
{'def': '(adj.) [compar. of kan°, Sk. kanīyaṁs] younger, less, inferior Kacc 122 (only as a grammarian’s construction, not in the living language where it had coalesced with *kanyā=kaññā). (Page 185)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kaniṣṭha; compar. & superl.; see kaññā] younger, youngest, younger born Vin.III,146 (isi the younger); J.II,6; PvA.42, 54; esp. the younger brother (opp. jeṭṭha, °ka) J.I,132; DhA.I,6, 13; Mhvs. 9, 7; PvA.19, 55. Combd with jeṭṭhaka the elder & younger brothers J.I,253; sabba- k. the very youngest J.I,395. f. kaniṭṭhā the youngest daughter DhA.I,396. -- fig. later, lesser, inferior, in °phala the lesser fruit (of sanctification) Pv IV.188. -- akaniṭṭha “not the smaller” i. e. the greatest, highest; in akaniṭṭhagāmin going to the highest gods (cp. parinibbāyin) S.V,237= 285, etc. °bhavana the abode of the highest gods J. III,487. (Page 185)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) younger (opp. jeṭṭha) A.IV,93=J.II,348; DhA.I,152; the younger brother Mhvs 5, 33, 8, 10; 35, 49; 36, 116; --°ikā and °akā a younger sister, Mhvs 1, 49; Pv.I,115 (better read for kaniṭṭhā). (Page 185)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) the more recent and therefore lower, less developed state (of sanctification) DhA.I,152. (Page 185)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) a younger sister Mhvs 7, 67. (Page 185)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. skanna] trickling down J.V,445. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=kinnāma J.VI,126. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】愉快的,可爱的。【阳】心爱的人,丈夫。akanta,【反】不愉快的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Sk. kānta, pp. of kāmeti] -- 1. (adj.) in special sense an attribute of worldly pleasure (cp. kāma, kāmaguṇā): pleasant, lovely, enjoyable; freq. in form. iṭṭhā kantā manāpā, referring to the pleasures of the senses S.I,245; II,192; IV,60, 158, 235 sq.; V,22, 60, 147; A.II,66 sq.; M.I,85; Sn.759; It.15; Vbh.2, 100, 337; bāla° (lovely in the opinion of the ignorant) Sn.399.‹-› D.II,265; III,227 (ariya°); J.III,264; V,447; with ref. to the fruit of action as giving pleasure: °phala Kvu 35, 211, PvA.277 (hatthi-) k° pleasing to elephants; of manta DhA.I,163; of vīṇā J.VI,255, 262; DhA.I,163. -- 2. beloved by, favourite of, charming J.VI,255, 262; DhA.I,163. -- 3. (n.) the beloved one, the husband J.VI,370 (wrongly written kan tena); of a precious stone Miln.118; Sdhp.608, cp. suriya°, canda°-kantā (f.) the beloved one, the wife J.V,295; kantena (Instr.) agreeably, with kind words A.II,213; J.V,486 (where porisādassa kante should be read as porisādassak’ante). --a° undesired, disagreeable, unpleasant, in same form as kanta, e. g. D.II,192; in other combn J.V,295; Vbh.100; Nett 180; PvA.193. --akantena with unpleasant words A.II,213. --kantatara compar. J.III,260.

--bhāva the state of being pleasant DA.I,76; VvA.323. (Page 185)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 愉快的,可爱的,合意的。 【阳】 心爱的人,丈夫。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 [pp. of kantati2, Sk. kṛtta. kanta is analogyform. after pres. kantati, regularly we should expect katta. See also avakanta. It may be simply misreading for katta, cp. Kern, Toev. under parikanta.] cut, cut out or off Th.2, 223 (°salla=samucchinna-rāg’--ādisalla ThA.179) cp. katta & pari°. (Page 185)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】纺纱,切开。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 纺纱,切开。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kant + a), 纺,切(割、削),修剪。kanti, 【过】。kantanta, 【现分】。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2, (kant +a) (Sk.krṇtati)切割(to cut, cut off),修剪。kanti,【过】。kantanta,【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 , (Sk.krṇatti)编织(to plait, twist, spin)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 [Sk. kṛṇtati; *(s)qert, to cut; cp. Gr. keiρw, to shear; Lat. caro, cena; Ohg. sceran, E. shear; see also kaṭu] to cut, cut off J.II,53 (: as nik° in gloss, where it should be mūlāni kant°); III,185; VI,154; DhA.III,152 (+ viddhaṁseti). (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [Sk. kṛṇatti, *qert, cp. kata, & Lat. cratis, crassus, E. crate] to plait, twist, spin, esp. suttaṁ (thread) Vin.IV,300; PvA.75; DhA.III,273; kappāsaṁ A.III,295. Cp. pari°. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 =kanta1 in a° unpleasant, disgusting Pv III,41 (=PvA.193). (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (adj.) [to kantati1] spinning PvA.75 (sutta° itthiyo). (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kantati 的【过分】)。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 [Sk. kṛtta, pp. of kantati1] spun, (sutta) Vin.IV,300. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kantati 的【过分】) 已纺,以切(割、削),已修剪。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (adj.) Sk. kṛtta pp. of kantati2] cut off, severed, at Miln.240 better as kantita1, i. e. spun. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 女人,妻子。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】女人,妻子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 荒野,沙漠。~nittharaṇa, 【中】 通过沙漠。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj. n.) [perhaps from kad-tarati, difficult to cross, Sk. (?) kāntāra] difficult to pass, scil. magga, a difficult road, waste land, wilderness, expld as nirudaka īriṇa VvA.334 (on Vv 843), combd with maru° PvA.99 and marukantāramagga PvA.112; opp. khemantabhūmi. Usually 5 kinds of wilds are enumerated: cora°, vāla°, nirudaka°, amanussa°, appabbhakkha° J.I,99; SA 324; 4 kinds at Nd2 630: cora°, vāla°, dubhikkha°, nirudaka°. The term is used both lit. & fig. (of the wilds of ignorance, false doctrine, or of difficulties, hardship). As the seat of demons (Petas and Yakkhas) freq. in Pv (see above), also J.I,395. As diṭṭhi° in pass. diṭṭhi-gata, etc. M.I,8, 486, Pug.22 (on diṭṭhi vipatti).

--addhāna a road in the wilderness, a dangerous path (fig.)Th.1, 95~D.I,73=M.I,276; --paṭipanna a wanderer through the wilderness, i. e. a forester J.III,537. --magga a difficult road (cp. kummagga) J.II,294 (lit.); in simile: S.II,118. --mukha the entrance to a desert J.I,99. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】险难处,荒野,沙漠。kantāranittharaṇa,【中】通过沙漠。corakantāraṁ, 盗贼险难处。vāḷakantāraṁ, 猛兽险难处。nirudakakantāraṁ, 无水险难处(无洗澡水、饮用水)。amanussakantāraṁ, 非人险难处。appabhakkhakantāraṁ,饥馑险难处。(JA.I,99.)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [from kantāra] (one) living in or belonging to the desert, the guardian of a wilderness, applied to a Yakkha Vv 8421 (=VvA. 341). (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】瞳孔。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 瞳孔。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'at Vin.I,203, is an error for kajjala, lamp-black, used in preparation of a collyrium (cp. J.P.T.S. 1887, 167). (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kapallaka,【中】平底锅,陶瓷碎片,大釜,壶,钵。kapallapūva,【阳】【中】薄烤饼,馒头。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kapallaka, 【中】平底锅,陶瓷碎片。~pūva, 【阳】【中】 薄烤饼。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk kapāla; orig. skull, bowl, cp. kapola & Lat. caput, capula, capillus, Goth. haubi, E. head]‹-› 1. a bowl in form of a skull, or the shell of reptiles; see kapāla.-- 2. an earthenware pan used to carry ashes J.I,8; VI,66, 75; DhA.I,288. -- 3. a frying pan (see cpds. & cp. aṅgāra-kapalla) Sn.672. --kapalla is only a variant of kapāla.

--pāti an earthen pot, a pan J.I,347=DhA.I,371; --pūva a pancake J.I,345; DhA.I,367; VvA.123; Mhvs 35, 67. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '-- 1. a small earthen bowl J.VI,59; DhA.I,224. -- 2. a frying pan J.I,346. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】1.贫穷的,悲惨的。2.不重要的。【阳】乞丐。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 1. 贫穷的,悲惨的。2. 不重要的。【阳】 乞丐。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj. n.) [Sk. kṛpaṇa from kṛp wail, cp. Lat. crepo; Ags. hraefn=E. raven. Cp. also Sk. kṛcchra] -- 1. poor, miserable, wretched; a beggar; freq. expld by varāka, duggata, dīna and daḷidda; very often classed with low-caste people, as caṇḍālā Pv. III,113 & pesakārā (Ud.4). Sn.818; J.I,312, 321; III,199; Pv.II,914; III,113, IV.52; DA.I,298; DhA.I,233; ThA.178. -- 2. small, short, insignificant A.I,213; Bdhd 84. (f.) °ā a miserable woman J.IV,285; --°an (adv.) pitifully, piteously, with verbs of weeping, etc. J.III,295; V,499; VI,143; not poor J.III,199; --ati° very miserable Pgdp 74. Der. °tā wretchedness Sdhp.315.

--addhikā pl. often with °ādi, which means samaṇabrāhmaṇa-k°-vaṇibbaka-yācakā (e. g. D.I,137; PvA.78) beggars and wayfarers, tramps J.I,6, 262, DhA.I,105, 188 (written k°-andhika); see also DA.I,298 and kapaṇikā; --iddhikā pl. (probably miswriting for °addh°, cp. Trenckner, J.P.T.S. 1908, 130) D.I,137; It.65; DA.I,298; --itthī a poor woman J.III,448; --jīvikā in °aṁ kappeti to make a poor livelihood J.I,312; --bhāva the state of being miserable PvA.274; --manussa a wretched fellow, a beggar Vism.343; --laddhaka obtained in pain, said of children J.VI,150, cp. kiccha laddhaka; --visikhā the street or quarter of the poor, the slums Ud.4; --vuttin leading a poor life PvA.175. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) a (mentally) miserable woman Th.2, 219; ThA.178; cp. kapaṇā; also as kapaṇiyā J.VI,93. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. kapi, original designation of a brownish colour, cp. kapila & kapota] a monkey (freq. in similes) Sn.791; Th.1, 1080; J.I,170; III,148, cp. kavi.

--kacchu the plant Mucuna pruritus Pv.II,310; °phala its fruit PvA.86; --citta “having a monkey’s mind,” capricious, fickle J.III,148=525; --naccanā Npl., Pv IV.137; --niddā “monkey-sleep,” dozing Miln.300. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 猴子。~kacchu, 【阳】 倒钩毛黧豆(热带的一种木质藤本植物(Mucuna pruritum),荚弯曲,被脆而倒钩的毛,能引起皮肤的特别痒感)。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】猴子。kapikacchu,【阳】倒鈎毛黧豆(热带的一种木质藤本植物 (Mucuna pruritum),荚弯曲,被脆而倒鈎的毛,能引起皮肤的特别痒感)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 黄褐色,茶色的。 【阳】 1. 黄褐色,茶色。2. 一位圣人的名字。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】黄褐色,茶色的。【阳】1.黄褐色,茶色。2.一位圣人的名字。3.一种灌木之名。Kapilavatthu, 迦毘罗卫城。‘Kapila’不是来自一位仙人的名字,而是自远古以来,尼泊尔当地用它生产食用油。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kapila, cp. kapi] brown, tawny, reddish, of hair & beard VvA.222; °ā f. a brown cow DhA.IV,153. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 悉达多 (Siddhartha) 王子出生的城市。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(城市名)咖毕喇瓦土, (古音译:)迦毗罗卫,劫比罗伐窣堵', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': 'n. [BSk. Kapilavastu] 迦毘羅(衛)城, Kapila城 [釋迦國的首都].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'n. [BSk. Kapilavastu] 迦毘羅(衛)城, ヵピラ城 [釈迦国の首都].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '【中】悉达多 (Siddhartha) 王子出生的城市。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 门楣。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. kapiśīrṣa] the lintel of a door D.II,143 (cp. Rh.D. Buddh. Suttas p. 95 n1) --°ka the cavity in a doorpost for receiving the bolt Vin.II,120, 148 (cp. Vin. Texts II.106 n3). (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】门楣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '﹐Kapiṭṭhaka﹐【阳】野苹果(Feronia elephantum; wood-apple)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 野苹果。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '=kapiṭhana J.II,445; VI,529, 550, 553; v. l. at Vism.183 for °itthaka. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Derivation unknown. Sk. kapiñjala] a wild bird, possibly the francolin partridge Kvu 268; J.VI,538 (B.B. kapiñjara). (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 鹧鸪。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】鹧鸪(partrige)。古音译:劫宾闍逻。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'the tree Thespesia populneoides Vin.IV,35. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'and Kapittha -- 1. the tree Feronia elephantum, the wood-apple tree J.VI,534; Vism.183 (°ka); Mhvs 29, 11; -- 2. °ṁ (nt.) the wood apple Miln.189; -- 3. the position of the hand when the fingers are slightly and loosely bent in J.I,237; kapitthaka S.V,96. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. kapola, cp. kapalla, orig. meaning “hollow”] the cheek Vism.263, 362; DhA.I,194. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 颊。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】颊(cheek)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Sk. kapota, greyish blue, cp. kapi),【阳】鸽子(a pigeon),斑鸠(a dove,台语:斑甲)。2. (f.) °i a female pigeon PvA 47; °ka (f. °ikā Miln 365) a small pigeon J I.244.%b\xa0\xa0--pāda (of the colour) of a pigeon’s foot J I.9.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. kapota, greyish blue, cp. kapi] -- 1. (m.) a pigeon, a dove J.I,243; Miln.403; -- 2. (f.) °i a female pigeon PvA.47; °ka (f. °ikā Miln.365) a small pigeon J.I,244.

--pāda (of the colour) of a pigeon’s foot J.I,9. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 鸽子。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 适当的, (在【合】中) 相似。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】适当的,(在【合】中)相似。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 劫,世界周期,地质年。2. 想。~ṭṭhāyī, ~ṭṭhītika, 【形】 住劫,持续一个世界周期。~rukkha, 【阳】 劫树,实现所有希望的天树。~vināsa, 【阳】 毁劫,世界的破坏。~vināsaka, 【形】 耗劫,世界的消耗。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】【阳】【中】1.适当的(fitting, suitable, proper)。2.【中】马套、圈套(a fitting, i. e. harness or trapping)。3.劫,世界周期,地质年。kappaṭṭhāyī, kappaṭṭhītika,【形】住劫,持续一个世界周期。kapparukkha,【阳】劫树(一种天上的树),实现所有希望的天树。kappavināsa,【阳】毁劫,世界的破坏。kappavināsaka,【形】耗劫,世界的消耗。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj. n.) [Sk. kalpa, see kappeti for etym. & formation] anything made with a definite object in view, prepared, arranged; or that which is fit, suitable, proper. See also DA.I,103 & KhA 115 for var. meanings. --I Literal Meaning. -- 1. (adj.) fitting, suitable, proper (cp. °tā) (=kappiya) in kappâkappesu kusalo Th.1, 251, °kovido Mhvs 15, 16; Sn.911; as juice Miln.161. ‹-› (-°) made as, like, resembling Vin.I,290 (ahata°); Sn.35 (khaggavisāṇa°); hetu° acting as cause to Sn.16; Miln.105; --a° incomparable Mhvs 14, 65; -- 2. (nt.) a fitting, i. e. harness or trapping (cp. kappana) Vv 209 (VvA.104); -- a small black dot or smudge (kappabindu) imprinted on a new robe to make it lawful Vin.I,255; IV,227, 286: also fig. a making-up (of a trick): lesa° DA.I,103; VvA.348. -- II. Applied Meaning. ‹-› 1. (qualitative) ordinance, precept, rule; practice, manner Vin.II,294, 301 (:kappati singiloṇa-kappo “fit is the rule concerning . . .”); cp. Mhvs 4, 9; one of the chalaṅga, the 6 disciplines of Vedic interpretation, VvA.265; -- 2. (temporal) a “fixed” time, time with ref. to individual and cosmic life. As āyu at DA.I,103 (cp.kappaṁ); as a cycle of time=saṁsāra at Sn.521, 535, 860 (na eti kappaṁ); as a measure of time: an age of the world Vin.III,109; Miln.108; Sdhp.256, 257; PvA.21; It.17=Bdhd 87=S.II,185. There are 3 principal cycles or aeons: mahā°, asaṅkheyya°, antara°; each mahā° consists of 4 asaṅkheyya-kappas, viz. saṁvaṭṭa° saṁvaṭṭaṭṭhāyi° vivaṭṭa° vivaṭṭaṭṭhāyi° A.II,142; often abbreviated to saṁvaṭṭa-vivaṭṭa° D.I,14; It.15; freq. in formula ekampijātiṁ, etc. Vin.III,4=D.III,51, 111= It.99. On pubbanta° & aparanta°, past & future kappas see D.I,12 sq. paṭhama-kappe at the beginning of the world, once upon a time (cp. atīte) J.I,207. When kappa stands by itself, a Mahā-kappa is understood: DA.I,162. A whole, complete kappa is designated by kevala° Sn.pp. 18=46~125; Sn.517; also dīgha° S.II,181; Sdhp.257. For similes as to the enormous length of a kappa see S.II,181 & DA.I,164=PvA.254. -- Acc. kappaṁ adv.: for a long time D.II,103=115= Ud.62, quot. at DA.I,103; Vin.II,198; It.17; Miln.108; mayi āyukappaṁ J.I,119, cp. Miln.141. Cp. saṅkappa.

--âtīta one who has gone beyond time, an Arahant Sn.373. --âvasesaṁ (Acc.) for the rest of the kappa, in kappaṁ vā k-âvasesaṁ vā D.II,117=A.IV,309=Ud.62; Miln.140: --āyuka (one) whose life extends over a kappa Mhvs.V,87; --uṭṭhāna arising at or belonging to the (end of a) kappa: --aggi the fire which destroys the Universe J.II,397; III,185; IV,498; V,336; VI,554; Vism.304; --kāla the time of the end of the world J.V,244; --uṭṭhāna (by itself) the end of the world J.I,4=Vism.415; --kata on which a kappa, i. e. smudge, has been made, ref. to the cīvara of a bhikkhu (see above) Vin.I,255; IV,227, 286; DA.I,103; --(ñ)jaha (one) who has left time behind, free from saṁsāra, an Arahant Sn.1101 (but expld at Nd2 s. v., see also DA.I,103, as free from dve kappā: diṭṭhi° taṇha°). --jāla the consumption of the kappa by fire, the end of a kappa Dpvs.I,61. --ṭṭha staying there for a kappa, i. e. in purgatory in āpāyiko nerayiko + atekiccho, said of Devadatta Vin.II,202, 206; A.III,402 ~IV.160; It.11~85. --ṭṭhāyin lasting a whole cycle, of a vimāna Th.1, 1190. --ṭṭhika enduring for an aeon: kibbisa (of Devadatta) Vin.II,198=204; (cp. Vin. Texts III,254) sālarukkha J.V,416; see also ṭhitakappiṁ Pug.13. --ṭṭhitika id. DhA.I,50 (vera); Miln.108 (kammaṁ). (“sabbe pi magga-samaṅgino puggalā ṭhita-kappino.”) --ṭṭhiya-=prec. A.V,75; J.I,172, 213; V,33; Miln.109, 214. °rukkha the tree that lasts for a kappa, ref. to the cittapāṭalī, the pied trumpet-tree in the abode of the Asuras J.I,202; --nibbatta originated at the beginning of the k. (appl. to the flames of purgatory) J.V,272; --parivaṭṭa the evolution of a k; the end of the world Dpvs.I,59; --pādapa=°rukkha Mhbv 2; --rukkha a wishing tree, magical tree, fulfilling all wishes; sometimes fig. J.VI,117, 594; Vism.206; PvA.75, 176, 121; VvA.32 (where combd with cintāmaṇi); DhA.IV,208; --latā a creeper like the kapparukkha VvA.12; --vināsaka (scil. aggi): the fire consuming the world at the end of a k. Vism.414 sq.; (mahāmegho) DhA.III,362; --samaṇa an ascetic Acc. to precepts, an earnest ascetic J.VI,60 (cp. samaṇa-kappa); --halāhala “the k-uproar,” the uproar near the end of a kalpa J.I,47. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 点净,涂在袈裟上的黑点。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】点净,涂在新袈裟上的黑点(以示不执取新衣)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 理发师。2. 侍从。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】1.理发师。2.侍从。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. kḷp, kappeti] a barber, hairdresser, also attendant to the king; his other function (of preparing baths) is expressed in the term nahāpaka (Pv.II,937) or nahāpita (°ā?) (DA.I,157) Vin. I.344; II,182; D.I,51 (=DA.I,157, in list of various occupations); J.I,60, 137; III,315; Pv.II,937; III,14 (where expl. by nahāpita in the meaning of “bathed,” cp. expl. ad I.106) DhA.I,85 (°vesa disguise of a barber), 342 (pasādhana° one who arranges the dress, etc., hairdresser).

--jātika belonging to or reborn in the barber class, in this sense representing a low, “black” birth PvA.176. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 kappanā, 【阴】 1. 安装。2. 束以马具,装上马鞍。3. 次序化。4.思考,(为 jīvita 加上前言) 生计,谋生。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】kappanā,【阴】1.安装。2.束以马具,装上马鞍。3.次序化。4.思考,(为 jīvita 加上前言) 生计,谋生。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. kappeti, cp. Sk. kalpana] the act of preparing, fixing; that which is fixed, arranged, performed. 1. kappanā (f.) the fixing of a horse’s harness, harnessing, saddling J.I,62; -- 2. (nt.) (-°) procuring, making: jīvika°; a livelihood J.III,32; putting into order; danta° J.I,321; -- 3. (adj.) (-°) trimmed, arranged with: nānāratana° VvA.35. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kūrpara] the elbow Vin.III,121=IV.221; J.I,293, 297; DhA.I,48, 394; VvA.206. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】手肘。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 手肘。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Pass. of kappeti, cp. Sk. kalpyate] to be fit, seeming, proper, with Dat. of person D.II,162; Vin.II,263, 294; III,36; Th.1,488; Mhvs 4, 11; 15, 16. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kapp + a), 是适宜,看起来或觉得是…的样子,适当的。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kapp使适合+a), 是适宜,看起来或觉得是…的样子,适当。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. kappa] fitness, suitability DA.I,207. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[kad-paṭa=ku-paṭa] a dirty, old rag, torn garment (of a bhikkhu) Th.1,199. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】旧碎布,破布。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 旧碎布,破布。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kapp + e), 准备,上马具,整理,考虑,制造,过着(生活)。kappesi,【过】。kappenta, 【现分】。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Der. from kappa, cp. Sk. kṛpa shape, form; *qǔrep caus. from. fr. *qǔer=Sk. kr, karoti to shape, to make, cp. karoti] to cause to fit, to create, build, construct, arrange, prepare, order.

I. lit. 1. in special sense: to prepare, get done, i. e. harness: J.I,62; plait DA.I,274, an offering (yaññaṁ) Sn.1043; i. e. to trim etc. M.II,155; J.I,223; Mhvs 25, 64. 2, generally (to be translated according to the meaning of accompanying noun), to make, get up, carry on etc. (=Fr. passer), viz. iriyāpathaṁ to keep one’s composure Th.I,570; J.V,262; Bdhd 33; jīvitaṁ: to lead one’s life PvA.3, 4, 13; divāvihāraṁ to take the noonday rest Mhvs 19, 79; nisajjaṁ to sit down Vin.III,191; vāsaṁ, saṁvāsaṁ to make one’s abode D.II,88; Sn.283; PvA.36, 47; saṁvāsaṁ to have (sexual) intercourse with J.III,448; Mhvs 5, 212; PvA.6; seyyaṁ: to lie down, to make one’s bed Pug.55 etc. (acelaka-passage=D.I,166).

II. fig. 1. in special sense: to construct or form an opinion, to conjecture, to think Sn.799; DA.I,103; -- 2. generally: to ordain, prescribe, determine J.V,238 (=say vidahati) -- Caus. II. kappāpeti to cause to be made in all senses of kappeti; e. g. Vin.II,134 (massuṁ k. to get one’s beard done); J.V,262 (hatthiyānāni k. to harness the elephant-cars); DA.I,147 (pañca hatthinikā-satāni k. harness the 500 elephants). Pass. kappiyati in ppr. kappiyamāna getting harnessed J.I,62. (Page 188)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kapp(kḷp)使适合+e), 准备,上马具,整理,考虑,制造,过著(生活)。kappesi,【过】。kappenta,【现分】。opt. kappeyya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【独】上了马具,整理了,准备了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【独】 上了马具,整理了,准备了。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(-°) (adj.) [fr. kappa] 1. belonging to a kappa, in paṭhama° --kāla the time of thé first Age DA.I,247; Vbh.412 (of manussā); VvA.19 (of Manu); without the kāla (id.) at J.I,222; as noun the men of the first Age J.II,352. -- 2. In cpds. . . . pubbanta° and aparanta° the ika° belongs to the whole cpd. D.I,39 sq.; DA.I,103. See also kappiya 2. (Page 188)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 (在【合】中) 属于世界周期的。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】(在【合】中)世界周期的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kappa] 1. (cp. kappa II.1a) getting, procuring, acquiring (pañña°) Sn.1090; -- 2. (cp. kappa II.1b) having a kappa (as duration), lasting a Cycle Pug.13; in Mahā° enduring a Mahākappa DA.I,164=PvA.254. (Page 188)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kappeti 的【过分】)。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of kappeti] 1. prepared, arranged, i. e. harnessed D.I,49; J.VI,268; i. e. plaited DA.I,274; i. e. trimmed: °kesamassu “with hair & beard trimmed” D.II,325; S.IV,343; J.V,173, 350; VI,268; Vv 731. ‹-› 2. getting procuring; as °jīvika a living J.V,270; made ready, drawn up (in battle array) D.II,189; ‹-› 3. decorated with, adorned with Sdhp.247. --su° well prepared, beautifully harnessed or trimmed Vv 601. (Page 188)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kappeti 的【过分】) 已准备,已上马具,已整理,已过著。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】充用的,守法的,适当的。kappiyakāraka(kappiya适当的+kāraka作者),【阳】出家人的随从,提供适当事物的人,净人(在佛教僧团有十七种「执事人」(veyyāvaccakara),只有第十三种「净人」是在家众)。kappiyabhaṇḍa,【中】允许出家人用的事物。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kappa] 1. (cp. kappa II.1a) according to rule, right, suitable, fitting, proper, appropriate (PvA.26=anucchavika paṭirūpa) J.I,392; DA.I,9; PvA.25, 141. -- not right, not proper, unlawful Vin.I,45, 211; II,118; III,20; (nt) that which is proper A.I,84; Dhs.1160; -- ibid; --kappiyâkappiya (nt) that which is proper and that which is not J.I,316; DA.I,78. ‹-› 2. (cp. kappa II.1b) connected with time, subject to kappa, i. e. temporal, of time, subject to saṁsāra; of devamanussā Sn.521; na+of the Muni Sn.914. In another sense (“belonging to an Age”) in cpd. paṭhama °-kāla the time of the first Age J.II,352. -- delivered from time, free from saṁsāra, Ep. of an Arahant Sn.860; cp. Miln.49, 50. See also kappika.

--ânuloma (nt.) accordance with the rule Nett 192. --kāraka “one who makes it befitting,” i. e. who by offering anything to a Bhikkhu, makes it legally acceptable Vin.I,206; --kuṭī (f.) a building outside the Vihāra, wherein allowable articles were stored, a kind of warehouse Vin.I,139; II,159; --dāraka a boy given to the Bhikkhus to work for them in the Vihāra DA.I,78 (v. l. BB °kāraka); --bhaṇḍa utensils allowable to the Bhikkhus J.I,41; DhA.I,412. thing unauthorised Vin. II.169; a list of such forbidden articles is found at Vin.I,192; --bhūmi (f.) a plot of ground set apart for storing (allowable) provisions Vin.I,239 (cp. °kuṭi); --lesa [cp. Sk. kalpya] guile appropriate to one’s own purpose VvA.348; --saññin (a) imagining as lawful (that which is not) A.I,84; opp. ibid. --°tā the imagining as lawful (that which is not) appl. to kukkucca Dhs.1160; opp. ibid. (Page 188)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 充用的,守法的,适当的。~kāraka, 【阳】 出家人的随从,提供适当事物的人。~bhaṇḍa, 【中】 允许出家人用的事物。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '〔净人,〕帮助比丘将资具转为如法的人,比丘的财产管理者或侍者', 'xr': '《巴英术语汇编》 -《法的医疗》附 温宗堃'}
{'def': '(nt.)=kappa in the dialect used by Makkhali Gosāla, presumably the dialect of Vesāli, D.I,54; DA.I,164 (a Burmeṣe MS. reads kappi, and so do Pv IV.332; PvA.254). (Page 188)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 棉花。~paṭala, 【中】 棉花层。~maya, ~sika, 【形】 棉制的。~pāsī, 【阳】 棉花树。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(=kapāsa;梵 karpāsa),【中】棉花,棉布,古译:古贝。kappāsapaṭala,【中】棉花层。kappāsamaya, kappāsasika,【形】棉制的。kappāsī,【阳】棉花树。kappāsapicu【阳】棉花絮。kappāsika, 劫贝衣,即以劫贝树絮织成之绵衣。kappāsikavanasaṇḍa,【阳】劫贝树林。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. karpāsa] 1. the silk-cotton tree J.III,286; VI,336. -- 2. cotton D.II,141; A.III,295; S.V,284; J.I,350; VI,41; comb. w. uṇṇa A.III,37=IV.265=268.

--aṭṭhi a cotton seed DhA.III,71; --paṭala the film of the cotton seed Vism.446; Bdhd 66; --picu cotton S.V,284; J.V,110, 343; VI,184: --maya made of cotton PvA.77. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) made of cotton D.II,188, cp. A.IV,394; D.II,351; Vin.I,58=97=281; J.VI,590; Pv.II,117. (nt) cotton stuff Miln.267.

--paṇṇa the leaf of the cotton tree, used medicinally Vin.I,201; --sukhuma fine, delicate cotton stuff D.II,188; A.IV,394; Miln.105. (Page 187)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [=kappāsa] cotton J.VI,537; PvA.146. (Page 188)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳、中】 樟树。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】【中】樟树(camphor)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. karpūra] camphor: (a) the plant J.VI,537. -- (b) the resinous exudation, the prepared odoriferant substance (cp. kaṭukapphala) J.II,416=DhA.III,475; Miln.382; Dāvs.V,50. (Page 188)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kapālaka, 【阳】 1. (似龟的)壳。2. 平锅。3. 乞丐的碗。sīsa~, 头盖骨。(p94)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. kapāla, see kapalla] -- 1. a tortoiseor turtle-shell S.I,7=Miln.371; S.IV,179; as ornament at DA.I,89. -- 2. the skull, cp. kaṭāha in sīsakaṭāha. ‹-› 3. a frying pan (usually as ayo°, of iron, e. g. A.IV,70; Nd2 304III; VvA.335) J.II,352; Vv 845; DhA.I,148 (v. l. °kapalla); Bdhd 100 (in simile). -- 4. a begging bowl, used by certain ascetics S.IV,190; V,53, 301; A.I,36; III,225; J.I,89; PvA.3. -- 5. a potsherd J.II,301.

--ābhata the food collected in a bowl A.I,36; --khaṇḍa a bit of potsherd J.II,301; --hattha “with a bowl in his hand,” begging, or a beggar, Th.1, 1118; J.I,89; III,32; V,468; PvA.3. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kapālaka,【阳】1.(似龟的)壳。2.平锅。3.乞丐的碗。sīsakapāla, 头盖骨。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '-- 1. a small vessel, bowl J.I,425. -- 2. a beggar’s bowl J.I,235; DhA.II,26. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=kappāsa, q. v. Dāvs II.39. (Page 186)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹kar(梵kr)),【形】1.做的,执行的。2.【阳】1.作者,手(“the maker,” i. e. the hand)。(在【合】中) karagga, 手端。karaja,【阳】指甲。karatala,【中】手掌。karapuṭa,【阳】揣手儿,双手交错。karabhūsā,【阴】手饰品,手镯。atikaraṁ (adv.) doing too much, going too far; karadukkara (a) difficult to do, not easy, hard, arduous;; (n. nt.) something difficult, a difficult task; ukkara-kārikā “doing of a hard task,” exertion, austerity. karasukara easy to do; na sukaraṁ w. inf. it is not easy to.%b\xa0\xa0karakaṭaka (m. nt.) a hand-wheel, i. e. a pulley by which to draw up a bucket of water; karaja “born of kamma” in karaja-kāya the body sprung from action, an expression always used in a contemptible manner, therefore=the impure, vile, low body. karaja-rūpa. karatala the palm of the hand; karamara “one who ought to die from the hand (of the enemy),” but who, when captured, was spared and employed as slave; a slave; karānītā a woman taken in a raid, but subsequently taken to wife; one of the 10 kinds of wives (see itthi) (=dhajāhaṭā); karagāhaṁ gaṇhāti to make prisoner; karamita “to be measured with (two) hands,” in karamajjhā, a woman of slender waist.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 手。2. 光线。3. 税。4. 象鼻。(在【合】中) 【形】做的,执行的。 ~gga, 手端。 ~ja,【阳】 指甲。 ~tala,【中】 手掌。 ~puṭa,【阳】揣手儿,双手交错。 ~bhūsā,【阴】 手饰品,手镯。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. kṛ] 1. (adj.) (-°) producing, causing, forming, making, doing, e. g. anta° putting an end to; pabhaṁ causing splendour; pāpa° doing evil; divā° & divasa the day-maker, i. e. the sun; kaṇhabhāva° causing a “black” existence (of pāpakamma) J.IV,9; padasandhi° forming a hiatus PvA.52; vacana°, etc. ‹-› 2. (m) “the maker,” i. e. the hand Mhvs 5, 255--256; 30, 67. --atikaraṁ (adv.) doing too much, going too far J.I,431; --dukkara (a) difficult to do, not easy, hard, arduous S.I,7; IV,260; A.I,286; IV,31, 135; V,202; +durabhisambhavo Sn.429 701; Ud. 61; (n. nt.) something difficult, a difficult task A.I,286 (cp. IV.31); J.I,395; Miln.121, dukkara-kārikā “doing of a hard task,” exertion, austerity M.I,93; Nd2 262b. --sukara easy to do S.I,9; II,181; Dh.163; Ud.61; na sukaraṁ w. inf. it is not easy to . . . D.I,250; A.III,52, 184; IV,334.

--kaṭaka (m. nt.) a hand-wheel, i. e. a pulley by which to draw up a bucket of water Vin.II,122; cp. Vin. Texts III,112; --ja “born of kamma” in karaja-kāya the body sprung from action, an expression always used in a contemptible manner, therefore=the impure, vile, low body A.V,300; J.I,5; Vism.287, 404; DA.I,113, 217, 221; DhA.I,10; III,420; DhsA.403. karaja-rūpa Vism.326. --tala the palm of the hand Mhbv 6, 34; --mara “one who ought to die from the hand (of the enemy),” but who, when captured, was spared and employed as slave; a slave J.III,147, 361; IV,220; DhA.III,487; --°ānītā a woman taken in a raid, but subsequently taken to wife; one of the 10 kinds of wives (see itthi) Vin.III,140 (=dhajāhaṭā); --gāhaṁ gaṇhāti to make prisoner J.I,355; III,361; --mita “to be measured with (two) hands,” in °majjhā, a woman of slender waist J.V,219; VI,457. (Page 195)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'the trunk of an elephant; in karabhoru (k°+ūru) (a woman) with beautiful thighs Mhbv 29. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 骆驼。2. 手腕。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】1.骆驼。2.手腕。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Sk. karhi, when? kar=Loc. of pron. st. *quo= Lat. cur why, Goth. hvar, E. where), only in karaha-ci (karhi cid) at some time, generally preceded by kadāci D.I,17; II,139; M.I,177, 454; A.I,179; IV,101; Miln.73, 76. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】(污染而生的)身体。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】(污染而生的)身体。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 1. 杯子,饮料容器。2. 【阳】 石榴树。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 [Etymology unknown. The Sanskrit is also karaka, and the medieval koṣas give as meaning, besides drinking vessel, also a coco-nut shell used as such (with which may be compared Lat. carīna, nutshell, keel of a boat; and Gr. kaρua, nut.) It is scarcely possible that this could have been the original meaning. The coconut was not cultivated, perhaps not even known, in Kosala at the date of the rise of Pali and Buddhism] 1. Water-pot, drinking-vessel (=: pānīya-bhājana PvA.251). It is one of the seven requisites of a samaṇa Vin.II,302. It is called dhammakaraka there, and at II. 118, 177. This means “regulation waterpot” as it was provided with a strainer (parissavana) to prevent injury to living things. See also Miln.68; Pv III,224; PvA.185. -- 2. hail (also karakā) J.IV, 167; Miln.308; Mhvs XII. 9.

--vassa a shower of hail, hail-storm J.IV,167; Miln.308; DhA.I,360. (Page 195)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】1.杯子,饮料容器。2.【阳】石榴树。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(for kaṭakaṭā, q. v.) (adv.) by way of gnashing or grinding the teeth (cp. Sk. dantān kaṭakaṭāpya), i. e. severely (of biting) J.III,203 (passage ought to be read as karakarā nikhāditvā). (Page 195)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 冰雹。 ~vassa,【中】雹暴,下得很大的冰雹,雹(暴风雨)。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】冰雹。karakāvassa,【中】雹暴,冰雹,雹(暴风雨)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 假虎刺属树 (Carissa carandas)。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】假虎刺属树 (Carissa carandas)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[etym.?] a shrub Vism.183 (+kanavīra). (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see Kara. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 战俘。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】战俘。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (°tī) (f.) a superior kind of bean, the Dolichos catjang J.VI,536 (=rājamāsa). (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [cp. Sk. kṛntati] to cut, injure, hurt; in “karato kārayato chindato chedāpayato . . .” D.I,52=M.I,516; S.III,208. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kala-kaṇṭha cuckoo, & kalaviṅka sparrow] the Indian cuckoo J.VI,539. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 印度的杜鹃鸟。 ~bhāṇī,【形】 清脆,以一种清楚又旋律美妙的声音说话。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】印度的杜鹃鸟(cuckoo),音译︰迦陵频伽鸟。karavīkabhāṇī,【形】清脆,以一种清楚又旋律美妙的声音说话。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'same J.V,204, 416; Vv 364; Vism.112, 206; VvA.166, 219.

--bhāṇin speaking like the cuckoo, i. e. with a clear and melodious voice, one of the mahāpurisa-lakkhaṇas D.II,20=III,144=173=M.II,137, etc.; cp. Dial. II.17 n. and BSk. kalaviṅka-manojña-bhāṣin Sp. Av.Ś I.371 (Index p. 225, where references to Lalitavist. are given). (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】夹竹桃树(特指观赏的常绿灌木 (Nerium oleander),产东印度群岛,叶狭长全缘,花簇生,白色至红色,芳香)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. karavīra] 1. the oleander, Nerium odorum. Its flower was used especially in garlands worn by delinquents (see kaṇṭha) -- 2. a kind of grass J.IV,92. --patta a kind of arrow M.I,429. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 夹竹桃树(特指观赏的常绿灌木 (Nerium oleander),产东印度群岛,广泛栽培,并在温暖地区驯化叶狭长全缘,花簇生,白色至红色,芳香)。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(°iya)=prec. J.VI,538. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. karañja, accord. to Aufrecht, Halāyudha p. 176 the Dalbergia arborea] the tree Pongamia glabra, used medicinally Vin.I,201; J.VI,518, 519. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 水黄皮(产于亚洲的一种豆科乔木 (Pongamiaglabra),具羽状复叶,有光泽;花序总状,花乳白色,芳香,用作遮荫树和一种照明油的来源)。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】水黄皮(产於亚洲的一种豆科乔木 (Pongamia glabra),具羽状复叶,有光泽;花序总状,花乳白色,芳香,用作遮荫树和一种照明油的来源)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(karala) a wisp of grass (tiṇa°) DhA.III,38; DhsA.272. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[fr. kṛ, cp. Vedic karaṇa] 1. adj. (f. ī) (-°) doing, making, causing, producing; as cakkhu° ñāṇa° (leading to clear knowledge) S.IV,331; V,97; It.83; and acakkhu° etc. S.V,97; nāthā °ā dhammā A.V,23 (cp. V.89) and thera° A.II,22; dubbaṇṇa° S.V,217; see also D.I,245; M. I.15; S.V,96, 115; A.IV,94; V,268; Miln.289. ‹-› 2. (nt.) (-°) the making, producing of; the doing, performance of (=kamma), as bali° offering of food =bali kamma) PvA.81; gabbha° Sn.927; pānujja° Sn.256. 3. (abs.) (a) the doing up, preparing J.V,400, VI,270 (of a building: the construction) (b) the doing, performance of, as pāṇâtipātassa k° and ak° (“commission and omission”); DhA.I,214; means of action J.III,92. (c) ttg. the instrumental case (with or without °vacana) PvA.33; VvA.25, 53, 162, 174. --°atthe in the sense of, with the meaning of the instrumental case J.III,98; V,444; PvA.35; VvA.304; DhsA.48; Kacc 157. -- 4. (-°) state, condition; in noun-abstract function= °ttaṁ (cp. kamma I.2) as nānā° (=nānattaṁ) difference M.II,128; S.IV,294; Bdhd 94; kasi° ploughing PvA.66; kattabba° (=kattabbattaṁ) “what is to be done,” i. e. duty PvA.30; pūjā° veneration PvA.30. sakkāra° reverence, devotion SnA 284.

Note: in massu° and kamma° some grammarians have tried to derive k° from a root kṛ, to hurt, cut, torture (see Morris J.P.T.S. 1893, 15), which is however quite unnecessary [see kamma 3 A (b), kataII 1 (b)]. Karaṇa here stands for kamma, as clearly indicated by semantic grounds as well as by J.VI,270 where it explains kappita-kesa-massu, and J.V,309 & DhA.I,253 where massukamma takes the place of °karaṇa, and J.III,314, where it is represented by massu-kutti (C.: massukiriya). Cp. also DA.I,137. a° Negative in all meanings of the positive, i. e. the non-performing J.I,131; V,222; Nett 81; PvA.59; DhsA.127; non-undertaking (of business) J.I,229; noncommission M.I,93; abstaining from Dhs.299. Cpd. --uttariya (nt.) angry rejoinder, vehement defence DhA.I,44. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'karaṇa-, -karaṇa, (kar(梵kr)做, cp. Vedic karaṇa),【形】做,制作,生产(doing, making, causing, producing)。【阴】Karaṇī。karaṇattha,【阳】就某种意义来说。karaṇavibhatti,【阴】工具格(语法)。cakkhukaraṇa, ñāṇakaraṇa, 导致明智(leading to clear knowledge)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 1. 做,制作。2. 产品。 ~attha,【阳】就某种意义来说。 ~vibhatti,【阴】 工具格(语法)。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(grd. of karoti),【形】应该被做的(that ought to be, must or should be done, to be done, to be made)。【中】责任,义务。karaṇīyatā,【阴】有必须被做的事实。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[grd. of karoti] 1. adj. (a) that ought to be, must or should be done, to be done, to be made (=kātabbaṁ karaṇârahaṁ KhA 236) Vin.I,58; D.I,3, cp. Miln.183; A.V,210; DA.I,7. Often --° in the sense of “doing, making,” as yathā kāma° S.II,226; cp. IV.91, 159; “having business” bahu° D.II,76; A.III,116; S.II,215; anukampa° PvA.61: -- (b) done, in the sense of undoing, i. e. overcome, undone D.II,76 cp. Dial. II.81 n. -- 2. (m.) one who has still something left to perform (for the attainment of Arahantship, a sekha J.III,23. -- 3. (nt.) (a) what ought to be done, duty, obligation; affairs, business D.I,85; II,68, 74 cp. A.IV,16; M.I,271; S.III,168; IV,281 cp. Vin.III,12; Vin.I,139; A.I,58; Sn.143; Sn.p. 32 (yan te karanīyaṁ taṁ karohi “do what you have to do”); -- °ṁ tīreti to conclude a business Vin. II.158; J.V,298. Kataṁ °ṁ done is what was to be done, I have done my task, in freq. formula “khīṇā jāti vusitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ . . .” to mark the attainment of Arahantship D.I,84; II,68=153; Th.2, 223; Vin.I,14; Sn.p. 16; DA.I,226, etc. See Arahant II.C. ‹-› There are 3 duties each of a samaṇa, farmer and householder enumerated at A.I,229; 3 of a bhikkhu A.I,230; -- (b) use, need (with Instr.): appamādena k° S.IV,125; cetanāya k° A.V,2, 312; cp. Miln.5, 78. akaraṇīya 1. (adj.) (a) what ought not to be done, prohibited A.I,58; III,208=DA.I,235. -- (b) incapable of being done (c. Gen.) It.18. -- (c) improper, not befitting (c. Gen.) Vin.I,45=216=III,20; PvA.64. -- (d) not to be “done,” i. e. not to be overcome or defeated D.II,76; A.IV,113; -- (e) having nothing to do Vin.I,154. ‹-› 2. (nt.) a forbidden matter, prohibition Vin.II,278 ‹-› sa° 1. having business, busy Vin.I,155; -- 2. one who has still something to do (in sense of above 2) D.II,143; Th.1, 1045; DA.I,9. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 应该被做的。 【中】 责任,义务。 ~tā,【阴】 有必须被做的事实。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. prec.] the fact that something has to be performed, an obligation Vin.II,89, 93; sa° being left with something to do Miln.140. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'karaṇḍaka,【阳】 首饰盒,小盒子,小容器。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [cp. Sk. karaṇḍa, °ka, °ikā. The Dhātumañjūsā expls k. by “bhājanatthe”] 1. a basket or box of wicker-work Mhvs 31, 98; Dāvs.V,60; DhA.III,18; -- 2. the cast skin, slough of a serpent D.I,77 (=DA.I,222 ahi-kañcuka) cp. Dial. I.88. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'karaṇḍaka,【阳】箧,首饰盒,小盒子,小容器,台语:橐仔 lok4 a2、觳仔 khok4 a2。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. last] a box, basket, casket, as dussa° M.I,215=S.V,71=A.IV,230 (in simile); S.III,131; V,351 cp. Pug.34; J I 96; III,527; V,473 (here to be changed into koraṇḍaka); DA.I,222 (vilīva°); SnA 11. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'in Childers the tree Capparis trifoliata, but see Brethren, p. 363, n. 2: musk-rose tree or “karer”; Th.1, 1062; Ud.31; J.V,405; VI,534. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】麝香蔷薇树(musk-rose tree,地中海地区的一种蔷薇 (Rosa moschata),枝弯曲或多少攀援,花带麝香气味)。kareri-kuṭikā﹐麝香蔷薇树小屋。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 麝香蔷薇树(地中海地区的一种蔷薇 (Rosa moschata),枝弯曲或多少攀援,花带麝香气味)。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[metathesis for kaṇeru, q. v., cp. Sk. kareṇu] elephant, in cpd. --lolita resounding with the noise made by elephants, of a forest Th.2, 373. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kareṇukā,【阴】母象,雌象。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kareṇukā,【阴】 母象,雌象。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. kareṇu) a female elephant J.II,343; DhA.I,196 (v. l. for kaṇeru). (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [=karīsa-paribaddha] bound up in filth, full of filth, disgusting; Ep. of the body Th.1, 1152. Kari here is abbrev. of karīsa2 (see note ad Loc.). (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kara] “one who has a hand,” an elephant (cp. hatthin) Mhvs 24, 34; 25, 68; Dāvs.IV,2. In cpds. kari.

--gajjita the cry of the elephant, an elephant’s trumpeting Dāvs.V,56; --vara an excellent elephant Mhbv 4, 143; Dāvs.IV,2. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(karoti 的【独】), 做了。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(karoti 的【独】), 做了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【现分】正在做。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【现分】 正在做。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kar做+o),建筑,建立(1. to build, erect)。2.做,行动(to act, perform, make, do))。3.制造,生产(to produce) 。4.写,组合(to write, compose) 。5.穿(to put on, dress) 。6. (to impose (a punishment))。7.转入(to turn into (with Loc. or two Acc.))。8.使用(to use as (with two Acc.)。9.带入(to bring into (with Loc.))。10.放置(to place (with Loc.))。kari, akāsi,【过】。kata, -kata,【过分】。katvā, karitvā, kātūna,%9kattūna, katvāna,%9-kariya,-kiriya,【独】。【现分】kurumāna, kubbāno, karāno, kubba, akubba, karonta。I. Act. 1. Ind. Pres. karomi,; Opt. kare Dh 42, 43, pl. (kareyyāma) kareyyātha; or (sing.) kareyya (freq.), kareyyāsi; kareyya; kuriyā (=Sk. kuryāt); Ppr. karan, or karonto (f. karontī). -- 2. Impf. (akara, etc.).- 3. Aor. (akaṁ) akariṁ, etc., 3rd sing. akāsi, 2nd pl. akattha; 3rd pl. akariṁsu; akaṁsu; without augment kari. Prohibitive mā(a)kāsi, etc. -- 4. Imper. karohi; karotha. -- 5. Fut. karissāmi, etc.; kassāmi; kāsaṁ; kāhāmi (in sense of I will do, I am determined to do, usually w. puññaṁ & kusalaṁ poetical only);2nd sing. kāhasi; 1st pl. kāhāma. -- 6. Inf. kātuṁ; kattuṁ; kātave(=kātuṁ); kātuye. -- 7. pp. kata, see sep. -- 8. Ger. katvā, etc.; katvāna (poet.); karitvā see IV. II. Med. 1. Ind. pres. (kubbe, etc.) 3rd sing. kubbati; 3rd pl. kubbanti; or 3rd sing. kurute; Opt. (kubbe, etc.) 2nd pl. kubbetha; or 3rd sing. kayirā; kayirātha (always expl. by kareyya); kubbaye. -- Ppr. (kurumāna, kubbāno, karāno) (a)kubbaṁ; (a)kubbanto It 86; f. (vi)kubbantī; (a)kubbamāna; (vi)kubbamāna. -- 2. Impf. (akariṁ, 2nd sing. akarase, etc.) 3rd sing. akubbatha; 1st pl. akaramhase. -- 3. Aor. (none) -- 4. Imper. (2nd sing. kurussu, 3rd sing. kurutaṁ, 2nd pl. kuruvho) 3rd sing. kurutaṁ (=Sk. kurutāṁ). -- 5. Fut. (none). III. Pass. 1. Ind. pres. (karīyati, etc.) kayirati; and kīrati. Ppr. (karīyamāna, kayīra°). 2. Fut. kariyissati. -- 3. Grd. karaṇīya (q. v.), (kayya) kātabba . IV. Caus. I. (DeNom. to kāra) kārayati=kāreti, in origin. meaning of build, construct, and fig. perform, exercise, rule, wield (rajjaṁ): kārehi (of huts), kārayissāmi (of doll); kāressaṁ (do.), akārayi; akārayuṁ; akāresi;kāretuṁ; kārayamāna (of chair); kāretvā (nāmaṁ); karitvā(vasiṁ);(vittiṁ); p. 97 (uttarāsaṅgaṁ). V. Caus. II. Kārāpeti; Aor. kārāpesi he had (=caused to be) erected, constructed; fut. kārāpessāmi; ger. kārāpetvā; grd. kārapetabba.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'v. irreg. [Sk. karoti, *qǔer to form, to build (or plait, weave? see kamma), cp. kar-man, Lith. kùrti to build, O.Tr. cruth form; Lat. corpus, with p- addition, as Sk. kṛpa, kḷp=kṛp. Derived are kalpa › kappa, kalpate › kappeti]. Of the endless variety of forms given by grammarians only the foll. are bona fide and borne out by passages from our texts (when bracketed, found in gram. works only): I. Act. 1. Ind. Pres. karomi, etc. Sn.78, 216, 512, 666=Dh.306=It.42; Opt. kare Dh.42, 43, pl. (kareyyāma) kareyyātha Sn.p. 101; or (sing.) kareyya (freq.), kareyyāsi PvA.11; kareyya Sn.920, 923; kuriyā (=Sk. kuryāt) J.VI,206; Ppr. karan Dh.136, or karonto (f. karontī) Dh.16, 116. -- 2. Impf. (akara, etc.).- 3. Aor. (akaṁ) akariṁ, etc., 3rd sing. akāsi Sn.343, 537, 2nd pl. akattha Pv.I,112; PvA.45, 75; 3rd pl. akariṁsu; akaṁsu Sn.882; PvA.74; without augment kari DhA.II,59. Prohibitive mā(a)kāsi Sn.339, 1068, etc. -- 4. Imper. karohi Sn.p. 32; 1062; karotha Sn.223; KhA 168. -- 5. Fut. karissāmi, etc.; kassāmi Pv IV.139; kāsaṁ J.IV,286; VI,36; kāhāmi (in sense of I will do, I am determined to do, usually w. puññaṁ & kusalaṁ poetical only) Pv.II,113; Vv 33192; 2nd sing. kāhasi Sn.427, 428; Dh.154; 1st pl. kāhāma Pv IV.1011. -- 6. Inf. kātuṁ PvA.4, 61, 69, 115, Kh VI,10, etc.; kattuṁ VvA.13; kātave Mhvs 35, 29; Vv 4415 (=kātuṁ); kātuye Th.2, 418. -- 7. pp. kata, see sep. -- 8. Ger. katvā Sn.127, 661, 705, etc.; katvāna (poet.) Sn.89, 269, Pv.I,13; karitvā see IV. II. Med. 1. Ind. pres. (kubbe, etc.) 3rd sing. kubbati Sn.168, 811; 3rd pl. kubbanti Sn.794; or 3rd sing. kurute Sn.94, 796, 819; It. 67; Opt. (kubbe, etc.) 2nd pl. kubbetha Sn.702, 719, 917; It.87; or 3rd sing. kayirā Sn.728=1051; S.I,24; Dh.53, 117; kayirātha (always expl. by kareyya) Dh.25, 117; It.13; Pv.I,1111; KhA 224; kubbaye Sn.943. -- Ppr. (kurumāna, kubbāno, karāno) (a)kubbaṁ Sn.844, 913; (a)kubbanto It.86; f. (vi)kubbantī Vv 112; (a)kubbamāna Sn.777, 778, 897; (vi)kubbamāna Vv 331. -- 2. Impf. (akariṁ, 2nd sing. akarase, etc.) 3rd sing. akubbatha Pv.II,1318; 1st pl. akaramhase J.III,26, °a DhA.I,145. -- 3. Aor. (none) -- 4. Imper. (2nd sing. kurussu, 3rd sing. kurutaṁ, 2nd pl. kuruvho) 3rd sing. kurutaṁ (=Sk. kurutāṁ) J.VI,288. -- 5. Fut. (none). III, Pass. 1. Ind. pres. (karīyati, etc.) kayirati Dh.292=Th.1, 635; KhA 168; and kīrati Th.1, 143. Ppr. (karīyamāna, kayīra°). ‹-› 2. Fut. kariyissati Vin.I,107. -- 3. Grd. karaṇīya (q. v.), (kayya) kātabba DhA.I,338. IV. Caus. I. (denom. to kāra) kārayati=kāreti, in origin. meaning of build, construct, and fig. perform, exercise, rule, wield (rajjaṁ): kārehi PvA.81 (of huts), kārayissāmi Pv.II,64 (of doll); kāressaṁ J.V,297 (do.), akārayi Pv.II,1310; akārayuṁ Mhvs.IV,3; akāresi Mhvs 23, 85; kāretuṁ PvA.74; kārayamāna VvA.9 (of chair); kāretvā (nāmaṁ) PvA.162; karitvā Sn.444 (vasiṁ) 674; 680 (vittiṁ); p. 97 (uttarāsaṅgaṁ). V. Caus. II. Kārāpeti S.I,179; PvA.20; Aor. kārāpesi he had (=caused to be) erected, constructed Vin.II,159; fut. kārāpessāmi Mhvs 20, 9; ger. kārāpetvā PvA.123; grd. kārapetabba Vin.II,134.

Meanings of karoti: 1. to build, erect Mhvs 19, 36; 20, 9 (Caus.). -- 2. to act, perform, make, do Vin.I,155; J.I,24; II,153 (tathā karomi yathā na . . . I prevent, cp. Lat. facio ne . . .); III,297; Pv.I,88=II.619; Mhvs 3, 1; 7, 22; -- 3. to produce DhA.I,172; -- 4. to write, compose J.VI,410; PvA.287; -- 5. to put on, dress Vin.II,277; J.I,9; -- 6. to impose (a punishment) Mhvs 4, 14; -- 7. to turn into (with Loc. or two Acc.) J.II,32; Mhvs 9, 27; -- 8. to use as (with two Acc.) J.I,113; II,24; -- 9. to bring into (with Loc.) J.V,454 ‹-› 10. to place (with Loc.) J.V,274; (with Acc. of the person) Dh.162. It is very often used periphrastically, where the trsln would simply employ the noun as verb, e. g. kathaṁ k° D.II,98; kodhaṁ k° and kopaṁ k° to be angry J.IV,22; VI,257; cayaṁ k° to hoard up; corikaṁ k° to steal Vin.I,75; taṇhaṁ k° (c. Loc.) to desire J.I,5; sītaṁ k° to cool D.II,129. -- It is often compd with nouns or adjectives with a change of final vowel to ī (i) uttāni° to make clear D.II,105; pākaṭī°, bahulī°, muṭṭhī°, etc. (q. v.). Cp. the same process in conn. with bhavati. -- The meanings of karoti are varied according to the word with which it is connected; it would be impossible and unnecessary to give an exhaustive list of all its various shades. Only a few illustrations may suffice: aṁse k° to place on one’s shoulder J.I,9; antarāyaṁ k° to prevent J.I,232; ādiṁ k° (c. Acc.) to begin with; nimittaṁ k° to give a hint D.II,103; pātarāsaṁ k° to breakfast; mānasaṁ k° to make up one’s mind; mahaṁ k° to hold a festival D.II,165; massuṁ k° to trim the beard DhA.I,253; musāvādaṁ k° to tell a lie J.VI,401; rajjaṁ k° to reign S.I,218; vase k° to bring into one’s power J.I,79; sandhiṁ k° to make an agreement Mhvs 16; sinehaṁ k° to become fond of J.I,190. -- Similarly, cpd with adverbs: alaṁ k° to make much of, i. e. to adorn, embellish; dūrato k° to keep at a distance, i. e. keep free from PvA.17; Sdhp.287; purak k° (purakkharoti) to place before, i. e. to honour Pv III,71. -- Note phrase kiṁ karissati what difference does it make? (Cp. Ger. was macht’s) D.I,120; or what about . . . J.I,152. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kar + o), 做,行动,制造,建立。kari, 【过】。katvā, 【独】。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 (m.) a class of genii that formed one of the 5 guards of the devas against the asuras J.I,204, associated with the nāgas (cp. Divy 218; and Morris, J.P.T.S. 1893, 22). As N. of Supaṇṇas (a kind of Garuḍas) expld as “tesaṁ karoṭi nāma pānabhojanaṁ” by C. on J.I,204. Kern, Toev. s. v. compares BSk. karoṭapāṇayah a class of Yakṣas MVastu I.30. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (f.) 1. a basin, cup, bowl, dish J.I,243; II,363; III,225; IV,67; V,289, 290. -- 2. the skull (cp. kaḷopi. On the form cp. Dial. I.227 n.) J.VI,592. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[fr. karoṭi1)] 1. a bowl, basin J.IV,68; DhA.II,131 (sappi°). -- 2. the skull J.VI,592; where it may be a helmet in the form of a skull. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=karoṭika 2, J.VI,593. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a species of rice-plant of a ruddy colour Miln.252 (see Mil. trsl. II.73). (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pl.) a class of Devas D.II,260. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【副】可怜地,怜悯地。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【副】可怜地,怜悯地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 同情,怜悯。 ~yanā,【阴】 慈悲。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. Vedic karuṇa nt. (holy) action; Sk. karuṇā, fr. kṛ. As adj. karuṇa see under 3.] pity, compassion. Karuṇā is one of the 4 qualities of character significant of a human being who has attained enfranchisement of heart (ceto-vimutti) in the 4 sentiments, viz. mettā k.° upekhā muditā Freq. found in this formula with °sahagatena cetasā. The first two qualities are complementary, and SnA 128 (on Sn.73) explains k° as “ahita-dukkh-âpanaya-kāmatā,” the desire of removing bane and sorrow (from one’s fellowmen), whilst mettā is expl. as “hita-sukh-ûpanayakāmatā,” the desire of bringing (to one’s fellow-men) that which is welfare and good. Other definitions are “paradukkhe sati sādhūnaṁ hadayakampanaṁ karotī ti” Bdhd 21; “sattesu k° karuṇāyanā karuṇāyitattaṁ karuṇā cetovimutti” as expl. of avihiṁsa dhātu Vbh.87; paradukkhāsahana-rasā Vism.318. K°-sahagatena cetasā denotes the exalted state of compassion for all beings (all that is encompassed in the sphere of one’s good influence: see cātuddisa “extending over the 4, i. e. all, directions): D.I,251; III,78, 50, 224; S.IV,296, 322, 351; V,115; A.I,183, 196; II,129, 184; III,225; V,300, 345; J.II,129; Nd2 on Sn.73; Vbh.273, 280; Dhs.1258. The def. of karuṇā at Vism.318 runs “paradukkhe sati sādhūnaṁ hadaya-kampanaṁ karoti.” Frequently referred to as an ideal of contemplation (in conn. w. bhāvanā & jhāna), so in “karuṇaṁ cetovimuttiṁ bhāveti” S.V,119; A.I,38; V,360; in k° cetovimutti bhāvitā bahulī-katā, etc. D.III,248; A.III,291; IV,300; in k°-sahagataṁ saddhindriyaṁ A.I,42; unspecified S.V,131; A.III,185; Nett 121, 124; Ps.I,8; k°+mettā Nett 25; k°+muditā Bdhd 16 sq., 26 sq., 29; ananta k° pañña as Ep. of Buddha Bdhd 1; karuṇaṁ dūrato katvā, without mercy, of the Yamadūtā, messengers of Death Sdhp.287; mahā° great compassion Ps.I,126, 133; --°samāpatti a “gest,” feat of great compassion: in which Buddha is represented when rising and surveying the world to look for beings to be worthy of his mercy and help D.II,237; Ps. 1, 126 f. DhA.I,26, 367; PvA.61, 195; -- 3. As adj. only in cpds. (e. g. °vācā merciful speech; neg. akaruṇa merciless Mhbv 85, & ati° very merciful J.IV,142) and as adv. karuṇaṁ pitifully, piteously, mournfully, in k° paridevati J.VI,498, 513, 551; Cp. IX.54; also in Abl. karuṇā J.VI,466. --See also kāruñña.

--âdhimutta intent upon compassion D.II,241, 242; --ânuvattin following the dictates of mercy Dāvs III,46; --guṇaja originating in the quality of compassion Sdhp.570; --jala water of c., shower of mercy Miln.22; Mhbv 16; --jhāna meditation on pity, ecstasy of c. D.II,237--39; --ṭṭhāniya worthy of c. PvA.72; --para one who is highest in compassion, compassionate Sdhp.112, 345; --bala the power of c. Mhvs 15, 61, 130; Sdhp.577; --brahmavihāra divine state of pity Vism.319. --bhāvanā consideration or cultivation of pity Vism.314 sq. --rasa the sweetness of c. Mhbv 16; --vihāra (a heart) in the state of c. Vism.324 (& adj. °vihārin); DA.I,33; --sāgara an ocean of mercy Mhbv 7; --sītala “cool with c.” +hadaya, whose heart is tempered with mercy Sdhp.33; DA.I,1. (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹kar做;cp. Vedic karuṇa nt. (holy) action; Sk. karuṇā, fr. kr.),【阴】悲悯,同情(pīṭy, coṁpāssīoṇ, to destroys the pain of others)。karuṇāyanā,【阴】可怜。《广释》(Vibhv.p.86;CS:p.111):Karoti paradukkhe sati sādhūnaṁ hadayakhedaṁ janeti, kirati vā vikkhipati paradukkhaṁ, kiṇāti vā taṁ hiṁsati, kiriyati vā dukkhitesu pasāriyatīti karuṇā, sā para-dukkh-āpanayana- kāmatā-lakkhaṇā. Tāya hi paradukkhaṁ apanīyatu vā, mā vā, tadākāreneva sā pavattati.(他人受苦时,令诸善人的心震动(同情)为「悲」;或者拔除他人扰乱之苦,或者买杀它(拔他人之苦),或者在被行为折磨上,被引起行动为「悲」。他带近他人之苦的渴望的相,或者於被取走他人之苦,勿令如此,然后,他转起行动。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(karuṇā 的【派】), (觉得)可怜。karuṇāyi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[v. den. fr. karuṇā; cp. BSk. karuṇāyati Divy 105] to feel pity for, to have compassion on Sn.1065 (°āyamāna; expl. by Nd2 as anuddayamāno anurakkh° anuggaṇh° anukamp°); Vbh.273; Vism.314. Der. °āyanā compassionateness Vbh.87=273 (and °āyitattaṁ ibid.). (Page 197)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(karuṇā 的【派】), (觉得)可怜。karuṇāyi, 【过】。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 象。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】象。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (nt.) a square measure of land, being that space on which a karīsa of seed can be sown (Tamil karīsa), see Rhys Davids, Ancient Coins and Measures of Ceylon, p. 18; J.I,94, 212; IV,233, 276; VvA.64. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1,【中】伽里沙(一个正方形的土地衡量,大约有一英亩a square measure of land, being that space on which a karīsa of seed can be sown (Tamil karīsa), see Rhys Davids, Ancient Coins and Measures of Ceylon, p.18; J.I,94, 212; IV,233, 276; VvA.64.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 粪。排泄物。 一个正方形的土地衡量(大约有一英亩)。~magga,【阳】 肛门。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 (cp. Sk. karīsa, to chrṇatti to vomit), 【中】粪,排泄物(refuse, filth, excrement, dung); PvA.87, 258; KhA 59; muttakarīsa, 粪尿(urine and fæces)。karīsamagga, 【阳】肛门(the anus; --karīsavāca (nt.) a cesspool J.III,263 (=gūthakūpa); --karīsavāyin, f. karīsinī diffusing an odour of excrement PvA.87.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (nt.) [cp. Sk. karīṣa, to chṛṇatti to vomit, cp. Lat. --cerda in mūscerda, sūcerda] refuse, filth, excrement, dung D.II,293; J.I,5; Vism.259, 358 (in detail); PvA.87, 258; KhA 59; mutta° urine and fæces A.I,139; Sn.835.

--magga the anus J.IV,327; --vāca (nt.) a cesspool J.III,263 (=gūthakūpa); --vāyin, f. °inī diffusing an odour of excrement PvA.87. (Page 196)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kayiramāna (kariyati 的【现分】) 正在做完。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kayiramāna (kariyati 的【现分】) 正在做完。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(karoti‘做’的【被】), 被做。【过】karīyi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(karoti 的【被】), 被做。【过】 karīyi。(p97)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see kassaka. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】污物,垃圾(anything worthless, rubbish, filth, impurity)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 污物,垃圾。 ~jāta,【形】 不纯的,坏性格。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Derivation uncertain] anything worthless, rubbish, filth, impurity; fig. low passions S.I,166; Sn.281=Miln.414=A.IV,172; Vism.258 (maṁsa°), 259 (parama°).

--jāta one whose nature is impurity, in comb. brahmacāripaṭiñño antopūti avassuto k° S.IV,181; A.II,240; IV,128, 201; Vin.II,236; Pug.27, 34, 36; Vism.57 (+avassuta pāpa). °ka-jāta ibid. in vv. ll. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】不纯的,败类的(one whose nature is impurity)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) ploughing, tilling J.IV,167; VI,328, 364; Vism.384 (+vapana sowing). (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 耕作。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】耕作。Kasanta, kasamāna,【现分】正在耕种。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kasamāna,【现分】 正在耕种。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kas+a), 耕种。kasi,【过】。kasita, kaṭṭha,【过分】。kasitvāna,【现分】。S.22.102./III,155.:kassako mahānaṅgalena kasanto sabbāni mūlasantānakāni sampadālento kasati (农夫执大犁而耕,耕断一切生长之根)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[kṛṣ or karṣ] to till, to plough S.I,172, 173=Sn.80; Th.I,531; J.I,57; II,165; VI,365. -- kassate (3rd sing. med.) Th.1, 530. -- pp. kattha (q. v.) Caus. II. kasāpeti Miln.66, 82; DhA.I,224. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kas + a), 耕种。kasi, 【过】。kasita, kaṭṭha, 【过分】。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】拒绝,渣滓,辛辣的味道。【形】污秽的,无价值的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 拒绝,渣滓,辛辣的味道。 【形】 污秽的,无价值的。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(metathesis of sakaṭa, cp. Trenckner, Miln.p. 423) 1. (adj.) bad, nasty; bitter, acrid; insipid, disgusting A.I,72; J.II,96; 159. -- 2. (m.) (a) fault, vice, defect M.I,281; Ps.II,87. -- (b) leavings, dregs VvA.288 (v. l. sakaṭa). -- (c) something bitter or nasty J.II,96; V,18. -- (d) bitter juice J.II,105 (nimba°). -- sa° faulty, wrong, bitter to eat, unpalatable Miln.119.

--ôdaka insipid, tasteless water J.II,97. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[etym. connected with Sk. kaseru backbone?] a plant, shrub SnA 284 (v. l. kaṁsīruka for kiṁsuka?). See also kaṭeruha. (Page 202)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'and Kasī (f.) [fr. kasāti] tilling, ploughing; agriculture, cultivation M.II,198; S.I,172, 173=Sn.76 sq.; Vin.IV,6; Pv.I,56 (k°, gorakkha, vaṇijjā); PvA.7; Sdhp.390 (k°, vaṇijjā); VvA.63. -- °ṁ kasati to plough, to till the land J.I,277; Vism.284.

--kamma the act or occupation of ploughing, agriculture J.II,165, 300; III,270. --karaṇa ploughing, tilling of the field PvA.66; --khetta a place for cultivation, a field PvA.8 (kasī°); --gorakkha agriculture and cattle breeding D.I,135; --bhaṇḍa ploughing implements DhA.I,307. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】耕耘,耕作。kasikamma,【中】农业,务农,饲养。kasibhaṇḍa,【中】农具。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 耕耘,耕作。 ~kamma,【中】 农业,务农,饲养。 ~bhaṇḍa,【中】农具。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 悲惨的,困难的。 【中】 悲惨,麻烦,困难。 ~rena,【副】 困难地,吃力地。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Probably fr. Vedic kṛcchra, the deriv. of which is uncertain] miserable, painful, troubled, wretched A.IV,283; Sn.574; J.II,136; IV,113=VI,17; Pv IV.121 (=PvA.229 dukkha). -- adv. kasirā (Abl.) with difficulty J.V,435; --kasirena (Instr.) D.I,251; M.I,104; S.I,94; Vin.I,195; J.I,338; III,513. a° without pain, easy, comfortable J.VI,224 (=niddukkha); --lābhin obtaining without difficulty (f° inī A.IV,342) in formula akicchalābhī akasiralābhī etc. M.I,33; S.II,278; A.I,184; II,23, 3Q; IV,106; Ud.36; Pug.11, 12.

--ābhata amassed with toil and difficulty (of wealth) J.V,435; --vuttika finding it hard to get a livelihood A.I,107=Pug.51. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】悲惨的,困难的。【中】悲惨,麻烦,困难。kasirena,【副】困难地,吃力地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(pp. of kasati) ploughed, tilled Anvs 44; --a° untilled ibid. 27, 44. -- Cp. vi°. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】耕了的地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 耕了的地。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【独】耕种了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【独】 耕种了。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 [Deriv. uncertain] (nt.) one of the aids to kammaṭṭhāna the practice by means of which mystic meditation (bhāvanā, jhāna) may be attained. They are fully described at A.V,46 sq., 60; usually enumerated as ten [sāvakā dasa k° --āyatanāni bhāventi]; paṭhavī°, āpo°, tejo°, vāyo°, nīla°, pīta°, lohita°, odāta°, ākāsa°, viññāṇa°-that is, earth, water, fire, air; blue, yellow, red, white; space, intellection (or perhaps consciousness) M.II,14; D.III,268, 290; Nett 89, 112; Dhs.202; Ps.I,6, 95; cp. Manual 49--52; Bdhd 4, 90 sq., 95 sq. -- For the last two (ākāsa° and viññāṇa°) we find in later sources āloka° and (paricchinn’) ākāsa° Vism.110; cp. Dhs.trsl. 43 n. 4, 57 n. 2; Cpd. 54, 202. -- Eight (the above omitting the last two) are given at Ps.I,49, 143, 149. -- See further J.I,313; III,519; DhsA.186 sq. There are 14 manners of practising the kasiṇas (of which the first nine are: k°-ânulomaṁ; k°-paṭilomaṁ; k°-ânupaṭilomaṁ; jhānânulomaṁ; jh°paṭi°; jh°-ânupaṭi°; jh°-ukkantikaṁ; k° ukk°; jh°k°-ukk°) Vism.374; cp. Bdhd 5, 101 sq., 104, 152. ‹-› Nine qualities or properties of (paṭhavi-) kasiṇa are enumd at Vism.117. -- Each k. is fivefold, according to uddhaṁ, adho, tiriyaṁ, advayaṁ, appamāṇaṁ; M.II,15, etc. -- kasiṇaṁ oloketi to fix one’s gaze on the particular kasiṇa chosen J.V,314; °ṁ samannāharati to concentrate one’s mind on the k. J.III,519.

--āyatana the base or object of a kasiṇa exercise (see above as 10 such objects) D.III,268; M.II,14; Ps.I,28, etc.; --ārammaṇa=°āyatana Vism.427 (three, viz. tejo°, odāta°, āloka°). --kamma the k. practice J.I,141; IV,306; V,162, 193. --jhāna the k. meditation DhsA.413. --dosa fault of the k. object Vism.117, 123 (the 4 faults of paṭhavī-kasiṇa being confusion of the 4 colours). --parikamma the preliminary, preparatory rites to the exercise of a kasiṇa meditation, such as preparing the frame, repeating the necessary formulas, etc. J.I,8, 245; III,13, 526; DhsA.187; --°ṁ katheti to give instructions in these preparations J.III,369; °ṁ karoti to perform the k-preparations J.IV,117; V,132, 427; VI,68; --maṇḍala a board or stone or piece of ground divided by depressions to be used as a mechanical aid to jhāna exercise. In each division of the maṇḍala a sample of a kasiṇa was put. Several of these stone maṇḍalas have been found in the ruins at Anurādhapura. Cp. Cpd. 54 f. 202 f. J.III,501; DhA.IV,208. --samāpatti attainment in respect of the k. exercise Nd2 4668 (ten such). (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 全部,整个的。 【中】 (修禅的取相)器材。 ~parikamma,【中】 修器材禅的初步工作。 ~maṇḍala,【中】 器材圆碟。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 [Vedic kṛtsna] (adj.) entire, whole J.IV,111, 112. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(梵 Krsna),【形】全部,整个的(entirely or whole)。【中】(修禅的取相)遍。kasiṇaparikamma,【中】修遍禅的初步工作。kasiṇamaṇḍala,【中】修遍禅的圆碟。dasa kasiṇāyatanāni,十遍处(十一切处)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 迦湿弥罗 北印度的一个国家名字。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】迦湿弥罗,北印度的一个国名。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(‹kasati),【阳】农夫、农民、耕者、田夫(a husbandman, cultivator, peasant, farmer, ploughman)。台语:做穑人co3 sit lang5。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 农民,耕者。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. kasati] a husbandman, cultivator, peasant, farmer, ploughman D.I,61 (k° gahapatiko kārakārako rāsi-vaḍḍhako); A.I,241; A. I.229, 239 (the three duties of a farmer); S.I,172=Sn.76; III,155 (v. l. for T. kasaka); IV, 314; Vin.IV,108; Bdhd 96; DA.I,170; often in similes, e. g. Pv.I,11; II,968 (likeness to the doer of good works); Vism.152, 284, 320. --vaṇṇa (under) the disguise of a peasant S.I,115 (of Māra). (Page 202)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. Kāśyapa] 迦葉, 飲光 [過去仏, 仏弟子等].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '(诸佛名)咖沙巴, (古音译:)迦叶,迦摄波', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '咖沙巴佛(迦叶佛)。现在贤劫的咖沙巴佛。
“诸比库,于此贤劫中,咖沙巴世尊、阿拉汉、正自觉者曾出现于世。”(D.14)', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. Kāśyapa] 迦葉, 飲光 [過去佛, 佛弟子等].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'Kassapiya m. [BSk. Kāśyapīya] 迦葉維部, 飲光部.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'Kassapiya m. [BSk. Kāśyapīya] 迦葉維部, 飲光部.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'm. [BSk. Kāśyapīya] 迦葉維部, 飲光部', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '(kass + a), 拖拉。kassi, 【过】 参考 kaḍḍhati。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kass(梵krs)+a), 拖拉。kassi,【过】。参考 kaḍḍhati 拖拉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[kṛṣ] see ava°, anu° (aor. anvakāsi), pari°; otherwise kasati; cp. also kissati. (Page 202)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kassa+ci)﹐某人的(of someone)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'fut. of karoti. (Page 202)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [Vedic kaśā] a whip Vin.I,99 (in Uddāna); M.I,87, etc.; Dh.143; Miln.197. -- --kasāhi tāḷeti to whip, lash, flog as punishment for malefactors here, as well as in Niraya (see kamma-karaṇā) M.I,87=A.I,47= II.122, etc.; PvA.4 (of a thief scourged on his way to the place of execution); DhA.II,39 (id.).

--niviṭṭha touched by the whip, whipped Dh.144 (=DhA.III,86); --pahāra a stroke with the whip, a lash J.III,178; --hata struck with the whip, scourged Vin.I,75; 91=322; Sdhp.147. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Vedic kawā),【阴】鞭(a whip)。kasāhata,【形】被鞭打。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 鞭。 ~hata,【形】 被鞭打。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳、中】 1. 涩(味)。2. 橘色的布。 【形】 橘色。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】【中】1.涩(味)。2.橘色的布。【形】橘色。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】煮出的汁,蒸馏。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'and Kasāva [Derivation uncertain. The word first appears in the late Vedic form kaṣāya, a decoction, distillation, essence; used figy of evil. The old Pali form is kasāva] 1. a kind of paste or gum used in colouring walls Vin.II,151. -- 2. an astringent decoction extracted from plants Vin.I,201, 277; J.V,198. -- 3. (of taste), astringent Dhs.629; Miln.65; DhA.II,31. ‹-› 4. (of colour) reddish-yellow, orange coloured Vin.I,277. -- 5. (ethical) the fundamental faults (rāga, dosa, moha) A.I,112; Dh.10; Vbh.368. --a° faultless, flawless, in akasāvattaṁ being without defect A.I,112 (of a wheel, with --sa° ibid.); --sa° faulty DhA.I,82; --mahā° wicked J.IV,387. In cpds. both forms, viz. (kasāya)--yoga an astringent remedy J.V,198 (kasāva° ibid.); --rasa reddishyellow dye J.II,198; (kasāva)--ôdaka an astringent decoction Vin.I,205; --gandha having a pungent smell Vin.I,277; --rasa having an astringent taste ibid.; --vaṇṇa of reddish-yellow colour ibid. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 煮出的汁,蒸馏。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. kasāya] astringency Miln.56. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(& sometimes kaṭa) [pp. of karoti] done, worked, made. Extremely rare as v. trs. in the common meaning of E. make, Ger. machen, or Fr. faire (see the cognate kapp and jan, also uppajjati & vissajjati); its proper sphere of application is either ethical (as pāpaṁ, kusalaṁ, kammaṁ: cp. II.1 b) or in such combinations, where its original meaning of “built, prepared, worked out” is still preserved (cp. I.1 a nagara, and 2 a).

I. As verb-determinant (predicative). -- 1. in verbal function (Pass.) with nominal determination “done, made” (a) in predicative (epithetic) position: Dh.17 (pāpaṁ me kataṁ evil has been done by me), 68 (tañ ca kammaṁ kataṁ), 150 (aṭṭhīnaṁ nagaraṁ kataṁ a city built of bones, of the body), 173 (yassa pāpaṁ kataṁ kammaṁ). -- (b) in absolute (prothetic) position, often with expression of the agent in Instr. D.I,84=177=M.I,40=Sn.p. 16 (in formula kataṁ karanīyaṁ, etc., done is what had to be done, cp. arahant II.A.); Vin.III,72 (kataṁ mayā kalyāṇaṁ akataṁ mayā pāpaṁ); Pv.I,55 (amhākaṁ katā pūjā done to us is homage). -- So also in composition (°-), e. g. (nahāpakehi) °parikammatā the preparations (being) finished (by the barbers) J.VI,145; (tena) °paricaya the acquaintance made (with him) VvA.24; PvA.4; (tattha) °paricayatā the acquaintance (with that spot) VvA.331; (tesaṁ) °pubba done before D.II,75=A.IV,17; (kena) J.VI,575; °matta (made) drunk Th.1, 199; (cira) °saṁsagga having (long) been in contact with, familiar J.III,63 (and a°). 2. in adj. (med-passive) function (kaṭa & kata); either passive: made, or made of; done by=being like, consisting of; or medio-reflexive: one who has done, having done; also “with” (i. e. this or that action done). -- (a) in pregnant meaning: prepared, cultivated, trained, skilled; kaṭ-âkaṭa prepared & natural Vin.I,206 (of yūsa); akaṭa natural ibid., not cultivated (of soil) Vin.I,48= II.209; DA.I,78, 98; untrained J.III,57, 58.-°atta selfpossessed, disciplined J.VI,296; °indiya trained in his senses Th.1, 725; °ûpāsana skilled, esp. in archery M.I,82; S.I,62; A.II,48=IV.429; S.I,99; J.IV,211; Miln.352, °kamma practised, skilled J.V,243; of a servant S.I,205 (read āse for ase), of a thief A.III,102 (cp. below II.1 a); °phaṇa having (i. e. with) its hood erected, of a snake J.VI,166; °buddhi of trained mind, clever J.III,58; a° ibid.; °mallaka of made-up teeth, an artificial back-scratcher Vin.II,316; a° not artificially made, the genuine article Vin.II,106; °yogga trained serviceable S.I,99; a° useless S.I,98. °rūpa done naturally, spontaneously J.V,317 (expld by °jāniya; °sabhāva); °veṇī having (i. e. with) the hair done up into a chignon J.V,431; °hattha (one) who has exercised his hands, dexterous, skilful, esp. in archery M.I,82; S.I,62, 98; II,266; A.II,48; J.IV,211,; V,41; VI,448; Miln.353; DhA.I,358; a° unskilled, awkward S.I,98; su° well-trained J V 41 (cp. °upāsana), °hatthika an artificial or toy-elephant J.VI,551. -- (b) in ordinary meaning: made or done; °kamma the deed done (in a former existence) J.I,167; VvA.252; PvA.10; °piṭṭha made of flour (dough) PvA.16 (of a doll); °bhāva the performance or happening of J.III,400; Mhbv 33; °saṅketa (one who has made an agreement) J.V,436 -- (c) with adverbial determination (su°, du°; cp. dūrato, puro, atta, sayaṁ, & II.2 c): sukata well laid out, of a road J.VI,293, well built, of a cart Sn.300=304; J.IV,395, well done, i. e. good A.I,102 (°kamma-kārin doing good works). --dukkata badly made, of a robe Vin.IV,279 (ṭ), badly done, i. e. evil A.I,102 (°kamma kārin); sukata-dukkata good & evil (°kammāni deeds) D.I,27= 55=S.IV,351; Miln.5, 25. 3. as noun (nt.) kataṁ that which has been done, the deed. -- (a) absolute: J.III,26 (katassa appaṭikāraka not reciprocating the deed); V,434 (kataṁ anukaroti he imitates what has been done) kat-âkataṁ what has been done & left undone Vin.IV,211; katāni akatāni ca deeds done & not done Dh.50. -- (b) with adv. determination (su°, du°): sukataṁ goodness (in moral sense) Sn.240; Dh.314; dukkataṁ badness Vin.I,76; II,106; Dh.314; dukkatakārin doing wrong Sn.664.

II. As noun-determinant (attributive) in composition (var. applications & meanings). -- 1. As 1st pt. of compd: Impersonal, denoting the result or finishing of that which is implied in the object with ref. to the act or state resulting, i. e. “so and so made or done”; or personal, denoting the person affected by or concerned with the act. The lit. translation would be “having become one who has done” (act.: see a), or “to whom has been done” (pass.: see b). -- (a) medio-active. Temporal: the action being done, i. e. “after.” The noun-determinates usually bear a relation to time, especially to meal-times, as kat-anna-kicca having finished his meal Dāvs.I,59; °bhatta-kicca after the meal J.IV,123; PvA.93; °purebhatta-kicca having finished the duties of the morning DA.I,45 sq.; SnA 131 sq.; °pātarāsa breakfast J.I,227; DhA.I,117, a° before br. A.IV,64; °pātarāsa-bhatta id. J.VI,349; °ânumodana after thanking (for the meal) J.I,304; °bhatt’ânumodana after expressing satisfaction with the meal PvA.141. In the same application: kat-okāsa having made its appearance, of kamma Vv 329 (cp. VvA.113); PvA.63; °kamma (-cora) (a thief) who has just “done the deed,” i. e. committed a theft J.III,34; Vism.180 (katakammā corā & akata° thieves who have finished their “job” & those who have not); DhA.II,38 (corehi katakammaṁ the job done by the th.), cp. above I.2 a; °kāla “done their time,” deceased, of Petas J.III,164 (pete kālakate); PvA.29, cp. kāla; °cīvara after finishing his robe Vin.I,255, 265; °paccuggamana having gone forth to meet J.III, 93. °paṇidhāna from the moment of his making an earnest resolve (to become a Buddha) VvA.3; °pariyosita finished, ready, i. e. after the end was made VvA.250; °buddha-kicca after he had done the obligations of a Buddha VvA.165, 319; DA.I,2; °maraṇa after dying, i. e. dead PvA.29; °massu-kamma after having his beard done J.V,309 (see note to II.1 b). -- Qualitative: with ethical import, the state resulting out of action, i. e. of such habit, or “like, of such character.” The qualification is either made by kamma, deed, work, or kicca, what can be or ought to be done, or any other specified action, as °pāpa-kamma one who has done wrong DhA.I,360 (& a°); °karaṇīya one who has done all that could be done, one who is in the state of perfection (an Arahant), in formula arahaṁ khīṇ’āsavo vusitavā ohitabhāro (cp. above I.1 b & arahant II.A) M.I,4, 235; It.38; Miln.138; °kicca having performed his obligations, perfected, Ep. of an Arahant, usually in combn with anāsava S.I,47, 178; Dh.386; Pv.II,615; Th.2, 337, as adj.: kata-kiccāni hi arahato indriyāni Nett 20; °kiccatā the perfection of Arahantship Miln.339. -- With other determinations: --āgasa one who has done evil Sdhp.294. --âdhikāra having exerted oneself, one who strives after the right path J.I,56; Miln.115. --âparādha guilty, a transgressor J.III,42. --âbhinihāra (one) who has formed the resolution (to become a Buddha) J.I,2; DhA.I,135. --âbhinivesa (one) who studies intently, or one who has made a strong determination J.I,110 (& a°). --ussāha energetic Sdhp.127. --kalyāṇa in passage kata-kalyāno kata-kusalo katabhīruttāṇo akata-pāpo akata-luddho (luddo) [: °thaddho It] akata-kibbiso having done good, of good character, etc. A.II,174=Vin.III,72=It.25=DhsA.383; PvA.174; also Pass. to whom something good has been done J.I,137; III,12; Pv.II,99; akata-kalyāṇa a man of bad actions It.25; Pv.II,79. --kibbisa a guilty person M.I,39; Vin.III,72 (a°), of beings tormented in Purgatory Pv IV.77; PvA.59. --kusala a good man: see °kalyāṇa. --thaddha hard-hearted, unfeeling, cruel: see °kalyāṇa. --nissama untiring, valiant, bold J.V,243. --parappavāda practised in disputing with others DA.I,117. --pāpa an evil-doer It.25; Pv.II,79 (+ akata-kalyāṇa); PvA.5; a°: see °kalyāṇa. --puñña one who has done good deeds, a good man D.II,144; Dh.16, 18, 220; Pv III,52; Miln.129; PvA.5, 176; a° one who has not done good (in previous lives) Miln.250; VvA.94. --puññatā the fact of having done good deeds D.III,276 (pubbe in former births); A.II,31; Sn.260, cp. KhA 132, 230; J.II,114. --bahukāra having done much favour, obliging Dāvs.IV,39. --bhīruttāṇa one who has offered protection to the fearful: see °kalyāṇa. --bhūmikamma one who has laid the ground-work (of sanctification) Miln.352. --ludda cruel M.III,165; a° gentle Nett 180; cp °kalyāṇa. --vināsaka (one) who has caused ruin J.I,467. --vissāsa trusting, confiding J.I,389. --ssama painstaking, taking trouble Sdhp.277 (and a°). -- (b) medio-passive: The state as result of an action, which affected the person concerned with the action (reflexive or passive), or “possessed of, afflicted or affected with.” In this application it is simply periphrastic for the ordinary Passive. -- Note. In the case of the noun being incapable of functioning as verb (when primary), the object in question is specified by °kamma or °kicca, both of which are then only supplementary to the initial kata°, e. g. kata-massu-kamma “having had the beard (-doing) done,” as diff. fr. secondary nouns (i. e. verb-derivations). e. g. kat-âbhiseka “having had the anointing done.” -- In this application: °citta-kamma decorated, variegated DhA.I,192; °daṇḍa-kamma afflicted with punishment (=daṇḍāyita punished) Vin.I,76; °massu-kamma with trimmed beard, after the beard-trimming J.V,309 (cp. J.III,11 & karana). -- Various combinations: katañjalin with raised hands, as a token of veneration or supplication Sn.1023; Th.2, 482; J.I,17=Bu 24, 27; PvA.50, 141; VvA.78. --attha one who has received benefits J.I,378. --ânuggaha assisted, aided J.II,449; VvA.102. --âbhiseka anointed, consecrated Mhvs 26, 6. --ûpakāra assisted, befriended J.I,378; PvA.116. --okāsa one who has been given permission, received into audience, or permitted to speak Vin.I,7; D.II,39, 277; Sn.1030, 1031 (°âva°); J.V,140; VI,341; Miln.95. --jātihiṅgulika done up, adorned with pure vermilion J.III,303. --nāmadheyya having received a name, called J.V,492. --paṭisanthāra having been received kindly J.VI,160; DhA.I,80. --pariggaha being taken to wife, married to (Instr.) PvA.161 (& a°). --paritta one on whom a protective spell has been worked, charm-protected Miln.152. --bhaddaka one to whom good has been done PvA.116. --sakkāra honoured, revered J.V,353; Mhvs 9, 8 (su°). --saṅgaha one who has taken part in the redaction of the Scriptures Mhvs 5, 106. --sannāha clad in armour DhA.I,358. --sikkha (having been) trained Miln.353. -- 2. As 2nd pt. of compd: Denoting the performance of the verbal notion with ref. to the object affected by it, i. e. simply a Passive of the verb implied in the determinant, with emphasis of the verb-notion: “made so & so, used as, reduced to” (garukata=garavita). ‹-› (a) with nouns (see s. v.) e. g., anabhāva-kata, kavi°, kāla-vaṇṇa° (reduced to a black colour) Vin.I,48= II.209, tāl’āvatthu°, pamāṇa°, bahuli°, yāni°, saṅkhār’ûpekkhā°, etc. -- (b) with adjectives, e. g. garu°, bahu°. -- (c) with adverbial substitutes, e. g. atta°, para° (paraṁ°), sacchi°, sayaṁ, etc. (Page 181)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(=Kaṭa), (karoti 的【过分】), 已做,已制造,已做完,已实现。katakamma,【形】熟练的,业,已做了自己的工作。katakalyāṇa,【形】做善事的人。Katakicca(‹ kata-kicca ‹ kar, karoti。kata, pp. 已被作;kicca,fpp. 应作之务(应断之染、应证之智)),【形】已运行义务。katañjalī,【形】合十。katapaṭisanthāra,【形】善待遇。kataparicaya,【形】熟练的,熟悉的。katapātarāsa,【形】吃了早餐。katapuñña,【形】种福,造福。katapuññatā,【阴】种福的事实。katapubba,【形】往昔已做的。Katabhattakicca(=bhattakiccaṁ katvā),【形】用过餐的。katabhāva,【阳】做了的事实。katavedī,【形】感谢的。kataveditā,【阴】报恩,感恩。katasakkāra, katasaṅgaha,【形】受款待的人。katasaṅketa,【中】约会,预先告示。katasikkha,【形】熟练的人。katanuggaha,【形】被协助的。katadhikāra, katabhinīhāra, katabhinivesa,【形】已决意或热望的人。kataparādha,【形】有罪的,违反者。katabhiseka,【形】施以涂油礼,供神用的。katākataṁ﹐已作和未作(what has been done & left undone)。katāni akatāni ca﹐已作和未作(deeds done & not done)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(karoti 的【过分】), 已做,已制造,已做完,已实现。~kamma, 【形】熟练的,业,已做了自己的工作。~kalyāṇa, 【形】做善事的人。~kicca, 【形】已运行义务。~añjalī, 【形】 合十。~paṭisanthāra, 【形】 善待遇。~paricaya,【形】 熟练的,熟悉的。~pātarāsa, 【形】 吃了早餐。~puñña, 【形】 种福,造福。~puññatā, 【阴】 种福的事实。~pubba, 【形】 往昔已做的。~bhattakicca, 【形】 用了餐的人。~bhāva, 【阳】 做了的事实。~vedī, 【形】感谢的。~veditā, 【阴】 感恩。~sakkāra, ~saṅgaha, 【形】受款待的人。~saṅketa, 【中】 约会,预先告示。~sikkha,【形】熟练的人。~anuggaha,【形】被协助的。~adhikāra, ~abhinīhāra, ~abhinivesa, 【形】已决议或热望的人。~aparādha, 【形】 有罪的,违反者。~abhiseka, 【形】施以涂油礼,供神用的。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. kantati2] a scrubber, used after a bath Vin.II,129, 143; cp. Vin. Texts II.318. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Vedic katama),【形】哪一,什么,哪个(which, which one (of two or more))。In some cases merely emphatic for ko, e.g. (katamena maggena āgato?); (katamo so atta-paṭilābho?). -- Instr. katamena (scil. maggena) adv. by which way, how?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 哪一,什么,哪个。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Vedic katama, interr. pron. with formation of num. ord., in function=katara, cp. antama › antara, Lat. dextimus›dexter] which, which one (of two or more) Vin.II,89; M.I,7; J.I,172; Miln.309; PvA.27. In some cases merely emphatic for ko, e. g. Vin.I,30 (katamena maggena āgato?); D.I,197 (katamo so atta-paṭilābho?); J.I,97; Sn.995; Miln.51. -- Instr. katamena (scil. maggena) adv. by which way, how? Miln.57, 58. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【处】 一旦做完一些事物。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【处】一旦做完一些事物。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. kata] a bad deed, injuring, doing evil (cp. kaṭana) J.IV,42 (yam me akkhāsi . . . katanaṁ kataṁ), cp. Morris in J.P.T.S. 1893, 15. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 哪一个(二中之一)。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】哪一个(二中之一)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic katara, interr. pron. with formation of num. ord., cp. Gr. pόteros, Lat. uter] which one (of a certain number, usually of two) J.I,4; PvA.119. Often only emphatic for ko, e. g. J.I,298 (kataraṁ upaddavaṁ na kareyya), and used uninflected in cpds., as katara-geha J.III,9; °gandhaṁ J.VI,336; °divasaṁ J.II,251; °nagarato (from what city) DhA.I,390; °nāma (kataraṁnāma, adj.) (of what name) ibid. --katarasmiṁ magge in which way, how? J.IV,110. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 做,已做的事实。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(abstr. fr. kata, cp. Sk. krtatvaṁ),【中】做,已做的事实(the doing of, performance of, only in Abl. katattā. Used adverbially in meaning of “owing to, on account of”. akatattā through non-performance of, in absence or in default of)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. kata, cp. Sk. kṛtatvaṁ] the doing of, performance of, only in Abl. katattā D.II,213; A.I,56; J.III,128; Dhs.431, 654; SnA 356; DhA.III,154; IV,142. Used adverbially in meaning of “owing to, on account of” Miln.275; DhsA.262; Mhvs 3, 40. --akatattā through non-performance of, in absence or in default of A. I.56; PvA.69, 154. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [kata + vedin, see kataññu] mindful, grateful S.I,225; Pug.26; J.I,424; II,26. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. last] gratefulness: see kataññutā. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. kṛtajña] lit. knowing, i. e. acknowledging what has been done (to one), i. e. grateful often in combn with katavedin grateful and mindful of benefits S.II, 272; A.I,87=Pug.26; Vv 8127; Sdhp.509, 524. akataññu 1. ungrateful S.I,225; J.III,26 (=kata-guṇaṁ ajānanto C.), 474; IV,124; PvA.116; Bdhd 81. -- 2. (separate akata-ññu) knowing the Uncreated, i. e. knowing Nibbāna Dh.97, 383; DhA.II,188; IV,139. -- akataññu-rūpa (& °sambhava) of ungrateful nature J.IV,98, 99. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. last] gratefulness (defined at KhA 144 as katassa jānanatā) Sn.265; J.I,122 (T. °nā, v. l. °tā); III,25; Pv.II,97; VvA.63; Sdhp.497, 540. In combn with kataveditā S.II,272; A.I,61; II,226, 229. kataññū-kataveditā J.III,492. --akataññutā ungratefulness, in combn with akataveditā A.I,61; III,273; J.V,419; as one of the 4 offences deserving of Niraya A.II,226. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(abstr. ‹kataññū) ,【阴】感恩gratefulness (katassa jānanatā). akataññutā,不知感恩(ungratefulness)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】感恩的,亲切的。kataññuta,【阴】感恩。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. krtajña),【形】感恩的,亲切的,知恩(lit. knowing, i. e. acknowledging what has been done (to one))(台语:食水知水头ciah8 cui2 cai cui2 thau5,知恩报本ti un po3 pun2)。kataññuta,【阴】感恩。akataññuta,【阴】不知感恩(ungrateful)。akata-ññu,知无作的(knowing the Uncreated, i. e. knowing Nibbāna)。akataññu-rūpa(& akataññusambhava), 不知感恩的本性(of ungrateful nature)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adv.) [Loc. of kata] for the sake of, on behalf of; with Acc. maṁ k. J.IV,14; with Gen. maṁsassa k. J.V,500. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Loc. of kata)【副】为了(for the sake of),代表(on behalf of)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(potsherd) spelling at Vism.261 for kaṭhala. (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(metri causâ)=next, in the Uddāna at Vin.II,234 (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [der. uncertain], always in combn pād’odaka pāda-pīṭha pāda-k°: either a cloth to wipe the feet with after washing them, or a footstool Vin.I,9, 47; II,22 sq., 210, 216. At VvA.8 however with pāda-pīṭha expld as a footstool (pāda-ṭhāpana-yoggaṁ dārukhaṇḍaṁ āsanaṁ). Bdhgh (on CV II.1.1) expld pādapīṭha as a stool to put the washed foot on, pāda-kathalika as a stool to put the unwashed foot on, or a cloth to rub the feet with (ghaṁsana).

the meaning “bowl” seems to be preferable to Bdhgh’s forced interpretation as “towel.” (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 会谈,交谈。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. kath, see katheti] 1. conversing, talking J.I,299; III,459; VI,340. -- 2. telling i. e. answering, solving (a question) J.V,66 (pañha°).-3. preaching DhA.I,7. -- 4. reciting, narrating KAcc. 130. Cp. kathita. --akathana not talking or telling J.I,420; VI,424; not speaking fr. anger J.IV,108; DhA.I,440.

--ākāra, in °ṁ karoti to enter into conversation with J.VI,413. --samattha able to speak (of the tongue) J.III,459; able to talk or converse with (saddhiṁ) J.VI,340. --sīla (one) in the habit of talking, garrulous J.I,299; a° J.I,420. (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】会谈,交谈。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '﹐某方式(somehow)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【副】 如何? ~kathā, 【阴】疑惑,不确定。~kathī, 【形】 疑心的人。~kara, 【形】 如何做,做什么的? ~bhūta, 【形】 什么种类的? 什么样的? ~vidha, ~pakāra, 【形】 什么类型? ~sīla, 【形】 什么戒的?(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【副】如何? kathaṁkathā,【阴】疑虑,疑惑,不确定。kathaṁkathī,【形】疑心的人。kathaṁkara,【形】如何做,做什么的? kathaṁbhūta,【形】什么种类的? 什么样的? kathaṁvidha, kathaṁpakāra,【形】什么类型? kathaṁsīla,【形】什么戒的? kathaṁ krtva?何以故?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adv.) [cp. Vedic kathaṁ & kathā] dubit. interr. part. 1. how; with ind. pres. PvA.6 (k. puriso paṭilabhati), or with fut. & cond. J.I,222; II,159 (k. tattha gamissāmi); VI,500; PvA.54 (na dassāmi) -- 2. why, for what reason? J.III,81; V,506. Combined with --ca Vin.I,114; II,83. --carahi D.II,192. --nu & --nu kho Vin.II,26, J.III,99; IV, 339; Nd2 189, see also evaṁ nu kho. --pana D.II,163. --su Nd2 189. --hi J.IV,339; DhA.I,432. --hi nāma Vin.I,45; II,105; III,137; IV,300; all in the same meaning; --ci (kathañci) scarcely, with difficulty Th.1, 456.

--kathā “saying how? how?” i. e. doubt, uncertainty, unsettled mind (cp. kaṅkhā); expl. as vicikicchā dukkhe kaṅkhā Nd2 190; D.II,282; Sn.500, 866, 1063, 1088; DhA.IV,194; as adj. and at end of cpd. °-katha, e. g. vigata° (in phrase tiṇṇa-vicikiccha . . . vesārajjappatta) D.I,110=Vin.I,12; tiṇṇa° (+ visalla) Sn.17, 86, 367. k-k-salla “the arrow of doubt” D.II,283 (vicikicchā +). --kathin having doubts, unsettled, uncertain D.II,287; M.I,8; Nd2 191; DhsA.352; free from doubt, Ep. of Arahant (expld DA.I,211: “not saying how and how is this?”); M.I,108; It.49; Sn.534, 635, 868, 1064; in phrases tiṇṇa-vicikiccho viharati akathaṅkathī kusalesu dhammesu D.I,71=Pug.59, jhāyī anejo a° Dh.414 (: DhA.IV,194)=Sn.638. --kara (adj.) how acting, what doing? k. ahaṁ no nirayam pateyyaṁ (“ti/ poiώn makaρios e)ζomai”) J.IV,339; Sn.376; J.IV,75; V,148. --jīvin leading what kind of life? Sn.181. --dassin holding what views? Sn.848 (see °sīla). --pakāra of what kind Vin.I,358; Sn.241 (:kathappakāra). --paṭipanna going what way, i. e. how acting? D.II,277, 279, 281. --bhāvita how cultivated or practised? S.V,119. --bhūta “how being,” of what sort, what like D.II,139, 158; --rūpa of what kind? M.I,218; A.I,249; III,35; J.III,525. --vaṇṇa of what appearance, what like? D.II,244. --vidha what sort of? J.V,95, 146; DhsA.305. --sameta how constituted? Sn.873. --sīla of what character or conduct? how in his morality? Sn.848 (kathaṁdassī kathaṁsīlo upasanto ti vuccati). (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(v. den. fr. kathā, cp. Sk. kathayate] aor. kathesi, inf. kathetuṁ & kathetave (Vin.I,359); Pass. kathīyati & katheti (Miln.22, cp. Trenckner, Notes 122); ppr. Pass. kathīyamāna & kacchamāna (A. III,181); grd. kathetabba, kathanīya & kaccha, -- 1. to speak, say, tell, relate (in detail: vitthārato PvA.77). mā kathesi (=mā bhaṇi) do not speak PvA.16. -- to tell (a story): J. I.2; IV,137; PvA.12, 13. -- 2. to converse with J. VI,413; PvA.86 (=āmantayi). -- 3. to report, to inform J.V,460. -- 4. to recite DhA.I,166. -- 5. to expound, explain, preach J.I,30; Miln.131; DhA.I,88; Nd2 s. v. -- 6. to speak about (with Acc.) Vin.II,168. -- 7. to refer to J.I,307. -- 8. to answer or solve (a question) J.I,165; V,66. -- Caus II. kathāpeti to make say Mhvs 24, 4 (aor. kathāpayi); DhA.II,35; KhA 118. (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kath +e), 说,讲,开示,敍述。kathesi,【过】。kathenta,【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kath + e), 说,讲,叙述。 kathesi, 【过】。kathenta, 【现分】。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【独】 说了,讲了。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【独】说了,开示了。kathīyati,【被】被说。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) (-°) [fr. kathā, cp. Sk. kathaka] relating, speaking, conversing about, expounding, in cpds. citta° Th.2, 449 (cp. citra-kathin); (a) tiracchāna° A.IV,153; dhamma° J.I,148; III,342; IV,2 (°thera); VI,255 (mahā°); as noun a preacher, speaker, expounder A.III,174; Mhvs 14, 64 (mahā°). (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. last?] agreement Dpvs 19, 22; see katikā. (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) (-°) [cp. kathika] speaking; one who speaks, a speaker, preacher J.I,148 (dhamma-kathikesu citrakathī); Miln.90, 348 (°seṭṭha best of speakers). See also kathaṁ-kathin. (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of katheti, cp. Sk. kathita] said, spoken, related J.II,310; IV,73; V,493. su° well said or told J. IV.73. As nt. with Instr. J.IV,72 (tena kathitaṁ the discourse (given) by him). (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Katheti的【过分】) 说,讲,敍述。kathitakathitaṭṭhāna﹐说说讲讲。akathita, 不可讲说。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(‹kath to tell or talk, see katheti; nearest synonym is lap),【阴】论,演讲,故事,谈话。kathāpābhata,【中】会谈的主题。kathāmagga,【阳】敍述,说明。kathādosa﹐无虚言。dānakathaṁ sīlakathaṁ saggakathaṁ, kāmānaṁ ādīnavaṁ okāraṁ saṁkilesaṁ nekkhamme ānisajsaṁ pakāsi,说布施论、持戒论、生天论,及说诸欲之灾患、卑陋、污秽,出离之功德。A.9.1./IV,352.:appicchakathā santuṭṭhikathā pavivekakathā asaṁsaggakathā vīriyārambhakathā sīlakathā samādhikathā paññākathā vimuttikathā vimuttiñāṇadassanakathā((十论︰)少欲论、知足论、远离论、无杂论、发勤论、戒论、定论、慧论、解脱论、解脱智见论。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. kath to tell or talk, see katheti; nearest synonym is lap, cp. vāc’âbhilāpa & sallāpa] 1. talk, talking, conversation A.I,130; PvA.39. So in antarā° D.I,179; Sn.p. 107, 115; cp. sallāpa. Also in tiracchāna° low, common speech, comprising 28 kinds of conversational talk a bhikkhu should not indulge in, enumd in full at D.I,7=178=III,36 & passim (e. g. S.V,419: corr. suddha° to yuddha°!; A.V,128=Nd2 192); ref. to at A.III,256; V,185; J.I,58; Pug.35. Similarly in gāma° Sn.922; viggāhikā k. A.IV,87; Sn.930. Ten good themes of conversation (kathā-vatthūni) are enumd at M.III,113=A.III,117=IV.357=V.67; Miln.344; similarly dhammī kathā A.II,51; IV,307; V,192; Sn.325; pavattanī k. A.I,151; yutta kathāyaṁ Sn.826; sammodanīyā k. in salutation formula s°ṁ k°ṁ sāraṇīyaṁ vītisāretvā D.I,52, 108, etc.; A.V,185; Sn.419, pp. 86, 93, 107, 116. -- 2. speech, sermon, discourse, lecture Vin.I,203, 290 (°ṁ karoti to discuss); A.III,174; IV, 358. Freq. in anupubbi° a sermon in regular succession, graduated sermon, discussing the 4 points of the ladder of “holiness,” viz. dānakathā, sīla°, sagga°, magga° (see anupubba) Vin.I,15; A.III,184; IV,186, 209, 213; DhA.I,6; VvA.66. -- 3. a (longer) story, often with vitthāra° an account in detail, e. g. PvA.19. bāhira° profane story KhA 48. -- 4. word, words, advice: °ṁ gaṇhāti to accept an advice J.II,173; III,424. -- 5. explanation, exposition, in aṭṭha° (q. v.), cp. gati° Ps.II,72. -- 6. discussion, in °vatthu (see below) Mhvs 5, 138. --dukkathā harmful conversation or idle talk A.III,181; opp. su° A.III,182. --kathaṁ vaḍḍheti “to increase the talk,” to dispute sharply J.I,404; V,412. °ṁ samuṭṭhāpeti to start a conversation J.I,119; IV, 73. -- At the end of cpds. (as adj.) °kathā e. g. chinna° Sn.711; ṭhita° DA.I,73; madhura° J.III,342; VI,255.

--âbhiññāṇa recollection due to speech Miln.78, 79. --ojja (k°-udya, to vad) a dispute, quarrel Sn.825, 828. --dhamma a topic of conversation DA.I,43. --nigghosa the sound of praise, flattery J.II,350. --pavatti the course of a conversation J.I,119; DhA.I,249; Mhbv 61. --pābhata subject of a conversation, story J.I,252, 364. --bāhulla abundance of talk, loquacity A.IV,87. --magga narrative, account, history J.I,2. --rasa the sweetness of (this) speech Miln.345. --vatthu 1. subject of a discourse or discussion, argument M.I,372; II,127, 132. There are 10 enumd at A.IV,352, 357 (see kathā) and at Vism.19 as qualities of a kalyāṇa-mitta, referred to at A.V,67, 129; Vism.127; DhA.IV,30. Three are given at D.III,220=A.I,197. °kusala well up in the subjects of discussion VvA.354. -- 2. N. of the fifth book of the Abhidhamma Piṭaka, the seven constituents of which are enumd at var. places (e. g. DA.I,17; Mhbv 94, where Kvu takes the 3rd place), see also J.P.T.S. 1882, 1888, 1896. --samuṭṭhāna the arising of a discussion Mhvs 5, 138. --samuṭṭhāpana starting a conversation J.I,119; III,278; DhA.I,250. --sampayoga conversational intercourse A.I,197. --sallāpa talk, conversation Vin.I,77; D.I,89 sq., 107 sq.; II,150; M.I,178; A.II,197; V,188; Ud.40; J.II,283; Miln.31; DA.I,276 (expld as kathanapaṭikathana); DhA.II,91 (°ṁ karoti) VvA.153. (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 演讲,故事,谈话。~pābhata, 【中】 会谈的主题。~magga,【阳】 叙述,说明。~vatthu, 【中】 讨论的主题,《论事》论藏第五部。~sallāpa, 【阳】 友善的会谈。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'n. 論事[七論の一].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'n. 論事 [七論之一].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. kuth, to boil] kettle, cooking pot; in daṇḍa° (a pot with a handle) Vin.I,286 (v. l. kathālaka), and meda° A iv. 377; DhA.II,179. (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(katheti 的【使】), 令说,送出信息。kathāpesi, 【过】。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(katheti 的【使】), 令说,送出资讯。kathāpesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'Caus. II. of katheti (q. v.). (Page 184)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】会谈(talk, conversation)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】《论事》巴利论藏第五部,乃阿育王时代第三结集时(大约B.C.255年),由目犍连子帝须(Moggaliputta-tissa)所编辑。内容以问答体的形式,阐明锡兰大寺派所传承的分别上座部教理,而将其他部派学说视为异端,加以批评驳斥,全部由二十三品226条的论点组成,且还涵盖其他部派对《律藏》和《经藏》的不同解释。在《论事》有比较完整及系统的巴利佛教逻辑应用,不同於因明或中论的风格。《论事》尚有︰《论事注释》(Kathāvatthu-aṭṭhakathā)、《论事根本注疏》(Kathāvatthu-mūlaṭīkā)、《论事小注疏》(Kathāvatthu-anuṭīkā)等。AA.3.67./II,308.︰Kathāvatthūnīti kathākāraṇāni, kathāya bhūmiyo patiṭṭhāyoti attho.(论事︰论之因,论之基地,和立足之义。)《论事》逻辑方式共有八种方法,称为「八抑义」 (Aṭṭhakaniggahanaya) 其分为两个部分:一、「顺论」(Anulomapaccanīka)有四论,二、「反论」(Paccanīkānuloma)有四论。每一论也再分成五种方法。第一论Anulomapañcaka﹝顺论 五﹞1.)、ṭhapanā﹝建立﹞有两种:一、Anulomaṭhapanā﹝顺建﹞,二、Paṭilomaṭhapanā﹝反建﹞,2.)、Anulomapāpanā﹝顺到﹞,3.)、Anulomaropanā﹝顺提﹞,4.)、Paṭilomapāpanā﹝反到﹞,5.)、Paṭilomaropanā﹝反提﹞。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【疑缀】 几,多少。~vassa, 【形】 几年,几岁? ~vidha, 【形】 几种?(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【疑缀】几,多少。kativassa,【形】几年,几岁? katividha,【形】几种?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(indecl.) [interr. pron.; used like Lat. quot. Already Vedic.] how many? Vin.I,83 (k. sikkhāpadāni), 155; S.I,3 (°saṅgâtiga having overcome how many attachments? ), 70; Sn.83, 960, 1018; Ps.II,72; Miln.78; DhA.I,7, 188; PvA.74. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】会话,交谈,协定。katikāvatta,【中】契约,协定。僧团规约(saṅghassa katikasaṇṭhānaṁ):由某一寺院或住区范围内的僧衆订立的共同遵守的规章、条例、细则。(cf. Vin.Cv.357.)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】会话,交谈,协议。~vatta, 【中】 契约,协议。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [to katheti or karoti?] 1. agreement, contract, pact Vin.I,153 (T. kātikā), 309; J.VI,71; Miln.171, 360. -- 2. talking, conversation, talk (adhammikā k., cp. kathikā & kathā) J.II,449. --katikaṁ karoti to make an arrangement or agreement Vin.III,104, 220, 230; J. I.81; IV,267; DhA.I,91; VvA.46. In cpds. katika°, e. g. °vatta observance of an agreement, °ṁ karoti to be faithful to a pact Dh.I,8; °ṁ bhindati to break an agreement J.VI,541; °saṇṭhāna the entering of an agreement Vin.II,76, 208: III,160. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[num. ord. fr. kati], f. katimī in k. pakkhassa which (of many other) day of the half-month Vin.I,117. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. katipaya] some, several; a few (in cpds. or in pl.) J.I,230, 487; III,280, 419; IV,125; V,162; Pv.II,920 (=appake only a few); DhA.I,94 (very few); PvA.46. In sg. little, insignificant Vv 5320 (=appikā f.). °vāre a few times, a few turns J.V,132; VI,52; PvA.135; Mhbv 3. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】一些。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 一些。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】几天。katipāhaṁ,【副】几天。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 几天。 katipāhaŋ, 【副】 几天。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adv.) [katipaya + ahan, contracted, see aha2] (for) a few days Vin.III,14; J.I,152, 298, 466; II,38; III,48; IV,147; Mhvs 7, 38; PvA.145, 161; VvA.222. katipāhena (Instr.) within a few days Mhvs 17, 41; DhA.I,344; PvA.13, 161. katipāh’accayena after (the lapse of) a few days J.I,245; DhA.I,175; PvA.47. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [kati + vassa] 1. (having) how many years, how old? J.V,331. -- 2. (having had) how many rainy seasons (in the bhikkhu’s career) of how many years’seniority? Vin.I,86; Ud.59; Miln.28; DhA.I,37. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [kati + vidha, for Vedic katidhā] of how many kinds Vism.84. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】被允许,准许的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 被允许,准许的。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of kantati2; cp. Sk. kṛtta] is represented in Pali by kanta2; katta being found only in cpd. pari°. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【潜】 应该做。 【中】 责任,义务。~yuttaka, 【形】 应该做的。~tā, 【阴】 应该做。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【义】应该做。【中】责任,义务。kattabbayuttaka,【形】应该做的。kattabbattā, kattabbatā,【阴】应该做。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [grd. of karoti] 1. to be done, to be made or performed; that which might or could be done Dh.53; J.I,77, 267; V,362. -- 2. (nt.) that which is to be done, obligation, duty Th.1, 330; J.II,154; V,402; DhA.I,211. --akattabba (adj.) not to be done J.III,131; V,147; (nt.) that which ought not to be done J.V,402. kattabb’âkattabba to be done and not to be done J.I,387. kattabba-yuttaka 1. (adj.) fit or proper to be done DhA.I,13. -- 2. (nt.) duty, obligation J.III,9; VI,164; DhA.I,180; (the last) duties towards the deceased J.I,431. -- Cp. kātabba. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. last] task, duty Th.1, 330. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. kattabba] fitness, duty, that which is to be done J.II,179 (iti-°āya because I had to do it thus). (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[n. ag. fr. karoti, cp. Sk. kartṛ] one who makes or creates, a maker, doer; in foll. construction. I. Dependent. Either in verb-function with Acc., as n. agent to all phrases with karoti e. g. pañhaṁ karoti to put a question, pañhaṁ kattā one who puts a question; or in n. function with Gen., e. g. mantānaṁ kattāro the authors of the Mantas, or in cpd. rāja-kattāro makers of kings. -- II. Dependent. as n. kattā the doer: kattā hoti no bhāsitā he is a man of action, and not of words. -- 1. (indef.) one who does anything (with Acc.) A.I,103; II,67; V,347, 350 sq.; (with Gen.) J.I,378; III,136 (one who does evil, in same meaning at III,26, C. akataññū, cp. J.P.T.S. 1893, 15: not to kṛt!); IV,98 (expld as kata by C); V,258; Miln.25, 296; Bdhd 85 sq. -- 2. an author, maker, creator D.I,18 (of Brahmā: issaro, k., nimmātā), 104 (mantānaṁ); A.II,102; Dh.I,111. -- 3. an officer of a king, the king’s messenger J.V,220 (=225); VI,259, 268, 302, 313, 492. Note. At J.V,225 & VI,302 the Voc. is katte (of a-decl.), cp. also Nom. °katta for °kattā in salla-katta. -- 4. as t.t.g. N. of the Instr. case VvA.97; Kacc 136, 143, 277. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】非常小的。kattaradaṇḍa,【阳】kattarayaṭṭhi,【阴】拐杖,棒,杆。kattarasuppa,【阳】小簸箕。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 非常小的。~daṇḍa, 【阳】 ~yaṭṭhi, 【阴】 拐杖,棒,杆。~suppa, 【阳】 小簸箕。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) (only°-) [cp. Sk. kṛtvan (?), in diff. meaning] °daṇḍa a walking-stick or staff (of an ascetic) Vin.I,188; II,76=208 sq.; III,160; J.I,9; V,132; VI,52, 56, 520; Vism.91, 125, 181. °yaṭṭhi=prec. J.II,441; DA.I,207; III,140. °ratha an old (?) chariot J.III,299. °suppa a winnowing basket Vin.I,269=DhA.I,174 (°e pakkhipitvā saṅkāra-kūṭe chaḍḍehi). (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kattarikā,【阴】剪刀(scissors),大剪刀。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '& °ī (f.) [to kantati2] scissors, shears J.III,298, with ref. to the “shears” of a crab, “as with scissors”: cp. Vin. Texts III,138 (see next). (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kattarikā, 【阴】 剪刀,大剪刀。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. last] scissors, or a knife Vin.II,134; J. I.223. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【副】 哪里?(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【副】哪里?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adv.) [der. fr. interr. base ka° (kad2), whereas Sk. kutra is der. fr. base ku°, cp. kuttha] where? where to, whither? Vin.I,83, 107; II,76; D.I,223; Sn.487, 1036; J.III,76; Pv.II,916; DhA.I,3. --k. nu kho where then, where I wonder? D.I,215 sq., PvA.22 (with Pot.) --katthaci(d) (indef.) anywhere, at some place or other J.I,137; V,468; wherever, in whatever place Miln.366; PvA.284; KhA 247; J.III,229; IV,9, 45; as katthacid eva J. IV. 92; PvA.173. Sometimes doubled katthaci katthaci in whatsoever place J.IV,341. --na k. nowhere M. I.424; Miln.77; VvA.14.

--ṭhita fig. in what condition or state? D.II,241 (corresp. with ettha); J.IV,110. --vāsa in what residence? Sn.412. --vāsika residing where? J.II,128, 273. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【无】 某处。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【无】某处。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '﹐某处(somewhere)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】自夸。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 自夸。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kath+a),以有…而自豪,自夸。katthi,【过】。katthita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. katthate, etym. unexpld] to boast Sn.783 (ppr. med. akatthamāna). Cp. pavikatthita. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kath + a), 以有…而自豪,自夸。katthi, 【过】。katthita, 【过分】。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. katth] boasting A.V,157 (+ vikatthin). (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(n. ag. fr. katthati] a boaster Sn.930. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(?) a jackal, in °soṇā j. & dogs J.VI,538 (for koṭṭhu°). (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 自夸的人,自夸的。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】自夸的人,自夸的。katthita自吹自擂的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 迦底迦月(月份名,于十月至十一月之间)。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】迦底迦月(月份名,於十月至十一月之间,农历9月16至10月15)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) (& °kattika) [cp. Sk. kṛttikā f. pl. the Pleiades & BSk. karthika] N. of a month (Oct.-Nov.), during which the full moon is near the constellation of Pleiades. It is the last month of the rainy season, terminating on the full moon day of Kattikā (kattika-puṇṇamā). This season is divided into 5 months: Āsāḷha, Sāvaṇa, Bhaddara (Poṭṭhapāda), Assayuja, Kattikā; the month Assayuja is also called pubba-kattikā, whereas the fifth, K., is also known as pacchima-kattikā; both are comprised in the term k.-dvemāsika. Bhikkhus retiring for the first 3 months of the Vassa (rainy season) are kattika-temāsikā, if they include the 4th, they are k.-cātumāsikā. The full moon of Assayuja is termed k.-temāsinī; that of Kattika is k.-cātumāsinī. See Vinaya passages & cp. nakkhatta. -- Nett 143 (kattiko, v. l. kattikā).

--cātumāsinī see above Vin.III,263. --coraka a thief who in the month of K., after the distribution of robes, attacks bhikkhus Vin.III,262. --chaṇa a festival held at the end of Lent on the full moon of pubba-kattikā, and coinciding with the Pavāraṇā J.I,433; II,372; V,212 sq.; Mhvs 17, 17. --temāsi (-puṇṇamā) (the full moon) of pubbakattikā Vin.III,261; Mhvs 17, 1 (°puṇṇamāsī). --māsa the month K. J.II,372; Mhvs 12, 2 (kattike māse). --sukkapakkha the bright fortnight of K. Mhvs 17, 64. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 昂宿(二十七星宿之一)。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '& Kattika, (cp. Sk. krttikā f. pl. the Pleiades & BSk. karthika),【阴】 9月16~10月15(during which the full moon is near the constellation of Pleiades. It is the last month of the rainy season, terminating on the full moon day of Kattikā (kattika-puṇṇamā))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】昂宿(二十七星宿之一)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】制造者,行为者,作家,句子的主题。kattukāma,【形】乐意做的。kattukāmatā, kattukamyatā,【阴】想做。kattukamyatāchandaṁ,想做之欲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 制造者,行为者,作家,句子的主题。~kāma, 【形】 乐意做的。~kāmatā, ~kamyatā, 【阴】 想做。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1. base of inf. kattuṁ (of karoti), in compds °kamyatā willingness to do something Vbh.208; Vism.320, 385; DhA.III,289; °kāma desirous to do Vin.II,226. °kāmatā desire to do or to perform Vism.466; VvA.43. -- 2. base of kattar in compn. (Page 183)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【不】 要去做。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【不】要去做。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 精于箭术,灵巧的。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】精於箭术,灵巧的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(karotī 的【独】), 做完,做了。(p93)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(karotī 的【独】), 做完,做了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [secondary formation fr. kata] one who has done (what could be done), used like katakicca to denote one who has attained Arahantship S.I,14; Miln.264. (Page 182)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】帮助的。【阳】帮忙。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 帮助的。 【阳】 帮忙。(p92)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. Sk. kavaca] a mail, a coat of mail, armour D.II,107=Ud.64 (appld to existence); Th.1, 614 (of sīla); J.IV,92, 296; Miln.199, 257; Vism.73.

--jālikā a mail-coat Miln.199. (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】盔甲,甲胄。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 盔甲,甲胄。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kabandha,【阳】 无头的身体。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kabandha,【阳】无头的身体。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [cp. Sk. kavandha & kabandha] 1. the (headless) trunk of the body, endowed with the power of motion Vin.III,107; cp. S.II,260 (asīsaka°); Miln.292; DhA.I,314. -- 2. a headless dwarf, whose head has been crushed down into his body J.V,424, 427 (cp. the story of Dhanu, the Rākṣasa who was punished by having his head and thighs forced into his body, Raghuvaṁsa XII.57). (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】诗人。kavitā,【阴】kavitta,【中】诗人的身份。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 诗人。 ~tā,【阴】 ~tta,【中】 诗人的状态。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic kavi] a poet S.I,38; II,267; Dāvs.I,10; four classes enumd at A.II,230 & DA.I,95, viz. 1. cintā° an original p. 2. suta° one who puts into verse what he Las heard. 3. attha° a didactic p. 4. paṭibhāṇa° an improvisor.

--kata composed by poets S.II,267; A.I,72. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. kapittha] the elephant-apple tree, Feronia elephantum J.V,38 (°vana). (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(= kapiṭṭha),【阳】 木苹果树(东南亚荟香科的一种小乔木 (Feroniaelephantum),生产一种坚硬、沉重而经久的、带黄色的木材,常栽培,用其有硬皮的酸果实作为食物,并和叶一起作为民间药)。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(=kapiṭṭha),【阳】木苹果树(elephant-apple tree﹐Feronia elephantum,东南亚荟香科的一种小乔木,生产一种坚硬、沉重而经久的、带黄色的木材,酸果实作为食物,并和叶一起作为民间药)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Vedic kavya wise; sacrificer] poetry; ballad, ode (cp. kabba) J.VI,213, 216.

--kāra a poet J.VI,216. (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳、中】 窗户,门的百叶窗。(p98)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】【中】窗户,门的百叶窗。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) 1. the panels of the door, the door proper, not the aperture Vin.II,114, 120, 207, 208 (see Vin.II,148 for the description of a door) IV.269, 304 (°baddha =āvasatha); J.I,19; Nd2 2351d; Vism.28 (°koṇa doorcorner). -- 2. dvāra° a door-post J.I,63; II,334; PvA.280. -- 3. a window Mhvs IX.17; -- °ṁ paṇāmeti to open the door Vin.II,114, 120, 207; °ṁ ākoṭeti to knock at the door D.I,88 (=DA.I,252); Vin.II,208. -- akavāṭaka (adj.) having no doors, doorless Vin.II,148, 154 (v. l. for akkavāta Text). --piṭṭha the panels and posts of a door; the door and the door-posts Vin.I,47, 48=II.208, 218; --baddha “door-bound,” closed, secure Vin.IV,292 (see also above). (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=kavāṭa Vin.II,148; DA.I,62 (nīvaraṇa°). (Page 201)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】购买。kayavikkaya,【阳】贸易,买卖。kayavikkayī,【阳】商人,经纪人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. kri] purchase, buying A.III,226 (+vi°).

--(a)kkaya, buying & selling Pv.I,56 (see also Kh VII.6 and note). --vikkaya (kraya vikraya) buying & selling, trade in °paṭivirata D.I,5=A.II,209=V.205= Pug.58; D.I,64; S.V,473; Sn.929; J.V,243; Khus 114; DhA.I,78; PvA.29 (=KhA 212). (Page 195)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 购买。 ~vikkaya,【阳】 贸易,买卖。 ~vikkayī,【阳】 商人,经纪人。(p96)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[krī, perhaps connected with kṛ] to buy; Inf. ketuṁ J.III,282; cp. kiṇāti. (Page 195)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[fr. krī, cp. BSk. krayika Divy 505] a buyer, trader, dealer Miln.334. (Page 195)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a buyer J.VI,110. (Page 195)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pron. interr.) [Sk. kaḥ, Idg. *qǔo besides *qui (see ki° & kiṁ) & *qǔu (see ku°). Cp. Av. ka-; Gr. pğ, pώs, poίos, etc.; Lat. quī; Oir. co-te; Cymr. pa; Goth. hvas, Ags. hwā (=E. who), Ohg. hwër] who? -- m. ko, f. kā (nt. kiṁ, q. v.); follows regular decl. of an atheme with some formations fr. ki°, which base is otherwise restricted to the nt. -- From ka° also nt. pl. kāni (Sn.324, 961) & some adv. forms like kathaṁ, kadā, kahaṁ, etc. -- 1. (a) ka°: Nom. m. ko Sn.173, 765, 1024; J.I,279; Dh.146; f. J.VI,364; PvA.41; Gen. sg. kassa Miln.25; Instr. kena; Abl. kasmā (nt.) as adv. “why” Sn.883, 885; PvA.4, 13, 63, etc. -- (b) ki° (m. & f.; nt. see kiṁ): Gen. sg. kissa Dh.237; J.II,104. ko-nāmo (of) what name Miln.14; DhA.II,92, occurs besides kin-nāmo Miln.15. --kvattho what (is the) use Vv 5010 stands for ko attho. -- All cases are freq. emphasized by addition of the affirm. part. nu & su. e. g. ko su’dha tarati oghaṁ (who then or who possibly) Sn.173; kena ssu nivuto loko “by what then is the world obstructed?” Sn.1032; kasmā nu saccāni vadanti . . . Sn.885. ‹-› 2. In indef. meaning combd with --ci (Sk. cid: see under ca 1 and ci°): koci, kāci, etc., whoever, some (usually with neg. na koci, etc., equalling “not anybody”), nt. kiñci (q. v.); e. g. mā jātu koci lokasmiṁ pāpiccho It.85; no yāti koci loke Dh.179; n’âhaṁ bhatako ‘smi kassaci Sn.25; na hi nassati kassaci kammaṁ “nobody’s trace of action is lost” Sn.666; kassaci kiñci na (deti) (he gives) nothing to anybody VvA.322; PvA.45. -- In Sandhi the orig. d of cid is restored, e. g. app’eva nāma kocid eva puriso idh’agaccheyya, “would that some man or other would come here!” PvA.153. ‹-› Also in correl. with rel. pron. ya (see details under ya°): yo hi koci gorakkhaṁ upajīvati kassako so na brāhmano (whoever-he) Sn.612. See also kad°. (Page 173)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a kind of tree (dāsima°) J.VI,536 (expld as “dve rukkhajātiyo”). BB have koñcaka. (Page 175)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(梵kāñeana),【中】黄金(‘黄金’另有:jātarūpa,【中】。siṅgī,【中】。suvaṇṇa,【中】。)。kañcanavaṇṇa,【形】金色。kañcanagghika, kañcanagghiya, kañcanāveḷā, 金色的花圈(a golden garland)。kañcanakadalikkhaṇḍa,一串(台语:一芘)香蕉(bunch of bananas)。kañcanathūpa, 镀金的塔(a gilt stupa)。kañcanapatimā, kañcanarūpa﹐镀金的或金的塑像(a gilt or golden image or statue)。kañcanasūci, 金色的发夹(a gold pin, a hair-pin of gold)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 黄金。 ~vaṇṇa, 【形】 金色。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Derivation uncertain, cp. Sk. kāñeana, either from khacati (shine=the shining metal, cp. kāca (glass) & Sk. kāś), or from kanaka gold, cp. Gr. knhkόs (yellow). P. kañcana is poetical] gold A.III,346= Th.1, 691 (muttaṁ selā va k.); Th.2, 266 (k° ssa phalakaṁ va); VvA.4, 9 (=jātarūpa). Esp. freq. in cpds.=of or like gold.

--agghika a golden garland Bu X. 26. --agghiya id. Bu V.29. --āveḷā id. J.VI,49; Vv 362; Pv.II,127 (thus for °ācela); III,93; PvA.157. --kadalikkhaṇḍa a g. bunch of bananas J.VI,13. --thūpa a gilt stupa DhA.III,483; IV,120. --patimā a gilt or golden image or statue J.VI,553; VvA.168. --paṭṭa a g. turban or coronet J.VI,217. --patta a g. dish J.V,377. --pallaṅka a gilt palanquin J.I,204. --bimba the golden bimba fruit Vv 366 (but expld at VvA.168 by majjita-kpaṭimā-sadisa “like a polished golden statue”). --bubbula a gilt ornament in form of a ball Mhvs 34, 74. --rūpa a g. figure J.III,93. --latā g. strings surrounding the royal drum J.VI,589. --vaṇṇa of g. colour, gilt, shining, bright J.V,342 (=paṇḍara). --velli a g. robe, girdle or waist cloth J.V,398 (but expld as “k-rūpakasadisa-sarīra “having a body like a g. statue”), cp. J.V,306, where velli is expld by kacchā, girdle. --sannibha like g., golden-coloured (cp. k-vaṇṇa and Sk. kanaka-varṇa Sp. Av. Ś. I.121, 135, etc.), in phrase °taca “with golden-coloured skin,” Ep. of the Buddha and one of the 32 signs of a great man (mahāpurisa-lakkhaṇa) D.II,17; III,143, 159; M.II,136; Miln.75; attr. of a devatā Vv 302, 322; VvA.284; of a bhikkhu Sn.551=Th.1, 821. --sūci a gold pin, a hair-pin of gold J.VI,242. (Page 175)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) golden J.IV,379 (°daṇḍa). (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 夹克,外套,甲胄,蜕的蛇皮。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(from kañc (kac) to bind, Sk. kañcuka),【阳】夹克,外套,甲胄,蜕的蛇皮。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[from kañc (kac) to bind, cp. Gr. kάkala fetter, Sk. kañcuka] 1. a closely fitting jacket, a bodice Vin.I,306=II.267; A.I,145; DhA.III,295 (paṭa°ṁ paṭimuncitvā dressed in a close bodice); PvA.63 (urago tacaṁ kañcukaṁ omuñcanto viya). -- 2. the slough of a snake (cp. 1) DA.I,222. -- 3. armour, coat of mail J.V,128 (sannāha°); DA.I,157 (of leather); Dāvs.V,14. -- 4. a case, covering, encasement; of one pagoda incasing another: Mhvs.I,42. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'N. of a class of Titans PvA.272 (kāḷa-k°-bhedā Asurā; should we read khañjaka? Cp. Hardy, Manual of Buddhism 59). (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. kāñjika] sour rice-gruel J.I,238 (udaka°); Vv 3337 (amba°), 435 (=yāgu VvA.186); DhA.I,78, 288; VvA.99 (ācāma-k°-loṇudaka as expln of loṇa-sovīraka “salty fluid, i. e. the scum of sour gruel”). Cp. next. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kañjiya, 【中】 饭稀粥。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kañjiya(Sk. kāñjika),【中】酸粥(sour rice-gruel)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.)=kañjika; J.III,145 (ambila°); VI,365 (°āpaṇa); DhA.II,3; IV,164.

--teḷa a thick substance rising as a scum on rice-gruel, used in straightening arrows DhA.I,288. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 女孩,年轻未婚女子。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】女孩,年轻未婚女子(a young (unmarried) woman, maiden, girl)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [from kanīna young, compar. kanīyah, superl. kaniṣṭha; orig. “newly sprung” from *qen, cp. Gr. kainόs, Vedic kanyā, Lat. re-cen(t)s, Ags. hindema “novissimus.” See also kaniṭṭha] a young (unmarried) woman, maiden, girl Pv.I,111. -- As emblem of beauty in simile khattiya-kaññā vā . . . pannarasa-vassuddesikā vā solasa-vassuddesikā vā . . . M.I,88; in combn khattiya-kaññā, brāhmaṇa-k°, etc. A.II,205; IV,128; Kisāgotamī nāma khattiya-k° J.I,60; deva° a celestial nymph J.I,61.

--dāna giving away of a girl in marriage Pgdp 85. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】拉,拖拉,吸。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 拉,拖拉,吸。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.). 1. pulling, drawing Miln.231. ‹-› 2. refusing, rejecting, renunciation, appl. to the selfdenial of missionary theras following Gotama Buddha’s example Mhvs 12, 55. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) pulling, dragging J.V,260. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[dialect. form supposed to equal Sk. karṣati, cp. Prk. kaḍḍhai to pull, tear, khaḍḍā pit, dug-out. See also Bloomfield, J.A.O.S. XIV. 1921 p. 465.] 1. to draw out, drag, pull, tug J.I,193, 225, 265, 273 (khaggaṁ k. to draw the sword). -- 2. to draw in, suck up (udakaṁ) J.IV,141. -- 3. to draw a line, to scratch J. I.78, 111, 123; VI,56 (lekhaṁ). (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kaḍḍh + a), 拖拉,拉。kaḍḍhi, 【过】。kaḍḍhita, 【过分】。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kaḍḍh+a), 拖拉,拉。kaḍḍhi,【过】。kaḍḍhita,【过分】。kaḍḍhanta,【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a. m. [ kāla-ka] 黒い. = kāla', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '(: kale° and kalevara) (m. & nt.) [cp. BSk. kaḍebara Av. Ś. II.26] 1. the body S.I,62=A.II,48;=IV.429 =M.I,82; J.II,437, III,96, 244; Vism.49, 230. -- 2. a dead body, corpse, carcass; often in description of death: khandhānaṁ bhedo k°assa nikkhepo, D.II,355= M. I.49=Vbh.137; Th.2, 467; J.III,180, 511; V,459; Mhvs 2010; 3781; PvA.80. Cp. kuṇapa. -- 3. the step in a flight of stairs M.II,92, cp. kalingara. (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(h)aka (cp. kaḍamba, kalamba) a mark used to keep the interstices between the threads of the kaṭhina even, when being woven Vin.II,116, 317 (v. l. kaḷimpaka). (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=kalingara. (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(=khaḷopi) f. 1. a vessel, basin, pot: see cpds. ‹-› 2. a basket, crate (=pacchi ThA.219; J.V,252) M.I,77, 342; S.I,236=Th.2, 283 (where osenti is to be corr. to openti); J.V,252. -- On the form of the word (=karoṭi?) see Trenckner J.P.T.S. 1908, 109 and Davids, Dial. I.227. kaḷopī (as khaḷopī) is expld at Pug.A p. 231 as “ukkhalī, pacchi vā.”

--mukha the brim of a pan or cooking vessel D.I,166 =M.I,77=342=A.I,295=II.206 (kumbhi-m°+kaḷopim°); --hattha with a vessel or basket in his hand A.IV,376. (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(=khaḷopi) ,【阴】1. (a vessel, basin, pot)。2. (a basket, crate (=pacchi ThA.219; J.V.252) 。kaḷopīmukha, (the brim of a pan or cooking vessel); kaḷopīhattha, (with a vessel or basket in his hand)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. karāla projecting (of teeth), whereas kaḍāra means tawny] always referring to teeth: with long, protruding teeth, of Petas (cp. attr. of the dog of the “Underworld” PvA.152: tikhiṇâyatakaṭhina-dāṭho and the figure of the witch in fairy-tales) J.V,91 (=nikkhantadanto); VI,548 (=sūkara-dāṭhehi samannāgato p. 549); Pv.II,41 (=k°-danto PvA.90). (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. last, lit. with protruding teeth] a kind of large (female) elephant M 1. 178 (so read with v. l. for kāḷ°). Cp. kalāra. (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=kalāya. (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'the top sprout of a plant or tree, esp. of the bamboo and cert. palm trees (e. g. coco-nut tree) which is edible Sn.38 (vaṁsa°=veḷugumba Nd2 556 and p. 58); Th.1, 72; J.I,74, cp. III,179; VI,26; Miln.201 (vaṁsa°); Vism.255 (vaṁsa°-cakkalaka, so read for kalira°; KhA 50 at id. passage reads kaḷīra-daṇḍa).

--(c)chejja (nt.) “the cutting off of the sprout,” a kind of torture Miln.193, cp. Miln. trsl. I.270 and kadalīccheda. (Page 200)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kaṁsa; of uncertain etym., perhaps of Babylonian origin, cp. hirañña] 1. bronze Miln.2; magnified by late commentators occasionally into silver or gold. Thus J.VI,504 (silver) and J.I,338; IV,107; VI,509 (gold), considered more suitable to a fairy king. -- 2. a bronze gong Dh.134 (DhA.III,58). -- 3. a bronze dish J.I,336; āpānīya° a bronze drinking cup, goblet M. I.316. -- 4. a “bronze,” i. e. a bronze coin worth 4 kahāpaṇas Vin.IV,255, 256. See Rhys Davids, Coins and Measures §§ 12, 22. -- “Golden bronze” in a fairy tale at Vv 54 is explained by Dhammapāla VvA.36 as “bells.” -- It is doubtful whether brass was known in the Gaṅges valley when the earlier books were composed; but kaṁsa may have meant metal as opposed to earthenware. See the compounds.

--upadahārana (n. a.) metal milk-pail (?) in phrase: dhenusahassāni dukūla-sandanāni (?) kaṁsūpadhāraṇām D.II,192; A.IV,393; J.VI,503 (expld at 504). Kern (Toev. p. 142) proposes correction to kaṁs’ûpadohana (=Sk. kāṁsy’opodohana), i.e. giving milk to the extent of a metal pailful. --kaṇṭaka metal thorns, bits of sharp metal, nails J.V,102 (cp. sakaṇṭaka) --kūta cheating with false or spurious metal D.I,5 (=DA.I,79: selling brass plates for gold ones). --tāla bronze gong DhA.I,389; DhsA.319 (°tāḷa); VvA.161 or cymbals J.VI,277. 411. --thāla metal dish, as distinguished from earthenware D.I,74 (in simile of dakkho nahāpako=A.III,25) cp. DA.I,217; Vism.283 (in simile); DhA.III,57 (: a gong); DA.I,217; DhA.IV,67=J.III,224; reading at Miln.62 to be °tāla (see J.P.T.S. 1886, 122). --pattharika a dealer in bronze ware Vin.II,135. --pāti & pātī a bronze bowl, usually for food: M.I,25; A.IV,393; Sn.14; PvA.274. --pūra full of metal J.IV,107. --bhaṇḍa brass ware Vin.II,135. --bhājana a bronze vessel Vism.142 (in simile). --maya made of bronze Vin.I,190; II,112; --mallaka metal dish, e. g. of gold J.III,21. --loha bronze Miln.267. (Page 173)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. kaṁsa)﹐铜,青铜,铜货币,铜锣。kaṁsakūṭa﹐伪货币。kaṁsathāla﹐铜皿。kaṁsapāti﹐铜鉢。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '=kassati, see ava°. (Page 173)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】稷(种子)(millet)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 稷(种子)。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [derivation unknown, prob. non-Aryan, cp. Sk. kaṅgu] the panic seed, Panicum Italicum; millet, used as food by the poor (cp. piyaṅgu); mentioned as one of the seven kinds of grains (see dhañña) at Vin.IV,264; DA.I,78. -- Miln.267; Mhvs 32, 30.

--piṭṭha millet flour, in °maya made of m. meal J.VI,581. --bhatta a dish of (boiled) millet meal Vism.418 (in simile). (Page 175)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. kaṅka, to sound-root kṇ, cp. kiṅkiṇī & see note on gala] a heron M.I,364, 429; J.V,475.

--patta a heron’s plume J.V,475. (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】苍鹭(heron)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 苍鹭。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. kaṅkāla & cp. śṛṅkhala (as kaṇṇa›śṛnga), orig. meaning “chain”] skeleton; only in cpd. atthi°. Aṭṭhikaṅkal’ūpamā kāmā Vin.II,25; M.I,130, 364; J.V,210; Th.1, 1150 (°kuṭika): aṭṭhikaṅkalasannibha Th.2, 488 (=ThA.287; cp. Morris, J.P.T.S. 1885, 75): aṭṭhikaṅkala aṭṭhi-puñja aṭṭhi-rāsi S.II,185=It.17 (but in the verses on same page: puggalass’aṭṭhisañcayo). Cp. aṭṭhisaṅkhalikā PvA.152; aṭṭhika saṅkhalikā J.I,433; aṭṭhi-saṅghāṭa Th.1, 60. (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[=kaṁ or kiṁ+kṛta, to kiṇi, “the tinklings”] elephant’s trappings VvA.104 (=kappa). (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】手镯(bracelet)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 手镯。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [to same root as kaṅka] a bracelet, ornament for the wrist Th.2, 259 (=ThA.211). (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kaṅkhī, 【形】(意见等)动摇的,有疑心的人,犹豫不决的人。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'Kaṅkhī(Kaṅkhin) (Sk. kāṅksin)【形】(意见等)动摇的,有疑心的人,犹豫不决的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) doubting, doubt, hesitation MA 97; DhsA.259. (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kaṅkhā,kaṅkhāyanā, 【阴】 疑惑,不确定。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '﹐Kaṅkhā﹐Kaṅkhāyanā,【阴】疑惑,不确定。《名色差别论》(Nāmarūpaparicchedo﹐ch.2.#119.):「疑惑为疑,没有结论为‘相’,没有一个把握为‘作用’,没有抓住依止处(为现起)。」(Kaṅkhāyanā vicikicchā, asanniṭṭhānalakkhaṇā; anekagāhanarasā, appatiṭṭhāti gayhati.) S.12.20.︰‘1Ahosiṁ nu kho ahaṁ atītamaddhānaṁ(1过去世我存在吗?), 2nanu kho ahosiṁ atītamaddhānaṁ(2过去世我不存在吗?),3kiṁ nu kho ahosiṁ atītamaddhānaṁ(3过去世我是什么?), 4kathaṁ nu kho ahosiṁ atītamaddhānaṁ (4过去世我如何?), 5kiṁ hutvā kiṁ ahosiṁ nu kho ahaṁ atītamaddhānan’ti(5过去世我从什么成为什么?); aparantaṁ vā upadhāvissati— ‘6Bhavissāmi nu kho ahaṁ anāgatamaddhānaṁ, 7nanu kho bhavissāmi anāgatamaddhānaṁ(想未来:6未来世我将存在吗?7未来世我将不存在吗?)8kiṁ nu kho bhavissāmi anāgatamaddhānaṁ(8未来世我将存在什么吗?), 9kathaṁ nu kho bhavissāmi anāgatamaddhānaṁ (9未来世我将如何存在?)10kiṁ hutvā kiṁ bhavissāmi nu kho ahaṁ anāgatamaddhānan’ti(10未来世我将从什么成为什么?); etarahi vā paccuppannaṁ addhānaṁ ajjhattaṁ kathaṁkathī bhavissati(於今现世内心将有疑问:)-- ‘11Ahaṁ nu khosmi(11我存在吗?), 12no nu khosmi(12我不存在吗?), 13kiṁ nu khosmi(13什么是我?), 14kathaṁ nu khosmi(14怎样是我?), 15ayaṁ nu kho satto kuto āgato(15这众生(=我)来自哪里?), 16so kuhiṁ gamissatī’ti--netaṁ ṭhānaṁ vijjati (16他将去哪里?)此(怀疑)事不可能(=无有是处,或这个立足点不存在))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kaṅkhitabba,【义】应该怀疑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kaṅkhitabba, 【潜】 应该怀疑。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[grd. of kaṅkhati] to be doubted S.IV,399. (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. kāṅkṣ cp. śaṅk, Lat. cunctor] 1. with Loc.: to be uncertain, unsettled, to doubt (syn. vicikicchati, with which always combined). Kaṅkhati vicikicchati dvīsu mahāpurisa-lakkhaṇesu D.I,106 is in doubt and perplexity about (Bgh’s gloss, patthanaṁ uppādati DA.I,275, is more edifying than exact.)=Sn.107; na kaṅkhati na vicikicchati S.II,17=III,135; kaṅkheyya vicikiccheyya S.II,50, 54; III,122; V,225 (corr. khaṅkheyya!) 226; same with Satthari kaṅkheyya dhamme° saṅghe° sikkhāya° A.IV,460=V.17=M.I,101=Dhs.1004; cp. Dhs. 1118. -- 2. with Acc.: to expect, to wait for, to look forward to. Kālaṁ k. to abide one’s time, to wait for death S.I,65 (appiccho sorato danto k. k. bhāvito (so read for bhatiko) sudanto); Sn.516 (id. with bhāvito sadanto); It.69 (id. bhāvitatto).-J.V,411 (=icchati); VI,229 (=oloketi). pp. kaṅkhita S.III,99; Sn.540; (+vicikicchita); inf. kaṅkhituṁ S.IV,350=399 (+vicikicchituṁ). (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kaṅkh+ṁ-a)(cp. Sk. kāṅksā), 怀疑,拿不准。kaṅkhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kakh + ŋ-a), 怀疑,拿不准。 kaṅkhi, 【过】。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kāṅkṣin] 1. doubting, wavering, undecided, irresolute D.II,241; Sn.1148; Nd2 185; combd with vecikicchin S.III,99; M.I,18; A.II,174; Sn.510. -- 2. longing for Pgdp 106 (mokkha°). -- akaṅkhin not doubting, confident, sure (cp. akaṅkha) D.II,241; A.II,175. (Page 175)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kaṅkhati 的【过分】)。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kaṅkhati 的【过分】) 怀疑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kaṅkhitvā,【独】怀疑了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kaṅkhitvā, 【独】 怀疑了。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. kāṅkṣā] 1. doubt, uncertainty S.I,181; III,203 (dukkhe k. etc.; cp. Nd2 1); Sn.541, 1149; °ṁ vinayati Sn.58, 559, 1025; k. pahīyati Ps.II,62; combd with vimati: D.I,105; III,116; S.IV,327; V,161; A.II,79, 160, 185; DA.I,274; with vicikicchā: S.IV,350; Dhs. 425. Defined as = kaṅkhāyanā & kaṅkhāyitatta Nd21; Dhs.425 (under vicikicchā). 3 doubts enumd at D.III,217; 4 in passages with vimati (see above); 7 at Dhs.1004; 8 at Nd2 1 & Dhs.1118; 16 at M.I,8 & Vism.518. -- 2. as adj. doubting, doubtful, in akaṅkha one who has overcome all doubt, one who possesses right knowledge (vijjā), in combns akaṅkha apiha anupaya S.I,181; akhila a. Sn.477, 1059; Nd2I; cp. vitiṇṇa° Sn.514; avitiṇṇa° Sn.249, 318, 320 (=ajānaṁ); nikkaṅkha S.II,84 (+nibbicikiccha). -- 3. expectation SA 183. -- On connotation of k. in general see Dhs.trsl. p. 115 n1.

--cchida removing or destroying doubt Sn.87. --cchedana the removal of d. J.I,98; IV,69. --ṭṭhāniya founded on d., doubtful (dhammā) D.III,285; A.IV,152, 154; V,16; AA 689. --dhamma a doubting state of mind, doubt D.II,149; S.IV,350. --vitaraṇa overcoming of doubt Miln.233; DhsA.352, °visuddhi complete purification in consequence of the removal of all doubt D.III,288; M.I,147; Ud.60; Vism.523; Bdhd 116 sq. --samaṅgin affected with doubts, having doubts DhsA.259. (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'f. Pātimokkha (巴利語戒本) 的註.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'f. Pātimokkha(パーリ戒本)の註.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '﹐【阴】《渡脱疑惑注释》,Pātimokkha的注解书。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '﹐解疑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) +kaṅkhāyitatta (nt.) doubting and hesitation, doubtfulness, Nd2 1; Dhs.425, 1004, 1118; DhsA.259. (Page 175)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[denom. fr. kaṅkhā] to doubt, pp. Kaṅkhāyita Sn.1021. (Page 175)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '﹐Kaṅkhāṭṭhāniya﹐怀疑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kaṅkuṣṭha] a kind of soil or mould, of a golden or silver colour Mhvs 32. 6 (see note on p. 355). (Page 174)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Derivation uncertain, possibly connected with kana; positive of kanīyān=small; Vedic kaṇa] the fine red powder between the husk and the grain of rice, huskpowder D.I,9 (°homa), expld at DA.I,93 by kuṇḍaka. ‹-› (adj.) made of husk-powder or of finely broken rice, of cakes J.I,423 (k-pūva=kuṇḍakena pakka-pūva). --akaṇa (adj.) free from the coating of red powder. characteristic of the best rice Mhvs 5, 30; Anvs 27 (akaṇaṁ karoti to whiten the rice). Cp. kākaṇa.

--bhakkha eating husk-powder, a practice of cert. ascetics D.I,166=M.I,78=A.I,241≈. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】谷壳和米粒之间的细粉末,碎米。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】谷壳和米粒之间的细粉末,碎米。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '=kaṇavīra J.III,61; IV,191; V,420; VI,406. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. karavīra] Nerium odorum, oleander, the flower of which is frequently used in the garland worn by criminals when led to the place of execution (cp. Rouse, J. trsl. IV.119 and Mṛcchakaṭika X. beginning: diṇṇa-kalavīla-dāme. See also under kaṇṭha) Vism.183 (n); DhsA.317; SnA 283; VvA.177; cp. next. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】(植)夹竹桃(见 Karavīra)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】(植)夹竹桃(见 Karavīra)。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Derivation unknown, cp. Sk. kaṇaya=kaṇapa] a sort of spear, lance J.I,273; II,364 (like a spear, of a bird’s beak); Miln.339.

--agga the point of a spear J.I,329 (like . . ., of a beak). (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 一种矛,矮矛。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】一种矛,矮矛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) a helmet (?) J.VI,397. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(m. f.) [Derivation uncertain, just possibly connected with kara, trunk. Sanskrit has kareṇu, but the medieval vocabularies give also kaṇeru] a young elephant J.II,342; IV,49; V,39, 50, 416; VI,497; DhA.I,196 (v. l.) kareṇukā) -- f. °kā M.I,178. -- See also kareṇu. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】象。【阴】雌象。参考 kareṇu 雌象。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 象。 【阴】 雌象。 参考 kareṇu。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】黑(金文‘黑’,像人掉入黑田(黑色沼泽地,如︰柏油),满身沾黑,「金文」下载自︰http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~cdp/),暗,邪恶,黑家伙 (摩罗的别称)。【阳】黑色,毘瑟挐(Vishṇu印度教主神之一,守护之神)。kaṇhapakkha,【阳】黑半月,亏月(农历十六日至廿九日或三十日)。kaṇhavattanī,【阳】火。kaṇhavipāka,【形】邪业的报应,邪恶的结果。kaṇhasappa,【阳】黑毒蛇。kammaṁ kaṇhaṁ,业黑,黑业,即邪业。【反】kammaṁ sukkaṁ业白,白业,即正业。kammaṁ kaṇhasukkaṁ﹐黑白业。Kaṇhasukkasappaṭibhāgaṁ﹐黑白兼备。kammaṁ akaṇha-asukkaṁ akaṇha-asukkavipākaṁ﹐非黑非白业非黑白果报。《增支部》(A.4.232./II,232.):「比丘!又,云何是非黑非白业非黑白果报(kammaṁ akaṇha-asukkaṁ akaṇha-asukkavipākaṁ),是能尽诸业之业者耶?诸比丘!此中,若黑业黑报,若断思;若白业白报,若断思;若黑白业黑白报,若断思者。诸比丘!是非黑非白业非黑白报,能名尽诸业。」(cf.《舍利弗阿毘昙论》第七﹐T28.582~28.583) 《增支部注》(AA.4.232.;CS:p.2.391.):Pahānāya yā cetanāti ettha vivaṭṭagāminī maggacetanā veditabbā.(断思:此处感知(断)导致轮回的‘道’思。)《增支部疏》(AA.4.232.):Yā cetanāti yā apacayagāminicetanā.(若断思:若再生的毁灭之思。) ‘道’思:是指‘道’心(maggacitta)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 黑,暗,邪恶。【阳】 黑色,毗瑟挐(Vishṇu印度教主神之一,守护之神)。~pakkha, 【阳】 黑半月,亏月(农历十六日至廿九日或三十日)。~vattanī, 【阳】 火。~vipāka, 【形】 邪恶的结果,黑色的报应。~sappa, 【阳】 黑毒蛇。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. kaṇa] 1. a small particle of broken rice (opp. taṇḍula a full grain) J.VI,341, 366 (°āhi pūvaṁ pacitvā). 2. a small spot, a freckle, mole, in (adj.) having no moles D.I,80, and sa° with moles D. I.80 (cp. DA.I,223). (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】翅子树 (Pterospermum Acerifolium) 印度的一种材用乔木,木材淡红色,花金色,硬重适中,大都用作地板。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 翅子树 (Pterospermum Acerifolium) 印度的一种材用乔木,木材淡红色,花金色,硬重适中,大都用作地板。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kaṇiya, 【形】 最年轻的,出生的年纪较小者, 【阳】 ~ka, 【阳】 弟弟。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kaṇiya(‹kaṇ减),【形】最年轻的,出生的年纪较小者,【阳】kaṇiṭṭhaka(=kaniṭṭhabhātika),【阳】弟弟。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kaṇiṭṭhikā, kaṇiṭṭhī, 【阴】 妹妹。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kaṇiṭṭhikā, kaṇiṭṭhī,【阴】妹妹。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) a porridge of broken rice, eaten together with sour gruel (bilaṅga-dutiya; always in this combn except at J.V,230) Vin.II,77 (cp. Vin. Texts III,9); S.I,90, 91; A.I,145; IV,392; J.I,228; III,299; DhA.III,10; IV,77; VvA.222, 298 (corr. bilaṅka; Hardy at VvA.Index p. 364 expl. as “a certain weight”(?)).

--bhatta a meal of k. porridge J.V,230. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 碎米粥。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】碎米粥。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 部分,章。 2. 箭,轴。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [perhaps as *kaldno fr. *kalad to break, cp. Gr. kladarόs, Lat. clades, etc., Sk. kāṇḍa. See also khagga and khaṇḍa] 1. the portion of a stalk or cane between one knot and another; the whole stalk or shaft; the shaft of an arrow, an arrow in general M.I,429 (two kinds of arrows: kaccha & ropima, cp. kaṇḍa-cittaka); J.I,150; II,91; III,273; V,39; Miln.44, 73; Mhvs 25, 89. As arrow also in the “Tell” story of Culladhanuggaha at J.III,220 & DhA.IV,66. ‹-› 2. a section, portion or paragraph of a book DA.I,12; Pgdp 161. -- 3. a small portion, a bit or lump DhA.I,134 (pūva°); Mhvs 17, 35. -- 4. kaṇḍaṁ (adv.) a portion of time, for a while, a little Pgdp 36. -- See also khaṇḍa, with which it is often confounded. Der. upa-kaṇḍakin (adj.) (thin) like a stalk or arrow Pv. II.113 (of a Petī).

--gamana the going of an arrow, i. e. the distance covered by an arrow in flight, a bow-shot J.II,334; cp. kaṇḍu. --cittaka (Sk. kāṇḍa-citraka) an excellent arrow A.II,202. --nāḷī a quiver J.III,220. --pahāra an arrow-shot, arrow-wound Miln.16 (ekena k-paharena dve mahākāyā padālitā “two birds killed with one stone”), 73. --vāraṇa (adj.) warding off arrows, appl. to a shield J.VI,592 (nt.); a shield J.IV,366. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. kāṇḍa),【阳】【中】1.部分,章。2.箭,轴。kaṇḍaṁ, 片刻((adv.) a portion of time, for a while, a little)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(=kaṇṭaka Vin.II,318 (Bdhgh.); A.III,383; Bu XIII.29), 强盗。akaṇḍaka, 免於强盗的危险(free from thieves, PvA.161.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '=kaṇṭaka Vin.II,318 (Bdhgh.); A.III,383; Bu XIII,29. --akaṇḍaka free from thieves, safe, secure PvA.161. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】腱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 腱。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) sinew, tendon Vin.I,91, 322 (in cpd. kaṇḍara-cchinna one whose tendons (of the feet) have been cut); Kvu 23, 31; Vism.253, 254 (where KhA 49 reads miñja). (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) having a shaft inserted, appl. to the head of an arrow (salla) J.I,155; (m.) an archer ibid. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at J.I,155 is misprint; read: kaṇḍam assa atthī ti kaṇḍī taṁ kaṇḍinaṁ. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) a wicker-basket or stand Vin.II,114, 143 (see Vin. Texts III,86). (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kaṇḍuti,【阴】发痒,疥癣。kaṇḍuppaṭicchādiṁ,【阴】覆疮衣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (f.) [perhaps from *kanad to bite, scratch; cp. Sk. kandara, Gr. knadaλlw to bite, knw/dwn, knw/dalon, etc., Sk. kaṇḍu m. & f.] the itch, itching, itchy feeling, desire to scratch Vin.I,202, 296; J. V.198; Vism.345. kaṇḍuṁ karoti to make or cause to itch J.V,198; vineti to allay the itch, to scratch J.V,199.-(fig.) worldly attachment, irritation caused by the lusts, in “kaṇḍuṁ saṁhanti” (as result of jhāna) A.IV,437.

--uppala a kind of lotus-blossom Dāvs.IV,48; --paṭicchādi an “itch-cloth,” i. e. a covering allowed to the bhikkhus when suffering from itch or other cutaneous disease Vin.I,296, 297; IV,171, 172. --rogin (adj.) suffering from the itch Khus 105. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kaṇḍuti, 【阴】 发痒。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'the itch, itchy feeling, irritation J.V,198. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) a strip of cloth used to mark the kaṭhina robe, in °karaṇa Vin.I,254, and °ka ibid. 290. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. kaṇḍūvati] 1. itching, itchy feeling DhA.I,440; cp. Dhātumañjūsā no. 416 kaṇḍūvana.‹-› 2. scratching, scraping M.I,508; J.II,249 (appl. to bad music). (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kandūvati) [denom. fr. kaṇḍu. Sk. kandūyati] 1. to itch, to be itchy, to be irritated, to suffer from itch Vin.I,205; II,121; J.V,198 (kaṇḍuvāyati); DhA.III,297 (kaṇḍūvantī). -- 2. to scratch, rub, scrape A.II,207; J.VI,413; Pug.56. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 [=kaṇḍa in compn] an arrow-shot (as measure), in sahassa-kaṇḍu sata-bheṇḍu Th.1, 164=J.II,334 (but the latter: sata-bhedo), expld at Th.1, 164n by sahassakaṇḍo sahassa [sata?]--bhūmako, and at J.II,334 by sahassa-kaṇḍubbedho ti pāsādo satabhūmiko ahosi; in preceding lines the expression used is “sahassa-kaṇḍagamanaṁ uccaṁ.” (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kaṇḍu 的【派】), 发痒,被激怒,痒伤。kaṇḍūvi, 【过】。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kaṇḍu 的【派】), 发痒,被激怒,痒伤。kaṇḍūvi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [See kaṇḍuvana] the itch J.V,69. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kaṇḍūvana, 【中】 瘙痒,抓痕。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kaṇḍūvana,【中】瘙痒,抓痕。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(梵karṇa),【中】耳朵,角,角落,衣服的边缘。kaṇṇakaṭuka,【形】难听的,刺耳。kaṇṇagūtha, kaṇṇamala,【中】耳垢。kaṇṇacchidda,【中】耳孔。kaṇṇaccbinna,【形】被割掉耳朵的人。kaṇṇajappaka,【形】耳语的人。kaṇṇajappana,【中】耳语。kaṇṇajalūkā,【阴】小蜈蚣。kaṇṇabila,【中】耳孔。kaṇṇabhūsā,【阴】耳环,耳朵的装饰品。kaṇṇamūla,【中】耳根。kaṇṇavalli,【阴】耳垂。kaṇṇavijjhana,【中】耳朵的穿孔。kaṇṇaveṭhana,【中】耳朵的某种装饰品。kaṇṇasakkhalikā,【阴】外耳。kaṇṇasota,【中】耳边。kaṇṇasukha,【形】悦耳的。kaṇṇasūla,【中】耳痛,耳疼。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic karṇa, orig. not associated with hearing, therefore not used to signify the sense (sota is used instead; cp. akkhi›cakkhu), but as “projection” to *ker, from which also Sk. śṛṇga horn. Cp. Gr. kόrus helmet; Lat. cornu & cervus=E. corner, horn & hart. Further related Sk. aśri (caturaśraḥ four-cornered), śaṣkuli auditory passage; Lat. ācer=Gr. a]/kris, a]/kanos, o]cuζ; Ger. ecke; also Sk. śūla & P. koṇa] 1. a corner, an angle Vin.I,48, 286; J.I,73; III,42; V,38; VI,519; PvA.74; DhA.II,178; Dāvs II.111. --cīvara° the edge of the garment Vism.389. Freq. in cpd. catu° (catukkaṇṇa) four-cornered, square, as Ep. of Niraya Nd2 304III=Pv.I,1013 (expld by catu-koṇa). Also of cloth Vin.II,228; J.I,426; IV,250. -- 2. the ear Sn.608; J.I,146, 194; DhA.I,390 (dasā°). Freq. in phrase kaṇṇaṁ chindati (to cut off the ear) as punishment, e. g. A.I,47. -- Loc. kaṇṇe in the ear, i. e. in a low tone, in a whisper DhA.I,166. -- 3. the tip of a spoon J. I.347. --assakaṇṇa N. of a tree (see under assa3).

--alaṅkāra an ornament for the ear J.V,409. --āyata (mutta) (a pearl) inserted in the lobe of the ear J.II,275, 276. --kita (should it be kaṇha°? cp. paṁsukita, malaggakita; kita=kata) spoiled, rusty, blunt Vin.II,115 (of needles); dirty, mouldy Vin.I,48 (of a floor); II,209 (of walls); stained, soiled Vin.IV,281 (of robes). --gūthaka the cerumen, wax, of the ear, Vin.II,134; Sn.197= J.I,146. --cālana shaking the ears J.III,99. --cūḷa the root of the ear J.VI,488; as °cūlikā at J.II,276; Vism.255; DhA.IV,13. --chidda (nt.) the orifice of the ear, the outer auditory passage (cp. sūci-chidda eye of the needle) Vin.III,39; J.II,244, 261. --chinna one whose ears are cut off Vin.I,322; Kvu 31. --cheda cutting or tearing off of the ear Miln.197, 290. --jappaka one who whispers into the ear, one who tells secretly, also a gossip Vin.II,98; sa° whispered into the ear, appl. to a method of taking votes ibid. Cp. upakaṇṇakajappin. --jappana whispering into the ear D.I,11; DA.I,97. --tela anointing the ear with medicinal oil D.I,12 (expld at DA.I,98, where reading is °telanaṁ). --nāsa ear & nose J.II,117; Miln.5 (°chinna). --patta the lobe of the ear J.V,463. As °panta at ThA.211. --pāli=°patta Th.2, 259 (expld by °panta). --piṭṭhī the upper part or top of the ear DhA.I,394. --puccha the “tail” or flap of the ear Sdhp.168. --bila orifice of the ear Vism.195. --bheri a sort of drum. Cp. IX.24. --mala “ear-dirt,” ear-wax, in °haraṇī, an instrument for removing the wax from the ear Vin.II,135. --mālā a garland from corner to corner (of a temple) Dāvs II.111. --muṇḍa 1. (adj.) one whose ears have been shorn or clipped Pv.II,1218 (of the dog of Hell, cp. PvA.152 chinnakaṇṇa). -- 2. (°ka) “with blunt corners,” N. of the first one of the fabulous 7 Great Lakes (satta-mahāsarā) in the Himavant, enumd at J.V,415; Vism.416; DA.I,164. --mūla the root of the ear, the ear in Gen. J.I,335; III,124; Loc. fig in a low tone DhA.I,173; near, near by DhA.II,8 (mama k.). --roga a disease of the ear DhsA.340. --vallī the lobe of the ear Mhvs 25, 94. --vijjhana perforating the ear, °maṅgala the ceremony of ear-piercing DhA.II,87; cp. maṅgala. --vedha (cp. prec.) ear-piercing, a quasi religious ceremony on children J.V,167. --sakkhali & °ikā the orifice or auditory passage of the ear DhA.I,148; DhsA.334, in which latter passage °ikaṁ paharati means to impinge on the ear (said of the wind); °ikaṁ bhindati (=bhindanto viya paharati) to break the ear (with unpleasant words) DhA.II,178 (T. saṅkhaliṁ, v. l. sakkhaliṁ). --saṅkhali a small chain attached to the ear with a small ornament suspended from it J.V,438. --sandhovika washing the ears A.V,202. --sukha 1. (adj.) pleasant to the ear, agreable D.I,4=M.I,179, 268 =A.II,209≈; Miln.1; DA.I,75=DhsA.397; -- 2. (nt.) pleasant speech J.II,187; V,167; opp. kaṇṇa-sūla. --sutta an ornamental string hanging from the ear Vin.II,143. --suttaka a string from corner to corner, a clothes-line Vin.I,286. --sūla 1. a piercing pain (lit. stake) in the ear, ear-ache VvA.243. -- 2. what is disagreeable to hear, harsh speech DhsA.397 (opp. °sukha).

--sota the auditory passage, the ear (+ nāsika-sotāni, as ubho sotāni, i. e. heṭṭhā & uparimā) D.I,106=Sn.p. 108; A.IV,86; J.II,359; Miln.286, 357; DhA.II,72. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 耳朵,角,角落,衣服的边缘。~kaṭuka, 【形】 难听的,刺耳。~gūtha, ~mala, 【中】 耳垢。~cchidda, 【中】 耳孔。~ccbinna, 【形】被割掉耳朵的人。~jappaka, 【形】 耳语的人。~jappana, 【中】 耳语。~jalūkā, 【阴】 小蜈蚣。~bila, 【中】 耳孔。~bhūsā, 【阴】 耳环,耳朵的装饰品。~mūla, 【中】 耳根。~valli, 【阴】 耳垂。~vijjhana, 【中】耳朵的穿孔。~veṭhana, 【中】 耳朵的某种装饰品。~sakkhalikā, 【阴】外耳。~sukha, 【形】 悦耳的。~sūla, 【中】 耳痛,耳疼。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】(容器的)杯耳。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】(容器的)杯耳。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(& °ika) (adj.) [fr. kaṇṇa] having corners or ears (-°); f. °ikā Vin.II,137; J.II,185. --kāḷa-kaṇṇika see under kāḷa. (Page 180)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kaṇṇa] having an (open) ear, i. e. clever, sharp J.II,261 (=kaṇṇachiddaṁ pana na kassaci n’atthi C.). (Page 180)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. kaṇṇaka & Sk. karṇikā] 1. an ornament for the ear, in °lakkhaṇa: see below. -- 2. the pericarp of a lotus J.I,152, 183; V,416; Miln.361; Vism.124 (paduma°); VvA.43. -- 3. the corner of the upper story of a palace or pagoda, house-top J.I,201; III,146, 318, 431, 472; DhA.I,77 (kūṭāgāra°); DA.I,43; VvA.304; Bdhd 92. -- 4. a sheaf in the form of a pinnacle DhA.I,98. -- In cpds. kaṇṇika°.

--baddha bound into a sheaf; fig. of objects of thoughts DhA.I,304. --maṇḍala part of the roof of a house J. III,317; DhA.III,66; VI,178. --rukkha a tree or log, used to form the top of a house J.I,201=DhA.I,269. --lakkhaṇa the art of telling fortune by marks on ornaments of the ear, or of the house-top D.I,9 (=pilandhana-k° pi geha-k° pi vasena DA.I,94). (Page 180)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】果皮,束,捆,劄,屋顶,耳朵的装饰品。kaṇṇikāmaṇḍala,【中】屋顶的椽桷。kaṇṇikābaddha,【形】绑成束的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 果皮,束,捆,札,屋顶,耳朵的装饰品。~maṇḍala, 【中】屋顶的椽子交叉处。~baddha, 【形】 绑成束的。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see kaṇikāra. (Page 180)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. next) a thorn Miln.351. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹kantati2 切)【中】1.刺(a thorn)。2.骨头。3.任何有尖端的工具。4.障碍物(an obstacle, hindrance, nuisance)。kaṇṭakagahana﹐【中】有刺的丛林。kaṇṭakapassaya,【阳】皮下有长钉或刺的皮床。kaṇṭakādhāna,【中】多刺的树篱。kaṇṭakattaṁ障碍性。akaṇṭaka无刺。sakaṇṭaka有刺。nikkaṇṭaka离刺。akaṇṭaka-nikkaṇṭaka无刺离刺。S.35.203./IV,189.︰Evameva kho, bhikkhave, yaṁ loke piyarūpaṁ sātarūpaṁ, ayaṁ vuccati ariyassa vinaye kaṇṭako”ti.(同於此理,诸比丘!凡世间有可爱的相貌,可意的相貌,於圣者之律,这称为棘。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 刺,骨头,任何有尖端的工具。~apassaya, 【阳】 皮下有长钉或刺的皮床。~ādhāna, 【中】多刺的树篱。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[From kantati2 to cut. Brh. kaṇṭaka. Spelt also kaṇṭhaka] 1. a thorn Sn.845; Vin.I,188; J.V,102; VI,105 (in description of the Vetaraṇī); cp. kusa°. -- 2. any instrument with a sharp point Sdhp.201. ‹-› 3. a bone, fish-bone J.I,222; in piṭṭhi° a bone of the spine D.II,297≈ (see kaṭaṭṭhi); M.I,80=245; Vism.271; Sdhp.102. -- 4. (fig.) an obstacle, hindrance, nuisance (“thorn in my side”); Kvu 572; enemy, infestor; a dacoit, thief, robber D.I,135 (sa° and a°, of the country as infested with dacoits or free from them, cp. DA.I,296); J.I,186 (paṭikaṇṭaka, enemy); V,450; Th.1, 946; DhA.I,177 (akkhimhi); VvA.301. -- 5. (fig.) anything sharp, thorny, causing pain: of kāmā (passions) S.IV,189, 195, 198; Ud.24; Kvu 202; cp. sa°. -- Thus grouped, like saṁyojanāni, into 10 obstacles to perfection (dasa k.) A.V,134; as “bringing much trouble” J.IV,117. Often in standing phrase khāṇu-kaṇṭaka stumbling and obstruction A.I,35; SnA 334. As abstr. kaṇṭakattaṁ hindrance at Vism.269 (sadda°). --akaṇṭaka 1. free from thorns J.II,118; V,260. -- 2. (fig.) free from thieves, quiet, peaceful D.I,135; also not difficult, easy, happy, bringing blessings (of the right path) A.V,135; Vv 187; VvA.96. --sakaṇṭaka 1. having bones (of food) J.IV,192, 193. -- 2. (fig.) beset with thieves, dangerous D.I,135; thorny, i. e. painful, miserable (of duggati and kāmā) S.IV,195; Th.2, 352; J.V,260. -- Cp. also kaṇḍaka and nikkaṇṭaka.

--âpacita covered with thorns J.VI,249 (cp. °ācita); --âpassaya (=kaṇṭak’apāśraya) a bed made of an outstretched skin, under which are placed thorns or iron spikes; to lie or stand on such is a practice of certain naked ascetics D.I,167=M.I,78≈. --âpassayika (adj. to prec.) “bed-of-thorns-man” D.I,167≈. At J.I,493 the reading is k-āpassaya, at III,74 k-apassaya; at III,235 the reading is kaṇṭhaka-seyyaṁ kappetha (should it be k-āpassaye seyyaṁ k°?); D.I,167 reads kaṇṭhakā-passayika. --ācita covered with thorns J.V,167. --ādhāna a thorny brake, a thorny hedge M.I,10 (k-dhāna; for dhāna=ṭhāna see dhāna & cp. rāja-dhānī); A.I,35; Miln.220. --kasā a thorny whip used for punishment and torture J.III,41. --gahana a thorny thicket or jungle S.II,228. --gumba a th. bush J.I,208. --latā a th. creeper, the Capparis Zeilanica J.V,175. --vaṭṭa a thorny brake or hedge M.I,448. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) in cpd. °vāṭa a thorny fence (cactus hedge?) Vin.II,154. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 脖子,咽喉。~ja, 【形】 在咽喉中产生的,喉咙的。~nāḷa, 【阳】咽喉。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': ' [*qǔent from *qǔelt, primarily neck, cp. Lat. collus “the turner.” Syn. with k. is gīvā, primarily throat, Brh. kaṇṭha] 1. throat A.IV,131; J.V,448; Miln.152 (kaṇṭho ākurati, is hoarse); PvA.280 (akkharāni mahatā kaṇṭhena uccaritāni). The throat of Petas is narrow and parched with thirst: PvA.99 (k-oṭṭha-tālūnaṁ tassita), 180 (sūci° like a needle’s eye, cp. sūcicchidda. v. l. sūcikaṭṭha “whose bones are like needles”), 260 (visukkha-k-ṭṭha-jivhā). -- 2. neck Vin.I,15; Dh.307 (kāsāva°); Vv 6417 (expid at VvA.280 by gīvūpagasīsūpagādi-ābharaṇāni). Esp. in Loc. kaṇṭhe round the neck, with ref. to var. things tied round, e. g. kuṇapaṁ k. āsattaṁ A.IV,377; kuṇapaṁ k. baddhaṁ J.I,5; k. mālā J.I,166, 192; k. bandhanti vaḍḍhanaṁ J.III,226; with the wreath of karavīra flowers (q. v.) on a criminal ready for execution: rattavaṇṇa-virala-mālāya bandhakaṇṭha PvA.4 (cp. AvŚ I.102; II,182; karavīra-mālābaddha [sakta II.182]--kaṇṭheguṇa).

--kūpa the cavity of the throat Mhbv 137. --ja produced in the throat, i. e. guttural Sāsv 150. --suttaka an ornamental string or string of beads worn round the neck Vin.II,106. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】脖子,咽喉。kaṇṭhaja,【形】在咽喉中产生的,喉咙的。kaṇṭhanāḷa,【阳】咽喉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 N. of Gotama’s horse, on which he left his father’s palace Mhbv 25; spelt kanthaka at J.I,54, 62 sq. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 thorn, see kaṇṭaka. (Page 179)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 thorn, see kaṇṭaka(刺;骨头;任何有尖端的工具;障碍物)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2,伴随乔达摩离开皇宫时的马(Mhbv 25; spelt kanthaka at J.I.54, 62 sq.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Sk. kaṭa from kṛṇatti: to do wicker-work, roll up, plait; *gert, cp. Gr. kaρtalos, Lat. cratis=E. crate, Goth. haurds, E. hurdle] a mat: see cpds. & kaṭallaka.

--sara a reed: Saccharum Sara, used as medicine DhsA.78. --sāra (DhA.I,268) & sāraka a mat for sitting or lying on, made of the stalks of the screw-pine, Pandanus Furcatus J.VI,474; V,97; DA.I,137; DhA.II,183 (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 垫,颊。 ~sāra, 【阳】 茎梗制的垫。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '3 =kata [pp. of karoti] in meaning of “original,” good (cp. sat); as nt. “the lucky die” in phrase kaṭag‹-› gaha (see below). Also in combn with su° & duk° for sukata & dukkata (e. g. Vin.II,289; DhA.III,486; IV,150), and in meaning of “bad, evil” in kaṭana. Cp. also kali.

--ggaha “he who throws the lucky die,” one who is lucky, fortunate, in phrase “ubhayattha k.” lucky in both worlds, i. e. here & beyond Th.1, 462; J.IV,322 (=jayaggaha victorious C.); cp. Morris in J.P.T.S. 1887, 159. Also in “ubhayam ettha k.” S.IV,351 sq. -- Opposed to kali the unlucky die, in phrase kaliṁ gaṇhāti to have bad luck J.VI,206 (kaliggaha=parājayasaṁkhāta, i. e. one who is defeated, as opp. to kaṭaggaha=jayasaṅkhāta), 228, 282. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 another form of kaṭi (hip), only used in cpds.:

--aṭṭhika the hip-bone D.II,296=M.I,58, 89=M.III,92 (as v.l.). Note. kaṭiṭṭhika at M.III,92 and as v.l. at D.II,296. --sāṭaka a loin-cloth J.IV,248. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(= kata), 【过分】 karoti。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(= kata), karoti的【过分】已做。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】垫,颊(台语:喙(卑页)chui3 phue2)。kaṭasāra,【阳】茎梗制的垫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 匙。 ~matta, 【形】 一匙量的。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】匙(a ladle, a spoon)。kaṭacchumatta,【形】一匙量的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. on etym. Morris in J.P.T.S. 1887, 163] a ladle, a spoon; expld by uḷuṅka DhA.IV,75, 123; by dabbi PvA.135. Used for butter VvA.68, otherwise for cooked food in general, esp. rice gruel. -- Vin.II,216; J.I,454; III,277.

--gāha “holding on to one’s spoon,” i. e. disinclination to give food, niggardliness, stinginess DhsA.376, cp. Dhs.trsl. 300 n2. --gāhika “spoon in hand,” serving with ladles (in the distribution of food at the Mahādāna) PvA.135. --parissāvana a perforated ladle Vin.II,118. --bhikkhā “ladle-begging,” i. e. the food given with a ladle to a bhikkhu when he calls at a house on his begging tour Th.1, 934; Miln.9; DhA.IV,123; as representing a small gift to one individual, opposed to the Mahādanā Pv.II,957; as an individual meal contrasted with public feeding (salāka-bhatta) DhA.I,379. --matta (bhatta) “only a spoonful of rice” Miln.8; DhA.IV,75. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) relating to spoons Vin.II,233. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 1. 手镯,2. 岩洞。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) anything circular, a ring, a wheel (thus in kara° Vin.II,122); a bracelet PvA.134. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】【中】1.圆圈,手镯(anything circular, a ring, a wheel ; a bracelet),2.岩洞。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see kaṭu°. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=taṭataṭāyati to crush, grind, creak, snap PugA. I.34; VvA.121 (as v.l.); Vism.264. Cp. also karakarā. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[to kaṭa1] a puppet (pagliaccio), a marionette with some contrivance to make it dance J.V,16 (dāru° expld by dārumaya-yanta-rūpaka). (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [from kaṭa, pp. of karoti] an evil deed A.IV,172 (v.l.=AA 744 kaṭanaṁ vuccati pāpakammaṁ). (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 墓地。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [prob. a contamination of kaṭa + sīva(thikā), charnel-house, under influence of foll. va(ḍḍh°), cp. Sk. kaṭa (?) a corpse] a cemetery; only in phrase kaṭasiṁ vaḍḍheti “to increase the cemetery” referring to dying and being buried repeatedly in the course of numerous rebirths, expld by susāna & āḷāhana ThA.291. --vaḍḍhenti kaṭasiṁ ghoraṁ ādiyanti punabbhavaṁ Vin.II,296=A.II,54=Th.1, 456 (where ācinanti (?) for ādiy°), 575; Th.2, 502. Also in cpds. °vaḍḍhana J.I,146; Ud.72=Nett 174; °vaḍḍhita S.II,178 sq.= Nd2 664. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】墓地(a cemetery)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a flowering plant J.VI,537 (=pupphagaccha). Cp. kaseruka. (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a kind of creeper J.VI,536 (perhaps read as next). (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. kaṭhara (°la, °lla, °lya: all found in Av. S and Divy), to kṛṇāti; cp. khāṭi] gravel, pebble, potsherd J.III,225; V,417; VvA.157; combd with sakkhara at D.I,84=A.I,9, and in simile at A.I,253. As f. combd with kaṭṭha at A.I,124=Pug.30, 36; A.III,6; as m. in same combn at Vism.261. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 陶器的破片。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】陶器的破片。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'gravel, potsherd J.III,227; Miln.34. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. kvathati; cp. Goth. hvapo scum, hvapjan to seethe. The Dhātumañjūsā (no. 132, ed. Andersen & Smith) comments on kaṭh with “sosāna-pākesu.” See also kuthati] 1. to boil, to stew Bdhgh on Vin.I,205, see Vin. Texts II.57 n1, where pp. is given as kuthita. Similarly Th.2, 504 (cp. Sisters 174 n4, but cp. Mil. trs. II.271 “distressed”; E. Müller, J.R.A.S. 1910, 539). -- 2. to be scorched, pp. kaṭhita (=hot) Miln.323, 325, 357, 397. -- The pp. occurs as °kaṭṭhita & °kuṭṭhita in cpds uk° pa° (q. v.). See also kuṭṭhita. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. kaṭhina & kaṭhora),【形】粗糙的,硬的,僵硬的。【中】迦絺那衣。kaṭhinatthāra,【阳】奉献迦絺那袈裟。kaṭhinuddhāra,【阳】取消迦絺那利益。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 粗糙的,硬的,僵硬的。 【中】 迦絺那衣。~tthāra, 【阳】奉献迦絺那袈裟。~nuddhāra, 【阳】 取消迦絺那利益。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.-n.) [Sk. kaṭhina & kaṭhora with dial. ṭh for rth; cp. Gr. kratuζ, kraterόs strong, krάtos strength; Goth. hardus=Ags. heard=E. hard. Cp. also Sk. kṛtsna=P. kasiṇa]. 1. (adj.) hard, firm, stiff. Cp. II.2; Dhs.44, 45 (where also der. f. abstr. akaṭhinatā absence of rigidity, combd with akakkhalatā, cp. DhsA.151 akaṭhina-bhāva); PvA.152 (°dāṭha). -- (fig.) hard, harsh, cruel J.I,295=V.448 (=thaddha-hadaya); adv. °ṁ fiercely, violently Miln.273, 274.-2. (nt.) the cotton cloth which was annually supplied by the laity to the bhikkhus for the purpose of making robes Vin.I,253 sq.; also a wooden frame used by the bh. in sewing their robes Vin. II.115--117. -- On the k. robe see Vin. I.298 sq.; III,196 sq., 203 sq., 261 sq.; IV,74, 100, 245 sq., 286 sq.; V,15, 88, 119, 172 sq.; 218. Cp. Vin. Texts I.18; II,148; III,92.

--attharaṇa the dedication of the k. cloth Vin.I,266; see next. --atthāra the spreading out, i. e. dedication of the k. cloth by the people to the community of bhikkhus. On rules concerning this distribution and description of the ceremony see Vin.I,254 sq.; Bu IX.7; cp. Vin.V,128 sq., 205 --uddhāra the withdrawal or suspension of the five privileges accorded to a bhikkhu at the k. ceremony Vin.I,255, 259; III,262; IV,287, 288; V,177--179, cp. next & Vin. Texts II.157, 234, 235. --ubbhāra=°uddhāra, in kaṭhinassa ubbhārāya “for the suspension of the k. privileges” Vin.I,255. --khandhaka the chapter or section treating of k., the 7th of the Mahāvagga of the Vinaya Vin.II,253--267. --cīvara a k. robe made of k. cloth Bu IX.7. --dussa the k. cloth Vin.I,254. --maṇḍapa a shed in which the bhikkhus stitched their k. cloth into robes Vin.II,117. --rajju string used to fix the k. cloth on to the frame Vin.II,116. --sālā=°maṇḍapa Vin.II,116. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) referring to the kaṭhina cloth Vin.V,61, 114. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. kaṭi, *(s)qǔel; orig. bending, curvature, cp. Gr. skέlos hip, Lat. scelus crooked deed, Ger. scheel squint] hip, waist Vin.III,22, 112; Nd2 659; J.IV,32; Miln.418. In cpds. also kaṭa (q. v.). --thālaka a cert. bone on the small of the back J.VI,509. --padesa the buttocks J.III,37. --pamāṇa (adj.) as far as the waist J.VI,593. --pariyosāna the end of the hips, the bottom J.II,275. --puthulaka (adj.) with broad hips, having beautiful hips J.V,303 (in expln of soṇī puthulā). --bhāga the waist J.III,373. --bhāra a burden carried on the hip (also a way of carrying children) Vin.II,137; III,49. --sandhi the joint of the hip Miln.418, Vism.185. --samohita (adj.) fastened or clinging to the waist J.V,206. --sutta a belt, girdle (as ornament) PvA.134. --suttaka a string or cord around the waist to fasten the loin-cloth Vin.II,271; also an ornamental waist-band, girdle Vin.II,107 (see Vin. Texts III,69, 142, 348). (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 臀部,腰部。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(=Kaṭa),【阴】臀部,腰部。kaṭaṭṭhika, 臀骨。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】强烈的,剧烈的,痛苦的,苦痛的,【中】苦痛。kaṭukatta,【中】苦痛,激烈,辛味。kaṭukabhaṇḍa,【中】调味品。kaṭukapphala,【形】苦果,有痛苦的效果。【中】芬芳植物的种子。kaṭukavipāka,【形】苦报,有痛苦的结果。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 强烈的,剧烈的,痛苦的,苦痛的, 【中】 苦痛。 ~tta, 【中】苦痛,激烈。~bhaṇḍa, 【中】调味品。~pphala, 【形】 苦果,有痛苦的效果。 【中】 芬芳植物的种子。~vipāka, 【形】 苦报,有痛苦的结果。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kaṭu(ka), from *(s)qǔer to cut; cp. Sk. kṛṇoti (kṛṇtati), Lat. caro “cutlet.” -- k. is almost exclusively poetical; usually expld in prose by aniṭṭha, tikhiṇa, ghora (of niraya); often combd with khara, opp. madhura, e. g. PvA.119] sharp, bitter, acid, severe. --1. severe, sharp (fig.), of dukkha, vedanā, kāmā, etc. M.I,10=A.II,143; J.VI,115; Th.2, 451 (=ThA.281); SA 56. -- painful, terrible, frightful (-appld to the fruits of evil actions and to the sufferings in Niraya: see kammapphala & niraya) J.III,519; Pv.I,102, 111; IV,18, 76. -- bitter, or perhaps pungent of taste DhS 291; Miln.65, 112; J.III,201. -- 2. (nt.) pungency, acidity, bitterness D.II,349=J.I,380; Th.2, 503 (pañca°); J.VI,509. -- Note. Is k. to be written instead of kadukkha at VvA.316, where it explains maraṇa? Cp. J.III,201: tesaṁ taṁ kaṭukaṁ āsi, maraṇaṁ ten’upāgamuṁ.

--udraya causing bitterness or pain J.V,241, cp. dukkhudraya J.V,119. --odaka a bitter draught Sdhp.159. --pabhedana (adj.) having a pungent juice exuding from the temples, said of an elephant in rut Dh.324 (=tikhiṇamada DhA.IV,13). --pphala a kind of perfume made of the berry of an aromatic plant J.II,416=DhA.III,475 (kappūra-k°-ādīni), cp. Sk. kakkolaka. -- (adj.) of bitter fruit J.II,106 (of the mango); S.I,57=J.III,291=Dh.66 (of kamma); Pv.I,1110 (id.). --bhaṇḍa (sg. & pl.) spices. There are 4 enumd at J.III,86: hingujīraka, singiveraka, marica, pipphali; 3 at VvA.186 (as tikaṭuka, cp. kaṭula): ajamoja, hingujīraka, lasuṇa; PvA.135; DhA.II,131. --bhāva stinginess DhsA.376. --rohiṇī the black hellebore Vin.I,201 (as medicine). --vipāka (adj.) having a bitter result (of pāpa) Miln.206; compar. °tara S.II,128. --sāsana a harsh command J.VI,498. (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) pungency, acidity, bitterness Miln.56, 63. (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [der. by Bdhgh. as kaṭuka + añcuka (añc), a popular etymology (DhsA.376). At Dhs.1122 and as v.l. K in Vbh.we have the spelling kaṭakancukatā (for kaṭakuñcakatā?), on which and °kuñcaka see Morris, J.P.T.S. 1887, 159 sq. and Dhs. trsl. 300 n2. – Morris’derivation is kaṭa (kar) + kañcuka + tā (kañcuka=kuñcaka to kuñc, to contract), thus a dern fr. kañcuka “bodice” and meaning “being tightened in by a bodice,” i. e. tightness. Although the reading kaṭukañc° is the established reading, the var. lect. kaṭakuñc° is probably etym. correct, semantically undoubtedly better. It has undergone dissimilatory vowel-metathesis under influence of popular analogy with kaṭuka. With kuñcikatā cp. the similar expression derived from the same root: kuṇalī-mukha, of a stingy person Pv.II,928, which is expld by “saṅkucitaṁ mukhaṁ akāsi” (see kuñcita)] closeness, tightness, close-fistedness, niggardliness. Expld as “the shrinking up of the heart,” which prevents the flow or manifestation of generosity. It occurs only in the stock phrase “vevicchaṁ kadariyaṁ k. aggahitattaṁ cittassa” in macchariya-passage at Nd2 614=Dhs.1122 =Pug.19, 23=Vbh.357, 371; and in the macchariya expln at Vism.470. (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kaṭura] containing pungent substances (generally three: tekaṭula) Vin.I,210 (yāgu), cp. tikaṭuka. (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [from karoti; see Sk. kṛtrima & kuṭṭima; also kutta & kutti] artificiality, outward help, sugges‹-› tion, appld to sati Miln.78, 79 (cp. Miln.trsl. I.121 n and MVastu I.477). (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '﹐【形】吐出的、不洁的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [kaṭu viya?] impure, defiled, in °kata A.I,280. (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】污染。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 污染。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 容器,大锅,坚果壳。(p90)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [Sk. kaṭāha] a pot [in older texts only as --°]. -- 1. pot, vessel, vase, receptacle. udaka° Vin.II,122; ghaṭi° Vin.II,115; loha° Vin.II,170. ayo° (in simile “diva-santatte ayokaṭāhe”) M.I,453=A.IV,138; gūtha° Vin.IV,265; tumba° (a gourd used as receptacle for food) vin II.114; alābu° DhsA.405. -- Uncompounded only at Dpvs 92 (°ka); Mhvs 17, 47; 18, 24. -- 2. anything shaped like a pot, as the skull: sīsa° D.II,297= M.I,58; Miln.197. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. kaṭāha),【阳】【中】容器,大锅,坚果壳。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see kata I.3. (Page 176)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [Sk. kṛṣṭa, pp. of kasati, cp. kiṭṭha] ploughed, tilled Sn.80; Miln.255; PvA.45, 62. a° untilled, unprepared Anvs 27. su° well-ploughed A.I,229; Miln.255. (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (adj.) [Sk. kaṣṭa] bad, useless: see kaṭṭhaka2. Only in cpds.; perhaps also in pakaṭṭhaka.

--aṅga pithless, sapless, of no value (of trees) J.II,163= DhA.I,144. --mukha “with the injurious mouth,” a kind of snake DhsA.300. (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (Sk. krsṭa, pp. of kasati, cp. kiṭṭha), 耕耘(ploughed, tilled)。akaṭṭha,未耕耘(untilled, unprepared)。sukaṭṭha, 善耕耘(well-ploughed)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 木材。~tthara, 【中】 木床,以小枝制成的垫。~maya, 【形】木制的。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '3 (nt.) [Brh. kāṣṭha, cp. Ohg. holz] 1. a piece of wood, esp. a stick used as fuel, chips, firewood S.I,168=Sn.462; M.I,234 (+ kaṭhala); PvA.256 (+ tiṇa). In phrase “sattussada sa-tiṇa-kaṭṭh’odaka sa-dhañña” (densely populated with good supply of grass, firewood, water, and corn) in ster. description of a prosperous place (cp. Xenophon’s poλis oi)koumέnh eu)dai/mwn kai\\ megaλh) D.I,87, 111, etc. Both sg. (coll.) & pl. as “sticks” D.II,341, esp. in phrase kaṭṭhaṁ phāleti to chop sticks Vin.I,31; Sn.p. 104; J.II,144; Pv.II,951 (=PvA.135), or k°ṁ pāteti (phāṭeti=phāleti? See pāteti) M.I,21. Frequent also in similes: M.I,241= II.93=III,95 (alla k.); M.III,242=S.II,97=IV.215= V.212 (dve k.); A.III,6 (+ kaṭhala); IV,72 (+ tiṇa); I,124=Pug.30, 36 (+ kaṭhala). -- 2. a piece of stick used for building huts (wattle and daub) M.I,190. ‹-› 3. a stick, in avalekhana° (for scraping) Vin.II,141, 221, and in danta° a tooth-pick VvA.63, etc. (see danta). -- 4. (adj.) in cpds.=of wood, wooden.

--aggi wood-fire, natural fire A.IV,41, 45, enumerated last among the 7 fires. --atthaṁ for the purpose of fuel, in phrase k. pharati to serve as fuel A.II,95=S.III,93= It.90=J.I,482. --atthara a mat made of twigs (cp. kaṭasāra) J.V,197, also as --attharika (& °kā) J.VI,21; DhA.I,135; f. at J.I,9; IV,329; VI,57. --kaliṅgara chips and chaff DhA.III,122 (cp. k-khaṇḍa). --khaṇḍa a piece of wood, splinter, chip, suggesting something useless, trifling DhA.I,321 (as expln of niratthaṁ va kalingaraṁ); ThA.284 (as expln of chuṭṭho kalingaraṁ viya). --tāla a wooden key Vin.II,148 (cp. Vin. Texts III,162). --tāḷa a w. gong DhsA.319. --tumba a w. vessel Vin.I,205. --pādukā a wooden shoe, clog Vin.I,188. --puñja a heap of w. A.IV,72; J.II,327. --phālaka wood-cutter Vism.413. --bhatin a wood-cutter Dpvs 20, 28, where given as a nickname of King Tissa. --mañcaka a wooden bed Miln.366. --maya wooden Vin.I,203; J.I,289= V.435. --rūpa (& °ka) a w. figure, doll J.I,287. --vāha a cartload of fire-wood S.II,84. --vāhana riding on a faggot J.I,136. --vipalāvita drifting wood J.I,326. --hatthin a w. elephant, built by order of King Caṇḍapajjota to decoy King Udena (cp. the horse of Troy) DhA.I,193. --hāraka (f. °ikā) gathering fire-wood, an occupation of poor people M.I,79; S.I,180; J.I,134; II,412; IV, 148; V,417; Miln.331; Vism.120; VvA.173. --hārin=°hāraka Vin.III,41; J.I,133 (title of J no. 7. referred to at DhA.I,349). (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '3 (Brh. Kāsṭha),【中】木材(a piece of wood, esp. a stick used as fuel, chips, firewood)。kaṭṭhatthara,【中】木床,以小枝制成的垫。kaṭṭhamaya,【形】木制的。kaṭṭhakaṭhala, 【中】陶器的破片。kaṭṭhatiṇa, 草木(PvA.256.)。S.48.39./V,213.︰“Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, dvinnaṁ kaṭṭhānaṁ saṅghaṭṭanasamodhānā usmā jāyati, tejo abhinibbattati; tesaṁyeva kaṭṭhānaṁ nānābhāvāvinikkhepā yā tajjā usmā sā nirujjhati sā vūpasammati.”(诸比丘!譬如以二木互相摩擦,生热,出火;将那木头分离,对於这个的热,它就灭,它就止息。) 对於乐、苦、喜、忧、舍诸感受,都是保持著冷静的观察,观它生,观它灭。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (Sk. kasṭa), 【形】坏的,没有价值的(bad, useless. Only in cpds.; perhaps also in pakaṭṭhaka.)。kaṭṭhaṅga, 没有价值的(pithless, sapless, of no value (of trees) )。kaṭṭhamukha, 一种蛇(a kind of snake DhsA.300. )。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (m. pl.) [to kaṭṭha2] a kind of fairy D.II,261 (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】竹子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 竹子。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (m. nt.) [to kaṭṭha3] a kind of reed Dh.164; DhA.III,156 (=velu-saṅkhāta-kaṭṭha). (Page 177)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 以珠宝刺绣的丝被单。(p91)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】镶珠宝的丝被单。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk.?] a silken coverlet embroidered with gems D.I,7=Vin.I,192=II.163; DA.I,87=AA 445. (Page 178)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[on ke- see note to prec.] water J.VI,38 (=42: k. vuccati udakaṁ). As nadī a river at J.III,91, where Seruma at similar passage p. 189. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(m. nt.) an irrigated field, prepared for ploughing, arable land in its first stage of cultivation: kedāre pāyetvā karissāma “we shall till the fields after watering them” J.I,215; as square-shaped (i. e. marked out as an allotment) Vin.I,391 (caturassa°; Bdhgh on MV VIII,12, 1); J.III,255 (catukkaṇṇa°); surrounded by a trench, denoting the boundary (-mariyādā) DhA III,6. -- J.IV,167; V,35; PvA.7 (=khetta). The spelling is sometimes ketāra (J.III,255 v. l.) see Trenckner, J.P.T.S. 1908, 112. Note. The prefix ke- suggests an obsolete noun of the meaning “water,” as also in kebuka, ke-vaṭṭa; perhaps Sk. kṣvid, kṣvedate, to be wet, ooze? ke would then be k(h)ed, and kedara= ked+dṛ, bursting forth of water=inundation; kebuka =kedvu(d)ka (udaka); kevaṭṭa=ked+vṛ, moving on the water, fisherman; (cp. AvŚ Index Kaivarta: name of an officer on board a trading vessel).

--koṭi top or corner-point of a field Vism.180. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】【中】耕地,田地。kedārapāḷi,【阴】水坝,稻田中的窄筑堤。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳、中】 耕地,田地。~pāḷi,【阴】 水坝,稻田中的窄筑堤。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[?] N. of a tree J.V,405. Kern, Toev. s. v. suggests misreading for koka Phœnix sylvestris. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】斜视的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 斜视的人。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】孔雀的啼鸣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 孔雀的啼鸣。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'at Th.1, 1010 is to be corrected into keḷiyo (see keḷi2). (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. Kailāsa] カイラサ [雪山中の山].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '【阳】 喜马拉雅山的一座山的名字。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】喜马拉雅山的一座山名。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. Kailāsa] カイラサ(Kailāsa的片假名發音) [雪山中的山] (Kelāsa山 或 Kailāsa山).', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'Keḷāyati [kīḷā の denom.] 愛好する, 愛撫す, 翼求す. pp. keḷāyita', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '﹐【阳.单.工】以某。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kirāṭa] deceitful, false, hypocritic J.I,461 (expld by biḷāra); IV,220; IV,223 (=kirāsa); MA 152; DhA.III,389 (=saṭha). -- a° honest, frank J.V,117 (=akitava, ajūtakara). (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 骗人的,伪善的。 【阳】 不诚实的人。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】骗人的,僞善的。【阳】不诚实的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '=prec. J.III,260 (°lakkhaṇa); MA 152. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】欺骗,诡计。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 欺骗,诡计。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 头发。~kambala,【中】 发被单,以头发制成的毛毯。~kambalī,【形】 有发被单的。~kalāpa,【阳】 一束头发。~kalyāṇa,【中】 美发,美丽的头发。~dhātu,【阴】 发舍利。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Vedic keśa; cp. kesara hair, mane=Lat. caesaries, hair of the head, Ags. heord=E. hair] the hair of the head S.I,115 (haṭa-haṭa-k°, with dishevelled hair); A.I,138 (palita-kesa with grey hair; also at J.I,59); Sn.456 (nivutta°), 608; Th.1, 169; J.I,59, 138; III,393; Miln.26; KhA 42; Vism.353 (in detail). The wearing of long hair was forbidden to the Bhikkhus: Vin.II,107 sq.; 133 (cp. kesa-massu); -- dark (glossy) hair is a distinction of beauty: susukāḷa-keso (of Gotama) D.I,115; cp. kaṇha and kalyāṇa; PvA.26. -- The hair of Petas is long and dishevelled PvA.56; Sdhp.103; it is the only cover of their nakedness: kesehi paṭicchanna “covered only with my hair” Pv.I,102. -- kesesu gahetvā to take by the hair (in Niraya) D.I,234; -- kesaṁ oropeti to have one’s hair cut Vin.II,133.

--oropaṇa (-satthaka) (a) hair-cutting (knife), i. e. a razor DhA.I,431; --ohāraka one who cuts the hair, a barber Vism.413. --kambala a hair blanket (according to Bdhgh human hair) D.I,167=A.I,240, 295=II.206= Vin.I,305=M.I,78=Pug.55; A.I,286. --kambalin wearing a hair blanket (of Ajita) D.I,55. --kalāpā (pl.) (atimanohara°) beautiful tresses PvA.46; --kalyāṇa beauty of hair DhA.I,387; --kārika hairdresser Vv 175; --dhātu the hair-relic (of the Buddha) J.I,81; --nivāsin covered only with hair of Petas (: keseh’eva paṭicchā‹-› dita-kopīnā) Pv III,16. °massu hair and beard; kappita-k°-m° (adj.) with h. and b. dressed D.I,104; A.IV,94; J.VI,268. Esp. freq. in form kesa-massuṁ ohāretvā kāsāyāni vatthāni acchādetvā agārasmā anagāriyaṁ pabbajati “to shave off hair & beard, dress in yellow robes and leave the home for the homeless state,” i. e. renounce the world and take up the life of a Wanderer D.I,60, 115; III,60, 64, 76; A.I,107; III,386; It.75; Pug.57; similarly A.II,207=Pug.56. --sobha the splendour or beauty of the hair PvA.46. --hattha a tuft of hair PvA.157; VvA.167. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】头发(正常成年人头发总数约为80,000~10,0000 根不等。平均每平方厘米内约150根。《解脱道论》(T32.434.1)说「八百万发」。不正确)。kesakambala,【中】发被单,以头发制成的毛毯。kesakambalī,【形】有发被单的。kesakalāpa,【阳】一束头发。kesakalyāṇa,【中】美发,美丽的头发。kesadhātu,【阴】发舍利。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】花的多毛结构,(动物的)鬃毛。kesarasīha,【阳】鬣狮。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 a mane, in --sīha a maned lion J.II,244; SnA 127. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 [fr. kesa] filament of flowers, hairy structures of plants esp. of the lotus; usually of kiñjakkha PvA.77; VvA.12; 111; -- sa-kesarehi padumapattehi lotusleaves with their hairs VvA.32; nicula-k° fibres of the Nicula tree VvA.134.

--bhāra a sort of fan (cp. vāladhi and cāmara) VvA.278. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 花的多毛结构,(动物的)鬃毛。 ~sīha,【阳】 鬣狮。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. kesara1] having a mane, of a lion, also name of a battle-array (°saṁgāmo) Dpvs.I,7; cp. AvŚ I.56. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】狮子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 狮子。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 1. 华丽的头发。2, 【阳】 毗瑟挐(印度教主神之一,守护之神 Vishnu)。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】1.华丽的头发。2.【阳】毘瑟挐(印度教主神之一,守护之神 Vishnu)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. last] of rich hair, of beautiful hair. Ep. of King Vāsudeva (cp. kaṇha) Pv.II,62. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see kisa. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kesa] hairy, of mangoes Miln.334. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】头发的去除者,即:理发师。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 头发的去除者 即:理发师。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 剃头发。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】剃头发。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '﹐骗术高明。Ketabinoti sikkhitakerāṭikā, nipphannathāmagatasāṭheyyāti vuttaṁ hoti. (骗术高明:学习骗人,产生有力的欺骗)(MA.5.)CS:p.1.156)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[etym. uncertain] N. of a flower J.IV,482. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】露兜树(露兜树属 (Pandanus tectorius) 的植物〔产于东南亚〕)。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】露兜树(screw-pine,露兜树属 (Pandanus tectorius) 的植物〔产於东南亚〕)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'sign etc., see saṁ°. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 旗子,旗帜。~kamyatā,【阴】 自负,极度的虚荣心。~mantu,【形】 以旗子装饰。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】旗子,旗帜。ketukamyatā,【阴】自负,极度的虚荣心。ketamantu,【形】以旗子装饰。佛教旗,由上而下五条色,蓝色(nīla),黄色(pīta),红色(lohita),白色(odāta),橙色(mañjeṭṭha)以及此五种顔色的混合色(pabhassara)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic ketu, *(s)qait, clear; cp. Lat. caelum (=*caidlom), Ohg heitar, heit; Goth. haidus; E. --hood, orig. appearance, form, like] -- 1. ray, beam of light, splendour, effulgence Th.1, 64; which is a riddle on the various meanings of ketu. -- 2. flag, banner, sign, perhaps as token of splendour Th.1, 64. dhamma-k° having the Doctrine as his banner A.I,109=III,149; dhūma-k° having smoke as its splendour, of fire, J.IV,26; VvA.161 in expln of dhūmasikha.

--kamyatā desire for prominence, self-advertisement (perhaps vainglory, arrogance) Vism.469; Dhs.1116 (Dhs.A. trs. 479), 1233=Nd2 505; Nd1 on Sn.829 (=uṇṇama); -- mālā “garland of rays” VvA.323. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ketu] having flags, adorned with flags VvA.50. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【不】 要去买。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【不】要去买。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see kayati. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 孤单的,未混杂他物的,全部的,整个的。~kappa,【形】 几乎全部。~paripuṇṇa,【形】 完成在它的全部。kevalaŋ,【副】 仅仅,只不过。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.-adv.) [cp. Lat. caelebs=*caivilo-b° to live by oneself, i. e. to live in celibacy, perhaps also, Goth. hails, Ohg. heil, E. whole] expression of the concept of unity and totality: only, alone; whole, complete; adv. altogether or only -- 1. °ṁ (adv.) (a) only=just: k. tvaṁ amhākaṁ vacanaṁ karohi “do all we tell you” PvA.4; -- only=but, with this difference: VvA.203, 249; -- k. . . . vippalapati he only talks PvA.93; ‹-› and yet: “sakkā nu kiñci adatvā k. sagge nibbattituṁ? “ is it possible not to give anything, and yet go to heaven? kevalaṁ mano-pasāda-mattena only by purity of mind DhA.I,33; kevalaṁ vacchake balava-piyacittatāya simply by the strong love towards the babycalf Vism.313; (b) alone: k. araññaṁ gamissāmi VvA.260; -- exclusive Miln.247. -- na k. . . . atha kho not only . . . but also VvA.227. -- 2. whole, entire Sn.p. 108; Cp. I.1019; Pv.II,63 (=sakala PvA.95); Vism.528 (=asammissa, sakala); Pv.II,63 (=sakala PvA.95). ‹-› k.›akevala entire›deficient M.I,326. °ṁ entirely, thoroughly, all round: k° obhāsenti VvA.282.

--kappa a whole kappa Sn.pp. 18, 45, 125; KhA 115; VvA.124, 255. --paripuṇṇa fulfilled in its entirety (sakala DA.I,177) of the Doctrine; expld also at Nett 10. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】孤单的,未混杂他物的,全部的,整个的。kevalakappa,【形】几乎全部。kevalaparipuṇṇa,【形】完成在它的全部。kevalaṁ,【副】仅仅(台语:干凋kan ta,或讹音为kan na),只不过。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kevala] one who is fully accomplished, an Arahant; often with mahesi and uttamapurisa. Defn sabbaguṇa -- paripuṇṇa sabba -- yoga -- visaṁyutta SnA. 153. -- ye suvimuttā te kevalino ye kevalino vaṭṭaṁ tesaṁ natthi paññâpanāya S.III,59 sq., i. e. “those who are thoroughly emancipated, these are the accomplished . . .”; kevalīnaṁ mahesiṁ khīṇ’āsavaṁ Sn.82=S.I,167; -- k. vusitavā uttamapuriso Nd2 on tiṇṇa=A.V,16. -- with Gen.: brahmacariyassa k. “perfected in morality” A.II,23. -- As Ep. of “brāhmaṇa” Sn.519=Nd2 s. v.; of dhammacakka A.II,9; see also Sn.490, 595. -- akevalin not accomplished, not perfected Sn.878, 891. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[on ke- see kedāra] fisherman D.I,45 (in simile of dakkho k°) A.III,31=342, cp. IV.91; Ud.24 sq.; J.I,210; DhA.II,132; IV,41; PvA.178 (°gāma, in which to be reborn, is punishment, fishermen being considered outcast); cp. J.VI,399 N. of a brahmin minister, also D.I,411 N. of Kevaḍḍha (?).

--dvāra N. of one of the gates of Benares, and a village near by Vv 197; VvA.97. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 渔夫。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'm.[sk.kevarta,kaivarta]渔夫,渔師.-putta渔夫の子', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【阳】渔夫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 可买的, 要买的事物。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】可买的,要买的事物。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ger. of kayati) for sale J.VI,180 (=vikkiṇitabba). (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) a bracelet, bangle DhA.II,220 (v. l. kāyura). (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】戴在上臂的手镯。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 戴在上臂的手镯。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) wearing a bracelet PvA.211 (=kāyūrin). (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. kilissati? or is it kheḷana?] desire, greed, usually shown in fondness for articles of personal adornment: thus “selfishness” Vbh.351=DA.I,286 (+paṭikeḷanā). In this passage it is given as a rather doubtful expln of cāpalla, which would connect it with kṣvel to jump, or khel to swing, oscillate, waver, cp. expln Dhtp 278 kela khela=calane. Another passage is Nd2 585, where it is combd with parikeḷanā and acts as syn. of vibhūsanā. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (f.) [either fr. kil as in kilijjati & kilissati, or fr. kel, as given under keḷanā] the meaning is not quite defined, it may be taken as “attachment, lust, desire,” or “selfishness, deceit” (cp. kerāṭika & kilissati), or “unsettledness, wavering.” --keḷi-sīla of unsettled character, unreliable, deceitful PvA.241. °sīlaka id. J.II,447. -- pañca citta-keḷiyo=pañca nīvaraṇāni (kāmacchanda etc.), the gratifications of the heart Th.1, 1010 (corr. kelisā to keḷiyo!). -- citta-keḷiṁ kīḷantā bahuṁ pāpakammaṁ katvā enjoying themselves (wrongly) to their heart’s content J.III,43. Cp. kāmesu a-ni-kīḷitāvin unstained by desires S.I,9, 117. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (f.) [fr. krīḍ to play, sport: see kīḷati] 1. play, amusement, sport PvA.265 (=khiḍḍā); parihāsa° merry play, fun J.I,116. -- 2. playing at dice, gambling, in °maṇḍala “circle of the game,” draught-board; °ṁ bhindati to break the board, i. e. to throw the die over the edge so as to make the throw invalid (cp. Cunningham, Stupa of Bharhut, plate 45) J.I,379. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Keḷāpayati, 令玩(make play),令动(make move)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. kailāsa] N. of a mountain Bdhd 138. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. keḷāyati, cp. kelanā & keḷi] playfulness, unsettledness Vism.134 (opp. majjhatta), 317. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹keḷāyati, cp. kelanā & keḷi),【中】玩耍(playfulness),不安定(unsettledness)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[denom. fr. kīḷ in meaning “to amuse oneself with,” i. e. take a pride in. Always combd with mamāyati. BSk. same meaning (to be fond of): śālikṣetrāṇi k. gopāyati Divy 631. Morris. J.P.T.S. 1893, 16 puts it (wrongly?) to kel to quiver: see also keḷanā] to adorn oneself with (Acc.), to fondle, treasure, take pride in (Gen.) M.I,260 (allīyati kelāyati dhanāyati mamāyati, where dhanāyati is to be read as vanāyati as shown by v. l. S.III,190 & M.I,552); S.III,190 (id.); Miln.73. -- pp. keḷāyita. (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of keḷāyati] desired, fondled, made much of J.IV,198 (expld with the ster. phrase kelāyati mamāyati pattheti piheti icchatī ti attho). (Page 226)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 舵。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】舵(rudder)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[deriv. unknown] expld by Buddhaghosa DA.I,247 as “the science which assists the officiating priests by laying down rules for the rites, or by leaving them to their discretion” (so Trenckner, J.P.T.S. 1908, 116). In short, the ritual; the kalpa as it is called as one of the vedaṅgas. Only in a stock list of the subject a learned Brahmin is supposed to have mastered D.I,88; A.I,163, 166; Sn.1020; Miln.10, 178. So in BSk; AvŚ II.19; Divy 619. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[deriv. unknown] MA 152 (on M I 32) has “trained deceivers (sikkhitā kerātikā); very deceitful, false all through”; III,6=A.III,199. (Page 225)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '﹐礼仪学。(中国的典籍上记载有礼仪准则300条,行为准则3000条。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第二个辅音字母。发音好像汉语中清音的 k。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第二个辅音字母。发音好像汉语中清音的 k。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'syllable & ending, functioning also as root, meaning “void, empty” or as n. meaning “space”; expld. by Bdhgh with ref. to dukkha as “khaṁ saddo pana tucche; tucchaṁ hi ākāsaṁ khan ti vuccati” Vism.494. -- In meaning “space, sky” in cpd. khaga “sky-goer” (cp. viha-ga of same meaning), i. e. bird Abhp 624; Bdhd 56. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(梵kha),【中】虚空、天空(“space” Vism.494.)。khapuspa(梵), kha-puspam(梵),空华,空花。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 虚空,天空。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khac +a), 嵌入,装饰(inlaid, adorned with, usually with jewels)。khaci,【过】。khacita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(khac + a), 嵌入,装饰。 khaci, 【过】。 khacita, 【过分】。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[pp. of khac as root expld at Dhtm. 518 by “bandhana”] inlaid, adorned with, usually with jewels e. g. VvA.14, 277; maṇi-muttâdi khacitā ghaṇṭā “bells inlaid with jewels, pearls, etc.” VvA.36; of a fan inlaid with ivory (danta-khacita) Vin.III,287 (Sam. Pās.). Suvaṇṇa-khacita-gajak’attharaṇā “elephants’trappings interwoven with gold” VvA.104; of a chair, inlaid with pearls J.I,41; of a canopy embroidered with golden stars J.I,57. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. khadira),【阳】儿茶树(东印度一种有刺乔木(Acacia catechu),两回羽状复叶,花黄色,荚扁平,是阿仙药的来源)。khadiraṅgāra,【阳】儿茶木材的灰烬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. khadira; Gr. kiζsaros, ivy; Lat. hedera, ivy] the tree Acacia catechu, in cpds. --avārā (pl.) embers of (burnt) acacia-wood J.I,232; PvA.152; --ghaṭikā a piece of a.-wood J.IV,88; --tthambha a post of a.-wood DhA.III,206; --patta a bowl made of a.-wood J.V,389; --vana a forest of acacias J.II,162; --sūla an impaling stake of a.-wood J.IV,29. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 儿茶树(东印度一种有刺乔木 (Acaciacatechu),两回羽状复叶,花黄色,荚扁平,是阿仙药的来源)。 ~aṅgāra, 【阳】 儿茶木材的灰烬。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 鸟。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】鸟(“sky-goer”)。khaga-caraṇa, 鸟飞。khaga-patha, 空,虚空。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 刀剑。 ~kosa, 【阳】 刀剑鞘。 ~gāhaka, 【阳】 捧剑者。 ~tala,【中】 刀锋。 ~dhara, 【形】 捧剑的。 ~visāṇa, 【阳】 犀牛,有个像刀剑一样的角者。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. khaḍga; perhaps to Lat. clades and gladius; cp. also kūṭa3] 1. a sword (often with dhanu, bow) at D.I,7 (Dh.I,89=asi) as one of the forbidden articles of ornament (cp. BSk. khaḍga-maṇi Divy 147, one of the royal insignia); -- khaggaṁ bhandati to gird on one’s sword PvA.154, khaggaṁ sannayhati id. DhA.III,75; °gāhaka a sword-bearer Miln.114; °tala sword-blade Mhvs 25, 90. -- 2. a rhinoceros J.V,406 (=gavaja), 416; VI,277 (°miga), 538. In cpd. °visāṇā (cp. BSk. khaḍgaviṣāṇa Divy 294=Sn.36) the horn of a rh. (: khagga-visāṇaṁ nāma khagga-miga-singaṁ SnA 65) Sn.35 sq. (N. of Sutta); Nd2 217 (khagga-visāṇa-kappa “like the horn of the rh.” Ep. of a Paccekabuddha, (cp. Divy 294, 582), also at Vism.234. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. khaḍga),【阳】刀剑。khaggakosa,【阳】刀剑鞘。khaggāhaka,【阳】捧剑者。khaggatala,【中】刀锋。khaggadhara,【形】捧剑的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(cp. BSk. khaḍgavisāṇa),【阳】1.犀牛(a rhinoceros有个像刀剑一样的角者,犀牛总是朝著一个目标,义无返顾地向前冲)。2.犀牛角,麟角(古译),驎角(古译)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(grd. of khajjati),【形】被吃,被咀嚼,被咬,被啄(to be eaten or chewed, eatable, solid food)。【中】固体食物,甜肉乾。khajjaka,【中】甜肉乾。khajjakantara,【中】各种不同的糖果。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-nt.) [grd. of khajjati] to be eaten or chewed, eatable, solid food, usually in cpd. --bhojja solid and other food, divided into 4 kinds, viz. asita, pīta, khāyita, sāyita Pv.I,52 (=PvA.25) J.I,58; Miln.2. --bhājaka a distributor of food (an office falling to the lot of a senior bhikkhu) Vin.II,176 (=V.204); IV, 38, 155. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a. n. [khajjati の grd.] 硬食, 嚼食. -bhājaka硬食分配者,分餠者', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【形】 被吃,被咀嚼。 【中】 固体食物,甜肉干。 ~ka, 【中】 甜肉干。 ~kantara, 【中】 各种不同的糖果。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. last] eatable, i. e. solid food (as °bhojjanāni opposed to yāgu PvA.23); (nt.) J.I,186 (of 18 kinds, opp. yāgu); I,235 (id.); Miln.294. --°bhājaka= prec. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'caterpillar Pgdp 48. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '((khaj +ya), =khādiyati, Pass. of khādati; Dhtm 93 bhakkhaṇa) 1.被吃,被咀嚼,被咬(to be eaten, chewed, eaten up, as by animals)。2.被痒(to be itchy, to be irritated by itch;cp. E. “itch”=Intens. of “eat”)。3.被毁灭,被牺牲(to be devoured, to be consumed, to be a victim )。【现分】被嚼,被咬,被啄。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(khaj + ya), khādati 的【被】 1. 被吃,2. 发痒,3. 被耗尽。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(=khādiyati, Pass. of khādati; Dhtm 93 bhakkhaṇa) 1. to be eaten, chewed, eaten up, as by animals: upacikāhi Vin.II,113; suṇakhehi Pv III,78; puḷavehi J.III,177; cp. Pv IV.52 (cut in two) -- 2. to be itchy, to be irritated by itch (cp. E. “itch”=Intens. of “eat”) J.V,198 (kh° kanduvāyati); Pv.II,39 (kacchuyā kh°) -- 3. to be devoured (fig.), to be consumed, to be a victim of: kāmataṇhāhi M. I.504; rūpena S.III,87, 88 (khajjanīya-pariyāya, quoted Vism.479). ‹-› ppr. khajjamāna Pv.II,15 (consumed by hunger & thirst). (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. khadyota),【阳】萤火虫(fire-fly)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. khadyota] the fire-fly M.II,34=41; J.II,415; VI,330, 441; DhA.III,178; also khajjūpanaka Vism.412 (in simile). See Trenckner J.P.T.S. 1908, 59 & 79. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 萤火虫。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】痒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 痒。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】 海枣树(一种海枣树〔棕榈科〕(Phoenixdactylifera),产于亚洲西部和非洲北部,在加利福尼亚也有种植,有羽毛状的叶子,结簇生的枣子椰树)。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】海枣树(date-palm,一种海枣树〔棕榈科〕(Phoenix dactylifera),产於亚洲西部、北部,在加利福尼亚州也有种植,有羽毛状的叶子,结簇生的枣子椰树)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(梵), Khakkhara(梵), Khakkharaka(梵), 锡杖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. khala] 1. corn ready for threshing, the threshing floor Nd2 587; Vism.120; DA.I,203 (khalaṁ sodheti). -- 2. threshing, mash, in ekamaṁsa-khalaṁ karoti “to reduce to one mash of flesh” D.I,52=M.I,377 (+maṁsa-puñja; DA.I,160=maṁsa-rāsi).

--agga the best corn for threshing DhA.I,98; IV,98; --kāla the time for threshing DhA.IV,98; --bhaṇḍ’agga the best agricultural implement for threshing DhA.I,98; IV,98; --bhaṇḍa-kāla the time for the application of the latter DhA.IV,98; --maṇḍala a threshing-floor Vism.123; DhA.I,266 (°matta, as large as . . .). (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】(玉蜀黍的)打谷场。khalagga,【中】打谷的开始。khalamaṇḍala,【中】打谷场。khalasālā﹐【阴】打谷棚。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 (玉蜀黍的)打谷场。 ~agga, 【中】 打谷的开始。 ~maṇḍala, 【中】 打谷场。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khal + a), 绊倒。 khali, 【过】。 khalita, 【过分】。 khalitvā, 【独】。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Dhtp 260: kampane; Dhtm 375: sañcalane; cp. Sk. skhalati, cp. Gr. sfaλlw to bring to fall, to fail] to stumble; ger. khalitvā Th.1, 45; Miln.187; pp. khalita q. v. Cp. upa°, pa°. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khal+a), 绊倒(to stumble)。khali,【过】。khalita,【过分】。khalitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'in --pāda at J.VI,3 should probably be read kalaṅka° (q. v.). (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. kṣālayati of kṣal?] lit. to wash (cp. pakkhāleti), slang for “to treat badly,” “to give a rubbing” or thrashing (exact meaning problematic); only at J.IV,205=382: gale gahetvā khalayātha jammaṁ “take the rascal by the throat and thrash him” (Com. khalayātha khalīkāraṁ (i. e. a “rub,” kind of punishment) pāpetvā niddhamatha=give him a thrashing & throw him out. v. l. at both passages is galayātha). (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a paste Vin.II,321 (:Bdhgh. on C.V, VI,3, 1 for madda). (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(or khalikā f.) a dice-board, in khalikāya kīḷanti to play at dice (see illustr. in Rh. D. Buddh. India p. 77) Vin.II,10; cp. D.I,6 (in enumn of various amusements; expl. at DA.I,85 by jūta-khalika pāsaka-kīḷanaṁ). See also kali. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(or khalikā f.), 骰子(a dice-board, in khalikāya kīḷanti to play at dice;DA I.85 by jūta-khalika pāsaka-kīḷanaṁ).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 [pp. med. of khalati, cp. Dhtp 611; Dhtm 406 khala=soceyye] (adj. & n.) 1. faltering, stumbling, wrong-doing, failure A.I,198; Nd1 300; Th.2, 261; DhA.III,196 (of the voice; ThA.211=pakkhalita); J.I,78; Miln.94, 408. -- 2. disturbed, treated badly J.VI,375. -- akhalita undisturbed Th.1, 512. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 过失,绊倒。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (Sk. khalati=Lat. calvus, bald; cp. khallāṭa) 秃头(bald-headed A.I,138 +vilūna); Th.2, 255 (=vilūnakesa ThA.210).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Sk. khalati=Lat. calvus, bald; cp. khallāṭa] bald-headed A.I,138 (+vilūna); Th.2, 255 (=vilūnakesa ThA.210). (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2,【中】过失,绊倒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'in baddhā upāhanāyo shoes with heel-coverings (?) Vin.I,186 (see Bdhgh. note on it Vin Texts II.15). ‹-› Also as khalla-baddhâdibhedaṁ upāhanaṁ at PvA.127 in expln of upāhana. Kern (Toev. s. v.) sees in it a kind of stuff or material. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'only at S.V,421; cp. S.IV,330 (Dhammacakka-p-Sutta). It is a misreading. Read with Oldenberg, Vin.I,10, kāmesu kāmasukhallikānuyoga (devotion to the passions, to the pleasures of sense). See kāmasukha and allika. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. khalvāta, cp. khalita] bald, in --sīsa a bald head DhA.I,309. Der. khallātiya baldness, in khallātiyapetī the bald-headed Petī PvA.46 (where spelled khalātiya) and 67. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】秃的。khallāṭasīsa,【形】秃头的(DhA.CS:pg.1.196.︰ khallāṭasīse)。khallāṭiya,【中】光秃。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 秃的。 ~sīsa, 【形】秃头的。 ~ṭiya, 【中】 光秃。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】 锅。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(=khalopi, kalopī),【阴】锅(a pot;usually with kumbhī: D.I,167 (--mukha+kumbhi-mukha))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[indecl., usually contracted to kho, q. v.] either positive: indeed, surely, truly D.I,87; Sn.p. 103; J.IV,391 (as khaḷu); Mhvs VII.17; or negative: indeed not Vism.60 (=paṭisedhan’atthe nipāto). --pacchābhattika (adj.)=na p°: a person who refuses food offered to him after the normal time Vin.V,131=193; Pug.69; Vism.61. See Com. quot. by Childers, p. 310. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【无】 的确,当然。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【无】的确,当然。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(khalaṅga›khalaṅka›khaluṅka),【阳】难驯,桀骜难驯,古音译:强梁、强良。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[adj. fr. khala in caus. sense of khaleti, to shake. In formation=khalaṅga›khalaṅka›khaluṅka, cp. kulūpaka for kulūpaga] only appld to a horse= shaking, a shaker, racer (esp. as java A.I,287), fig. of purisa at Aṅguttara passages. Described as bold and hard to manage A.IV,190 sq.; as a horse which cannot be trusted and is inferior to an ājānīya (a thoroughbred) A.V,166. Three kinds at A.I,287 sq.=IV.397 sq. In expl. of vaḷavā (mare) at J.I,180=sindhavakule ajāto khaluṅk’asso; as vaḷavā khaḷuṅkā J.I,184. -- Der. khaluṅkatā in a°, not shaking, steadiness VvA.278. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 难驯的劣马。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】马勒,马嚼口。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 马衔,马嚼子。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】 宽恕的,忍耐的,容忍的。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(‹梵ksam)(梵ksama忏摩),【形】宽恕的,原谅的,容忍的,忏摩(求对方的原谅)(patient, forgiving, enduring, bearing, hardened to )。khamā paṭipadā(堪忍行=不以骂报骂等)。【反】akhama﹐容忍的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kṣam] (a) patient, forgiving. (b) enduring, bearing, hardened to (frost & heat, e. g.), fit for. -- (a) kh. belongs to the lovable attributes of a bhikkhu (kh. rūpānaṁ, saddānaṁ, etc.; indulgent as regards sights, sounds, etc.) A.III,113=138; the same applied to the king’s horse A.III,282. Khamā paṭipadā the way of gentleness (and opp. akkhamā), viz. akkosantaṁ na paccakosati “not to shout back at him who shouts at you” A.II,152 sq.; cp. Nett 77; classified under the four paṭipadā at D.III,229. In combn. w. vacana of meek, gentle speech, in vattā vacana° a speaker of good & meek words S.I,63; II,282; Miln.380; cp. suvaco khamo A.V,24 sq., forgiving: Miln.207.‹-› (b) khamo sītassa uṇhassa, etc., enduring frost & heat A.III,389=V.132; addhāna° padhāna° (fit for) A.III,30; ranga°, anuyoga°, vimajjana° M.I,385. -- akkhama (adj.) impatient, intolerant, in combn dubbaca dovacassa karaṇehi dhammehi samannāgata S.II,204 sq.= A.II,147 sq. With ref. to rūpa, saddā, etc. (see also above), of an elephant A.III,156 sq. -- D.III,229; Sdhp.95. (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】khamā(‹kham(梵ksam)),【阴】宽容,忍受,容忍,耐性,忍耐。KhA.(CS:p.123):khamanaṁ khanti.(忍受:忍耐。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) long-suffering Miln.351; bearing, suffering Sdhp.202; and a° intolerance Bdhd 24. (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 khamā, 【阴】宽容,忍受,容忍,耐性,忍耐。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) forbearance and a° intolerance, harshness both as syn. of khanti & akkhanti Dhs.1342, Vbh.360. (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. ksamate)(kham忍受 +a), 1.忍耐,容忍,宽恕(to be patient, to endure, to forgive(Acc. of object and Gen. of person)khamatha me pardon me.2. (impers.) to be fit, to seem good; esp. in phrase yathā te khameyya “as may seem good to you; if you please” sabbaṁ me na khamati “I do not approve of” ; na khamati “it is not right” .3. to be fit for, to indulge in, to approve of)。khami,【过】。khanta,【过分】。khamanta, khamamāna,【现分】。grd. khamanīya。caus. khamāpeti。dukkhamati﹐难以忍耐。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kham + a), 忍耐,容忍,宽恕。 khami, 【过】。 khanta, 【过分】。khamanta, khamamāna, 【现分】。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Dhtp 218: sahane, cp. Sk. kṣamate, perhaps to Lat. humus, cp. Sk. kṣāh, kṣāman soil; Gr. xqw/n, xamai] 1. to be patient, to endure, to forgive (Acc. of object and Gen. of person): n’âhaṁ bhayā khamāmi Vepacittino (not do I forgive V. out of fear) S.I,221, 222; aparādhaṁ kh. to forgive a fault J.III,394. khamatha forgive DhA.II,254; khamatha me pardon me Miln.13; DhA.I,40. -- 2. (impers.) to be fit, to seem good; esp. in phrase yathā te khameyya “as may seem good to you; if you please” D.I,60, 108; M.I,487. sabbaṁ me na khamati “I do not approve of” M.I,497 sq.; na khamati “it is not right” D.II,67. -- 3. to be fit for, to indulge in, to approve of, in nijjhānaṁ khamanti M.I,133, 480; cp. diṭṭhi-nijjhāna-kkhanti M.I,480 & A.I,189. -- ppr. med. khamamāna Vin.I,281 (uppaḍḍhakāsinaṁ kh°) fit for, allowing of, worth, cp. Bdhgh. note Vin Texts I.195. -- grd. khamanīya to be allayed, becoming better (of a disease) Vin.I,204; D.II,99. -- caus. khamāpeti to pacify, to ask one’s pardon, to apologize (to=Acc.) J.I,267; PvA.123, 195; DhA.I,38, 39; II,75, 254. -- to ask permission or leave (i. e. to say good-bye) DhA.I,14. (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Sk. khambha & sthambha] 1. prop, support, in °kata “making a prop,” i. e. with his arms akimbo Vin.II,213=IV.188. -- 2. obstruction, stiffening, paraly‹-› sis, in ūru° “stiffening of the thigh” M.I,237 (through pain); J.V,23 (through fear). See also chambheti & thambha. (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. khambha & sthambha)1.支持(support)。2.障碍(obstruction, stiffening, paraly)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 两手叉腰的。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】两手叉腰的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Sk. skambh, skabhnāti] 1.支持( to prop, to support)。2.障碍(to obstruct, to put out)。pp. khambhita.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Caus. fr. prec. -- Sk. skambh, skabhnāti] 1. to prop, to support Th.2, 28 (but expl. at ThA.35 by vi°, obstruct) -- 2. to obstruct, to put out, in pp. khambhita (=vi°) Nd2 220, where it explains khitta. ‹-› ger. khambhiya: see vi°. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【潜】 应该原谅。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【义】应该原谅。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【独】 原谅了,忍耐了。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【独】原谅了,忍耐了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. ksam] (a) patience, endurance. (b) the earth (cp. chamā & see khamati) J.IV,8 (v. l. B. chamāya). (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(abstr. fr. khamāpeti, caus. of khamati) ,【中】要求原谅(asking for pardon)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 要求原谅。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. khamāpeti, Caus. of khamati] asking for pardon J.IV,389. (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kham+āpe), 原谅,道歉(to make eat)。khamāpesi,【过】。khamāpenta,【现分】。khamāpita,【过分】。khamāpetvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kham + āpe), 原谅,道歉。 khamāpesi, 【过】。 khamāpenta, 【现分】。 khamāpita, 【过分】。 khamāpetvā, 【独】。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see khaṇati. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[skand] to jump, only in cpd. pakkhandati; given as root khand at Dhtm 196 with meaning “pakkhandana.” (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. skandha),【阳】1.体积。2.树干,(人或动物的)躯干。3.块(mass),堆(heap)。4.区,段,章。5.蕴,形成任何生命的身心状态的知觉集合体。khandhaṭṭhika,【中】肩骨。khandhapañcaka,【中】五蕴即:色、受、想、行、识。pañcakkhandhā(五蕴= pañcavokārabhavā):rūpakkhandho, vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho, viññāṇakkhandho.(色蕴、受蕴、想蕴、行蕴、识蕴。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. skandha] -- I. Crude meaning: bulk, massiveness (gross) substance. A. esp. used (a) of an elephant: the bulk of the body, i. e. its back S.I,95; vāraṇassa J.III,392; hatthi-khandha-vara-gata on the back of the state elephant J.I,325; PvA.75. Also with ref. to an elephant (hatthināga) sañjāta° “to whom has grown bulk=a large back” Sn.53, expl. SnA 103 by susaṇṭhitakkhandho “well endowed with bulk.” ‹-› (b) of a person: the shoulder or back: naṅgalaṁ khan‹-› dhe karitvā S.I,115 appl. to Māra; Vism.100; DhA.IV,168 (ohita°-bhāra the load lifted off his shoulder). ‹-› -- (c) of a tree: the trunk. rukkhassa PvA.114, also as rukkha° J.I,324; tāla° the stem of a palm PvA.56; nigrodhassa khandhaja (see cpds.) S.I,207=Sn.272; mūlaṁ atikkamma kh° ṁ sāraṁ pariyesitabbaṁ “one must go beyond the root and search the trunk for sweetness” S.IV,94. -- (d) as t.t. in exegetical literature: section, chapter, lit. material as collected into uniform bulk; freq. in postscripts to Texts and Commentaries. See also khandhaka. -- B. More general as denoting bulk (-°); e. g. aggi° a great mass of fire M.II,34, 41; J.IV,139; udaka° a mass of water (i. e. ocean) A.III,336; S.IV,179; J.I,324; PvA.62; puñña° a great accumulation of merit A.III,336=S.V,400; bhoga° a store of wealth A.V,84; J.I,6; maṇi° an extraordinarily large jewel (possessing magic power) J.II,102 sq. -

II. Applied meaning.--A. (-°) the body of, a collection of, mass, or parts of; in collective sense “all that is comprised under”; forming the substance of. ‹-› (a) dukkha° all that is comprised under “dukkha,” all that goes to make up or forms the substance, the idea of “ill.” Most prominent in phrase kevalassa dukkhakhandhassa samudaya and nirodha (the origin & destruction of all that is suffering) with ref. to the paṭiccasamuppāda, the chain of causal existence (q. v.) Vin.I,1; S.II,95; III,14; A.I,177; V, 184 & passim. Similarly: samudaya Vbh.135 sq. nirodha Nett 64; antakiriyā A.I,147; vyādhimaraṇatunnānaṁ dukkhakkhandhaṁ vyapānudi Th.2, 162. -- (b) lobha° dosa° moha° the three ingredients or integrations of greed, suffering and bewilderment, lit. “the big bulk or mass of greed” (see also under padāleti), S.V,88 (nibbijjhati through the satta bojjhaṅgā). -- (c) vayo° a division of age, part of age, as threefold: purima°, majjhima°, pacchima° Nd2 in def. of sadā. -- (d) sīla (etc.) kh° the 3 (or 5) groups or parts which constitute the factors of right living (dhamma), viz. (1) sīla° the group dealing with the practice of morality; (2) samādhi° that dealing with the development of concentration; (3) paññā° that dealing with the development of true wisdom. They are also known under the terms of sīla-sampadā, citta°, paññā° D.I,172 sq.; see sīla. -- D.I,206; Nett 64 sq.; 126. tīhi dhammehi samannāgato “possessed of the three qualities,” viz. sīla-kkhandhesu, etc. It.51; cp. A.I,291; V,326. tīhi khandhehi . . . aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo saṅgahito M.I,301; sīlakkhandhaṁ, etc. paripūreti “to fulfil the sīla-group” A.I,125; II,20, III,15 sq. These 3 are completed to a set of 5 by (4) vimutti° the group dealing with the attainment of emancipation and (5) vimutti-ñāṇa-dassana °the group dealing with the realization of the achievement of emancipation. As 1--4 only at D.III,229 (misprint puñña for paññā); cp. A.I,125. As 5 at S.I,99=A.I,162; S.V,162; A.III,134, 271; V,16 (all Loc.=S.I,99); It.107, 108; Nd2 under sīla.

B. (absolute) in individual sense: constituent element, factor, substantiality. More especially as khandhā (pl.) the elements or substrata of sensory existence, sensorial aggregates which condition the appearance of life in any form. Their character according to quality and value of life and body is evanescent, fraught with ills & leading to rebirth. Paraphrased by Bdhgh. as rāsi, heap, e. g. Asl. 141; Vibh A 1 f.; cf. B. Psy. 42. 1. Unspecified. They are usually enumerated in the foll. stereotyped set of 5: rūpa° (material qualities), vedanā (feeling), saññā (perception), saṅkhārā (coefficients of consciousness), viññāṇa (consciousness). For further ref. see rūpa; cp. also Mrs. Rh. D. Dhs.trsl. pp. 40--56. They are enumerated in a different order at S.I,112, viz. rūpaṁ vedayitaṁ saññaṁ viññāṇaṁ yañ ca saṅkhataṁ n’eso ‘ham asmi. Detailed discussions as to their nature see e. g. S.III,101 (=Vbh.1--61); S.III,47; III,86. As being comprised in each of the dhātus, viz. kăma° rūpa° arūpa-dhātu Vbh.404 sq.

(a) As factors of existence (cp. bhava). Their rôle as such is illustrated by the famous simile: “yathā hi aṅgasambhārā hoti saddo ratho iti evaṁ khandhesu santesu hoti satto ti sammuti” “just as it is by the condition precedent of the co-existence of its various parts, that the word “chariot” is used, just so it is that when the skandhas are there, we talk of a “being” “ (Rh. D.) (cp. Hardy, Man. Buddh. p. 425) S.I,135=Miln.28. Their connotation “khandha” is discussed at S.III,101 =M.III,16: “kittāvatā nu kho khandhānaṁ khandhâdhivacanaṁ? rūpaṁ (etc.) atītânāgatapaccuppannaṁ ajjhattaṁ vā bahiddhā vā oḷārikaṁ,” etc.: i.e. material qualities are equivalent terms for the kh. What causes the manifestation of each kh.? cattāro mahābhūtā . . . paccayo rūpa-khandhassa paññāpanāya; phasso . . . vedana°, saññā°, saṅkhārā°, etc.; nāmarūpaṁ . . . viññāṇa°: the material elements are the cause of rūpa, touch is that of vedanā, saññā, saṅkhārā, name and shape that of viññāṇa (S.III,101); cp. M.I,138 sq., 234 sq. On the same principle rests their division in: rūpa-kāyo rūpakkhandho nāmakāyo cattāro arūpino khandhā “the material body forms the material factor (of existence), the individualized body the 4 immaterial factors” Nett 41; the rūpakkhandha only is kāmadhātu-pariyāpanno: Vbh.409; the 4 arūpino kh° discussed at Ps.II,74, also at Vbh.230, 407 sq. (grouped with what is apariyāpanna) -- Being the “substantial” factors of existence, birth & death depend on the khandhas. They appear in every new conjuncture of individuality concerning their function in this paṭisandhi-kkhaṇe; see Ps.II,72--76. Thus the var. phases of life in transmigration are defined as -- (jāti:) ya tesaṁ tesaṁ sattānaṁ tamhi tamhi satta-nikāye jāti sañjāti okkanti abhinibbatti khandhānaṁ pātubhāvo āyatanānaṁ paṭilābho Nd2 on Sn.1052; cp. jāti dvīhi khandhehi saṅgahitā ti VvA.29; khandhānaṁ pātubhāvo jāti S.II,3; Nett 29; khandhānaṁ nibbatti jāti Vism.199. -- (maraṇaṁ:) yā tesaṁ tesaṁ sattānaṁ . . . cuti cavanatā bhedo antaradhānaṁ maccu maraṇaṁ kālakiriyā khandhānaṁ bhedo kalevarassa nikkhepo M.I,49=Vbh.137=S.II,3, 42. -- vivaṭṭa-kkhandha (adj.) one whose khandhas have revolved (passed away), i. e. dead S.I,121=III,123. -- kh°anaṁ udaya-vyaya (or udayabbaya) the rising and passing of the kh., transmigration Dh.374=Th.1, 23, 379=It.120=KhA 82; Ps.I,54 sq. -- (b) Their relation to attachment and craving (kāma): sattisūlûpamā kāmā khandhānaṁ adhikuṭṭanā S.I,128=Th.2, 58, 141 (ThA.65: natthi tesaṁ adhik°?); craving is their cause & soil: hetupaṭicca sambhūtā kh. S.I,134; the 4 arūpino kh. are based on lobha, dosa, moha Vbh.208. -- (c) their annihilation: the kh. remain as long as the knowledge of their true character is not attained, i. e. of their cause & removal: yaṁ rūpaṁ, etc. . . . n’etaṁ mama n’eso ‘haṁ asmi na m’eso attā ti; evaṁ etaṁ yathābhūtaṁ sammappaññāya passati; evaṁ kho jānato passato . . . ahaṅkāramamaṅkāra-mānânusayā na hontī ti S.III,103; --pañca-kkhandhe pariññāya S.III,83; pañca-kkhandhā pariññātā tiṭṭhanti chinnamūlakā Th.2, 106. See also S.I,134. -- (d) their relation to dhātu (the physical elements) and āyatana (the elements of sense-perception) is close, since they are all dependent on sensory experience. The 5 khandhas are frequently mentioned with the 18 dhātuyo & the 12 āyatanāni: khandhā ca dh° cha ca āyatanā ime hetuṁ paṭicca sambhūtā hetubhaṅgā nirujjhare S.I,134; kh°-dh°-āyatanaṁ saṅkhataṁ jātimūlaṁ Th.2, 472; dhammaṁ adesesi khandh’‹-› āyatana-dhātuyo Th.2, 43 (cp. ThA.49). Enumerated under sabba-dhammā Ps.I,101=II.230; under dhammā (states) Dhs.121, as lokuttara-kkhandhā, etc. Dhs.358, 528, 552. -- khandhānaṁ khandhaṭṭho abhiññeyyo, dhātūnaṁ dhātuṭṭho, etc. Ps.I,17; cp. I.132; II,121, 157. In def. of kāmâvacarā bhūmi Ps.I,83. In def. of dukkha and its recognition Nett 57. In def. of arahanto khīṇāsavā Nd2 on saṅkhāta-dhammā (“kh. saṅkhātā,” etc.), on tiṇṇa (“khandha- (etc.) pariyante thitā”), & passim. -- (e) their valuation & their bearing on the “soul”--conception is described in the terms of na mama (na tumhākaṁ), anattā, aniccaṁ and dukkhaṁ (cp. upādānakkh° infra and rūpa) rūpaṁ (etc.) . . . aniccaṁ, dukkhaṁ, n’eso’’ham asmi, n’eso me attā “material qualities (etc. kh. 2--5) are evanescent, bad, I am not this body, this body is not my soul” Vin.I,14=S.IV,382. n’eso’’ham asmi na m’eso attā S.I,112; III,103, 130 & passim; cp. kāyo na tumhākaṁ (anattā rūpaṁ) S.II,65; Nd2 680; and rūpaṁ na tumhākaṁ S.III,33 M.I,140=Nd2 680. -- rūpaṁ, etc. as anattā: Vin.I,13; S.III,78, 132--134; A.I,284= II.171; 202; cp. S.III,101; Vin.I,14. -- as aniccaṁ: S.III,41, 52, 102, 122, 132 sq., 181 sq., 195 sq., 202--224, 227; A.IV,147 (aniccânupassī dukkhânupassī); anicca dukkha roga, etc., Ps.II,238 sq.; Vbh.324. -- 2. Specified as panc’upādāna-kkhandhā the factors of the fivefold clinging to existence. Defined & discussed in detail (rūpûpadāna-kkhandha, etc.) S.III,47; 86--88; also Vin.I,10; S.III,127 sq. Specified S.III,58 III,100=M.III,16; S.III,114, 158 sq.; V,52, 60; A.IV,458; Vism.443 sq. (in ch. xiv: Khandha-niddesa), 611 sq. (judged aniccato, etc.). -- Mentioned as a set exemplifying the number 5: Kh III,; Ps.I,22, 122. Enumerated in var. connections S.I,112; D.III,233; M.I,190; A.V,52; Kh IV. (expld KhA 82=A.V,52); Miln.12 (var. references concerning the discussion of the kh. in the Abhidhamma). -- What is said of the khandhas alone-see above 1 (a)--(e)--is equally applied to them in connection with upādāna. ‹-› (a) As regards their origin they are characterized as chandamūlakā “rooted in desire, or in wilful desire” S.III,100; cp. yo kho . . . pañcas’upādānakkhandhesu chandarāgo taṁ tattha upādānaṁ ti M.I,300, 511. Therefore the foll. attributes are characteristic: kummo pañcann’etaṁ upād° ānaṁ adhivacanaṁ M.I,144; bhārā have pañcakkh°ā S.III,26; pañcavadhakā paccatthikā pañcann’. . . adhivacanaṁ S.IV,174; pañc’upād° . . . sakkāyo vutto M.I,299= S.IV,259. -- (b) their contemplation leads to the recognition of their character as dukkha, anicca, anattā: na kiñci attānaṁ vā attaniyaṁ vā pañcasu upādānakkhandhesu S.III,128; rogato, etc. . . . manasikātabbā pañc° S.III,167; pañcasu upād°esu aniccânupassī “realizing the evanescence in the 5 aggregates of attachment” A.V,109; same with udayavyayânupassī S.III,130; A.II,45, 90; III,32; IV,153; and dhammânupassī M.I,61. Out of which realization follows their gradual destruction: pañc’. . . khandhānaṁ samudayo atthaṅgamo assādo, etc. S.III,31, 160 sq.; A.II,45, 90; IV,153; Nd2 under saṅkhārā. That they occupy a prominent position as determinants of dukkha is evident from their rôle in the exposition of dukkha as the first one of the noble truths: saṅkhittena pañc’upādānakkhandhā pi dukkhā “in short, the 5 kh. are associated with pain” Vin.I,10=M.I,48=A.I,177=S.V,421; Ps.I,37, 39; Vbh.101 & passim; cp. katamaṁ dukkham ariyasaccaṁ? pañc’upād° ā tissa vacanīyaṁ, seyyathīdaṁ . . . S.III,158=V.425; khandhādisā dukkhā Dh.202 (& expl. DhA.III,261). -- 3. Separately mentioned: khandhā as tayo arūpino kh° (ved°, sañña°, saṅkh°) DhA.I,22; viññāṇa-kh° (the skandha of discriminative consciousness) in Def. of manas: manindriyaṁ viññāṇaṁ viññ°-khandho tajjā manoviññāṇadhātu Nd2 on Sn.1142=Dhs.68.

--âdhivacana having kh. as attribute (see above) S.III,101=M.III,16; --āvāra a camp, either (1) fortified (with niveseti) or (2) not (with bandhāpeti), esp. in the latter meaning w. ref. to a halting place of a caravan (=khandhāvāra?) (1) J.IV, 151; V,162; DhA.I,193, 199.‹-› (2) J.I,101, 332; PvA.113; DhA.II,79. Said of a hermitage J.V,35. -- fig. in sīla-khandhāvāraṁ bandhitvā “to settle in the camp of good conduct” DA.I,244; --ja (adj.-n.) sprung from the trunk (of the tree), i. e. a growth or parasite S.I,207=Sn.272, expl. at SnA 304; khandhesu jātā khandha-jā, pārohānam etaṁ adhivacanaṁ. --niddesa disquisition about the khandhas Vism.(ch. xiv esp.) 482, 485, 492, 509, 558, 389. --paṭipāṭi succession of khandhas Vism.411 sq. --paritta protective spell as regards the khandhas (as N. of a Suttanta) Vism.414. --bīja “trunk seed” as one kind of var. seeds, with mūla° phaḷu° agga° bīja° at Vin.V,132, & D.I,5, expld. DA.I,81: nāma assattho nigrodho pilakkho udumbaro kacchako kapitthano ti evam-ādi. --rasa taste of the stem, one of various tastes, as mūla° khandha° taca° patta° puppha°, etc. Dhs.629=Nd2 540. --loka the world of sensory aggregates, with dhātu- and āyatanaloka Ps.I,122. --vibhaṅga division dealing with the khandhas (i. e. Vibh. 1 sq.) Miln.12. --santāna duration of the khandhas Vism.414. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '蕴', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 体积。 2. 树干,(人或动物的)躯干。 3. 质量,集合堆。4. 区,段,章。 5. 蕴,形成任何生命的身心状态的知觉集合体。 ~pañcaka,【中】 五蕴 即:色、受、想、行、识。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'm. カンダカ(Khandhaka的片假名發音), 犍度部 [律藏的大品, 小品].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '【阳】区分,章。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'm. カンダカ, 犍度部 [律蔵の大品, 小品]. 篇,篇章', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': 'm. カンダカ, 犍度部 [律蔵の大品, 小品].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '[fr. khandha] division, chapter, esp. in the Vinaya (at end of each division we find usually the postscript: so & so khandhakaṁ niṭṭhitaṁ “here ends the chapter of . . .”); in cpd. °vatta, i. e. duties or observances specified in the v. khandha or chapter of the Vinaya which deals with these duties Vism.12, 101 (cp. Vin.II,231), 188. (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 区分,章。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) having a (big) trunk, of a tree A.III,43. (Page 234)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】营。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 营。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(to khan, cp. Sk. khanitra),【阴】(a spade or hoe Vin.I,270; J.VI,520=V.89 (+aṅkusa).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [to khan, cp. Sk. khanitra] a spade or hoe Vin.I,270; J.VI,520=V.89 (+aṅkusa). (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[n. agent of khanti] possessed of meekness or gentleness; docile, manageable. Said of an elephant A.II,116=III,161 sq. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Khantu),【阳】忍耐者,温和的(possessed of meekness or gentleness; docile, manageable)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 耐性,希望,忍耐。 ~bala, 【中】 耐力。 ~mantu, 【形】 忍耐的,耐心的。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '& Khantī f. [Sk. kṣānti] patience, forbearance, forgiveness. Def. at Dhs.1341: khantī khamanatā adhivāsanatā acaṇḍikkaṁ anasuropo attamanatā cittassa. Most frequent combinations: with mettā (love) (see below); --titikkhā (forbearance): khantī paramaṁ tapo titikkhā nibbānaṁ paramaṁ vadanti Buddhā Dh.184=D.II,49=Vism.295; khantiyā bhiyyo na vijjati, S.I,226; cp. DhA.III,237: titikkhā-saṅkhātā khantī; --avihiṁsā (tolerance): kh°, avihiṁsā, mettatā, anudayatā, S.V,169; --akodhana (forbearing, gentle) VvA.71; --soraccaṁ (docility, tractableness) D.III,213= A.I,94; also with maddava (gentleness) and s. as quality of a well-bred horse A.III,248, cp. A.II,113 and khantā; --sovaccassatā (kind speech) Sn.266 (cp. KhA 148). See also cpds. -- Khantī is one of the ten paramitās J.I,22, 23: cp. A.III,254, 255. -- In other connections: khantiyā upasamena upeta S.I,30; ativissuto Sdhp.473; anulomikāya kh°iyā samannāgata (being of gentle and forbearing disposition) A.III,437, 441; Ps.II,236 sq.; Vbh.340. See also A.III,372; Sn.189, 292, 897, 944. ‹-› In scholastic language frequent in combination diṭṭhi khanti ruci, in def. of idha (Vbh.245), tattha (Nd2), diṭṭhi (Nd2), cp. Nd2 151 and Vbh.325 sq. -- akkhanti intolerance Vin.IV,241 (=kopa); Vbh.360 (in def as opp. of khanti Dhs.1341. q. v. above), 378.

--bala (nt.) the force of forbearance; (adj.) one whose strength is patience: . . . aduṭṭho yo titikkhati khantībalaṁ balānīkaṁ tam ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇaṁ Dh.399=Sn.623; -- DhA.IV,164; Ps.II,171, 176; --mettā forbearing love, in phrase kh° --mettânuddayasampanna (adj.) one whose character is compassion and loving forbearance J.I,151, 262; PvA.66 (+yuttakāra); VvA.71 (in expln of akodhana); --suñña (nt.) the void of khanti Ps.II,183; --soracca (nt.) gentleness and forbearance S.I,100, 222; A.II,68; J.III,487; DhA.I,56; °e niviṭṭha “established in forbearance and meekness” A.III,46=D.III,61. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kham)(梵Ksānti(ksam)),【阴】忍耐(日语:我慢する, gaman-suru),耐性。khantibala,【中】耐力。khantimantu,【形】忍耐的,耐心的。忍耐是最超越的锻链、担当(Khantī paramaṁ tapo titikkhā)(《法句经》184偈)。A.5.216.akkhanti(不忍):「诸比丘!此等五者,是忍之德。以何为五耶?即:为多人可爱、可意;又,不凶暴(aluddo);无追悔;不迷乱而命终;身坏死后,生於善趣、天界。」忍耐有三种:一、世俗的忍,忍气吞声(如石压草),但有时会忍无可忍而火山爆发。二、修止的忍,转离可瞋境(不可意境),迅速把心安置於固定的所缘(高级的如石压草)。三、修观的忍,当境,或转离可瞋境,把心安置自己的身体(如呼吸、火大、或以丹田吸呼气)、或受(特别是苦受)的观察,觉知生灭、转变。若是属於过去的积怨、郁卒、怨恨,也可以倒带,坦然面对它。修观修可以达到无忍可忍。cf. adhivāsana(坚忍)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '忍;忍辱;忍耐;信忍;信仰(PS:khantī-soracca 忍辱柔和)', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '【形】 (在【合】中) 如此这般的信念。 aññakhantika, = 另外的信念。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. prec.] acquiescing in-, of such and such a belief, in añña° belonging to another faith, combd with aññadiṭṭhika and aññarucika D.I,187; M.I,487. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】(在【合】中) 如此这般的信念(acquiescing in-, of such and such a belief)。aññakhantika, = 另外的信念。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 忍耐者,温和的。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '忍;忍辱;忍耐;信忍;信仰(PS:khantī-soracca 忍辱柔和)', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '【形】 粗糙的,硬的,强烈的,痛苦的。 ~tta, 【中】 ~tā, 【阴】 粗糙。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 [Sk. kṣara] water J.III,282. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [cp. Sk. khara] 1. (adj.) rough, hard, sharp; painful D.II,127 (ābādha); J.III,26 (vedanā) Miln.26 (+sakkhara-kaṭhala-vālikā), PvA.152 (loma, shaggy hair; cp. Np. Khara-loma-yakkha Vism.208). -- °ka= khara rough, stony PvA.265 (=thaṇḍila). -- 2. (m.) a donkey, a mule, in --putta, nickname of a horse J.III,278. -- 3. a saw J.II,230 (=kakaca C.); VI,261.

--âjina a rough skin, as garment of an ascetic Sn.249 (=kharāni ajina-cammāni SnA. 291); Pug.56; --gata of rough constitution Dhs.962; also as khari-gata M.I,185; Vism.349 (=pharusa). --mukha a conch J.VI,580. --ssara of rough sound S.II,128. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(梵khara),【形】粗糙的,粗鄙的,硬的,强烈的,痛苦的。kharatta,【中】kharatā,【阴】粗糙。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. khara] roughness A.I,54; PvA.90 (in expln of pharusa). (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khaṇati 的【过分】), 已挖出,已连根拔起,已受伤,已没德行。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 (pp. of ksan, to wound), 伤害,受伤(hurt, wounded)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (khaṇati 的【过分】), 已挖出,已连根拔起,已受伤,已没德行。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 [pp. of kṣan, to wound] hurt, wounded; pādo kh° hoti sakalikāya “he grazed his foot” S.I,27=Miln.134, 179. -- akkhata unmolested, unhurt Vv 8452 (=anupadduta VvA.351). See also parikkhata. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 [pp. of khanati] 1. dug up, uprooted, fig. one whose foundation (of salvation) has been cut off; in combn with upahata D.I,86 (=DA.I,237); khataṁ upahataṁ attānaṁ pariharati “he keeps himself uprooted and half-dead” i. e. he continues to lead a life of false ideas A.I,105=II.4; opp. akkhataṁ anupahataṁ, etc. A.I,89. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[fr. khata2] damage, injury VvA.206, khatakaṁ dāsiyā deti “she did harm to the servant, she struck the s.” Or is it khalikaṁ? (cp. khaleti); the passage is corrupt. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 政治学,属于刹帝利 (Khattiya) 的。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. kṣatra, to kṣi, cp. Gr. ktάomai, kthμa, possession] rule, power, possession; only in cpds.:

--dhamma the law of ruling, political science J.V,490 (is it khattu°=khattā°?) --vijjā polity D.I,9, condemned as a practice of heretics. Bdhgh at DA.I,93 explains it as nīti-sattha, political science (=°dhamma), See Rh. D. Dialogues I.18. --vijjavādin a person who inculcates Macchiavellian tricks J.V,228 (paraphrased: mātāpitaro pi māretvā attano va attho kāmetabbo ti “even at the expense of killing father and mother is wealth to be desired for oneself”), so also J.V,240; --vijjācariya one who practises kh- °vijjā ibid.; --vida (so read for °vidha)=°vijja (adj.) a tricky person, ibid. (v. l. °vijja, better). Cp. Sk. kṣātra-vidya. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. ksatra, to ksi),【中】政治学,刹帝利(Khattiya)的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. kṣattṛ fr. kṣatra] attendant, companion, charioteer, the king’s minister and adviser (Lat. satelles “satellite” has been compared for etym.) D.I,112 (=DA.I,280, kh° vuccati pucchita-pucchita-pañhaṁ vyākaraṇa-samattho mahāmatto: “kh° is called the King’s minister who is able to answer all his questions”); Buddhaghosa evidently connects it with katheti, to speak, respond=katthā; gādhaṁ k° A.II,107=Pug.43 v. l. for kattā (cp. Pug.A 225). (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[der. fr. khatta=kṣatra “having possessions”; Sk. kṣatriya] pl. Nom. also khattiyāse J.III,441. A shortened form is khatya J.VI,397. -- f. khattiyā A.III,226--229, khattī D. I.193, and khattiyī. A member of one of the clans or tribes recognised as of Aryan descent. To be such was to belong to the highest social rank. The question of such social divisions in the Buddha’s time is discussed in Dialogues I.97--107; and it is there shown that whenever they are referred to in lists the khattiyas always come first. Khattiyo seṭṭho jane tasmiṁ D.I,199=II.97=M.I,358=S.I,153, II.284. This favourite verse is put into the mouth of a god; and he adds that whoever is perfect in wisdom and righteousness is the best of all. On the social prestige of the khattiyas see further M.II,150--157; III,169; A.II,86; S.I,71, 93; Vin.IV,6--10. On the religious side of the question D.III,82; 93; M.I,149, 177; II,84; S.I,98. Wealth does not come into consideration at all. Only a very small percentage of the khattiyas were wealthy in the opinion of that time and place. Such are referred to at S.I,15. All kings and chieftains were khattiyas D.I,69, 136; III,44, 46, 61; A.I,106; III,299; IV,259. Khattiyas are called rājāno Dhp 294, quoted Netti 165.

--âbhiseka the inauguration of a king A.I,107, 108 (of the crown-prince)=A.II,87; --kaññā a maid of khattiya birth J.I,60; III,394; --kula a khattiya clan, a princely house, Vin.II,161 (w. ref. to Gotama’s descent); III,80; --parisā the assembly of the khattiyas; as one of the four parisās (kh°, brāhmaṇa°, gahapati°, samaṇa) at Vin.I,227; A.II,133; as the first one of the eight (1--4 as above, Cātummahārājika°, Tāvatiṁsa°, Māra°, Brahma°) at M.I,72=D.III,260; --mahāsāla “the wealthy khattiya” (see above II.1) D.III,258, etc.; --māyā “the magic of the noble” DhA.I,166; --vaṁsa aristocratic descent DA.I,267; --sukhumāla a tender, youthful prince (of the Tathāgata: buddha°, kh°) DhA.I,5. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(der. fr. khatta=ksatra “having possessions”; Sk. ksatriya),【阳】刹帝利,武士族(pl. Nom. also khattiyāse J.III,441. A shortened form is khatya J.VI,397.)。【形】刹帝利的。khattiyakaññā,【阴】刹帝利的年轻未婚女子。khattiyakula,【中】武士家族。khattiyamahāsāla,【阳】刹帝利的百万富翁。khattiyamāyā,【阴】刹帝利的秘诀。khattiyasukhumāla,【形】如王子一般的柔弱。rājā khattiyo muddhāvasitto,刹利族灌顶王(刹利顶生王),即出身刹利族,经灌顶仪式就任王位。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 刹帝利,武士族。 【形】 属于刹帝利的。 ~kaññā, 【阴】刹帝利的年轻未婚女子。 ~kula, 【中】 武士家族。 ~mahāsāla, 【阳】 刹帝利的百万富翁。 ~māyā, 【阴】 刹帝利的秘诀。 ~sukhumāla, 【形】 如王子一般的柔弱。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'khattiyānī,【阴】刹帝利氏族的女人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'khattiyānī, 【阴】 刹帝利氏族的女人。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) a female khattiya, in series brāhmaṇī kh° vessī suddī caṇḍālī nesādī veṇī rathakārī pukkusī A.III,229; similarly M.II,33, 40. (Page 232)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】战车的御者,国王的随从顾问。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 战车的御者,国王的随从顾问。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. ksaya to ksi, ksiṇoti & ksiṇāti),【阳】浪费,破坏,衰退,终结,尽。khayanupassanā,【阴】衰退的事实知识。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 浪费,破坏,衰退,终结。 ~anupassanā, 【阴】 衰退的事实知识。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. kṣaya to kṣi, kṣiṇoti & kṣiṇāti; cp. Lat. situs withering, Gr. fqiζis, fqi/nw, fqi/w wasting. See also khepeti under khipati] waste, destruction, consumption; decay, ruin, loss; of the passing away of night VvA.52; mostly in applied meaning with ref. to the extinction of passions & such elements as condition, life, & rebirth, e. g. āsavānaṁ kh. It.103 sq., esp. in formula āsavānaṁ khayā anāsavaṁ cetovimuttiṁ upasampajja A.I,107= 221=D.III,78, 108, 132=It.100 and passim. -- rāgassa, dosassa, mohassa kh. M.I,5; A.I,299, cp. rāga°, dosa°, moha°, A.I,159; dosa° S.III,160, 191; IV,250. -- taṇhānaṁ kh. Dh.154; saṅkhārānaṁ kh. Dh. 383; sabbamaññitānaṁ, etc. M.I,486; āyu°, puñña° Vism.502. -- yo dukkhassa pajānāti idh’eva khayaṁ attano Sn.626=Dh.402; khayaṁ virāgaṁ amataṁ paṇītaṁ Sn.225. -- In exegesis of rūpassa aniccatā: rūpassa khayo vayo bhedo Dhs.645=738=872. -- See also khīṇa and the foll. cpds. s. v.: āyu°, upadhi°, upādāna°, jāti°, jīvita°, taṇha°, dukkha°, puñña°, bhava°, loka°, saṁyojana, sabbadhamma°, samudda°.

--âtīta (a) gone beyond, recovered from the waning period (of chanda, the moon=the new moon) Sn.598; --ânupassin (a) realizing the fact of decay A.IV,146 sq.= V.359 (+vayânupassin); --ñāṇa knowledge of the fact of decay M.II,38=Pug.60; in the same sense khaye ñāṇa Nett 15, 54, 59, 127, 191, cp. kvu 230 sq.; --dhamma the law of decay A.III,54; Ps.I,53, 76, 78. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 跛足的。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. khañja, Dhtp 81: khañja gativekalye] lame (either on one foot or both: PugA 227) Vin.II,90=A.I,107=II.85=Pug.51 (comb. with kāṇa and kuṇi); Th.2, 438 (+kāṇa); DhA.I,376 (+kuṇi). (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. khañja),【形】跛足的(lame)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】蹒跚行走(hobbling, walking lame)。【阳】鶺鴒(wagtail),亟竈巢鸟主要在西半球的一种鶺鴒科鸟,具有瘦长的身体和不断摆动的尾巴。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 蹒跚行走。 【阳】 鹡鸰,亟灶巢鸟主要在西半球的一种鹡鸰科鸟,具有瘦长的身体和不断摆动的尾巴。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) hobbling, walking lame PvA.185. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khaj + ŋ-a), 蹒跚,跛行。 khañji, 【过】。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khaj +ṁ-a;fr. khañja), 蹒跚,跛行(to be lame)。khañji,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. khañja] to be lame Pv III,228. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】粗略的,粗糙的。【阳】流氓,无赖,卑鄙的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 粗略的,粗糙的。 【阳】 流氓,无赖,卑鄙的人。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[and khalopi, also kalopī, q. v. Cp. Trenckner Notes, p. 60, possibly=karoṭi] a pot, usually with kumbhī: D.I,167 (--mukha+kumbhi-mukha); Pug.55; Miln.107. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(梵ksana, ksaṇa),【阳】片刻,分钟,机会,刹那,时节,无难ㄋㄢˊ。khaṇena,【副】在片刻中。khaṇātīta,【形】错过机会(Sn.333=Dh.315 (=DhA.III,489)。utukhaṇa,【阳】季节。khaṇaññū, 知时(knowing, realizing the opportunity Sn.325 (cp. SnA 333). khaṇapaccuppanna, 刹那现在(生、住、灭的三心刹那,arisen at the moment or momentarily)。khaṇaparitta, 片刻(small as a moment Vism.238.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 [fr. khaṇ] digging J.II,296. Cp. atikhaṇa. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (m.) [Derivation unknown. It has been suggested that khaṇa and the Sk. kshaṇa are derived from īkshaṇa (seeing) by process of contraction. This seems very forced; and both words are, in all probability, other than the word from which this hypothesis would derive them.] 1. (1) a (short), moment, wink of time; in phrase khaṇen’eva “in no time” PvA.38.117; Sdhp.584 (etc.). Sdhp.584; khaṇo ve mā upaccagā “let not the slightest time be wasted” Sn.333=Dh.315; cf. Th. II.5 (cp. khaṇâtīta); n’atthi so kh° vā layo vā muhutto vā yaṁ (nadī) āramati “there is no moment, no inkling, no particle of time that the river stops flowing” A.IV,137 (as simile of eternal flow of happening, of unbroken continuity of change); Vism.238 (jīvita°), 473; (khaṇa-vasena uppād’‹-› ādi-khaṇa-ttaya, viz. uppāda, ṭhiti, bhaṅga, cp. p. 431); J.IV,128; aṭṭha-kkhaṇa-vinimmutto kh° paramadullabho: one opportunity out of eight, very difficult to be obtained Sdhp.4, 16; cp. 45, 46. -- 2. moment as coincidence of two events: “at the same moment,” esp. in phrase taṁ khaṇaṁ yeva “all at once,” simultaneously, with which syn. ṭhānaso J.I,167, 253; III,276, PvA.19; PvA.27, 35; tasmiṁ khaṇe J.II,154; PvA.67; Sdhp.17. ‹-› 3. the moment as something expected or appointed (cp. kairόs), therefore the right moment, or the proper time. So with ref. to birth, rebirth, fruit of action, attainment of Arahantship, presence on earth of a Buddha, etc., in cpds.: cuti-kkhaṇo Bdhd 106; paṭisandhi° Ps.II,72 sq.; Bdhd 59, 77, 78; uppatti° Vbh.411 sq.; sotāpattimagga° Ps.II,3; phala° Ps.I,26, Bdhd 80; nikanti° Ps.II,72 sq.; upacāra° Bdhd 94; citta° id. 38, 95. --khaṇe khaṇe from time to time Dh.239 (=okāse okāse DhA.III,340, but cp. Comp. 161, n. 5), Buddhuppāda°, Th.II,A, 12. akkhaṇa see sep. Also akkhaṇavedhin. --akkhaṇe at the wrong time, in‹-› opportune Pv IV.140 (=akāle). On kh. laya, muhutta cp. Points of Contr. 296, n. 5.

--âtīta having missed the opportunity Sn.333=Dh.315 (=DhA.III,489); --ññū knowing, realizing the opportunity Sn.325 (cp. SnA 333). --paccuppanna arisen at the moment or momentarily Vism.431 (one of the 3 kinds of paccuppanna: kh°., santati°, addhā°). --paritta small as a moment Vism.238. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 片刻,分钟,机会。 khaṇena, 【副】 在片刻中。 khaṇātīta, 【形】错过机会。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 (fr. khaṇ), 掘(digging J.II,296.)。Cp. atikhaṇa.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. khaṇ] digging Miln.351 (pokkharaṇi°). (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 挖。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(‹khaṇ),【中】挖(digging)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(khan + a), 挖,连根拔起。 khaṇi, 【过】。 khata, 【过分】。 khananta,【现分】。 khanitvā, 【独】。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. khan or khaṇ; Dhtp 179: anadāraṇe] 1. to dig (? better “destroy”; cp. Kern Toev. s. v.), dig out. uproot Dh.247, 337; Sn.p. 101; J.II,295; IV,371, 373: Sdhp.394. Also khanati & cp. abhikkhaṇati, palikkhaṇati. -- 2. [=Sk. kṣanati] to destroy Vin.II,26 (attānaṁ); M.I,132 (id.). -- pp. khata & khāta (cp. palikkhata). (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'khanati(khan or khaṇ+a), 1.挖,连根拔起(dig, dig out, uproot)。2.破坏(=Sk. ksanati; to destroy)。khaṇi,【过】。khata,【过分】。khaṇanta,【现分】。khaṇitvā,【独】。cp. abhikkhaṇati, palikkhaṇati. ; M I.132 (id.);pp. khata & khāta (cp. palikkhata).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. khaṇa] unstable, momentary, temporary, evanescent, changeable; usually syn. with ittara, e. g. J.I,393; III,83; PvA.60. -- Vism.626 (khaṇikato from the standpoint of the momentary). Khaṇikā pīti “momentary joy” is one of the 5 kinds of joy, viz. khuddikā, khaṇikā, okkantikā, ubbegā, pharaṇā (see pīti) Vism.143, DhsA.115.

--citta temporary or momentary thought Vism.289. --maraṇa sudden death Vism.229. --vassa momentary, i. e. sudden rain (-shower) J.VI,486. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 瞬间的,暂时的,可改变的。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(‹khaṇa),【形】瞬间的,暂时的,可改变的(unstable, momentary, temporary, evanescent, changeable; usually syn. with ittara)。Vism.626. (khaṇikato from the standpoint of the momentary). khaṇikā pīti﹐刹那喜(‘momentary joy’ is one of the 5 kinds of joy, viz. khuddikā, khaṇikā, okkantikā, ubbegā, pharaṇā (see pīti) Vism 143, DhsA 115.%b\xa0\xa0khaṇikācitta, temporary or momentary thought Vism 289. khaṇikāmaraṇa, sudden death Vism 229. khaṇikāvassa, 一阵雨(momentary, i. e. sudden rain (-shower))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '﹐刹那现在,指当下刹那存在(含生、住、灭的三心刹那)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. khaṇika] evanescence, momentariness Vism.301. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 撬棍,铁橇,镐。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】撬棍,铁橇,镐。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(freq. spelt kaṇḍa),【阳】一点点,碎块,糖果。【形】断掉的。khaṇḍadanta,【形】断牙。khaṇḍaphulla,【中】(建筑物)损坏的一部分。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 一点点,碎块,糖果。 【形】 断掉的。 ~danta, 【形】 断牙。 ~phulla, 【中】 (建筑物)损坏的一部分。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[freq. spelt kaṇḍa (q. v.). Cp. Sk. khaṇḍa; expld at Dhtp 105 as “chedana”] 1. (adj.) broken, usually of teeth; Th.2, 260 (=ThA.211); Miln.342; Vism.51. ‹-› 2. (m. nt.) a broken piece, a bit, camma° a strip of hide Vin.II,122; coḷa° a bit of cloth PvA.70; pilotika° bits of rags PvA.171; pūva° a bit of cake J.III,276; -- akhaṇḍa unbroken, entire, whole, in --kārin (sikkhāya) fulfilling or practising the whole of (the commandments) Pv IV.343 and °sīla observing fully the sīla-precepts Vv 113; cp. Vism.51 & Bdhd 89.

--âkhaṇḍa (redupl.-iter. formation with distributive function) piece by piece, nothing but pieces, broken up into bits Vism.115. --âkhaṇḍika piece by piece, consisting of nothing but bits, in kh °ṁ chindati to break up into fragments A.I,204 (of māluvālatā); II,199 (of thūṇā); S.II,88 (of rukkha); cp. Vin.III,43 (dārūni °ṁ chedāpetvā); J.V,231 (°ṁ katvā). --danta having broken teeth, as sign of old age in phrase kh° palitakesa, etc. “with broken teeth and grey hair” A.I,138 and ≈; J.I,59, 79 (id.). --phulla [Bdhgh on Vin.II,160; khaṇḍa =bhinn’okāso, phulla=phalit’okāso.] broken and shattered portions; °ṁ paṭisaṅkharoti to repair dilapidations Vin.II,160 (=navakammaṁ karoti) 286; III,287; A.III,263; cp. same expression at Divy 22. unbroken and unimpaired fig. of sīla, the rule of conduct in its entirety, with nothing detracted Vv 8316=Pv IV.176 (cp. akhaṇḍasīla)=DhA.I,32. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 破损。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】破损。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '打破(to break, DhA.IV,14.; pp. khaṇḍita broken, PvA.158 (-kaṇṇo=chinnakaṇṇo)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'to break, DhA.IV,14; pp. khaṇḍita broken, PvA.158 (-kaṇṇo=chinnakaṇṇo). (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khaṇḍ + e), 打碎,违背,违犯。 khandesi, 【过】。 khandetvā, 【独】。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khaṇḍ +e), 打碎,违背,违犯(to renounce, to remit, in vetanaṁ)。khandesi,【过】。khandetvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[v. denom. fr. khaṇḍa] to renounce, to remit, in vetanaṁ °etvā J.III,188. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】(牙齿)断掉(he state of being broken (of teeth), having broken teeth)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】(牙齿)断掉的情况。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) the state of being broken (of teeth), having broken teeth, in phrase kh° pālicca, etc., as signs of old age (see above) M.I,49=D.II,305; A.III,196; Dhs.644=736=869; DhA.III,123; in similar connection Vism.449. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 块,碎片。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. khaṇḍa] a broken bit, a stick, in ucchu° Vv 3326 (=ucchu-yaṭṭhi DhA.III,315). (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. khaṇḍa),【阴】块,碎片(a broken bit, a stick)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Khaṇḍeti的【过分】) 打碎,违背,违犯。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'khaṇḍākhaṇḍikaŋ, 【副】 (打)碎。(p111)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'khaṇḍākhaṇḍikaṁ,【副】(打)碎。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(khāṭ-kata, making khāṭ; cp. kakkāreti) the noise of hawking or clearing one’s throat: --sadda Vin.I,188; DhA.III,330; cp. khakkhaṭa (v. l. khaṭkhaṭa) Divy 518=utkāśanaśabda. (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [perhaps connected with Sk khaṭvā? uncertain] couch, bedstead M.I,450, 451 (vv. ll. ka°, khajj°). (Page 231)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【梵】【阴】顽固的,忄龙悷的。khaṭuṅkaṁ sattva-durdāntatām,刚强难化众生。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 遗憾,苦恼,痛苦。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kheda fatigue, khedati; perhaps to Lat. caedo] subject to fatigue, tired VvA.276. -- As noun “fatigue” at Vism.71. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. kheda fatigue, khedati),【阳】遗憾,苦恼,痛苦(subject to fatigue, tired)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic kṣema to kṣi, cp. khetta] 1. (adj.) full of peace, safe; tranquil, calm D.I,73 (of a country); S.I,123 (of the path leading to the ambrosial, i. e. Nibbāna) I.189=Sn.454 (of vācā nibbānapattiyā); M.I,227 (vivaṭaṁ amatadvāraṁ khemaṁ nibbānapattiyā “opened is the door to the Immortal, leading to peace, for the attainment of Nibbāna”) A.III,354 (of ñāna) It.32; Sn.268 (=abhaya, nirupaddava KhA 153); Dh.189 sq.; Pv IV.33 (of a road=nibbhaya PvA.250); VvA.85. ‹-› 2. (nt.) shelter, place of security, tranquillity, home of peace, the Serene (Ep. of Nibbāna). In general: D.I,11 (peace, opp. bhaya); Sn.896 (+avivādabhūmi); 953. -- In particular of Nibbāna: S.IV,371; A.IV,455; Vv 5320 (amataṁ khemaṁ); Ps.I,59. See also yoga. Abl. khemato, from the standpoint of the Serene S.II,109; Sn.414, 1098; Nd2 s. v. (+tāṇato, etc.).

--atta one who is at peace (+viratta) S.I,112 (=khemībhūtaṁ assabhāvaṁ SA). --anta security, in °bhūmi a peaceful country (opp, kantāra), a paradise (as Ep. of Nibbāna) D.I,73; Nd2 on Satthā; Vism.303. --ṭṭhāna the place of shelter, the home of tranquillity Th.2, 350 (=Nibbāna ThA.242); --ṭṭhita peaceful, appeased, unmolested D.I,135; --dassin looking upon the Serene Sn.809; --ppatta having attained tranquillity (=abhayappatta, vesārajjappatta) M.I,72=A.II,9. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Vedic ksema to ksi, cp. khetta),【形】安全,平稳,太平。khemaṭṭhāna,【中】安全地,庇护所。khemappatta,【形】达到了镇定。khemabhūmi,【阴】和平的地方。) patta-yoga-kkhema,达瑜伽安稳(指至涅盘处),《长阿含经》译:至安处。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 安全,平稳,太平。 ~ṭṭhāna, 【中】 安全地,庇护所。 ~ppatta,【形】 达到了镇定。 ~bhūmi, 【阴】 和平的地方。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) one who enjoys security or peace S.III,13; Sn.145 (=abhaya KhA 244); Dh.258. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】安全者(one who enjoys security or peace)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(比库尼名)柯玛, (古音译:)差摩,谶摩', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '【阳】 安全者。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. khipati] (-°) throwing, casting, Sdhp.42. Usually in citta-kkhepa loss of mind, perplexity Dh.138. Cp. vi°, saṁ°. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 投,投掷,(精神)错失。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(cp. khipati),【阳】投,投掷,(精神)错失(throwing, casting, Sdhp.42. Usually in citta-kkhepa loss of mind, perplexity Dh.138. Cp. vikhepa, saṁkhepa.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(cp. khepeti),【中】过(时间),浪费,歼灭。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. khepeti] --° the passing of, appld to time: āyu° VvA.311. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 过(时间),浪费,歼灭。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khip + e), 花费(时间或财富),使浪费。 【过】 ~esi, 【现分】 khepenta,【独】 khepetvā。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '﹐khepayati (khip+e), 花费(时间或财富),使浪费。【过】khepesi,【现分】khepenta,【独】khepetvā(opp. akhepetvā)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see khipati. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Khepeti的【过分】) 花费,使浪费。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of khepeti] destroyed, brought to waste, annihilated, khepitatta (nt.) the fact of being destroyed, destruction, annihilation, DhA.II,163 (kilesavaṭṭassa kh.). (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Vedic ksetra, to ksi, kseti, ksiti, dwelling-place),【中】1.田,小块土地,适当的地方,生产地,建立地(a field, a plot of land, arable land, a site)。2.(功德)田( (of kamma) the soil of merit, the deposit of good deeds, which, like a fertile field, bears fruit to the advantage of the “giver” of gifts or the “doer” of good works.)。khettakamma,【中】田间劳动。khettagopaka,【阳】守田人。khettasāmika,【阳】田主。khettājīva,【阳】耕者,农民(台语:做穑人co3 sit lang5)。khettatūpama,【形】被比喻像块田。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 田,小块土地,适当的地方,生产地,建立地。 ~kamma, 【中】田间劳动。 ~gopaka, 【阳】 守田人。 ~sāmika, 【阳】 田主。 ~ājīva, 【阳】耕者,农民。 ~tūpama, 【形】 被比喻象块田。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Vedic kṣetra, to kṣi, kṣeti, kṣiti, dwelling-place, Gr. kti/zw, Lat. situs founded, situated, E. site; cp. also Sk. kṣema “being settled,” composure. See also khattiya. Dhammapāla connects khetta with kṣip & trā in his expln at PvA.7: khittaṁ vuttaṁ bījaṁ tāyati . . . ti khettaṁ] 1. (lit.) a field, a plot of land, arable land, a site, D.I,231; S.I,134 (bījaṁ khette virūhati; in simile); three kinds of fields at S.IV,315, viz. agga°, majjhima°, hīna° (in simile); A.I,229=239; IV,237 (do.); Sn.524; J.I,153 (sāli-yava°); Pv.II,968=DhA.III,220 (khette bījaṁ ropitaṁ); Miln.47; PvA.62; DhA.I,98. Often as a mark of wealth=possession, e. g. D.III,93 in defn of khattiya: khettānaṁ patī ti khattiya., In the same sense connected with vatthu (field & farm cp. Haus und Hof), to denote objects of trade, etc. D.I,5 (expld at DA.I,78: khetta nāma yasmiṁ pubbaṇṇaṁ rūhati, vatthu nāma yasmiṁ aparaṇṇaṁ rūhati, “kh. is where the first crop grows and v. where the second.” A similar expln at Nd1 248, where khetta is divided into sāli°, vīhi. mugga°, māsa°, yava°, godhūma°, tila°, i. e. the pubbaṇṇāni, and vatthu expld ghara°, koṭṭhaka°, pure°, pacchā°, ārāma°, vihāra° without ref. to aṇṇa.) S.II,41; Sn.769. Together with other earthly possessions as wealth (hirañña, suvaṇṇa) Sn.858; Nd2 on lepa, gahaṭṭha, etc. As example in definition of visible objects Dhs.597; Vbh.71 sq. -- Kasī° a tilled field, a field ready to bear Pv.I,12, cp. PvA.8; jāti° “a region in which a Buddha may be born” (Hardy, after Childers s. khetta) PvA.138. Cp. the threefold division of a Buddha-kkhetta at Vism.414, viz. jāti°, āṇā°, visaya°. -- 2. fig. (of kamma) the soil of merit, the deposit of good deeds, which, like a fertile field, bears fruit to the advantage of the “giver” of gifts or the “doer” of good works. See dakkhiṇeyya°, puñña° (see detailed expln at Vism.220; khetta here= virūhana-ṭṭhāna), brahma°. -- A.I,162, 223 (kammaṁ, khettaṁ, viññāṇaṁ bījaṁ); IV,237; It.98; VvA.113.‹-› akhetta barren soil A.III,384 (akhettaññu not finding a good soil); IV,418 (do.); PvA.137. Sukhetta a good soil, fertile land S.I,21; PvA.137; opp. dukkhetta S.V,379.

--ûpama to be likened to a (fruitful) field, Ep. of an Arahant Pv.I,11; --kammanta work in the field A.III,77; --gata turned into a field, of puññakamma “good work becoming a field of merit” PvA.136, 191; --gopaka a field watcher J.III,52; --ja “born on one’s land,” one of the 4 kinds of sons Nd1 247; Nd2 448; J.I,135. --jina one unsurpassed in the possession of a “field” Sn.523, 524; --pāla one who guards a field J.III,54; --mahantatā the supremeness of the field (of merit) VvA.108; --rakkhaka the guardian of a field J.II,110; --vatthu possession of land & goods (see above) D.III,164; S.V,473=A.II,209; A.V,137; Pug.58; PvA.3; --sampatti the successful attainment of a field of (merit) PvA.198; VvA.102; see VvA.30, 32 on the three sampattis, viz. khetta°, citta°, payoga°; --sāmika the owner of the field Miln.47; VvA.311. --sodhana the cleaning of the field (before it is ploughed) DhA.III,284. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】唾液。kheḷamallaka,【阳】痰盂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. kheṭa, cp. kṣveḍa and śleṣma, P. silesuma. See also kilid & kilis, cp. ukkheṭita. On root khela see keḷanā; it is given by Dhtp 279 in meaning “calana.” The latter (khela) has of course nothing to do with kheḷa] phlegm, saliva, foam; usually with siṅghānikā mucus, sometimes in the sense of perspiration, sweat A.I,34; IV,137; Sn.196 (+siṅgh°); Kh II.=Miln.26 (cp. Vism.263 in detail, & KhA 66); J.I,61; IV,23; VI,367; Vism.259, 343 (+siṅghāṇikā), 362; DhA.III,181; IV,20, 170; Pv.II,23 as food for Petas, cp. Av.S. I.279 (kheṭamūtropajīvinī; II,113: kheṭavadutsṛjya); PvA.80 (=niṭṭhubhana).

--kilinna wet with exudation J.I,164; --mallaka a spitting box, a cuspidor Vin.I,48; II,175, 209 sq.; --siṅghānikā phlegm & mucus DhA.I,50. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 唾液。 ~mallaka, 【阳】 痰盂。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Vin) & Kheḷāsika (DhA) an abusive term “eating phlegm” (?) [Müller, P.G. 30=kheṭâtmaka] Vin.II,188, cp. Vin. Texts III,239; °vāda the use of the term “phlegm-eater,” calling one by this name Vin.II,189; DhA 140. Cp. āpaka.? spittle-dribbler; “wind bag.” (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Vin) & Kheḷāsika (DhA),【形】吃痰者,一个辱骂的术语。°vāda the use of the term “phlegm-eater,” calling one by this name Vin.II,189; DhA 140. Cp. āpaka.? spittle-dribbler; “wind bag.”', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 吃痰者,一个辱骂的术语。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kheṭaka, 【中】 盾。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kheṭaka] a shield: see kīṭa. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kheṭaka (cp. Sk. kheṭaka),【中】盾(a shield)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [cp. Sk. khila] waste or fallow land A.III,248; fig. barrenness of mind, mental obstruction. There are five ceto-khilā enumd in detail at M.I,101=A.IV,460= D.III,238 (see under ceto); mentioned A.V,17; SnA 262. As three khilā, viz. rāga, dosa, moha at S.V,57; also with other qualities at Nd2 9. In combn with paligha S.I,27 (chetvā kh° ṁ); khilaṁ pabhindati to break up the fallowness (of one’s heart) S.I,193; III,134; Sn.973.‹-› akhila (adj.) not fallow, unobstructed, open-hearted: cittaṁ susamāhitaṁ . . . akhilaṁ sabbabhūtesu DII.261; S.IV,118; in combn with anāsava Sn.212; with akaṅkha Sn.477, 1059; with vivattacchada Sn.1147; cp. vigatakhila Sn.19. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 硬结,坚硬。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(cp.Sk.khila), 【阳】【中】荒废或休耕的田地(waste or fallow land ),荒野。ceto-khilā(心的荒芜)。Grassmann︰「荒废、未耕种的土地,特别是位於已耕种的田地之间。」在《梨俱吠陀》,我们没有发现「荒野 khila」,倒是「khilya」这样的字出现过两次,而出现在(10 142:3c)的那一次,其实就是「khilya」一字的确切定义:「於是,耕地中即有荒野」Grassmann 为「khila」所下定义。那即是「破除(心灵)荒野於同学(同梵行者)中」。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】丢在上的任何东西,捕鱼具,斗蓬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. kṣip] a throw, anything thrown over, as ajina° a cloak of antelope hide D.I,167 and ≈; or thrown out, as a fishing net (=kumina) eel-basket A.I,33=287; Th.2, 357 (=ThA.243). Cp. khippa & vikkhepika. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 丢在上的任何东西,捕鱼具,斗蓬。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】丢,抛弃(the act of throwing or the state of being thrown)。《入阿毘达摩论新疏》Abhidhammāvatāra-abhinavaṭīkā (CS:p.2.99) Khipanakasaṅkhārā nāma cuti-āsannajavanasahajātasaṅkhārā, paṭisandhijanakakammasahagatasaṅkhārā vā, tato purimajavanasahagatasaṅkhārāti vā keci.(丢入之行(=业):与临死俱生之行,或陪伴结生令生业之行,或乃至任何陪伴过去速行之行。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) the act of throwing or the state of being thrown J.I,290 (pasaka- k°). (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 丢,抛弃。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. khipati] throwing up, provocation, mockery, slander Miln.357; Vbh.352; cp. Vism.29. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹khipati),【阴】抛弃(throwing up, provocation, mockery, slander)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic kṣipati] to throw, to cast, to throw out or forth, to upset Sn.p. 32 (cittaṁ); J.I,223 (sīsaṁ). 290 (pāsake); II,3 (daḷhaṁ dalhassa: to pit force against force) -- aor. khipi S.IV,2, 3 (khuracakkaṁ); PvA.87 (=atthāresi). -- ger. khipitvā J.I,202. -- 1st caus. khepeti (perhaps to kṣi, see khaya) to throw in, to put in, to spend (of time): dīgham addhānaṁ khepetvā J.I,137; Th.2, 168 (khepeti jātisaṁsāraṁ=pariyosāpeti ThA.159); DhA.I,102 (dvenavuti-kappe khepesuṁ); āyuṁ khepehi spend (the rest of) your life PvA.148; ger. khepayitvāna (saṁsāraṁ) Pv IV.332 (=khepetvā PvA.254). In this sense Trenckner (P. M. 76) takes it as corresponding to Sk. kṣāpayati of kṣi=to cause to waste. See also khepana. -- 2nd caus. khipāpeti to cause to be thrown J.I,202; IV,139 (jalaṁ). Cp also khepa. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khip(梵ksip)抛+a;Vedic ksipati), 投,丢出,打喷嚏(to throw, to cast, to throw out or forth, to upset)。khipi,【过】。khipanta, khipamāna,【现分】。khipitvā,【独】。a throw, anything thrown over', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(khip + a), 投,丢出,打喷嚏。 khipi, 【过】。 khipanta, khipamāna,【现分】。 khipitvā, 【独】。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khipati 的【过分】), 已丢出(expectoration)。【中】喷嚏(sneezing)。khipitasadda,【阳】喷嚏声(the sound of expectorations)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [pp. of khipati=that which is thrown out; Acc. to Trenckner Notes p. 75 for khupita fr. kṣu to sneeze; possibly a contamination of the two] sneezing, expectoration Pv.II,23 (expl. PvA.80: mukhato nikkhantamala); DhA.I,314 (°roga+kāsa, coughing).

--sadda the sound of expectorations D.I,50; DhA.I,250. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khipati 的【过分】), 已丢出。 【中】 喷嚏。 ~sadda, 【阳】 喷嚏声。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【不】 要丢,要打喷嚏。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【不】要丢,要打喷嚏。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(‹khip抛),【形】快的(quick)。khippataraṁ,【副】很快地,非常快地。khippaṁ,【副】很快地(quickly)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 快的。 ~taraŋ, 【副】 很快地,非常快地。 khippaŋ, 【副】很快地。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.): [Vedic kṣipra to kṣip] 1. quick, lit. in the way of throwing (cp. “like a shot”) Sn.350 (of vacana =lahu SnA). -- 2. a sort of fishing net or eel-basket (cp. khipa & Sk. kṣepaṇī) S.I,74. -- nt. adv. khippaṁ quickly A.II,118=III,164; Sn.413, 682, 998; Dh.65, 137, 236, 289; J.IV,142; Pv.II,84, 92, 1221, Pug.32. -- Compar. khippatara Sn.p. 126.

--âbhiññā quick intuition (opp. dandh°) D.III,106; Dhs.177; Nett 7, 24, 50, 77, 112 sq.; 123 sq.; Vism.138. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[fr. kṣip] to ill-treat, in ppr. khippamāna Vv 8444, expld at VvA.348 by vambhento, pīḷanto. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[pp. of khip, to throw Dhtp 479; peraṇe] thrown; cast, overthrown Dh.34; rajo paṭivātaṁ kh°, dirt thrown against the wind S.I,13, 164=Sn.662=Dh.125= J.III,203; ratti-khittā sarā arrows shot in the night Dh.304=Nett 11; acchi vātavegena khittā a flame overthrown by the power of the wind, blown out Sn.1074 (expld Nd2 220 by ukkhittā nuṇṇā, khambhitā); in interpret. of khetta PvA.7 said of sowing: khittaṁ vuttaṁ bījaṁ. -- akkhitta not upset, not deranged, undisturbed, in qualities required of a brahmin w. ref. to his genealogy: yāva sattamā pitāmahāyugā akkhitto D.I,113=Sn.p. 115, etc. Cp. vi°.

--citta (a) one whose mind is thrown over, upset, unhinged, usually combd with ummattaka, out of one’s mind Vin.I,131, 321; II,64, etc.; Sdhp.88. Cp. citta-kkhepa. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khipati 的【过分】), 已丢,已推翻,已抛弃,已颠覆。 ~citta, 【形】 发疯的人。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khipati 的【过分】), 已散乱,已丢,已推翻,已抛弃,已颠覆(thrown; cast, overthrown)。khittacitta,【形】发疯的人。Cp. vikkhitta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic krīḍā, cp. kīḷati] play, amusement, pleasure usually combd with rati, enjoyment. Var. degrees of pleasures (bāla°, etc.) mentioned at A.V,203; var. kinds of amusement enumerated at Nd2 219; as expounded at D.I,6 under jūta-pamādaṭṭhāna. Generally divided into kāyikā & vācasikā khiḍḍā (Nd2; SnA 86). Expl. as kīḷanā SnA 86, as hassādhippāya (means of mirth) PvA.226; sahāyakādīhi keḷi PvA.265. Cp. Sn.926; Pv IV.121.

--dasaka “the decad of play,” i. e. the second 10 years of man’s life, fr. 11--20 years of age Vism.619. --padosika corrupted by pleasures D.I,19, 20=DA.I,113 (v. l. padūsika); --rati play & enjoyment Sn.41, 59; Vv 1612, 327; Pv IV.72; Vism.619. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Vedic krīḍā, cp. kīḷati),【阴】玩,娱乐(play, amusement)。khiḍḍādasaka,【中】玩十年(十一至二十岁)。khiḍḍārati,【阴】享乐。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 玩,娱乐。 ~dasaka, 【中】 戏十年(十一至二十岁)。 ~rati,【阴】 享乐。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kiṇa] hard skin, callosity J.V,204 (v. l. kiṇa). (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. kiṇa), 硬皮、腁胝(ㄆㄧㄢˊㄓ)、皮肤结茧(hard skin, callosity)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[before vowels often khv’; contr. of khalu=Sk. khalu] an enclitic particle of affirmation & emphasis: indeed, really, surely; in narration: then, now (cp. kira); in question: then, perhaps, really. Def. as adhikār’antara-nidassan’atthe nipāto KhA 113; as avadhāraṇaṁ (affirmative particle) PvA.11, 18. -- A few of its uses are as foll.: abhabbo kho Vin.I,17; pasādā kho D.II,155. After pron.: mayhaṁ kho J.I,279; ete kho Vin.I,10; idaṁ kho ibid.; so ca kho J.I,51; yo kho M.I,428; -- After a negation: na kho indeed not J.II,111; no ca khv’āssa A.V,195; mā kho J.I,253; -- Often combd with pana: na sakkhā kho pana “is it then not possible” J.I,151; api ca kho pana J.I,253; siyā kho pana D.II,154; -- Following other particles. esp. in aoristic narration: atha kho (extremely frequent); tatra kho; tâpi kho; api ca kho; evaṁ bhante ti kho; evaṁ byā kho Vin.IV,134; Dh.I,27, etc. -- In interr. sentences it often follows nu: kin nu kho J.I,279; atthi nu kho J.III,52; kahan nu kho J.I,255. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【无】 的确,真的,当然,(【语】与前一词结合的虚词,例如:evaŋkho 的 kho)。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(before vowels often khv’; contr. of khalu=Sk. khalu),【无】的确,真的,当然(【语】与前一词结合的虚词,例如:evaṁ kho 的 kho)。atha kho,。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 震动,激动。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m.) [cp. Vedic kṣubh kṣobhayati, to shake=Goth. skiuban Ger. schieben, to push, E. shove] shaking, shock Vism.31, 157; khobhaṁ karoti to shake VvA.35, 36, 278; khobha-karaṇa shaking up, disturbance Vism.474. See also akkhobbha. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Vedic ksubh ksobhayati, to shake),【阳】震动,激动(shaking, shock)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 亚麻布料。 【形】 亚麻的。 ~dussa, 【中】 亚麻布,释迦领土中的一个村庄的名字。(p114)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. Vedic kṣauma] adj. flaxen; nt. a linen cloth, linen garment, usually combd with kappāsika Vin.I,58, 96, 281; A.IV,394; V,234=249 (°yuga); J.VI,47, 500; Pv.II,117; DhA.I,417.

--pilotikā a linen cloth Vin.I,296. (Page 239)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】亚麻布料(linen cloth)。【形】亚麻的。khomadussa,【中】亚麻布,释迦领土中的一个村名。khoma-pilotikā, 初摩衣,即亚麻衣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(-°) is doubtful second part of iṅghāḷa° (q. v.). (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khubh + a), 被骚动,被扰乱。 【过】 khubhi, 【过分】 khubhita。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khubh骚动+a), 被骚动,被扰乱。【过】khubhi,【过分】khubhita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see saṁ° & khobha. The root is given at Dhtp 206 & 435 as “khubha=sañcalane.” (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Vedic ksudra),【形】小的,次等的,无关重要的。【中】一种小蜜蜂所制造的蜂蜜。kaniya, 【形】较小的。kaniṭṭha, 【形】最小的。Khuddakanikāya,【阳】《小部》(佛教经典,五部尼柯耶之一)。Khuddakapāṭha,【阳】《小诵经》(《小部》中的第一部经)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Vedic kṣudra] small, inferior, low; trifling, insignificant; na khuddaṁ samācare kiñci “he shall not pursue anything trifling” Sn.145 (=lāmakaṁ KhA 243); kh° ca bālaṁ Sn.318. Opp. to strong Vv 3210 (of migā= balavasena nihīnā VvA.136).

--ânukhuddaka, in °āni sikkhāpadāni the minor observances of discipline, the lesser & minor precepts Vin.II,287=D.II,154; Vin.IV,143; A.I,233; cp. Divy 465; --âvakāsa in akhuddâvakāso dassanāya not appearing inferior, one of the attributes of a well-bred brahmin (with brahmavaṇṇī) D.I,114, 120, etc. --desa, in °issara ruler of a small district Sdhp.348. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'khuddaka, 【形】 小的,次等的,无关重要的。 【中】 一种小蜜蜂所制造的蜂蜜。 ~kanikāya, 【阳】 《小部》(佛教经典)。 ~kapāṭha, 【阳】〈小诵经〉(《小部》中的第一部经)。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '=khudda; usually in cpds. In sequence khuddaka-majjhima-mahā Vism.100. Of smaller sections or subdivisions of canonical books Vin.V,145 sq. (with ref. to the paññattis), see also below. --catuppade kh° ca mahallake Sn.603. Khuddaka (m.) the little one, Miln.40 (mātā °assa).

--nadī=kunnadī, a small river PvA.154; --nikāya name of a collection of canonical books, mostly short (the fifth of the five Nikāyas) comprising the foll. 15 books: Khuddaka-Pāṭha, Dhammapada, Udāna, Itivuttaka, Sutta-Nipāta, Vimāna-Vatthu, Peta-Vatthu, Thera and Therī Gāthā, Jātaka (verses only), Niddesa, Paṭisambhidāmagga, Apadāna, Buddha-Vaṁsa, CariyāPiṭaka. The name Kh-N. is taken from the fact that it is a collection of short books-short, that is, as compared with the Four Nikāyas. Anvs (J.P.T.S. 1886) p. 35; Gvns (J.P.T.S. 1886) p. 57; PvA.2, etc. --pāṭha N. of the first book in the Khuddaka Nikāya; --mañcaka a small or low bed J.I,167; --rājā an inferior king J.V,37 (+mahārājā); SnA 121; cp. khujja & kuṭṭa; --vaggulī (f.) a small singing bird DhA.III,223; --vatthuka belonging to or having smaller sections Vin.V,114. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹kaṇ减) =khudda,【形】小的,次等的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'm. 小部誦者.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'm. 小部誦者.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'm. 小部經, 小尼柯耶 [五尼柯耶之一].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'm. 小部経, 小尼柯耶 [五尼柯耶の一].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'm. 小誦経 [小部経の一].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'm. 小誦經 [小部經之一].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'n. [BSk. Kṣudrakavastu] 小事, 雑事 [犍度部の一].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'n. [BSk. Kṣudrakavastu] 小事, 雜事 [犍度部之一].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '【阴】 一种小的蜜蜂。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】一种小的蜜蜂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 细小的(职责或戒条)。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】细小的(职责或戒条)。ākaṅkhamāno ānanda sajgho mam’accayena khuddānukhuddakāni sikkhāpadāni samūhantu.(阿难!有意欲者,在我亡后,僧团允准除去微细学处(小小戒)。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Sk. ksudh & ksudhā, also BSk. ksud in ksuttarsa hunger & thirst),【阴】饿(hunger)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 饿。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. kṣudh & kṣudhā, also BSk. kṣud in kṣuttarṣa hunger & thirst Jtm p. 30] hunger Sn.52 (+pipāsā: Nd2 s. v. kh° vuccati chātako), 966; Pv.I,64 (=jighacchā) II.15 (+taṇhā), 24; PvA.72. See khuppipāsā. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 驼背的(人)。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(either Sk kubja, of which khujja would be the older form),【形】1.驼背的(人)(humpbacked)。2.小的,次等的(small, inferior)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [either Sk kubja, of which khujja would be the older form (cp. Walde, Lat. Etym. Wtb. s. v. cubitum), or Sk. kṣudra (?) (so Müller, P.G. p. 52). See also the variant kujja & cp. kuṭṭa2] 1. humpbacked J.V,426 (+piṭhasappī); DA.I,148 (in combn with vāmana & kirāta); f. DhA.I,194, 226. -- 2. small, inferior, in kh°-rājā a smaller, subordinate king Sdhp.453. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(居士名)库竹答拉, (古音译:)久寿多罗', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '【中】【副】噼啪声,哗啦声( “so as to make the sound khulu, khulu,” i.e. clattering or bumping about M.II,138. Cp. ghuru-ghuru)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 饥饿和口渴。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. khudā] hunger & thirst: °āya mīyamāno M.I,85. Personified as belonging to the army of Māra Sn.436=Nd2 on visenikatvā. To be tormented by hunger & thirst is the special lot of the Petas: Pv.I,1110; II,22, PvA.10, 32, 37, 58, etc.; Vism.501; Sdhp.9, 101, 507. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】饥饿和口渴。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 (Vedic ksura, to ksṇu, ksṇoti to whet, ksṇotra whetstone),【中】剃刀(a razor)。khuragga,【中】剃发厅。khurakosa,【阳】剃刀鞘。khuracakka,【中】刀轮。khuradhārā,【阴】剃刀锋。khurabhaṇḍa,【中】理发具。khuramuṇḍa, 剃光头。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [Vedic khura] the hoof of an animal Vv 6410 (of a horse=turagānaṁ khuranipāta, the clattering of a horse’s hoof VvA.279), cp. Sk. kṣura, a monkey’s claw Sp. AvŚ I.236.

khura-kāse M.I,446, read (with Neumann) for khura-kāye, “in the manner of dragging (kṛṣ) the hoofs.” (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (Vedic khura), 蹄(the hoof of an animal)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 1. 剃刀。 2. 蹄。 ~agga, 【中】 剃发厅。 ~kosa, 【阳】 剃刀鞘。 ~cakka, 【中】 刀轮。 ~dhārā, 【阴】 剃刀锋。 ~bhaṇḍa, 【中】理发具。 ~muṇḍa, 剃光头。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 [Vedic kṣura, to kṣṇu, kṣṇoti to whet, kṣṇotra whetstone; cp. Gr. xnau/w scrape, cu/w shave, Lat. novacula razor. The Pali Dhtp (486) gives as meanings “chedana & vilekhana”] a razor Vin.II,134; S.IV,169 (tiṇha a sharp r.) DhA.II,257.

--agga the hall of tonsure PvA.53; --appa a kind of arrow D.I,96; M.I,429 (+vekaṇḍa); Vism.381. --kosa razor-sheath Vism.251, 255. --cakka a wheel, sharp as a razor J.IV,3; --dhāra 1. carrying razors, said of the Vetaraṇī whose waters are like razors Sn.674 (+tiṇha‹-› dhāra); J.V,269; Vism.163. -- 2. the haft of a razor, or its case Sn.716 (°ûpama); Vism.500; DhA.II,257; --nāsa having a nose like a razor J.IV,139; --pariyanta a disk as sharp as a razor, a butcher-knife D.I,52 (=DA.I,160; khura-nemi khura-sadisa-pariyanta), cp. °cakka; --māla N. of an ocean, in °samudda J.IV,137; --mālī (f.)= prec. ibid.; --muṇḍa close-shaven Vin.I,344; VvA.207. Khuramuṇḍaṁ karoti to shave closely D.I,98; S.IV,344= A.II,241; --bhaṇḍa the outfit of a barber, viz. khura, khura-silā, khura-sipāṭikā, namataka Vin.I,249; II,134, cp. Vin. Texts III,138; --silā a whetstone Vin.II,134; --sipāṭikā a powder prepared with s. gum to prevent razors from rusting Vin.II,134. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 箭。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】箭。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[kruś? Dhtp 625: akkosane; cp. Müller P.G. 52 to scold, to curse, to be angry at, to have spite against D.I,90, DA.I,256 (=ghaṭṭeti); Vin.IV,7; SnA 357; DhA.IV,38. -- pp. khuṁsita DhA.II,75. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at PvA.162 (mā kh.) is to be read ukkaṇṭhi. (Page 238)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kho āhaṁ)﹐实在,我。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) eating, in --kāraṇa the reason of eating . . . PvA.37. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】吃者,以…为主食。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 吃者,以…为主食。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) eating (nt.) Vism.479; eating, living on (adj. --°), an eater J.IV,307; PvA.44; lohita --maṁsa° (of Yakkhas) J.I,133, 266; camma° J.I,176; gūtha° (of a Peta) PvA.266. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 吃。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) the act of eating (or being eaten) PvA.158. -- adj. f. khādanī the eater Dpvs 238; khādana at J.II,405 is to be read as ni° (q. v.). Cp. vi°. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】吃(the act of eating (or being eaten))。【中】【形】khādanī (the eater)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[grd. of khādati; also as khādanīya] hard or solid food, opp. to and freq, combd with bhojaniya (q. v.). So at D.II,127; J.I,90, 235; III,127; Sn. p 110; Miln.9, 11. -- Also in combn anna, pāna, kh° Sn.924; II,49. By itself J.III,276. -- piṭṭha° pastry Vin.I,248. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 可吃的。 【中】 硬的食物,甜食,糖果,蜜饯。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(grd. of khādati; also as khādanīya),【形】可吃的(hard or solid food)。【中】蔬果食(古译︰硬食),甜食,糖果,蜜饯。Pāci.IV,233(CS:p.300)︰Khādanīyaṁ nāma pañca bhojanāni-- udakadantaponaṁ ṭhapetvā avasesaṁ khādanīyaṁ nāma. Bhojanīyaṁ nāma pañca bhojanāni-- odano, kummāso, sattu, maccho, maṁsaṁ.(硬食(蔬果食):除了五种谷肉食﹑水与杨枝(齿木)之外的一切食物。软食(谷肉食):指饭﹑粥﹑麦﹑鱼﹑肉。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(khād+a), 吃,咀嚼,咬,咬牙切齿(to chew, bite, eat, devour, to destroy)。khādi,【过】。khādanta, khādamāna,【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Dhtp 155 “khāda bhakkhane”; cp. Sk. khādati, cp. Gr. knw/dwn the barbed hook of a javelin, i. e. “the biter”; Lith. kándu to bite] to chew, bite, eat, devour (=Ger. fressen); to destroy. -- Pres. Dh.240; J.I,152 (sassāni); III,26; Pv.I,63 (puttāni, of a Petī); I,94. -- kaṭṭhaṁ kh° to use a toothpick J.I,80, 282, ‹-› dante kh° to gnash the teeth J.I,161. -- santakaṁ kh° to consume one’s property DhsA.135. -- of beasts, e. g. Sn.201, 675. -- Pot. khādeyya J.III,26. -- Imper. khāda J.I,150 (maṁsaṁ); II,128 (khādaniyaṁ); VI,367. (pūvaṁ); PvA.39, 78. -- Part. pres. khādanto J.I,61; III,276. -- Fut. khādissati J.I,221; II,129. -- Aor. khādiṁsu PvA.20. -- Pass. ppr. khādiyamāna (cp. khajjati) PvA.69 (taṇhāya) (expl. of khajjamāna). ‹-› Inf. khādituṁ J.I,222; II,153; DhA.IV,226. -- Ger. khāditvā J.I,266, 278 (phalāni); PvA.5, 32 (devour); poetical khādiyā J.V,464 (=khāditvā). -- Grd. khāditabba J.III,52, and khādaniya (q .v.). -- pp. khādita (q. v.). Cp. pali°. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khād + a), 吃,咀嚼,咬,咬牙切齿。 khādi, 【过】。 khādanta,khādamāna, 【现分】。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '=khādaka吃者,in aññamaññakhādika S.V,456.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '=khādaka, in aññamañña° S.V,456. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '吃者。【阴】khādinī=khādaka PvA.31.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'f. khādinī=khādaka PvA.31. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khādati 的【过分】), 已吃,已咬,已吃完。 ~tta, 【中】 被吃的事实。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. med. & pass. of khādati] eaten, or having eaten, eaten up, consumed J.I,223; II,154; PvA.5. -- A twin form of khādita is khāyita, formed prob. on analogy of sāyita, with which freq. combined (cp., however, Trenckner P.M. 57), e. g. Pug.59; Vism.258; PvA.25. Used as the poetical form Pv.I,1211 (expl. PvA.158=khādita). -- Der. khāditatta (nt.) the fact of being eaten J.I,176.

-- ṭṭhāna the eating place, place of feeding J.V,447. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khādati 的【过分】), 已吃,已咬,已吃完(eaten, or having eaten, eaten up, consumed;a twin form of khādita is khāyita)。khāditatta,【中】被吃的事实。khāditaṭṭhāna, 餐厅,吃的地方(the eating place, place of feeding)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【潜】 应该吃。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【义】应该吃。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【不】 要去吃。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【不】要去吃。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) food, in rāja° royal food Sn.831 (rājakhādāya puṭṭho=rājakhādanīyena rājabhojanīyena posito Nd1 171; where printed °khadāya throughout). (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】食物(food, in rājakhādā royal food Sn.831 (rājakhādāya puṭṭho=rājakhādanīyena rājabhojanīyena posito Nd1 171)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. khādāpeti] causing to be eaten (kind of punishment) Miln.197 (sunakhehi). (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 给食,喂,饲养,令吃。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(fr. khādāpeti),【中】(处罚性的)令吃(causing to be eaten (kind of punishment))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(【使】 khādati), 令吃,令咬。 khādāpesi, 【过】。 khādāpita, 【过分】。 khādāpenta, 【现分】。 khādāpetvā, 【独】。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(【使】II. khādati), 令吃,令咬(to make eat)。khādāpesi,【过】。khādāpita,【过分】。khādāpenta,【现分】。khādāpetvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Caus. II. of khādati] to make eat J.III,370; VI,335. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at Th.2, 509 is to be read kāhinti (=karissanti ThA.293). (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Caus. of khalati: see khaleti & vikkhāleti. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 碱的物质,碳酸钾,苛性钾。 khāraka, 【形】 1. 碱性。 2. 【阳】鲜芽。 khārika, 【形】 碱性。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. kṣāra, pungent, saline, sharp to ksā, kṣāyati to burn, cp. Gr. chrόs, dry; Lat. serenus, dry, clear, seresco to dry] any alkaline substance, potash, lye. In combn with ūsa (salt earth) at S.III,131 (-gandha); A.I,209. -- Used as a caustic Pv III,102; Sdhp.281. See also chārikā.

--âpatacchika a means of torturing, in enumn of var. tortures (under vividha-kamma-kāranā kārenti) M.I,87= A.I,48=II.122=Nd2 604; J.VI,17 (v. l. °ṭicch°; C. has āpatacchika, v. l. paṭicchaka); Vism.500; Miln.197. Both A & Nd have v. l. kharāpaṭicchaka; --ôdaka an alkaline solution Vism.264, 420; DhA.I,189; PvA.213; cp. khārodikā nadī (in Niraya) Sdhp.194. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. ksāra, pungent, saline, sharp to ksā, ksāyati to burn),【阳】咸的物质,碳酸钾,苛性钾(any alkaline substance, potash, lye)。khāraka,【形】1.咸性。2.【阳】鲜芽。khārika,【形】咸性(alkaline)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. khāra] sharp or dry, said of the buds of the Pāricchattaka A.IV,117 sq. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 佉梨(古印度计重量单位大约 16 格令〔= 1.0368 克 或 16/7000磅〕,秤盘)。 ~kāja, ~vidha, 【阳、中】 秤盘和秤锤。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 [adj. to khāra] alkaline, in enumn of tastes (cp. rasa) at S III 87; Dhs.629 and ≈. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2(of khārī),【形】(一)斛,音译︰佉梨。1斛等於10斗,汉代一斛等於120斤,一斤相当现在约250克(of the khārī measure, in vīsatikhārika Kosalako tilavāho(=viṃwatikhārīkah kosalakas tilavāhah), A.V.173=Sn.p.126.)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (to khāra),【形】咸性(alkaline)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 [adj. of khārī] of the khārī measure, in vīsati° kosalako tilavāho A.V,173=Sn.p. 126. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '石灰。khārodaka-nadī, 灰河,石灰水河。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'f.灰河地狱', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【阴】佉梨(古印度计重量单位大约 16 格令〔= 1.0368 克 或 16/7000 磅〕,秤盘)。khārikāja, khārividha,【阳】【中】秤盘和秤锤。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [and khāri-] a certain measure of capacity (esp. of grain, see below khārika). It is used of the eight requisites of an ascetic, and often in conn. with his yoke (kāja): “a khārī-load.”

--kāja Vin.I,33 (cp. Vin Texts I.132); J.V,204. --bhaṇḍa DhA.III,243 (:kahaṁ te kh-bh° ko pabbajita parikkhāro); --bhāra a shoulder-yoke S.I,169; J.III,83; --vidha=°kāja S.I,78=Ud.65; D.I,101. At Ud.and D passages it is read vividha, but DA.I,269 makes it clear: khārī ti araṇi-kamaṇḍalu-sūcâdayo tāpasa-parikkhārā; vidho ti kāco, tasmā khāribharitaṁ kācam ādāyā ti attho. As Kern (Toev. s. v.) points out, °vidha is a distortion of vivadha, which is synonymous with kāja. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. khāta; pp. of khan] dug DA.I,274 (=ukkiṇṇa), a° not dug Miln.351 (°taḷāka). Cp. atikhāta J.II,296. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khaṇati 的【过分】), 已挖。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khaṇati 的【过分】), 已挖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pass.=Sk. khyāyate, khyā] to seem to be, to appear like (viya) J.I,279; aor. khāyiṁsu J.I,61; ppr. med. khāyamāna J.IV, 140; PvA.251. Cp. pakkhāyati. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khā+ya;pass.=Sk. khyāyate, khyā), 似乎是,看来好像,只是,仅仅(to seem to be, to appear like (viya) J.I,279)。khāyi,【过】。aor. khāyiṁsu; ppr. med. khāyamāna. Cp. pakkhāyati.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(khā + ya), 似乎是,看来好象。 khāyi, 【过】。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】已吃,吃光。【中】吃了些东西。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see khādita; cp. avakkhāyika. (Page 236)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 吃光,【中】 吃了些东西。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khaḷ + e), 洗,冲洗。 khāḷesi, 【过】。 khāḷita, 【过分】。 khāḷetvā,【独】。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(khaḷ+e), 洗,冲洗。khāḷesi,【过】。khāḷita,【过分】。khāḷetvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[also often spelled khānu; prob.=Sk. sthāṇu, corrupted in etym. with khaṇati, cp. Trenckner, Notes 58, n. 6] a stump (of a tree), a stake. Often used in description of uneven roads; together with kaṇṭaka, thorns A.I,35; III,389; Vism.261 (°paharaṇ’aggi), 342 (°magga); SnA 334. -- jhāma° a burnt stump (as characteristic of kālaka) S.IV,193. -- nikhāta° an uprooted trunk DA.I,73. Khāṇu-kondañña N. of a Thera Vism.380; DhA.II,254. (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】【中】残株,柱(a stump (of a tree), a stake)。khāṇuka,【阳】残株,树桩,小柱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳、中】 残株,柱。 ~ka, 【阳】 残株,树桩,小柱。(p112)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '=khāṇu S.V,379 (avihata°): J.II,18, 154; V,45 (loha-daṇḍa-kh° pins & stakes of brass); Miln.187 (mūle vā khāṇuke vā . . . khalitvā stumbling over roots & stumps); Vism.381=DhA.II,254 (with ref. to the name of Khāṇu-kondañña who by robbers was mistaken for a tree stump); VvA.338 (in a road=saṅkuka). (Page 235)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. kīla & khīla),【阳】桩,柱(a stake, post, bolt, peg。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. kīla & khīla] a stake, post, bolt, peg Vin.II,116 (khīlaṁ nikhanitvā digging in or erecting a post); S.III,150 (kh° vā thambha vā); IV,200 (daḷha° a strong post, Ep. of satī); Mhvs 29, 49. -- ayo° an iron stake A.I,141; S.V,444; Nd2 304III; Sn.28 (nikhāta, erected); SnA 479. Cp. inda°.

--ṭṭhāyi-ṭhita standing like a post (of a stubborn horse) A.IV,192, 194. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 桩,柱。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) having sticks or stumps (as obstacles), in a° unobstructed J.V,203 (=akāca nikkaṇṭaka 206). (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 奶,乳。 ~aṇṇava, 【阳】 奶白色的海洋。 ~paka, 【形】 吸奶。 ~odana, 【中】 乳饭。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Sk. kṣīra] milk, milky fluid, milky juice Vin.I,243; II,301; M.I,343 sq.=A.II,207=Pug.56; A.II,95 (in simile with dadhi, navanīta, sappi, sappi-maṇḍa)= D.I,201; DhA.I,98; enumd with dadhi, etc., as one constituent of material food (kabaliṅkāro ähāro) at Dhs.646=740=875; -- J.IV,138 (mātu kh°); 140; Dh.71=Nett 161; Miln.41; PvA.198 (=sneha, milky juice); VvA.75; DhA.I,98 (nirudaka kh°, milk without water). --duddha-khīra one who has milked Sn.18.

--ôdaka (nt.) milk-water or milk & water lit. J.II,104, 106; fig. in simile khīrodakībhūtā for a samaggā parisā “a congregation at harmony as milk and water blend” A.I,70; S.IV,225=M.I,207, 398=A.III,67, 104; --odana (nt.) milk-rice (boiled) Vv3324 (=VvA.147). --gandha the smell of milk J.VI,357. --ghaṭa a pot of milk Miln.48; --paka drinking milk; sucking (of a calf: vaccho mātari kh°) Dh.284 (v. l. khīra-pāna); DhA.III,424; --paṇṇin (m.) N. of a tree the leaves of which contain a milky sap, Calotropis gigantea M.I,429; --matta having had his fill of milk, happy (of a babe) S.I,108; --mūla the price of milk; money with which to buy milk DhA.IV,217; --sāmin master of the milk (+dhīrasāmin) Bdhd 62. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. ksīra),【中】奶,(牛、羊等)乳(milk, milky fluid, milky juice)。khīraṇṇava,【阳】奶白色的海洋。khīrapaka,【形】吸奶。khīrodana,【中】乳饭。khīramukha,【中】没面子。牛乳五味(pañca gorasā, Vin I.244):乳(khīra)、凝乳(dadhi)、酪乳(takka;buttermilk。‘凝乳’加1/4水搅拌而成)、生酥(navanīta奶油)、熟酥(sappi熟酥)。Pāci.IV,347(CS:p.464)︰Khīraṁ nāma gokhīraṁ vā ajikākhīraṁ vā mahiṁsakhīraṁ vā yesaṁ maṁsaṁ kappati tesaṁ khīraṁ.(乳︰牛乳、山羊乳、水牛乳,凡肉适宜者之乳。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) a milk-giving cow S.I,174. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】母乳牛(a milk-giving cow)。SA.7.12./I,258.︰ Khīranikāti khīrakārakā godohakā.(母乳牛︰产奶的牛、母乳牛。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 阔叶山檨子(东印度漆树科的中等大小乔木 (Buchananialatifolia),种子在未成熟时用作咖喱的成分)。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】阔叶山檨子(东印度漆树科的中等大小乔木 (Buchanania latifolia),种子在未成熟时用作咖喱的成分)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. khīyati2] in --dhammaṁ āpajjati to fall into a state of mental depression Vin.IV,151, 154; A.III,269; IV,374. See also remarks by Kern, Toev. s. v. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. khīyati) Khīyadhammaṁ āpanna﹐犯嫌瞋法(PED:fall into a state of mental depression陷於意气消沉的状态)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(=khiyyana),【中】1.疲惫。2.责备。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 1. 疲惫。 2. 责备。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(a) [der. fr. khīya] in combn with pācittiya a “falling away” offence (legal term denoting the falling away from a consent once given) (see khīya) Vin.II,94, 100; IV,38. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khī + ya), 被耗尽,浪费掉,变成沮丧。 khīyi, 【过】。 khīyamāna,【现分】。 khīyitvā, 【独】。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. kṣīyate, pass. to khayati] to be exhausted, to waste away, to become dejected, to fall away from Vin.IV,152; J.I,290 (dhạna); Pv.II,942; 112; Ps.I,94, 96; II,31 (āsavā); Bdhd 80. -- ppr. khīyamāna Sn.434; Bdhd 19. aor. khīyi D.III,93; grd. khīyitabba ibid. see also khāya and khīyanaka. In phrase “ujjhāyati khīyati vipāceti it seems to correspond to jhāyati2 [Sk. kṣāyati] and the meaning is “to become chafed or heated, to become vexed, angry; to take offence”; as evidenced by the combn with quâsi-synonyms ujjhāyati & vipāceti, both referring to a heated state, fig. for anger (cp. kilissati). Thus at Vin.II,259 & passim. See ujjhāyati for further refs. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(=khiyyati) (khī+ya)(Sk. ksīyate, pass. to khayati), 被耗尽,浪费掉,变成沮丧。khīyi,【过】。khīyamāna,【现分】。khīyitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[der. fr. khīḷeti] scorn Miln.357. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[to kīḷ or to khila?] to scorn, deride, only in combn hīḷita khīḷita garahita (pp.) Miln.229, 288; cp. khīḷana. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khīyati 的【过分】), 已耗尽,已浪费(destroyed, exhausted, removed, wasted, gone)。khīṇatta,【中】khīṇatā,【阴】浪费的事实,用尽的事实。khīṇamaccha,【形】没有鱼的。khīṇabīja,【形】没有存在种子的人。khīṇāsava,【形】漏尽的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of khīyati, Pass. to khayati] destroyed, exhausted, removed, wasted, gone; in cpds. °- often to be translated “without.” It is mostly applied to the destruction of the passions (āsavā) & demerit (kamma). Khīṇā jāti “destroyed is the possibility of rebirth,” in freq. occurring formula “kh. j. vusitaṁ brahmacariyaṁ kataṁ karaṇīyaṁ nâparaṁ itthattāya,” denoting the attainment of Arahantship. (See arahant II, formula A) Vin.I, 35; D.I,84, 177, 203; M.II,39; Sn.p. 16; Pug.61 etc. See expln at DA.I,225= SnA 138. -- khīṇaṁ mayhaṁ kammaṁ J.IV,3, similarly khīṇaṁ purāṇaṁ navaṁ natthi sambhavaṁ Sn.235 (khīṇa=samucchinna KhA 194); pāpakamme khīṇe PvA.105. āsavakhīṇa one whose cravings are destroyed Sn.370, cp. 162.

--āsava (adj.) whose mind is free from the four mental obsessions, Ep. of an Arahant Vin.I,183; M.I,145; II,43; III,30; D.III,97, 133, 235; It.95; Sn.82, 471, 539, 644; Dh.89, 420; PvA.7 (=arahanto); cp. BSk kṣīṇāśrava Divy 542. -- The seven powers of a kh.° (khīṇāsava-balāni) discussed at D.III,283; Ps.I,35; ten powers at Ps.II,173, 176; cp. Vism.144 (where a kh. walks through the air). --punabbhava one in whom the con‹-› ditions of another existence have been destroyed (=khīṇāsava) Sn.514, 656; --bīja one who is without the seed (of renewed existence) (=prec.) Sn.235 (=ucchinna-bīja KhA 194); --maccha without fish (of a lake) Dh.155; --vyappatha without the way of (evil) speech (vyapp°=vācāya patho; expl. SnA 204 as na pharusavāco) Sn.158; --sota with the stream gone, i. e. without water, in macche appodake kh° Sn.777. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(khīyati 的【过分】), 已耗尽,已浪费。 ~tta, 【中】 ~tā, 【阴】 浪费的事实,用尽的事实。 ~maccha, 【形】 没有鱼的。 ~bīja, 【形】 没有存在种子的人。 ~āsava, 【形】 漏尽的。(p113)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) DA.I,225 & khīṇatā (f.) DhA.IV,228, the fact of being destroyed. (Page 237)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [Ved. kilbiṣa, according to Grassmann to *kil as in kilāsa, thus originally “stain, dirt.” Buddh. Sk. kilviṣa classed with aparādha at Mvyntp. 245 No. 903] wrongdoing, demerit, fault, usually with °ṁ karoti to do wrong Sn.246; Sdhp, 204; J.III,135 or °ṁ pasavati A.V,75; Vin.II,198. --kata° (adj.) having done wrong in akata-kalyāṇo, etc. A.II,174 and ≈(see kalyāṇa and kata II.1 a); M.I,39; Pv IV.77; PvA.59.

--kāraka1=next J.III,14; --kārin, doing wrong Sn.665 sq.; PvA.58. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】罪过,罪行。kibbisakārī,【阳】罪犯。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 罪过,罪行。~kārī,【阳】 罪犯。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '=kibbisa Sdhp.290. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】责任,工作,服务,应该被做。kiccakārī,【形】做自己的责任。DhsA.p.63.:Kiccaṁ vā sampatti vā raso nāma.(作(用)或达成,称为‘作用’。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [grd. of karoti=Sk. kṛtya] 1. (adj.) that which ought to be done, that which is to be performed; nt. something to do DhA.I,15. Defd as kātabban ti kiccaṁ, kiñcid eva karaṇīyan ti KhA 218; kattabaṁ karaṇīyaṁ DhA.III,452. -- 2. (nt.) (a) duty, obligation, service, attention; ceremony, performance. The sg. is used collectively as pl. -- adj. (-°) one who is under an obligation, etc., or to whom an obligation, etc., is due A.II,67; Dh.276, 293; J.III,26; DhA.I,5. -- kattabbak°-karaṇa “the performance of incumbent duties” PvA.30; idaṁ me kiccaṁ akāsi “he has done me this service” PvA.29. -- In special sense of the duties to the dead: ahaṁ tava pitu °ṁ karomi “I will do the last duty to your father” PvA.274. -- that which is not (his) duty A.II,67; Dh.292, 293. -- (b) (as philos. term) function; rasa (essence) is either kicca r°- or sampatti r, function or property. Cpd. 13, 213, n. l.; Vism.162 (parivyatta° quite conspicuous f.), 264 (abbhañjana° f. of lucubrating), 338, 493 (indriyānaṁ kiccaṁ), 547 (tad-ārammaṇa°, bhavaṅga°, cuti°, etc.); kiccavasena by way of f. Abhdh.-saṅgaha V.8, cp. Dhs. trsl. 132 (with ref. to DhsA.264); kiccato Vism.581. --appa° having few or no duties Sn.144 (cp. KhA 241. --ārāmika° duties of the Ārāma J.I,38. --udaka° water-performance, ablution D.II,15. --kata° one who has performed his duties or mission, i. e. an Arahant Sn.1105; Vv 531 (cp. VvA.231. --bahu° having many obligations, being very busy A.III,116 sq. --bhatta° meal DA.I,45 sq.; PvA.76; freq. in formula kata° (see kata), cp. kat-annakicca Dāvs.I,59. --mata° funeral rites PvA.274. --sarīra° the duties of the body, i. e. funeral rites PvA.74). ‹-› Note. In compn with kud° kicca appears as kuk-kucca (q. v.).

--âkiccā pl. (kicca+kicca, see Trenckner, Notes J.P.T.S. 1908, 127; cp. ṭhānāṭhāna, bhavābhava maggāmagga, phalāphala, etc.) duties of all kinds, various duties: ativasā assu kiccākiccesu “they shall serve me in all duties” Dh.74 (DhA.II,78=khuddakamahantesu karaṇīyesu “in small and great duties”); °esu yuttapayutto māṇavo (cp. a maid “of all work”) VvA.298; °esu ussukā endeavouring to do all duties Sn.298 (but expld at SnA 319 as “zeal in what is to be done and what is not to be done,” taken as kicca+ akicca cp. akicca); --âdhikaraṇa settlement of the agenda at formal meetings of a chapter Vin.II,89=III,164; III,168; V,101 sq.; 150 sq.; See Vin Texts III,45; --kara doing one’s duty S.I,91; Sn.676; --karaṇīyāni pl.=kiccākicca, various duties A.IV,87; --kārin=kiccakara A.III,443. (Page 213)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 责任,工作,服务,应该被做。~kārī,【形】 做自己的责任。(p101)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. last] duty Vin.II,89 (k° karaṇīyatā); Miln.42. (Page 213)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 困难的,痛苦的。 【中】 苦恼,困难。(p101)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[see kasira] 1. (adj.) (a) distressed, in difficulty, poor, miserable, painful: kicchā vatâyaṁ idha vutti yaṁ jano passati kibbisakārī (miserable is the life of one who does wrong) Sn.676=parihīnattha, in poverty PvA.220 (kicco=kiccho). -- (b) difficult to obtain, hard, troublesome Dh.182 (kiccho manussapaṭilābho, DhA 235=dullabho). -- 2. (nt.) distress, misery, pain, suffering: kicchaṁ āpanno loko D.II,30; S.II,5; °ṁ vā so nigacchati “he gets into difficulties (i. e. becomes poor)” J.V,330 (=dukkhaṁ nigacchati); Vism.314; DhA.I,80. -- Oblique cases used adverbially: Instr. kicchena with difficulty J.I,147, 191 (paṭijaggita); V,331 (id.) Abl. kicchā id. J.V,330. -- akiccha (°-) without difficulty, easily, in phrase akiccha-lābhin taking or sharing willingly (+kasira-lābhin) M.I,33, 354=S.II,278 =A.II,23, 36; A.III,31, 114.

--patta fallen into misery Pv III,54 (=PvA.199 dukkhappatta) --vuttin living in misery, poor Pv.II,914 (=dukkhajīvita). (Page 213)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】困难的,痛苦的。【中】苦恼,困难。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kit+cha), 麻烦,疲倦。kicchi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kit + cha), 麻烦,疲倦。kicchi, 【过】。(p101)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[v. denom. fr. kiccha, cp. Sk. kṛcchrāyate] to be troubled, to be wearied, to suffer Th.1, 962 (w. Acc. of obj.); usually with kilamati: k° kāyo kilamati Th.1, 1073. Used in a play of words with vicikicchati by Bdhgh at DhsA.354 as “ārammaṇaṁ nicchetuṁ asakkonto kicchati kilamati” and at Bdhd. 25 (on vicikicchā) as sabhāvaṁ vicinanto etāya kicchati kilamati. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 应该被做的和不应该被做的。(p101)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】应该被做的和不应该被做的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(?) dense, thick (?) SS at S.IV,289 (for kuṭṭhita), said of the heat. (Page 213)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 蓝松鸦。 【阴】 雌蓝松鸦。(p101)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】蓝松鸦(blue jay)。【阴】雌蓝松鸦。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[onomat. to sound-root kṛ (see note on gala), cp. Sk. kṛka-vāku cock, after the cry of the bird] 1. (m.) the blue jay (J.II,350 k. sakuṇo). -- 2. (f.) a hen (or the female of the jay?), in simile fr. the Apadāna of a hen watching her egg Vism.36 (aṇḍaṁ anurakkhamānā); J.III,375 (rakkhati); cp. SnA 317 (kikī sakuṇikā aṇḍassa upari seti). (Page 213)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see kili (the sound click). (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[spelt klama, fr. klam] fatigue J.V,397 (=kilantabhāva). (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kilamati 的【现分】), 正在疲倦。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kilamati 的【现分】), 正在疲倦。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. klam, in formation cp. samatha] tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion M.I,168; A.II,199; S.I,136; as kāya°, citta° S.V,128; as daratha° A.III,238; PvA.23; as niddā° A.II,48, 50. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】疲劳,疲倦。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 疲劳,疲倦。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kilam + a), 疲倦,疲劳。kilami, 【过】。kilamitvā, 【独】。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. klamati, a variation of śramati sri from sri to lean, cp. kilanta, as “sleepy,” and Lat. clīnāre, clemens. To k › ś cp. kaṇṇa › śṛṇga, kilissati › śliṣyati, etc. The Dhtp (222) & Dhtm (316) paraphrase kilam by gilāne.] 1. to go short of, to be in want of (Instr.) DhA.II,79; na piṇḍakena kilamati does not go short of food Vin.II,15, 87; IV,23 sq. -- 2. to weary, to be wearied, tired, fatigued; to be in trouble or in misery PvA.215 (to be incommodated) 277 (be in distress); fut. kilamissāmi PvA.76. Cp. pari°. -- pp. kilanta. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kilam+a), 疲倦,疲劳。kilami,【过】。kilamitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[denom. fr. kilama] to be tired or fatigued J.I,115; ppr. kilamayanto D.I,52. -- pp. kilamita. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kilamati 的【使】), 使疲倦。kilamesi,【过】。kilamenta,【现分】。kilametvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kilamati 的【使】), 使疲倦。kilamesi, 【过】。kilamenta,【现分】。kilametvā, 【独】。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kilameti 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of kilameti] worn out, tired, fatigued PVII.83. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kilameti 的【过分】)。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Kilamīyati的【现分】), 正被做到疲倦。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kilameti 的【被】), 已经被做到疲倦。kilamīyi, 【过】。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kilameti 的【被】), 已经被做到疲倦。kilamīyi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Kilamati的【过分】) 已疲累,已疲倦,已疲惫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of kilamati] tired, exhausted, weary, either with °kāya tired in body PvA.43; VvA.65 (indicating the falling asleep); or °citta tired in mind D.I,20= III,32 (paduṭṭhacitta+, of the waning of the gods); or both °kāya-citta Pv III,23; opp. akilanta-kāya-citta alert, vigorous; with sound body and mind. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 草席,用灯芯草做的席子。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '﹐kiḷañja【阳】草席,用灯芯草(蔺ㄌㄧㄣˋ)做的席子。【阴】kilañjā﹐草席。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) a mat of fibre or rushes, matting Vism.327; also a screen, a fascine, hurdle, faggots; a crate, crating: tassa gandhabbaṁ kilañjā-kaṇḍūvanaṁ viya hutvā . . . J.II,249; “his music was like the scraping of a mat”; suvaṇṇa-kilañjā a gilt mat J.IV,212. As a fascine, used in making a road: DhA.I,442. as a screen (combd with chatta, fan) PvA.127; as faggots: J.I,158; Miln.287; as a crate or basket, used by distillers: M.I,228= 374 (soṇḍikā-kilañjā) (cp. the trsln under soṇḍa in J.P.T.S. 1909); to which is likened the hood of a snake: S.I,106 (snake=māra). (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(and klesa) [from kilissati] 1. stain, soil, impurity, fig. affliction; in a moral sense, depravity, lust. Its occurrence in the Piṭakas is rare; in later works, very frequent, where it is approx. tantamount to our terms lower, or unregenerate nature, sinful desires, vices, passions.

1. Kilesa as obstacle (see °āvaraṇa, °-sampayutta, °-vippayutta, °pahāna) Ps.I,33; Sdhp.455; bhikkhu bhinnakileso “one whose passions are broken up” Vbh.246, PvA.51; upasanta kileso “one whose passions are calmed” PvA.230; no ce pi jātu puriso kilese vāto yathā abbhaghanaṁ vihāne Sn.348; pariyodapeyya attānaṁ cittaklesehi paṇḍito S.V,24=A.V,232, 253=Dh.88. 2. Occurs in such combinations as kilesā ca khandhā ca abhisaṅkhārā ca Nd2 487; kilesa+khandha: Ps.I,69‹-› 72; II,36, 140; cp. Vbh.44, 68; kilesa+saṁsāra PvA.7; kammaṁ kilesā hetu saṁsārassa Nett 113, cp. 191. ‹-› 3. kilesa also occurs in a series explanatory of taṇhā, in the stereotype combn of t., diṭṭhi, kilesa “clinging to existence, false ideas and lust” (see Nd2 s. v. taṇhā v.). -- 4. In the same function it stands with rāga, viz. rāga dosa moha kilesa, i. e. sensuality, bewilderment and lust (see Nd2 s. v. rāga II.), cp. Dhs.982, 1006. ‹-› The grouping as dasa kilesa-vatthūni is: lobha dosa moha māna diṭṭhi vicikicchā thīnaṁ uddhaccaṁ ahirikaṁ anottappaṁ Dhs.1548=Vbh.341; Vism.683; mentioned at Ps.I,130. -- These with the exception of the last two, are also grouped as aṭṭha k°-vatthūni at Vbh.385.-As three kilesas (past, present and future) at Ps.II,217. -- 5. The giving up of kilesa is one of the four essentials of perfection: the recognition of evil, the removal of its source (which is kilesa), the meditation on the Path, and the realization of the extinction of evil (see Nd2 s. v. dukkha II.). Kilesa in this connection interchanges with samudaya, as denoting the origin of evil; cp. samudayo kilesā Nett 191.

--āvaraṇa the obstacle of lust Vbh.342 Pug.13; Vism.177; °āvaraṇatā id. A.III,436; --kkhaya the destruction of lust Bdhd 81; --paripantha danger of lust J.VI,57; --pahāna the giving up of worldly lust Vin.III,92 sq., IV.25; Bdhd 129, 131; --puñja the heap of lusts; consisting of ten qualities, viz. the four āhārā (etc. four of each:), vipallāsā, upādānāni, yogā, gandhā, āsavā, oghā, sallā, viññāṇaṭṭhitiyo, agatigamanāni. Nett 113, 114; 116 sq. --bhūmi the substratum or essence of lust Nett 2, 192; there are four mentioned at Nett 161: anusaya°, pariyuṭṭhāna°, saṁyojana°, upādāna°; --māra death which is the consequence of sinful desire DhA.I,317 (in expl. of Māra); --vatthūni (pl.) the (10) divisions of kilesa (see above) Dhs.1229, 1548; Vism.20. --vinaya the discipline of lust Nett 22; --vippayutta free from lust (dhamma principles, to which belongs Nibbāna) Dhs.1555; --sampayutta connected or affected with lust Dhs.1554 (as 12 principles); Vbh.18=30=44=56, 68, 80, 96, 120, 323. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 激情,贪欲,堕落,不纯,烦恼。 ~kāma,【阳】 贪欲,强烈的性欲。~kkhaya,【阳】 贪欲的毁灭,烦恼的毁灭。~ppahāṇa, 【中】 断欲,放弃对世间的激情,断除烦恼。 ~vatthu,【中】 烦恼事,世间烦恼的事物。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'Klesa(from kilissati), 【阳】激情,贪欲,堕落,不纯,烦恼,污染,尘劳。kilesakāma,【阳】贪欲,强烈的性欲。kilesakkhaya,【阳】贪欲的毁灭,烦恼的毁灭。kilesappahāṇa,【中】断欲,放弃对世间的激情,断除烦恼。kilesavatthu,【中】烦恼事,世间烦恼的事物。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '杂染;烦恼;染;欲念', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
{'def': '(kilis + e), 使弄脏,使烦恼。kilesesi, 【过】。kilesita, 【过分】。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kilis+e), 使弄脏,使烦恼。kilesesi,【过】。kilesita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[v. den. fr. kilesa] to become soiled or stained (fig.): indriyāni kilesenti Sdhp. 364. (Page 217)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(sometimes kila) [onomat. fr. sound-root kḷ] 1. indecl. the sound “click,” of the noise of a trap when shutting J.I,243; II,363, 397 (as “kilī”). -- Also repeated “kilikilī ti” click, click J.I,70. -- 2. as n. f. tinkling, clicking, ticking (cp. kiṇi), in kiliṁ karoti to tinkle J.V,203. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[med-pass. of kilid=Sk. klid, to be wet. prob.= śliṣ to stick to, and confounded with svid, cp. also kelana & khela. The meaning “to get wet, to be soiled” only in pp. kilinna. -- The Dhtm (199), however, expls k. by parideva lament, to be in trouble, which is not quite in harmony with the meaning; it is more likely that in P. we have a confusion between klid & kliś in a meaning which differs from Sk.] to become heated, to get into a state of inflammation, to fester (of wounds) Vin.I,205 (vaṇo kilijjittha festered); Sn.671 (gloss for kilissati, expld at SnA 481 by pūti hoti). -- pp. kilinna. See also ukkiledeti (to clean out a stain, to “disinfect”). (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[denom. fr. kili with reduplication] to tinkle J.V,206; (freq. fr. kili or den. fr. kilikilā; cp. kilakilā “shouting for joy” AvŚ I.48 and in cpd. hāhākārakilakilā “shouting hā-hā and hail-hail” ibid. I.67 MVastu III,312 and Divy 459). See also kiṇakiṇāyati. Note.--Kil is one of the variations of the sound-imitating qel, which otherwise appears as qal, qul in Gr. kel-ados, L. cal-are, Ohg. hell-an (cp. Sk. krandati?) also Gr. klάzw, L. clango, Goth. hlahjan (“laugh”) and in Sk kolāhala, kokila, cp. cuculus (cuckoo) and perhaps Sk. ululī, ulūka (owl), Gr. o)lolu/zw, L. ululare. See also the cognate qer under kitti. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kilijjati 的【过分】), 已湿,已弄脏,已潮湿。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kilijjati 的【过分】), 已湿,已弄脏,已潮湿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of kilijjati] 1. wet, usually with saliva and perspiration Vin.III,37; J.I,61 (lālā°), 164 (kheḷa°); DA.I,284 (assu°); VvA.67 (seda°). -- 2. The other meaning of kilid (to get inflamed) is to be found in kilinna-sarīra (adj.) with an inflamed body (i. e. suffering from a skin-disease), which is Bdhgh’s expln of okilinī: see under okiraṇa. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】肮脏,沾染。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) getting dirty, staining J.I,8. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 肮脏,沾染。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kilis + ya), 弄脏,沾染,污染。kilissi, 【过】。kilissanta, 【现分】。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kilis+ya), 弄脏,沾染,污染。kilissi,【过】。kilissanta,【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. kliśyati=kliś or śliṣ to adhere, cp. P. kheḷa and silesuma or semha, Sk. śleṣma, slime. Same root as Gr. lei/mac snail; Ags. slīm slime. Another, specifically Pali, meaning is that of going bad, being vexed, with ref. to a heated state. This lies at the bottom of the Dhtp. (445) & Dhtm. (686) expln by upatāpe.] 1. to get wet, soiled or stained, to dirty oneself, be impure It.76 (of clothes, in the passing away of a deva); Th.1, 954 (kilisissanti, for kilissanti); Ps.I,130. Kilisseyya Dh.158 (expld as nindaṁ labhati) to do wrong. Cp. pari°. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kilissati 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp of kilissati] 1. soiled, stained, impure; of gatta, limbs J.I,129; of cīvara, cloak Bdhd 92; of vattha, clothes DhA.II,261; of pāvāra-puppha, mango blossom KhA 58=Vism.258. -- 2. unclean, lustful (morally) bad, in °kamma dirty pursuit, i. e. cohabitation J.IV,190; PvA.195 (of a gaṇikā); together with kuthita Miln.250. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kilissati 的【过分】)。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[=next?] at J.III,49 taken as syn. of loma, hair and used in sense of pharusa, shaggy, rough (in kiloma maṁsakhaṇḍa as simile for kiloma-vācā). (Page 217)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[=Sk. kloman, the right lung, cp. Greek pleu/mwn, Lat. pulmo] the pleura M.I,185 = Kh III, Nett 77=Vbh.193; J.IV,292; Miln.26. Discussed in detail at Vism.257, 357. (Page 217)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 肋膜。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】肋膜(pleura)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kilāsa] a cutaneous disease, perhaps leprosy, enumd under the var. diseases (ābādhā) together with kuṭṭha gaṇḍa k° sosa Vin.II,271; A.V,110; Nd2 3041. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】癣,一种皮肤病。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】癣,一种皮肤病。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '& °iya (adj.) [fr. last] afflicted with a cutaneous disease, a leper, in same combn as kilāsa, Vin.I,93; Kvu 31 (°iya). (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[fr. sram, cp. kilamatha. E Müller P. Gr. 38= glāsnu, glā, cp. gilāna] exhausted, tired of (c. Dat. or inf.) Vin.III,8; untiring in (c. Dat. or Acc.) S.I,47; V,162; J.I,109; Miln.382. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 讲什么道?(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】讲什么道?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【副】 为什么意图? ~tthiya,【形】 有什么打算,意味着什么。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【副】为什么意图?kimatthiya,【形】有什么打算,意味著什么。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Kimila) (比库名)金比喇, (古音译:)金毘罗', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '【阳】虫,蛆虫,害虫。kimikula,【中】一堆虫,一种虫。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'm. [Vedic kṛmi] a worm, vermin: setā kimī kaṇhasīsā A.III,241; Miln.272; DA.I,199; -- As animal of death and putrefaction M.I,507; J.I,146; Sn.201; esp. with ref. to the punishment of Petas: Pv.I,31; Th.2, 439; PvA.192; Sdhp.603. As glow-worm M.II,34; 41 (with khajjopanaka); sālaka° a very minute insect Miln.312. In similes: Th.1, 1175 (kimī va mīlhasallitto); Vism.500, 598. In cpd. kimi-kula the worm kind (genus worm) Miln.100; Vism.235; °gaṇa crowd of worms Vism.314. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 虫,害虫。~kula,【中】 一堆虫,一种虫。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Kimbila) (比库名)金比喇, (古音译:)金毘罗', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '(adj.) [from kimi] covered with worms J.V,270. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kimphala,【中】海芒果(一种形似芒果的毒水果 (Cerbera odollam),其毒用来扑鱼或毒死老鼠)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kimphala,【中】 海芒果(一种形似芒果的毒水果 (Cerbera odollam),其毒用来扑鱼或毒死老鼠)。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '参考 kinnara。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '人头鸟,紧那罗(居在森林的一个民族)。参考 kinnara。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(梵 Kiṁnara),【阳】人头鸟,紧那罗(居在森林的一个民族的名字),又作紧捺洛、紧拏罗、紧担路、甄陀罗、真陀罗。或称歌神、歌乐神、音乐天。kim 为疑问词,nara 为人之意;意译作疑神、疑人、人非人。kinnarī,【阴】紧那罗女。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 人头鸟,紧那拉(居在森林的一个民族的名字)。 kinnarī, 【阴】紧那梨(紧那拉族的女人)。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[kiṁ+nara, lit. what-man, see kiṁ 3] a little bird with a head like a man’s] J.IV,106, 254, 438, V.47, 456; Mil 267. Canda kinnara Np. J.I,91, VI,283, VI,74. ‹-› f. kinnarā Np. of a queen J.V, 437 sq., and kinnarī Th.2, 381 (cp. ThA.255), J.II,121 (matta-kinnarī viya), 230; IV,432 sq. Cp. kimpurisa. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see under kiṁ. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) & Kipillaka (nt.) [Cp. Sk. pipīlikā, see Trenckner, Notes, p. 108] an ant Sn.602 (kuntha°); DhA.I,360; J.IV,142 (kuntha°); V,39 (tamba°-°āni); Miln.272. -- kipillaka J.I,487 (v. l. BB. for pillaka); IV,375 (tamba°-puṭa); DhA.IV,134 (v. l. SS. for T. pillaka). -- Cp. kuntha & pipīlikā. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 蚂蚁。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(cp.梵pipīlikā),【阴】。kipillika【中】,蚂蚁(台语:蚼蚁)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【无】真的,真实地。kirekassa, 真的一个的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(& Kila) [Vedic kila] adv. 1. emphatic: really, truly, surely. (Gr. dή) -- 2. presumptive (with pres. or fut.): I should think one would expect. -- 3. narrative (with aor.): now, then, you know (Gr. de\\, Lat. at, G. aber). ‹-› kira in continuous story is what “iti” is in direct or indirect speech. It connects new points in a narrative with something preceding, either as expected or guessed. It is aoristic in character (cp. Sk. sma). In questions it is dubitative, while in ordinary statements it gives the appearance of probability, rather than certainty, to the sentence. Therefore the definitions of commentators: “people say” or “I have heard”: kirasaddo anussavane: “kira refers to a report by hearsay” PvA.103; kira-saddo anussav’atthe J.I,158; VvA.322 are conventional and one-sided, and in both cases do not give the meaning required at the specified passages. The same holds good for J.I,158 & II.430 (kirā ti anussavatthe nipāto). -- 1. mahantaṁ kira Bārāṇasirajjaṁ “the kingdom of B. is truly great” J.I,126; attā hi kira duddamo “self is difficult to subdue, we know” Dh.159; amoghaṁ kira me puṭṭhaṁ Sn.356. -- na kira surely not Sn.840; J.I,158. -- 2. esā kira Visākhā nāma “that I presume is the Visākhā” (of whom we have heard) DhA.I,399; petā hi kira jānanti “the petas, I should say, will know” Pv.II,710; evaṁ kira Uttare? “I suppose this is so, Uttarā” VvA.69. evaṁ kira saggaṁ gamissatha “thus you will surely go to Heaven” Vv 828; “I hear” DhA.I,392. -- 3. atīte kira with aor. once upon a time . . . PvA.46, etc.; so kira pubbe . . . akāsi, at one time, you know, he had made . . . J.I,125; sā kira dāsī adāsi now the maid gave her . . . PvA.46; cp. J.I,195, etc. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【无】 真的,真实地。(提及一项道听途说)。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kir + a), 散布。kiri, 【过】。kiṇṇa, 【过分】。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kir+a), 散布。kiri,【过】。kiṇṇa,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[kīr] to scatter, strew; not found in simples, only in cpds. apa°, abbhuk°, abhi°, ava° (o°), pari°, vi°. See also pp., kiṇṇa2. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】【中】光线,光辉,灿烂。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) 1. [fr. kṛ, karoti to do] an occupation, place of work, workshop J.IV,223. Cp. kita & kittima. ‹-› 2. [fr. kṛ, kirati to scatter, cp. pp. kiṇṇa] scattering, effusion (of sun rays), effulgence VvA.169, 199. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳、中】 光线,光辉,灿烂。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 kriyā, kiriyā,【阴】 行动,行为,表现。~vāda,【阳】 信念行动是有结果的。~vādī,【阳】 传播 kiriyavāda 主义者。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'Kriya﹐【中】Kriyā, Kiriyā(abstr. fr. karoti),【阴】行动,行为,表现,唯作(古译:「胜义善」,阿罗汉的不造作善恶之心)(action, performance, deed; the doing=fulfilment)。kiriyavāda,【阳】信念行动是有结果的。kiriyavādī,【阳】传播。kiriyavāda﹐【阳】主义者。kiriyakiriyā the non-performance of, omission, abstaining from (akiriyā akaraṇa=veramaṇī)。kusalakiriya performance of good actions; dānakiriya the bestowing of gifts; pāpakiriya commission of sin; puññakiriya the performance of good works ; mangalakiriya celebration of a festival ; massu-kiriyā the dressing of the beard(cp. m-karaṇa and kappanā); sacchikiriya realization.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'Kiriyā & Kriyā [abstr. fr. karoti] 1. (n.) -- (a) (-°) action, performance, deed; the doing=fulfilment; cp. °karaṇa, anta°, making an end of, putting a stop to (dukkhassa) S.III,149; IV,93; Sn.454, 725; --kāla° “fulfilment of one’s time” i. e. death S.III,122; Pv.I,1012; Sn.694; Pug.17; kusala° performance of good actions S.I,101; V,456; dāna° the bestowing of gifts PvA.123; pāpa° commission of sin Pug.19=23; puñña° the performance of good works S.I,87=89=A.III,48; a° PvA.54 maṅgala° celebration of a festival PvA.86; massu-kiriyā the dressing of the beard J.III,314 (cp. m-karaṇa and kappanā); sacchi° realization, see s. v. --akiriyā the non-performance of, omission, abstaining from (a° akaraṇa=veramaṇī) J.III,530; Vbh.285. ‹-› (b) an act in a special sense=promise, vow, dedication, intention, pledge: PvA.18; justice: Miln.171; kiriyaṁ bhindati to break one’s vow Miln.206. -- (c) philosophically: action ineffective as to result, non-causative, an action which ends in itself (Mrs. Rh. D. in Dhs. trsl. xciii.), inoperative (see Cpd. 19). In this sense it is grouped with kamma (cp. for relation kamma: kiriyā= Ger. sache: ursache). Thus is the theory of Makkhali: n’atthi kammaṁ, n’atthi kiriyaṁ n’atthi viriyan ti= there is no karma, no after-effect and no vigour in this world A.I,286 (different at D.I,53); n’atthi kiriyā it does not matter M.I,405. -- 2. (adj.) (a) making no difference, indefinite; of no result, as def. of avyākatā dhammā Vbh.106, 182=302=Dhs.566 and 989 (manodhātu kiriyā neva kusalā nâkusalā na ca kammavipākā: indifferent, neither good nor bad and having no fruit of kamma), same of jhāna Vbh.268=281; DhsA.388. -- (b) indecisive, in akiriyaṁ vyākaroti to give an indecisive answer, to reply evasively D.I,53 and≈

--pada (ttg.) the verb (i. e. that which supplies the action) VvA.315; --vāda (adj.) promulgating the (view of a) consequence of action, believing in merit and demerit, usually combd with kammavāda (q. v.) also °vādin: D.I,115 (of Gotama) A.I,62; Vin.I,71; ‹-› denying the difference between merit & demerit A.IV,174=Vin.I,234; 242, Vin.III,2; A.IV,180 sq.; S.III,73. (+natthikavāda); --vādin adj. to prec. A.I,62; --hetu being a cause of discrimination Dhs.1424 sq. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[Pass. of kirati or karoti] to be affected or moved Vism. 318. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Pass. of kirati or karoti) 被行动(to be affected or moved)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. last] the performance of (-°), state of, etc. See sakkacca°, sacchi°, sātacca°. (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [a by-form of kirāṭa] false, fraudulent J.IV,223 (=kerāṭika). (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(& kirāṭa) [prob. dial.] a man of a tribe of junglemen, classed with dwarfs among the attendants of a chief DA.I,148. See on the Kirāta as a mountain tribe Zimmer, Altindisches Leben p. 34. Cp. also apakiritūna & okirati2, okiraṇa. -- A secondary meaning of kirāṭa is that of a fraudulent merchant, a cheat (see kirāsa & kerāṭika). (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 在丛林中居住一种人。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】在丛林中居住一种人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】王冠。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 王冠。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) enveloped, adorned Pv III,91 (=veṭhitasīsa). (Page 216)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 贫乏的,憔悴的,衰弱的。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】贫乏的,憔悴的,衰弱的,削瘦的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kṛśa, perhaps to Lat. gracilis, slim] lean, haggard, emaciated, opp. thūla fat (VvA.103). As Ep. of ascetics Sn.165, Dh.395=Th.1, 243; esp. as Ep. of petas: Pv.II,113; Sn.426, 585; Sdhp.101; Miln.303. For phrase kisa-dhamani-santhata see the latter. (Page 217)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=kisa Vin.I,36=J.I,83; f. kisikā Th.2, 27. (Page 217)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[den. fr. kisa] 1. to get thin, to become exhausted, to waste, weary, worry J.VI,495 (pret. mā kisittha= C. mā kisā bhava). -- 2. [Pass. of kassati, kṛṣ] see pari° (Page 217)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'in neg. akissava at S.I,149 is doubtful in origin and meaning. The trsln gives “without wisdom.” Should we read akittima or akiñcana, as we suggested under a°, although this latter does not quite agree with the sense required? (Page 217)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2【中】混合泥土(soiled, kaṇṇakita, said of a wall, also of the ground; and paṁsukita, soiled with dust)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[pp. of kṛ, with i for a, cp. kiraṇa for karaṇa. The Dhtp. expld by nivāsane] 1. adorned: mālā° adorned with garlands Vin.III,249. -- 2. soiled, only in cpds. kaṇṇa° said of a wall, also of the ground at Vin.I,48= II.209; and paṁsu°, soiled with dust Vin.II,121, 174. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1(pp. of kar(梵kr)),【过分】已装饰(adorned: mālākita adorned with garlands)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 欺骗。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】欺骗。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '& kitavā [=kaṭavā? cp. kaṭa] one who plays false; a cheat; adj. deceitful S.I,24; J.V,116; 117 (a°); --kitavā at Dh.252 (=DhA.III,375) in combn with saṭha also at J.VI,228, where the connection with kaṭa is evident: kaṭaṁ Aḷāto gaṇhāti kiṭavā sikkhito yathā= like one who is skilled in having the kaṭa, the lucky die. Expld at DhA.III,375 as taken from fowling: kitavāya attabhāvaṁ paṭicchādeti “he hides himself by means of a pretence” (behind sham branches). (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【疑代】多少?到什么程度?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(pron. interr.) [fr. kīva, cp. ettaka & BSk. kettaka (MVastu I.50); see Trenckner, Notes p. 134] how much? how great? nt. as adv.: to what extent? pl.: how many? Vin.I,297; k°ṁ antovassaṁ avasiṭṭhaṁ “how much of the rainy season is left?” VvA.66; kittakā pana vo bhante parivāra-bhikkhū? “How many bhikkhus are in your retinue?” J.I,32. -- As indef.: a little; kittakaṁ jīvissāmi, J.V,505; kittakaṁ addhānaṁ a short time VvA.117 (=kiṁva ciraṁ). (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【疑代】 多少?到什么程度?(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [f. kitteti] praise PvA.31, 107. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】称赞,详细说明。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 称赞,详细说明。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kitt +e;fr. kitti), 1.称赞,颂扬(to praise, extol)。2.讲,宣布(to proclaim, announce, relate, tell)。kittesi, akittayi,【过】。kittita,【过分】。kittenta,【现分】。kittanīya,【义】。fut. kittayissati in sense of aor. Vv 345 (=katheti VvA.151). kittayissāmi I shall relate Sn.1053, 1132. grd: to be praised PvA.9.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kitt + e), 称赞,颂杨,讲,宣布。kittesi, 【过】。kittita,【过分】。kittenta, 【现分】。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[v. den. fr. kitti] 1. to praise, extol PvA.124, 162; -- 2. to proclaim, announce, relate, tell; ppr. kittento praising PvA.159. -- fut. kittayissati in sense of aor. Vv 345 (=katheti VvA.151). --kittayissāmi I shall relate Sn.1053, 1132. grd: kittanīya to be praised PvA.9. -- aor. akittayi Sn.875, 921. -- pp. kittita. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '& Kittī f. [Vedic kīrti, *qer: cp. Gr. karkaiρw, Ohg. hruod, hruom=Ger. ruhm; *qār: cp. Sk. kāru poet; Gr. kh_ruc herald, Lat. carmen hymn of praise. -- The explns of Dhtp (579) & Dhtm (812) are saṁsadde & saṁsaddane] fame, renown, glory, honour, yaso ca kittī ca S.I,25; kittiñ ca sukhañ ca S.I,187; yaso kitti sukhañ ca A.II,32 yaso kittī ca “fame and renown” Sn.817 (=Nd1 147, where appl. to the religious perfection attained by a samaṇa); Sn.185 (in the same sense); VvA.68 (bāhira°-bhāva becoming known outside); yaso kitti Sdhp.234.

--sadda the sound of fame, praise, renown (thutighosa DA.I,146) esp. appld to the Buddha, whose fame is heralded before him: Bhagavantaṁ Gotamaṁ evaṁ kalyāṇo k°-saddo abbhuggato “the high reputation went forth over the world, concerning the Venerable Gotama”: (such is this Exalted One, Arahant, etc.) D.I,49, 87, 115, 116, 236; S.IV,323, 374; V,352; A.I,57, 180; III,30, 39, 58, 253, 267; IV,80; etc. The same with reference to others: Miln.284. Appld to the good reputation of a man (of a kalyāṇamitta) at Pug.37; the opposite is pāpako kittisaddo, bad reputation: A.I,126; III,269; Pug.36; --vaṇṇa praise, in °hara receiving or deserving praise D.III,191; cp. °bhatā Nd1 147. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】名望,名声。kittighosa, kittisadda,【阳】名誉。kittimantu,【形】出名的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 名望,名声。~ghosa, ~sadda,【阳】 名誉。~mantu,【形】 出名的。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kitti] famous VvA.200. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】人造的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [cp. Sk. kṛtimā, der. fr. kṛti, karoti, in sense of kata I.2 (a) made up, artificial; clever, skilful ThA.227; DhA 391 (of nāma); VvA.275 (of ratha: cleverly constructed)]. Cp. also kutta, -- f. kittimā at J.III,70; VI,508 is according to Kern, Toev. s. v. a misspelling for tittima. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 人造的。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(pp. of kitteti] told Bdhd 124; su° well told Sn.1057. (Page 215)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【副】多远?从哪方面来看?什么样的范围?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【副】 多远?从哪方面来看?(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adv.) to what extent? how far? in what respect? K° nu kho mahāpurisa hoti “in what respect is a man a great man?” Nd2 502 B; k° nu kho paññavā ti vuccati? M.I,292. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2nd. stem of interr. pron. (cp. ka° ku°); 1. in oblique cases of ko (kaḥ), as Gen. kissa. Loc. kismiṁ & kiṁhi. ‹-› 2. in nt. kiṁ what? (cp. Gr. ti/, Lat. quid; ending --m besides --d in kad, as Lat. quom, tum besides quod, id). -- 3. in primary derivations, as kittaka, kīva (=Sk. kiyant) which stands in same relation to *qǔi as Lat. quantus to *qǔo; and in secondary derivations from kiṁ, as kiñci, kiñcakkha, kīdisa, etc. (Page 212)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kiṁ什么?+ca和)﹐什么?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.-nt.) [kiṁ+cana, equal to kiṁ+ci, indef. pron.] only in neg. sentences: something, anything. From the freq. context in the older texts it has assumed the moral implication of something that sticks or adheres to the character of a man, and which he must get rid of, if he wants to attain to a higher moral condition. ‹-› Def. as the 3 impurities of character (rāga, dosa, moha) at D.III,217; M.I,298; S.IV,297; Vbh.368; Nd2 206b (adding māna, diṭṭhi, kilesa, duccarita); as obstruction (palibujjhana), consisting in rāga, etc. at DhA.III,258 (on Dh.200). Khīṇa-saṁsāro na c’atthi kiñcanaṁ “he has destroyed saṁsāra and there is no obstruction (for him)” Th.1, 306. n’āhaṁ kassaci kiñcanaṁ tasmiṁ na ca mama katthaci kiñcanaṁ n’atthi “I am not part of anything (i. e. associated with anything), and herein for me there is no attachment to anything” A.II,177.‹-› akiñcana (adj.) having nothing Miln.220. -- In special sense “being without a moral stain,” def. at Nd2 5 as not having the above (3 or 7) impurities. Thus freq. an attribute of an Arahant: “yassa pure ca pacchā ca majjhe ca n’atthi kiñcanaṁ akiñcanaṁ anādānaṁ tam ahaṁ brūmi brāhmaṇan” Dh.421=Sn.645, cf. Th.I, 537; kāme akiñcano “not attached to kāma” as Ep. of a khīṇāsava A.V,232 sq.=253 sq. Often combd with anādāna: Dh.421; Sn.620, 645, 1094.-Akiñcano kāmabhave asatto “having nothing and not attached to the world of rebirths” Vin.I,36; Sn.176, 1059; --akiñcanaṁ nânupatanti dukkhā “ill does not befall him who has nothing” S.I,23. -- sakiñcana (adj.) full of worldly attachment Sn.620=DA. 246. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 某事,琐事,世间的执着,麻烦。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】某事,琐事,世间的执著,麻烦。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【无】 某物。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kin+cid, kiṁ+ci),【无】某事物(some﹐something)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [E. Mūller P. Gr. p. 35 expls kiñcid+ka] a trifle, a small thing: yaṁ vā taṁ vā appamattakaṁ Sn.121; 131; PugA 210 (III,4). āmisa-kiñcikkha-hetu “for the sake of a little gain” A.I,128=Pug.29; at Pv.II,83 as āmisa-kiñci-hetu (but all vv. ll. B. have °kiñcakkha°) “for some food” (expld at PvA.107: kiñci āmisaṁ patthento); --katā kiñcikkhabāvanā at S.IV,118 is evidently corrupt (v. l. °bhādhanā for bādhanā? ).

--kamyatā in the desire for some little thing Sn.121 (cp. SnA 179: appamattake kismiñcid eva icchāya). (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 小事。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【无】 无论什么,不管多少,但是。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kiñci+api),【无】无论什么,不管多少,但是。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】细丝,花粉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 细丝,花粉。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [cp. Sk. kiñjalka & remarks at Aufrecht Halāyudha p. 186] a filament, esp. of the lotus S.III,130; J.I,60, 183; V,39; Vv 221; --vāri° Pv.II,120 (=kesara PvA.77) in combn with kesara VvA.12, 111, 175. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【关代、疑代】 什么? (【阳】 ko = 谁? 【阴】 kā = 谁(女性)? 【中】kaŋ = 什么(东西)?)。 ~kāraṇā, 【副】 什么理由? ~vādī,【形】 执什么主义?(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 紫铆树(东印度产的一种乔木 (Butea Frondosa))。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【关代、疑代】什么? (【阳】ko = 谁? 【阴】kā = 谁(女性)? 【中】kaṁ = 什么(东西)?)。kiṁkāraṇā,【副】什么理由? kiṁvādī,【形】执什么主义? kiñ canaṁ任何(中.单.主格, 形)。kiṁ puna(梵kiṃ punah)﹐何况? kiṁ atthaṁ?(梵kiṃ artham?)何因缘? kiṁ kāraṇaṁ?(梵kiṃ kāraṇaṃ?)何因?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[nt. of rel. pron. ka] 1. as nt. subst. what? sotānaṁ kiṁ nivāraṇaṁ what is the obstruction? Sn.1032; kiṁ tava patthanāya what is it about your wish, i. e. what good is your wish? VvA.226; kim idaṁ this is what, that is why, therefore, PvA.11; often with su in dubitative question: kiṁ sū’dha vittaṁ purisassa seṭṭhaṁ what, then, is the best treasure of man in this world? Sn.181; or with nu: kiṁ nu kho what is it then (in series evañ nu kho, na nu kho, kathaṁ nu kho) Nd2 186. -- Gen. kissa of what? Pv.I,91; II,940 (=kīdisassa) and in kissa hetu on the ground of what i. e. why? Sn.1131; Pv.II,81 (=kiṁ nimittaṁ). -- Instr. kena by what or how is it that: kena ssu nivuto loko Sn.1032. -- Acc. kiṁ: kiṁ kāhasi what will you do? Sn.428; kiṁ āgamma kiṁ ārabbha on what grounds & for what reason? D.I,13, 14, etc.; kiṁ nissita to what purpose Sn.1043. -- Loc., kismiṁ in what or what about: kismiṁ vivādo “what is the quarrel about?” D.I,237; or kimhi, e. g. kimhi sikkhamāno in what instructed? D.II,241 (corresponds to ettha=in this). The ṁ of kiṁ in Sandhi is either elided or contracted or undergoes the usual Sandhi changes; ki ha=kiṁ ha KhA 78, kissa=kiṁ assa Sn.1032; kīdisa (q. v.)=kiṁ disa; kiñci (see below)=kiṁ cid; kiṁ va a little: see kittaka. -- 2. as interr. particle, introducing a question=Lat. nonne, Gr. a)/n: kiṁ idāni pi dinne te labheyyuṁ? “Will they receive that which is given now?” PvA.22. So as disjunctive particle in comb. with udāhu (whether-or): kiṁ-udāhu what (about this) . . . or is it (otherwise), is it so . . . or is it not so? (cp. pόteron-h)/, Lat. utrum-an): kim imasmiṁ attabhāve pitaraṁ pucchasi udāhu atīte? “do you enquire about your father in this existence, or in a past one?” PvA.38; kiṁ nakkhattaṁ kīḷissasi udāhu bhatiṁ karissasi? “Will you take a holiday or will you work?” VvA.63. -- Very often modified and intensified by other exhortative particles: kiṁ aññatra (with Abl.) unless (by), except for Sn.206 (see aññatra) kin nu kho why, but why, why in the world? D.II,131; J.II,159; DhA II.91. As kimo in kimo nu why then? J.III,373; V,479 (=kim eva); kimu Sdhp.137; kim pana=nonne: kim pana bhante addasa? “Have you not seen?” D.II,132; kim pana tvaṁ maññasi what then do you think=do you not think then, that? . . . J.I,171; kim aṅga how much more or less, i. e. far more, or far less Miln.274 as kim aṅga pana why then? M.III,181; Miln.23; Vism.233; kin ti how then? D.II,74; kin ti te sutaṁ have you not heard? D.I,104; kintikaro= kathaṅkaro q. v.; kiñca (cp. kiñcâpi under kiñci)= num-que, nonne; is it not that, rather J.I,135 (expld in c. by garahatte ca anuggahatthe nipāto). -- kiñci in comb. with yaṁ or yad: whatever; in other combn positive: some, neg.: na kiñci nothing; yad atthi kiñci whatever there is of . . . Sn.231; n’atthi kiñci there is nothing: see under atthi and kiñcana; kiñci n’atthi loke there is nothing in this world . . . Sn.1122. ‹-› kiñcâpi whatever, however much: kiñcâpi te tattha yatā caranti “however much they endeavour in this” Sn.1080; J.I,147; It.114; KhA 187, 190. Same as disjunctive conjunction with foll. pana: (=Lat. quamvis) kiñcâpi hi . . . pana although . . . yet DhA.I,391; kiñcâpi with pot. . . . atha kho although-yet; it may be that --but S.I,72. -- 3. In composition (°-) often implying doubt, uncertainty (“what is it, that is so & so?”), or expressing strangeness (: doubtful likeness), e. g. kinnara a kind of man (but not sure about it), a half-man; kimpakka odd-looking or doubtful (poisonous) fruit; kimpurisa a strange man (doubtful whether man or beast); cp. kiṁsuka.

--akkhāyin preaching what? in conn. with kiṁ vādin saying what? i. e. holding what views? A.I,62; --atthaṁ for what purpose J.I,279. --atthiya to what purpose J.IV,239; Miln.19; VvA.230; to any purpose, of any use S.V,171; --abhiñña having what name? J.VI,126. --kara doing whatever (his duty), a servant, in k°-patissāvin an obedient servant D.I,60 (cp. expln at DA.I,168) A.III,37; IV,265 sq.; ThA.252; --karaṇīya business, occupation A.III,113, 116, 258; V,24, 90, 338; --kāraṇā (Abl. of kāraṇa) by reason of what, i. e. why? PvA.25; --kusalagavesin striving after that which is good M.I,163=240; --jacca of what caste? Sn.p. 80; --nāma of what name? Miln.15, 17; DhA.III,397 (both konāma and kiṁnāma). --pakka strange or unknown (doubtful) fruit, in °rukkha a tree with odd fruit (i. e. poisonous fruit, cp. Rām. II.66, 6; Kern, Toev. s. v. takes it to be Strychnos nux vomica) J.I,368. --purisa 1. a wild man of the woods J.IV,254; VI,272, 497. -- 2. =kinnara (q. v.) A.I,77; J.V,42, 416. f. kimpurisī J.V,215, 216. --phala=°pakka, in °rukkha a tree with unknown (poisonous) fruit J.I,271. --rukkha what kind of tree J.V,203. --vādin holding what view? A.I,62; --samācāra (a) of what conduct, in comb. with; --sīla of what character Sn.324 (=SnA 331). (Page 212)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[kiṁ+su+ka] N. of a tree (creeper), lit. “whatever-like,” or “what do you call it,” i. e. strange tree (see kiṁ su & kiṁ 3), pop. name for the Butea frondosa S.IV,193 (parable of the k.); J.II,265 (°opama-jātaka); V,405; VI,536. Perhaps v. l. at SnA 284.

--puppha the (red) flower of the k. tree Vism.252. --vaṇṇa of the colour of the k. (flower) J.I,73 (aṅgārā ashes). (Page 213)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kiṁ+su+ka, lit.“whatever-like,” or “what do you call it,”),【阳】甄叔迦花,紧叔迦花,胶虫树(Butea Frondosa;Flame-of-the-forest(不是火焰木),原产於热带亚洲,蝶形花科;型态:株高可达8~15公尺,干易弯曲,叶全缘,叶正面平滑,背面被毛茸,厚纸质,有羽状侧脉6对,叶正面浓绿色,背面浅绿,有拖叶。用途:为优良之园景树、行道树。东印度产的一种乔木,佛经称此树「叶青色,花三色」,意指日出之前,花黑色;日照之时,花赤色;日没之时,花黄色。在印度、斯里兰卡被视为神圣的宗教植物。Santals人并使用其雄花灰烬为避孕药,但俾尔族人(Bhil,东印度西部及中印度善射之原始民族)却将树心捣成泥做为堕胎药。Santals人使用胶虫树(Butea monosperma)种子磨粉敷疗伤处。),古译作:紧兽(S IV.193.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 仆人,随从。(p101)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】仆人,随从。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [=kiṅkiṇika] a small bell J.IV,362; VvA.12. (Page 213)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [onomat. formation fr. sound part. kiṇi, see note on gala] a small bell J.IV,259, 413; (suvaṇṇa°); Vv 781 (=kiṅkiṇi VvA.303); Vin.III,42 (kiṅkiṇikā saddo).

--jāla a net or fringe of tinkling bells D.II,183; J.I,32; DhA.I,274. (Page 213)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】发叮当声铃的网。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 发叮当声铃的网。(p101)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】 发叮当声的铃。(p101)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】发叮当声的铃。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[=kiṅkiṇāyati, denom. fr. kiṅkiṇi, small bell] to tinkle; also spelt kiṇikiṇāyati J.III,315. See also kilikilāyati and cp. Sk. kiṭikiṭāyati to grind (one’s teeth) & Prk. kiḍikiḍiya (chattering) Weber, Bhagavatī p. 289; also BSk. kaṭakaṭāyati Tal. Vist. 251. See taṭataṭayati & note on gala. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(=kiṅkiṇāyati, denom. fr. kiṅkiṇi, small bell) 使发叮当声(to tinkle; also spelt kiṇikiṇāyati J III.315. See also kilikilāyati and cp. Sk. kiṭikiṭāyati to grind (one’s teeth) & Prk. kiḍikiḍiya (chattering) Weber, Bhagavatī p. 289; also BSk. kaṭakaṭāyati Tal. Vist. 251. See taṭataṭayati & note on gala.)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Kiṇāti的【现分】)买。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】小事。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [see kaṇha; DA.I,254 kiṇhā ti kaṇhā, kāḷakā ti attho] black; in the stock phrase muṇḍakā samaṇakā ibbhā k° bandhupādâpaccā D.I,90=116; S.IV,117; M.I,334; II,177; in a moral sense=bad, wicked, with nâlam-ariyā dhammā D.I,163. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(indecl.) a part., expressing the sound of a small bell: “tink” DhA.I,339 (v. l. kiri; see also kili and note on gala). (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ki + ṇā), 买。kiṇi,【过】。kiṇitvā, kītvā, 【独】。ketuŋ, kiṇituŋ, 【不】。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[krī Vedic kriṇāti] to buy Vism.318; pot. kiṇe J.V,375; ger. kiṇitvā M.I,384; J.I,92, 94; inf. kiṇituṁ J.III,282. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(ki+ṇā)(krī Vedic kriṇāti), 买(to buy)。kiṇi,【过】。kiṇitvā, kītvā,【独】。ketuṁ, kiṇituṁ,【不】。pot. kiṇe。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kirati 的【过分】), 已散布。【中】酵母,发酵粉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [cp. Sk. kiṇva] ferment, yeast; Vin.II,116; VvA.73. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kirati 的【过分】), 已散布。 【中】 酵母,发酵粉。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 [pp. of kirati] strewn, scattered, covered; only in compn with profixes: ā°, o°, ud°, upa°, pari°, saṁ°; see also appa°. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '可疑的(doubtful)。PvA 44:kiṭakasadisāni lohapaṭṭasadisāni bhavanti, (女鬼穿上新的、柔软的美服,但)美服变成铜板(they become like (hot) copper plates.)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[doubtful] only at Pv.I,92,4, of clothes which are changed into missā kiṭakā, which is expl. at PvA.44 by kiṭakasadisāni lohapaṭṭasadisāni bhavanti “they become like (hot) copper plates.” (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at Vin.II,153 of ālinda, a verandah, said to be saṁsaraṇa° ugghāṭana° (a movable screen or a curtain that can be drawn aside) Vin Texts III,174, 176. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. krsṭa krs),【中】种玉黍蜀,玉黍蜀田。kiṭṭhāda,【形】吃玉黍蜀。kiṭṭhasambādha-samaya,【阳】收获期,当玉黍蜀成长时。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kṛṣṭa kṛṣ] growing corn, the crop on the ground, a cornfield A.III,393 (in simile), cp. S.IV,195.

--āda eating corn A.III,393. --ārakkha the guardian of the cornfield S.IV,196. --sambādha “when the corn is thick,” in °samaye near harvest-time M.I,115 (in simile); J.I,143 (sassa-samaye+), 338. (Page 214)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 种玉黍蜀。~ṭhāda,【形】 吃玉黍蜀。~sambādha-samaya,【阳】收获期,当玉黍蜀成长时。(p102)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'm. 煩悩. := kilesa', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【阳】(kiṁ 的【单】) 谁(男的)? Ko nu为什么?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see ka. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 (kiŋ 的【单】) 谁(男的)?(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. kuc] see saṁ°. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (nt.) some kind of seat or settee, made of bark, grass or rushes Vin.II,149; IV,40 (where the foll. def. is given: kocchaṁ nāma vāka-mayaṁ vā usīra-mayaṁ vā muñjamayaṁ vā babbaja-mayaṁ vā anto saṁveṭhetvā baddhaṁ hoti. Cp. Vin. Texts I.34; III,165); J.V,407. Also in list of 16 obstructions (palibodhā) at Miln.11. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 (nt.) a comb (for hair-dressing) Vin.II,107; Vv 8446 (=VvA.349); Th.2, 254, 411 (=ThA.267).

--kāra a comb-maker Miln.331 (not in corresp. list of vocations at D.I,51). (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】1.刷子。2.藤椅。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 1. 刷子。2. 藤椅。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see ka. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【无】 有人,某人,任何人。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(ko+ci),【无】有人,某人,任何人。【阳】:单.主.koci;复.主keci;单.宾.kañci;复.宾.keci;单.具.kenaci;复.具.kehici﹑kebhici;单.离.kasmāci﹑kamhāci;复.离.kehici﹑kebhici;单.与.﹑属.kassaci﹑kissaci;复.与.﹑属.kesañci﹑kesānañci;单.处.kasmiñci﹑kamhici(﹑kismiñci﹑kimhici);复.处.kesuci。【阴】:单.主kāci;复.主.kāci﹑kāyoci;单.宾.kañci;复.宾.kāci﹑kāyoci;单.具.kāyaci;复.具.kāhici﹑kābhici;单.离kāyaci;复.离.kāhici﹑kābhici;单.与.﹑属.kāyaci﹑kassāci;复.与.﹑属.kāsañci﹑kāsānañci;单.处.kassāci﹑kāyañci﹑kassañci;复.处.tāsuci。【中】:单.主.kiñci;复.主.kānici;单.宾.kiñci;复.宾.kānici。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. Sk. kodaṇḍa] a cross-bow M.I,429 (opp. to cāpa); Miln.351 (dhanu and k°). °ka same J.IV,433 (expld by dhanu). (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 弓。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】弓、弩。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Vedic krodha fr. krudh, cp. kujjhati] anger. Nearest synonyms are āghāta (Dhs. 1060=Nd2 576, both expositions also of dosa), upanāha (always in chain rāga, dosa, moha, kodha, upanāha) and dhūma (cp. qumόs, Mhg. toûm=anger). As pair k. and upanāha A.I,91, 95; in sequence kodha upanāha makkha paḷāsa, etc. Nd2 rāga 1.; Vbh.357 sq.; Vism.53, 107, 306; in formula abhijjhā byāpāda k. upanāha M.I,36; A.I,299=IV.148; cp. A.IV,456=V.209; V,39, 49 sq., 310, 361. As equivalent of āghāta Dhs.1060=Nd2 576, cp. Pug.18. In other combn: with mada and thambha Sn.245; kadariya Sn.362; pesuniya Sn.928; mosavajja Sn.866, 868 (cp. S.I,169). Other passages, e. g. A.I,283; S.I,240; Sn.537, (lobha°); Pv.II,37; Dh.I,52 (anattha-janano kodho); PvA.55, 222. -- kodha is one of the obstacles to Arahantship, and freedom from kodha is one of the fundamental virtues of a wellbalanced mind. -- mā vo kodho ajjhabhavi “let not anger get the better of you” S.I,240; māno hi te brāhmaṇa khāribhāro kodho dhūmo bhasmani mosavajjaṁ, etc. “anger is the smoke (smouldering) in the ashes” S.I,169=Nd2 576. -- kodhaṁ chetvā cutting off anger S.I,41=47=161=237; kodhaṁ jahe vippajaheyya mānaṁ “give up anger, renounce conceit” J.I,23 25=Dh.221; kodhaṁ pajahanti vipassino: “the wise give up anger” It.2=7; panuṇṇa-kodha (adj.) one who has driven out anger Sn.469; akkodhena jine kodhaṁ conquer anger by meekness Dh.223=J.II,4= VvA.69. Yo ye uppatitaṁ kodhaṁ rathaṁ bhantaṁ va dhāraye tam ahaṁ sārathiṁ brūmi -- “He who restrains rising anger as he would a drifting cart, him I call a waggoner” Dh.222, cp. Sn.1. -- akkodha freedom from anger, meekness, conciliation M.I,44; S.I,240 (with avihiṁsā tenderness, kindness); A.I,95; Dh.223=J.II,4=VvA.69.

--âtimāna anger and conceit Sn.968. --upāyāsa companionship or association with anger, the state of being pervaded with anger (opp. akkodh°) M.I,360, 363; often compared with phenomena of nature suggesting swelling up, viz. “uddhumāyika” kodhupāyāsassa adhivacanaṁ M.I,144; “sa-ummī” It.114; “sobbho papāto” S.III,109; --garu “having respect for” i. e. pursuing anger (opp. saddhammagaru) A.II,46 sq., 84; --paññāṇa (adj.) knowing the true nature of anger Sn.96 (cp. SnA 170); --bhakkha feeding on, i. e. fostering anger, Ep. of a Yakkha S.I,238; --vinaya the discipline or control of anger A.I,91; V,165, 167 (combd. with upanāha vinaya). (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 激怒。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Vedic krodha fr. krudh, cp. kujjhati),【阳】忿怒(anger)。kodhaṁ chetvā, 切断瞋恚(cutting off anger S.I,41=47=161=237)。akkodha, 无忿(freedom from anger)。kodhātimāna, 忿与过慢(anger and conceit Sn.968.) kodhupāyāsa, 瞋恼(companionship or association with anger, the state of being pervaded with anger (opp. akkodhupāyāsa无瞋恼))。 kodhagaru “having respect for” i. e. pursuing anger (opp. saddhammagaru) A.II,46 sq., 84; kodhapaññāṇa,【形】瞋的方法(knowing the true nature of anger Sn.96 (cp. SnA 170))。kodhabhakkha, 喂养瞋(feeding on, i. e. fostering anger, Ep. of a Yakkha S.I,238)。kodhavinaya, 调伏瞋的方法(the discipline or control of anger)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(fr. kodha),【形】易怒的,不受控制的(心)(having anger, angry, uncontrolled)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 易怒的,不受控制的(心) 。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kodha] having anger, angry, uncontrolled]; usually in combn with upanāhin, e. g. Vin.II,89; D.III,45, 246; A.V,156, cp. Sn.116; S.II,206; Pug.18. -- k° kodhābhibhūta A.IV,94 sq.; k° kodhavinayassa na vaṇṇavādī A.V,165. -- Used of caṇḍa PvA.83. -- Cp. S.IV,240; M.I,42 sq., 95 sq.; PvA.82. ‹-› akkodhana friendly, well-disposed, loving D.III,159; S.II,207; iV.243; M.I,42 sq., 95 sq.; Sn.19, 624, 8Q0, 941; Vv 155; VvA.69. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see koṭumbara. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】僞善,欺骗。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. kuhana] hypocrisy, deceit J.II,72; III,268; IV,304; DhA.I,141. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 伪善,欺骗。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'mail armour J.IV,296 (=kavaca). (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】地毯。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a rug or cover with long hair, a fleecy counterpane Vin.I,281; DhA.I,177; III,297 (pāvāra°); Dāvs.V,36. Often in expln of goṇaka (q. v.) as dīgha-lomaka mahākojava DA.I,86; PvA.157. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 地毯。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 [not=Sk. koka, cuckoo] a wolf J.VI,525; Nd1 13= Nd2 420; Miln.267=J.V,416. °vighāsa remainder of a wolf’s meal Vin.III,58. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2 [cp. Sk. koka] N. of a tree, Phœnix sylvestris: see keka. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】狼。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 狼。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. Sk. kokanada] the (red) lotus A.III,239=J.I,116. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】红睡莲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 红睡莲。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】杜鹃鸟(cuckoo)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 杜鹃鸟。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. koka a kind of goose, also cuckoo, with derivation kokila cuckoo; cp. Gr. kόkkuc, Lat. cuculus, E. cuckoo] the Indian cuckoo. Two kinds mentioned at VvA.57: kāḷa° and phussa° black and speckled k. ‹-› As citra° at J.V,416. -- Vv 111, 588; VvA.132, 163. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'the red lotus in °jāta “like the red lotus,” said of the flower of the Pāricchattaka tree A.IV,118. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】【中】枣子(jujube)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳、中】 枣子。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [Halāyudha II.71 gives kola in meaning of “hog,” corrupted fr. kroḍa] the jujube fruit M.I,80; A.III,49 (sampanna-kolakaṁ sūkaramaṁsa “pork with jujube”); J.III,22 (=badara); VI,578.

--mattiyo (pl.) of the size of a j. truit, always comb. w. kolaṭṭhi-mattiyo, of boils A.V,170=Sn.p. 125, cp. S.I,150; --rukkha the j. tree SnA 356; DA.I,262; --sampāka cooked with (the juice of) jujube Vv 435 (=VvA.186). (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】胡椒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 胡椒。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】 大的广口瓶。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(and koḷamba VvA) a pot or vessel in general. In Vin always together with ghaṭa, pitcher: Vin.I,208, 213, 225, 286; J.I,33; DA.I,58; VvA.36. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(and koḷamba VvA),【阳】大的广口瓶(a pot or vessel in general)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'at A.I,38 is composition form of kulaputta, and is to be combined with the foll. --vaṇṇa-pokkharatā, i. e. light colour as becoming a man of good family. Kern, Toev. s. v. quite unnecessarily interprets it as “heroncolour,” comparing Sk. kolapuccha heron. A similar passage at Nd1 80=Nd2 505 reads kolaputtikena vā vaṇṇapokkharatāya vā, thus taking kolaputtikaṁ as nt, meaning a man of good virtue. The A passage may be corrupt and should then be read °puttikaṁ. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kolañña- (fr. kula),【形】生在良家(born of (good) family (cp. kulaja)。kolañña-, 属於良家(belonging to the family of )。khīṇa-kolañña ,【形】来到世间(one who has come down in the world Vin.I,86.)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kula] born of (good) family (cp. kulaja); as --°, belonging to the family of . . . D.I,89; DA.I,252; Miln.256. --khīṇa-kolañña (adj.) one who has come down in the world Vin.I,86. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】家家。SA.48.24./III,238.︰Yo pana dve tayo bhave saṁsaritvā dukkhassantaṁ karoti, ayaṁ kolaṁkolo nāma. (他轮回流转二或三家之后,就灭尽苦。此名为‘家家’。) 「家家」为预流者之最高者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(der. fr. kula)﹐家家者,此须陀洹证得阿罗汉果前再生於良善家庭两或三次(going from kula to kula (clan to clan) in saṁsāra)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[der. fr. kula] going from kula to kula (clan to clan) in saṁsāra: A.I,233=Pug.16; S.V,205; Nett 189, cp. A.IV,381; A.V,120. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】枣子的种子(the kernel of the jujube)。kolaṭṭhimattiyo (pl.) S.I,150=A.V,170=Sn.p. 125 (with kolamattiyo), and kolaṭṭhimattā Th.2, 498=ThA.289; DhA.I,319.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'the kernel of the jujube, only in cpd. °mattiyo (pl.) S.I,150=A.V,170=Sn.p. 125 (with kolamattiyo), and °mattā Th.2, 498=ThA.289; DhA.I,319. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 枣子的种子。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) of good breed, noble, appld to dogs J.I,175; IV,437. Cp. kolīniyā, and Divy 165: kolikagadrabha a donkey of good breed. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】好族类(说及狗;of good breed, noble, appld to dogs)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 好族类(说及狗)。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kola] of the fruit of the jujube tree J.III,22, but wrongly expld as kula-dattika ph.=given by a man of (good) family. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】拘利族和释迦族 (Sākya) 同族的一个氏族的名字。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 拘利族 和释迦族 (Sākya) 同族的一个氏族的名字。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) (cp. also halāhala) shouting, uproar, excitement about (-°), tumult, foreboding, warning about something, hailing. There are 5 kolāhalāni enumd at KhA 120 sq. viz. kappa° (the announcement of the end of the world, cp. Vism.415 sq.), cakkavatti° (of a worldking), buddha° (of a Buddha), maṅgala° (that a Buddha will pronounce the “eu)aggέlion”), moneyya° (that a monk will enquire of the Lord after the highest wisdom, cp. SnA 490). One may compare the 3 (mahā-)halāhalāni given at J.I,48 as kappa-halāhala, buddha° and cakkavatti°, eka-kolāhalaṁ one uproar J.IV,404; VI,586; DhA.II,96. See also Vin.II,165, 275, 280; J.V,437; DhA.I,190; PvA.4; VvA.132. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 死树,洞树。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】死树,洞树。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'koḷāpa a. 生気なき, 空洞ある(木). cf. Sk. koṭara', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '(f.) well-bred, of good family J.II,348 (BB koleyyaka). (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 软的,生情的。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】软的,生情的。see kamala。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see kamala; Mhbv 29. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. kumuda the white waterlily, cp. Sk. kaumudī),【阴】月光(moonlight),迦底迦月(Kattika﹐9月16至10月15)份的月圆日。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [fr. kumuda the white waterlily, cp. Sk. kaumudī] moonlight; the full-moon day in the month Kattika, usually in phrase komudī catumāsinī Vin.I,155, 176, sq.; D.I,47 (expld at DA.I,139 as: tadā kira kumudāni supupphitāni honti) or in phrase komudiyā puṇṇamāya DhA.III,461. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 月光,迦底迦 (Kattika) 月份的月圆日。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(fr. kumāra),【形】少年(juvenile, belonging to a youth or maiden)。komārabhacca,【中】育婴,王子收养。komārabrahmacariyā,【阴】从幼年开始的梵行(童贞入道)。komārī,【阴】处女(a virgin)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. kumāra] (adj.) juvenile, belonging to a youth or maiden: f. komārī a virgin A.IV,210.

--pati husband of a girl-wife J.II,120. --brahmacariyā (°ṁ carati) to practise the vow of chastity or virginity A.III,224; ThA.99. --bhacca Np. “master of the k°-science,” i. e. of the medical treatment of infants (see note on Vin.I,269 at Vin. Texts II.174). As such it is the cognomen of Jīvaka D.I,47 (as Komārabhacca DA.I,132); Vin.I,71; J.I,116; cp. Sdhp.351. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【 形】 少年。 ~bhacca,【 中】 婴儿的治疗,王子收养。 ~brahmacariyā,【阴】 从幼年开始的梵行。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(and °ika)=prec. A.I,261; J.II,180 (dhamma virginity); of a young tree S.IV,160. --f. °ikā J.III,266. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '参考 kunta。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'a pennant, standard (cp. kunta) J.VI,454; DA.I,244; SnA 317. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】1.细长三角旗。2.一种鸟。参考 kunta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'at J.VI,454 is expld by camma-kāra, thus “worker in leather (-shields or armour),” with der. fr. konta (“satthitāya kontāya likhattā . . .”), but reading and meaning are uncertain. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(诸佛名)果那嘎马那, (古音译:)拘那含牟尼', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '果那嘎马那佛(拘那含牟尼佛)。现在贤劫的果那嘎马那佛;
“诸比库,于此贤劫中,果那嘎马那世尊、阿拉汉、正自觉者曾出现于世。”(D.14)', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '[fr. kup] ill-temper, anger, grudge Vin.II,184=Sn.6; Dhs.1060; with appaccaya (mistrust) M.I,27; almost exclusively in phrase kopañ ca dosañ ca appaccayañ ca pātukaroti (pātvakāsi) “he shows forth ill-temper, malice and mistrust” (of a “codita” bhikkhu) D.III,159; S.IV,305; M.I,96 sq., 250, 442; A.I,124, 187; II,203; III,181 sq.; IV,168, 193; J.I,301; Sn.p. 92. ‹-› akopa (adj.) friendly, without hatred, composed Sn.499.

--antara (adj.) one who is under the power of illtemper S.I,24. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(fr. kup),【阳】激怒,脾气暴躁(ill-temper, anger, grudge)。kopaneyya,【形】易於激起忿怒的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 激怒,脾气暴躁。 ~neyya, 【形】 易于激起忿怒的。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kopa] apt to arouse anger J.VI,257. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[caus. of kuppati] to set into agitation, to shake, to disturb: rājadhamme akopetvā not disturbing the royal rules PvA.161; J.II,366=DhA.IV,88; kammaṁ kopetuṁ Vin.IV,153 to find fault with a lawful decision; kāyangaṁ na kopeti not to move a limb of the body: see kāya. Cp. paṭi°, pari°, vi°, saṁ°. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kuppati 的【使】), 使生气,使扰乱,使动摇。kopesi,【过】。kopita,【过分】。kopiyamāna,【现分】。kopetvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kuppati 的【使】), 使生气,扰乱,动摇,犯法。 kopesi,【 过】。 kopita,【过分】。 kopetvā, 【独】。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】脾气暴躁的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】 脾气暴躁的。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. Sk. kaupīna] a loin-cloth J.V,404; Pv.II,323; PvA.172; Sdhp.106.

--niddaṁsanin “one who removes the loin-cloth,” i. e. shameless, impure D.III,183. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 生殖器官。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. kaupīna),【中】腰布(a loin-cloth)。yāvadeva hirikopīnapaṭicchādanatthaṁ﹐仅仅只是为了遮蔽羞处。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. kauravya] Np. as cognomen: the descendant of Kuru J.II,371 (of Dhanañjaya). (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Koravya(Sk. kauravya),【形】俱卢 (Kuru﹐今印度德里附近) 的后裔,俱卢 (Kuru) 国家的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'Koravya, 【形】俱卢 (Kuru) 的后裔,属于俱卢 (Kuru) 国家的。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. Kauravya] Kuru(俱盧)的子孫(後代).', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. Kauravya] Kuru の子孫.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. ku+raj or rañj, cp. rāga] affected, excitable, infatuated Nd1 226=Nd2 342 (v. l. kocaraka)=Vism.26 (v. l. korañjika). (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(cp. Sk. koraka), 【阳】【中】1.芽(bud)。2. (刀、剑、树叶等的)鞘( a sheath)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(m. nt.) [cp. Sk. koraka] 1. a bud J.II,265. ‹-› 2. a sheath J.III,282. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 芽。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. koraka] full of buds VvA.288. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[=kuraṇḍaka] a shrub and its flower J.V,473 (°dāma, so read for karaṇḍaka), VI,536; as Npl. in Koraṇḍaka-vihāra Vism.91. (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) a hen v. l. (ti vā pāḷi) at Th.2, 381 for turiyā. See also ThA.255 (=kuñcakārakukkuṭī). (Page 229)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (m. nt.) [cp. Sk. kośa and koṣa, cavity, box vessel, cp. Goth. hūs, E. house; related also kukṣi=P. kucchi] any cavity or enclosure containing anything, viz. 1. a store-room or storehouse, treasury or granary A.IV,95 (rāja°); Sn.525; J.IV,409 (=wealth, stores); J.VI,81 (aḍḍhakosa only half a house) in cpd. --° koṭṭhāgāra, expld at DA.I,295 as koso vuccati bhaṇḍāgāraṁ. Four kinds are mentioned: hatthī°, assā°, rathā°, raṭṭhaṁ°. ‹-› 2. a sheath, in khura° Vism.251, paṇṇa° KhA 46. ‹-› 3. a vessel or bowl for food: see kosaka. -- 4. a cocoon, see --°kāraka; -- 5. the membranous cover of the male sexual organ, the praeputium J.V,197. The Com. expls by sarīra-saṁkhāta k°. See cpd. kosohita. ‹-› Cp. also kosī.

--ārakkha the keeper of the king’s treasury (or granary) A.III,57; --ohita ensheathed, in phrase kosohita vatthaguyha “having the pudendum in a bag.” Only in the brahmin cosmogonic myth of the superman (mahā-purisa) D.III,143, 161. Applied as to this item, to the Buddha D.I,106 (in the Cy DA.I,275, correct the misprint kesa into kosa) D.II,17; Sn.1022 pp. 106, 107; Miln.167. For the myth see Dial III,132--136. --kāraka the “cocoon-maker,” i. e. the silk-worm, Vin.III,224; Vism.251. --koṭṭhāgāra “treasury and granary” usually in phrase paripuṇṇa --k -k (adj.) “with stores of treasures and other wealth” Vin.I,342; D.I,134; S.I,89; Miln.2; & passim. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 储藏室,库房,国库,鞘,茧。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2(梵krowa), 音译:拘娄舍。为衡量距离之单位,其距离为恰可闻及一牛鸣叫之声。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 at VvA.349 is marked by Hardy, Index and trsld by scar or pock. It should be corrected to kesa, on evidence of corresp. passage in ThA.267 (cp. koccha). (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1(梵kowa and kosa),【阳】储藏室,库房,国库,鞘,茧(台语:趼lan)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】懈怠,懒惰,怠惰。AA.6.55.(CS:p.3.124):Kosajjāyāti kusītabhāvatthāya.(懒惰:懒惰的状况)。《解脱道论》卷第四:「懈怠者,谓心懒堕。」(T32.416.2)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [From kusīta] idleness, sloth, indolence; expld at Vbh.369. -- Vin.II,2; S.V,277--280; A.I,11, 16; II,218; III,375, 421; V,146 sq.; 159 sq.; A.IV,195= Dh.241; Miln.351; Vism.132; Nett 127; DhA.III,347; IV,85; DhsA.146; SnA 21. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 懒惰,怠惰。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳、中】 杯子,饮料容器,小箱,小鞘。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[fr. kosa] 1. a sheath for a needle J.III,282; ‹-› 2. a bowl, container, or vessel for food J.I,349 (v. l. kesaka); M.II,6, 7, (-°āhāra adj. living on a bowl-full of food; also aḍḍha°) Vism.263. -- 3. case for a key (kuñcikā°) Vism.251. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】【中】杯子,饮料容器,小箱,小鞘。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. Kauśala] 憍薩羅 [十六大國之一, 首都是 Sāvatthī].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '【阳】 峤萨罗国(国名,在佛陀的时候是一个显着的国家)。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(古国名)高沙喇, (古音译:)憍萨罗,拘萨罗,拘舍罗', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '【阳】憍萨罗国(国名)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'm. [Sk. Kauśala] コーサラ, 憍薩羅 [十六大国の一, 首都はSāvatthī].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'a. [Kosala-ka] コーサラの, コーサラ国人.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'a. [Kosala-ka] Kosala(憍薩羅)的, 憍薩羅國人.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '(nt.) [der. fr. kusala] proficiency. There are 3 kinds mentioned at D.III,220, Vbh.325 & Vism.439 sq., viz. āya°, apāya° and upāya°; at Dhs.16=20=292= 555=Nd2 ad paññā it is classed between paṇḍicca and nepuñña. See also Pug.25; Vism.128 sq. (appanā°), 241 sq. (uggaha° & manasikāra°), 248 (bojjhaṅga°); PvA.63, 99 (upāya°). (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 精通。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】精通。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '=ka+samattha “who is able,” i. e. able, fit DA.I,27. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '樹や果の名', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': 'Kosambika, Kosambiya a. [<Kosambī] Kosambī (憍賞彌)的.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': 'Kosambika, Kosambiya a. [<Kosambī] コーサンビーの.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'Kosambaka,Kosambiya a. [<Kosambī] コーサンビーの', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': 'Kosambaka, Kosambika a. [<Kosambī] コーサンビーの', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【阴】憍赏弥(跋蹉 (Vaṁsa) 的首都名字)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'f. [Sk. Kauśāmbī] 憍賞彌 [Vaṃsa(跋蹉)國的首都].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '(城市名)高赏比, (古音译:)憍赏弥,俱睒弥', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
{'def': '【阴】 峤赏弥(跋蹉 (Vaŋsa) 的首都名字)。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'f. [Sk. Kauśāmbī] コーサンビー, 憍賞弥 [ウァンサ国の首都].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '【中】 肉豆寇(见 Jātiphala)。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】肉豆寇(nutmeg﹐见 Jātiphala)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'n. [<kosa, Sk. kauśeya]丝,蚕丝,絹, 絹糸, 絹布, 絹衣, 憍奢耶 =kosiya. -sukhuma憍奢耶細衣,野蚕の細衣', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【中】 丝,丝布料。 【形】 绸的。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[der. fr. kosa, cp. Sk. kauśeya silk-cloth and P. kosa-kāraka] silk; silken material Vin.I,58=Miln.267; Vin.I,192, 281; II,163, 169; D.I,7, cp. A.I,181 (see DA.I,87); A.IV,394; Pv.II,117; J.I,43; VI,47.

--pāvāra a silk garment Vin.I,281; --vattha a silk garment DhA.I,395. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】丝绸,绢布。【形】丝绸的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'Kosiya m. [Sk. Kauśika] 憍戸迦, 拘翼 =帝釈天.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': '=kosiya, an owl J.V,120. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】猫头鹰(owl)。台语:暗光鸟、猫头鸟、孤黄。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 猫头鹰。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'Kosiya m. [Sk. Kauśika] 憍戸迦, 拘翼 = 帝釋天.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '【形】 属于拘尸那罗 (Kusinārā) 的。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】拘尸那罗 (Kusinārā) 的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'an owl J.II,353, cp. Np. Kosiyāyana J.I,496. Biḷārakosika (and °kosiya) J.IV,69. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Kosika ①m.[Sk. Kauśika] 憍尸迦,拘翼(帝釈天).', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': 'kosika ① [Sk. kauśika] 梟(ふくろう). ② =koseyya. –kāraka養蚕家', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【形】 把…插入鞘内。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】把…插入鞘内。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a.[BSK.kosopagata]陰処,陰藏.-vatthaguyha陰馬藏,陰処は覆被に隠される[三十二相の一]', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【阳】 国库的监护人。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】国库的监护人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】丝瓜(〔丝瓜属〕(Luffa acutangula) 攀缘草本热带植物,果实呈圆柱状,内部为纤维状,类似海绵),古音译:憍赏塔奇树。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 丝瓜(〔丝瓜属〕(Luffa acutangula) 攀缘草本热带植物,果实呈圆柱状,内部为纤维状,类似海绵)。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. kośītakī] a kind of creeper Vv 474; Vism.256, 260, 359; VvA.200; --bīja the seed of the k. A.I,32=V.212. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Kosātakī f. [Sk. kośātakī] 蔓草, 葫蘆, ひょうたん', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '【阴】 鞘。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(f.) a sheath D.I,77=M.II,17. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】鞘(sheath)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(koṭṭhalī?) a sack (?) Vin.III,189=IV.269. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[koṭṭhu J only: cp. Sk. kroṣṭu, of kruś] a jackal D.III,25, 26; M.I,334; Nd1 149 (spelt koṭṭhu); J.VI,537 (°sunā: expld by sigāla-sunakhā, katthu-soṇā ti pi pāṭho). kotthuka (and koṭṭhuka)=prec. S.I,66 (where text has kutthaka) J.II,108; Miln.23. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kotthuka, 【阳】 豺,胡狼,野干。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kotthuka,【阳】豺,胡狼,野干。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】刺激,好奇心。kotūhalamaṅgaliko﹐迷信徴兆。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [on formation cp. kolāhala; see also kutūhala] excitement, tumult, festival, fair Dāvs II.80; esp. in °maṅgalaṁ paccāgacchati he visits the fair or show of . . . M.I,265; A. III,439; °maṅgalika celebrating feasts, festive A.III,206; J.I,373; Miln.94 (cp. Miln.trsl. I.143n: the native commentator refers it to erroneous views and discipline called kotūhala and maṅgalika) -- (b) adj.: kotūhala excited, eager for, desirous of Miln.4; DhA.I,330.

--sadda shout of excitement Miln.301. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 刺激,好奇心。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [ku+vid] one who is in the possession of right wisdom, with ref. either to dhamma, magga, or ariyasaccāni, closely related to medhāvin and paṇḍita. S.I,146, 194, 196 (ceto-pariyāya°); A.II,46; M.I,1, 7, 135, 300, 310, 433; Dh.403=Sn.627; Sn.484 (jātimaraṇa°), 653 (kammavipāka°); Pv.I,1112; Vv 159 (=VvA.73), 6330 (=VvA.269); Miln.344; Sdhp.350. --akovida ignorant of true wisdom (dhammassa) S.I,162; Sn.763; S.IV,287=Nd2 on attānudiṭṭhi. (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】 聪明的,很熟练的,精通的。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【形】聪明的,很熟练的,精通的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kovidāra] Bauhinia variegata; a tree in the devaloka (pāricchattaka koviḷāra: k-blossom, called p. VvA.174) A.IV,117 sq.; Sn.44; J.IV,29; Vv 381; DhA.I,270.

--puppha the flower of the K. tree SnA 354 (where the limbs of one afflicted with leprosy are compared with this flower). (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 苍鹭。~nāda, 【阳】 参考 Kuñcanāda。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 =abbr. of koñca-nāda, trumpeting, in koñcaṁ karoti to trumpet (of elephants) Vin.III,109; J.VI,497.

--nāda the trumpeting of an elephant (“the heron’s cry”) [not with Morris, J.P.T.S. 1887, 163 sq. to kruñc. (meaning to bend, cp. Lat. crux, E. ridge), but prob. a contamination of krośa, fr. krus to crow, and kuñja=kuñjara, elephant (q. v.). Partly suggested at Divy 251; see also expln at VvA.35, where this connection is quite evident.] J.I,50; Miln.76 (in etymol. play with koñca); VvA.35. --rāva=prec. DhA.IV,70. --vādikā a kind of bird J.VI,538. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】苍鹭(heron)。koñcanāda,【阳】。参考 Kuñcanāda。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 [cp. Sk. krauñca & kruñc] the heron, often in combn with mayūra (peacock): Th.1, 1113; Vv 111, 358; J.V,304; VI,272; or with haṁsa Pv.II,123. -- Expld as sārasa VvA.57; jiṇṇa° an old heron Dh.155. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Kolamba m. 瓶, 甕, かめ', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
{'def': '(or kolika?) (f.) adj.=kolaka, appl. to boils, in pīḷikoḷikā (itthi) having boils of jujube size Th.2, 395 (expl. at ThA.259; akkhidalesu nibbattanakā pīḷikā vuccati). (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(and kolāpa) (adj.) 1. dry, sapless; always appld to wood, freq. in similes S.IV,161, 185; M.I,242; III,95; J.III,495; Miln.151; DhA.II,51; IV,166. -- 2. hollow tree Nd2 40; SnA 355 (where Weber, Ind. Streifen V.1862, p. 429 suggests reading koṭara=Sk. koṭara hollow tree; unwarranted). (Page 230)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. koṇa & also P. kaṇṇa] 1. a corner Vin.II,137; catu°=catu-kaṇṇa PvA.52; --°racchā crossroads PvA.24. -- 2. a plectrum for a musical instrument Miln.53. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 角落,末端,弓。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】角落,末端,弓。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a- damaka (?) [cp. kuṇḍa] J.IV,389; also as v. l. B at J.II,209. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a well-known gotta J.II,360. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'm. [BSk. Kauṇḍinya] 憍陳如 [最初の仏弟子, 五比丘の一] = Aññā-Koṇḍañña.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'm. [BSk. Kauṇḍinya] 憍陳如 [最初的佛弟子, 五比丘之一] = Aññā-Koṇḍañña.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '(v. l. B. koṇḍa) (?) a man of dirty habits J.II,209. 210, 212. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a cripple J.II,118. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[fr. kūṭa2] belonging to a peak, in cpd. °pabbata “peak-mountain,” Npl. Vism.127 (write as K°), 292. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】女人性器官。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 女性的器官。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'pudendum muliebre, in conn. with kāṭa as a vile term of abuse Vin.IV,7 (Bdhgh. koṭacikā ti itthinimittaṁ . . . hīno nāma akkoso). (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. koṭi & kūṭa2] the end-(a) of space: the extreme part, top, summit, point (cp. anta to which it is opposed at J.VI,371): dhanu-koṭiṁ nissāya “through the (curved) end of my bow,” i. e. by means of hunting J.II,200; aṭṭhi-koṭi the tip of the bone J.III,26; cāpa° a bow VvA.261; vema° the part of a loom that is moved DhA.III,175; khetta° the top (end) of the field SnA 150; caṅkamana° the far end of the cloister J.IV,30; PvA.79. -- (b) of time: a division of time, with reference either to the past or the future, in pubba° the past (cp. pubbanta), also as purima°; and pacchima° the future (cp. aparanta). These expressions are used only of saṁsāra: saṁsārassa purimā koṭi na paññāyati “the first end, i. e. the beginning of S. is not known” Nd2 664; DhsA.11; of pacchimā koṭi ibid. -- anamatagg’âyaṁ saṁsāro, pubba° na paññāyati S’s end and beginning are unthinkable, its starting-point is not known (to beings obstructed by ignorance) S.II,178=III,149= Nd2 664=Kvu 29=PvA.166; cp. Bdhd 118 (p.k. na ñāyati). -- koṭiyaṁ ṭhito bhāvo “my existence in the past” J.I,167. -- (c) of number: the “end” of the scale, i. e. extremely high, as numeral representing approximately the figure a hundred thousand (cp. Kirfel, Kosmographie. p. 336). It follows on satasahassāni Nd2 664, and is often increased by sata° or sahassa°, esp. in records of wealth (dhana) Sn.677; J.I,227, 230, 345=DhA.I,367 (asīti°-vibhavo); J.I,478; PvA.3, 96; cp. also koṭisatā arahanto Miln.6, 18. -- kahāpaṇa-koṭi-santhārena “for the price (lit. by the spreading out) of 10 million kahāpaṇas” Vin.II,159= J.I,94 (ref. to the buying of Jetavana by Anāthapiṇḍika).

--gata “gone to the end,” having reached the end, i. e. perfection, nibbāna. Nd2 436; --ppatta=prec. Nd2 436; as “extreme” J.I,67. --simbalī N. of a tree (in Avīci) Sdhp.194. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(Sk. koṭi & kūṭa2),【阴】1.顶、点(the extreme part, top, summit, point)。2.一千万(ten million),一说为‘十万’(a hundred thousand)。koṭippakoṭi,【阴】1,000,000,000,000, 000,000,000(pakoṭi=100x100,000)。koṭippatta,【形】已到达结束,完全抓住。十亿(koṭisata =satakoṭi)。kahāpaṇa-koṭi-santhārena﹐(for the price (lit. by the spreading out) of 10 million kahāpaṇas” Vin II.159= J I.94 (ref. to the buying of Jetavana by Anāthapiṇḍika))。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【 阴】 高耸,高峰会,点,结束,一千万。~ppakoti,【 阴】 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000。~ppatta, 【形】 有再ached 结束,完全抓住。(p108)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. koṭi] 1. having a point or a top, with ref. to the human teeth as eka°, dvi°, ti°, catu°, or teeth with one, two, etc., points Vism.251. -- 2. having an end or climax SA on pariyanta (see KS. p. 320); āpāna° lasting till the end of life Miln.397: Vism.10. ‹-› 3. referring to (both) ends (of saṁsāra), in ubhato° pañhā questions regarding past & future M.I,393 sq. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(nt.) [fr. kuṭila] crookedness Dhtm 526; Abhp 859. As koṭilya at Dhtp 472. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】弯曲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 弯曲。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. koṭi] aiming for an end or goal J.VI,254 (cp. ākoṭana2). (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kūṭa~, 【阳】 棉树顶。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kūṭasimbalī,【阳】多刺的红棉树(thorny red cotton tree)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(nt.) [cp. BSk. kauṭumba Divy 559] a kind of cloth J.VI,47 (coming from the kingdom of k.), 500 (spelt kodumb°). --°ka k.-stuffs Miln.2. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(?) breaking, asi-k° note on Vin.IV,363 (for asikoṭṭha Vin.IV,171?); °aṭṭhi at Vism.254 read koṭṭh°. (Page 227)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[fr. koṭṭeti] 1. grinding, crushing, pounding (grains) J.I,475; °pacan’ādi pounding and cooking, etc. DhA.II,261. -- 2. hammering or cutting (?) in dāru° J.II,18; VI,86 (maṁsa°, here “beating,” T. spells ṭṭh). Cp. adhikuṭṭanā. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kuṭ & kuṭṭa1. Expld one-sidedly by Dhtp (91 & 556) as “chedane” which is found only in 3 and adhikuṭṭanā. The meaning “beat” is attributed by Dhtp (557) & Dhtm (783) to root kuṭ3 (see kūṭa3) by expla “akoṭane.” Cp. also kūṭa4; ākoṭeti & paṭikoṭeti]--1. to beat, smash, crush, pound J.I,478; VI,366 (spelt ṭṭh); DhA.I,25 (suvaṇṇaṁ) 165. -- 2. to make even (the ground or floor) Vin.II,291 (in making floors); J.VI,332. -- 3. to cut, kill SnA 178 (=hanti of Sn.121); DhA.I,70 (pharasunā). -- pp. koṭṭita. -- Caus. koṭṭāpeti to cause to beat, to massage Vin.II,266; J.IV,37 (ṭṭ the only v. l. B.; T. has ṭṭh). (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Koṭṭheti (cp. Sk. kuṭ & kuṭṭa1),1.打击(to beat, smash, crush, pound)。2.弄平(to make even (the ground or floor))。3.切,杀(to cut, kill(=hanti))。pp. koṭṭita.。ger. koṭṭetvā。caus. koṭṭāpeti, 使打击。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '3(cp.Sk.kuṭṭha), 可能是:闭鞘姜、土地公拐、水蕉花(Costus speciosus) (J V.420.)花冠略呈歪斜喇叭状,白色,偶有淡粉红色,径可达60mm;穗状花絮密集顶生。蒴果略呈球形,具三棱,萼片宿存;熟果红色。叶互生,常沿茎呈轮梯状生长;披针形,被面被绒毛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (m. nt.) [Sk. koṣṭha abdomen, any cavity for holding food, cp. kuṣṭa groin, and also Gr. ku/tos cavity, kuζdos pudendum muliebre, kuζtis bladder = E. cyst, chest; Lat. cunnus pudendum, Ger. hode testicle] anything hollow and closed in (Cp. gabbha for both meanings) as -- 1. the stomach or abdomen Miln.265, Vism.357; Sdhp.257. -- 2. a closet, a monk’s cell, a storeroom, M.I,332; Th.2, 283 (?)=ThA, 219; J.II,168. ‹-› 3. a sheath, in asi° Vin.IV,171.

--aṭṭhi a stomach bone or bone of the abdomen Vism.254, 255. --abbhantara the intestinal canal Miln.67; --âgāra (nt.) storehouse, granary, treasury: in conn. with kosa (q. v.) in formula paripuṇṇa-kosa-koṭṭhâgāra (adj.) D.I,134, expld at DA.I,295 as threefold, viz. dhana° dhañña° vattha°, treasury, granary, warehouse; PvA.126, 133; --âgārika a storehouse-keeper, one who hoards up wealth Vin.I,209; DhA.I,101; --āsa [=koṭṭha +aṁsa] share, division, part; °koṭṭhāsa (adj.) divided into, consisting of. K. is a prose word only and in all Com. passages is used to explain bhāga: J.I,254; 266; VI,368; Miln.324; DhA.IV,; 108 (=pada), 154; PvA.58, 111, 205 (kāma°=kāmaguṇā); VvA.62; anekena k°-ena infinitely PvA.221. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '3 [cp. Sk. kuṭṭha] N. of a plant, Costus speciosus (?) J.V,420. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '2, 可能是:啄木鸟(woodpecker?)J VI.539。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 腹部,(尤指监狱或寺院的)单人房间,储藏室,库房。 ~āgāra,【中】 壳仓,国库,仓库。 ~āgārika, 【阳】 仓库管理员。 ~āsaya, 【形】在腹部中存在的。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1(Sk.kosṭha),【阳】腹部,(尤指监狱或寺院的)单人房间,储藏室,库房。koṭṭhāgāra,【中】壳仓,国库,仓库。koṭṭhāgārika,【阳】仓库管理员。koṭṭhāsaya,【形】在腹部中存在的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '2 a bird J.VI,539 (woodpecker?). (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 要塞,堡垒。 2. 出入口。 3. 隐藏的地点。 4. 壁橱,储藏室。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 [cp. Sk. koyaṣṭika] the paddy-bird, as rukkha° J.III,25; II,163 (v. l. ṭṭ). (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】1.要塞,堡垒。2.出入口。3.隐藏的地点。4.壁橱,储藏室。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (nt.) “a kind of koṭṭha,” the stronghold over a gateway, used as a store-room for various things, a chamber, treasury, granary Vin.II,153, 210; for the purpose of keeping water in it Vin.II,121=142; 220; treasury J.I,230; II,168; -- store-room J.II,246; koṭthake pāturahosi appeared at the gateway, i. e. arrived at the mansion Vin.I,291.; -- udaka-k a bath-room, bath cabinet Vin.I,205 (cp. Bdhgh’s expln at Vin. Texts II.57); so also nahāna-k° and piṭṭhi-k°, bath-room behind a hermitage J.III,71; DhA.II,19; a gateway, Vin.II,77; usually in cpd. dvāra-k° “door cavity,” i. e. room over the gate: gharaṁ satta-dvāra-koṭṭhakapaṭimaṇḍitaṁ “a mansion adorned with seven gateways” J.I,227=230, 290; VvA.322. dvāra-koṭṭhakesu āsanāni paṭṭhapenti “they spread mats in the gateways” VvA.6; esp. with bahi: bahi-dvārakoṭṭhakā nikkhāmetvā “leading him out in front of the gateway” A.IV,206; °e thiṭa or nisinna standing or sitting in front of the gateway S.I,77; M.I,161, 382; A.III,30. -- bala-k. a line of infantry J.I,179. -- koṭṭhaka-kamma or the occupation connected with a storehouse (or bathroom?) is mentioned as an example of a low occupation at Vin.IV,6; Kern, Toev. s. v. “someone who sweeps away dirt.” (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at J.II,424 the v. l. khobheti (nāvaṁ) should be substituted. See also koṭṭeti. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'see kotthu. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 部份,定额,一分。(p109)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】部份,定额,一份。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a floor of pounded stones, or is it cloth? Dāvs.IV,47. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pp. of kotteti] beaten down, made even Vism.254, 255. (Page 228)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '参考 kiriyā。(p110)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】行动,行为,表现。参考 kiriyā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kud- and kum-) 3rd stem of interrog. pron. ka (on form and meaning cp. kad;=Lat.* qǔu in (qǔ)ubi, like katara ‹ (qǔ)uter; cp. also Vedic kū how? Sk. kutra, kutaḥ, kuha, kva) where? when? whither? whence? As adv. in cpds. in disparaging sense of “what of”? i. e. nothing of, bad, wrong, little, e. g. kum-magga wrong path; kuk-kucca=kud-kicca doing wrong, troubling about little=worry. --kuṁ at PvA.57 (in expl. of kuñjara) is interpreted as paṭhavi.

1. Kuto where from? whence? Dh.62; k°bhayaṁ whence i. e. why fear? Dh.212 sq.; Sn.270, 862; Pv.II,69; how? J.VI,330; with nu whence or why then? Sn.1049 (=kacci ssu Nd2 s. v.). kut-ettha=kuto ettha J. I.53. --na kuto from nowhere Sn.35, 919; a-kuto id. in akutobhaya “with nothing to fear from anywhere” i. e. with no reason for fear S.I,192; Th.1, 510; Th.11, 333; Sn.561 (modāmi akutobhayo); Pv.II,121 (id.); kuto-ja arisen from where? Sn.270; --°nidāna having its foundation or origin in what? Sn.270, 864 sq.

2. Kudā at what time, when? (cp. kadā) Pug.27; indef. kudācanaṁ: at any time, na k° never Sn.221 (expl. by soḷasim pi kalaṁ SnA 277); Dh.5, 210; Bdhd 125; gamanena na pattabbo lokass’anto k° “by walking, the end of the world can never be reached” S.I,62.

3. Kuva, kva, where? Sn.970 (kuvaṁ & kuva) indef. kvaci anywhere; with na: nowhere; yassa n’atthi upamā kvaci “of whom (i. e. of Gotama) there is no likeness anywhere” Sn.1137; cp. 218, 395; expld by Nd2 like kuhiñci. kuvaṁ at D.III,183.

4. Kutha (kudha) where? J.V,485 (=kuhiṁ).

5. Kuhiṁ (=kuhaṁ, cp. Sk. kuha) where? whither? Often with fut.: k° bhikkhu gamissati Sn.411; ko gacchasi where are you going? Pv.II,81; tvaṁ ettakaṁ divasaṁ k° gatā where have you been all these days? PvA.6; 13; 42; indef. kuhiñci, anywhere, with na k°: nowhere, or: not in anything, in: n’atthi taṇhā k° loke “he has no desire for anything in this world” Sn.496, 783, 1048 see Nd on 783 & 1048=kimhici; Dh.180. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1.=ka, kā, 恶的,邪的,小。kukkucca, 恶作(错误作)。kudiṭṭhi, kumati 恶见,邪见。kunadī, 小河。kupatha, kummagga, 邪路,邪道。2.=kuha哪里?;kuva, kuttha, kuhiṁ在哪里?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. kuṁ--vana] brushwood or a small, and therefore unproductive, wood Sn.1134 (expl. Nd2 by rittavanaka appabhakkha appodaka). (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】小森林,矮灌木丛。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 小森林,矮灌木丛。(p106)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kubbamāna (kubbati 的【现分】), 正在做,正在执行。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kubbamāna (kubbati 的【现分】), 正在做,正在执行。(p106)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'the pole of a carriage A.IV,191, 193; VvA.269, 271, 275. ratha° S.I,109, Vv 642 (=vedikā VvA). Der. (vividha-) kubbaratā VvA.276. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 马车的杆。(p106)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】马车的杆。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '= karoti。(p105)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '2 etc. see karoti II. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'Kuvera m. [Sk. BSk. Kuvera] = Vessavaṇa 倶吠羅 [= 多聞天, 毘沙門天].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
{'def': 'Kuvera m. [Sk. BSk. Kuvera] = Vessavaṇa 倶吠羅 [= 多聞天, 毘沙門天].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
{'def': '【阳、阴】 腹或子宫,内部。~ṭṭha,【形】 安置在子宫。~dāha,【阳】胃发炎。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(Sk. kuksih),【阳】【阴】腹或子宫,内部(a cavity, esp. the belly (Vism 101) or the womb)。kucchiṭṭha,【形】安置在子宫。kucchidāha,【阳】胃发炎。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(f.) [Sk. kukṣiḥ, cp. kośa] a cavity, esp. the belly (Vism.101) or the womb; aṇṇava° the interior of the ocean I.119, 227; J.V,416; jāla° the hollow of the net J.I,210. As womb frequent, e. g. mātu° J.I,149; DA.I,224; PvA.19, 63, 111, 195; as pregnant womb containing gabbha J.I,50; II,2; VI,482; DhA.II,261.

--ḍāha enteric fever DhA.I,182; --parihārika sustaining, feeding the belly D.I,71=Pug.58; --roga abdominal trouble J.I,243; --vikāra disturbance of the bowels Vin.I,301; --vitthambhana steadying the action of the bowels (digestion) Dhs.646=740=875. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kucchi] pregnant J.V,181. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【过分】已卑鄙,已恶劣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[Sk. kutsita, pp. of kutsāy] contemptible, vile, bad, only in Coms VvA.215; in def. of kāya KhA 38; in def. of kusala DhsA.39; VvA.169; in def. of kukkucca Vism.470; in def. of paṁsu-kūla Vism.60. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【过分】 已卑鄙,已恶劣。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【无】几时?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kud-assu) interj. to be sure, surely (c. fut.) A.I,107; Nett 87; SnA 103. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【无】 几时?(p105)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'a throng J.III,204. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [pp. of kujjhati] angry A.IV,96 (and akkuddha IV.93); Pv.I,77; J.II,352, 353; VI,517; DhA.II,44. Nom. pl. kuddhāse It.2=7. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kujjhati 的【过分】), 已生气,已激怒。(p105)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kujjhati 的【过分】), 已生气,已激怒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a spade or a hoe (kanda-mūla-phalagahaṇ’‹-› atthaṁ DA.I,269) Vin.III,144; J.V,45; DhA.IV,218. Often in combn kuddāla-piṭaka “hoe and basket” D.I,101; S.II,88; V,53; A.I,204; II,199; J.I,225, 336. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】铲子,锄头。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 铲子,锄头。(p105)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '=prec. DhA.I,266. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [ku+diṭṭhi] wrong belief Sdhp.86. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'a kind of grain Miln.267; also as kudrūsaka Vin.IV,264; D.III,71; Nd2 314; DA.I,78; DhsA.331. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】稗子(一年生草本植物,叶子象稻,果实象黍米)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 稗子(一年生草本植物,叶子象稻,果实象黍米)。(p105)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'see under ku°. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kudācanaŋ, 【无】 有时,随时。(p105)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'kudācanaṁ,【无】有时,随时。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(ku-dāra) a bad wife Pv IV.147. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'at Pv IV.147 & PvA.240 is spelling for kuṭhārikā. (Page 221)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'kuhaka,【形】骗人的。【阳】欺骗。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kuhaka,【形】 骗人的。【阳】 欺骗。(p107)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kuha; *qeudh to conceal, cp. Gr. keu/dw; Ags hȳdan, E. hide] deceitful, fraudulent, false, in phrase kuhā thaddhā lapā singī A.II,26=Th.1, 959= It.113. -- akuha honest, upright M.I,386; Sn.957; Miln.352. (Page 224)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[der. fr. prec.] deceitful, cheating; a cheat, a fraud, combd with lapaka D.I,8; A.III,111. -- A.V,159 sq.; Sn.984, 987; J.I,375 (°tāpasa); DhA.IV,152 (°brāhmaṇa); IV,153 (°cora); Miln.310, 357; PvA.13; DA.I,91. (Page 224)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. adj. kuhana=kuhaka] 1. deceit, fraud, hypocrisy, usually in combn kuhana-lapana “deceit and talking-over”=deceitful talk D.I,8; A.III,430; DA.I,92; Miln.383; Nd2 on avajja. -- M.I,465=It.28, 29; S.IV,118; A.V,159 sq.; Vism.23; Vbh.352; Sdhp.375. -- 2. menacing SnA 582. -- Opp. akuhaka Sn.852. -- Var. commentator’s derivations are kuhāyanā (fr. kuhanā) and kuhitattaṁ (fr. kuheti), to be found at Vism.26.

--vatthūni (pl.) cases or opportunities of deceit, three of which are discussed at Nd2 on nikkuha, mentioned also at Vism.24; DA.I,91 & SnA 107. (Page 224)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阴】 欺骗,伪善,诡计。(p107)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】欺骗,僞善,诡计。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】洞。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 洞。(p107)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) (der. fr. kuha) a hole, a cavity; lit. a hidingplace Dāvs.I,62. (Page 224)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kuh +e), 欺骗。kuhesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(kuh + e), 欺骗。kuhesi, 【过】。(p107)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[v. denom. fr. kuha] to deceive DA. 91; ger. kuhitvā deceiving J.VI,212. Kūjati [kuj, expld with guj at Dhtp 78 by “avyatte sadde”] to sing (of birds; cp. vikūjati) J.II,439; IV,296; Dāvs.V,51. -- pp. kūjita see abhi°, upa°. (Page 224)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(pl.) kuhali flowers Attanugaluvaṁsa 216. (Page 224)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【副】 哪里?(p107)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【副】哪里?', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'see under ku°. (Page 224)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': 'only in pahaṁsīyati+k° “he exults and rejoices” at Miln.325 (cp. Miln.trsl. II.220, where printed kuhūyati). (Page 224)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】1.树。2.火星(Mars)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 1. 树。2. 火星。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kujati] only neg. not going crooked, in ratho akujano nāma S.I,33. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '[or kujjati? see kujja] in kujantā dīnalocanā Sdhp.166: to be bent, crooked, humpbacked? (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '﹐【阳】星期二(日语:火曜日kayōbi)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(adj.) [Sk. kubja, humpbacked; √qub, Lat. cubare, Gr. kufόs, Mhg. hogger, humpback] lit. “bent,” as nt. kujjaṁ in ajjhena-kujjaṁ Sn.242 crookedness, deceit, fraud (cp. SnA 286 kūṭa?). Cp. kujati & khujja, see also ava°, uk°, nik°, paṭi°, pali°. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kujjhati] angry=kodhana VvA.71; Pug.A 215 (°bhāva). Kujjhanā (f.) anger, irritation, together with kujjhitattaṁ in defn of kodha Dhs.1060= Pug.18, 22. (Page 219)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(‹kujjhati),【中】kujjhanā,【阴】生气(anger),激怒(irritation)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【中】 kujjhanā,【阴】 激怒,愤怒。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[cp. Vedic krunhyate, fr. krudh] to be angry with (Dat.) A.I,283=Pug.32, 48; Vism.306; mā kujjhittha kujjhataṁ, “don’t be angry” S.I,240; mā kujjhi J.III,22; na kujjheyya Dh. 224; ger. kujjhitvā PvA.117, grd. kujjhitabba Pv IV.1.11 (Page 219)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kudh + ya), 生气。kujjhi, 【过】。kuddha, 【过分】。kujjhanta,kujjhamāna, 【现分】。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(kudh生气+ya), 生气(台语:起毛禾黑khi2 mo bau2、戚心cheh sim)。kujjhi,【过】。kuddha,【过分】。kujjhanta, kujjhamāna,【现分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kujjhiya,【独】生气了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'kujjhiya,【独】 生气了。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.) [Caus. formation fr. kujjhati] being angry at DhA.IV,182. (Page 219)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】腕尺(cubit,长度的度量)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[cp. Sk. kiṣku?] a measure of length S.V,445= A.IV,404, and in kukkukata Vin.I,255=V.172 (cp. however Vin. Texts I.154, on Bdhgh’s note=temporary). (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 腕尺(长度的度量)。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】 懊悔,踌躇,忧虑。 ~ka,【形】 小心谨慎的,细心的。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】(kud错误+kicca作(grd.of karoti) ) 错误作)懊悔,踌躇,忧虑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[kud-kicca] 1. bad doing, misconduct, bad character. Def. kucchitaṁ kataṁ kukataṁ tassa bhāvo kukkuccaṁ Vism.470 & Bdhd 24; -- Various explanations in Nd2 on Sn.1106=Dhs.1160, in its literal sense it is bad behaviour with hands and feet (hattha-pada°) J.I,119=DA.I,42 (in combn with ukkāsita & khipitasadda); hattha° alone J.II,142. -- 2. remorse, scruple, worry. In this sense often with vippaṭissāra; and in conn. w. uddhacca it is the fourth of the five nīvaraṇas (q. v.) Vin.I,49; IV,70; D.I,246; S.I,99; M.I,437; A.I,134=Sn.1106; A.I,282; Sn.925; Nd2 379; DhA.III,483; IV,88; Sdhp.459; Bdhd 96. -- na kiñci k°ṁ na koci vippaṭissāreti “has nobody any remorse?” S.III,120=IV.46. The dispelling of scrupulousness is one of the duties and virtues of a muni: k°ṁ vinodetuṁ A.V,72; k. pahāya D.I,71=A.II,210=Pug.59; chinnakukkucca (adj.) free from remorse M.I,108; khīṇāsava k°-vūpasanta S.I,167=Sn.82. -- akukkucca (adj.) free from worry, having no remorse Sn.850. Kukkuccaṁ kurute (c. Gen.) to be scrupulous about J.I,377; kariṁsu DhA.IV,88; cp. kukkuccaṁ āpajjati (expl. by saṅkati) J.III,66. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) conscientious (too) scrupulous, “faithful in little” J.I,376; VvA.319. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【形】掉举的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【形】小心谨慎的,细心的(台语:斟酌cim1 ciok4)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '=kukkucca Sn.972. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kukkucca 的【派】) 懊悔。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[denom. fr. kukkucca] to feel remorse, to worry A.I,85; Pug.26. Der. are kukkuccāyanā and °āyitatta=kukkucca in def. at Dhs.1160=Nd2 s. v. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(kukkucca 的【派】) 懊悔。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[fr. kukku] “of the kukku-measure,” to be measured by a kukku. Of a stone-pillar, 16 k’s high S.V,445 A.IV,404. -- akukkuka-jāta of enormous height (of a tree) M.I,233=S.III,141 (text: akukkajāta) =IV.167; A.II,200 (text: akukkuccakajāta). Kern (Toev. s. v. kukka) takes it to mean “grown crooked,” a° the opposite. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 狗。~vatika,【形】 模仿狗,狗行者(外道苦行)。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '[Sk. kurkura, or is it ku-krura? Cp. kurūra] a dog. usually of a fierce character, a hound A.III,389; V,271; J.I,175 sq.; 189; Pv III,7Q; Sdhp.90. In similes: S.IV,198; M.I,364; A.IV,377. -- f. kukkurinī Miln.67.

--vatika (adj.) imitating a dog, cynic M.I,387 (+dukkara kāraka; also as k°-vata, °sīla, °citta, °ākappa); D.III,6, 7; Nett 99 (+govatika; --saṅgha a pack of hounds A.III,75. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(原始印欧语词根ku),【阳】狗,狗狗。kukkuravatika,【形】模仿狗,狗行者(外道苦行)。模仿牛、依照牛的生活习惯来生活,佛陀警告他身坏命终即往生诸牛群中,不然就堕地狱。(M.57./I,387.)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1. the red powder of rice husks Vin.II,280 (see Bdgh II.328: kukkusaṁ mattikaṁ=kuṇḍakañ c’eva mattikañ ca). -- 2. (adj.) variegated, spotted J.VI,539 (=kaḷakabara 540; v. l. B. ukkusa). (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】热的灰烬,热灰地狱(一个地狱的名字)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[taken as variant of kukkuṭa by Morris, J.P.T.S. 1885, 39; occurs also in BSk. as Name of a Purgatory, e. g. MVastu I.6; III,369, 455. The classical Sk. form is kukūla] hot ashes, embers S.III,177; J.II,134; Kvu 208, cf. trans. 127; with ref. to Purgatory S.I,209; J.V,143 (°nāma Niraya); Sdhp.194; Pgdp 24.

--vassa a shower of hot ashes J.I,73; IV,389 (v. l.). (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 热的灰烬,热灰地狱(一个地狱的名字)。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】公鸡。kukkuṭa-sampātikā﹐栉比(「公鸡降落」之形容词,是从一家之屋顶至另一家之屋顶,形容家屋密集)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '(Sk. kurkuṭa & kukkuṭa; onomatopoetic=Lat. cucurio, Ger. kikeriki) a cock Miln.363; J.IV,58; VvA.163; f. kukkuṭī a hen DhA.I,48; ThA.255; in simile M.I,104=357=A.IV,125 sq., 176 sq. (cp. °potako).

--aṇḍa (kukkuṭ°) a hen’s egg Vism.261. --patta the wing of a cock A.IV,47. --potaka a chicken, in simile M.I,104=357=A.IV,126=176. --yuddha a cock fight D.I,6; --lakkhaṇa divining by means of a cock D.I,9; --sampātika a shower of hot ashes (cock as symbol of fire) A.I,159=D.III,75, cp. Divy 316 and see Morris, J.P.T.S. 1885, 38; --sūkarā (pl.) cocks and pigs D.I,5= A.II,209=Pug.58; D.I,141; A.II,42 sq.; It.36. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 公鸡。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阴】母鸡。台语︰小母鸡→鸡僆(nua5)仔。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阴】 母鸡。(p104)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(v. l. BB. kukkuṭhaka) a kind of bird J.VI,539. Kern (Toev. s. v.) takes it to be Sk. kukkuṭaka, phasianus gallus. (Page 218)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】雉(一种鸟,形状像鸡,雄的尾巴长,羽毛很美丽,多为赤铜色或深绿色,有光泽,雌的尾巴稍短,灰褐色;善走,不能久飞;尾巴羽毛可做装饰品;通称野鸡,有的地区叫山鸡)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 雉(一种鸟,形状象鸡,雄的尾巴长,羽毛很美丽,多为赤铜色或深绿色,有光泽,雌的尾巴稍短,灰褐色;善走,不能久飞;尾巴羽毛可做装饰品;通称野鸡,有的地区叫山鸡)。(p103)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(nt.; but poetic pl. kulā Pv.II,943 [Idg. *qǔel (revolve); see under kaṇṭha, cakka and carati] 1. clan, a high social grade, “good family,” cp. Gr. (doric) fuά, Goth. kuni. A collection of cognates and agnates, in sense of Ohg. sippa, clan; “house” in sense of line or descent (cp. House of Bourbon, Homeric genέh). Bdhgh at Vism.91 distinguishes 2 kinds of kulāni, viz. ñātikulaṁ & upaṭṭhāka-kulaṁ. -- 1. A.II,249 (on welfare and ill-luck of clans); Sn.144; 711; It.109 sq. (sabrahmakāni, etc.); Dh.193. -- brāhmaṇa° a Brahmanic family A.V,249; J.IV,411, etc.; vāṇija° the household of a trader J.III,82; kassaka° id. of a farmer J.II,109; purāṇaseṭṭhi° of a banker J.VI,364; upaṭṭhāka° (Sāriputtassa) a family who devoted themselves to the service of S. Vin.I,83; sindhava° VvA.280. -- uccākula of high descent Pv III,116, opp. nīca° of mean birth Sn.411 (cp. °kulīno); viz. caṇḍālakula, nesāda°, veṇa°, etc. M.II,152=A.I,107=II.85=III,385=Pug.51; sadisa° a descent of equal standing PvA.82; kula-rūpa- sampanna endowed with “race” and beauty PvA.3, 280. -- 2. household, in the sense of house; kulāni people DhA.I,388; parakulesu among other people Dh.73; parakule do. VvA.66; kule kule appaṭibaddhacitto not in love with a particular family Sn.65; cp. kule gaṇe āvāse (asatto or similar terms) Nd2 on taṇhā IV. -- devakula temple J.II,411; rāja° the king’s household. palace J.I,290; III,277; VI,368; kulāni bahutthikāni (=bahuitthikāni, bahukitthī° A.IV,278) appapurisāni “communities in which there are many women but few men” Vin.II,256=S.II,264=A.IV,278; ñāti-kula (my) home Vv 3710 (: pitugehaṁ sandhāya VvA.171).

--aṅgāra “the charcoal of the family” i. e. one who brings a family to ruin, said of a squanderer S.IV,324 (text kulaṅgāroti: but vv. ll. show ti as superfluous); printed kulaṅguro (for kul-aṅkuro? v. l. kulaṅgāro) kulapacchimako (should it be kulapacchijjako? cp. vv. ll. at J.IV,69) dhanavināsako J.VI,380. Also in kulapacchimako kulagaro pāpadhammo J.IV,69. Both these refer to an avajāta putta. Cp. also kulassa aṅgārabhūta DhA.III,350; SnA. 192 (of a dujjāto putto), and kulagandhana; --itthi a wife of good descent, together with kuladhītā, °kumārī, °suṇhā, °dāsī at Vin.II,10; A.III,76; Vism.18. --ûpaka (also read as °upaka, °ûpaga; °upaga; for ûpaga, see Trenckner, P.M. 62, n. 16; cp. kulopaka Divy 307) frequenting a family, dependent on a (or one & the same) family (for alms, etc.); a friend, an associate. Freq. in formula kulūpako hoti bahukāni kulāni upasaṅkamati, e. g. Vin.III,131, 135; IV,20. -- Vin.I,192, 208; III,84, 237; V,132; S.II,200 sq.; A.III,136, 258 sq.; Pv III,85; Vism.28; DA.I,142 (rāja°); PvA.266. f. kulūpikā (bhikkhunī) Vin.II,268; IV,66; --gandhana at It.64 and kule gandhina at J.IV,34 occur in the same sense and context as kulaṅgāra in J.-passages on avajāta-putta. The It-MSS. either explain k- gandhana by kulacchedaka or have vv. ll. kuladhaṁsana and kusajantuno. Should it be read as kulaṅgāraka? Cp. gandhina; --geha clanhouse, i. e. father’s house DhA.I,49. --tanti in kulatantikulapaveṇi-rakkhako anujāto putto “one who keeps up the line & tradition of the family” J.VI,380; --dattika (and °dattiya) given by the family or clan J.III,221 (°sāmika); IV,146 (where DhA.I,346 reads °santaka), 189 (°kambala); VI,348 (pati). --dāsī a female slave in a respectable family Vin.II,10; VvA.196; --dūsaka one who brings a family into bad repute Sn.89; DhA.II,109; --dvāra the door of a family Sn.288; --dhītā the daughter of a respectable family Vin.II,10; DhA.III,172; VvA.6; PvA.112; --pasāda the favour received by a family, °ka one who enjoys this favour A.I,25, cp. SnA 165, opp. of kuladūsaka; --putta a clansman, a (young) man of good family, fils de famille, cp. Low Ger. haussohn; a gentleman, man of good birth. As 2nd characteristic of a Brahmin (with sujāto as 1st) in formula at D.I,93, 94≈; Vin.I,15, 43, 185, 288, 350; M.I,85≈(in kāmānaṁ ādīnavo passage), 192, 210, 463; A.II,249; J.I,82; VI,71; It.89; VvA.128; PvA.12, 29; --macchariya selfishness concerning one’s family, touchiness about his clan D.III,234 (in list of 5 kinds of selfishness); also to be read at Dhs.1122 for kusala°; --vaṁsa lineage, progeny M.II,181; A.III,43; IV,61; DA.I,256; expressions for the keeping up of the lineage or its neglect are: °ṭhapana D.III,189; PvA.5; nassati or nāseti J.IV,69; VvA.149; upacchindati PvA.31, 82; --santaka belonging to one’s family, property of the clan J.I,52; DhA.I,346 (where J.IV,146 reads °dattika). (Page 222)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【中】 家庭,氏族,印度的世袭阶级。~geha,【中】 祖屋,父母的房子。~tanti,【阴】 家系,世代传统。~dūsaka,【阳】 使家门出丑的人。~dhītu,【阴】 尊贵家庭的女儿。~putta,【阳】 良家子弟。~vaŋsa,【中】 血统,世系,子孙。(p106)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【中】1.氏族,(印度的)较高的世袭阶级,良家(clan, a high social grade, “good family” )。2.家庭(household, in the sense of house)。kulageha,【中】祖屋,父母的房子。kulatanti,【阴】家系,世代传统。kuladūsaka,【阳】好家庭的破坏者,使家门出丑的人。kuladhītu,【阴】尊贵家庭的女儿。kulaputta,【阳】良家子弟(=族姓子。SA.6.3.:Kulaputtāti ācāra-kula-puttā.(良家子弟:良好行为的种族之子)。kulavaṁsa,【中】血统,世系,子孙。kulūpaka(kula-upaka),【形】常去俗人家里的。Pāci.IV,312.︰Kulaṁ nāma cattāri kulāni-- khattiyakulaṁ, brāhmaṇakulaṁ, vessakulaṁ, suddakulaṁ.(俗家︰四种俗家—刹帝利俗家、婆罗门众俗家、吠舍俗家、首陀罗俗家。) A.6.57./III,385.︰“Idhānanda, ekacco nīce kule paccājāto hoti-- 1caṇḍālakule vā 2nesādakule vā 3venakule vā 4rathakārakule vā 5pukkusakule vā, dalidde appannapānabhojane kasiravuttike, yattha kasirena ghāsacchādo labbhati. So ca hoti dubbaṇṇo duddasiko okoṭimako bavhābādho kāṇo vā kuṇī vā khañjo vā pakkhahato vā, na lābhī annassa pānassa vatthassa yānassa mālāgandhavilepanassa seyyāvasathapadīpeyyassa.”(阿难!世间有一类,生於卑贱之家(nīce kule)--1生於旃陀罗家、或2猎师家、或3竹匠家、或4车匠家、或5清洁工家庭,贫穷而缺乏饮食受用,活命困难且衣食乏少。又,他是脸丑,形丑,矮陋,病多,或眼盲、或手残、或跛者、成半身不遂,而不得食、饮、衣、车,鬘、香、涂油,卧具、座敷、灯明。) A.6.57./III,386.︰“Idhānanda, ekacco ucce kule paccājāto hoti-- khattiyamahāsālakule vā brāhmaṇamahāsālakule vā gahapatimahāsālakule vā, aḍḍhe mahaddhane mahābhoge pahūtajātarūparajate pahūtavittūpakaraṇe pahūtadhanadhaññe. So ca hoti abhirūpo dassanīyo pāsādiko paramāya vaṇṇapokkharatāya samannāgato, lābhī annassa pānassa vatthassa yānassa mālāgandhavilepanassa seyyāvasathapadīpeyyassa.”(阿难!世间有一类,生於尊贵之家,生於刹帝利大族之家,或婆罗门大族之家,或长者大族之家,有大财富,有大受用,有众多之金银,有众多之资生具,有众多之财谷。又,他成就最上容色的相貌非凡(abhirūpo)、众所乐见(dassanīyo)、颜容殊妙(pāsādiko),且得食、饮、衣、车、鬘、香、涂油、卧具、座敷、灯明。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】鹰(hawk)。台语:鶆鹞lai5 hioh8。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': 'a vulture, hawk, falcon, either in combn with kāka or gijjha, or both. Kāka+k° Vin.IV,40; Sn.675 (=SnA 250); gijjha+k° PvA.198; gijjhā kākā k° Vin.III,106; kākā k° gijjhā M.I,58; cp. gijjho kaṅko kulalo M.I,364, 429. (Page 223)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 鹰。(p106)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': 'a kind of vetch M.I,245 (°yūsa): Miln.267; Vism.256 (°yūsa). (Page 223)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '【阳】 双花扁豆(一种缠绕草本植物 (Dolichos biflorus),产于东半球热带,在印度栽培作饲料,其种子常用作食品)。(p106)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '【阳】双花扁豆(vetch,一种缠绕草本植物 (Dolichos biflorus),产於东半球热带,在印度栽培作饲料,其种子常用作食品)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】败家子。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '【阳】 败家子。(p106)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '--pādaka “buttresses of timber” (Vin. Texts III,174) Vin.II,152 (cp. Bdhgh. p. 321 and also Morris, J.P.T.S. 1884, 78). (Page 223)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. kula] belonging to a family, in agga° coming from a very good family PvA.199. (Page 223)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '=kulika, in akulino rājāno ignoble kings Anvs. introd. (see J.P.T.S. 1886 p. 355, where akuliro which is conjectured as akulino by Andersen, Pāli Reader, p. 1024). (Page 223)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
