Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

a4gra-pāda अ4गरअ-पआदअ
m. fore part of the foot S3is3.
a4gra-pūjā अ4गरअ-पऊजआ
f. highest act of reverence R.
a4gra-peya अ4गरअ-पएयअ
n. precedence in drinking AitBr.
a4gra-pradāyin अ4गरअ-परअदआयइन
mfn. offering first MBh.
a4gra-praṡirṇa4 अ4गरअ-परअशइरणअ4
mfn. broken at the top S3Br.
a4gra-bīja अ4गरअ-बईजअ
mfn. (said of plants) propagated by cuttings m. a viviparous plant.
a4gra-bhāga अ4गरअ-भआगअ
(or %{agrā7ṃṡa}) m. fore part , (in astron.) degree of amplitude L.
a4gra-bhuj अ4गरअ-भउज
mfn. having the precedence in eating TA1r. ; N. of the sun MBh.
a4gra-bhū अ4गरअ-भऊ
mfn. being at the top , at the head of.
a4gra-bhūmi अ4गरअ-भऊमइ
f. a goal L. ; the top-floor (of a house) Megh.
a4gra-mahiṣī अ4गरअ-मअहइषई
f. the principal queen R. Jain.
a4gra-māṃsa अ4गरअ-मआMसअ
n. the heart L. ; morbid protuberance of the liver.
a4gra-yāna अ4गरअ-यआनअ
n. stepping in front to defy the enemy.
a4gra-yāyin अ4गरअ-यआयइन
mfn. going before , taking the lead , (%{ī}) m. a Ieader , Sa1k.
a4gra-yā4van अ4गरअ-यआ4वअन
mfn. going before RV. x , 70 , 2.
a4gra-yodhin अ4गरअ-यओधइन
m. the foremost man or leader in a fight ; a champion.
a4gra-lohitā अ4गरअ-लओहइतआ
f. a kind of vegetable , similar to the spinage.
a4gra-vaktra अ4गरअ-वअकतरअ
n. N. of a surgical instrument Sus3r.
a4gra-vat अ4गरअ-वअत
(%{a4gra-}) mfn. being at the top TS.
a4gra-ṡa4s अ4गरअ-शअ4स
ind. from the beginning AV.
a4gra-saṃdhānī अ4गरअ-सअंधआनई
f. the register of human actions (kept by Yama) L.
a4gra-sandhyā अ4गरअ-सअनधयआ
f. early down.
a4gra-sara अ4गरअ-सअरअ
mf(%{ī})n. going in front , taking the lead.
a4gra-sānu अ4गरअ-सआनउ
m. the front part of a table-land L.
a4gra-sārā अ4गरअ-सआरआ
f. a short method of counting immense numbers.
a4gra-sūcī अ4गरअ-सऊचई
f. point of a needle , Naish
a4gra-sena अ4गरअ-सएनअ
m. N. of Janamejaya's son.
a4gra-hasta अ4गरअ-हअसतअ
m. = %{-pāṇi} ; the tip of an elephant's trunk Vikr. ; finger R.
a4gra-hāyaṇa अ4गरअ-हआयअणअ
m. `" commencement of the year "'N. of a Hindu1 month (%{mārgaṡīrṣa} , beginning about the 12th of November). [6,3]
a4gra-hāra अ4गरअ-हआरअ
m. royal donation of land to Bra1hmans ; land or village thus given MBh.
agrā7ṃṡa अगरआ7Mशअ
= %{agrabhāga}.
agrā7ṃṡu अगरआ7Mशउ
m. the end of a ray of light , the focal point.
agrā7kṣan अगरआ7कषअन
n. a side-look R.
agrā7ṅguli अगरआ7ङगउलइ
m. the finger-tip.
agrā7dvan अगरआ7दवअन
mfn. having precedence in eating RV. vi , 69 , 6.
agrā7nīka अगरआ7नईकअ
n. the front of an army , vanguard Mn. &c.
agrā7yaṇīya अगरआ7यअणईयअ
n. title of the second of the fourteen oldest (but lost) Jaina books , called Pu1rvas.
agrā7ṡana अगरआ7शअनअ
mfn. eating before another (abl.) Ma1rkP.
agrā7sana अगरआ7सअनअ
n. seat of honour.
agre-ga4 अगरए-गअ4
&c. ; see %{a4gre} below.
agre74tvan अगरए74तवअन
mf(%{arī})n. going in front AV.
agro7paharaṇīya अगरओ7पअहअरअणईयअ
mfn. that which has to be first or principally supplied Sus3r.
agrata4s अगरअतअ4स
ind. in front , before ; in the beginning , first RV. x , 90 , 7 VS. ; (with gen.) before , in presence of.
agrataḥ-kṛ अगरअतअः-कऋ
to place in front or at the head , to consider most important.
agrataḥ-sara अगरअतअः-सअरअ
mf(%{ī})n. going in front , taking the lead.
agrima4 अगरइमअ4
mfn. being in front , preceding , prior , furthest advanced ; occurring further on or below (in a book cf. %{a4gre}) ; the foremost RV. v , 44 , 9 ; eldest , principal L. ; (%{ā}) f. the fruit Annona Reticulata.
agriya4 अगरइयअ4
mfn. foremost , principal RV. ; oldest , first-born RV. i , 13 , 10 ; m. elder brother L. ; (%{a4m}) n. the first-fruits , the best part RV. iv , 37 , 4 and probably ix , 71 , 4.
agriya4-vat अगरइयअ4-वअत
mfn. ; f. %{vatī} (scil. %{ṛc})N. of the hymn R2ig-veda ix , 62 , 25 , quoted in La1t2y.
agrīya अगरईयअ
mfn. best L. ; m. elder brother L.
a4gre अ4गरए
ind. (loc.) see %{a4gra}.
a4gre-ga4 अ4गरए-गअ4
[RV. ix , 86 , 45] or mfn. going in front or before.
a4gre-gā4 अ4गरए-गआ4
[TBr. &c.] mfn. going in front or before.
a4gre-gū4 अ4गरए-गऊ4
mfn. (said of the waters) moving forwards VS. S3Br.
a4gre-ṇī4 अ4गरए-णई4
m. a leader VS.
a4gre-tana अ4गरए-तअनअ
mfn. occurring further on , subsequently (in a book).
a4gre-dadhu4s अ4गरए-दअधउ4स
[MaitrS.] or m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before , (%{agre-didhiṣu} or %{-didhiṣu}) f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.
a4gre-dadhiṣu अ4गरए-दअधइषउ
[KapS.] or m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before , (%{agre-didhiṣu} or %{-didhiṣu}) f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.
a4gre-didhiṣu अ4गरए-दइधइषउ
[MBh. Gaut.] m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before , (%{agre-didhiṣu} or %{-didhiṣu}) f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried.
a4gre-pā4 अ4गरए-पआ4
[RV. iv , 34 , 7 and 10] or mfn. having the precedence in drinking.
a4gre-pū अ4गरए-पऊ
[VS. S3Br.] mfn. having the precedence in drinking.
a4gre-bhrū अ4गरए-भरऊ
( %{bhram}) m. wandering in front Pa1n2. 4 , 40 Comm.
a4gre-vaṇa अ4गरए-वअणअ
n. the border of a forest (g. %{rājadantā7di} q.v.)
a4gre-vadha4 अ4गरए-वअधअ4
m. hitting or killing whatever is in front VS.
a4gre-sara अ4गरए-सअरअ
mf(%{ī}) n. going in front , preceding , best L.
a4gre-sarika अ4गरए-सअरइकअ
m. a leader L.
agrya4 अगरयअ4
mf(%{ā})n. foremost , topmost , principal , best ; proficient , well versed in (with loc.) ; intent closely attentive m. an elder or eldest brother L. ; (%{ā}) f. = %{tri-phalā} q.v. ; (%{am}) n. roof L.
agrya4-tapas अगरयअ4-तअपअस
m. N. of a Muni Katha1s.
a-grabhaṇa4 अ-गरअभअणअ4
mfn. ( %{grabh} = %{grah}) , having nothing which can be grasped RV. i , 116 , 5.
a-graha अ-गरअहअ
mfn. = %{mukhya} (Comm.) MBh. iii , 14189 BR. propose to read %{agra-ha} , destroying the best part m. non acceptance , a houseless man i.e. a Va1naprastha a Bra1hman of the third class L.
a-grāhin अ-गरआहइन
mfn. not taking , not holding (said of a leech and of tools) Sus3r.
a-grāhya अ-गरआहयअ
mfn. not to be conceived or perceived or obtained or admitted or trusted , to be rejected.
a-grāhyaka अ-गरआहयअकअ
mfn. not to be perceived , impalpable MBh.
a-grāmya अ-गरआमयअ
mfn. not rustic , townmade ; not tame , wild.
agrī अगरई
m. a word invented for the explanation of %{agni4} S3Br.
a4gru अ4गरउ
m. unmarried RV. v , 44 , 7 and vii , 96 , 4 AV. ; (%{ū4}) f. a virgin RV. AV. ; nom. pl. %{agru4vas} , poetical N. of the ten fingers RV. ; and also of the seven rivers RV. i , 191 , 14 and iv , 19 , 7 ; cf. Zend %{aghru}.
agh अघ
cl. 10. P. %{aghayati} , to go wrong , sin L.
agha4 अघअ4
mfn. bad , dangerous RV. ; sinful , impure BhP. m. N. of an Asura BhP. ; (%{a4m}) n. evil , mishap RV. AV. ; sin , impurity Mn. &c. ; pain , suffering L. ; (%{ā4s}) f. pl. the constellation usually called Magha1 RV. x , 85 , 13.
agha4-kṛ4t अघअ4-कऋ4त
mfn. doing evil or harm , an evil-doer AV.
agha4-ghna अघअ4-घनअ
or mfn. sin destroying , expiatory m. `" an expiator "'N. of Vishn2u.
agha4-nāsaka अघअ4-नआसअकअ
mfn. sin destroying , expiatory m. `" an expiator "'N. of Vishn2u.
agha4-deva अघअ4-दएवअ
m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
agha4-marṣaṇa अघअ4-मअरषअणअ
mfn. `" sin-effacing "'N. of a particular Vedic hymn [RV. x , 190] still used by Bra1hmans as a daily prayer Mn. Ya1jn5. Gaut. ; m. N. of the author of that prayer , son of Madhucchandas [7,1] ; (plur.) his descendants Hariv. A1s3vS3r.
agha4-māra4 अघअ4-मआरअ4
mfn. fearfully destructive AV.
agha4-ru4d अघअ4-रउ4द
mfn. `" howling fearfully "'N. of certain female demons AV.
agha4-vat अघअ4-वअत
mfn. sinful ; [voc. %{aghavan} or %{aghos} q.v.]
agha4-viṣa अघअ4-वइषअ
(%{agha4}.) mf(%{ā})n. fearfully venomous AV.
agha4-ṡaṃsa अघअ4-शअंसअ
(%{agha4-}) mfn. wishing evil , wicked RV. TBr.
agha4-ṡaṃsa-ha4n अघअ4-शअंसअ-हअ4न
m. slaying the wicked RV.
agha4-ṡaṃsin अघअ4-शअंसइन
mfn. confessing sin R. Das3.
agha4-haraṇa अघअ4-हअरअणअ
n. removal of guilt L.
agha4-hāra4 अघअ4-हआरअ4
m. an outrageous robber SV. AV.
aghā7ṡva अघआ7शवअ
mfn. having a bad or vicious horse RV. i , 116 , 6 ; (%{a4s}) [according to NBD. fr. %{agha} + %{ṡvas}] m. N. of a snake AV.
aghā7sura अघआ7सउरअ
m. Agha , Kan6sa's general BhP.
aghā7han अघआ7हअन
n. inauspicious day Sa1n3khS3r.
aghau9gha-marṣaṇa अघऔ9घअ-मअरषअणअ
mfn. destroying a whole mass of sins.
aghala4 अघअलअ4
mf(%{ā})n. fearful AV. S3Br. S3a1n3khBr.
aghāya अघआयअ
Nom. P. %{aghāya4ti} (part. %{-ya4t}) , to intend to injure , to threaten RV. AV.
aghāyu4 अघआयउ4
mfn. intending to injure , malicious RV. &c.
a-ghaṭamāna अ-घअटअमआनअ
mfn. incongruous , incoherent.
a-ghana अ-घअनअ
mfn. not dense or solid.
a-gharma अ-घअरमअ
mfn. not hot , cool.
a-gharma-dhāman अ-घअरमअ-धआमअन
m. `" having cool splendour "' , the moon.
a4-ghāta अ4-घआतअ
m. no injury , no damage TBr.
a-ghātin अ-घआतइन
mfn. not fatal , not injurious , harmless.
a4-ghātuka अ4-घआतउकअ
mfn. not injurious MaitrS.
a-ghāri4n अ-घआरइ4न
mfn. not anointing AV.
a-ghāsaka अ-घआसअकअ
mfn. without food or provisions.
a-ghṛṇa अ-घऋणअ
mfn. incompassionate.
a-ghṛṇin अ-घऋणइन
mfn. not contemptuous , not disdainful.
a4-ghora अ4-घओरअ
mfn. not terrific m. a euphemistic title of Siva ; a worshipper of Siva and Durga1 ; (%{ā}) f. the fourteenth day of the dark half of Bha1dra , which is sacred to S3iva.
a4-ghora-ghoratara4 अ4-घओरअ-घओरअतअरअ4
mfn. having a form both not terrific and terrific MaitrS.
a4-ghora-ghora-rūpa अ4-घओरअ-घओरअ-रऊपअ
m. `" having a form or nature both not terrific and terrific "'N. of S3iva MBh.
a4-ghora-cakṣus अ4-घओरअ-चअकषउस
(%{a4ghora-}) mfn. not having an evil eye RV. x , 85 , 44.
a4-ghora-pathin अ4-घओरअ-पअथइन
or m. a particular sect of S3aivas who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.
a4-ghora-mārga अ4-घओरअ-मआरगअ
m. a particular sect of S3aivas who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices.
a4-ghora-pramāṇa अ4-घओरअ-परअमआणअ
n. a terrific oath L.
a-ghoṣa अ-घओषअ
m. (in Gr.) `" non-sonance , absence of all sound or soft murmur , `" hard articulation or effort as applied to the hard consonants and Visarga ; (mfn.) , soundless , hard (as the hard consonants).
aghos अघओस
ind. voc. of %{agha-vat} , O sinner! Pa1n2. 8-3 , 1 Sch. see also Pa1n2. 8-3 , 17 seqq.
a4-ghnat अ4-घनअत
mf(%{ati})n. ( %{han}) , not killing , not injurious RV.
a4-ghnya अ4-घनयअ
(2 , 3) or (2 , 3) m. `" not to be killed , a bull , and (%{ā} , %{ā4}) f. a cow RV. AV.
a-ghnya4 अ-घनयअ4
(2 , 3) m. `" not to be killed , a bull , and (%{ā} , %{ā4}) f. a cow RV. AV. ; (%{a4ghnyā}) , said of a cloud RV. x , 46 , 3.
a-ghreya अ-घरएयअ
mfn. ( %{ghra}) , improper to be smelled at Mn.
aṅk अङक
cl. 1. (connected , with , %{añc}) A1. %{aṅkate} , %{ānaṅke} , %{aṅkiṣyate} , %{aṅkitum} , to move in a curve L. ; cl. 10. P. %{aṅkayati} , to move in a curve L. ; to mark , stamp , brand.
aṅka4 अङकअ4
m. a hook RV. i , 162 , 13 , &c. ; part of a chariot (used in the dual) TS. TBr. ; a curve ; the curve in the human , especially the female , figure above the hip (where infants sitting , astride are carried by mothers hence often = `" breast "' or `" lap "') ; the side or flank ; the body ; proximity , place ; the bend in the arm ; any hook or crooked instrument ; a curved line ; a numerical figure , cipher , a figure or mark branded on an animal , &c. ; any mark , line , stroke , ornament , stigma ; a number ; the numbers one and nine ; a co-efficient ; an act of a drama ; a drama ; a military show or sham-fight ; a misdeed , a sin L. [cf. Gk. $ , $ , &1846[7 ,1] $ , $ , and Lat. {uncus}].
aṅka4-karaṇa अङकअ4-कअरअणअ
n. the act of marking or stamping.
aṅka4-kāra अङकअ4-कआरअ
m. a champion chosen by each side to decide a battle Ba1lar. [7,2] ; %{aṅkakārī-kṛ} , to choose such a champion Ba1lar.
aṅka4-tantra अङकअ4-तअनतरअ
n. N. of a book treating of magical marks or figures.
aṅka4-dhāraṇā अङकअ4-धआरअणआ
f. manner of holding the body , figure A1s3vS3r.
aṅka4-parivartana अङकअ4-पअरइवअरतअनअ
n. turning the body , turning on the other side.
aṅka4-pāda-vrata अङकअ4-पआदअ-वरअतअ
n. N. of a chapter in the Bhavishyottara-Pura1n2a.
aṅka4-pāli अङकअ4-पआलइ
f. or embracing , an embrace L.
aṅka4-pālikā अङकअ4-पआलइकआ
f. embracing , an embrace L.
aṅka4-pālī अङकअ4-पआलई
f. an embrace ; a nurse L. ; the plant (Piring) Medicago Esculenta.
aṅka4-pāṡa अङकअ4-पआशअ
m. a peculiar concatenation of numerals or numbers.
aṅka4-pāṡa-vyavahāra अङकअ4-पआशअ-वयअवअहआरअ
m. the use of that concatenation.
aṅka4-pāṡā7dhyāya अङकअ4-पआशआ7धयआयअ
m. the study of that concatenation.
aṅka4-bandha अङकअ4-बअनधअ
m. branding with a mark (that resembles a headless body) Ya1jn5.
aṅka4-bhāj अङकअ4-भआज
mfn. (an infant) carried on the hip ; (forced fruit) nearly ripe , early ripe Kir. ; near one's side , in one's possession , close at hand , easy of attainment.
aṅka4-mukha अङकअ4-मउखअ
n. introductory act of a drama giving a clue to the whole plot.
aṅka4-loḍya अङकअ4-लओडयअ
m. ginger , Cin5cod2a or Cin5cot2aka.
aṅka4-vidyā अङकअ4-वइदयआ
f. science of numbers , arithmetic.
aṅkā7ṅka4 अङकआ7ङकअ4
n. water VS.
aṅkā7vatāra अङकआ7वअतआरअ
m. the close of a dramatic act (preparing the audience for the following one).
aṅkati अङकअतइ
m. wind L. ; fire L. ; Brahma1 L. ; a Bra1hman who maintains the sacred fire L. ; N. of a teacher of the Sa1ma-veda.
aṅkana अङकअनअ
n. the act of marking , stamping , branding , ciphering , writing ; (mfn.) , marking.
a4ṅkas अ4ङकअस
%{as} n. a curve or bend RV. iv , 40 , 4 ; cf. Gk. $ &1882[7,2]
aṅkasa4 अङकअसअ4
n. the flanks or the trappings of a horse RV. iv , 40 , 3.
aṅkita अङकइतअ
mfn. marked , branded ; numbered , counted , calculated.
aṅki4n अङकइ4न
mfn. possessing a hook RV. iii , 45 , 4 AV. &c. , (%{ī}) m. a small drum L. ; (%{inī}) f. a number of marks , (g. %{khalā7di} q.v.)
aṅkī अङकई
f. a small drum L.
aṅkuṭa अङकउटअ
and m. a key L.
aṅkuḍaka अङकउडअकअ
m. a key L.
aṅkupa4 अङकउपअ4
n. water VS.
aṅkura अङकउरअ
m. a sprout , shoot , blade , a swelling , a tumour Sus3r. ; a hair L. ; blood L. ; water L.
aṅkuraka अङकउरअकअ
m. a nest L.
aṅkurita अङकउरइतअ
mfn. sprouted.
aṅkuṡa4 अङकउशअ4
%{as} , %{am} m. n. a hook , especially an elephant-driver's hook ; (%{ā}) or (%{ī}) f. one of the twenty-four Jaina goddesses L. [cf. Gk. $ ; Germ. &1909[7,2] {Angel}].
aṅkuṡa4-graha अङकउशअ4-गरअहअ
m. an elephant-driver.
aṅkuṡa4-durdhara अङकउशअ4-दउरधअरअ
m. a restive elephant.
aṅkuṡita अङकउशइतअ
mfn. urged on by the hook.
aṅkuṡi4n अङकउशइ4न
mfn. having a hook , laying hold of with a hook RV. x , 34 , 7.
aṅkūya4t अङकऊयअ4त
mfn. (fr. a Nom. %{aṅkūya} , related to %{aṅka} ,) moving tortuously (to escape) RV. vi , 15 , 17.
aṅkūra अङकऊरअ
m. a sprout L. see %{aṅkura}.
aṅkūṣa अङकऊषअ
%{as} , %{am} m. n. an ichneumon Un2. Comm. ; cf. %{aṅgūṣa}.
aṅkya अङकयअ
mfn. fit or proper to be marked or counted m. a small drum [cf. %{aṅki}] L.
aṅkāra अङकआरअ
m.? diminution in music L.
aṅkoṭa अङकओटअ
%{aṅkoṭha} , %{aṅkola} , %{aṅkolla} , %{aṅkolaka} m. the plant Alangium Hexapetalum.
aṅkolla-sāra अङकओललअ-सआरअ
m. `" essence of An3kolla "' , a poison prepared from the plant An3kolla , &c.
aṅkolikā अङकओलइकआ
f. (a corruption of %{aṅka-pālikā} q.v.) , an embrace L.
aṅktvā अङकतवआ
ind. p. ( %{añj}) , having be-smeared Pa1n2. 7-2 , 62 Sch.
aṅkh अङख
cl. 10. P. (p. %{aṅkhaya4t}) , to stir up , mix S3Br.
aṅg अङग
cl. I. P. %{aṅgati} , %{ānaṅga} , %{aṅgitum} , to go (cf. %{ag}) ; cl. 10. P. %{aṅgayati} , to mark (cf. %{aṅk}) L.
aṅgana अङगअनअ
n. walking L. ; `" place to walk in "' , yard ; see s.v.
n. ( %{aṅg} q.v.) , the act of walking L. ; place to walk in , yard , court , area ; (%{ā}) f. `" a woman with well-rounded limbs "' , any woman or female ; (in astron.) Virgo ; the female elephant of the north.
aṅga4 अङगअ4
1 ind. a particle implying attention , assent or desire , and sometimes impatience , it may be rendered , by well ; indeed , true , please , rather quick ; %{kim aṅga} , how much rather!
aṅgī अङगई
(for %{aṅga} in comp. with 1. %{kṛ} and its derivatives).
see 1. %{aṅga}.
aṅgī-karaṇa अङगई-कअरअणअ
n. act of taking the side of , assenting , agreeing , promising.
aṅgī-kāra अङगई-कआरअ
m. agreement , promise.
aṅgī-kṛ अङगई-कऋ
to take the side of ; to agree to , assent , promise , confess. [7,3]
aṅgī-kṛta अङगई-कऋतअ
mfn. agreed to , promised.
aṅgī-kṛti अङगई-कऋतइ
f. agreement , promise.
a4ṅga अ4ङगअ
2 n. ( %{am} Un2.) , a limb of the body ; a limb , member ; the body ; a subordinate division or department , especially of a science , as the six Veda1n3gas ; hence the number six ; N. of the chief sacred texts of the Jainas ; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five , viz. 1. %{karmaṇām ārambho7pāyaḥ} , means of commencing operations ; 2. %{puruṣa-dravya-sampad} , providing men and materials ; 3. %{deṡa-kāla-vibhāga} , distribution of place and time ; 4. %{vipatti-pratīkāra} , counter-action of disaster ; 5. %{kārya-siddhi} , successful accomplishment ; whence %{mantra} is said to be %{pañcā7ṅga}) ; any subdivision , a supplement ; (in Gr.) the base of a word , but in the strong cases only Pa1n2. 1-4 , 13 seqq. ; anything inferior or secondary , anything immaterial or unessential , see %{aṅga-tā} ; (in rhetoric) an illustration ; (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters ; an expedient ; a mental organ , the mind L. ; m. sg. or (%{ās}) m. pl.N. of Bengal proper or its inhabitants ; (sg.)N. of a king of An3ga ; (mfn.) , having members or divisions L. ; contiguous L.
a4ṅga-kartana अ4ङगअ-कअरतअनअ
n. cutting off a limb.
a4ṅga-karman अ4ङगअ-कअरमअन
n. or a supplementary sacrificial act.
a4ṅga-kriyā अ4ङगअ-करइयआ
f. a supplementary sacrificial act.
a4ṅga-kaṣāya4 अ4ङगअ-कअषआयअ4
m. the essence of the body (said of , the semen virile) S3Br.
a4ṅga-graha अ4ङगअ-गरअहअ
m. `" limb-seizure "' , spasm Sus3r.
a4ṅga-ja अ4ङगअ-जअ
mfn. produced from or on the body , ornamental L. ; produced by a supplementary ceremony m. a son L. ; hair of the head L. ; the god of Iove L. ; intoxicating passion L. ; drunkenness L. ; a disease L. ; (%{ā}) f. a daughter ; (%{am}) n. blood.
a4ṅga-janus अ4ङगअ-जअनउस
m. a son.
a4ṅga-jāta अ4ङगअ-जआतअ
mfn. produced from or on the body ; ornamental ; produced by a supplementary ceremony.
a4ṅga-jvara4 अ4ङगअ-जवअरअ4
mfn. causing fever AV.
a4ṅga-tā अ4ङगअ-तआ
f. or a state of subordination or dependance , the being of secondary importance , the being unessential.
a4ṅga-tva अ4ङगअ-तवअ
n. a state of subordination or dependance , the being of secondary importance , the being unessential.
a4ṅga-da अ4ङगअ-दअ
m. N. of a brother of Ra1ma ; of a son of Gada ; of an ape , son of Ba1lin ; (%{ā}) f. the female elephant of the south , (%{am}) n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm.
a4ṅga-dvipa अ4ङगअ-दवइपअ
m. one of the six minor Dvi1pas.
a4ṅga-nyāsa अ4ङगअ-नयआसअ
m. ceremony of touching certain parts of the body.
a4ṅga-pāli अ4ङगअ-पआलइ
f. an embrace L. ; see %{aṅka-pāli}.
a4ṅga-prāyaṡcitta अ4ङगअ-परआयअशचइततअ
n. expiation of bodily impurity , especially that arising from death in a family.
a4ṅga-bhū अ4ङगअ-भऊ
m. son S3is3.
a4ṅga-bheda4 अ4ङगअ-भएदअ4
mfn. causing rheumatism AV.
a4ṅga-marda अ4ङगअ-मअरदअ
or m. a servant who shampoos his master's body
a4ṅga-mardaka अ4ङगअ-मअरदअकअ
or m. a servant who shampoos his master's body
a4ṅga-mardin अ4ङगअ-मअरदइन
m. a servant who shampoos his master's body ; %{aṅgamarda} also rheumatism Car.
a4ṅga-marṣa अ4ङगअ-मअरषअ
m. pain in the limbs , rheumatism ,
a4ṅga-marṣa-praṡamana अ4ङगअ-मअरषअ-परअशअमअनअ
n. alleviation of rheumatism.
a4ṅga-m-ejayatva अ4ङगअ-म-एजअयअतवअ
(%{aṅgam-ej-}) n. the trembling of the body Yogas.
a4ṅga-yaṣṭi अ4ङगअ-यअषटइ
f. a slender form , fairy-figure.
a4ṅga-yāga अ4ङगअ-यआगअ
m. a subordinate sacrificial act.
a4ṅga-rakta अ4ङगअ-रअकतअ
m. the plant Gun2d2a1rocani1.
a4ṅga-rakṣaṇī अ4ङगअ-रअकषअणई
or f. `" body protector "' , a coat of mail L.
a4ṅga-rakṣiṇī अ4ङगअ-रअकषइणई
f. `" body protector "' , a coat of mail L.
a4ṅga-rāga अ4ङगअ-रआगअ
m. application of unguents or cosmetics to the body (especially after bathing) ; scented cosmetic.
a4ṅga-rāj अ4ङगअ-रआज
or m. N. of Karn2a , king of An3ga.
a4ṅga-rāja अ4ङगअ-रआजअ
m. N. of Karn2a , king of An3ga.
a4ṅga-rājya अ4ङगअ-रआजयअ
n. kingdom of An3ga.
a4ṅga-ruha अ4ङगअ-रउहअ
mfn. `" growing on the body "' , hair , wool , down , &c.
a4ṅga-lipi अ4ङगअ-लइपइ
f. written character of An3ga.
a4ṅga-loka अ4ङगअ-लओकअ
m. the Country An3ga.
a4ṅga-loḍya अ4ङगअ-लओडयअ
m. a sort of grass ; ginger , or its root.
a4ṅga-vāk-pāṇi-mat अ4ङगअ-वआक-पआणइ-मअत
mfn. possessing mind (?) , speech , and hands.
a4ṅga-vikṛti अ4ङगअ-वइकऋतइ
f. change of bodily appearance , collapse ; fainting apoplexy.
a4ṅga-vikṣepa अ4ङगअ-वइकषएपअ
m. gesticulation ; movement of the limbs and arms a kind of dance.
a4ṅga-vidyā अ4ङगअ-वइदयआ
f. knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body , Chiromantia Mn. vi , 50 , &c.
a4ṅga-vaikṛta अ4ङगअ-वऐकऋतअ
n. a wink , nod , sign.
a4ṅga-ṡa4s अ4ङगअ-शअ4स
ind. into parts S3Br.
a4ṅga-saṃskāra अ4ङगअ-सअंसकआरअ
m. or embellishment of person bathing , perfuming and adorning the body.
a4ṅga-saṃskriyā अ4ङगअ-सअंसकरइयआ
f. embellishment of person bathing , perfuming and adorning the body.
a4ṅga-saṃhati अ4ङगअ-सअंहअतइ
f. compactness of limb , symmetry of body.
a4ṅga-saṃhitā अ4ङगअ-सअंहइतआ
f. the Sam2hita1 or phonetic relation between consonants and vowels in the body of a word TS. Pra1t.
a4ṅga-saṅga अ4ङगअ-सअङगअ
m. `" bodily contact "' , coition L.
a4ṅga-skandha अ4ङगअ-सकअनधअ
m. a subdivision of a science.
a4ṅga-sparṡa अ4ङगअ-सपअरशअ
m. bodily contact.
a4ṅga-hāra अ4ङगअ-हआरअ
[Katha1s.] or m. gesticulation.
a4ṅga-hāri अ4ङगअ-हआरइ
[L.] m. gesticulation.
a4ṅga-hīna अ4ङगअ-हईनअ
mfn. limbless , mutilated ; incorporeal ; m. Ka1madeva.
aṅgā7ṅgi अङगआ7ङगइ
ind. jointly or reciprocally , related as one limb to another or to the body.
aṅgā7ṅgi-tā अङगआ7ङगइ-तआ
f. mutual relation or correlation as between the limbs , or a limb and the body , or between subordinate and the principal , or principal and accessory.
aṅgā7ṅgibhāva अङगआ7ङगइभआवअ
m. correlation between the limbs of a body ; the mutual relation or correlation of the different limbs or members of anything , as in a simile or comparison between the principal parts or features of any object and those of the thing compared to it. [8,1]
aṅgā7dhipa अङगआ7धइपअ
m. Karn2a , the king of An3ga.
aṅgā7nukūla अङगआ7नउकऊलअ
mfn. agreeable to the body Megh.
aṅgā7nulepana अङगआ7नउलएपअनअ
n. anointing the body.
aṅgā7pūrva अङगआ7पऊरवअ
n. effect of a secondary sacrificial act L.
aṅge7ṡvara अङगए7शवअरअ
m. the king of An3ga.
aṅge-ṣṭhā4 अङगए-षठआ4
mfn. situated in a member or in the body AV.
aṅgo7ñcha अङगओ7ञछअ
m. or a towel L.
aṅgo7ñchana अङगओ7ञछअनअ
n. a towel L.
aṅgaka अङगअकअ
n. a limb , member , body ; (%{ikā}) f. a bodice , a jacket L.
aṅgi4n अङगइ4न
mfn. having limbs , corporeal , having subordinate parts , principal ; having expedients.
aṅgīya अङगईयअ
mfn. relating to the An3ga country , (g. %{gahā7di} q.v.)
a4ṅgya अ4ङगयअ
(3) mfn. belonging to the limbs RV. i , 191 , 7.
see col. 1.
aṅgaṇa अङगअणअ
n. see %{aṅgana}.
n. a yard , court , area.
aṅgati अङगअतइ
m. ( %{ag}) , fire L. ; a Bra1hman who maintains a sacred fire L. ; Brahma1 L. ; Vishn2u L. ; cf. %{aṅkati}.
aṅganā-gaṇa अङगअनआ-गअणअ
m. a number of women.
aṅganā-jana अङगअनआ-जअनअ
m. a female person.
aṅganā-priya अङगअनआ-परइयअ
m. `" dear to women "'N. of the tree Jonesia Asoca.
aṅgabha अङगअभअ
m. a kind of rice L.
aṅgava अङगअवअ
m. dried fruit L.
aṅgas अङगअस
%{as} n. ( %{aṅj} Un2.) , a bird L.
a4ṅgāra अ4ङगआरअ
m. (rarely) n. ( %{ag} or %{aṅg} Un2. cf. %{agni}) , charcoal , either heated or not heated ; m. the planet Mars ; N. of a prince of the Maruts Hariv. ; the plant Hita1vali1 ; (%{ās}) m. pl.N. of a people and country VP. [cf. Lith. {angli-s} ; Russ. {u1golj} ; also Germ. {Kohle} ; Old Germ. {col} and {colo} ; Eng. {coal}].
a4ṅgāra-kārin अ4ङगआरअ-कआरइन
and m. charcoal-burner.
a4ṅgāra-kṛt अ4ङगआरअ-कऋत
[Hpar.] m. charcoal-burner.
a4ṅgāra-kuṣṭhaka अ4ङगआरअ-कउषठअकअ
m. the plant Hita1vali1.
a4ṅgāra-dhānī अ4ङगआरअ-धआनई
or f. a portable fire-place.
a4ṅgāra-dhānikā अ4ङगआरअ-धआनइकआ
f. a portable fire-place.
a4ṅgāra-paripācita अ4ङगआरअ-पअरइपआचइतअ
n. roasted food.
a4ṅgāra-parṇa अ4ङगआरअ-पअरणअ
m. N. of Citraratha , chief of the Gandharvas MBh. ; (%{ī}) f. Clerodendron Siphonanthus.
a4ṅgāra-pātrī अ4ङगआरअ-पआतरई
f. a portable fire-place.
a4ṅgāra-puṣpa अ4ङगआरअ-पउषपअ
m. the plant In3gudi (Vulg. Ingua).
a4ṅgāra-mañjarī अ4ङगआरअ-मअञजअरई
or f. the shrub Cesalpinia Banducella.
a4ṅgāra-mañjī अ4ङगआरअ-मअञजई
f. the shrub Cesalpinia Banducella.
a4ṅgāra-vallarī अ4ङगआरअ-वअललअरई
or f. (various plants) , Galedupa Arborea
a4ṅgāra-vallī अ4ङगआरअ-वअललई
f. (various plants) , Galedupa Arborea ; Ovieda Verticallata ; Bha1rgi1 ; Gun5ja1.
a4ṅgāra-ṡakaṭī अ4ङगआरअ-शअकअटई
f. a portable fire-place on wheels.
a4ṅgāra-setu अ4ङगआरअ-सएतउ
m. N. of a prince , father of Ga1ndha1ra.
aṅgārā7vakṣa4yaṇa अङगआरआ7वअकषअ4यअणअ
n. an instrument for extinguishing coals S3Br. xiv.
aṅgāraka अङगआरअकअ
m. charcoal ; heated charcoal ; the planet Mars ; Tuesday ; N. of a prince of Sauvi1ra ; of a Rudra ; of an Asura Katha1s. ; N. of two plants , Eclipta (or Verbesina) Prostrata , and white or yellow Amaranth ; (%{am}) n. a medicated oil in which turmeric and other vegetable substances have been boiled.
aṅgāraka-dina अङगआरअकअ-दइनअ
m. n. a festival of Mars on the fourteenth of the latter half of Caitra.
aṅgāraka-maṇi अङगआरअकअ-मअणइ
m. coral (amber).
aṅgāraka-vāra अङगआरअकअ-वआरअ
m. Tuesday.
aṅgārakita अङगआरअकइतअ
mfn. charred , roasted , burnt , (g. %{tārakā7di} q.v.)
aṅgāri अङगआरइ
f. a portable fire-place L.
aṅgārikā अङगआरइकआ
f. the stalk of the sugar-cane ; the bud of the Kin6s3uka or Butea Frondosa.
aṅgārita अङगआरइतअ
mfn. charred , roasted , (g. %{tārakā7di} , q.v.) ; `" burnt "' , a kind of food not to be accepted by Jaina ascetics Jain. ; (%{ā}) f. a portable fire-place L. ; a bud L. ; N. of a creeper L. ; of a river L. ; (%{am}) n. the early blossom of the Kin6s3uka.
aṅgārin अङगआरइन
mfn. heated by the sun , though no longer exposed to its rays VarBr2S. [generally f. (%{iṇī}) , scil. %{diṡ} , the region just left by the sun] ; N. of a creeper.
aṅgārīya अङगआरईयअ
mfn. fit for making charcoal Pa1n2. 5-1 , 12 Sch.
aṅgāryā अङगआरयआ
f. a heap of charcoal , (g. %{pāṡā7di} q.v.)
aṅgikā अङगइकआ
see %{aṅgaka}.
aṅgir अङगइर
%{īr} m. ( %{aṅg} Un2.)N. of a R2ishi , who received the Brahmavidya1 from Atharvan , and imparted it te Satyava1ha , the teacher of An3giras Mun2d2Up.
a4ṅgira अ4ङगइरअ
m. = %{a4ṅgiras} RV. i , 83 , 4 and iv , 51 , 4 MBh. Ya1jn5. (cf. Gk. $ and $.) &2164[8 ,1] [8,2]
a4ṅgiras अ4ङगइरअस
, %{ās} m. N. of a R2ishi , author of the hymns of RV. ix , of a code of laws , and of a treatise on astronomy (he is said by some to have been born from Brahma1's mouth , and to have been the husband of Smr2iti , of S3raddha1 , of two daughters of Maitreya , of several daughters of Daksha , &c. ; he is considered as one of the seven R2ishis of the first Manvantara , as a Praja1pati , as a teacher of the Brahmavidya1 , which he had learnt from Satyava1ha , a descendant of Bharadva1ja , &c. Among his sons , the chief is Agni , others are Sam2varta , Utathya , and Br2ihaspati ; among his daughters are mentioned Siniva1li1 , Kuhu1 , Ra1ka1 , Anumati , and Aku1pa1ra1 ; but the R2icas or Vedic hymns , the manes of Havishmat , and mankind itself are styled his offspring. In astronomy he is the planet Jupiter , and a star in Ursa Major) ; N. of Agni MBh. ; (%{asas}) m. pl. descendants of An3giras or of Agni (mostly personifications of luminous objects) ; the hymns of the Atharva-veda TS. ; priests who by using the magical formulas of those hymns protect the sacrifice against the effects of inauspicious accidents.
a4ṅgiras-tama अ4ङगइरअस-तअमअ
(%{a4ṅgiras-}) mfn. having the luminous quality of the An3girasas in the highest degree , said of Agni and of Ushas RV.
a4ṅgiras-vat अ4ङगइरअस-वअत
ind. like An3giras RV. VS.? (%{a4ṅgiras-vat}) mfn. connected with or accompanied by the An3girasas RV. VS.
aṅgirasa अङगइरअसअ
m. an enemy of Vishn2u in his incarnation of Paras3ura1ma.
aṅgirasām-ayana अङगइरअसआम-अयअनअ
n. a Sattra sacrifice.
aṅgu4ri अङगउ4रइ
%{is} , or %{aṅgurī} [L.] f. (for %{aṅguli} , q.v.) , a finger AV. ; a toe (cf. %{an-aṅguri} , %{pa4ñcā7ṅguri} , %{sv-aṅguri4}.)
aṅgurīya अङगउरईयअ
or %{as} , %{am} m. n. a finger-ring.
aṅgurīyaka अङगउरईयअकअ
%{as} , %{am} m. n. a finger-ring.
aṅgula अङगउलअ
m. ( %{ag} or %{aṅg}) , a finger ; the thumb ; a finger's breadth , a measure equal to eight barley-corns , twelve an3gulas making a vitasti or span , and twenty-four a hasta or cubit ; (in astron.) a digit , or twelfth part ; N. of the sage Ca1n2akya L.
aṅgula-pramāṇa अङगउलअ-परअमआणअ
or n. the measure or length of an an3gula
aṅgula-māna अङगउलअ-मआनअ
n. the measure or length of an an3gula ; (mfn.) , having the length of an an3gula.
aṅgulaka अङगउलअकअ
ifc. = %{aṅgula} i.e. so many an3gulas or fingers long.
aṅgu4li अङगउ4लइ
%{is} , (or %{aṅgulī}) f. a finger ; a toe ; the thumb ; the great toe ; the finger-like tip of an elephant's trunk ; the measure an3gula.
aṅgu4li-toraṇa अङगउ4लइ-तओरअणअ
n. a sectarial mark on the forehead consisting of three fingers or lines shaped like an arch or doorway (%{toraṇa}) , drawn with sandal or the ashes of cow-dung.
aṅgu4li-tra अङगउ4लइ-तरअ
n. a finger-protector , a contrivance like a thimble (used by archers to protect the thumb or finger from being injured by the bowstring) R. &c. ; %{-vat} mfn. provided with it.
aṅgu4li-trāṇa अङगउ4लइ-तरआणअ
n. = %{-tra} R.
aṅgu4li-mukha अङगउ4लइ-मउखअ
or n. the tip of the finger S3is3.
aṅgulī-mukha अङगउलई-मउखअ
n. the tip of the finger S3is3.
aṅgu4li-mudrā अङगउ4लइ-मउदरआ
or f. a seal-ring ,
aṅgu4li-mudrikā अङगउ4लइ-मउदरइकआ
f. a seal-ring ,
aṅgu4li-moṭana अङगउ4लइ-मओटअनअ
n. snapping or cracking the fingers.
aṅgu4li-veṣṭaka अङगउ4लइ-वएषटअकअ
m. or a glove (?).
aṅgu4li-veṣṭana अङगउ4लइ-वएषटअनअ
n. a glove (?).
aṅgu4li-ṣaṅga अङगउ4लइ-षअङगअ
m. contact of the fingers ; act of fingering ; (mfn.) , sticking to the fingers.
aṅgu4li-saṃdeṡa अङगउ4लइ-सअंदएशअ
m. snapping or cracking the fingers as a sign.
aṅgu4li-sphoṭana अङगउ4लइ-सफओटअनअ
n. snapping or cracking the fingers.
aṅgulī-pañcaka अङगउलई-पअञचअकअ
n. the five fingers.
aṅgulī-parvan अङगउलई-पअरवअन
n. a finger-joint.
aṅgulī-sambhūta अङगउलई-सअमभऊतअ
m. `" produced on the finger "' , a finger nail.
aṅguly-agra4 अङगउलय-अगरअ4
n. the tip of the finger S3Br.
aṅguly-ādi अङगउलय-आदइ
(%{aṅguli-}) , a g. of Pa1n2. 5-3 , 108.
aṅgulīya अङगउलईयअ
or n. a finger-ring
aṅgulīyaka अङगउलईयअकअ
n. a finger-ring ; also %{aṅgulīka} L.
aṅgu4ṣṭha अङगउ4षठअ
m. the thumb ; the great toe ; a thumb's breadth , usually regarded as equal to an %{aṅgula}.
aṅgu4ṣṭha-mātra अङगउ4षठअ-मआतरअ
mf(%{ī})n. or having the length or size of a thumb.
aṅgu4ṣṭha-mātraka अङगउ4षठअ-मआतरअकअ
mf(%{ikā})n. having the length or size of a thumb.
aṅguṣṭhikā अङगउषठइकआ
f. N. of a shrub.
aṅguṣṭhya अङगउषठयअ
m. belonging to the thumb (the thumb nail).
aṅgūṣa अङगऊषअ
m. ( %{aṅg} or %{ag}) , `" moving rapidly "' , an ichneumon ; an arrow.
aṅgoṣi4n अङगओषइ4न
mfn. `" resonant (?) , praiseworthy (?) "'N. of the Soma SV.
aṅgh अङघ
cl. 1. A1. %{aṅghate} , %{ānaṅghe} , to go , set out , set about , commence L. ; to hasten L. ; to speak hastily , blame L. [8,3]
aṅgha अङघअ
(not in use , but equivalent to %{agha4}) , evil , sin L.
aṅghā7ri अङघआ7रइ
m. `" an enemy to sin or evil "'N. of a celestial guard of the Soma VS. [blazing T.]
aṅghas अङघअस
n. sin Hariv.
a4ṅghri अ4ङघरइ
m. a foot ; foot of a seat ; the root of a tree [cf. %{aṃhri}].
a4ṅghri-nāmaka अ4ङघरइ-नआमअकअ
m. or a synonym of %{aṅghri} , means always foot as well as root.
a4ṅghri-nāman अ4ङघरइ-नआमअन
n. a synonym of %{aṅghri} , means always foot as well as root.
a4ṅghri-pa अ4ङघरइ-पअ
m. (drinking with the foot or root) , a tree.
a4ṅghri-parṇī अ4ङघरइ-पअरणई
or f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides.
a4ṅghri-valli अ4ङघरइ-वअललइ
or f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides.
a4ṅghri-vallikā अ4ङघरइ-वअललइकआ
f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides.
a4ṅghri-pāna अ4ङघरइ-पआनअ
mfn. sucking the foot or toes (as an infant) L.
a4ṅghri-skandha अ4ङघरइ-सकअनधअ
m. the ancle.
ac अच
1 (connected with %{añc} q.v.) cl. 1. P. A1. %{a4cati} , %{a4ñcati} , %{-te} , %{ānañca} , %{-ce} , to go , move , tend ; to honour ; to make round or curved ; to request , ask L. ; to speak indistinctly L. see 2. %{acita} , %{a4ciṣṭu}.
2 a technical term for all the vowels Pa1n2.
aj-anta अज-अनतअ
mfn. ending in a vowel.
mfn. see 2. %{ac}.
a-cakra4 अ-चअकरअ4
mfn. having no wheels ; not wanting wheels i.e. moving by itself RV.
a-cakṣus अ-चअकषउस
%{us} n. a bad eye , no eye ; (mfn.) , blind.
a-cakṣur-viṣaya अ-चअकषउर-वइषअयअ
mfn. not or no longer within reach of the eyes , invisible.
acakṣuṣ-ṭva अचअकषउष-टवअ
n. blindness.
a-cakṣu4ṣka अ-चअकषउ4षकअ
mfn. destitute of eyes S3Br. xiv ; blind.
a-caṇḍa अ-चअणडअ
mfn. not of a hot temper , gentle , tractable ; (%{ī}) f. a tractable cow.
a-catura अ-चअतउरअ
mfn. destitute of four , having less than four ; not cunning , not dexterous.
a-candra अ-चअनदरअ
mfn. moonless.
a-capala अ-चअपअलअ
mfn. not oscillating , not wavering , not fickle ; unmovable , steady.
a-cāpalya अ-चआपअलयअ
n. freedom from unsteadiness.
a-cara अ-चअरअ
or %{a4-carat} [RV.] mfn. immovable.
a4-carama अ4-चअरअमअ
mfn. not last , not least ; said of the Maruts RV. v , 58 , 5.
a-carma4ka अ-चअरमअ4कअ
mfn. having no skin TS.
a-cala अ-चअलअ
mf(%{ā})n. not moving , immovable ; m. a mountain , rock ; a bolt or pin ; the number seven ; N. of S3iva and of the first of the nine deified persons , called `" white Balas "' among the Jainas ; of a Devarshi VP. ; (%{ā}) f. the earth ; one of the ten degrees which are to be ascended by a Bodhisattva before becoming a Buddha.
a-cala-kīlā अ-चअलअ-कईलआ
f. the earth.
a-cala-tviṣ अ-चअलअ-तवइष
m. the Kokila or Indian cuckoo.
a-cala-dhṛti अ-चअलअ-धऋतइ
f. a metre of four lines , of sixteen short syllables each , also called Gi1tya1rya1.
a-cala-pura अ-चअलअ-पउरअ
n. N. of a town Jain.
a-cala-bhrātṛ अ-चअलअ-भरआतऋ
m. N. of a Bra1hman from Oude , who became one of the eleven heads of Gan2as among the Jainas.
a-cala-mati अ-चअलअ-मअतइ
m. N. of a Ma1raputra.
a-cala-ṡreṣṭha अ-चअलअ-शरएषठअ
m. chief of mountains.
acalā7dhipa अचअलआ7धइपअ
m. `" king of mountains "' , the Hima1laya.
acalā-saptamī अचअलआ-सअपतअमई
f. N. of a book in the Bhavishyottara-Pura1n2a.
a-cāru अ-चआरउ
mfn. not pretty Pa1n2.
a-ci4t अ-चइ4त
mfn. without understanding RV. ; irreligious , bad RV. ; (the NBD. suggests to take %{a-ci4t} as a f. `" not-knowledge "' Sa1y. sometimes explains by %{ci} , `" neglecting the Agnicayana , irreligious) ; %{a-cit} f. not-spirit , matter Sarvad.
a4-cikitvas अ4-चइकइतवअस
%{ān} , %{uṣī} , %{at} , not knowing , ignorant of. RV. i , 164 , 6.
a-ci4tta अ-चइ4ततअ
mfn. unnoticed , unexpected ; not an object of thought ; inconceivable RV. ; destitute of intellect or sense.
a-ci4tta-pājas अ-चइ4ततअ-पआजअस
and m. N. of two R2ishis MaitrS. Ka1t2h.
a-ci4tta-manas अ-चइ4ततअ-मअनअस
(%{a4citta-}) m. N. of two R2ishis MaitrS. Ka1t2h.
a4-citti अ4-चइततइ
f. want of sense , infatuation RV. AV. ; (figuratively said of) an infatuated man RV. iv , 2 , 11 VS.
a4-cita अ4-चइतअ
1 mfn. not heaped up.
acita अचइतअ
2 mfn. ( %{ac}) , gone L.
a4ciṣṭu अ4चइषटउ
mfn. moving VS.
see 2. %{acita}.
a-citra4 अ-चइतरअ4
mfn. not variegated , undistinguishable ; (%{a4m}) n. undistinguishableness , darkness RV. iv , 51 , 3 and vi , 49 , 11.
a-cintā अ-चइनतआ
f. thoughtlessness. [9,1]
a-cintita अ-चइनतइतअ
mfn. not thought of , unexpected , disregarded.
a4-cintya अ4-चइनतयअ
mfn. inconceivable , surpassing thought MaitrS. &c. ; m. N. of S3iva.
a4-cintya-karman अ4-चइनतयअ-कअरमअन
mfn. performing inconceivable actions.
a4-cintya-rūpa अ4-चइनतयअ-रऊपअ
mfn. having an inconceivable form.
a-cira अ-चइरअ
mfn. not of long duration , brief ; instantaneous , recent ; (%{am} , %{āt} , %{eṇa}) ind. not long , not for long ; not long ago ; soon , speedily ; (%{ā}) f. the mother of the Jaina saint S3a1nti.
a-cira-dyuti अ-चइरअ-दयउतइ
or f. lightning.
a-cira-prabhā अ-चइरअ-परअभआ
f. lightning.
a-cira-prasūtā अ-चइरअ-परअसऊतआ
f. `" having recently brought forth "' , a cow that has recently calved.
a-cira-bhās अ-चइरअ-भआस
f. lightning S3a1k.
a-cira-mṛta अ-चइरअ-मऋतअ
mfn. recently deceased.
a-cira-rocis अ-चइरअ-रओचइस
f. or lightning.
acirā7ṃṡu अचइरआ7Mशउ
m. or lightning.
acirā7bhā अचइरआ7भआ
f. lightning.
a-cetana अ-चएतअनअ
mfn. without consciousness , inanimate ; unconscious , insensible , senseless , fainting , &c.
a-ceta4s अ-चएतअ4स
mfn. imprudent RV. ; unconscious , insensible.
a4-cetāna अ4-चएतआनअ
mfn. thoughtless , infatuated RV. vii , 4 , 7.
a-caitanya अ-चऐतअनयअ
n. unconsciousness ; insensibility , senselessness , want of spirituality , that which is destitute of consciousness , matter.
a-ceṣṭa अ-चएषटअ
mfn. effortless , motionless.
a-ceṣṭa-tā अ-चएषटअ-तआ
f. loss of motion from fainting &c.
a-coda4t अ-चओदअ4त
mfn. ( %{cud}) , not driving or impelling RV. v , 44 , 2.
a-coda4s अ-चओदअ4स
mfn. free from compulsion or external stimulus , spontaneous RV. ix , 79 , 1.
a-ccha अ-चछअ
1 mfn. (fr. %{a} + %{cha} for %{chad} or %{chaya} , %{chad}) , `" not shaded "' , `" not dark , pellucid , transparent , clear ; m. a crystal L.
accho7da अचछओ7दअ
mfn. having clear water ; (%{ā}) f. N. of a river , (%{am}) n. N. of a lake in the Hima1laya formed by the river Acchoda1.
a-cchāya4 अ-चछआयअ4
mfn. without shadow , casting no shadow RV. x , 27 , 14 S3Br. xiv.
accha अचछअ
2 m. (corruption of %{ṛkṣa}) , a bear.
accha-bhalla अचछअ-भअललअ
m. a bear Ba1lar. (cf. %{bhalla}).
a4ccha अ4चछअ
3 (so at the end of a pa1da) , or usually %{a4cchā} ind. , Ved. to , towards (governing acc. and rarely the locative). It is a kind of separable preposition or prefix to verbs and verbal derivatives , as in the following.
a4cchā-i अ4चछआ-इ
or to attain , go towards RV. &c.
a4cchā-gam अ4चछआ-गअम
or to attain , go towards RV. &c.
a4cchā-car अ4चछआ-चअर
to attain , go towards RV. &c.
a4cchā-dru अ4चछआ-दरउ
to run near RV. iii , 14 , 3.
a4cchā-dhanv अ4चछआ-धअनव
to run towards RV. iii , 53 , 4.
a4cchā-nakṣ अ4चछआ-नअकष
to go towards , approach RV. vi , 22 , 5.
a4cchā-naṡ अ4चछआ-नअश
to come near RV.
a4cchā-nī अ4चछआ-नई
to lead towards or to RV.
a4cchā-nu अ4चछआ-नउ
to call out to , to cheer RV.
a4cchā-pat अ4चछआ-पअत
[S3Br.] and Caus. P. %{-patayati} [RV. v , 45 , 9] , to fly towards.
acchā-brū अचछआ-बरऊ
to invite to come near PBr.
a4cchā-yā अ4चछआ-यआ
or to approach RV. TS.
a4ccha-yā अ4चछअ-यआ
to approach RV. TS.
a4cchā-vac अ4चछआ-वअच
to invite RV.
acchā-vāka4 अचछआ-वआकअ4
m. `" the inviter "' , title of a particular priest or R2itvij , one of the sixteen required to perform the great sacrifices with the Soma juice.
acchāvākīya अचछआवआकईयअ
mfn. referring to the %{acchāvāa} ; containing the word %{acchāvāka} Pa1n2. 5-2 , 59 Sch. ; (%{am}) n. the state or work of the %{acchāvāka} Pa1n2. 5-1 , 135 Sch.
a4cchā-vañc अ4चछआ-वअञच
Pass. %{-vacya4te} , to extend itself towards , to go towards RV. i , 142 , 4.
a4cchā-vad अ4चछआ-वअद
to salute RV. &c.
a4cchā-vṛt अ4चछआ-वऋत
(Opt. A1. 1. sg. %{-vavṛtīya}) , to cause to come near RV. i , 186 , 10.
a4cchā-sṛ अ4चछआ-सऋ
to flow near RV. ix , 92 , 2.
a4cchā-syand अ4चछआ-सयअनद
Caus. to flow near (aor. %{-a4siṣyadat}) RV. ix , 81 , 2: Intens. to cause to flow near (part. nom. sg. m. %{-sa4niṣyadat}) RV. ix , 110 , 4.
a4cche7ta अ4चछए7तअ
mfn. approached , attained VS.
acche7tya अचछए7तयअ
mfn. to be approached A1pS3r.
a4ccho7kti अ4चछओ7कतइ
f. invitation RV.
a4-cchidra अ4-चछइदरअ
mfn. free from clefts or flaws , unbroken , uninterrupted , uninjured ; (%{am}) n. unbroken or uninjured condition , an action free from defect or flaw ; (%{eṇa}) ind. uninterruptedly , without break from first to last. [9,2]
a4-cchidra-kāṇḍa अ4-चछइदरअ-कआणडअ
n. N. of a chapter of the Taittiri1ya-Bra1hman2a.
acchidro7ti अचछइदरओ7तइ
mfn. affording perfect protection RV. i , 145 , 3.
a4cchidro7dhnī अ4चछइदरओ7धनई
f. (a cow) having a faultless udder RV. x , 133 , 7.
a4-cchidyamāna अ4-चछइदयअमआनअ
mfn. uncut , uncurtailed AV. ; not fragile (a needle) RV. ii , 32 , 4.
a4-cchinna अ4-चछइननअ
mfn. uncut , uncurtailed , uninjured ; undivided , inseparable.
a4-cchinna-pattra अ4-चछइननअ-पअततरअ
(%{a4cchinna-}) mf(%{ā})n. (said of goddesses , of a bird , of an altar shaped like a bird) , having the wings uncurtailed , uninjured RV. i , 22 , 11 VS. ; having uninjured leaves VS.
a4-cchinna-parṇa4 अ4-चछइननअ-पअरणअ4
mfn. having uninjured leaves AV.
a-cchedika अ-चछएदइकअ
mfn. not fit or needing to be cut Pa1n2. 6-2 , 155 Sch.
a-cchedya अ-चछएदयअ
mfn. improper or impossible to be cut , indivisible.
a-cchuptā अ-चछउपतआ
f. N. of one of the sixteen Vidya1devi1s of the Jainas.
acchūrikā अचछऊरइकआ
or %{acchūrī} f. discus , wheel BhP.
a4-cyuta अ4-चयउतअ
or %{a-cyuta4} mfn. not fallen ; firm , solid ; imperishable , permanent ; not leaking or dripping ; m. N. of vishn2u ; of Kr2ishn2a ; of a physician , the plant Morinda Tinctoria ; N. of a gift to Agni S3Br.
a4-cyuta-kṣi4t अ4-चयउतअ-कषइ4त
m. `" having solid ground "'N. of Soma VS.
a4-cyuta-cyu4t अ4-चयउतअ-चयउ4त
mfn. shaking firm objects (said of the thunderer Indra) RV. ; (said of a drum) AV.
a4-cyuta-ja अ4-चयउतअ-जअ
m. pl. a class of Jaina deities.
a4-cyuta-jallakin अ4-चयउतअ-जअललअकइन
m. N. of a commentator of the Amara-Kosha.
a4-cyuta-danta अ4-चयउतअ-दअनतअ
or m. N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called A1cyutadanti or A1cyutanti (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).
acyutanta अचयउतअनतअ
m. N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called A1cyutadanti or A1cyutanti (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes).
a4-cyuta-pājas अ4-चयउतअ-पआजअस
and m. N. of two Maharshis TA1r.
a4-cyuta-manas अ4-चयउतअ-मअनअस
(%{a4cyuta-}) m. N. of two Maharshis TA1r.
a4-cyuta-mūrti अ4-चयउतअ-मऊरतइ
m. N. of Vishn2u.
a4-cyuta-ruṣ अ4-चयउतअ-रउष
f. inveterate hatred.
a4-cyuta-vāsa अ4-चयउतअ-वआसअ
m. the sacred fig-tree , Ficus Religiosa ; %{acyutā7vasa} id. T.
a4-cyuta-sthala अ4-चयउतअ-सथअलअ
n. N. of a place in the Pan5ja1b MBh.
acyutā7graja अचयउतआ7गरअजअ
m. (Vishn2u's elder brother) , Balara1ma ; Indra.
a4cyuto7padhyāya अ4चयउतओ7पअधयआयअ
m. = %{acyuta-jallakin} q.v.
aj अज
cl. 1. P. (defect. , supplemented fr. %{vi}) , %{a4jati} , %{ājīt} , %{ajitum} , to drive , propel , throw , cast: Desid. %{ajijiṣati} , to be desirous of driving [cf. Gk. $ ; Lat. {ago}]. &2540[9,2]
aja4 अजअ4
1 m. a drove , troop (of Maruts) AV. ; a driver , mover , instigator , leader ; N. of Indra , of Rudra , of one of the Maruts [%{aja4 e4ka-pā4} RV. , and %{aja4 e4ka-pāda} AV.] , of Agni , of the sun , of Brahma1 , of Vishn2u , of S3iva , of Ka1ma (cf. 2. %{a-ja}) ; the leader of a flock ; a he-goat , ram [cf. Gk. &2547[9 ,2] $ ,$ ; Lith. $] ; the sign Aries ; the vehicle of Agni ; beam of the sun (Pu1shan) ; N. of a descendant of Visva1mitra , and of Das3aratha's or Di1rghaba1hu's father ; N. of a mineral substance ; of a kind of rice ; of the moon ; (%{ā4s}) m. pl.N. of a people RV. vii , 18 , 19 ; of a class of R2ishis MBh. ; (%{ā}) f. N. of Prakr2iti , of Ma1ya1 or Illusion see %{a-jā} (s.v. 2. %{a-jā}) ; a she-goat ; N. of a plant whose bulbs resemble the udder of a goat Sus3r.
aja4-karṇa अजअ4-कअरणअ
m. a goat's ear ; the tree Terminalia Alata Tomentosa.
aja4-karṇaka अजअ4-कअरणअकअ
m. the S3a1l-tree , Shorea Robusta.
aja4-kūlā अजअ4-कऊलआ
f. N. of a town of the Bodhis.
aja4-kṣīra4 अजअ4-कषईरअ4
n. goat's milk MaitrS. ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 63 Sch.
aja4-gandhā अजअ4-गअनधआ
or f. `" smelling like a he-goat "' , shrubby basil , Ocymum Gratissimum.
aja4-gandhikā अजअ4-गअनधइकआ
f. `" smelling like a he-goat "' , shrubby basil , Ocymum Gratissimum.
aja4-gandhinī अजअ4-गअनधइनई
f. a plant = %{aja-ṡṛngī4} q.v.
aja4-gara4 अजअ4-गअरअ4
m. (`" goat-swallower "') , a huge serpent , boa constrictor AV. &c. ; N. of an Asura ; (%{ī}) f. N. of a plant.
aja4-gallikā अजअ4-गअललइकआ
f. `" goat's cheek "' , an infantile disease.
aja4-jīvana अजअ4-जईवअनअ
or m. `" who lives by goats "' , a goat-herd.
aja4-jīvika अजअ4-जईवइकअ
m. `" who lives by goats "' , a goat-herd.
aja4-tā अजअ4-तआ
f. a multitude of goats ; the being a goat.
aja4-tva4 अजअ4-तवअ4
[TS. ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 64 Sch.] or
ajā-tva अजआ-तवअ
n. the being a goat.
aja4-daṇḍī अजअ4-दअणडई
f. a plant = %{brahmadaṇḍi}.
aja4-devatā अजअ4-दएवअतआ
%{ās} f. pl. the 25th lunar mansion.
aja4-nāmaka अजअ4-नआमअकअ
m. `" named Aja or Vishn2u "' , a mineral substance.
aja4-pa अजअ4-पअ
m. a goat-herd.
aja4-patha अजअ4-पअथअ
m. `" goat's road "' , probably = %{aja-vīthī} q.v.
aja4-pada अजअ4-पअदअ
or mfn. goat-footed.
aja4-pāda अजअ4-पआदअ
mfn. goat-footed.
aja4-pād अजअ4-पआद
m. N. of the divinity called %{aja kapād}.
aja4-pārṡva अजअ4-पआरशवअ
m. `" having black sides like a goat "' , N. of S3vetakarn2a's son Ra1ji1valocana.
aja4-pāla4 अजअ4-पआलअ4
m. a goat-herd VS. ; N. of Das3aratha's father.
aja4-babhru अजअ4-बअभरउ
(%{a4ja-}) n. said to be the father or origin of a medical plant AV. v , 5 , 8.
aja4-bhakṣa अजअ4-भअकषअ
m. `" goat's food "' , the plant Varvu1ra.
aja4-māyu अजअ4-मआयउ
(%{aja4-}) m. bleating like a goat (a frog) RV. vii , 103 , 6 and 10.
aja4-māra अजअ4-मआरअ
m. N. of a tribe or prince , (g. %{kurv-ādi} , q.v.) [9,3]
aja4-mīḍha अजअ4-मईढअ
or m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns RV. iv , 43 and 44)
aja4-mīỊha अजअ4-मईLहअ
m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns RV. iv , 43 and 44) ; of a grandson of Suhotra ; of Yudhisht2hira.
aja4-mukha अजअ4-मउखअ
mfn. goat faced ; (%{ī}) f. N. of a Ra1kshasi1.
aja4-meru अजअ4-मएरउ
N. of a place , Ajmi1r (?).
aja4-moda अजअ4-मओदअ
m. or `" goat's delight "'N. of various plants , common Carroway , the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen) , a species of Parsley , Apium Involucratum.
aja4-modā अजअ4-मओदआ
or f. `" goat's delight "'N. of various plants , common Carroway , the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen) , a species of Parsley , Apium Involucratum.
aja4-modikā अजअ4-मओदइकआ
f. `" goat's delight "'N. of various plants , common Carroway , the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajwaen) , a species of Parsley , Apium Involucratum.
aja4-rṣabha4 अजअ4-रषअभअ4
(%{ṛṣ}) m. a he-goat S3Br.
aja4-lambana अजअ4-लअमबअनअ
n. antimony.
aja4-loman अजअ4-लओमअन
m. or Cowage , Carpopogon Pruriens
aja4-lomī अजअ4-लओमई
f. Cowage , Carpopogon Pruriens ; (%{a4}) n. goat's hair S3Br. &c.
aja4-vasti अजअ4-वअसतइ
m. N. of a tribe , (g. %{gṛṣṭy-ādi} and %{ṡubhrā7di} q.v.) ; (%{ayas}) m. pl. the members of that tribe , (g. %{yaskā7di} , q.v.)
aja4-vāha अजअ4-वआहअ
m. N. of a district.
aja4-vīthī अजअ4-वईथई
f. `" goat's road "'N. of one of the three divisions of the southern path , or one of the three paths in which the sun , moon , and planets move , comprehending the asterisms %{mūla} , %{pūrvā7ṣāḍha} , and %{uttarā7ṣāḍha}.
aja4-ṡṛṅgī4 अजअ4-शऋङगई4
f. `" goat's horn "' , the shrub Odina Wodier , used as a charm and as a remedy for sore eyes AV. (its fruit resembles a goat's horn).
aja4-stunda अजअ4-सतउनदअ
n. N. of a town Pa1n2. 6-1 , 155.
aja4-hā अजअ4-हआ
f. = %{a-jaḍā} q.v. ; the Plant A1lkus3i1 T.
ajā-kṛpāṇīya अजआ-कऋपआणईयअ
mfn. like the goat and shears in the fable Pa1n2. 5-3 , 106 Sch.
ajā-kṣīra4 अजआ-कषईरअ4
n. goat's milk S3Br. &c. ; cf. %{aja-kṣira4}.
ajā-gala अजआ-गअलअ
m. goat's neck.
ajāgala-stana अजआगअलअ-सतअनअ
m. nipple or fleshy protuberance on the neck of goats , an emblem of any useless or worthless object or person.
ajājīva अजआजईवअ
m. `" who lives by goats , a goat-herd.
ajā taulvali अजआ@तऔलवअलइ
m. N. of a Muni who lived on the milk of goats (an example of compounds in which the middle term is left out , g. %{ṡākapārthivā7di} q.v.).
ajā7da अजआ7दअ
m. `" goat-eater "' , the ancestor of a warrior tribe Pa1n2. 4-1 , 171
ajā7danī अजआ7दअनई
f. a species of prickly night-shade.
ajā7di अजआ7दइ
a g. of Pa1n2. 4-I , 4.
ajā7ntrī अजआ7नतरई
f. the pot-herb Convolvulus Argenteus.
ajā-payas अजआ-पअयअस
n. goat's milk.
ajāpālaka अजआपआलअकअ
mfn. tending goats m. a goat-herd. L.
ajā7vi4 अजआ7वइ4
m. pl. (%{ajā7va4yas} S3Br.) or sg. goats and sheep , small cattle.
ajā7vika4 अजआ7वइकअ4
n. sg. goats and sheep , small cattle.
ajā7ṡva अजआ7शवअ
n. goats and horses Ya1jn5. ; m. Pu1shan or the Sun (having goats for horses) RV.
ajai9kapād अजऐ9कअपआद
m. N. of Vishn2u ; of one of the eleven Rudras ; cf. 1. %{aja4}.
ajai9ḍaka अजऐ9डअकअ
n. goats and rams , (g. %{gavā7ṡvā7di} , q.v.)
ajaka अजअकअ
m. N. of a descendant of Puru1ravas ; of a king of Magadha ; (%{akā} or %{ikā}) f. a young she-goat ; a disease of the pupil of the eye (small reddish tumours compared to kids , protruding through the transparent cornea and discharging pus).
ajakā-jāta अजअकआ-जआतअ
n. the above disease.
a4jma अ4जमअ
&c. see s.v.
m. ( %{aj}) , career , march RV. [cf. Gk. $]. &2960[10,3]
a-ja4 अ-जअ4
2 mfn. not born , existing from all eternity ; (%{a4s}) m. N. of the , first uncreated being RV. AV. ; Brahma1 , Vishn2u , S3iva , Ka1ma ; (%{ā}) f. N. of Prakr2iti , Ma1ya1 or Illusion (see also 1. %{aja4} and 1. %{ajana}).
ajakava अजअकअवअ
m. S3iva's bow L.
ajakāva4 अजअकआवअ4
mfn. N. of a sacrificial vessel dedicated to Mitra and Varun2a and (according to the Comm.) having an ornament similar to the fleshy protuberance called %{ajā-gala-stana} q.v. S3Br. ; (%{a4s} or %{a4m}) m. or n. a species of venomous vermin , centipede or scorpion RV. vii , 50 , 1 ; (%{as} , %{am}) m. n. S3iva's bow L.
ajagava अजअगअवअ
m. S3iva's bow L. ; the southern portion of the path of the sun , moon , and planets ; m. N. of a snake priest PBr.
ajagāva अजअगआवअ
m. N. of a snake demon Ta1n2d2yaBr. ; cf. %{ājagāva} ; (%{am}) n. S3iva's bow L. ; N. of the sacrificial vessel also called %{ajakāva4} (q.v.) A1pS3r.
a-jaghanya अ-जअघअनयअ
mfn. not last ; not least.
a4-jaghnivas अ4-जअघनइवअस
mf(%{a4-jaghnuṣī})n. ( %{han}) , not having killed RV. viii , 56 , 15.
a-jaṭā अ-जअटआ
f. Flacourtia Cataphracta = %{ajaḍā} and %{ajjhaṭā}.
a-jaḍa अ-जअडअ
mfn. not inanimate , not torpid , not stupid ; (%{ā}) f. the plants Ajat2a1 and Kapikacchu (Carpopogon Pruriens).
a-jaḍa-dhī अ-जअडअ-धई
mfn. of a vigorous mind , energetic.
ajathyā अजअथयआ
f. yellow jasmin.
ajana अजअनअ
1 m. ( %{aj}) , `" the instigator "' , Brahma1 ; (%{am}) n. act of instigating or moving , [10,1]
ajana-yoni-ja अजअनअ-यओनइ-जअ
m. `" born from Ajana "'N. of Daksha.
ajani अजअनइ
f. a path , road Nir.
a-jana4 अ-जअनअ4
2 mfn. destitute of men ; desert ; m. an insignificant person.
a-janani अ-जअनअनइ
f. (generally used in cursing) , nonbirth , cessation of existence ; %{ajananir astu tasya} , `" may he cease to exist! "' Pan5cat. ; cf. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 112.
a-janya अ-जअनयअ
mfn. improper to be produced or born ; unfit for mankind ; (%{am}) n. any portent unfavourable to mankind , as an earthquake.
a-japa अ-जअपअ
1 m. ( %{jap}) , one who does not repeat prayers ; a reciter of heterodox works L. ; (%{ā}) f. the mantra or formula called han6sa (which consists only of a number of inhalations and exhalations).
aja-pa अजअ-पअ
2 m. see 1. %{aja4}.
a-jambha अ-जअमभअ
m. `" toothless "' , a frog.
a-jaya अ-जअयअ
m. non-victory , defeat ; (mfn.) , unconquered , unsurpassed , invincible ; m. N. of Vishnu ; of a lexicographer ; of a river ; (%{ā}) f. hemp ; N. of a friend of Durga1 ; Ma1ya1 or Illusion.
a-jayya अ-जअययअ
mfn. invincible , improper to be won at play.
a-ja4ra अ-जअ4रअ
mfn. ( %{jṝ}) , not subject to old age , undecaying , ever young ; (%{ā}) f. the plants Aloe Perfoliata and Jirn2apan5jhi ; the river Sarasvati.
ajarā7mara अजअरआ7मअरअ
mfn. undecaying and immortal MBh.
a-jaraka अ-जअरअकअ
%{as} , %{am} m. n. indigestion.
a-ja4rat अ-जअ4रअत
mfn. not decaying VS.
a-jarayu4 अ-जअरअयउ4
mfn. not subject to old age RV. i , 116 , 20.
a-jaras अ-जअरअस
another form for %{a-jara} , used only in some cases L.
a-jarya4 अ-जअरयअ4
mfn. not subject to old age or decay S3Br. , not friable , not digestible , (%{am}) n. friendship.
a-java4s अ-जअवअ4स
mfn. not quick , inactive RV. ii , 15 , 6.
a4-jasra अ4-जअसरअ
mfn. ( %{jas}) , not to be obstructed , perpetual RV. &c. ; (%{am} [gan2a %{svar-ādi} , &c.] or %{eṇa} [RV. vi , 16 , 45]) , ind. perpetually , for ever , ever.
a-jahat अ-जअहअत
mfn. (pr. p. 3 %{-hā}) , not dropping or losing (in comp.)
a-jahat-svārthā अ-जअहअत-सवआरथआ
f. a rhetorical figure (using a word which involves the meaning of another word previously used , as `" white ones "' for `" white horses "' , `" lances "' for `" men with lances "').
ajahal-liṅga अजअहअल-लइङगअ
m. (in Gr.) a noun which does not drop its original gender , when used as an adjective.
ajā अजआ
f. a she-goat. see 1. %{aja4}.
a-jāgara अ-जआगअरअ
mfn. not awake , not wakeful L. ; m. the plant Eclipta or Verbesina Prostrata.
ajāji अजआजइ
%{is} , or %{ajājī} f. Cuminum Cyminum ; Ficus Oppositifolia ; Nigella Indica.
a4-jāta अ4-जआतअ
mfn. unborn , not yet born , not yet developed.
a4-jāta-kakud अ4-जआतअ-कअकउद
m. a young bull whose hump is yet undeveloped Pa1n2. 5-4 , 146 Sch.
a4-jāta-pakska अ4-जआतअ-पअकसकअ
mfn. having undeveloped wings.
a4-jāta-loman अ4-जआतअ-लओमअन
mf(%{mnī})n. or whose signs of puberty are not yet developed.
a4-jāta-vyañjana अ4-जआतअ-वयअञजअनअ
mfn. whose signs of puberty are not yet developed.
a4-jāta-vyavahāra अ4-जआतअ-वयअवअहआरअ
m. having no experience of business , a minor , a youth under fifteen.
a4-jāta-ṡatru अ4-जआतअ-शअतरउ
(%{a4jāta-}) mfn. having no enemy ; having no adversary or equal (Indra) RV. ; (%{us}) m. N. of S3iva , of Yudhisht2hira , of a king of Ka1s3i1 , of a son of S3amika , of a son of Vidmisa1ra or Bimbisa1ra (contemporary of Sa1kyamuni) ,
ajātā7nuṡaya अजआतआ7नउशअयअ
mfn. having no regret.
ajātā7ri अजआतआ7रइ
m. having no enemy , Yudhisht2hira S3is3.
a-jānat अ-जआनअत
mfn. (pr. p. %{jñā}) , not knowing , unaware.
a-jā4ni अ-जआ4नइ
%{is} [AV.] , or %{a-jānika} [L.] m. having no wife.
a4-jāmi अ4-जआमइ
mfn. not of kin , not related RV. ; (in Gr.) not corresponding Nir. ; (%{i}) n. `" (co-habitation) not allowed between relations "' , incest RV.
a4-jāmi-tā अ4-जआमइ-तआ
(%{a4jāmi}.) [S3Br.] f. or %{-tva} [TBr.] n. not uniformity , variation , [10,2]
a4-jāyamāna अ4-जआयअमआनअ
mfn. ( %{jan}) , not being born , not subject to birth VS.
ajikā अजइकआ
f. see %{ajaka}.
a-jita अ-जइतअ
mfn. not conquered , unsubdued , unsurpassed , invincible , irresistible ; m. a particular antidote ; a kind of venomous rat ; N. of Vishn2u ; S3iva ; one of the Saptarshis of the fourteenth Manvantara ; Maitreya or a future Buddha ; the second of the Arhats or saints of the present (Jaina) Avasarpin2i , a descendant of Ikshva1ku ; the attendant of Suvidhi (who is the ninth of those Arhats) ; (%{ās}) m. pl. a class of deified beings in the first Manvantara.
a-jita-keṡa-kambala अ-जइतअ-कएशअ-कअमबअलअ
m. N. of one of the six chief heretical teachers (mentioned in Buddhist texts as contemporaries of Buddha).
a-jita-balā अ-जइतअ-बअलआ
f. N. of a Jaina deity who acts under the direction of the Arhat Ajita.
a-jita-vikrama अ-जइतअ-वइकरअमअ
m. `" having invincible power "'N. of king Candragupta the second.
ajitā7tman अजइतआ7तमअन
mfn. having an unsubdued self or spirit.
ajitā7pīḍa अजइतआ7पईडअ
m. having an unsurpassed crown ; N. of a king Ra1jat.
ajite7ndriya अजइतए7नदरइयअ
mfn. having unsubdued passions.
aji4na अजइ4नअ
n. (probably at first the skin of a goat , %{aja}) ; the hairy skin of an antelope , especially a black antelope (which serves the religious student for a couch seat , covering &c.) ; the hairy skin of a tiger , &c. m. N. of a descendant of Pr2ithu VP.
aji4na-pattrā अजइ4नअ-पअततरआ
or f. a bat.
aji4na-pattri अजइ4नअ-पअततरइ
or f. a bat.
aji4na-pattrikā अजइ4नअ-पअततरइकआ
f. a bat.
aji4na-phalā अजइ4नअ-फअलआ
f. N. of a plant , (g. %{ajā7di} q.v.)
aji4na-yoni अजइ4नअ-यओनइ
m. `" origin of skin "' , an antelope , deer.
aji4na-vāsin अजइ4नअ-वआसइन
mfn. clad in a skin S3Br.
aji4na-sandha4 अजइ4नअ-सअनधअ4
m. one who prepares skins , a furrier VS.
ajira4 अजइरअ4
mfn. ( %{aj}) , agile , quick , rapid , (%{a4m}) , ind. quickly RV. AV. VS. ; m. N. of a Na1ga priest PBr. , (%{ā}) f. N. of Durga1 , of a river ; (%{am}) n. place to run or fight in , area , court R. &c. ; the body ; any object of sense , air , wind , a frog L.
ajira4-vatī अजइरअ4-वअतई
f. N. of the river on which the town S3ra1vasti was situated Pa1n2. 6-3 , 119 and vi , 1 , 220 Sch.
ajira4-ṡocis अजइरअ4-शओचइस
(%{ajira4}.) m. having a quick light , glitteringN. of Agni , of Soma RV.
ajirā7di अजइरआ7दइ
a g. of Pa1n2. 6-3 , 119.
ajirā7dhirāja4 अजइरआ7धइरआजअ4
m. `" an agile emperor "' , death AV.
ajirāya अजइरआयअ
Nom. A1. %{ajirāyate} , to be agile or quick RV. viii , 14 , 10.
ajirīya अजइरईयअ
mfn. connected with a court &c. , (g. %{utkarā7di} q.v.)
a-jihma अ-जइहमअ
mfn. not crooked , straight ; honest , upright Mn. &c. ; m. a frog (perhaps for %{a-jihva}) L. ; a fish L.
a-jihma-ga अ-जइहमअ-गअ
mfn. going straight ; m. an arrow.
ajihmā7gra अजइहमआ7गरअ
mfn. having a straight point.
a-jihva अ-जइहवअ
mfn. tongueless ; m. a frog L.
ajīkava अजईकअवअ
n. S3iva's bow L. see %{ajakava}.
a-jīgarta अ-जईगअरतअ
m. `" that has nothing to swallow "'N. of a R2ishi , S3unah2s3epha's father.
a4-jīta अ4-जईतअ
mfn. ( %{jyā} , usually %{jina}) , not faded , not faint AV. TS. , &c.
a4-jīta-punarvaṇya अ4-जईतअ-पउनअरवअणयअ
n. `" asking the restitution of an object which has in fact not been lost "'N. of a twofold rite to be performed by Kshatriyas AitBr.
a-jīti अ-जईतइ
f. the state of being uninjured RV. TS. &c. ; cf. %{a4-jyāni}.
a-jīrṇay अ-जईरणअय
mfn. ( %{jṝ}) , not decomposed ; unimpaired ; undigested ; (%{am}) n. indigestion.
a-jīrṇi अ-जईरणइ
f. indigestion L.
a-jīrṇin अ-जईरणइन
mfn. suffering from indigestion.
a-jīrti अ-जईरतइ
f. indigestibleness.
a-jīva अ-जईवअ
mfn. lifeless.
a-jīvat अ-जईवअत
mfn. not living , destitute of a livelihood Mn.
a4-jīvana अ4-जईवअनअ
mfn. destitute of a livelihood AV.
a-jīvani अ-जईवअनइ
f. non-existence , death ; %{ajīvani4s tasya bhūyāt} , `" may death befall him! "' Pa1n2. 3-3 , 112 Sch.
a-jīvita अ-जईवइतअ
n. non-existence , death.
a-jugupsita अ-जउगउपसइतअ
mfn. not disliked.
a-ju4r अ-जउ4र
mfn. ( %{jur}) , not subject to old age or decay RV. viii , 1 , 2.
a-jurya4 अ-जउरयअ4
(3 ; once 4 RV. vi , 17 , 13) id. RV. [10,3]
a4-jūryat अ4-जऊरयअत
mfn. not subject to old age RV. iii , 46 , 1 and v , 42 , 6.
a4-juṣṭa अ4-जउषटअ
mfn. not enjoyed , unsatisfactory RV.
a4-juṣṭi अ4-जउषटइ
f. non-enjoyment , feeling of disappointment RV.
a-jetavya अ-जएतअवयअ
mfn. invincible.
a-jeya अ-जएयअ
mfn. invincible ; N. of a prince MBh. ; (%{am}) n. N. of a kind of antidote.
a4-joṣa अ4-जओषअ
mf(%{ā})n. not gratified , insatiable RV. i , 9 , 4.
a4-joṣya अ4-जओषयअ
(4) mfn. not liked , not welcome RV. i , 38 , 5.
ajjukā अजजउकआ
f. (in the drama) a courtezan.
ajjhaṭā अजझअटआ
f. the plant Flacourtia Cataphracta (= %{ajaṭā} and %{ajaḍā}).
ajjhala अजझअलअ
m. a burning coal.
a-jña अ-जञअ
mfn. ( %{jñā}) , not knowing ; ignorant , inexperienced ; unconscious ; unwise , stupid.
a-jña-tā अ-जञअ-तआ
f. or ignorance.
a-jña-tva अ-जञअ-तवअ
n. ignorance.
ajñakā अजञअकआ
or f. an ignorant woman Pa1n2. 7-3 , 47.
ajñikā अजञइकआ
f. an ignorant woman Pa1n2. 7-3 , 47.
a-jñāta अ-जञआतअ
mfn. unknown ; unexpected ; unaware ; (%{am}) ind. without the knowledge of MBh.
a-jñāta-kulaṡila अ-जञआतअ-कउलअशइलअ
mfn. whose lineage and character are unknown ,
a-jñāta-keta अ-जञआतअ-कएतअ
(%{a4jñāta-}) mfn. having unknown or secret designs RV. v , 3 , 11.
a-jñāta-bhukta अ-जञआतअ-भउकतअ
mfn. eaten unawares Mn.
a-jñāta-yakṣma4 अ-जञआतअ-यअकषमअ4
m. an unknown or hidden disease RV. x , 161 , 1 AV.
a-jñāta-vāsa अ-जञआतअ-वआसअ
mfn. whose dwelling is unknown.
a-jñāta-ṡīla अ-जञआतअ-शईलअ
mfn. whose character is unknown.
ajñātaka अजञआतअकअ
mfn. unknown , (g.
yāvā7di यआवआ7दइ
a-jñāti अ-जञआतइ
m. not a kinsman , not related Mn.
a-jñātvā अ-जञआतवआ
ind. not having known or ascertained.
a-jñāna अ-जञआनअ
n. non-cognizance ; ignorance , (in philosophy) spiritual ignorance (or a power which , consisting of the three Gun2as %{sattva} , %{rajas} , and %{tamas} , and preventing the soul from realizing its identity with Brahma , causes self to appear a distinct personality , and matter to appear a reality) ; Prakr2iti , Ma1ya1 , Illusion ; (mfn.) , ignorant , unwise ; (%{āt}) ind. unawares , ignorantly.
a-jñāna-kṛta अ-जञआनअ-कऋतअ
mfn. done inadvertently.
a-jñāna-tas अ-जञआनअ-तअस
ind. unawares , inadvertently.
a-jñāna-tā अ-जञआनअ-तआ
f. or ignorance.
a-jñāna-tva अ-जञआनअ-तवअ
n. ignorance.
a-jñāna-bandhana अ-जञआनअ-बअनधअनअ
n. the bond of ignorance.
a-jñānin अ-जञआनइन
mfn. ignorant , unwise.
a4-jñās अ4-जञआस
mfn. having no kindred RV. x , 39 , 6.
a-jñeya अ-जञएयअ
mfn. unknowable , unfit to be known.
a4jman अ4जमअन
%{a} n. career , passage , battle RV. AV. [Lat. {agmen}].
a4jra अ4जरअ
m. a field , a plain RV. [Lat. {ager} ; Gk. $: cf. %{ajira}]. &2966[10,3]
ajryā7 अजरयआ7
(3) mfn. being in or connected with a field or plain RV. x , 69 , 6.
ajvin अजवइन
mfn. ( %{aj}) , active , agile , used in a sacrificial formula A1s3vS3r.
a4-jyāni अ4-जयआनइ
is f. the state of being uninjured AV. (cf. %{a4-jīti}) ; (%{ajyānayas}) nom. pl.N. of certain offerings TBr. , ApSr.
a-jyeya4-tā अ-जयएयअ4-तआ
f. state of anything which is not to be hurt or overpowered S3Br.
a-jyeṣṭha4 अ-जयएषठअ4
mfn. not the oldest or best ; (%{ās}) nom. pl. of which none is the eldest (the Maruts) RV. v , 59 , 6 and 60 , 5 ; cf. %{a4-kaniṣṭha}.
a-jyeṣṭha4-vṛtti अ-जयएषठअ4-वऋततइ
mfn. not behaving as the eldest brother [Mn. ix , 110] , or (%{ajyeṣṭha-vṛtti}) behaving like one who has no elder brother.
añc अञच
1 (connected with %{ac} q.v.) cl. 1. P. A1. %{a4ñcati} , %{-te} , %{ānañca} , %{-ce} , %{añci-ṣyati} , %{-te} , %{añcitum} , to bend , curve , incline , curl ; to reverence (with inclined body) , to honour ; to tend , move , go , wander about ; to request L.: cl. 10. or Caus. %{añcayati} , to unfold , make clear , produce. Desid. P. A1. %{añciciṣati} , %{-te} , to be desirous of bending: Pass. %{añcyate} or %{acyate} , to be bent.
2 only ifc. , turned to , going or directed towards ; see %{akudhryā7ñc} , %{a4vāñc} , %{udañc} , %{devadrya4ñc} , &c.
añca अञचअ
`" curling "' (of the hairs of the body , thrill of rapture) , only at the end of %{romā7ñca} q.v. [11,1]
añcati अञचअतइ
m. or wind L.
añcatī अञचअतई
f. wind L. ; fire L.
añcana अञचअनअ
n. act of bending or curving.
añcala अञचअलअ
m. (perhaps also %{am}) n. the border or end of a garment , especially of a woman's garment , of a veil , shawl. (in Benga1li1 , a strip of country , district.)
añcita अञचइतअ
mfn. bent , curved , curled , arched , handsome ; gone , walked in ; reverenced , honoured ; distinguished.
añcita-pattra अञचइतअ-पअततरअ
m. a kind of lotus with curved leaves.
añcita-pattrā7kṣa अञचइतअ-पअततरआ7कषअ
mfn. having lotus eyes.
añcita-bhrū अञचइतअ-भरऊ
f. a woman with arched or handsome eyebrows.
añcita-lāṅgūla अञचइतअ-लआङगऊलअ
mfn. having a curved tail (as a monkey).
añj अञज
cl. 7. P. A1. %{ana4kti} , %{aṅkte4} , %{ā} %{nañja} , %{añjiṣyati} or %{aṅkṣyati} , %{āñjīt} , %{añjitum} or %{aṅktum} , to apply an ointment or pigment , smear with , anoint ; to decorate , prepare ; to honour , celebrate ; to cause to appear , make clear RV. i , 92 , 1 ; to be beautiful L. ; to go L.: Caus. %{añjayat} , %{āñjijat} , to smear with ; to speak ; to shine ; to cause to go L. [cf. Lat. {ungo}].
añjaka अञजअकअ
m. N. of a son of Vipracitti VP.
añjana अञजअनअ
m. a kind of domestic lizard L. ; N. of a fabulous , serpent ; of a tree Pan5cat. ; of a mountain , of a king of Mithila1 , of the elephant of the west or south-west quarter ; (%{ā}) f. N. of Hanumat's mother ; of Pravarasena's mother ; (%{am}) n. act of applying an ointment or pigment , embellishing , &c. , black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids ; a special kind of this pigment , as lamp-black , Antimony , extract of Ammonium , Xanthorrhiza , &c. ; paint , especially as a cosmetic ; magic ointment ; ink L. ; night L. ; fire L. (In rhetoric) making clear the meaning of an equivocal expression , double entendre or pun , &c.
añjana-keṡa अञजअनअ-कएशअ
mf(%{ī})n. whose hair (or mane) is as black as pigment ; (%{ī}) f. N. of a vegetable perfume.
añjana-nāmikā अञजअनअ-नआमइकआ
f. a swelling of the eyelid , stye.
añjana-vat अञजअनअ-वअत
ind. like collyrium.
añjanā-giri अञजअनआ-गइरइ
m. N. of a mountain.
añjanā7dhikā अञजअनआ7धइकआ
f. a species of lizard L.
añjanā7mbhas अञजअनआ7मभअस
n. eye-water.
añjanā-vatī अञजअनआ-वअतई
f. the female elephant of the north-east (or the west?) quarter.
añjanaka अञजअनअकअ
m. portion of a text containing the word %{añjana} , (g. %{goṣad-ādi} q.v.) ; (%{ī}) f. N. of a medicinal plant.
añjanikā अञजअनइकआ
f. a species of lizard L. ; a small mouse L. ; cf. %{añjalikā}.
añjanī अञजअनई
f. a woman (fit for the application of ointments , pigments , sandal , &c.) L. ; N. of two medicinaI plants.
anjali अनजअलइ
see and v. below.
añjas अञजअस
%{as} n. ointment , a mixture RV. i , 132 , 2 ; N. of a Sa1man A1rshBr. ; (%{as}) ind. quickly , instantly RV. BhP. ; see %{a4ñjasā}.
añjaḥ-sava4 अञजअः-सअवअ4
m. rapid preparation (of Soma) S3Br. AitBr.
añjas-pā4 अञजअस-पआ4
mfn. drinking instantly RV. x , 92 , 2 and 94 , 13.
añjasa अञजअसअ
mfn. straight , straightforward , honest L. ; (%{ī4}) f. N. of a heavenly river RV. i , 104 , 4.
a4ñjasā अ4ञजअसआ
ind. straight on , right , truly , justly ; quickly , soon , instantly.
añjasayana अञजअसअयअनअ
mf(%{ī})n. having a straight course , going straight on TS. AitBr.
añjasī4na अञजअसई4नअ
mfn. going straight on , straightforward RV. x , 32 , 7.
añji4 अञजइ4
mfn. applying an ointment or pigment RV. ; ointment , brilliancy RV. ; unctuous , smooth , sleek (membrum virile) VS. ; (%{is}) m. a sender , commander Un2.
añji4-ma4t अञजइ4-मअ4त
mfn. coloured , bright , adorned RV. v , 57 , 5.
añji4-saktha4 अञजइ4-सअकथअ4
mfn. having coloured thighs (a victim) VS. ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-2 , 199 Sch.
añjy-eta4 अञजय-एतअ4
mfn. black and white coloured TS.
añjiva4 अञजइवअ4
mfn. slippery , smooth AV.
añjiṣṭha अञजइषठअ
%{as} , or an3jishn2u m. `" highly brilliant "' , the sun L.
añjala अञजअलअ
only ifc. for %{añjali} q.v.
añjali4 अञजअलइ4
m. ( %{añj}) , the open hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed (as if by a beggar to receive food ; hence when raised to the forehead , a mark of supplication) , reverence , salutation , benediction ; a libation to the Manes (two hands full of water , %{udakā7ñjali}) VP. &c. ; a measure of corn , sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by side , equal to a kud2ava.
añjali4-karman अञजअलइ4-कअरमअन
n. making the above respectful salutation.
añjali4-kārikā अञजअलइ4-कआरइकआ
f. an earthen figure (with the hands joined for salutation) ; the plant Mimosa Natans.
añjali4-puṭa अञजअलइ4-पउटअ
m. n. cavity produced in making the %{añjali} salutation. [11,2]
añjali4-bandhana अञजअलइ4-बअनधअनअ
n. salutation with the %{añjali} raised to the forehead.
añjalī-kṛta अञजअलई-कऋतअ
mfn. placed together to form the %{añjali} salutation.
añjalika अञजअलइकअ
as , %{am} m. n. N. of one of Arjuna's arrows MBh. ; (%{ā}) f. a young mouse L.
añjika अञजइकअ
m. N. of a son of Yadu. see %{añjaka}.
añjihiṣā अञजइहइषआ
f. (fr. Desid. of 1. %{aṃh}) , desire of going , [%{-ṣāṃ cakre} ( 1. %{kṛ})] Bhat2t2.
añjī अञजई
f. a blessing (?) T.
añjīra अञजईरअ
n. (a Persian word) , a species of fig-tree (Ficus Oppositifolia) ; a fig. (In Benga1li) a guava.
aṭ अट
cl. 1. P. A1. %{aṭati} , %{-te} , %{āṭa} , %{aṭiṣyati} , %{āṭīt} , %{aṭitum} , to roam , wander about (sometimes with acc. ; frequently used of religious mendicants): Intens. %{aṭāṭyate} , to roam or wander about zealously or habitually , especially as a religious mendicant: Desid. %{aṭiṭiṣati} , to be desirous of roaming.
aṭaka अटअकअ
mfn. roaming L.
aṭana अटअनअ
mfn. roaming about VarBr2. ; (%{am}) n. act or habit of wandering about.
aṭani अटअनइ
f. or the notched extremity of a bow.
see %{aṭ}.
aṭanī अटअनई
f. the notched extremity of a bow.
aṭamāna अटअमआनअ
m. N. of a prince BhP.
aṭavi अटअवइ
%{is} , or usually
aṭavī अटअवई
f. `" place to roam in "' , a forest.
aṭavī-ṡikhara अटअवई-शइखअरअ
m. pl.N. of a people MBh.
aṭavika अटअवइकअ
āṭavika आटअवइकअ
m. a woodman , forester.
m. (fr. %{aṭavī}) , the inhabitant of a forest Mn. ix , 257 MBh. &c. ; a forester Sa1h. ; (mfn.) consisting of inhabitants of the forest (as an army) Ka1m.
aṭā अटआ
f. the act or habit of roaming or wandering about (especially as a religious mendicant).
aṭāṭā अटआटआ
f. (habit of) roaming or wandering about L.
aṭāṭyamāna अटआटयअमआनअ
mfn. roaming excessively.
aṭāṭyā अटआटयआ
f. (habit of) roaming L.
aṭāya अटआयअ
Nom. A1. %{aṭāyate} , to enter upon a roaming life , to become a religious mendicant L.
aṭyā अटयआ
f. roaming about , one of the ten faults resulting from an excessive fondness for pleasure Mn. vii , 47.
f. see %{aṭ}.
aṭaruṣa अटअरउषअ
or %{aṭarūṣa} or %{aṭarūṣaka} m. the shrub Justicia Adhatoda.
a-ṭala अ-टअलअ
mfn. not shaky , firm L.
aṭṭ अटट
cl. 1. A1. %{aṭṭate} , %{ānaṭṭe} , %{aṭṭitum} , to exceed L. ; to kill L.: cl. 10. P. %{aṭṭayati} , to contemn L. ; to lessen , diminish L.
aṭṭa अटटअ
ind. high , lofty L. ; loud L. ; m. a watch-tower ; a market , a market-place (corruption of %{haṭṭa}) ; N. of a Yaksha Ra1jat. ; over-measure L. ; (%{a}). f. overbearing conduct(?) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 17 Comm. ; (%{am}) n. boiled rice , food L. ; (mfn.) , dried , dry L.
aṭṭa-pati-bhāgā7khya-gṛha-kṛtya अटटअ-पअतइ-भआगआ7खयअ-गऋहअ-कऋतयअ
n. business of the house called the market-master's department (an office in Kashmir) Ra1jat.
aṭṭa-sthalī अटटअ-सथअलई
f. site of an %{aṭṭa} (?) , (g. %{dhūmā7di} q.v.)
aṭṭa-hasita अटटअ-हअसइतअ
n. loud laughter , a horse-laugh.
aṭṭa-hāsa अटटअ-हआसअ
m. id. ; a name of S3iva ; of a Yaksha Katha1s. ; of a mountain.
aṭṭa-hāsaka अटटअ-हआसअकअ
m. the shrub Jasminum Multiflorum or Hirsutum.
aṭṭa-hāsin अटटअ-हआसइन
m. N. of S3iva.
aṭṭa-hāsya अटटअ-हआसयअ
n. loud laughter ; a horse-laugh.
aṭṭā7ṭṭa-hāsa अटटआ7टटअ-हआसअ
m. very loud laughter.
aṭṭaka अटटअकअ
m. an apartment on the roof ; tower.
aṭṭaṭṭa अटटअटटअ
ind. very high L. ; very loud L.
aṭṭana अटटअनअ
n. a weapon shaped like a discus L.
aṭṭāya अटटआयअ
(Nom. fr. %{aṭṭā}) A1. %{aṭṭāyate} , to be overbearing(?) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 17 Comm.
aṭṭāla अटटआलअ
%{as} , or %{aṭṭālaka} m. a watchtower ; (%{ikā}) f. a palace L. ; N. of a country Ra1jat.
aṭṭālikā-kāra अटटआलइकआ-कआरअ
m. a bricklayer (son of a painter and a lascivious S3u1dra woman) BrahmaP.
aṭṭālikā-bandham अटटआलइकआ-बअनधअम
ind. (in the way that at2t2a1lika1s are formed) Pa1n2. 3-4 , 42 Sch.
aṭṭilikā अटटइलइकआ
f. N. of a town Ra1jat.
aṭṇāra4 अटणआरअ4
m. a king of Kosala S3Br.
aṭh अठ
cl. 1. P. A1. %{aṭhati} , %{-te} , to go L.
aṭhida अठइदअ
%{ās} m. pl.N. of a people MBh. [11,3]
aṭhillā अठइललआ
f. N. of a Pra1kr2it metre.
aḍ अड
1 cl. 1. P. %{aḍati} , to endeavour L.
aḍakavatī अडअकअवअतई
N. of a fabulous palace on Meru ; also of a city.
aḍḍ अडड
cl. 1. P. %{aḍḍati} , %{ānaḍḍa} , %{aḍḍitum} , to join L. ; to infer , argue L. ; to meditate , discern L. ; to attack L.
aḍḍana अडडअनअ
n. a shield L.
aṇ अण
cl. 1. P. %{aṇati} , %{āṇa} , %{aṇitum} , to sound L.: cl. 4. A1. %{aṇyate} , to `" breathe , (another form of %{an} q.v. ; in this sense regarded in the Dha1tu-pa1t2ha as a distinct root) L.
aṇaka अणअकअ
mfn. insignificant , small , contemptible , (g. %{utkarā7di} q.v.)
aṇakīya अणअकईयअ
mfn. connected with what is insignificant , &c. ib.
aṇavya अणअवयअ
n. a field of (%{aṇu}) Panicum Miliaceum Pa1n2. 5-2 , 4 ; see %{aṇu}.
aṇi अणइ
m. or the point of a needle or of a sharp stake L.
aṇī अणई
f. the point of a needle or of a sharp stake L. ; linch-pin L. ; the pin or bolt at the end of the pole of a carriage L. ; the corner or part of a house L. ; a boundary L.
aṇī-māṇḍavya अणई-मआणडअवयअ
m. N. of a Bra1hman ascetic (said to have been impaled on an %{aṇi} or point of a stake) MBh.
aṇima4n अणइमअ4न
%{a} m. (fr. %{aṇu} q.v.) , minuteness , fineness , thinness S3Br. &c. ; meagreness ; atomic nature , the superhuman power of becoming as small as an atom , (%{a4ṇiman}) n. the smallest particle S3Br.
aṇiṣṭha अणइषठअ
mfn. (fr. %{aṇu} q.v.) , most minute.
a4ṇīyas अ4णईयअस
%{an} , %{as} , , as (fr. %{aṇu} q.v.) , or mfn. more minute than usual.
aṇiyaska4 अणइयअसकअ4
[AV.] mfn. more minute than usual.
aṇu अणउ
mf(%{vī})n. fine , minute , atomic ; (%{us}) m. an atom of matter ; `" an atom of time "' , the 54 , 675 , 000th part of a muhu1rta (of 48 minutes) ; Panicum Miliaceum VS. S3Br. xiv Mun2d2UP. ; N. of Siva ; (%{a4ṇvī}) f. `" the subtle one "'N. of the fingers preparing the Soma juice RV. ; (%{u}) n. (in prosody) the fourth part of a ma1tra1 ; (%{aṇu4}) ind. minutely S3Br.
aṇu-tara अणउ-तअरअ
mfn. very fine or minute , gentle.
aṇu-taila अणउ-तऐलअ
n. N. of a medical oil.
aṇu-tva अणउ-तवअ
n. or minuteness , atomic nature.
aṇu-tā अणउ-तआ
f. minuteness , atomic nature.
aṇu-bhā अणउ-भआ
f. lightning.
aṇu-madhya-bīja अणउ-मअधयअ-बईजअ
n. N. of a hymn.
aṇu-mātra अणउ-मआतरअ
mfn. having the size of an atom.
aṇu-mātrika अणउ-मआतरइकअ
mfn. having the size of an atom ; containing the atomic elements (%{mātrā}) of the body Mn. i , 56.
aṇu-reṇu अणउ-रएणउ
mf. atomic dust (as seen in sun-beams).
aṇu-reṇu-jāla अणउ-रएणउ-जआलअ
n. an aggregate of such atomic dust.
aṇu-revatī अणउ-रएवअतई
f. the plant Croton Polyandrum.
aṇu-vādin अणउ-वआदइन
mfn. one who believes in and teaches atomism.
aṇu-vedānta अणउ-वएदआनतअ
m. title of a book.
aṇu-vrata अणउ-वरअतअ
%{āni} n. pl.N. of the twelve small duties or vows of the laymen adhering to the Jaina faith.
aṇu-vrīhi अणउ-वरईहइ
m. a fine sort of rice L.
aṇu-ṡas अणउ-शअस
ind. into or in minute particles.
aṇū अणऊ
(with %{bhū} , &c.) see s.v.
(for %{aṇu} in comp. with %{bhū} and its derivatives).
a4ṇv-anta अ4णव-अनतअ
m. a hair-splitting question S3Br.
aṇuka अणउकअ
mfn. fine , minute , atomic ; clever , (g. %{yāvā7di} q.v.) ; (%{am}) n. an atom.
aṇū-bhāva अणऊ-भआवअ
m. the becoming an atom Nir.
aṇū-bhū अणऊ-भऊ
to become minute or atomic.
a4ṇva अ4णवअ
n. fine interstice or hole in the strainer used for the Soma juice RV.
aṇuha अणउहअ
m. N. of a son of Vibhra1ja MBh.
aṇṭh अणठ
or %{aṭh} cl. 1. A1. %{aṇṭhate} , %{ānaṇṭhe} , %{aṇṭhitum} , to go , move , tend L.
aṇṭhita अणठइतअ
mfn. pained (?) Sus3r.
aṇḍa अणडअ
n. (also m. L.) [ %{am}. Un2.] , an egg , a testicle ; the scrotum ; the musk bag ; semen virile L. ; N. of S3iva (from his being identified with the Brahma1n2d2a or mundane egg).
aṇḍa-kaṭāha अणडअ-कअटआहअ
m. the shell of the mundane egg VP.
aṇḍa-koṭara-puṣpī अणडअ-कओटअरअ-पउषपई
f. the plant Convolvulus Argenteus (?).
aṇḍa-koṡa अणडअ-कओशअ
or m. the scrotum
aṇḍa-koṣa अणडअ-कओषअ
or m. the scrotum
aṇḍa-koṣaka अणडअ-कओषअकअ
m. the scrotum ; the mundane egg.
aṇḍa-ja अणडअ-जअ
mfn. egg-born ; m. a bird L. ; a fish L. ; a snake L. ; a lizard L. ; (%{ā}) f. musk.
