- --Ji
- {'def': '(adj.-suffix) [From jayati to conquer] winning, victorious: saṅgāma° victorious in fight, in saṅgāmaj’uttama “greatest of conquerors” Dh.103; sabba° S.IV,83. (Page 283)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- --M-
- {'def': 'euphonic consonant inserted between two vowels to avoid hiatus, as agga-m-agga the best of all Vin.IV,232; aṅga-m-aṅgāni limb by limb Vin.III,119; Vv 382, etc. See also S.III,254 (yena-m-idh’ekacco); Dh.34 (oka-mokata ubbhato); Sn.765 (aññatra-m-ariyehi); Nd1 269 (dvaye-m-eva); J.I,29 (asīti-hattha-m-ubbedha, for hatth’ubbedha); III,387 (katattho-m-anubujjhati); V,72 (orena-m-āgama); VI,266 (pacchā-m-anutappati); SnA 309 (rāg’ādi-m-anekappakāraṁ). -- On wrong syllable division through Sandhi-m-, and thus origin of specific Pali forms see māsati. (Page 511)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- --Mā
- {'def': '[the short form of māsa, direct dern fr. mā: see mināti] see puṇṇa-mā. (Page 527)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- --Mātika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. mātā, Sk. mātṛka] --mother; in mata° one whose mother is dead, lit. a “dead-mother-ed,” J.II,131; III,213. Also neg. amātika without a mother J.V,251. (Page 528)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- --Ñū
- {'def': '(-ññū) (adj.-suffix) [Sk. -- jñā, from jānāti, *gn: cp. P. gū›Sk. ga] knowing, recognizing, acknowledging, in ughaṭita°, kata°, kāla°, khaṇa°, matta°, ratta°, vara°, vipacita°, veda°, sabba°, etc. (q. v.)--fem. abstr. °Qutā in same combinations. (Page 288)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -D-
- {'def': 'euphonic consonant inserted to avoid hiatus: (a) orig. only sandhi-cons. in forms ending in t & d (like tāvat, kocid, etc.) & thus restored in cpds. where the simplex has lost it; (b) then also transferred to & replacing other sandhi-cons. (like puna-d-eva for punar eva). ‹-› (a) dvipa-d-uttama Sn.995; koci-d-eva PvA.153; kincid-eva ibid. 70; tāva-d-eva ib. 74; yāva-d-atthaṁ ib. 217; ahu-d-eva Miln.22 etc. -- (b) puna-d-eva Pv.II,113 (v. l. BB); DhA.II,76; samma-d-eva Sn.p. 16; VvA.148; PvA.66 etc.; cp. SnA 284. bahu-d-eva J.I,170. (Page 311)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -Da
- {'def': '(adj.) [suffix of dā, see dadāti] giving, bestowing, presenting, only --°, as anna°, bala°, vaṇṇa°, sukha°, Sn.297; vara° Sn.234; kāma° J.VI,498; Pv.II,138; ambu° giving water, i. e. a cloud Dāvs.V,32; amatamagga° Sdhp.1; uḷāraphala° ib. 26; maṁsa° Pgdp 49, etc. (Page 311)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -Dāyin
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. dāyin, of dadāti] giving, granting, bestowing PvA.121 (icchit’icchita°), 157 (=[kāma] dada); Sdhp.214 (dānagga°). (Page 319)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -R-
- {'def': 'the letter (or sound) r, used as euphonic consonant to avoid hiatus. The sandhi --r- originates from the final r of nouns in °ir & °ur of the Vedic period. In Pali it is felt as euphonic consonant only, like other sandhi consonants (y for instance) which in the older language were part of the noun itself. Thus r even where it is legitimate in a word may interchange with other sandhi-consonants in the same word, as we find punam-eva and puna-d-eva besides the original puna-r-eva (=Vedic punar eva). At J.I,403 we read “punar āgata,” where the C. expls “puna āgata, ra-kāro sandhivasena vutto.” Similarly: Sn.81 (vutti-r-esā), 214 (thambho-r.-iva), 625=Dh.401 (āragge-r-iva), 679 (ati-r-iva), 687 (sarada-r-iva), 1134 (haṁsa-r-iva); Vv 6422 (Vajir’āvudho-r-iva); Pv.II,87 (puna-r-eva) II.116 (id.); PvA.77 (su-r-abhigandha). In the latter cause the r has no historical origin, as little as in the phrase dhir atthu (for *dhig-atthu) Sn.440; J.I,59. (Page 560)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -S-
- {'def': 'a euphonic --s- seems to occur in combn ras-agga-saggin (see rasa2). An apparent hiatus --s in ye s-idha Sn.1083, and evaṁ s-ahaṁ Sn.1134 (v. l.) may be an abbreviated su° (see su2), unless we take it as a misspelling for p. (Page 655)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -T-
- {'def': 'as composition-consonant (see Müller pp. 62, 63, on euphonic cons.) especially with agge (after, from), in ajja-t-agge, tama-t-agge, dahara-t-agge A.V,300; cp. deva ta-t-uttari for tad-uttari A.III,287, 314, 316. (Page 291)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -V-
- {'def': 'euphonic (sandhi-) consonant, historically justified after u (uv from older v), as in su-v-ānaya easy to bring (S.I,124); hence transferred to i, as in ti-v-aṅgika threefold (Dhs.161), and ti-v-aṅgula three inches wide (Vism.152, 408); perhaps also in anu-v-icca (see anuvicca). (Page 590)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -Y-
- {'def': 'combn consonant (sandhi), inserted (euphonically) between 2 vowels for the avoidance of hiatus. It has arisen purely phonetically from i as a sort of “gliding” or semi-vowel within a word, where the syllable division was in regular speech more openly felt than in the written language, e. g. pari-y-āpanna (Pāli) corresponds to Sk. pary-āpanna, similarly pari-y-osāna=Sk. paryosāna. Thus inserted after a before i or e: chay-imā disā D.III,188; ta-y-idaṁ Sn.1077; Pv.I,33; tava-y-idaṁ Sn.352; na-y-idaṁ S.II,278; mama-y-idaṁ Sn.806; na-y-idha Sn.790; mā-y-idha Vin.I,54; yassay-etādisī pajā D.II,267 (v. l. ss for T yassa-s-etādisī); satiyā-y-etaṁ adhivacanaṁ M.II,260; na-y-imassa Pv IV.12. -- After i before a: pāvisi-y-assamaṁ J.V,405; khaṇi-y-asmani J.III,433; yā-y-aññaṁ J.I,429 (where C. expls: ya-kāro paṭisandhi-karo). -- Cp. yeva for eva. -- Note. At J.VI,106 ya-y-ime jane is to be taken as ye ime jane; the spelling ay for e being found elsewhere as well. Cp. the following ta-y-ime jane. (Page 543)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- -a
- {'def': '(名词语基)。[-a语基]男性、中性的主格单数语尾 -e、以及呼格单数语尾 -e,一般认为这是借自摩揭陀语 (Māgadhī),而称之为「摩揭陀语形」(Māgadhisms,或「摩揭陀语的残余」(参看Geiger, A Pāli Grammar, PTS Oxford 1994, §80.)摩揭陀语具有异於巴利语的三项特徵:(1)主格单数语尾-e而非-o,(2) 巴利语的r在摩揭陀语是l,(3) 巴利语的s在摩揭陀语是w。)主格单数语尾 -e的用法并非仅限於东部方言(J.Brough, The Gāndhārī Dharmapada, London 1962, §76.)。阳性名词字尾a,变成阴性名词改为-ā, - ī。另有阳性名词字尾,+-(ā)nī,变成阴性名词;阳性名词字尾-vat, -vant, -mat, -mant, -ssin, -vin, -in+-ī变成阴性名词。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '﹐【结尾】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -aka
- {'def': '阳性名词字尾。阴性名词变成-ikā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -amha
- {'def': '(-amhase) aor.1st.pl. 如:akamha 我们曾做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -amhase
- {'def': 'aor.1pl.akarāmhase我们曾做﹑ahumhase曾有', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -anīya
- {'def': '(nīya) grd.stem gamanīya 应走', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -aro
- {'def': '-ar语基 m.f.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc.pitaro父﹑mātaro母', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -atha
- {'def': '﹐名词语基。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -attha
- {'def': '(-ttha) 1.aor.2pl.akattha 你们曾做。2.aor.3sg.adattha 他曾给(施)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -aya-
- {'def': '(= -e-) caus.stem kāraya- 使做。denom.stem kāmaya- 欲', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -bhi
- {'def': 'm.n.f.pl.Instr.Abl.%9buddhebhi 以诸佛、从诸佛', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -cca
- {'def': '(-tya)%9ger. kacca 做了之后', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ci
- {'def': '-cana﹐不定疑问虚词,表达「泛称」或「不确定的指称」,某一(someone)、任一(anyone)。例:koci = 任何人,无论谁。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -cārin
- {'def': 'a. m. [cāra-in] 修行實行的, 實踐的, 行者. pl. nom. cārino, cārayo. asaṅga~, ambu~, brahma~.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'a. m. [cāra -in] 行ずる, 実践する, 行者. pl. nom. cārino, cārayo. asaṅga~, amgu~, brahma~.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- {'def': 'a. m. [cāra -in] 行ずる, 実践する, 行者. pl. nom. cārino, cārayo. asaṅga~, ambu~, brahma~.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -da
- {'def': 'a. [dā 的 suffix. cf. dadāti(施, 佈施, 施與, 給與)] abhayaṃ-da, vara-da [(譯者補充) cf. abhaya 無畏, 無怖. abhaya-da 施無畏. abhaya-dāna 無畏施].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '(suffix of dā, see dadāti)﹐【形】给予…(giving, bestowing, presenting, only as annada, balada, vaṇṇada, sukhada; varada; kāmada; ambuda, 给水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'a. [dā の suffix. cf. dadāti] abhayaṃda, vara-da.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -dāyin
- {'def': '(Sk. dāyin, of dadāti),【形】布施,赠予(giving, granting, bestowing)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -e
- {'def': '1.m.n.sg.Loc.buddhe 於佛﹑raññe 於王2.m.pl.Acc.buddhe 诸佛﹑dhamme诸法3.f.sg.Voc.%9 kaññe女! gāthe 偈!4.pron.m.pl.Nom.Acc.te 彼等(他们)﹑sabbe 一切5.pr.1sg.med.kubbe 我做 labhe 我得6.imp.1sg.med.%9kubbe 要我做﹑labhe要我得7.opt.1sg.3sg.%9kubbe=kare应做﹑labhe应得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '﹐【结尾】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -e-
- {'def': '1.caus.stem%9kāre-使做﹑gāhe-=gaṇhe-使取 2.denom.stem kāme-欲﹑gaṇe-数﹑ghāte-杀', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ema
- {'def': '(-emu) opt.1pl. dakkhema 愿我们见', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -emu
- {'def': '(-ema) opt.1pl.jānemu愿我们知,suṇemu愿我们闻', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ena
- {'def': 'm.n.sg.inst.\xa0buddhena 以佛陀', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -eraṁ
- {'def': 'opt.3pl.med.kubberaṁ他们应该做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -esaṁ
- {'def': '(-āsaṁ f.) pron.m.n.pl.Dat.Gen.tesaṁ对他们、他们的', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -etha
- {'def': 'opt.3rd sg., med.kubbetha 愿他做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -etho
- {'def': 'opt.2sg.med.kubbetho 你应做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -eyya
- {'def': '1.grd.stem labheyya=labbha 应被得 2.opt.3sg. kareyya 愿他做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -eyyaṁ
- {'def': 'opt.1sg.kareyyaṁ我应做, dadeyyaṁ我应给', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -eyyāma
- {'def': 'opt.1pl. kareyyāma 愿我们做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -eyyāsi
- {'def': 'opt.2sg.kareyyāsi你应做 ahareyyāsi你应拿来', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ga
- {'def': '[<gam] 附在語尾「去, 行去」的意思. 如 atiga, anuga, uraga※, dugga※等. [※ ura-ga 胸腹-行去, 胸行腹行者, 蛇; dugga = du-ga 困難-行去, 困難的路, (路)難行的; pāra-ga 彼岸-行去].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '[<gam] 語尾に付して「行く」の意味. atiga, anuga, uraga, dugga等.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -gama
- {'def': 'a. 去, 行去. vihaṅgama, vehāsaṅgama, dūraṅgama, atthaṅgama.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'a. 行く. vihaṅgama, vehāsaṅgama, dūraṅgama, atthaṅgama.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -gatika
- {'def': '-gatin a. 趣の, 至る, 交友の.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '-gatin a. 趣的, 至(到達)~的, 交友的.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- -gatin
- {'def': '-gatika a. 趣の, 至る, 交友の', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- -gāmin
- {'def': 'a. m., -gāminī f. [<gam] 行く, 行かしめる, 導く者.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '(from gacchati, gam) ,【形】f. °iṇī, in composition °gāmi°. -- (a) going, walking, lit.: sīgha° walking quickly Sn.381; -- (b) leading to, making for, usually with magga or paṭipadā (gāminī), either lit. Pāṭaliputtagāmi-magga the road to P. Miln.17; or fig. of ways & means connected w. one of the “gatis.” as apāya° DhA.III,175, udaya° paṭipadā S.V,361; nibbāna° dhamma Sn.233; amata-gāmi-magga S.V,8; udayatthagāmiṇī paññā A.V,15; dukkhanirodha° paṭipadā Vin.I,10; cp. ācaya° Dhs.584. 1013. Acc. °gāminaṁ: khemaṁ Amata° M.I,508; brahmacariyaṁ: nibbān’ogadha° It.28, 29; dukkhûpasama° maggaṁ Sn.724= Dh.191; niraya° maggaṁ Sn.277, ThA.243. Or °gāmiṁ: Sn.233, 381.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -gū
- {'def': '[ = -ga<gam] 已行去, 已(到)達, 已通曉. addha-gū( = addhan-gū 遊行者, 遍歷者), anta-gū(已達到極限, 達人), pāra-gū(已到達彼岸), pantha-gū(旅人), veda-gū(vedagū a. m. 已通曉吠陀的, 吠陀達人, 明智者, 極智者), veda-anta-gū(vedantagū = vedagū a. 已達吠陀的極致的, 已達聖道的).', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '[= -ga<gam] 行ける, 達せる, 通暁せる. addha-gū, anta-gū, pāra-gū, veda-gū.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -gūḷhaka
- {'def': 'gūḷha a. [gūhati guh の pp., Sk. gūḍha, gūḍhaka] かくされたる, 秘密の. -salākagāha秘密行籌', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- -ha-
- {'def': '(-hi-) %9fut.stem kāha- 将做 hahi- 将笑', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -hi
- {'def': '1.(-ehi,-āhi,-īhi,-ūhi) m.n.f.pl.Instr.Abl.%9tehi 彼等(他们) tāhi 彼女等(她们)2.imp.2sg.%9 karohi 请你做%9labhahi 请你得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -hi-
- {'def': 'fut.stem%9 hehi-=hohi-将有 hāhi-将笑 kāhi-将做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -i
- {'def': '(& -ī )﹐【结尾】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1.(-)m.n.f.sg.Nom.Voc.%9aggi火 akkhi眼 jāti生%92.(-ti,-ni,-ri,-si,-yi)m.n.sg.Loc.bhagavati於世尊kammani%9於业%9pitari於父 manasi於意 mayi於我', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -icceva
- {'def': '将成为(-to be)。i.e.︰muni-icceva, 将成为牟尼。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ima
- {'def': '(-imha, -imhā) aor.1pl.labhima 我们曾得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -imha
- {'def': '(-ima)%9aor.1pl. āsihma 我们曾有', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -imhā
- {'def': 'aor.1pl. labhimhā 愿我们得到', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -isaṁ
- {'def': 'aor.1sg.dakkhisaṁ 我曾见 icchisaṁ我曾欲', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -issa-
- {'def': 'fut.stem karissa- 将做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -isuṁ
- {'def': 'aor.3pl.abhuñjisuṁ他们曾吃﹑pucchisuṁ他们曾问', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ittha
- {'def': '1.aor.2nd.pl.āsittha 你们曾有。2.aor.3.med.pucchittha 他曾问', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ittho
- {'def': 'aor.2sg.med.pucchittho你曾问, maññittho想', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -iya-
- {'def': '-īya- (-iyya-) 1.pass.stem kariya, karīya 被做%9 2.denom.stem samādhiya 入定', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -iṁsu
- {'def': 'aor.3pl.āsiṁsu 他们曾有 gaṇhiṁsu他们曾取', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -iṭṭha
- {'def': '【字尾】最…(比较级)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ja
- {'def': 'a. suffix [<jan. cf. janati] 生ぜる.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '(‹jan, janati)﹐接尾词,表「…所生的」。如:kammaja业生,cittaja心生,vivekaja离(欲)生。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'a. suffix [<jan. cf. janati] (出)生的.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- -ji
- {'def': '﹐【印】【无】印度语,加在男女名字或尊称的字尾,表示尊敬,。如︰bhanteji(bhante+ji)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'suffix. 勝てる. saṅgāma-ji 戦勝者. sabba-ji 一切勝者. Assa-ji 馬勝, 阿説示.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'suffix. 已勝的. saṅgāma-ji 戰勝者. sabba-ji 一切勝者. Assa-ji 馬勝, 阿說示.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- -jātika
- {'def': '-jātiya a. 生的, 種類的, 類的.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '-jātiya a. 生の, 種類の, 類の.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -jātiya
- {'def': '-jātika a. 生の, 種類の, 類の', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- -ka
- {'def': '-ika, 名、形、数词等变成形容词所附上的字尾,母音要做重音变化。另有附上-ya, -iya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -khattuṃ
- {'def': '[Sk. -kṛtvaḥ, BSk. -kuttaṃ, -kṛtvo, -kṛtyo, -khutto, -khuttaṃ, -kṛtvaṃ, -kṣutto] 回, 度. dvikkhattuṃ 二度, 二回. tikkhattuṃ 三度, 三回.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '[Sk. -kṛtvaḥ, BSk. -kuttaṃ,-kṛtvo, -kṛtyo, -khutto, -khuttaṃ, -kṛtvaṃ, -kṣutto] 回, 度. dvikkhattuṃ 二度. tikkhattuṃ 三度.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -kāra
- {'def': '﹐作。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ma
- {'def': '1.pres.1pl. karoma我们做, gacchāma我们去%9 2.fut.1pl. karissāma 我们将做%9 3.imper.1pl. karoma 我们令做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -mant
- {'def': '-mat﹐【结尾】。‘具有’之意。pāpimant有恶、波旬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -mantā
- {'def': '→ -ā 2 (m.pl.Nom.Voc. rajā 诸王 诸王!)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -mase
- {'def': '(-amase)%91.pres.1pl.med.asmase 我们有%9 2.imp.1pl.med.kubbāmse 我们做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -maya
- {'def': '﹐【形】接尾词,由…所造的,由…所成的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'a. [〃] 所成の, 所生の, 製の, 作の. ayo~, dāna~, dāru~, sīla~.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -mhe
- {'def': '1.pres.1pl.med. kurumhe=kubbamhe 我们做2.fut.1pl.med. karissāmhe 我们将做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -mhi
- {'def': 'm.n.sg.Loc.buddhamhi 於佛 tamhi 於彼', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -mhā
- {'def': '(-amhā) m.n.sg.Abl. buddhamhā 从佛', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -mi
- {'def': '1.pres.1sg.%9karomi 我做 gacchāmi 我去2.fut.1sg.%9karissāmi我将做%9gamissāmi我将去3.imp.1sg.%9karomi 我要做%9 gacchāmi我要去', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -mā
- {'def': '① m. [māsa の略] puṇṇa-mā 満月② a. [mant の nom.] cakkhumā 有眼者. āyasmā 尊者. satimā 有念者.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -māna
- {'def': 'ppr.stem kurumāna 正在做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -na
- {'def': '(-ṇa)%9pp. stem dinna 已施, hina 已舍, khīṇa已尽', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ni
- {'def': '1.→ -āni n.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc.phalāni 诸果2.(-I)子音结尾语基的m.n.sg.Loc.rājjini 於王', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -no
- {'def': '1.m.n.sg.Dat.Gen.aggino火﹑bhikkhuno比丘﹑attano (‹attan)自己﹑brahmano=brahmuno 梵天﹑āyuno(‹āyus)寿命(n.) 2.m.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc.sakhāno=sakhino诸友﹑attāno(‹attan) 我们自己﹑rajāno诸王(‹rajan)﹑hatthino诸象', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -nta
- {'def': 'ppr.stem karonta 正在做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ntaṁ
- {'def': 'imp.3pl.med.kubbantaṁ请他们做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -nte
- {'def': '1.m.pl.Acc.arahante诸阿罗汉﹑guṇavante诸有德者 2.pres.3pl.med.kubbante 他们做 3.fut.3pl.med.karissante他们将做﹑labhissante他们将得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -nti
- {'def': '1.pres.3pl.%9karonti 他们做2.fut.3pl.%9karissanti%9 他们将做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -nto
- {'def': 'm.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc.arahanto阿罗汉', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ntu
- {'def': 'imp.3pl. karontu 请他们做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ntā
- {'def': 'm.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc. guṇavantā 诸有德者', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ntāni
- {'def': 'n.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc.%9guṇavantāni 诸具德者', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -nuda
- {'def': 'a. [Sk. -nud, -nuda<nudati] 除去する. tamo-nuda 暗を除く.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': 'a. [Sk. -nud, -nuda<nudati] 除去的, 破除的. tamo-nuda 除暗, 驅散破除黑暗(dispelling darkness).', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- -nā
- {'def': 'm.n.sg.inst.Abl. brahmanā=brahnumnā从梵天', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -nūdaka
- {'def': '-nudaka a. =-nuda.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -o
- {'def': '1.m.sg.Nom.dhammo法﹑so他﹑sabbo一切 2.子音语尾语基的 m.n.f.sg.Nom.Voc.Acc. pitaro(‹pitar)父﹑mātaro(‹mātar)母', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '﹐【结尾】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -odaka
- {'def': 'odaka-, (‹ udaka) ,【中】1.水(water)。2.鱼(Pāci.IV,348︰Maccho nāma odako vuccati.)。anodoaka, 无水(without water, dried up Th.2, 265 (= udaka-bhasta ThA.212)。sītodaka, 冷水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -pa
- {'def': '[〃<pā] a. 飲者. dhenupa 犢, 牛犢. majjapa 飲酒者.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': '[〃<pā] a. 飲むもの. dhenupa 犢, こうし. majjapa 飲酒者.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- -pe-
- {'def': '(= -paya-)caus.stem kārāpe-使做﹑gamāpe-使行', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -raṁ
- {'def': '–ar语基的m.f.sg.Acc.sattharaṁ= satthāraṁ师', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -re
- {'def': '1.pres.3pl.med. labhare他们得 2.fut.3pl.med.karissare他们将做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ruṁ
- {'def': 'aor.3pl.med.amaññaruṁ他们曾想', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -rā
- {'def': '(-ara, -āra) -ar 语基的m.f.sg.inst.Abl. satthārā师', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -se
- {'def': '1.pres.2sg.med.kuruse=kubbase你们做 2.fut.2sg.med.karissase你将做﹑labhissase你将得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -si
- {'def': '1.pres.2sg.%9karosi=kubbasi你做 labhasi你得2.fut.2sg. labhissasi=lacchasi 你将得3.aor.1sg.2sg.3sg.%9%9akāsi 做%9cintesi想', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -simha
- {'def': 'aor.1pl. aggahesimha 我们曾取', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -sittha
- {'def': 'aor.2pl. akāsittha 你们曾做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -siṁ
- {'def': 'aor.1sg.akāsiṁ 我曾做 cintesiṁ 我曾想', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -smiṁ
- {'def': '(-asmiṁ) m.n.sg.Loc.tasmiṁ 於他们', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -smā
- {'def': '(-asmā) m.n.sg.Loc. buddhasmā 於佛', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -so
- {'def': '1.-as, -us语基的n.sg.Dat.Gen.manaso想﹑āyuso寿命(n.) 2. Abl. yoniso从根源﹑dhātuso从界', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ssa
- {'def': '1.(-assa) m.n.sg.Dat.Gen.buddhassa对佛、佛的2.cond.2sg.3sg.akarissa如果做 abhavissa如果有', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ssa-
- {'def': 'fut.stem karissa- 将做 gamissa-将去', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ssatha
- {'def': '1.fut.2pl.karissatha 你们将做。2.cond.3sg.med.alabhissatha如果他得到', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ssaṁ
- {'def': '1.pron.f.sg.Loc.tassaṁ=tissaṁ 於彼女(在那个女人) 2.fut.1sg.karissaṁ=kassaṁ 我将做bhavissaṁ=hessaṁ我将有 3.cond.3pl.abhavissaṁ如果他们有', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ssaṁsu
- {'def': 'cond.3pl.%9abhavissaṁsu 如果他们有', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ssu
- {'def': 'imp.2sg.med. kurussu=karassu 请你做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ssā
- {'def': 'pron.f.sg.Dat.Gen.%9tassā 对他、他的', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ssāma
- {'def': '1.fut.1pl. karissāma 我们将做%9%9 2.cond.1pl. āgamissāma 如果我们将来', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -su
- {'def': '(-esu, -āsu, -īsu, -ūsu) m.n.f.pl.Loc.buddhesu 於诸佛﹑phalesu 於诸果', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -suṁ
- {'def': 'aor.3pl.akāsuṁ 他们曾做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -sā
- {'def': '-as, -us语基的n.sg.inst.Abl. manasā 以意、从意', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -sānaṁ
- {'def': 'pron.pl.Dat.Gen.tesānaṁ他们 tāsānaṁ她们', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ta
- {'def': 'pp. stem kata 已做, gata 已去', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tabba
- {'def': 'grd.stem kātabba =kattabba应被做、能被做、应…、能…', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tama
- {'def': '-ma; -iṭṭha,-ssika,-sika, 【字尾】最…(最高级的接尾词)。例句:pāpatama, pāpiṭṭha, pāpiyasikā, pāpiyyasika最恶的【形】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tara
- {'def': '-ra; -iya,-iyya, 【字尾】较…(比较级的接尾词)。例句:pāpa恶的【形】,pāpatara, pāpiya, pāpiyya, 较恶的【形】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tave
- {'def': 'infin. kātave 做%9gantave 走', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -taṁ
- {'def': '1.m.n.pl.Dat.Gen.gacchataṁ对走路、走路的 2.imp.3sg.med.kurutaṁ请他做labhataṁ请他得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -te
- {'def': '1.pres.3sg.med.kurute=kubbate他做,labhate他得 2.fut.3sg.med.karissate他将做﹑labhissate他将得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tha
- {'def': '1.pres.﹑2.pl.karotha 你们做。2.fut.2pl.karissatha 你们将做%9%93.imp.2pl.karotha 请你们做。4.aor.2pl.adatha你们曾做%9%95.aor.3sg.med.apucchatha 他曾问', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ti
- {'def': '1.(-i)m.n.sg.Loc.arahati於阿罗汉 guṇavati於有德者2.pres.3sg.%9karoti 他做 gacchati 他走3.fut. 3sg.%9gamissati=gacchissati 他走', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -to
- {'def': '1.(-ato)m.n.f.sg.Abl.%9buddhato从佛 kaññato从女 2.-at语基 m.n.sg.Dat.Gen.gacchato 对去、去的', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tta
- {'def': '附在中性名词的字尾,变成抽象名词。另有附上-yya, -ya,以做重音变化为主,及附上-ava。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tthaṁ
- {'def': 'aor.1sg.alabhitthaṁ我曾得 asayitthaṁ我曾卧', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tu
- {'def': '1.imp.3sg.%9karotu 请他做。%92.inf.(不定体) kattu做﹑gantu 走', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tuye
- {'def': 'infin. kātuye 做 hetuye有﹑marituye死', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tuṁ
- {'def': 'inf. bhavituṁ存在﹑hotuṁ有', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tvā
- {'def': 'ger. katvā 做了之后 gantvā=gamitvā去了之后', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tvāna
- {'def': '(-tvā)%9ger. katvāna 做了之后', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tya
- {'def': '(-cca)%9ger. kacca 做了之后', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tā
- {'def': '附在阴性名词的字尾,变成抽象名词。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(ā) m.n.sg.Instr.Abl. bhagavatā 以世尊、从世尊', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'f., -tva,-tta n.[抽象名词を作る接尾辞(suf.)]こと,性,状态(bhāva)の意味', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- -tāya
- {'def': 'grd.stem lajjitāya 应羞耻', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -tūna
- {'def': 'ger. kātūna 做了之后', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -u
- {'def': '1.m.n.f.sg.Nom.Voc.%9 cakkhu眼、眼! dhenu牛、牛!%92.-ar语基%9 m.f.sg.Dat.Gen.pitu 父﹑mātu 母%93.aor.2sg.3sg.%9 ahu 有﹑assu 闻', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '﹐(& -ū) 【结尾】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -vasena
- {'def': '住於,处於,处置。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -vat
- {'def': '﹐【结尾】。1.‘具有’ 之意。bhagavat 世尊(有幸福者)。2.过去主动分词,sutavat曾闻(已闻的)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -vhe
- {'def': '1.pres.2pl.med.kubbavhe你们做﹑labhavhe你们得 2.fut.2pl.med.karissavhe你们将做﹑labhissavhe你们将得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -vho
- {'def': 'imp.2pl.med.kuruvho请你们做 labhavho请你们得', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -vāk
- {'def': '(Vedic vāc, for which the usual P. form is vācā),说,发声,谈(speech, voice, talk; only in cpd. -vākkaraṇa)。kalyāṇavākkaraṇatā, 言语和雅(A.I,38.)。Cp. Vākya(句子)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -y-
- {'def': '连音时插入的字母,避免空隙(hiatus)。Thus inserted after a before i or e: chay-imā disā D.III,188; ta-y-idaṁ Sn.1077; Pv.I,33; tava-y-idaṁ Sn.352; na-y-idaṁ S.II,278; mama-y-idaṁ Sn.806; na-y-idha Sn.790; mā-y-idha Vin.I,54; yassay-etādisī pajā D.II,267 (v. l. ss for T yassa-s-etādisī); satiyā-y-etaṁ adhivacanaṁ M.II,260; na-y-imassa Pv IV.12. -- After i before a: pāvisi-y-assamaṁ J.V,405; khaṇi-y-asmani J.III,433; yā-y-aññaṁ J.I,429 (where C. expls: ya-kāro paṭisandhi-karo). -- Cp. yeva for eva. -- Note. At J.VI,106 ya-y-ime jane is to be taken as ye ime jane; the spelling ay for e being found elsewhere as well. Cp. the following ta-y-ime jane.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ya
- {'def': 'I.【形】(形容词化), (巴利文法, p.228)。 II.【形】更…(比较级形容词),(巴利文法, p.232)。 III. 1.【中】 (抽象名词), (巴利文法, p.230)。 2.本色(人物+ [-ya本色])。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1.ger. kariya=kiriya做了之后 janīya知道了之后2.grd.stem kāriya=kiriya 应被做 vajja 应被说', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ya-
- {'def': '1.pass.stem ñāya 被知 ḍahya-(-ḍayha) 被烧%9 2.denom.stem namassa-(=namasya-) 礼敬', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -yaṁ
- {'def': 'f.sg.Loc.jatiyaṁ 於(诞)生', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ye
- {'def': 'opt.3sg. kubbaye他应做﹑ānaye他拿来', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -yā
- {'def': '1.f.sg.inst.Abl.Dat.Gen.Loc. jātiyā生 nadiyā河2.opt.3sg. siyā 愿他有 jaññā 愿他知', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ñū
- {'def': '(-ññū) (adj.-suffix) (Sk. -jñā, from jānāti, *gn: cp. P. gū›Sk. ga), 知,认知(knowing, recognizing, acknowledging, in ughaṭitañū, katañū, kālañū, khaṇañū, mattañū, rattañū, varañū, vipacitañū, vedañū, sabbañū, etc.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '-ññū m. suffix [Sk. -jñā<jñā] 知れる, 知者. kataññū, mattaññū, rattaññū, vedaññū, sabbaññū.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '-ññū m.suffix[Sk. -jña.<jñā]知れる,知者. kataññū,mattaññū,rattaññū,vedaññū,sabbaññū', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- {'def': '-ññū m. suffix [Sk. -jñā<jñā] 已知, 能知, 知者. kataññū 知恩感恩的, mattaññū 知量有節制的, rattaññū 知夜有經驗的, vedaññū 知吠陀者, sabbaññū 一切知者全知者, dhammaññū 知法者.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- -ā
- {'def': '1.m.n.sg.Abl. buddhā从佛陀﹑rūpā%9从色。2.m.pl.Nom.Voc. rajā 诸王, 诸王!3.f.sg.Nom. kaññā少女 gāthā偈%9sā彼女4.f.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc. kaññā诸少女 tā 彼女等5.子音语尾语基的m.f.Nom.rājā王 bhagavā世尊 āyasmā友、尊者 arahā阿罗汉、pitā父、matā母', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '﹐【结尾】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ā-
- {'def': '4(-q-)插入词(infix in repetition-cpds.), constitutes a guṇa- or increment-form of neg. pref. a (see a2)。phalāphala,所有种类的水果(all sorts of fruit (lit. what is fruit & not fruit)。kāraṇākāraṇāni,所有种类的责任( all sorts of duties )。khaṇḍākhaṇḍa, 点点(pêle-mêle)。gaṇḍāgaṇḍa,痈肿(a mass of boils)。cirāciraṁ,屡屡(continually)。bhavābhava,所有的存在(all kinds of existences); rūpārūpa, 所有的蕴(the whole aggregate)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -āna
- {'def': '1.m.n.f.pl.Dat.Gen.buddhāna 对诸佛、诸佛的%9 2.ppr.stem karāna= kubbāna正在做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ānaṁ
- {'def': '(-īnaṁ, -ūnaṁ)m.n.f.pl.Dat.Gen.buddhānaṁ对诸佛、诸佛的、gāthānaṁ对诸偈、诸偈的', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -āni
- {'def': '(-īni, -ūni)%9 n.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc.phalāni 诸果 %9 akkhīni 诸眼 ayūni 诸寿 tīni 三', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -āpaya-
- {'def': '(-āpe-) caus.stem kārāpaya-= kārāpe-被做', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -āvin
- {'def': '﹐【结尾】。过去主动分词 katāvin已做,sutāvin已闻。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -āya
- {'def': 'f.sg.inst.Abl.Dat.Gen.Loc.kaññāya少女', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -āya-
- {'def': '(= -e-) denom.stem piyāya 爱', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -āyo
- {'def': 'f.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc.kaññāyo少女们﹑gāthāyo…偈', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ī
- {'def': '1.f.sg.Nom.%9nadī%9河%9devī 女神%92.f.pl.Nom.Voc.acc%9 nadī 河! 河 devī女神! 女神%93.-in语基的m.sg.Nom. pakkhī 鸟 vadī 说者%94.aor.2sg.%9%9agamī 你曾走%9gilī 你曾吞', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -īya
- {'def': '(-iya-,-iyya-)1.pass.stem gaṇhīya被取﹑cīya被积%9%9%9 2.denom.stem puttīya- 爱子', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ū
- {'def': '1.m.n.f.sg.nom abhibhū征服者﹑pāragū 到彼岸者%92.m.f.pl.Nom.Voc.Acc. pāragū到彼岸者﹑dhenū牝牛%93.aor.2sg.3sg.%9 ahū 曾有%9 4.aor.3pl.%9 ahū 他们曾有﹑agū 他们曾走', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ṁ
- {'def': '【结尾】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1.m.n.f.sg.Acc. buddhaṁ佛﹑2.n.sg.Nom.kammaṁ业﹑3.aor.1sg. ajjhagaṁ我已到达﹑avocaṁ我已说', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- -ṭha
- {'def': '-ṭṭha a. [<tiṭṭhati sthā] 立てる, 在る, 存続する. kappaṭṭha. kūṭaṭṭha, gahaṭṭha, dhammaṭṭha.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- {'def': '-ṭṭha a. [<tiṭṭhati sthā] 已站立的, 在~的, 存在存續的. kappaṭṭha 劫住(lasting a kappa), kūṭaṭṭha 直立著的, 不動的( immovable), gahaṭṭha 在家者(householder), dhammaṭṭha 法住, 住法者.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- -ṭṭha
- {'def': '-ṭha a. [<tiṭṭhati sthā] 已站立的, 在~的, 存在存續的. kappaṭṭha 劫住(lasting a kappa), kūṭaṭṭha 直立著的, 不動的( immovable), gahaṭṭha 在家者(householder), dhammaṭṭha 法住, 住法者', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典 增补改订》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 1867.'}
- A
- {'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第一个元音字母。发音好像汉语中去声的 a(p1)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '巴利文字母表的罗马化拼音第一个母音字母。发音好像汉语中去声的 a。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- A-
- {'def': '2 (an- before vowels) [Vedic a-, an-; Idg. * n̊, gradation form to *ne (see na2); Gr. a), a)n-; Lat. *en-, in-; Goth., Ohg. & Ags. un-; Oir. an-, in-] neg. part. prefixed to (1) nouns and adjectives; (2) verbal forms, used like (1), whether part., ger., grd. or inf.; (3) finite verbal forms. In compn. with words having originally two initial cons. the latter reappear in their assimilated form (e. g. appaṭicchavin). In meaning it equals na-, nir- and vi-. Often we find it opp. to sa-. Verbal negatives which occur in specific verb. function will be enumd. separately, while examples of neg. form. of (1) & (2) are given under their positive form unless the neg. involves a distinctly new concept, or if its form is likely to lead to confusion or misunderstanding. -- Concerning the combining & contrasting (orig. neg.) --a- (â) in redupl. formations like bhavâ-bhava see ā4. (Page 1)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '前缀 ā 在双子音之前的短化。例子:ā + kosati = akkosati; 名词、形容词和分词的否定前缀。例子: na + kusala = akusala; 一些过去式和条件语气的词素的增加前缀。例子: akāsi.(p1)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1 the prep. ā shortened before double cons., as akkosati (ā + kruś), akkhāti (ā + khyā), abbahati (ā + bṛh). -- Best to be classed here is the a- we call expletive. It represents a reduction of ā- (mostly before liquids and nasals and with single consonant instead of double). Thus anantaka (for ā-nantaka = nantaka) Vv.807; amajjapa (for ā-majjapa = majjapa) J.VI,328; amāpaya (for āmāpaya = māpaya) J.VI,518; apassato (= passantassa) J.VI,552. (Page 1)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1,【字首】 ā 在双子音之前的短化。例子:akkosati (ā+kruw)责骂,akkhāti (ā+khyā见), abbahati (ā+brh)。名词、形容词和分词的否定字首,1.无 2.不 3.非 4.未(a未+【过分】)。例子: na+kusala = akusala(不善); 一些过去式和条件语气的词素的增加字首。例子:akāsi(造作了)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '3 [Vedic a-; Idg. *e (Loc. of pron. stem, cp. ayaṁ; orig. a deictic adv. with specific reference to the past, cp. Sk sma); Gr. e)--; also in Gr. e)keί, Lat. equidem, enim] the augment (sign of action in the past), prefixed to the root in pret., aor. & cond. tenses; often omitted in ordinary prose. See forms under each verb; cp. also ajja. Identical with this a- is the a- which functions as base of some pron. forms like ato, attha, asu etc. (q. v.). (Page 1)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '4 the sound a (a-kāra) J.VI,328, 552; VvA.279, 307, 311. (Page 1)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2 (An- 加在母音之前) (吠陀语(Vedic) a-, an-;印欧语(Idg.= Indo-Germanic) * n̊, gradation form to *ne (see na2); 希腊文(Gr.) ά, άn-;拉丁语(Lat.) *en-, in-;哥德语(Goth.),古高地德语(Ohg.) & 盎格鲁撒克逊语(Ags.) un-;古爱尔兰语(Oir.) an-, in-)【字首】否定句的部份,加字首到(1)名词、形容词。(2)动词(verbal forms)--无论是不变化词(particle)、独立词(gerund连续体、绝对体)、未来被动分词(gerundive)、或不定词(infinitive); (3)限定动词(finite verbal)。在结合字里两个相同的子音,第二个子音是同化的型式(assimilated form)(如:appaticchavin)。在意义上,它等於na-, nir-, vi-, -a-(-q-)复制的型式,如:bhavq-bhava(存在或不存在)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '3(Vedic a-),【字首】扩增(augment)加在过去式(preterite, aorist)、条件式(conditional tenses),在散文(prose)中通常省略。a-当做某些代名词的语基,如:-ato, -attha, -asu etc.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ababa
- {'def': '【中】 一个地狱的名字(阿婆婆地狱),一个有76个零的数字。(p29)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[of uncertain origin, prob. onomatopoetic]. N. of a cert. Purgatory, enumd. with many other similar names at A.V,173 = Sn.p. 126 (cp. aṭaṭa, abbuda & also Av. Ś I.4, 10 & see for further expln. of term SnA 476 sq. (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】一个地狱的名字(阿婆婆地狱),一个有76个零的数位。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Ababa niraya
- {'def': '阿拔拔地狱。', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
- Abaddha
- {'def': 'abandhana,【形】无束缚的,自由的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'abandhana, 【形】 无束缚的,自由的。(p29)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[a + baddha] not tied, unbound, unfettered Sn.39 (v. l. and Nd2 abandha; expld- by rajju-bandhan’ādisu yena kenaci abaddha SnA 83). (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abala
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + bala] not strong, weak, feeble Sn.1120 (= dubbala, appabala, appathāma Nd2 73); Dh.29 (°assa a weak horse = dubbalassa DhA.I,262; opp. sīghassa a quick horse). (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 弱的,微弱的。 ~lā, 【阴】 女人。(p29)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(a无+bala强力的),【形】无强力的,弱的,微弱的。abalā,【阴】女人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abandha
- {'def': '(n.-adj.) [a + bandha] not tied to, not a follower or victim of It.56 (mārassa; v. l. abaddha). (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abandhana
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + bandhana] without fetters or bonds, unfettered, untrammelled Sn.948, cp. Nd1 433. (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbahati
- {'def': '(& abbuhati) [the first more freq. for pres., the second often in aor. forms; Sk. ābṛhati, ā + bṛh1, pp. bṛḍha (see abbūḷha)] to draw off, pull out (a sting or dart); imper. pres. abbaha Th.1, 404; J.II,95 (v. l. BB appuha = abbuha; C. expls. by uddharatha). -- aor. abbahi J.V,198 (v. l. BB abbuhi), abbahī (metri causa) J.III,390 (v. l. BB dhabbuḷi = abbuḷhi) = Pv.I,86 (which reads T. abbūḷha, but PvA.41 expls. nīhari) = DhA.I,30 (vv. ll. sabbahi, sabbamhi; gloss K. B abbūḷhaṁ) = Vv 839 (T. abbuḷhi; v. l. BB abbuḷhaṁ, SS avyahi; VvA.327 expls. as uddhari), & abbuhi A.III,55 (v. l. abbahi, C. abbahī ti nīhari), see also vv. ll. under abbahi. -- ger. abbuyha Sn.939 (= abbuhitvā uddharitvā Nd1 419; v.l. SS abbuyhitvā; SnA 567 reads avyuyha & expls. by uddharitvā); S.I,121 (taṇhaṁ); III,26 (id.; but spelt abbhuyha). -- pp. abbuḷha (q. v.). -- Caus. abbāheti [Sk. ābarhayati] to pull out, drag out J.IV,364 (satthaṁ abbāhayanti; v. l. abbhā°); DhA.II,249 (asiṁ). ger. abbāhitvā (= °hetvā) Vin II 201 (bhisa-muḷālaṁ) with v. l. BB aggahetvā, SS abbūhitvā, cp. Vin.I,214 (vv. ll. aggahitvā & abbāhitvā). pp. abbūḷhita (q. v.). (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '﹐拔除。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'Abbuhati, 拔除。【过】abbuhi。【独】 abbuyha。 【过分】abbūḷha。opt. abbahe, abbhuye。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbaje
- {'def': 'T. reading at A.II,39, evidently interpreted by ed. as ā + vraje, pot. of ā + vraj to go to, come to (cp. pabbajati), but is preferably with v. l. SS to be read aṇḍaje (corresponding with vihaṅgama in prec. line). (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbata
- {'def': '【形】 无道德的,不持戒的。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(n.-adj.) [a + vata, Sk. avrata] (a) (nt.) that which is not “vata” i. e. moral obligation, breaking of the moral obligation Sn.839 (asīlata +); Nd1 188 (v. l. SS abhabbata; expld. again as a-vatta). SnA 545 (= dhutaṅgavataṁ vinā. -- (b) (adj.) one who offends against the moral obligation, lawless Dh.264 (= sīlavatena ca dhutavatena ca virahita DhA.III,391; vv. ll. k. adhūta & abhūta; B. abbhuta, C. abbuta). (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(a无+vata禁制)【中】无道德。【形】无道德的,不持戒的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbaya
- {'def': 'in uday° at Miln.393 stands for avyaya. (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbaṇa
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + vaṇa, Sk. avraṇa] without wounds Dh.124. (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 无伤的。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(a无+vaṇa伤),【形】无伤的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbeti
- {'def': '[Trenckner, Notes 64 n. 19] at J.III,34 & VI,17 is probably a mistake in MSS for appeti. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbha
{'def': '(nt.) [Vedic abhra nt. & later Sk. abhra m. “dark cloud”; Idg. *m̊bhro, cp. Gr. a)fro\\s scum, froth, Lat. imber rain; also Sk. ambha water, Gr. o)/mbros rain, Oir ambu water]. A (dense & dark) cloud, a cloudy mass A.II,53 = Vin.II,295 = Miln.273 in list of to things that obscure moon- & sunshine, viz. abbhaṁ mahikā (mahiyā A) dhūmarajo (megho Miln), Rāhu. This list is referred to at SnA 487 & VvA.134. S.I,101 (°sama pabbata a mountain like a thunder-cloud); J.VI,581 (abbhaṁ rajo acchādesi); Pv IV.39 (nīl° = nīla-megha PvA.251). As f. abbhā at Dhs.617 & DhsA.317 (used in sense of adj. “dull”; DhsA.expls. by valāhaka); perhaps also in abbhāmatta.
--kūṭa the point or summit of a storm-cloud Th.1, 1064; J.VI,249, 250; Vv 11 (= valāhaka-sikhara VvA.12). --ghana a mass of clouds, a thick cloud It.64; Sn.348 (cp. SnA 348). --paṭala a mass of clouds DhsA.239. --mutta free from clouds Sn.687 (also as abbhāmutta Dh.382). --saṁvilāpa thundering S.IV,289. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【中】 天空,云。 ~kūṭa, 【中】 暴风云的顶点。 ~paṭala,【中】 大量的云。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(梵abhra),【中】云(cloud),云层( a cloudy mass)。Abbhā﹐【阴】云。abbhakūṭa,【中】暴风云的顶点。abbhapaṭala,【中】大量的云。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhacchādita
- {'def': '[pp. of abhi + ā + chādeti] covered (with) Th.1, 1068. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhaka
- {'def': '【中】 石墨,粉状石墨。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(梵abhraka),【中】滑石,石墨,粉状石墨。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhakkhāna
- {'def': '(‹abbhakkhāti控告),【中】诽谤,控告。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 诽谤,中伤 。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abbhakkhāti] accusation, slander, calumny D.III,248, 250; M.I,130; III,207; A.III,290 sq.; Dh.139 (cp. DhA.III,70). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhakkhāti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ā+khā掘+a), 中伤,反对。abbhakkhāsi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ā + khā + a), 中伤,反对。 ~khāsi, 【过】。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + ā + khyā, cp. Sk. ākhyāti] to speak against to accuse, slander D.I,161 = A.I,161 (an-abbhakkhātu-kāma); IV,182 (id.); J.IV,377. Cp. Intens. abbhācikkhati. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhantara
- {'def': '(abhi全面+antara内部﹑中途),【中】里边,内部。【形】内部的,内在的。abbhantarika,【形】亲密朋友,心腹朋友,知己。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + antara; abhi here in directive function = towards the inside, in there, with-in, cp. abhi I.1 a] = antara, i. e. internal, inner, being within or between; nt. °ṁ the inner part, interior, interval (also as °-) Vin.I,111 (satt° with interval of seven); A.IV,16 (opp. bāhira); Dh.394 (id.); Th.1, 757 (°âpassaya lying inside); J.III,395 (°amba the inside of the Mango); Miln.30 (°e vāyo jivo), 262, 281 (bāhir-abbhantara dhana); DhA.II,74 (adj. c. Gen. being among; v. l. abbhantare). ‹-› Cases used adverbially: Instr. abbhantarena in the meantime, in between DhA.II,59. Loc. abbhantare in the midst of, inside of, within (c. Gen. or --°) J.I,262 (rañño), 280 (tuyhaṁ); DhA.II,64 (v. l. antare), 92 (sattavass°); PvA.48 (= anto). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【 中 】 里边,内部。【形】 内部的,内在的。 ~rika,【形】亲密朋友,心腹朋友,知己。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbhantarika
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [fr. abbhantara, cp. Sk. abhyantara in same meaning] intimate friend, confidant, “chum” J.I,86 (+ ativissāsika), 337 (“insider”, opp. bāhiraka). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhantarima
- {'def': '(adj.) [superl. formation fr. abbhantara in contrasting function] internal, inner (opp. bāhirima) Vin.III,149; J.V,38. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhanumodana
- {'def': '(nt.) (& °ā f.) [fr. abbhanumodati] being pleased, satisfaction, thanksgiving DA.I,227; VvA.52 (°ānu°); Sdhp.218. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhanumodanā
- {'def': '【阴】 很感谢,随喜功德。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】很感谢,随喜功德。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhanumodati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+anumodati随喜), 全面随喜。【过】abbhanumodi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + anu + modati] to be much pleased at to show great appreciation of Vin.I,196; D.I,143, 190; S.IV,224; Miln.29, 210; DhA.IV,102 (v. l. °ānu°). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhatika
- {'def': '(adj.) [ā + bhata + ika, bhṛ] brought (to), procured, got, J.VI,291. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhatikkanta
- {'def': '[pp. of abhi + ati + kram, cp. atikkanta] one who has thoroughly, left behind J.V,376. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhattha
- {'def': '(abhi全面+attha灭没) 【中】灭没。abbhatthaṁgataṁ(abbhatthaṅgataṁ;disappeared), 已消失。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + attha2 in Acc. abhi + atthaṁ, abhi in function of “towards” = homeward, as under abhi I.1 a; cp. Vedic abhi sadhasthaṁ to the seat R. V. IX. 21. 3] = attha2, only in phrase abbhatthaṁ gacchati “to go towards home”, i. e. setting; fig. to disappear, vanish, M.I,115, 119; III,25; A.IV,32; Miln.305; pp. abhhattaṅgata “set”, gone, disappeared Dhs.1038 (atthaṅgata +); Kvu 576. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhatthatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. abbhatta] “going towards setting”, disappearance, death J.V,469. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhatīta
- {'def': '【形】 经过的,过去的。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhi + ati + i, cp. atīta & atikkanta] emphatic of atīta in all meanings, viz. 1 passed, gone by S.II,183 (+ atikkanta); nt. °ṁ what is gone or over, the past J.III,169. -- 2. passed away, dead M.I,465; S.IV,398; Th.1, 242, 1035. -- 3. transgressed, overstepped, neglected J.III,541 (saṁyama). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+atīta过去﹑跨越),【形】经过的,过去的。【过分】全面过去,全面跨越。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhañjana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abbhañjati] anointing, lubricating, oiling; unction, unguent Vin.I,205; III,79; Miln.367 (akkhassa a.); Vism.264; VvA.295. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】1.涂抹,涂油。2.软膏。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 1. 涂抹,涂油。 2. 软膏。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbhañjati
- {'def': '(abhi + añj + a), 涂抹,润滑。~ñji,【过】。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + añj] to anoint; to oil, to lubricate M.I,343 (sappi-telena); S.IV,177; Pug.56; DhA.III,311 = VvA.68 (sata-pāka-telena). Caus. abbhañjeti same J.I,438 (telena °etvā); V,376 (sata-pāka-telena °ayiṁsu); Caus. II. abbhanjāpeti to cause to anoint J.III,372. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+añj涂油+a), 涂抹,润滑。abbhañji,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbheti
- {'def': '[abhi + ā + i] to rehabilitate a bhikkhu who has been suspended for breach of rules Vin.II,7 (abbhento), 33 (abbheyya); III,112 (abbheti), 186 = IV.242 (abbhetabba) -- pp. abbhita (q. v.). See also abbhāna. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhita
- {'def': '[pp. of abbheti] 1. come back, rehabilitated, reinstated Vin.III,186 = IV.242 (an°). -- 2. uncertain reading at Pv.I,123 in sense of “called” (an° uncalled), where id. p. at J.III,165 reads anavhāta & at Th.2, 129 ayācita. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhocchinna
- {'def': '(besides abbocch°, q.v. under abbokiṇṇa2) [a + vi + ava + chinna] not cut off, uninterrupted, continuous J.I,470 (v. l. abbo°); VI,254, 373; Cp. I.63; Miln.72; Vism.362 (bb), 391 (bb). (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhohārika
- {'def': 'see abbo°. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhokirati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ava下+kir散+a), 洒。abbhokiri,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ava + kir + a), 洒。 ~kiri, 【过】。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + ava + kirati] to sprinkle over, to cover, bedeck Vv 59 (= abhi-okirati abhippakirati), 3511 (v. l. abbhuk°). Cp. abbhukkirati & abbhokkiraṇa ‹-› pp. abbhokiṇṇa see under abbokiṇṇa. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhokiraṇa
- {'def': '【中】 1. 洒。 2. 舞者的运动。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】1.洒。2.舞者的运动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhokiṇṇa
- {'def': '[pp. of abbhokirati] see abbokiṇṇa. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 拥挤的。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】拥挤的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhokkiraṇa
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abbhokirati] in naṭānaṁ a. “turnings of dancers” DA.I,84 in expln of sobha-nagarakaṁ of D.I,6. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhokuṭika
- {'def': 'spelling at DhA.IV,8 for abbhākuṭika. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhokāsa
- {'def': '[abhi + avakāsa] the open air, an open & unsheltered space D.I,63 (= alagganatthena a. viya DA.I,180), 71 (=acchanna DA.I,210), 89; M.III,132; A.II,210; III,92; IV,437,V,65; Sn.p. 139 (°e nissinna sitting in the open) J.I,29, 215; Pug.57. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 无庇护的地方,户外,露天。 ~kāsika, 【阳】 住在户外的人。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面﹑超越+avakāsa机会﹑空间),【阳】户外,露天,无庇护的地方,海阔天空,全都露。abbhokāsika,【阳】住在户外的人。abbhokāsova pabbajja(PTS: abbhokāso ca pabbajja), 出家是海阔天空。SnA.v.406./II,381.︰Abbhokāsoti vuttasambādhapaṭipakkhabhāvena ākāso viya vivaṭā.(海阔天空︰如所说的龌龊,对治消失之后,露出空间。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhokāsika
{'def': '(adj.) [fr. abbhokāsa] belonging to the open air, one who lives in the open, the practice of certain ascetics. D.I,167; M.I,282; A.III,220; Vin.V,131, 193; J.IV,8 (+ nesajjika); Pug.69; Miln.20, 342. (One of the 13 Dhutaṁgas). See also Nd1 188; Nd2 587.
--aṅga the practice or system of the “campers-out” Nd1 558 (so read for abbhokāsi-kaṅkhā, cp. Nd1 188). (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhu
- {'def': '[a + bhū most likely = Vedic abhva and P. abbhuṁ, see also abbhāmatta] unprofitableness, idleness, nonsense J.V,295 (= abhūti avaḍḍhi C.). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuddhunāti
- {'def': '[abhi + ud + dhunāti] to shake very much Vv 649 (= adhikaṁ uddhunāti VvA.278). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhudeti
- {'def': '[abhi + ud + eti] to go out over, to rise A.II,50, 51 (opp. atthaṁ eti, of the sun). -- ppr. abbhuddayaṁ Vv 6417 (= abhi-uggacchanto VvA.280; abbhusayaṁ ti pi pāṭho). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+udi +e), 升,形成。abbhudesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + udi + e), 升,形成。 ~esi, 【过】。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbhudāharati
- {'def': '[abhi + ud + ā + harati] to bring towards, to fetch, to begin or introduce (a conversation) M.II,132. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhudīreti
- {'def': '[abhi + ud + īreti] to raise the voice, to utter Th.2, 402; DA.I,61; Sdhp.514. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuggacchati
- {'def': '[abhi + ud + gacchati] to go forth, go out, rise into D.I,112, 127; A.III,252 (kitti-saddo a.); Pug.36. ger. °gantvā J I 88 (ākāsaṁ), 202; DhA.IV,198. aor. °gañchi M.I,126 (kittisaddo); J.I,93. -- pp. abbhuggata. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+u出?上+gam去+a), 升入,出去。abbhuggacchi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + u + gam + a), 升入,出去。 ~gacchi, 【过】。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbhuggamana
- {'def': '(nt.-adj.) [fr. abbhuggacchati] going out over, rising over (c. Acc.) PvA.65 (candaṁ nabhaṁ abbhuggamanaṁ; so read for T. abbhuggamānaṁ). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】升起。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 升起。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbhuggata
- {'def': '(Abbhuggacchati的【过分】) 升入,出去。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abbhuggacchati] gone forth, gone out, risen D.I,88 (kitti-saddo a., cp. DhA.I,146: sadevakaṁ lokaṁ ajjhottharitvā uggato), 107 (saddo); Sn.p. 103 (kittisaddo). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuggirati
- {'def': '(abhi + u + gir + a), 以胁迫的方式升起手或挥动一些事物。~giri, 【过】。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+u出+gir吞+a), 以胁迫的方式升起手或挥动一些东西。abbhuggiri,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhuggiraṇa
- {'def': '【中】 挥。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】挥。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhujjalana
- {'def': '(abhi全面+u出+jalana燃)﹐【中】口吐出火。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + ud + jalana, from jval] breathing out fire, i. e. carrying fire in one’s month (by means of a charm) D.I,11 (= mantena mukhato aggi-jala-nīharaṇaṁ DA.I,97). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhukkirati
- {'def': '(abhi + u + kir + a), 洒。 ~kiri, 【过】。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+u 出?上+kir散+a), 洒。abbhukkiri,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + ud + kirati] to sprinkle over, to rinse (with water) D.II,172 (cakkaratanaṁ; neither with Morris J P T S. 1886, 131 “give up”, nor with trsl. of J.II,311 “roll along”); J.V,390; PvA.75. Cp. abbhokkirati. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhukkiraṇa
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + ud + kṛ] drawing out, pulling, in daṇḍa-sattha° drawing a stick or sword Nd2 5764 (cp. abbhokkiraṇa). Or is it abbhuttīraṇa (cp. uttiṇṇa outlet). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 抽出,洒。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】抽出,洒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhumme
- {'def': '【叹】 唉!(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【叹】唉!', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhunnadita
- {'def': '[pp. of abhi + ud + nadati] resounding, resonant Th.1, 1065). (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhunnamati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+u出+namati弯),涌出。【独】abbhunnamitvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi, + ud + namati] to, spring up, burst forth D.II,164. -- pp. abbhuṇṇata (& °unnata), q. v. ‹-› Caus. abbhunnāmeti to stiffen, straighten out, hold up, erect D.I,120 (kāyaṁ one’s body); A.II,245 (id.); D.I,126 (patodalaṭṭhiṁ; opp. apanāmeti to bend down). (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhunnata
- {'def': '【形】 升高,高。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】升高,高。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhunnati
- {'def': '﹐Abbhuṇṇati, (‹abhi全面+unnati),傲慢(haughtiness)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhussahanatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. abhi + *utsahana, cp. ussāha] instigation, incitement Vin.II,88. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhussakati
- {'def': '& °usukkati [abhi + ud + ṣvaṣk, see sakkati] to go out over, rise above (Acc.), ascend, freq. in phrase ādicco nabhaṁ abbhussakkamāno M.I,317 = S.III,156 = It.20. -- See also S.I,65; V,44; A.I,242 (same simile); V,22 (id.). (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhusseti
- {'def': '[abhi + ud + seti of śī] to rise; v. l. at Vv 6417 according to VvA.280: abbhuddayaṁ (see abbhudeti) abbhussayan ti pi pāṭho. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhusūyaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + usūyā + ka] zealous, showing zeal, endeavouring in (-°) Pgdp 101. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuta
- {'def': '【形】 令人惊奇的,了不起的。 【中】 奇迹,一个奇异的事物,打赌。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】令人惊奇的,未曾有的。【中】奇迹,一个奇异的事物,打赌。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (nt.) [= abbhuta1 in the sense of invoking strange powers in gambling, thus being under direct spell of the “unknown”] a bet, a wager, only in phrase abbhutaṁ karoti (sahassena) to make a bet or to bet (a thousand, i. e. kahāpaṇa’s or pieces of money) Vin.III,138; IV,5; J.I,191; V,427; VI,192; PvA.151; & in phrase pañcahi sahassehi abbhutaṁ hotu J.VI,193. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
{'def': '1 (adj. nt.) [*Sk. adbhuta which appears to be constructed from the Pāli & offers like its companion *āścarya (acchariya abbhuta see below) serious difficulties as to etym. The most probable solution is that P. abbhuta is a secondary adj.-formation from abbhuṁ which in itself is nt. of abbha = Vedic abhva (see etym. under abbhāmatta and cp. abbhu, abbhuṁ & J.P.T.S. 1889, 201). In meaning abbhuta is identical with Vedic abhva contrary to what usually happens, i. e. striking, abnormal, gruesome, horrible etc.; & that its significance as a + bhū (“unreal?”) is felt in the background is also evident from the traditional etym. of the Pāli Commentators (see below). See also acchariya] terrifying, astonishing; strange, exceptional, puzzling, extraordinary, marvellous, supernormal. Described as a term of surprise & consternation (vimhay’āvahass’adhivacanaṁ DA.I,43 & VvA.329) & expld. as “something that is not” or “has not been before”, viz. abhūtaṁ ThA.233; abhūta-pubbatāya abbhutaṁ VvA.191, 329; abhūta-pubbaṁ DA.I,43. -- 1. (adj.) wonderful, marvellous etc. Sn.681 (kiṁ °ṁ, combd. with lomahaṁsana); J.IV,355 (id.); Th.2, 316 (abbhutaṁ vata vācaṁ bhāsasi = acchariyaṁ ThA.233); Vv 449 (°dassaneyya); Sdhp.345, 496. -- 2. (nt.) the wonderful, a wonder, marvel S.IV,371, also in °dhamma (see Cpd.). Very freq. in combn. with acchariyaṁ and a part. of exclamation, viz, acchariyaṁ bho abbhutaṁ bho wonderful indeed & beyond comprehension, strange & stupefying D.I,206; acch. vata bho abbh. vata bho D.I,60; acch. bhante abbh. A.II,50; aho acch. aho abbh. J.I,88; acch. vata abbh. vata Vv 8316. -- Thus also in phrase acchariyā abbhutā dhammā wonderful & extraordinary signs or things M.III,118, 125; A.II,130; IV,198; Miln.8; and in acchariya-abbhutacitta-jāta dumbfounded & surprised J.I,88; DhA.IV,52; PvA.6, 50.
--dhamma mysterious phenomenon, something wonderful, supernormal; designation of one of the nine aṅgas or divisions of the Buddhist Scriptures (see nava B 2) Vin.III,8; M.I,133; A.II,103; III,86, 177; Pug.43; Miln.344; PvA.2, etc. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuyyāta
- {'def': '[pp. of abbhuyyāti] marched against, attacked Vin.I,342; M.II,124. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuyyāti
- {'def': '[abhi + up + yāti of yā] to go against, to go against, to march (an army) against, to attack S.I,82 (aor °uyyāsi). -- pp. abbhuyyāta (q. v.). (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi 全面+u出+yā去+a), 进军。abbhuyyāta,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + u + yā + a), 进军。~yāta,【过分】。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbhuṁ
- {'def': '(interj.) [Vedic abhvaṁ, nt. of abhva, see expld. under abbhamatta. Not quite correct Morris J P T S. 1889, 201: abbhuṁ = ā + bhuk; cp also abbhuta] alas! terrible, dreadful, awful (excl. of fright & shock) Vin.II,115 (Bdhgh. expls. as “utrāsa-vacanam-etaṁ”); M.I,448. ‹-› See also abbhu & abbhuta. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuṇha
- {'def': '(adj.) [ahhi + uṇha] (a) very hot DhA.II,87 (v. l. accuṇha). (b) quite hot, still warm (of milk) DhA.II,67. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuṇṇata
- {'def': '[pp. of abbhunnamati] standing up, held up, erect J.V,156 (in abbhuṇṇatatā state of being erect. stiffness), 197 (°unnata; v. l. abbhantara, is reading correct?). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhuṭṭhāna
- {'def': '【中】站起来,起床,进步。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 站起来,起床,进步。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbhuṭṭhāti
- {'def': '(°ṭṭhahati) [abhi + ud + sthā] to get up to, proceed to, D.I,105 (caṅkamaṁ). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhācikkhana
- {'def': '【中】 控告,中伤。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】控告,中伤。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhācikkhati
- {'def': '(abhi + ā + cikkh + a), 责备,中伤,诽谤。 ~khi, 【过】。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ā+cikkh+a), 责备,中伤,诽谤。abbhācikkhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Intens. of abbhākkhāti] to accuse, slander, calumniate D.I,161; III,248, 250; M.I,130, 368, 482; III,207; A.I,161. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhāgamana
- {'def': '【中】抵达,挺身而出。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + ā + gamana; cp. Sk. abhyāgama] coming arrival, approach Vin.IV,221. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 抵达,挺身而出。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbhāgata
- {'def': '【三】 客人,陌生人, 【过分】 已到达。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + ā + gata] having arrived or come; (m.) a guest, stranger Vv 15 (= abhi-āgata, āgantuka VvA.24). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【三】客人,陌生人,【过分】已到达。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbhāghāta
- {'def': '[abhi + āghāta] slaughtering-place Vin.III,151 (+ āghāta). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhāhana
- {'def': '(nt.) [either = abbāhana or āvāhana] in udaka° the pulling up or drawing up of water Vin.II,318 (Bdhgh. on CullavaggaV,16, 2, corresponding to udaka-vāhana on p. 122). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhāhata
- {'def': '(abbhāhanati 的【过分】), 已攻击,已使痛苦,已折磨。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abbhāhanati 的【过分】), 已攻击,已使痛苦,已折磨。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + ā + hata, pp. of han] struck, attacked, afflicted S.I,40 (maccunā); Th.1, 448; Sn.581; J.VI,26, 440; Vism.31, 232; DA.I,140, 147; DhA.IV,25. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhākuṭika
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + bhākuṭi + ka; Sk. bhrakuṭi frown] not frowning, genial Vin.III,181 (but here spelt bhākuṭikabhākuṭika); D.I,116, cp. DA.I,287; DhA.IV,8 (as v. l.; T. has abbhokuṭika). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhāmatta
- {'def': '(adj.) [abbhā + matta (?) according to the Pāli Com.; but more likely = Vedic abhva huge, enormous, monstrous, with ā metri causa. On abhva (a + bhū what is contradictory to anything that is) cp. abbhuta & abbhuṁ, and see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under dubius] monstrous, dreadful, enormous, “of the size of a large cloud” (thus C. on S.I,205 & J.III,309) S.I,205 = Th.1, 652 (v. l. abbha° & abbhāmutta) = J.III,309 (v. l. °mutta). (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbhāna
- {'def': '(abhi + āyana of ā + yā (i)),【中】复归(比丘身份)(coming back, rehabilitation of a bhikkhu who has undergone a penance for an expiable offence)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + āyana of ā + yā (i)] coming back, rehabilitation of a bhikkhu who has undergone a penance for an expiable offence Vin.I,49 (°âraha), 53 (id.), 143, 327; II,33, 40, 162; A.I,99. -- Cp. abbheti. (Page 60)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbocchinna
- {'def': 'see abbokiṇṇa 2 and abbhochinna. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 不间断的。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】不间断的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbohārika
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + vi + ava + hārika of voharati] not of legal or conventional status, i. e. -- (a) negligible, not to be decided Vin.III,91, 112 (see also Kvu trsl. 361 n. 4). -- (b) uncommon, extraordinary J.III,309 (v. l. BB abbho°); V,271, 286 (Kern: ineffective). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 可忽略的。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(a + vi + ava + hārika of voharati; not of legal or conventional status ),【形】1.可忽略的(negligible, not to be decided ). 2.不寻常(uncommon, extraordinary)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbokiṇṇa
- {'def': '[= abbhokiṇṇa, abhi + ava + kiṇṇa, cp. abhikiṇṇa] 1.filled M.I,387 (paripuṇṇa +); DhA.IV,182 (pañca jātisatāni a.). -- 2. [seems to be misunderstood for abbocchinna, a + vi + ava + chinna] uninterrupted, constant, as °ṁ adv. in combn. with satataṁ samitaṁ A.IV,13 = 145; Kvu 401 (v. l. abbhokiṇṇa), cp. also Kvu trsl. 231 n. 1 (abbokiṇṇa undiluted?); Vbh.320. -- 3. doubtful spelling at Vin.III,271 (Bdhgh on Pārāj. III,1, 3). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(= abbhokiṇṇa)( abhi +ava +kiṇṇa, cp. Abhikiṇṇa),【形】不间断的,持续的,不拥挤的。satataṁ samitaṁ﹐恒常不间断地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不间断的,持续的,不拥挤的。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbuda
- {'def': '【中】1. 瘤。2. 在怀孕后第二个星期的胎儿。 3. 分离的因素。4.一个地狱的名字(頞部陀地狱)。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [etym. unknown, orig. meaning “swelling”, the Sk. form arbuda seems to be a trsl. of P. abbuda] 1. the foetus in the 1st & 2nd months after conception, the 2nd of the five prenatal stages of development, viz. kalala, abbuda, pesi, ghana, pasākha Nd1 120; Miln.40; Vism.236. -- 2. a tumour, canker, sore Vin.III,294, 307 (only in Samantapāsādikā; both times as sāsanassa a). -- 3. a very high numeral, appld. exclusively to the denotation of a vast period of suffering in Purgatory; in this sense used as adj. of Niraya (abbudo nirayo the “vast-period” hell, cp. nirabbuda). S.I,149 = A.II,3 (chattiṁsati pañca ca abbudāni); S.I,152 = A.V,173 = Sn.p. 126 (cp. SnA 476: abbudo nāma koci pacceka-nirayo n’atthi, Avīcimhi yeva abbuda-gaṇanāya paccanokāso pana abbudo nirayo ti vutto; see also Kindred Sayings p. 190); J.III,360 (sataṁ ninnahuta-sahassānaṁ ekaṁ abbudaṁ). -- 4. a term used for “hell” in the riddle S.I,43 (kiṁsu lokasmiṁ abhudaṁ “who are they who make a hell on earth” Mrs. Rh. D. The answer is “thieves”; so we can scarcely take it in meaning of 2 or 3. The C. has vināsa-karaṇaṁ. (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(梵 arbuda),【中】1.疱、肿瘤。2.頞部陀,在怀孕后第二个星期的胎儿。3.分离的因素。4.一个地狱的名字(頞部陀地狱)。5.垓ㄍㄞ (1垓=100兆)。【形】垓ㄍㄞ地狱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbuda niraya
- {'def': '阿菩达地狱。', 'xr': '《巴利语汇解》与《巴利新音译》 玛欣德尊者'}
- Abbuhati
- {'def': '﹐拔除。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbuyha
- {'def': '( abbahati拔除的【独】), 拔除。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abbuḷhana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abbahati = abbuhati (abbuḷhati)] the pulling out (of a sting), in phrase taṇhā-sallassa abbuḷhanaṁ as one of the 12 achievements of a Mahesi Nd1 343 = Nd2 503 (eds. of Nd1 have abbūhana, v. l. SS abbussāna; ed. of Nd2 abbuḷhana, v. l. SS abbahana, BB abbuhana). Cp. abbāhana. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbuḷhati
- {'def': '(?) & Abbuhati see abbahati. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbāhana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. abbahati] pulling out (of a sting) DhA.III,404 (sic. T.; v. l. abbūhana; Fausböll aḍahana; glosses C. aṭṭhaṅgata & aṭṭhaṅgika, K. nibbāpana). See also abbuḷhana and abbhāhana. (Page 58)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbūhati
- {'def': '(ā+vi+ūh +a), 排掉,拉出。abbūhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(ā + vi + ūh + a), 排掉,拉出。 abbūhi,【过】。(p30)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abbūḷha
- {'def': '(Abbūhati的【过分】) 排掉,拉出。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. ābṛḍha, pp. of a + bṛh1, see abbahati] drawn out, pulled (of a sting or dart), fig. removed, destroyed. Most freq. in combn. °salla with the sting removed, having the sting (of craving thirst, taṇhā) pulled out D.II,283 (v. l. SS asammūḷha); Sn.593, 779 (= abbūḷhita-salla Nd1 59; rāgâdi-sallānaṁ abbūḷhattā a. SnA 518); J.III,390 = Vv 8310 = Pv.I,87 = DhA.I,30. -- In other connection: M.I,139 = A.III,84 (°esika = taṇhā pahīnā; see esikā); Th.1, 321; KhA 153 (°soka). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbūḷhatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. of abbūḷha] pulling out, removal, destroying SnA 518. (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abbūḷhita
- {'def': '(& abbūhitta at J.III,541) [pp. of abbāheti Caus. of abbāhati] pulled out, removed, destroyed Nd1 59 (abbūḷhita-sallo + uddhaṭa° etc. for abbūḷha); J.III,541 (uncertain reading; v. l. BB appahita, SS abyūhita; C. expls. pupphakaṁ ṭhapitaṁ appaggharakaṁ kataṁ; should we explain as ā + vi + ūh and read abyūhita?). (Page 59)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhabba
{'def': '(adj.) [a + bhavya. The Sk. abhavya has a different meaning] impossible, not likely, unable D.III,13 sq., 19, 26 sq., 133; It.106, 117; Sn.231 (see KhA 189); Dh.32; J I 116; Pug.13.
--ṭṭhāna a (moral) impossibility of which there are 9 enumd. among things that are not likely to be found in an Arahant’s character: see D.III,133 & 235 (where the five first only are given as a set). (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【形】 不能的,不精通的。 ~tā, 无能,不可能性。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(a不+bhabba能够﹑可能),【形】不能的,不精通的。abhabbatā, 无能,不可能性。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhabbatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. abhabba] an impossibility, unlikelihood Sn.232, cp. KhA 191. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhava
- {'def': '(a不+bhava变成)﹐不变成,无,非有。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhavissa
- {'def': '(‹bhavati)﹐如果有(cond.2sg.3sg.)(与事实相反的假设)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhaya
- {'def': '(a无+bhaya恐惧),【形】安全的,无畏的。【中】无恐惧。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 安全的,无畏的。 【中】 安全。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + bhaya] free from fear or danger, fearless, safe Dh.258. -- nt. abhayaṁ confidence, safety Dh.317, cp. DhA.III,491. For further refs. see bhaya. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhayagiri
- {'def': 'm. アバヤギリ(Abhayagiri的片假名發音), 無畏山 [寺].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. アバヤギリ, 無畏山 [寺].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Abhayā
- {'def': '【阴】 诃子 ①(一种东印度乔木 (Terminalia chebula),常绿乔木,叶子卵形或椭圆形。果实象橄榄,可以入药,有轻泻、止咳等作用。产于中国云南、广东,以及印度、缅甸、马来亚等地)。②这种植物的果实。‖ 也叫藏青果。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】诃子。1.一种东印度乔木 (Terminalia chebula),常绿乔木,叶子卵形或椭圆形。果实像橄榄,可以入药,有轻泻、止咳等作用。产於中国云南、广东,以及印度、缅甸、马来亚等地。它是「三果粉」(Triphala churna)的三种成份之一,Amalaki, Vibhitaki and Harītaki(=abhayā),治疗消化不良dyspepsia, 痔疮piles, 血浊impurity of blood, 眼睛感染irritation in eye & 出血haemorrhage。)。2.这种植物的果实,也叫藏青果。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhejja
- {'def': '【形】 不可分散的,不可分开的。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(grd. of a + bhid, cp. Sk. abhedya),【形】不可分散的,不可分开的(not to be split or divided)。abhejjapasāda﹐不坏净不可破坏的坚信佛、法、僧及圣戒。又名avecca-pasāda(不消失的净信)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [grd. of a + bhid, cp. Sk. abhedya] not to be split or divided, not to be drawn away or caused to be dissented, inalienable Sn.255 (mitto abhejjo parehi); J.I,263 (varasūra . . .) III,318 (°rūpa of strong character = abhijja-hadaya); Pug.30 (= acchejja Pug.A 212); Miln.160 (°parisā); Sdhp.312 (+ appadusiya); Pgdp 97 (°parivāra). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhi-
- {'def': '【字首】全面,对。觉音论师以五义释「阿毘」:(Sp.I,20.) (CS:Pārā.pg.1.16) Ayañhi abhisaddo vuḍḍhilakkhaṇapūjitaparicchinnādhikesu dissati. Tathāhesa--“Bāḷhā me āvuso dukkhā vedanā abhikkamanti no paṭikkamantī”ti-ādīsu (ma.ni.3.389 saṁ.ni.5.195) vuḍḍhiyaṁ āgato. “Yā tā rattiyo abhiññātā abhilakkhitā”ti-ādīsu (ma.ni.1.49) lakkhaṇe. “Rājābhirājā manujindo”ti-ādīsu (ma.ni.2.399 su.ni.558) pūjite. “Paṭibalo vinetuṁ Abhidhamme Abhivinaye”ti-ādīsu (mahāva.85) paricchinne. Aññamaññasaṅkaravirahite dhamme ca vinaye cāti vuttaṁ hoti. “Abhikkantena vaṇṇenā”ti-ādīsu (vi.va.75) adhik.(阿毘说曰:阿毘者,意义、识义、赞叹义、断截义、出过广义、大义、无上义。何谓为意?忆持也。识者分别也。赞叹者。常为圣人之所赞叹也。断截者。分别偈也。出过者。过於余法也广者。於诸法中最为广也。大者诸法之最大也。无上者。诸法无能胜也。昙者。举义承义护义。何谓为举。举者。举置众生於善道也。承者。承受众生不令入三恶道也。护者。拥护众生令得种种快乐也。藏者器也。何谓为器?器者,能聚集众义也。T24.676.2)一、意,是增上义(阿毘达磨就是增上法,下例)。二、识,是特性(自相)义。三、赞叹,是尊敬义。四、断截,是区别义。五、长,是超胜义《善见律毘婆沙》卷一(T24.676.2)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '[prefix, Vedic abhi, which represents both Idg *m̊bhi, as in Gr. a]mfi/ around, Lat. ambi, amb round about, Oir. imb, Gall. ambi, Ohg. umbi, Ags. ymb, cp. also Vedic (Pāli) abhitaḥ on both sides; and Idg. *obhi, as in Lat. ob towards, against (cp. obsess, obstruct), Goth. bi, Ohg. Ags. bī = E. be-.
I. Meaning. -- 1. The primary meaning of abhi is that of taking possession and mastering, as contained in E. coming by and over-coming, thus literally having the function of (a) facing and aggressing = towards, against, on to, at (see II. 1, a); and (b) mastering = over, along over, out over, on top of (see II. 1, b). 2. Out of this is developed the fig. meaning of increasing, i. e., an intensifying of the action implied in the verb (see III, 1). Next to saṁ- it is the most frequent modification preflx in the meaning of “very much, greatly” as the first part of a double-prefix cpd. (see III, 2), and therefore often seemingly superfluous, i. e., weakened in meaning, where the second part already denotes intensity as in abhi-vi-ji (side by side with vi-ji), abhi-ā-kkhā (side by side with ā-kkhā), abhi-anu-mud (side by side with anu-mud). In these latter cases abhi shows a purely deictic character corresponding to Ger. her-bei-kommen (for bei-kommen), E. fill up (for fill); e. g., abbhatikkanta (= ati ° C.), abbhatīta (“vorbei gegaṅgen”), abbhantara (“with-in”, b-innen or “in here”), abbhudāharati, abhipūreti (“fill up”), etc. (see also II. 1, c).
II. Lit. Meaning. -- 1. As single pref.: (a) against, to, on to, at-, viz., abbhatthaṅgata gone towards home, abhighāta striking at, °jjhā think at, °mana thinking on, °mukha facing, turned towards, °yāti at-tack, °rūhati ascend, °lāsa long for, °vadati ad-dress, °sapati ac-curse, °hata hit at. (b) out, over, all around: abbhudeti go out over, °kamati exceed, °jāti off-spring, °jānāti know all over, °bhavati overcome, °vaḍḍhati increase, °vuṭṭha poured out or over, °sandeti make over-flow, °siñcati sprinkle over. (c) abhi has the function of transitivising intrs. verbs after the manner of E. be- (con-) and Ger. er-, thus resembling in meaning a simple Caus. formation, like the foll.: abhigajjati thunder on, °jānāti “er-kennen” °jāyati be-get, °tthaneti = °gajjati, °nadati “er tönen”, °nandati approve of (cp. anerkennen), °passati con-template, °ramati indulge in, °ropeti honour, °vuḍḍha increased, °saddahati believe in. -- 2. As base in compn. (2nd part of cpd.) abhi occurs only in combn. sam-abhi (which is, however, of late occurrence and a peeuliarity of later texts, and is still more freq. in BSk.: see under sam-).
III, Fig. Meaning (intensifying). -- 1. A single pref.: abhikiṇṇa strewn all over, °jalati shine forth, °jighacchati be very hungry, °tatta much exhausted, °tāpa very hot, °toseti pleuse greatly, °nava quite fresh, °nipuṇa very clever, °nīla of a deep black, °manāpa very pleasant, °mangaly very lucky, °yobbana full youth, °rati great liking, °ratta deep red, °ruci intense satisfaction, °rūpa very handsome (= adhika-rūpa C.), °sambuddha wide and fully-awake, cp. abbhuddhunāti to shake greatly (= adhikaṁuddh° C.). -- As 1st part of a prep.-cpd. (as modification-pref.) in foll. combinations: abhi-ud (abbhud-) °ati, °anu, °ava, °ā, °ni, °ppa, °vi, °saṁ. See all these s. v. and note that the contraction (assimilation before vowel) form of abhi is abbh°. -- On its relation to pari, see pari°, to ava see ava°.
IV. Dialectical Variation. -- There are dial. variations in the use and meanings of abhi. Vedic abhi besides corresponding to abhi in P. is represented also by ati°, adhi° and anu°, since all are similar in meaning, and psychologically easily fused and confused (cp. meanings: abhi = on to, towards; ati = up to and beyond; adhi = up to, towards, over; anu = along towards). For all the foll. verbs we find in Pāli one or other of these three prefixes. So ati in °jāti, °pīḷita, °brūheti, °vassati, °vāyati, °veṭheti; also as vv. ll. with abhi-kīrati, °pavassati, °roceti, cp. atikkanta-abhi° (Sk. abhikrānta); adhi in °patthita, °pāteti, °ppāya, °ppeta, °bādheti, °bhū, °vāha (vice versa P. abhi-ropeti compared with Sk. adhiropayati); anu in °gijjhati, °brūheti, °sandahati. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhibhakkhayati
- {'def': '[abhi + bhakkhayati] to eat (of animals) Vin.II,201 (bhiṅko paṅkaṁ a.). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhibhava
- {'def': '[fr. abhibhavati] defeat, humiliation SnA 436. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhibhavana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abhibhavati] overcoming, vanquishing, mastering S.II,210 (v. l. BB abhipatthana). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】全面克服,打败。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 克服,打败。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhibhavanīya
- {'def': '【形】应该全面克服的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 应该克服的。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhibhavanīyatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. abhibhavanīya, grd. of abhibhavati] as an° invincibility PvA.117. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhibhavati
- {'def': '(abhi + bhū + a), 克服,征服。 ~bhavi, 【过】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + bhavati] to overcome, master, be lord over, vanquish, conquer S.I,18, 32, 121 (maraṇaṁ); IV, 71 (rāgadose), 117 (kodhaṁ), 246, 249 (sāmikaṁ); J.I,56, 280; PvA.94 (= balīyati, vaḍḍhati). -- fut. abhihessati see abhihāreti 4. -- ger. abhibhuyya Vin.I,294; Dh.328; It.41 (māraṁ sasenaṁ); Sn.45, 72 (°cārin), 1097, Nd2 85 (= abhibhavitvā ajjhottharitvā, pariyādiyitvā); and abhibhavitvā PvA.113 (= pasayha), 136. -- grd. abhibhavanīya to be overcome PvA.57. -- Pass. ppr. abhibhūyamāna being overcome (by) PvA.80, 103. -- pp. abhibhūta (q. v.). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+bhū 变成+a), 全面克服,全面征服。abhibhavi,【过】。【独】abhibhuyya,【过分】abhibhūta。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhibhāsana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + bhāsana fr. bhās] enlightenment or delight (“light & delight” trsl.) Th.1, 613 (= tosana C.). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhibhāyatana
- {'def': '(abhibhū胜+āyatana处)﹐【中】胜处。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhibhū + āyatana] position of a master or lord, station of mastery. The traditional account of these gives 8 stations or stages of mastery over the senses (see Dial. II.118; Exp. I.252), detailed identically at all the foll. passages, viz. D.II,110; III,260 (& 287); M.II,13; A.I,40; IV,305, 348; V,61. Mentioned only at S.IV,77 (6 stations); Ps.I,5; Nd2 466 (as an accomplishment of the Bhagavant); Dhs.247. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhibhū
- {'def': '(n.-adj.) [Vedic abhibhū, fr. abhi + bhū, cp. abhibhavati] overcoming, conquering, vanquishing, having power over, a Lord or Master of (-°) D.III,29; S.II, 284; Sn.211 (sabba°), 545 (Māra°, cp. Mārasena-pamaddana 561), 642. -- Often in phrase abhibhū anabhibhūta aññadatthudasa vasavattin, i. e. unvanquished Lord of all D I 18; III,135 = Nd2 276; A.II,24; IV,94; It.122; cp. DA.I,111 (= abhibhavitvā ṭhito jeṭṭhako’ham asmīti). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹abhi全面+bhū变成),【阳】1.征服者,大君主。2.阿毘浮(=无想天asaññabhava)。cp.(abhibhavati胜) 【中】【形】胜。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 征服者,大君主。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhibhūta
- {'def': '[pp. of abhibhavati] overpowered, overwhelmed, vanquished D.I,121; S.I,137 (jāti-jarā°); II,228 (lābhasakkāra-silokena); A.I,202 (pāpakehi dhammehi); J.I,189; PvA.14, 41 (= pareta), 60 (= upagata), 68, 77, 80 (= pareta). Often neg. an° unconquered, e. g. Sn.934; Nd1 400; & see phrase under abhibhū. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhibhavati 的【过分】), 已击败,已打败。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhibhavati 的【过分】), 已击败,已打败。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhibyāpeti
- {'def': '[abhi + vyāpeti, cp. Sk. vyāpnoti, vi + āp] to pervade Miln.251. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhicchanna
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + channa] covered with, bedecked or adorned with (-°) J.II,48 (hema-jāla°, v. l. abhisañchanna), 370 (id.); Sn.772 (= ucchanna āvuṭa etc. Nd1 24, cp. Nd2 365). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhicchita
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + icchita, cp. Sk. abhīpsita] desired J.VI,445 (so read for abhijjhita). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhicetasika
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + ceto + ika] dependent on the clearest consciousness. On the spelling see ābhic° (of jhāna) M.I,33, 356; III,11; S.II,278; A.II,23; V,132. (Spelt. ābhi° at M.I,33; A.III,114; Vin.V,136). See Dial. III,108. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiceteti
- {'def': '[abhi + ceteti] to intend, devise, have in mind J.IV,310 (manasā pāpaṁ). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhida
- {'def': '2 Only in the difficult old verse D.II,107 (= S.V,263 = A.IV,312 = Nd 64 = Nett 60 = Divy 203). Aorist 3rd sg. fr. bhindati he broke. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 (adj.) as attr. of sun & moon at M.II,34, 35 is doubtful in reading & meaning; vv. ll. abhidosa & abhidesa, Neumann trsl. “unbeschränkt”. The context seems to require a meaning like “full, powerful” or unbroken, unrestricted (abhijja or abhīta “fearless”?”) or does abhida represent Vedic abhidyu heavenly? (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidassana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + dassana] sight, appearance, show J.VI,193. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiddavati
- {'def': '[abhi + dru, cp. dava2] to rush on, to assail Mhvs 6, 5; Dāvs III,47. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhideyya
- {'def': 'in sabba° at PvA.78 is with v. l. BB to be read sabbapātheyyaṁ. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidhamati
- {'def': '(abhi + dham + a), 吹。~dhami,【过】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + dhamati, cp. Sk. abhi° & api-dhamati] blow on or at A.I,257. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+dham)(梵dham/ dhmā)吹+a), 吹。abhidhami,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhidhamma
{'def': '[abhi + dhamma] the “special Dhamma,” i. e., 1. theory of the doctrine, the doctrine classified, the doctrine pure and simple (without any admixture of literary grace or of personalities, or of anecdotes, or of arguments ad personam), Vin.I,64, 68; IV,144; IV,344. Coupled with abhivinaya, D.III,267; M.I,272. -- 2. (only in the Chronicles and Commentaries) name of the Third Piṭaka, the third group of the canonical books. Dpvs.V,37; PvA.140. See the detailed discussion at DA.I,15, 18 sq. [As the word abhidhamma standing alone is not found in Sn.or S or A, and only once or twice in the Dialogues, it probably came into use only towards the end of the period in which the 4 great Nikāyas grew up.]
--kathā discourse on philosophical or psychological matters, M.I,214, 218; A.III,106, 392. See dhammakathā. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '具备分析式教理的佛典,它以仅持续「生、住、灭」三个小刹那的「心识刹那」作为时间刻度。', 'xr': '《巴英术语汇编》 -《法的医疗》附 温宗堃'}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜﹑对+dhamma法),【阳】超胜的法,对法,阿毘达摩,论藏。abhidhammika,【形】论藏师。巴利论藏(Abhidamma-piṭakaṁī)有七部论:一、法集论(Dhammasaṅgaṇī)。二、分别论(Vibhaṅgañī)。三ā、论事(Kathāvatthu)。ū四、人施设论(Puggalapaññatti)。ṭ五ī、界说论(Dhātukathāā)。六、双对论(Yamaka)。七、发āṁ趣论(Paṭṭhāna)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '论', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- {'def': '【阳】《阿毗达摩》 论藏。 ~mika, 【形】 论藏师。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhidhammapiṭaka
- {'def': 'Saṁgāyanassa pucchā vissajjanā (CS:p.2)︰dhammātireka dhammavisesaṭṭhena bhante Abhidhammoti vuccati.(大德!超越法与有别於法之义,称为‘阿毘达摩’。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha
- {'def': '【阳】《摄阿毘达摩义论》阿耨楼陀尊者(约11~12世纪上半期的人)所著,是巴利佛教中一部最精拔的作品,文简义丰,叙述了各种重要的法相,有系统地介绍了全部论藏的纲要书。《说一切有部发智大毘婆沙论》卷第一,列出阿毘达磨诸论师对「阿毘达磨」之定义:1.於诸法相能善决择能极决择。2.於诸法性能善觉察能善通达。3.能於诸法现观作证。4.法性甚深能尽原底。5.诸圣慧眼由此清净。6.能善显发幽隐法性。7.所知法性无始幽隐,离此无有能显发。8.所说法性无有乖违,若有能於阿毘达磨自相共相极善串习,必无有能如法问难,令於法性有少违。10.能伏一切外道他论。11.常能决择契经等中诸法性相。12.於十二支缘起法性善觉了。13.以能现观四圣谛法。14.善说修习八圣道法。14.能证涅盘。15.能於诸法以无量门数数分别。16.於杂染清净系缚解脱流转还灭法,以名身、句身、文身次第结集安布分别。17.此是究竟慧,此是决断慧,此是胜义慧,此是不谬慧。18.求解脱者修正行时,能为分别所未了义,谓此是苦,此是苦因,此是苦灭,此是趣灭道。此是加行道,此是无间道,此是解脱道,此是胜进道,此是向道,此是得果,能正分别如是等义。19.此法增上。如有颂言:慧於世间尊,能决择趣向,以正了知故,老死尽无余。20.慧能照法。如契经说:一切照中我说慧照最为上首。21.於诸法中涅盘最上,此法次彼。22.阿谓除弃,毘谓决择。此法能除弃决择。何所除弃?谓结缚、随眠、随烦恼、缠。何所决择?谓蕴、界、处、缘起。谛食及沙门果菩提分等。23.阿毘者是助言显现前义,此法能引一切善法,谓诸觉分皆现在前。24.阿毘者是助言显增上义。25.阿毘助言显恭敬义,此法尊重可恭敬。(T27.4.1 ~ 3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhidhammika
- {'def': 'see ābhidhammika. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidhammāvatāra
- {'def': 'm. 入阿毘達磨論 [Buddhadatta所作的哲學書].', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'm. 入阿毘達磨論 [Buddhadatta作の哲学書].', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Abhidhara
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + dhara] firm, bold, in °māna firmminded Dh.p. 81 (Acc. to Morris J.P.T.S. 1886, 135; not verified). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidheyya
- {'def': '【形】名为。【中】意义。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 名为。 【中】 意义。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhidhā
- {'def': '【阴】 Abhidhāna, 【中】 命名,名称。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】abhidhāna,【中】命名,名称,世尊说,名,名义,施设,能诠,言,言语,言说,语言,说。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhidhāreti
- {'def': '[abhi + dhāreti] to hold aloft J.I,34 = Bu IV.1. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidhāvati
- {'def': '(abhi + dhāv + a), 跑向,催促。 ~dhāvi, 【过】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+dhāv追+a), 跑向,催促。abhidhāvi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + dhāvati] to run towards, to rush about, rush on, hasten Vin.II,195; S.I,209; J.II,217; III,83; DhA.IV,23. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidhāvin
- {'def': '(adj.) fr. abhidhāvati] “pouring in”, rushing on, running J.VI,559. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidhāyin
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + dhāyin fr. dhā]” putting on”, designing, calling, meaning Pgdp 98. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidosa
- {'def': '【阳】昨晚。abhidosika,【 形 】昨晚的 。(参考 ābhidosa)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【 阳 】 昨 晚 。 ~dosika, 【 形 】 昨 晚 的 。 ( 参 考ābhidosa)。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(°-) the evening before, last night; °kālakata M.I,170 = J.I,81; °gata gone last night J.VI,386 (= hiyyo paṭhama-yāme C.). (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhidosika
- {'def': 'belonging to last night (of gruel) Vin.III,15; Miln.291. See ābhi°. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhigajjana
- {'def': '【中】 吼声,雷鸣。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】吼声,雷鸣。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhigajjati
- {'def': '(abhi + gad + ya), 吼,打雷。~gajji,【过】。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+gad说+ya), 吼,打雷。abhigajji,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + gajjati from garj, sound-root, cp. P. gaggara] (a) to roar, shout, thunder, to shout or roar at (c. Acc.) Sn.831 (shouting or railing = gajjanto uggajjanto Nd1 172); ger. abhigajjiya thundering Cp. III,108. ‹-› (b) hum, chatter, twitter (of birds); see abhigajjin. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhigajjin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhigajjati] warbling, singing, chattering Th.1, 1108, 1136. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhigamanīya
- {'def': '(adj.) [grd. of abhigacchati] to be approached, accessible PvA.9. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhighāta
- {'def': '[Sk. abhighāta, abhi + ghāta] (a) striking, slaying, killing PvA.58 (daṇḍa°), 283 (sakkhara°). ‹-› (b) impact, contact DhsA.312 (rūpa° etc.). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】1.撞击,冲击,接触。2.杀害。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 1. 碰撞,冲击,接触。 2. 杀害。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhighātana
- {'def': '【中】杀害,破坏,毁坏。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 杀害,破坏,毁坏。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhighātī
- {'def': '【阳】 敌人,破坏者。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】敌人,破坏者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhigijjhana
- {'def': '【中】觊觎,渴望,贪欲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 渴望,贪欲。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhigijjhati
- {'def': '(abhi + gidh + ya), 渴望。 ~jhi, 【过】。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ gidh贪婪+ya), 觊觎,渴望。abhigijjhi,【过】。aññamaññābhigijjhanti, 互相觊觎(S.1.28./I,15)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + gijjhati] 1. to be greedy for, to crave for, show delight in (c. Loc.) Sn.1039 (kāmesu, cp. Nd2 77). -- 2. to envy (Acc.) S.I,15 (aññam-aññaṁ). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhigīta
- {'def': '[pp. of abhigāyati, cp. gīta] 1. sung for. Only in one phrase, gāthābhigītaṁ, that which is gained by singing or chanting verses (Ger. “ersungen”) S.I,173 = Sn.81 = Miln.228. See SnA 151. -- 2. resounding with, filled with song (of birds) J.VI,272 (= abhiruda). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhigāyati 的【过分】), 已唱。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+gīta唱诵(【过分】) )﹐(abhigāyati 的【过分】), 已唱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhihanati
- {'def': '(abhi + han + a), 袭击,碰撞。 ~hani, 【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+han+a), 袭击,碰撞。abhihani,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(& °hanti) [abhi + han] 1. to strike, hit PvA.258. -- 2. to overpower, kill, destroy J.V,174 (inf. °hantu for T. hantuṁ). -- pp. abhihata (q. v.). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiharati
- {'def': '(abhi + har + a), 带来,提供。 ~hari, 【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + harati, cp. Sk. abhyāharati & Vedic āharati & ābharati] -- 1. to bring (to), to offer, fetch D.III,170; J.I,54, 157; III,537; IV,421; DA.I,272. -- 2. to curse, revile, abuse [cp. Sk. anuvyāharati & abhivyā°] A.I,198. -- Pass. abhihariyati VvA.172 (for abhiharati of Vv 3710; corresp. with ābhata VvA.172). -- pp. abhihaṭa (q.v.). -- Caus. abhihāreti 1. to cause to be brought, to gain, to acquire D.II,188 = 192 = 195 Th.1, 637; J.IV,421 (abhihārayaṁ with gloss abhibhārayiṁ). -- 2. to betake oneself to, to visit, take to, go to Sn.414 (Paṇḍavaṁ °hāresi = āruhi SnA. 383), 708 (vanantaṁ abhihāraye = vanaṁ gaccheyya SnA 495); Th.2, 146 (aor. °hārayiṁ; uyyānaṁ = upanesi ThA.138). -- 3. to put on (mail), only in fut. abhihessati J.IV,92 (kavacaṁ; C. expls. wrongly by °hanissati bhindissati so evidently taking it as abhibhavissati). -- 4. At J.VI,27 kiṁ yobbanena ciṇṇena yaṁ jarā abhihessati the latter is fut. of abhibhavati (for °bhavissati) as indicated by gloss abhibhuyyati. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+har拿+a), 带来,提供。abhihari,【过】。abhihareyya,【义】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhihata
- {'def': 'Abhihanati的【过分】袭击,碰撞。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhihanati] hit, struck PvA.55. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhihaṁsati
- {'def': '[abhi + haṁsati fr. hṛṣ] 1. (trs.) to gladden, please, satisfy S.IV,190 (abhihaṭṭhuṁ); A.V,350 (id.). ‹-› 2. (intr.) to find delight in (c. Acc.), to enjoy S.V,74 (rūpaṁ manāpaṁ); A.IV,419 sq. (T. reads °hiṁsamāna jhānaṁ v.l. °hisamāna). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhihaṭa
- {'def': '[pp. of abhiharati] brought, offered, presented, fetched D.I,166 = Pug.55 (= puretaraṁ gahetvā āhaṭaṁ bhikkhaṁ Pug.A 231); DhA.II,79. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhiharati 的【过分】)。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhiharati 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhihaṭṭhuŋ
- {'def': '(= abhihantiŋ) 【不】 要去带近来。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhihaṭṭhuṁ
- {'def': '(= abhihantiṁ, ger. of abhiharati) 【独】要去带近来(Only in praise abhihaṭṭhuṁ pavāreti, to offer having fetched up)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[ger. of abhiharati]. Only in praise abhihaṭṭhuṁ pavāreti, to offer having fetched up. M. I.224; A.V,350, 352; S.IV,190, V,53, 300. See note in Vinaya Texts II.440. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhihesana
- {'def': 'see abhihiṁsanā. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhihessati
- {'def': 'see abhihāreti 3 & 4. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhihita
- {'def': '(abhidhāti 的【过分】), 已讲。【中】字,词,话。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhidhāti 的【过分】), 已讲。 【中】 字,词,话。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhihiṁsanā
- {'def': '(& °ṁ) [for abhihesanā cp. P. hesā = Sk. hreṣā, & hesitaṁ] neighing Vv 6410 = VvA.279 (gloss abhihesana). See in detail under abhisaṁsanā. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhihiṁsati
- {'def': 'spurious reading at A.IV,419 for °haṁsati (q.v.). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhihāra
- {'def': '[fr. abhiharati] bringing, offering, gift S.I,82; Sn.710; J.I,81 (āsanâ). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】取近,提供。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 取近,提供。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhihāreti
- {'def': '(abhiharati拿来的【使】)﹐令人拿来。【3.单.过】abhihārayi。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhihīta
- {'def': 'S.I,50. Read abhigīta with SS. So also for abhihita on p. 51. “So enchanted was I by the Buddha’s rune” . The godlet ascribes a magic potency to the couplet. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijacca
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. ābhijātya; abhi + jacca] of noble birth J.V,120. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijalati
- {'def': '[abhi + jalati] to shine forth, ppr. °anto resplendent PvA.189. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijaneti
- {'def': 'occasional spelling for abhijāneti. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijappana
- {'def': 'abhijappita, 【中】 1. 喃喃而语。 2. 许愿。 3. 讲话。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'abhijappita,【中】1.喃喃而语。2.许愿。3.讲话。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [doubtful whether to jappati or to japati to mumble, to which belongs jappana in kaṇṁa° DA.I,97] in hattha° casting a spell to make the victim throw up or wring his hands D.I,11; DA.I,97. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijappati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+jap(梵jap)喃喃自语+a), 祈祷(praying for),喃喃而语。abhijjappi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + jap + a), 祈祷,喃喃而语。 ~jappi, 【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + jappati] to wish for, strive after, pray for S.I,143 (read asmâbhijappanti & cp. Kindred Sayings p. 180) = J.III,359 (= namati pattheti piheti C.); Sn.923, 1046 (+ āsiṁsati thometi; Nd2 79 = jappati & same under icchati). Cp. in meaning abhigijjhati. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijappin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhijappati] praying for, desiring A.III,353 (kāma-lābha°). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijappā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. abhijappati, cp. jappā] praying for, wishing, desire, longing Dhs.1059 = Nd2 taṇhā II.; Dhs.1136. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹abhijappati, cp.jappā)【阴】祈祷,热望(strongly asserting one’s right)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhijavati
- {'def': '[abhi + javati] to be eager, active Sn.668. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijeti
- {'def': '[abhi + jayati] to win, acquire, conquer J.VI,273 (ābhi° metri causā). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijighacchati
- {'def': '[abhi + jighacchati] to be very hungry PvA.271. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijigiŋsati
- {'def': '(abhi + har + sa), 愿克服。~giŋsi,【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhijigiṁsati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+har运+sa), 愿克服。abhijigiṁsi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + jigiṁsati] to wish to overcome, to covet J.VI,193 (= jinituṁ icchati C). Burmese scribes spell °jigīsati; Th.1, 743 (“cheat”? Mrs Rh. D.; “vernichten” Neumann). See also abhijeti, and nijigiṁsanatā. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijjamāna
- {'def': '(adj.) [ppr. passive of a + bhid, see bhindati] that which is not being broken up or divided. In the stock descrīption of the varieties of the lower Iddhi the phrase udake pi abhijjamāne gacchati is doubtful. The principal passages are D.I,78, 212; III,112, 281; M.I,34, 494; II,18; A.I,170, 255; III,17; V,199; S II 121; V,264. In about half of these passages the reading is abhijjamāno. The various rcadings show that the MSS also are equally divided on this point. Bdgh. (Vism.396) reads °māne, and explains it, relying on Ps.II,208, as that sort of water in which a man does not sink. Pv III,11 has the same idiom. Dhammapāla’s note on that (PvA.169) is corrupt. At D.I,78 the Colombo ed. 1904, reads abhejjamāne and tr. “not dividing (the water)” ; at D.I,212 it reads abhijjamāno and tr. “not sinking (in the water)” . (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(ppr. passive of a + bhid(梵bhid))破碎, see bhindati)﹐【现分】无被迸裂,无被拆散。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhijjanaka
- {'def': 'abhijjamāna,【形】未打破的,未分开的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + bhijjana + ka, from bhijja, grd. of bhid] not to be broken, not to be moved or changed, uninfluenced J.II,170; DhA.III,189. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'abhijjamāna,【形】未打破的,未分开的。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhijjhita
- {'def': '[pp. of abhijjhāti] coveted, J. VI,445; usually neg. an° not coveted, Vin.I,287; Sn.40 (= anabhipatthita SnA. 85; cp. Nd2 38); Vv 474 (= na abhikaṅkhita VvA.201). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijjhitar
- {'def': '[n. ag. fr. abhijjhita in med. function] one who covets M.I,287 (T. abhijjhātar, v. l. °itar) = A.V,265 (T. °itar, v. l. °ātar). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijjhiṭṭa
- {'def': 'v. l. at DhA.IV,101 for ajjhiṭṭha. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijjhā
- {'def': '(abhi+dhyā想),【阴】贪婪(台语:tham lam5),妄羡,古译:增伺。abhijjhālu,【形】贪婪的,妄羡的。A.3.66./I,194.︰ “Abhijjhāti kho ahaṁ, Sāḷhā, etamatthaṁ vadāmi. Luddho kho ayaṁ, Sāḷhā, abhijjhālu pāṇampi hanati, adinnampi ādiyati, paradārampi gacchati, musāpi bhaṇati, parampi tathattāya samādapeti, yaṁ sa hoti dīgharattaṁ ahitāya dukkhāyā”ti.(「沙罗哈!我说贪婪这意思。舍罗哈!这贪心,是因贪欲而杀有息者,取不该取之物,与他人之妻通,说虚诳,也煽动他这样作,凡此,能引长夜之无益与苦。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '贪求、悭贪', 'xr': '《巴利语字汇》 -葛印卡内观中心四念住课程开示集要附录'}
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. abhi + dhyā (jhāyati1), cp. Sk. abhidhyāna], covetousness, in meaning almost identical with lobha (cp. Dhs. trsl. 22) D.I,70, 71 (°āya cittaṁ parisodheti he cleanses his heart from coveting; abhijjhāya = Abl.; cp. DA.I,211 = abhijjhāto); M.I,347 (id.); D.III,49, 71 sq., 172, 230, 269; S.IV,73, 104, 188, 322 (adj. vigat’âbhijjha), 343 (°āyavipāka); A.I,280; III,92; V,251 sq.; It.118; Nd1 98 (as one of the 4 kāya-ganthā, q. v.); Nd2 taṇhā II.1; Pug.20, 59; Dhs.1136 (°kāyagantha); Vbh.195, 244 (vigat’âbhijjha), 362, 364, 391; Nett 13; DhA.I,23; PvA.103, 282; Sdhp.56, 69. -- Often combd with °domanassa covetousness & discontent, e. g. at D.III,58, 77, 141, 221, 276; M.I,340; III,2; A.I,39, 296; II,16, 152; IV,300 sq., 457 sq.; V,348, 351; Vbh.105, 193 sq. --anabhijjhā absence of covetousness Dhs.35, 62. -- See also anupassin, gantha, domanassa, sīla. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】贪婪,妄羡。~lu,【形】贪婪的,妄羡的。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhijjhādomanassa
- {'def': '(abhijjhā贪欲【阴】+domanassa不如意【中】),【阳】贪欲及不如意。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhijjhālū
- {'def': '(& °u) (adj.) [cp. jhāyin from jhāyati1; abhijjhālu with °ālu for °āgu which in its turn is for āyin. The B.Sk. form is abhidyālu, e. g. Divy 301, a curious reconstruction] covetous D.I,139; III,82; S.II,168; III,93; A.I,298; II,30, 59, 220 (an° + avyapannacitto sammādiṭṭhiko at conclusion of sīla); V,92 sq., 163, 286 sq.; It.90, 91; Pug.39, 40. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijjhātar
- {'def': 'see abhijjhitar. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijjhāti
- {'def': '[cp. abhidyāti, abhi + jhāyati1; see also abhijjhāyati] to wish for (Acc.), long for, covet S.V,74 (so read for abhijjhati); ger. abhijjhāya J.VI,174 (= patthetvā C.). -- pp. abhijjhita. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijjhāvisamalobha
- {'def': '(abhijjhā贪婪【阴】+visama不平顺的【形】+lobha贪欲【阳】)﹐【阳】贪欲。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhijjhāyati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+jhe+a), 愿望,妄想。abhijjhāyi,【过】。abhijjhita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + jhe + a), 愿望,妄想。 ~jhāyi, 【过】。 ~jhita, 【过分】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[Sk. abhidhyāyati, abhi + jhāyati1; see also abhijjhāti] to wish for, covet (c. Acc.). Sn.301 (aor. abhijjhāyiṁsu = abhipatthayamāna jhāyiṁsu SnA. 320). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijoteti
- {'def': '[abhi + joteti] to make clear, explain, illuminate J.V,339. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijāna
- {'def': '(nt. or m?) [Sk. abhijñāna] recognition, remembrance, recollection Miln.78. See also abhiññā. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijānana
- {'def': '【中】尽知,证知。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 承认,回忆,记忆,回想。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhijānāti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ñā知+nā), 尽知(全面知),证知。abhijjāni,【过】。【单.壹.现】abhijānāmi。【3.单.过】abbhaññāsi。【3.复.过】abbhaññaṁsu; 【过分】abhiññāta; 【独】abhiññāya, abhiññā}。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + jñā, cp. jānāti & abhiññā] to know by experience, to know fully or thoroughly, to recognise, know of (c. Acc.), to be conscious or aware of D.I,143; S.II,58, 105, 219, 278; III,59, 91; IV,50, 324, 399; V,52, 176, 282, 299; Sn.1117 (diṭṭhiṁ Gotamassa na a.); J.IV,142; Pv.II,710 = II.103 (n’ābhijānāmi bhuttaṁ vā pītaṁ); Sdhp.550; etc. -- Pot. abhijāneyya Nd2 78a, & abhijaññā Sn.917, 1059 (= jāneyyāsi SnA 592); aor. abhaññāsi Sn.p. 16. -- ppr. abhijānaṁ S.IV,19, 89; Sn.788 (= °jānanto C.), 1114 (= °jānanto Nd2 78b) abhijānitva DhA.IV,233; abhiññāya S.IV,16; V,392; Sn.534 (sabbadhammaṁ), 743 (jātikkhayaṁ), 1115, 1148; It.91 (dhammaṁ); Dh.166 (atta-d-atthaṁ); freq. in phrase sayaṁ abhiññāya from personal knowledge or self-experience It.97 (v.l. abhiññā); Dh.353; and abhiññā [short form, like ādā for ādāya, cp. upādā] in phrase sayaṁ abhiññā D.I,31 (+ sacchikatvā); S.II,217; It.97 (v.l. for °abhiññāya), in abhiññā-vosita perfected by highest knowledge S.I,167 = 175 = Dh.423 (“master of supernormal lore” Mrs Rh. D. in kindred S. p. 208; cp. also DhA.IV,233); It.47 = 61 = 81, and perhaps also in phrase sabbaṁ abhiññapariññeyya S.IV,29. -- grd. abhiññeyya S.IV,29; Sn.558 (°ṁ abhiññātaṁ known is the knowable); Nd2 s.v.; DhA.IV,233. -- pp. abhiññāta (q. v.). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + ñā + nā), 尽知,完全经验,有注意到。 ~jāni, 【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhijāta
- {'def': '【形】出生良家子弟,生得高贵。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 出生良家子弟,生得高贵。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abi + jāta] of noble birth, well-born, S.I,69; Vv 293; Miln.359 (°kulakulīna belonging to a family of high or noble birth). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijāti
- {'def': '【阴】 1. 再生,降落。 2. 种类。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [abhi + jāti] 1. Species. Only as t. t. in use by certain non-Buddhist teachers. They divided mankind into six species, each named after a colour D.I,53, 54; A.III,383 ff. (quoted DA.I,162) gives details of each species. Two of them, the black and the white, are interpreted in a Buddhist sense at D.III,250, M.II,222, and Netti 158. This interpretation (but not the theory of the six species) has been widely adopted by subsequent Hindu writers. -- 2. Rebirth, descent, Miln.226. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'ābhijāti, (abhi全面+jāti生),【阴】1.再生,降落。2.种类。chaḷabhijātiyo, 六生类。富兰那‧迦叶(Pūraṇa Kassapa)宣称有「六生类」(chaḷabhijātiyo),即:(1)黑(kaṇhābhijāti,包括屠夫、猎人、盗贼等)、(2)蓝(nīlābhijāti,比丘、及其余一切之业因论者kammavādā、业果论者kriyavādā)、(3)红(lohitābhijāti,只穿一衣的耆那教徒,比前两种人更清净)、(4)黄(haliddābhijāti,由裸体外道的白衣在家人)、(5)白(sukkābhijāti,男女邪命外道)、与(6)究竟白(paramasukkābhijāti,由难陀?瓦加(Nanda Vaccha)、提沙?桑提加(Kisa Saṁkicca)与末伽梨?瞿舍梨(Makkhali Gosāla)所组成,他们最清净)。(cf.《增支部》A.6.57./III,384.) 世尊否定这种说法,说「六生类」︰(1)黑生类(生於卑贱家)而生起黑法(身语意行恶行,死后生恶趣),(2)黑生类而生起白法(身语意行善行,死后生善趣),(3)黑生类(安住於四念住,修七觉支)生起非黑非白之涅盘(akaṇhaṁ asukkaṁ nibbānaṁ),(4)白生类(生於尊贵家)而生起黑法,(5)白生类生起白法,(6)白生类生起非黑非白之涅盘。(A.6.57./III,384-7)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhijātika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhijāti] belonging to ones birth or race, born of, being by birth; only in cpd. kaṇhâbhijātika of dark birth, that is, low in the social scale D.III,251 = A.III,348; Sn.563 = Th.1, 833; cp. J P T S. 1893, 11; in sense of “evil disposed or of bad character” at J.V,87 (= kāḷaka-sabhāva C.). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijātitā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. abhijāti] the fact of being born, descendency VvA.216. (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijāyati
- {'def': '(abhi + jan + ya), 出生得好,出现得好。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + jāyati, Pass. of jan, but in sense of a Caus. = janeti] to beget, produce, effect, attain, in phrase akaṇhaṁ asukkaṁ Nibbānaṁ a. D.III,251; A.III,384 sq. At Sn.214 abhijāyati means “to behave, to be”, cp. SnA 265 (abhijāyati = bhavati). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+jan(梵jan / jā)生+ya), 出生得好,出现得好。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhijīhanā
- {'def': '(f.) [abhi + jīhanā of jeh to open ones mouth] strenuousness, exertion, strong endeavour J.VI,373 (viriyakaraṇa C.). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhijīvanika
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + jīvana + ika] belonging to one’s livehood, forming one’s living Vin.I,187 (sippa). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikaṅkhana
- {'def': 'abhikaṅkhita,【中】希望,渴望,希望。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'abhikaṅkhita,【中】希望,渴望,希望。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikaṅkhanatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abhi + kaṅkhana + tā] wishing, longing, desire DA.I,242. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikaṅkhati
- {'def': '[abhi + kaṅkhati] to desire after, long for, wish for S.I,140, 198 (Nibbānaṁ); J.II,428; IV,10, 241; VvA.38, 283; ThA.244. -- pp. abhikaṅkhita. Cp. BSk. abhikāṅkṣati, e. g. Jtm. p. 221. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + kakh + ŋ-a), 渴望,愿望。 ~khi, 【过】。 ~khita,【过分】。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi+kakh+ṁ-a), 渴望,愿望。abhikaṅkhi,【过】。abhikaṅkhita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikaṅkhin
- {'def': '(adj.) cp. wishing for, desirous (of --°) Th.2, 360 (sītibhāva°). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikaṅkhita
- {'def': '[pp. of abhikaṅkhati] desired, wished, longed for VvA.201 (= abhijjhita). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikaṅkhī
- {'def': '【形】愿望的,欲望的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 愿望的,欲望的。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhikirati
- {'def': '(abhi+kir散+a), 淹没,散布,洒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + kir + a), 散布,洒。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '-- 1. [Sk. abhikirati] to sprinkle or cover over: see abhikiṇṇa 1. -- 2. [Sk. avakirati, cp. apakiritūna] to overwhelm, destroy, put out, throw away, crush S.I,54; Th.1, 598; 2, 447 (ger. °kiritūna, reading of C. for T. apa°, expld. by chaḍḍetvā); Dh.25 (°kīrati metri causa; dīpaṁ abhikīrati = viddhaṁseti vikirati DhA.I,255; v. l. atikirati); J.IV,121 (°kīrati; dīpaṁ = viddhaṁseti C.); VI,541 (nandiyo m° abhikīrare = abhikiranti abhikkamanti C.); DhA.I,255 (inf. °kirituṁ). -- pp. abhikiṇṇa see abhikiṇṇa 2. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikiraṇa
- {'def': '【中】 散布。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】散布。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikiṇṇa
- {'def': '(Abhikiraṇa的【过分】) 已撒满。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhikirati] 1. strewn over with (-°), adorned, covered filled Pv.II,112 (puppha°). -- 2. overwhelmed, overcome, crushed by (-°) It.89 (dukkh°; vv. ll. dukkhâtiṇṇa & otiṇṇa) = A.I,147 (which reads dukkhotiṇṇa). See also avatiṇṇa. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikkama
- {'def': 'going forward, approach, going out Pv IV.12 (opp. paṭikkama going back); DhA.III,124 (°paṭikkama). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 前进。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】I.【阳】向前走,前进。【过分】[paṭikkama走回] 。II.向前走(【单.贰.命】)。abhikkamosāna(abhikkama+osāna停止)﹐停止前进。Abhikkamosānaṁ paññāyati no paṭikkamoti:知道(病)停止复原不减退。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikkamati
- {'def': '[Vedic abhikramati, abhi + kamati] to go forward, to proceed, approach D.I,50 (=abhimukho kamati, gacchati, pavisati DA.I,151); II,147, 256 (abhikkā‹-› muṁ aor.); DhA.III,124 (evaṁ °itabbaṁ evaṁ paṭikkamitabbaṁ thus to approach & thus to withdraw). -- pp. abhikkanta (q. v.). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+kam走+a), 进行,向前走 (直译:全面走)。【2.复.命】abhikkamatha。【过分】abhikkanta。abhikkami,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + kam + a), 进行。~kami,【过】。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhikkanta
- {'def': '(adj.-n.) [pp. of abhikkamati, in sense of Sk. and also P. atikkanta] (a) (adj.) lit. gone forward, gone out, gone beyond. According to the traditional expln. preserved by Bdhgh. & Dhp (see e. g. DA.I,227 = KhA 114 = VvA.52) it is used in 4 applications: abhikkantasaddo khaya (+ pabbaniya KhA) sundar’-âbhirūpa-abbhanumodanesu dissati. These are: 1. (lit.) gone away, passed, gone out, departed (+ nikkhanta, meaning khaya “wane”), in phrase abhikkantāya rattiyā at the waning of the night Vin.I,26; D.II,220; M.I,142. 2. excellent, supreme (= sundara) Sn.1118 (°dassāvin having the most exellent knowledge = aggadassāvin etc. Nd2 76); usually in compar °tara (+ paṇītatara) D.I,62, 74, 216; A.II,101; III,350 sq.; V,140, 207 sq.; DA.I,171 (= atimanāpatara). 3. pleasing, superb, extremely wonderful, as exclamation °ṁ repeated with bho (bhante), showing appreciation (= abbhânumodana) D.I,85, 110, 234; Sn.p. 15, 24, etc. freq. 4. surpassing, beautiful (always with °vaṇṇa = abhirūpa) Vin.I,26; D.II,220; M.I,142; Pv.II,110 = Vv 91 (= atimanāpa abhirūpa PvA.71); KhA 115 (= abhirūpachavin). -- (b) (nt.) abhikkantaṁ (combd. with and opp. to paṭikkantaṁ) going forward (and backward), approach (and receding) D.I,70 (= gamaṇa + nivattana DA.I,183); Vin.III,181; A.II,104, 106 sq.; VvA.6. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhikkamati 的【过分】), 1. 已前进,已越过。 2. 已最愉快。【中】 前进。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhikkamati‘向前走’的【过分】), 1.向前走。2.超群。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhikkamati 的【过分】), 1.向前走,已越过。2.已最愉快,太美妙了(极优美、极可欲、极可喜、极美善)。【中】前进。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikkantaṁ
- {'def': '﹐【叹】已超群!', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikkantāya
- {'def': 'rattiyā ([abhikkantāya向前走(【阴】【单】【处】,【过分】)] [rattiyā夜间(【阴】【单】【处】)] ), 在已向前走的夜间。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikkhaṇa
- {'def': '【形】不变的。abhikkhaṇaṁ,【副】不变地,时常。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】不变的。~ṇaŋ,【副】不变地,时常。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '2 (nt.) [abhi + *ikkhaṇa from īkṣ, cp. Sk. abhīkṣṇa of which the eontracted form is P. abhiṇha] only as Acc. adv. °ṁ constantly, repeated, often Vv 2412 (= abhiṇhaṁ VvA.116); Pv.II,84 (= abhiṇhaṁ bahuso PvA.107); Pug.31; DhA.II,91. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '1 (nt.) [fr. abhikkhanati] digging up of the ground M.I,143. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikkhaṇana
- {'def': '【中】 掘,挖。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】掘,挖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikkhaṇati
- {'def': '(abhi + kha + a), 掘出。~khaṇi,【过】。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + khaṇati] to dig up M.I,142. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+khā掘+a), 掘出。abhikkhaṇi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikkhipati
- {'def': '[abhi + khipati] to throw Dāvs III,60; cp. abhinikkhipati ibid. 12. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikīrati
- {'def': '(abhi+kīrati被作), 全面被作。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikīḷati
- {'def': '[abhi + kìḷati] to play (a game), to sport Miln.359 (kīḷaṁ). (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhikūjana
- {'def': '【中】鸟的歌唱。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 鸟的歌唱。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhikūjati
- {'def': '(abhi + kuj + a), 鸟鸣,(鸟)唱。 ~kūji, 【过】。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi+kuj鸪鸪叫+a), 鸟鸣,(鸟)唱。abhikūji,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhikūjita
- {'def': '[abhi + kūjita, pp. of kūj] resounding (with the song of birds) Pv.II,123 (cakkavāka°; so read for kujita). Cp. abhinikūjita. (Page 62)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【过分】 (鸟的歌)已响亮。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【过分】(鸟的歌)已响亮。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhilakkheti
- {'def': '(abhi + lakkh + e), 标记,设计。~esi,【过】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+lakkh标记+e), 标记,设计。abhilakkhesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhilakkhita
- {'def': '(Abhilakkheti的【过分】), 已作记号。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [Sk. abhilakṣita in diff. meaning; pp. of abhi + lakṣ] fixed, designed, inaugurated, marked by auspices J.IV,1; DA.I,18. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhilakkhitatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. abhilakkhita] having signs or marks, being characterised, characteristics DhsA.62. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhilambati
- {'def': '[abhi + lambati] to hang down over (c. Acc.) M.III,164 = Nett 179 (+ ajjholambati); J.V,70 (papātaṁ), 269 (Vetaraṇiṁ). -- pp. abhilambita (q. v.). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhilambita
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of abhilambati] hanging down J.V,407 (nīladuma°). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhilaṅghati
- {'def': '[abhi + laṅghati] to ascend, rise, travel or pass over (of the moon traversing the sky) J.III,364; VI,221. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhilekheti
- {'def': '[Caus. of abhi + likh] to cause to be inscribed Dāvs.V,67 (cāritta-lekhaṁ °lekhayi). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhilepana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + lepana] “smearing over”, stain, pollution Sn.1032, 1033 = Nett 10, 11 (see Nd2 88 = laggana “sticking to”, bandhana, upakkilesa). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+lepana涂染),【中】全面涂染。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhilāpa
- {'def': '【阳】演讲,讲话。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 演讲,讲话。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[fr. abhi + lap] talk, phrasing, expression Sn.49 (vācâbhilāpa making phrases, talking, idle or objectionable speech = tiracchanakathā Nd2 561); It.89 (? reading abhilāpāyaṁ uncertain, vv. ll. abhipāyaṁ abhipāpāyaṁ, abhisāpāyaṁ, abhisapāyaṁ, atisappāyaṁ. The corresp. passage S.III,93 reads abhisapayaṁ: curse, and C. on It.89 expls. abhilāpo ti akkoso, see Brethren 376 n. 1); Dhs.1306 = Nd2 34 (as exegesis or paraphrase of adhivacana, combd. with vyañjana & trsl. by Mrs. Rh. D. as “a distinctive mark of discourse”); DA.I,20, 23, 281; DhsA.51. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhilāsa
- {'def': '[Sk. abhilāṣa, abhi + laṣ] desire, wish, longing PvA.154. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhilāsā
- {'def': '【阴】 希望,欲望。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】希望,欲望。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhimaddana
- {'def': '【中】 打破,征服。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】打破,征服。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhimaddati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+madd压破+a), 压破,服从。abhimaddi,【过】。abhimaddita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. abhimardati & °mṛdnāti; abhi + mṛd] to crush S.I,102; A.I,198; Sdhp.288. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + madd + a), 压破,服从。 ~maddi, 【过】。~maddita,【过分】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhimana
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + mano, BSk. abhimana, e. g. M Vastu III,259] having one’s mind turned on, thinking of or on (c. Acc.) Th.1, 1122; J.VI,451. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhimanthati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+manth搅拌+a), abhimantheti (abhi全面+manth搅拌+e), 压破,搅拌,摇动,煽动,激动。abhimanthi, abhimanthesi,【过】。abhimanthita, abhimathita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + manth + a), ~mantheti (abhi + manth + e), 压破,搅拌,摇动,煽动,激动。 ~manthi, ~esi,【过】。~manthita, ~mathita,【过分】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhimantheti
- {'def': 'see abhimatthati. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhimanāpa
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + manāpa] very pleasing VvA.53 (where id. p. at PvA.71 has atimanāpa). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhimata
- {'def': '(abhimaññati 的【过分】), 已想要,已愿望。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [BSk. abhimata, e. g. Jtm 211; pp. of abhimanyate] desired, wished for; agreeable, pleasant C. on Th.1, 91. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhimaññati 的【过分】), 已想要,已愿望。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhimatthati
- {'def': '(°eti) & °mantheti [abhi + math or manth, cp. nimmatheti] 1. to cleave, cut; to crush, destroy M.I,243 (sikharena muddhānaṁ °mantheti); S.I,127; Dh.161 (v. l. °nth°); J.IV,457 (matthako sikharena °matthiyamāno); DhA.III,152 (= kantati viddhaṁseti). -- 2. to rub, to produce by friction (esp. fire, aggiṁ; cp. Vedic agniṁ nirmanthati) M.I,240. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'abhimantheti, 劈。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhimaṅgala
- {'def': '【形】幸运的,吉兆的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + maṅgala] (very) fortunate, lucky, anspicious, in °sammatā (of Visākhā) “benedicted”, blessed Vin.III,187 = DhA.I,409. Opp. avamaṅgala. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 幸运的,吉兆的。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhimaṇḍita
- {'def': '(pp. --°) [abhi + maṇḍita] adorned, embellished, beautified Miln.361; Sdhp.17. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhimukha
- {'def': '【形】 面对的,当面的,面对面的, 【阳】 前面。 ~khaŋ,【副】 向。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+mukha面),【形】面对的,当面的,面对面的,【阳】前面,向,对,现,现前,了。abhimukhaṁ,【副】向。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + mukha] facing, turned towards, approaching J.II,3 (°ā ahesuṁ met each other). Usually --° turned to, going to, inclined towards D.I,50 (purattha°); J.I,203 (devaloka°), 223 (varaṇa-rukkha°); II,3 (nagara°), 416 (Jetavana°); DhA.I,170 (tad°); II,89 (nagara°); PvA.3 (kāma°, opp. vimukha), 74 (uyyāna°). -- nt. °ṁ adv. to, towards J.I,263 (matta-vāraṇe); PvA.4 (āghātana°, may here be taken as pred. adj.); DhA.III,310 (uttara°). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhimāna
- {'def': '【阳】 自尊。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】自尊。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhimāra
- {'def': '[cp. Sk. abhimara slaughter] a bandit, bravo, robber J.II,199; DA.I,152. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinadati
- {'def': '[abhi + nadati] to resound, to be full of noise J.VI,531. Cp. abhinādita. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + nad + a), 呜响。 ~nadi, 【过】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+nad+a), 呜响。abhinadi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinadita
- {'def': '(abhi超胜nadati的【过分】),【中】噪音。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinamati
- {'def': '(abhi + nam + a), 弯 曲 , 弯 腰 , 鞠 躬 , 顶 礼 。 ~nami,【过】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + namati] to bend. -- pp. abhinata (q.v.). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+nam弯曲+a), 弯曲,弯腰,鞠躬,顶礼。abhinami,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinandana
- {'def': '【中】欢喜,高兴。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) & °ā (f.) [fr. abhinandati, cp. nandanā], pleasure, delight, enjoyment D.I,244; M.I,498; J.IV,397. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 欢喜,高兴。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinandati
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+nand欢喜+a) 欢庆,全面欢喜。【1.单.过】abhinandiṁ。【3.单.过】abhinandi。【3.复.过】abhinanduṁ。【独】abhinanditvā。【未被】abhinanditabba。【3.单.祈】abhinandeyya。【过分】abhinandita。abhinandi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '欢喜、爱喜或爱乐、随喜、随意', 'xr': '《巴利语字汇》 -葛印卡内观中心四念住课程开示集要附录'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nandati] to rejoice at, find pleasure in (Acc.), approve of, be pleased or delighted with (Acc.) D.I,46 (bhāsitaṁ), 55 (id.), 158, 223; M.I,109, 458; S.I,32 (annaṁ), 57, 14, (cakkhuṁ, rūpe etc.); A.IV,411; Th.1, 606; Dh.75, 219; Sn.1054, 1057, 1111; Nd2 82; Miln.25; DA.I,160; DhA.III,194 (aor. abhinandi, opp. paṭikkosi) VvA.65 (vacanaṁ). -- pp. abhinandita (q. v.). ‹-› Often in combn. with abhivadati (q. v.). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + nand + a) 欢庆。~nandi,【过】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinandin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhinandati, cp. nandin] rejoicing at, finding pleasure in (Loc. or --°), enjoying A.II,54 (piyarūpa); esp. freq. in phrase (taṇhā) tatratatr’âbhinandinī finding its pleasure in this or that [cp. B.Sk. tṛṣṇā tatra-tatr’âbhinandinī M Vastu III,332] Vin.I,10; S.V,421; Ps.II,147; Nett 72, etc. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinandita
- {'def': '(abhinandati 的【过分】),【中】愉快的对象。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhinandati 的【过分】),【中】愉快的对象。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhinandati] only in an° not enjoyed, not (being) an object of pleasure S.IV,213 = It.38; S.V,319. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinandī
- {'def': '【形】 欢喜的人,享受的人。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】欢喜的人,享受的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinata
- {'def': '(abhi全面namati 的【过分】), 已弯曲,已鞠躬,已顶礼。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhi + namati] bent, (strained, fig. bent on pleasure M.I,386 (+ apanata); S.I,28 (id.; Mrs. Rh. D. “strained forth”, cp. Kindred S.I,39). See also apanata. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhinamati 的【过分】), 已弯曲,已鞠躬,已顶礼。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinava
- {'def': '【形】 新的,新鲜的。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】新的,新鲜的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + nava] quite young, new or fresh Vin.III,337; J.II,143 (devaputta), 435 (so read for accuṇha in expln of paccaggha; v.v. ll. abbhuṇha & abhiṇha); ThA.201 (°yobbana = abhiyobbana); PvA.40 (°saṇṭhāna), 87 (= paccaggha) 155. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinaya
- {'def': '[abhi + naya] a dramatic representation VvA.209 (sākhā°). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinayana
- {'def': '【中】 1. 使恢复知觉。 2. 质询。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】1.使恢复知觉。2.质询。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinibbatta
- {'def': '(abhinibbattati 的【过分】), 已繁殖,已再生。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhinibbattati 的【过分】), 已繁殖,已再生。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nibbatta, pp. of abhinibbattati] reproduced, reborn A.IV,40, 401; Nd2 256 (nibbatta abhi° pātubhūta); Dhs.1035, 1036 (so read for° nippatta); VvA.9 (puññ’ânubhāva° by the power of merit). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinibbattati
- {'def': '[abhi + nibbattati] to become, to be reproduced, to result Pug.51. -- pp. abhinibbatta. -- Cp. B.Sk. wrongly abhinivartate]. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinibbatteti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+vat转+e), 生产,呈现。abhinibbattesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + vat + e), 生产,呈现。 ~esi, 【过】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nibbatteti, caus. of °nibbattati] to produce, cause, cause to become S.III,152; A.V,47; Nd2 under jāneti. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinibbatti
- {'def': '【阴】 abhinibbattana, 【中】 出生,生成,转成。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [abhi + nibbatti] becoming, birth, rebirth, D.I,229; II,283 (v. l. for abhinipphatti) S.II,65 (punabbhava°), 101 (id.); IV,14, 215; A.V,121; PvA.35. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+nibbatti生出),【阴】abhinibbattana,【中】生成,转生。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinibbhidā
- {'def': '(f.) [this the better, although not correct spelling; there exists a confusion with abhinibbidā, therefore spelling also abhinibbidhā (Vin.III,4, C. on Nett 98). To abhinibbijjhati, cp. B.Sk. abhinirbheda M Vastu I.272, which is wrongly referred to bhid instead of vyadh] the successful breaking through (like the chick through the shell of the egg), coming into (proper) life Vin.III,4; M.I,104; 357; Nett 98 (C. reading). See also abhinibbidā. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinibbidā
- {'def': '【阴】厌世。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [abhi + nibbidā; confused with abhinibbhidā] disgust with the world, taedium Nett 61 (taken as abhinibbhidā, according to expln. as “padālanā-paññatti avijj°aṇḍa-kosānaṁ”), 98 (so MSS, but C. abhinibbidhā). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】 厌世。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinibbijjati
- {'def': '[either Med. fr. nibbindati of vid for *nirvidyate (see nibbindati B), or secondary formation fr. ger. nibbijja. Reading however not beyond all doubt] to be disgusted with, to avoid, shun, turn away from Sn.281 (T. abhinibbijjayātha, v. l. BB° nibbijjiyātha & °nibbajjiyātha, SnA expls. by vivajjeyyātha mā bhajeyyātha; v. l. BB. abhinippajjiyā) = A.IV,172 (T. abhinibbajjayātha, vv. ll. °nibbajjeyyātha & °nibbijjayātha); ger. abhinibbijja Th.2, 84. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinibbijjhati
- {'def': '[abhi + nibbijjhati] to break quite through (of the chick coming through the shell of the egg) Vin.III,3; M.I,104 = S.III,153 (read° nibbijjheyyun for nibbijjeyyun -- Cp. Buddh. Suttas 233, 234. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinibbuta
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + nibbuta] perfectly cooled, calmed, serene, esp. in two phrases, viz. diṭṭha dhamm’âbhinibbuta A.I,142 = M.III,187; Sn.1087; Nd2 83, and abhinibbutatta of cooled mind Sn.343 (= apariḍayhamāna-citta SnA 347), 456, 469, 783. Also at Sdhp. 35. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 完全地平静的,寂静。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】完全地平静的,寂静。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiniggaṇhanā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. abhiniggaṇhāti] holding back Vin.III,121 (+ abhinippīḷanā). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiniggaṇhāti
- {'def': '[abhi + niggaṇhāti] to hold back, restrain, prevent, prohibit; always in combn. with abhinippīḷeti M.I,120; A.V,230. -- Cp. abhiniggaṇhanā. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinihata
- {'def': '(pp.) [abhi + nihata] oppressed. crushed, slain J.IV,4. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinikkamati
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + kam + a), 前去,隐世,隐居。~khami,【过】。~khanta,【过分】。~khamma,【独】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinikkhamana
- {'def': '【中】放弃(头衔),抛弃(野心),出家。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + nikkhamana] departure, going away, esp. the going out into monastic life, retirement, renunciation. Usually as mahā° the great renunciation J.I,61; PvA.19. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】放弃(头衔),抛弃(野心),出家。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinikkhamati
- {'def': '[abhi + nikkhamati] to go forth from (Abl.), go out, issue Dhs.A 91; esp. fig. to leave the household life, to retire from the world Sn.64 (= gehā abhinikkhamitvā kāsāya-vattho hutvā SnA. 117). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+kham(梵ksam)忍受+a), 前去,隐世,隐居。abhinikkhami,【过】。abhinikkhanta,【过分】。abhinikkhamma,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinikkhipana
- {'def': '【中】放下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 放下。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinikkhipati
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + khip + a), 躺下。 ~khipi, 【过】。 ~khitta,【过分】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nikkhipati] to lay down, put down Davs III,12, 60. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+khip抛+a),躺下。abhinikkhipi,【过】。abhinikkhitta,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinikūjita
- {'def': '【形】 呜响着 (鸟的歌)。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + nikūjita] resounding with, full of the noise of (birds) J.V,232 (of the barking of a dog), 304 (of the cuckoo); so read for °kuñjita T.). Cp. abhikūjita. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】呜响著 (鸟的歌)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinimantanatā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. to abhinimanteti] speaking to, adressing, invitation M.I,331. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinimanteti
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+nimanteti邀请), 盛情邀约。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nimanteti] to invite to (c. Instr.), to offer to D.I,61 (āsanena). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinimmadana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + nimmadana] crushing, subduing, levelling out M.III,132; A.IV,189 sq. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinimmina
- {'def': '全面创造。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinimmināti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+nimmināti创造),全面创造。【过分】abhinimmita。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nimmināti, cp. BSk. abhinirmāti Jtm 32; abhinirminoti Divy 251; abhinirmimīte Divy 166] to create (by magic), produce, shape, make S.III,152 (rūpaṁ); A.I,279 (oḷārikaṁ attabhāvaṁ); Nd2 under pucchā6 (rūpaṁ manomayaṁ); VvA.16 (mahantaṁ hatthi-rāja-vaṇṇaṁ). -- pp. abhinimmita (q. v.). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinimmita
- {'def': '[abhi + nimmita, pp. of abhinimmināti] created (by magic) Vv 161 (pañca rathā satā; cp. VvA.79). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Abhinimmiṇāti的【过分】创造,生产,制造。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinimmiṇāti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+mā测量+ṇā), 创造,生产,制造。abhinimmiṇi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + mā + ṇā), 创造,生产,制造。 ~miṇi,【过】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinindriya
- {'def': '[vv. ll. at all passages for ahīnindriya] doubtful meaning. The other is expld by Bdhgh at DA.I,120 as paripuṇṇ°; and at 222 as avikal-indriya not defective, perfect sense-organ. He must have read ahīn°. Abhi-n-indriya could only be expld as “with supersenseorgans”, i. e. with organs of supernormal thought or perception, thus coming near in meaning to *abhiññindriya; We should read ahīn° throughout D.I,34, 77, 186, 195. II.13; M.II,18; III,121; Nd2 under pucchā6 (only ahīn°). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhininnāmeti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ninnāmeti使…转向),使…全面转向。dibbāya sota-dhātuyā cittaṁ abhinīharati abhininnāmeti(心倾注天耳界)。ceto-pariyañāṇāya cittaṁ abhinīharati abhininnāmeti(心倾注他心智)。pubbe-nivāsānussati-ñāṇāya cittaṁ abhinīharati abhininnāmeti(心倾注宿住随念智)。sattānaṁ cutūpapāta-ñāṇāya cittaṁ abhinīharati abhininnāmeti(心倾注有情死生智)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + ninnāmeti cp. BSk. abhinirṇāmayati Lal.V, 439] to bend towards, to turn or direct to D.I,76 (cittaṁ ñāṇa-dassanāya); M.I,234; S.I,123; IV,178; Pug.60. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinipajjati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+pad去+ya), 卧在。abhinipajji,【过】。abhinipanna,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + pad + ya), 卧在。 ~pajji, 【过】。~panna, 【过分】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nipajjati] to lie down on Vin.IV,273 (+ abhinisīdati); A.IV,188 (in = Acc. + abhinisīdati); Pug.67 (id.). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinipatati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+pat落下+a), 跌倒,冲闯。abhinipati,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + pat + a), 跌倒,冲闯。 ~pati, 【过】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nipatati] to rush on (to) J.II,8. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinippajjati
- {'def': '[abhi + nippajjati] to be produced, accrue, get, come (to) M.I,86 (bhogā abhinipphajjanti: sic) = Nd2 99 (has n’âbhinippajjanti). -- Cp. abhinipphādeti. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinippanna
- {'def': '(& °nipphanna) [abhi + nippanna, pp. of °nippajjati] produced, effected, accomplished D.II,223 (siloka); J.VI,36 (so read for abhinippata); Miln.8 (pph.). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinippata
- {'def': 'at J.VI,36 is to be read abhinippanna (so v. l. BB.). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinippatta
- {'def': 'at Dhs.1035, 1036 is to be read abhinibbatta. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinipphajjati
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + pad + ya), 实现,完成。 ~jji, 【过】。~nipphanna, 【过分】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+pad去+ya), 实现,完成。abhinipphajji,【过】。abhinipphanna,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinipphatti
- {'def': '【阴】产品,成就。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 产品,成就。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(f.) [abhi + nipphatti] production, effecting D.II,283 (v. l. °nibbatti). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinipphādeti
- {'def': '[abhi + nipphādeti] to bring into existence, produce, effect, work, perform D.I,78 (bhājana-vikatiṁ); Vin.II,183 (iddhiṁ); S.V,156, 255; Miln.39. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+pad去+e), 生产,呈现。abhinipphādesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + pad + e), 生产,呈现。 ~esi, 【过】。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinipphādita
- {'def': '(Abhinipphādeti的【过分】), 已生产,已完成。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinippīḷanā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. to abhinippīḷeti, cp. nippīḷana] pressing, squeezing, taking hold of Vin.III,121 (+ abhiniggaṇhanā). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinippīḷeti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+pīḷ虐待+e), 压迫,骚扰。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nippīḷeti] to squeeze, crush, subdue Vism.399; often in combn. with abhiniggaṇhāti M.I,120; A.V,230. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + pīḷ + e), 压迫,压服。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinipuṇa
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + nipuṇa] very thorough, very clever D.III,167. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinipāta
- {'def': '(-matta) destroying, hurting (?) at Vbh.321 is expld. by āpātha-matta [cp. Divy 125 śastrâbhinipāta splitting open or cutting with a knife]. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】abhinipātana,【中】跌落,冲闯,攻击,敲击。abhinipātī,【形】落下。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 ~tana, 【中】 跌落,冲闯,攻击。 ~pātī, 【形】 落下。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhinipātana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abhi-ni-pāteti in daṇḍa-sattha° attacking with stick or knife Nd2 5764. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinipātin
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + nipātin] falling on io (-°) J.II,7. (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiniropana
- {'def': '【中】固定在,应用,运用,施用。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) & Abhiniropanā (f.) [fr. abhiniropeti] fixing one’s mind upon, application of the mind Ps.I,16, 21, 30, 69, 75, 90; Vbh.87; Dhs.7, 21, 298 (cp. Dhs.trsl. II.19). See also abhiropana. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 固定在,应用,运用,施用。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiniropeti
- {'def': '[abhi + niropeti] to implant, fix into (one’s mind), inculcate Nett 33. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + rup + e), 注入,灌输,谆谆劝导。~esi, 【过】。~pita, 【过分】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni向下+rup栽种+e), 注入,灌输,谆谆劝导。abhiniropesi,【过】。abhiniropita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinissaṭa
- {'def': '(abhinissarati 的【过分】), 已逃脱,已移走。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhinissarati 的【过分】), 已逃脱,已移走。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(pp.) [abhi + nissaṭa] escaped Th.1, 1089. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinisīdati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+sad坐+a), 坐近,入坐,对准入坐。abhinisīdi,【过】。abhinisinna,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + sad + a), 坐近。 ~nisīdi, 【过】。 ~nisinna, 【过分】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nisīdati] to sit down by or on (Acc.), always combd. with abhinipajjati Vin.III,29; IV,273; A.V,188; Pug.67. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinivajjeti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni向下+vajjeti使…被避免),全面避免。【独】abhinivajjetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nivajjeti] to avoid, get rid of D.III,113; M.I,119, 364, 402; S.V,119, 295, 318; A.III,169 sq.; It.81. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinivassati
- {'def': '[abhi + ni + vassati fr. vṛṣ] lit. to pour out in abundance, fig. to produce in plenty. Cp I.103 (kalyāṇe good deeds). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinivesa
- {'def': '【阳】 倾向,趋向。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+nivesa安顿)(梵abhinivewa),【阳】倾向,取,取著,执,执著,执持,妄执,爱著,深固。‘sabbe dhammā nālaṁ abhinivesāyā’ti.(一切法实不值於贪著)(S.35.80./IV,50.;M.37./I,251.;A.7.58./IV. p.88)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nivesa, see nivesa2 & cp. nivesana] “settling in”, i. e. wishing for, tendency towards (-°), inclination, adherence; as adj. liking, loving, being given or inclined to D.III,230; M.I,136, 251; S.II,17; III,10, 13, 135, 161, 186 (saṁyojana° IV.50; A.III,363 (paṭhavī°, adj.); Nd2 227 (gāha parāmasa +); Pug.22; Vbh.145; Dhs.381, 1003, 1099; Nett 28; PvA.252 (micchā°), 267 (taṇhā°); Sdhp.71. -- Often combd. with adhiṭṭhāna e. g. S.II,17; Nd2 176, and in phrase idaṁ- sacc’âbhinivesa adherence to one’s dogmas, as one of the 4 Ties: see kāyagantha and cp. Cpd. 171 n.5. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinivisati
- {'def': '[abhi + nivisati] to cling to, adhere to, be attached to Nd1 308, 309 (parāmasati +). -- pp. abhiniviṭṭha; cp. also abhinivesa. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + vis + a), 执着,黏附着。 ~nivisi, 【过】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+vis(viw)进入+a), 执著,黏附著。abhinivisi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiniviṭṭha
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + niviṭṭha, pp. of abhi-nivisati] “settled in”, attached to, clinging on Nd2 152 (gahita parāmaṭṭha a.); PvA.267 (= ajjhāsita Pv IV.84). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Abhinivisati的【过分】), 已附著,已执著。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinādita
- {'def': '[pp. of abhinādeti, Caus. of abhi + nad; see nadati] resounding with (-°), filled with the noise (or song) of (birds) J.VI,530 (= abhinadanto C.); PvA.157 (= abhiruda). (Page 65)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【过分】 已呜响。(p33)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【过分】已呜响。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinīhanati
- {'def': '[abhi + nis + han, cp. Sk. nirhanti] to drive away, put away, destroy, remove, avoid M.I,119 (in phrase āṇiṁ a. abhinīharati abhinivajjeti). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinīharati
- {'def': '(abhi + ni + har + a), 取出,指向,热望。 ~hari, 【过】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ni+har运?拿+a), 全面运出,取出,指向,热望。abhinīhari,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + nīharati] 1. to take out, throw out M.I,119 (see abhinīhanati). -- 2. to direct to, to apply to (orig. to isolate? Is reading correct?) in phrase ñāṇadassanāya cittaṁ abhinīharati abhininnāmeti D.I,76 (= tanninnaṁ tappoṇaṁ karoti DA.I,220, 224; v. l. abhini°) Cp. the latter phrase also in BSk. as abhijñâbhinirhāra Av. Ś II.3 (see ref. & note Index p. 221); and the pp. abhinirhṛta (ṛddhiḥ) in Divy 48, 49 to obtain? Ind.), 264 (take to burial), 542. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinīhaṭa
- {'def': '(Abhinīharati的【过分】), 已取出。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinīhāra
- {'def': '[abhi + nīhāra, to abhinīharati; cp. BSk. sarīr’âbhinirhāra taking (the body) out to burial, lit. meaning, see note on abhinīharati] being bent on (“downward force” Dhs.trsl. 242), i. e. taking oneself out to, way of acting, (proper) behaviour, endeavour, resolve, aspiration S.III,267 sq. (°kusala); A.II,189; III,311; IV,34 (°kusala); J.I,14 (Buddhabhāvāya a. resolve to become a Buddha), 15 (Buddhattāya); Ps.I,61 sq.; II,121; Nett 26; Miln.216; DhA.I,392; II,82 (kata°). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 取出,热望,决议。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】带动,取出,热望,决议。DhsA.(PTS:648) 647.︰abhinīhārapaccupaṭṭhānā(﹝风大﹞以‘推’(由内往外)为现起)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhinīla
- {'def': '﹐【梵】绀靑。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + nīla] very black, deep black, only with ref. to the eyes, in phrase °netta with deep-black eyes D.II,18; III,144, 167 sq. [cp. Sp. Av. Ś I.367 & 370 abhinīla-padma-netra]; Th.2, 257 (nettā ahesuṁ abbinīla-m-āyatā). (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhinīta
- {'def': '(abhineti 的【过分】), 已带来。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhineti 的【过分】), 已带来。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(pp.) [pp. of abhi-neti] led to, brought to, obliged by (-°) M.I,463 = Miln.32 (rājā & cora°); M.I,282; S.III,93; Th.1, 350 = 435 (vātaroga° “foredone with cramping pains” Mrs. Rk. D.); Pug.29; Miln.362. (Page 66)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '( [abhi全面+neti引导] 的【过分】),【过分】全面引导。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhipassati
- {'def': '[abhi + passati] to have regard for, look for, strive after A.I,147 (Nibbānaṁ); III,75; Sn.896 (khema°), 1070 (rattamahā°) Nd1 308; Nd2 428; J.VI,370. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhipattheti
- {'def': '(abhi + path + e), 渴望,希望。~esi,【过】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+path+e), 极度渴望,极度希望。abhipatthesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + pattheti] to hope for, long for, wish for Kh VIII,10; SnA 320; DhA.I,30. -- pp. abhipatthita (q. v.). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhipatthita
- {'def': '(pp.) [fr. abhipattheti] hoped, wished, longed for Miln.383; SnA 85. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Abhipattheti的【过分】极度渴望,极度希望。na kāme abhipatthayaṁ (不再希求诸慾)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhipattika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhipatti] one who has attained, attaining (-°), getting possession of S.I,200 (devakañña°). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhippaharaṇa
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + paharaṇa] attacking, fighting, as adj. f. °aṇī fighting, Ep. of Mārassa senā, the army of M. Sn.439 (kaṇhassa° the fighting army of k. = samaṇabrāhmaṇānaṁ nippothanī antarāyakārī SnA 390). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhippakirati
- {'def': '[abhi + pakirati] to strew over, to cover (completely) D.II,137 (pupphāni Tathāgatassa sarīraṁ okiranti ajjhokiranti a.); VvA.38 (for abbhokirati Vv 59). ‹-› pp. abhippakiṇṇa (q. v.). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhippakiṇṇa
- {'def': '[pp. of abhippakirati] completely strewn (with) J.I,62. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhippakirati 的【过分】), 已撒满。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhippakirati 的【过分】), 已极度撒满。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhippalambati
- {'def': '[abhi + palambati] to hang down M.III,164 (olambati ajjholambati a.). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhippamodati
- {'def': '[abhi + pamodati] to rejoice (intrs.); to please, satisfy (trs, c. Acc.) M.I,425; S.V,312, 330; A.V,112; J III 530; Ps.I,95, 176, 190. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + pa + mud + a), 欢喜,满意。 ~modi, 【过】。~dita, 【过分】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+pa+mud+a), 极欢喜,极满意。abhippamodi,【过】。abhippamodita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhippasanna
- {'def': '(abhippasīdati 的【过分】), 已有信心,已献身,已投入于。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of abhippasīdati, cp. BSk. abhiprasanna] finding one’s peace in (c. Loc.), trusting in, having faith in, believing in, devoted to (Loc.) Vin.III,43; D.I,211 (Bhagavati) S.I,134; IV,319; V,225, 378; A.III,237, 270, 326 sq.; Sn.p. 104 (brāhmaṇesu); PvA.54 (sāsand), 142 (id.). Cp. vippasanna in same meaning. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhippasīdati 的【过分】),已极有信心,已极献身,已极投入於。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhippasāda
- {'def': '【阳】极有信心,极热爱,极投入。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 信心,热爱,投入。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + pasāda, cp. BSk. abhiprasāda Av. Ś 12 (cittasyu°) & vippasāda] faith, belief, reliance, trust Dhs.12 (“sense of assurance” trsl., + saddhā), 25, 96, 288; PvA.223. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhippasādeti
- {'def': '[Caus. of abhippasīdati, cp. BSk. abhiprasādayati Divy 68, 85, pp. abhiprasādita-manāḥ Jtm 213, 220] to establish one’s faith in (Loc.), to be reconciled with, to propitiate Th.1, 1173 = Vv 212 (manaṁ arahantamhi = cittaṁ pasādeti VvA.105). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhippasāreti
- {'def': '(abhi + pa + sar + e), 伸展。~esi,【过】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+pa+sar(梵sr)动转+e), 伸展。abhippasāresi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhippasīdati
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+pa+sad坐+a), 有信心,投入於。abhippasīdi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + pasīdati] to have faith in D.I,211 (fut. °issati). -- pp. abhippasanna; Caus. abhippasādeti. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + pa + sad + a), 有信心,投入于。 ~sīdi, 【过】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhippavassati
- {'def': '[abhi + pavassati] to shed rain upon, to pour down; intrs. to rain, to pour, fall. Usually in phrase mahāmegho abhippavassati a great cloud bursts Miln.8, 13, 36, 304; PvA.132 (v. l. ati°); intrs. Miln.18 (pupphāni °iṁsu poured down). -- pp. abhippavuṭṭha. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhippavuṭṭha
- {'def': '(pp.) [fr. abhippavassati] having rained, poured, fallen; trs. S.V,51 (bandhanāni meghena °āni) = A.V,127; intrs. M.II,117 (mahāmegho °o there has been a cloudburst). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhippāsāreti
- {'def': '[abhi + pasāreti, cp. BSk. abhiprasārayati Divy 389] to stretch out Vin.I,179 (pāde). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhipucchati
- {'def': '[abhi + pucchati] Sk. abhipṛcchati] to ask J.IV,18. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhipāleti
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+pāl保护+e),极度保护,极度保持,极度保存。abhipālesi,【过】。abhipālita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + pāl + e), 保护,保持,保存。 ~esi, 【过】。~pālita,【过分】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + pāleti] to protect Vv 8421, cp. VvA.341. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhipāruta
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + pāruta, pp. of abhipārupati] dressed Miln.222. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhipāteti
- {'def': '[abhi + pāteti] to make fall, to bring to fall, to throw J.II,91 (kaṇḍaṁ). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhipīḷeti
- {'def': '[abhi + pīḷeti] to crush, squeeze Miln.166. ‹-› pp. abhipīḷita (q. v.). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+pīḷ虐待+e), 极度压迫,极度挤榨。abhipīḷesi,【过】。abhipīḷita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + pīḷ + e), 压迫,挤榨。 ~esi, 【过】。 ~pīḷita, 【过分】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhipīḷita
- {'def': '(pp.) [fr. abhipiḷeti] crushed, squeezed Sdhp.278, 279. (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhipūrati
- {'def': '(abhi + pūr + a), 充满。 ~pūri, 【过】。 ~pūrita, 【过分】。(p34)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+pūr(梵pr / prṇ/ pūr)充满+a), 极度充满。abhipūri,【过】。abhipūrita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhipūreti
- {'def': '[abhi + pūreti] to fill (up) Miln.238; Dāvs III, 60 (paṁsūhi). (Page 67)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiraddha
- {'def': '【过分】已满意,已劝解。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【过分】 已满意,已劝解。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of abhi + rādh] propitiated, satisfied A.IV,185 (+ attamana). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiraddhi
- {'def': '【阴】 满足。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】满足。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. abhiraddha] only in neg. an° displeasure, dislike, discontent A.I,79; DA.I,52 (= kopass’etaṁ adhivacanaṁ). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhirakkhana
- {'def': '【中】abhirakkhā,【阴】全面保护。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 abhirakkhā, 【阴】 保护。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhirakkhati
- {'def': '[abhi + rakkhati] to guard, protect J.VI,589 (= pāleti C.). Cp. parirakkhati. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+rakkh保护+a), 全面保护。abhirakkhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + rakkh + a), 保护。~rakkhi,【过】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhirakkhā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. abhirakkhati] protection, guard J.I,204 (= ārakkhā 203). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiramana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abhiramati] sporting, dallying, amusing oneself PvA.16. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 享乐,运动。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】享乐,运动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiramati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ram喜乐+a), 全然喜乐,享受,寻欢。【过】abhirami。【过分】abhirata。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ram + a), 享受,寻欢。~rami,【过】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + ram] to sport, enjoy oneself, find pleasure in or with (c. Loc.), to indulge in love Sn.718, 1085; J.I,192; III,189, 393; DhA.I,119; PvA.3, 61, 145. -- ppr. act. abhiranto only as nt. °ṁ in adv. phrase yathâbhirantaṁ after one’s liking, as much as he pleases, after one’s heart’s content Vin.I,34; M.I,170; Sn.53. ‹-› ppr. med. abhiramamāna J.III,188, PvA.162. -- pp. abhirata (q. v.). -- 2nd Caus. abhiramāpeti (q. v.). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiramāpana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abhiramāpeti, Caus2 of abhiramati] causing pleasure to (Acc.), being a source of pleasure, making happy M.III,132 (gāmante). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiramāpeti
- {'def': '[Caus. II. fr. abhiramati] 1. to induce to sport, to cause one to take pleasure J.III,393. -- 2. to delight, amuse, divert J.I,61. -- Cp. abhiramāpana. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + ram + āpe), 使享受,使寻欢。 ~esi, 【过】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ ram喜乐+āpe), 使全然喜乐,使寻欢。abhiramāpesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhirata
- {'def': '(abhiramati 的【过分】), 已喜欢,已沉迷,好,爱,爱著,极生爱乐,乐,深生喜乐。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) (-°) [pp. of abhiramati] found of, indulging in, finding delight in A.IV,224 (nekkhamma°); V,175 (id.), Sn.86 (nibbāna°), 275 (vihesa°), 276 (kalaha°); J.V,382 (dāna°); PvA.54 (puññakamma°), 61 (satibhavana°), 105 (dānâdipuñña°). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhiramati 的【过分】), 已喜欢,已沉迷。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiratatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. abhirata] the fact of being fond of, delighting in (-°) J.V,254 (kāma°). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhirati
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. abhi + ram] delight or pleasure in (Loc. or --°) S.I,185; IV,260; A.V,122; Dh.88. --an° displeasure, discontent, distaste Vin.II,110; D.I,17 (+ paritassanā); S.I,185; V,132; A.III,259; IV,50; V,72 sq., 122; J.III,395; DA.I,111; PvA.187. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】高兴,满意。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+rati喜乐),【阴】全然喜乐。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 高兴,满意。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiratta
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + ratta] very red J.V,156; fig. very much excited or affected with (-°) Sn.891 (sandiṭṭhirāgena a.). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiravati
- {'def': '[abhi + ravati] to shout ont Bu II.90 = J.I,18 (V.99) (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiroceti
- {'def': '[abhi + roceti, Caus. of ruc] 1. to like, to find delight in (Acc.), to desire, long for J.III,192; V,222 (= roceti); Vv 6423 (vataṁ abhirocayi = abhirocesi ruccitvā pūresi ti attho; abhirādhayi ti pi pāṭho; sādhesi nipphādesī ti attho VvA.282). -- 2. to please, satisfy, entertain, gladden Vv 6424 (but VvA.292: abhibhavitvā vijjotati, thus to no. 3). -- 3. v. l. for atiroceti (to surpass in splendour) at Vv 8112, cp. also no. 2. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+ruc发光+e), 喜欢,寻高兴。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + ruc + e), 喜欢,寻高兴。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiropana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abhiropeti] concentration of mind, attention (seems restricted to Ps.II, only) Ps.II,82 (v. l. abhiniropana), 84, 93, 115 (buddhi°), 142 (°virāga), 145 (°vimutti), 216 (°abhisamaya). See also abhiniropana. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiropeti
- {'def': '[abhi + ropeti, cp. Sk. adhiropayati, Caus. of ruh] to fix one’s mind on, to pay attention, to show reverence, to honour Vv 377 (aor. °ropayi = ropesi VvA.169), 3710 (id.; = pūjaṁ kāresi VvA.172), 604 (= pūjesi VvA.253); Dāvs.V,19. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiruci
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. abhiruci, fr. abhi + ruc] delight, longing, pleasure, satisfaction PvA.168 (= ajjhāsaya). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】希望,渴望。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 希望,渴望。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhirucira
- {'def': '【形】多令人喜爱的,非常美丽的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 多令人喜爱的,非常美丽的。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhirucita
- {'def': '【过分】已愿望,已喜欢,已愉快。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【过分】 已愿望,已喜欢,已愉快。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. fr. abhi + ruc] pleasing, agreeable, liked J.I,402; DhA.I,45. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiruda
- {'def': '(adj. --°) [Sk. abhiruta] resounding with (the cries of animals, esp. the song of birds), full of the sound of (birds) Th.1, 1062 (kuñjara°), 1113 (mayūra-koñca°); J.IV,466 (adāsakunta°); V,304 (mayūra-koñca°); VI,172 (id., = upagīta C.), 272 (sakunta°; = abhigīta C.), 483 (mayūra-koñca°), 539; Pv.II,123 (haṁsa-koñca°; = abhinādita PvA.157). -- The form abhiruta occurs at Th.1, 49. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiruhati
- {'def': 'abhirūhati (abhi超胜+ruh上升﹑生长+a), 登上,上去。abhiruhi,【过】。abhirūhitvā,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'abhirūhati (abhi + ruh + a), 登上,上去。 ~ruhi, 【过】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiruyha
- {'def': '(abhiruhati 的【独】), 登上了。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhiruhati 的【独】), 登上了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhirādheti
- {'def': '[abhi + rādheti] to please, satisfy, make happy J.I,421; DA.I,52. -- aor. (pret.) abhirādhayi Vv 315 (= abhirādhesi VvA.130); Vv 6423 (gloss for abhirocayi VvA.282); J.I,421; III,386 (= paritosesi C.). -- pp. abhirādhita. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhirādhin
- {'def': '(adj.) (-°) [fr. abhirādheti] pleasing, giving pleasure, satisfaction J.IV,274 (mitta° = ārādhento tosento C.). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhirādhita
- {'def': '[pp. of abhirādheti] having succeeded in, fallen to one’s share, attained Th.1, 259. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhirāma
- {'def': '【形】愉快的,合意的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 愉快的,合意的。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhirūhana
- {'def': '【中】 上升,攀登。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [BSk. °rūhana, e. g. M Vastu II.289] climbing, ascending, climb Miln.356. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】上升,攀登。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhirūhati
- {'def': '(abhiruhati) [abhi + ruh] to ascend, mount, climb; to go on or in to (c. Acc.) Dh.321; Th.1, 271; J.I,259; II,388; III,220; IV,138 (navaṁ); VI,272 (peculiar aor. °rucchi with ābhi metri causa; = abhirūhi C.); DA.I,253. -- ger. abhiruyha J.III,189; PvA.75, 152 (as v. l.; T. has °ruyhitva), 271 (nāvaṁ), & abhirūhitvā J.I,50 (pabbataṁ) II.128. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhirūpa
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + rūpa] of perfect form, (very), handsome, beautiful, lovely Sn.410 (= dassaniya’aṅgapaccanga SnA 383); J.I,207; Pug.52; DA.I,281 (= aññehi manussehi adhikarūpa); VvA.53; PvA.61 (= abhikkanta). Occurs in the idiomatic phrase denoting the characteristics of true beauty abhirūpa dassanīya pāsādika (+ paramāya vaṇṇa-pokkharatāya samannāgata), e. g. Vin.I,268; D.I,47, 114, 120; S.II,279; A.II,86, 203; Nd2 659; Pug.66; DhA.I,281 (compar.); PvA.46. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+rūpa形色),【形】形色端严。SnA.v.410./II,383.︰Abhirūpoti dassanīyaṅgapaccaṅgo.(形色端严︰肢体匀称,众所乐见。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 可爱的,英俊的。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhirūḷha
- {'def': '[pp. of abhirūhati] mounted, gone up to, ascended J.V,217; DhA.I,103. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhiruhati 的【过分】), 已登上,已升起。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhiruhati 的【过分】), 已登上,已升起。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisaddahati
- {'def': '[abhi + saddahati, cp. Sk. abhiśraddadhāti, e. g. Divy 17, 337] to have faith in, believe in (c. Acc.), believe S.V,226; Th.1, 785; Pv IV.113, 125 (°saddaheyya = paṭiñeyya PvA.226); Nett 11; Miln.258; PvA.26; Dāvs III,58. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + saŋ + dah + a), 相信。~dahi,【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+saṁ+dah放置+a), 相信。abhisaddahi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisajjana
- {'def': '(nt.-adj.) [abstr. fr. abhisajjati in meaning of abhisaṅga 2] only as adv. f. °nī Ep. of vācā scolding, abusing, cursing A.V,265 (para°). Cp. next. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】黏著,忿怒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 粘着,忿怒。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisajjanā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. fr. abhisajjati, cp. abhisajjana] at Sn.49 evidently means “scolding, cursing, being in bad temper” (cp. abhisajjati), as its combn. with vāc’âbhilāpa indicates, but is expld. both by Nd2 & Bdhgh. as “sticking to, cleaving, craving, desire” (= taṇhā), after the meaning of abhisaṅga. See Nd2 89 & 107; SnA 98 (sineha-vasena), cp. also the compromise-expln by Bdhgh. of abhisajjati as kodha-vasena laggati (DA.I,257). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisajjati
- {'def': '[abhi + sañj; cp. abhisaṅga] to be in ill temper, to be angry, to curse, imprecate (in meaning of abhisaṅga 2) D.I,91 (= kodha-vasena laggati DA.I,257); III,159; J.III,120 (+ kuppati); IV,22 (abhisajji kuppi vyāpajji, cp. BSk. abhiṣajyate kupyati vyāpadyate. Av. Ś I.286); V,175 (= kopeti C.); Dh.408 (abhisaje Pot. = kujjhāpana-vasena laggapeyya DhA.IV,182); Pug.30, 36. ‹-› See also abhisajjana & abhisajjanā. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + sad + ya), 生气,附上,缚上。 ~sajji, 【过】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sajjati执著), 迁怒(直译:全面执著),附上,缚上。abhisajji,【过】。【3.单.祈】abhisaje。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisallekhika
- {'def': '(adj) [abhi + sallekha + ika] austere, stern, only in f. °ā (scil. kathā) A.III,117 sq.; IV,352, 357; V,67. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sallekha削减+ika (形容词化)),【形】全面削减。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisamaya
- {'def': '【阳】 领会,洞察,敏锐。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + samaya, from sam + i, cp. abhisameti & sameti; BSk. abhisamaya, e. g. Divy 200, 654] “coming by completely”, insight into, comprehension, realization, clear understanding, grasp, penetration. See on term Kvu trsl. 381 sq. -- Esp. in full phrases: attha° grasp of what is proficient S.I,87 = A.III,49 = It.17, cp. A.II,46; ariyasaccānaṁ a. full understanding of the 4 noble truths S.V,415, 440, 441 [cp. Divy 654: anabhisamitānāṁ caturnāṁ āryasatyānāṁ a.]; Sn.758 (sacca° = sacc’âvabodha SnA 509); Miln.214 (catusacc°); Sdhp.467 (catusacc°), 525 (saccānaṁ); dhamm’âbhisamaya full grasp of the Dhamma, quasi conversion [cp. dharm’âbhisamaya Divy 200] S.II,134; Miln.20, 350; VvA.219; PvA.9 etc. frequent; sammā-mān’âbhisamaya full understanding of false pride in ster. phrase” acchecchi (for acchejji) taṇhaṁ, vivattayi saññojanaṁ sammāmānâbhisamayā antam akāsi dukkhassa” at S.IV,205, 207, 399; A.III,246, 444; It.47; cp. māna° S.I,188 = Th.2, 20 (tato mānâbhisamayā upasanto carissasi, trsl. by Mrs. Rh. D. in K. S. 239 “hath the mind mastered vain imaginings, then mayst thou go thy ways calm and serene”); Sn.342 (expld. by mānassa abhisamayo khayo vayo pahānaṁ SnA 344). Also in foll. passages: S.II,5 (paññāya), 104 (id.), 133 sq. (Abhisamaya Saṁyutta); Sn.737 (phassa°, expld. ad sensum but not at verbum by phassa-nirodha SnA 509); Ps.II,215; Pug.41; Vv 1610 (= saccapaṭivedha VvA.85); DA.I,32; DhA.I,109; VvA.73 (bhāvana°), 84 (sacchikiriya°); Dpvs.I,31. --anabhisamaya not grasping correctly, insufficient understanding, taken up wrongly S.III,260; Pug.21; Dhs.390, 1061, 1162 (Mrs. Rh. D. trsls. “lack of coordination”). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sama平息+ya (抽象名词)) (‹i行),【阳】1.( abhi-samaya)领会,洞察,现观,得,悟,证,通达。《无碍解道》(Pṭs.p.217;CS:p.394)说,在四道四果之刹那间,以入於不死涅盘的尽头之义是‘现观’(amatogadhaṁ nibbānaṁ pariyosānaṭṭhena abhisamayo.)。2.abhi-wam= abhisama-ya止息,mānābhisamaya﹐慢止息。SA.8.4./I,272.:Mānābhisamayāti mānassa dassanābhisamayā ceva pahānābhisamayā ca.(慢止息(慢无间等):见到慢止息和断慢止息。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisambhava
- {'def': '[fr. abhisambhavati] only in dur° hard to overcome or get over, hard to obtain or reach, troublesome S.V,454; A.V,202; Sn.429, 701; J.V,269, VI,139, 439. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹abhisambhavati), 只作durabhisambhava,难克服,难达到(hard to overcome or get over, hard to obtain or reach, troublesome)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisambhavati
- {'def': '(°bhoti) [abhi + sambhavati] “to come up to”, i. e. to be able to (get or stand or overcome); to attain, reach, to bear A.IV,241; Th.1, 436; Nd1 471, 485; J.III,140; V,150, 417; VI,292, 293, 507 (fut. med. °sambhossaṁ = sahissāmi adhivāsessāmi C.); Ps.II,193. ‹-› ger. °bhutvā Th.1, 1057 & °bhavitvā Sn.52 (cp. Nd2 85). -- aor. °bhosi D.II,232. -- grd. °bhavanīya D.II,210; Ps.II,193. -- See also abhisambhuṇāti. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisambhunāti
- {'def': '(abhi + sambh + uṇā), 能干,达到。 ~bhuni, 【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sambh+uṇā), 能干,达到。abhisambhuni,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisambhuṇāti
- {'def': '[considered to be a bastard form of abhisambhavati, but probably of diff. origin & etym.; also in Bh. Sk. freq.] to be able (to get or reach); only in neg. ppr. anabhisambhuṇanto unable D.I,101 (= asampāpuṇanto avisahamāno vā DA.I,268); Nd1 77, 312. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisambhū
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhi + sam + bhū] getting, attaining (?) D.II,255 (lomahaṁsa°). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisambhūta
- {'def': '[pp. of abhisambhavati] attained, got Sdhp.556. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisambodhi
- {'def': '(f.) [abhi + sambodhi] the highest enlightenment J.I,14 (parama°). Cp. abhisambujjhana and (sammā-) sambodhi. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】最高觉悟。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阴】 最高觉悟。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisambodhita
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of abhisambodheti, Caus. of abhi + sambujjhati] awakened to the highest wisdom PvA.137 (Bhagavā). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisambuddha
- {'def': '[pp. of abhisambujjhati] (a) (pass.) realised, perfectly understood D.III,273; S.IV,331; It.121. an° not understood M.I,71, 92, 114, 163, 240. -- (b) (med.) one who has come to the realisation of the highest wisdom, fully-awakened, attained Buddhahood, realising, enlightened (in or as to = Acc.) Vin.I,1; D.II,4; M.I,6 (sammāsambodhiṁ); S.I,68, 138, 139 & passim PvA.94, 99. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '( [abhisambujjhati] 的【过分】), 证到最高智慧。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisambuddhatta
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. fr. abhisambuddha] thorough realisation, perfect understanding S.V,433. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisambudhāna
- {'def': '(adj.) [formation of a ppr. med. fr. pp. abhsam + budh instead of abhisam + bujjh°] awaking, realising, knowing, understanding Dh.46 (= bujjhanto jānanto ti attho DhA.I,337). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisambujjhana
- {'def': '(nt.) = abhisambodhi J.I,59. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisambujjhati
- {'def': '(abhi + saŋ + budh + ya), 证 到 最 高 智 慧 。 ~jjhi,【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sambujjhati完全觉),全面完全觉,成佛,成等正觉,最正觉,现等正觉,现等觉。【3.复.过】abhisambujjhiṁsu。【过分】abhisambuddha(音译:阿毘三佛陀)。【现分】abhisambudhāna。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + sambujjhati] to become wideawake, to awake to the highest knowledge, to gain the highest wisdom (sammāsambodhiṁ) D.III,135; It.121. aor. °sambujjhi S.V,433; PvA.19. In combn. abhisambujjhati abhisameti, e. g. S. II.25; III,139. -- ppr. med. °sambudhāna; pp. °sambuddha -- Caus. °sambodheti to make awake, to awaken, to enlighten; pp. °bodhita. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+saṁ+budh醒+ya), 证到最高智慧。abhisambujjhi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisamecca
- {'def': '(abhisameti 的【独】), 已彻底地了解。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhisameti 的【独】), 彻底地了解。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisameta
- {'def': 'abhisamita (abhisameti 的【过分】), 已完全地领会。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': 'abhisamita (abhisameti 的【过分】), 已完全地领会。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhisameti, fr. abhi + sam + i, taken as caus. formation, against the regular form Sk.P. samita & B.Sk. abhisamita] completely grasped or realised, understood, mastered S.V,128 (dhamma a.), 440 (anabhisametāni cattāri ariyasaccāni, cp. Divy 654 anabhisamitāni c.a.); A.IV,384 (appattaṁ asacchikataṁ +). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisameti
- {'def': '(abhi + saŋ + i + a), 达到,领会。 ~esi, 【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sameti知), 彻底地了解,彻底地领会(to come by, to attain, to realise, grasp, understand)。abhisamesi,【过】。【独】abhisamecca(=abhisamāgantvā)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + sameti, sam + i; in inflexion base is taken partly as ordinary & partly as causative, e. g. aor. °samiṁsu & °samesuṁ, pp. sameta: Sk. samita. Cp. B.Sk. abhisamayati, either caus. or denom. formation, Divy 617: caturāryasatyāni a.] to come by, to attain, to realise, grasp, understand (cp. adhigacchati) Miln.214 (catusaccâbhisamayaṁ abhisameti). Freg. in combn. abhisambujjhati, abhisameti; abhisambujjhitvā abhisametvā, e. g. S.II,25; III,139; Kvu 321. -- fut. °samessati S.V,441. -- aor. °samiṁsu Miln.350; °samesuṁ S.V,415. -- ger. °samecca (for °icca under influence of °sametvā as caus. form.; Trenckner’s expln. Notes 564 is unnecessary & hardly justifiable) S.V,438 (an° by not thoroughly understanding); A.V,50 (samm’attha° through complete realisation of what is proficient); Sn.143 (= abhisamāgantvā KhA 236); and °sametvā S.II,25; III,139. -- pp. abhisameta (q.v.). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisametāvin
- {'def': '(adj.) [possess. adj. --formation, equalling a n. ag. form., pp. abhisameta] commanding full understanding or penetration, possessing complete insight (of the truth) Vin.III,189; S.II,133; V,458 sq. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisametāvī
- {'def': '【形】 有完成洞察力的人。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】有完成洞察力的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisamikkhati
- {'def': '(& °ekkhati), [abhi + sam + īks, cp. samikkhati] to behold, see, regard, notice J. IV.19 (2nd sg. med. °samekkhase = olokesi C.). -- ger. °samikkha & °samekkha [B.Sk. °samīkṣya, e.g. Jtm. p. 28, 30 etc.] J.V,340 (°samikkha, v. l. sañcikkha = passitvā C.); 393, 394 (= disvā C.). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisammati
- {'def': '[abhi + śam, Sk. abhiśamyati] to cease, stop; trs. (Caus.) to allay, pacify, still J.VI,420 (pp. abhisammanto for °śammento? Reading uncertain). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + sam + ya), 停止,使平静。 ~sammi, 【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sam(梵wam 1./ wim)使平静+ya), 停止,使平静。abhisammi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisampanna
- {'def': 'at PvA.144 is wrong reading for v. l. abhisapana (curse). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisamparāya
- {'def': '【阳】 未来世,彼界,下一世。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + samparāya] future lot, fate, state after death, future condition of rebirth; usually in foll. phrases: kā gati ko abhisamparāyo (as hendiadys) “what fate in the world-to-come” , D.II,91; Vin.I,293; S.IV,59, 63; V,346, 356, 369; DhA.I,221. -- evaṁ--gatika evanabhisamparāya (adj.) “leading to such & such a revirn, such & such a future state” D.I,16, 24, 32, 33 etc. (= evaṁ-vidhā paralokā ti DA.I,108). --abhisamparāyaṁ (Acc. as adv.) in future, after death A.I,48; II,197; III,347; IV,104; Pv III,510 (= punabbhave PvA.200). -- diṭṭhe c’eva dhamme abhisamparāyañ ca “in this world and in the world to come” A.II,61; Pug.38; Miln.162; PvA.195 etc. (see also diṭṭha). -- Used absolutely at PvA.122 (= fate). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+samparāya来世),【阳】未来世,彼界,下一世。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisamācārika
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + samācārika, to samācāra] belonging to the practice of the lesser ethics; to be practiced; belonging to or what is the least to be expected of good conduct, proper. Of sikkhā Vin.V,181; A.II,243 sq.; of dhamma M.I,469; A.III,14 sq.; 422. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】好行为的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 好行为的。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisamāgacchati
- {'def': '(abhi + sam + āgacchati), (cp. in meaning adhigacchati) 完全了解,完全掌握(to come to (understand) completely, to grasp fully, to master)。abhisamāgantvā(=abhisamecca), ger.。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + sam + āgacchati, cp. in meaning adhigacchati] to come to (understand) completely, to grasp fully, to master KhA 236 (for abhisamecca Sn.143). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisanda
- {'def': '[abhi + sanda of syad, cp. BSk. abhisyanda, e. g. M Vastu II.276] outflow, overflow, yield, issue, result; only in foll. phrases: cattāro puññ’âbhisandā kusal’âbhisandā (yields in merit) S.V,391 sq.; A.II,54 sq.; III,51, 337; VI,245, & kamm’âbhisanda result of kamma Miln.276. -- Cp. abhisandana. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + sanda(流程)of syad, cp. BSk. abhisyanda),【阳】流出,结果,等流(果)(outflow, overflow, yield, issue, result)。kamm’ābhisanda﹐业果。cattāro puññ’qbhisandā kusal’qbhisandā,四种福等流即是善等流。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 流出,结果。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisandahati
- {'def': '[abhi + sandahati of saṁ + dhā] to put together, to make ready Th.1, 151; ger. abhisandhāya in sense of a prep. = on account of, because of J.II,386 (= paṭicca C.). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+saṁ+dah放置+a), 连接,集合。abhisandahi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + saŋ + dah + a), 连接,集合。 ~dahi, 【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisandana
- {'def': '【中】 流动的,成果,结果。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [= abhisanda] result, outcome, consequence Ps.I,17 (sukhassa). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】流动的,成果,结果。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisandati
- {'def': '(abhi + sand + a), 流出,渗出。~sandi,【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sand(syad)+a), 流出,渗出。abhisandi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisandeti
- {'def': '( abhi全面+sandati流动), 的【使】),使…全面流动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + sandeti, Caus. of syad] to make overflow, to make full, fill, pervade D.I,73, 74. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisanna
- {'def': '([abhisandati全面流动] 的【过分】),【过分】全面流动。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of abhisandati = abhi + syand, cp. Sk. abhisanna] overflowing, filled with (-°), full Vin.I, 279 (°kāya a body full of humours, cp. II.119 & Miln.134); J.I,17 (V.88; pītiyā); Miln.112 (duggandha°). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisantāpeti
- {'def': '[ahhi + santāpeti, Caus. of santapati] to burn out, scorch, destroy M.I,121. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisapana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abhisapati] cursing, curse PvA.144 (so read for abhisampanna). (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 宣誓,诅咒。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】宣誓,诅咒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisapati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+sap服务+a), 诅咒,宣誓,发誓。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + sap + a), 诅咒,宣誓。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + sapati, of śap] to execrate, curse, accurse Vin.IV,276; J.IV,389; V,87; DhA.I,42. -- pp. abhisatta. (Page 71)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisara
- {'def': '[fr. abhi + sarati, of sṛ to go] retinue J.V,373. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisasi
- {'def': 'aor. of abhisaṁsati (q. v.). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisatta
- {'def': '[pp. of abhisapati, cp. Sk. abhiśapta, fr. abhi + śap] cursed, accursed, railed at, reviled J.III,460; V,71; SnA 364 (= akkuṭṭha); VvA.335. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhisapati 的【过分】), 已被咒,已可憎。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhisapati 的【过分】), 已被咒,已可憎。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisattha
- {'def': '[pp. of abhisaṁsati] cursed, accursed Th.1, 118 “old age falls on her as if it had been cursed upon her” (that is, laid upon her by a curse). Morris J P T S. 1886, 145 gives the commentator’s equivalents, “commanded, worked by a charm”. This is a curious idiom. Any European would say that the woman herself, not the old age, was accursed. But the whole verse is a riddle and Kern’s translation (Toev. s. v.) “hurried up” seems to us impossible. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisavati
- {'def': '(better °ssavati?) [abhi + savati, of sru] to flow towards or into J.VI,359 (najjo Gaṅgaṁ a.). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisañcetayita
- {'def': '【中】想出,有意的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhisañceteti] raised into consciousness, thought out, intended, planned M.I,350; S.II, 65; IV,132; A.V,343. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】 想出,有意的。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisañceteti
- {'def': '(abhi + saŋ + cit + e), 想出。~esi,【过】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+saṁ+cit想+e), 想出(to bring, to consciousness, think out, devise, plan)。abhisañcesi,【过】。abhisañcetayita, 【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + sañceteti or °cinteti] to bring to consciousness, think out, devise, plan S.II,82. -- pp. abhisañcetayita (q. v.). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisañcināti
- {'def': '(& °cayati) [abhi + sañcināti] to accumulate, collect (merit) Vv 476 (Pot. °sañceyyaṁ = °sañcineyyaṁ VvA.202). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisaññā
- {'def': '(f.). Only in the compound abhi-saññā-nirodha D.I,179, 184. The prefix abhi qualifies, not saññā, but the whole compound, which means “trance” . It is an expression used, not by Buddhists, but by certain wanderers. See saññā-vedayita-nirodha. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisaññūhati
- {'def': '(abhi + saññūhati),堆积,集中( to heap up, concentrate)。cp. abhisaṅkhipati.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + saññūhati, i. e. saṁ-ni-ūhati] to heap up, concentrate Vbh.1, 2, 82 sq.; 216 sq., 400; Miln.46. Cp. abhisaṅkhipati. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisaṁsanā
- {'def': '(f.) [? abhisaṁsati] is doubtful reading at Vv 6410; meaning “neighing” (of horses) VvA.272, 279. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisaṁsati
- {'def': '[Vedic abhiśaṁsati, abhi + śaṁs] to execrate, revile, lay a curse on J.V,174 (°saṁsittha 3rd sg. pret. med. = paribhāsi C.) -- aor. abhisasi J.VI,187, 505, 522 (= akkosi C.), 563 (id.). -- pp. abhisattha. Cp. also abhisiṁsati. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisaṁvisati
- {'def': '[abhi + saṁvisati]. Only in abhisaṁvisseyyagattaṁ (or-bhastaṁ or-santuṁ) Th.2, 466 a compound of doubtful derivation and meaning. Mrs. Rh. D., following Dhammapāla (p. 283) “a bag of skin with carrion filled” . (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisaṅga
- {'def': '【阳】 粘着,忠于,坚持。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[fr. abhi + sañj, cp. abhisajjati & Sk. abhisaṅga] sticking to, cleaving to, adherence to J.V,6; Nett 110, 112; DhsA.129 (°hetukaṁ dukkhaṁ) 249 (°rasa). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】黏著,忠於,坚持。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisaṅgin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhisaṅga] cleaving to (-°) Sdhp.566. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisaṅgī
- {'def': '﹐【形】顽固的人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisaṅkharana
- {'def': '【中】 恢复,安排。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】恢复,安排。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisaṅkharoti
- {'def': '(& °khāreti in Pot.) [abhi + saṅkharoti] to prepare, do, perform, work, get up Vin.I,16 (iddh’âbhisaṅkhāraṁ °khāreyya); D.I,184 (id.); S.II,40; III,87, 92; IV,132, 290; V,449; A.I,201; Sn.984 (ger. °itvā: having got up this curse, cp. SnA 582); PvA.56 (iddh’âbhisaṁkhāraṁ), 172 (id.), 212 (id.). -- pp. abhisaṅkhata (q. v.). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + saŋ + kar + o), 回复,安排,准备。 ~khari,【过】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+saṁ一起+kar作+o), 现行,回复,安排,准备。abhisaṅkhari,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisaṅkhata
- {'def': '(abhisaṅkharoti 的【过分】), 已准备,已安排,已回复。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + saṅkhata, pp. of abhisaṅkharoti] prepared, fixed, made up, arranged, done M.I,350; A.II,43; V,343; J.I,50; Nd1 186 (kappita +); PvA.7, 8. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhisaṅkharoti 的【过分】), 已准备,已安排,已回复。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisaṅkhipati
- {'def': '[abhi + saṅkhipati] to throw together, heap together, concentrate Vbh.1 sq., 82 sq., 216 sq., 400; Miln.46. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + saṅkhipati) , 丢在一起,堆积(to throw together, heap together, concentrate.', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisaṅkhāra
- {'def': '[abhi + saṅkhāra] 1. putting forth, performance, doing, working, practice: only in two combns., viz. (a) gamiya° (or gamika°) a heathenish practice Vin.I,233; A.IV,180, & (b) iddha° (= iddḥi°) working of supernormal powers Vin.I,16; D.I,106; S.III,92; IV,289; V,270; Sn.p. 107; PvA.56, 172, 212. -- 2. preparation, store, accumulation (of kamma, merit or demerit), substratum, state (see for detail saṅkhāra) S.III,58 (an°); Nd1 334, 442; Nd2 s. v.; Vbh.135 (puñña° etc.), 340; DhsA.357 (°viññāna “storing intellect” Dhs.trsl. 262). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】积聚,准备。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 积聚,准备。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisaṅkhārika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhisaṅkhāra] what belongs to or is done by the saṅkhāras; accumulated by or accumulating merit, having special (meritorious) effect (or specially prepared?) Vin.II,77 = III,160; Sdhp.309 (sa °paccaya). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisaṭa
- {'def': '(abhisarati 的【过分】), 已拜访,已接近。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhisarati, abhi + sṛ to flow] 1. (med.) streamed forth, come together J.VI,56 (= sannipatita C.). ‹-› 2. (pass.) approached, visited Vin.I,268. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhisarati 的【过分】), 已拜访,已接近。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisecana
- {'def': '(nt.) = abhiseka, viz. (a) ablution, washing off Th.2, 239 & 245 (udaka°). -- (b) consecration J.II,353. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiseceti
- {'def': '(abhisiñcati 的【使】)。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[caus. of abhisiñcati] to cause to be sprinkled or inaugurated J.V,26. (imper. abhisecayassu). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhisiñcati 的【使】) 洒,用作祭祀。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiseka
- {'def': '【阳】abhisiñcana, abhisecana, 灌顶。【中】供献,斋戒沐浴,洗礼,洒净。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[fr. abhi + sic, cp. Sk. abhiṣeka] anointing, consecration, inauguration (as king) A.I,107 (cp. abhisitta); II,87 read abhisek’--anabhisitto; J.II,104, 352; DhA.I,350; PvA.74. Cp. ābhisekika. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 abhisiñcana, abhisecana, 【中】 供献,斋戒沐浴,洗礼,洒净。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisevanā
- {'def': '(f.) [abhi + sevana fr. sev] pursuit, indulgence in (-°) Sdhp.210 (pāpakamma°). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisitta
- {'def': '[pp. of abhisiñcati, Sk. °sikta] 1. sprinkled over, anointed Sn.889 (manasā, cp. N1 298); Miln.336 (amatena lokaṁ Q.).- 2. consecrated (King), inaugurated (more freq. in this conn. is avasitta), Vin.III,44; A.I,107 (Khattiyo Khattiyehi Khattiy’âbhisekena a.); II,87 (v.l. for avasitta, also an°). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '[abhisiñcati] 的【过分】,洒,用作祭祀。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisiñcati
- {'def': '(abhi + sic + ŋ-a), 洒,用作祭祀,献给,使神圣。 ~siñci,【过】。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + siñc-ati fr. sic to sprinkle; see also āsiñcati & ava°, Vedic only ā°] to sprinkle over, fig. to anoint (King), to consecrate A.I,107 (Khattiy’âbhisekena) J.I,399 (fig. °itvā ger. II.409 (id.); VI,161 (id.); Nd1 298; Miln.336 (amatena lokaṁ abhisiñci Bhagavā); PvA.144 (read abhisiñci cimillikañ ca . . .) -- Pass. abhisiñcati Miln.359. -- pp. abhisitta. -- Caus. abhiseceti. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+siñcati倾注), 灌顶,用作祭祀,献给,使神圣。abhisiñci,【过】。【过分】abhisitta。SA.22.1./II,251.:Amatena abhisittoti nassidha aññaṁ kiñci jhānaṁ vā vipassanā vā maggo vā phalaṁ vā “amatābhiseko”ti daṭṭhabbo, madhuradhammadesanāyeva pana “amatābhiseko”ti veditabbo.(以甘露灌顶:任何禅那或毘婆舍那或道或果称为甘露灌顶,此为可以被见到的;而甘露法的说教,可以被知道的。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisiṁsati
- {'def': '[= abhisaṁsati, abhi + śaṁs. As to Sk. śaṁs › P. siṁs cp. āsiṁsati, as to meaning cp. nature of prayer as a solemn rite to the “infernals”, cp. im-precare], to utter a solemn wish, Vv 8118 (aor. °sīsi. v. l. °sisi. VvA.316 expls. by icchi sampaṭicchi). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhissara
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + issara] only neg. an° in formula atāṇo loko anabhissaro “without a Lord or protector” M.II,68 (v.l. °abhisaro); Ps.I,126 (v.l. id.). (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisādheti
- {'def': '[abhi + sādheti] to carry out, arrange; to get; procure, attain J.VI,180; Miln.264. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisāpa
- {'def': '【阳】诅咒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhisapati] a curse, anathema S.III,93 = It.89 (which latter reads abhilāpa and It A expls. by akkosa: see vv. ll. under abhilāpa & cp. Brethren 376 n. 1.); Th.1,1118. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 诅咒。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhisāreti
- {'def': '[abhi + sāreti, Caus. of abhisarati] to approach, to persecute J.VI,377. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhisārikā
- {'def': '【阴】 妓女。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】妓女(ki li2,趁食查某than3 ciah8 ca boo2,间仔查某king a2 ca boo2)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhisāriyā
- {'def': '(Sk.abhisārikā, ‹abhi+sr),【阴】女人去会见她的情人。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. abhisārikā, fr. abhi + sṛ] a woman who goes to meet her lover J.III,139. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhitakketi
- {'def': '[abhi + takketi] to search for DāvsV,4. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhitapati
- {'def': '(abhi + tap + a), 照耀,发光。~tapi,【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+tap(梵tap)使发光+a), 照耀,发光。abhitapi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhitatta
- {'def': '[pp. of abhi +tapati] scorched (by heat), dried up, exhausted, in phrases uṇha° Vin.II,220; Miln.97, and ghamma° S.II,110, 118; Sn.1014; J.II,223; VvA.40; PvA.114. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhitapati 的【过分】), 已被烧焦,已热。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhitapati 的【过分】), 已被烧焦,已热。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitiṭṭhati
- {'def': '[abhi + tiṭṭhati] to stand out supreme, to excel, surpass D.II,261; J.VI,474 (abhiṭṭhāya = abhibhavitvā C.). (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhito
- {'def': '【无】周围(台语:四箍辇转si3 khoo lian2 tng2)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(indecl.) adv. case fr. prep. abhi etym.]. -- 1. round about, on both sides J.VI,535 (= ubhayapassesu C.), 539. -- 2. near, in the presence of Vv 641 (= samīpe VvA.275). (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【无】 周围。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitoseti
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+tus满足+e), 彻底地满足。abhitosesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + tus + e), 彻底地满足。~esi,【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + toseti] to please thoroughly, to satisfy, gratify Sn.709 (= atīva toseti SnA. 496). (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhitthanati
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+ than吼+a), 打雷。abhitthani,【过】。abhitthanita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + than + a), 打雷。~thani, 【过】。 ~thanita, 【过分】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitthaneti
- {'def': '[abhi + thaneti] to roar, to thunder J.I,330, 332 = Cp. III,107. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhittharati
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+tarati2匆忙), 催促,赶紧作。abhitthari,【过】。【3.单.祈.反照】abhittharetha。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + tarati2, evidently wrong for abhittarati] to make haste Dh.116 (= turitaturitaṁ sīghasīghaṁ karoti DhA.III,4). (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + thar + a), 催促,使匆忙。 ~thari, 【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitthavana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. prec.] praise Th.A 74. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】称赞。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 称赞。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitthavati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ thu称赞+a), 称赞。abhitthavi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + thu + a), 称赞。 ~thavi, 【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + thavati] to praise J.I,89; III,531; Dāvs III,23; DhA.I,77; PvA.22; cp. abhitthunati. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhitthunati
- {'def': '[abhi + thunati; cp. abhitthavati] to praise J.I,17 (aor abhitthuniṁsu); cp. thunati 2. -- pp. °tthuta DhA.I,88. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhitthunāti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+ thu称赞+nā), 称赞。abhitthuni,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhitthuta
- {'def': '(abhitthavati 的【过分】)。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+tthavati 的【过分】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhittunāti
- {'def': '(abhi + thu + nā), 称赞。 ~thuni, 【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitudati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+tud+a), 刺穿,刺,刺激。abhitudi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + tud + a), 刺穿,刺,刺激。~tudi, 【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitunna
- {'def': '(tuṇṇa) [not as Morris, J.P.T.S. 1886, 135, suggested fr. abhi + tud, but Acc. to Kern, Toev. p. 4 fr. abhi + tūrv. (Cp. turati & tarati2 and Ved. turvati). Thus the correct spelling is °tuṇṇa = Sk. abhitūrṇa. The latter occurs as v. l. under the disguise of (sok-)âhituṇḍa for °abhituṇṇa at M. Vastu III,2]. Overwhelmed, overcome, overpowered S.II,20; Ps.I,129 (dukkha°), 164; J.I,407; 509 (°tuṇṇa); II,399, 401; III,23 (soka°); IV,330; V,268; Sdhp.281. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhituṇṇa
- {'def': '﹐abhitunna (abhitudati的【过分】), 已受打击, 已制服, 已压倒。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhitāpa
- {'def': '【阳】很热。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + tāpa] extreme heat, glow; adj. very hot Vin.III,83 (sīsa° sunstroke); M.I,507 (mahā° very hot); Miln.67 (mahābhitāpatara much hotter); Pv IV.18 (mahā°, of niraya). (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】 很热。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitāḷeti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+tāḷ打+e), 打,槌打,击鼓等。abhitāḷesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + tāḷ + e), 打,槌打,击鼓等。 ~esi, 【过】。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhitāḷita
- {'def': '[abhi + tāḷita fr. tāḷeti] hammered to pieces, beaten, struck Vism.231 (muggara°). (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Abhitāḷeti的【过分】打,槌打,击鼓等。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhivadati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+vad说+a), 宣布(to speak out, declare, promise),欢迎(to welcome)。【使】abhivādeti。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + vad + a), 宣布。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + vadati] 1. to speak out, declare, promise J.I,83 = Vin.I,36; J.VI,220. -- 2. to speak (kindly) to, to welcome, salute, greet. In this sense always combd. with abhinandati, e. g. at M.I,109, 266, 458; S.III,14; IV,36 sq.; Miln.69. -- Caus. abhivādeti. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivagga
- {'def': '[abhi + vagga] great mass (?), superior force (?), only in phrase °ena omaddati to crush with sup. force or overpower M.I,87 = Nd2 1996. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivandati
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+vand弯腰+a), 行礼,敬礼(to salute respectfully, to honour, greet)。abhivandi,【过】。abhivandita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + vand + a), 弯腰,行礼,敬礼。 ~vandi, 【过】。~vandita, 【过分】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + vandati] to salute respectfully, to honour, greet; grd. °vandanīya Miln.227. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivandiya
- {'def': '(abhivandati的【独】), 弯了腰,鞠了躬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhivassaka
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhivassati] raining, fig. shedding, pouring ont, yielding VvA.38 (puppha°). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivassati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+vass下雨+a), 全面下雨。【过分】abhivaṭṭa, abhivuṭṭha。abhivassi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[abhi + vassati from vṛṣ] to rain, shed rain, pour; fig. rain down, pour out, shed D.III,160 (ābhivassaṁ metri causa); A.III,34; Th.1, 985; J.I,18 (V.100; pupphā a. stream down); cp. III,106; Miln.132, 411. ‹-› pp. abhivaṭṭa & abhivuṭṭha (q. v.). -- Caus. II. abhivassāpeti to cause (the sky to) rain Miln.132. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + vass + a), 下雨。 ~vassi, 【过】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhivassin
- {'def': '(adj.) = abhivassaka It.64, 65 (sabbattha°). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivañcana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + vañc] deceit, fraud Dāvs III,64. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivaḍḍhana
- {'def': '(adj.-nt.) [fr. abhivaḍḍhati] increasing (trs.), augmenting; f. °ī Sdhp.68. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】abhivaḍḍhi,【阴】生长,增加。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 ~vaḍḍhi, 【阴】 生长,增加。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhivaḍḍhati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+vaḍḍh增长+a), 生长,增加,长得大过。abhivaḍḍhi,【过】。abhivaḍḍhita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic abhivardhati, abhi + vṛdh] 1. to increase (intrs.) D.I,113, 195 (opp. hāyati); M.II,225; A.III,46 (bhogā a.); Dh.24; Miln.374; PvA.8, 133; Sdhp.288, 523. -- 2. to grow over or beyond, to outg ow J.III,399 (vanaspatiṁ). -- pp. abhivuḍḍha & °vuddha (q.v.). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + vaḍḍh + a), 生长,增加,长得大过。 ~vaḍḍhi,【过】。 ~ḍhita, 【过分】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhivaḍḍhi
- {'def': '(f.) [cp. Sk. abhivṛddhi, fr. abhi + vṛdh] increase, growth Miln.94. -- See also abhivuddhi. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivaṇṇeti
- {'def': '(abhi + vaṇṇ + e), 称赞,详细,解析。 ~esi, 【过】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + vanneti] to praise Sdhp.588 (°ayi). ‹-› pp. abhivaṇṇita. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+vaṇṇ称赞+e), 称赞,详细,解析。abhivaṇṇesi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhivaṇṇita
- {'def': '(Abhivaṇṇeti的【过分】)称赞,详细,解析。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhivanneti] praised Dpvs.I,4. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivaṭṭa
- {'def': 'abhivaṭṭha (abhivassati ‘全面下雨’的【过分】) 已下雨。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'abhivaṭṭha (abhivassati 的【过分】) 已下雨。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhivassati, see also abhivuṭṭha] rained upon Dh.335 (gloss °vuṭṭha; cp. DhA.IV,45); Miln.176, 197, 286. -- Note. Andersen P. R. prefers reading abhivaḍḍha at Dh.335 “the abounding Bīraṇa grass”). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivedeti
- {'def': '[abhi + Caus. of vid] 1. to make known, to communicate Dāvs.V,2, 11. -- 2. to know J.VI,175 (= jānāti C.). (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivihacca
- {'def': '[ger. of abhi + vihanati] having destroyed, removed or expelled; only in one simile of the sun driving darkness away at M.I,317 = S.III,156; V,44 = It.20. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivijayati
- {'def': '(& vijināti) [abhi + vijayati] to overpower, to conquer. Of °jayati the ger. °jiya at D.I,89, 134; II,16. Of °jināti the pres. 3rd pl. °jinanti at Miln.39; the ger. °jinitvā at M.I,253; Pug.66. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivijināti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+vi+ji胜+nā), 征服。abhivijini,【过】。abhivijita,【过分】。abhivijiya,【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + vi + ji + nā), 征服。 ~jini, 【过】。 ~vijita, 【过分】。~vijiya, 【独】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhivinaya
- {'def': '[abhi + vinaya] higher discipline, the refinements of discipline or Vinaya; combd. with abhidhamma, e. g. D.III,267; M.I,472; also with vinaya Vin.V,1 sg. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivindati
- {'def': '[abhi + vindati] to find, get, obtain Sn.460 (= labhati adhigacchati SnA 405). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivisiṭṭha
- {'def': '【形】最优良的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [abhi + visiṭṭha] most excellent, very distinguished DA.I,99, 313. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 最优良的。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhivissajjati
- {'def': '[abhi + vissajjati] to send out, send forth, deal out, give D.III,160. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivissattha
- {'def': '[abhi + vissattha, pp. of abhivissasati, Sk. abhiviśvasta] confided in, taken into confidence M.II,52 (v. l. °visaṭṭha). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivitarati
- {'def': '[abhi + vitarati] “to go down to”, i. e. give in, to pay heed, observe Vin.I,134 and in ster. expln. of sañcicca at Vin.II,91; III,73, 112; IV,290. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivitaraṇa
- {'def': '【中】 捐赠物。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】捐赠物。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiviññāpeti
- {'def': '[abhi + viññāpeti] to turn somebody’s mind on (c. Acc.), to induce somebody (Dat.) to (Acc.) Vin.III,18 (purāṇadutiyikāya methunaṁ dhammaṁ abhiviññāpesi). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivuddha
- {'def': '[pp. of abhivaḍḍhati, see also °vuḍḍha] grown up Miln.361. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivuddhi
- {'def': '(参考 abhivaḍḍhi生长) 生长。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(f.) [Sk. abhivṛddhi, see also abhivaḍḍhi] increase, growth, prosperity Miln.34. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '参考 abhivaḍḍhi。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhivuḍḍha
- {'def': '[pp. of abhivaḍḍhati, see also °vuddha] increased, enriched PvA.150. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivuṭṭha
- {'def': '已下雨。参考 abhivaṭṭha已下雨。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '参考 abhivaṭṭha。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[pp. of abhivassati, see also abhivaṭṭa] poured out or over, shed out (of water or rain) Th.1, 1065; Dh.335 (gloss); PvA.29. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivyāpeti
- {'def': 'see abhibyāpeti. (Page 70)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivādana
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. abhivādeti] respectful greeting, salutation, giving welcome, showing respect or devotion A.II,180; IV,130, 276; J.I,81, 82, 218; Dh.109 (°sīlin of devout character, cp. DhA.II,239); VvA.24; Sdhp.549 (°sīla). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】abhivādanā,【阴】致敬,行礼。《法句经》Dh.v.109︰Abhivādanasīlissa niccaṁ vuḍḍhāpacāyino cattāro dhammā vaḍḍhanti: āyu, vaṇṇo, sukhaṁ, balaṁ.(好乐敬礼者,常尊於长老,四法得增长:寿.美.乐与力。)南传比丘受人礼拜时,常念诵的法句。法句中寿.美.乐.力,指长寿、庄严、安乐、力量。《摩奴法典》Ch.1.121︰「养成尊敬的习惯和常尊敬长者,它们寿命、学问、名誉和力量,四样一定会增长。」', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 abhivādanā, 【阴】 致敬,行礼。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhivādetabba
- {'def': '【祈】 值得礼拜,值得致敬。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【祈】值得礼拜,值得致敬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhivādeti
- {'def': '(abhi + vad + e), 弯腰,行礼。 ~esi, 【过】。 ~vādita, 【过分】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+vad说+e﹐直译:全面说)( caus.of abhivadati),行礼(to salute, greet, welcome, honour);日译作:挨拶aisatzu。abhivādesi,【过】。abhivādita,【过分】。abhivādetvā,【独】。(abhivādayiṁ aor.= abhivādanaṁ kāresiṁ vandiṁ VvA 24); Often in combn with padakkhiṇaṁ karoti in sense of to bid goodbye, to say adieu, farewell, -- Caus.II.abhivādāpeti to cause some one to salute, to make welcome Vin II.208 (°etabba).', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Caus. of abhivadati] to salute, greet, welcome, honour Vin.II,208 sq.; D.I,61; A.III,223; IV,173; Vv 15 (abhivādayiṁ aor. = abhivādanaṁ kāresiṁ vandiṁ VvA.24); Miln.162. Often in combn with padakkhiṇaṁ karoti in sense of to bid goodbye, to say adieu, farewell, e. g. D.I,89, 125, 225; Sn.1010. -- Caus. II. abhivādāpeti to cause some one to salute, to make welcome Vin.II,208 (°etabba). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivāheti
- {'def': '[abhi + vāheti, Caus. of vah] to remove, to put away Bu X.5. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivāreti
- {'def': '[abhi + vāreti, Caus. of vṛ] to hold back, refuse, deny J.V,325 (= nivāreti C.). (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhivāyati
- {'def': '(abhi全面+vā吹+a), 吹过。abhivāyi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhi + vā + a), 吹过。 ~vāyi, 【过】。(p36)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[abhi + vāyati; cp. Sk. abhivāti] to blow through, to pervade Miln.385. (Page 69)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiyobbana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + yobbana] much youthfulness, early or tender youth Th.2, 258 (= abhinavayobbanakāla ThA.211). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiyoga
- {'def': '[cp. abhiyuñjati] practice, observance Dāvs.IV,7. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阳】遵守,修学,修行,修集,加行,相应,勤修,勤修学。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 遵守。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiyogin
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. abhiyoga] applying oneself to, practised, skilled (an augur, sooth sayer) D.III,168. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiyogī
- {'def': '【阳】 观察者,修行者。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阳】观察者,修行者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiyujjhati
- {'def': '[abhi + yujjhati from yudh] to contend, quarrel with J.I,342. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiyuñhati
- {'def': '(abhi + yuj + ŋ-a), 修行,控诉,询问。 ~yuñji, 【过】。~yutta, 【过分】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面+yuj连接+ṁ-a), 修行,控诉,询问。abhiyuñji,【过】。abhiyutta,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiyuñjana
- {'def': '【中】 审判,修行,遵守。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】审判,修行,遵守。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiyuñjati
- {'def': '[abhi + yuj] to accuse, charge; intrs. fall to one’s share Vin.III,50; IV,304. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiyācana
- {'def': '【中】 ~nā, 【阴】 请求,要求,恳求。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】abhiyācanā,【阴】请求,要求,恳求。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiyācati
- {'def': '[abhi + yācati] to ask, beg, entreat Sn.1101, cp. Nd2 86. (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + yāc + a), 请求,乞求,恳求。 ~yāci, 【过】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi超胜+yāc乞+a), 非常请求,非常乞求,非常恳求。abhiyāci,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiyācita
- {'def': '(abhiyācati 的【过分】), 已被请求。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhi全面yācati 的【过分】), 已被请求。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiyāti
- {'def': '(abhi全面+yā去+a), 反对,违反,攻打。abhiyāyi,【过】。abhiyāta,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic abhiyāti in same meaning; abhi _ yā] to go against (in a hostile manner, to attack (c. Acc.) S.I,216 (aor. abhiyaṁsu, v. l. SS abhijiyiṁsu); DhA.III,310 (aor. abhiyāsi as v. l. for T. reading pāyāsi; the id. p. VvA.68 reads pāyāsi with v. l. upāyāsi). (Page 68)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + yā + a), 反对,违反。 ~yāyi, 【过】。 ~yāta, 【过分】。(p35)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiñña
- {'def': '(‹abhiññā全面知),【形】博学的,有知识,全面知。SA.6.3./I,205.︰ Sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvāti sāmaṁ jānitvā paccakkhaṁ katvā.(亲自作证︰已亲自领会,已作了现见。) AA.1.16./II,19.︰abhiññāyāti aniccādivasena lakkhaṇattayaṁ āropetvā abhijānanatthāya.(通智︰无常等三相熟练之后,全面知之意。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) (usually --°) [Sk. abhijña] knowing, possessed of knowledge, esp. higher or supernormal knowledge (abhiññā), intelligent; thus in chalabhiñña one who possesses the 6 abhiññās Vin.III,88; dandh° of sluggish intellect D.III,106; A.II,149; V,63 (opp. khipp°); mah° of great insight S.II,139. -- Compar. abhiññatara S.V,159 (read bhiyyo °bhiññataro). (Page 63)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 博学的,有知识。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiññatā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. abhiññā] in cpd. mahā° state or condition of great intelligence or supernormal knowledge S.IV,263; V,175, 298 sq. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhiññeyya
- {'def': '【形】应该熟悉的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'grd. of abhijānāti. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 应该熟悉的。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiññā
- {'def': 'abhiññāya,【独】熟悉。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(‹abhijānāti全面知)【阴】I.全面知,特别的知识,非凡的力量,神通。II.Abhijānāti‘全面知’的【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 ger. of abhijānāti. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': 'abhiññāya, 【独】 熟悉。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (f.) [fr. abhi + jñā, see jānāti]. Rare in the older texts. It appears in two contexts. Firstly, certain conditions are said to conduce (inter alia) to serenity, to special knowledge (abhiññā), to special wisdom, and to Nibbāna. These conditions precedent are the Path (S.V,421 = Vin.I,10 = S.IV,331), the Path + best knowledge and full emancipation (A.V,238), the Four Applications of Mindfulness (S.V,179) and the Four Steps to Iddhi (S.V,255). The contrary is three times stated; wrong-doing, priestly superstitions, and vain speculation do not conduce to abhiññā and the rest (D.III,131; A.III,325 sq. andV,216). Secondly, we find a list of what might now be called psychic powers. It gives us 1, Iddhi (cp. levitation); 2, the Heavenly Ear (cp. clairaudience); 3, knowing others’thoughts (cp. thought-reading); 4, recollecting one’s previous births; 5, knowing other people’s rebirths; 6, certainty of emancipation already attained (cp. final assurance). This list occurs only at D.III,281 as a list of abhiññās. It stands there in a sort of index of principal subjects appended at the end of the Dīgha, and belongs therefore to the very close of the Nikāya period. But it is based on older material. Descriptions of each of the six, not called abhiññā’s, and interspersed by expository sentences or paragraphs, are found at D.I,89 sq. (trsl. Dial. I.89 sq.); M.I,34 (see Buddh. Suttas, 210 sq.); A.I,255, 258 = III,17, 280 = IV.421. At S.I,191; Vin.II,16; Pug.14, we have the adj. chaḷabhiññā (“endowed with the 6 Apperceptions”). At S.II,216 we have five, and at S.V,282, 290 six abhiññā’s mentioned in glosses to the text. And at S.II,217, 222 a bhikkhu claims the 6 powers. See also M.II,11; III,96. It is from these passages that the list at D.III,has been made up, and called abhiññā’s.
Afterwards the use of the word becomes stereotyped. In the Old Commentaries (in the Canon), in the later ones (of the 5th cent. A.D.), and in medieval and modern Pāli, abhiññā, nine times out ten, means just the powers given in this list. Here and there we find glimpses of the older, wider meaning of special, supernormal power of apperception and knowledge to be acquired by long training in life aud thought. See Nd1 108, 328 (expln. of ñāṇa); Nd2 s. v. and N0. 466; Ps.I,35; II,156, 189; Vbh.228, 334; Pug.14; Nett 19, 20; Miln.342; Vism.373; Mhvs XIX.20; DA.I,175; DhA.II,49; IV,30; Sdhp.228, 470, 482. See also the discussion in the Cpd. 60 sp., 224 sq. For the phrase sayaṁ abhiññā sacchikatvā and abhiññā-vosita see abhijānāti. The late phrase yath’abhiññaṁ means “as you please, according to liking, as you like” , J.V,365 (= yathādhippāyaṁ yathāruciṁ C.). For abhiññā in the use of an adj. (°abhiñña) see abhiñña. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '【阴】 特别的知识,非凡的力量,神通。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '神通', 'xr': '《巴利文-汉文佛学名相辞汇》 翻译:张文明居士'}
- Abhiññāta
- {'def': '[pp. of abhijānāti] 1. known, recognised Sn.588 (abhiññeyyaṁ °ṁ). -- 2. (well)--known, distinguished D.I,89 (°kolañña = pākaṭa-kulaja DA.I,252), 235; Sn.p. 115. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhijānāti全面知的【过分】), I.【过分】全面知。II.【形】著名。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(abhijānāti 的【过分】), 已众所周知,已公认。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(abhijānāti 的【过分】), 已衆所周知,已公认。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiññāya
- {'def': '1.( abhijānāti‘全面知’的【独】)。2.[abhiññā全面知](【阴.单.工.从.与.属.处】)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiññāṇa
- {'def': '【中】特徵。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 特征。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhiṇha
- {'def': '【形】 连续的,习惯的,惯常的。 ~haŋ, 【副】 时常,重复地,再三地。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】连续的,习惯的,屡屡的。abhiṇhaṁ,【副】时常,重复地,再三地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiṇhaso
- {'def': '【副】 总是,重复地,再三地。(p32)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adv.) [adv. case fr. abhiṇha; cp. bahuso = Sk. bahuśaḥ] always, ever S.I,194; Th.1, 25; Sn.559, 560, 998. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【副】总是,重复地,再三地。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiṇhaṁ
- {'def': '(adv.) [contracted form of abhikkhaṇaṁ] repeatedly, continuous, often M.I,442 (°āpattika a habitual offender), 446 (°kāraṇa continuous practice); Sn.335 (°saṁvāsa continuous living together); J.I,190; Pug.32; DhA.II,239; VvA.116 (= abhikkhaṇa), 207, 332; PvA.107 (= abhikkhaṇaṁ). Cp. abhiṇhaso. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【副】经常。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhiṭhāna
- {'def': '(nt.) [abhi + ṭhāna, cp. abhitiṭṭhati; lit. that which stands out above others] a great or deadly crime. Only at Sn.231 = Kh VI,10 (quoted Kvu 109). Six are there mentioned, & are explained (KhA 189) as “matricide, parricide, killing an Arahant, causing schisms, wounding a Buddha, following other teachers”. For other relations & suggestions see Dhs.trsl. 267. -- See also ānantarika. (Page 64)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(abhi + ṭhāna, cp. abhitiṭṭhati; lit. that which stands out above others) ,【中】大罪或死罪(a great or deadly crime. Only at Sn.231 = Kh VI,10 (quoted Kvu 109))。Six are there mentioned, & are explained (KhA 189;A.1.14./I,27.;M.115./III,65.;Vbh.p.336.) as “matricide, parricide, killing an Arahant, causing schisms, wounding a Buddha, following other teachers”. 六大逆罪:chaccabhiṭhānāni,杀母、杀父、杀阿罗汉、(以恶心)出(如来身)血、破和合僧团、邪信(信仰外道)(mātughātapitughāta-arahantaghātalohituppādasaṅghabheda-aññasatthāruddesakammānīti)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhojja
- {'def': '【形】不适宜吃的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不适宜吃的。(p38)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abhumma
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + bhumma] groundless, unfounded, unsubstantial, J.V,178; VI,495. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhāsati
- {'def': '(bhāsati的【过】‹bhās说), 已说。imamatthaṁ abhāsatha(他说这内容)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhāsi
- {'def': '﹐[bhāsati说]他曾说【单.叁.过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhāva
- {'def': '【阳】 消失,不在,缺席,非变成。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(a+bhū+a),【阳】消失,乌有,不在,缺席,不变成,未有,非有,无性,无自性。【独】bhavitvā, bhūtvā。abhavitvā…bhavati﹐本无今有。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhāvita
- {'def': '【形】 未培养的,未熟练的。(p31)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(a未+bhāvita修习(【过分】),【形】未修习的,未熟练的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhāvitatta
- {'def': '﹐【中】未被修习的状态。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abhīruka
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + bhīru + ka] fearless DA.I,250. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhīta
- {'def': 'abhīru, abhīruka,【形】大胆的,勇敢的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'abhīru, abhīruka, 【形】 大胆的,勇敢的。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + bhīta] fearless J.VI,193. See also abhida 1. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abhūta
- {'def': '【形】不真的,错误的。【中】谎言;愚者,说谎者(直译︰非生物;或解作︰不成材)。abhūtakkhāna,【中】一则谎言。abhūtavādī,【阳】说谎者。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不真的,错误的。 【中】 谎言。 ~akkhāna, 【中】 一则谎言。 ~vādī, 【阳】 说谎者。(p37)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '(adj.) [a + bhūta] not real, false, not true, usually as nt. °ṁ falsehood, lie, deceit Sn.387; It.37; Instr. abhūtena falsely D.I,161.
--vādin one who speaks falsely or tells lies Sn.661 = Dh.306 = It.42; expld. as “ariy’ûpavāda-vasena alika --vādin” SnA 478; as “tucchena paraṁ abhācikkhanto” DhA.III,477. (Page 72)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abrahmacariya
- {'def': '(a非+brahmacariya梵行),【中】非梵行。Kh.31.︰Abrahmacariyassa pana cattāri aṅgāni bhavanti-- (1)ajjhācariyavatthu ca hoti, (2)tattha ca sevanacittaṁ paccupaṭṭhitaṁ hoti, (3)sevanapaccayā payogañca samāpajjati, (4)sādiyati cāti.(非梵行有四条件︰1.交媾(若是邪淫,则对象非配偶)。2.生起淫欲心。3.达到从事(性交)之缘的方式。4.接纳乐受(sādiyati cāti)。)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abrahmacārin
- {'def': '(a非+brahmacārin梵行【形】),【形】非梵行。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abrāhmaṇa
- {'def': '(a非+brāhmaṇa婆罗门),【阳】非婆罗门。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Aby°
- {'def': 'see avy°. (Page 61)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Abyāpāda
- {'def': '(a无+byāpāda逆向行),【阳】无拂逆、无瞋。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abyāpāra
- {'def': '﹐无兴趣(uninterestedness)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Abādha
- {'def': '【形】无碍的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无碍的。(p29)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Abāhira
- {'def': '(a无+bāhira外部),【形】无外部。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acala
- {'def': '【形】不动的,不能动摇的。acala,一般指不为三灾所动乱的第四禅。acalaṭṭhāna﹐不动处(第四禅)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 不动的,不能动摇的。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Acari
- {'def': 'acāri, [carati行] 的【3.单.过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'acariṁsu, acarisaṁ, acaruṁ, [carati行、走] 的【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acaṅkama
- {'def': '(avj.) [a + caṅkama] not fit for walking, not level or even Th.1, 1174 (magga). (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acc-
- {'def': '1. a + c°, e. g. accuta = a + cuta. -- 2. Assimilation group of (a) ati + vowel; (b) c + cons. e. g. acci = arci. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accagā
- {'def': '(ati + gam 的【过特】), 超越了,克服了。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(atigacchati‘超越’的【3.单.过】), 超越了,克服了。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[ati + agā] 3rd sg. pret. of ati-gacchati (q. v. for similar forms) he overcame, should or could overcome Sn.1040 (expld. wrongly as pp. = atikkanta at Nd2 10 and as atīta at DhA.IV,494); Dh.414. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accahasi
- {'def': '[fr. ati + hṛ] aor 3 sg. of atiharati to bring over, to bring, to take J.III,484 (= ativiya āhari C.). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accanta
- {'def': '(ati越过+anta终极﹑边界),【形】全盘,永久的,绝对的。accantaṁ,【副】全盘,永久,极端,非常。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj. -- & adv. °-) [ati + anta, lit. “up to the end”] 1. uninterrupted, continuous, perpetual J.I,223; Miln.413; VvA.71; PvA.73, 125, 266; Sdhp.288. ‹-› 2. final, absolute, complete; adv. thoroughly S.I,130 (°ṁ hataputtā’mhi); III,13 = A.I,291 sq.; V,326 sq. (°niṭṭha, °yogakkhemin); Kvu 586 (°niyāmatā final assurance; cp. Kvu trsl. 340). -- 3. (°-) exceedingly, extremely, very much A.I,145 (°sukhumāla, extremely delicate), Miln.26 (id.); Sn.794 (°suddhi = param ttha-accantasuddhi SnA 528); Th.1, 692 (°ruci); Dh.162 (°dussīlya = ekanta° DhA.III,153). (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】永久的,绝对的。 accantaŋ, 【副】永久,极端,非常。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Accantaniṭṭha
- {'def': '(accanta全盘+niṭṭha依赖【形】),【形】全盘依赖。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Accanā
- {'def': '【阴】 1. 祭品。 2. 尊敬,礼敬。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【阴】1.祭品。2.尊敬,礼敬。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Accasara
- {'def': '(adj.) [a form. fr. aor. accasari (ati + sṛ), influenced in meaning by analogy of ati + a + sara (smṛ). Not with Morris (J.P.T.S. 1889, 200) a corruption of accaya + sara (smṛ), thus meaning “mindful of a fault”] 1. going beyond the limits (of proper behaviour), too self-sure, overbearing, arrogant, proud S.I,239 (v. l. accayasara caused by prolepsis of foll. accaya); J.IV,6 (+ atisara); DhA.IV,230 (= expecting too much). -- 2. going beyond the limits (of understanding), beyond grasp, transcendental (of pañha a question) M.I,304; S.V,218 (v. l. SS for BB reading ajjhapara). Cp. accasārin. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】流动越过。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Accasari
- {'def': '[fr. ati + sṛ] aor 3. sg. of atisarati to go beyond the limit, to go astray J.V,70. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accasarā
- {'def': '(f.) [abstr. to accasara] overbearing, pride, selfsurity Vbh.358 (+ māyā). Note. In id. p. at Pug.23 we read acchādanā instead of accasarā. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accasārin
- {'def': '(adj.) = accasara 1., aspiring too high Sn.8 sq. (yo nâccasārī, opp. to na paccasārī; expld. at SnA 21 by yo nâtidhāvi, opp. na ohiyyi). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accatari
- {'def': 'see atitarati. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accati
- {'def': '[Vedic arcati, ṛc, orig. meaning to be clear & to sing i. e. to sound clear, cp. arci] to praise, honour, celebrate DāvsV,66 (accayittha, pret.) -- pp accita, q. v. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accaya
- {'def': '[from acceti, ati + i, going on or beyond; cp. Sk. atyaya] (1) (temporal) lapse, passing; passing away, end, death. Usually as Instr. accayena after the lapse of, at the end or death of, after Vin.I,25; D.II,127 (rattiyā a.), 154 (mam° when I shall be dead); M.I,438 (temās° after 3 months); S.I,69; Snp. 102 (catunnaṁ māsānaṁ), p. 110 (rattiyā); J.I,253 (ekāha-dvīh°), 291 (katipāh° after a few days); PvA.47 (katipāh°), 82 (dasamās°), 145 (vassasatānaṁ). -- (2) (modal) passing or getting over, overcoming, conquering, only in phrase dur-accaya difficult to overcome, of kāmapaṅka Sn.945 (= dur-atikkamanīya SnA 568), of saṅga Sn.948: taṇhā Dh.336; sota It.95. -- (3) (fig.) going beyond (the norm), transgression, offence Vin.I,133 (thull° a grave offence), 167 (id.); II,110, 170; esp. in foll. phrases: accayo maṁ accagamā a fault has overcome me, i. e. has been committed by me (in confession formula) D.I,85 (= abhibhavitvā pavatto has overwhelmed me DA.I,236); A.I,54; M.I,438 (id.); accayaṁ accayato passati to recognise a breach of the regulation as such Vin.I,315; A.I,103; II,146 sq.; °ṁ deseti to confess the transgression S.I,239; °ṁ accayato paṭigaṇhāti to accept (the confession of) the fault, i. e. to pardon the transgression, in confessionformula at D.I,85 = (Vin.II,192; M.I,438 etc.). In the same sense accaya-paṭiggahaṇa pardon, absolution J.V,380; accayena desanaṁ paṭigaṇhāti J.I,379; accayaṁ khamati to forgive Miln.420. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(‹acceti跨越),【阳】1.缺点、罪。2.失效。3.消逝、过世。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【阳】 1. 缺点。 2. 失效。 3. 过世。 (accayena = 在…的失效后)。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Accayena
- {'def': '(‹accaya消逝),【副】在…消逝后。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Accaṅkusa
- {'def': '(adj.) [ati + aṅkusa] beyond the reach of the goad D.II,266 (nāga). (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acceka
- {'def': '= accāyika, special; °cīvara a spccial robe Vin.III,261; cp. Vin Texts I.293. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acceti
- {'def': '1. (ati + i + a), 打发时间,克服。 2. (acc + e), 敬礼,尊敬。accesi. 【过】。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '1.(ati越过+i走+a), 打发时间,跨越。2.(acc尊敬+e), 敬礼,尊敬。accesi,【过】。accaye, opt.3sg.。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[ati + eti fr. i] 1. to pass (of time), to go by, to elapse Th.1, 145 (accayanti ahorattā). -- 2. to overcome, to get over Miln.36 (dukkhaṁ). -- Caus. acceti to make go on (Loc.), to put on J.VI,17 (sūlasmiṁ; C. āvuṇeti), but at this passage prob. to be read appeti (q. v.). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accha
- {'def': '4 (adj.) [Ved. ṛkṣa] hurtful, painful, bad DhA.IV,163 (°ruja). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】清澈的,清净的。【阳】熊。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '﹐熊。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '1 (cp. Sk. accha, dial., to rc (see accati), thus “shining”; cp. Sk. rksa bald, bare and Vedic rkvan bright.),【形】清净,透明(clear, transparent Vin I.206 (acchakañjika)(acchapatta))。acchodaka, 【阳】清水。acchodikā, 【阴】清水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
{'def': '1 (adj.) [cp. Sk. accha, dial., to ṛc (see accati), thus “shining”; cp. Sk. ṛkṣa bald, bare and Vedic ṛkvan bright. Monier-Williams however takes it as a + cha fr. chad, thus “not covered, not shaded”] clear, transparent Vin.I,206 (°kañjika); D.I,76 (maṇi = tanucchavi DA.I,221), 80 (udakapatta), 84 (udaka-rahada); M.I,100; S.II,281 (°patta); III,105 (id.); A.I,9; J.II,100 (udaka); Vv 7910 (vāri); DA.I,113 (yāgu).
--odaka having clear water, with clear water (of lotus ponds) Vv 4411; 815; f. °odikā Vv 412 = 602. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '4 (Ved. rksa),【形】伤害,痛(hurtful, painful, bad)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 [Vedic ṛkṣa = Gr. a)ρktos, Lat. ursus, Cymr. arth] a bear Vin.I,200; A.III,101; J.V,197, 406, 416; Miln.23, 149. At J.VI,507 accha figures as N. of an animal, but is in expln. taken in the sense of accha4 (acchā nāma aghammigā C.). Note. Another peculiar form of accha is P. ikka (q. v.). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2(Vedic rksa)熊(a bear)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '3 = akkha2 (a die) 骰子(see acci-bandha)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '3 = akkha2 (a die) see acci-bandha. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchaka
- {'def': '= accha2, 熊(a bear)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '= accha2, a bear J.V,71. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchambhin
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + chambhin] not frightened, undismayed, fearless Sn.42 (reading achambhin; Nd2 13 expls. abhīru anutrāsi etc.); J.VI,322 (= nikkampa C.). See chambhin. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchambhī
- {'def': '【形】 大胆的,无畏的,不怕的。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】大胆的,无畏的,不怕的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acchanna
- {'def': '(adj.) [pp. of acchādeti] covered with, clothed in, fig. steeped in (c. loe.) J.JII,323 (lohite a. = nimugga C.). At D.I,91 nacchanna is for na channa (see channa2) = not fair, not suitable or proper (paṭirūpa). (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accharika
- {'def': '(nt. or f.?) [fr. accharā2] in °ṁ vādeti to make heavenly music (lit. the sounds of an accharā or heavenly nymph) A.IV,265. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchariya
- {'def': '【中】不可思议(台语:put kho su gi7,想拢无siunn7 long2 bo5。),惊奇。【形】意想不到的,绝妙的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.-nt.) [cp. Sk. āścarya since Upanishads of uncertain etym. -- The conventional etym. of Pāli grammarians connects it with accharā1 (which is prob. correct & thus reduces Sk. āścarya to a Sanskritisation of acchariya) viz. Dhammapāla: anabhiṇha-ppavattitāya accharāpaharaṇa-yoggaṁ that which happens without a moment’s notice, at the snap of a finger; i. e. causally unconnected (cp. Goth. silda-leiks in similar meaning) VvA.329; and Buddhaghosa: accharā-yoggan ti acchariyaṁ accharaṁ paharituṁ yuttan ti attho DA.I,43] wonderful, surprising, strange, marvellous D.II,155; M.I,79; III,118, 125, 144 (an°); S.IV,371; A.I,181; Miln.28, 253; DhA.III,171; PvA.121; VvA.71 (an°). As nt. often in exclamations: how wonderful! what a marvel! J.I,223, 279; IV,138; VI,94 (a. vata bho); DhA.IV,51 (aho a.); VvA.103 (aho ti acchariyatthena nipāto). Thus freq. combd. with abbhutaṁ = how wonderful & strange, marvellous, beyond comprehension, e. g. D.I,2, 60, 206, 210; II,8; and in phrase acchariyā abbhutā dhammā strange & wonderful things, i. e. wonderful signs, portents marvels, M.III,118, 125; A.IV,198; Miln.8; also as adj. in phrase acchariyaabbhuta-(citta-)jātā with their hearts full of wonder and surprise DhA.IV,52; PvA.6, 50. -- See also acchera & accheraka. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】奇异的事物,惊奇。 【形】意想不到的,绝妙的。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Acchariyaṁ
- {'def': 'I.不可思议 (【中】【单】【主】)。II.【副】不可思议!', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': 'vata ( [acchariyaṁ不可思议!][vata确实] ),确实不可思议!', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Accharā
- {'def': '【阴】 1. 女神。2. 打榧子(把拇指贴紧中指面,再使劲闪开,使中指打在掌上发声), 一会儿。 ~saṇghāta,【阳】打榧子。 ~sadda,【阳】 鼓掌声。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
{'def': '1 (f.) [etym. uncertain, but certainly dialectical; Trenckner connects it with ācchurita (Notes 76); Childers compares Sk. akṣara (see akkhara); there may be a connection with akkhaṇa in akkhaṇa-vedhin (cp. BSk. acchaṭā Divy 555), or possibly a relation to ā + tsar, thus meaning “stealthily”, although the primary meaning is “snapping, a quick sound”] the snapping of the fingers, the bringing together of the finger-tips: 1. (lit.) accharaṁ paharati to snap the fingers J.II,447; III,191; IV,124, 126; V,314; VI,366; DhA.I,38, 424. -- As measure: as much as one may hold with the finger-tips, a pinch J.V,385; DhA.II,273 (°gahaṇamattaṁ); cp. ekacchara-matta DhA.II,274. -- 2. (fig.) a finger’s snap, i. e. a short moment, in ek°acchara-kkhaṇe in one moment Miln.102, and in def. of acchariya (q. v.) at DA.I,43; VvA.329.
--saṅghāta the snapping of the fingers as signifying a short duration of time, a moment, °matta momentary, only for one moment (cp. BSk. acchaṭāsaṅghāta Divy 142) A.I,10, 34, 38; IV,396; Th.1, 405; 2, 67 (expld. at ThA.76 as ghaṭikāmattam pi khaṇaṁ aṅgulipoṭhanamattaṁ pi kālaṁ). --sadda the sound of the snapping of a finger J.III,127. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"} - {'def': '1,【阴】弹指(finger-snap),打榧ㄈㄟˇ子(把拇指贴紧中指面,再使劲闪开,使中指打在掌上发声)。accharākkhaṇa﹐accharāsaṇghāta,【阳】一弹指的时间。accharāsadda,【阳】弹指声。《俱舍论》说:「一疾弹指倾六十五刹那。」', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '2 (f.) [Vedic apsaras = āpa, water + sarati, orig; water nymph] a celestial nymph M.I,253 (pl. accharāyo) II,64; Th.2, 374 (= devaccharā ThA.252); J.V,152 sq. (Alambusā a.) Vv 55 (= devakaññā VvA.37); Vv 172; 1811 etc.; DhA.III,8, 19; PvA.46 (dev°); Miln.169; Sdhp.298. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '2,【阴】仙女(a celestial nymph),=devaccharā= devakaññā。【复】accharāyo。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acchati
- {'def': '(ās + a; ā 缩短,而 sa 换成 ccha), 1. 坐。 2. 保持。 Acchi, 【过】。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(ās坐+a; ā 缩短,而 sa 换成 ccha), 1.坐。2.保持。Acchi,【过】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Vedic āsyati & āste, ās; cp. Gr. h_(stai) 1. to sit, to sit still Vin.I,289; A.II,15; It.120 (in set carati tiṭṭhati a. sayati, where otherwise nisinna stands for acchati); Vv 741 (= nisīdati VvA.298); PvA.4. -- 2. to stay, remain, to leave alone Th.1, 936; J.IV,306. -- 3. to be, behave, live Vin.II,195; D.I,102; S.I,212; Vv 112; Pv III,31 (= nisīdati vasati PvA.188); Miln.88; DhA.I,424. In this sense often pleonastic for finite verb, thus aggiṁ karitvā a. (= aggiṁ karoti) D.I,102; aggiṁ paricaranto a. (= aggiṁ paricarati) DA.I,270; tantaṁ pasārento a. (= tantaṁ pasāreti) DhA.I,424. -- Pot. acche It.110; aor. acchi Vin.IV,308; DhA.I,424. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchecchi
- {'def': '(chindati 的【过】), 挣脱,割掉,毁灭。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(chindati‘割’的【过】), 挣脱,割掉,毁灭。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '[Sk. acchaitsīt] 3rd sg. aor. of chindati “he has cut out or broken, has destroyed” (see also chindati 3), in combn. with taṇhaṁ M.I,122; S.I,12, 23, 127 (so read for acchejja); IV,105, 207. It.47; A.III,246, 445; DhA.IV,70 (gloss acchindi, for acchidda pret. of Dh.351). The v. l. at all passages is acchejji, which is to be accounted for on graphological grounds, ch & j being substituted in MSS. Kern (Toevoegselen s. v.) mistakes the form & tries to explain acchejji as adj. = ati-ejin (ejā), acchecchi = ati-icchin (icchā). The syntactical construction however clearly points to an aor. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchedana
- {'def': '(nt.) [abstr. to acchindati] robbing, plundering J.VI,544. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchejja
- {'def': '【形】不能坏的,不能毁的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】不能坏的,不能毁的。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '= a + chejja not to be destroyed, indestructible, see chindati. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchera
- {'def': '参考 acchariya。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '不可思议。参考 acchariya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) = acchariya wonderful, marvellous S.I,181; Vv 8413 (comp. accheratara); Pv III,51 (°rūpa = acchariyasabhāva PvA.197); Sdhp.244, 398. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accheraka
- {'def': '(adj.) = acchera (acchariya) J.I,279; Bu I.9 (pāṭihīraṁ). (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchi
- {'def': 'at S.IV,290 is faulty spelling for acci (q. v.). (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchidda
- {'def': 'see chidda. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(a无+chidda孔),【形】无孔。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acchijja
- {'def': '(v. l. accheja) destroying (?) S.I,127. Is the reading warranted? Cp. acchecchi. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Acchindati 1.抢夺,2.打破)的【独】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acchindati
- {'def': '(ā+chid切断+ṁ-a), 1.抢夺,掠夺。2.打破。acchindi,【过】。acchinna,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(ā + chid + ŋ-a), 1. 抢夺,掠夺。 2. 打破。acchindi, 【过】。acchinna,【过分】。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '[ā + chindati, lit. to break for oneself] to remove forcibly, to take away, rob, plunder Vin.IV,247 (sayaṁ a. to appropriate); J.II,422; III,179; IV,343; Miln.20; Sdhp.122. -- ger. acchinditvā J.II,422; DhA.I,349; PvA.241 (sayaṁ); & acchetvā M.I,434. Caus. II. acchindāpeti to induce a person to theft Vin.IV,224, 247. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchinna
- {'def': '(adj.) [ā + chinna, pp. of acchindati] removed, taken away, stolen, robbed Vin.IV,278, 303; J.II,78; IV,45; V,212. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchiva
- {'def': '[*Sk. akṣiba and akṣība] a certain species of tree (Hypanthera Moringa) J.VI,535. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchodi
- {'def': '(accha澄清+uda水), 澄清的水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(accha澄清+uda水), 澄清的水。%bAccha,【形】清澈的,清净的,妙,净,净妙。【阳】熊。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acchupeti
- {'def': '[ā + chupeti, Caus. of chupati] to procure or provide a hold, to insert, to put on or in Vin.I,290 (aggaḷaṁ) II,112. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchādana
- {'def': '【中】 衣服。 acchādanā,【阴】 隐匿。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【中】衣服。acchādanā,【阴】隐匿。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(nt.) [fr. acchādeti] covering, clothing Th.1, 698; Miln.279. -- fig. protection, sheltering J.I,307. (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchādanā
- {'def': '(f.) [= prec.] covering, hiding, concealment Pug.19, 23. -- Note. In id. p. at Vbh.358 we read accasarā for acchādanā. Is the latter merely a gloss? (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acchādeti
- {'def': '[ā + chādeti1, Caus. of chad, cp. BSk. ācchādayati jīvitena to keep alive Av. Ś, I.300; Divy 136, 137] to cover, to clothe, to put on D.I,63 = It.75; J.I,254; III,189; IV,318; Pug.57; Pv.I,105 (ger. acchādayitvāna); DA.I,181 (= paridahitvā); PvA.49, 50. -- fig. to envelop, to fill J.VI,581 (abbhaṁ rajo acchādesi dust filled the air). -- pp. acchanna (q. v.). (Page 9)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(ā + chad +e), 穿(衣),盖上。 acchādesi, 【过】。acchādita, 【过分】。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(ā+chad盖+e), 穿(衣),盖上。acchādesi,【过】。acchādita,【过分】。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(ā向+chādeti覆盖),覆蔽。【单.贰.命】acchādehi。【过分】acchādita。【独】acchādetvā。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acci
- {'def': '【阴】火焰。 ~mantu,【形】 有火焰的,灿烂的。 【阳】火。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '& (in verse) accī (f.) [Vedic arci m. & arcis nt. & f. to ṛc, cp. accati] a ray of light, a beam, flame S.IV,290 (spelt acchi), 399; A.IV,103; V,9; Sn.1074 (vuccati jālasikhā Nd2 11); J.V,213; Miln.40; ThA.154 (dīp’); Sdhp.250. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【阴】火焰。accimantu,【形】有火焰的,灿烂的。【阳】火。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acci-bandha
- {'def': '(adj.) [= accibaddha?] at Vin.I,287 is expld. by Bdhgh as caturassa-kedāra-baddha (“divided into short pieces” Vin Texts II,207), i. e. with squares of irrigated fields. The vv. ll. are acca° and acchi°, and we should prefer the conjecture acchi-baddha “in the shape of cubes or dice”, i. e. with square fields. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accikā
- {'def': '(f.) [fr. acci] a flame M.I,74; S.II,99. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accimant
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. acci, cp. Vedic arcimant & arciṣmant] flaming, glowing, fiery; brilliant Th.1, 527; J.V,266; VI,248; Vv 388. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accita
- {'def': '[pp. of accati] honoured, praised, esteemed J.VI,180. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(Acceti 的【过分】) 敬礼过,尊敬过。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(Acceti 的【过分】) 敬礼过,尊敬过。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Accodaka
- {'def': '(nt.) [ati + udaka] too much water (opp. anodaka no water) DhA.I,52. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【中】太多水。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【中】 太多水。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Accodara
- {'def': '(nt.) [ati + udara] too much eating, greediness, lit. too much of a belly J.IV,279 (C. ati-udara). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accogāḷha
- {'def': '【形】陷入深底,过度丰富。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】陷入深底。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [ati + ogāḷha] too abundant, too plentiful (of riches), lit. plunged into A.IV,282, 287, 323 sq. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accuggacchati
- {'def': '[ati + uggacchati] to rise out (of), ger. accuggamma D.II,38; A.V,152 (in simile of lotus). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accuggata
- {'def': '【形】很高,非常高的。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】很高,非常高的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [ati + uggata] 1. very high or lofty Miln.346 (giri); VvA.197; DhA.II,65. -- 2. too high, i. e. too shrill or loud J.VI,133 (sadda), 516 (fig. = atikuddha very angry C.). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accupati
- {'def': 'at J.IV,250 read accuppati, aor. 3rd sg. of accuppatati to fall in between (lit. on to), to interfere (with two people quarelling). C. expls. atigantvā uppati. There is no need for Kern’s corr. acchupati (Toev. s. v.). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accupaṭṭhapeti
- {'def': 'at J.V,124 is to be read with v.l. as apaccupaṭṭhapeti (does not indulge in or care for). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accussanna
- {'def': '(adj.) [ati + ussanna] too full, too thick Vin.II,151. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 很丰富, 非常丰富。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】很丰富,非常丰富。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Accuta
- {'def': '(a无+cuta死【过分】),【形】永恒的,不死的。【中】永恒的平静。nibbānapadamaccutaṁ(=nibbānaṁ padamaccutaṁ), 无死的涅盘。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + cuta] immoveable; everlasting, eternal; nt. °ṁ Ep. of Nibbāna (see also cuta) A.IV,295, 327; Sn.204, 1086 (= nicca etc. Nd2 12); Dh.225 (= sassata DhA.III,321); Sdhp.47. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 永恒的,不死的。 【中】 永恒的平静。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Accuṇha
- {'def': '(adj.) [ati + uṇha] very hot, too hot Sn.966; Nd1 487; DhA.II,85, 87 (v. l. for abbhuṇha). See also ati-uṇha. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】很热,非常热的。【阳】大热。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 很热,非常热的。 【阳】 大热。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Accādahati
- {'def': '(ati上至+ā向+dhā放置),放在…上。【义】accādhāya。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Accādhāya
- {'def': '【独】放在…上。pāde pādaṁ accādhāya,足足相累。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【独】 在稍微变换坐姿将一(只脚)置在另一只脚上。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Accāraddha
- {'def': '(adj. adv.) [ati + āraddha] exerting oneself very or too much, with great exertion Vin.I,182; Th.1, 638; SnA 21. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accāraddhavīriya
- {'def': '﹐【中】过度精进(too much exertion)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Accāsanna
- {'def': '【形】很近,非常接近。(p4)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】很近,非常接近。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [ati + asanna] very near, too near PvA.42 (na a. n’âtidūra neither too near nor too far, at an easy distance). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accāvadati
- {'def': '[ati + āvadati; or is it = ajjhāvadati = adhi + āvadati?] to speak more or better, to surpass in talk or speech; to talk somebody down, to persuade, entice Vin.IV,224, 263; S.II,204 sq.; J.V,433 (v. l. BB ajjhārati), 434 (v. l. BB aghācarati for ajjhācarati = ajjhāvadati?). (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accāyata
- {'def': '(adj.) [ati + āyata] too long A.III,375. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Accāyika
- {'def': '(adj.) [fr. accaya] out of time, viz. 1. irregular, extraordinary J.VI,549, 553. -- 2. urgent, pressing M.I,149 (karaṇiyan business) II,112; J.I,338; V,17 °ṁ (nt.) hurry DhA.I,18. See also acceka. (Page 8)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】 紧急的。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- {'def': '【形】紧急的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acela
- {'def': '(adj. -n.) [a + cela] one who is not clothed, esp. t. t. for an anti-Buddhist naked ascetic D.I,161, 165; III,6, 12, 17 sq.; S.I,78; J.V,75. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(a+cela),【形】无衣服的,裸体的。acelaka,【阳】裸体的修行者(裸体外道,有空衣派digambara及白衣派wvetāmbara)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】无衣服的,裸体的。 ~ka,【阳】裸体的修行者。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Acelaka
- {'def': '= acela D.I,166; III,40; A.I,295; II,206; III,384 (°sāvaka); J.III,246; VI,229; Pug.55; DhA.III,489. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acetana
- {'def': '【形】无感觉的,无机的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 无感觉的,无机的。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Acinteyya
- {'def': '(a不+cinteyya思【义】),【形】不能被思。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acira
- {'def': 'see cira & cp. nacira. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '【形】不久的,最近的。aciraṁ,【副】近来,不久前。acirappabhā,【阴】闪电。acirapakkanta (acira不久+pakkanta走出去【过分】) 【过分】走出去不久。see cira & cp. nacira。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '【形】 最近的,新的。 aciraŋ, 【副】 近来,不久前。 ~ppabhā,【阴】 闪电。(p3)', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 Mahāñāṇo Bhikkhu编著'}
- Aciravatī
- {'def': 'f. アチラヴァティー(巴利文的片假名發音), 阿致羅筏底〔印度五大河之一〕.', 'xr': '《汉译パーリ语辞典》 黃秉榮譯 词数 7735.'}
- {'def': 'f. アチラヴァティー, 阿致羅筏底〔インドの五大河の一〕.', 'xr': '《パーリ语辞典》 日本水野弘元教授 词数 13772.'}
- Acitta
- {'def': '(a + citta2),【形】无心的。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- Acittaka
- {'def': '(a + citta2 + ka),【形】1.无意识(without thought or intention, unconscious, unintentional)。2.无心(without heart or feeling, Instr. acittakena (adv.) heartlessly.)。无心者,谓入无想及灭尽定。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + citta2 + ka] 1. without thought or intention, unconscious, unintentional DhA.II,42. -- 2. without heart or feeling, Instr. acittakena (adv.) heartlessly J.IV,58 (C. for acetasā). (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- Acittikata
- {'def': '(adj.) [a + citta2 + kata; cp. cittikāra] not well thought of Miln.229. (Page 7)', 'xr': "《PTS Pali-English dictionary》 The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary"}
- {'def': '(a + citta2 + kata; cp. cittikāra),【形】意识不清(not well thought)。', 'xr': '《巴汉词典》 明法尊者增订'}