa, Gṛdhra-kūṭa] 耆闍崛山, 霊鷲山, 鷲峰.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'm. [BSk. Gṛddha-kūṭa, Gṛdhra-kūṭa] 耆闍崛山, 靈鷲山, 鷲峰.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- Gijjhakūṭa-pabbata
- {'def': 'm.耆阇崛山,灵鹫山', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Gijjhati
- {'def': '(gidh贪婪+ya), 渴望,很需要。【过】gijjhi,【现分】gijjhamāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(gidh + ya), 渴望,很需要。 【过】 gijjhi, 【现分】 gijjhamāna。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. gṛdhyati, to Lat. gradior?] to desire, to long for, to wish: pp. gaddha & giddha. Cp. abhi°, pali°. ‹-› pp. (Pass.) gijjhita Th.2, 152 (=paccāsiṁsita ThA). (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gilana
- {'def': '(fr. gilati),【中】吞(devouring, swallowing)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. gilati] devouring, swallowing Miln.101. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 吞。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gilati
- {'def': '(gil + a), 吞下,吞食。 【过】 gili, 【过分】 gilita, 【现分】 gilanta, 【独】gilitvā。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gil +a), 吞下,吞食。【过】gili,【过分】gilita,【现分】gilanta,【独】gilitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic girati & gilati Dhtp 488: adane; cp. gala throat, Ohg. kela, E. gullet; see note on gala] to swallow, to devour: mā Rāhu gilī caraṁ antalikkhe S.I,51=VvA.116; mā gilī lohagulaṁ Dh.371; -- J.III,338; Miln.106. --pp. gilita: gilitabaḷisa having swallowed the hook S.IV,159. Cp. ud°, o°, pari°; -- Caus. gilāpeti to make swallow J.III,338. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gilāna
- {'def': 'gilānaka,【 形】 病的,不舒服的,病人。 ~paccaya,【 阳】 病药。 ~bhatta,【中】 病人的食物。 ~sālā, 【阴】 医院。 ~ālaya, 【阳】 装病。 ~upuṭṭhāka,【阳】 护士。 ~upaṭṭhāna, 【中】 护理,看护。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. glāna, glā to fade, wither, be exhausted, expld suitably by “hāsa-kkhaya” at Dhtp 439] sick, ill Vin.I,51, 53, 61, 92, 142 sq., 176, 302 sq.; II,165, 227 sq.; IV,88, etc.; S.V,80, 81 (bāḷha° very ill); A.I,120=Pug.27; A.III,38, 143 sq.; IV,333; V,72 sq.; J.I,150; II,395; III,392; PvA.14; VvA.76.
--ālaya pretence of illness J.VI,262. --upaṭṭhāka (f. --ī) one who attends to the sick Vin.I,92, 121 sq.; 142 sq.; 161, 303, A.I,26; III,143 sq.; --°bhatta food for the attendant or nurse Vin.I,292 sq.; --upaṭṭhāna tending or nursing the sick D.III,191; --paccaya support or help for the sick PvA.144; usually with °bhesajja medicine for the sick in freq. formula of cīvarapiṇḍapāta° (the requisites of the bhikkhu): see cīvara; --pucchaka one who asks (i. e. enquires after) the sick Vin.IV,88=115, 118; --bhatta food for the sick Vin.I,142 sq.; 292 sq.; 303; Vism.66. --bhesajja medicine Vin.I,292 sq.; --sālā a hall for the sick, hospital S.IV,210; A.III,142; Vism.259. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': 'gilānaka (Sk. glāna, glā to fade, wither, be exhausted),【形】病的,不舒服的(sick, ill)。【中】病人。gilānapaccaya,【阳】病药。gilānabhatta,【中】病人的食物。gilānasālā,【阴】医院,诊所。gilānālaya,【阳】装病。gilānaupuṭṭhāka,【阳】护士。gilānupaṭṭhāna,【中】护理,看护。gilānadassana﹐瞻病,探病。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gilānaka
- {'def': '(adj.) 1. ill (=gilāna) A.III,142; -- 2. fit for an illness (bhesajja medicine) Miln.74. Gilāyati: see āgilāyati. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gimha
- {'def': '[Vedic grīṣma] I. (sg.) heat, in special application to the atmosphere: hot part (of the day or year), hot season, summer; a summer month. Always used in Loc. as a designation of time. 1. of the day: VvA.40 (°samaye; v. l. gimhānamāse). -- 2. of summer: usually in combn w. and in contrast to hemanta winter: hemanta-gimhisu in w. & s. Dh.286 (cp. gimhika for °isu). Miln.274; Dpvs.I,55; Vism.231 (°âbhitatta worn out by the heat); Sdhp.275 (°kāle). In enumn w. other seasons: vasse hemante gimhe Nd2 631 (sadā); vasanta gimhādika utū PvA.135. -- 3. of a summer month; paṭhamasmiṁ gimhe Sn.233 (see KhA 192 for expln) -- II. (pl.) gimhā the hot months, the season of summer, in °naṁ pacchime māse, in the last month of summer M.I,79; S.III,141; V,50, 321; Vv 795 (=āsāḷhimāse VvA.307). (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 热,热季,热天。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(梵grīsma),【阳】热,热季,热天,夏天(2月16至6月15, 跨越阴历四个月份Citta(2月16至30日~3月1至15日), Vesākha(3月16日至29日~4月1至15日), Jeṭṭha(4月16至30日~5月1至15日), Asalha(5月16至29日~ 6月1至15日))。中国的夏季是阴历5月6-7日至8月7-8日)。初夏(2月中到3月中),等於中国的春天,不同於中国的初夏(「立夏」从阴历5月6-7日开始)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gimhana
- {'def': '【阳】夏天。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 夏天。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gimhika
- {'def': '【形】 属于夏天的。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj. fr. gimha) summerly, relating to the summer, for the summer Vin.I,15; D.II,21 (+vassika & hemantika). (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】夏天的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gimhāna
- {'def': '(adj. -n.) [orig. Gen. pl. of gimhā=gimhānaṁ, fr. combn gimhāna(ṁ) māse, in a month of summer] of summer, summerly, the summer season A.IV,138 (+hemanta & vassa); Sn.233 (gimhānamāse); VvA.40 (v. l.). On terms for seasons in Gen. cp. Miln.trsl. II.113. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gini
- {'def': '【阳】 火。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(poet.) [Vedic agni; this the aphetic form, arisen in a combn like mahāgni=mahā-gini, as against the usual assimilation aggi] fire A.III,347 (mahāgini); Sn.18, 19 (āhito › nibbuto: made › extinguished); J.IV,26. ‹-› Note. The occurrence of two phonetic representatives of one Vedic form (one by diæresis & one by contraction) is common in words containing a liquid or nasal element (l. r. n; cp. note on gala), e. g. supina & soppa (Sk. svapna), abhikkhaṇa and abhiṇha (abhīkṣṇa), silesuma & semha (śleṣman) gaḷagaḷa & gaggara (gargara), etc. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】火。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Giri
{'def': '[Vedic giri, Obulg. gora mountain] a mountain; as a rule only in cpds, by itself (poetical) only at Vism.206 (in enumn of the 7 large mountains).
--agga mountain top, in giraggasamajja N. of a festival celebrated yearly at Rājagaha, orig. a festival on the mountain top (cp. Dial. I.8 & Vin. Texts III,71). Vin.II,107, 150; IV,85, 267; J.III,538; DhA.I,89. The BSk. version is girivaggu-samāgama AvŚ II.24; --kannikā (f.) N. of a plant (Clitoria ternatea) Vism.173; DhA.I,383 (v. l. kaṇṇikā cp. Sk. °karnī;) --gabbhara=°guhā Sn.416; --guhā a mountain cleft, a rift, a gorge; always in formula pabbata kandara g°, therefore almost equivalent to kandara, a grotto or cave Vin.II,146; D.I,71= M.I,269, 274, 346, 440=A.II,210=Pug.59 (as giriṁ guhaṁ); A.IV,437; expl. at DA.I,210: dvinnaṁ pabbatānaṁ antaraṁ ekasmiṁ yeva vā ummagga-sadisaṁ mahā-vivaraṁ; --bbaja (nt.) [Etym. uncertain, according to Morris J.P.T.S. 1884, 79 to vaja “a pen,” cp. Marāthī vraja “a station of cowherds,” Hindi vraja “a cow-pen”; the Vedic giribhraj° (RV. X.68. 1) “aus Bergen hervorbrechend” (Roth) suggests relation to bhraj, to break=bhañj=Lat. frango]=°guhā, a mountain cave or gorge, serving as shelter & hiding place J.III,479 (trsl. by Morris Loc. cit. a hill-run, a cattle-run on the hills); V,260 (sīhassa, a lion’s abode) expld as kañcanaguhā ibid. (for kandara-guhā? cp. Kern, Toev. p. 130). S.II,185. Also N. for Rājagaha Sn.408; Dpvs.V,5; in its Sk. form Girivraja, which Beal, Buddh. Records II.149 expls as “the hill-surrounded,” cp. ib. II.158 (=Chin. Shan-Shing), 161; see also Cunningham, Ancient Geogr. 462. It does not occur in the Avadānas; --rājā king of the mountains, of Mount Sineru Miln.21, 224; --sikhara mountain top, peak VvA.4; (kañcana°, shining). (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】 山。 ~kaṇṇikā, 【阴】 蝶豆(一种美国东南部和中部产的常见的缠绕藤木植物 (Clitoria Ternatea),花淡蓝色,直径 2 英寸,具非常大的旗瓣)。 ~gabbhara, 【中】 ~guhā, 【阴】 山裂缝,峡谷,山洞。 ~bbaja,【中】 耆梨跋提(摩揭陀 (Magadha) 的古都的名字)。 ~rājā, 【阳】 山王(须弥山)。 ~sikhara, 【中】 峰顶,山顶。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】山。girikaṇṇikā,【阴】蝶豆(Clitoria Ternatea,一种美国东南部和中部产的常见的缠绕藤木植物),花淡蓝色,直径 2 英寸,具非常大的旗瓣)。girigabbhara,【中】giriguhā,【阴】山裂缝,峡谷,山洞。giribbaja,【中】耆梨跋提(摩揭陀都城的名字)。girirājā,【阳】山王(须弥山)。girisikhara,【中】峰顶,山顶。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Giribbaja
- {'def': 'n. 山圍域, 山谷域 =王舍域 [a name for Rājagaha(王舍城)].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '(giri山+(v)vaja牛棚),【中】耆梨跋提,原意为放牧之地,摩揭陀(Magadha)都城的名字;也称作「五山城」(Pañcācalaṃka-nagara)。SnA.v.408./II,382.︰Giribbajanti idampi tassa nāmaṁ. Tañhi Paṇḍava-Gijjhakūṭa-Vebhāra-Isigili-Vepullanāmakānaṁ pañcannaṁ girīnaṁ majjhe vajo viya ṭhitaṁ, tasmā “Giribbajan”ti vuccati.(耆梨跋提︰这是它(摩揭陀都城)的名字。般茶婆山(Paṇḍava)、鹫峰(耆闍崛山, 梵Griddhkūṭa;英Vulture Peak)、负重山(Vebhāra毘婆罗)、吞仙山(Isigili伊师耆利)、毘富罗山(Vepulla)等五山围绕(王舍城),好像牛栏似的,被称为山栏。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'n. 山囲域, 山谷域 =王舍域.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Girigabbhara
- {'def': '【中】山裂缝,峡谷,山洞。Sn.v.416.(p.73.)︰Nisinno byagghusabhova, sīhova girigabbhare”.(坐相犹如老虎、公牛、狮子(盘踞)在洞里的。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Giriyā
- {'def': '(pl.) in dhamma° & brahma°, a name of certain theatrical entertainers Miln.191. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Girā
- {'def': '【阴】话,说话。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic gir & gēr, song; gṛṇāti to praise, announce gūrti praise=Lat. grates “grace”; to *ger or *gǔer, see note on gala] utterance (orig. song, important utterance, still felt as such in older Pāli, therefore mostly poetical), speech, words D.III,174; Sn.350, 632, 690, 1132; Dh.408; Th.2, 316, 402; Vv 5018 (=vācā VvA); Dhs.637, 720; DhsA.93; DA.I,61 (aṭṭhaṅgupetaṁ giraṁ), J.II,134. (Page 251)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 话,说话。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Giñjakā
- {'def': '(f.) a brick, in °āvasatha a house of bricks, as N pl. “the Brick Hall” D.I,91; Vin.I,232; M.I,205. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】砖块。giñjakāvasatha,【阳】砖屋。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 砖块。 ~āvasatha, 【阳】 砖屋。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Giñjakāvasatha
- {'def': 'm. [Giñjakā-āvasatha] 煉瓦之家, 煉瓦堂, 繁耆迦精舎.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. [Giñjakā-āvasatha] 煉瓦の家, 煉瓦堂, 繁耆迦精舎.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Giṅgamaka
- {'def': '(v. l. BB kiṅkamaka) a sort of ornament J.VI,590. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Go
- {'def': '【阳】 公牛,牛。 ~kaṇṭaka, 【中】 牛蹄,水蓑衣((Asteracantha longifolia)一种温生草本或木本属〔爵床科 (Acanthaceae)〕,叶似柳叶)。 ~kula, 【中】母牛棚。 ~gaṇa, 【阳】 牛群。 ~ghātaka, 【阳】 屠夫。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m.-f.) [Vedic go, Lat. bos, Gr. bou_s, Ohg. chuo, Ags. cū=E. cow] a cow, an ox, bull, pl. cattle. For f. cp. gāvī; see also gava° for cpds. -- Sg. Nom. go (Sn.580, also in composition, cp. aja-go-mahisādi PvA.80=pasū); Gen. gavassa (M.I,429); Instr. gavena, gāvena; Acc. gavaṁ, gāvan; Abl. gavamhā, gavā (D.I,201=A.II,95= Pug.69); Loc. gavamhi, gāvimhi (SnA 323), gave (Sn.310). -- Pl. Nom. gāvo (D.I,141; M.I,225; A.I,205; II,42 sq.; Sn.20, 296, 307; J.I,295); Gen. gonaṁ A.II,75 (cp. Vedic gonām), gavaṁ (J.IV,172, cp. gavaṁ pati), gunnaṁ (A.I,229, II.75; V,271; J.I,194; III,112; IV,223); Instr. gohi (Sn.33); Acc. gāvo (M.I,225; A.I,205; Sn.304; Dh.19, 135); Abl. gohi; Loc. gosu, gavesu. -- See also gava, gavesati, goṇa.
--kaṇṭaka the hoof of an ox, in °haṭā bhūmi, trampled by the feet of cattle Vin.I,195; A.I,136 (cp. Vin. Texts II.34); --kaṇṇa a large species of deer J.V,406 (=gaṇin), 416 (khagga+); DhsA.331 (gavaya+); cp. next; --kāṇā (f.) =gokaṇṇa D.III,38=53; --kula (nt.) a cow pen, a station of cattle S.IV,289; --gaṇa a herd of cattle M.I,220; A.I,229; J.II,127; DhA.I,175; VvA.311; --ghaṁsikā a cow-hide (?). Vin.II,117 (cp. Vin. Texts III,98); --ghātaka one who kills cows, a butcher D.II,294 (in simile); M.I,58, 244, 364 (°sūnā, slaughter-house); S.II,255; IV,56; A.III,302, 380; J.V,270; Vism.348 (in simile). --cara I. Lit. A. (noun-m.) pasture, lit. “a cow’s grazing,” search after food; fodder, food, subsistence (a) of animals: J.I,221; III,26; Dh.135 (daṇḍena gopālo gāvo pāceti gocaraṁ: with a stick the cowherd drives the cattle to pasture). Sīho gocarāya pakkamati “the lion goes forth for his huut” A.II,33= III,121; gocarāya gacchati to go feeding, to graze Sn.39; J.I,243; gocare carati to go feeding, to feed J.I,242.‹-› (b) metaph. of persons, esp. the bhikkhu: pucchitabba gocara (and agocara) “enquiries have to be made concerning the fitness or otherwise of his pasturage (i. e. the houses in which he begs for food)” Vin.II,208; samaṇo gocarato nivatto an ascetic returned from his “grazing” Pv IV.142: Similarly at Vism.127, where a suitable g.-gama ranks as one of the 7 desiderata for one intent on meditation. -- B. (adj.) (-°) feeding on or in, living in; metaph. dealing with, mixing with. vana° living in the woods Pv.II,65; vāri° (in water) Sn.605; jala° (id.) J.II,158 (opp. thala°). Vesiyā° (etc.) associating with v. Vin.I,70. -- II. Applied. A. (noun-m. or nt.) a “field” (of sense perception, etc.), sphere, object; --° food for, an object of (a) psychologically indriyānaṁ nānāgocarāni various spheres of sense-perception S.V,218; sense-object (=ārammaṇaṁ) Ps.I,180; II,97; 150 sq.; DhsA.314, 315 (sampatta° physical contact with an object, gandha° smell-contact, i. e. sensation); indriya° Sdhp.365. -- (b) ethically: ariyānaṁ gocare ratā “finding delight in the pasture of the good,” walking in the ways of the good Dh.22; vimokho yesaṁ gocaro “whose pasture is liberty” Dh.92=Th.1, 92. Esp. in phrase ācāra-gocara-sampanna “pasturing in the field of good conduct” D.I,63=It.118; M.I,33; S.V,187; It. 96; analysed as Dvandva cpd. at Vbh.246, 247, but cp. pāpācāra-gocara Sn.280, 282. This phrase (ācāra-gocara) is also discussed in detail at Vism.19, where 3 kinds of gocarā are distinguished, viz. upanissaya°, ārakkha°, upanibandha°. So also in contrast w. agocara, an unfit pasture, or an unfit, i. e. bad, sphere of life, in gocare & agocare carati to move in a congenial or uncongenial sphere A.III,389; IV,345 sq.; D.III,58=77; S.V,147; Vbh.246, 247 (expl. w. vesiyā° etc., cp. above=having bad associations). -- B. (adj.) --°: belonging to, dependent on, falling to the share of: eta° dependent on this M.I,319; sattasaddhamma°, moving in the sphere of the seven golden rules S.III,83; rūpa° to be perceived by sight J.I,396; Nibbāna° belonging to N. Sdhp.467. --°kusala (adj.) skilled in (finding proper) food; clever in right living --° behaving properly in, exercising properly M.I,220=A.V,347 (of a cowherd driving out his cattle); S.III,266 sq. (samādhi°); A.III,311 (do.) V.352 sq. (w. ref. to cattāro satipaṭṭhānā); --°gahaṇa the taking of food, feeding J.I,242; --°gāma a village for the supply of food (for the bhikkhus) PvA.12, 42; --°ṭṭhāna pasturage J.III,52; --°pasuta intent on feeding J.III,26; --°bhūmi pasturage, a common DhA.III,60; --°visaya (the sphere of) an object of sense S.V,218; Vbh.319; --caraṇa pasturing J.VI,335; --ṭṭha (nt.) [Sk. goṣṭha to sthā to stand; cp. Lat. stabulum, stable; super-stes; Goth. awistr] a cow-stable, cow-pen M.I,79; J.IV,223; --pa [Sk. gopa, cp. gopati] a cowherd, herdsman Sn.18; Dh.19; J.IV,364 (a robber); Vism.166 (in simile); DhA 157, f. gopī Sn.22, 32; --pakhuma (adj.) having eyelashes like a heifer D.II,18; III,144, 167 sq.; VvA.162, 279 (=āḷārapamha); --pada a cow’s footprint, a puddle A.III,188; IV,102; Miln.287; also °padaka A.III,188 v. l.; DA.I,283; --pariṇāyaka leader of the cows, Ep. of a bull (gopitā+) M.I,220, 225; --pāla a cowherd (usually as °ka) Dh.135; --pālaka=prec. Vin.I,152, 243 sq.; M.I,79, 115 sq., 220=A.V,347; M.I,333; S.IV,181; A.I,205 (-°uposatha); Miln.18, 48; Vism.279 (in comparison); DhA.III,59; --pitā “father (protector) of the cows”=gavaṁ pati, Ep. of a bull M.I,220 (+°pariṇāyaka); --pī f. of gopa, q. v.; --pura (nt.) [Sk. gopura] the gate of a city J.VI,433; Miln.1, 67, 330; Bdhd 138; --balivadda in °nayena; in the expression gobalivadda (black-cattle-bull) i. e. by an accumulation of words VvA.258; --bhatta cows’fodder J.IV,67; --maṇḍala ox-beat, ox-round, Cp. III,151 (as gā°), quoted J.I,47 (cp. assa-m°); SnA 39; also in phrase °paribbūḷha Sn.301 (expld by SnA 320 as goyūthehi parikiṇṇa); J.VI,27; at M.I,79 however it means the cowherds or peasants (see note M.I,536: gopāladārakā or gāmadārakā to v. l. gāmaṇḍala) cp. gāmaṇḍala; --maya (m. nt.) cowdung M.I,79; A.I,209, 295; V,234, 250, 263 sq.; Nett 23; DhA.I,377. --°pāṇaka a coprophagan, dor beetle J.II,156; --°piṇda a lump of cowdung J.I,242; --°bhakkha eating cowdung D.I,166≈; --māyu a jackal Pgdp 49; --mutta (and °ka) a precious stone of light red colour VvA.III; DhsA.151; --medaka=gomuttaka VvA.111.; --medha a cow sacrifice, in °yañña SnA 323; --yūtha a herd of cows SnA 322; DhA.I,323; --rakkhā (f.) cow-keeping, tending cattle, usually combd with kasī, agriculturing M.I,85; Pv.I,56; J.I,338; II,128; given as a superior profession (ukkaṭṭha-kamma) Vin.IV,6. --ravaka the bellowing of a cow M.I,225; --rasa (usually pl.) produce of the cow, enumd in set of five, viz. khīra, dadhi, takka, navanīta, sappi (milk, cream, buttermilk, butter, ghee) Vin.I,244; DhA.I,158, 323, 397; VvA.147; SnA 322; --rūpa (collect.) cattle J.I,194; IV,173; Miln.396 (bull); --lakkhaṇa fortune telling from cows D.I,9≈; --vaccha (khīra° & takka°) Vism.28. --vatika [Sk. govratin] one who lives after the mode of cows, of bovine practices M.I,387; Nett 99 (cp. govata DhsA.355, and Dhs. trsl. p. 261); --vikattana (and °vikantana; Sk. vikṛntana) a butcher’s knife M.I,244, 449; A.III,380 Sdhp.381 (vikatta only); --vittaka one whose wealth is cattle J.I,191; --vinda the supt. of cowherds A.III,373; --sappi ghee from cow’s milk Vin.III,251; DhsA.320; --sālā cow-stable A.I,188; --siṅga a cow’s horn Vism.254. --sita mixed with milk VvA.179; --sīla=govatika DhsA.355; --sīsa (nt.) an excellent kind of sandal wood PvA.215 (cp. Sp. AvS.I,67, 68, 109); --hanuka the jaw bone of a cow, in °ena koṭṭāpeti (koṭṭh° J) to massage with a cow’s jaw bone Vin.II,266, J.IV,188; V,303. (Page 254)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '(原始印欧语gwow),【阳】【阴】牛(a cow, an ox, bull, pl. cattle),公牛(牛犅gu5 kang2)。单.主.go﹑goṇo;复.主gāvo;单.呼.go﹑goṇo;复.呼gāvo;单.宾.gāvaṁ﹑gāvuṁ﹑goṇaṁ﹑gavaṁ﹑gāviṁ;复.宾.gāve﹑gāṇe﹑gāviṁ;单.具. gavena﹑gāvena;复.具.gohi﹑gobhi﹑gavehi;单.离.gāvasmā﹑gavamhā﹑gavā(D I.201=A II.95= Pug 69);复.离.gohi﹑gobhi﹑gāvehi;单.与.﹑属.gāvassa;复.与.﹑属.gavaṁ﹑gunnaṁ﹑gonaṁ﹑goṇānaṁ;单.处.gāve﹑gavamhi﹑gāvimhi (SnA 323), gave (Sn 310)﹑gāvasmiṁ;复.处.gosu﹑gāvesu。gokaṇṭaka,【中】牛蹄,水蓑衣(Asteracantha longifolia) 一种温生草本或木本属〔爵床科(Acanthaceae)〕,叶似柳叶)。gokula,【中】牛棚。gogaṇa(=gomaṇḍala.),【阳】牛群。goghātaka,【阳】屠牛夫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gocara
- {'def': '【阳】 牧场,饲料,食物,感官对象,适当的地方。 ~gāma, 【阳】出家人托食的村庄。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】牧场,饲料,食物,感官对象,行境,适当的地方。goaragāma,【阳】出家人托食的村庄。gocararūpa﹐境色,是五根所缘之外境,它们作为与之相符的根识的所缘缘。M.43./I,295.(有明大经): “Pañcimāni āvuso, indriyāni nānāvisayāni nānāgocarāni, na aññamaññassa gocaravisayaṁ paccanubhonti, seyyathidaṁ-- cakkhundriyaṁ, sotindriyaṁ, ghānindriyaṁ, jivhindriyaṁ, kāyindriyaṁ.”(舍利弗尊者:「具寿(大拘稀罗)!这五根有各自境界、各自行处,它们不能互相经验行处及境界--即指眼根、耳根、鼻根、舌根、身根。」) PsA.(CS:p.2.219)︰Gocarāti visayaṭṭhena.(行境︰境界之意。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gocchaka
- {'def': '【阳】束,串。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 束,串。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Godhaka
- {'def': 'a kind of bird J.VI,358. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Godharaṇī
- {'def': '(f.-adj.) being able to be paired (of a young cow), or being with calf (?) Sn.26. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Godhuma
- {'def': '【阳】小麦(wheat)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 小麦。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Godhā
- {'def': '2 (f.) string of a lute J.VI,580 (cp. RV. 8, 58, 9). (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 鬣蜥蜴,大蜥蜴。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1 (f.) [Sk. godhā] iguana, a large kind of lizard Vin.I,215--16 (°mukha); D.I,9≈(°lakkhaṇa, cp. DA.I,94); J.II,118; III,52; 538; DhA.III,420. As godha (m.) at J.V,489. Dimin. golikā at J.II,147. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】鬣蜥蜴(iguana),大蜥蜴(lizard)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Godhūma
- {'def': 'wheat (usually mentioned with yava, spelt) Miln.267; DA.I,163; SnA 323. See dhañña. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gokaṇṇa
- {'def': '【阳】 麋鹿。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(=gokāṇā (f.)),【阳】麋鹿(elk)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Golikā
- {'def': 'see godhā1. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Golomika
- {'def': '(adj.) [inverted diæretic form fr. Sk. gulma=P. gumba: viz. *golmika›*golmika›golomika] like a cluster; in phrase massuṁ golomikaṁ kārāpeti “to have the beard trimmed into a ball- or cluster-shape” Vin.II,134. Bdhgh’s expln “like a goat’s beard” (cp. Vin. Texts III,138) is based on pop. etym. go+loma+ ika “cow-hair-like,” the discrepancy being that go does not mean goat. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Golomī
- {'def': '【阴】鸢尾根(orria root,几种欧洲的鸢尾属 (Iris) 植物〔尤指 Iris pallida〕的芳香根茎之一,磨成粉用作香料和药,以及香囊和牙粉的成分)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 鸢尾根(几种欧洲的鸢尾属 (Iris) 植物〔尤指 Iris pallida〕的芳香根茎之一,磨成粉用作香料和药,以及香囊和牙粉的成分)。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gomaya
- {'def': '【中】牛粪。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 牛粪。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gomika
- {'def': 'gomī, 【形】 牛的主人。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'gomī,【形】牛的主人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. gomin] an owner of cows S.I,6=Sn.33, 34. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gomutta
- {'def': '【中】 牛尿。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】牛尿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gonasa
- {'def': '【阳】 毒蛇。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】毒蛇(viper)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gopaka
- {'def': 'a guardian, watchman DA.I,148; cp. khetta°. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 监护人,巡夜者,看守人。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】监护人,巡夜者,看守人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gopakhuma
- {'def': '【形】有小母牛一般的睫毛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 有小母牛一般的睫毛。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gopana
- {'def': '【中】 ~nā, 【阴】 保护,照料,注意。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】gopananā,【阴】保护,照料。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gopanā
- {'def': '(f.) protecting, protection, care, watchfulness (cp. gutti) Pug.24 (+gutti) Dhs.1347; Miln.8, 243. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gopeti
- {'def': '(gup + e), 保卫,保护,守护。 【过】 gopesi, 【现分】 gopenta, 【独】gopetvā, gopiya, 【潜】 gopetabba。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gup+e), 保卫,保护,守护。【过】gopesi,【现分】gopenta,【独】gopetvā, gopiya,【义】gopetabba。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. gopayati, gup; cp. gutta, gottā] to watch, guard, pot. gopetha Dh.315; -- pp. gopita (q. v.). (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gopetu
- {'def': '【阳】 保护者。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】保护者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gopita
- {'def': '(gopeti 的【过分】) 保卫,保护,守护。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of gopeti] protected, guarded, watched (lit. & fig.) J.VI,367; Miln.345; SnA 116 (°indriya= guttindriya); Sdhp.398. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gopeti 的【过分】)。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gopphaka
- {'def': '(Dem. of goppha=Sk. gulpha),【中】脚踝(the ankle)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Dem. of goppha=Sk. gulpha] the ankle Vin.IV,112; A.IV,102; J.V,472; DhA.II,80, 214; SnA.II,230. (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 脚踝。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gopura
- {'def': '【中】 出入口。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】出入口。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gopāla
- {'def': 'gopālaka, 【阳】 牧牛者。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'gopālaka,【阳】牧牛者。牧牛人十一法:(1) na rūpaññū hoti(不知色), (2) na lakkhaṇakusalo hoti(不善巧相), (3) na āsāṭikaṁ hāretā hoti(不除虫卵), (4) na vaṇaṁ paṭicchādetā hoti(不处置疮痍), (5) na dhūmaṁ kattā hoti(不起烟), (6) na titthaṁ jānāti(不知渡处), (7) na pitaṁ jānāti(不知饮物), (8) na vithiṁ jānāti(不知道路), (9) na gocarakusalo hoti不知牧场), (10) anavasesadohi ca hoti(无剩余(an-avasesa)的搾乳(dohi)).(11) Ye te usabhā gopitaro gopariṇāyakā te na atirekapūjāya pūjetā hoti(不以最上恭敬以恭敬牡牛、牛父、牛群首领)。(M.33.Mahāgopālaka-sutta牧牛者大经﹐A.11.18.Gopālaka放牛者)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gopānasī
- {'def': '【阴】重檐,支撑屋顶结构的弯梁。gopānasīvaṅka,【形】像重檐一样的弯曲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) a beam supporting the framework of a roof, shaped *l; fig. of old people, bent by age (see °vaṅka). Vin.III,65, 81; S.II,263; III,156; V,43, 228; M.I,80; A.I,261; III,364; V,21; Vism.320; DhA.II,190; VvA.188.
--gaṇā (pl.) a collection of beams, the rafters Vv 784; --bhogga (-sama) bent like a rafter (nārī) J.III,395; --vaṅka (gopānasi°) as crooked as a rafter (of old people, cp. BSk. gopānasī-vakra AvŚ II.25n5) S.I,117; M.I,88; A.I,138. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阴】 重詹,支撑屋顶结构的弯梁。 ~vaṅka, 【形】 像 gopānasī一样的弯曲。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gopī
- {'def': '【阴】 牧牛的女人,牧牛者的妻子。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】牧牛的女人,牧牛者的妻子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gorakkhā
- {'def': '【阴】守牛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 守牛。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gosīsa
- {'def': '【阳】 黄色的檀香,黄檀香。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】黄色的檀香(sandal wood)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gotama
- {'def': '【形】 瞿昙的,属于瞿昙氏族的。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(go牛+utama最好的),【形】【名】瞿昙的,瞿昙氏族的;瞿昙(经中有时指佛陀)。Gotamaṁ saraṇaṁ gacchāmi (我归依瞿昙)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'm. [Sk. BSk. Gautama] 瞿曇, 喬答摩 [釋迦族的姓, 多指釋尊].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '(诸佛名)苟答马, (古音译:)乔答摩,瞿昙', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '苟答马。巴利语的音译。我们现在佛陀的家姓,通常用来指称佛陀。我们现在的教法时期是苟答马佛陀的教法时期。
汉传佛教依梵语Gautama音译为乔答摩、瞿昙等。也常依佛陀的族姓称为释迦牟尼(Sakyamuni)。', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'} - {'def': 'm. [Sk. BSk. Gautama] 瞿曇, 喬答摩 [釈迦族の姓, 釈尊を指すこと多し].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Gotama Sakya-puṅgava
- {'def': 'm.瞿昙釈种', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Gotamaka
- {'def': 'm.瞿昙派.-cetiya瞿昙庙. -suttanta瞿昙经', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Gotamī
- {'def': 'f. 姓氏為Gotama(瞿曇)的女子, 瞿曇彌 [多指Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī(瞿曇彌大愛道), 佛的叔母,繼母].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'f. ゴータマ姓の女, 瞿曇弥 [佛の叔母で継母の Mahāpajāpatī を指すこと多し].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '【阴】瞿昙女,瞿昙氏族的女人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 瞿昙女,瞿昙氏族的女人。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gotrabhū
- {'def': '【形】 破坏世系的人。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '“become of the lineage”; a technical term used from the end of the Nikāya period to designate one, whether layman or bhikkhu, who, as converted, was no longer of the worldlings (puthujjanā), but of the Ariyas, having Nibbāna as his aim. It occurs in a supplementary Sutta in the Majjhima (Vol. III, 256), and in another, found in two versions, at the end of the Aṅguttara (A.IV,373 and V.23). Defined at Pug.12, 13 & Vism.138; amplified at Ps.I,66--68, frequent in P (Tikap. 154 sq., 165, 324 etc.), mentioned at VvA.155. On the use of gotrabhū in medieval psychology see Aung, in Compendium, 66--68. Comp. the use of upanissaya at J.I,235. -- °ñāṇa, PPA 184; Vism.673. Ā° Vism.683. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】破坏种姓的人。Gotrabhū-ñāṇa, 种姓智 (改变凡夫﹝puthujjana﹞的种姓成为圣人﹝ariya-puggala﹞种姓,进入须陀洹道之前的一位阶。gotta(梵BSk.Gotra:姓、氏姓、种姓、家系)。《增支部注》(AA.9.8-10./IV,170.):gotrabhūti sotāpattimaggassa anantarapaccayena sikhāpattabalavavipassanā-cittena samannāgato.(种姓(心):紧接的须陀洹道是,得到具有强劲毘钵舍那顶峰之心。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gotrabhū-ñāṇa
- {'def': '种姓智{PS: gotta(Sk. BSk. gotra)-- 姓;氏姓;种姓;家系; gotrabhū -- 种姓;种姓者[(四双八辈)圣位之前一位阶]}', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- Gotta
- {'def': '(Vedic gotra, to go),【中】氏族,祖先(ancestry, lineage)。nāmagottaṁ﹐名字种姓。‘gotta’与‘vaṁsa种姓’不同。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Vedic gotra, to go] ancestry, lineage. There is no word in English for gotta. It includes all those descended, or supposed to be descended, from a common ancestor. A gotta name is always distinguished from the personal name, the name drawn from place of origin or residence, or from occupation, and lastly from the nick-name. It probably means agnate rather than cognate. About a score of gotta names are known. They are all assigned to the Buddha’s time. See also Rh. D. Dialogues I.27, 195 sq. --jāti gotta lakkhaṇa Sn.1004; gotta salakkhaṇa Sn.1018; Ādiccā nāma gottena, Sākiyā nāma jātiyā Sn.423; jāti gotta kula J.II,3; jātiyā gottena bhogena sadisa “equal in rank, lineage & wealth” DhA.II,218. -- evaṁ-gotta (adj.) belonging to such & such an ancestry M.I,429; II,20, 33; kathaṁ° of what lineage, or: what is your family name? D.I,92; nānā° (pl.) of various families Pv.II,916. -- With nāma (name & lineage, or nomen et cognomen): nāmagottaṁ Vin.I,93; II,239; D.I,92 (expl. at DA.I,257: paññatti-vasena nāmaṁ paveṇi-vasena gottaṁ: the name for recognition, the surname for lineage); Sn.648; Vv 8445 (with nāma & nāmadheyya; expl. at VvA.348‹-› 349: nāmadheyya, as Tisso, Phusso, etc.; gotta, as Bhaggavo Bhāradvājo, etc.). -- gottena by the ancestral name: Vin.I,93; D.II,154; Sn.1019; Dh.393; gottato same J.I,56. Examples: Ambaṭṭha Kaṇhāyana-gottena D.I,92; Vipassī Koṇḍañño g°; Kakusandho Kassapo g°; Bhagavā Gotamo g° D.II,3; Nāgito Kassapo g° DA.I,310; Vasudevo Kaṇho g° PvA.94.
--thaddha conceited as regards descent (+jāti° & dhana°) Sn.104; --pañha question after one’s family name Sn.456; --paṭisārin (adj.) relying on lineage D.I,99 (cp. Dialogues I.122); A.V,327 sq.; --bandhava connected by family ties (ñāti°+) Nd2 455; --rakkhita protected by a (good) name Sn.315; VvA.72; --vāda talk over lineage, boasting as regards descent D.I,99. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】 氏族,祖先。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gottā
- {'def': '[n. ag. to gopeti=Sk. goptṛ] f. gottī protectress J.V,329. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Govatika
- {'def': '﹐持牛戒者。模仿牛、依照牛的生活习惯来生活,佛陀警告他身坏命终即往生诸牛群中,不然就堕地狱。(M.57./I,387.)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Govinda
- {'def': '【阳】 克利须那神 (Krishṇa) 的一个浑名。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】克利须那神 (Krishṇa) 的一个浑名。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Goyāna
- {'def': 'Goyāniya m.[Sk. Godānīya]俱耶尼,[西]牛货[人四洲の一]', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Goyāniya
- {'def': 'Goyāna m.[Sk. Godānīya]俱耶尼,[西]牛货[人四洲の一]', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- Goyūtha
- {'def': '【阳】 牛群。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】牛群。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Goḷa
- {'def': 'Goḷaka, 【阳、中】 球。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'Goḷaka,【阳】【中】球。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Goḷaka
- {'def': 'a ball ThA.255 (kīḷā°). (Page 256)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Goṇa
- {'def': '1 [The Sanskrit goṇa, according to B. R., is derived from the Pali] an ox, a bullock S.IV,195 sq.; J.I,194; IV,67; Pv.I,82; PvA.39, 40; VvA.63 (for ploughing); DA.I,163; DhA.III,60. --°sira wild ox J.VI,538(=araññagoṇaka). (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】公牛(牛犅)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 公牛。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2 =goṇaka2, in °santhata (of a pallaṅka), covered with a woollen rug Vv 818; Pv III,117; (text saṇṭhita; v. l. BB goṇakatthata, cp. next). (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Goṇaka
- {'def': '1 [goṇa1] a kind of ox, a wild bull J.VI,538 (arañña°). (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 (goṇa1), 野公牛(=araññagoṇaka)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 长羊毛的地毯。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2 [Sk. BSk. goṇika, cp. Pischel, Beitr. III,236; also spelled gonaka] a woollen cover with long fleece (DA.I,86: dīghalomako mahākojavo; caturaṅgulādhikāni kira tassa lomāni) D.I,7≈; S.III,144; J.V,506; Pv.II,128; Th.2, 378 (+tūlika); ThA.253 (=dīgha-lomakāḷakojava). --°atthata spread w. a goṇaka-cover A.I,137= III,50=IV.394; cp. IV.94, 231 (always of a pallaṅka), See also goṇa2. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 【阳】长羊毛的地毯。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Goṇisādika
- {'def': 'an ox-stall Vin.I,240; cp. Vin. Texts II.121. As gonisādi Vin.III,46. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Goṭaviya
- {'def': '(goṭavisa Text) v. l. J.VI,225, part of a boat, the poop (expl. ib. p. 226 by nāvāya pacchimabandho). (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Goṭhaphala
- {'def': 'a medicinal seed [Sk. gotravṛkṣa? Kern] Vin.I,201. (Page 255)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Goṭṭha
- {'def': '【中】 牛棚。(p121)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】牛棚(台语:牛稠gu5 tiau5)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gucch°
- {'def': 'in jigucchati (Des. of gup=Sk. jugupsate) to detest, see s. v. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guda
- {'def': '【中】 肛门。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】肛门。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Guggula
- {'def': '[?] a kind of perfume J.VI,537. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guggulu
- {'def': '【阳】 药用树脂,芳香树胶(一种胶状树脂,从没药属 (Commiphora)的各种树木得来,与没药树脂相似,用途相同)。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】药用树脂,芳香树胶(一种胶状树脂,从没药属 (Commiphora) 的各种树木得来,与没药树脂相似,用途相同)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Guha
- {'def': '【阴】洞,巨穴。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 洞,巨穴。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Guhanā
- {'def': '(f. abstr. to gūhati) hiding, concealing, keeping secret Vbh.358 (+pariguhanā). Also as gūhanā, q. v. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guhā
{'def': '(f.) [Vedic guhā, guh, gūhati to hide (q. v.) Dhtp 337: saṁvaraṇa] a hiding place, a cave, cavern (cp. kandara & see giriguhā); fig. the heart (in °āsaya). According to Bdhgh. (on Vin.I,58, see Vin. Texts I.174) “a hut of bricks, or in a rock, or of wood.” Vin.I,58, 96, 107, 239, 284; II,146; III,155; IV,48 (cp. sattapaṇṇi-guhā); Sn.772, 958; J.II,418; VI,574; Vv 5016.
--āsaya hiding in the heart; or the shelter of the heart A.IV,98 (maccupāso+); J.V,367 (id.); Dh.37 (cittaṁ; see DhA.I,304). (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gumba
- {'def': '【阳】 矮树丛,繁茂处,军队,一大群。 ~antara, 【中】 矮树丛的内部。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. gulma, *glem to *gel, to be thick, to conglomerate, cp. Lat. glomus (ball), globus, etc. See guḷa] 1. a troop, a heap, cluster, swarm. Of soldiers: Vin.I,345; of fish (maccha°) D.I,84=M.I,279=II.22= A.I,9. -- 2. a thicket, a bush, jungle; the lair of an animal in a thicket (sayana° J.IV,256) S.III,6 (eḷagalā°); J.III,52 (nivāsa°, vasana°); VvA.301 (gaccha° underwood); J.I,149, 167; II,19; III,55; IV,438; VvA.63, 66. Cp. pagumba=gumba, in vana° Sn.233 (see KhA 192). veḷu° Th.1,919.- Acc. gumbaṁ (adv.) thickly, in masses balled together Miln.117 (of clouds).
--antara thicket VvA.233. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】矮树丛,繁茂处,军队,一大群。gumbantara,【中】矮树丛的内部。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gumbiya
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. gumba] one of the troop (of soldiers) Vin.I,345. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gumpha
- {'def': 'see ogumpheti. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gunda
- {'def': '【阴】 香附子(一种广泛分布的多年生莎草(Cyperus rotundus),细弱的根状茎生有可食的小坚果状的块茎)。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】香附子(bulbous grass﹐一种广泛分布的多年生莎草(Cyperus rotundus),细弱的根状茎生有可食的小坚果状的块茎)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Guru
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [a younger form of garu (q. v.); Sk. guru] venerable, reverend, a teacher VvA.229, 230 (°dakkhiṇā a teacher’s fee); PvA.3 (°janā venerable persons); Sdhp.227 (°ûpadesa), 417. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 老师。 【形】 重的,庄严的。 ~dakkhiṇa, 【阴】 学费。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(=garu),【阳】老师。【形】重的,庄严的。gurudakkhiṇa,【阴】学费,束修。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Guruvāro
- {'def': '﹐【阳】星期四(日语:木曜日mokuyōbi)。(Jupiter木星,歳星;梵brhaspati 勿哩诃娑跛底)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gutta
- {'def': '(gopeti 的【过分】), 已保卫,已保护,已注意。~dvāra,【 形】 护门(善防护的感官)。 ~dvāratā,【 阴】防护着感官。 ~indriya, 【形】 有保卫感觉。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(gopeti 的【过分】), 已保卫,已保护,已注意。guttadvāra,【形】护门(善防护的感官)。guttadvāratā,【阴】防护著感官。guttindriya,【形】有保卫感觉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. gupta, pp. of gup in med.-pass. sense, cp. gopeti).- I. as pp. guarded, protected. -- (a) lit. nagaraṁ guttaṁ a well-guarded city Dh.315=Th.1, 653, 1005; Devinda° protected by the Lord of gods Vv 308. -- (b) fig. (med.) guarded, watchful, constrained; guarded in, watchful as regards . . . (with Loc.) S.IV,70 (agutta & sugutta, with danta, rakkhita); A.III,6 (atta° self-controlled); Sn.250 (sotesu gutto+ vijitindriyo), 971 (id.+yatacārin); Dh.36 (cittaṁ). ‹-› II. as n. agent (=Sk. goptṛ, cp. kata in kāla-kata= kāḷaṁ kartṛ) one who guards or observes, a guardian, in Dhammassa gutta Dh.257, observer of the Norm (expl. DhA.III,282: dhammojapaññāya samannāgata), cp. dhammagutta S.I,222.
--indriya one whose senses are guarded; with wellguarded senses Sn.63 (+rakkhita-mānasāno; expl. SnA: chassu indriyesu gopitindriyo); Nd2 230; Vv 5015; Pv IV.132; --dvāra “with guarded doors” always in combn with indriyesu g-d. having the doors of the senses guarded, practising. self-control D.I,63≈(expld DA.I,182 by pihita-dvāro), 70; S.II,218; IV,103, 112, 119 sq., 175; Sn.413 (+susaṁvuta); Pug.24. Cp. foll.; --dvāratā (f. abstr. to prec.) in indriyesu g° self constraint, control over (the doors of) one’s senses, always combd with bhojane mattaññutā (moderation in taking food) D.III,213; It.24; Pug.20, 24; Dhs.1347; PvA.163. Opp. a° lack of sense-control D.III,213; It.23; Dhs.1345. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gutti
- {'def': '(f.) [Vedic gupti] protection, defence, guard; watchfulness. -- (a) lit. of a city A.IV,106 sq. -- (b) fig. of the senses in indriyānaṁ gutti Dh.375; Pug.24 (+gopanā); Dhs.1348; Sdhp.341 (agutti); Vin.IV,305; A.II,72 (atta°); also in pl.: guttīsu ussuka keen in the practice of watchfulness D.III,148. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】保护,守卫,注意。guttika,【阳】监护人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 保护,守卫,注意。 ~ka, 【阳】 监护人。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Guttika
- {'def': '[fr. last] a guardian, one who keeps watch over, in nagara° the town-watchman, the chief-constable PvA.4; Miln.345. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guyha
- {'def': '【形】 可以隐藏的。 【中】 秘密,要隐藏的。 ~bhaṇḍaka, 【中】 性器官。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(ger. of guh=Vedic guhya),【形】可以隐藏的(to be hidden, hidden in)。【中】秘密,要隐藏的(that which is hidden)。guyhabhaṇḍaka,【中】性器官(the hidden part (of the body))。guyhaṁ pariguyhati﹐ 守密(to keep a secret)。guyhamassa ācikkhati, 能告诉(自己的)秘密。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[ger. of guh=Vedic guhya] 1. adj. to be hidden, hidden in °bhaṇḍaka the hidden part (of the body) DhA.IV,197. -- 2. (nt.) that which is hidden; lit. in vattha° hidden by the dress, i. e. the pudendum D.I,106; Sn.1022, etc. (see vattha), fig. a secret Miln.92; guyhaṁ pariguyhati to keep a secret A.IV,31; Nd2 510. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guñjā
- {'def': '【阴】 药用蔓草,相思子(一种东印度群岛产的缠绕草木植物 (Abrus Precatorius) 具羽状复叶;花小,紫色,在叶腋丛生;根用作甘草的代用品)。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】药用蔓草,相思子(一种东印度群岛产的缠绕草木植物 (Abrus Precatorius) 具羽状复叶;花小,紫色,在叶腋丛生;根用作甘草的代用品)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) a plant (Abrus precatorius); the redness of its berries is referred to in similes; DhA.IV,133 (°vaṇṇāni akkhīni). See also jiñjuka. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guḷa
- {'def': '3,【中】团、串(a cluster)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '3 [for guṇa2, due to distance dissimilation in maṇiguṇa and mālāguṇa›maṇigula and mālāgula; cp. similarly in meaning and form Ohg. chliuwa›Ger. knäuel] a cluster, a chain (?), in maṇi° a cluster of jewels, always in simile with ref. to sparkling eyes “maniguḷa-sadisāni akkhīni” J.I,149; III,126, 184 (v. l. BB °guḷika); IV,256 (v. l. id.); mālā° a cluster, a chain of flowers, a garland J.I,73, 54; puppha° id. Dh. 172, 233. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 糖,糖蜜,球,球体。 ~kīḷā, 【阴】 玩球,玩弹球。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 (Non-Aryan?] sugar, molasses Vin.I,210, 224 sq., 245. -- saguḷa sugared, sweet, or “with molasses” J.VI,324 (saguḷāni, i. e. saguḷa-pūve pancakes).
--āsava sugar-juice VvA.73. --odaka s. --water Vin.I,226. --karaṇa a sugar factory ibid. 210. --pūvaka sweet cake Mhvs 10. 3. --phāṇita molasses VvA.179. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '2,【中】(甘蔗)糖(sugar),糖蜜(molasses)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '﹐1.球。2.糖、糖蜜(molasses)。3.一串(cluster)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Sk. guḍa and gulī ball, guṭikā pill, guṇikā tumour; to *gleu to make into a ball, to conglomerate. Cp. Sk. glauḥ ball; Gr. gloutόs; Ohg. chliuwa; Ger. kugel, kloss; E. clot, cleat; also *gel with same meaning: Sk. gulma tumour, gilāyu glandular swelling; cp. Lat. glomus, globus; Ger. klamm; E. clamp, clump. A root guḷ is given by Dhtp 576,77 in meaning of “mokkha”] a ball, in cpds. sutta° a ball of string (=Ohg. chliuwa) D.I,54=; M.III,95; PvA.145; ayo° an iron globe Dh.308; DA.I,84; loha° of copper Dh.371; sela° a rockball, i. e. a heavy stone-ball J.I,147.
--kīḷā play at ball DhA.I,178; III,455; IV,124. --parimaṇḍala the circumference of a ball, or (adj.) round, globular, like a ball PvA.253. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '1(梵 guḍa & gulī 球, guṭikā 药丸﹑小球, guṇikā tumour肿),【中】球,球体。guḷakīḷā,【阴】玩球,玩弹球。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Guḷapiṇḍaka
- {'def': '﹐【阳】团食。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Guḷika
- {'def': '(adj.) [to guḷa3=guṇa, cp. also guṇaka] like a chain, or having a chain, (nt. & f.) a cluster, a chain in maṇi° a string of jewels, a pearl necklace J.III,184 (v. l. BB for °guḷa); IV,256; Vism.285 (+muttā-guḷikā). (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】药丸。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 药丸。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Guḷikā
- {'def': '(f.) [to guḷa1; cp. Sk. guṭikā pill, guṇikā tumour] a little ball S.V,462 (satta-kolaṭṭhi-mattiyo guḷikā, pl.); Th.2, 498 (kolaṭṭhimatta g° balls of the size of a jujube), cp. ThA.289. (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guḷā
- {'def': '(f.) [to guḷa1] a swelling, pimple, pustule, blight, in cpd. guḷā-guṇṭhika-jāta D.II,55, which is also to be read at A.II,211 (in spite of Morris, prelim. remarks to A.II,4, whose trsln. is otherwise correct)=guḷā --gunṭḥita covered with swellings (i. e. blight); cp. similar expression at DhA.III,297 gaṇḍāgaṇḍa (-jāta) “having become covered all over with pustules (i. e. rash).” All readings at corresp. passages are to be corrected accordingly, viz., S.II,92 (guḷigandhika°); IV,158 (guṇaguṇika°); the reading at Dpvs XII.32, also v. l. SS at A.II,211, is as quoted above and the whole phrase runs: tantākulajātā guḷāguṇṭhikajātā “entangled like a ball of string and covered with blight.” (Page 253)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】肿胀物(a swelling),面疱、疙瘩(pimple),丘疹(pustule)。guḷāguṇṭhikajāta(guḷā-guṇṭhika-jāta)﹐如吊球形的鸟窠。S.35.188.作:yebhuyyena samunnā tantākulakajātā kulagaṇṭhikajātā muñjapabbajabhūtā.(大部份的人(阿罗汉之外),浸入像紊乱的线球一样,像吊球形的鸟窠又覆以纤毛甘蔗、芦苇一样)。samunnā :已潮湿。kulagaṇṭhikajātā (另作guḷāguṇṭhikajāta﹐如吊球形的鸟窠)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 痘痕,麻子,丘疹,面泡,疙瘩,窠如掉球形的鸟。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Guṇa
- {'def': '2 [for which often guḷa with common substitution of ḷ for ṇ, partly due to dissimilation, as mālāguḷa › mālāguṇa; cp. Sk. guṇikā tumour: guḷa and gaḷa, veḷu: veṇu, and note on gala] a ball, a cluster, a chain (?), in anta° the intestines; M.I,185--, Kh 11., cp. KhA 57 for expln. -- mālāguṇa a garland or chain (cluster) of flowers Dh.53 (but °guḷa at J.I,73, 74). See guḷa3. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [Non-Aryan?] 1. a string, a cord -- (a) of a robe, etc., in (kāya-bandhanaṁ) saguṇaṁ katvā to make tight by tying with a knot Vin.I,46 (Vin. Texts: “laying the garments on top of each other,” wrongly construed); II,213 (trsln. “folding his garments”); cp. guṇaka. ‹-› (b) of musical instruments Vin.I,182=A.III,375 (vīṇā)., -- (c) of a bow, in aguna stringless J.V,433 (dhanu).‹-› 2. (a strand of a rope as) constituent part, ingredient, component, element; with numerals it equals --fold, e. g. pañca kāmaguṇā the 5 strands of kāma, or 5--fold craving (see kāma); ekaguṇaṁ once, diguṇaṁ twice Sn.714; diguṇaṁ nivāpaṁ pacitvā cooking a double meal VvA.63; catugguṇa fourfold, of a saṅghāti D.II,128; S.II,221, cp. Rhys Davids, Dialogues II.145. aṭṭhaguṇa (hirañña) Th. 2, 153; aneka-bhāgena guṇena seyyo many times or infinitely better Pv IV.19; sataguṇena sahassa° 100 and 1,000 times PvA.41; asaṅkheyyena guṇena infinitely, inconceivably Miln.106; sataguṇaṁ sahassaguṇaṁ Vism.126. -- 3. (a part as) quality, esp. good quality, advantage, merit J.I,266; II,112; III,55, 82. -- lobha° Sn.663; sādhu° Sn.678; sīla° J.I,213; II,112; Buddha° J.II,111; pabbajita° J.I,59.
--aggatā state of having the best qualities, superiority Dpos IV.1. --aḍḍha rich in virtue Sdhp.312, 561. --upeta in khuppipāsāhi guṇûpeto as PvA.10 is to be read khuppipās’âbhibhūto peto. --kathā “tale of virtue,” praise J.I,307; II,2. --kittana telling one’s praises PvA.107, 120. --guṇika in phrase tantākulajāta g-g-jāta at S.IV,158, see under guḷā-guṇṭhika. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】德行,特质,绳索,线,弓弦,(与数位复合,它的意义=倍,例: diguṇa = 两倍)。guṇakathā,【阴】称赞。guṇakittana,【中】陈述德行。guṇagaṇa,【阳】好特质的积聚。guṇavantu,【形】有品德的。guṇūpeta,【形】拥有好特质的。guṇahīna,【形】全无德行的。guṇahantāraṁ(‹guṇa-hantar ‹han)﹐功德之伤害者(说人坏话者)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 [Derivation unknown. Cp. Sk. ghuna] a woodworm J.III,431 (°pāṇaka). (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 德行,质量,绳索,线,弓弦,(与数字复合,它的意义=倍,例: diguṇa = 两倍)。 ~kathā, 【阴】 称赞。 ~kittana, 【中】 陈述德行。 ~gaṇa, 【阳】 好质量的积聚。 ~vantu, 【形】 有品德的。 ~ṇūpeta,【形】 拥有好质量的。 ~hīna 【形】 全无德行的。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Guṇaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [to guḷa1, cp. guḷika?] having a knot at the end, thickened at the top (with ref. to kāyabandha, see guṇa 1a) Vin.II,136, cp. Vin. Texts II.143. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guṇavant
- {'def': '(adj.) [to guṇa1] possessed of good qualities, virtuous Pv.II,971 (=jhān’ādiguṇa-yutta); PvA.62 (mahā°). (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guṇi
- {'def': '(f.) [of adj. guṇin, having guṇas or guḷas, i. e. strings or knots] a kind of armour J.VI,449 (g. vuccate kavacaṁ C.); see Kern, Toev. p. 132. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guṇī
- {'def': '【形】拥有好特质的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 拥有好质量的。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Guṇḍika
- {'def': 'see guṇṭhika. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guṇṭheti
- {'def': '(guṇṭh + e), 包装,覆盖,藏, 【过】 ~esi。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. guṇṭhayati Dhtp (563) & Dhtm (793) give both roots guṇṭh & guṇḍ as syn. of veṭh] to cover, to veil, to hide; pp. guṇṭhita in paṁsu° covered with dust Pv.II,35 (in Hardy’s conjecture for kuṇṭhita, q. v.). Also in cpd. paliguṇṭhita obstructed, entangled Sn.131 (mohena) where v. l. BB kuṇṭhita. Cp. o°. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(guṇṭh覆盖+e)(cp. Sk. guṇṭhayati Dhtp (563) & Dhtm (793) give both roots guṇṭh & guṇḍ as syn. of veṭh), 包装,覆盖,藏(to cover, to veil, to hide)。【过】guṇṭhesi。pp. guṇṭhita(v. l. BB kuṇṭhita)。paṁsuguṇṭhita﹐灰尘覆盖(covered with dust)。paliguṇṭhita﹐障碍(obstructed, entangled)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Guṇṭhika
- {'def': '(in meaning=guṇṭhita) one who is covered with or wrapped up in, only in ahi° a snake-trainer (like a Laocoon). See details under ahi or J.II,267; III,348 (text: °guṇḍika); J.IV,308 (ahi-kuṇḍika, v. l. SS guṇṭhika); IV,456 (text °guṇṭika; v. l. BB °kuṇḍika). Also in guḷā-guṇṭhika (q. v.). (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guṇṭhikā
- {'def': '【阴】 线球。(p120)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】线球。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Guṇṭhima
- {'def': 'covered over (?), see pāli°. (Page 252)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Guṇṭhita
- {'def': '(Guṇṭheti‘覆盖’的【过分】) 包装,覆盖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gādha
- {'def': '【形】 深的。 【阳】 深度,安全的立足点,立足处。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】深的。【阳】深度,安全的立足点,立足处。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1 [Sk. gāḷha pp. of gāh, see gāhati] depth; a hole, a dugout A.II,107=Pug.43 (cp. PugA 225); Sdhp.394 (°ṁ khaṇati). Cp. gāḷha2. (Page 248)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 [Sk. gāḷha firm Dhtp 167 “paṭiṭṭhāyaṁ” cp. also Sk. gādha, fordable & see gāḷha1] adj. passable, fordable, in a° unfathomable, deep PvA.77 (=gambhīra). nt. a iord, a firm stand, firm ground, a safe place: gambhīre °ṁ vindati A.V,202. °ṁ esati to seek the terra firma S.I,127; similarly: °ṁ labhati to gain firm footing S.I,47; °ṁ ajjhagā S.IV,206; °ṁ labhate J.VI,440 (=patiṭṭhā). Cp. o°, paṭi°. (Page 248)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gādhati
- {'def': '(gādh + a), 不后退,不让步,有个稳固的立足处。 【过】 gādhi。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[v. der. fr. gādha2] to stand fast, to be on firm ground, to have a firm footing: āpo ca paṭhavī ca tejo vāyo na gādhati “the four elements have no footing” D.I,223=S.I,15; -- Dhamma-Vinaye gādhati “to stand fast in the Doctrine & Discipline” S.III,59 sq. (Page 249)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gādh+a), 不后退,不让步,有个稳固的立足处。【过】gādhi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gāha
- {'def': '[fr. gaṇhāti] 1. (n.) seizing, seizure, grip (cp. gaha): canda° suriya° an eclipse (lit. the moon, etc., being seized by a demon) D.I,10 (=DA.I,95: Rāhu candaṁ gaṇhāti). Esp. appld to the sphere of the mind; obsession, being possessed (by a thought), an idea, opinion, view, usually as a preconceived idea, a wrong view, misconception. So in defn of diṭṭhi (wrong views) with paṭiggāha & abhinivesa Nd2 271III (on lepa); Pug.22Q Dhs.381 (=obsession like the grip of a crocodile DhsA.253), 1003; Vbh.145, 358. In the same formula as vipariyesa ggāha (wrong view), cp. viparīta° VvA.331 (see diṭṭhi). As doubt & error in anekaṁ sa+g° in defn of kaṅkhā & vicikicchā Nd2 1; Vbh.168; ekaṁsa° & apaṇṇaka° certainty, right thought J.I,97. -- gāhaṁ vissajjeti to give up a preconceived idea J.II,387. -- 2. (adj.) act. holding: rasmi° holding the reins Dh.222; dabbi° holding the spoons Pv.II,953 (=gāhaka PvA.135). -- (b) med.-pass. taken: jīvagāha taken alive, in °ṁ gaheti to take (prisoner) alive S.I,84, karamaragāhaṁ gaheti same J.III,361 (see kara). (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '-gāha,【阳】1.捕获,紧握。2.固执。3.主意,意见。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 1. 捕获,紧握。 2. 固执。 3. 主意,意见。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gāhaka
- {'def': '【形】持者,拿者,持有者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 持者,拿者,持有者。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) f. gāhikā holding (-°) chatta° Sn.688; Dāvs II.119; katacchu° PvA.135; cāmarī° J.VI,218. Cp. saṁ°. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gāhana
- {'def': '【中】淹没,跳水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. last] submersion, see avagahana, avagāhati & avagāhana. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 淹没,跳水。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gāhati
- {'def': '(gāh + a), 浸,穿透,投入。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. gāhate but Dhtp 349=viloḷana] to immerse, to penetrate, to plunge into: see gādha & gāḷha; cp. also avagadha ajjhogāhati, ogāhati, pagāhati. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gāh冲进+a), 浸,穿透,投入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gāhavant
- {'def': 'in ekaṁsa-gāhavatī nibbici kicchā “doubtlessness consisting in certainty” VvA.85 in expln of ekaṁsika. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gāheti
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【使】), 参考 gāhāpeti,【 过分】 gāhita,【 独】 gāhetvā, gāhiya。(p119)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[v. denom. fr. gāha] to understand, to account for DA.I,117. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【使】), 使拿,令抓住。参考 gāhāpeti,【过分】gāhita,【独】gāhetvā, gāhiya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gāhi
- {'def': 'Imper. pres. of gāyati J.III,507. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gāhika
- {'def': '(-°)=gahin, see anta°. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gāhin
- {'def': '(adj.) (-°) grasping, taking up, striving after, ādhāna° D.III,247; udaka° J.I,5; piya° Dh.209; nimitta° anubyañjana°, etc. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Gāhāpaka
- {'def': '【形】使人拿者,令人拿著的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. gāhāpeti] one who is made to take up, a receiver Vin.II,177 (patta°). (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 使人拿者,令人拿着的人。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gāhāpeti
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【使】), 使拿,令抓住,督促。【过】gāhāpesi,【过分】gāhāpita,【现分】gāhāpenta,【独】gāhāpetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[caus. of gaṇhāti] to cause to take; to cause to be seized or fetched; to remove. Aor, gāhāpesi J.I,53; II,37; gāhāpayi Pv IV.142. -- Ger. gāhāpetvā J.I,166; II,127; III,281; DhA.I,62 (patta-cīvaraṁ). With double Acc. mahājanaṁ kathaṁ g° made people believe your words J.II,416; cetake kasā g. made the servants seize their whips J.III,281. Cp. gaṇhāpeti. (Page 250)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(gaṇhāti 的【使】), 使拿,令抓住。 【过】 ~esi, 【过分】 gāhāpita,【现分】 gāhāpenta, 【独】 gāhāpetvā。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Gāhī
- {'def': '【形】 参考 Gāhaka。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】拿者,持有者。参考 Gāhaka。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gāma
- {'def': '【 阳】 村庄。 ~ka,【 阳】 小村庄。 ~ghāta,【 阳】 劫村,掠夺。 ~ghātaka,【阳】 劫村者,强盗。 ~jana, 【阳】 村民。 ~jeṭṭha, 【阳】 村长。 ~ṭṭhāna,【中】 (废)村地。 ~dāraka, 【阳】 少村民。 ~dārikā, 【阴】 少村女。~dvāra, 【中】 村门(村庄的入口)。 ~dhamma, 【阳】 恶劣的行为,行房。 ~bhojaka, 【阳】 村长。 ~vāsī, 【阳】 村民。 ~sīmā, 【阴】 地方自治区的边界。(p118)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic grāma, heap, collection, parish; *grem to comprise; Lat. gremium; Ags. crammian (E. cram), Obulg. gramada (village community) Ohg. chram; cp. *ger in Gr. a)geirw, a)gorά, Lat, grex.] a collection of houses, a hamlet (cp. Ger. gemeinde), a habitable place (opp. arañña: gāme vā yadi vâraññe Sn.119), a parish or village having boundaries & distinct from the surrounding country (gāmo ca gāmupacāro ca Vin.I,109, 110; III,46). In size varying, but usually small & distinguished from nigama, a market-town. It is the smallest in the list of settlements making up a “state” (raṭṭhaṁ). See definition & description at Vin.III,46, 200. It is the source of support for the bhikkhus, and the phrase gāmaṁ piṇḍāya carati “to visit the parish for alms” is extremely frequent. -- 1. a village as such: Vin.I,46; Ārāmika°, Pilinda° Vin.I,28, 29 (as Ārāmikagāmaka & Pilinda-gāmaka at Vin.III,249); Sakyānaṁ gāme janapade Lumbineyye Sn.683; Uruvela° Pv.II,1318; gāmo nâtikālena pavisitabbo M.I,469; °ṁ raṭṭhañ ca bhuñjati Sn.619, 711; gāme tiṁsa kulāni honti J.I,199; -- Sn.386, 929, 978; J.II,153; VI,366; Dh.47, 49; Dhs.697 (suñño g.); PvA.73 (gāme amaccakula); 67 (gāmassa dvārasamīpena). -- gāmā gāmaṁ from hamlet to hamlet M.II,20; Sn.180 (with nagā nagaṁ; expl. SnA 216 as devagāmā devagāmaṁ), 192 (with purā puraṁ); Pv.II,1318. In the same sense gāmena gāmaṁ Nd2 177 (with nigamena n°, nagarena n°., raṭṭhena r°., janapadena j°.). -- 2. grouped with nigama, a market-town: gāmanigamo sevitabbo or asevitabbo A.IV,365 sq., cp. V.101 (w. janapadapadeso); -- Vin.III,25, 184 (°ṁ vā nigamaṁ vā upanissāya); IV,93 (piṇḍāya pavisati); gāmassa vā nigamassa vā avidūre D.I,237; M.I,488; gāme vā nigame vā Pug.66. -- 3. as a geographical-political unit in the constitution of a kingdom, enumd in two sets: (a) gāma-nigamarājadhāniyo Vin.III,89; A.III,108; Nd2 271III; Pv.II,1318; DhA.I,90. -- (b) gāma-nigama-nagara-raṭṭha-janapada Nd2 177, 304III (°bandhana), 305 (°kathā); with the foll. variations: g. nigama nagara M.II,33--40; g. nigama janapada Sn.995; Vism.152; gāmāni nigamāni ca Sn.118 (expld by SnA 178: ettha ca saddena nagarāni ti pi vattabbaṁ). -- See also dvāra°; paccanta°; bīja°; bhūta°; mātu°.
--anta the neighbourhood of a village, its border, the village itself, in °nāyaka leading to the village A.III,189; °vihārin (=āraññaka) living near a v. M.I,31, 473; A.III,391 (w. nemantanika and gahapati-cīvara-dhara); -- Sn.710; --antara the (interior of the) village, only in t. t. gāmantaraṁ gacchati to go into the v. Vin.II,300, & in °kappa the “village-trip-licence” (Vin. Texts III,398) ib. 294, 300; cp. IV.64, 65; V,210; --ûpacāra the outskirts of a v. Vin.I,109, 110; defined at Vin.III,46, 200; --kathā village-talk, gossip about v.-affairs. Included in the list of foolish talks (+nigama°, nagara°, janapada°) D.I,7 (see expln at DA.I,90); Sn.922. See kathā; --kamma that which is to be done to, or in a village, in °ṁ karoti to make a place habitable J.I,199; --kūṭa “the village-fraud,” a sycophant S.II,258; J.IV,177 (=kūṭavedin); --goṇā (pl.) the village cattle J.I,194; --ghāta those who sack villages, a marauder, dacoit (of corā thieves) D.I,135; S.II,188; --ghātaka (corā) =°ghāta S.IV,173; Miln.20; Vism.484; nt. village plundering J.I,200. --jana the people of the v. Miln.47; --ṭṭhāna in purāṇa° a ruined village J.II,102; --dārakā (pl.) the youngsters of the v. J.III,275; f. --dārikā the girls of the v. PvA.67; --dvaya, in °vāsika living in (these) two vs. PvA.77; --dvāra the v. gates, the entrance to the v. Vin.III,52; J.II,110, 301; cp. PvA.67; --dhamma doings with women-folk (cp. mātugāma), vile conduct D.I,4≈(+methuna) A.I,211; J.II,180 (=vasaladhamma); VvA.11; DA.I,72 (=gāma-vāsīnaṁ dhamma?); --poddava (v. l. kāmapudava) a shampooer (? Vin. Texts III,66; Bdhgh explains: kāmapudavā ti chavi-rāga-maṇḍanânuyuttā nāgarikamanussā; gāmaṁ podavā ti pi pādho es’ev’attho, Vin.II,315) Vin.II,105; --bhojaka the village headman J.I,199; DhA.I,69; --majjhe in the midst of the v. J.I,199; VI,332; --vara an excellent v. S.I,97; J.I,138; --vāsin the inhabitant of a v. J.II,110; v.107; DA.I,72; --saññā the thought of a v. M.III,104; --samīpe near a v. J.I,254; --sahassa a thousand parishes (80,000 under the rule of King Bimbisāra) Vin.I,179; --sāmanta in the neighbourhood of a v., near a v. D.I,101; (+mgama°) --sīmā the boundary of the parish Vin.I,110 (+nigama°); --sūkara a village pig J.III,393. (Page 249)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阳】村庄(村落,台语:庄头 cng thau5)。gāmaka,【阳】小村庄。gāmaghāta,【阳】劫村,掠夺。gāmaghātaka,【阳】劫村者,强盗。gāmajana,【阳】村民。gāmajeṭṭha,【阳】村长。gāmaṭṭhāna,【中】(废)村地。gāmadāraka,【阳】小村民。gāmadārikā,【阴】小村女。gāmadvāra,【中】村门(村庄的入口)。gāmadhamma,【阳】恶劣的行为,行房。gāmabhojaka,【阳】村长。gāmavāsin,【阳】村民。gāmasaññā﹐村想(想著关於村庄)。gāmasīmā,【阴】地方自治区的边界。cf. nigama(邑)、nagara(都)、janapada(地方)。Pārā.III,46(CS:Pārā.pg.57)︰Gāmo nāma ekakuṭikopi gāmo, dvikuṭikopi gāmo, tikuṭikopi gāmo, catukuṭikopi gāmo, samanussopi gāmo, amanussopi gāmo, parikkhittopi gāmo, aparikkhittopi gāmo, gonisādiniviṭṭhopi gāmo, yopi sattho atirekacatumāsaniviṭṭho sopi vuccati gāmo.(村落︰有一屋村落,有二屋村落,有三屋村落,有四屋村落,有人村落,有无人村落,有围墙村落,无围墙村落,有牛舍等的村落,有商队住四个月以上的村落,以上称为村落。)Gāmūpacāro nāma parikkhittassa gāmassa indakhīle ṭhitassa majjhimassa purisassa leḍḍupāto, aparikkhittassa gāmassa gharūpacāre ṭhitassa majjhimassa purisassa leḍḍupāto.(村落近郊︰有围墙之村落,人站在村门中,丢石头所落之处︰於无围墙之住家,人站在住家门中,丢石头所落之处。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Gāmaka
{'def': '1. =gāma Vin.I,208; J.I,199 (Macala°), 253; IV,431 (cora°); PvA.67 (Iṭṭhakāvatī and Dīgharājī); DhA.II,25 (dvāra°). -- 2. a villager J.V,107 (=gāmavāsin).
--āvāsa an abode in a village PvA.12; VvA.291. (Page 249)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}